#fleece scam warning
thelovetheystole · 27 days
I've made a list of all the dark and depressing stories Emmerdale have done in recent times under the cut. Lots of trigger warnings for this one, beware.
So, in fairly recent times (from 2022 to now), we've had:
Nicola beaten by a gang of teenage girls / ptsd / afraid to leave her house
Marlon's stroke
Noah stalked Chloe / went to prison / swapped personality with Samson
Return of Dawn's evil ex Alex who pretty much threatened to traffic his own kids
Leyla addicted to cocaine / violent dealer put both Jacob and Suzy in hospital / Leyla overdose / rehab / divorce from Liam
Charity ectopic pregnancy
Sandra trying to fleece her own daughter and push her off the wagon
Faith dead
Harriet dead
Sam speared on farm equipment
Nate trampled by cows
Liv dead
Samson missing/ found half dead after the storm
Chas using her dead daughter to manipulate Aaron to leave the country after Liv's funeral to cover up her affair with Al
Kyle shot Al dead / Cain in prison
Paddy depressed / suicide attempt
Samson tried to have his own daughter taken away from Amelia and put into care and bullied/pushed his dad
Amelia stalked first online then in real life
Lloyd the stalker dead / Dan sent to prison
Cathy pmdd diagnosis
Lydia raped / Craig dead
Eric Parkinson's diagnosis
Caleb in a coma after Nicky pushed him off a cliff
Rishi dead / pushed down the stairs?
Chloe, Mack and Charity in a car accident
Mack kidnapped and beaten / lost Rueben / stabbed by Charity
Charity ptsd after killing Mack's kidnapper
Marshall's homophobic dad locking both him and Laurel up
Heath dead / Angelica custodial sentence
Naomi left and stole Vinny's money from selling the Mill
Ryan and Gail's secret son sick
Victor Anderson dead
Mary scammed / victim of revenge porn
Jacob almost died from allergic reaction
David disowned Jacob over Victoria and told him not to call him dad anymore, left the village
End of Nate and Tracy's marriage
Ruby made Caleb humiliate Tracy
Nicky and Suni attacked by homophobes
Aaron hated everyone / seduced Ethan only to humiliate him to get back at Charles
Vinny bullied and beaten by Aaron
Aaron and Cain trying to batter each other half to death with a spanner / Cain in serious condition
Cain compared Aaron to Gordon and wanted to drive him out of the village
Chas' breast cancer and double mastectomy
Aaron's faulty gene
The entire 'Little Ivy' story from stolen embryos to kidnapping to Gus in prison to marriage problems for Marlon and Rhona
Belle continously abused / same with Piper
Vinny beaten up by Tom
Evan's leukaemia
Nicky (and Ethan) in a car accident / coma
Ethan ran over / dead from unrelated brain bleed
Reveal of Ella as a 'child killer'
Samson stabbed
Matty set up by transphobe / in prison/ arranged his own beating
Laurel, did she have a heart attack?
Jai and Laurel nasty divorce
Samson sent to prison
Ella (and Dawn) in a car accident / pregnancy loss
Mackenzie head injury
And now something is seriously wrong with Moira and there is a big fire stunt coming with at least one death I'm sure, I'm also fairly certain they'll reveal John to have ptsd as well. Then it's time to grieve Zak...
Did I leave anything important out? I'm going to try and make a list for the lighter / more heartwarming stuff, but I think it will be much shorter...
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angelasscribbles · 11 months
Unexpected Chapter 7: Red Flags
Series: Unexpected
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Maxwell, Riley x Liam
Rating: MA
Warnings: None for this chapter
Word Count: 2,221
My other stuff: Master List.
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Liam lay on his back staring up at the ceiling, turmoil swirling through him.
He had finally bedded the American suitor. She was still naked, sleeping innocently beside him as he struggled to reconcile the conflicting emotions she inspired in him.
His moment of vulnerability had been real. His developing feelings for her were also real, but he was leading her on with even the implication that he was going to choose her to marry.
He couldn’t. The council would never approve it, his father would never allow it, and the rest of the nobility would never accept it.
The common people and the press might love her, but she was ill-suited to be queen.
None of the other suitors interested him, it was true, but his interests were never the point. He had tried to be fair, tried to give each woman an equal chance but that ended today. There was no point. She was the one that he wanted, but he would never be allowed to make that choice. Last night everything had seemed so simple, but in the cold, harsh light of day, he knew better.
So, while he was done pretending that any other woman had a chance of taking his heart, his impassioned resolve to choose her for marriage crumbled in the face of reality.
He had to tell her, had to be honest with her. He determined to explain the situation to her immediately but as he glanced down at her sleeping form, refusal to accept his fate surged through him. There had to be a loophole. His mind spun with possibilities, solutions, and avenues that would give him what he wanted. There had to be a way. There was always a way.
He picked up his phone and typed a quick message. She stirred in the bed beside him. Tossing the phone aside, he rolled back toward her just as her eyes fluttered open. He smiled at her with genuine warmth. There was no reason to spoil the night they had just shared, especially when there might be a way around all of it.
He ran a hand down the side of her cheek, “Good morning, my love.”
“Mm,” she stretched her entire body before responding, “Good morning.”
God in heaven, why did she have to look so damn good lying in his bed? Like she belonged there. He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek before telling her, “As much as I’d love to stay here with you, I have a meeting to get to. But please, stay as long as you like. I’ll let the guards know to bring you whatever you require. Breakfast, a change of clothes, whatever you need.”
He would give her the world if he could.
“Are you sure you can’t spare a few minutes?” She purred as her arms wrapped around his neck and her body arched into his.
His entire body exploded with heat in response, “I can be late….”
Forty minutes later he was out the door of his suite, humming happily as he made his way to the monthly budget meeting.
He hurried through his morning engagements distractedly, impatient for the only meeting that mattered. The most important one of the day, perhaps of his life.
Just after his luncheon with the Prime Minister of Italy, the answers he’d been waiting for all day arrived.
They were not the answers he had hoped for.
“You can’t marry her,” Drake slapped a manilla folder down on the desk in front of him, “You asked me to look into her background, I looked. She has a criminal record! Even if the council could overlook her commoner status, they won’t, and shouldn’t overlook her history of scamming and fleecing romantic partners.”
“No,” Liam shook his head in denial as he pulled the folder closer, “The initial background check would have found that!”
“Well, technically she’s never been convicted of anything. But I went beyond the initial check. You said to do a deep dive, so I did a deep dive. She’s had more than one complaint lodged against her by people she scammed out of their money.”
“She’s a con artist?” Liam flipped through the file quickly.
“Specifically, she targets men and women with a little bit of wealth. Takes them for what she can get financially, wipes out their bank accounts then disappears. I’m sorry, Li. I know you really liked her. But I doubt her being our waitress that night was an accident.”
“No,” he shook his head again as he closed the file and pushed it back across the desk, “No one knew we were there; she had no way of knowing who I was-“
“Come on, man,” Drake scoffed, “She didn’t have to know you were a prince to know you were loaded. Your high-end clothing, that Rolex on your wrist, Tariq whining for filet mignon…”
“Perhaps. But it couldn’t have been pre-planned. You chose that restaurant at the last second.”
Drake held his hands up in front of him, “All right. I’ll concede that it wasn’t premeditated. But when she realized you had money….”
“But she knew that it was only for one night. She could not have predicted Max asking her to come back with us.”
“No. But when he asked, she sure jumped at the chance, didn’t she?”
“But she couldn’t have known ahead of time that was going to happen. So, what happened between us in New York was real, Drake, I know it was!”
“Even if it was, there’s no way you can marry her. The optics-“
“The press loves her. We can bury this.”
“Look, I get it,” Drake softened at the desperation in Liam’s voice, “Leo had to abdicate the damn throne so we could be together. But-“
“Can it be suppressed?”
“Maybe. But if it ever comes to light, it will do irreparable damage to your reputation. I don’t think it’s a risk worth taking. Especially since she’s probably only playing you for your money. What happens if she marries you then absconds with millions from Cordonia’s coffers?”
Liam’s body sagged heavily into the leather upholstery of his chair as he considered the repercussions. He had to put Cordonia first no matter his own feelings.
Was she really faking everything?
He could handle the nobility; council members could be bribed. His father would be the biggest obstacle to a union with the American.
But he couldn’t marry her if she was only after his money. He couldn’t risk Cordonia, or his heart, like that.
Drake’s voice drew him out of his musings, “Besides that, I’m pretty sure there’s something going on between her and Beaumont.”
Liam’s head snapped up, his brows furrowing, “Bertrand?”
“No,” Drake snorted, “Maxwell.”
Liam sat up straight in his chair, steepling his fingers and bringing them to his lips, “Why do you think that?”
“They’re always together. He acts weird around her-“
“You always think he’s weird.”
“Weirder than usual. And he’s at her door at all hours of the day and night.”
“His house is sponsoring her.”
“It is,” Drake rubbed his eyes with a sigh, “I have no proof. Just my gut instinct.”
Liam tapped his lips as he thought, “He does have a history of being….inappropriate with women at times.”
“At times?” Drake snorted, “Okay.”
“Do you think he’s been harassing her?”
Drake’s mouth fell open, “That’s what you got out of this conversation?”
“No one deserves to be harassed, Drake.”
“No, of course not! I just meant….” He looked up at the ceiling as if beseeching the almighty for intervention, “Fine. I’ll look into it.”
“Thank you. You’re a good friend.”
“Yep,” he muttered under his breath as he rose, “I’ll make sure the scammer isn’t being harassed by the pervert that brought her here.”
“What was that?”
Liam checked his watch. He had ten minutes before his next appointment. Pulling his phone from his jacket pocket, he sent a text to Riley asking her to meet him after the official Suitors Dinner Regina had scheduled for the evening.
He got an immediate response. He always did. Was that because she was falling for him or because she was playing him? He needed answers, and he intended to get them.
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Riley breezed down the hallway in the suitor's wing of the palace, still on a high from her time with Liam. After a little earth-shattering morning sex, she had ordered a  decadent breakfast of raspberry crêpes, rashers, and a ham and cheese soufflé and then taken her time eating it, savoring every bite.
