#warning to fiber sellers
zoroshark · 1 year
Zora OCs Pt. 1!
It’s zoramay and I haven't posted most if not all of my zora ocs! Some even gotten a mini redesign since I last posted them. I thought to remedy that and show them off. Warning this post will be a bit long!
First is Ayana!
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Gender: Female •  Age: 24 (hylian years) • Species: Doitsu (Scaleless) Butterfly Koi fish Zora • Height: 5'7 • Personality: Quiet, Caring, Curious, Adventurous, Stubborn  • Friends with: Hamar
General Info: At a young age, she lost her remaining family to a tragedy that affected her whole home. After being taken in by the elders, she became a selective mute after constantly being looked down upon by others and hearing whispers about her and her family. She had enough of the treatment she was receiving at one point and decides to run away from home, heading to the seas. She was found by a ship ran by zoras after getting lost and was taken to Hyrule. After years of spending with the ship's crew, she leaves to set on a new adventure and finds a place to stay in Faron.
Next Is Hamar!
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Gender: Male • Age: 36 (hylian years) • Species: Viper Dogfish/Coelacanth Zora • Height: 12'9" • Personality: Goofy, Laid-back, Loyal, Humble, Secretive • Friends with: Ayana, Moraiya  • Enemies with: Dalen
General info: A zora who travels all of Hyrule. He is a potion maker/seller and has a pet red panther chameleon. He generally wears a cloak as his appearance can be intimidating. He has done questionable things in the past, but he means well and is a big goofball and jokester. Everyone he meets he does his best to show respect, and even if they say mean things of him, he dismisses it and has a good laugh. Only his friends and loved ones he will absolutely protect with every fiber of his being. 
3rd up is Dalen!
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Gender: Male  •  Age: 32 (hylian years) • Species: Chambered Nautilus • Height: 7'6" • Personality: Confident, Calm, Manipulative, Suave, Deceitful • Enemies with: Hamar
General info: A hitman for hire, borderline serial killer. From growing up in a relatively wealthy family in one of the most shady places, to being mistreated by his corrupt father, Dalen strives to kill those in power, those he deem scum or for those who want revenge. These are done for a price, or by his own hands. His calm demeanor masks the manipulative and twisted side of him. He uses a sheikah weapon with a similar laser to the guardians, sniping those from afar with one killing blow. To him he is no madman, only serving true justice. 
Gonna post a part 2 of my Zora ocs!
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Desert Panda Fiber Arts Warning
Le sigh.  Another week, another warning about a fiber arts business that’s doing naughty, naughty things.  She hasn’t threatened to shoot anyone directly yet, but she’s tip toeing around that on a technicality.
Desert Panda Fiber Arts is a small dyer that does some gorgeous colorways.  She got into a rough spot earlier this year where there were some family emergencies and she fell behind on shipping product.
That’s not the issue.  It happens.  Especially over the past few years.
No, the issue is that a customer, back in May, asked about how long a person should wait for a company to ship yarn.  She asked this on an open fiber arts forum (WAFA on FB), and Christin, the owner of Desert Panda, lost her absolute shit on her.  Like flipping tables and screaming obscenities at her.
Thing is, the person had never specified Desert Panda, and had asked a question that, quite frankly, gets asked a lot in the fiber arts community.  I’ve seen it asked more than a dozen times this year alone, because some dyers do run behind and don’t communicate well with their customers.  It’s an issue, but not usually a bad one.
Well, Christin decided that flipping out like a twat wasn’t enough.  She proceeded to doxx the customer in multiple fiber arts FB groups.  Full name, email, address, and phone number.  The works.  And Christin claims she did it to ‘warn other sellers’ about the customer.
It’s been confirmed that hundreds of people saw the doxxing posts she made.  
Most fiber arts groups had mods that deleted that shit instantly, because doxxing is a cunt thing to do.  Unfortunately WAFA didn’t, for six months.  And only after pressure by the consumer advocate group DT, on ravelry, did the owner remove the post.  
So, if you have ever done business with Desert Panda Fiber Arts, you may be doxxed by this woman on a whim.  She stands by that her behavior was acceptable, and has posted an image on her business account of her flipping off the camera to anyone who thinks what she did was wrong.  So any personal information in her hands could be used online with her thinking nothing of it.
I’m attaching screen shots (the doxxed information has been edited out), after the line break.
Be careful with who you shop with out there, unfortunately.
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And finally, here’s Christin posting Diana doxxing Diana on a private vendor group with 100+ members, where the information remained for more than six months without being removed.  No vendors in the WAFA group even spoke out in the comments against doxxing people, so this is also a warning about WAFA vendors and what they see as acceptable behavior.
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Link to the Ravelry thread if anyone wants to read.
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neardiss · 1 year
What Makes Fast Lean Pro Weight Loss Supplement So Special?
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Fast Lean Pro is actually a weight loss containing 11am 100 % natural ingredients. It tricks the mind while you?pertaining to starting a fast and also strokes optimum bodyweight corrosion, hinders enthusiasm, and additionally eats away at unwanted fat stocks. All of the health creation additionally quickens your current your metabolic rate no matter what the diet plan individuals?regarding choosing. Fast Lean Pro likewise helps everyone regenerate ones own tissues as a result of setting up autophagy, which happens to be if the overall body eats aside dry together with impaired tissue cells to clear out these items. Number one compound in Fast Lean Pro will be soluble fiber (via Fibersol Regarding). Ninety-five percentage point of Americans placed on?testosterone take in quite enough roughage, but fiber will make you become extensive and help your entire body drop the weight. In a very 2015 research project, study workers learned that fiber decreases food cravings coupled with satiety bodily hormones the moment had his food employing a meals. Also, it increases the sums of peptide YY or glucagon-like peptide One all of the preserve, letting you become satisfied after enjoying some sort of low-calorie healthy meal.
And even roughage, all of the aid possesses acacia gums including a mixture of polyamines. Polyamines have been caused by longevity in addition to nutritious increasing age when it comes to men. Perhaps the most favorite might be spermidine, that has been that can maximize Genetics methylation. Polyamines could also help add to the natural immunity saving the particular decline for lean muscle. Some other secret additive for the supplements is without question chromium, which can expand blood insulin level of responsiveness in addition to endorse strong blood sugar level. Chromium might also improve autophagy, that is whenever the figure in time breaks down also recycles sure fire microscopic cells to develop a new one. Fast Lean Pro also provides a proprietary combination aminos, that will help together with losing weight. Not like several other pills, this device doesn?testosterone make full use of stimuli to optimize the metabolic process. Preferably instead, that works on the formula science-backed things to aid fat burning plus satisfied. The nation's components is made to provide before you eat. The merchandise includes pepper juice, that will help by way of usage not to mention digestion of food. In the event the users take advantage of site, they could have information on Fast Lean Pro risks.
Fast Lean Pro provides 60-day warranty, coupled with individuals can afford the item out of a variety of outlets over the internet. Its cost span can also be rational, that makes it economical if you're. The seller in addition has an absolutely free distribution decision for potential clients. The three also six-bottle expenditures are included with a pair bonus items. Lots of the active ingredients on this health supplement might be medically verified for the utmost safety and therefore many. This supplement was made in the world in the center to suit FDA or GMP standards. The software creator?ersus web pages at the same time lists a contact figure with regards to support. A great approach to make inquiries regarding the product or service and its particular list of ingredients. The shopper product team knows combined with informative. The provider? web site is simple to get through also helpful. The website consists of Hints part including a complete oil collection. Besides, this site provides a sample which will your list. The organization?s back-up and support exists per week a single week. Provides survive chat rooms, mailbox, not to mention cell help support. Furthermore offer an Questions url page in addition to a blog website. Besides, they feature a complimentary free trial for all new business. To recognise all of the supervision of a Fast Lean Pro warning, most people will refer to the next connection.
0 notes
psychedelic-ink · 2 years
— jumpsuit.
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pairing: circus ringmaster!tasm!peter parker x animal rights activist!fem!reader
genre: dark circus au, enemies to lovers, smut
word count: 3.3k
warnings: enemies to lovers, peter's kinda sus, fourth wall break in like one sentence, mentions of animals being in cages, rough make-out session, mild dirty talking, hair pulling, vaginal s.ex
summary: you're an animal rights activist who has been closing down many circuses in your are due to animal cruelty, except for one: Spider’s Enchanting Circus. During a show you decide to sneak to take some pictures but the ringmaster is waiting for you.
a/n: this was written for @spidervee 's april is for au's writing event! Been wanting to write something like this for ages and finally this gave me motivation to do so, so thank you!! and a special thank you to @leydileyla who beta read this <33
I couldn't help myself and made a playlist for this click here to listen!
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You despise all of it. 
You despise the smell of fresh popcorn, the scent of sweet cotton candy, the joyful chitter-chatter of the people, the laughing children who play far away from their mother’s long skirts. Every little bit of it makes your gut wrench in agony. You take in quick, sharp breaths and look up. The moon shines bright upon you all, the glow of the moonlight elevating everyone’s skin with a soft glow. A child bumps into you and you scorn at the young boy, hence making him run away with fear. You are not the monster here. The monster who you seeked and wished to bury was hiding amongst the comfort of his large, banal tent. The Spider’s Enchanting Circus lays ahead, red and white artificial fiber moving with the wind, mimicking the waves of a desolate sea. 
Quickly, you begrudgingly buy a ticket, the prices raised up due to your last minute purchase. You feign a smile at the seller and tip your hat, adjusting it so it would cover more of your features. You can’t afford anyone recognizing you now or later. Swiftly, you mix into the crowd, looking at them all with disgust as they were fooled by the colorful lights and sparkles of a well put on show. 
The true horror is beyond those curtains�� the cruelty the animals must suffer under the hands of greedy humans. 
The Spider’s Enchanting Circus was the last circus still open for business. It aggravated you. The rest you had managed to close down with your colleagues, they had all gone down like domino stones, but not this one. The spider is too tricky. No photographing is allowed inside, no lingering after shows, no snooping around– Those animal rights activists who did manage to sneak around, got caught, came back the next day dazzled, saying there was no harm being done to animals. You believe the reason for this to be bribery. But who knows? Tonight you will find out everything.
With the rest of the crowd, you scurry inside. You’re highly agitated, annoyed whenever you see the twinkle inside of other’s eyes. You lift your gaze away from the ground, finally looking up as the corridor ends– 
This is the first time you see the inside. 
You hate to admit, but your heart begins to beat faster, fluttering in your chest as the breath is knocked from your lungs. The inside is huge, much bigger than you anticipated, fairy lights decorating above, mimicking the endless stars that decorate the night sky. You look ahead towards the stage, another stranger bumps into you, muttering about you blocking the way. Red and blue smoke covers the stage but you can faintly see the silhouettes of performers huddling within, you lick your lips as a child-like excitement fills your chest. Then you suddenly shake your head, blinking rapidly as you remember what you were doing here in the first place. Your lips forming a thin line, you part away from the crowd and walk beneath the benches. You were hoping this route is discreet enough and will eventually lead you backstage. 
Your plan is simple; Sneak backstage, take pictures of the caged animals and leave without anyone noticing you. Easy peasy. 
When you reach backstage you’re disappointed to see that no animals can be seen. There’s costumes, magic boxes and other items you’re not quite sure what they are. You hear a loud muffled clapping and cheering, and an announcer soon follows. Alerting you that the show has begun. The small hairs on your nape stand up, a chill overtaking your body as you frantically look around. You can’t shake the feeling of being watched. Placing a hand on your chest, you breathe– In and out– Slowly. It was just your nerves. No one is here… though… Now you think about it, why isn’t anyone backstage? 
“My my look at you,” 
A shudder crawls up your spine in the form of a spider, you feel sick as you slowly turn on your heel. You’ve never seen the ringmaster up close before, he’s much more…put together than you expected. He has dark brown, soft looking hair that gently curls above his forehead, the color of his eyes is a dark, warm chocolate and framed with long lashes. His smile is a mischievous one, the tip of his canines showing as it grows the more you stare. You swallow, eyes traveling lower while you take a step back. He has a lean, yet muscular body. He’s wearing a black tight suit, a top hat above his head and a fluffy boa wrapped loosely around his neck. He tilts his head to the side, you notice that he’s observing you as well. 
He tips his hat, his eyes never leaving your figure as they peek through his lashes. 
“I’ve been dying to meet you– The trouble-maker,” he purrs, there’s a certain melody to his voice and it makes you feel uneasy. 
You puff up your chest, feigning confidence as your nails digs into your palms. You’re not surprised that he knows of your presence, but you didn’t come here empty handed. 
“I’ve been dying to meet you too,” you lace your voice with venom. “Peter Parker.” 
He freezes upon hearing his name. Another shudder climbs up your spine, something dark passes through his gaze but he quickly hides it with a charming smile. But you can see as clear as day how tense his muscles got, his chin strained as he tries to keep up his facade. 
“Using name’s without one’s permission is quite rude, is it not?” he clicks his tongue. “And dangerous if I might add,” 
“Are you implying I’m in danger, Mr. Parker? If so, that would make my job much more easier,” 
“And what this job might be, y/n?” 
Your stomach churns when he uses your name, you should’ve expected it but it still comes as a shock. He walks forward and before you know it he’s behind you, his movements remind you of one of a snake. You feel Peter’s breath against your nape, goosebumps bursting across your skin. Embarrassingly enough your breath hitches. You can almost feel his lips brushing against the shell of your ear, your mind swirls. 
“You must think I’m a fool if you think I’ll tell you anything,” you chuckle but it sounds fake even to you. “I’ll be taking my leave now–” 
“Oh, you certainly won't be doing that–” he mutters your name directly into your ear, a sigh escapes your lips. 
He’s playing you like an instrument. You hate it. 
You part your lips to snap back but before you can you hear a lever being pulled and the floor disappears from underneath your feet. You scream as you fall into darkness, your hand reaching up in hopes to catch the light that slowly becomes smaller and smaller. You can vaguely see Peter falling right beside you, the frame of his face illuminated by the light that soon disappears completely, before it does you see his lips twisting into a sly grin and he winks at you. 
It feels like you’ve been falling forever. Your throat is sore from the screaming and your heart feels like it might burst out of your chest at any given moment. You’re not sure if your eyes are closed or you think of that due to the darkness– 
A soft light suddenly blinds you and you find yourself sprawled on top of endless animal plushies. Your chest heaves as you claw the soft toys, feeling their fur as you take in deep,sharp breaths. You scan your surroundings, there’s a piano in the corner and Peter stands right next to it, he’s unphased by the fall, his hair and smile still intact. You still feel a bit light headed as you collect yourself off of the pile of plushies. Holding your head you take a step closer to him, your eyes going in between Peter and the untouched, dusty piano. 
“You’re not going to sing to me are you?” you say, looking up to where you fell from. “And where the hell are we?” 
Peter chuckles but there’s no emotion behind it. 
“No, I’m not going to sing to you. Besides it would be quite hard to do in this form of media,” 
He quickly waves his hand, dismissing your question entirely. “Oh, nothing– Anyway as for your second question, we’re underneath the circus,” 
“Why did you bring me here?” 
“Just thought you and I should have a chat. I do know why you’re here you know, and I’m here to convince you whatever you think we’re doing, we are not,” 
You snort, “I have my doubts. You say you know why I’m here, enlighten me then,” 
You jump when the piano begins to play on its own. Your eyes widen with horror while Peter takes a step closer to you, his forefinger tapping against his jawline. 
“You think we torture animals,” he says, strolling around you like a vulture. You have trouble keeping an eye on him, you begin to sweat. “You’re an animal rights activist which is most admirable but you’re barking the wrong tree– We take good care of our animals as you can see,” 
The rest of the room lights up, the soft light now so bright that it burns your irises. You quickly squint, eyelids slowly opening as your eyes adjust and when your vision is completely clear, your jaw drops– the room, which is much bigger than a regular room, is filled with glass cages, in retrospect they’re clean, filled with trees, food and fresh air. How it has all those things confuses you but you opt to not question it. Somehow the glass cages are  much more open than most zoo’s and definitely much better than other circuses but it’s still wrong. It makes you sick. The individual cages contain lions, elephants and other animals. 
“See they’re all cared for, no need to fret,” 
“You’re sick,” you snarl, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “These are still cages, it doesn’t matter how nice it may seem,” 
“Well, what shall we do in this predicament then? What’s your big bold plan that’s going to close down my circus?” 
