#flooding hamas tunnels
the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 9 months
by Hugh Fitzgerald
Those who wish Israel ill are up in arms about the IDF’s plan to flood the network of tunnels Hamas has built under Gaza. They are angry because they fear the novel plan will work: Hamas operatives will be flushed out, forced to scurry out of the tunnels and appear above ground, where the IDF can pick them off. The water in the tunnels will also weaken the tunnels by soaking their walls, and the soil just above them, so that they will be more susceptible to eventual collapse; Hamas will never again be able to use them as they have been doing. More on the proposed tunnel flooding, and the reasons given by Hamas and its supporters as why it should not take place, can be found here: “Did the UN Human Rights Council just admit Hamas steals civilian aid? Plus, the dumbest argument yet against flooding tunnels,” Elder of Ziyon, December 15, 2023:
The UN Human Rights X account tweeted something spectacularly stupid:
Israel’s flooding of tunnels with saltwater could have severe adverse human rights impacts, some long term. Goods indispensable to civilian survival could also be at risk, as well as widespread, long-term & severe environmental damage. Civilians must be protected.
Hold on: when they say “Goods indispensable to civilian survival could also be at risk,” doesn’t that mean that they are admitting that Hamas tunnels are warehouses for the aid that the world has been sending into Gaza for the past decades?
Yes, there is no other possible interpretation: those “goods indispensable to civilian survival” — humanitarian aid — are apparently being stored in those tunnels, Hamas having seized them from the shipments of aid meant for all the people of Gaza. Hamas has now stored them inside its tunnels for safe-keeping, for the future care and feeding of Hamas operatives alone. The rest of the Gazans will have to make do with whatever ”goods indispensable to civilian survival” Hamas left behind after taking its massive cut.
Critics of the flooding plan, like Eurasia Review,  also say things like “Flooding the tunnels could damage Gaza’s aquifer and soil, if seawater and hazardous substances in the tunnels seep into them.”
“Hazardous substances” means “explosives.” Now, why might there be explosives in the tunnels?… The list of bad things listed in that article that “could” happen if Israel floods the tunnels is almost comical, but the pièce de résistance (so to speak) comes at the end.
Flooding the tunnels could affect the cultural heritage and identity of Gaza, which has a rich and diverse history and culture. The tunnels are part of Gaza’s landscape and memory, and they reflect its character and spirit. Flooding the tunnels could .. affect the cultural expressions and practices of Gaza’s people, such as the art, literature and folklore that are inspired by or related to the tunnels.
Yes, the terror tunnels must be protected because they are an important part of Gaza’s culture!
The tunnels were built by the terror group Hamas to do one thing: help facilitate the terror group’s murderous attacks on Israelis. That is their sole reason for being. The tunnel network has served as a vast underground pedestrian passage, allowing the hiding of weapons, rocket launchers, and Hamas terrorists under most of Gaza, and also allowed the undetected movement underground of weapons and fighters. The tunnels are instruments of murder, not “cultural artifacts” that must be preserved as part of Gaza’s “landscape and memory.” These terror tunnels cost billions of dollars to construct; they likely represent the greatest misallocation of resources in the Middle East since the pyramids were built in the Valley of the Kings.
Do the Gazans really want those ghastly tunnels — which will be left in ruins by the IDF — to be thought of as part of the “cultural heritage and identity of Gaza”? How many Germans like to think of the extermination camps as part of the “cultural heritage and identity” of their country, or aren’t those camps, rather, something of which they are ashamed? The camps are part of their history, but not of their “cultural heritage,” which is a different, and a positive, thing.
How many Russians want to preserve the Soviet labor camps of Vorkuta and Kolyma, as part of their “cultural heritage”? A museum in Moscow, containing testimonies, photographs, and videos, of life in the camps that constituted the Gulag, would be enough to preserve the memory of that hideous aspect of Soviet history.
