#flash news ita
growthf · 1 year
hello! can i request zhongli, al haitham, scaramouche, and xiao with m!reader who is a kpopers? isekaid reader/modern au is okay! i just randomly saw your profile and bam! youre a kpopers(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠), its okay if its a girlgroup or boygroup, and if you can only write for only several characters, its also okay! feel free to delete and dont forget to drink water & keep healthy (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪
ask and you shall receive! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
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✩ zhongli, al haitham, scaramouche, & xiao x k-fan!male!reader
^^; modern au, reader has a slight (large.) obsession
a/n: thank you for the request! i hope this meets your expectations!!
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occupancies you to every concert, fansigning, and popup store (all attended with your money btw!!!)
your favorite group is performing somewhere across the sea?? you best believe he’ll be right on that plane with you
doesn’t understand fanchants in the slightest, but always loves the look on your face when you’re enjoying yourself
when he first went to a fansigning with you he was confused ?!?!!
don’t all these people have jobs or something???
you had told him it was a popular event within groups and that most take the day off, but he really felt like the world was cramped into a tiny room that day
follows you around whenever you’re shopping or trying to find a new album
watches you open it purely to see your eyes light up when you get a pc of your bias
if you’re into a boy group he’s probably a little jealous you’re screaming over some guy other than him, but it’s not like he’d ever tell you that
“there’s a performance in a neighboring state? it would be fun to see somewhere new together, i’ll come with.”
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super confused at first
you like flying millions of miles ?!!?! to see people sing & dance ??? next to millions of other people !?!?
you might as well had him play some musical cartoons if you wanna see people sing & dance–at least it’s free!!
when you explained clearly he understood a little better
he still stays at home though
UNLESS you go out of state or country, he’ll fly with you but just stay in your shared hotel room till you come back
who wants to deal with people that’ll probably rip him apart if he says the wrong thing in the wrong tone
his first time at your house was a tough one
not only were there posters as far as the eye could see, but your desk and most of your shelves were decorated to the brim with merchandise and other things
how could you even afford all that AND pay bills at the same time???
you forced him to a concert once and he nearly broke.
yelling, screaming, shouting, so many lights and flashes, everything happening all at once
made you drive to the hotel that night.
“call me on your way back, i’ll see if room service offers any midnight treats.”
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went to one concert at had a love hate relationship with it
you’re enjoying yourself? yay!!! you’re screaming over someone other than him?? boo!!
went to all the concerts with you after that just to make sure you didn’t get any funny ideas
went to a fansigning and oh. my. god.
nearly passed out before y’all made it to the car
he made a mental note for himself to go everywhere BUT fansignings after that incident
bought an album for you as a birthday gift and the way you practically melted made him confused??!?!
what’s so special about pictures of some people who don’t even know you??
(made sure to keep up on your favorite group(s)/solos to see if there’s any upcoming albums so he can see your reaction again)
if you have a decked out room AND ita bag, he’s probably questioned how you manage to stay housed a couple of times
how can you afford bills, concerts, AND merchandise, yet you couldn’t afford the $2 cookies at your last hang out???
does not understand your money logic in the slightest
“anything happening this weekend? ..a fansigning.. you go ahead and have fun, i think i’ll pass on this one..”
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a mix of al haitham and zhongli tbh
wants to see you have fun but also doesn’t wanna be around all those screaming people
will accompany you to a concert every now and then depending on when and where they’re taking place
says he forgets all your biases but has a note on his phone with every name you mention on it
even follows most of their socials, too
you wonder sometimes how he manages to keep up with things that even you haven’t heard about yet and he’s glad you haven’t figured him out
whenever you talk about a new album or single releasing soon, you’ll always find it outside your door despite not ordering it yet
went with you to a fansigning and honestly he kinda enjoyed it
i mean yeah, the lines were hell and the people in line were annoying–but he liked how your face lit up when you finally made it to the front and got the signature you stood nearly a whole day for
made a promise to keep going with you even if others around were so nauseatingly loud
you showed him your photocard collection for the first time, and he was genuinely impressed with it
when and where did you even get all the money for them!?!
he checks in regularly to see if you have any new additions to the already large collection once in a while now
“what was the name of that group you liked again? right. well, they’re having a performance next week–it’s real close by, too.”
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15th January >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Saint Ita, Virgin 
Monday, Second Week in Ordinary Time.
Monday, Second Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: White: B (2))
(Readings for the feria (Monday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading 1 Samuel 15:16-23 Saul disobeys the Lord and the Lord rejects him.
Samuel said to Saul, ‘Stop! Let me tell you what the Lord said to me last night.’ Saul said, ‘Tell me.’ Samuel continued, ‘Small as you may be in your own eyes, are you not head of the tribes of Israel? The Lord has anointed you king over Israel. The Lord sent you on a mission and said to you, “Go, put these sinners, the Amalekites, under the ban and make war on them until they are exterminated.” Why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord? Why did you fall on the booty and do what is displeasing to the Lord?’ Saul replied to Samuel, ‘But I did obey the voice of the Lord. I went on the mission which the Lord gave me; I brought back Agag king of the Amalekites; I put the Amalekites under the ban. From the booty the people took the best sheep and oxen of what was under the ban to sacrifice them to the Lord your God in Gilgal.’ But Samuel replied:
‘Is the pleasure of the Lord in holocausts and sacrifices or in obedience to the voice of the Lord? Yes, obedience is better than sacrifice, submissiveness better than the fat of rams. Rebellion is a sin of sorcery, presumption a crime of teraphim.
‘Since you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 49(50):8-9,16-17,21,23
R/ I will show God’s salvation to the upright.
‘I find no fault with your sacrifices, your offerings are always before me. I do not ask more bullocks from your farms, nor goats from among your herds.
R/ I will show God’s salvation to the upright.
‘But how can you recite my commandments and take my covenant on your lips, you who despise my law and throw my words to the winds,
R/ I will show God’s salvation to the upright.
‘You do this, and should I keep silence? Do you think that I am like you? A sacrifice of thanksgiving honours me and I will show God’s salvation to the upright.’
