#Brice Wonders
wonderwomanart · 1 year
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Wonder Woman by J. Brice Robertson
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bookstattoosandtea · 10 months
Release & Instagram Tour & Giveaway: Signs And Wonders (Witchbane Book 7) by Morgan Brice
Release & Instagram Tour & Giveaway: Signs and Wonders By Morgan Brice Witchbane Series, Book 7 When a coven of dark warlocks killed Seth Tanner’s brother, Seth became a man driven by vengeance, sworn to stop the cycle of ritual killings, willing to die for the cause. He never expected to fall head over heels in love with the witches’ next intended victim. Evan Malone didn’t believe the…
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racerchix21 · 1 month
This is part of my bigger in progress fic world Rumor but it works quite well for day 1 of the BuckTommy Positivity Week: things they love about each other ( @bucktommypositivityweek)
Part of the Greatest Love Story
Evan Buckley can’t dance without stumbling and now Tommy’s dancing with everyone else. He’s freaking out because what if Tommy asks him to dance and he falls and hurts him. “I’ll just change my name, move to another country and pretend like I didn’t embarrass myself in front of my crush and all our friends,” Buck thinks to himself as he watches Eddie and Tommy come to a gradual halt as the song changes to something slightly slower.
He’s so busy panicking that he doesn’t realize that the music stops briefly as Eddie takes over DJ duty from Chim and the opening of Lee Brice’s Rumor starts to play before it stops again as Tommy makes his way towards him.
“Evan, I was wondering if I could have this dance,” Tommy asks holding his hand out to Buck, “listen Eddie’s playing our song and it’d be a shame if we let this moment pass us by.”
“Yes. I have to tell you though that I can’t dance without falling so you’ve been warned,” Buck laughs as he takes Tommy’s hand and allows himself to be pulled into the center of the loft floor.
“Well, Evan it’s a good thing I’m okay with falling for you,” Tommy whispers in his ear before reminding him louder, “Ev, you say that every time we do this and I’m gonna tell you what I always do. I don’t care if you step on my toes. Now Eds hit the music please.”
‘Swaying in Tommy’s arms is like everything he imagined and like absolutely nothing he’s ever experienced. He feels safe being that close to one of his best friends and he wishes he had the courage to tell Tommy how he feels. Have an opportunity to be that close to the guy all the time than their traditional Saturday night dance party during quiet-lowkey shifts,’ Buck thinks as he lets himself get lost in the song and the moment.
“I love you you know,” Tommy whispers between them as the song restarts. “I love your eyes. The way they light up when you’re rambling about why penguins give each other pebbles or whatever your latest research binge is. I adore the way you stick your tongue out when you’re concentrating on beating Eddie or Howie at video games.”
Maybe I can tell Tommy how I feel, he thinks.
“You love me,” Buck asks pulling back enough he can see Tommy’s eyes. “You love me like I love you,” he says with wonder before leaning in to kiss Tommy.
“Yeah, Evan I love you and if you’ll let me I’ll love you for the rest of our lives.”
“How bout we start with a beer first then we can discuss the rest of our lives. Now come here and help me get lost in the music again.”
“With pleasure Evan,” Tommy purrs pulling him back into his embrace and gently leading him into an even slower rhythm.
“Evan Buckley, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were enjoying yourself being wrapped in my arms,” Tommy teases kissing Buck’s cheek as Eddie starts the song for the 5th time.
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@skulld3mort-1fan replied to your post “PERSONAL ASSISTANT DANNY AU!!! Amity Park has a...”:
Question is this before brice adopted dick or after ?? Is this when he has either jason or tim?? Cause this could be hilarious that they see Danny as Bruce keeper by how he manages to get him to his next schedule despite the amount of bullshit he's gone through and they all love the man cause he manages to be able to scold bruce as well as has Alfred's respect ( this can also slowly build to bruce x Danny thered very few of them and I really want to find some other )
​I think there's potential for the AU during any section of Bruce's life! It'd be funny to see 40-something year old Bruce with a massive gaggle of kids and is also secretly a hardened vigilante, city cryptid, and recognized founder of the Justice League to be manhandled by some 25-year-old recent graduate that looks like he weighs a hundred pounds soaking wet.
However, I think for this AU I'm leaning more towards Danny and Bruce being around the same age. (I've already discussed my thoughts on a possible romantic relationship for them here if you're interested)
So to set the scene:
Bruce is around 25/26 when he returns to Gotham and is intent to regain his position as CEO and majority shareholder of his parents' company while also setting himself up as The Batman. The former he accomplishes with all the pizzazz and efficiency of Elle Woods from Legally Blonde (because you can't convince me that a competent Brucie Wayne isn't just Elle Woods). But the board members still underestimate Bruce. They think he's too young, too inexperienced, and honestly? He's been gone from the face of the earth for years so they just have no idea how to deal with Bruce. And if there's one thing businessmen don't like (other than losing money), it's uncertainty.