“I…I’ll take pictures–” 
“With this?” Peter holds up the camera that was supposed to be in your bag. “Sorry darling, you won’t be getting evidence of what goes down in my circus,” 
Again, Peter’s behind you, his chest brushing against your back as he holds the camera an inch away from your face. He lets it fall to the floor, a loud crash is heard, it breaks into a million pieces. Your brows furrow with frustration, anger growing inside of you the longer you stare at the broken machine. The piano is still playing, a bit faster now. Your breath stutters. 
“You asshole–” 
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?” 
Peter is suddenly in front of you once again, you grit your teeth and lunge forward. He swiftly moves away from your hands that had no aim and chuckles. Peter playfully turns on his heel and rolls his shoulders, you want to strangle him. 
“Now what?” you hiss. “Are you going to keep me in a cage too?” 
Peter curiously raises his eyebrow, a cat-like smile spreading across his lips as he walks towards you. He stops only an inch away, he raises his gloved hand and gently tilts your head up by your chin. Your body heats up when he forces you to lock your gaze with him, your lips part and you let out a silent gasp. 
“Now that’s rather an enticing idea but no. I do not plan on keeping you hostage, quite the contrary in fact, you’ll be walking out of here quite regularly so you don’t need to fear me or my circus,” 
“I do not fear you.” you jeer. “And you can’t silence me. I’ll keep coming back.” 
“That’s the outcome I’m hoping for. It would pain me to never see you again.” 
Your mouth opens and closes like a fish. You’re lost for words, not really knowing how to respond to his flirtatious remarks as he still holds his finger under your chin. You absolutely hate how conceited he is, how sure of himself he is– Yet your curiosity edges you to explore more. Peter’s smile only grows, his thumb slides up your jaw and brushes against your lips. He presses his thumb and without even thinking you part your lips. You stop breathing when he slides the limb between them, the taste of leather heavy on your tongue as he feels the wet muscle. 
“Look at that, it seems you don’t see me as a complete monster– Ouch!”
Peter yanks his hand away, hissing at the pain as you shoot him a triumphant smile. Upon noticing your reaction he laughs, tilting his head as he licks his lips. 
“You bit me?” he asks despite knowing that you did. “Maybe I should keep you in a cage,” 
You only smile, flashing him your teeth as he hurriedly makes his way towards you. Before you can react, he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls your head back. He dives into your fully exposed neck, tracing his tongue against the artery, he drags his teeth as well. You groan at the feeling, your body growing hot by the second. Your heart thuds loudly in your chest and your head begins to spin, mild jolts of pain spread throughout your scalp but you don’t object to it. Peter’s mouth moves against the underside of your jaw, his lips crashing down on yours in a bruising kiss. 
Peter sucks the air from your lungs and you fear this might’ve been his plan all along. His free hand travels down your body, feeling everything you have to offer. He shoves his tongue in your mouth, tasting you as your teeth clank together, his nose smushed against yours as he cocks his head to the side. He cups one of your breasts and squeezes, it coaxes a sheer moan out of you and you break the kiss, breathing heavily as he grins down at you. 
“You like that?” he whispers, he flattens his tongue against your lips and chuckles. “I thought I was a menace?” 
“Shut up,” you groan. “You talk to much,” 
“Do I, now? I haven’t noticed–” 
You drown out the words he’s about to blabber with a kiss of your own, you can feel him smiling against it and it agitates you further. Your hands claw at his chest, desperately trying to unbutton his obnoxious shirt. Peter’s hands come down to your wrists and squeeze them, it’s uncharastically gentle. He moans into your mouth as he guides you, hips grinding against yours while you finally manage to strip him. The fluffy boa falls to the floor along with the shirt, your fingertips traveling along his taut muscles. Peter takes a step forward and you take one back, your lips never leaving one another until you fall on top of the pile of plushies. You look up to him, flustered as you take in the sight of his body. He begins to undo his belt and gestures to your clothes with his eyes. 
“I’m doing no such thing while you’re looking at me like a piece of meat,” 
“I’m merely returning the look you’re giving to me,” he purrs. “Now strip, or do you want me to do that for you?” 
You glare at him as you throw your cap to the side and pull off your shirt. 
“Good girl.” 
Your body reacts at his words, your cunt fluttering while you quickly tug down your pants and as soon as you do Peter, the ringmaster you wanted to throw into prison, is all over you. His lips are on your neck, both hands on your breasts, fingers pinching your nipples as you close your eyes in pure ecstasy. Your lips part with a moan you’re ashamed to make but you can’t help it as the man devours you like a man starving. Peter grinds his cock against your stomach, it feels hot against your skin and your back arches. He sinks his teeth into your neck as a response, he bites it so hard that your fingers threads his hair, tugging harshly so that he’ll let go. Peter sucks on your skin one last time before letting go of you with a pop. His one hand travels between your writing bodies, his fingers curling around his cock, he positions it so it’s resting right between your wet folds. 
When his length rubs against your clit, you can’t help the way you cry out. 
“Tell me what you want and don’t hold back on the details,” 
Your breathing hitches, lungs burning as you contemplate if you should answer him or not. While the silence grows between the two of you, your awareness of what you were doing also grows. But despite it, you don’t want to stop. Peter grins, grinding his hips once more, he intently watches the way your face contorts with pleasure. 
“I do have a show to run, you know? I don’t have all day,” 
You decide to trade your pride in for only mere moments of pleasure, hopefully it’ll be worth it. 
“I want you to fuck me,” you choke out. “I want you to make me cum again and again as you whisper absolute filth into my ear– Does that sound like something you can do, Peter Parker?” 
“Oh, I’m loving this. Don’t worry y/n, I’m not letting you leave this circus until you’re thoroughly satisfied,” he groans and presses his face into the crook of your neck. “You’re so fucking wet,” 
Your cheek heats up at the remark but you have little time to drown in embarrassment as he pushes in with one swift motion. Your eyes open wide, heart fluttering as your cunt squeezes around him. The way he stretches you is indescribable, his cock reaching your deepest parts while he nibbles your neck. Groaning, you roll your hips and the both of you groan and the overwhelming sensations. Peter chuckles, his lips travel down and he sucks one nipple into his mouth as he begins to rock his hips. 
You’re left breathless at the way he thrusts into you; Fast, hard and calculated. He’s hitting all the spots to make your head spin, meanwhile his tongue dances along your fully erect nipple. Peter is playing you like an instrument, every moan and whimper he coaxes out of you is a new set of lyrics accompanying the melody of the piano. Slick dribbles down your thighs and further wet’s his cock, every time he thrusts his hips, your eyes roll back at the way his pelvis hits your clit. Heat builds within you, it leaves you desperately chasing for your inevitable release. Your thighs tremble, your back arches, Peter lets go of your nipple and drowns out the voices you make by pressing his lips against yours. 
Your orgam washes over you in the form of violent waves. Your eyelids flutter as you part away by moaning his name, your cunt gushes around his cock, endless amounts of slick dripping down to the floor. Peter occupies his mouth by nipping at your jawline, he grinds his hips and each time he does another jolt of pleasure electrifies your nerves. 
Peter is the one to break the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting the both of you as he looks down and smiles. 
“It looks like that was most pleasurable,” 
“You’re a nuisance,” you mutter between pants. “This changes absolutely nothing,” 
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind after I keep good on my promise,” 
“Whis is…?” 
“Not letting you leave until you’re thoroughly satisfied,” he keens as he rolls his hips. Your eyes immediately roll back, only now you realize that he’s still fully hard. “After that you can hate me all you want.” 
“I don’t need to wait that long. I’m currently hating you right now.” 
“That’s a shame because I’m loving you right now.” 
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A/N: to be notified of future work follow @burnthoneymintsathenaeum​ and turn on notifications✨
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btsmakesmehappy · 4 years
Palate Cleanser | 4
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Genre: Agent au, friends with benefit (sort of), Stranger to lover, ANGST with a hint of Fluff, implied Smut.
Pairing: Agent!Taehyung x Baker!reader
Word Count: 6,6k
Rating: 18+ (M)
Warning: Reader feeling sad and insecure. Guns. Violence (nothing too descriptive). Taehyung is lil bit possessive because I love it.
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | completed
Series Masterlist: The Company
Summary: Taehyung needs something to take his mind off his broken heart. His best friend, Jimin, suggests that he should meet another woman and the first woman he met was you. Would you help him even though you have your own problem, that you hate men?
A/N: for my betareader @hesperantha​ thank you for help me by screaming to Taehyung while you’re drinking a whiskey (You’re right, even I won’t be able to refuse the morning thingy lmao) and my @arizonapoppy​ who patiently gives me encouragements (like a lot). I am just smiling everytime I read your feedback. Thankyou again loves. Stay safe!
anyway, just one more chapter left! Thank you for reading this fic. Please send me a feedback<3
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“Do you have anything aside from bread in here?” Taehyung asked as he rummaged through your kitchen. “Don’t you ever get sick of it? You see bread at work and again at home.”
You rested your chin on your hand, watching him from the table. “Why not? The bread is good. And that one has fiber, so it’s good for your bowels.”
He looked at you in disgust. “Why do you need to discuss your bowel activity with me?”
You chuckled. “Again I have to go with: why not?” You rose from your seat, walking to him. You opened a cabinet beside the sink to show him where you stacked rice and instant noodles. “And besides, bread is more convenient, just grab and eat it. No need to cook. You can eat it anytime you want.”
“It only takes a few minutes to heat the rice or cook the noodles,” he argued,  grabbing a pack of noodles.
“It’s just bothersome to wash the dishes.” You also grabbed a pack of noodles and gave it to him with a smile, batting your lashes. “Bread is good with wine.”
He snorted as he filled the pot with water. “You don’t eat bread with wine. You eat it in between.”
“Again: why not?”
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You don’t want to go back to your apartment, sad and alone. You think about going to Hani’s place, but you’re afraid that you would bother her and her fiance. You are sure that Hani will let you crash her place, but she has already helped you so much in the past. You don’t want to make her worry again.
And so, you find yourself wandering in the middle of the night alone, hopping from one stall to another.
It is your third bottle of soju in your second stall. Only God knows how many bottles you had before. Your stomach starts to hurt because you didn’t eat anything before you started drinking, and yet you don’t feel drunk.
You can’t bring yourself to care. You want to be drunk. You need to erase Taehyung’s face in your mind. You tried to.
With the thought of Taehyung, you’ve already felt your tears running on your cheeks. You are sobbing in an unknown food stall, alone.
Why are you crying exactly? Is it because he hurt you? Is it because he humiliated you in public? Is it because you want him? Is it because you hate him? Is it because you like him? Why do your tears keep flowing? Maybe you are drunk after all.
You’ve never thought that you would feel this way again. A throbbing pain inside your chest, squeezing your lungs, making it hard for you to breathe. It is weird considering that you have only known Taehyung for weeks, and yet the impact he had on you is big. He changed your heart.
He somehow made you feel complete.
At first, you thought that it’s because you had great sex or maybe because you love his company in the morning. But the more you talked to him, you knew: he will always be the one you can’t get enough of. You want more.
You felt bad for throwing your drink on him. You did. But you hate him for talking to you like that. You hate him because you know he can see you thoroughly. You hate him because he was right. You hate him because he exposed you.
You’re stuck in a wave of white lies formed by you, your friends, and your family for 5 years. It was your foundation for all your work, for your life, and who you are right now. And when Taehyung dropped the ugly truth like a bomb, the already-weak foundation started to crumble.
Maybe you have always known yourself, that deep down, you don’t really hate men. Maybe you have always known that you were not good enough for Youngjae, or any man. Maybe that’s why you never get close to another man. Maybe because you’re afraid if they would tell you that you are bad for them, that you are not good enough for them.
You are afraid that you, Y/N, will never find someone who will love you.
You drop your head on the table. Your tears still flow endlessly. You take a deep breath, trying to control your mind, trying to preserve your heart from breaking into pieces. You feel nauseated, and the stabbing pain in your stomach doesn’t help either.
You hate him.
You miss him.
You want him.
And with that realization, you feel weaker than ever.
“There you are!” You jerk your head up, tears still clouding your vision. You rub your eyes with the back of your hand and your vision becomes clearer. “Muffin?” Taehyung’s face comes to your vision. His face is beaded with sweat, breaths uncontrolled like he’s been running for miles.
You turn your head from Taehyung, hiding your crying face. “What do you want?” You take a glass and pour the soju into it.
He looks at your messy table and frowns in worry. He sighs. “How many glasses did you drink?” He then snatches your glass away from you.
You shrug. “I didn’t count.” You suddenly have an urge to vomit, your stomach twisting.
Taehyung looks at you in horror. “Alright, that’s it. I am taking you home.” He says as he takes his wallet out and puts some cash on the table. “Do you have your medicine with you?” he asks as he tries to stand you up in spite of your wobbling. He tries to hold you close to him, but you push him away.
“Left it at home.” You shake your head. ”I can walk by myself,” you say as you try to nod a polite thanks to the seller, but end up stumbling sideways as you exit the stall.
Taehyung wants to argue with you but he decides to shut his mouth and instead he just walks with you in the distance, guarding you from afar. It makes his heart stops, however, when you suddenly trip over your foot and fall to the ground. He runs to your side to make sure you are okay. And when you refuse to hold onto him, he has had enough. While you protest, he pulls you to his broad back to give you a piggyback-ride.
“Put me down!” You struggle to push him away, but subconsciously your arms hold his shoulders tightly.
“No.” He hisses. “Just let me walk you home, Y/N. For my own sanity.” After you are calmer, he then starts to walk slowly.
You prop your chin on his shoulder. You’re close enough to smell his cologne, and it comforts you. You feel the warmth from his back dangerously spreading to your body, making your heart ache.
He stops his step when he hears you sniffling. “Muffin?” He asks while he soothes your thighs softly.
“You can’t do this to me.” You whisper in between your sobs.
Taehyung turns his head a little to see your face from the corner of his eyes. “What do you mean?”
“You can’t just make me comfortable with you, and then yell at me like that, and then do this to me.” You sob. “It’s so confusing. It is so unfair.”
Taehyung feels a stir in his chest. He wants to see you. He wants to wipe all of those tears away from your pretty face. He wants to see your smile. He looks around and finds a bench on the sidewalk. He walks towards it and then lowers his back to make you sit on it. He then turns his body and sits on his heels in front of you.
He looks at your red eyes. He feels guilty. He is mad at himself for being the one who made you cry, cursing himself for saying those cruel words to you before. He reaches out and takes your face in his hands carefully. His thumbs wipe the track of your tears. “I am sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean it.”
You shake your head weakly. “No. You were right.” You can’t even look at his eyes anymore, you feel that you are not worthy. “Maybe I was the problem.”
The pain in his chest grows stronger. He was lucky to be just fine after his broken heart. But you? You hid all of your pain inside, covered by your smiles, and drowned in your work. And yet, you wanted to help him, even though you yourself are broken. He strokes your cheeks softly. “What- No, muffin. Look at me.” You shake your head in his request. “Please, look at me.”
You sigh and raise your head to meet his eyes. There’s no pity in his eyes. No exposing yourself. Just him.
“He’s a jerk, Y/N. He didn’t deserve you.” He reassures you. He then leans and puts his forehead against yours. “You weren't the problem. You’re never the problem.” His voice trembles in the wind. Deep and comforting.
With his voice so close to you, his large hands hot on your skin, you feel like you will cry. Your tears threaten to fall down again. “You’re a perfect woman. You’re smart, pretty, hardworking, and kind. Don’t you think otherwise, okay?”
You should hate him. You should push him away, or maybe kick him in the shins. You should not lean into his touch. You should not put your hands on his. You should not let him kiss your forehead lovingly. You should not let him hug you tightly. You should not hug him back. And you should not sink your face in his shoulder. And you definitely should not forgive him that easily.
But you do anyway.
Maybe the alcohol running through your veins plays a large part, but the truth is, deep down in your heart, you feel relieved. You feel safe. You want to be in his embrace. You want to touch him. You want him to touch you. You want him entirely. This feels so right.
Taehyung strokes your back softly, kissing your shoulder in the process. He apologizes over and over again in a whisper. Like a spell, it calms you down. He then pulls away, pushing your hair behind your ears. He looks at your eyes. His eyes shine brightly, reflecting the streetlight above you. Taehyung then inches forward to you, targeting your lips.
