#maiko writing
yourhighness6 · 2 months
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 3 months
anyway, i'm sure this has been discussed ad nauseam at this point but I'll say it again -- the show gives us two scenes of zuko expressing very legitimate worries about facing a father-figure after messing up
The Book 3 opener, with Mai on the boat, where Zuko worries about seeing his father after 3 years and how he's changed/his home has changed
Zuko anxious about facing Iroh again and discusses this with Katara
The conversations go like this:
Mai: Aren't you cold? Zuko: I've got a lot on my mind. It's been so long, over three years since I was home. I wonder what's changed. I wonder how I've changed. Mai: [Yawns.] I just asked if you were cold, I didn't ask for your whole life story. [Zuko frowns at her sarcastic response. Mai giggles and holds his face in her hands.] Stop worrying.
(in interest of fairness, I will include that the transcript i got from atla wiki says this: The two kiss. Mai exits, and Zuko stays there with an expression of relief on his face. We return to the ship where Team Avatar is on -- however, the show just actually shows a close up of his eyes)
Cut back to Zuko, who becomes worried and ashamed before walking toward the tent. Cut to Zuko from behind as he approaches the tent before stopping. Close-up of Zuko. Side-view as he sits down. Katara walks up to him. Katara Are you okay? Zuko [Frontal view.] No, I'm not okay. My uncle hates me, I know it. [Katara sits down next to him.] He loved and supported me in every way he could, and I still turned against him. How can I even face him? Katara [Close-up side-view of Zuko.] Zuko, you're sorry for what you did, right? Zuko: More sorry than I've been about anything in my entire life. Katara: Then he'll forgive you. He will.
I just think there's a very clear contrast here of dismissive vs supportive. I get what the writers were trying to do- Mai even smiles a little when she makes her joke-- but it just doesn't land for me because I think Zuko's concerns are valid and ought to be treated seriously here-- who wouldn't be worried after 3 years away???? And And Zuko doesn't even disclose his real worries to Mai (he does to Azula though!-- about seeing his dad without having actually recaptured the Avatar! which I think is interesting)
And he's very upfront with Katara in the later scene, which is a very pivotal one for him-- his courage to make amends and apologize to one of the most important people in his life. And Katara doesn't try to lighten the mood or tell him to stop worrying -- she treats his concerns as valid and walks him through it-- he's sorry, so Iroh will forgive him (it probably helps that she has also forgiven him for what he did in Ba Sing Se, she knows what that means)
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lydiahosek · 1 month
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[Image ID: A pair of traditional pen drawings featuring Mai from Avatar: The Last Airbender as a child. In the first, she holds an ink brush in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. She smiles at the paper and blushes. In the second, we see the paper from her perspective. On it is a drawing of Mai and Zuko as adults, though still with their childhood hairstyles, and wearing royal Fire Nation headpieces. They smile at each other and hold hands. /.End ID]
Maiko Week Day 6: Childhood
Prince Zuko and Princess Mai...
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supremechancellorrex · 6 months
Avatar in my head and I was thinking about Maiko and Mai.
Now, Mai's character arc in Avatar, from my interpretation, is rediscovering herself and her wants and personhood that has been stripped from her as a noblewoman part of a family that submitted to the Fire Nation Imperialist structure and Ozai. We see in Book 2 set up for this. Mai in early Book 2 does not resist Azula's will aside from brief sparks of rebellion where she isn't present. "Of course not, Princess Azula" she notes formally and apathetically when Azula asks if she "minds", knowing she has no choice as Azula 'just' ponders if Mai's hostage brother is worth an Earth King like Bumi. Mai is always aware that Azula, as Princess in an authoritarian nation where the Fire Lord is God, can have her executed and her family punished. The unequal power dynamic is surprisingly consistent in the show.
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Mai can't even insult Azula back in Zuko Alone as a child. She just lets Azula put an apple on her head (as Ty Lee loyally sniggers along), set it on fire, and when Zuko pushes her into the fountain to put it out, Mai, drenched, glares and says "You two are such… ugh". We know Mai can have an acid tongue, yet her fear of Azula prevents her from using it. Her most rebellious act in Book 2 is when she says "She can shoot all the lightning she wants at me. I am not getting in that wall sludge juice". Mai actually has self-respect, but she can't express it in the presence of greater threats, meanwhile Ty Lee merely says "Come on! Azula said we have to follow them", because Ty Lee follows Azula's will even when she isn't there.
Even when Mai gets with Zuko, she falls into a subservient role. When Azula interrupts Maiko's smooching, lazily dismissing Mai with "Oh Mai, Ty Lee needs help untangling her braid" Mai responds quickly "Sounds pretty serious" with only a touch of dryness and leaves, only able to muster throwing Azula a dirty look a split second after passing her. However, this little ember of rebellion will grow.