They pressure Bruce into getting a PA because "Well, Mr. Wayne you've been gone from Gotham for so long, there's so much you need to catch up on. A PA would do wonders in keeping you organized!" It's honestly just a very thinly veiled excuse to get someone to spy on Bruce. Bruce can't figure out a way to get out of it, so he's forced to go along. He rejects ever applicant that came at the recommendation of most of his Board, and while it would be great to hire someone from Gotham, this is the era before Wayne Enterprises gained its shiny and clean personality, and there's no telling if any of these applicants have been bribed by one party or another.
Surprisingly, the answer to his problems came from a business meeting with Vlad Masters.
"If you're still looking, I'd like to recommend a candidate," Vlad said. "He's the son of some good friends of mine and had worked as my own PA for some time. He's quite good." Bruce nearly missed Vlad mutter 'almost too good' under his breath, but didn't remark on it.
"Oh? Why are you handing him to the competition then?"
"Ah, the two of us had some...differences. And the boy's at that age where he wants to see more of the world. So, why not Gotham? I'll send you his resume. Just think on it."
Despite Bruce's suspicions, there wasn't anything sketchy that he could dig up on Danny Fenton. Besides, Vlad Masters was notorious in guarding his privacy, and if he recommended Fenton, well, Bruce could at least count on him not getting bribed by anyone.
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aurorawest · 4 months
Reading update
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Light Up the Lamp by Kit Oliver - 5/5 stars
Kit Oliver can do no wrong, I guess. I figured I'd like this one a lot given that I loved her other two novels, but hockey books usually aren't five star reads for me. Along comes this book! Unrelentingly lovely, and even though I knew it was going to have an HEA, I still found myself worried that Gil wasn't going to figure shit out.
The Faerie Hounds of York by Arden Powell - 5/5 stars
Gorgeous book that read like a dreamy, dark fairy tale. The first book by Arden Powell I read was really funny, and this was like the complete opposite. Powell has range! This one is sad, but still has a happy ending. If you like Emily Tesh's Greenhollow Duology, I highly recommend this one. They're definitely in the same vein.
Deosil by Jordan L Hawk - 4.75/5 stars
I was SO SAD to get to the end of this series. Whyborne, Griffin, Christine, Iskander, Persephone, Maggie, Niles...I could go on, I love them all. It's hard to say good-bye but they all got a wonderful ending.
The Inside Edge by Ashlyn Kane - 3/5 stars
The Taste of Desert Green by Kim Fielding - 4.25/5 stars
Your Lonely Nights Are Over by Adam Sass - 1/5 stars
Crushed Ice by Ashlyn Kane and Morgan James - 4/5 stars
Roustabout by Morgan Brice - 3/5 stars
Prince in Disguise by Tavia Lark - 5/5 stars
Loved this one just as much as the first in the series. I expected the Draskorans to be...idk, like stereotype fantasy barbarians, so it was extremely refreshing that they weren't.
Old Time Religion by EH Lupton - 5/5 stars
Ahhhhhhhh I love this series!! I really really enjoyed the first book, and I loved this one even more. Really good, really original. I can't recommend this one and Dionysus in Wisconsin enough!
A Thief and a Gentleman by Arden Powell - 3.5/5 stars
The Devil to Pay by Katie Daysh - 4.75/5 stars
If you like Patrick O'Brian but find yourself thinking, surely this could be more gay? Then Katie Daysh's books are for you. This is the second in the series and I was delighted to learn yesterday from her newsletter that she's working on the third, because I definitely am not ready for the series to end! The first book was from Nightingale's POV (there might have been some bits from Courtney's POV? But not many), and this one is entirely from Courtney's. Courtney and Nightingale didn't actually get to spend much time together in this one so I hope they catch more of a break in book 3.
Lord of Eternal Night by Ben Alderson - DNF at pg 6
The Engineer by CS Poe - 4/5 stars
The Larks Still Bravely Singing by Aster Glenn Gray - 5/5 stars
If you're not reading Aster Glenn Gray yet, why not? Why not??? Seriously, if you like Cat Sebastian, PLEASE give Aster Glenn Gray a try. I have yet to read a book by the woman that isn't gorgeous. This book is set right at the tail end of WWI and into the interwar period and is about two young English men who were injured and invalided out of the army. They're both disabled (Robert, the POV character, is missing a leg, and David is missing a hand) and have PTSD.
Also recommended if you like KJ Charles's Will Darling Adventures trilogy. The Larks Still Bravely Singing is just straight historical romance, not romantic suspense, but it deals with similar themes.
Guardians of Dawn: Zhara by S Jae-Jones - DNF at pg 24
Mr Warren's Profession by Sebastian Nothwell - 4.75/5 stars
LOVED this book. I think it's the only historical romance I've read that uses the Industrial Revolution so heavily in the plot, which I really enjoyed. Plus, gorgeous cover.