His kiss feels different from before -- soft, but desperate. He kisses to show you that everything will be fine, you will be fine. He kisses to show you that you are his and his alone.
It is the kiss of two people who long for love. Who long for each other. Who were lost in the past, but found each other.
A kiss that shows that now it’s just you and him. And nothing else matters.
He breaks away the kiss after a while and you both catch your breath. You can still hear your heart thumping through your ears. He smiles softly to you and pats your head. “Let’s go home, alright?” He reaches and takes your hand, your soft fingers intertwined with his calloused ones.
Even with the cold wind blowing, you have never felt this warmer, you have never felt this complete. There’s no exchanging words after that. But just with one look at each other eyes, stolen kisses now and then, and your hand in his. You have never felt this loved.
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Taehyung stayed in your place that night. You fell asleep in each other’s embrace, neither one of you daring to let go. You awake in his cuddle, safe and warm. He touches your swollen eye and kisses them softly. “Morning, muffin.” He smiles. “I think you should ice them a little bit.”
You smile. “Yeah, I think I should.” You sit up from your bed and stretch your body. You then walk to the fridge, rummaging inside to find an ice cube to put on your eyes. You are glad that the hangover is not that bad, maybe because you hurled most of it in your bathroom with Taehyung holding your hair back. Still, your head has a throbbing pain.
“So,” Taehyung asks groggily as he sits up. “You’ll still do the event, I assume?”
You turn your head to him, smiling apologetically. “I am afraid so.” You then turn to the kitchen, pulling a mug from the cabinet and filling it with water to wash down the painkiller you find in the odds-and-ends drawer.
Taehyung sighs and rises from the bed and walks towards you. He sneaks his hand on your waist from behind, pulling you closer to him. He then props his chin on your shoulder. “Just please be careful, okay? And keep me informed.” He kisses the nape of your neck quickly. “I don’t like that guy.”
Your heart leaps in joy. You turn your body to meet his, still in his hold. You then put your arms on across his neck. “Okay.” You smile widely. “I didn’t think of you as a jealous type of a guy.”
He pouts. “I am not jealous! He IS dangerous.”
You hide your smile because you find him very cute. “Sure thing.” You stand on tiptoe and give his lips a peck. You can see a blush starting to form on his cheeks.
He then pushes you until your back hits the counter and kisses you back. When he pulls away, he looks at your face carefully. He pushes your hair behind your ears, making you shiver. “So, Y/N.” He clears his throat. “Are you okay?”
You bury your face on his chest, hugging him tightly. “I think I will be okay.” I have you now.
“So, Y/N...”
You giggle softly at his antics. This is the Taehyung that you always know. “What?”
His hands move to cup your cheeks, raising your face to look at him. “I-I want to be with you. Is it weird to think like that?”
You grin from ear to ear, hope blooming inside you. You have never been treated like this before. The way Taehyung talks and touches you, you feel cherished. He makes you think that you are precious. And the way he looks at you right now, it’s like he wants to tell the world that you are the only thing that matters to him. You belong to him -- and you do, gladly. “Is it weird that I also feel the same?”
He smiles widely and takes you in his embrace. “Not at all.” He then kisses your temple softly. “So, do you need to go to work soon, or we can do something first?”
You raise one of your eyebrows in confusion. Just when you want to ask what he means, he smirks mischievously and winks. You hit his shoulder playfully. “What do you think I am?”
He shrugs. “You are Y/N. And besides, we’ve already slept together countless times.” He whines.
You laugh. “Unfortunately I must go to work soon. Maybe later.” You say as you kiss his cheek before you walk away to the bathroom. Leaving him alone in your kitchen.
In spite of the way Taehyung affects you, you are not aware of what you have done to him. Just this morning, when he looked at your half-awake face in front of him, in his embrace, he wouldn’t trade it for the world. Taehyung has lost his love to another man before, but he won’t let it happen now.
Is it weird that he wants to be the one to make you happy? He wants to be the man who tells you every day that you are beautiful. He wants to be the one who eats breakfast with you every morning. He wants to be the one who protects you. He wants to be the one who will love you for the rest of your life.
He is doomed for sure. Right now, the only thing that stuck in his mind is your smile, and that little thing is enough to make him happy.
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It’s finally Saturday. The biggest event in your whole career. You are nervous, for sure, but your mind was distracted by Taehyung this morning. He was so clingy and reluctant to let you go. It took you almost half an hour to finally be released from his cuddle, which he agreed to do if you called him every hour with a pout in his face. You laughed at his antics, he was being so unreasonably possessive with you, not in a bad way. No, not at all. Honestly, you found him very adorable. You just couldn’t fathom what’s the harm doing this event.
You’ve been making the cakes for the party since the morning. It’s sad that the organizer actually wants more cakes instead of your bread. It makes sense however; it is a party. Why would anyone want to eat bread at the party?
Hani is the one who makes the cakes in your bakery. She is a trained patissier, which is why you and Hani joined forces to start your bakery. You make the bread while Hani makes the cakes. Still, you are the one in charge of designing the sweets corner for this event. She gave it up for you to do. You do think that she gives it to you so you wouldn’t be sad. Sure, she won’t admit that, she just told you that she sucks at designing the corner.
“Oh my God, My back is killing me.” Hani mumbles. “This had better be worth it.”
“I know right? I hope so.” You stretch your body. Your eyes dart to the clock on the wall. You must go in an hour.
Wendy pops her head in the kitchen. “The car is ready, boss!” She smiles. You personally asked her to help you with renting a car. Your bakery is not that big, so you still don’t have a car for now. You usually use your friend’s car for delivery, but the car broke down suddenly, leaving you with no other choice to rent a car just for this event.
Hani looks at the boxes and then turns to Wendy. “So, can you load some of the boxes into the car? There are still some cakes we need to decorate first.” Wendy nods and then carefully loads the boxes into the car.
In less than 30 minutes, the car is already packed with cake boxes. You sigh in relief, glad that you can make it on time. After making sure that everything is loaded in the car for the hundredth of times, you lock your bakery and walk to the car.
“So is everything okay?” You turn your head to the source of the sound, finding Chanyeol standing beside your car. “Nice to see you again, Y/N.”
You smile at him. “Oh hey, nice to see you! Yes. Everything is good and we’re ready to go.” You shake his hand happily. He looks good in the tuxedo suit, with his hair pulled back, but there’s no weird feeling inside your chest, no butterfly dancing in your stomach. Instead, you think of Taehyung, how he will be so handsome in the suit. I am so whipped. You think as you shake your head.
Chanyeol looks at you from the top to the toe. “You look nice. Is that lipstick?”
You snort and hit his shoulder playfully, “Duh. Of course.” You smooth your chef’s jacket. Hani was the one who forced you to do your make-up. And what Hani orders, Hani gets. It would be too bothersome to refuse her. “This is an important event after all.”
He chuckles. “Sure, it’s a good idea.” He then pats your head softly.
“Y/N, come on. We have to go.” Hani interrupts. She then nods politely to Chanyeol.
“Oh, you’re right! Alright, see you at the party then.” You wave to him as you start your car and drive away.
“Man, look at him patting Y/N’s head. Who does he think he is?” Taehyung mumbles in the car. Taehyung and Hoseok were supposed to stalk Chanyeol, so when Chanyeol decided to show up at your bakery, Taehyung was happy and mad simultaneously. He is happy to see you, but he is mad, for sure, to watch Chanyeol interact with you.
Hoseok who sits beside him chuckles. “Stop being such a jealous boyfriend.”
Taehyung pouts. “I am not jealous.” He sighs. “I- I just.. Why did he visit her in the first place?” He folds his arms in his chest.
Hoseok looks at Taehyung’s face carefully and smiles. He is happy that his brother finally met someone who makes him this mess. Hoseok is also a little startled that Taehyung didn’t even deny being called your boyfriend. But he decides to keep the teasing for another time, at least for now. “I don’t know. Maybe he’s plotting something?”
Taehyung turns his face to Hoseok, his face crumpled in worry. “What? And why are we here? We should just arrest him.” He then tries to open the door.
“Woah-woah.” Hoseok takes a grip on Taehyung’s arm. “Easy, lover boy. I just said maybe.”
Taehyung sits back. He still seems uneasy with the fact that Chanyeol will be around you. What if he hurts you at the party? What does Chanyeol plan?
Hoseok smiles fondly at Taehyung. “Should we sneak into the party, then?”
Taehyung’s eyes widen. “Can- can we do that?” He remembers correctly that they shouldn’t approach the target, furthermore, doing so would basically be rebelling against Jin’s order -- The Company’s orders --  and as far as he knows, it won’t end well. But he can at least protect you if Chanyeol does something.
Hoseok hides his smile. “Sure, why not?” he winks and drives his car to the party. “It's still our job to stalk him.”
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The party is grandiose. That’s for sure. They use the biggest hall in the city and fill it with flowers and food. The big chandelier shines brightly in the middle of the room, like the room itself hasn’t screamed luxury in the first place. The walls painted with ivory and gold matched well with the maroon carpet in the room. Sure, you had known that this hall is the most expensive in the city, but damn, it is beautiful. You will die happy if you marry in such a nice place.
The party is in an hour, and you must finish displaying and decorating the sweets corner before any guest arrives. Wendy then puts the cakes in the refrigerated display case and sets the ones which can stay in the room temperature on the table, while you and Hani decorate the table. Within 30 minutes you’re finished, and you secure the remaining cakes to refill later under the table, hidden with the high-quality tablecloth. You hope that no cakes are dropped on it, because well, it sure will be a pain and expensive to clean.
The room begins to fill with expensive-looking guests. You thank God (and Hani) silently that you wore your makeup for tonight. At least you won’t look too shabby in front of pretentious people.
The three of you stand quietly near your sweet corner. The MC will open the party before the guests can start to eat. Some guests are lurking at your corner curiously, thanks to your scribbled diet-friendly cakes sign you pasted on it. The curious guests – who almost all girls- are mumbling to themselves because of the long opening. They want to eat soon. You are almost sure that they have starved themselves just for this event. And that’s also why you and Hani decided to use your most famous diet-friendly recipe that your customers love to gain attention.
Just after the MC invites the guests to start to eat, your corner fills with starving girls. Wendy begins serving them as You and Hani explain your bakery to some of the guests. It seems that the magazine where Chanyeol works is a well-known magazine because most of the guests notice your bakery immediately at the big party. And some of the guests, mostly businessmen and women, express an even greater  interest in your bakery, asking  you personally if they can open your bakery as a franchise, which makes you feel honored.
“Alright, do you want to take a break in turns? I can handle this for now.” You say to Hani and Wendy, looking at your almost-emptied-table. “You should eat something too, Hani. You worked the hardest. Also, Chanyeol said that we can eat in the back.”
Hani’s eyes twinkle. “Oh, thank you! I’ve been holding my pee for a while now.” She then drags Wendy with her. “You should go eat first.”
Wendy shakes her head slowly and smiles. “Thank you, but I’m fine, really.”
“Nonsense! You are still our part-timer, and we are required by law to make sure you take a break during your shift. You have been working for almost eight hours!” Hani says to Wendy as she puts her hands on her hips.
You chuckle at Hani’s actions. There’s no way Wendy refuses Hani’s order, so she just nods and walks with her.
“Alright, take good care of our corner then!” Hani waves to you. “We’ll be fast.”
You then look around the room. You can see some of the familiar faces in the room, mostly from the newspaper or the TV. Ministers and other politicians are scattered among actors and actresses. Oh my God, is that Lee Minho? Is it possible for me to take a picture with him? You shake your head softly, you are here to work, not being a stupid fangirl in this big party.
You then decided to refill the cakes on the table, thinking that there’s no good reason for leaving the table empty. You kneel behind the table, opening the table cloth. When you take the highest box of cakes outside, you hear a thud. Something is falling to the ground.
You put the box on your side and take your phone out of your pocket. You switch the flashlight on from the phone to look inside. There are only a couple of boxes inside, so you are actually confused by the sound because as you remembered, you had nothing inside that’s not filled with cakes.
You look carefully at the back and find a tumbled box. Silently you curse yourself that you carelessly dropped a box of your cakes. You take the box carefully, hoping that the cake wasn’t messed up, but you frown at the weight of it.
It’s not the weight of a cake. You put the box on the floor, your phone on your side. Is it our utensils? You open it carefully.
Your eyes widen when you see what’s inside. Your hands are shaking terribly. You have only seen one in movies, never in real life. A gun. Why the hell did it end here, inside your cakebox, under your fucking table?
Before you can do anything, you hear a click and something poking behind you. You freeze when you hear the voice. “You should just do your job and serve cakes, Y/N.”
You tilt your head a little, trying to see from the corner of your eyes. “Chanyeol?”
He smirks to you most frighteningly and you feel your knees weaken. “Hey, sweetie.”
“What the hell do you want to do?” You whisper to him as he pushes the gun harshly to your back. “Is this yours?”
“Sssh. You're gonna ruin the fun.”
Then your eyes dart to Wendy who stops a few steps before you. She looks at you with her eyes widened and the only thing in your head is to tell her to go as far as possible. “Wendy! Go away!” You yell to her, but she is still freezing at the spot.
Wendy looks at you and Chanyeol alternately. She then sighs and walks towards you. “You do love drama, don’t you?” She asks with disgust in her face. She then takes the cake box from the floor and picks up the gun.
“It’s your fault. Can’t you hide it better?” Chanyeol glares at her, his gun still pushing into your flesh.
You are flabbergasted. Wendy? Why? You look at her with terror in your eyes. Your hands and legs are shaking. And if Chanyeol wasn’t holding your arms painfully, you are almost sure that you would fall.
Wendy smirks to you, “Hi, boss.”
“You...” You hiss. “Did you plan this?” You are terrified, but at the same time, you are mad at Wendy. You feel betrayed. She is supposed to be part of your team. Did she work in your bakery for this?
Chanyeol chuckles. “Shut the fuck up, woman.” He then shoves you to Wendy, who readily grabs you tightly and pushes the gun she is now holding to your side. “Take her. She can’t ruin our plan.”
Your eyes widen in panic. “What? Where are you taking me? I promise I won’t tell anyone! I know nothing!”
Wendy smiles, “Too late, boss. You’re coming with us right now.”
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Taehyung and Hoseok arrive just a few minutes after the party starts. They then split up and looked for Chanyeol. Chanyeol tonight seems professional, talking to every guest with a smile on his face. Taehyung glances at your corner, you look happy too, enjoying your job to the fullest. It is what he likes about you, how passionate you are about your job. He is so busy looking at you from a distance he doesn’t even realize a man walking towards him.
“What are you doing here?”
He turns his head abruptly and his eyes widen. “Jin-Hyung? Wha- What are you doing here?”
Jin snorts. “Answer me first, brat. Don’t tell me that you’re abandoning your post again,” he demands harshly, looking at the glass of wine in Taehyung’s hand.
“What? No!” Taehyung gulps. “Well, it’s just Chanyeol seems weird, so Hoseok-hyung and I decided to sneak in.” He gives a half-smile. “What are you doing here?” Hoseok sees them from afar then decides to come and join them, bringing Jungkook with him.
“Chanyeol?” Jin raises his eyebrow. “That’s a coincidence. Baekhyun is also here.”
Hoseok gawks. “What?”
Jin nods. “Yes, that means something’s fishy here.”
Taehyung then suddenly looks around to find Chanyeol, he turns to panic when he can’t find him. “Hoseok-hyung, I lost him.” Eyes still wandering inside the room.
Hoseok frowns, “What do you mean you lost him? He was right at the-“ Hoseok freezes. He can’t find Chanyeol anywhere either. “Oh, fuck.”
Jin glares at them. “What the fuck are you doing? Kook, where’s Baekhyun?”
Jungkook answers timidly. “I think we lost him too, hyung.”
Jin grits his teeth and moves to search for him, followed by Jungkook and Hoseok. Taehyung however, subconsciously looks for you but you are nowhere in his sight. His heart races inside his chest. He gets a terrible feeling. He needs to see you.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Hani half running. Her eyes are scanning the room. She then stops when her eyes meet Taehyung’s. “Hani! Where is Y/N?” Taehyung asks urgently.
