#flor hermosa
mel-loly · 4 months
-Happy Birthday, Ana!💜✨
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black-beauty-poetry · 2 years
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"Querido mundo: Deja de cortarle los pétalos a estas hermosas, salvajes, y brillantes flores. ¡Cuida tu jardín!".
-Dark prince
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rgtb-8 · 1 year
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moviestarmartini · 4 days
flores amarillas. — franco colapinto x gf!reader
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él la estaba esperando con una flor amarilla / ella lo estaba soñando con la luz en su pupila / y el amarillo del sol iluminaba la esquina / lo sentía tan cercano, lo sentía desde niña.
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summary: franco surprised you at the airport on a special saturday.
wc: 800
warnings: none! just fluff, conversations in spanish, idiots in love and a established relationship.
A/N: feliz día internacional (latino mostly) de las flores amarillas hehehehe i added the context in the fic so i won't give it here !
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now playing... flores amarillas from floricienta
The only way your trajectory to Singapore could get worse was if the plane exploded mid-air like in Final Destination. 
It was humiliating; you were supposed to arrive Friday, and by the time you took your last connection, the estimated time of arrival was for early Saturday morning. The bags under your eyes were bigger than the ones sitting in the compartment underneath the passengers, you went from lack of sleep due to excitement to hibernation, ignoring the flight attendants who attempted to wake you up. 
You only rose from your slumber while the destination edged nearer, to freshen up and half heartedly have breakfast. You did your best to look presentable, flushing away in the sink the despair from both the missed connections and long customs lines. This involved changing out of the designated airport lounging outfit into something more fresh, having prepared the outfit in your personal bag, feeling the humidity already crawl up your bones even when you hadn’t descended. 
After his excellent work in Baku, Franco was eager to finally fly you out to see him race live in the top category, only having experienced him in the feeder series. The nerves ate you up, walking the paddock with your boyfriend was something you had fantasized about, but never expected to become a reality even when he reached Formula One. 
But there you were, praying for your bag to come out and not have gotten lost, leaving a big sigh of relief upon spotting it, untampered with. It wasn’t that heavy, and it was that moment of strength that took over you whenever your boyfriend wasn’t there to carry everything. 
As soon as your roaming plan kicked in you contacted him, letting him know you were there. He told you he hired a chauffeur to pick you up and take you back to the hotel, excusing himself due to the need to rest before paddock duties, which you completely understood. 
Imagine the surprise to see him standing at the arrivals gate holding a bouquet of yellow flowers. 
His face lit up in joy at the same time yours lit up in surprise, a delicate hand flying over to cover the O your mouth had turned into. 
Gifting yellow flowers on September 21st was used to celebrate the beginning of spring in the southern hemisphere, and the phenomenon just spread all throughout Hispanic countries. You’d dropped hints here and there, but with the stress from your flight… situations you’d completely forgotten about everything else. 
Your suitcase made noise against the floor as you dragged it along your sprint, letting it go— but making sure it stayed put— before hugging him tight. His laughter replenished all the energy the trouble had taken away from you, nuzzling into his shirt to breathe in his scent. 
Yeah, it was your Franco. 
“¡Me mentiste!” You proclaimed, hitting him in the chest. He ignored the subject of the yellow flowers and supposedly arranged for a third party to pick you up. 
“Buen día princesa hermosa, feliz de verte.” He blatantly ignored your claims, leaning in to smooch your cheek, hanging the bouquet of sunflowers with fresh eucalyptus mixed in for some greenery. You didn’t know if your ears felt warm because of the high temperatures or the flattery. 
“¿Cómo es que iba la canción? Ella sabía que el sabía que sabía que algún día pasaría—“ You interrupted his annoying high pitched sing along while you took a picture of the plants, heart thumping in your chest. 
“No, no. Que él sabía que algún día pasaría a buscarla—“ Now it was his turn for him to interrupt you, putting a finger over your lips. 
“—con sus flores amarillas!” Though you would regularly be offended at him interrupting you, you almost giggled at his antics. 
You stood there for a second, unable to tear your eyes away from the warm toned bouquet, still in the best type of disbelief. You didn’t notice it was you who he couldn’t tear his eyes away from. 
The second you told him you were asking for all the permissions to get a vacation sorted to see him race, he knew he had to make it special. And by your reaction, he knew it was a mission accomplished. Besides, it warmed his heart to see you so happy. 
