#flameohotfamily blog
flameohotfamily · 21 days
this acc started as a maiko blog but last two years i've been reblogging different things and sharing personal (very personal) things, and it would be lovely to actually change a profile picture (i've wanted this for eternity). but at the same time it's so odd because i'm so used to my maiko babies and rearranging the blog feels like a betrayal. what am i supposed to do? rearrange the whole thing or create something new (like i did before???). help </3
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flameohotfamily · 1 year
almost two years ago i was frustrated and felt lost in my life because in my 20s all that i achieved was running a small blog about teen characters from the old kid's show and writing silly fanfiction about it. i was so humbled and insecure, and never truly believed when people told me i'm talented or creative.
i'm still lost and depressed in my 20s, and i still haven't achieved anything big, and yet writing and creating stories became one of my life preservers and a way out of the dark place i was in for too long. so i'm here to remind you that you're allowed to do something that makes you happy, you're allowed to create something new no matter how silly or pointless or inappropriate for your age it might look, you're allowed to receive compliments and kind words about your works even though they might look 'silly', you're allowed to not bash and humble yourself every time when you think about it, you're allowed to just let yourself be and most definitely you're allowed to call yourself talented, creative and good, to take care about yourself and say "yes, it's me and my works, and they have value. i have value!"
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flameohotfamily · 2 years
hi, guys!! i've been quite inactive for the last year and due to some personal issues i've lost almost all of my creativity in writing maiko headcanons. i experience random, rare bursts of inspiration and sometimes i feel it returns but rather slowly. sometimes i have a feeling like i won't ever be able to reach that level of creativity and passion to writing again. i'm not sure i'm capable of writing fics (sorry to everyone who loves my works </3) or long detailed headcanons yet but i would like to talk to you and reply to your questions/prompts about atla or maiko specifically (or my life in general hah). so, my askbox is open and i promise i'll try to reply if you write me. see you later and stay safe <3
p.s. also i've been thinking about changing this *maiko* blog into my blog in general where i still love maiko but so do i like other fandoms/ships/things. i know everyone here is mostly for maiko/atla but i don't want to run some official atla page. i want to be me and stay comfortable and simply enjoy my time here.
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flameohotfamily · 2 years
i forgot to write it yesterday but HAPPY MAIKO WEEK EVERYONE!!!
i'm so glad the fandom is still alive and that you guys are so talented!! i wish i could participate but with current situation in my life i don't have any inspiration for fics/headcanons. but it's always amazing to see your texts/arts/edits! thank you for giving me positivity/maiko vibes in my life. love you all!!! let's enjoy maiko week.
all hail fire lord zuko and fire lady mai!
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flameohotfamily · 2 years
omg i've just noticed it's been a year since i posted my first maiko fics 💓
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
hey, i recently got into maiko (they’re so cute 🥺❤️) and i was wondering if you recommend some of your favorite fics ?
ahhh so glad to see you here!! maiko really are super cute!!
i love the works of Xanadian, smilindesperado (@smilindesperado) and starbunny86 - my favorite maiko authors💕
also check out works of my besties: writingandwinter (@fruittartsandknives), maikozula (@sofimaikodaughter) and Pidgeapodge (@pidgeapodge) ❤️
you can also check my bookmarks, there are plenty of great maiko fics!!
and a minute of self-promotion: it's my ao3: halev_sheli. maybe you'll like something from my writings ❤️
hope you'll enjoy reading of maiko fanfiction :3
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
mai being jealous of katara due to the FN gossip?
i understand the point (especially with katara and not any other girl) and normally i would be glad to write some good drama, but i'm so so tired and deeply shocked by ship wars and insulting people based simply on their taste, and bashing real people because of a bunch of pixels in the kid show, and other mess which is going in this fandom... i won't write it.
if you want to read something about it or other mai/zuko/katara and vice versa situations, there are, i'm sure, plenty of fics on ao3, fanfiction.net and other sources. even though i actually have some thoughts and hcs, i'm not willing to write it here. i joked once about the certain ship. and people claimed me toxic and vile, thank you very much.