Honey Mead Murder by Dahlia Donovan - DNF at pg 5
A Market of Dreams and Destiny by Trip Galey - 3.25/5 stars
String Theory by Ashlyn Kane and Morgan James - 3.75/5 stars
One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny - 5/5 stars
I honestly don't know why, when I received this book in like, November, I didn't immediately put it on the top of my TBR pile. I knew I was going to love it; I was super excited to get my copy. Every time I've shuffled my TBR (like, my actual physical TBR...it's a whole thing...it's actually been mistaken for my full book collection but haha no that's just 200 books I haven't read yet sitting on my stairs...), I've lamented that it's not closer to the top. And then I realized, this is literally my TBR and my own weird fake rules that I've made up about it, so I can actually just pull it from the stack and read it now. So I did!
And yeah, I loved it. So much. Raff and Penn will probably live rent free in my mind forever, not to mention Ash and Lily. I loved the medieval setting (another setting you don't see much in queer historical romance!) and how it really felt like a different world than ours. Plus I'm a sucker for road trip romances. And daddy issues. And horrific scars.
And ugh, the training scenes. The sexual tension. The PINING. Masterfully done. Chef's kiss.
Also we're going to find out who Oliver was, right? RIGHT??? And what happened to Penn's brother?
Out of Touch by Michael Sarais - DNF at pg 7
The Long Call by Ann Cleeves - 4.25/5 stars
Always enjoy a mystery that's well-paced and well-written. I've never actually read anything by Ann Cleeves but I'm going to pick up the rest of this series.
The Death I Gave Him by Em X Liu - DNF at pg 284
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dani-musings · 2 months
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I am BEYOND EXCITED to share my newest publication!
ALL IN: A Loki and Sigyn Tale is now published in The Mythic Circle, Issue #46!
This short story about my two favorite Norse mythological characters, and couple, is incredibly special to me.
I hope this story leaves you with wonder, being in the mythological worlds that I Iove so much and you find empathy with its narrator, Sigyn.
Sigyn, my favorite of the Norse pantheon. Thank you for joining me and for letting me reimagine your story my way.
Thank you to everyone who’s supported me in my dreams to become a published author. I’m very excited to see what the future holds!
I’m all in.
You can find the Mythic Circle on Amazon, and this issue, #46, is available to order!
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cassied03 · 1 month
something i love is making characters be other characters . like keith and tim. he grew up as tim but after his mom died and his dad was in a wheelchair, and steph was robin becus his dad found out, his dad sent him to his biological father (that tim disnt knkw about cus he didnt know he was adopted) only for that father to die a month after captain boomerang or whatever killed jack drake in a fire, then him meeting shiro and getting adopted by him for a lil bit and changing his name (apparently) back to keith (the drakes changed it because Keith didnt sound as rich as timothy did). Noe bruce has been looking for keith for ages, but since he changed his name back bruce hasnt found him. Then shiro gets captured in space, cannon voltron ensues, ‘n then sometime after they defeat zarkon but brfore they defeat lotor when keith is with the BOM he meets Hal Jourdan. And he wants to ask how batman is but it wiuld seem weird so he refrains and theres a bunch of scenes where you can see Hal talking to a blade member and Keith glancing at him every now and then, and then he’s sent to meet his mom.
while on the weblum, i think it was, maybe, he and krolia bond so he ends up telling her evrrything about robin, his young justicd team, what hapoened with the past robins, and vatman. of course krolia understands nothing because when she was on earth it was in the desert with no internet but she makes sure to rememver everything because it’s her baby boys life that she’s learning about because she wasnt able tk be there for him. when they get back on eartth, keiths only worry is looking up brice wayne and seeing if he’s okay, only to find iut that the entire family was captured regardless of their fighting skills, and that jason todd was actually alive, and that bruce had a bio kid. Pulling a proper keith move, he only tells his mom and they both disappear so that they can go save his family.
they do save them, eveyone lf them. And they’re all wondering who this random guy with a good galra is only for either steph or bruce to look into his eyes and recognize him and whisler “..Tim?” and him to go “its keith actually, i was adopted by the drakes and they changed my name.”
idk, its like, too late and im in so muxh pain. idk why my body hurts butbhave this. im not fixing the gramare
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queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
Hibbing 911: Part Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: A case brings you all the way to South Dakota where Jody Mills and Donna Hanscum are. Jody has to remember not to mention that your kids are with her in fear of what you might do with that information.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Donna walks over with two coffees in her hands.
"Agent Frehley? Agent Criss?"
"Hey, Sheriff Hanscum."
"I thought that was you! Well, ain't this a kick in the pants? What dragged you in?" she smiles.
"I'm gonna barf," you groan.
Sam and Dean put you behind them so they can deal with her.
"We can't really talk about it."
"Yeah. I hear ya. Anything I can help with?"
"No, nothing I can think of."
"Actually, Sheriff, I was thinking you and I could go check out the gear expo," Jody says.
"What about the morgue?"
"Like you said, animal control will handle that."
"Well, if it's cool with you, it's cool with me," she says reluctantly. "I did hear they're packing some pretty serious heat in there."
Donna and Jody leave your side, and you peek your head around Sam's shoulders.
"Don't hurt yourself while you're in there," you say sarcastically. Sam and Dean turn to you with bitch-face looks. "What?"
"One day. All we ask for is one day without smart-ass comments and jabs."
"What do I get if I behave?"
"I won't lock your ass up in the dungeon. How about that?" Dean asks.
