#fizzarolli angst
janis-1987 · 2 years
Fizzarolli’s Backstory  (Angst)
Hey all, this is part one of two of my really long Fizzarolli one shot, I figured it would be better to break it up into two parts so that way it didn't get too overwhelming for me or for you. This part covers childhood to young adult. So enjoy!
Tw: fire, greed, Mammon, abuse, minor child abuse.
If you aren't in the headspace to read any of that please come back later or steer clear. Without any further ado, enjoy!
Fizzarolli was born to preform, or at least it seemed that way. Ever since he was little he'd been a star. But that came with other issues. 
“Again!” Buckzo yells at Fizzarolli. He takes another long swig of his beer, “And this time, don’t fuck it up.” 
Fizzarolli whimpers, he had just fallen off the large ball for what felt like the hundredth time, his eyes wet with tears as he gets up, “Pl-please, can I have a break Cash?” He begs softly, his little legs shaking in pain. 
“No, you’ve got potential kid, you could go far but to do that you need to master your craft. So, we’re staying right here until you do it right.” Cash responds coldly, “You should be thankin’ me, I’m setting you up from a bright future in show biz.” 
Fizz looks longingly at the exit to the tent, where he can see Blitzo and Barbiewire playing with the other children that performed in the circus. Only for the tent flap that acted as a door to be shut, draping him in shadow. “Please, please can I go play? Just for 15 minutes? I promise I’ll come right back.” He begs, desperate for a break and to be a normal kid, if only for a few minutes. 
“I already told you no. If you get this trick right then you can have the rest of the day to play with Blitzo and Barbie. Okay?” Cash responds, trying to get the kid to just do the damn trick again. 
Fizz's eyes light up at that, he was really close to getting it, surely he could do it before the sun set and finally, finally after weeks of practicing from sunrise to set, only ever getting a break to preform in shows, he could play with Blitz and Barbie and just be a normal kid for a few hours. So, sniffles and wipes away his tears. He walks to the edge of the ring and starts his trick. He does three cartwheels before tuning the 4th into a backbend, which he then turns into a handstand and finally, he pushes himself off the ground with all his might, launching himself into the air, thanks to a spring beneath his hands, he flips and sticks the landing perfectly, one foot balanced perfectly on the ball while the other is off of it, his arms open as he pants. “Was....Was that good enough?!” He asks excitedly. 
Cash nods, “Yeah kid, you did good.” He affectionately pats the spot in-between his horns, “Now, go have your fun.” 
Fizz cheers happily and jumps off the ball, running outside to play with the other kids, but as soon as he got out there, the other kids groaned, except for his best friend, Blitzo. Fizz frowns why had they all groaned? 
“Hi guys! I finally got done with rehearsal, so what are we playing?” He asks happily, his tail wagging. 
“Well, we were playing tag, but you’re probably too tired for that.” Barbie says, crossing her arms. 
“Yeeeaaaah.” A bunch of the other kids whine at him. 
Fizz shakes his head, “I’m not, I promise I’m not. I can play!” He cries, clearly distressed by the idea that he wouldn’t be able to play, after he worked so hard too. But he couldn’t deny they were right, his whole body ached. But he wasn’t about to let that stop him. He wanted to play and he was going to. 
The others looked unsure until Blitzo spoke up, “Hey, if he says he can play then he can. Come on guys.” 
Fizz smiles, grateful to have one friend in this awful place. But truthfully, he didn't think it was that awful, and on days when he wasn’t worked to the bone, the other kids actually liked to hang out with him. 
He smiles, as the other kids agree to play with him, that is until gunshots start to go off, at first Fizz doesn’t think they’re that close, that is until one of the adults running to get their kid inside falls to the ground. Blitzo grabs Fizz's hand as his mother grabs Blitzo and Barbie’s hands, pulling them inside a tent to hide. Fizz tears up and curls up in a little ball, hiding with the twins. His one chance to play, ruined by some idiot with a gun. It wasn't fair. He just wanted to play, was that such a crime. He starts to cry, hiding his face in his hands as Blitzo tries to cheer him up by telling his absolutely horrible jokes. 
Things continued like that until they reached the age of 13, with the decrease of physical games and the increase of gossiping and shit talking audience members, Fizzarolli’s popularity sky rocketed. He was a joy on and off stage, it seemed like he was always ready with a joke or witty remark. He was still worked to the bone and constantly chastised about what he was eating and how much, but he didn’t care much. He was the circus’ biggest draw. He brought in the crowds that allowed this place to stay open. 
