#fizzarolli's mom
Finding Family (Fizz's Found Family)-Chapter 1
Fizz's First Performance
(tw: mentions of childhood neglect)
Being a kid in Greed wasn’t easy. The only way to survive was to be slippery, and find a way to forget some of the shit you saw. There weren’t many kids in greed, at least not that Fizzarolli knew of. Until recently, he spent most of his time hiding in whatever room or apartment his mother and him shared. He listened for footsteps and told her when people were at the door before the knocking was loud enough to feel in the floorboards. He hid when his mother told him to, blocking out the outside world by thinking of whatever could make him laugh. Later, when his mom was sad, he’d try to make her laugh with everything he’d thought of.
But he hadn’t been able to make Mama laugh in days.
Nobody had come to the door in two days. Mama hadn’t smiled in three. Instead she closed her eyes, effectively tuning her out from the world unless Fizz came to tickle her. She usually didn’t like that, though, so he hadn’t tried.
They’re living in one of the nicer apartments right now. It only has a small kitchen and the bathroom is down the hallways and shared with 10 other people on the floor, but this one has a mattress and a television. That’s better than the last place they were at. Fizz crawls from the mattress. Mama has been facing the wall for the last while. She doesn’t turn to look at him when he crawls off the mattress and turns on the television. He could leave the volume up, she wouldn’t notice, but he kept it silent. In case he had to listen to footsteps.
The screen flickered on, grainy and low contrast. Even with the poor quality of the screen, however, Fizz could see how colorful it was supposed to be. Bright Green striped the screen as a large Jester danced on a stage. He couldn’t hear what the man was saying but it didn’t matter. He was captivating. Fizz couldn’t keep his eyes off him.
Mammon he learned was the man’s name. Fizz liked how it sounded sort of like Mama on his tongue. He liked that they sounded similar. Both Mammon and Mama made him laugh, they made him want to be something great. The comfort of their similarities was Fizz's own personal secret, though. Mama couldn't hear him say either of their names, and Mama didn't smile when Fizz went on about Mammon anyway.
He practiced his juggling as often as he could. Whether it be balled up socks or pieces of paper. If he could swipe some fruit or potatoes, he’d practice with those until they needed to be eaten. Sometimes he’d tried with rocks. When he didn’t have anything to juggle, he worked on pantomime.
It wasn’t a secret, but he practiced the most when Mama wasn’t looking. Every time Fizz tried to talk about Mammon she rolled her eyes. No Money, She would tell him when he mentioned him. He didn’t understand what that had to do with anything yet. She said No money about a lot of things, it never stopped the two of them from dreaming before.
Mama taught Fizz how to dream at an early age. It’s important she’d tell him, If you can dream it, you can make it happen. You can do anything you set your mind to. When he’d wake up in the middle of the night from a bad dream, Mama would hold him and scratch between his horns.
What’s the dream you’d like to have? She’d smile at him and rock him. Sometimes he would tell her, sometimes he’d close his eyes and go back to sleep while thinking of all the wonderful things he could dream.
In the mornings when Mama would be getting ready for the day, Fizz would ask her about her dreams. Her answer was always the same: To get out of here. He never knew where here was, they were always in a new place. He didn’t argue, though. He just started thinking of all the new places they could go together.
When Mama would leave for work, Fizz would think about all the places they could go. He’d have a new story for her when she got home, something to make her smile. He loved making his Mama smile. On the nights that Mama didn’t come home, Fizz would curl up under his blanket and think of all the wonderful dreams he could have. Sometimes, he managed to dream of something nice.
Mammon quickly became his dream. This could be their escape. If he could be as talented as Mammon was, he could get Mama out of here. If he could be good enough, Mama would smile again.
After a week of sneaking Mammon’s television program every moment he could, the screen changed. Instead of the clown’s face looking back at him, a big OVERDUE notice was on the screen. Fizz didn’t know how to read, he didn’t know what it meant, he just knew that Mammon wasn’t on the television anymore.
He told himself it didn’t matter. Today he was going to try his act for his mother. She’d gotten out of bed today, she’d left the house before Fizz woke up. She’d left two dollars on the counter. That was more money than Fizz had been entrusted with ever. Today was going to be a good day. Today, he was going to get Mama to smile. Today he was going to be like Mammon.
Five year old Fizzarolli had never been farther than his quarter of these mazing slums alone, but with two whole dollars! Who knew what he could do? He knew to lock the door before he left, but Mama didn’t leave a key. He made sure one of the windows was unlocked, but a small one. The bathroom, then. Fizz tucked his two dollars into his pocket, double locked the front door and headed to the bathroom. He was small enough to fit through the top latch of the window. All he had to do was climb onto the toilet, hop onto the windowsill, and shimmy up the frame until he could pull himself out. Then, he had to find the small sill on the outside and stand on it so that he could close the window again. Mama hated when he left the windows open.