By all means, the people of Gaza should preserve the memory of the malignant and wasteful tunnels forced on them by Hamas, but they have no need to preserve what remains of those tunnels — 800 of the approximately 1000 that existed have already been destroyed by the IDF —themselves. Must the tunnels really be preserved as part of Gaza’s “landscape and memory,” or are they testimony only to the murderous madness of Hamas, hellbent on murder, and indifferent to the wellbeing of the people of Gaza it has caused? Perhaps one tunnel might be preserved, so that Gazan schoolchildren can visit and see what Hamas wrought in its unhinged unquenchable desire to kill Israelis; that would be more than enough to preserve the memory of the terror group’s madness. Some claim that the tunnels must not be flooded because the resulting damage would affect “the art, literature and folklore that are inspired by or related to the tunnels.” I very much doubt that the “art, literature, and folklore” of Gaza — is there any worth mentioning? — could ever be “inspired” in a good way by those hideous tunnels. Go to it, IDF engineers. Flood those tunnels. Flush the killers out.
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watermelonsource · 10 months
🚨 gaza: despite climate & criminal warnings, israel pumps seawater into gaza
the tunnels which hamas uses would probably more accurately be referred to as an underground city.
the israeli hostages are currently known to be being kept in the tunnels.
the tunnels will prove a forbidable foe; the network below gaza is referred to as metro due to its size.
experts have warned that the environmental damage from this action would be enormous and render the region uninhabitable for an extended time by eliminating freshwater availability and poisoning the soil.
russia previously warned israel at the UN that doing this would be a war crime.
israel's continued attacks on gaza risk the hostages. according to a hamas spokesperson, as of october 16th, 22 of the hostages had died as a result of israeli bombardments.
the families have been protesting in tel aviv, demanding answers and action. this article is from november 18, 2023:
• all information verifiable with google
• follow @watermelonsource for more "too much news at once" 🍉
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dailynewsreporter · 10 months
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In a strategic move aimed at dismantling Hamas's extensive underground infrastructure, Israel has initiated the flooding of tunnels in Gaza with seawater, according to U.S. officials briefed on the ongoing military operations. This aggressive effort is part of a comprehensive campaign to neutralize the labyrinthine network that has long served as a vital component of Hamas's operations.
The tunnel system, stretching approximately 300 miles and equipped with thick blast doors, has been a critical asset for Hamas, facilitating the movement of fighters across the battlefield, storing rockets and munitions, and serving as a command and control center for the group's leaders. Israeli officials also believe that hostages may be held within these tunnels. Israel's Military Deploys Unconventional Tactics to Dismantle Hamas Tunnels in Gaza (globalpostheadline.com)
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mykingdomfor · 10 months
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Leaked comments from a meeting between released hostages and Netanyahu reveals rage towards the israeli government. During this meeting Netanyahu was heckled and shouted at by released hostages, who accused him of wanting to topple "the Hamas government, to show that you have bigger balls... You put politics above the return of the kidnapped.”
They speak of being shelled by IDF helicopters, of realizing the IDF is considering flooding the tunnels where hostages are with sea water.
A man with released family members said “They were under constant threat from the IDF shelling. You sat in front of us and assured us that it does not threaten their lives. They also roam the street and [are] not only in the tunnels. They are mounted on donkeys and carts. You will not be able to recognize them on the street and you are endangering their lives. It is our duty to return them now.”
"When Netanyahu said Hamas was to blame for the end of the truce, an individual identified by ynet as a family member of a released hostage replied: 'Nonsense.'”
Full article here
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snarkleharkle · 11 months
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sayruq · 11 months
You can tell the ground invasion of Gaza isn't going well at all
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They used to say they'd occupy Gaza forever, they'd kill every Hamas operative, they'd flood every tunnel in Gaza with soldiers and now it's we will leave as soon as possible ☠️
This is all the proof you need that they're struggling and incapable of making any progress to the point they have to lie about rescuing an IDF soldier just to look good in front of an increasingly disheartened and distrustful Israeli public
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The American government has spent the past 3 weeks of war doubtful of Israel's ability to win a ground war in Gaza and now we have the Financial Times writing a fairly positive article about the Hamas, indicating that Wall Street at least is taking the Palestinian resistance and their chances of winning seriously
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With Yemen declaring war, Hezbollah is expected to follow suit, and different militia groups in Iraq and Syria are escalating attacks on American bases. Bolivia will not be the last country to cut diplomatic ties with Israel. The future does not look good for Israel. In fact, the economy has already taken a big hit from the war. A recession is guaranteed.