so i choose for myself to write in my maiko blog only about maiko (i'm not saying it about my fics!!!), and as i mentioned earlier, i'm really tired and overwhelmed of how far people can go and how rude they can be, and how easily they can assume ~everything~ about you as a human being (and blame you for your skin color or other things you didn't choose haha) because you ship this drawn boy with this drawn girl and not that. besides, maybe i run not the biggest maiko blog, but i have a decent number of followers and sometimes(!), some of them(!) look up to me, and i feel some responsibility for my blog and my audience. so when other people claim my followers toxic etc. because of my lame joke/post/any words... wow, i really don't want and don't need to see it.
so thank you, but no. i'm done with toxicity in atla. of course, it doesn't mean i'm the biggest pacifist here and spread only positivity and love and yay, and it doesn't mean i'm against more heavy topics in fiction (jealousy is one of them). but if i'd ever want to raise an issue of jealousy in maiko relationship, i'd rather think up some ooc person for example/for drama. i don't want to be involved in ship wars.
i must add, that i genuinely like and respect katara as a character, and i won't bash her here or somewhere else, like... ever :) i'm just saying, okay?
also i must add, that considering mai's interaction with jin in comics, and her behavior in 3x05 and 3x09 when she had been watching personally a very... active part of zuko's fan club and hadn't said a word to him, i could assume that she's not a jealous person in general. to write really jealous mai takes some grace imo.
so yeah, that's it. thank you for the ask anyway and have a great day!!
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
so @eevesdrop suggested i should add in my description that my blog is a maiko sanctuary, and i want to know your opinion, guys.
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
Hey, just to step up the asks you're receiving, I'm a friend of yours here, I think I can be called this (?), and I guess I don't tell you enough how much maiko nation needs you. You're a force of nature that drives us to keep enjoying this amazing shipp that's maiko. Your fics are great, your writing is amazing - really, I'm jealous - and everybody knows you're doing your best to support maiko and the fandom and I don't think ppl tell you enough how you're necessary. I know sometimes everything can be hard to handle but you're an amazing person and you deserve all the fondness and happiness of this world <3
Anyway, just want to say thank you for your efforts and whatever you decide to do, I, and all maiko stans who follow you, will support it.
OMG, thank youuu!!! <333
I guess I know who you are, and it's so sweet to receive a message like that <3
Anyway, I do not think that I'm doing something great , but as I said earlier I'm ready to support and encourage any of you!! Any time!!! Please write me if you want to or if you have something to say, or ask, or share. I hope to find here friends and people with love to maiko, not only "followers".
And I'm really doubting if this is that necessary, or my efforts are necessary, but please remember that my blog is a safe place for everyone who just loves maiko and atla, and maybe feels ashamed in their 20s, 30s etc. to love/create/enjoy the relationship between two cartoons haha. We're all the same here, and it's great, and maiko always rules, and I won't ever judge anyone for this (for enjoying simply things or thinking about fictional characters instead of "important (boring) stuff") because... I'm just like that <33
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And that's how I greet every maiko fan!!
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
so yesterday one person called me the maiko authority, and recently some people referred to this blog as to the main maiko blog, and now i think that i might've sounded rude or offended, denying their words. so here is the thing: i'm not offended or want to be mean/rude/obnoxious towards you. the truth is... i'm just embarrassed and surprised, guys. i'm sorry if i responded harshly or didn't show it clear, offending you instead.
i mean, yes i'm running maiko blog, true. but i'm not some maiko sanctuary even though i wrote it in my bio (it's jokingly, okay?).
i love maiko, i adore maiko, i love to talk/ramble about them with you at 3 a.m., i love to write headcanons, i love when you send me prompts and asks, or want to know my opinion. i love when you write me messages about my fics. i love when you write me all of a sudden because some ideas hit you and you want to share it with me. i love when you reblog my stuff and write those long speeches in tags. i love when you reply under my posts or add something. i love when new people start to follow me or recommend my writing. i love it. i appreciate it. i enjoy it.
i'm just... surprised. i wasn't supposed to be the turtle who carries maiko fandom, i was just! writing! headcanons!! this blog even didn't start from headcanons. i made it because i wanted to have a corner where i would just reblog maiko arts/jokes. and now when someone looks up to me or call me a main/official blog, it's kind of weird and overwhelming. flattering, of course, but overwhelming.
