#flea eradication
allperfectpets · 1 year
Flea Treatments for Cats: How to Keep Your Feline Friends Pest-Free!
Welcome to our complete aide on flea treatments for cats! As committed feline darlings ourselves, we comprehend the significance of keeping our catlike companions blissful, solid, and liberated from troublesome insects. In this article, we will dive into the universe of bug control and offer important bits of knowledge on the most proficient method to shield your cherished kitties from these small disturbances. We want to furnish you with functional exhortation and master tips that will assist you with outclassing different sites and guarantee your felines remain to bother-free. We should bounce right in!
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secundus-cinaedus · 5 days
just got my first ever tick, praying no lyme disease 🙏
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kyleknight · 2 years
bed bugs: something I hope you never have to see irl
Hello there. I just spent about $800 or more dealing with and getting rid of bed bugs (and my infestation was thankfully not bad at all) so Im making this post to hopefully help someone else out there.
What are they?
horrible tiny bugs that are masters of hiding that come out at night and suck human blood (although they can bite pets)
they are good at hiding but they can’t really burrow down into things, so they tend to hide in folds and creases of your mattress and box spring
they can only suck blood and inject anticoagulant to make you bleed. they dont have claws or pincer mouth parts, so their only defense is hiding when they’re not eating
they do lay eggs but they don’t lay a ton of them. if you catch them early enough, then there might not be too many bugs in your home
How do they get in my house?
it only takes one to start an infestation. they can be picked up just about anywhere, but the more likely places are associated with high volumes of travel: hotels, buses, trains, airports, and sometimes even hospitals, nursing homes, or day cares
they sometimes come in on luggage, personal bags, or shoes, hide until they feel comfortable, and then seek out people, which they can track by body heat and air exhalation
How do I know if I have them?
if you are getting insect bites on your arms, back, and legs which are not the little red spots of flea bites and also not the small swollen spots of mosquito bites. bed bug bites tend to swell up a lot across patches of skin, especially if you’re allergic to them (which most people are)
basically they look like rashes or welts and they can be VERY itchy
also, if you inspect your mattress and box spring and you notice tiny little spots of blood on the edges, it’s a fairly clear sign
the actual bugs are very small and hard to spot but sometimes you can find their eggs, which are also tiny and white in color, in your dryer lint
Can I get rid of them with sprays?
unfortunately no. any of the sprays you can buy at Walmart or any other store are useless unless you are spraying the bug directly. the only method of completely eradicating them for good is to contact an exterminator and have them handle it. the sooner the better
if you do see them, you can spray them, but doing so will only be scratching the surface of the actual infestation
Do I have to get a new mattress or new bedding?
as long as you thoroughly wash and dry all of your bedding, you don’t have to get rid of anything. make sure you dry on high heat to kill anything that might potentially be hiding in it
also a VERY important thing to get is a zipped mattress protector. put that on your mattress and your box spring and the bugs will never be able to get through it. you can sleep comfortably again. it HAS to be a zipped protector that completely encases the mattress
and vacuum your floor. vacuum it and empty the vacuum immediately. throw the contents away, tie it all up tight in a trash bag, and take it to the dumpster right away
I truly hope that nobody reading this ever has to go through what I went through. It’s frustrating not being able to sleep because you’re so worried you’re going to get bitten by tiny bugs you can’t even see. It’s not your fault if you get them; it only takes one to start a serious problem.
But if you do suspect them, act on it as quickly as possible. The worse it gets, the more expensive it is to treat your home to eliminate them.
Take care!
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bonefall · 1 year
Herb Guide: Basic Hygiene
A quick aside for @kingmystrie​ who has a stinky Clanmate
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[Image ID: sketch of a cat licking its outstretched leg]
For the most part, a healthy warrior can be expected to keep themselves perfectly clean. Cats have special tongues with ridges on them perfectly evolved to keep their coats shiny and healthy.
When a Clan cat is long-furred, sick or elderly, or displaying signs of mental distress, the Clan will give them special attention to keep them clean. This is not just a job for the medicine cat; allo-grooming is a social behavior, close to the heart of a collectivist cat culture.
