fischfags · 7 days
cw very large age gap ship!!!!
terrible callouise drawing i did in an art style i don't even like but i'm in art block and can't do anything else
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i don't like them very much. lu is supposed to be 12 here but i made them way too big and calvin isn't fat enough. i feel like one of those 14 year olds who only know how to draw one thing.
anyways they aren't in a relationship here so you don't have to consider it a ship post if you like it or whatever idk im yapping. the implication is that they're very friendly with each other and lu has a bit of a crush and also hangs out with him cuz he's cool. ok. i'm done
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st0neddew-valley · 6 months
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truly iconic of concernedape to release 1.6 on the first day of spring
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gigamuffinsofie · 27 days
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quote from boy stabbed
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pastart · 9 months
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Jackson Fisch by Jay Davies (2023)
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classic-asian-art · 10 days
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Koi by Ikeda Eisen 
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dyke-fish · 2 years
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3K notes · View notes
dance-world · 1 year
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Jackson Fisch - Matthew Bourne's New Adventures - photo by Gerardo Vizmanos
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kasperl-ruprecht · 6 months
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praline1968 · 6 months
Bonne semaine 🤍
Good week 💕
Gute Woche 🪻
Buena semana 🍀
Buona settimana 🐠
Source : Facebook
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milksockets · 4 months
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arline fisch in jewelry of our time: art, ornament + obsession - helen w. drutt english + peter dormer (1995)
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meisterdrucke · 1 year
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Fischmagie von Paul Klee (1925, Öl auf Leinwand)
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fischfags · 5 months
hey it’s me samy. or calvin.
ifb from @godfuckingsamnit.
i like the fischoeders a lot. i think about fischcest quite frequently. no dni but i will block you if you leave h8 on my account. i’m grown and i go outside.
this blog isn’t exclusively bb. it’s any loren bouchard project + some molyneux sisters.
more under the cut.
all blogs:
#rebog - reblogs | #samy text - text/talking | #samyart - art | #samysecks - nsfw | #ask samy - asks
this blog:
#burgering - bb | #homedotmov - home movies | #devildaughtering - lucy, daughter of the devil | #northward - the great north | #fisching - fischoeder family
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st0neddew-valley · 6 months
saw this on tik tok and thought tumblr would appreciate it <3
creds: @/akkakora on tik tok
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zegalba · 2 years
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Arline Fisch: Body Ornament (1971)
659 notes · View notes
viesantewrites · 4 months
𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
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Robert Fischer (Inception) x Reader
summary: This story explores Robert's personality and describes how he met his wife (the reader) who helps him through his emotional struggles.
English isn't my first language so I apologise in advance for any mistakes
word count: 3500+
Only the quiet ticking of the clock on the side table and the soft scratching of a pen on paper filled the room. Robert exhaled slowly and looked at his hands in silence.
"You went through a lot in your childhood, Mr. Fischer." The lady sitting opposite him in a dark blue armchair looked at him compassionately over the rim of her glasses.
"Yes, that’s true, madam."
He had told her everything. Everything that had happened in his childhood. It was a strange feeling to open up like that to a stranger, but that was why he was here.
"And you really feel that you were never enough for your father?" his therapist asked.
"I've never done right in his eyes. My grades were never good enough, he called me lazy, and he always accused me of living off his money." Robert sniffled softly. It was very hard for him to talk about all this.
The lady looked carefully at the clipboard in front of her. "But if I read this correctly, you're anything but lazy, Mr. Fischer. You have a master's degree in business administration and engineering and have completed further training in energy management. You're a department head at the energy company Fischer Morrow, and even the deputy CEO."
Robert bit his lower lip. "I know," he said quietly. "But it’s still not enough for my father."
"If I understand correctly, your father is the CEO of the company, is that right?" she asked.
He nodded. "Well, he still is. He's almost 67 years old, and his health is very poor."
The lady looked at him thoughtfully. "Oh, are you going to take over the company completely?"
"I don't know if I'm up to such a big job."
"Of course you are, Mr. Fischer. You underestimate yourself far too much." The therapist leafed through her files. "Let's move on to another subject. What about other people who are close to you? You're married, aren't you?"