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vouseofwolves · 11 months
Israel bombed a cancer hospital today. one of many other hospitals and places of shelter they have bombed not only since the 7th of October but over the years. and yet some of you still dare to take a neutral stance or even still support Israel. Israeli news call over 8000 civilians killed as 'terrorists we eliminated' and you still dare to ask people to condemn Hamas and "look at both sides" there is only one thing any kind of resistance is called and its terrorists. the oppressor is the oppressed and the resistance (the only militia that Palestine has btw, while Israel posseses nuclear weapons and army funded by the U.S) are terrorists. those who fight for freedom and human rights of their people after being colonised 75 years ago (yes; Israel is a colonial state that has been there for only 75 years and it's existence is anti-therical to the Judaist belief itself)
but look at the Israeli hostages that Hamas took, i am looking at them and i see people forgotten by their government and used as an excuse to annihilate Palestinians. When revealed by a released hostage that hamas keeps them in tunnels Israel announces they will flood the tunnels with nerve gas. if you lack reading comprehension let me repeat. when Israel learns where their hostages are kept they decide to just kill everyone inside, alongside their citizens they care so much about and genocide Palestinian population over. When Hamas offers to release the hostages under the condition of ceasefire, Israel denies. Three times. Israel has killed around 50 of their own people since the 7th of October because you guessed it ! the only thing they care about is wiping the Palestinians out. The families of the hostages are calling for an immediate ceasefire.
The blindness of you people is incomprehensible. your ignorance blows my mind. one look at the map, one quick read about the history of Palestine and Israel, one look at the military forces, the number of martyrs, tells you all you need to know about this "war" that isn't a war but an ethnic cleansing that Israel has been doing since 1948.
Pray for the peaceful rest of those martyred and never forget. But most importantly pray for the living Palestinians and a free Palestine.
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odinsblog · 10 months
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Ynet also reported that Netanyahu’s efforts to respond to the hostages and relatives were met with tense and angry remarks.
A female abductee freed with her children – but without her husband, who remains in captivity – is heard on one recording saying: “The feeling we had there was that no one was doing anything for us. The fact is that I was in a hiding place that was shelled and we had to be smuggled out and we were wounded. That’s besides the helicopter that shot at us on the way to Gaza.”
She adds: “You have no information. You have no information. The fact that we were shelled, the fact that no one knew anything about where we were… You claim that there is intelligence. But the fact is that we are being shelled. My husband was separated from us three days before we returned to Israel and taken to the [Hamas] tunnels” under Gaza.
The former abductee continues: “Do you think the men are strong? My husband would beat himself every day, punch his face until it bled because it was too much for him, and now he is alone, and God knows under what conditions.”
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“And you want to topple the Hamas government, to show that you have bigger balls? There is no life here that is more important than others,” she adds. “None of us there deserve any less treatment than any resident of Israel. Return them all and not in a month, two months or a year.”
Referring to reports that the Israeli military is considering flooding Hamas tunnels in Gaza, she continues: “And you are talking about washing the tunnels with sea water? You are shelling the route of tunnels in the exact area where they are. The girls ask me where is their father? And I have to tell them that the bad guys don’t want to yet release him.”
The woman adds: “You put politics above the return of the kidnapped.”
According to the ynet account of the meeting, one man related what family members had told him after being freed. “They were under constant threat from the IDF shelling. You sat in front of us and assured us that it does not threaten their lives. They also roam the street and [are] not only in the tunnels. They are mounted on donkeys and carts. You will not be able to recognize them on the street and you are endangering their lives. It is our duty to return them now.”