She shakes her head weakly. “I don’t know, Y/N was supposed to wait here at our table, but when I came back from the bathroom I couldn’t find her anywhere. I checked the bathroom, but she wasn’t there either. Or in the kitchen. She has never behaved like this before.” She bites his nails anxiously. “Wendy, our part-timer is missing too.”
Taehyung pulls out his phone and dials your number. He hears a faint sound of your ringtone, so it must be nearby. But his face turns pale when he finds your phone under the table, with the flashlight still on.
Something terrible must have happened to you.
“Hani, please stay in the crowd, okay? Call your fiance to pick you up now. I’ll go find Y/N.” Taehyung pats her shoulder.
“What?” Hani’s eyes widen. “What’s wrong with Y/N?” He can see tears forming in her eyes as she grips his hands desperately.
Taehyung clears his throat. He wants to tell her that you’re okay, but even he isn’t sure about your whereabouts. “Just trust me, I’ll find her. Don’t worry.” He smiles dryly, hoping that she can be reassured.
Hani still worries about you, but it’s not that she can do or say anything, so she just nods weakly to Taehyung and lets him walk away, hoping that you will be alright.
Taehyung calls Yoongi immediately. He may be the only one who can help him find you. Yoongi answers just in a few rings. “Hyung? I need your help.” His eyes never stop looking for your face in the crowd.
Yoongi hums, “Look, kid. I am a little busy right now. Can you ask the others?”
“I can’t. You are the only one who can hack into the CCTV.”
There is silence on the phone. “You mean CCTV in the Big Hall?” Yoongi asks confusedly. “What are you doing in there?”
“I’m not alone -- Hoseok, Jungkook, and even Jin are here too.” He frowns his eyebrow. “Wait, How do you know about The Big Hall?”
“We got a tip from Jiseok. Someone is going to target Lee Baekho. We’re on the way there right now.”
Taehyung’s jaw drops. “What? Okay, get here soon.” He bites his nails nervously. Is it connected to your disappearance? “Ehm.. Hyung, there is also a girl missing.”
“What? What the fuck are you guys doing in there?” Yoongi yells. “Jimin and I are coming to you soon. Who’s the girl?”
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“I can’t find Baekho anywhere in this hall.” Jungkook says in gasping breath.
Jin curses, running his hand through his hair. “Fuck. I can’t see Chanyeol or Baekhyun either.” He folds his hand in front of his chest. “Do you see anything, Yoongi?”
Yoongi shakes his head in front of his laptop. All of the agents gather in the dressing room behind the hall after searching for Baekho and you. “I think they planned this thoroughly. All of the CCTV feeds turned off abruptly at the same time.” He still looks at the screen carefully. “Oh, wait -- I got something.”
All of the members crowd the laptop. The screen then showed how you knelt to pick a box, and Taehyung’s breath stopped for a bit. Y/N! After Yoongi zooms in, they all can see there is a gun inside it. The screen then shows how Chanyeol walked closer to you, and then shoved you at Wendy forcefully and went to the back, with guns in their hands. Aimed at you.
“Isn’t it Y/N?” Hoseok whispers. Hoseok, too, is flabbergasted. He couldn’t believe that they involved you like this.
Taehyung gulps. He turns his hands into fists, shaking in fury. How dare he? How dare he touch you like that? He then pulls the handgun from the holster at Jungkook’s waist and walks away. His eyes burned with rage.
“What the fuck, Taehyung!” Hoseok stops Taehyung immediately. “You can’t just barge in carelessly, it’s dangerous for Y/N too!” He then signals Jimin and Jungkook to stop Taehyung too, snatching the gun from his hand.
The gun falls from Taehyung’s grip. He can’t think of anything, there is only you in his mind. He needs to see you. He must save you. “So what do you want me to do? Just sit here, waiting for her to come back?” He snaps, struggling to free himself from Jimin and Jungkook. “I just can’t let him do this to Y/N.”
Jimin then puts his hand on Taehyung’s face, hitting his cheeks lightly to wake him up. His struggles then stop. “She must be terrified,” Taehyung says weakly, tears unknowingly falling on his cheeks. His body turns weak in Jimin’s hold.
“Alright, who the fuck is Y/N? Is she a part of Black?” Jin asks impatiently.
Seeing Taehyung fall into his despair, comforted by Jimin, Hoseok turns to Jin. “She’s Chanyeol’s friend from school. She’s the owner of a bakery -- she was just here providing cakes. Chanyeol was the one who asked her to be one of the caterers.”
“And you can’t even report that kind of thing?” Jin snaps, hitting the table beside him.
Hoseok winces at Jin’s sudden outburst. “Well, we thought she wouldn't be any harm to our operation. And besides, Taehyung has already investigated her personally.”
Jungkook perks up at the explanation. “Personally?”
“Well, she is, uhh...” Hoseok cautiously explains. “She is Taehyung’s friend.” Making all of them turn stiff with the information.
Jin sighs and looks at Taehyung in sympathy. “Yoongi, can you find where she is now?” His voice turns softer.
Yoongi nods. “I think, based on the route and the location of the dead CCTV, she is in the warehouse. We haven’t checked it yet.” He points to a room on the blueprint of the Big Hall. His eyes turn to his screen again, squinting as his small eyes follow a figure walking to the back. “I think I found Baekho. He’s going in that direction too.”
“Good, alright then.” Jin then walks to Taehyung and pats his shoulder softly. “Let’s get to work, shall we?”
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Taehyung looks at the rifle in his hand. It has been a long time since he held or even fired a gun. He knows he is good at it. Too good, even. The last time he fired a gun or a rifle was when he was a recruit. Even in Hawaii, in his last mission, he didn’t even bring his gun with him. Call it naive, but Taehyung always thinks that he can’t protect anyone with his gun. Guns are destructive. Guns can’t protect anyone.
He can’t protect anyone.
But not this time. He won’t let another man die. A woman. His woman.
The rage in his eyes is detectable. He reminds himself to punch Chanyeol in the face later, for involving you like this. You are in danger right now. And Taehyung won’t let anything happen to you.
Jin decided that it would be best to shoot the suspect from afar if he shows any suspicious activity. They have you as a hostage. There are 2 suspects, or maybe 3 since Baekhyun hasn’t shown himself, and they all have guns. Thus, they can’t just barge into the warehouse. That’s how Taehyung ended up in a nearby building with a rifle in his hand.
The rifle is Jungkook’s. Only God knows why he has a rifle in the trunk of his car, that fact alone will get Jungkook in trouble. He was the one who was supposed to do the shooting. But Taehyung knew it was going to be hard for Jungkook. Although Jungkook is good at firearms, he still can’t handle long-range shooting well without a scope. Yeah, who brings a rifle without a scope nowadays? That’s why Taehyung decided to do it by himself.
It was shocking to everyone. Taehyung, who always refuses to hold a gun, suddenly snatched a gun from an agent’s holder at first, and then volunteered himself to do the shooting. Taehyung, who always avoids going on missions involving firearms, decides to step up.
Well, it’s not that he wanted to. He wanted to stay as close as possible with you, he wanted to join the others to barge into the warehouse, he wanted to be the one who hugs you first when you are safe, but still, it’s his job and he is the best at it. There is no other choice.
Taehyung braces the rifle with both hands, closing his right eye, trying to stay low as possible. He can see how terrified you are from there, and with that sight alone, he almost fires his bullet into Chanyeol.
He then steady his breaths and closes his eyes, trying to calm himself. It is his habit he does whenever he uses his gun or rifle, a habit that somehow he remembers despite his avoidance of firearms. And after five deep breaths, he opens his eyes and is ready to fire.
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Taglist: @kb-bangtanenthusiast​ @w0lfqu33n​ @gee-nee​ @jaienn​ @nctssidehoe​
Taglist still open!
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chronicillnessmemes · 4 years
Skip the article, go straight to the comments section.  That way I don't have to explain everything.   
They keep using phrases that amount to “in this time.”  But they are made with polyester instead of cotton, which for those who don’t know the CDC recommends cotton as it’s fibers are more closely packed and provide better protection.
Here’s their information for buyers:
Product Details
Masks are two-layered and made of 100% brushed woven polyester.
The over-ear elastic straps hold the mask for a snug fit over mouth and nose
Masks are one size and will fit most adults
7.25" x 4.6" / 18.5 x 11.5 cm
Care and Use
Machine wash hot after each use and tumble dry
Cloth face masks are NOT surgical masks, personal protective equipment, or N-95 respirators, and should not be used in medical settings.
Adult use only and should not be placed on young children under 2 years of age, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cover without assistance
But check out their information to sellers (which I couldn’t find a link to on their website, but a Google search directed me to the right page.):
Artists are not allowed to make any medical, health, or protection claims in connection with the masks they sell on Redbubble (including in their artwork, tags, title, or description) or to lead anyone to believe the mask:
may prevent infection or the transmission of viruses or diseases, including COVID-19/Coronavirus;
may prevent, mitigate, treat, diagnose or cure any disease or health condition;
is a sterile mask, surgical mask, filtering respirator (such as an N95 mask), face shield, or personal protective equipment; or
is for use in any clinical or surgical setting or where exposure to bodily or hazardous fluids may be expected, where the risk of exposure through inhalation is high, or near intense heat or flammable gas.
So please just get the word out there.  Because they know that they don’t meet CDC regulations, and are actively mincing their words to mislead buyers into buying these. 
Also, THEY ARE DONATING THESE TO BE USED AT TESTING CENTERS! And I seriously doubt each one is going to come with a warning that these are not CDC compliant.
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bbbarneswrites · 5 years
Small Places
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Don’t they say that after a storm, there’s always calm?  Genre: Romance/fluff Rating: T Warnings: Swearings, mental health issues 3,809 words
Notes: Here we are with a new piece after all these months! The songs we got for this one are The Moon by The Swell Season and Cellar Door by Angus & Julia Stone. Hope you guys enjoy it! Feedback always welcomed! <3
The small studio stays right in the heart of Brooklyn, surrounded by themed bars, bright restaurants and a crowd of millennials that makes him cringe every once in a while.
It’s a shoebox.
A bed that fights for space with a small couch, a kitchen that can be sized by two of his steps alone and a cramped bathroom with a bathtub that he honestly can’t fit in. But be as it may, Bucky has never been in a more comfortable, warm and welcoming atmosphere.
A bed with polka-dotted, fluffy blankets, a couch with bright colored and quirky pillows, a kitchen with a line of gifted succulents by the counter and a bathroom with filled shelves of sweet smelling products.
Pictures on the walls, sketches and love notes hung to the fridge, shared clothes thrown over in little corners.
Everything is so lively and familiar—it feels like home outside of his home.
The four walls of your little studio have been witnesses to so much. Whispered love confessions, frantic murmurs of comfort, quiet pleads in between moans, anger filled little lies, and the list can only go on.
There’s a Friday night.
Discarded containers of take-out on the coffee table, and maybe a carton of Ben & Jerry’s forgotten around after a fight over the last spoon. Netflix midway through a random episode of Stranger Things because yeah, Bucky has a growing crush on Winona Ryder. Peace fills up every fiber of his being, and looking down to the sight before him, things can’t feel more right.
“Your heart is beating so fast.” You mumble quietly, chin leaning up to rest upon his chest. A flesh arm tightens around your frame, and a lazy grin grows on your lips. “Are you nervous being around me, Bucky?”
The lightness laced to your voice is familiar, a tone he’s heard many, many times within the warmth of a shared trustfulness.
A smile curls up his lips. Even then, the sound never fails to make Bucky content and happy.
“I’m always nervous around you, baby.” He jokes, a gentle kiss pressing to your temple that earns a happy hum from your chest. “You’re way out of my league.”
Bucky’s smile widens with a muffled whine of protest, and his vibranium hand reaches out to push a strand of hair away from your eyes when you shift on the way-too-small couch. With your face still buried to his chest, there’s no space left between both of you. The fluffy hem of your socks tickles his legs and the skin of his tummy rise up in shivers under your fingers.
Meanwhile, Erica Sinclair goes off about capitalism on TV.
Despite the length of your relationship, a small part of him still gets surprised over moments like this.
Soft fingertips reaching out to his marred left shoulder, a light touch to trace the harsh and old outlines of his scars, by now the only ugly looking, physical reminder of a time of his life that’s best left behind to be buried and forgotten.
With a little giggle escaping from your mouth, Bucky halts his thoughts to focus.
“You’re cute.” You wink playfully, biting your lower lip to hold back another laugh. His cheeks instantly flush a little under the fairy lights of your walls. “This little scar here looks like a stick figure.”
The touch feels nice as your index finger brush over a particular spot near his collarbone. Though he’s observed every single detail of the marks in several occasions, more than enough to make him very familiar with its designs, he immediately takes your hand with his own. Wrapped fingers together, you guide him through his little stick figure.
It’s a little joke, he knows, but Bucky still grins as you make him trace the funny lines of a quirky drawing to his own skin.
And when you tip his chin with your thumb a moment later? Warmth radiating from your body pressed up to his? And lips sweetly meeting his own?
That’s his peace.
There’s a Wednesday morning.
After arriving from a mission, sore muscles and half-healed scabs, Bucky just couldn’t see himself going back to the apartment he shares with Sam—especially after a two week long mission, taking in everything that his partner had to say. And trust, Sam Wilson has a lot of things to say.
To top of it all, he’s missed you.
Missed your laugh and your kisses and your touch. The way you tuck his hair behind his ears, the plush of your lips to the base of his neck. Your cuddles and your warmth and your care. Two long, painstaking slow weeks.
The place is warm as he steps in, slits of moonlight escaping through your blinds. Coming home to you feels right, takes off an edge from his heart, as if everything is right in the world again.
Only silence as Bucky slips under the blankets.
Bleary eyes barely taking him in.
And a happy but tired hum before a familiar frame cuddles to his side.
Sleep welcomes him right in.
Any person that lives in New York can easily list a series of upsides and downsides to coexisting in a studio apartment this small. An upsidde is that you can see and hear everything and the downside is that you can see and hear everything.
White numbers cover up your face on the screen of his phone as it marks 3:36AM. The shuffling and clashing in the kitchen isn’t unusual except for the late hour. Barely four hours of sleep later, and Bucky’s watching a pajama-clad you pour chocolate into a bowl through squinted, heavy eyes.
“Think I need to put you on a sleep schedule.” He murmurs. The sound is low but enough to make you jump on the spot, turn around with a scowl that makes him chuckle. “Come back to bed.”
The tense features of your face melt into a mix of worry and dejection.
“I can’t!” You cry, hands coming up to cover your face in frustration, words all muffled. “I promised I’d bake brownies for the book fair but I was so tired and I meant to take a nap while waiting for you but I just slept and now I woke you up!”
It takes two steps until Bucky has your frame into his arms, a perfect fit that rises butterflies in your stomach after the two, very long weeks. With vibranium fingertips brushing along your cheeks in a gentle caress, every negative feeling slips away.
“You were waiting for me?” Bucky pulls back a little, enough to see you pout through a nod. A loving smile grows easily to his mouth right before a gentle kiss to your lips. “I love you.”
Brownies are made in record time with two sets of wandering hands.
And are successfully sold out by two excellent sellers.
There’s a Monday afternoon.
Clouds are looming over the city. Cold, bitter winds singing loud enough outside. The first few signs of fall can be spotted by a quick walk in the neighborhood by now, trees turning into different shades of brown as pumpkin orange starts to pop everywhere.
Back to a few hours earlier, Bucky begrudgingly kisses you goodbye at the cramped doorstep, fixing your heart-shaped earmuffs with a wish of a good day at school. No paperwork or assignments under his name for a change, the place shelters him from any unexpected Avenger responsability, and he’s more than glad to wait home for you.
Separated dirty clothes, clean dishes back to the cupboards, made-up bed with fresh sheets, organized books and trinkets and papers for the small study table.
Homecoming isn’t as comforting.
Between quiet sniffles, red-rimmed teary eyes and angry huffs of frustration with the addition of a warm tea cup, Bucky cuddles you up to his lap until peace has settled again.
“You gonna tell me who I’m killing tonight?” He jokes half-heartedly, chest a little bit lighter as you giggle quietly, offering a slap to his arm. “Just say the word and I’ll do it.”
A single look from you and his heart swells with affection, the feelings hidden behind the simple act never failing to leave him speechless, wondering if there’s another shoe to drop.
There’s always another shoe to drop in his life.