A small smile appeared on his face as she mentioned his wife. "That's right. About a year now. We got married last August."
"Do you have any children together?"
"No," he replied immediately. "But I have a daughter with my ex-wife."
She looked at Robert with interest and put the clipboard on her lap. "So this is your second marriage."
He nodded slightly. "My ex-wife and I were married for nearly eight years. Suddenly it was over so quickly. She... she left me for another man."
The woman wrote something on the clipboard. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Fischer. Something like that can also affect you mentally."
"But my current wife is different... She's just wonderful." The therapist noticed how his eyes immediately lit up when he talked about her. "She is an incredibly warm and loving person. I've never felt so accepted and loved in my whole life as I do with her. And she's absolutely beautiful."
She smiled a little. "That’s wonderful, I'm really happy for you."
Robert looked thoughtfully out of the window. "But sometimes I can't believe why she's with me. There are so many other men around who are better than me."
"Maybe because you're a really nice, intelligent and attractive man and she loves you."
Robert's cheeks turned slightly pink after she said that. "I don't know why anyone would love me."
The therapist exhaled slightly and adjusted her glasses. "I can see you've got a lot to work through. You have quite low self-esteem. I'm afraid we're going to need a few more sessions. Mr. Fischer, do you think your wife would mind if we had a talk? I'd like to hear her point of view."
Robert shrugged a little. "No. I think that can be arranged. I'll ask her when I get home."
"This would be wonderful. Just let me know when she's free, you have my phone number." She smiled kindly at him.
And Robert got up from his chair. "I'll do that. See you then."
"Goodbye, Mr. Fischer."
She looked curiously at the young woman sitting in front of her. She was a couple of years younger than Mr. Fischer, had long hair and was wearing a beige blazer.
"How nice of you to come, Mrs Fischer." She smiled politely at her. "Your husband told me a lot about you."
YN laughed a little and crossed her legs. "Well, hopefully only good things."
"Don’t worry, he's raving about you."
YN ran her fingers through her hair. "You know... I've never talked to anyone like you before, I have to admit I'm a bit nervous."
"Oh, you don’t have to be. You can tell me anything. And if there's something you don't want your husband to know, then that stays between us."
"I have nothing to hide from him." She laughed a little and played with her necklace. A gift from Robert for their anniversary. A little 24-karat gold heart pendant.
The therapist also laughed and pinned a new blank page to her clipboard. "That's a very good sign." She cleared her throat and leaned back a little in her chair. "Right, let's get started. Your name is YN Fischer. You were born in Bristol, UK, and moved to Australia when you were six years old."
YN nodded.
"You married Mr Robert Michael Fischer in August last year and live together with him in Sydney. You know that he has some problems with himself as a result of his childhood and his, shall we say, troubled relationship with his father. Unfortunately, I can't talk to his father because he's in the hospital and very ill. That's why I wanted to talk to someone else in his life. The person who is probably closest to him—you, Mrs Fischer. My question to you now is: how do you perceive your husband? What do you think of him? Please be honest, you are not being judged for anything."
YN let out a short breath and sat up a little in her chair. She looked thoughtfully at her red-painted fingernails.
"Well, I think I can say that Robert is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
The therapist immediately began making notes on her clipboard.
"He's wonderful, intelligent, funny... And he’s always there for me. I can't believe a man like him married me."
With an interested look, the therapist lowered her pen and rubbed her chin. "That's exactly what your husband said about you, Mrs Fischer. Very interesting..."
She looked at her with a smile. "Really? He said that?"
"Yes, he did. But go on."
"Well... Robert has always been someone I looked up to. He always seemed so unattainable to me. He's incredibly intelligent and educated. I met him when I worked in his and his father's company. Almost every woman was secretly in love with him, but at the time he was still married to his ex-wife. I know it all sounds strange because he was sort of my boss. But I only had a romantic relationship with him after he got divorced and after I stopped working at Fischer Morrow."
"That sounds very interesting. Please tell me more about how you met him," the therapist told her.