(continue reading)
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hero-israel · 8 months
So I've seen a lot of talk from people who allow that Israel was justified to attack Gaza after October 7th, but they feel that Israel still attacked too indiscriminately, killed too many Palestinians, and destroyed too much of Gaza. Two particular hangups I've seen most commonly are the idea that Israel should have done a "tactical counter-terrorism" action rather than a ground invasion, and a specific objection to Israel dropping 2000 pound bombs on Gaza specifically. I don't feel that I know enough about military tactics, so I don't know how legitimate it would have been for Israel to go into Gaza "tactically" or to drop smaller bombs, but I suspect Hamas would be a lot stronger than it is currently, and the same people would still be tut-tutting Israel's actions (if not calling them out with equal outrage). It's very frustrating
Everyone wants a better alternative but nobody describes what it is. Reminds me of the recent post about the Houthis - "don't bomb them, you need to find a way to get rid of the Red Sea embargo that only kills the badguys and nobody else." Okay, I'll just ask the genie of the lamp to magic them away. There are no options for going into Gaza that aren't utterly horrible. Hamas knows this, it was the whole point of their trap, and it is working.
Here's a fair-minded, moving essay by a Gazan Palestinian saying Israel needs "targeted, low-intensity, long-term operation[s] that could sustainably reduce Hamas’ military capabilities and create conditions to introduce a new administration in Gaza," and also admitting "tunnel warfare is dirty, complicated, costly and requires lengthy efforts and campaigns, not the short and swift operations upon which Israel’s military doctrine is built."
IOW, "go in and kill Hamas and destroy everything they have - but don't kill anybody else. Find a way to do it slower and smaller and neater, but still make sure you win."
It doesn't work that way. The tunnels are obviously boobytrapped, how are you supposed to order men in? The problem isn't expense, the problem is failure. Also a slow, prolonged ground campaign would require a lasting re-occupation, another lose-lose. Israel has purportedly been using the 2,000 pound bombs as bunker-busters to collapse the tunnels - maybe that's working, but it also kills the hell out of people on the surface, again part of the trap. I am disappointed that the IDF hadn't spent every waking hour the last decade building some technical gizmo that could make the tunnels uninhabitable, some kind of seismic or ultrasonic whatzit. I said a while back that I was in favor of flooding the tunnels and fixing the environmental consequences later. I've got messages in my inbox now urging me not to take that stance, that Israel should not be seen as "salting the earth," but it doesn't matter since it seems Israel isn't actually doing it, for whatever reason, so there's no point in a Tumblr blog taking a stance either way.
Tom Friedman is another useless Boomer leftover from the '90s and his "philosophy-of-cab-drivers" shtick is laughable, but he actually raised a good point here:
Netanyahu, I would argue, doesn’t want to win. He wants to be winning, OK, that is, he wants to be able to say, we’re winning. We’re winning. We’re winning. It’s just around the corner. But he doesn’t want to actually win because, if the war actually ends, two things are going to happen. Then he can no longer avoid what is the new political end state. And I believe there will be an eruption, a massive eruption, of Israeli anger at him that I hope and pray will drive him from power because I believe he is not only the worst leader in Israel’s history. I believe he’s the worst leader in Jewish history.
And that’s a long history. And what is Netanyahu’s calculation? It’s very simple. If he is not in power and has to face the conclusion of his trial and three corruption charges without the protection and influence that comes over the judiciary from being in power, he has a very good chance of going to jail. People forget. Israel jailed a president and a former prime minister. They’re not afraid to do that. And he does not want to go to jail. And he does not want to give up power.
And so this is a terrible situation where Israel is in a existential war, and its prime minister has basically dual loyalties, one to the state and one to himself. And at every turn, he is prioritizing himself.
I wish I could totally rule out the possibility that Netanyahu is going to try to drag this out until Trump's inauguration next year. I can't.
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blogtruenorth · 11 months
"Israel" are now preparing to gass people in Palestine. The tragic irony of it all.
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matan4il · 8 months
Update post:
The Washington Post reports that Israel has been giving time for a diplomatic solution to be found for the Hezbollah attacks and murder of people in Israel's north since Oct 7, but it has now set the end of January as a deadline, after which it will escalate its activity against the Iran-funded terrorist organization in southern Lebanon. Israel says it did not set a hard deadline, but I can say I heard many Israeli officials interviewed, who were very pessimistic about the chance of finding a diplomatic solution.