He remained close with Blitzo, even if his best friend had only gotten weirder, that strange obsession he had with horses did not go away with age like Fizz had thought it would. But that didn’t really matter. Fizz adored being around Blitzo and hanging out with him. It was alway the best part of his day. 
Blitzo eagerly waves to his tired friend as he gets out of rehearsal, “Fizz! Ready to go fuck shit up?” 
Fizz smiles, “You know it! You got the stuff?” He asks softly as the two slip into the tent they shared, so he could change out of his jester outfit. 
“Of course I did, it’s not hard to get my hands on spray paint.” Blitzo replies with a laugh, showing off his haul of spray paint, hidden away in his backpack. 
“Good, because I am never using the paint you brought last time again.” Fizz teases. 
“Hey! How was I supposed to know that it was body paint? Besides, I had to be fast that time, the shop keeper was on to me.” Blitzo whines. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever Blitzo.” He says as he finishes changing, “Now come on. Let’s go before your dad decides to make me do another run through.” He says grabbing Blitzo’s hand and leading him out of the circus grounds. It wasn’t hard to get out, no one payed much attention to the two anymore, not since Blitzo’s mother had died. 
They eventually make it further into the industrial district and get to work on spray painting any wall they could reach. That was until they heard the police sirens. 
Fizz drops the can and takes off running, which prompts Blitzo to yell at him and try to grab the can, “These were expensive you prick!” He yells. 
Fizz whines and runs back, throwing the can he had dropped into Blitzo’s bag and then grabbed Blitzo’s hand and drags him along, he was not looking to get caught today. 
They reach a fence and Blitzo looks at Fizz, he was the shorter of the two, “Give me a boost and then I’ll help you over.” He says as he pants, seeing the cops flashlight, Fizz does just that but Blitzo falls onto the other side of the fence, unable to help Fizz.
 Shit. Fizz breathes heavily, as he looks for a way out, he had to do something, so he takes a chance, he jumps, landing on the side of the wall, he quickly pushes off that to get higher up onto the other wall of the alley, which puts him high enough to clear the fence, he lands on the other side only to see, Blitzo wasn’t there. He didn’t like that, but he didn't have time to wonder where he went, he runs, and runs until he’s back at the circus. 
“Dad, please! I didn’t mean for him to get caught!” Blitzo pleads with his father, only to be slapped across the face. 
“You fuckin idiot! We don’t have the money to pay bail! So you’ve just cost us the only person who keeps people coming to this place! You’ve fucked us Blitzo!” His father screams. 
“HEY!” Fizz yells once he’s caught his breath and he gets in-between the two, “I didn’t get caught. I’m fine. The circus will be fine.” Fizz says, glaring at Cash. 
Cash rolls his eyes and shoves Fizzarolli to the side, “I’m glad you’re alright Fizzarolli but that doesn’t change that he put you in danger. No go to your tent, Blitzo and I need to have a chat.” He says through gritted teeth. 
“No!” Fizz says, grabbing Cash’s arm, only receive a slap across the face, knocking him backwards and onto his ass, he yelps and holds his face. 
“I told ya to stay out of it!” Cash roars, “Go put some ice on it. I don't need you to get a fuckin bruise.” 
Fizz whimpers and runs off to get some ice like Cash suggested, no longer brave enough to get involved, even if Blitzo was his best friend. 
Five years later and Blitzo and Fizz were dating and for their one year anniversary Blitzo was taking Fizz to see a Mammon concert. Fizz was absolutely over the moon about it. He had always looked up to Mammon, there weren’t many in the greed ring who didn’t but Fizz wanted to be as famous as Mammon and at this point he nearly was. Sure he still worked for the little circus that was nearing bankruptcy but that certainly wasn’t holding Fizz back, so many places were offering him a job with them but Fizz insisted that he stayed with the circus. Especially since potential investors have started to show their faces willing to buy the circus just to get their hands on Fizzarolli. But those were just imps from the greed ring, Fizz wanted to be known throughout the rings of hell, just like the prince was. He certainly was on the right track for that. 
But he wasn’t thinking too much about all that tonight. Tonight was just pure dumb fun with his boyfriend, no business bullshit. At least, that had been the plan. 
That plan changed after the concert however when two of Mammon’s security guards approached Fizz and Blitzo. 