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Mai has continued difficulty understanding Zuko's anger and reactiveness, or how to even function in a relationship. She initially tries to joke in a dismissive fashion, as if saying 'ugh, feelings are lame, right?', but that would only work with Azula logically. The Beach episode is a key Mai episode. She continues to be emotionally repressed, to the point Zuko, Ty Lee and Azula comment on it. However, Zuko's insecurity at her talking to Ruon-Jian to the point he physically removes him from her presence, and his accusative comments like "You like him, don't you?", also makes Mai feel a little boxed in, controlled, and that does irritated her given her history. However, at the Beach's emotional narrative climax, Mai is able to finally express herself at the rest of the group (Azula included) for the first time, telling them to "Leave her alone" and that she's "still mad". After Zuko explosively reveals the extent of his pain and confusion, we see a 'smoothing' effect on her attitude. She realises her and Zuko are dealing with pain in different ways and his way is understandable.
Mai says softly, "I know one thing I care about, I care about you". This is the one thing Mai can grasp in the confusion. This is where Mai betraying Azula becomes inevitable. We see Mai continue to be more supportive with Zuko, more actively trying to cheer him up in Nightmares and Daydreams with big smiles and jokes while Zuko remains shut down over the War meeting and is acting irritated and repressed due to his family trauma. When Zuko later leaves and joins the Avatar, Mai is hurt and angry, which shows in the Boiling Rock, saying "All I get is a letter? You could have at least looked me in the eye when you ripped out my heart". They have a tense conversation, but it's their most honest one. I actually think Mai already made up her mind in this scene to support Zuko over Azula, and she doesn't quite realise it. "Save it? You're betraying your country" she accuses, to which Zuko replies, resolute, "That's not how I see it", and in response Mai just folds her arms and turns her head away in an almost defeat.
I find it very telling she doesn't respond. It's because she realises Zuko is more passionate and resolute about his mission than she is hers. It's because she knows the Fire Nation under its current authority is not exactly great. Sometimes in life we fall into a box and we need someone to give us that little push so we can realise we can climb out of it, that the toxic space we're in isn't normal, and we don't have to tolerate it. I like to think Mai was thinking in that moment where Zuko locked her in the cell and he and she gazed into each others' eyes, what she was really thinking about was what life she actually wanted to live. She was thinking of Azula and being under her thumb, and she was thinking of all those moments with Zuko, like when they were lounging on the sofa together, smiling and joking in Nightmares & Daydreams, and she realised how ridiculous it was to be afraid of Azula killing her when the real fear should be being Azula's servant until her dying days, decades of repression and misery.
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After all, what does Mai have left to fight for? Fear of Azula? Hah, what a joke. She remembers "I know one thing I care about. I care about you" and when she sees Zuko about to die she has to intervene.
"I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you" Mai says to an increasingly-enraged Azula's speak of 'consequences', because Mai did fear Azula, but now in her love for Zuko she has found a purpose she has been lacking, her feelings and wants over Azula's will. Zuko being true to himself is contagious. Iroh's love for Zuko puts him on the right path, and in turn the love Mai has for Zuko saves her. As a consequence Ty Lee chooses Mai and their friendship over Azula's toxic, fear-based one and even later bonds with former enemies like the Kyoshi Warriors. Like Zuko says to Ozai, "an era of peace and kindness" will replace an "era of fear". In the face of fear, love and empathy win.
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bluespiritshonour · 2 months
Another thing I've been muling over: a complain I've seen about Maiko is that she keeps him from going on the right path—and... I agree.
For Mai, Zuko's well-being is her sole concern and the rest of the world could crash and burn and that's... Okay?
Realistically speaking, your support system should NOT be one person. One thing I love about ATLA is that (despite romance writing not being one of it's strong points) the lack of ships that follow the tropes.
Kataang is not an archetype. Neither is Sukka or Maiko.
Having your support system be just your romantic partner isn't healthy (for them or for you) or realistic. But most romances do that and until I watched ATLA it didn't occurred to me that that's not a good thing.
ATLA and Maiko are very realistic in that Zuko needs both the Gaang and Mai. He needs the Gaang to hold him accountable for every shitty little thing he did—and he needs Mai there to keep from spiraling and self-destruction.
Zuko and his uncle were de facto conquerors, so they had to do much more to redeem themselves than Mai and Ty Lee (mere soldiers, but NOT innocent) had to.
Zuko had to work hard to earn the Gaang's forgiveness (personal opinion: he should've grovelled more and he should've been called out on his racism against Aang) and Uncle Iroh reconquered Ba Sing Se in the name of it's people.
They both did reparations to the very people they hurt. And their crimes were much more direct and vicious compared to Mai and Ty Lee’s.
As someone not as responsible as them, Mai and Ty Lee's redeeming themselves was at the Boiling Rock.