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The parents of young Israelis murdered at the Nova music festival had a special event today, where they planted trees at the scene of the murder as part of Tu Bishvat, the Jewish holiday of celebrating the birthday of trees, which is due in a couple of days.
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Israel has confiscated 15 million dollars in cash found in Hamas members' homes in Gaza. This money was found as Israeli soldiers are going house to house, and terror tunnel to terror tunnel, in search of the hostages. They've now uncovered a booby trapped terror tunnel in which 20 hostages were held over time, with actual cages in it. The presence of the hostages there was corroberated by DNA findings, as well as the finding of drawings made by 5 years old Emilia Aloni, who was released in the hostage deal.
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An American Grammy nominated artist of Slovak descent has released a song criticizing the atrocities of Oct 7, and the rise in antisemitism following it. It's called OK (with the main lyrics being "We are not okay") by Five for Fighting. This is being an ally to Jews everywhere, done right.
This is 24 years old Karin Giorno.
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She had a ticket to the Nova music festival, but sold it, because a few days earlier she broke her leg, and her parents asked her not to go to the party. However, friends convinced her to go with them after all, so she bought a new ticket, and went. For 11 days, she was missing. Her parents asked for info, but their number was passed around on Arab social media, and they got flooded by hate calls from people (phoning from all sorts of Arab countries such as Tunisia and Egypt), telling the family that they had Karin, and would rape and murder her. Eventually, Karin's body was identified. She was murdered on Oct 7, at the scene of the music festival. Karin worked at Pizzeria Italianos, which has been making food for Israeli soldiers for free since the start of the war. When Dvir, the owner of the pizzeria chain, got the news of Karin's murder, he was devastated. "She proved to me how capable women were under pressure, she became like family and I admired her," he said. He decided to do something in her memory. Shortly before the massacre, Karin had sent him a recipe for cinnabon. Now, this dish is a regular part of their menu, under the name "Bon Giorno," incorporating Karin's last name.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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Source - where you can watch the videos
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daniel-nerd · 2 months
while everyone is talking about the bullet that scratched trump, israel is yet again committing some of its most disgusting crimes in weeks, if not months.
(the video showcasing the medical teams trying to rescue civilians and save lives, when another airstrike hit, directly where the ambulances gathered.)
we live in a world where after idf warplanes dropped hundreds of kilograms worth of tnt, on a self designated ‘humanitarian zone’ that they demanded civilians to evacuate to, many of the medical teams who rushed there to try and save as many human lives as possible, were rescued by civilians who went to them to either help or get medical treatment, because the so called israeli ‘defense’ force targeted specifically the ambulances in another bombing shortly after, specifically to prevent them from saving lives. killing over 100 civilians, injuring hundreds more. 8 confirmed us made jdam bombs dropped in total, with estimation at a minimum of half a ton(around 1 thousand pounds) worth of tnt.
and the excuse? israel claim mohammed deif(the head of hamas’ military wing) was hiding between these civilians, even through last known appearance of him was most likely around 2018, and the one before that was in the year 2000, also there are hundreds if not thousands of underground tunnels that israel know they can’t get into, and admit they have no idea where most of them are.
hamas in response STOPPED ALL HOSTAGES NEGOTIATIONS, khalil al-hayya, (deputy chief of hamas’s political bureau) stated “we affirm that the claims of the occupation and netanyahu are false. we say to netanyahu that mohammed deif is listening to you now and mocking your false and empty statements. the claim of targeting leaders here and there is a ridiculous justification for killing women and children, and every palestinian, whether in gaza, the west bank, or anywhere else. this is an attempt by the criminal army to market its crimes against our people” he also described the attack as an attempt by the idf “to restore its dignity” after its defeat in the face of “resistance”
netanyahu admits israel have no idea if deif is alive or not and promised to go after all hamas leaders, which the idf later retracted the statement, after hamas alleged deif to be alive and well.
cheif of lebanon’s hezbollah declared this massacre will not go unpunished “the zionist enemy commits a massacre in al-mawaski, khan younis, justifying it by claiming they aimed to target hamas leaders … we will emerge victorious from the battle of the al-aqsa flood, heads held high…”
meanwhile hamas is successfully targeting and assassinating israeli combatants all over gaza.