Two dollars, it turns out, could not get you a lot in Greed. Fizz managed to make his way out of the complex without much notice. He walked towards the bus stop like him and Mama did to go to the market. The bus took both of his dollars and gave him change and a small blue and green card in return. It was three stops to the market. He could still get something magical for Mama there.
He was lucky that Mama had gotten him new clothes a few weeks ago. You’re getting so big. She said after pulling an oversized sweater over him. You need bigger clothes to fit into. These should last you awhile. Bigger clothes also meant that he could sneak more things. He was small, cute, easy to distract and great with his hands. When he was with Mama, he’d hide under her skirt and take whatever was low hanging enough and tasty looking. Today he was looking for juggling materials.
Three meager potatoes hid in the imp’s sleeve that he cradled to his arm, pretending it was injured. He tried slipping an apple into his pocket as well, but was caught and forced to surrender the rest of his change in exchange for it. It was worth it though, and nobody ever caught on about the potatoes.
The hell hound driving the bus points at Fizz’s ticket when he gives it to her. ONE WAY is printed in big letters. She explained he needed to pay more if he wanted to ride the bus, but he’d spent all of his money on the first bus and his apple so he got off and walked. He followed the bus’s path home. Four more passed him as he walked. He found a newspaper that wasn’t too dirty and even managed to pick a few flowers growing from cracks in the gutter. His legs were sore and he was tired when he finally made it back to their tiny apartment, but the five year old Fizzarolli’s heart was happy.
It wasn’t the easiest crawl back in from the bathroom window, but he’d climbed through plenty of windows before. He had to pull himself up onto the windowsill first, then scoot the window down from the top. He was thankful that he didn’t have to walk back on his arms, because he wouldn’t have been able to pull himself up and inside if they were as sore as his legs were.
When he heard the familiar footsteps of Mama many hours later, Fizzarolli straightened. He waited in the dark, doing his best to hide his excitement. He’d crafted a hat out of newspaper, a simple cone with the gutter flowers poking out the top. It was a little lopsided and unstable, but he considered it another challenge. A balancing act. When the lights turned on and Fizz was met with his mother’s face staring at him, the little imp lit up.
Introducing the great Fizzarolli! He signed, his smile so wide it made his cheeks hurt. He held onto his hat as he bowed. First act: juggling. Except this was a trick. Oh, Mama was going to be so impressed!
Fizz pretended to take his three potatoes out of his pocket. His eyebrows raised as he looked down at the invisible balls in his hand. He practiced the movements of juggling, his eyes following the invisible movement of the balls before looking over at her. She wasn’t smiling yet, but her attention was on him. He took the opportunity to act as though he’d dropped one of the balls and they’d hit him on the head.
The door closed behind Mama and he could see the beginnings of a smile. The act picked up. Fizzarolli picked the invisible balls up and threw them behind him, looking back to make sure he hadn’t broken a window. He could hear the soft snort that meant Mama thought he was being cute. He pulled the potatoes out of his pocket and juggled them. He alternated between standing on one leg and standing on both. He couldn’t juggle them for longer than six or seven seconds at a time, but it didn’t matter. By the time his show was over, Mama was laughing.
He ran into her arms after his bows. He’d missed his Mama so much.
My little jester. She signed, pressing her horns against his. He could feel tears drip onto his head. She must be so proud of him.
That night, Fizz fell asleep thinking about his Mama’s smile.
Lifetimes later, Fizzarolli finds himself awake in his palace. He is no longer alone; Asmodeous sleeps sprawled on his back and snoring while Fizz tries to calm to the rise and fall of his love’s chest. Fizz is safe, but he’s not settled.
He can’t remember Mama’s face anymore.
Asmodeus roused a while later. He was becoming accustomed to waking up in the middle of the night without the usual weight of Fizzarolli on his chest. This was the third time this week Fizz had run off in the middle of the night. It had been less than a month since Fizz had quit Mammon and ever since Fizz had been…..all over the place. The king sighed as he accepted his fate for the night. He just hoped Fizz would be easy to find. The last time Fizz got up in the night, Ozzie found him in the kitchen cupboards halfway through a box of Bee’s cotton candy cereal. He wasn’t even picking out just the marshmallows.
Something hit him in the head followed by a dejected sigh that has Asmodeus up and alert in an instant. The light contrast of Fizzarolli’s night cap flitting around the trapeze above their bed let Asmodeus know that Fizz hadn’t left the room.
“Froooooggy” Ozzie’s voice sang from his spot in their bed. He sounded amused, it was the easiest way to keep the concern from edging in.
Fizz didn’t answer him.
Asmodeus sighed and floated up to Fizz’s height. He looked exhausted, not unlike how he’d looked in the days leading up to Mamm’s contest. “Babe, come on back to bed. Tell me what’s on your mind? I’ll give you a rub down...we can just talk.” Fizz wouldn’t look at him, no matter which angle Ozzie tried to catch his eye. Gentle worry turned to a more fiery concern.