"Yeah, because that worked out so well last time."
"I mean it. I will keep you in there like a caged animal."
"Fine," you roll your eyes, "but if someone comes at me, I'm coming at them."
Sam and Dean walk over to a group of cops by the coffee machine.
"Hey, there. Agents Criss, Frehley, and Dobson. We're looking for the sheriff of Hibbing."
"That'd be me," Sheriff Len Cuse says.
"We're here investigating the attacks over the last couple of nights. We're just wondering where you're at on that."
"The animal attacks?"
Len has a thin sheet of sweat on his forehead and you cross your arms to make yourself look intimidating.
"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me the FBI's got nothing better to do?" Deputy Brice Graham chuckles.
"We go where the boss tells us to."
"To what, arrest a bobcat from Hibbing?"
You step past the brothers and practically get into this young man's face.
"Is there a problem?"
"No, there's no problem. You ain't the first Feds to roll through here and come up with nothing. Sure is cute to watch you try, though."
"Little boy with a big gun. What are you going to do with that?"
"Arrest real criminals unlike you who is going to arrest Bambi."
You take out your gun and make sure he sees the threat.
"It'd be such a shame if this went off with you standing in front of it," you threaten.
Dean pulls you back by your shoulders immediately while Sam steps forward to take over.
"Uh, Sheriff Cuse, we are just hoping there might be some surveillance footage of the attacks. Maybe a traffic camera caught something?"
"Right. No, sorry, I don't have a record of it," he stutters. "Speaking of, can you keep an eye on the expo for me, deputy? I got to check in with the guys at animal control. Agents, good to meet you. Uh, help yourself to a bear claw."
"Do you think the Sheriff is lying?" Sam asks once they're gone.
"Deputy Douche seems to think so," you roll your eyes.
"Alright, I'll go try and crack the police server. Maybe something showed up on surveillance."
"Sure, I'll go crack the deputy."
Sam leaves you and Dean alone, and you turn to your husband.
"I'm going to check out the weapons expo."
"Yes, mom," you roll your eyes.
You walk into the expo and admire all the weapons they have on display. Donna and Jody are looking at some of the guns on the opposite side of the room, and a very tall man approaches them from behind. His name tag says Doug, and you remember Donna saying she had an ex-husband named Doug who was a douchebag to her. You walk to a table a few down from them and listen in on their conversation.
"If you're trying to pull the wool over this one, you got the wrong girl. Sheriff Hanscum here is a wolf in sheepskin, right?" Doug chuckles.
"Thank you. Wolves are majestic creatures, but save your flattery for other female people."
You can tell she is uncomfortable with him.
"Right, Sheriff Goodhill. No. I mean, yeah, but we just met on Cufflinks. You know how that is."
"Cuff what?" Jody asks.
"Cufflinks! It's a dating site for cops. Are you on it, Donna?" Doug asks.
"Me? No. Not quite there yet."
"Oh, you still getting in date shape, huh?"
She frowns at his insult but tries to play it off.
"It's more like trying to get through the stuff on my DVR first."
Okay, you've heard enough. You walk over to Doug and tap him on the shoulder. He turns to you but you give him a deadly slap to the cheek. He is shocked at your behavior and staggers back from the impact. Donna and Jody are shocked into silence.
"You are a fucking lowlife and a shitty person if you treat Donna like that. No wonder she divorced you because I can't stand to be in the same room as you much less spend my life with you. Get the hell out of here."
"O-Oh, okay," Doug stutters.
"What the h-e-double hockey sticks, Y/N? Calling my ex a lowlife? Slapping him in the face?"
"What, like you were gonna do it?"
"What would be the point? We're divorced! Do you really think I'm gonna change him now?"
"Let me get this straight. You're going to let everyone walk over you like a fucking doormat forever? Is that it?"
"How about this? Until you've actually lost a husband, you keep your mouth zipped about mine." 
You chuckle slightly and look down at the ground. Donna takes this as a sign that you're sad about losing your husband.
"My husband died."
"Oh. I'm sorry if--"
"Oh, don't worry about it. He came back as a dick."
"Okay? I'm going to get some air."
Donna leaves and you turn to Jody who can't believe the attitude you have.
"You had a husband, right?" you smirk. Jody's face hardens as she glares at you but she doesn't answer. "Didn't you have a son? Man, losing two people in one night. That's gotta hurt." Jody opens her mouth to say something but decides against it. "Cat got your tongue? Don't worry, I'm sure your son ate it along with your husband."
Dean picks the perfect time to walk inside the weapons expo where Deputy Douche is. You wink at Jody and leave her to cry on her own. He approaches Deputy Douche just as you join both their sides.
"Agents. Are you looking for some teenie-weenie handcuffs to slap on some paws?" he smirks.
"Are you looking for some teenie-weenie guns to stuff in your pockets or is that just your tiny dick?"
"Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot here, don't you, agent?" Dean asks and looks at you.
"No problem over here," you shrug.
"Listen, Deputy, this investigation that my partners and I are on is big. We're looking for some local help, someone who's not afraid to talk shop with the big boys back in D.C. Think that might be something you'd be interested in?"