Herbs only come into play when hygiene becomes a health problem. The two most common issues are Mats and Fleas.
Time to clear up a common misconception; a mat is not a knot. A mat is what happens when a knot tangles with a bunch of other knots, wrapping up dead skin, dirt, layers of shed fur, and other gross debris into a solid mass. If a mat has formed, there’s been a breakdown in proper care!
When they do form, they are likely to form where the cat has trouble reaching, like the lower back.
Not only are mats filthy, but they can also pose a health hazard by weakening and pulling painfully on the skin below, allowing infection to take root. Mats must be removed as quickly as possible, before they become too large. Taking care of mats can take several painful, time-consuming days.
Oil made from flax seeds can be use to lubricate and loosen them, if the mat is not too large to be a lost cause. Carefully brush with claws, teeth, or a bone comb, if your Clan is capable of simple carving.
The best treatment is to carefully shave the area. A sharpened mussel shell, or a flint or stone blade will do. Take care to not cut the skin below, which could be thin and sensitive from bearing a mat.
Aside from ticks which are treated with the infamous canonical mouse bile, fleas are another concern to Clan cats. While they’re only annoying to adult cats, they can sicken elders and kill kittens if they become a camp-wide infestation.
Fleas can’t be completely eliminated, but Clans go to great lengths to keep them at bay. Cedar chips are used as den flooring, especially in the nursery, producing a fresh pine smell that insects can’t stand.
Mint can be planted around the camp and rubbed into fur to repel fleas and prevent them from leaping onto a patrolling warrior; but this is kept away from the nursery as mint is extremely poisonous and babies have a bad habit of putting things in their mouths.
“barkface what do if flea outbreak bad TIME SENSITIVE“ -Kestrelpaw, desperately texting StarClan
For a VERY bad flea infestation, an herbal bath is an easy but detested solution. A large clay bowl (or, in SkyClan, a stolen birdbath) is filled with water for soaking, vinegar for killing, and a blend of mint and lavender for repellent. From there, the unfortunate warrior is plunged in, usually yowling and crying, and forced to soak for an hour.
Repeat for every. Single. Infested warrior. Even if they are WAILING LIKE BABIES.
They must be prevented from licking clean after this bath. Licking the bathwater off will poison the Warrior from the mint. Since it’s only a repellent, the mint could be optional, but WILL be included if the camp is actively infested... in spite of the soaked warrior’s grumblings.
The number one flea-killer, bar none, the GOLDEN KING of bug eradication, is none other than SALT. In addition to being a seasoning, having as much salt as possible in the medicine cat den is invaluable for controlling flea breakouts. Salt will be added to the herbal bath when it’s available.
In the Forest Territories, there was no salt. In the Lake Territories, collecting salt takes a long journey to the beach, and a patrol capable of carrying it home. As far as the Clans are concerned, salt works miracles so these trips are scheduled visits.
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morbidology · 1 year
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During the mid-14th century, a pandemic of bubonic plague swept across Europe and central Asia. It was known as The Black Death, or the Plague or the G. It wiped out around 30% - 60% of the world’s population at the time, killing an estimated 75 – 200 million people, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. It's believed that the pandemic began in central Asia, and was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, spread by fleas. However, it then took a secondary form and was spread by person-to-person contact.
The Black Death was then brought over to Europe by merchants and traders that were infected. In 1343, it appeared in Crimea and then spread to Europe via trading routes. It was said to be most deadly between the years of 1347 and 1351 when cities and towns in Europe were hit especially hard.
Among the many symptoms of the deadly plague were sudden fever, chills, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. In the most severe cases, the lymph nodes would turn black and then burst, spreading bacteria into the bloodstream which caused septicemia. Death occurred within three to five days.
The disease spread like wildfire due to dense populations, poor hygiene and sanitation practice and the close proximity of humans and animals. Moreover, doctors and scientists at the time did not have the means or method to properly understand the disease meaning that treatment was ineffective.
Since 30 – 60% of the population was eradicated by the disease, it had a profound impact of the landscape of both Europe and Asia, socially, economically, and politically. There was a massive shortage of labor which resulted in increasing wages and improved working conditions. It also led to advances in medical knowledge and practice, which included the introduction of quarantine measures.