“You don’t do that anymore, remember?” You say softly, a smart smile playing on your lips that’s followed by a tired, but now content sigh. “I’m okay, promise. Just a bad morning in school that wasn’t expected.”
Hands brought closer together and a kiss pressed to your knuckles by his lips.
Bad days take no excuse.
“Okay, doll.” Bucky frowns, eyes squinted in pretend suspicion as he smirks. “You really sure though? I can call Sam.”
“I’m sure, goober.” You roll your eyes through a laugh, instantly leaning closer until his lips are brushing to your own. “It’s all better now with you.”
Seventy years of a missed life, most of which he’s spent nearly under seven feet underground, locked up like an animal and abused for selfish power. Ruthless damage to every inch of his being, every sliver of hope taken from him without permission for decades. Now, eight years after a seeming never ending storm, Bucky finds reason in all of this.
It feels good to know that she’s with him too.
And if the day ends up to both of you curled up in the back booth of the diner down the street, ordering a late night breakfast with pancakes and eggs and bacon, then it’s a good day after all.
There’s a Thursday night.
The day has been slow in the apartment given your day-off from school. Silence and a few movies on Netflix are your companions, except for the visit of your friendly neighborhood stray cat, Alpine, who climbs up to your windowsill every day without fail. Bucky is usually the one who feeds him, and mostly the one who’s unofficially adopted the kitten.
A pause here for a quick, improvised meal between homework, another pause there for a bath under glittery bath bombs.
Being away from him is normal.
His missions can last to mere hours to unexpected months. Living within the job is basically the norm, all with recruits training, team meetings and securing duties. Your classes are demanding, both physically and mentally. It never ends and never leaves you, always something to be started or done back home.
Either way, anxiousness never leaves you in a week like this.
Nearing a certain date on the calendar, Bucky’s plagued by restless nights.
It feels like a sore spot in his body, one he knows all about it but still can’t help but be upset at, poking and prodding around as a way to remember it. Despite knowing his best-friend way too well, Steve’s choice wasn’t one taken lightly back then.
The reasoning is fair and understandable but it doesn’t lessen the bitterness of a brief meeting after a six year long disappearance.
Not much can be done by now, but two years after Steve’s official death, Bucky still plays what ifs in his head. 
After gentle coaxing in between kisses in the night before and encouraging hugs and squeezes in the morning after, Bucky spends the whole day back at the compound, a scheduled therapy session set to the calendar of his phone.
When sunlight falls to a sheet of night stars, familiar but heavy steps sound like music to your  ears.
A random song playing through your laptop and slow beats welcome Bucky home.
It takes a single look at you until he’s sighing relieved, hauling your frame up to his arms in the middle of the small kitchen, where you both barely fit in during busy mornings with shoulder bumps and mumbled but playful complaints.
Sure it has been a pretty nostalgic day but nothing beats being right there.
“You smell good.” Bucky says, an almost shy mumble against your hair, his arms gently tightening around you. “Peach?”
The easy but definitely familiar guess makes you smile instantly. Heat rises on your cheeks, your chin rests on his chest as your eyes look for his own, very blue, very alive compared to a few hours back. Golden detailed fingertips brush your cheeks and a content hum escapes from your lips instantly.
“That bathbomb you gave me, remember?” You smile, voice sounding small and equally as shy until Bucky tips down, his lips meeting your own in a featherlike kiss that makes you sigh. “How are you feeling?”
Bucky smiles, crinkles forming in the corners of his eyes and then, the smooth sway starts. Finding rhythm with the slow beats still playing background, you can’t help but feel your chest lighter. In that moment, neither of you need to share words to know, he doesn’t need to tell you about his session for the feelings to sink.
Despite any doubt and above any insecurity, being right there feels just right.
It’s not his day and age. For a long time, he was nothing but a misplaced piece of the universe. Then without his best-friend, just an unknown face for the team to swallow.
Not anymore.
There was a time of misplacement and sure, he no longer has Steve on a back-up call but life has given him good things. Good people. Sam and Wanda. Love. You. And in that moment, after a long day of reflection, Bucky just feels thankful above any odd feeling.
“Feelin’ great.” He muses. It’s genuine and it makes your smile widen upon his accent slip, only cut short by Bucky’s lips briefly meeting yours again. “Thank you.”
Background music switching to an upbeat song and the shared slow, careful sway doesn’t change.
“What for?” You frown, wide eyes flicking between confusion and amusement through a quiet, huffed laugh. A beat until you look up through your eyelashes, and a sheepish shrug. “I haven’t done anything.”
Bucky bites back the reply—you’ve done everything and more, you’re everything—words for another time, other plans, a day with a better start. After all, he’s not going anywhere.
This is his place now.
And in the end of the day, that’s all it matters.
There’s a Saturday afternoon.
An array of long dresses and skirts mix-up with button-ups and printed ties on the bed, make-up and skin products all over the cabinet. The sun slowly lies down to a soft hue of orange that paints the bedroom space, and the off-beat singing coming from the bathroom makes you smile every now and then.
A coat of lipstick to the lips, mascara to the eyelashes. A well-placed hair pin to the side of your hair. Out of the bathroom Bucky gets, black suit and tie in place, not a wrinkle on sight to the white button-up shirt. The singing turns to a faint humming.
Short hair, trimmed beard. His blue eyes are alight. Positively beaming.
It’s just a few hours to go until the big event starts—Mr. and Mrs. Wilson anniversary, which they’re celebrating with one big ceremony to renew their vows with their children present. Bucky, much to Sam’s feigned dismay and Darlene Wilson’s stubborness, is now considered one of them.
In the very few opportunities you got to meet Darlene, she was nothing short of sweet to you and incredibly motherly to your boyfriend. Not much is needed to see how happy Bucky is to be participating in their day, and you can’t help but beam right back at him.
“Looking so handsome!” You grin, watching through the mirror as Bucky sits on the bed, shiny black shoes set on the floor. His lips are holding back a smirk. “I mean it, Bucky! This hair? I’m marrying you.”
At the words, Bucky looks up.
Between the Blip, his missions, your classes and whatnot, neither of you ever discussed the possibilities of a long-term future.
Have you both thought about it, though? Absolutely.
“You’re gonna get me in trouble.” Bucky sighs. Quickly settling into his shoes, a crooked smile curves up his mouth as he stands up, gentle fingers around your satin clad waist. “You’re so beautiful. I’m a lucky bastard, aren’t I?”
It feels like your brain instantly turns to mush over his words, and your tongue stumbles to find proper words to reply his sudden sweet outburst. Heat spreads through your neck and cheeks as you lean back against his chest, feeling Bucky’s arms wrap you completely with such warmth like home is supposed to feel.
Watching your reflections through the mirror, you can’t help but think how comforting the situation is, even if it can look silly to anybody else. How comforting is to see you with him, the changes, the little quirks that remain the same after a straight up mess.
How funny is it that you want to turn your little comment into reality?
How funny is it that Bucky wants that moment of certainty to freeze?
“You’ve got to help me with something.” You break the silence, smiling shyly before reaching out to the small jewelry box sitting on your make-up cabinet. A silver necklace with a studded little star is pulled out. “Please?”
Smart fingers wrap the necklace around your neck with ease, the touch of vibranium rising shivers to your skin as Bucky closes it with a little kiss pressed between your shoulder blades.
There’s that little moment of silence again until a sigh escapes from his lips, a beat of hesitancy rushing through his body before he’s fishing for the black box in his pocket. A box he’s been carrying for way too long now, just waiting for its buyer to build up the damn courage because that’s all it takes.
I mean it, Bucky! I’m marrying you.
“I’ve got something else for you to wear tonight.” Bucky says. Heart pounding violently through his chest, so much he thinks you might hear it, but voice sounding as light as ever under your curious eyes. “I—I’ve had it for a long time now. And I know it might not be the perfect moment but you just said you’d marry me.”
Turning around to face him, your mouth immediately falls open. Chest to chest, your eyes searching for his. And ss Bucky lifts the little velvet box and flips it open so, so easily with his metal thumb, your choked, disbelieved laugh fills the room.
The ring is beautiful.
No fancy stones, just a simple, silver band formed to wrap around a finger with its two ends meeting together on the top.
Both of you kept meeting each other over and over through accords, battles and sudden disappearances.
It’s meaningful enough to make your heart beat faster.
“You can’t be serious. Are you?” You ask dumbly, a silly smile soon growing on your lips as Bucky gives a playful glare. “You are. Holy shit, Bucky!”
“You aren’t sayin’ yes, baby doll.” Bucky jokes, starting to feel jittery with nerves despite a small grin. Under the anxiety and accent slip, he’s just loving to see how positively astonished you look. “I’m sweating under this suit and it won’t be good for—”
Red lips crash upon his in a rush, your fingers fisting the lapels of his suit so hard that Bucky almost stumbles on his feet, making him pull your body flush against his own. He’s sure your fingers are wrinkling his jacket just as much as his metal ones are wrinkling the delicate fabric of your dress. And your make-up, thank God, you’re wearing the smudge-proof lipstick.
There’s no time to breathe between quick, several pecks and a gasped but definitely excited reply.
“I am saying yes!”
There’s another Satuday afternoon.
A pair of booted feet walks through the tight hallway of the shoebox apartment, laughter completely filling the place as a pair of heeled feet bumps the wall in a funny noise.
The white sandals are a perfect match for the white mini dress, its hem flowing over very familiar thighs, showing a little too much because the position—or general space really, isn’t the best. Turns out that despite your skepticism, Bucky can carry you in bridal style through the cramped space. Even though, you can easily spot a stain in the back of his blazer because of a knocked vase. 
It doesn’t really matter.
As Bucky puts you down, your heels are kicked off and you immediately reach out to the memory board on the wall, pinning up a marriage certificate like it’s the simplest thing in the world.
When you turn around, Bucky is sitting by the edge of the bed just like one week ago, but now sans apprehension of an insecure man.
“We’re married!”
The gleeful tone of your words make him smile right away, pulling you closer with a gentle tug until you’re standing between his legs. Towering over him, your hands cup both of Bucky’s cheeks, thumbs brushing over the sharp, stubbly cheekbones. Your heart swells in your chest, happiness and love and calmness, because everything about the day really had been simple.
A city hall wedding with Sam, Wanda and Sam’s parents as witnesses, exactly a week after their own second wedding. Very simple and easy, as the decision of marrying each other had been.
“You’re officially a Barnes.” Bucky grins, hands brushing down the back of your thighs. Gentle fingertips under the hem of your dress, he silently urges you to sit on his lap. “Told ya, got me in trouble.”
“You say that as if you didn’t want to marry me.” You scoff playfully, wrapping your arms around his neck as settling down over him. “You can’t fool me. I totally noticed you were nervous back there.”
Not bothering to deny your words, Bucky shrugs. Even though he was nervous, it doesn’t really matter. Wrapped up in each other, surrounded by the quietness of the apartment, all he cares about is you.
A little kiss pressed to your neck.
“Well, you’d be nervous too if you were marryin’ the prettiest girl in the world.”
A laugh and a little kiss pressed to his nose.
“Well, I was nervous marrying the prettiest boy in the world.”
And then—Bucky’s lips are meeting yours in a soft kiss that swallows a sigh, hands steady and gentle around your waist as he dips down to the bed under your body. It feels like you’re both back at the ceremony again, high on your love and completely unaware of everything that isn’t each other. And he kisses you once, twice, three, four times.
Just enough to ground him, to remind him that this is what his life came to.
Don’t they say that after a storm, there’s always calm?
Yeah, well. This little shoebox apartment in the heart of Brooklyn.
This might be just it.
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Frontier deliberately denied fiber to millions
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The question of data-caps (and other forms of network discrimination, like degrading connections from services that compete with the carrier's own services, or that have not paid for "premium" carriage on the carrier's network), turns on three questions:
1. The distinctive nature of broadband
2. The factual question of whether these practices are necessary for "network management"
3. If so, whether the network management issue is the result of underinvestment in the network
1. The distinctive nature of broadband
Broadband isn't a VoD service, nor is it a pornography distribution system, nor is a way to do telemedicine. It's the nervous system of the 21st century.
Broadband is never a private enterprise. The only way to create and maintain broadband networks is to use public rights of way that cannot be purchased on the market at a price that would make the business viable: buying the right to wire up every building in NYC - or the right to run a long-haul wire from NYC to LA - would exhaust all possible profits for Verizon or Comcast for a century or more.
Instead, broadband carriers always, always rely on an incalculably valuable public subsidy. The subsidy is given to the carriers with the expectation that they will create and maintain a high-quality network that is sufficiently provisioned to perform the duties of a digital nervous system to the public providing that subsidy.
2. The factual question of whether these practices are necessary for "network management"
Leaks from the carriers have revealed that this was always a pretense, not a reflection of any technical reality.
If there was any doubt, it's been settled by the lifting of the caps, which was not attended by "congestion" or the other horribles the carriers warned us of. IOW: who are you going to believe: the telco lobbyists, or the evidence of your own lying broadband connection?
3. If so, whether the network management issue is the result of underinvestment in the network
But US broadband speeds -- with and without caps -- are the worst, and most expensive, in the rich world, and also trail many poorer nations for price and performance. The telcoms sector's capex has fallen off a cliff since the Trump election, which nerfed the FCC's willingness to do ANYTHING to hold the companies it regulates to account, and also emboldened the FCC to ignore reality in favor of spin (for example, ignoring independent audits of broadband penetration and quality in favor of the industry's rosy, fact-free self-assessments).
Most recently the Frontier bankruptcy filings has revealed what we all already knew:
* The company viewed maintaining monopolies (by lobbying against the provision of competing, publicly owned fiber networks) as a preferable, cheaper alternative to investing in infrastructure, literally booking its monopoly carriage for 1mm rural US households as an asset on the basis that it could charge these households more for worse speeds, and noting that lobbying their state reps was cheaper than upgrading the networks to compete with public alternatives
* The company's execs - whose compensation was largely stock based - refused to do anything that would lower stock price, and this meant that they would not take on ANY investment with an amortization schedule of more than 5 years, because telcoms stock analysts would downrate any carrier that reduced its dividends to invest in >5 year infrastructure projects. Frontier's own internal calculus predicted that a 10 year investment in 100gb fiber - literally thousands of times faster than the 20th century DSL it specializes in - would net it $1.9B over ten years on a $1B investment, but concluded that this investment was not practical because execs didn't want to see their takehome pay slashed by short-sellers who were allergic to long-term investment.
Frontier left millions - MILLIONS - of American households on slow DSL rather than blazing fast fiber, not because it wouldn't be profitable to connect them, nor because it wouldn't be profitable ENOUGH to connect them, but because it wouldn't be profitable enough OVER LESS THAN FIVE YEARS to connect them.
Those are the households trying to get their educations, do their jobs, seek medical care, stay connected to their families, tend to their finances, and engage in civics and politics over copper infrastructure that dates to the previous century.
tldr: this is why we can't have nice things:
* Carriers act as though they are running private enterprises when really they receive trillions in subsidies to run public utilities
* Regulators, especially under the current admin, do less than nothing to discipline firms that fail to act in the public interest, bending over backwards to let them cheat and lie
* Decisionmakers at the carriers explicitly view their job as improving share prices, rather than quality of service, or better pricing, and it's much cheaper to suborn legislatures so that you can maintain a low-quality/high-price monopoly than it is to compete in the market.
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beedaleebjd · 5 years
Psssst do you happen to have any tips or beginners links for newbies who are interested in getting in to the BJD hobby? 👀
This is a very slap-dash tips post, because a full fledged crash-course would take me much longer than a day to assemble. I think this could get someone started, but I can always answer specific questions if you have them in the future. ❤️
BJD 101: For a rundown of definitions, terminology, and origins of the hobby, I highly recommend checking out the Wikipedia article. (Warning for old vaguely spooky doll photos) I honestly wish I just read this when I got started, haha. It’s not everything, but it’s definitely a start.
Study! Read as much as you possibly can!! Especially terminology and maintenance. I highly recommend watching a bunch of unboxing and review videos- it might seem silly, but they're really helpful to get an idea of scale, how they function/pose, and how they look and feel when handled by a human. I also recommend trying to find owner photos of dolls you’re interested in, because sometimes the store photos are limited!