I’m fine! Fizz signed, wadded up balls of paper fell from his hands as his arms grew in size to make his message very clear. Fizz had never signed to him before, and it happened so fast that Asmodius barely registered what he’d done until it was over and Fizz was flipping him off. His face, however, showed no malice in it. He looked sad. When Oz didn’t waver, he watched Fizzarolli’s face crumple. The clown leaned backwards, letting himself fall safely for a while before catching himself with his legs so he could hang upside down.
“You’re not fine. Fiz, this is the third night this week you’ve been up doing some bullshit instead of sleeping. What is on your mind, Fizzy Frog?” Ozzie had been patient when Fizz didn’t want to talk all the previous nights, but Fizz hadn’t pushed him away like this then. “Is this about Mammon still? I’ve told you, Fizzy. I’ve got it covered. I don’t care what he says about us. And you still have a career if you want one. You are the most talented, inspiring, creative, original-”
“It’s not about Mammon!” The room was suddenly very quiet.
Fizz was crying.
“Talk to me, Froggy.”
Fizzarolli let his body go limp. Ozzie worried that he was going to hurt himself in the fall from the trapeze to the bed but Fizz was a natural performer, he knew exactly how to fall. Fizarrolli caught himself at just the right time, curling up into a ball and pressing his knees to his chest as soon as his body hit the mattress. Ozzie returned to the bed and sat beside him.
The gentle sound of sobs filled the silence. Ozzie’s hand rubbed circles against Fizzarolli’s back until he was ready to speak again.
“I-I’m….I’m dreaming about Mama again.”
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incorrectfizzarozzie · 9 months
Fizz: So, what was he like? Ozzie: My dad? Um, kind... in his own way. But strict too. He wanted me to study more, to be good. Thought I goofed off too much. We didn't always see eye to eye. Fizz: And your mom? Ozzie: ... My mom... Well... She was very goofy. Like, in the kitchen, they'd always sing these goofy love songs, and, man, was their singing bad. Woof! Those two were beyond tone-deaf. *tears up* You know, the funny thing is, right now I would give anything just to hear them singing. *starts crying* Whoa! Sorry, sorry. I just, uh, need a moment. *sighs* Fizz: ... It's cool that you know your mom, though. Mine passed away giving birth to me, so... Ozzie: *looks horrified and saddened* Fizz: So I can't really remember what she looked like. Much less the sound of her voice... You know, I've always wondered... can you miss someone you never actually knew? *chuckles* That's silly. I mean, of course you can't. Ozzie: *immediately grabs him in a hug*
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seamsshark · 3 months
Rewatching Unhappy Campers and Oops has me wondering if it was Barbie that orchestrated Fizz and Blitzø not seeing each other during recovery.
Whether out of anger towards Blitzø over their mom’s death, or because she genuinely thought Fizz wouldn’t want to see him, or a mix of both.
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uselessalexis165 · 6 months
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Biological Equivalent (redraw)
F: All I’m saying is that, people who think vaginas are deformed by sexual intercourse are the biological equivalent of flat earthers.
close ups:
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redraw of this:
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I want to try and redraw some of my first hellaverse drawings, so I decided to start off with this one. I wanted to make the redraw more expressive and I thought by adding more to it would help. This was also just an excuse to make full versions of these outfits. 🐴🃏
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neoninky · 4 months
Today was the last day of my now previous job before moving onto another one that isn't in face-to-face customer service or traditional retail.... I feel both immensely relieved and tired lol. And after working several customer based jobs over the past decade (and then some of my life), I've had this song on blast all day:
Some real ones were always a pleasure to work with but the majority??? Oh HELL no. So cheers to the people who treated me with respect and like an actual person but for the rest of them - this song is for you lolol.
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For all the fellow Fizzarozzie lovers who miss our favourite lovey-dovey couple. Here's some slop. (Made in tiktok so quality is shitt)
IGNORE MY STYLE CHANGES. I KEPT GETTING LAZY AND MY BACK IS SORREEEE. This took an undisclosed amount of time over an hour so yall better appreciate. Love ya's!
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shootinwebs · 4 months
( content notes: implied pregnancy, implied pregnant while trans, slight body horror possibly )
wholesome concept: fizz's whole abdominal area being swollen and bruised to hell from all the IVF rounds and other fertility treatments (from trying to get pregnant while having complications from smoke inhalation from the tent fire), and he feels kind of upset about it, but then oz gets out some scented markers and starts drawing images out of the bruises like constellations or seeing things in clouds
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hello! if you don't mind i do have a request for poly Fizzmodeus x reader
can you do headcanons of them with a crush on an idol/popstar succubus who's secretly a single parent (to keep the kid safe bc reader knows the public will be more than invasive and will only reveal the kid when they're older)? like reader's hesitant to rlly get into a relationship with the two bc she's afraid of what they think.
a certain anime's been giving me this brainrot for a while and i don't have the skill to properly write this sjjdkdkdkskdk
I didn't focus too much on the succubus part, but I hope this is good.