“Are you Fizzarolli?” One of them asks, giving a stern look. 
“That’s what my id says, why?” He says with a laugh, Blitzo holds his boyfriend’s arm and glares at the guard.
“If you want his number you can’t have it. He’s mine bitch!” Blitzo says annoyed. 
Fizz elbows him, “So, why do you care who I am?” He asks snarkily. 
“Mammon wants to speak with you.” The security guard states. 
Fizz freezes, the Mammon wanted to talk to him a little imp who was just starting to make a name for himself? He had to be dreaming. He doesn’t know what to say, he had promised Blitzo that he wouldn’t talk business with anyone tonight, but he couldn't say no to a deadly sin. 
“Okay yeah, could we do that another time, I’m kinda on a date.” Fizz asks, hoping the answer would be yes. 
“No, either you talk with him now, or you never talk to him. Up to you.” The guard responds. 
Fizz looks at Blitzo with the best puppy dog eyes he can muster, “Please baby? I’ll be quick.” 
Blitzo sighs but nods, “Yeah, alright, I’ll be right here, okay?” 
Fizzarolli squeals happily and covers his face in kisses, “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll be back soon, I promise.” He says excitedly as he follows the security guard to the backstage area. 
He looks around the area in awe, all the tech here was new, and expensive, he had never seen equipment so nice, the circus was severely outdated and his shows were what was keeping it alive.
The guard knocks on the door to Mammon’s dressing room and a small imp opens the door, smiling when he sees Fizzarolli, he welcomes the taller imp inside and Fizz can’t help but be nervous, after all he was about to meet the prince of the greed ring, his idol, Mammon. 
Mammon turns around to look at Fizz, “Fizzarolli! Just the imp I wanted to see, I’m glad you could take the time to come and see me.” Mammon says sweetly, eager to lure this new fly into his web. 
Fizzarolli smiles brightly and his tail wags, he couldn't believe Mammon knew his name,“It’s an honor sir, of course I had time to come and see you. I can’t really say no to meeting not only a prince but my idol.” 
Mammon chuckles, “Please, just call me Mammon kid, you’ve made quite the name for yourself, you’ve earned the right to address me by my name.” 
Fizzarolli is amazed to hear that, from what he'd heard no one was allowed to call Mammon by his name when they met him, not unless they were royalty, it made him feel special, which was exactly what Mammon wanted to do, “Really? Thank you Mammon.” 
“Sure kid,” He says with a shrug, “Any way, I’ve heard quite a bit about you and with how popular you are, I wanted to make you an offer.” 
An offer?! Mammon wanted to make him an offer? This was the best day of Fizz’s life. 
“I want to make you a true star kid, known throughout the rings of hell. But from what I understand, you aren't willing to part with that circus you work at. So, I want to buy the circus and convert it into an amusement park of sorts.” Mammon tells him, he didn’t really want the whole circus but Mammon knew Fizzarolli would be worth the investment, the kid had that it factor that everyone looked for in performers and he had it, he could go far. Plus, more importantly, he could make Mammon a shit ton of money. 
“Wait, really? You’re going to buy the circus? But... I don't own the circus, you’ll have to talk to Cash.” Fizzarolli starts only to be shushed by Mammon. 
“Don’t worry about that kid, I already knew that, I wanted to ask you something, are you and that other imp that you perform with, do you have to be a duo? Because I’m gonna be honest, he’s holdin’ you back. I can make you a star kid, but if you want that, you have got to ditch the side kick. He can still perform at the new circus, and don’t you worry about the rest of the circus folk, I’ll make sure they got jobs too. But if you want to go big, you gotta ditch that dead weight. So if you want me to save your circus, and your ass from the streets, you need to be willing to do whatever it takes. Are you willing to do that?” Mammon asks.
Fizz falls silent as Mammon finishes speaking and his tail droops, was he willing to ditch Blitzo? He wanted to be a star but the two had been inseparable, a duo since they were young, he wanted to talk to Blitzo about it and get his opinion or blessing before making a decision but he didn’t have that luxury right now. Blitzo would understand, right? I mean, he was his boyfriend and he would be happy for him, right? 
So he looks up at Mammon and nods, “I’m willing to become a solo act.” 
“Wonderful, I’ll take care of everything else within the next few days so don’t even worry, we’ll get your contract set once I’ve gotten the circus, so go enjoy your night, Fizzarolli.” Mammon replies with a smile on his face, he truly was happy, he had just gotten exactly what he wanted. 