Join a community! Consider joining a forum like den of angels or a facebook bjd group like BJD Addicts! Exposure to the hobby is really helpful and you learn way faster. It’s fine if you’re shy, you don’t have to interact if you don’t want to- I like lurking DoA for the valuable tutorials and threads on doll brands I'm interested in. Tip: You can view some of DoA’s threads without an account by searching "[subject/doll of choice] den of angels" in google, but i got tired of that pretty fast. Signing up takes a few weeks to get approved but it's worth it for all the knowledge, even old archived stuff.
Window-shop until you drop!! I think the number one regret in the hobby is 'too many dolls, not enough time to love any of them'. So I HIGHLY recommend making wish-lists. These help a lot with avoiding impulse purchases and buyer’s remorse. There are a loooot of dolls out there, so if you've seen a huge majority of them, you'll be more picky.
For me, wishlists include both dream/grail dolls, tentative desires i’m not sure about but want to remember the name of, dolls I could never afford but feel validated writing down somewhere, and also cataloging info- measurements, wig/eye/shoe sizes, resin colors, price, current availability, dealer websites, etc. it becomes such a godsend when you shop for them. you’ll thank me later!!
I spent a lot of time browsing dealer websites like Alice's Collections, Legenddoll, Denver Doll, DOLK Station, etc- I linked some of those here. This is to see what my tastes are. Not EVERY doll company will go through all or any dealers, but it’s a good start!
If you’re the social type, going to conventions or local bjd meetups can help with getting an idea of your preferences! I accidentally walked by one at sakuracon last year and got to hold an MSD and an 11cm tiny, and that was REALLY helpful for me to realize I DID like those sizes. If other doll owners will let you hold theirs, I totally recommend it! (Always ask first, of course! Not everyone is comfortable with it!)
Go!! Slow!!! if you think you're taking it easy, go even slower. i'm so serious. it's so easy to get dazzled, over-eager, or totally overwhelmed by this hobby. especially if you have a habit of hyper focus/special interest tenancies like i do. 
Patience is a virtue anyway: If you’re not buying second-hand or in-stock dolls, you will be waiting a while for your doll. Anywhere from a few months to a year, depending on the company and how backlogged they may be at any given point. Dolls are usually pre-order and take time to be made.
Some people like to just buy sculpts and let a character ‘come to them’, which is absolutely valid so if you wanna just go on a feeling that’s great!! i totally can’t afford that route most of the time, so I spend a lot of time mood-boarding for my potential dolls using pinterest and my own art to see just how in love with an idea i am and highly recommend it. I’ll ramble about this in another post soon.
Budget! They are not very cheap like 10-20$ fashion dolls at wal-mart, so those new to the hobby may be shocked.This hobby is an investment and an indulgence/luxury, as with most Nice Things. But don’t be discouraged! There are affordable dolls out there, a lot of Dealer websites offer layaway plans, and the second-hand market is always circulating things!
Here is a DoA list of dolls that are under 300$. 
Note: Size of dolls often scale with price, so the bigger it is, the more expensive (and HEAVY) it will be. Some videos on BJD sizing here and here, but Flickr is crawling with height comparisons as well.
Craft or Not To Craft: Are you team 'i'm gonna sew/craft stuff/do wigs/eyes/faceups for my doll' or team 'i'm gonna buy clothes/props/faceups/wigs/etc from other artists!'? I know most people end up being a little bit of both, but these things both cost time or money (or both) so you wanna think about that in the overall price when you're considering a doll. It seems intimidating, but really, it’s the responsible thing to do. I’d rather plan for it than have a naked sad doll to feel bad about. Some personal recommendations below helped me get started:
Wigs: Monique Gold Collection wigs are affordable in the 20 dollar range, and have incredibly soft fiber! (You can find a lot of these available through ebay sellers as well)
Eyes: Lemonjellyshoppe and CandyKittenEmporium have some incredible eyes and also do custom orders!
Sewing Patterns: DGRequim on etsy and SproutyDoll have both been very nice to use and easy understand and modify to fit your doll!
When you’re savvy on the sizing of your dolls and if you’re comfy with secondhand sales, Facebook groups like BJD Addicts Sales & Commissions, BJD Lovers Sales, and BJD Adoption has a lot of people selling BJDs and accessories, oftentimes discounted for de-stashing or collection overhauls!
In addition to the other dealer sites I linked before, Dollmore (which also has an ebay shop) has a lot of options on everything! 
Rec@sts and the community- This is a veeery hot button topic, but you’ll probably see a lot of it the more you get into the hobby. I don’t want to talk about it a lot because of the negativity it attracts, but to sum it up: BJDs are essentially commissioned art pieces. They are hand sculpted by an artist or small group of artists, and then cast in resin and refined and strung by hand. There are people that will cast copies of them and sell them for a very cheap profit. To put it simply, it’s theft, and it effects the livelihood of people that make a living of their art. A lot of companies stop making dolls because they can’t compete anymore. Most official doll/art related conventions (LDoll, Resin Rose, etc) ban rec@sted dolls, as well as DoA and several of the facebook groups. Be sure to read all the rules of groups/forums you join them.
A lot of people come into this hobby unaware of this and buy a bootleg doll on sites like Ebay or Aliexpress, and then get turned away from the community without understanding why. There are understandable circumstances that cause someone to end up with a bootleg doll, but it’s also important to respect the artists and creators that share their art with the public.
On that note: Sometimes people will resell 2nd hand dolls as legit when they are not. Be careful about who you buy second-hand dolls from. Also, keeping certificates of authenticity (CoAs), receipts, and original packaging is must if you ever plan to resell your doll!
I... think that’s everything major I can think of... at least enough to get someone started? I know a lot of it is a bit vague, but if you wanted my opinion on a certain brand or size of doll or budgeting tips if money is tight, I’d be happy to give my personal preferences on that separately!! But otherwise, good luck and happy treasure hunting! ヾ(^-^)ノ
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Warning to all fiber artists
This is an updated and abbreviated post to warn all fiber artists about a scam artist that is currently fleecing the community.  I will keep this post pinned and updated with new information as it becomes available.
There is a scam artist in the fiber arts community named Sherry Tenney.  She sells fleece and wool on facebook and etsy.  She frequently does not send the fleece or wool she has been paid for, and plays the customer until the time window for a dispute is passed.  Afterward, if you continue to contact her, she will leave unhinged, violent, and threatening messages to you, doxx your name and address on her facebook live streams and posts, and still refuse to either send product or refund you.
A lot of complaints have also come forward about the product she does send out.  It is frequently moth and larvae infested, contains large amounts of shit, completely matted fleeces, or are trimmings that are completely unusable.  If you have received product from her you must quarantine it and freeze and bake it to destroy the moths and larvae.
She frequently tries to force smaller fleece sellers from small farms to go out of business to purchase their fleeces for cheap.  She, with the help of several associates and sock puppet accounts, will contact people in the groups of small sellers and offer them fleeces for cheaper and claim they will be of better quality.  She, and her associates and sock puppets, will then report the small farms public media repeatedly until they are taken down, thus preventing the farmer/shepard from being able to sell.  Several small farms have confirmed losses of nearly 60% in sales due to her actions. Some have unfortunately gone out of business due to her actions as well.
Sherry has also focused her scam on small, independent suppliers as well. She will orders goods and services and then, once received, she will refuse to pay for them, or dispute charges with PayPal and her credit card.  She will claim the items were never received, were not what she ordered, or were damaged.  She will then sell them to gain a full, one hundred percent profit on the goods.  If she contacts you to purchase goods, or to do labor on her farm, she will not pay you. Shearers on the east coast will not work with her or shear her sheep any longer because of her actions, and she depended on a young charity shearer to save her sheep from heat stroke this year.
Sherry Tenney is also currently trying to sell lambs on facebook (against facebook rules).  Her animals do not have official papers (she does not control breeding, her ewes and rams are mixed together at all times), she does not know the breed of most of her sheep (lots of random breeds together with unknown breeding has resulted in unknown crossbreeds and a large quantity of inbreeding), and her sheep/lambs do not have the proper veterinary certificates that would be required for transport.  
Sherry Tenney’s confirmed know aliases and the names she goes by (she changes her name frequently on social media):
Sherry Tenney
Vondorp Sherry
Sherry Vondorp
Lee Giltay
Sara Rudacille
Sherry Lee Price
Sherry Tenney Giltay
Sherry Tennay
Giltay Sher-Lee
Rudacille SaraEarle
Known associates that are actively working with her on her scam:
Suzanne Smith Collier
Cynthia Karitianos Tilker
Caroline Moss
Roberta Van Harn
Adrienne Lehman
Jeannine Talley-Cramer
Lindsey E Bucci
Brice Wonders
Elizabeth Nicole Washburn
Tuesday Rose
Sherry Tenney’s facebook groups are:
Farmlife in the country
RAW WOOL 4 ALL selling buying group USA
Wool and Fiber artists supplies buyers group and silks too
Fiber sellers
The Cashmere Turtle luxury fiber affordable prices
The Dye house and Mrs Tuttle country fiber arts (community)
McCullough Farm primitives and country life
Sherry Tenney’s instagram is:
Sherry Tenney’s online shops are:
Shop Website: Tenney’s Fiber Farm https://tenneysfiberfarm.com/
Etsy Storefront: TenneysFiberFarm
eBay Storefront: crabapplesheep
Suzanne Smith Collier’s etsy is:
FinerThanFroggyHair (Spinning Yarns & Weaving Tall Tails)
Suzanne Smith Collier’s facebook group is:
Finer Than Frog’s Hair
If you have a Ravelry account, this has all been compiled for viewing here.  I do warn you, the videos are unnerving and I could barely stomach just reading the transcripts.  
Here is a link to a google form filled out by those who Sherry has stolen from, and how much she has stolen. It is currently at over $15,000+ USD.
Here is a link to a YouTube channel of Sherry’s livestreams.  I feel I should warn everyone that they can become violent and aggressive in nature, and several have been known to trigger survivors of domestic violence.
The Pennsylvania Attorney General has filed suit against her, and you can read the paperwork filed here.  If you have filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Attorney General they will keep you up to date.  If Sherry has stolen from you, please contact the Attorney General, even though they have already filed against Sherry, every victim coming forward helps.  The next court date is February 1st, 2024.
Here is a link to a video on YouTube that goes into detail about the charges filed by the Pennsylvania Attorney General against Sherry Tenney.  The judge has ruled that Sherry’s case is going forward, and has overruled Sherry’s lawyer’s attempt to get the charges thrown out.  Cases take time, but Sherry Tenney is being charged!
Sherry Tenney has once again filed for bankruptcy!  She filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.  Here is the info:
[The Bureau of Consumer Protection is writing to update you concerning the consumer complaint you filed against Tenney’s Fiber Farm, LLC (the “Company”) and the above-referenced litigation.
As you may know, Sherry Tenney has filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court in the Middle District of Pennsylvania under Case Number 1:23-bk-02752-HWV.
If you have not done so already, you may wish to file a proof of claim form in the bankruptcy. A proof of claim form may be filed either electronically or as a paper document. The Bankruptcy Court has set a deadline of February 12, 2024 for creditors to file proofs of claim. To assist you in that matter, we have enclosed a blank proof of claim form for you to complete and submit to the bankruptcy court.
Please send the completed proof of claim form to:
Sylvia H. Rambo US Courthouse U.S. Bankruptcy Court 1501 N. 6th St. Harrisburg, PA 17102
Please be advised, our office cannot offer you legal advice. You should consult with a private attorney to ensure that your rights are preserved in the bankruptcy proceedings.
Very truly yours,
Mia Paone Consumer Protection Agent]
If Sherry Tenney owes you money, please file immediately!
Sherry Tenney has made multiple claims that would indicate she is abusing and neglecting her animals.  Please do not contact authorities as that would give Sherry Tenney reason to sue someone for harassment.  That is the unfortunate state of laws in the US.  All of her chickens died of neglect last year, she would not bring them in at night and they were eaten by local wildlife, and she has claimed that a fairly large number of her flock has passed away last year and this year as well, over 10%.
Sherry has changed the name of her facebook group to ‘McCullough Farm primitives and country life’ and is claiming that her farm is the historic McCullough farm.  Her farm is not historic, the previous owner was named McCullough and it was owned by them since 2015, before that no McCullough’s owned it or were associated with it.  In fact, Sherry bought the farm in 2021, it is not a generational farm.  Her and her husband move states fairly frequently, they have no generational farm.  She has changed her group name, and has started randomly posting stolen food recipes with stolen photos, in an attempt to confuse people and attract new victims to her group.  Please warn others.  Yes, she frequently uses the word ‘primitive’ for many things.  She is that kind of person.
Sherry was selling in the FB group WAFA via pm, and was called out several times by customers who had received moth ridden fleece that was shorted weight.  After a month the head of WAFA finally stepped in and kicked Sherry and several of her associates from the group.  Unfortunately Brice Wonders of Spinaway Farms is still a member of the group, and he does work with Sherry.  So WAFA is still a group that has a warning about using, as they are incredibly slow to react and only when called out on social media are they willing to take action at this time.  WAFA has also contacted an attorney about the situation, though it is unknown what will be done.  
Sherry has been stealing photos from noteworthy people in the fiber arts community and linking back to them in an attempt to appear that they associate with her.  If you are well known in the fiber arts community please know that she will try to make it appear that you know her and approve of her business.  So please be warned, and please warn others who follow you if you know that Sherry is doing this with your name.
Sherry is currently bragging about luring black bears to her farm to threaten her sheep by urinating, very frequently, on all of the fences that surround her animals.  Human urine will attract black bears, as will animals left in the open all night that a bear would have easy access to.  She enjoys luring them to the farm, and then brags about threatening them and shooting at them with her guns.
It cannot be stressed enough: DO NOT APPROACH THIS WOMAN IN PUBLIC OR AT PUBLIC EVENTS!  She has threatened to shoot and kill people in several posts and rants, and brags about the amount of guns she has.  Within recent days she has bragged about owning a glock, an AK, multiple shotguns, and frequently has them on her person.  A shotgun has been spotted improperly and dangerous stored in the background of her photos.  She is to be considered armed and dangerous at all times.  Do not drive by her farm if you live in her area, do not sign up to attend a class if she holds one in person on her farm.  She is a mentally unhinged and violent woman.  She should not be approached in person at all costs.  No one wants to see anyone hurt because of this.  Especially now that her scam is failing and legal authorities have filed suit.
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sarita184 · 4 years
10 Supplements: For Weight Loss
When you think of losing weight and think about gathering information to take the first step towards that, in the present times where communication is a revolution, that will give you a lot of ideas that have quick results. One such remedy is a complementary herbal remedy, its fans do not get tired saying that it is useful in reducing weight. But research has yielded mixed results, the basis of its usefulness is yet to be scientifically certified. While some of it has health risks associated with it. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your physician before being convinced about them. There is not enough research on these so far, so it is a bit difficult to ensure that what you have been prescribed is getting the same. Since herbal supplements are classified as food or food items, manufacturers and sellers have not been instructed for a statutory warning before selling the product. (1) Chitosan It is a type of sugar obtained from the outer hard layer of shrimp fishes, crabs, and prawns. Suppliers of complementary treatment describe it as preventing fat and bad cholesterol from being absorbed into the body. Is Chitosan helpful in losing weight? Many independent groups and naturopathic groups that analyze the research conducted on it are not much optimistic about its positive outcome. Although chitosan does not have any side effects, some people may have stomach upset and constipation. If you are allergic to shellfish, you should avoid chitosan. (2) Green Tea Extract Green tea extract is known as the most popular and popular weight-loss supplement. It is believed that it controls appetite and burns calories and fat by increasing the rate of your metabolism. Naturopathy believes that it does this to some extent, but how effectively it works. There is still confusion on this as there is not enough evidence in its favor. There are some side effects of Green Tea Extract when taken in excess, which are as follows: • Nausea • vomiting • swelling • gas • diarrhea • Dizziness • Insomnia • discomfort This may be due to the amount of caffeine in it.