She had taken Liam up on his offer and sent the guards for her favorite bath products and a change of clothes from the palace boutique. After a long leisurely bath in the impossibly huge soaking tub in the royal suite, she had booked an appointment at the palace spa. Her nails had needed a touch-up. She had gotten in immediately.
Yes, she thought as she made her way back to her room, a girl could get used to this life. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t see him until he spoke, “Where were you last night?”
She slid her eyes sidewise at him, “None of your business.”
Max matched her pace, keeping his body as close behind hers as he could without actually touching her, his hands shoved into his pockets to keep himself from touching her, “But you never came back after your meeting with Bert.”
“I came back.”
“To the palace maybe, but not to your own room.”
She stopped outside her door, and he stumbled into her. Turning to face him, she pinched his cheeks between her fingers and leaned close, “We need to have a talk about boundaries, Max.”
She turned back to open her door then pulled him through and closed it.
At the end of the hall and around the corner, a figure watched them from the shadows.
Drake’s brows were drawn together in a frown. Maybe Liam was right. Maybe Max was being creepy with her. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time he’d been inappropriate with a woman. If he were a commoner instead of a son of the nobility, his ass would have been in a jail cell long ago. But his brother always managed to dig him out of trouble somehow. Bribery most likely.
Surely Bertrand would want to know if his brother was harassing their sponsee. He turned on his heel and headed toward the duke’s room.
Bertrand’s head lifted from the copy of Civility: Manners, Morals and the Etiquette of Democracy that had him thoroughly engrossed as an incessant pounding noise issued from the door of his room. With a sigh, he placed a bookmark between the pages, carefully closed the tome, and sat it on the end table with meticulous precision, ensuring it could not be knocked off by a careless passerby.   
He rose from his seated position and took a moment to smooth his clothing out. One never wanted to look rumpled or unkempt, after all. He crossed the room unhurriedly and pulled the door open slowly. His eyes widened as he took in his visitor. “Sir Drake! What are you-“
“Can I come in? It’s kinda important,” Drake shoved past him without waiting for an answer.
“By all means,” Bertrand grumbled as he moved aside, “Why wait for an invitation?”
“Don’t need one.”
“It is my room-“
“In Liam’s palace,” Drake reminded him drily, “Do you want to know what your brother’s up to or do you want me to just report him to-“
“No, no, no!” Bertrand closed the door quickly before anyone happening by could overhear, “Please…” he gestured toward the scattered seating before squeezing his eyes shut as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “What has he done now?”
Drake didn’t bother to sit as he dove in without preamble, “He’s been harassing Riley.”
Bertrand froze as his eyes popped open. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I overheard him questioning her about her whereabouts last night and when she told him it was none of his business, he pressed the issue, and she told him they needed to have a discussion about boundaries.”
“Where was she last night?”
“That doesn’t matter. The point is-“
“Was she with Liam?” Bertrand tried to suppress the glee in his tone.
“I’m not here to divulge Liam’s business. Are you going to put a leash on your brother or do I need to do it?”
“No need for that. I’ll handle it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”
“Yeah…sure,” Drake started for the door, pausing with his hand on the knob, he turned back to Bertrand, “By the way…how much do you know about her past?”
“Lady Riley?”
“No, Queen Regina. Yes, Lady Riley!”
“Just that she was your waitress in New York and shared some kind of adventure with the prince. Why do you ask?”
Drake regarded him critically for several long seconds as Bertrand’s body twitched and his eyes darted around the room, landing everywhere but his face.
He was lying.
“No reason.” Drake exited the room and then stood in the hallway outside Bertrand’s door contemplating the duke’s deception. What was he hiding?
He didn’t know, but he was damn sure going to find out.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
Pickpocket AU
Short Version: I took Res's Glitra pickpocket idea and made it needlessly complicated
Long version:
So, previously on Tumblr, @resflower posted a short fic where Catra and Glimmer were fortune tellers who picked Bow's pocket. And I suggested that it would be funny if they thought they were picking his pocket but really he had picked theirs (given we see him do sleight of hand card tricks in canon). People enjoyed this idea and were like, "Write it!" but I never came up with a completel enough idea to feel like I had anything to post, just a few small scenes.
But here is what I have so far just for a taste. As is my brand, I have made it needlessly complicated.
Magic is thought to be extinct. That's the official line from the cities but people like Catra who live on the fringes of society know that's not true, it's just that anyone who shows any sign of having magic mysteriously disappears. Catra runs into Glimmer when she tries to rob her and decides to partner up with her for a big job… not so much because she needs a partner (she actually prefers to work alone) but because she's become an expert at sniffing out magic and she can tell that Glimmer has it and is trying to hide the fact that she does.
The two of them recently stole the moonstone, a relic of a necklace, long thought to be a myth. Now they are traveling to the edge of the city to the lawless wilds beyond where Catra has a buyer for the moonstone-- but what Glimmer doesn't know is she has a buyer for Glimmer too. Except the longer they travel together, the more she's starting to like the girl and not sure that she wants to turn her in after all. She doesn't know exactly what happens to people with magic but it doesn't seem like anything good and she's starting to feel a little protective of Glimmer.
They run an assortment of scams on their way across the country to make enough money for the journey and in one town they do their routine, Glimmer picking an easy mark in a young man (Bow) who's so innocent and trusting she almost feels bad about fleecing him. At least, she feels bad until she realizes that the innocence was an act and he swiped the moonstone.
Catra figures out he's a scholar in the city by his dress. Glimmer wants blood and Catra just wants their loot back so the two of them hatch a plan to infiltrate the Academy during the masquerade party on the coming night.
Meanwhile, Bow sneaks back into the Academy through his buddy Adora's room. Adora is soldier class and works as the personal body guard for Shadow Weaver, who leads the city (pretend I have given her some cool title). It's a boring gig because Shadow Weaver is barely around which gives her time to make friends like Bow. Bow himself is scholar class which is one of the highest classes there is because they are studying the nature of the darkness outside the city that kills everything it touches, but hates it. Instead he dabbles in the forbidden scientific arts, trying to find another way to keep the cities safe (because the secret the common people don't know is that the way Shadow Weaver keeps the city safe now is by draining anyone with magic she finds, effectively killing them and leaving them lifeless husks).
Bow's developed a device that can track magic and used it to trace down a device of tremendous power (the moonstone). He risked sneaking out to go get it because it's enough to power the city for decades and he's hoping if he gives it to Shadow Weaver she'll be able to use that to keep the city safe and no more magic people will need to die. He's planning to give it to her at the ball that night when she's actually going to make a rare appearance. (He justified stealing it from Glimmer bc he knew that the moonstone would only attract attention to her and probably get her killed.)
In the meantime, Glimmer and Catra have snuck into the ball. Glimmer has disguised herself and goes into the ballroom to try to find the man who stole from her. Catra warns her that they only want their goods back but Glimmer ignores her, fully planning to kill Bow as soon as she finds him. Meanwhile Catra is planning to watch Glimmer's back but she senses magic, so much magic it might be the moonstone. She follows the scent and finds... Adora.
Adora springs into action to fight the intruder! The two fight homoerotically, enjoying the challenge of having someone so evenly matched to fight with so they end up flirting, giving up easy chances to win to keep the fight going. Meanwhile Glimmer dances with / flirts / tries to kill Bow on the dance floor.*
(* I would have so much fun writing both of these scenes, you know I would. Fancy costumes! Flirting while dancing and trying to kill each other! Homoerotic flirting while fighting! Very much my jam!)
Then everything goes to hell when Shadow Weaver shows up. She goes to kill Catra and Adora protects her without thinking, accidentally activating She-Ra, a power she did not know she had. Shadow Weaver has been waiting for this moment, it was why she kept her close all these years, and goes for Adora to drain her (because she's not really draining people for the city, she's draining them to keep herself immortal.)
Meanwhile, in Glimbow's back and forth battle / dance of sexual tension Glimmer has gotten the moonstone back. She's got a knife to Bow's throat, ready to kill him but she can't do it. Then SW's head general, Hordak, appears. He's found out that Bow snuck out because Entrapta has independently invented the same magic scanning tech, and he goes after Glimmer, his scanner showing her to be full of magic. Bow tries to save her, knowing they'll drain her if she's caught, getting badly injured in the process. Hordak is about to finish him off, but Glimmer decides she doesn't want Bow to die after all and, in her desperation, activates power she didn't know she had, teleporting them both directly into the area outside the city they've been told is the darkness where nothing can live… but where they meet an old lady named Razz who greets them as the lost King and Queen of Etheria.
So Bow is dying and Glimmer is confused and Shadow Weaver has Catra and Adora and thaaaat's all I've got so far! shrug
For Inspired By Someone Else’s AU
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cherryrehab · 2 years
Hi, just wanna let you know that the cat fundraiser from 'wickdart' is a scam. There's an archive of the scammer's posts, blogs, etc here, and a detailed post on general scam red flags here
The main giveaways for this scammer are: 1) their oldest post is less than a day old. 2) They use USD $ in their post, but if you hover over the paypal link, it says 'country=PH', which is Philippines, where they use Philippine pesos 3) They send people random asks out of the blue, often saying not to answer publicly so they don't appear in searches 4) They reused the paypal (kyoungton) from many previous scam blogs 5) Their post tells people to send money with paypal 'friends and family', which doesn't have scam protection
I'm sending this message to as many people as I can to warn them and share some tips :) You can report the scammer through 'report something else', 'unlawful uses or content', then 'phishing'. Some people delete the reblogged post, others keep it up and put huge warnings in the reblog field and tags to warn others (it also annoys the scammer, they have to waste time blocking people to hide the comments). Stay safe!
ok thank god I assumed they were a scam too but unfortunately the cat looked so identical to my own that they fleeced me 😔
here's my beautiful boy btw:
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jaunluc · 2 months
This is a repost from next door neighbor. Never give your personal or private information to anyone that calls you. I get these kinds of calls on occasion.