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renslice · 3 months
usamerican lawmakers are relentless fleas pestering vulnerable people with an unending deluge of bills that propose steps be taken toward our eradication
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evilvillainapologist · 8 months
Like, I get that Orchid doesn't want DFQC to eradicate all the fairies and I get that DFQC wants to do his little war, but I feel like they could have found a compromise.
Like, kill Lord Yunzhong and be done with it. That guy is obviously a bag of fleas, just get rid of him. Everybody would be happier.
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puppyexpressions · 10 months
How to Get Rid of Dog Fleas
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Fleas are a nuisance. These tiny, blood-sucking parasites irritate your dog and infest your home—often before you realize that fleas have moved in. Many dogs are allergic to flea bites, which can cause intense scratching, red and flaky skin, scabs, hot spots, and hair loss. Fleas can also cause tapeworms and anemia.
Fleas prefer animal hosts but will resort to biting people when animals are unavailable. They can transmit germs that cause disease by feeding on hosts or through fecal contamination (when infected flea feces are scratched into an open wound).
If you and your dog are scratching your heads, and you’re wondering how to kill dog fleas, we’ve got you covered. Here are the four steps you need to take to eliminate these unwelcome freeloaders.
1. Understand the Flea’s Life Cycle
The first step is understanding the enemy. Fleas go through four life cycle stages:
The adults live on animals like your dog, where they digest blood and lay their eggs. One female flea can lay up to 2,000 eggs. These eggs hatch in 1-10 days and spread throughout your home and yard every time your dog scratches, shakes, or lies down.
They then hatch into larvae that can move on the host and feed on blood and flea dirt (digested blood from the adult fleas). During the pupa stage, they form cocoons, where they wait for several days or up to one year—preferably for the fleas in the comfort of your carpet, sofa, or bed—until a warm-bodied host appears. Then they hatch, become adults, and infest their animal hosts, such as your dog.
It’s important to know about these stages because different flea treatments for dogs address different parts of the flea’s life cycle, so make sure you read the label of any flea elimination products and follow the directions before use.
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2. Prevention and Treatment
The best way to deal with fleas is prevention. Flea and tick preventatives kill fleas that come in contact with your dog, preventing your pup from bringing them home in the first place. There are several options out there, from flea collars to topical liquid applicants and pills. Talk to your vet about the flea preventative that is safest and right for your puppy or dog.
If your dog already has fleas, these preventatives will still kill them, but you may need to take more aggressive action, like a prescription preventative. You can also use a flea shampoo or a fast-acting chemical treatment, such as a flea pill that kills the fleas on your dog within hours. Again, it’s important to ask your dog’s veterinarian for recommendations.
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3. Get Fleas Out of Your Home
Killing the fleas on your dog is just one part of the problem. You also need to determine how to get rid of fleas in your home. This requires patience. It can take as long as three to four months to get rid of an infestation, as it takes this long for all of the fleas in your home to go through their life stages.
Here are the steps you need to take to eradicate fleas in your home:
Wash all dog beds and soft dog toys in hot, soapy water. Repeat this frequently until the infestation has ended.
Wash your own bedding, throw rugs, bath mats, and any blanket or cushion where your dog likes to sleep in hot water.
Vacuum all carpets, hardwood floors, linoleum and tiled floors, curtains, and upholstered furniture, and throw away the vacuum bag immediately in an outside garbage bin. You will need to vacuum on a regular basis to be sure all of the stages are addressed.
Choose and apply an environmental flea control spray or fogger that will treat all stages of fleas, or call a local exterminator.
Choose and apply a spray, pellet, or nontoxic flea treatment for your yard. Keeping grass and brush short will also make your yard less inviting to fleas and ticks. Patch fences to discourage raccoons, rabbits, and other wildlife that carry fleas from coming into your yard.
If your dog has ridden in your car lately, you should vacuum the seats.
Continue to treat your dog and any other pets with a monthly preventative.
During flea season, don’t let your dog interact with strange dogs. Be sure any puppy playmates are free of fleas.