Fizzarolli x Asmodeus x F!SingleParent!Reader
Fizz is not a great father, but he does try his best, and thats why I love him <3. Hope y'all enjoy!
• Your tour ended recently, and you already have a new album being planned.
• For anyone else, it's a dream come true.
• For you, well, it's the break you desperately need to see your kid.
• You've been living a double life for a while.
• On one hand, you're a pop star, hiding her face beneath a variety of masks, with hundreds of thousands of adoring fans.
• On the other, you were a mom just looking out for her kid, trying to keep them out of the exhausting and draining world of fame.
• The mask thing was probably one of your best ideas, as it let you actually go out with your child without being accosted by the paparazzi.
• Plus the whole "secretive succubus" act was great for sales and popularity.
• Most of the money goes to your kid. Yeah, they may end up a tad bit spoiled, but you just want them to be happy.
• Plus, you do have the foresight to not make them an asshole.
• You've dealt with enough rich people in your time, and most of them are the exact kind of people you're trying to keep away from your child.
• Although...there are two that are pretty nice.
• You knew Fizzarolli first, both of you hitting Lust's entertainment circuit at the same time.
• You even had a small thing together for a little bit, although it never really grew. It was more platonic than romantic anyways.
• That's not to say that you hadn't considered going further, or that you didn't have some feelings for him, you just chose not to act on it.
• Asmodeus, on the other hand, found you after you had gotten a decent sized following.
• Unlike with Fizz, nothing really happened between you, but you did become good friends.
• He was also kind of hot too.
• When you had gotten back to your home, you were planning on take your kid out to do...something.
• You weren't sure, but it didn't matter, because someone had sent you a message.
• It was from Ozzie, inviting you over for dinner
• Problem is, you had just gotten back, and you really wanted to be with your kid.
• So, you asked if he could make sure that dinner stayed pg-13, which he questioned, but agreed to.
• You had been wanting to tell Asmodeus about you being a parent for a while, you needed to figure out dinner, and you didn't want to leave your child again, so why not kill 3 birds with one stone?
• When you got there, you got a pleasant suprise in the form of Fizzarolli.
• Fizz and Ozzie also had a suprise, the fact you had a kid.
• (I've been trying to leave the kid's age ambiguous, so that y'all can have a bit of freedom with it. If the kid's old enough, they introduce themselves, and if not you do it. Anyways, back to the headcanons.)
• It takes a good couple of minutes to explain everything, but they understand and respect your decision to keep your child out of the limelight.
• The dinner was nice, fancy too. Then again, you weren't expecting anything else.
• There was something odd though, you felt like Fizz and Ozzie were flirting with you.
• Turns out, they were.
• Apparently, both Ozzie and Fizz, who were together already, wanted to invite you into a little polycule relationship.
• And to be honest, you didn't hesitate to say yes.
• As mentioned before, you did have feelings for Fizz, and you did think Asmodeus was hot.
• Plus, you wouldn't mind having some help raising a child.
• Turns out that Ozzie is a pretty good parent.
• Fizz not so much, but he's trying.
• And dear Satan is it amazing to have people doting on you for once.
• Fans are one thing, romantic partners are so, so much better.
• And hey, at least your kid will grow up around some genuinely good people.
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warblogs17282 · 3 days
Just noticed a detail in s2 e6 that makes the circus fire much more heartbreaking tbh.
"There was so much going on... I was trying to get help, Fizz! I just..."
And that's exactly what Blitz was trying to do, we see Blitz pointing at what I assume is Fizzarolli's direction, and if we go frame by frame here, we see Blitz say something here, and I'm not an expert of lip reading, but he was most likely saying something like "Fizz", aka trying to get Fizzarolli help like he said he did.
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But why did Blitz stop trying to get help? What was Blitz going to say after the 'I just...' part? The answer to these questions are easy. It's because of Blitz's mother, and I have crystal clear proof of this.
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In this scene, we see Blitz turn around and look at another circus tent, and shortly after he does, going frame by frame yet again, we see Blitz say something else, not an expert on lip reading, but I'm pretty confident we see Blitz say 'Mom' in this scene, because this is the exact moment when Blitz realized that his mother was also caught up in the fire, something that is backed up by Blitz saying 'But you have no idea what I lost in that fire…' during this specific part of the flashback, and by them showing us this picture, with the fire engulfing Blitz's mother first.
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mrmiserymushroom · 8 months
my “theory”/point of view about Blitzø and his feelings
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Recently, I made a post with some drawn panels where I kinda give my opinion about what the fuck is going on inside blitzø’s head. Yet, I still felt like posting the entire thing and explain it with more details. Not sure if this is qualified as a theory (since I feel like it’s too obvious/just a headcanon) but it’s still a speculation. No need to read this if you don't care, I just want to post it somewhere :]
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FIRST THINGS FIRST! I know Stolitz is made to be canon. And I know, at one point, it's expected that Blitzø will confess his feelings and all of that. Everyone knows that soon he will realize he may not dislike Stolas at all and find out he, actually, is in love.
this will be a post trying to prove that this is not entirely true. Blitzø already knows that he is in love with Stolas and that he dug himself a grave from the start of their relationship. I'll be trying to prove that, in every episode, he is trying to supress these feelings to himself and the others around him, and even perhaps fell in love in the very beginning, way before Stolas fell for him.