And well, when Zuko is Firelord right after the war—he would be paying for the crimes of his ancestors. He needs the Gaang there to keep from acting like he did with Katara pre-Southern Raiders (everyone else seems to have forgiven me!) and he needs Mai to keep himself from actually spiralling into self-destruction and undeserved guilt (Sozin's and Ozai's faults aren't his even if he's paying for it and someone needs to remind him that)
So, yeah. He needs them both for different things.
As for Mai, her conflict was that she was never allowed to express herself. And loving Zuko made up for that—she finally stands up for something she believes in (not in the cause, but in Zuko) and Zuko didn't even have to do anything beside exist. He didn't “fix her.”
Although, again I do have the the complain that Mai has to do a lot of emotional labour for him and if you really are gonna shit on Maiko: it's Zuko who needs to step up, not Mai—well, Mai tried to “fix him” and she couldn't!
That's so important to me!—I’m tired of girl fixes boy narrative. And she couldn't fix him because only he could fix himself and Mai herself is used to making the best out of a situation and being selfish/passive/choosing the path of least resistance. She tried to do to Zuko what worked for her (or maybe didn't, considering she was coping)—and well—later when Zuko's Firelord it'll be Mai who keeps him from harming himself.
Zuko needs both to be balanced out.
He needs multiple people to act as support system and that's both healthy and realistic. Mai isn't everything and neither should she be.
I know what the comics did; don't bring them up here. It's not about the comics.
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in-g-major · 5 months
ATLA Unpacked: Ty Lee's Potential
One of the many things we missed out on from ATLA Book 3 was a Ty Lee character arc. Of Azula's trio she's ultimately the least explored and most auxiliary, which is sad. The possibilities were certainly there: a girl who seems too good-natured for the ruthlessness of the Fire Nation, coerced into helping Azula, seemingly naive about what her nation is doing or perhaps too timid to voice her concerns. Gee, all that sure rings a bell doesn't it? So, here are some things that I think could have been done w/ Ty Lee given what we know about her. 1. Friendship with Zuko and eventual Redemption Arc Canon screwed this one up during "The Beach," but there's no reason it had to be that way. Ty Lee should have been the person Zuko warmed up to the most given that they're both more caring people than Mai and Azula. With Ty Lee and Zuko, you have two sheltered and privileged teenagers who don't quite fit the mold of what Fire Nation children are *supposed* to be. As a result, Zuko is banished and Ty Lee leaves her aristocratic home life behind. Zuko's banishment and journey across the world helps him realize that the Fire Nation's war is wrong. Ty Lee, who was part of a traveling Fire Nation circus and eventually traveled the Earth Kingdom with Azula, could have easily come to the same realization. We never even get her perspective on the war in canon! Just imagine Ty Lee and Zuko bonding over martial arts, theater, and collecting pretty sea shells. They bring out each other's best qualities and motivate each other's redemption. 2. Standing up to Azula This has been commented on before, but Mai being the one who defies Azula instead of Ty Lee during "The Boiling Rock" is not a satisfying emotional climax. Mai happily left her boring life behind in "Return to Omashu" as soon as Azula gave her an opportunity, and she openly defied Azula's orders with no fear of retribution at least once. What Azula represented for Mai wasn't fear. Azula was the metaphorical "devil" on Mai's shoulder, distracting her from her lack of emotional fulfillment with fun and thrills. The one who was genuinely afraid of Azula, and abandoned her passion out of that fear, was Ty Lee. Ty Lee standing up to Azula and emerging victorious is far more emotionally and narratively satisfying given their dynamic. It also gives Mai a more character appropriate choice to make in the situation. Which leads me to my third point 3. Mai and Ty Lee marsreds made a fantastic commentary I read years ago. I'll link it in the comments, but her point was that throwing Mai into an awkward and uninteresting relationship with Zuko took the focus away from her relationships with Azula and Ty Lee and made her character arc about a boy. It's a pretty damning commentary on the sexism that seeped into the way ATLA's female characters were written, and how that became the norm for the franchise by the time of the comics. Anyway, a hugely missed opportunity for Ty Lee and Mai was their relationship with each other. Even though I am pro MaiLee, I won't make this ship heavy. Ultimately the writing has to come first, but Mai and Ty Lee do have a fun and touching dynamic. Ty Lee is even more playful and affectionate with Mai than she usually is, and Mai shows genuine care and empathy for Ty Lee. When they reunite in Omashu, Mai asks Ty Lee what happened with her joining the circus. Then, during "The Beach," Mai is the only one who stands up for Ty Lee, telling Zuko to back off and figuring out the root of Ty Lee's desire for attention. We never see Mai this invested in someone else's feelings and well-being with anyone else. The character appropriate choice for Mai in "The Boiling Rock" wasn't betraying Azula for teen love. It was choosing between the friend who encouraged her better self (Ty Lee) or the friend who kept her from growing as a person (Azula).