4. Talk to Your Veterinarian
When in doubt, call in the experts. Ask your veterinarian about how to get rid of fleas on dogs, as vets are up-to-date on the latest flea treatments and preventatives and can help you find the best and safest treatment option for you and your dog.
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formerlyroyal · 2 years
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I'm the rescue kitty anon and just wanted to thank you for your kind words and for the anons messages. Among many of his problems, it’s possible he developed severe anemia from chronic flea infestation, which ironically I managed to eradicate fleas 2 days before he died. Plus, he had major roundworm infestation which reared itself on his last day and none of the Pet ER clinics would treat him.I had taken him to a mobile vet clinic at a local pet store to get him started on dewormer but was instantly denied care and vet refused to even to look at him. She told me to take him to an emergency clinic but none in county would help. All the ER clinics sited me the same excuse: this wasn’t deemed an emergency; they were busy with full case load of urgent cases, couldn’t guarantee even treating him and at most would keep him hydrated.
My Vet suspected there were numerous serious complications with his health (FIV, FeLV, FIP), causing neurological issues which became apparent within the hrs before he died. It all happened quickly; before he died he became very sick and lost his ability to stand, sit, walk and could no longer hold his neck and head up. I was feeding him liquids with a syringe to keep him hydrated. Prior to that he had been eating and ambulating independently.  The combination of parasitic infestation kept him malnourished and terribly underweight. He also had a seizure the night he died. My Vet explained even if I’d been able to get him to a clinic, there’d be little they could do. The odds were against this little guy. These last two days the kitten supplies I’d ordered for him arrived and it’s been a strange process. I’m sad he’s no longer here but at least I got to hold him and talked to him, let him know he was loved.  Guess I was meant to find him and help him in his last hours by keeping him warm and safe. He's gone home.
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scourge-lover · 1 year
Arthas and Sapphire go looking in Dalaran’s libraries for books about gnolls in an attempt to learn how to better raise Chompers. There are very little tomes on gnolls. The ones that do usually mention gnolls talk about how to get rid of them like they are pests. Sapphire feels sick reading about it. Arthas can’t really defend the books. Even before he was Lich King, he had fought gnolls before, treating them like animals. And of course, as Lich King he killed everything without remorse. He is starting to feel it a little now hearing Sapphire read aloud how to eradicate a den of gnolls including cubs. 
Arthas and Sapphire start a journal on how to take care of baby gnolls and learn through trial and error. Chompers doesn’t like soft mushy baby food. Veggies are gross but she will eat some. Meat is always the desired food, especially organ meats. She enjoys bones. She has very dense thick fur because she’s a Redpine, unlike southern gnolls like around Stormwind. Gnolls are vulnerable to fleas unfortunately.
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Hey folks,
I know I haven't exactly been active here, but life kinda got in the way. I've had a really tough couple of months financially- including 2 separate tire blowouts in as many months, a flea infestation that I've almost managed to eradicate, and dealing with shit from a family member whom I did a whole bunch of labour for & who is now refusing to pay me for most of it while simultaneously attempting to screw with my housing security. Job hunting in my area isn't going so well- I'm hoping to get some calls back at the end of the month when university students get their class schedules figured out, but that's not exactly going to help me buy food, gas, or pain medication this week 😓
If you appreciate all the work I have put into this blog and have the means to be a bit generous, please consider using the "tip" button on my posts to help support a disabled trans person! It would really mean a lot to me right now.
I also have PayPal ([email protected]) for folks who prefer that (again, this is only if you aren't struggling yourself- please don't put yourself in a bad spot to help me!)
Thank you for your time, and I hope you all have a wonderful day ❤️
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mmriesoftvat · 1 year
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"I'm failing to see the actual problem here. There is a flea wearing our face, he needs to be eradicated. Why not let Ren exterminate the pest problem? He's enjoying it, is he not?"
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South Sydney Pest Control
Our professionals are highly skilled and certified in pest management, using cutting-edge creative methods and eco-friendly solutions to efficiently solve pest problems. To keep abreast of the most recent industry advancements and approaches to pest management, our crew regularly attends trade shows and yearly Risk Management conferences.