R/ I will show God’s salvation to the upright.
Gospel Acclamation cf. 1 Thessalonians 2:13
Alleluia, alleluia! Accept God’s message for what it really is: God’s message, and not some human thinking. Alleluia!
Or: Hebrews 4:12
Alleluia, alleluia! The word of God is something alive and active: it can judge secret emotions and thoughts. Alleluia!
Gospel Mark 2:18-22 'Why do your disciples not fast?'
One day when John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, some people came to Jesus and said to him, ‘Why is it that John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not?’ Jesus replied, ‘Surely the bridegroom’s attendants would never think of fasting while the bridegroom is still with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they could not think of fasting. But the time will come for the bridegroom to be taken away from them, and then, on that day, they will fast. No one sews a piece of unshrunken cloth on an old cloak; if he does, the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and the tear gets worse. And nobody puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins too. No! New wine, fresh skins!’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Ita, Virgin 
(Liturgical Colour: White: B (2))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Song of Songs 8:6-7 The flash of love is a flame of the Lord himself.
Set me like a seal on your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is strong as Death, jealousy as relentless as Sheol. The flash of it is a flash of fire, a flame of the Lord himself. Love no floods can quench, no torrents drown.
Were a man to offer all the wealth of his house to buy love, contempt is all he would purchase.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
OR: --------
First reading Hosea 2:16,17,21-22 I will betroth you to myself for ever
The Lord says this:
I am going to lead her out into the wilderness and speak to her heart. There she will respond to me as she did when she was young, as she did when she came out of the land of Egypt. I will betroth you to myself for ever, betroth you with integrity and justice, with tenderness and love; I will betroth you to myself with faithfulness, and you will come to know the Lord.
EITHER: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 44(45):11-12,14-17
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words. or The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet Christ the Lord.
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words: forget your own people and your father’s house. So will the king desire your beauty: He is your lord, pay homage to him.
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words. or The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet Christ the Lord.
The daughter of the king is clothed with splendour, her robes embroidered with pearls set in gold. She is led to the king with her maiden companions.
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words. or The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet Christ the Lord.
They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the palace of the king. Sons shall be yours in place of your fathers: you will make them princes over all the earth.
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words. or The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet Christ the Lord.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 148:1-2,11-14
Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or Alleluia!
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights. Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his host.
Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or Alleluia!
All earth’s kings and peoples, earth’s princes and rulers, young men and maidens, old men together with children.
Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or Alleluia!
Let them praise the name of the Lord for he alone is exalted. The splendour of his name reaches beyond heaven and earth.
Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or Alleluia!
He exalts the strength of his people. He is the praise of all his saints, of the sons of Israel, of the people to whom he comes close.
Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or Alleluia!
Gospel Acclamation Jn14:23
Alleluia, alleluia! If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him. Alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia! This is the wise virgin whom the Lord found watching; she went in to the wedding feast with him when he came. Alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia! Come, bride of Christ, and receive the crown which the Lord has prepared for you for ever. Alleluia!
EITHER: --------
Gospel Matthew 19:3-12 Husband and wife are no longer two, but one body
Some Pharisees approached Jesus, and to test him they said, ‘Is it against the Law for a man to divorce his wife on any pretext whatever?’ He answered, ‘Have you not read that the creator from the beginning made them male and female and that he said: This is why a man must leave father and mother, and cling to his wife, and the two become one body? They are no longer two, therefore, but one body. So then, what God has united, man must not divide.’ They said to him, ‘Then why did Moses command that a writ of dismissal should be given in cases of divorce?’ ‘It was because you were so unteachable’ he said ‘that Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but it was not like this from the beginning. Now I say this to you: the man who divorces his wife – I am not speaking of fornication – and marries another, is guilty of adultery.’ The disciples said to him, ‘If that is how things are between husband and wife, it is not advisable to marry.’ But he replied, ‘It is not everyone who can accept what I have said, but only those to whom it is granted. There are eunuchs born that way from their mother’s womb, there are eunuchs made so by men and there are eunuchs who have made themselves that way for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.’
OR: --------
Gospel Matthew 25:1-13 The wise and foolish virgins
Jesus told this parable to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of heaven will be like this: Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were sensible: the foolish ones did take their lamps, but they brought no oil, whereas the sensible ones took flasks of oil as well as their lamps. The bridegroom was late, and they all grew drowsy and fell asleep. But at midnight there was a cry, “The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet him.” At this, all those bridesmaids woke up and trimmed their lamps, and the foolish ones said to the sensible ones, “Give us some of your oil: our lamps are going out.” But they replied, “There may not be enough for us and for you; you had better go to those who sell it and buy some for yourselves.” They had gone off to buy it when the bridegroom arrived. Those who were ready went in with him to the wedding hall and the door was closed. The other bridesmaids arrived later. “Lord, Lord,” they said “open the door for us.” But he replied, “I tell you solemnly, I do not know you.” So stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour.’
Gospel Luke 10:38-42 Martha works; Mary listens.
Jesus came to a village, and a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. She had a sister called Mary, who sat down at the Lord’s feet and listened to him speaking. Now Martha who was distracted with all the serving said, ‘Lord, do you not care that my sister is leaving me to do the serving all by myself? Please tell her to help me.’ But the Lord answered: ‘Martha, Martha,’ he said ‘you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part; it is not to be taken from her.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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the-irken-pony · 2 years
I don't know if someone already asked you this question but I'm kinda new here (this fandom). How did you get to know Henry Stickmin and what made you get hooked on that character and the game? Btw, I like your theories about the game.
I admit I've had a long history with Henry, though I wouldn't say I joined the fandom until a lot later. (Long post incoming lol)
My first introduction to Henry was the flash version of Escaping the Prison, which an old friend at the time showed to me when I was a kid.
I liked the game a ton for its humor, enough so that I would look it up on my family computer to play it. It was at that point that I discovered that there were more games to the series, with the same wacky humor that I loved Escaping the Prison for. I returned to the website from time to time to see if there was another entry in the series, and if there wasn't, I'd either do something else or play one of the existing games. I wasn't "in the fandom" at the time, but I was enough of a fan to return to the series again and again.