"Might be," he smirks. "What can I do?"
"First of all, I'm gonna need you to be totally straight with me. Is there any footage of the attack? Anything?
"Sheriff Cuse changed the password on the server yesterday. It's got the live feed from the traffic camera across the street from where that first vic got attacked. When I went to go check the footage, the sheriff said he'd do it himself."
"Did he say why?"
"No. The sheriff's a straight shooter. I'm sure he had his reasons."
"I'm sure he did," Dean nods. "Alright, I appreciate the cooperation, Deputy, and when I need you, I'll come find you."
You leave the expo with Dean and head to the coffee station to grab yourself a cup. Jody is off on her own trying to calm herself down so Dean walks over to her.
"Animal attack, my ass. Have you seen Sheriff Cuse around?"
"No. How are you doing?"
"Me? Apart from some martial issues, I'm fantastic. Why?"
"The word around the campfire is you went off the rez a couple of months back."
"Is that right? Have you and Sam been passing notes during class? It's nothing I can't handle."
Jody looks past Dean at you who is stirring creamer into your coffee.
"She's gonna be back to normal, right?" Jody remembers what you said to her. "You'll get her back?"
"I'm working on it," Dean sighs.
"The Y/N I know would do anything to protect those around her. It's like that part of her is gone."
"That's because it is. Everything good about her is gone. She's walking around with all the bad parts. Sam was bad but not this bad, and I think it has something to do with the Mark. God, I should have never let her take it. I will pay for that, but you shouldn't have to. Jody, whatever she says to you, ignore it. It's only going to get worse so if you let her know that what what she says is affecting you, she's only going to do it more. Do not give her a reaction. Don't jab back because that will only piss her off and you're going to be the one that's hurt, not her."
"Okay," she nods.
Sam returns from looking at the cameras just as you finish with your coffee.
"I got something, I think. I hacked into the surveillance server but the files had been deleted."
"I thought you said that Sheriff Cuse was the only one who had access to those files," Jody says.
Donna comes rushing back inside with a fearful look in her eyes. She sees you and the brothers and tries to calm herself down.
"Jody, can we talk for a sec? Alone?"
"We'll go look around."
Donna takes Jody off to the side. Sam and Dean do their own thing but you follow after the two women because Donna is acting very suspicious. You're curious why. You pretend like you're looking at your phone but really, you're listening in.
"Listen, I want to apologize for what Y/N did. It was wrong. She's going through something right now but she shouldn't have done that."
"What? Oh. Yah. 'Quit being a doormat.' Yah. I hear ya, Jody. It's okay. We're okay. There's something else I can't quite wrap my head around. Do you ever think there are things out there that don't end up on the police blotter?"
"Can you give me some specifics?" Jody asks.
"I was kinda far away so maybe I didn't see it right, but what I think I saw... were teeth. It was Sheriff Cuse. I saw him standing over Sheriff Goodhill's body, and his mouth was full of shark teeth like some kind of..."
"Monster?" Jody finishes for her.
"Do you think I'm crazy?"
"Not at all. Did he see you?"
"No. I hid like a chump. Do you really believe me?"
"Yeah. So, will those guys from the FBI."
"If you say so. Yesterday, I saw Cuse taking his stuff into a room down the hall from mine. Must have been 304."
Jody looks up and locks eyes with you. You smirk and leave the area to go find Sam and Dean. She knows you've overheard and will tell Sam and Dean so she doesn't have to. You find the brothers whispering to each other that stops when you show up.
"Donna saw a vampire. Sheriff Cuse is a vampire," you grin. "We need to check room 304."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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moviesludge · 2 months
finally scrounged up the nerve to watch SPEAK NO EVIL. actually it was more like a FUCK IT! situation because I didnt really want to make a whole thing out of choosing a movie to watch on the treadmill.
I had a sense from somewhere that it would be a rough watch, and I wasn't wrong. really compelling. really good performances. if you haven't seen it, there's mild not-really-spoilers below the break
there's a scene that breaks the tension that has been building and releasing through the whole movie and it was pretty devastating in the moment. I had a feeling like my heart was falling/dropping off a building. That never really happens to me but it passed and once the shock wore off and I got what the movie was going for, I felt a lot better. But yeah, super dark.
I was reading reviews of the movie afterward and saw a lot of people comparing it to THE STRANGERS and FUNNY GAMES.
I don't agree with either of those assessments. My most liked review on LB is my screed about how much I hated FUNNY GAMES because the point of it is so dumb and obnoxious and insulting to the audience. The most SPEAK NO EVIL really has in common with it is a downer tone and maybe like one other thing that I won't say because it's a (real) spoiler.
But SPEAK NO EVIL actually tries to make a valid point and it seems to make more sense the more you think about the movie. And then of course it isn't deliberately trying to piss you off all the time.
I get why people compare SNE to THE STRANGERS but I don't think there's much of real connection between the thing people point out about both movies. It's hard to make my point without giving something away, but I'm sure you know what I mean if you've seen both movies.