Two days ago, a man posing as a Deputy Sheriff, using an actual Deputy Sheriff's name, called and told me I had failed to appeal for a Federal Court date. He was asking for $2100, or I would spend three days in jail until the Federal Judge, using her name, had an opportunity for a hearing. He warned that if I didn't pay, I would spend ten days in jail with a fine of $10,000. I had not received any summons or a subpoena, and I recognized when he started talking about Venmo and Apple Pay or putting a credit card on file that this was a scam. I contacted the Sheriff's Office, and I was told several people have already been fleeced out of their money. Please beware. I was told they are going after people older than 65, who have professional degrees. Stay safe.
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bitcofunblog · 4 months
Table of ContentsIntroductionRed Flags of Pig Butchering Scams: Identifying Suspicious BehaviorsProtecting Your Crypto: Understanding the Tactics of Pig Butchering ScamsSafeguarding Your Investments: A Comprehensive Guide to Avoiding Pig Butchering ScamsQ&AConclusionUnmask the Swine: Spotting "Pig Butchering" Scams in CryptoIntroduction**Introduction: Unmasking "Pig Butchering" Romance Scams Targeting Crypto Investors** In the realm of online romance, a sinister scheme known as "pig butchering" has emerged, preying on unsuspecting crypto investors. This sophisticated scam involves fraudsters posing as potential romantic partners to gain trust and ultimately fleece victims of their digital assets. Understanding the tactics employed by these scammers is crucial for protecting oneself from financial ruin. This introduction will delve into the modus operandi of pig butchering scams, highlighting the warning signs and strategies to avoid falling victim to their deceptive allure.Red Flags of Pig Butchering Scams: Identifying Suspicious Behaviors**How to Spot "Pig Butchering" Romance Scams Targeting Crypto Investors** Romance scams, particularly those targeting cryptocurrency investors, have become increasingly prevalent. "Pig butchering" scams, as they are known, involve fraudsters posing as potential romantic partners to gain victims' trust and ultimately steal their crypto assets. **Initial Contact and Grooming** Scammers typically initiate contact through social media, dating apps, or investment platforms. They create elaborate profiles with attractive photos and compelling personal stories to establish a connection with victims. They engage in frequent communication, showering victims with attention and affection. **Building Trust and Financial Dependence** As the relationship progresses, scammers gradually introduce financial discussions. They may share their supposed investment success or offer to help victims invest in cryptocurrency. They often provide seemingly legitimate trading platforms or apps that are actually controlled by the scammers. **Emotional Manipulation and Pressure** Scammers use emotional manipulation to pressure victims into making investments. They may create a sense of urgency, claiming that a particular investment opportunity is time-sensitive. They may also exploit victims' vulnerabilities, such as loneliness or financial insecurity. **Withdrawal Difficulties and Asset Theft** Once victims invest, they may initially see small profits to build trust. However, when they attempt to withdraw their funds, they encounter obstacles. Scammers may claim that the platform is experiencing technical issues or that there are regulatory restrictions. Eventually, victims realize that their assets have been stolen. **Red Flags to Watch Out For** * **Unrealistic Investment Returns:** Scammers often promise high returns with minimal risk, which is a common red flag. * **Pressure to Invest:** Scammers may create a sense of urgency or pressure victims to invest quickly. * **Unverified Trading Platforms:** Scammers may provide trading platforms that are not regulated or have negative reviews. * **Emotional Manipulation:** Scammers use emotional tactics to gain victims' trust and pressure them into making investments. * **Withdrawal Difficulties:** Victims may encounter obstacles when attempting to withdraw their funds. **Protecting Yourself** To protect yourself from pig butchering scams, it is crucial to: * Be cautious of unsolicited romantic advances, especially from individuals you do not know well. * Research potential investment opportunities thoroughly and only invest with reputable platforms. * Never share your private keys or seed phrases with anyone. * Trust your instincts and report any suspicious behavior to the appropriate authorities. By being aware of the red flags and taking proactive steps to protect yourself, you can avoid falling victim to these sophisticated scams.Protecting Your Crypto: Understanding the Tactics of Pig Butchering Scams.
Safeguarding Your Investments: A Comprehensive Guide to Avoiding Pig Butchering Scams**How to Spot "Pig Butchering" Romance Scams Targeting Crypto Investors** In the realm of online romance, a sinister scheme known as "pig butchering" has emerged, preying on unsuspecting crypto investors. These scams, often targeting individuals through dating apps or social media, follow a calculated pattern that can lead to devastating financial losses. Pig butchering scams typically begin with a charming and attentive individual who establishes a romantic connection with the victim. Over time, the scammer gains the victim's trust and confidence, often expressing an interest in cryptocurrencies. As the relationship progresses, the scammer introduces the victim to a seemingly legitimate crypto trading platform or investment opportunity. The victim is encouraged to deposit funds into the platform, with the promise of substantial returns. Initially, the victim may experience small gains, which further bolsters their trust. However, as the investment grows, the scammer begins to manipulate the platform, causing the victim's balance to fluctuate wildly. When the victim attempts to withdraw their funds, they are met with resistance. The scammer may claim that the platform is experiencing technical difficulties or that the victim needs to pay additional fees to unlock their funds. As the victim becomes increasingly desperate, the scammer may pressure them to borrow money or take out loans to cover the supposed fees. In some cases, the scammer may even threaten the victim or their loved ones. To protect yourself from pig butchering scams, it is crucial to be vigilant and aware of the following red flags: * **Unusually attentive and charming individuals:** Scammers often shower victims with affection and attention to gain their trust. * **Early introduction to cryptocurrencies:** Scammers may quickly introduce the topic of cryptocurrencies, even if the victim has no prior knowledge or interest. * **Promises of high returns:** Scammers often lure victims with unrealistic promises of substantial profits. * **Pressure to invest:** Scammers may create a sense of urgency, pressuring victims to deposit funds quickly. * **Resistance to withdrawals:** When victims attempt to withdraw their funds, scammers may find excuses or create obstacles. If you suspect you are being targeted by a pig butchering scam, it is essential to: * **Cut off contact:** Immediately cease all communication with the scammer. * **Report the scam:** Contact your local authorities and report the incident to the relevant crypto exchange or platform. * **Protect your assets:** Secure your crypto wallets and change your passwords. * **Seek professional help:** If you have been a victim of a pig butchering scam, consider seeking support from a financial advisor or therapist. By being aware of the tactics used by pig butchering scammers and taking proactive steps to protect yourself, you can safeguard your investments and avoid falling prey to these heartless schemes.Q&A**Question 1:** What is a "pig butchering" romance scam? **Answer:** A type of online scam where fraudsters build romantic relationships with victims to gain their trust and eventually persuade them to invest in cryptocurrency. **Question 2:** What are some red flags of a "pig butchering" romance scam? **Answer:** * Rapidly escalating romantic interest * Pressure to invest in cryptocurrency * Promises of high returns with little risk * Requests for personal financial information **Question 3:** How can you protect yourself from "pig butchering" romance scams? **Answer:** * Be wary of unsolicited romantic advances online * Research potential partners thoroughly * Never share personal financial information with someone you don't know well * Report suspicious activity to law enforcementConclusion**Conclusion:** "Pig butchering" romance scams are a sophisticated and evolving threat targeting crypto investors. They
exploit victims' emotional vulnerabilities and financial greed to steal significant sums of money. To protect oneself, it is crucial to be aware of the red flags associated with these scams, including: * Rapid relationship development and excessive flattery * Pressure to invest in unfamiliar cryptocurrencies * Requests for personal financial information * Promises of high returns with minimal risk * Use of fake or stolen identities By educating oneself, exercising caution, and reporting suspicious activity, crypto investors can mitigate the risk of falling victim to these scams. It is also essential to remember that legitimate investment opportunities do not require excessive pressure or secrecy.
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stmaryslibraryios · 6 months
Peter James – Dead at First Sight
Peter James – Dead at First Sight
This is following on from the previous Roy Grace book ‘Dead if you Don’t’.  We carry on with Roy and his team being called upon to solve more murders whilst Roy Grace is also getting ready to go to court to get the sentences for killers he has in custody.
The main theme of this book is internet fraud & scams using dating sites to fleece potential suspects. 
It begins with the suicide of a woman in Brighton, which on closer investigation becomes clear was murder.  The woman, Susie, had been liaising with an online dating agency and had spoken with her sister about some doubts she had about it’s authenticity.  As she delved further, she discovered that the picture of the man she had been messaging as a potential suitor, was a stolen ID.  The man in the picture was in fact, Toby a motivational speaker on local radio.  Susie contacted Toby and told him what had been happening & arranged to meet Toby so she could tell him what she had found out about the people involved in the scam.  Some of this information she had got from her sister who lived in Germany.  However, both Susie and her sister are killed & both are made to seem like suicides.
Toby goes on air and tells listeners to watch out for the romance sites & warns of the dangers of being conned out of all their savings.  One of the scammers who have come to Brighton send Toby a warning to keep his mouth shut in the shape of a machete.
These particular scammers were trained in Ghana, they are ruthless, they become rich beyond their wildest dreams.  They broke away from the scamming ring set up by a business man who lives in Jersey, the Mr Big behind many of the online frauds and went rogue.  They are now becoming a liability so Mr Big has hired an assassin to get rid of them – the assassin is an old adversary of Roy Grace.  Tooth, who is still suffering from his affects of poisonous bites from his near miss with the Black Widow.  He escaped from being under surveillance in a Brighton hospital but is still very much a wanted man.
A retired major who has been conned out of all his savings & who even re-mortgaged his house is hell bent on revenge.  He has been in contact with police in New York & a private investigator plus a lady who is about to be scammed.  They have taken matters into their own hands not knowing that the police are also taking action.  Roy Grace and his team have gathered damming evidence &  have a potentially dangerous plan.  The major & his vigilante could endanger their planned raid and get themselves killed.   Alongside all this we have the continuing saga of Grace’s home life & continuing problems with his son Bruno and his ongoing feud with his ACC Caspian Pewe who constantly tries to undermine him. As well as reminders of his previous cases which he is having to work on the paperwork for. 