I have more specific memories of my first time playing Infiltrating the Airship and Fleeing the Complex--more specifically, how I felt at those times.
When I saw the intro for ItA, I immediately got the sense of a more serious tone, or at least a more serious plot. There were no policemen making fun of Henry being in jail, there was no Henry reacting to a goofy mayor's news report with dollar sign eyes. There were people with stern looks on their faces talking in low, serious voices about a criminal gang. But despite its more serious intro, the rest of the game was fairly goofy and lighthearted.
Fleeing the Complex was different in this regard. While there were goofy moments and goofy routes, there was also a lot more of the seriousness in this game than any game in the series before it. You had the genre-breaking character that is Dmitri, you had a bona fide partner in crime to Henry in the form of Ellie, you had the unsettling Complex Waltz song play as Henry was cornered with no viable means of escape for the first time before saving himself from being thrown off a cliff and making a quiet escape in the Presumed Dead ending, you had "Ellie will remember that." I will NEVER be able to experience watching Reginald betray Henry and drop him to his death for the first time ever again.
That moment was the first time I actively wondered what would happen next. Fleeing the Complex was also the first time I looked up fan art for the game (people shipped Rosemin even back then btw).
While I did come back to the series again and again, I did join the fandom a bit late--January 2021. I had the game for longer, but I played part of the collection (not up to Completing the Mission yet) and then dropped it for a few months, only returning to finish it in late December-early January. My first Completing the Mission ending was Revenged, just to satisfy that curiosity that dug at kid me's mind. (I did get 100% completion as well.)
After that, I poked my head into the fandom to see what fan art people were making for it. Just reblogged a couple posts, made a couple of my own, that's it.
Then two days later I discovered Copperright I returned to the tag for more. Then I made more posts. Got more attached to Copperright. Reblogged more fan art. By mid-to-late January, I was into it enough that I created my first long analysis: the post about Reginald Copperbottom and Terrence Suave. (It's a bit cluttered, admittedly, but it's one I'm still happy with overall.)
As I continued to stick around in the fandom, I realized that there was way more to the game series to dig up and theorize about, and as I continued to do so it eventually became my personal niche in the fandom. The series wasn't just the silly stick figure shenanigans flash game series for me anymore, it was a story with lore pockets all over that I wanted to dig up.
I admit that I'm not fully sure why I latched onto this series so hard when I've read, watched, and played other series with much, much more lore and worldbuilding, but I think it may be because of that surface-level simplicity that finding info to piece together and theorize about so appealing.
Well, that and a healthy dose of childhood nostalgia.
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leopoldainter · 5 months
I know what he said
I'm not stupid
He wants
Ti see the other
Natural he fluidated the grand old nazi flag French NeyerNujulia.
Ita be foe a lil bit then you will see.
Seems pretty dramatic,
They still haven't left BC and they're like we're from laws
An freeze
Yea day after yetmorotv oBtw oamLa.Kamloops I have a pretty pretty heavy car ok but if jesus statue says he ba bedidkd I'm playing a worms2 cut scene wait for her
Ahem his fucked up Team17 Earp grey really, I've actually seen people try ab baking with splenda? What so basically it s just there s a sweetness, and uou got at didjust a bit fo the time am your onto news paper dindge cheerios having a shopping bob cut.
Yeah, no problems with you people but I just dunno what happe an duhr. Like right now. Provewitg more futaram thedu run and no Buhlleted hm wad irridatex is apples stoyia freshzill ast yukno why's duhbo to eat and you know have money
Yes, valets deneeow
Mucho parole missy
I know who you are
Well be with kate
Pumps we get streep
Streeps can have kids
Hair dye
Ab jaccorde
Then hills have eyes we do
Or something else maybe.
I came from de tree, I knoe wgmhue
Q'do u want bach apo
Please please pretty please recently tilled. I was actually just inside an inert plasma blanket I am port to flyk
Lcbo office
I told yoy about the motorcycle boss tryse13 lol ic kn
To day
Hands a game between ended good work
Not even helping
Basically what's been se,
News flash
It s louis
Anurw k we Vistaed through an neat clear Star wats
Somewhere you can find a Kevin mom saying told yeah. Names whaddua kno
But cpnows also order rail with cn like tower alot more than amtrak
So we're passing western Palestine I have a great I idea for a film HERE
Cuts through the kids show agai .
So fucking sick of jungels
WAITH tob dc. K
K that guys camera, jot a a Camera
I have yo get mom
I can never tell with you
Come back she's coming by
You defunct she made you
I would like to
Yeah what the helse blood rej a
K but hun, your name is claeke
Not yours
So hopefully it's scaled down or off a bit
But the riak
Bired I'll just handle walked jPromised sheperds pi
We can still kiss
K but
K like one likey
The one hand Ed Raven fuk
Kill switch so what they can't tell m
R et duh o
K maybe
Yeah maybe...
So but
Polarais us
On de groubd
We need to run
Fuck, I was doing george from seifel
Hey take her dress, it's cold out there
Nive te rides seme guns ahold.
O you bitch
I dontknow you anymore , he looks like the one that was shitting in the portaho nobody init
Raptors in years squads mileage anhe
Guhd yey inv
. Some where's a way to get her to lhl it khr
Just ask!
Yeah she sid
Leave a few for those tremor things I have a backup of hoder idea
Ayh abhh
I told you ... as
What so fourtb
O nay
O kat
An encamped
Call fish eggs, saltty and fresh and hand me sole tostiyos
Don't think about llasitca is a basic Lt a wflyj InwiteSomeocea see its got all be a ojr fan meacha ic
Don't eat e Prue food
You know poops bad,why try it
Oh yeah heywhay about rafi
Hey guys show .e
Is it a car
It's hand full of. Eymonet
My wife's dead haha wega e
Is chiluoa pa batman
Yeah Kevin's got no idea
You thought Jenny had cancer
She. Lied
They don't do that man read wheel of time.
Well tanks magi
... but you throw that on a website. From a place where you pretend to work
Re.wmber how many people looked up ddos as Mr robot came ones bad crash ok well let's tingle and re.