“Let’s go get you freshen up and head to the paddock, if I’m any later than the hour I have left, they’re going to replace me.” Now the idea didn’t terrify you just as much, you were too busy gawking about the surprise to your mom and your friends, following him to the car knowing you had no time to lose nor spare. 
He took both your weekender and the medium sized suitcase, letting you to only carry the weight of having the best boyfriend ever. 
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somos-deseos · 2 months
Relato Nocturno: Tienes Valor.
✨Te miras al espejo, pero no te adoras a ti misma. Ella dice que morirá sola, pero olvida que su compañía es reconfortante.Te aterroriza tu rostro, pero olvidas que es parte de un hermoso capítulo de tu historia. Siempre estás viendo lo peor de ti misma. Necesitas que te recuerden que eres hermosa y estoy aquí para eso. Olvidas que transmites un aroma a paz, que cada rincón al que giras traes una nueva sonrisa.
Es necesario que comprendas que cada vez que te mueves, debes cubrirte de certezas y convicciones para que tu corazón no entre en confusión. Eres flor, eres rima y poesía. Es la luna a plena luz del día.
Debes recordar que está bien ser así, ser tú misma. Tienes que cuidarte, porque la vida no se trata sólo de sobrevivir. Eres una obra maestra, un arte que nadie es capaz de copiar ni reproducir.
Recuerda esto, te mereces lo mejor, aunque no puedas mirarte en el espejo, porque éste no es capaz de reflejar toda la grandeza que eres. Necesitas aprender a mirarte con tus propios ojos y sentirte en paz con eso. Mira desde adentro hacia afuera y desde afuera hacia adentro y date cuenta de que la belleza que llevas dentro de ti va mucho más allá de la apariencia. Entra en este universo que eres tú y recuerda tu viaje hasta ahora, mira lo importante que fuiste y eres en este mundo.
Sé cariñosa y cuidadosa contigo misma, te garantizo que poco a poco aprenderás a amar quien realmente eres. ⚜️
— Corazón Anónimo.
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cyberkitty1 · 1 year
imagine miles with a shy reader like they would be so cute, he spoils her, calls her cute nicknames, just treats her differently than what she's used to omg 🤭🤭🤭
- You guys eat lunch together he doesn’t care if his friends laugh or make fun of him. You have friends too you are not a loser just shy.
- you guys dont eat in the lunchroom if it’s spring/summer you eat outside if its too hit or too cold you eat in the library.
he refuses the pink ones or the “girly” ones bc he says it would make him look like weird idk
- He never leaves your side in public spaces, like when you go shopping or to the mall. Even if you go into underwear/bra stores he’s always with you. You walk around like this
- he always uses cute nicknames on u
mi vida
mi cielo
mi mundo
mi flor
mi todo
the whole list
- now for the pictures u take 😈
- he tries not to raise his voice at you, he’s so sweet idc if im lying to myself let me live 😢
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xas24 · 1 year
pink roses ~ pedri
summary: pedri’s girlfriend loves pink roses.
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pedri knew how much y/n loved pink roses. ever since their first date together, where he got her a beautiful bouquet of pink roses without knowing how much she loved them. the huge grin on her face made him happy, and ever since then there’s never been a day where he hasn’t presented her with the rose, whether that be in a bouquet or a singular flower.
today was y/n’s twentieth birthday. she woke up, not expecting to be by herself but rather in the warm embrace of her boyfriend. after rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she got out of bed, just now realising the odd silence in their apartment.
with furrowed brows, she made her way down the hallway just as she heard the front door open and close along with the sound of keys jangling. as she entered the living room, her jaw dropped to the floor.
every inch of the room was filled with bouquets of pink roses. small bouquets, large bouquets, rose petals. she couldn’t even begin to imagine the number of roses in the room right now but that thought didn’t even cross her mind as her eyes went to the front door.
pedri had just walked in, a big bag of food in his hands and a smile on his face when he saw his girlfriend taking in the room before them.
“pedro, ¿qué es todo esto?” (what is all this)
pedri placed the bag down on a nearby table before walking over to his startled birthday girl, embracing her warm body in his arms.
“feliz cumpleaños mi amor.” (happy birthday my darling) he whispered into her neck, pressing tiny, soft kisses into her skin.