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I just remembered that in like 2018/2019 I wrote the most articulated plot for an atla fanfiction trilogy in which Mai and Zuko got back together and married, but had to fight three dangerous ladies: a watertribe/fire nation girl with bloodbending abilities and blessed with the sun spirit (give me a break I was like 13), an earth kingdom lavabender with vitiligo, and a firebender with combustion bending. And the plot was basically that the bloodbender was believed to be a nonbender and was Zuko’s betrothed, but she was playing everyone to get to the throne and conquer the world. And since she knew Zuko was in love with Mai they kidnapped her and brought her to Lake Laogai and brainwashed her, and she got back to normal when Zuko told her he loved her. and then the first book ended with Zuko and the gaang visiting Azula in prison to ask her for help. But then in book two Azula became an ally of the dangerous ladies and their spy, but at the same time went through a redemption arc and sacrificed herself to save Zuko from an explosion. And then the third book was Azula kidnapped by the three dangerous ladies who wanted to crash Maiko’s wedding and kill everyone, but Azula escaped and killed combustion girl. Then a big ass battle began and it was a complete mess
I even made the coolest drawing that I can’t find for the life of me, and the cringest trailer to have ever been created.
It was so cool yet to cringe and stupid, but it was my baby. And then one day I just hated it and deleted everything AND NOW I WANT TO PUNCH MYSELF BECAUSE THE IDEA COULDVE BEEN SO GOOD😭😭😭
Anyways here’s my little breakdown because I can’t believe 14 yo me just deleted everything and 19 yo me just remembered the whole ass plot on a random Tuesday.
ALSO the whole “kidnapped and brainwashed but saved by true love” thing was an idea I loved EVEN BEFORE I became a marvel and Stucky fan. I call this fate lmfao
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stardust948 · 4 months
Half Off Chocolate
Prompt: They fight over discounted Valentine's Day chocolate while arguing over who had it worse.
Katara didn’t know why she didn’t just go home.
Her makeup was smeared from crying, dress wrinkled, and hair slipping out of its neat bun. She was a messed and felt even worse inside. Maybe that is why she stopped at the nearest convenient store for some well deserved and frankly overdue, sweets.
The store was a ghost town. Scattered pink and red merchandise laid abandoned on the floor and nearly empty shelves. Of course. Though it was still Valentine’s Day, the hour was late and most of the good stuff was long gone.
Katara wandered to the candy section, feeling like a lost spirit herself; haunting the remains of a once beautiful dwelling now succumbed to ruin. The candy ail was picked clean, as expected. Even the less popular treats were gone. Nothing left except a lone heart shaped red box. An ugly orange sticker slapped hastily on read the box was 50% off due to damage.
‘How fitting. A damaged heart for a damaged heart.’ Katara thought to herself.
A bitter half smile grew on her face as she reached out to pick it up. She did not notice the other hand reaching at the same time until they both grabbed the box. Katara gasped, more out of annoyance than surprise.
The person was a Fire Nation man about her age. He wore a fancy suit with the neck tie partly undone and had long black hair that spilled onto his face. Bits of red peaked under the hair on his left side, probably from a rash or blemish he was trying to hide. Despite this, he was admittedly attractive in his own way.
Katara glared. He must have forgotten what day it was, hastily threw on the fancy outfit and rushed to the store to buy sweets for his disappointed partner. Well too bad! Katara needed it more!
“Excuse you.” Katara said coldly. “I had that first.”
“What? No I did.”
“You’re wrong.” Katara yanked it, but the man held firm. “Let go!”
“I had it first! You let go!”
“No you!”
They yelled and tugged on the chocolate box like a couple of kids fighting on the playground.
“Do you have any idea what I’ve been through?!” Katara spat. “I’ve earned that chocolate!”
“Earned?! I need it more!!!”
“It’s not my fault you forgot Valentines’ Day and had to last minute shopping!”
“I didn’t forget! My girlfriend dumped me today of all days!”
“Oh boohoo! My long term boyfriend proposed today-“
“Well congratulations!” His voice dripped in sarcasm.
“After I caught him cheating, you prick!” Katara snapped. “He didn’t even apologize! Just pulled out a ring and thought that would fix everything!”
“You think that’s bad?! My ex dumped me by bringing the guy she was cheating on me with for the past 2 years!”
“My ex brought his fangirls to the proposal! The very ones who treated me like a maid and constantly threatened me just because I was dating him!”
“My ex threw a glass bottle at my head just for dating another girl while we were on break!”
“My ex threw a lit candle at me because I didn’t want to kiss him right then!”
“My ex did kiss me just to shut me up from talking about confused emotions!”
“My ex purposefully kept me away from my family and constantly belittled my culture!”
“My ex insulted me just for having different opinions from her!”  
“My ex compared my grief of my mom’s murder to losing his pet! Then scolded me for giving a witness report against the murder in trail!!!”