USA networy dewp
Warrior stay to be
Killinkilini initiscoul bahna ana
HelpTscarIts a flueway tip and she candle boogagadu brit. Ber br bηr she's there's tile stopes exist the some mildly fuwan amo ducks where'd all it go my God do you have a yudead what we do just to say hey, a wheat and butter but siloestk butter keeps one way A cow for a moon but if I have to give one more finger
Panic at the disco is it's on the ball, fubar actually where yea she came
They said gaga came
To here
Right there's somebars istoHarveys and other dtitstop no corners up hey baby I know your cozy and parking lotbutb we could out a nice pankake shot threshold a grocery toe.dkdbx a close police sta ej xburnt down bar fish ala cmon I need that fish I make movies og dudnana
We didn't wait til you stopped and were like yeah its Berlin or how's else fir getig you here.
Inginurunf skull
Ita grad house.
My house, the white house
Never been in itsbee. Cause I cand o k must o cask to beddedard remwmw anso there lime you want work now you go there.
No I didn't graduate th e fortresses of education arohd the damn thing waht even holds the libryr uo, oh no, they look it the blue rljf asink
Ri nse and dc. The fun martial Dela hight er a lit and a collapse of dieael Delaware volks WA gons Washington sears several in the baltica
ORGEA past candapost to California panhandle a guide statistics. It's bauble diplez deliIdjub k ow it can be opened from yigRoceruFrudelatat yum thirty is smells of eye borow I last must a been
Bum fights.
The world
And song.
$I get cold
Stay that way too
But if I need to sleep
I lift once
All rise
True it's in clone wars,cartkk you have to see it but you dk t have tk
But it's nice while it ladts hopefuk suj oug
Just a good one
King of jokeland
Took my signature
U c
Doesn't matter
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pharology101 · 1 year
LOTD: Brucoli
(from: https://www.ibiblio.org/lighthouse/sic.htm)
Brucoli (Castello Regina Giovanna) 
1912. Active; focal plane 13 m (43 ft); white flash every 5 s. 13 m (43    ft) octagonal masonry tower with lantern and gallery mounted at one corner of a 15th century castle. Light tower painted white with one red horizontal band on the seaward side; lantern dome is gray metallic. Trabas has Captain Peter's closeup, a view  from the sea is available, Marco Restivo has a street view, and Google has a satellite view. The castle was built in the 1460s and named for Juana (Giovanna) Enriquez, the second wife of King Juan II of Aragon and Sicily and the mother of  King Ferdinand II, who financed the discovery of the New World by Columbus. In 2015 the Navy offered a long-term lease of the light station for restoration and tourist development, and as a result the staton is now a boutique hotel and resort. Located on the waterfront of Brucoli, a small but ancient port about 6 km (3.5 mi) northwest of Augusta on the south shore of the Golfo di Catania. Site open, tower closed. Site manager: Faro di Brucoli . ARLHS    ITA-070; EF-2815; Admiralty E1836; NGA 10396.
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(photo found here; ©Capt. Peter)
0 notes
HD -The Flash streaming ITA Altadefinizione " CB01'HD
Film da Vedere The Flash streaming ita filmsenzalimiti, The Flash 2022 film completo ita streaming in Altadefinizione, The Flash streaming ita 2022 Altadefinizione The Flash film completo ita streamingCommunity
Guarda in HD : ▶️ The Flash streaming ITA
Overview : The Flash ita streaming ~ Romeo e Callisto sono due senzatetto che abitano gli argini del Tevere, al centro di Roma. Fisicamente e caratterialmente opposti, vivono di espedienti quotidiani, ma i loro modi distruttivi e ostili verso la società “al di sopra” del fiume creano situazioni di costante conflitto. Immersi in una spirale discendente di follia negativa, il loro rapporto cambia quando Romeo si ammala e Callisto lo accudisce dimostrando il suo profondo affetto.
Title original : The Flash
Status : Released
Release Date : 16 October 2022
Tagline :
Genres : Dramma |
Production Companies : 11 Marzo Film RAI Cinema
Production Countries: Italy |
The Flash streaming ita 2022 Altadefinizione The Flash film completo ita streamingCommunity
The Flash streaming ita / The Flash / 2022 / film completo ITA / italiano / gratis / Altadefinizione / Scaricare / Guarda / Vedere / sub ita / netflix / il genio dello / disney / cineblog / Film da vedere / cb01 / cineblog01 / youtube / film stasera / film azione / senza limiti / Film per tutti / tanti film / trailer / programmazione / roma / cinema / trama / uci cinema / milano / diretta / The Flash streaming ita, The Flash 2022 streaming da guardare in Alta Definizione e in lingua italiana o sottotitoli. Film The Flash streaming ITA
New wave francese Searchtool rightsvg Per saperne di più: The Flash streaming ita New wave filmLa nuova ondata francese nouvelle vague prende il nome dallExpress c fornito da un articolo del 1957 sulla rivista Tra le sue personalità eccezionali, François Truffaut Four Hundred Blows , Jules and Jim , Stolen Kisses ha iniziato la sua carriera come critico cinematografico ed è già rimasto regista della nuova ondata come regista Forse è anche per questo che la nuova ondata comprese le nuove ondate di altre nazioni ha un alto grado di consapevolezza stilistica
Un film in bianco e nero è un film nel quale l immagine in movimento è un immagine in bianco e nero L uso consolidato dell espressione The Flash Film completo italiano è improprio Di conseguenza anche l uso consolidato dell espressione film in bianco e nero è improprio, poiché in realtà le immagini in movimento sono registrate su una pellicola a scala di grigi ed inoltre vengono definiti così anche film registrati con particolari filtri che utilizzano sfumature di un solo colore, come il seppia