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About his personality, we know Blitzø always try to act kinda tough when it comes to himself, but with the ones he loves, he never hesited to show how much he cares and appreciates them, even going out of his way to protect them at all costs. And he does that since he was little. As shown in S2E1 - The Circus, he tries to act unbothered and confident with the lack of entushiasm from the audience, but follows every single one of his father's orders, even when he is not okay at all with the idea, to rob the Goetia castle, just so he can help his mom out.
Still in The Circus, we can pretty much assume his relationship with his father isn't very good from what we've been shown. On the flashback we get in S2E6 - OOPS, we can see Cash giving Fizzarolli a gift card with the phrase "Wish You Were My Son". Blitzø also lived being reminded, everytime he needed to perfom, of the fact he was far to be the circus favorite, never getting the crowd's love and applauses. Even so his dad did not care at all if he was going to be there to perform or not when Paimon asked to get him to spend time with Stolas on his birthday. All of this can give us the idea that he grew up to be insecure about himself, his self-worth and feeling love starved. that's when Fizzarolli enter the scene.
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Fizzarolli was his first love. They were best friends since they were little kids and always got along very well. Even though, it's safe to assume Blitzø was, somewhat, jealous from all the love and attention Fizz got from the audience. making him carry a hidden envy. However, he never failed to be supportive of Fizz. praising him, trying to boost his confidence, giving him support, etc. Being there for the ones he loves, despite of how he feels is just how he is. But, still, this envy was growing inside of him since he was a child. Reinforcing the feeling of being unworthy and inferior compared to others. It wasn't just about wanting to be loved by the spectators, but it turned into a feeling of "everyone loves him and everyone hates me. I'm inferior"
and that is something pretty evident on his character. He always thought that he was inferior to Fizz and that he probably didn't deserve him. that his best friend needed someone better. I guess they've already made out a few times but it never went beyond that (since in S2E6 - OOPS, Blitzø mentions something about having tied up Fizzarolli several times before), yet, it was still stuck with him. That's what held him back and made him change his mind about giving the love letter to Fizz's on his birthday.
After that, we all know what happened. The incident took place and he lost all the most important people in his life. His mother died, his sister now hates him and Fizz got severely injured, besides "not wanting to talk to him again". With all the past trauma worsen, now he got a new one: abandonment issues.
Also, there was a time he dated Verosika, but she claims that she was the only one putting effort in the relationship, and now she despises him as well. Blitzø was probably still very affected by everything and was afraid of being envolved with someone and being abandoned again. Verosika was also a pop star, maybe making Blitzø feel like the inferior one again (but I imagine Verosika wasn't such a perfect girlfriend either).
With the passing of time, Blitzø started looking for help, got (slightly) better and created his own business. He adopted Loona, met Millie and then Moxxie. We can see he considers them as his found family. He is grateful for them (even if he doesn't verbalize it) and never fails to show how he is affectionate, even being a little invasive and annoying. It only shows more and more that he's a very sensitive and loving person. Always trying his best to protect, prioritize and take care of his new "family". He can go and insult Moxxie as much as he wants, scream at them, invade their personal lives, but, on the end of the day, he can't help but show how he feels towards people who are dear to him. So much so, it's even hard sometimes to hide it.
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With all that in mind, now we can finally talk about how he feels about Stolas and why I think what I think.
Starting with the day he went to take the Grimoire from Stolas. His plan was to use spells to create portals to the living realm so he could get on his business with humans instead of demons. He was going to trick the prince and then get away with the book. Until Stolas let out how much he crave for that kind of passion and how much it means to him that the one that is making this happen is his only ever friend.
As i said before, Blitzø is a sensitive guy, So when the royal boy reveals all of that emotional stuff, Blitzø ends up feeling a bit of empathy and give in, telling himself that this is going to be quick.
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In the end, he liked it way more than he expected and spent the whole night with the prince, only leaving by the morning. And in that night, he felt something he never felt before. Maybe it was a deep connection or maybe they were a really good casual match, it does not really matter. What matters is that he felt something really strong.
He secretly enjoyed it everytime and tried to convince himself it was just business and wasn't attracted to Stolas whatsoever. He feels more like himself and "free" when by his presence, as later implied in Truth Seekers, yet he does not want to get this feeling ahold of him. But he is still love-starved and so very emotional, of course this is going to dominate him whole as he spends more and more time with Stolas. And it eventually hits him hard.