“My ex told my sister where I was knowing she’ll tell my abusive father!!!”
The box ripped in half, sending them flying back and pelting them with chocolate. The two stared at each other in stunned silence before the owner came storming up and kicked them out. The slammed door echoed across the bare parking lot as the two continued to stand there awkwardly.
“Did she really do those things?” Katara asked in a hushed tone.
“Yeah.” The man rasped. There was no hiding the sadness in his voice. “Yours’s?”
Katara nodded. “Yeah…”
“Sounds like a really crappy person.”
“Yours’s too.”
There was another brief silence before he spoke again.
“We’re better off without them.”
“Are we?” Katara asked. “We were just fighting over discounted chocolate 5 minutes ago.”
“Okay, maybe not tonight specifically… But in the long run, we’re better off.”
Katara rubbed her necklace as tears formed. She wanted to agree but a large part of her life was tied to that relationship. Tied to him. Katara shook her head. The stranger was right.
“We are better off.”
“Sorry about…” He gestured to the store behind them. ”That.”
“I’m sorry too.” Katara undid her messy bun, letting her hair fall free, then extended her hand. “I’m Katara.”
He accepted with a firm grip. “Zuko.”
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peony-pearl · 10 months
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While I'm not the biggest Maiko shipper, I can def see there's a lot of heart and passion behind their relationship if it was given more chance to blossom outside of Zuko's emotional trials (no fault on him or her they were bundles of trauma and hormones tied up in warrior mindsets trying to please their parents)
I like to think Zuko made sure their next trip to Ember Island post-war was much more calm and relaxing, now that he's not a big ball of stress and self-loathing, and they can look to the future with hope now that they're on the same page.
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cr3sswellsgf · 1 month
miss you terribly - maiko week '24 day 2
prompt - separation. in which zuko (accidentally) sends mai a bunch of letters while traveling. still pathetically in love.
Spending time away from Mai was hard. That was, Zuko thought, a universal truth.
Needless to say, Zuko hated spending time away from her, but, much to his dismay, with him being the newly appointed Firelord (with a mission of uniting the four nations and bringing peace, no less), he had a lot of political affairs to take care of, which included far too much traveling and time away from his darling. So, to combat the pure, unfathomable agony that was having to sleep in a bed all lonely and alone and in his lonesome—he deserved massive compensation and many pats on the back for surviving these trying times, truly— he’d taken to writing letters.
At first, he had started writing them as a way to fill his time and cope with the boredom of traveling alone, and he would just keep them in a small pocket in his luggage— that is, he was too shy to send them to her. He knew that, rationally, it shouldn’t have been a big deal. It was normal to send letters to your significant other when you were away, dammit! But he still couldn’t let go of that small part of him that was afraid she would, worst case scenario, think it was weird and corny, or, best case scenario, wouldn’t care much for the notion altogether.
He knew that that, too, was completely irrational. Irrational to an embarrassing extent, even.
Mai loved and accepted him. She’d shown that time and time again. She’d supported him and stood by him through the worst times of his life. Times when, he thought, he absolutely did not deserve that unconditional love from her. He still thought he didn’t deserve that, sometimes. So thinking she would judge him for writing letters was just plain stupid honestly, but for now, he was satisfied keeping them hidden.
“Firelord Zuko,” his personal assistant called out, interrupting his train of thought. He sighed and put away the piece of parchment he’d just finished signing off; it was another letter. The fourth or fifth one this week, if he had to guess. Not that he was setting aside time daily to write them or anything. Or that he’d started that ritual months ago, and by now had probably accumulated over a thousand letters. Totally not that whatsoever. Absolutely not.
“Come in.”
“Sir, you are required in the meeting hall.”
He held back the urge to snort. Yeah, sure, require him in the meeting hall, why don’t you?
He shoved the letter among a small stack of papers on his desk, official documents he’d have to send out and such. It was frustrating when fellow nation leaders treated him like a child. Sure, he was only eighteen, but it seemed that everyone conveniently forgot that he practically saved the world with the Avatar.
“I will be right with you,” he replied tightly, effectively dismissing his assistant.
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Mai was in her chambers when she got a knock on the door, and Ty Lee, who was hanging out with her that day and had stepped out momentarily to retrieve a package that had just arrived in the mail, told her that something had arrived for her.
A stack of letters.
“From Zuko?” she asked, repeating what her friend had just said in confusion.
“Yup!” Ty Lee grinned and tossed the large stack of envelopes onto her friend’s bed. “Boyfie’s clearly been missing you then.”
Mai smiled, huffing out an amused breath. She’d wondered if he’d ever get the courage to send her those letters.
She’d stumbled upon some letters a while back, when Zuko had asked her to retrieve something from his room, and she ended up accidentally looking through the wrong set of drawers. She didn’t read them of course, though she’d noticed they were all addressed to her and dated over something like seven months’ time, out of respect for him.