YN closed her eyes and was silent for a moment. In her mind's eye, she saw the long corridors of Fischer Morrow. It all seemed so real again.
"Here's a list of all the tasks you have to do today," YN's new colleague handed her a piece of paper. She glanced at it, her eyebrows rising in surprise as she noticed every inch of the paper covered with tasks. "Wow, Ariane, that’s a lot. It‘s only my fourth day."
"Oh no, I’m pretty sure that you can do this," Ariane said. "The first person to arrive is MrRichard Lambert at 9:30 am. He has a job interview with Mr Fineman from Human Resources. You meet him at reception and take him to room 015, where Mr Fineman is waiting. Be friendly, smile a lot, it's very important. At 10:30 am, room 461 in the headquarters is free. An important meeting is taking place there between Maurice Fischer, his son Robert Fischer, and some representatives of the Ministry of the Environment. If I've understood correctly, it's about adjusting the emission limits for pollutants."
YN looked tiredly at the page in front of her and shrugged. "That doesn’t sound very interesting."
"You don't have to join the conversation, YN. You just have to prepare the conference room. I've already ordered the catering; it'll be delivered around 10:40 am. You put the drinks and sandwiches on the small side table. Put the coffee pot in the middle of the table. Then wait for the Fischers to arrive. It's best to offer the coffee to them personally. And remember to always be friendly; this is the CEO and his deputy, okay?"
YN looked at her colleague, a little overwhelmed. "My head is spinning, to be honest. I've already forgotten half of what you just told me."
"That's why I wrote it all down for you. You can do this, YN. And if something goes wrong, it's not the end of the world. You just have to be careful with Fischer Senior. He's a bit... strict." She gave her a meaningful look.
"This could be fun," YN sighed ironically and folded her arms across her chest.
"If there's anything, you can always call me. You know my extension." Ariane finally changed the subject. "What kind of training do you have, if I may ask?"
"Me?" YN laughed. "I'm a hairdresser. I don't really have anything to do with all that office stuff. I just wanted to try something new. Maybe I'll like it."
"So, a career changer, how interesting. But you'll manage, I'm quite confident."
At that moment, one of the glass doors opened, and a man in a formal black suit entered the corridor. He was slim, with perfectly styled dark brown hair, high cheekbones, sharp features, and bright blue eyes. His long coat hung loosely over his shoulders, and he typed absently on his phone. He was very attractive. If they hadn't been in the corridors of Fischer Morrow, YN would have mistaken him for a high-fashion model from Yves Saint Laurent or another well-known luxury brand.
"Who's that?" she whispered to Ariane, who was a little startled and looked at YN with wide eyes when she saw the man. "That's Robert Fischer! Don’t forget to greet him!"
"Good morning, Mr Fischer." Ariane gave him her best smile as he passed them, and YN did the same.
"Good morning, ladies," he greeted them politely, turning his attention back to the phone in his hands.
When he was out of earshot, YN started to giggle. "He looks gorgeous. I pictured a nerd when you told me about him."
"Yes, he’s really handsome." Ariane sighed a little. "He's really nice too, unlike his father."
YN was silent for a moment and then cleared her throat a little. "Is he... you know... single?"
Ariane looked at her colleague as if she had just said something completely stupid. "Are you crazy? A man like him? Of course not. Every woman here secretly fancies him. But he's been married for years."
YN bit her lower lip. "Just asking."
"I think you should go now. You have a busy schedule and the first visitors will arrive soon."
YN finally nodded, folded the piece of paper with the notes, and put it in her handbag before saying goodbye to Ariane and walking on her high heels to the lifts.
YN nervously brushed the sleeve of her blouse across her forehead. Everything had gone well so far. The man who was invited to the interview had arrived on time, and she had taken him to Fineman, the human resources manager, who had been very friendly to her and had thanked her almost five times.
She had then rushed to the car park outside the building, where the catering for the meeting had just arrived, and had taken it to the conference room, which she had fortunately found straight away. Then she had prepared everything as Ariane had explained.
She stood there a little breathlessly, her arms crossed behind her back, with a friendly smile on her face, waiting for the participants to arrive. Finally, the Fischers approached the meeting room.