Now, in S1E6 - Truth Seekers, we get a glimpse of Blitzø 's mind. Seeing how messed up his head is. He sees himself as a dirty clown, still tied up with memories about his past at the circus. He's tormented by everyone who is/have been related to him in some way, and his surroundings keeps getting messier and crazier as this goes on. It also address his trauma of being abandoned and left behind, as well as we get to know he does not really knows what he's doing half of the time. It all takes another turn when Stolas appears. Suddenly, things are not messed up and haunting him anymore. His appearence goes from the circus clown to his currently form, the form after he got his shit together once again and is trying to make a new turn in his life. He is wearing his work clothes and is not dirty.
Stolas is sitting in a throne at the top of a golden staircase, looking at him like he's just a plaything, representing how Blitzø feels inferior compared to Stolas (just like he felt with Fizzarolli). Then, he gets handcuffed of his wrists and neck, which Stolas is pulling by the chains. In the end, Blitzø make a expression like he is trying to endure something. Maybe the feeling that he likes Stolas, but can't do anything about that, since they are just business fuckbuddies and have to accept thing the way they are? Besides him being a inferior imp and a prince would never take him romantically? i dunno :P
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In my opinion, this shows how Blitzø sees the world before and after Stolas, how he feels like a new person and in his bestform when he's with him. nothing feels messed up anmore and he is, in a way, safe from what's tormenting him. However, this also shows how Blitzø believes this is all one-sided and he is being stupid for falling in Stolas game, that he clearly is just a toy and this feeling shouldn't get ahead of him. He is just an imp and is the only one who can be easily hurt. He should've known better than this. Stolas is a Goetia. Above overlords, he is unattainable.
Still in the same episode, before they are saved by Stolas, Blitzø get in front of his "family" to protect them. As stated before, he gives everything to protect who he loves and I imagine how out of his mind he would be if he couldn't be there to save them. This will come in handy later.
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When he comes to rescue him and his employees, he is surprised and admired about all of that. Thinking how amazing the prince is, reinforcing the image of a untouchable and powerful he has of the prince.
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On S1E7 - Ozzie's, at the ending of the episode, while he is deeply hurt, Blitzø starts pointing fingers and makes it clear that their relationship is just about sex, and then, he says:
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What gets me is that he doesn't say "it's about ME fucking YOU", he says "it's about YOU WANTING ME to fuck YOU", throwing all the situationship's wheight on Stolas side. Again, Blitzø thoughts Stolas only sees him as a sex toy and the emotional part is only Blitzø-sided. He is in love with Stolas already and reminding himself (and Stolas) what their relationship really is only hurts him more. He feels used and feels like at any time will be thrown away, that's why he tries his best to deny what he feels.
Then we have the picture on his phone. I don't think this is the latest pic on his gallery, I just think he had opened it before to find a random picture and came across this one. It might've got him right in the guts and he forgot to close the app.
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We are now on S2E4 - Western Energy, where Stolas get kidnaped and Blitzø can't be there to save him, since he needs to take care of his daughter first. When he realizes Stolas, someone already dear to him, even if it's is a secret, really is in danger and there's nothing he can do about, he loses it. His behavior/expression is very similar to the ones he had in Truth Seekers.
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In the end of the episode, he realizes Stolas maybe is not that unattainable as he thought so before.
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Finally, in S2E6 - OOPS, when he and Fizzarolli are stuck together, they start arguing until the subject lands on Stolas. Blitzø seems, again, to be visually upset reminding him and others that he and Stolas has nothing beyong business and casual encounters and that royal demons are far above dating imps like him or Fizz.
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He claims Stolas is only thrilled by the sex with a peasant, he trully believes all of the love and attention he is gave is merely manipulation. Even if he would like to believe otherwise, he can't risk being hurt and left behind because of a dumb choice. He would also be putting his job at risk with that. He tries to deny it to everyone, even to himself. Treating Stolas coldly or giving him the "I don't care" treatment would be a defense mechanism as well. harsh and kinda stupid, but that's just Blitzø.
He just doesn't wants to feel hurt and left in the cold again, so he just accepts his relationship with Stolas the way it is, but he also knows he was stupid for falling for him, all because the prince's sweet behavior is all just a fabricated "lie". If he decides speaks up, he fears he will be abandoned again. And even so, laughed at for falling in love when it's just "a silly roleplay". He wants to just throw this feeling away, but he can't help but feels what he feels.
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This is it! I may or may not have made any sense. Sorry for any grammar mistakes or if it looked like my brain melted in the middle of the paragraph. perhaps I'll just save this in drafts just so I can have it written down without having to show it to anyone. If you read it 'till this point, please feel free to tell me what you think or whatever :}
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
This is how Fizzarolli should've responded to Blitzo's apology
Fizzarolli: "I lost my livelihood, my friends, my horns, and my limbs!"
Blitzo: "Well, you have no idea what I lost. I lost my mom!"
I think people tend to forget that Fizzarolli was also raised by Blitzo and Barbie's parents.
Though we never see how Fizzarolli reacts to losing Tilla because God forbid we'd have two characters who aren't Blitzo, Moxxie, or Fizzarolli interacting with one another.