So it was safe to say she was at least a little happy that he’d sent her some. Mai excitedly grabbed the letters, unable to hold back the giddy grin on her face. She had really missed him. “I’m so glad,” she said truthfully, counting the envelopes in her hand.
“Oh, my God, this must be, like, a letter for everyday he’s been gone,” Ty Lee said in amazement, having been counting along with her friend. “See? I told you you had nothing to worry about!”
Mai smiled, blush rising on her cheeks. Ty Lee was referring to a concern Mai had brought up to her earlier. She was talking about how it kind of upset her when Zuko would go on trips without her and they’d have to go so long without any form of contact. She knew he enjoyed writing letters, and that to him, it wasn’t just one of those things he did out of necessity. He appreciated the intimacy of exchanging handwritten letters, said there was something special about getting to see the little ink splotches, the differences in penmanship, the scratched out words and phrases when someone has a change of mind, the misspelled words, even the different type of paper everyone used said so much about them.
“So then why doesn’t he send me any?” she’d complained to Ty Lee, burying her face in her pillow, frustrated.
Mai was the type to bottle her feelings, and she wasn’t really much for having heart-to-hearts. Of course, she was always willing to lend a listening ear to her friends, and was very empathetic and caring, contrary to what people might think, but she rarely talked about her own feelings. She’d always been that way, never really knew how to articulate her feelings well, and felt weird doing it, too, so at some point she’d just stopped trying altogether.
So for her to be telling Ty Lee about this right now really spoke to how hurt she must’ve been feeling, even if she wanted to play it off as some casual thought that had occurred to her.
Ty Lee had told her that she was probably just overthinking it and that there was nothing to worry about, but she’d felt incredibly for her friend.
“Well, I’ll leave you to read those.” Ty Lee winked at Mai, grinning. “I need to head back now anyway.”
Mai frowned, not wanting her friend to leave so soon, but Ty Lee insisted that she really did need to go, so Mai begrudgingly walked her out. Once back in her room, though, Mai shut the door and jumped onto her bed, grabbing for the letters again.
She gingerly opened the first one and started reading.
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How are you, my love?
I trust that everything is well over at the Fire Nation, mostly because no one has sent me any concerning correspondences, but more than that, I trust you wholeheartedly. More importantly, though, I hope you’re doing well.
I, for one, am not.
I miss you terribly. This trip so far has been unbearable, and I wish very badly that you were here. At least then these meetings wouldn’t be as utterly boring. Did you know that they wish to impose sanctions on cabbage selling here? I thought it was quite the odd thing to take issue with, at first, but apparently there is a ‘bigger picture’ or something.
Anyway, today is our half-anniversary. And I know you don’t get the concept of half-anniversaries, because ‘why celebrate prematurely?’—yes, I am still salty about that— but I still think it is worth celebrating. I think love is always worth celebrating, especially ours. This is why I thought of sending over a gift anyway, but I was afraid it would get lost on the way.
Regardless, happy half-anniversary. I love you and I miss you and I cannot wait to get home so I can look at your pretty face.
Yours always,
˗ ♡ ˗
Did you know that some turtleducks can live up to thousands of years? I learnt that from a particularly riveting trivia book I found in our library, years ago. It was back when we had broken up, that one time. I was so miserable I filled my time with reading through the palace’s collection of books. Some were admittedly a lot more entertaining than others, but I ended up amassing a lot of random facts about wholly unrelated topics, so I wouldn’t say it was a complete waste.
For example, did you know that kissing someone you love prolongs your lifetime exponentially? As in, the more kisses the better.
Okay, I totally just made that up as an excuse to get more kisses, but you believed it for a second there, didn’t you? It sounds believable enough, if you ask me. (And hey, better safe than sorry, right?)
There’s really no purpose for this letter, if I’m completely honest. There’s nothing for me to report on, and there’s nothing specific on my mind I want to share with you or anything, but I believe there is something to be said about the beauty in the mundane; something about being able to appreciate the ordinary things with the people you love most. Something about those meaningless conversations where the sound of a lover’s voice matters more than what they’re actually saying. Something about listening for the sake of listening. Loving for the sake of loving. Ceaselessly and unconditionally.
I don’t think I could ever tire of hearing you talk.
Yours always,
˗ ♡ ˗
I suspect this will be a shorter letter, because I really only have one thing to tell you. I don’t think I say it enough, and even though I don’t presently plan on showing you these letters, I think I’d like to say it anyway.
Thank you.
Thank you for being there. Thank you for staying. Thank you for not giving up on me even when you had every right to. Thank you for loving me, even when I don’t deserve it. Thank you for allowing me to love you. Thank you for accepting my love. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for showing me time and time again that I don’t need to constantly try so hard around you, but still unintentionally pushing me to be my best regardless. Thank you for putting me in my place when I’m an asshole. Thank you for calling me out on my shortcomings, but always being impossibly loving about it. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for laughing at my jokes. Thank you for staying up to talk on those nights I can’t sleep. Thank you for soothing my worries away when they get too suffocating. Thank you for listening. Thank you for talking.