(3) chromium picolinate Insulin is a type of hormones required to convert our food into energy, chromium is a mineral that acts to increase insulin. Along with this, it also works for the storage of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins required for your body. Some claims are made in favor of it, which it says helps to lose weight: it kills the appetite, helps in burning calories, fat burner, and meat muscle enhancer. But the naturopath class is not satisfied with these claims. It has also underlined some of the ill effects of warnings of its excessive consumption: • Insomnia • Irritability • difficulty thinking • Headache Also, while taking chromium has shown a fear of kidney failure, so you should avoid using it if you have any kidney problems. (4) Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) It is a popular supplement used to reduce weight, which contains fatty acids called linoleic acid. In its favor, claims are made that it can help prevent the accumulation of body fat, besides it helps you to feel full. Research on CLA for weight loss has shown mixed results. With its controlled dose of 1.8 to 6.8 grams per day, it may be useful for some people: • Curb body fat • boost muscles But some other research points to the opposite not helping to shed pounds. They are also responsible for increasing insulin resistance in obese people, for type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular risks. Nevertheless, natural medicine is positive about CLA's chances of weight loss. In some people, CLA can have side effects such as: • upset stomach • Nausea • loose stools • fatigue
(5) Guar Gum It is made from the seeds of the guar plant. Like other dietary fibers, it can prevent fat from being absorbed into your body from food and helps you feel full. Guar gum has been studied much more than other fibers to reduce weight, but most researchers consider it ineffective. It can also have some side effects: • gas • diarrhea (6) 7-Keto-DHEA It is found naturally in your body. This increases the rate of your metabolism and prompts you to burn more calories. Which helps in losing weight. Studies have shown that combining a low-calorie diet and some moderate exercise with 7 keto DHEA has led to good results. But there is still much research to be done on this and only then will the reliability be proved. Due to its regular use, there can be complaints of anemia. (7) Glucomannan It is made from the konjac plant. Like any other fiber diet, it helps to reduce weight by blocking the absorption of fat from your food. Very early studies show that it can be useful to lose weight, but it is yet to be studied in detail. In whose absence it would be inappropriate to stamp its usefulness. Natural medicine experts also suspect this due to insufficient evidence of the properties of glucomannan. If you take glucomannan tablets as a weight-loss supplement, it may affect some of your organs that need to be monitored: • throat • tube connecting the throat to the stomach • intestine But taking it in powder or capsule form can be somewhat safe. (8) Hoodia A plant named Hoodia, found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa, is well known as a weight-loss supplement. This is because African Bushmen have been using its roots and stems during hunting for long before dying of hunger and thirst. Currently being sold as a suppressor in the market The P57 ingredient found in Hoodia, which helps curb hunger, keeps it full for a long time. But there is no scientific evidence that it is safe and effective. (9) ephedra It is a type of herb found in North America, also known as Ma Huang. It contains a chemical called ephedrine which is a stimulant. It is believed that it will reduce weight in a very short time. It is very similar to the compounds found in some man-made medicines. But it has been banned by the Food and Drug Regulator due to its serious side effects. Some of its side effects are as follows: • heart attack • Arrhythmia • the strokes • Psychosis • seizures • death Since its side effects are much greater than its benefits, it cannot be considered useful in any way. The same conclusion is also with Naturopathy, it is not beneficial for health. (10) Bitter Orange Bitter orange is a tree found in Africa and Asia with a tropical climate. It is also grown in California and Florida in North America, a region with a Mediterranean climate.  synephrine, a chemical found in the peel of its fruit, is a stimulant similar to ephedrine. It is reportedly believed to increase calorie burning rate. In this way, it is being promoted for use as a weight-loss supplement. Ever since ephedra-containing weight loss products have been banned by the food and drug regulator, such supplement product manufacturers have started using it in abundance. But the Food and Drug Regulator has also not considered it safe. As it has some side effects, it cannot be ignored: • the strokes • irregular heartbeat • heart attack • death Summary Weight Loss Supplements As the name itself suggests, supplements mean that when you have an original and right choice in front of you, then why are you running after these supplements? Why are you messing with your health in a round of quick gains, go slowly, and reach safely? However, if you are in great need of these, then first of all consult your physician. Never lose your priceless health for a momentary benefit.
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Truth Pt. 9
Truth Master List
What’s up sug! sorry you’re struggling right now but I’ve come to help you If you could bring this to light for me I’d absolutely love for YOU TO DO JT So basically Bucky X Enhanced reader who are fuckin enemies. Hate each other to every last fiber of their beings bc Bucky is rude and she calls him out on it. AnywHs, they get drunk, truth or dare (go crZy baby) and LOTS LF dirty talk if u wanna do smut but if u don’t then buck taking care of her while she’s drunk cause she admitted her feelings
Pairing: Bucky X Reader (Enhanced)
Summary: Since The Avengers gave you a home the only blight has been Bucky Barnes, a ghost from your past that you can’t seem to shake. It makes you hate him. The feeling, it seems, is mutual. But… a simple game reveals that maybe things aren’t quite so simple. (Post Winter Soldier AU)
A/N: Like the warning says. We are cozy and soft with these two this week. Hope you’re enjoying it. 
Tags are open!
@midnightdream83 @mywinterwolf @disagreetoagree @breezy1415  @peachthatdrinkslemonade @wonderlandmind4 @piensa-bonito @handplucked  @buckysstar @sam-jae @marauder–harder @for-the-love-of-the-fandom   @meg-asaur @jewelofwinter @fairislesheets @animegirlgeeky @lydklein1 @katecolleen @siriuslycloudy2 @zannemes @catvader1o1
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The sun is setting when your eyes open. Bucky lies on his stomach next to you, breathing steadily. You don’t want to wake him but you can’t help yourself. Gently you trace the arch of one of his dark brows.
Thankfully he doesn’t wake. For a few minutes you just kind of stare at him in awe, a feeling of warmth growing in your belly. You can’t quite name it, this certain breed of peace and comfort but… you like it.
Suddenly, you’re pulled from your gawking when you realize you just how thirsty you are. Slowly, you slide out of the bed. Slipping back into the boxers and hoodie, you sneak out of the room.
You down a bottle of water in about 30 seconds and crack open another, sipping it slowly. Looking around the kitchen you note the little pieces of personalization scattered around. A pithy dishtowel on the oven, the mismatched collection of dishes in the cabinets, some silly magnets on the fridge. It’s endearing and makes your place look stoic and sterile by comparison.  
To the left of the kitchen is a little office and you wander in. A plush rug covers the stained concrete floor. The wall across from the door is pure windows with a view of the city. Reds and oranges blaze brightly over Manhattan and while there’s a similar view from your own place, it’s still breathtaking. A desk sits up against the window with one of those big comfy desk chairs pushed up to it with a blanket draped over the back. This place oozes warmth and comfort. Very Bucky.  
The wall to the right is stuffed floor to ceiling with books. Damn near every best seller in the last century is here along with poetry, history, prose, fiction, and non. Some look new, some well worn and you wonder if he got them used. There’s even a scented candle tucked into one shelf. Leather and tobacco, it actually smells incredible.
Across from the bookcase the wall is covered in photos. After a second you realize… these are his photos. A slightly younger version of Bucky smiles that stunning smile with his arm draped across the shoulders of a smaller boy… of… Steve. You stare for a minute trying to find your 6’ 2” friend in the features of this slight person. He’s there, in the thoughtful eyes and crooked smile.
Your eyes wander to the left. Bucky stands with three young girls, all in Sunday best attire, smiling posed smiles. They have the same thick dark hair and you wonder if they’re related. A woman with a vibrant smile, so much like his, standing in a kitchen. Your lips pull up at a photo of Bucky with three men, all in some kind of military garb, cigarettes in their mouths smiling; WWII you suspect.
A little farther down your heart constricts. Bucky, in full Service Uniform, posed for his photo, smiling. He looks so much like the man sleeping in the other room and yet… different. That’s when you notice the shadow box filled with damn near every military honor that can be granted to a fallen soldier and the flag. It’s folded in that recognizable triangle, the little plaque with his name, James Buchanan Barnes, rank, date of birth and… death.
“Steve thinks it’s morbid to keep it,” his voice cuts through the silence like a knife and you jump, a touch of power pulsing under your skin.
“Jesus,” you gasp laughing a little.
“Sorry,” he’s holding up his hands, a little grin playing at the edges of his lips.
“No,” you shake your head, “I’m sorry, I kind of invaded your space.” Bucky takes a few steps forward hands resting on your hips pulling you to him. His expression is soft, still sleepy.
“You’re not invading,” his eyes search yours, “I’ve got nothing to hide from you.”
His words nearly suck the breath from your lungs. For two people who lived a normal life this likely would have been a passing thing but for two who had spent decades of their lives in the clutches of Hydra… these words speak volumes.
Your right-hand curls around the back of his neck and you pull him to you. The kiss is soft, not hungry or desperate. When you break away he buries his nose in your hair for a second before taking a deep breath.
“Did you get enough sleep?”
He snorts a little laugh, pulling away a touch, “Never.” Metal fingers caress the side of your face, “I noticed you were gone, just wanted to make sure you were ok.” Worry flashes in his eyes and you melt a little.
“I’m great,” you hold up the water bottle still in your left hand, “just parched.”
Turning back to the wall leaning into him you can’t help but wonder, “How did you get all these?”
His arms wrap tight around your torso, pressing you flat against him, “After Steve and I… well… died so to speak, our personal effects went to my family. Steve didn’t have anyone left.” You can relate.
“My youngest sister,” he points to the picture of him with the girls, “Jo. She has a son who’s still alive, Eric. He inherited it all and when they found Steve, S.H.I.E.L.D. contacted him.”
Your eyes scan the wall, taking in all these pieces of him. A past and a family you’ll never know or really understand. “You still have family…”
“In a way, yeah.” His right fingers tangle with your own, “It’s… strange.”
“But, Bucky,” you turn to face him, “that’s amazing. I mean… I’d be happy to still have…” Anyone, but you don’t say it.
His eyes study the photos behind you, his mouth a hard line, “It doesn’t feel like mine.” When his eyes meet yours, they’re stormy, “Not anymore.” He takes a shaky breath, “But I feel lucky that they kept this stuff for me and Steve’s sake. Eric even gave me some albums.”
He pulls away and walks to the book case. One by one he takes four old photo albums from the bottom shelf and sets them on the desk. They’re all clearly from different eras.
“This is one my Ma,” his voice cracks as he opens the oldest one. You set your bottle down and wrap an arm around his waist.
“You don’t have to show me,” your eyes look up at him, cheek pressed to his left shoulder.
“I want to,” his smile is melancholy but there’s light in his eyes when he looks at you.
Clearing his throat he flips to the first page, “My Ma had one of these for each of us kids. She kept everything.” There’s clippings, notes, drawings, a few photos. Some things are carefully paced while others are held in with rusted paperclips. You notice it’s not just Bucky here but Steve too.
“Your mom must’ve liked Steve,” you laugh.
“Like he was her own,” Bucky nods pointing to a photo of her beaming with Steve in Captain America garb. You reach out and flip closer to the front. A gangly boy with shaggy dark hair and a megawatt smile holds a woman’s hand. It’s adorable.
“Is this you?”
“Mhm,” he plucks it from the worn corner pieces that hold it to the page. “James, 1924, so I was about 7 here.”
“May I?” You reach for it and he hands you the old square photo. He’s there in that smile, the way the nose scrunches. “You were so cute, James,” playfully you pinch his cheek.
Bucky pulls back laughing, “Oh god, please don’t call me James,” he groans snatching the picture from you.
“Who started calling you, Bucky?”
He shrugs, “My parents always called me, Bucky.”
You look back to the wall, to the photo of the woman in the kitchen, “So, is this your mom?”
“Yeah, in ’55 I think.” So after she lost him.
“You look like her.”
The look on his face is so tender, “Really? I think I look like my Pa actually.” He flips through the album and points to a picture of a teenaged him and a hard looking man. The man’s beard is full, tiny tufts of grey by the chin like Bucky’s. Other than that though you don’t see it.
“Nah,” you look up at him, touching the soft laugh lines by his eyes. “You’ve got a face for smiling, like hers.”
There’s no way for you to know what those words mean to him. He can’t say he agrees. His Ma was the kindest person he ever knew… He can’t see that in himself. It’s a nice sentiment though.
“I sit in here a lot… looking at everything.” He sighs heavily, “Still trying to get it all… all of me, back.”
It had only been a little over a year. The team’s medical staff was shocked at what he managed to recover given the time he had been with Hydra. He felt like most of it was back but there were still little things he’d suddenly remember, or a story Steve would tell him and he’d realize that there were still parts of him missing.
Your brows knit, “Yeah, I get that…” You turn back to the wall of his memories. He sees the tension in your shoulders, the way you try to stand straighter, hold you head higher, anything to steel yourself against whatever it is you’re feeling.
Worry settles like a stone in his gut. He doesn’t know much about your past before Hydra. All he really knew when they were about to go after you was that you, like him, hadn’t been a willing participant and that according to Fury your father was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. He reaches out and gently takes your left hand in his right, he can feel a slight tremor passing through you. Your eyes lock onto his and he smiles.
“Who’re these guys,” you point to the picture of him with the Howlers.
“The Howling Commandos,” a touch of sadness squeezes his heart. “Mine and Steve’s unit in the war.”
“Tell me about them.”
A little laugh trips over his lips and he looks at you questioningly. “You really want to hear war stories from an old man?”
The smile you give him takes his breath away, “I really do.”
A few hours later the two of you have built a nest in the small office. Couch cushions, pillows, every blanket in the place all culminating into a soft warm pile up against the wall. It’s not that the apartment is overly large but there’s something about being in this small space that seems to comfort both of you.
There’s a stack of pizza boxes, you’ve both torn through two large pies already with little signs of slowing down. Photos and other bits of memorabilia are scattered all around like pieces of a puzzle. Bucky brought his record player in along with his boxes of records.
He’s surprised how much he’s enjoyed talking about his past. Telling you these stories is different than reminiscing with Steve or the forced shared moments with his therapist. He want’s to give you these parts of him. You can’t help but be endlessly amused about stories of Steve before the serum, when he was just a scrappy punk with more bark than bite. And the picture he paints of Brooklyn and New York in the early 19th century fascinate you.
Glen Miller is playing right now, the sound of the brass sending him back almost a century. He loved to dance to this music once. You’re nibbling a slice kneeling in front of one of the boxes of records. You bob along to the music as you flip through to select the next one. A small noise comes from you as your hand freezes over a battered orange album cover.
“Sinatra got big after my time but damn if he doesn’t have a great set of pipes.” You don’t respond, just stare. Faint tendrils of light swirl under your skin, the air in the room getting a touch cooler.
“Doll?” He leans over resting his right hand gently on your shoulder. Your mouth is open just a touch and tears glitter in your eyes. “Hey,” he plucks the slice from your hand, laying it inside the open box.
You snap back shaking your head, “Sorry. I, uh…” You slide Sinatra’s Songs For Swingin’ Lovers out of the box, holding it in both trembling hands. “This… this was my Dad’s favorite. Well one of them. He loved Sinatra…” A tear slides down your cheek, Bucky brushes it away. “I… I would groan every time he put it on but… secretly I loved it too.” A few more tears sneak out but you briskly wipe them away sniffing hard.
“Let’s put it on,” he says softly. You bite your bottom lip hard, not making eye contact and nod. He takes the record from you and stands up walking the short distance to the desk to change the record.
The first song, You Make Me Feel So Young, seems strangely poignant. You were younger than him, hell he was old enough to be your father. But neither of you looked close to your true age. You looked it, sure. Inside though… As Frank croons the first line he turns to you, your chin resting on your knees, staring out into space.
Bucky heads back to your nest. He sits with his back against the wall, holding his arms open, “Come here.” You look back and crawl over, settling between his legs, pulling a blanket from the pile wrapping the two of you in warmth. The feeling of you pressed against him, in his arms, is damn near too good.
After a few songs, you lean your head back onto his left shoulder, looking up at him, “Do you like to dance?”
“I used to,” his eyes wander to where your hands connect, “I loved dancing.” Suddenly you’re up and out of his arms.
“Dance with me,” you’re holding out a hand smiling bright.
“Seriously?” He looks around the crowded space, “In here?”
“Yeah,” you move by the door, “there’s enough room. Come on.” You wave him over. Laughing he shakes his head and follows your orders.
You take his hands, “Wait, not this one.” The opening notes of I’ve Got You Under My Skin start. “Now.” Effortlessly you two fall into a tight foxtrot, giggling as you bump into things or stumble over the steps a bit.
Near the end, Bucky spins you, unintentionally, straight toward the blanket nest. You lose your footing and both of you tumble down, laughing.