I found it dragged a bit this book and he is repeating things unnecessarily throughout.  Interesting, but not gripping & could have been shorter,
Review by Lindy
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newscinema · 1 year
Police warn over Apple gift card scam as fraudsters fleece well-intentioned victims
Police are warning UK residents to remain vigilant against a sophisticated Apple gift card scam that fraudsters use to fleece well-intentioned victims. Con artists impersonate a friend or family member from your email list and ask you to send a gift card over as a matter of urgency – putting cash you can’t retrieve in their hands in seconds. The online thieves gain access to a person’s email…
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
N.L. family warns others not to fall victim to the same deepfake phone scam that cost them $10K
When Donna and Grenfell Letto got a call from their son in December, pleading for money, they didn't think twice about helping him. But even though the person sounded just like their son, it was a scammer who fleeced them for nearly $10,000.
from CBC | Newfoundland and Labrador News https://ift.tt/7nXfJow
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Warning to fiber sellers
This is a summary post that is out of date.  I have a pinned post that is up to date with the facts here.  More has happened since this post was written.
This is a warning to ALL fiber sellers online, especially those who sell via sites like Facebook.  
In recent months there has been some drama that a seller named Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp has been taking money and not sending product or sending the wrong product.  She’s been doing this for years, and to the scope of $15,000+ USD.  People who had been scammed by her connected and started comparing stories, and then discovering just how long it’s been going on and that she’s still doing it.
Sherry Tenney’s confirmed know aliases and the names she goes by (she changes her name frequently on social media):
Sherry Tenney
Vondorp Sherry
Sherry Vondorp
Lee Giltay
Sara Rudacille
Sherry Lee Price
Sherry Tenney Giltay
At first, that’s all it was.  She would send out some fleece/fiber, but maybe not all, and then, in the past few years, frequently none at all.  She would claim all sorts of reasons, like the post office lost hundreds of packages in a year, and other vague hand wavy excuses.  The main issue is that she was violently aggressive toward people who inquired about where their product was.  As in death threats aggressive.  Long, ranting threats about shooting them in fields and feeding them to her pigs threats.  There are videos.  They are disturbing.  
Well, a group called ‘Demon Trolls’ on Ravelry was discussing this and encouraging her to refund or send out the purchased product.  The group ‘Demon Trolls’ keeps track of problematic sellers in the fiber community so that people can be warned.  Sellers that take money and don’t send product, sellers that are falling months behind in shipping, and sellers that are not sending the product that was purchased.  The group keeps tabs, they don’t actively pursue action of any sort, but they let customers share complaints and stories and keep track of the unfolding situations.
Well, Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp has been... unique.  Instead of offering fake apologies (something that is frequently done), or cleaning up her act and running her business professionally (something that genuinely does happen at times as well, sometimes sellers just underestimate how hard it is to run a business at times), she doubled down on the aggression.  There are hour long videos threatening to shoot and kill people from the group, and former customers simply for complaining about not receiving purchased goods.  There has been bizarre stories about ‘microburst tornadoes’ killing her sheep and her leaving them in the field to rot for days on end, her having bears coming to kill her sheep because she leaves them out all night long, her having birthing season go on for months because she just keeps rams in the herd and doesn’t keep track of breeding.
I could go on.  The woman is... unhinged is the only polite way to put it.
It also came out within the past few days that it’s more than just her scamming people.  It turns out what her and a group of about 25 others would do is go to sellers pages on FB, black the mods and admins, and then tell the others that she sold fleece for cheaper and better quality than them.  She would poach the customers from small farms, and her and others would purposefully repeatedly report the small farm and their page to get it taken down so they couldn’t sell at all.
Then, when the farm was desperate, some of these small sellers have reported more than a 50% drop in income when she has done this, she would buy the fleeces at cheaper prices from them, mark them up, and then ‘resell’ them, frequently to the customers she lured away.  Given that she would frequently sell the same fleece to multiple people and never ship it, it was a way for her to get a ton of sales with little to no overhead herself.
She, working in tandem with another woman, would keep passing emails back and forth with customers until the window to file a chargeback would close, and then she would send disgusting messages to the customer and block them.  
If you have a Ravelry account, this has all been compiled for viewing here.  I do warn you, the videos are unnerving and I could barely stomach just reading the transcripts.  
The discussion about what is going on with Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp is here.  I am warning you, it is currently at 300 pages of discussion.  A lot has happened in just the past few months.  It is insane.
Please reblog this so other fiber sellers know to watch out for her, and to be warned about what she is doing.  She is purposefully destroying businesses for her own profit.
I am editing the original post and adding this update.  Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp tries to avoid notice by frequently changing her name on Facebook (where she tries to do business via messenger only so as to avoid having a paper trail), as well as the names of her businesses.  She is trying to rely on people not knowing the names of her accounts, and there are many, and then being scammed.
Sherry Tenney frequently goes by the name Sherry Vondorp (her grandmother’s maiden name).  She will also use other aliases connected to either other family member’s names or the names of former husbands that she legally held at one point.  
On Facebook her groups are:
Farmlife in the country
RAW WOOL 4 ALL selling buying group USA
Tenneys Fibers and raw wool buyers group
Fiber sellers
The Cashmere Turtle luxury fiber affordable prices
The Dye house and Mrs Tuttle country fiber arts (community)
On Instagram her account is:
Although, as I said before, she frequently changes the names of her shops on Facebook.  It is not unusual for her to change her name or her shop names multiple times a month in an attempt to avoid them and herself being noticed.  So please, be very careful when buying fleece over social media and in social media communities.  Tenney has also sold fleece in Dirty Fleece, Done Dirt Cheap in the past as well.  People have reported that the fleeces they have received from her at times have been absolutely riddled with moth larvae and moths in the past, so if you have ever received anything from her please check to make sure it was quarantined from the rest of your stash.
If you are a seller and have been contacted by her, please be sure to get full payment upfront.  Multiple sellers are reporting that they have done business with her and she has either refused to pay or reversed the charges once the product has been received.  She is a thief, this cannot be stressed enough at this time.
Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp works very closely with a woman named Suzanne Smith Collier who actively helps her with her scam, and helps her do damage to other small fiber sellers online.  We do not know if Suzanne shares in the profits from this scam, but she is a documented participant in it.  She will actively help run out the refund clock for customers who email about orders they have not received, and will block people the instant the refund clock is over.  
Suzanne Smith Collier Etsy is ‘FinerThanFroggyHair’, formerly ‘Spinning Yarns & Weaving Tall Tails’.  Her FB group is ‘Finer Than Frog’s Hair’.
Pleased be warned about her as well.
Also, as a reminder, please do not harass anyone online, and especially not in real life.  Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp has once again posted another message about having guns and threatening to shoot people.  The woman should be considered extremely unstable and very dangerous.  She sometimes teaches classes on her farm, and I would not sign up for those even as a joke.  No one wants to see anyone physically hurt in real life.
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Sun Shower
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Kinktober 2020 — knotting
A/N: I need everyone to know that anything I write that has something to do with foxes is immediately self-indulgent, I cannot begin to describe you the joy I feel whenever I write about it
Pairing: kitsune!Miya Atsumu x f!reader
Description: Foxes, they mate for life.
Warning: feral foxtsumu, biting, oral (receiving), vaginal penetration, knotting, creampie, borderline cumflation but just putting it here to be safe
Word count: 4551 
(more of the modern magic au here)
The sound of sizzling filled the small apartment you called home, the weak venting system of the old complex far too incompetent to truly stop the blended smell of oil from spreading everywhere.
You were laying on your couch that you bought from a second hand store when you moved in, one that could barely fit in the two of you if you sit any less properly. Atsumu had claimed that it would be alright, saying with his loopy accent that he could just turn back into a fox when you cuddle to save space. That, on its own was far too tempting of an offer to give up and so you used the money that you had saved from buying the couch that was technically a love seat to get high quality tuna sashimi to celebrate your first night in your new home.
It was a lie, he never did willingly turn into the cuddly fox like he said he would when you tried to get him to scooch over because his much larger frame was squishing against you, only pulling you above him in a position that defied human anatomy before dozing off to his nap again.
“You should know that foxes are deceitful creatures,” he mumbled in his sleep when you smacked his arm for him to loosen up his grip, “should have known better...”
Deceitful creatures indeed, who were infamous in folklores for casting illusions on innocent humans only to run away leaving nothing but echoes of laughter once their tricks were see through. Sometimes you would walk up to him and poke his chubby cheeks out of nowhere, replying with a smirk that you were checking if he would eventually show his true form when he winced.
You wondered if he had pulled any tricks to get you to be with him. You fell for him little by little with harmless bickering and occasional moments of sudden charm that had your heart beating faster. Even though you were groaning inwardly that you couldn’t believe you were swooning for Miya fucking Atsumu of all people when he was just deliberately pissing you off with his grinning face just moments earlier. But before you knew it, you had already gotten used to making space for him and his flicking tail that always accidentally hit you when he turned around.
You couldn’t say you were surprised when he brought you to the neighbourhood Inari temple that day, pulling you close to him by your wrist and confessed to you in a voice that he thought was incredibly swoon-worthy. You rolled your eyes when he tilted his head at you with a smirk that seemed out of place for what he just said, mostly because you could not believe this really was the guy you stayed up at night thinking about. 
You could never forget how almost immediately after you returned his feelings. a droplet of water fell from the sky. You gasped when you felt the rain soaking into your shirt but was far too mesmerised by the way sun filtered through the rain and made it looks like threads of gold and silver appearing in the middle of a sunny day. Atsumu looked up at the sky and laughed, opening his palm to catch the rain while his other hand held you close to him.
“They say sun showers are the signal that the band to welcome the fox bride has set off,” he said, golden eyes glimmering brighter than the sun as he leaned down. His breath was warm against your lips when he spoke again before closing the gap, “the gods must be sending a message.”
Much later into your relationship after his perfect confession, you would learn that he seemed to be very friendly with the god that resided in the exact same temple he brought you to. If the god seemed to be casually good friends with your lover, who was to say that the “message from the gods” was not deliberately planned?