I could go on, but I probably don’t have enough paper on me right now, so I’ll settle for saying this: Thank you for existing. You’re my favourite person, by a long shot. I love you. I’m glad you exist.
Yours always,
˗ ♡ ˗
What do you think about marriage?
I know we’ve talked about this before, but it always seemed like a faraway possibility. We were so young then, but now, we’re, well… older..?
God, I suck at this.
What I’m trying to say is: Are you still open to the idea of marrying me?
This is not me proposing, of course, but it has admittedly been on my mind a lot lately. To clarify, I know we’re in it for the long haul. I am absolutely and utterly and hopelessly devoted to you, marriage or not. I don’t care about titles, for I don’t think any official title could add to or take away from the brilliance of our love. I am yours as long as you will have me.
But sometimes I worry I am depriving you of something you might long for. So, please, answer me this. Would you do me the honour of marrying me, someday? It could be extravagant, full of big, fancy fruit tarts or whatever it is you may desire, or it could be a private affair with just us. Whatever it is, I am at your service. That is, of course, only if you want to. I don’t think I need an official document to prove what I feel for you (though I think it may be beneficial for you on a political front, too, with me being Firelord and all?), but if it is something you desire, I would be more than happy to oblige.
This letter is weird, and I suppose this is me saying that I want so desperately to marry you. I love loving you, and I want to be able to do it until my last breath, if you’ll allow me. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m glad you exist. I am forever and always—
⁎⁺˳ ✧༚ ˎˊ˗ ♡ ˗ˏˋയ ✩
And so the letters went on. They varied in length and content. Some had her laughing and blushing, while others had her heart aching.
She concluded that these letters were probably sent mistakenly, but she realised she didn’t really mind. He was bound to have noticed this by now, so it was only a matter of time before he sent some indication of that. Either in the form of another letter, or just him coming home and them having a conversation about this.
It would probably be the latter, though, if she was honest.
Unless… A thought occurred to her.
She was going to write a letter of her own.
She let out a quiet giggle, he was so not gonna see this coming.
Pulling out a piece of her really special letter paper (the kind she only saved for really special occasions), she sighed, her mind already constructing and reconstructing the letter she was going to write. When she began writing, she realised why Zuko liked exchanging letters so much. It was much more special than she’d anticipated.
Maybe—hopefully—they’d make this a habit. She really loved this boy, didn’t she?
@/kvohru on twt & ao3!
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the-genius-az · 1 month
Y'know the "Zutara turned Azutara" idea where Katara is arranged to marry Zuko and falls in love with Azula? I need a Maizula that is like that. Bonus points Azula has always been in love with Mai.
Thanks for the question, Amor!
(I also need it! although I think there is a fic like that, although Mai is not engaged to Zuko, she just pretends to be his girlfriend)
Zuko: You lied to me! To go back to that other woman.
Mai: don't you understand? you are the other.
Zuko: No! You are married to me, she is the other woman!
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eponastory · 2 months
So I guess I'm going to talk about Maiko... again.
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So, when there is an underdeveloped character like Mai who is literally put into a position to subvert expectations, it's actually bad writing.
It really is. It's not that Mai is problematic, it's that she is just a placeholder. This is the reason I don't find Maiko attractive at all. I'm an experienced writer (21 years now) that utilizes all the characters in a way that makes the story progress along. Mai doesn't really do this unless she is in the same frame as Azula.
Let me put it this way, she has a better relationship with Azula than she does with Zuko. Why? The only example of a relationship with Zuko we get is a flashback to where he's I'm a fountain with her. This is, of course, after we see them together on a ship. He is banished at 13, we don't see Mai before that. Then when he is allowed to return to the Fire Nation, Azula and Ty Lee set him and Mai up on a date. Its... lackluster at best. We are supposed to just fall in love with this ship when there is really no context given to us about how or why. It's a shoehorn. She is shoved into this relationship to subvert the relationship that the writers want to happen with two other characters. It's awful, I hate it, and it lacks development to make me really care about Mai.
It's a huge flaw.
We are given the line 'why don't we order a few servants around, that will make you feel better' is actually gaslighting Zuko into feeling the way she wants him to. That is the problem that people see. Not that she enjoys ordering servants around, but that she invalidates Zuko's feelings when he is really struggling internally with something that is ultimately a difficult decision. He's not happy to be home like he thought he would be. Zuko doesn't really fall for that, though, because he knows it now. It's been done to him all of his life by his own father. He recognizes it now. Which means he is growing. Mai, unfortunately, doesn't get that opportunity until later in the comics, and even then, her growth comes with realizing that her relationship is filled with secrets.