I would say SNE is more like Brice's CREEP or Kusama's THE INVITATION if anything. And it also brought to mind spineless suffering protagonist comedies like MEET THE PARENTS.
but anyway yeah. I just found out recently they're doing an american remake. I wonder if they'll change the movie significantly
The whole thing got me thinking about sad vs happy endings and how important it is to have one or the other. From a writing perspective I don't think it's all that important as long as you make your point resonate.
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a0wz · 4 months
On Their Way to Gotham?
Season 2 Ep 3 Spoilers!
My stream of consciousness after watching the most recent episode.
Lois is offered that job in Gotham and they are slowly leading up to Supergirl this season. I wonder if there will be an episode dedicated to Clark and Lois going on a trip or even Lois going alone to Gotham because she probably is going to be hesitant about revealing the job offer to the others.
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I hope the small mentioned of Gotham and the main cast being drawn to it will be an intro to another series but focusing on Batman! I'm not too confident they will because of the show's overall vibes though. It fits perfectly for the lovable himbo Superman but Badman would need something darker. The show airs on adult swim so I think it would be interesting if they did a series that was noticeably darker and more serious than MAWS. Though it would be difficult to have crossovers because the producers would have to settle on either making superman face the maturity Batman's day-to-day involves or watering down Batman's vibes. The only thing really giving me hope for a crossover/entire series dedicated to Batman is the scene when Parasite was basically getting his insides disintegrated.
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Either way, I really want to see what this show will do with Bruce and his first interactions with Superman/Clark. If they are more than ok showing and hinting at future DC villains/allies, then why not more explicitly other superheroes? There was that brief moment with the Helmet of Fate, the mother box, mace, (wielded Hawkman and Hawkwoman), green lantern power battery, T-Sphere, and the book of destiny (not super clear if it really is but that's my best guess?) all in Season 1 ep 7. It was a super lore heavy ep basically introducing the DC multiverse. I just feel like they are taking too long to introduce other key members of the justice league when they are so comfortable bringing in things that surround the league. Why not a mention of a prodigy forensic scientist Berry Allan while Superman is trying to investigate something, or wealthy business man Oliver Queen/ Brice Wayne when Superman is asked to investigate a white collar crime? These small easter eggs and name drops don't have to only be for villains and lesser allies!
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vintagestagehotties · 5 months
Hot Vintage Stage Actress Round 2
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Fanny Brice: Dora in Why Worry? (1918 Broadway); Ziegfeld Follies of 1921 (1921 Broadway); Fanny Fiebaum in Fanny (1926 Broadway); Marchesa Vera Di Livio in Fioretta (1929 Broadway)
Dame Gladys Cooper: Victoria in Home and Beauty (1919 West End); Clemency Warlock in Cynara (1930 West End); Desdemona in Othello (1935 Broadway)
Propaganda under the cut. Semi NSFW propaganda below cut
Fanny Brice:
THE Icon (tm), The Legend (tm), no one else is doing it like her
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Gladys Cooper:
She’s so pretty I didn’t even think she was real when i first saw a pic of her
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The last photo (taken from Peter Pan on Stage and Screen, as is the following quote) shows off the changes she made to the costume, which I think say something about her approach to acting:
“I wonder where Peter got his high boots from. Did he go to Clarkson?” I asked at one lunch. Barrie pondered for some time, and then said: “Well, what do you propose?” Result: I got my own way and played Peter in a pair of old shoes of John’s [her son]. The same with shorts. I asked Sir James where he got them—result, I was allowed to wear an old pair of flannel shorts belonging to Gerald du Maurier. By taking thought—and Barrie out to lunch—I even managed to get the fight between Peter and Hook changed. I said it was “silly” for them to fight with wooden swords, and so it came about that when Franklyn Dyal [Captain Hook] and I had our fights we used real sabers.
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simslegacy5083 · 4 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 81: Settling Differences
Luigi’s excitement about his new relationship hadn’t made him forgot his vow to make amends to sims hurt by his previous reckless behavior.
The first sim he wanted to mend fences with was his co-captain. Since being paired up to lead the E-Sports team they’d hung out a few times to talk strategy and Luigi had come to appreciate that Beau was a fantastic judge of character who hid a kind spirit behind his spiky demeaner.
Thanks to Peppino’s curious generosity, he would have an excellent opportunity to chat when he handed over the fertility clinic refund.
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Any chance that Luigi might catch Beau before practice was cut off when a second pregnant teammate intercepted him on his approach.
Jade’s obvious excitement when he arrived had him frantically calculating, wondering if her “condition” could possibly be a result of their one-night stand. He set those odds at impossible just as she opened:
“Looo-eeegeee! Look! Brice and I are expecting a new little gamer!” With a much friendlier demeanor than when they’d last parted ways she continued more quietly. “Hey, I’m sorry about last time we talked man. I wasn’t in a great place, but this little pea…” she stroked her belly lovingly. “Really brought Brice’n me together y’know? Really put what matters into perspective. I’m glad you and me didn’t get entangled in anything complicated.”