"Good morning, ma'am, thank you for preparing everything for our meeting," Robert Fischer greeted her with a friendly smile and held out his hand. Trembling, YN took it and looked at him shyly. His fingers felt unbelievably soft, and she lost herself in his bright blue eyes for a second. "What's your name?" His deep voice cut through YN's thoughts, bringing her back to reality.
"YN... Y/LN..." she mumbled, struggling to articulate her own name.
"My name is Robert Fischer. Very nice to meet you."
"There's no need to thank her, Robert. This woman does her job and gets paid for it." Suddenly, a loud voice echoed from behind them, causing Robert to release her hand.
"Dad, please don't say such things." Robert gave her an apologetic look and then walked away to talk to his father. As far as YN had heard, it was about some energy guidelines or something like that.
She stood next to them, a little lost, while she greeted the arriving participants of the meeting. Eventually, her eyes fell on the coffee pot on the table. Wait, hadn't Ariane told her to serve the coffee to the Fischers?
She hurried towards them. "Coffee, gentlemen?" she asked, forcing a smile.
"Yes, ma'am, I would love some," Robert Fischer looked at her gratefully.
"With sugar," his father grumbled next to him, flicking through his papers.
YN quickly grabbed the two cups.
"You have nice legs," Maurice Fischer said suddenly, and YN flinched a little, wishing she had worn a longer skirt this morning.
"Dad!" his son interrupted him immediately, looking at him in shock.
"But Robert, I'm right, aren't I?" The older man grinned.
YN pretended she hadn't heard what he said and forced herself to smile again, even though her hands were slightly shaking and sweaty. She nervously poured the hot coffee into the cup and was about to hand it to Robert Fischer when the cup slipped out of her hand.
At that moment, everything happened in slow motion. YN's hand reaching into the void as she tried to catch the cup, the shocked faces of the two men in front of her, and Maurice Fischer, who quickly tried to get his documents to safety. But it was too late. A huge dark brown stain spread across the table, sparing all the important documents.
"Are you crazy?" The angry voice echoed through the room, and she stared into Maurice Fischer's angry face, which was slowly turning red. She felt the eyes of the others in the room on her.
"I'm so sorry, sir... Are you okay? Did the coffee scald you?" She felt tears well up in her eyes, and her vision blurred a little.
Suddenly, a hand rested protectively on her arm, and she looked up in surprise as she realized it was Robert Fischer's. "We're fine; luckily, the coffee only landed on the table."
"Luckily, Robert? All the documents are ruined!"
"Dad, it's not that bad. The most important thing is that no one is hurt and has to go to the hospital."
"She can't even serve coffee! Why did Fineman even hire her? Just because she's pretty?"
Without another word, YN grabbed a cloth lying next to her, wiped the table, dabbed the documents as best she could, looked back at the two men, and muttered, "I'm so sorry," before turning and leaving the room.
She blinked the tears away quickly. She wouldn't cry now. She wouldn't shed a single tear for this company and especially not for this dumb idiot. Sighing, she leaned against the wall and rubbed her forehead.
Of course, it was her fault, but if that old man hadn't said those stupid things, she wouldn't have been so upset, and none of this would have happened.
Suddenly, she remembered Robert Fischer's hand on her arm, and her heart immediately warmed. He had been so incredibly kind to her. How could such a disgusting man have such a kind and lovely son? "Miss YLN!" a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her.
Confused, she turned and looked straight into two bright blue eyes. "I'm so sorry for the way my father reacted. I keep telling him to stop, but he won't listen."
"It's okay," YN said, smiling a little.
"It's really not that bad what happened. There weren't any original documents on the table, just copies. I think the shock was more than the damage itself." As Robert ran his hand through his hair, a loose strand fell onto his forehead. It looked kind of cute, YN thought. "You don't have to worry about him kicking you out. I'll talk to him later."
YN held her breath for a moment and shook her head. "That's really very kind of you, sir... But I think I'll be leaving. This job isn't for me. I wanted to try something else, and I did, only to find that my old job is what makes me happy after all. But thank you for everything. You've been so kind to me."