So, yeah... Mai isn't a well fleshed out character. If she was, then maybe I'd like her a little better and ship Maiko. But I don't see that as someone who is familiar with character development and dynamic. Mai is pretty static, where Zuko isn't.
Zutarians don't need to validate themselves to the Antis for not liking Maiko. We love what we love. And it's also pretty fun to write metas.
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lydiahosek · 1 month
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[Image ID: A traditional pencil drawing of Zuko and Mai from Avatar: The Last Airbender. At the top half of the drawing, Zuko is sitting bent over a table, writing a letter. He has an uneasy expression. At the bottom half, Mai is reading the letter. She is angry and hurt, with tears in her eyes. /.End ID]
Maiko Week Day 2: Separation
Dear Mai,
Would you
I've realized that
The Fire Nation always taught
I'm sorry that you have to find out this way, but I'm leaving...
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starlight-bread-blog · 2 months
My Stance on Healthy Couples in Fiction
A lot of shipping discourse revolves around the question of who is the most compatible. Meaning, who would have the least relationship stuggles. It's a conversation worth having if you're interested in it. But in my opinion, when it comes to actual media critisism, when it comes to determining which ship should be canon...
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In real life, this is something to consider, since struggles cause negative emotions. Although you can work through those issues, if you know the options, if you have a choice, it's good to choose the one you'd struggle with the least. Because even when no one is directly at fault, being in an unhealthy situation is difficult – negative – to a real individual.
But in fiction, the rules are very much different. In a story, no real suffering is at stake, only entertainment. Such perfect fictional relationships are both unrealistic and boring.
In actuality, even if you do choose a fairly compatible partner, you'll still argue and have rough patches. And when you do, In a story, such imperfections are oxygen. Such rough patches are conflicts. It is the subtlties and in the defects that mirror reality. They make the story feel alive.
While a real couple wishes to avoid these struggles, for a ship, it becomes good characterization. Without it, the relationship becomes bland. And that is a greater offense than being toxic to someone. Because slight incompatibility is realistic, it's compelling, and most of all, is the mark of nuance. And therefore, good writing.
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smilindesperado · 2 months
I'd love to know more about your post-canon Mai fic if you're willing to share! I saw a previous post from you about how it's nearly ready to publish - is it fully written? How long have you been working on it? What's something in particular you're really excited about? Is it Maiko? (You don't have to answer all or any of these questions, of course lol. Just anything you feel like talking about, if you feel like talking about it!)
Truly thank you so much for asking @myargalargan I have been working on this thing for the better part of the past year so the brainrot is sooo real, and I have been dying to gush about it 😆
I'll post the summary here and then everything else below the cut because you gave me the opportunity to ramble and I will happily take it haha
Mai had always wondered what it felt like to be stabbed by the point of her blades. The 100 year war is over, but not everyone is happy.  Mai’s not happy either, but she’s beginning to suspect that her discontentment might be self-inflicted.  Fortunately, an old Master sees her potential. OR Mai finds her place after the war.  And gets a sword.
I've spent the last year plotting, outlining and drafting all 13 chapters - so in a way yes it's fully written, but also no because I edit everything to death. I finished the rough drafts at the end of last year (and some of the chapters are still truly rough but that's what second drafts are for i guess). I'm currently working through the second draft of chapter 5 which is the goal I gave myself to reach before I started publishing to give me a buffer of a couple of chapters at the ready. So it's close.
I'm really excited to get to the ending honestly and how everything comes together. The story came from a mix of scenes I had made for other fics that I really enjoyed writing, but I couldn't make sense of the rest of the plot so I ended up abandoning those wips. So it was really exciting finding a place for them that made sense and seeing the full picture with those scenes. And then also it was important for me to put Mai in a spot after the war that I think she would actually enjoy instead of just blending back into the background of royalty and politics.
I also really enjoyed writing her relationships with other characters, especially with those she's closest to - Zuko, Azula, and Ty Lee. I know you're a Sukka/Sokka fan so you should also know I am continuing my Mai & Sokka besties agenda and there's a fun little arc where they get to work together full of shenanigans (and Suki also gets to knock some sense into Mai)
And yes, it is maiko because I am incurable. I'd say it's:
A-Plot: Mai finding her groove
Followed closely by B- Plot: Maiko romance
Distant C-plot that could probably have been better developed but then I would never publish: some background political scheming that moves the plot forward
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heinzpilsner · 4 months
Maiko in 'The Awakening' in a nutshell
Zuko: I wonder how I've changed.
Mai: Well, you're a bit taller than I remember, and there is some weird red thing on your face now, but otherwise you're exactly the same guy I knew! And you still have lips, as well as pants I can put my hands down, so stop worrying!
Zuko: But... the Agni Kai... 3 years of exile... A teashop...
Mai: Can't hear you, too busy kissing!
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