But trick or not, you could not forget the way he smiled when you told him that you also liked him with a grumble. Not one of his usual lop-sided grins or mocking lift of his lips, a real smile, the kind where his mouth could not be wider and he had to force them shut so he wouldn’t be showing his teeth. Nor could you forget the feeling of his tail that appeared out of nowhere curling over your leg when he held you close, the soft fuzz of his fur sending tingles all over your skin as if the feeling of his lips on yours was not enough to have you going haywire. 
You could not say it was a scam when you fell for it willingly, that was what you believed. 
Right now, the cunning fox was standing in front of the stove with one hand on his waist, his tail swaying side to side as he whistled a tune you had never heard of before. Sometimes, when you blinked, you would see the shadow of what seemed to be more tails swooshing around only for it to return to just that one brush when you focused again. 
The number of tails a fox had was a sign of status and power, he had told you one time while he was forcing you to give him scratches with his head on your lap. The dart of red at the outer corner of his eyes furrowed when he scrunched his face up in comfort, whimpering in content as he moved his head around to make you scratch down on the right spot.
More often than so, his antics would make you forget that beyond grinning faces and smooth words, he was indeed a powerful youkai much unlike yourself. Until he would crouch down in front of you after an argument, turning leaves into all sorts of strange objects just to make you laugh even though you were determined to give him the cold shoulder. The soft glow on his skin when he curled up next to you on the bed after just coming down from his high making you admit that he did look whimsical at times.
Some foxes were the gods’ messengers, even though the same fox that might have been worshipped centuries ago was here singing off tune in your kitchen while cooking dinner.
Calling it “off tune” was a bit of a merciful statement, you sighed and stared at the ceiling as his singing got louder and louder. Standing up, you made sure your steps were light enough that even his superb hearing would not catch onto as you slowly made way to the kitchen. His tail was swaying like a gigantic paintbrush, and you held your hands out to focus on your target.
The chopsticks he was holding in hand dropped onto the frying pan with a clink as he felt the sudden grip on his tail. You could feel his fur standing up like a pompom under your hand, your lips curling up at his reaction as you continued to rub your face against the soft fleece.
“What, what, what are you doing?” he stuttered, his nostrils flailing when he felt a very untimely wave of heat rising in his core. Shivers run down his spine as you handsily toy with his tail, your nails scratching lightly at his skin beneath the coat as you ran your hands up and down.
“Nothing, just checking on your progress.”
Atsumu gulped at how nonchalant you sounded, your hands not once stopping. If you had peeled your eyes away from the floof that had taken up all your attention, you would see that his ears were twitching uncomfortably on his head. His shoulders tensed as he bit his lips, focusing on anything but how he could feel himself popping a boner if you don’t stop it with your hands anytime sooner.
His breathing halted to a paused when you put your chin on his shoulder, your hands still around his tail as you pressed up against his back. He could feel the softness of your chest through your thin shirt and it was not helping with how hypersensitive he was. 
“The patty is starting to burn.”
“Huh?” he let out an incomprehensive string of curses when you let go of him with a light shove, his hands flailing to save the poor piece of meat that was crisping up under his lack of attention earlier.
He huffed, wincing at how long it would take him to get the burnt bits off the perfectly fine pan while thinking that he was definitely going to let his frustration be known later.
Atsumu leaped on you the moment you were about to pull your phone out to do some scrolling before bed.
“Tsumu, what is it?” you asked, letting your phone slide out of your palm as you stared flatly at the man that was pinning you down. He was smiling, like the scheming foxes straight out of a fable as he looked down at you. His pupils were squeezed into two thin lines, slicing his golden eyes into two halves. You could see the pattern like amber as he stared you down, the dart of black pulsating as he exhaled through his nose.
“You knew what you were doing.”
“Know what?” you asked again, this time slightly more amused than the last when the answer you were seeking for slowly appeared in your head. His ears were standing up on his head, the thin strand of fur at the very tip flicking as it twitched. His tail was swaying between his legs that trapped you under him, his position much like a predator that was ready to feast on his prey.
The chase was part of the fun too.
“You were railing me up,” each word fell off his lips with a short pause in between, his tone a special kind of sultry as he exaggerated the slight raise of his voice after the sentence.
Still laying flat with your face right below his, you glanced down at where a slight tent was poking against the material of his sweats.
Horny bastard.
“How did I rail you up?”
He snorted in bafflement, his head tilting like he could not believe what you just said as the wagging of his tail got wilder. “You know that my- hmph!”
You bite your lips to stop the chuckle from slipping past when he let out a choked whine the moment you hooked on leg over his waist and brushed the heel of your feet along his tail. 
“Like this?” you said, widening your eyes to forge innocence when you could physically felt the fur on his tail standing up at the stimulation. His face was contorted, the nonchalant smile on his face replaced by a scrawl. You would not mistake the grumble from the back of his throat when your hand reached up to rub his pointy ears between your fingers, scratching your nails down on the soft fleece at the bottom as your feet not once stopped.
He glared at you, his eyebrows locking together in place when he felt the dull ache in his groins growing. His face was on fire, a flush dusting at the top of his cheek and threatening to spread everywhere else too. 
“Or this?”
You were grinning ear to ear when you press your pelvis up against him with the help of your leg around his waist. What was only a small tent before was now a full on bulge and his tail stiffen under your foot at the pressure. His arms that were at both sides of your head was shuddering, his muscles flexing as you continued to blatantly feel him up.
One press of your heel on the base of his tail where the fur met with his hips was what made him snap. The animalistic growl that rumbled out from the back of his throat shaken you to the core when he latched on you, pinning you down by the shoulder with one hand while the other gripped onto your thigh that was still at the side of his waist. His lips were messy on you, forcing your mouth open with a bite on your bottom lip before his tongue dominated your senses. Muffled moans and breathy groans slipped out between heated kisses, his hand trailing down and groping anything he could get his hands on when you melted under his force and let him take the lead as he pleased.
You let out a breathy sigh when he released your lips and proceed down your neck, leaving trails of saliva as he went with the bites and sucks he left. His canines brushing against the sensitive skin had you whimpering, giving him the perfect opportunity to bite down. You yelped at the pain, your hand shooting up to find leverage in his hair as he licked at the sore spot he just clamped down on. The warmth of his spit left your skin tingling, the mark of his teeth still apparent to your senses with the dull ache that remained. 
His hands clawed impatiently at the thin shirt that clad your body, slipping underneath immediately when you scurried to peel it off of you with a slight arch of your back in the brief removal of his weight on you. You arched against him when he took your nipple in his lips, licking and sucking on the sensitive bud that sent you into an overdrive of pain and pleasure. You moaned when you felt his bared teeth brushing against the perky tip, the air of the room feeling exceptionally chilly with the slight sheen that was left on your skin. His fingers replaced his lips when he moved to the other side, his hand kneading and fondling roughly with your breast while his tongue swirled around the other bud.
His hips were held up as he lost himself in the want to feel more, taste more of you. Out of the corner of your eyes that was threatening to shut tight in reflex, the vigorous flick of his tail was all you can see between your lashes. He looked like a wild animal waiting to pounce on his defenseless catch, the pointy tips of his nails hooking onto the band of your shorts before yanking down with a forceful pull. You arched yourself off the mattress while his lips trailed down from the valley of your breast to the center of your stomach. Nothing could stop you from whining out loud when he shamelessly shoved his nose against the thin cotton of your panties where a damped spot was starting to form, the loud inhale making you squirm underneath him and wanting to push him away in embarrassment.
“Tsumu, don’t-”
Your breath hitched when he cut you off with a snap of his head upwards at glare at you. The low growl that was gritted out from his bearing teeth had your knees weak, the sharp tip of his canines on show as he warned you from stopping him. The look in his eyes was dangerous, like he was about to tear you apart and it was shameful how it made your cunt clench around nothing.
You could still hear the purr from his throat when he dipped his head back down, his tongue poking out to lick a stripe up the crotch of your panties. He had your knees hooked on his shoulder, holding you in place as his tongue mapped out the print of your folds and making you threw your head back against the pillow. You bucked your hips forward, urging him to give you more and his ears twitched at your antics.
One finger hooked under the strip of fabric and you hissed when he shoved it to the side, revealing your pussy that was already coated with a thin shine. He did not waste a moment before latching onto your folds, his tongue that had always been anything but well-behaved parting your pussy and delving in. He groaned at the taste of your arousal, his tail tugging neatly to the side as he dug his fingers into the soft flesh of your thighs and pushing them back further. 
He was lapping at you like he had been starved and you were the first meal he had, salvaging every inch of you as far as his tongue could reach and drowning in your scent. His hips were humping against the mattress, trying to relieve some of the ache in his pants that was fueled by the feeling of your skin right under his hands. Your voice came out as broken moans and pants as his tongue plunged in and out of you, the brief moments when he slipped his tongue out of you to catch a breath was when he smeared your juices coating his lips over your clit and sucking on the engorged nub. 
Your panties were shoved to the side but the flimsy cotton was still too much of a constraint to the greedy fox and he let go of your legs with a displeased hiss before pulling it down until it was out of his way completely. He did not bother to fling it to the ground before scooping your knees up again, a high-pitched moan ripping from the back of your throat when he flicked his tongue furiously against your sopping folds, your toes pointing in pleasure with your panties still barely hanging on your ankle with how hasty he was at removing it from you just earlier. You felt your limbs numbing at the coil that tightened every time he growled between his teeth against your cunt, kicking your panties off of you before letting your eyelids fell from the white you were seeing in your vision. His name rolled off your lips in a cry when you cum around his mouth, his tongue rubbing against your walls encouragingly as he basked in the sweet sounds you were making.
The fox perked up from between your legs, his long tongue swiping across his lips to lick up your juices that was tinting across his face and strong jaws. His eyes were glinting when he rose up, ears pointing upwards as he took your quivering lips in his once again while his hands fumbled to pull down the band of his sweats. You whimpered into the kiss when you tasted yourself on him, his tail brushing against the side of your waist as the comb of fur swayed behind him now that he was bare. His cock was pressed against his lower stomach, the vein at the side pulsing and beads of pre-cum rolled down his length from the leaking tip. He held your legs up once again, the time pushing your knees all the way back until they were right against your chest. 