“Color me surprised,” he leans up on his left elbow looking down at you, laying on your back giggling.
“Why’s that?”
“I didn’t expect you to know that dance.”
“I will have you know I am an excellent dancer,” you laugh mirroring his position.
“Yeah falling down demonstrated that perfectly,” he teases.
“Hey!” You toss a small pillow at his face, “I wouldn’t have fallen if my partner didn’t spin me toward disaster.” He laughs.
You shake your head, “I swear I can almost hear my Mom scolding my form,” your accent turns softly germanic, “‘Well liebling if you were paying attention to your feet…’”
“Was your Mom German?”
“Austrian,” you sigh and fall to your back, “and I was going to be her perfect little All American Girl. Dancing, sports, music, academics, I had to be the best. Always.” You turn your head to him, “So, any dance you throw my way. I guarantee I can kill it.”
“Maybe I’ll put that to the test.” He does like the idea of dancing, dancing like he used to, with you.
You spend the rest of the evening listening to music. He tells you more stories from his life, even remembering details he had forgotten. Eventually, you drift off in his arms, snuggled in the little blanket nest.
For a moment he thinks of carrying you to the bed but it’s comfortable and warm here. He feels… safe he realizes. Happy even. Instead, he buries his nose in your hair and follows you into sleep.
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healthndwell · 2 years
Change that up charge reviews - Learn The Important Basics You Need To Know About Vitamins And Minerals!!!
Regardless of whether you are old or young, health is vital. Your gender and size are irrelevant. Every human needs certain nutrients to stay healthy. To make sure you're taking the right nutrients, keep reading.
Never ignore the product warnings on vitamin levels. Vitamin and supplements can have serious side effects when taken with prescription and over the counter medicines. Ginseng can be very dangerous if you have high blood pressure or take heart medications. Lycopene can be deadly if you have a tomato allergy. Always read the warning labels or ask your pharmacist or doctor before taking any vitamins or supplements.
Vitamin A deficiencies can cause  Change that up charge reviews  hyperkaratosis, keratomalacia and night-blindness. Forms of vitamin A, include retinol, beta carotene and retinal. This fat soluble vitamin can be found in orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, spinach, fish, liver, soy and milk. Vitamin A supplements can also provide you with the nutrients your body needs.
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Do not use tea or coffee to wash down your vitamins and minerals. These beverages may inhibit the absorption of certain minerals. Tea has been proven to decrease the amount of iron the body absorbs. While coffee has not been shown to have the same effects, it would be best not to take any chances.
Get more red blood cells through iron. Red blood cells are what carry oxygen around your body. The amount of iron in a vitamin supplement is important because women need more iron than men. If you feel exhausted all the time and have trouble breathing, you could be deficient in iron.
At a time when health care is expensive, promoting good health is important and adding daily vitamins is a good start. Vitamins will definitely improve your health and diet, plus increase your mood and improve your visits with your doctor.
Make sure you choose your beverages wisely. Try to avoid drinking a lot of coffee, tea, or soda. These drinks all have caffeine, which can keep your body from absorbing certain vitamins and minerals like iron. They can also cause you to increase secretion of water-soluble vitamins in your urine.
Magnesium is necessary for over 300 chemical reactions in the body. Foods high in fiber contain magnesium, including legumes, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. This mineral is used to treat high cholesterol, ADHD, fatigue, migraines, PMS and multiple sclerosis. Magnesium can also be applied topically to speed up healing.
Do not purchase vitamins online unless you are sure that the seller is reputable. There are many companies that create vitamins that contain fillers and very little of the necessary nutrients. Knowing your seller can help you avoid this problem. Do ample research before trusting an unknown entity with something as important as your health.
If you are having a struggle with the daily grind in life such as working multiple jobs and your household routine, you need to take more vitamins. When we are unable to allow our body time to unwind, we need more vitamins and minerals to keep it healthy and able to recover from a hectic schedule.
If you are planning to have a baby any time soon, folic acid is a must. This nutrient is used in brain development in a fetus and when you're low, defects can appear. In fact, taking a full prenatal vitamin if you are trying to get pregnant is a great benefit.
Nutrients obtained through supplements are just as helpful as those that are obtained in foods that are consumed. While a supplement may not provide as much direct absorption, it does provide the same benefits. Find a good multivitamin to purchase and try it.
The darker your skin, the more likely you are to need vitamin D supplements. While light skinned people only need about 20 minutes of sun per day to get their dose, people with very dark skin may need two hours or more. Consider a supplement to ensure you're getting enough vitamin D.
Focus on whole grain cereals for breakfast. Cereal is a great way to start your day and most are full of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. You will not only start your day with a great supply, but also give yourself a great energy boost. Avoid sugary cereals for best effect.
When you are looking for a multivitamin, seek  out those that contain 100% of the daily value of most of the ingredients. Since you are looking to increase your nutrition, you should try to get the most benefit possible. If they contain very little of each individual nutrient, there is no point in taking them at all.
If you have trouble swallowing pills, you should look for vitamins that come in other forms. There are liquid, chewable and powder vitamins available for people that have trouble with tablets. Since they contain the same amount of the nutrients found in traditional vitamins, that means they are just as effective.
Vitamins are never a substitute for  Folicrex reviews  eating a nutritional and healthy diet. Before you start taking vitamin supplements, it is a wise idea to talk to your family doctor. Some supplements can interact with the prescription medications you are taking. Others may cause an upset stomach when taken without food. Your doctor can give you advice about which vitamins are right for you.
To get the most out of your vegetables in terms of vitamins and minerals, try eating your veggies raw or steamed. When cooked, vegetables lose the vitamins and minerals they contain pretty quickly. In fact, the more a vegetable is cooked or boiled, the less healthy the vegetable is overall.
There are more benefits to minerals and vitamins than just how your body functions. It also helps the outer body be attractive. Your hair, nails and skin can all be enhanced with plenty of Vitamins C, D and E, as well as biotin. Get these vitamins often so that you can look and feel wonderful.
Read more :
From babies to the elderly, basketball players to lawyers, we all need vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. However, some folks don't get what they need from food, so they must take supplements. With this article under your belt, you know what you need, so go get it!
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chemicaltech · 3 years
Cold Insulation Market Next Big Thing : Major Giants
The review and assessments of this Cold Insulation Market report likewise assists with sorting out kinds of purchasers, their perspectives about the item, their purchasing expectations and their thoughts for the move forward of an item. This report gives an outright foundation investigation of the business which incorporates an appraisal of the parental market. This market report additionally puts light on memorable information, present market patterns, future items climate, advertising methodologies, mechanical advancement, forthcoming advances, arising openings, and the specialized advancement in the connected business
A portion of the Top organizations impacting this market include: BASF SE, ROCKWOOL International A/S, Saint-Gobain Group, Owens Corning, Knauf Insulation Technical Solutions, Kingspan Group, Armacell,L'ISOLANTE K-FLEX S.p.A., Morgan Advanced Materials, Etex Headquarters, Aspen Aerogels, Inc., Johns Manville, Zotefoams plc, Recticel NV, NMC sa , Unifrax
Gain admittance to Report Sample @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-cold-insulation-market
The boundaries of an extraordinary Cold Insulation report range from most recent patterns, market division, new market section, industry determining, target market investigation, future bearings, opportunity distinguishing proof, vital examination, experiences to development. This advertising report gives subtleties of a few market factors, for example, market gauges and estimates, section methodologies, opportunity examination, market situating, cutthroat scene, item situating, market evaluation, and suitability contemplates. Market drivers, market limitations, openings, and difficulties are additionally assessed in the report under market outline which gives accommodating bits of knowledge to organizations for taking right moves. Worldwide Cold Insulation market report is gave with full devotion to offer the best support and proposals.
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Behaviors Overall Cold Insulation Market Segmentation:
By Type (Polyisocyanurate, Polyurethane Foam, Nitrile Rubber, Phenolic Foam, Ceramic Fiber, Polystyrene Foam (EPS & XPS)),
Application (HVAC, Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Refrigeration, and Others),
Structure (Powder Form and Liquid Form),
Usefulness (Bone Health, Skin Health, Energy, Immunity, Digestion and Others),
Brand (Nutrivan, Sternvit, Fortitech, Superblend, Vitaboost10, Anavite, Quali, Vitamix)
Districts canvassed in the Cold Insulation market report 2021:
North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
South and Central America: Argentina, Chile, and Brazil.
Center East and Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
Europe: UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Russia.
Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia.
𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗗-𝟭𝟵:-
The episode of the COVID-19 pandemic since December 2019, majorly affected the development of the worldwide Cold Insulation market, attributable to the inaccessibility of required difficult work and severe travel rules around the world, which limited the development of crude materials and completed items. Besides, the abrupt shutting down of organizations and social removing laws additionally influenced the work in the assembling area, which thusly influenced the worldwide Cold Insulation market.
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List of chapters Covered In This Cold Insulation Market Report:
1 List of Tables and Figures
2 Introductions
3 Key Takeaways
4 Market Landscape
5 Global Cold Insulation Market and Key Industry Dynamics
6 Cold Insulation Market Overview, Forecast and Analysis
7 Global Cold Insulation Market Analysis By Solutions
8 Global Cold Insulation Market Analysis By Services
9 Global Cold Insulation Market Analysis By Industry Vertical
10 Global Cold Insulation Market Geographical Analysis
11 Industry Landscape
12 Competitive Landscape
13 Cold Insulation Market, Key Company Profiles
14 Appendix
Peruse TOC with Facts and Figures @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-cold-insulation-market
About Data Bridge Market Research:
Information Bridge Market Research Pvt Ltd is a global administration counseling firm with workplaces in India and Canada. As a creative and neoteric market investigation and warning organization with unrivaled strength level and progressed approaches. We are resolved to uncover the best purchaser possibilities and to encourage valuable information for your organization to prevail on the lookout.
Information Bridge Market Research is a consequence of sheer insight and practice that was considered and inherent Pune in the year 2015. The organization appeared from the medical care division with far less workers planning to cover the entire market while giving the best class investigation. Afterward, the organization broadened its specializations, just as extends their scope by opening another office in Gurugram area in the year 2018, where a group of profoundly qualified faculty holds hands for the development of the organization. "Indeed, even in the difficult stretches of COVID-19 where the Virus dialed back everything all throughout the planet, the committed Team of Data Bridge Market Research worked nonstop to give quality and backing to our customer base, which likewise tells about the greatness in our sleeve."
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Warning to fiber sellers
This is a summary post that is out of date.  I have a pinned post that is up to date with the facts here.  More has happened since this post was written.
This is a warning to ALL fiber sellers online, especially those who sell via sites like Facebook.  
In recent months there has been some drama that a seller named Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp has been taking money and not sending product or sending the wrong product.  She’s been doing this for years, and to the scope of $15,000+ USD.  People who had been scammed by her connected and started comparing stories, and then discovering just how long it’s been going on and that she’s still doing it.
Sherry Tenney’s confirmed know aliases and the names she goes by (she changes her name frequently on social media):
Sherry Tenney
Vondorp Sherry
Sherry Vondorp
Lee Giltay
Sara Rudacille
Sherry Lee Price
Sherry Tenney Giltay
At first, that’s all it was.  She would send out some fleece/fiber, but maybe not all, and then, in the past few years, frequently none at all.  She would claim all sorts of reasons, like the post office lost hundreds of packages in a year, and other vague hand wavy excuses.  The main issue is that she was violently aggressive toward people who inquired about where their product was.  As in death threats aggressive.  Long, ranting threats about shooting them in fields and feeding them to her pigs threats.  There are videos.  They are disturbing.  
Well, a group called ‘Demon Trolls’ on Ravelry was discussing this and encouraging her to refund or send out the purchased product.  The group ‘Demon Trolls’ keeps track of problematic sellers in the fiber community so that people can be warned.  Sellers that take money and don’t send product, sellers that are falling months behind in shipping, and sellers that are not sending the product that was purchased.  The group keeps tabs, they don’t actively pursue action of any sort, but they let customers share complaints and stories and keep track of the unfolding situations.
Well, Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp has been... unique.  Instead of offering fake apologies (something that is frequently done), or cleaning up her act and running her business professionally (something that genuinely does happen at times as well, sometimes sellers just underestimate how hard it is to run a business at times), she doubled down on the aggression.  There are hour long videos threatening to shoot and kill people from the group, and former customers simply for complaining about not receiving purchased goods.  There has been bizarre stories about ‘microburst tornadoes’ killing her sheep and her leaving them in the field to rot for days on end, her having bears coming to kill her sheep because she leaves them out all night long, her having birthing season go on for months because she just keeps rams in the herd and doesn’t keep track of breeding.
I could go on.  The woman is... unhinged is the only polite way to put it.
It also came out within the past few days that it’s more than just her scamming people.  It turns out what her and a group of about 25 others would do is go to sellers pages on FB, black the mods and admins, and then tell the others that she sold fleece for cheaper and better quality than them.  She would poach the customers from small farms, and her and others would purposefully repeatedly report the small farm and their page to get it taken down so they couldn’t sell at all.
Then, when the farm was desperate, some of these small sellers have reported more than a 50% drop in income when she has done this, she would buy the fleeces at cheaper prices from them, mark them up, and then ‘resell’ them, frequently to the customers she lured away.  Given that she would frequently sell the same fleece to multiple people and never ship it, it was a way for her to get a ton of sales with little to no overhead herself.
She, working in tandem with another woman, would keep passing emails back and forth with customers until the window to file a chargeback would close, and then she would send disgusting messages to the customer and block them.  
If you have a Ravelry account, this has all been compiled for viewing here.  I do warn you, the videos are unnerving and I could barely stomach just reading the transcripts.  
The discussion about what is going on with Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp is here.  I am warning you, it is currently at 300 pages of discussion.  A lot has happened in just the past few months.  It is insane.
Please reblog this so other fiber sellers know to watch out for her, and to be warned about what she is doing.  She is purposefully destroying businesses for her own profit.
I am editing the original post and adding this update.  Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp tries to avoid notice by frequently changing her name on Facebook (where she tries to do business via messenger only so as to avoid having a paper trail), as well as the names of her businesses.  She is trying to rely on people not knowing the names of her accounts, and there are many, and then being scammed.
Sherry Tenney frequently goes by the name Sherry Vondorp (her grandmother’s maiden name).  She will also use other aliases connected to either other family member’s names or the names of former husbands that she legally held at one point.  
On Facebook her groups are:
Farmlife in the country
RAW WOOL 4 ALL selling buying group USA
Tenneys Fibers and raw wool buyers group
Fiber sellers
The Cashmere Turtle luxury fiber affordable prices
The Dye house and Mrs Tuttle country fiber arts (community)
On Instagram her account is:
Although, as I said before, she frequently changes the names of her shops on Facebook.  It is not unusual for her to change her name or her shop names multiple times a month in an attempt to avoid them and herself being noticed.  So please, be very careful when buying fleece over social media and in social media communities.  Tenney has also sold fleece in Dirty Fleece, Done Dirt Cheap in the past as well.  People have reported that the fleeces they have received from her at times have been absolutely riddled with moth larvae and moths in the past, so if you have ever received anything from her please check to make sure it was quarantined from the rest of your stash.
If you are a seller and have been contacted by her, please be sure to get full payment upfront.  Multiple sellers are reporting that they have done business with her and she has either refused to pay or reversed the charges once the product has been received.  She is a thief, this cannot be stressed enough at this time.
Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp works very closely with a woman named Suzanne Smith Collier who actively helps her with her scam, and helps her do damage to other small fiber sellers online.  We do not know if Suzanne shares in the profits from this scam, but she is a documented participant in it.  She will actively help run out the refund clock for customers who email about orders they have not received, and will block people the instant the refund clock is over.  
Suzanne Smith Collier Etsy is ‘FinerThanFroggyHair’, formerly ‘Spinning Yarns & Weaving Tall Tails’.  Her FB group is ‘Finer Than Frog’s Hair’.
Pleased be warned about her as well.
Also, as a reminder, please do not harass anyone online, and especially not in real life.  Sherry Tenney/Sherry Vondorp has once again posted another message about having guns and threatening to shoot people.  The woman should be considered extremely unstable and very dangerous.  She sometimes teaches classes on her farm, and I would not sign up for those even as a joke.  No one wants to see anyone physically hurt in real life.
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