“Thank you Mammon, have a good night.” He says happily, his tail wagging as he runs to go and tell his boyfriend. 
“You WHAT?!” Blitzo screams at him angrily.
Fizz looks upset, he knew Blitzo wouldn't be happy but he still wasn't expecting him to be so angry about it. “Blitzy, baby, Mammon gave me the offer of a lifetime, plus he said he’s going to make sure no one in the circus goes without a job, this is a good thing. The circus is dying. Please, can you just try to be happy for me?”
Blitzo sighs, “Yeah... yeah, you’re right. This is a good thing Fizzy. Now, how about we go hit that dive down the street to celebrate? You know, the one that lets us in because you’re famous~” He teases. 
Fizz smiles as his boyfriend decides to support him. 
Things changed drastically when Mammon took over, everyone was relocated to this new amusement park called Loo Loo Land, luckily none of the performers had to change careers but honestly, that was because there weren’t very many left, besides Fizz and Blitzo, there were maybe 15 other performers remaining, one of which was Blitzo’s new performance partner, Barbiewire. 
Despite some things getting better with the change, a lot got worse. The stunts became more dangerous, all the performers had to sign contracts that most of them couldn't read, those who didn’t were immediately fired. Those who stayed started to resent him because they knew Mammon only cared about Fizzarolli. But Fizz had lost the most freedom, everyone thought he was working himself to the bone because he wanted to but in truth, if he was even slightly off Mammon would hurt him, badly. The last time he messed up, Mammon threatened to chop off his horns and mount them on his wall. Which of course scared Fizz stiff.
Even his boyfriend had started to hate him, he was upset that Fizz couldn’t spend as much time with him any more. And he constantly told him what a sellout he was and how he hoped that it was everything he had wanted. But Fizz stayed with him anyway, because what else was he going to do? Who else would he be with? Besides, Blitzo only got like that when he was drunk, otherwise he was still really sweet to Fizz, so Fizz didn’t really see a problem. 
That all changed when a fire stunt was introduced. Mammon had approved Blitzo’s idea to add a fire stunt to the performance figuring the danger of it would bring in bigger crowds. Fizz was much more hesitant about it. Fire was not something that mixed well with circus tents that were made completely out of flammable material. 
“Mammon, sir? Are you sure this fire stunt is a good idea? I’m just a bit concerned about the safety of the audience and performers.” He says in protest. 
“It will be fine Fizzarolli, don’t worry about it. Have I steered you wrong?” Mammon asks the small imp, hardly paying attention to him. 
“I guess not.” Fizz says softly. 
“You guess?” Mammon asks, “I did you a favor by buying that stupid circus you used to work at. So don’t question me and do your job.” Mammon huffs in annoyance. 
“Yes Mammon.” He replies, scampering off to go practice some more.
As worried as he was, he had to admit, it was nice to see his boyfriend so happy. Blitzo hadn’t been this happy since before Mammon took over the circus and Fizz stopped being his partner for acts. But this fire stunt involved him, the clowns were going to preform the fire routine while Fizz was doing tricks of his own, it was a three ring circus for a reason after all. Fizz would be in the ring ring that would be front and center to the main audience, while the beast tamers and fire stunts would be behind him in the left and right ring respectively. He couldn’t say that he was thrilled that fire and dangerous creatures were going to be behind him during his act but he knew it helped with the crowds, he may be the headliner but the place couldn’t run off just him. 
Things went well the first few times that act was run. All the catches were on time and other than a wardrobe mishap or two with the clowns playing with the fire, it was fine. No one was seriously hurt. So, surely he had just been being paranoid. Right? 
He should have listened to his gut. 
It was late show, the last one of the day. Everyone was tired and ready to be done for the day. But when that happens mistakes are bound to follow. And of course they did. 
Blitzo tossed his flaming baton in the air and it hit the main support beam of the tent before coming back down. But with the smaller crowd and how tired everyone was, no one noticed. This allowed the fire to spread, smoke began to fill the tent, making the audience and performer cough and before anyone can really processes anything there is a sickening crack as the support beam breaks and lands on Fizzarolli’s legs, since he had fallen over from all the coughing. No one realized that Fizz was trapped as panic erupted, imps and demons fleeing the tent, Fizz is screams out in pain but his screams are drowned by that of others, the animal tamers lose control of their animals, two of them crush Fizz’s arms beyond repair, and another broke off his horns in the rush to get out. 