He sucked in on your scent at the crook of your neck in satisfaction, loving how you were always smelt more euphoric after you were lost in bliss. Rubbing the side of his chin on your neck, you whined at the stretch pulling at the side of your thighs as he messily glided his cock across your folds that was dripping with the mixture of arousal and his spit.
Your soft moan overlapped with the feral grunt he let out when he pushed his tip inside of you with ease from the wetness, the stretch making your fingers dug into his back as he filled you up inch by inch. 
Atsumu’s warm huffs of breath was moist against your neck, his nostrils flaring at how warm and tight you were around him. The first thrust set him loose as he focused on breaking you into pieces, each surge of his hips hilted deep inside you with how you were bent in half underneath him. Your brain was in a mush as his tip rubbed against your velvety walls, the vein at the underside of his cock creating extra friction and making your skin burn.
He was not shy with letting you know how much he was enjoying himself, grunting and growling in your ear as he jackhammered into with frigid snaps of his hips. His tail was stiff at his back, the fur on it spiking up as his stomach spasmed. His nails were almost painful on your thighs as he gripped onto you tightly, his broad frame completely towering over yours as he drilled inside of you in a force that felt like he was not going to stop until he shattered your bones. 
“Tsu- tsumu!” 
He groaned at the way you mewled out his name, your eyes struggling to stay open as a wall of mist glossed over your pupils that were blown out in wanton lust. Your hands clawed at his back for leverage before they found hold on his hair, a loud grunt falling off his trembling lips when your fingers scratched down on his ears. 
His thrusts were short and fast, not bothering to bottom out of you completely before slamming back in. The position he had you in allowed him to plow as deep as he wanted, making your toes curl each time his tip slammed against the spongey spot in your lower stomach.
Your breath hitched when you felt the swell at the base of his cock starting to form, stretching your cunt out even more than he already did. He panted in your ear, nibbling at your collar and trailing his tongue along the marks that he had left as his primal desire started to kick in. You whimpered at the feeling of him filling and growing in you, your hands fisting his golden hair egging him on to keep slamming his hips down on you.
“So big...” you whimpered as his knot grew larger and larger, feeling like you were being pulled apart by the seams when he pushed the rounded base inside of you until it locked him in place. The burn from the stretch had you seeing stars and you felt the band in your core snapped when his thrusts turned into rigid humps from your cunt clenching down around the thick base of his girth. His chest was heaving as his breath got heavy, your legs pressed up against his shoulders as his brows twisted together. 
Your head was thrown back but if you could look down and see your stomach, you could imagine the outline of his knot being visible even in your belly, pressing up against you and filling you up like nothing else. 
The first time you experienced that, you jokingly told him that you could never try anything else after having a taste of getting your brains fucked out with his knot to which he replied with a humph that you should not even think for a second that he would give you the choice of having anything else. 
That was a useless statement to make, because you were certain that no one could make you feel as good as he could.
Your pussy was fluttering around him from your high and the tension made him moan. His shoulders were tensed, shuddering as his cock pulsated inside of you. His jaw felt painful from how hard he was clenching it tight, his hands no doubt leaving bruises on your thighs with how hard he was gripping down on you.
A choked whine leaked out from his lips when he finally felt the pent up frustration in him coming out like a river. You whimpered at the warmth that rushed over you as he shot ropes and rope of cum in you, his body stiffening on top of you as he bit his lips from the pleasure that had his mind in blank with no thought other than how you were all wrapped up around him. The was a faint glow on his skin as his muscles clenched, the dart of red at the corner of his eyes like they were actual spurts of flames as he lost control of his power at a moment of vulnerability. 
The specks of gold reminded you a lot of the sun shining through the droplets of rain on the day he told you that he was in love with you.
He held you there for a while, the fat load of his release making you felt like you were about to combust from how much he was cumming. The knot at the base of his cock slowly eased down, allowing him to give a few sloppy thrusts before pulling out of you. The last few spurts of his cum splattered across your lower stomach as he heaved, the sticky substance that filled you up gushing out with each flutter of your sensitive cunt. You felt used and worn out, the feeling of his fullness still lingering even though it was just his release mixed with your juices that stuffed you now.
“You,” you said with a pant as Atsumu flopped down on you in content, “are an animal.”
“Low blow...” he mumbled, his cheeks squished out as he laid on top of your chest. It was an amazement how fast he went from feral beast to this harmless looking baby that had his face buried between the soft mounds of your breasts. His tail was now swirling happily behind him, brushing against your legs in a steady rhythm. The softness did help to coax you down, and he grumbled in satisfaction when you put your hand on the back of his head and rubbed his ears gently.
“You better clean up the mess you make later.”
“You’re ruining the atmosphere," he complained with a pout, smiling a little at the snort you made. He pressed a light peck onto the center of your chest, nuzzling his face against you before looking up at you with his jaw leaning on you.
Fine, you would have to admit that Atsumu always looked cute when he was in his post-sex clingy form with his tail curling around your leg and ears flicking at the top of his head.
“You know,” his words sounded off with how he could barely move his lips. His eyes were squinted into two thin curls on his face that was tilted to the side, pressing his ear against you to hear the steady rhythm of the pounding of your heart, “foxes mate for life...”
You wanted to tell him that you do know, because he told you that every time he was feeling mushy. When he just woke up, when you two were in the bath together, when he was in your arms like he was now, he liked to remind you every now and then that he was ready to do all that with you for the rest of his life as long as it might be, like how he seemed genuinely overjoyed when the drops of rain fell from the sky as you told him that you loved him too.
So you stayed silent, and basked in the simple bliss of knowing that the universe had sent a message and it was that you made the right decision choosing each other.
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Strength in numbers
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Accountancy is more likely to be mocked than celebrated (or condemned), but accountants, far more than poets, are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
Though "bean counters" are employed by firms, they are notionally bound by a professional code of ethics every bit as serious as the Hippocratic Oath: "count things honestly." Without an accurate accounting of quantities, you can't make good decisions on quality.
Though accountancy concerns itself with counting things, it is inextricably bound up with the realm of ideas, and accounting conventions (how you account for things) are philosophical matters, not empirical ones.
It's no coincidence that Modern Monetary Theory owes more to accountancy than it does to economics. Economic accounts of the economy have an unfortunate tendency to proceed from first principles, creating models based on pure reason, without checking in on the actual world.
For example, neoclassical econ's "homo economicus," the rational value-maximizing actor who populated so many models; or economists' insistence on targeting inflation with interest rates; or treating national "debts" like they were household debts.
It's telling that the greatest economics revolution of my lifetime was "behavioral economics," which could also be called "checking to see whether real people act like we've assumed they acted."
If it seems weird that economists would spend generations operating on the incorrect assumption that people behave in a certain way without ever checking, consider that Aristotle assumed women had fewer teeth than men, - and never bothered to count.
Accountants check, and what they find is…gnarly. In "An Accounting Model of the UK Exchequer," Andrew Berkeley, Richard Tye & Neil Wilson offer a mindbending account (heh) of where money comes from (hint: not taxes), and where it goes ("poof").
The authors did a two-part MMT Podcast interview describing the paper's findings, and it is the most extraordinary 2.5h audio you're likely to find: not just the realities of money, but the deliberate obfuscation thereof.
One thing the Exchequer paper reveals is that accountants bat for both teams: team clarity and team obscurity. As many finance scandals and finance dramas have reminded us, accounting can be turned to obscuring and dazzling rather than revelation.
After all, somewhere in HM Exchequer is a team of accountants who know *exactly* how money works - and know that it's nothing like the account produced by economists or politicians. They know it because they are in charge of it. They do money, all day long.
When accountants go rogue, things get bad. And thanks to neoclassical economics - and its emphasis on the "efficiency" of monopolies - we are living through a golden age of ghastly accounting fraud.
Just four companies - EY, KPMG, PWC and Deloitte - audit the books of 97% of the 350 largest UK companies; but they make far more selling these companies consulting services, and have made a habit of lying about those books in order to boost their consulting income.
Accountancy is meant to be a profession that understands that conflicts of interest are a moral hazard. But just as doctors convince themselves they won't get addicted to their own painkillers, accountants talk themselves into believing that conflicts won't corrupt them.
That's how the Big Four accounting companies came to sign off Carillion's fraudulent books. The company hid £7b worth of debts, took on management of vital government services up and down the country, then collapsed, leaving the nation stranded.
For the Big Four, Carillion's collapse was a feature, not a bug. After all, the only accounting firms large enough to oversee its bankruptcy were...the Big Four, who billed millions for cleaning up the mess left behind by their own fraud.
Accounting fraud is a fascinating potential fracture line in economic reform. After all, fraudulent accountants may help *some* plutes get rich - like, say Bernie Madoff, or Donald Trump - but they often do so at the expense of *other* plutes.
Like Exxon, which lied to its investors for 11 years about the value of its shale-gas holdings, which it purchased at the peak of the fracking bubble and whose revenues and liabilities it has buried in its financial statements ever since.
The company is finally writing down $19.3b worth of those assets, but the true figure is more like $50b. And yes, Exxon's big investors include a lot of passive funds that invest pension savings, meaning this hurts Main Street as well as Wall Street.
But as ever, those pension-savers are the Lucky Duckies here, because - joke's on us - Americans have basically no pension savings, thanks to the wage stagnation and asset inflation that left almost all working Americans facing penury in old age.
Hey, at least they're not getting ripped off by Exxon! The real victims of this decade-long, multibillion-dollar fraud are the same people who got snookered into buying into shitty Trump casinos and luxury buildings: rich people.
By definition, rich people deal in quantities that exceed their ability to personally count so they are especially vulnerable to scam accounting. It's only when the frauds tank a company we all suffer, as jobs and businesses disappear, screwing workers  and cities.
The absence of a neutral ref and scorekeeper is a really big deal in online business and policy circles. The ad-tech duopoly isn't merely content to price-gouge advertisers - they also lie about what those sky-high prices are paying for:
But each member of the duopoly has a different scam. Google's frauds are complex, behind-the-scenes market manipulations, an abstruse, mathematical grift that leverages complexity and monopoly to fleece its customers.