if you assume that i'm the main here just because my blog is first in "top blogs", i suppose it's because i used tag #maiko ten times more than other people who write about more important stuff than the relationship between two non-existent cartoons. besides, it's really not a big deal or something great/something i'm proud about. maybe a few months ago i would've been proud, but now... it seems so so unimportant and stupid. i just had time and opportunity and inspiration, and i grateful that you supported me!! i'm not complaining, i met wonderful people here, i met my first audience and first readers here. it's so nice!! but there are a bunch of hundred times more talented and creative people in maiko and atla fandom in general, and they're making such a great stuff, and i want you to appreciate them and cherish them because they deserve it, not me.
of course, i will continue to run this mess, and of course i will be glad to see your asks/messages about maiko (and not only maiko) at any time!!! i'm not disappearing or denying my blog. i just... want to be like all of you, because frankly speaking i am!! i'm just like you!! and i'm really really really making nothing great (okay maybe someone smiled because of my headcanons, but hey, people smile when they see memes with cats!).
so, that's it. sorry for bringing it again, but it's just spilled out. thank you for the attention!!!
“i don't hate you” all ❤️️
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
guys, @sofimaikodaughter found me a dream job <3
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
I think its fair that, because zutara shippers can use 'bluetara' maiko shippers can use 'bluemai' what do you think?
i think maiko shippers can use whatever they want and write whatever they want, as any other shippers (except for... some topics). there is no quota for creativity. considering that the blue spirit is a part of zuko's personality, i don't see why not. plus i met some "bluemai" fics and arts, and honestly speaking they were great. maiko fans are very talented!!
and please, that's not bashing or scolding, or me showing bad manners or any disrespect, but please please stop sending me anything related to zutara or zk shippers, okay?
i would be honest - i don't like the ship (haha surprise), and even more i really really really don't care what zk shippers are doing or using, or creating, or whatever. that's their business, and my maiko rambling in my blog is mine. so thank you for the ask and understanding!
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
Hi, guys!!! I have a little announcement for you all, if you're interested.
Last couple of months since I started to run this blog have been wonderful here with you all. I think I reached a peak of my inspiration while writing maiko headcanons and fics, I enjoyed every minute I spent here sharing my love for Mai and Zuko with you. So first of all thank you!
But life on the Internet and real life are quite different, and with each day I feel that illusions which offer us the digital world are dragging me more and more. Sometimes it's too distracting and overwhelming. So I decided to quit my social media, not only this blog, for some time from now (maybe for a month or something). I think I just need time to be alone and analyze some things for myself, fully focus on my life and decide what to do next.
I still love maiko, I still adore maiko, and I'm still glad and thankful you're following me! I would be really thankful if you decide to stay here with me.
My askbox will be open all the time, you can send me all your prompts for headcanons, asks and questions if you have some, and I'll try to answer it when I return. I promise I will return, and I won't abandon @flameohotfamily (what a stupid nickname btw). I will continue to write maiko headcanons and maiko fics in the future (especially "To All the Girls AU" and my latest fic "where's my love?"), because I have many-many ideas and a lot of love to this ship and ATLA universe in general.
But now... now I just need some air.
Please don't unfollow me if you still like this blog, I will return like Zuko from his banishment (feel free to unfollow if my maiko ranting burdens you, haha).
Thank you for understanding and supporting me! See you in a month!
Stay safe!
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
probably i should have a twitter acc for all this rambling, but my most favorite part in writing fanfiction is when people after reading my fics come to my blog and write me messages that they liked my works. that could be a whole essay or just a short message with heart emojis but ahhh that warms my heart <3
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
guys, i kinda went crazy and created an instagram account to spread more maiko (and my view of maiko especially): @flameomaikofamily.
umm... subscribe? enjoy? <33
(also i have a twitter acc: flameomaikofam)
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
i understand the lack of maiko content on instagram. i can say that maiko fans on twitter are very sweet (those with whom i've interacted recently). but honestly? only tumblr feels like home. maybe because i met my first audience here, or maybe i just love to throw here and there these long-long posts and detailed headcanons <3
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