Un altro importante sviluppo tecnologico fu l introduzione del colore naturale , scaricare The Flash Film completo sub ita che significava un colore che veniva registrato fotograficamente dalla natura piuttosto che aggiunto alle stampe in bianco e nero mediante colorazione a mano, stencil-colorazione o altre procedure arbitrarie, sebbene i primi processi in genere produceva colori che erano tutt altro che naturali in apparenza citazione necessaria Mentre l avvento dei film sonori ha rapidamente reso obsoleti i film muti e i musicisti teatrali, il colore ha sostituito il bianco e nero molto più gradualmente citazione necessaria L innovazione fondamentale è stata l introduzione della versione a tre strisce di Technicolorprocesso, usato inizialmente per i cartoni animati nel 1932, poi anche per cortometraggi dal vivo e sequenze isolate in alcuni lungometraggi , poi per un intero film, Becky Sharp , nel 1935 Le spese del processo furono scoraggianti, ma favorevoli la risposta del pubblico sotto forma di maggiori entrate al botteghino di solito ha giustificato il costo aggiunto Il numero di film realizzati a colori è aumentato lentamente di anno in anno
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LIndia è il più grande paese produttore di film al The Flash Film streaming Altadefinizione mondo Oltre ai film di massa musicali che seguono le tradizioni indiane, diversi film di fama mondiale sono associati ai nomi di Satyajit Raj e Mira Nair I maestri del cinema giapponese di fama mondiale Jaszudzsiro Ozu e Akira Kurosawa Il film cinese dalla fine degli anni 90, un grande successo internazionale, principalmente creazioni Chen Kai-Ge e Zhang Ji-mu Dovrebbero essere menzionati anche i film del georgiano Tengiz Abuladze , delliraniano Jafar Panahi , Mohsen Makhmalbaf e Abbas Kiarostamipoesie cinematografiche speciali, nonché l ultimo successo internazionale dei film del regista coreano Kim Ki-duk
Questo ciclo di produzione di solito dura tre anni Il primo anno è ripreso con lo sviluppo The Flash Film streaming CB01 Il secondo anno comprende preproduzione e produzione Il terzo anno, post-produzione e distribuzione Maggiore è la produzione, maggiori saranno le risorse necessarie e maggiore sarà il finanziamento ; la maggior parte dei film sono opere artistiche dal punto di vista dei creatori (ad esempio, regista , direttore della fotografia , sceneggiatore ) e entità commerciali a scopo di lucro per le società di produzione
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Civilization Phaze III I 2023 I Mixed media on canvas I 200x200cm 
Civilization Phaze III is the iconographic representation of a brand new myth: the diegesis of a son of God and the tale of his escape from the Hands of Origin.
"Once it escaped from the solicitous care of his creator, annoyed by the thoughtful attentions the latter mercifully and constantly offered him, it went to the steep summit of the highest cliff of the world, upon which even the divine gaze could not reach. From the top of that crystalline wonder, it could finally admire, with his bare eye, the landscapes from which, until then, it had been kept away. The hot, brilliant sun, which almost blinded it to tears, warmed the four thin rivers that branched off from the mighty waterfall that plunged to the ground from the mountain's top, causing them to instantly evaporate. Once the celestial dome had become leaden, the rain fell and thus, as it had reached the foot of the sapling, aroused the limbs of a silver snake that had been hiding, until a few moments before, in the visceral thickets. This cunning serpent, once noticed the youngster's naive gaze, approached its feet and began to wash them slowly with its saliva. Once the whippersnapper became aware of the snake’s doing, it recoiled in dismay and stunned. And so it remained until the serpent itself, caught in a flash of idea, opened its mouth and, speaking the child own ancestral tongue, made him an unheard-of proposal."
Civilization Phaze III I 2023 I Media misti su tela I 200x200cm
Civilization Phaze III è il racconto iconografico di un nuovo mito: la diegesi di un figlio di Dio e la storia della sua fuga dalla Mano dell’Origine.
“Una volta scappato dalle premurose cure del proprio creatore, infastidito dalle premurose attenzioni che questo, misericordiosamente, gli offriva, essi si recò sulla ripida cima della più alta rupe sulla quale persino lo sguardo divino non riusciva ad arrivare. Dalla cima di quella meraviglia cristallina, poté finalmente ammirare, con il suo unico occhio, il panorama del creato, a valle, dal quale, fino ad allora, era stato tenuto all’oscuro. Il sole caldo e brillante, che quasi lo accecava fino alle lacrime, riscaldava i quattro sottili fiumi che si diramavano dalla possente cascata che piombava al suolo dal cucuzzolo della montagna, facendoli evaporare. Una volta rannuvolata la cupola celeste, ora divenuta plumbea, cadde la pioggia che, una volta giunta ai piedi del virgulto, aveva così destato le membra di una serpe d’argento che si nascondeva, fino a qualche momento prima, nelle viscerali boscaglie. Questa, scaltra, notato lo sguardo ingenuo del giovane, gli si avvicino ai piedi, e cominciò a lavarli piano piano, con la sua saliva. Una volta accortosi del serpente, il giovane si fece indietro dallo sgomento e rimase sbigottito. E tale restò fino a quando la serpe stessa, colta in un guizzo d’idea, aprì bocca e, parlando la sua stessa lingua ancestrale, gli fece una proposta inaudita.”