Facebook is much more straightforward. It just lies. Back in 2016, FB lied about how many people were watching videos, and encouraged hundreds of media company to beggar themselves to chase fraudulent video dollars:
Accounting fraud is in Facebook's DNA. After all, this is a company whose primary sales-pitch is, "We will count everything you do and then charge people to help them sell you stuff."
This proposition is intrinsically hard to evaluate. How can a customer know if their FB ad generated a sale, or whether it was an ad elsewhere, or random chance, or even that elusive beast, customer loyalty?
The main source for the belief in Facebook's efficacy is...Facebook. It's not a neutral party, and the accountants who sign off on its books have repeatedly shown themselves to be untrustworthy.
Here's the latest scandal: since 2018, FB's been defending a class-action suit brought by its customers who claim that FB lied about "potential reach" - that is, how many users would see their ads.
And while FB strenuously denies that the inaccuracies in "potential reach" metrics were just normal, unpredictable variations in user behaviors, a whistleblowing FB product manager has produced emails in which they warn execs that they're committing fraud.
The execs who got these memos rejected them, telling the product manager that acting on them would have "significant revenue impact" - that is, "Our customers wouldn't buy our products if we were truthful about them."
The fraudulent reach figures begat fraudulent revenues, and those revenues were fraudulently reported to investors. Those investors will now take a haircut if FB loses in court.
Accounting fraud's pathology is bimodal: it abets the wage-theft and austerity that harms the poorest and most vulnerable - but also the reporting scams that harpoon finance's biggest whales.
It's a curious alliance of interests. For now, it seems like Big Tech is going to be antitrust and anti-corruption's harbinger, but I wouldn't count accountancy out - it's got exactly the right kinds of enemies to fire sustained political will.
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arecomicsevengood · 4 years
Uncollected Mysteries
I bought a few Mack White comics care of Austin English’s Domino Books distro. Two issues of Villa Of The Mysteries, a Fantagraphics single-artist anthology from the mid-nineties, telling paranoid short stories involving government agencies, religion, and the like; and Mutant Book Of The Dead, which is a little earlier and more of a humorous underground comics kind of thing, but similarly well-told. These comics have been out of print for decades, and are hard to find. (I’m still trying to track down a copy of issue 3 of Villa Of The Mysteries.)
I first encountered White’s work in an issue of the anthology Snake Eyes, where he does a story, “Cindy The Tattooed Sunday School Teacher,” that’s reprinted in issue 1 of Villa Of The Mysteries. This story is incredibly tight and focused, home to a variety of ambiguities about who exactly is lying, and how the author feels about the nature of the lie. My take is that while the title character’s running a complicated scam, White nonetheless approves of it as an alternative to the more repressive Christianity she’s replacing in the lives of the people she’s fleecing. But his approval or disapproval doesn’t really matter, and since the whole thing is a fiction, neither does the notion of an unreliable narrator. What matters more is how the story’s built around memorable images, and how concluding on a panel that explains the  story is being narrated by a member of the church to FBI interrogators reframes how the piece is read. It’s a representative story in a lot of ways.
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These comics are great, but theirs is an unfashionable style now. An EC-influenced visual style is itself dated, and that such influence was common among underground cartoonists then becomes another reason for people to look at such work only with an eye towards dismissing it as politically uncouth. White’s a Texan, and there’s both a comic and a text piece in issue 2 about the Branch Davidians and the possibility Bill Clinton had a personal stake in their being killed by federal agents. While what happened in Waco feels similar in broad outline to incidents that have upset radicals in the past — Specifically, I think there’s a great many parallels to be drawn to the Philadelphia Police Department’s bombing of MOVE — it’s conservatives objecting to the Federal government that dictated the conspiracy narrative, and led to the FBI afterward playing a hands-off role with heavily armed right-wingers, which also makes the story of this time they did intervene seem exceptional in a way that’s even more suspect.
Mack White doesn’t seem to have had many people clamoring to publish his work in the recent decades. He did have work run in the three issues of the Hotwire anthology, edited by Glenn Head and published by Fantagraphics a decade ago. (Head also edited Snake Eyes.) Hotwire sort of posited itself as a trashy, lowbrow thing, despite having many of the same contributors that ran in Zero Zero, which was Fantagraphics’ house anthology during the nineties, when that would’ve been, you know, essentially considered the height of snobbery. Underground stuff, humor stuff, artsy Europeans working themselves into a frenzy. White contributed a serial to Zero Zero, called Homunculus, but while there have been collections of the Richard Sala, Kim Deitch, Dave Cooper, and Ted Stearn material that ran alongside it, there’s no such collection of the Homunculus material, which I have not read. I also haven’t read the first two issues of Hotwire, however I found the third volume to be remarkably coherent in its mixture of short humor pieces, extremely focused narrative short stories, and purely visual art. It’s a portrait of its segment of the comics world that feels far more satisfying than Now’s sampler-platter approach to younger artists, who have colorful and distinct visual styles but cumulatively make little narrative impression.
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I’m not suggesting there’s some sort of liberal conspiracy dedicated to suppressing Mack White’s work but I do find the passive rejection of an artist whose work holds up fascinating, in light of how many comics that are considerably less satisfying as reading experiences are widely available and marketed like they’re literature. Granted, I don’t know how a book-length collection of these short stories would read. It does feel like there’s a good deal of repetition of similar themes and maybe it’s more powerful in small doses than it would be in a great heaping portion. I do still feel like this stuff seems like a difficult “sell” to the current comics market, because people don’t want to be challenged, and whether it’s for reasons of content or form, this work feels vaguely challenging.
One of the things that has replaced the ECs and the undergrounds in the hearts of the reading public is manga. In a certain light, even the U.S. comic market’s current fascination with manga seems suspect, because it’s the product of a more repressive culture. Yes, the comics are good and many of the comics intended for kids there are so wild they’re marketed towards adult audiences here. But even that is strange and suggests something strange about where we in the U.S. are at. Maybe we like manga because we simply know we don’t understand the cultural context and so don’t need to worry about it. It’s also a better value economically than American comics, and many surely view their entertainment budgets with an austerity mindset, which in turn leads to a certain conservatism even if that isn’t the intent at the outset.
For all my cohort might identify as socialists, we are still suffering under the condition of having arrived at such a place by having passed through liberalism, and have, I think, a certain self-consciousness in our thinking that worries too much to take things on their own terms. In the same way that someone might identify as “progressive” and say “Well, of course, I’d prefer if Elizabeth Warren were president, but I don’t think she could win in the rust belt! That’s why I support Joe Biden as the most electable choice” I have this tendency to see a piece of art I think is really strong — Bong Joon-Ho’s “Oasis,” for instance, and become self-conscious about recommending it to someone. Not to act like someone bemoaning the idea of “trigger warnings,” but it feels like now that’s common parlance, the only way to treat art is that it’s something many grown adults will not be able or inclined to handle, and the only people that will, are those that hunger for the transgressive as a way of establishing their bad boy credentials. This self-consciousness in presentation makes it incredibly difficult for people to simply communicate with one another, to present realities and ambiguities without couching them in a series of flags that tells you exactly how one person feels and expects the other person to feel in turn.
Mack White’s comics aren’t even rough! Certainly less so than, say, Jeff Johnson’s Nurture The Devil, another Fantagraphics series from the nineties not reprinted. (Although a friend did suggest the rape played for laughs, based around mythology, could be a stumbling block for people. He might’ve been referring to something in the Homunculus story, but there’s also a Priapus story that features this trait.) I don’t think there’s anything offensive in these comics, but I think the same culture anxious not to cause offense is also squeamish about conspiracy plots these days. Too many premises originate from a place of right-wing reality denial, and as we’re continually inundated with stimuli too overwhelming to process, those who’ve bought into a fiction feel too far gone to communicate with. A politics oriented towards consensus fears the counternarrative. There’s a hermetic, self-referential quality to the true believing mindset that feels shockingly alien when encountered by an outsider.
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What makes Mack White’s comics so compelling, so assured as stories, is how tightly structured they are. Despite how their ambiguities play out, with punctures that reframe them, they reestablish themselves along these throughlines, based on these things like government agencies, paranoia, psychedelic drugs, an alien overmind. The trick to reading material like this is to not look down on it, but to go through it. In this work that feels paranoid, that can function, like a Philip K Dick story, the same way as a drug trip might, the sense that to advocate for the work feels taboo at present provides its own lesson, in the importance of attempting to embrace fearlessness.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Warning to all fiber artists
This is an updated and abbreviated post to warn all fiber artists about a scam artist that is currently fleecing the community.  I will keep this post pinned and updated with new information as it becomes available.
There is a scam artist in the fiber arts community named Sherry Tenney.  She sells fleece and wool on facebook and etsy.  She frequently does not send the fleece or wool she has been paid for, and plays the customer until the time window for a dispute is passed.  Afterward, if you continue to contact her, she will leave unhinged, violent, and threatening messages to you, doxx your name and address on her facebook live streams and posts, and still refuse to either send product or refund you.
A lot of complaints have also come forward about the product she does send out.  It is frequently moth and larvae infested, contains large amounts of shit, completely matted fleeces, or are trimmings that are completely unusable.  If you have received product from her you must quarantine it and freeze and bake it to destroy the moths and larvae.
She frequently tries to force smaller fleece sellers from small farms to go out of business to purchase their fleeces for cheap.  She, with the help of several associates and sock puppet accounts, will contact people in the groups of small sellers and offer them fleeces for cheaper and claim they will be of better quality.  She, and her associates and sock puppets, will then report the small farms public media repeatedly until they are taken down, thus preventing the farmer/shepard from being able to sell.  Several small farms have confirmed losses of nearly 60% in sales due to her actions. Some have unfortunately gone out of business due to her actions as well.
Sherry has also focused her scam on small, independent suppliers as well. She will orders goods and services and then, once received, she will refuse to pay for them, or dispute charges with PayPal and her credit card.  She will claim the items were never received, were not what she ordered, or were damaged.  She will then sell them to gain a full, one hundred percent profit on the goods.  If she contacts you to purchase goods, or to do labor on her farm, she will not pay you. Shearers on the east coast will not work with her or shear her sheep any longer because of her actions, and she depended on a young charity shearer to save her sheep from heat stroke this year.