South Sydney Pest Control is a leading pest control company that specializes in the eradication of various types of pests, including termites, rodents, bed bugs, and other common household pests. The company has been in operation for several years and has built a reputation for providing efficient and reliable pest control services to residents and businesses in South Sydney and the surrounding areas.
The company was founded with the aim of providing high-quality pest control services that are both affordable and effective. Since its inception, the company has been committed to delivering outstanding customer service, ensuring that every client's needs are met with the utmost care and professionalism. Services Offered by South Sydney Pest Control
South Sydney Pest Control provides a wide range of pest control services, including:Termite control Rodent control Bed bug control Cockroach control Spider control Ant control Bee and wasp control Mosquito control Flea control Silverfish control Bird control Pre-purchase pest inspection
All of these services are designed to help clients deal with pest infestations in their homes or businesses effectively. The company uses the latest pest control techniques and products to ensure that pests are eradicated quickly and efficiently.
Why Choose South Sydney Pest Control?
There are several reasons why South Sydney Pest Control is the preferred choice for pest control services in South Sydney and the surrounding areas.Experienced Technicians: The company's technicians are highly trained and experienced in dealing with various types of pests. They are equipped with the latest tools and equipment to ensure that the job is done right the first time. Quality Products: South Sydney Pest Control uses only high-quality pest control products that are safe and effective. The company ensures that all its products are environmentally friendly and do not pose any risk to humans or pets. Affordable Prices: The company offers competitive prices for its pest control services. Clients can be assured that they are getting value for their money. Outstanding Customer Service: South Sydney Pest Control is committed to providing outstanding customer service. The company's staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and always willing to help clients with their pest control needs. Emergency Services: The company offers emergency pest control services, which are available 24/7. Clients can contact the company at any time, and a technician will be dispatched immediately to deal with the pest infestation. Guaranteed Results: South Sydney Pest Control guarantees that its pest control services are effective. If the pest problem persists after treatment, the company will come back and re-treat the area free of charge.
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forgotten-elegy · 2 years
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Fleas have returned to the clans!
Fleas is a fun summer opt-in mechanic in Forgotten Elegy! Every day unlucky clanmates are rolled to get fleas, and anyone that interacts with an infected cat has the chance to gain fleas themselves. They can be cured by the stewards or twoleg intervention. Fleas are successfully eradicated when everyone gets cured or the weather dips below freezing, though some members make a point of trying to spread the fleas as much as possible. Have a happy summer fleason!
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(arron, dom & theon) - what does your dream life look like?
"I would have 100s of ships for trading and battle and discovery. And I would come home from Casterly or the seas to a house of children, at least six of them. Maybe even more. Targaryen women have many children. It's known across Westeros. Dragonstone comprises dragon seeds. Even half of Flea Bottom claimed to be sired by Daemon Targaryen. King Jaehaerys had so many children, truly it was a dynasty to rule for another 100 generations. Their loss is my gain. And Farmans will rule Fair Isle for 100 more generations." | @oldflowersbyname |
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"Peaceful. More peace than now. Not a worldly peace, but an internal one. The sort of peace mine feel before they breathe their last breath. I wish for my sister to be happy and to find joy. For the Dreadfort and house Bolton to prosper under the rule of a Stark King who has given me leave to eradicate our wildling problem. I'm also quite partial to a happy family. Happy children."
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"The North would be a force of strength and power. We Northmen would no longer talk of the Age of Heroes of rise beyond former glories. The North rebuilt and built up, cared for and tended. Our men at the wall more than criminals and shamed sons from Southern lords who only wish to bring us more strife. The great city the North has ever seen. Trade and school. Education and growth. When winter comes, Northmen will gather around in joy and no longer will our old die in the snow. No more of our sons sent to be fostered where the summers are long and the winters are mild. A place where me and my queen, my wife, can raise our children and die knowing the North will care for them as it has cared for us. If not better."
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extremexterminating · 19 hours
Effective Flea Management: Top Pest Control Solutions
Find the most effective the best pest control for fleas techniques to eradicate fleas from your house or place of business. To keep your home free of fleas, educate yourself on safe & efficient treatments, such as professional solutions and natural cures. Extreme Xterminating provides information on proactive steps and guidance on selecting the best services to action for your particular circumstance. 
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