this confirms that netanyahu’s claims about “cracks and weaknesses within hamas forces” was nothing but empty lies
the vast majority of israelis stopped believing in the ridiculous claims and blatant lies of the israeli government and the idf, with protests against the war, for hostage deal of everyone for everyone, and for the overthrow of netanyahu’s regime, such numbers of protests and protestors haven’t been seen since the last elections, which marked the very controversial 5th election in 4 years in israel.
lastly, the us started its sanctions against more terrorist settlers, known terrorist who organized the attacks against humanitarian trucks trying to bring food to gaza, the same attacks that standing together’s humanitarian guards stopped by physically protecting the trucks throughout their entire trip, saving as much vandalized food, and loading the saved food onto the next humanitarian trucks.
on an unrelated note: i’ve tried a new formatting, i hope y’all like it. i’m (hopefully) back at reporting about the stuff you might won’t hear in the mainstream news, showcasing the war from the point of view of israeli citizens.
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eretzyisrael · 10 days
by Seth Mandel
That last part is complicated at the moment, as Stavridis notes: Hamas is still holding innocent hostages in the tunnels. They cannot all simply be flooded or destroyed at will, nor can they be used to test air-and-water reduction with civilians still in them. So long as that remains the case, Stavridis writes, “count on other adversaries to take a page from Hamas’ book and start conflicts by kidnapping a substantial number of civilians or military personnel.”
As always, the military innovations developed by terrorists and rogue states for use against Israel will be used against the rest of the world. Israel’s discovery of those tunnels came too late to save its own people from a massive attack. But the lessons here can save millions in the future.
Unless, of course, the West forfeits those lessons. Stavridis says nothing about the end game of this war, because that is not the subject of his column. But the pressure on Israel to agree to a ceasefire that would leave part of Hamas and part of its underground infrastructure permanently intact and uninvestigated would be a global calamity.
Israel must win this war, and it must be allowed to define victory for itself. The dismissive comments from Joe Biden and others that total victory is either impossible or unidentifiable are dangerous nonsense. Hamas must be defeated completely and those tunnels must serve as a textbook for military strategists. No one in the West who truly values life and liberty should want any corner of this tunnel system left unseen or untouched. Israel’s sacrifices can only pave the way for the upholding of the security of the free world if the free world desires that very safety and security for itself.
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sayruq · 1 year
Here's another update because the situation is changing again.
The fighting continues
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Things are clearly not going well for the Israelis because they've trotted out the widely unpopular president of the Palestinian Authority to try and weaken support for Hamas among Palestinians and the global South.
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For a while there, it seemed Israel was truly preparing for the ground invasion of Gaza it has been promising since Operation Al Aqsa Flood started
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Israel has even come up with a plan for the tunnels of Gaza that the Palestinian resistance was planning on using and it's predictably evil and, by their own admission, unlikely to truly work
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Israel and Hezbollah have been increasingly tussling over the past day and a half. Remember Hezbollah has said if there's a ground operation in Gaza, it will officially join the war (unofficially, it's been supporting Palestine by bombing military targets in northern and southern Israel)
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Israel is understandable worried about Hezbollah. After all, they were humiliated in 2006 when they invaded Lebanon. They were so humiliated, they don't really mess with Hezbollah (prior to this war that is). They bomb Syria, assassinate Iranian officials, bomb the Egyptian border but they largely leave Lebanon alone.
In fact, they're so worried about facing Hamas in Gaza with Hezbollah and possibly Iran coming in that the inevitable Gaza ground operation started to get hiccups
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Ah yes, clouds.
But that's not the real reason. Rumours have been circulating that there has desertions in the army, enough people are leaving that the top Israeli military officials are having trouble with their plans. Morale is also very low which is part of the reason they're attacking Gaza so heavily. It's a depraved and desperate attempt to project strength to their soldiers and the settlers
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There is also the fact that Hezbollah is nothing to sneer at
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The situation is simply not looking good for Israel at all and America is rightly worried
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America has tried helping it out by convincing Iran to back down
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I bet both America and Israel regret all those assassinations.