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atrociousgargamelitis · 3 months
Officially an idiot here. Why did it take me 3 MOTHERFUCKING REWATCHES to notice that Blitzø was going to confess his feelings to Fizzarolli when the accident happened.
For my fellow idiots there was this frame in season 2 episode 6:
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You can't really see it but the letter says "For Fizz's eyes only". LOOK AT THAT LOVESTRUCK TEENAGE DIRTBAG. LOOK AT HIM
I have so many questions. Why didn't he do it? The first thing that pops to mind is that he got cold feet. But he was MAD when walking away. He tossed the letter and the flower and was clearly enraged. SO WHAT THE SHIT HAPPENED? They didn't have a fight because when Fizzarolli saw him he was genuinely happy. What was it? Did Blitzø admit that he had feelings for Fizzarolli to someone else (perhaps his mom or Barb?) and they discouraged him somehow, maybe accidentally? Did his father realize and tell him that Fizzarolli is way too good for him and that he'll never get with a useless imp that can't even perform right? WHAT HAPPENED I NEED TO KNOW. If anyone has any theories PLEASE I'd love to hear them. I THOUGHT BLITZFIZZ WAS JUST A THING PEOPLE LIKED I DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS BASED ON CANON!!!AND I SWEAR TO GOD IF IT'S NOT TACKLED AGAIN BY THE SHOW ITSELF.
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myrskytuuli · 1 year
Whatever you do, don't think about young Blitzo faced with the choice to either try to help his best friend or his mom from a fire he accidentally started. Don't think about kid Blitzo being more scared than he has ever been in his life, looking at the horror he caused, for a moment frozen with indecision between his best friend and his mom, while knowing how every second counts. How every cell in his body is telling him to run away, every survival instinct of a scared kid screaming that he wants to LIVE, to leave before he too dies. The moment right after, when he thinks that he chose wrong, when he thinks that he killed both his mom and his best friend.
And then the relief when he hears that Fizzarolli lives! And the sinking horror right after when he hears what was left of Fizzarolli to live. Wondering that if he had just chosen differently, maybe Fizzy at least could have kept his limbs. That if he hadn't tried to save his mom...But knowing that there was never any universe, any timeline, where he wasn't going to at least try and reach his mom. No matter how futile.
Finally gathering the courage to try and go talk to Fizzy. And then not being surprised at all when he is denied access. Of course Fizzarolli doesn't want to see him. Who the fuck would want to see a piece of shit who destroyed his family's business, destroyed his best friends body, and killed his own mom. Who the fuck would want to be friends with a monster like that?
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vikkirosko · 1 year
Hello. Can I request a sequel to the umbra witch reader who have to dance with Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Stolas? Reader found the good dance to do with them, she succeed into making a demon contract with them and now can summon them as she wants and even has a fraction of their powers (like the demon masquerade in bayonetta 3). So, she has a kind of demon form when using their powers, and looks like she is their child or something (bonus point if Frizz sees her as his and Ozzie's child).
Platonic headcanons Demonic form
🦉 Stolas x child fem!Reader 🎩
Making a deal with Stolas was an important event for you, because now you could finally save your mom. You could summon him when the need arose and he gave you some of his power and Stolas wanted to make sure that you could handle it, so he asked you to show your new abilities. However, when you used his power, you assumed something similar to a demonic form
When Stolas saw you in this form, he froze, surprised. You were very similar to his daughter when she was the same age as you. He hadn't expected this, but it couldn't help but bring a soft smile to his lips. He understood that you were not Octavia, but it all evoked pleasant memories of those times when his daughter was younger
Several times when you called him, he mistakenly called you Octavia, but hastily corrected himself. You weren't offended by it, taking it with a soft smile. During the time that you spent in Hell, you found out that he had a daughter and assumed that it was her name that he sometimes called you
You were determined to save your mom. You had to prepare for this and for this time you stayed in Hell, because otherwise you could be found by other witches who could harm you. Stolas was ready to help you as much as he could, even though he understood that very soon you would put yourself in great danger
🐓 Asmodeus x child fem!Reader 💕
Asmodeus was delighted with your dance. You made a deal and now you had some of his power. He let you stay in his house so that you could get used to this power. He understood that you intended to go to fight with other witches, which means you had to prepare. You weren't bothered where you needed to live and weren't bothered by Fizzarolli. You were focused on training
Asmodeus and Fizzarolli often watched your training and one day during your training you took a demonic form that you could take thanks to his power. However, when they saw this form of yours, they both froze. After a few seconds, Fizzarolli couldn't hold back the squeak. The reason for that was because you looked like you were their child
Asmodeus saw a strong resemblance between you when you were in demonic form and it caused him ambiguous emotions. Sometimes he forgot that you were a witch and not his and Fizzarolli's child, but you didn't resent it. At some point, they began to seem like strange, caring uncles to you
Asmodeus understood that you would soon leave Hell and he was ready to come to your call when it was needed. He intended to fulfill the terms of the contract and provide you with help and protection. He understood that it was dangerous, but next to him you could not worry about the dangers