Sherry Tenney is also currently trying to sell lambs on facebook (against facebook rules).  Her animals do not have official papers (she does not control breeding, her ewes and rams are mixed together at all times), she does not know the breed of most of her sheep (lots of random breeds together with unknown breeding has resulted in unknown crossbreeds and a large quantity of inbreeding), and her sheep/lambs do not have the proper veterinary certificates that would be required for transport.  
Sherry Tenney’s confirmed know aliases and the names she goes by (she changes her name frequently on social media):
Sherry Tenney
Vondorp Sherry
Sherry Vondorp
Lee Giltay
Sara Rudacille
Sherry Lee Price
Sherry Tenney Giltay
Sherry Tennay
Giltay Sher-Lee
Rudacille SaraEarle
Known associates that are actively working with her on her scam:
Suzanne Smith Collier
Cynthia Karitianos Tilker
Caroline Moss
Roberta Van Harn
Adrienne Lehman
Jeannine Talley-Cramer
Lindsey E Bucci
Brice Wonders
Elizabeth Nicole Washburn
Tuesday Rose
Sherry Tenney’s facebook groups are:
Farmlife in the country
RAW WOOL 4 ALL selling buying group USA
Wool and Fiber artists supplies buyers group and silks too
Fiber sellers
The Cashmere Turtle luxury fiber affordable prices
The Dye house and Mrs Tuttle country fiber arts (community)
McCullough Farm primitives and country life
Sherry Tenney’s instagram is:
Sherry Tenney’s online shops are:
Shop Website: Tenney’s Fiber Farm https://tenneysfiberfarm.com/
Etsy Storefront: TenneysFiberFarm
eBay Storefront: crabapplesheep
Suzanne Smith Collier’s etsy is:
FinerThanFroggyHair (Spinning Yarns & Weaving Tall Tails)
Suzanne Smith Collier’s facebook group is:
Finer Than Frog’s Hair
If you have a Ravelry account, this has all been compiled for viewing here.  I do warn you, the videos are unnerving and I could barely stomach just reading the transcripts.  
Here is a link to a google form filled out by those who Sherry has stolen from, and how much she has stolen. It is currently at over $15,000+ USD.
Here is a link to a YouTube channel of Sherry’s livestreams.  I feel I should warn everyone that they can become violent and aggressive in nature, and several have been known to trigger survivors of domestic violence.
The Pennsylvania Attorney General has filed suit against her, and you can read the paperwork filed here.  If you have filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Attorney General they will keep you up to date.  If Sherry has stolen from you, please contact the Attorney General, even though they have already filed against Sherry, every victim coming forward helps.  The next court date is February 1st, 2024.
Here is a link to a video on YouTube that goes into detail about the charges filed by the Pennsylvania Attorney General against Sherry Tenney.  The judge has ruled that Sherry’s case is going forward, and has overruled Sherry’s lawyer’s attempt to get the charges thrown out.  Cases take time, but Sherry Tenney is being charged!
Sherry Tenney has once again filed for bankruptcy!  She filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.  Here is the info:
[The Bureau of Consumer Protection is writing to update you concerning the consumer complaint you filed against Tenney’s Fiber Farm, LLC (the “Company”) and the above-referenced litigation.
As you may know, Sherry Tenney has filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court in the Middle District of Pennsylvania under Case Number 1:23-bk-02752-HWV.
If you have not done so already, you may wish to file a proof of claim form in the bankruptcy. A proof of claim form may be filed either electronically or as a paper document. The Bankruptcy Court has set a deadline of February 12, 2024 for creditors to file proofs of claim. To assist you in that matter, we have enclosed a blank proof of claim form for you to complete and submit to the bankruptcy court.
Please send the completed proof of claim form to:
Sylvia H. Rambo US Courthouse U.S. Bankruptcy Court 1501 N. 6th St. Harrisburg, PA 17102
Please be advised, our office cannot offer you legal advice. You should consult with a private attorney to ensure that your rights are preserved in the bankruptcy proceedings.
Very truly yours,
Mia Paone Consumer Protection Agent]
If Sherry Tenney owes you money, please file immediately!
Sherry Tenney has made multiple claims that would indicate she is abusing and neglecting her animals.  Please do not contact authorities as that would give Sherry Tenney reason to sue someone for harassment.  That is the unfortunate state of laws in the US.  All of her chickens died of neglect last year, she would not bring them in at night and they were eaten by local wildlife, and she has claimed that a fairly large number of her flock has passed away last year and this year as well, over 10%.
Sherry has changed the name of her facebook group to ‘McCullough Farm primitives and country life’ and is claiming that her farm is the historic McCullough farm.  Her farm is not historic, the previous owner was named McCullough and it was owned by them since 2015, before that no McCullough’s owned it or were associated with it.  In fact, Sherry bought the farm in 2021, it is not a generational farm.  Her and her husband move states fairly frequently, they have no generational farm.  She has changed her group name, and has started randomly posting stolen food recipes with stolen photos, in an attempt to confuse people and attract new victims to her group.  Please warn others.  Yes, she frequently uses the word ‘primitive’ for many things.  She is that kind of person.
Sherry was selling in the FB group WAFA via pm, and was called out several times by customers who had received moth ridden fleece that was shorted weight.  After a month the head of WAFA finally stepped in and kicked Sherry and several of her associates from the group.  Unfortunately Brice Wonders of Spinaway Farms is still a member of the group, and he does work with Sherry.  So WAFA is still a group that has a warning about using, as they are incredibly slow to react and only when called out on social media are they willing to take action at this time.  WAFA has also contacted an attorney about the situation, though it is unknown what will be done.  
Sherry has been stealing photos from noteworthy people in the fiber arts community and linking back to them in an attempt to appear that they associate with her.  If you are well known in the fiber arts community please know that she will try to make it appear that you know her and approve of her business.  So please be warned, and please warn others who follow you if you know that Sherry is doing this with your name.
Sherry is currently bragging about luring black bears to her farm to threaten her sheep by urinating, very frequently, on all of the fences that surround her animals.  Human urine will attract black bears, as will animals left in the open all night that a bear would have easy access to.  She enjoys luring them to the farm, and then brags about threatening them and shooting at them with her guns.
It cannot be stressed enough: DO NOT APPROACH THIS WOMAN IN PUBLIC OR AT PUBLIC EVENTS!  She has threatened to shoot and kill people in several posts and rants, and brags about the amount of guns she has.  Within recent days she has bragged about owning a glock, an AK, multiple shotguns, and frequently has them on her person.  A shotgun has been spotted improperly and dangerous stored in the background of her photos.  She is to be considered armed and dangerous at all times.  Do not drive by her farm if you live in her area, do not sign up to attend a class if she holds one in person on her farm.  She is a mentally unhinged and violent woman.  She should not be approached in person at all costs.  No one wants to see anyone hurt because of this.  Especially now that her scam is failing and legal authorities have filed suit.
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isisparker · 5 years
Let's talk about [No Good] Nick
This girl... This teenage protagonist...
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This child, really... Nicole "Nick" Franzelli.
She didn't start out as a young "orphan" con artist bent on scamming people [in this case, the Thompsons, a suburban nuclear family].
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No, she was just your average teen girl that happily lived with her [widowed] father, who was her entire world, running a [successful] business they both adored.
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But then the unthinkable happens to their family and Nick's life falls apart.
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Her father is sent to jail and she's taken into a foster family [of cons] and molded into a scheming con artist.
On the surface, the con looks simple enough:
Intergrate into the targeted family [see: the Thompsons] gain their trust, then fleece them for all they've got!
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But unfortunately it's not as simple. Things happen, complications arise [more so because the job is more personal than it should be] and soon enough even the likes of the local mob gets involved...
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What was supposed to be a simple job quickly spirals into utter revenge territory, but there is a famous saying in regards to that:
"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
Because as is to happen, Nick not only [metaphorically] buried the Thompsons, but she also found herself in it too as the truth makes it way out.
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What makes this story even more compelling [and tbh really tragic and screwed up beyond belief] is that regardless of the fact that all the plotting and schemes were concocted [and pulled off] by Nick herself, but that NICK IS JUST A KID.
This teen, this CHILD, was thrust into an "impossible situation" and instead of being helped by the one parent that should have taken better care of her, she found herself doing things you mostly see carried out by grown adults!
What got to me is that towards the end of part two's run, you can clearly see how emotionally taxing this situation is on Nick. The start of the series you saw this girl with enough personal drive that kept her going to do what was necessary, but as time went on, as connections started forming, as the reality of Nick's plight began to weigh heavily, you can see her burdens written all over physically and in her body language. I blinked a couple of times watching because Nick looked so, so tired and just done... Like I just wanted to reach into the screen, wrap her in a comfy blanket and shield her from the rest of the world!
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Sure there are a lot of good reasons [LGBTQ+, representation of Fil-Am female lead, 80s/90s nostalgia of adult actors, twisty plots] to watch this Netflix gem, but of all the reasons: do it for Nick. Watch her on this journey of drama, joy, pain, laughs, heartache, love, betrayal, revenge, redemption, and just as important, forgiveness.
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#1yrago Concealed Carry scammers spent $2m on gunhumper scare-ads on Facebook during the 2018 midterms
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Concealed Online is an anonymously owned (the owner won't divulge his identity due to fear of reprisals) company whose customers complain scammed them by tricking them into taking its online curriculum for Virginia's farcical easy concealed carry permits, without divulging that these permits are useless in the rest of America.
During the 2018 midterm season, Concealed Online bought $2,000,000 worth of ads on Facebook that warned Republicans that a coming Blue Wave would result in Democrats "coming for their guns" and urging them to get their concealed carry permits before that happened (again, without prominently divulging that these permits were useless outside of Virginia).
We know about the ads because of Facebook's voluntary transparency measures about political ads. Concealed Online gets an F from the Better Business Bureau. Concealed Online completed Facebook's "political advertiser" registration, and Facebook says that its ads did not violate Facebook's standards.
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