Fizz screams for help as smoke fills his lungs and his vision starts to go dark. But no one hears him. It isn’t until Fizz has passed out, left for dead. That Mammon saves him as he realizes who was left in the burning tent. 
It takes 2 weeks but Fizz eventually wakes up from his coma, and the moment he does, he screams at the top of his lungs. Pain fired though his body and the doctors were quick to come running in. They were amazed, they had him on the maximum dose of morphine and yet they could tell from his raspy screams he was in tremendous amounts of pain. 
Scars covered most of his body which was now more white than red. His horns were gone making his head feel far too light and most tragically, both his arms and legs were gone. 
Tears fall from his eyes as he realizes what happened. It was over, his career, his life. All of it was for nothing, his thoughts went dark, maybe he should have died in that fire. It would have been more merciful than this miserable existence. 
But then Mammon comes in. 
“Hey Fizzarolli, how’s my star doing?” Mammon asks, sitting beside his bed. 
“M-Mammon? What are you doing here?” Fizz asks as he sniffles, he was getting used to the constant stinging pain. 
“Well, who do you think is paying for you to be here?” Mammon asks gruffly. 
“Oh... I’m guessing I don't have a job anymore?” He says quietly, looking down at his lap. 
“No, quite the opposite actually, if you’re willing to sign a whole new contract." Mammon says with a smirk, "You're a big deal kid, demons across the rings of hell want to see solo shows from you. They think you're amazing and I want to take you on a tour of hell as a test."
Fizz looks at him with confusion all over his face, "But, I can't move. I don't have arms or legs anymore." He says sadly.
"If you take this new deal kid, you'll be set for life." Mammon encourages.
"but what is the deal?" Fizzarolli asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes as Mammon starts to explain. ______________ Part 2 X
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th3-l0c0l-l0v3r · 1 year
If they don't give us Fizz's past in the latest episode, like Moxxie's in S2 E3
I want the tea! From when Blitzø and him were kids to the accident that took Fizz's legs to when Fizz met Ozzie.
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tooshnado · 9 months
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some things never change
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beetleheaddesigns · 4 months
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Stoliz Fanart , oh the angst.
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sentientsliotar · 11 months
So we’re all in agreement that Fizzmodeus is Stolitz without the pain?
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Like ok yes there is pain-
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But these two have heard of a magical thing called ✨communication✨
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Which leads to shit like this
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blitzwhore · 9 months
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Helluva Boss as textposts part 2/?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 /14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36
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knightinink · 9 months
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The first time Fizz messed up an act, Cash blew up on him, shouting & cursing every worst possible thing one could say. It took everything within Fizzarolli to not break down crying until he was in Blitzo’s arms, & Blitzo hates it when Fizz cries.
It breaks his heart more than anything.
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sweet-marigold · 4 months
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Final 8 pages!!!
And chapter 1 is done!!! I hope you all enjoyed this I’ll start posting chapter 2 soon page by page c:
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indigoash-art · 4 months
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I've recently finished watching Helluva Boss and I couldn't help but draw them. I love them so SO deeply and I see myself in Fizz on a level that I never experienced before with any other character T.T
I have nothing much more to say other than I hope you enjoy this one!
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vesppperoro · 5 months
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Masterlist !!!
Rules on Requests! (THEY ARE OPEN.)
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Hazbin Hotel Cast with Sin of Envy!Reader:
1 (Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, Sir. Pentious, Alastor) (GN)
2 (Vox, Valentino, Velvette, Rosie). (GN)
What do the other sins think of Leviathan!Reader:
Only Part (The Helluva Boss Sins + Fizz) (GN)
What is it like being the Sin of Envy?:
Only Part (GN)
Sin of Envy!Reader x Satan, Sin of Wrath:
Headcanons. Might make a p2 (GN)
Envy!Reader with the I.M.P:
Only Part. Might make a p2. (GN)
Envy!Reader x Sin Of Greed, Mammon:
Headcanons. (GN)
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Sin of Sloth Headcanons:
Only part. (GN)
What do the other sins think of Belphegor!Reader?:
Only Part. (GN)
Sin of Sloth!Reader during the last extermination:
Only Part. (GN)
Belphegor!Reader with their people:
Only Part. (GN)
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Sinner!Reader Things:
Hazbin Hotel crew with a Cheshire Cat Sinner! Reader. (Fem)
Hazbin Hotel crew with a Teddy Bear Sinner! Reader (GN. PLATONIC. CHILD)
Hazbin Hotel crew with a Batman Sinner! Reader (Male)
Angel Dust:
Angel Dust x Protective Overlord Reader. (Male)
Loona x Short!Vampire Sinner!Reader. (Male)
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In that scene, if Tilla is talking to Blitz before he goes to take Fizz the letter, what if he's talking to her about how he's afraid to go to Fizz's party cause his dad will just be mean to him. Or that he loves Fizz but can't tell him in front of everyone. And she recommends the letter. And gives him the flower to give to him.