So, what now? It should be obvious that a ground of invasion of Gaza is unlikely to happen
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Israel situation is so humbling, it is putting out statements like this. Imagine Israel saying this 2 weeks ago
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Surely without a ground invasion, Iran and Hezbollah will also back down? Nope, the red line has shifted and now Israel has to stop its bombardment of Gaza or face a regional war
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Israel now has a choice to make that will decide the future of the settler colony
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Of course when Israel inevitably backs down, it'll try to frame it as though it was because the West pressured them to, out of concern for Palestinians. Nevermind Biden outrightly lying about seeing pictures of the 40 beheaded babies and this
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and also nevermind that the entire western media has been calling for genocide against Palestinians. Nevermind the EU's first act when the war broke out was to cut off aid to Palestine.
Needless to say the rest of the world will know what caused Israel to back down.
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Palestinians have dealt a huge blow, not just to Israel but also the US and the EU who have lost a lot of credibility by publicly calling for and materially supporting genocide in Gaza.
Best believe the global South has been watching this closely.
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catigereptile · 4 months
FYI, it's the Jordan River and the Mediterranean sea. LMAO
Most Palestinians are light-skinned and Kufiya aren't hijab. Most Palestinian women aren't hijabi (except for those being forced by Hamas). Arabs (except younger Arab-Americans) do NOT think of Palestinians as their "brothers and sisters," Palestinians are discriminated against, oppressed, have been expelled, and are the victims of military attacks throughout the ENTIRE Middle East and North Africa. Like in the early 90s when Kuwait expelled 300,000 Palestinians from their homes. Syrian massacres on Palestinian refugee camps. Egyptian blockade on Gaza and flooding tunnels where Palestinian refugees try to escape.
Half of the "brownface-wearing culturally appropriating white Zionists" in "isnotreal" - 50% of them - are Jews literally from the Middle East. Literally from Arab countries, they're called Mizrahim. They've been eating hummus for 5000 years. And even the Ashkenazi remained culturally similar to the middle east because the Europeans wouldn't let them integrate. And they didn't just stroll down here. Have you ever heard of the post-WWII Kielce Pogrom? The Farhud?
You Americans have to racialize EVERYTHING because it's gotta be light skinned Foreign Colonists oppressing and displacing Indigenous Brown People(tm) because how else could we have possibly ended up in this situation?
Actually, you're right. It was light skinned foreign colonists: BRITAIN and FRANCE carved up Palestine, BEHIND THE BACKS of BOTH the Arabs and the Jews moving to the BRITISH COLONY that "The British Mandate of Palestine" was after WWI and before 1948. Do you assholes KNOW what you all did after WWI? Have you ever even HEARD of the League of Nations? That the ALLIES were the ones who carved it up again after WWII. BRITAIN is the one who lied to the Palestinians after WWI. Have you ever heard of Lawrence of Arabia? The Sykes-Picot agreement? Hell, have you even heard of the Ottoman Empire?
It's been eight months and you care SO MUCH but in the end you're still the annoying westerners making things worse. Normally I'd blame it on a white savior complex but Western POC are being no better about educating themselves.
You want to help?
Donate to the red crescent and other reputable charities. Donate to anti-hamas and pro-LGBTQ Palestinian groups - and show your support for them ESPECIALLY, because things are going to be extremely unstable for them in the future. Learn about Palestinian politics, actually! Learn about Israeli politics! Protest against Egypt while you're at it! And stand with the TENS of THOUSANDS of Israeli college students who are protesting against this massacre EVERY NIGHT instead of complaining that they live there in the first place! As if they're all rich New Yorkers who can move anywhere they want!
And for the love of God, go on Wikipedia for five minutes. Stop disrespecting Palestinians and Jews with your Western savior bullshit when you don't even educate yourself about them. A Twitter account with a brown person PFP is not a reliable source, neonazis are sock puppeting. I could probably get 80% of you to use the phrase "Zionist Occupied Government" if you don't already. Stop embarrassing yourself. Jesus.
Anyway I'm falling asleep while writing on the phone
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