“oh bebé, no tenías que hacer todo esto.” (baby, you didn’t have to do all of this) her arms went around his neck, fingers playing with the small hairs at the nape of his neck as she melted into his body, his kisses and his smell.
“hermosas flores para mi hermosa niña.” (beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl)
she kissed his cheek and slightly pulled away from him to see the wholesome smile on his face.
“una flor fue suficiente.” (one flower would’ve been enough) she stared into his chocolate brown eyes, her heart warming at the gorgeous sight of him.
“te mereces todas las flores del mundo.” (you deserve all the flowers in the world) pedri replied causing her to slightly jut out her bottom lip in adoration before planting her lips against his. he was so loving, so caring, so amazing.
she couldn’t believe he was all hers. all hers to kiss, love, touch. she felt as though she didn’t deserve him.
pedri abruptly pulled away after a few moments of lovingly, gently kissing his birthday girl.
“ah, tengo el desayuno de tu restaurante favorito.” (i got you breakfast from your favourite restaurant) he remembered as he went to grab the bag he put down, reaching for her hand and pulling her along with him into the kitchen to enjoy breakfast together.
yeah, she definitely didn’t deserve his sweet self.
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tejonmelero · 1 year
El sol me está guiñando el ojo, los pájaros cantan para mí.
Soy un pequeño demonio trabajador y no pegajoso. No preguntes de dónde vengo y no preguntes a dónde voy.
Solo quiero escoger la flor más hermosa, y darselo a mi princesa.
El rey me dijo que patrullara las montañas, asi que deambulaba por el reino de los mortales.
Y atrapar un monje para cenar.
Fragmento de la novela ligera "Fields of Gold".
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letras-y-melancolia · 2 months
Cuentan que es una Rosa hermosa pero su corazón se quedó en el otoño, ya no lleva sus preciosas flores. Cuentan que sobrevivir le costó demasiado, que creció siendo varitas delgadas y trémulas, con hojas diminutas, opacas y melancólicas. Cuentan que un hombre le endulzó el corazón, aunque ella se resistió, él ganó su confianza, por primera vez se sintió segura y bellamente floreció. Se volvió brillante y fuerte con el amor que imaginó. Cuentan que a aquel hombre realmente nunca le importó, habían flores más hermosas a las que dar su atención. Cuentan que antes de marchar aquel hombre arrancó su última hermosa flor. Cuentan que ella lo esperó, temía no ser lo suficientemente buena para su amor, fabricó pequeños y delicados botones perfumados, que no florecieron porque él nunca llegó. Cuentan que ella no se rindió, pues confiaba en el que ella llamaba su amor, en las dulces palabras que de él escuchó y lo esperó, pero él nunca volvió. Cuentan que ella por fin lo entendió, la certeza la rompió, él solo amaba el amor no su corazón. Cuentan que él solo quería desprenderse del letargo que le había dejado otra flor, por lo que el capricho por la Rosa fácilmente lo aburrió. Cuentan que jugar con esa pequeña flor lo distrajo por un momento del dolor que le dejó otro amor, con el que también jugó. Cuentan que esa Rosa nunca más floreció, las espinas que había guardado celosamente para no dañar al que ella creía su amor, se mostraron grandes y afiladas como nunca antes se las vio. Cuentan que sus hojas volvieron a ser sombrías y escasas, ahora las protege ferozmente de todo aquel que se acerque, ella ya no cree en el amor. Su corazón se apagó...
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michnposts · 15 days
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Tan hermosa flor.💛
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tinta-y-cometas · 1 year
Bajo la sombra del sufrimiento florece la flor más hermosa, radiante en su fragilidad.
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jenn0ksblog · 29 days
Sos una hermosa flor no deberías estar rodeada de sapos.
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crimsonbubble · 2 years
cw. nsfw, afab!reader, poly!alerudy x reader, brief mutual pining, threesome (f/m/m), mentions of multiple wounds, oral (f receiving), fingering, squirting, overstimulation, double penetration, finger sucking, very poorly translated spanish *not proofread, just pure horny
[respectfully im a whore for men with accents,, i also have no idea why there is so much plot but oh well and pls excuse the patchiness of said plot 🫣🫣 i kinda hate this but whatever 🥱🥱]
reblogs and comments are appreciated <33
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You could feel their eyes on you, like a safety blanket. A small smile tugged at your lips as you continued your training. You've had an eye out for them too, eyes showcasing the emotions you're too nervous to let out. Alejandro and Rudy kept watchful eyes over their crew, their gaze lingering on you for a little longer than deemed necessary.