Luigi expressed happiness for her, certainly overjoyed that Jade’s baby had helped focus her back on her own family, and off giving him trouble.
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Luigi escaped Jade’s enthusiasm and began what turned out to be a fantastic practice session, finally finding a chance to chat with Beau at the end.
His teammate offered a small “go ahead then” gesture when Luigi asked to speak to him. Leading them to a quiet corner of the large open multipurpose workspace he presented Beau with Peppino’s gift, smiling as his eyes went wide with surprise when he realized what was inside.
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When Luigi saw Beau’s shock turn into embarrassed anger instead of happy acceptance he started talking fast, pouring out a hasty explanation of the idealistic nature of wealthy ancient mages. Beau’s attitude mellowed: “Hmm, well of course your highness would find this kind of thing natural.”
He stowed the simoleons away safely and added “Thank your old family friend for everything, on behalf of me, Brianne, and our tiny tot to be.”
Glad to have delivered the gift, even if the exchange was unexpectedly tense, Luigi skated past the topic of his “suspiciously lucky” family line, as Papa Jack had advised him time and again. Instead, he took a deep breath and launched directly into his planned attempt at deepening their relationship.
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“Beau, I know we got started off on the wrong foot, but since we’ve been “stuck together” as co-captains I’ve truly come to think of you as a friend.”
“So, I just want to put out there, again, that I’m really sorry about hurting your arm that night at the club. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but that doesn’t excuse how I acted. I wish I could undo the past, but more usefully, I want to show you that our future is going to be better.”
He wasn’t sure how Beau would react and was immensely relieved by the comfortable smile that broke out over his friend’s face. “Don’t be so full of yourself. If I hadn’t had a Mt. Komorebi sized chip on my shoulder, our Spooky Day fight wouldn’t have happened, but then I wouldn’t have met my wife. So, screw your wish to undo our past! If I had to, I’d fight you all over again to keep it!”
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A relieved Luigi wished Beau a good evening, but his friend brought him up short with a sassy: “And where do you think you’re going!?”
Seeing the twinkle in the other sims eye Luigi fired back “I was heading home before I have to watch you drop that baby right here in the commons!”
Beau countered “You won Spooky Day fisticuffs, and I just demolished you in our first Scuffle of the season. “No-one’s leaving or getting born until we settle this with a tie breaker!” So, I’m thinking… Ping Pong is just physical enough to give you a sporting chance despite your raging lack of skill.”
 “If you really want your unborn child to witness your hopeless loss, I am happy to oblige” Luigi replied, following him downstairs to get started.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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20 Qs for ficcers
I have been tagged by a smorgasbord of wonderful people - @celaestis1, @cha-melodius, @kiwiana-writes and @welcometololaland. One of them even sent me flowers (thanks @clottedcreamfudge, you are a constant delight).
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
101,280 - not too shabby, I like that it's a round number.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Red, White & Royal Blue, The Thrilling Adventure Hour, Tamora Pierce, *cough* Angels Unlimited...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Just Like a Dealer (which I am HESITANT about including because, once again, I only wrote the first paragraph)
Henry Fox: All-American Hero
Red, White and Royal Ballet
Alien Magic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
No! I very rarely respond to comments. Right now, it's because I don't have time, but it's also because every comment will be 'aaaah thank you <3' and that feels like artificially inflating my comment count sometimes. Having said that, if people have questions, I tend to answer them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It was gonna be Ghosted before @clottedcreamfudge talked me out of it. Maybe When a Dancer Dies, because the 'happy ending' is massively open to interpretation.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Either Henry Fox: All-American Hero or Red, White and Royal Ballet. I mean, I'm writing for a novel with a strong romantic element - it's unusual NOT to write happy endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet, but hey! I probably will! And when that happens I will specifically write them into my next fics and make them suffer horrible fates!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written explicit stuff before, but not yet for RWRB. However, @dumbpeachjuice left a comment on All-American Hero that has me considering an expansion/missing scene in that world.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
The only crossover I have is Alien Magic, which is two worlds by the same author, Tamora Pierce, and me crossing over characters from one into the universe of the other, but they're aware that the other world exists, it's just on the other side of the globe from them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don't know about it! Doubtful, though.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I did receive my first comment in Spanish yesterday which made me very happy.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YES and I have also co-written a book with my BFF.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Fun fact: my fiance and I almost had 'fictional couples' as the theme for our wedding tables but abandoned it because two bridesmaids (u know who u are) would have wanted to sit at different tables.
Top three: Frank and Sadie Doyle, Mel Beeby and Brice de Winter (thoroughly not canon) and, of course, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor and Alex Claremont-Diaz.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Henry as a contestant on a pottery show, Alex as the kiln assistant who became a much bigger part in season 2 and has a lot to say.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Punctuality. Does that count? Errr, okay, I can write a banger of a sentence now and then and I'm good at description.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Em-dashes, and trying to be funny. The funniness comes in when I'm not trying too hard.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's difficult and I haven't done it yet! I'm learning Swedish (445 days in a row so far) and what gets me is sentence structure. Sometimes it's structured like English, sometimes it's structured like Early Modern English, sometimes the structure is specifically foreign and I fuck it up. However, I really liked what Junot Diaz did in Oscar Wao, which is not italicising words in other languages because that's not how the character thinks.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The very very very first fanfic published somewhere was LoTR. It was about the Entwives and it was dull.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ghosted. Or Cold Cases, Lost Causes. Sometimes you want to chew on some PLOT, and Ghosted deals with death, and Cold Cases deals with the ethics of podcasts covering true crime. I can't wait to release the last 3 chapters because I'm proud of how I've ended it!