🐝 Beelzebub x child fem!Reader 🍯
Beelzebub was delighted with your dance. She knew that it would take you some time to learn how to use her power, and you planned to spend that time in Hell to train. She told you to come to her and she could help you a little in your training. You were grateful to her for her help and began to come to her when she was not busy
At first, you learned to summon her when it was necessary. Beelzebub patiently watched your efforts and when you started to succeed, it was time to train your new strength. However, when you used some of her power, she was surprised, because you took a demonic form. You looked like her if she was a kid and it looked really cute
Beelzebub helped you train and several times you were at her party in demonic form. It helped you not stand out so much and she looked after you to make sure that everything would be fine. Sometimes you looked like she had a younger sister, even though she remembered that wasn't the case
Beelzebub taught you how to use the force while you were in Hell. You were planning to go rescue your mom as soon as you learned how to use the power she gave you, and Beelzebub saw that you were learning fast. She was sure that very soon you will be able to carry out your plans
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trashogram · 4 months
Fr Blitzø/Fizzarolli has a lot of potential, and like most things in the show they’re spawned from, I wish they were handled better. I definitely prefer them to Stolitz, but the way they reconciled was poorly done — especially with them being kept away from each other over a misunderstanding (I hate the patterns of this in HB, that’s not the only way to create drama) and Blitzø minimizing Fizzarolli’s injuries for the sake of his mom’s death, which we don’t even get to see. It could’ve taken a whole season — the stuff with Blitzø bodyguarding Fizz from Mammon could’ve been built up as well as Fizz revealing his more vulnerable self whose susceptible to panic attacks instead of having him kinda just switch from dickhead entertainer to mushy Moxxie-esque counterpart.
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likesomanywrecksdo · 5 months
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what i think happens
Blitzø and Millie get recruited for a job in the human world, investigating paranormal activities and its pays a shit ton of money. They arrive at the venue (which is a undercover D.H.O.R.K facility probably a hotel) and meet an off-putting receptionist. Now there are theories that this is Leviathan but i personally feel it is a right-hand man or devout believer in Leviathan's rule over the Envy ring. I feel that this receptionist is a hellborn demon, undercover as a D.H.O.R.K employe (a position that allows him to remain covert and not ever be suspected).
So the receptionist lets them do their thing slowly luring them with short hallucinations (mostly auditory) of their deepest fears (eg: Millie's guilt over not having time for her family or Blitzø's seeing Fizzarolli in the hospital). These small moments set the tone for when Blitzø and Millie get seperated. Millie get lured away with the voice of Moxxie in trouble and Blitzø with Stolas' voice (hallucinated Stolas is likely angry at him). The receptionist exposes Blitzø with the chemical that causes the acid trip (which he knows is efficient because of Agent 1&2). The receptionists attempts to pick off Millie by shapeshifting into Blitzø and get her to hurt her friends and people she loves.
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Stolas' voice lures him in and away from Millie and suddenly he's in his van or car or wtvr outside Stolas' house and the scenes of him being angry at him and sarcastic from the trailer ensue. The reason I think this is because the clip of Stolas smiling sarcastically (above) is JUST before the full montage of everyone he's hurt in the past, so I think this whole "stolas is pissed" (makes sense since the last ep literally had Stolas singing on a stage that had 'Blitzø Sucks' on it) plays out until he says the infamous, soul-ruining line; "do you feel any remorse for what you do" . Let me explain my reasoning for this segment a bit. As of the event of the music video 'Look My Way', Stolas understand why Blitzø is closed off and he has these (literal) walls around him that prevent him from opening up ("the walls you conjured up to live, is this what you feel? scorned by a realm that cannot comprehend, what you are.")
So saying this NOT EVEN ON THE NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON where emotions are high and you can get caught in the heat of the moment (which would make more sense) would make ZERO character sense for Stolas. It's not that I don't want to see Stolas snap it's just the line honestly just seems like a manifestation of Blitzø's self hatred and not an actual line Stolas would say.
So after the Stolas scene, Blitzø is at the circus fire, then he's at the hospital, then Ozzie's while Verosika is singing. Everything is happening so fast he can't keep up. Then, it all stops at the sight of one person. His mom. Blitzø is his teenage self again, the braces and everything, crying in his mom's arms and her telling him everything will be alright and that he's not a bad person. Just as he is starting to snap out of his acid trip. The receptionist pulls him back in with seemingly real footage of her getting really badly hurt by some version of Blitzø. He's spiralling again, this time with Millie and Moxxie in his hallucinations but not for very long as once Blitzø sees Millie come to break him out, he calms down enough to snap out of it but his emotions are still running high which leads to a real-life breakdown in front of Millie (below).
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and that's our acid trip guys. sorry if it's badly written, just needed to get it out of my system.
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