There are countless moments you've spent staring at the ceiling, simply wondering how your life on base would change if you had the guts to confess. Alejandro and Rudy have spent months hiding their relationship from their crew, but each day it becomes more and more obvious. It was Rudy who brought you up in conversation, his heart pounding in his chest as he finally tells Alejandro that he likes you.
Alejandro can only laugh because he already knew that; he wasn't oblivious to the way Rudy looked at you like he does Alejandro. They both promised to tell you as soon as you got back from your mission. Their concern for their crew was always there; of course it is, it's their crew, their family. But once they get a hear of how the mission almost went south, they race over to the medical offices.
They check in with their soldiers, signing in relief that most of them only had a few bad cuts here and there. But you were worse for wear, suffering the brunt of the attack. Alejandro and Rudy felt something tug at their heart, a lump forming in their throat as they saw you laying in a hospital bed, all sorts of wires and machines connected to you to keep you alive and stable. From what the doctors said, you took three bullets to the thigh and a few stab wounds to the stomach.
It was as if their world stopped spinning when they saw you laying there.
It’s been a few months since the incident and Alejandro and Rudy barely left your side. They stayed with you through your recovery, your feelings making it hard not to be flustered at the lingering touches and soft whispers of your name. Alejandro seemed to have the most fun, the flirtiness in his tone throwing you off. “Si puedes tomar esto, puedes tomar mucho más, ¿eh?” (If you can take this, you can take a lot more, huh?).
“Deja de presionar Alejandro, debes ser amable con una flor tan hermosa.” (Stop pressing Alejandro, you must be kind to such a beautiful flower.). Rudy soon joined in, finding the warmth that spread across your cheeks endearing. “Si vas a burlarte de mí, al menos llévame a cenar primero.” (If you’re going to make fun of me, at least take me out to dinner). It was only then Rudy remembered, he and Alejandro wanted to tell you their feelings. You gave them a golden opportunity, one they can not simply pass up.
So within the next few days, after a lot of back and forth, you’ve decided to have a lunch date. Your giddy nature, caused a few of your fellow soldiers to question you, prodding you to give in and give them the information they wanted. You gave none of them the satisfaction of finding out you fancy your superiors and are planning a date with them.
Your heart is pounding in your chest, palms sweaty as Rudy tugged you along with him once he swiped the hotel key card from Alejandro’s hands. Rudy pushed you and Alejandro to the elevator, wasting no time in connecting his lips with yours once the door shut. “Olvídate de las cámaras, enfócate en mí, mi amor.” (Forget about the cameras, focus on me, my love.). You kissed him like you needed oxygen. Wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer while his hands rest on your hips. “Guarda algo para el evento principal, Rudy.” (Save some for the main event, Rudy.).
"Tú también perderías la cabeza cuando la besaras." (You too would lose your mind when you kissed her.). Rudy barely registered the ding of the elevator, trying to regain his bearings as you drag him out of the elevator. Alejandro is ahead of the both of you, opening your room door. There’s a primal look in his eyes, dark and brooding as he looks you over in your disheveled state.
Your head is already filled with Rudy and Alejandro and you've barely kissed them both. You sit back on the bed, dragging Rudy down with you. He pushes you to lay back, kissing down your neck as he carefully stripped you of your clothes. Alejandro sat back in one of the chairs across from you, taking in the view of your bare chest. Rudy's hands touched and caressed you all over, taking you in with steady waves.
"Joder, mírate, eres tan bonita para nosotros." (Fuck, look at you, you're so pretty to us.). Rudy hummed against your skin, pulling your waistband back to let it snap against your skin. Your hands rake through his hair, tugging slightly when he leaves a hickey on your hip. "Sin burlas, Rudy." (No teasing, Rudy.). He only laughs as he drags your panties down your legs. Alejandro moves to sit by your side, turning your head to kiss you.
You hum into his mouth before a sharp gasp leaves your lips. Your thighs twitch, eyes rolling back as Rudy sucks your clit into his mouth. Shock waves filter through you as Rudy slides his tongue against your sopping hole. You're shamelessly moaning into Alejandro’s mouth while Rudy's mouth works on you. "Se siente bien, ¿verdad, niña bonita?" (Feels good, doesn't it, pretty girl?). You can barely manage a nod as Rudy adds his fingers to the mix.