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Workshop: UTrento.PhylogeneticsMolecularClocks.Jun6-9
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Workshop: UTrento.PhylogeneticsMolecularClocks.Jun6-9 > Date: 11 March 2023 at 06:29:44 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Dear all, > > Registration is now open for the: > *** ITA*PHY Workshop 2023 | Italian Phylogenetics Workshop 2023 > (ITAPHY2023) > > Course that will take place on: > *** Jun 6 - Jun 9, 2023, at the University of Trento - DICAM > department,Trento, IT > > Website: https://ift.tt/EXF094u > > This course is sponsored by the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology > (ISEB/SIBE) and by the University of Trento (Unitn) > > Invited speakers: > - Sandra �lvarez Carretero, University of Bristol > - Beno�t Morel, Heidelberg Institute of Theoretical Studies > - Omar Rota-Stabelli, University of Trento > > Course description: > The field of phylogenetics is growing faster than ever: large-scale genome > projects are generating an unprecedented amount of data and there is a > parallel constant stream of novel approaches to properly use these > resources for genome-scale phylogenetic inference. New approaches can now > leverage multicopy gene families, so that phylogenetic inference is no > longer restricted to the tiny fraction of single-copy genes. Bayesian > approaches to divergence estimation can now analyze genome-scale datasets > and hundreds of taxa. However, systematic biases are always looming and can > distort our understanding of species and gene relationships. Technical and > analytical advances can provide new insights into the evolution of genes > and species, but they are not always easy to master. > > Specifically, we will focus on the following topics: > 1. Databases in phylogenetics/phylogenomics > 2. Systematic bias in phylogenomics > 3. Using multicopy gene families for phylogenetic reconstruction > 4. Molecular clocks > > This four-day workshop is designed to develop and consolidate the > phylogenetic knowledge of young researchers and to provide a forum to > discuss novel methodologies. It is organized by early-career scientists for > early-career scientists (undergrads, Ph.D. students, early postdocs). The > 2023 edition will be held at the University of Trento, in the beautiful > setting of the Italian Alps. In addition to theoretical and practical > lectures, interactions will be fostered through round tables, a session of > flash talks by participants, and social gatherings. > > *** REGISTRATION is open on the dedicated website: > https://ift.tt/G0IDus8 > Applicants are required to submit a motivation letter. A maximum of 25 > participants will be selected. > > *** Application/abstract submission deadline: May 1, 2023. > Applicants will be notified whether they have been accepted (or not) by May > 5, 2023. > The payment deadline for successful applicants is May 31, 2023. > > On behalf of the organizers, > Andrea Silverj > > Andrea Silverj, PhD student @University of Trento > > Andrea Silverj
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aelizeirsjournal · 2 years
05 Dec 2022 - 15 Dec 2022
Maybe I’m not an entrepreneur kind of person.
Or maybe I am but am just too lazy to be.
Starting a startup requires so much energy and so much passion in order for it to push through. I really thought that it was just idea-launch-finish. I was wrong, of course. A startup needs lots and lots and lots of market research, and understanding the trends, and data analyzation, and for starters like me… it’s overwhelming. Or is it, for now?
For an update, the team had decided that for our revenue stream, we would have 3% of every successful transaction from the sellers. We are also thinking about having advertising as a revenue in our startup idea. The more, the merrier right? But we’re still deciding on that matter. We’re focusing yet on commission/transaction fees.
Now if our calculations are correct (or at least, in the right track), our expected market size (TAM, SAM, SOM) would be:
73M (There are 73M active internet users/e-commerce users in the Philippines, source: ITA)
73M * 25% (There are 25% of users who buy groceries online, source: statista) = 18,250,000
18,250,000 * 10% (We believe we can win 10% of SAM) = 1,825,000
Amazing? Amazing!! Calculating all of these made me realize how big a responsibility it is for creating and managing a startup. It’s so scary to fail, especially that you have gone through so much effort to build it all from scratch. But then, if we never fail, how would we ever learn?
A quote from Miss Marika’s lecture:
“But my hope was that when I failed, if I failed, I’d fail quickly, so I’d have enough time, enough years, to implement all the hard-won lessons. I wasn’t much for setting goals, but this goal kept flashing through my mind every day, until it became my internal chant: Fail fast.” –Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
Well, maybe I am an entrepreneur kind of person.
Maybe I just needed more time to learn.
Adobomagazine - https://www.adobomagazine.com/philippine-news/insight-online-groceries-in-the-philippines-are-soaring-and-market-items-are-the-cheapest-in-sea-iprice/
ITA - https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/philippines-ecommerce
Statista - https://www.statista.com/statistics/1125430/philippines-e-commerce-activities-internet-users/?fbclid=IwAR1ETHNBP7UK9LfjhUrUNl7Bap4QxIgRof3W1DLzYtZJiq2c1u0HrmrtNPM
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sitespeediowa · 2 years
Corel draw x5 free. download full version with keygen
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Output to a broad variety of media, from distinctive logos and signs, to striking marketing materials, Web graphics, billboards and car wraps. Plus, take advantage of high-value digital content, such as premium clipart, royalty-free photos and vehicle templates. (A hard cover, full-color, printed guidebook is included with the box version.)Įnrich your designs with over 1,000 professional fonts, including HelveticaA®, GaramondA® and FrutigerA® fonts for the first time ever. Start smoothly and learn quickly with built-in learning tools, valuable video tutorials, design insights from experts and a visually rich, online guidebook. * More output options for print, Web, digital signs and moreĬorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 graphic design softwareįind everything you need for professional graphics illustration, layout, tracing, photo editing, Web graphics and animation in one complete suite of integrated applications that is easy to learn and use. * More Web capabilities, including Flash animation support * More compatibility, with support for over 100 file formats * More learning tools, video tutorials and expert tips * More rich content and professional templates Then output everywhere, from Web banners and animations, to logos, custom signs and more. Re-purpose and share your creations anywhere with expanded file compatibility. Find graphics, fonts and images on your computer faster than ever with new CorelA® CONNECT. Get going quickly with new professionally designed templates and learning materials. With increased speed, more accurate color control, enhanced vector illustration tools and new Web capabilities, ita€™s a must-have for any designer. Creativity and power come together in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5.
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mainsvp · 2 years
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The application needs to be serialized with a royalty bearing serial number.
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flashnewsita-blog · 6 years
Juventus - Atletico Madrid 3-0: gol e sintesi partita
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🧵 EtC Master Post 🧵
Mod: Mod Mello 🍓 (they/them)
Co-Writers: Erik 🦊 (he/him)
Mercy 🍵 (they/them)
[Characters currently available for asks]
Red Strings 🧵
[Chapter Select]
Act 1: Long Road Home
Beginning / Dream / Walking / Zen
Act 2: Government Supported Rescue Operative (ItA)
Beginning / New Mission / Rescue / Escape(ism)
Act 3: Rose (FtC)
Beginning / Wake-up Call / Breakout / Escape(ists)
Red Strings Intermission (To be continued)
Act 4 (Being prepared!)
Rules and Additional Info below the cut (Please read before sending in asks!)
No NSFW. This blog is 13+ for mild violence and blood. (Potentially triggering themes and flashing images will be tagged. Please ask if a tag needs to be added.)