I'm gonna fucking hurl.
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janis-1987 · 2 years
Scars (Fizzarolli Angst)
Fizz sighs softly as he makes his way into the bathroom, today had been rough. And it wasn't even noon yet. So far he'd failed three different quick changes in rehearsal for the spring break shows, had an accident, and the new bar tender had managed to accidentally dump the cocktail he way making all over Fizz while he was on his break. That was when Ozzie decided he should go home for the day. And, on top of all that shit, Ozzie had a meeting so he couldn't even stay to comfort the little imp.
Fizz strips out of his sticky jester outfit and tosses it in the hamper, hat and all, he turns on the shower and before he realizes it, he's staring into the mirror. His breath catches in his throat, he never, ever looked in mirrors if he didn't have his clothes on and for good reason. He stares at the white scars that littler his small body, and he can practically feel the flames licking his skin again. He hisses in agony, tears flooding his green eyes.
He wants to look away, to look at something, anything else. But he can't, he's frozen in place, his green eyes locked on the scars in the reflection. He tries to blink, to scream, to do anything but he can't, he's trapped, staring into the mirror as if he was in a trance.
LOOK AWAY, his head screams at him but his body remains still. Tears slide down his face, he's gripping the counter so tightly that the marble is starting to crack. "Look away," He says out loud this time, his voice hardly above a whisper, no longer a shout of desperation, instead it is a plea, a beg that falls on deaf ears as he still cannot look away. His eyes remain glued to his torso, and he vaguely wonders how pathetic he must look right now. He tries again to look away but once again he fails. "Please." He sobs out in desperation, trying to force his own body to work with him.
He stands there, frozen and sobbing until the mirror fogs over and the spell is broken. He blinks, shivers running throughout his body as he desperately tries to wipe away the remaining tears. Of course this had to happen while Ozzie was in a meeting. He sighs heavily and steps into the shower, hoping that Asmodeus would be back soon.
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2minutesnotice · 6 months
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And in the ashes of a town circus, lays a burned piece of paper, what once seemed to be a letter.
And I wish we culd could be more then frends friends.
And that's all what's left.
Please watch in full size. No reposting without my permission 💖
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i-will-just-nyom-bi · 3 months
I feel like Asmodeus would absolutely adore Angel Dust and fucking deck Valentino.
Ozzie to Angel, seeing him holding up after the abuse and still putting on a show face (reminds him of Fizzy): Oh my god. Oh my god. Gorgeous.
Ozzie to Val (upon hearing about him from Angel): YOU FUCKING DONKEY *SLAP*
He would 100% invite Angel to a tour in the Lust Ring, a place of sexual disires and CONCENT, infront of Valentino just to see him boil with rage.
Fizz would probably over hear Val shouting at Angel and tell Ozzie, and... Well... Now it's just "Double V", in charge of social media & TV.
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tooshnado · 9 months
the realization just hit me that fizz likely didn’t want to stand up to Mammon because he thought it was normal. He grew up with Cash, who was just like Mammon in a lot of ways.
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By confirming that Mammon is exploitative and downright evil, Fizz knew it would also mean his childhood was inarguably ridden with very similar exploitation.
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luvghostie · 2 years
{𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, + 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴}
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• Millie is all about cuddling, even bringing the action up beforehand
•She'd love to brush your hair if you felt comfortable with it as she puts your consent above all else
•After brushing your hair she'd whisper sweet things in your ear:: "Doll, remember you're absolutely amazing." and "I don't know what I'd do without you."