He stretches you open carefully, slowly curling them against your sweet spot. Your back arches off the bed, pushing Rudy's face against your pussy with each curl of his fingers. He peers up at you and Alejandro through eyes laced with faux innocence, a look that Alejandro is all too familiar with. Rudy moves to have your thighs on his shoulders, holding you open and he pressed against your sweet spot, his tongue drawing shaped on your clit.
The pleasure becomes overwhelming with each touch and the fact that you're naked while they are fully clothed doesn't help. Your slick is gushing out of you, making a mess of your thighs and Rudy's face and fingers. There's an unfamiliar pressure building in your gut and there's a certain shine in Rudy's eyes as he looks between you and Alejandro. "Está bien, mi amor." (It's okay, my love.).
Alejandro’s voice is lulling you to your wit's end. It feels like your mind is trapped under waves, built-up pleasure finally overflowing. The noises Rudy is making don't phase you, only the fact that you feel soaked. Though Rudy had the brute of it, soaking his collar and dripping down his face. Your body doesn't stop shaking, the feeling of orgasm so hard was unknown till now. "Mira el lío que hiciste, cariño." (Look at the mess you made, honey.). Rudy heaved breaths, eyes wild as he watched how your dripping cunt clenched around nothing.
With gentle kisses and soft touches, you've managed to stop trembling, letting your body calm down before you feel Alejandro’s hands grab your hips. He pushes you up the bed, letting your head rest on the pillows while he stationed himself between your legs. Rudy had stripped himself down to his boxers, kneeling behind Alejandro to rest his chin on his shoulder. Alejandro’s fingers carefully slid against your slit, barely pushing them into your needy hole. "¿Crees que puedes tomar algunos más?" (Do you think you can take a few more?).
Words are barely coherent, nodding fervently as Alejandro eased his fingers in. Rudy pressed himself against Alejandro, squeezing his hips and trailing his hands up under his shirt. He pulled at Alejandro’s shirt, throwing it elsewhere to worry about later. He presses kisses along his neck, leaving red marks as he goes. "Necesitar más. Te necesito en mí." (Need you. I need you in me.). Alejandro lets out a strangled moan, pushing back against Rudy.
"¿Quieres abajo o arriba?" (You want top or bottom?). Alejandro lets out a joking huff, moving to lay under you to press your back to his chest. Your right hand reached back to press against three back of Alejandro’s neck, your legs wrapping around Rudy's hips. "Puedes llevarnos a los dos, ¿sí?" (You can take us both, yea?). You only tighten your legs around Rudy, letting out a short whine. They both push in, a burning sensation runs across your stomach. "Ahí vamos, que buena chica." (Here we go, such a good girl.).
They both caress your hips, planting kisses where they can reach. "Sé duro conmigo." (Be hard on me.). There’s a moment of hesitation, but you purposely clench tight around them. They both tense, letting out a low groan. "Tú pediste esto, princesa." (You asked for this, princess.). Their hands are all over your body, holding you steady as their paces quicken drastically. Rudy presses his middle two fingers into your mouth, muffling the obscenely lewd noises from others. The only noises coming from the room are the bed creaking, skin on skin and pornographic moans.
There's a dazed look in your eyes, all the pleasure leaving you dizzy and tense. "Joder, te ves hermosa. Todo para nosotros." (Fuck, you look beautiful. All for us.). There's a now familiar feeling growing in your gut as they both reach deep within you, hitting spots that leave you limp in their arms. Your muscles are tightening, clenching around them tighter than before. There's a dizzying feeling that hits you in the face, drenching your lower half. Alejandro and Rudy shudder, your messy orgasm pushing them out.
You're arching off of Alejandro's chest, nearly biting down on Rudy's fingers. The sight is too good as they both release all over your soaked cunt and thighs. "Oh mierda, eres jodidamente increíble." (Oh shit, you're fucking amazing.). Alejandro’s hand finds its way to your sticky cunt, rubbing your clit in circles to ride out your high. Nothing is said as you lay still, slowly going through the soft jolts of pleasure.
There's a round of soft 'I love yous', feather-like touches across your hips and stomach as you all lay there in each other's arms.
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