Swearing is allowed, but discouraged, as the characters and I (the mod) do not swear. (Any in character swearing will be censored.)
No roleplay is allowed. Period. This is not a roleplay blog. Do not ask for your character to be added, or take on a role in the replies.
No Magic!Anon. This is a story-driven askblog, so magic anon asks don’t work here. This also means that askers cannot physically interact with/summon anything, characters or objects. In universe, askers are only voices in the characters’ heads.
I reserve the right to block anyone I don’t want interacting with the blog anymore for whatever reason. Harassment of any kind towards me, the writers, other askers/commenters, the characters, or anyone else, will not be tolerated.
The ask box is almost always open, but will close during specified intermissions, and only a few characters will be available for questions at any given time. (The mod is always available for asks!)
Voting for choices will be done through Tumblr’s poll system. These polls will close approximately 24 hours after the post is made, unless it is a quick time event choice, in which the poll will be closed after an hour. Votes made in the ask box or in the replies will not be counted.
Please be patient. One person can only do so much, and big updates typically take a while to produce. I’m in college now, so I’m very busy, and I need breaks just like any other human being.
[Additional Tag Info]
-All plot relevant posts have [First | Previous | Next] at the bottom, for anyone reading through hyperlinks.
-Posts tagged #askmodmello are ooc asks towards the mod.
-Posts tagged #theiris are text post asks that go a bit deeper into the comic’s universe, but don’t necessarily have to be read to enjoy the rest of the story.
-Posts tagged #ending the cycle announcements are important ooc announcements, such as any brief hiatuses or other such events followers should be aware of.
Bio card archive: (Work in progress)
Character file/system access archive: (Work in progress)
Red String’s Archive: Start searching here.
Find my other art here: @lemon-peppermint
-Much love from Mod Mello 💎
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pod-together · 2 years
2022 Filk Broken Telephone Party Favors!
This post is for Party Favors created as part of a game called Filk Broken Telephone. The rest of the 2022 Party Favors can be found here.
There were 3 groups this year for Filk Broken Telephone, all starting with the shared theme of non-static identity. Here they are! Group 1: The City  (Lego Ninjago) created by kingtysonsworld Summary: Wrabel's The Village as a song exploring Nya's changing self. The Babysitter  (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) created by Ceewelsh Summary: Filk about Steve Harrington for Pod-Together's Broken Telephone 2022 Lost (But Now I Feel Like I'm Home)  (呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)) created by olive2read Summary: Ita's new to the world of Jujutsu Sorcery but he won't let that stop him from rockin' it Slow, love, slow  (악마판사 | The Devil Judge (TV), Original Work, Nightwish) created by Mangacat Summary: "Shattered gaze… stares into the blaze Built walls around me… the front I present to the world" To the tune of "Slow, love, slow" by Nightwish Arcana, Fire, Stained Glass, and Amber  (Critical Role (Web Series)) created by TheLordOfLaMancha Summary: This is a filk about Caleb Widowgast, and the different types of love that have helped to heal him and help him grow, set to the tune of Pussywillows, Cat-tails by Gordon Lightfoot. Thank You For Being My Friends  (The Martian (2015)) created by bluegeekEM Summary: A 'The Martian' filk based on Andrew Gold's "Thank You For Being A Friend" (also known as the origin of the Golden Girls theme). Group 2: Blank Heart  (No Fandom) created by minnapods Summary: You've played this video game before. You know how it goes. Get strong, go after the boss, save the princess. The princess knows, too, and she's sick of this story. (filk to the tune of "Blank Space" for the narrative thread of Podfic Broken Telephone 2022). Hopeful Heroes  (No Fandom) created by esbielle Summary: A final boss has kidnapped the Kingdom's beloved princess but can't get his point across because the hero keeps skipping his dialogue. So he decides to sing instead and duets with the princess. I Will Choose To Fight  (Fandom - Fandom) created by mahons_ondine Summary: In which there is a knight, and somewhere a princess. And in between them, a quest! Probably. Maybe. I think? A New Constellation  (The Flash (TV 2014), The Flash - All Media Types) created by Elle_dubs Summary: Filk Broken Telephone: a Narrative, for Pod Together 2022 Possibility  (Multi-Fandom, Haven (TV)) created by TheArcher Summary: Our OT3 runs away together, set to Run Away with Me by Kerrigan and Lowdermilk Group 3: Always New (Like the Moon)  (No Fandom) created by PhenomenalAsterisk Summary: A FILK about being comfortable with wherever you are on your journey, to the tune of The Beach Boy's "In My Room" The slave who makes free  (Star Wars - All Media Types) created by irrationalpie Summary: Gather round, and listen well This story is to save your life A song the Tatooine wise woman in Shape-Changer might have sung. The Course of the Sun  (Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types) created by carboncopies Summary: A filk based on astolat's fic "Never Did Run Smooth." Set to the tune of "Maid On The Shore" by Stan Rogers. Jaskier takes some creative liberties with the source material when he sings the tale of the Emperor Emhyr and the Emperor Consort, Geralt of Rivia. An Honest Bard's Song  (Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types) created by Wereflamingo Summary: Okay, so maybe the ballad Jaskier wrote about Geralt and Emhyr was not quite truthful, but Jaskier is an artist, okay? Don't clip his wings. Artistic freedom is important. Written and recorded for Filk Broken Telephone 2022, a song parody of Сказки нашего времени by Timur Shaov.
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flamingredanon · 3 years
Henry woke up suddenly in a dark void. Something was wrong. Then suddenly, garbled flashes of the time of when he was RightStick flew through his mind. Right was nowhere to be found. We died... Henry realized, Reg and Ellie must be so distraught. A strange box floated in front of him, the words Continue and True Reset on it. He realized he could click either of them. This was new, usually after a fail he would be mocked by some jerk narrator before he could retry. Henry chooses to True Reset, hoping to change what happened in that timeline.