•Millie and you would take turns being big spoon and little spoon. Most times though Millie takes the bigger role
•If anyone interrupted your time together Millie would no doubt throw something at their head
•Most times it hits them
•Millie would fall asleep holding you in her arms. She's a very sweet S/O and puts you before the likes of herself. If you cry she's there with tissues, if you don't eat she won't either, and if you feel angry she'll give you the space you need
•When you wake up in the morning breakfast is already prepared and on the nightstand
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•Poor Moxxie wouldn't know what to do if you asked for cuddles
•He'd be more than happy to do so, however, the poor IMP would be shy
•Most times while cuddling you'll be a big spoon since I can't imagine Moxxie being that type
•"Y/N, do you think I'm useless?" he'd ask you while nuzzling into your neck. He constantly thought bad about himself and it made you upset
•"Of course not Mox," you'd say kissing his forehead. "I think you're far more than enough."
•Moxxie would eventually get used to the feeling of cuddling and embracing you. All his life he was constantly put down by others. Millie and you are the only two that cared enough to stand up for him.
•At times you might think he also likes Millie because of the bond they share. Regardless, that's not the case. Moxxie is very verbal about his attraction to you despite how others may see it.
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•More than likely Blitz has had a bad/long day at work. So if you asked him to cuddle 100% of the time the answer is, "I would love to!"
•Blitz would wrap his tail around you subconsciously. He wants you close, his mind finding ways to make sure you won't up and leave
•You like to touch the white spots on him, outlining the various shapes
•Eventually, you get sad, remembering all those white spots are from him getting hurt
•"Y/N, that tickles" he'd say laughing in between the embrace you two shared
•Big spoon, little spoon, no spoon. Fuck Blitz didn't care he just wanted you to be there for him and love him for the way he is. Just as he loved you for you.
•Yes, he can be an ass at times but he has problems just like everyone else
•And you adore them
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•"You want to cuddle... Me?" Loona would have a look of confusion on her face with red on her cheeks
•You may think she lost interest because of the way she acts but that's not the case my friend
•Definitely big spoon
•Loona would hold you against her fur not saying anything for a while. When she finally got the courage to speak she'd say, "ya know, you're the first person to make me feel like this."
•You must remember the remarks and insults she gives you most of the time are a form of love. Loona doesn't like to seem weak, especially in front of you
•More than likely if she catches you upset or down by something she said get ready for apologizes and love when you are alone
•"Hey, you know I didn't mean what I said right?" she whispered into your ear, never moving her position from beside you
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•This man is touch starved so when you bring the idea up there's no turning back
•"Oh, my dear! Why didn't you say so sooner?!"
•Big spoon when he's happy and little spoon when he's sad (Stella more than likely being a bitch)
•Stolas would hold you so close that he could feel your heartbeat. In exchange, you could feel his blush practically spreading.
•"I love you so much Y/N, please never leave me." he would say in a somber voice. "Stolas, I don't want anyone else besides you." you'd remind the owl.
•Some nights you guys would fall asleep while a romance movie played in the background.
•But there are other nights you two get a little freaky if you catch my drift;)
•Honestly, you know many people are against Stolas but to you, there's no one else like him
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•Verosika is painting her nails when you ask for cuddles. When she hears you say the final word, a smirk would form on her lips
•"Aww, does my baby want loves?" she'd tease
•Verosika is the most dominant in the relationship taking the form of big spoon. Although, if she had a bad day or was feeling self-conscious you'd step in
•When cuddling she'd play with your hair, twisting it around her slim fingers
•Verosika would most definitely take photos of you and post them on her social media. The captions would be things like, "better than my ex" and "no one comes close to my beauty as they do."
•Self-confidence is important in your relationship. If you're down because of someone, Verosika wouldn't hesitate to beat a hoe.
•The girl would probably claw the shit out of them ngl
•"You're the cutest thing to walk hell!" she'd tell you, going back to looking through her gallery while you drifted off to sleep.
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•"Fizz, can we cuddle?" you'd ask the male
•He looked at you very confused, you two were basically cuddling already. "Y/N, I'm literally sitting on your lap... How much closer could I get?"
•This bitch is lowkey a little baby but would make sexual remarks while cuddling
•Little spoon for sure and he would never disagree with that
•When you guys do cuddle (him not sitting in your lap) you'd listen to his puns and jokes
•Fizz finds your stomach to be soft and the perfect place to lay his head. When he's not there the next place he'll lay is on you. His legs tossed over you, head resting on a pillow, and his hands holding yours firmly
•There's a good chance he'd force you to fall off the bed when sleeping because of the amount of room he hogs
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