Tagging -- ah shit, it seems that everyone has been tagged. Okay, if you want to do this, do it and say I tagged you. I love you all!
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spooky-circuits · 7 months
It's a tie between Branch and Bruce. Branch because he literally wasn't recognized as Bitty B for over 20 years, and it took his brother literally saying it to his girlfriend's face, and Bruc because he just vibes that way.
In Snack Attack its totally Brice who is the most like Tony Hawk tho
Branch is more of his identity was kept vague enough it makes sense people don’t know him while Bruce was out there using his legal name until he had to change it because people probably kept saying shit like wow you look like Spruce from Brozone wonder what he’s up to now? This.
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phoenixthemenace · 6 months
Coming Home
Angstpril 2024
Day 1 Homesick
Three days. You've been sleeping for three days and the faces around you grow more grim the longer you do. The medical staff grow weary, I think, of telling everyone no change, no change, no change.
No change. 
Except for some reason I can't figure out, it feels like everything has changed. My stomach has been in freefall ever since you shoved me clear and bore the brunt of the falling beam alone. 
But it's more than that. 
It's waves of hollowness that's settled into my bones and joint causing a dull constant ache. It's a strange sense of melancholy, of yearning for long ago summers and holidays and echoing laughter. 
It's not grief. It can't be grief. You're not gone. You're just…sleeping. There's still hope. As long as you draw breath and your heart beats there is still hope. 
It hits me at two o'clock in the afternoon on the fourth day. I'm lugging our equipment from the squad up three flights of stairs to a cardiac victim. I'm rounding the corner of that third flight when out of nowhere I'm winded, doubled over with the shock.
I'm homesick. For you.
Somewhere in the whirlwind of training and getting the program up and running you became my home.
My temporary partner was at my side in an instant, stopping the flow of revelation. It didn't  take much fancy talking to get out of Bellingham calling another squad and carting me off to Rampart. At least it wasn't Brice. Thank heavens for The Animal.
It wasn't until lights out that I had the uninterrupted chance to think, to wonder what this homesick feeling means. I started with the day we met and go over everything I can remember up until you were hurt. When the wake up tones sounded the next morning, I was still empty, except for one consuming thought.
To be by your side as soon as possible.
I'm here. After a call out just before shift change and interminable delays, I'm here. And after endless fussing by Brackett, Early and Dixie, we're finally alone. I stare at you, disappointed that the ache that wears your name doesn't ease just by being near you. It's worse, in many ways.
I glance at the door, double checking that we are alone before taking your hand. I lean in close. My voice, which was meant to be warm and encouraging, comes out in a whimper.
“Please wake up. I want to come home.”
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trulybetty · 1 year
Sunday Recap
I feel like I've read a lot this week, for me at least, and had a lot more interactivity than I'm normally used to and I figured I would share some of that.
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Will I do this every week? Likely not because I'm me and I'll probably forget, and I also don't like the pressure - but will I be more conscious to share like this moving forward? Yes.
Some Things I Read This Week & Enjoyed... (side note: this is not an exclusive list)
Ghost of You Series by @thetriumphantpanda Very good slow burn between Joel and a widowed F!Reader
Buck Moon & Your Spot by @grogusmum My heart. The characterisation of Frankie here, *chefs kiss*, pulls at your heartstrings and throws a little smut into the mix and my heart still gets a little fluttery every time I think of them both.
Things I'm Looking Forward to Starting Soon...
Curls by @stardustandskycrystals Some characters I don't like to read other fanfics with them in while I'm writing, as I'm afraid of absorbing characteristics written by other people and Dieter was one of them. But now that my Dieter is a little more solid I'm looking forward to getting stuck into this soon!
Fall Apart Again by @wildemaven If you haven't read Sweet Creatures, please do! It's what inspired me to finally put my Dieter fic to writing from my head. But she's back with a Joel Miller fic this week that promises to be angsty (right up my alley) and comes with a warning tissues will be required. I. Am. Ready.
Conversations with a Moviestar by @gnpwdrnwhiskey Speaking of Dieter, this premise sounds delightfully wondering - Dieter Bravo running a motel named the Bravo Inn and a journalist looking for a story to stake her claim on her career? I cannot wait to see how this plays out!
Living Rent-Free in my Head 24/7...
Delta Landscaping - if you know, you know... @goodwithcheese & @rhoorl
And to close it out, a song that's been stuck in my head all day that just reminds me of @wildemaven's Dieter every time I hear it as I just imagine him serenading Poppy...
Hope everyone has a great week! And if you are in the land of Canada, happy long weekend eh! 💕
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