He lowered his hand and nodded slowly at her. "I'm sorry, of course, but I won't stand in your way. I wish you all the best in your future."
She closed her eyes for a short moment. "I wish you the same, Mr Fischer. I wish you the same."
YN blinked slowly and let out a deep breath. The words had left her mouth as if on their own and her listener seemed totally captivated by the story.
"So you've left Fischer Morrow and returned to your old job as a hairdresser?" the therapist asked.
"Yes," YN said. "I did."
"And how did he become your husband?" she wanted to know.
"Since that day, I've never been able to get him out of my mind. I've always tried to block him out... But it's like he's always been in my heart."
The therapist nodded slowly and tore a sheet of paper full of notes from her clipboard.
"Fate has brought us together. Robert doesn't believe in fate, but I do. Especially since that day." Thoughtfully, she leaned back in her chair.
"About eight months later, I was shopping alone in the mall when I saw Robert standing in front of a fashion store. At first, I thought about just walking on and pretending I hadn't seen him, afraid he'd still be mad at me for quitting Fischer Morrow. But then I decided to talk to him."
The therapist nodded and folded her hands in her lap.
"He was happy to see me and asked me how I was doing in my new job. I noticed immediately that he wasn't wearing a wedding ring anymore, but I tried to ignore it. We chatted for quite a while, and everything seemed so relaxed. Maybe it was because he was no longer my boss. Eventually, I asked him what he was looking for in the mall, and he replied that he wanted to buy some new shirts and suits, but he didn't know what would suit him, since he divorced his wife who helped him choosing his outfits. YN suddenly stopped and started to laugh.
The therapist looked at her questioningly. "And then what happened?"
"Then I told him that I had an eye for stuff like that and that I could help him. And he said yes," YN closed her eyes again. Her heart beat faster at the thought. "We started seeing each other more and became closer, and our relationship developed naturally from there. He needed someone to believe in him, to remind of his worth. And I wanted to be that person for him. When Robert's father found out that we were a couple, he wasn't happy at all. I think he was still angry with me after all this time. He also called me stupid and uneducated because I never went to university."
"And... What did your husband say?"
YN smiled a little. "Of course, it affected me. But Robert told me that a degree says nothing about you as a person. He believed that true intelligence lies in passion and determination".
She paused, listening to the gentle ticking of the clock. "We got married last summer. Robert's father didn't come to the wedding. To be honest, I was glad. We spent our honeymoon in Hawaii, and it was the best time of my life. Robert is an incredibly wonderful person, and I'm lucky to have him in my life. Only this man who still has the nerve to call himself his father has completely destroyed his self-image."
YN slowly rose from her chair and straightened her jacket. "I'm done now."
The therapist smiled at her as she said goodbye and placed the clipboard next to her. "Thank you for your trust, Mrs Fischer."
"You're welcome, madam."
thank you for reading🤍
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mutantenfisch · 1 year
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THIS IS A WIP @a-dinosaur-a-day recently made this great text post that i put in the middle here. My idea when i saw the post was to use it for an embroidery piece and i am collecting some ideas here (and also wait for eir approval before going forth because obviously the quote is not mine) So my thoughts are: - quote in the middle, using either this font (easy to cross-stitch) or a different one, has yet to be determined. - dinosaur fossil amid Cretaceous (or from an earlier period) plants on upper half of the circle. i kind of would like to create a fading effect with the dead dino being both visibly fossilised, as in stylised bones, but also with its feathers being visible. will probably use satin stitch for all of this. - flying bird on bottom half (my mock-up shows a macaw but maybe i'll change that too). i have this vague concept of connecting their tails via a trail of loose feathers but since i am Like That i will do some research to what we know about early feathers first. - in order to close the circle, i am thinking about adding some contemporary plants that have a resemblance to ancient ferns etc. to the right half. not sure about that yet though. All in all, this is the most ambitious embroidery project i'll do as of now. my embroidery so far has all been premade pattern-based and mostly cross stitch, so this will be a learning curve. however, i am looking forward to doing this :)
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