Henry wakes up at the bank, no memory of the previous timeline. Everything is going fine, except it isn't. He has a nagging feeling that he's missing someone. But that couldn't be true, Henry was alone most of his life. Then that General kidnapped him, stuffed him into a hamster ball, and shot him at some thieves' Airship. Henry goes to fight Right on the catwalk and.... This guy seems very familiar. But the options Henry was given didn't allow for him to show mercy, having gone back to the normal UI. So the events of ItA and FtC happen the way they happened before, just with Henry having an extra bit of Deja Vu during all of it. Toppat King was slightly different, Right and Henry seeming to work even better together than before. Then, a few years later and that fateful raid was upon them. Henry didn't know why, but he felt that he should cancel it.
(im sorry, my heart couldn't take that sad ending ;-;)
Henry had the raid area investigated, which revealed Government and CCC agents nearby. Reginald quickly had the raid plan cancelled and a sense of relief washed over Henry.
Henry, Reginald, Right and Ellie didn't go on many raids and heists after that, not wanting to risk the Government doing something.
And one day, Right pulled Henry aside before they met everyone for lunch, asking Henry if he had a bad feeling about that raid like he did. Henry nodded his head, going on to explain that it was like a weird case of deja vu.
Right just smiled as they decided to not worry about any further, taking Henry's hand so they could meet with their other beloveds for lunch.
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sarahwroteathing · 4 years
Pretty Words: Marvel Writing Challenge
Because life is hard, words are pretty, and deadlines make writing easier sometimes. 
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All prompts are quotes from poems that made me smile, and I want to share that feeling! Let’s help spread some positivity together!
Deadline: December 1 - 10, 2020
Please tag me in and/or send me your finished work, so I can link your story on the challenge masterlist (and send you some love)! 
Guidelines (Please Read Before Joining):
1. You don’t have to be following me to participate, but it would be nice!
2. Reader inserts only please (2nd or 3rd person, please. I can’t bring myself to read 1st person POV)
3. This is a Marvel challenge, so stick to those characters.
4. One shots are preferred, but if you feel yourself spiraling into series territory, more power to you. Only the first chapter will be expected as part of the writing challenge.
5. If your story exceeds 500 words, please use a “read more” link. 
6. Tag your stories appropriately! That means posting warnings up top and tagging the correct main pairing on the bottom. Let people know what they’re getting into.
7. The purpose of this challenge is to spread joy, so please give me happy endings. You can knock me out with some angst if you wish, as long as everyone’s happy by the end. 
8. Feel free to spice things up if you’re so inclined, but steer clear of graphic smut, please. Implied or vague/atmospheric is totally fine.  
9. My Please Don’ts: no dark!fics, underage, non-con, a/b/o, or main pairing cheating. 
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! 
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*Please send me an ask with your prompt and character to claim it. Two people may write for the same prompt only if they are writing for different characters.
*Prompts are intended as inspiration - jumping off points. Please place the prompt in the Author’s Note, but not the actual story. And have fun! There’s no pressure to directly interpret the quote you choose. Follow wherever it leads you. 
1. “...No matter how stalled I seem, some crank in me tightens the whirly-spring each time I see your face so thank you for aiming it my way...” Dean Young, “Easy as Falling Down Stairs”
Then. Now. Always. by @gogolucky13​​ (Bucky Barnes)
2. “through late afternoon a bus journeys west, the windshield flashing pink, pink glancing off of metal, brushing the demented flank  of blue, beat-up enamel;” Elizabeth Bishop, “The Moose”
3. “To keep me from melancholy (call it blues), I fill this stolen time with you.” Rita Dove, “Cozy Apologia”
@starlightbucky​ with Bucky Barnes
4. “in the evening, after the day has refused to testify, we shall be examined on love like students who don’t even recall signing up for the course and now must take their orals, forced to speak for once from the heart and not off the top of their heads.” Thomas Centolella, “In the Evening We Shall Be Examined on Love”
@absentmindeduniverse​ with Bucky Barnes
5. “...you had me at no duh.” Dora Malech, “Love Poem”
6. “Unarmed, now see me saunter past Ticking Baggage, Loaded Questions, Gangs of Doubt; my love equips me. I swear, ever since your cheeky face span round I trust this whole bloody world.” Caroline Bird, “The Amnesty”
@redrookrising​ with Bucky Barnes
7. “so i hope that you laugh and drink a little too much and kiss people who make you feel seen” Madisen Kuhn, “vanilla”
8. “For the years I lived on coffe and bread, Hungry all the time, walking to work on payday Like a woman journeying for water From a village without a well, then living One or two nights like everyone else On roast chicken and red wine.” Tracy K. Smith, “The Good Life”
9. “My thoughts about you are not exactly forbidden, but exalted because they are useless, not intended to get you because I have you & you love me.” Eileen Myles, “Peanut Butter”
10. “Hill-tops like hot iron glitter bright in the sun, And the river we’re eyeing burn to gold as they run; Burning hot is the ground, liquid gold is the air; Whoever looks round sees Eternity there.” John Clare, “Autumn”
Golden Hour  by @indominusregina​​ (Steve Rogers)
11. “I’d like to crack this safe, this cache of joy,  Cramming my head with light, Dismembering every fraction like a toy. Then start, head-on and sure of being right, To make it all come true - This time, my way, and new.” Adrienne Rich, “Travail et Joie”
12. “open a book, turn to the story of a grand estate, a comet, a prince, and a woman who thinks she knows her own heart but is only looking through a window at a summer storm that might never end.” Barbara Hamby, “The Dream of the Dacha”
13. “Cheerful is the hearth, soft the matted floor; Not one shivering gust creeps through pane or door; The little lamp burns straight, its rays shoot strong and far: I trim it well, to be the wanderer’s guiding star.” Emily Brontë, “The Visionary”
14. “Sometimes when I’m lonely, Don’t know why, Keep thinkin’ I won’t be lonely By and by.” Langston Hughes, “Hope”
@captainchrisstan​ with Bucky Barnes
15. “you remind me of something like a firefly underneath my tongue with so much spark I am finally able to live out my dream of becoming some sort of lighthouse even though sometimes I fall back into a dark galaxy of faults.” Beyza Ozer, “To Summarize a Galaxy”
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