ssaalexblake · 2 years
every couple in 13′s era dw blatantly parallels 13 and Yaz in some way and i’ve still had to read people ask why they spent all that time on those random straight couples (not all of them were m/f, btw) when they Could have been focusing on thasmin. 
I am staring at the moon looking for answers. 
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bitume · 2 years
Nuit au 100 ASA #lesdoigtssurunflouinfini
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Oh my gods, @the-gimmick-authority and @gimmick-police, I think I have had a rule-flouter! Arrest them! Also, can I just say, the only law in existence right now states that you should respect all people, regardless of the protected characteristics that mainly feature in the 2010 Equality Act. Are you quite sure you would like to break such rules?
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ju-nebugg · 2 months
a complete (and ever-evolving) list of the many titles of mr. henley whispers
because Henry Shields is a genius and all of this deserves to be documented
Henley Whispers
aka the Turbulent Wind
aka the Storm Before the Calm
aka Lithe Spirit
aka Lord of the Prance
aka Bowfingerer
aka the Bark Knight
aka Work Hard Fae Hard
aka Coyote Handsome
aka Tree Weird
aka the Gorse Whisperer
aka the Arrow-ma Therapist
aka Aragorn-al Activity
aka Quiver Phoenix
aka Jack of All Trades, Master of All Trades
aka Tree Willy
aka Dave Fern
aka Soft-Core Faun-ography
aka Forest Whitaker
aka Notorious Tree-IG
aka Mr. Yumnus
aka Ranger Danger
aka Lust of Wind
aka Parry Hotter
aka Pollen Farrell
aka The Wood, The Bard and the Smugly
aka the Longest Bard
aka Daft Skunk
aka Brodo Swaggins
aka Dismay in a Ranger
aka Harriet Shrubman
aka Jeffrey Archer
aka Fen Diagram
aka Look Who’s Tolkien
aka Fennel May Care
aka the Grass Samurai
aka Chloro-Phil Spector
aka Woody Allen
aka Thelonius Trunk
aka the Moss Adjuster
the ✨ rhymes ✨:
human ranger, damage dealer, story weaver, owl deceiver
human ranger, goblin killer, pale ale swiller, dream journal filler
human ranger, rabble rouser, full of heart, devoid of trouser
human ranger, hidden stranger, friend of danger, dark avenger
human ranger, expert juggler, against the chains which bind us struggler
human ranger, loot stringer, shameless swinger, on da funk bringer
human ranger, check bouncer, espresso mispronouncer 
human ranger, rule flouter, truth spouter, earthworm doubter
human ranger, poker player, that which others won’t say sayer
human ranger, trendsetter, otter petter, in-joke getter
human ranger, blame dodger, advertising for a lodger
human ranger, cheeky chancer, always-on-the-off-beat dancer
human ranger, truth spinner, under-7s judo winner
human ranger, time waster, different brands of water taster
human ranger, hog roaster, subtle boaster, party ghoster 
human ranger, crystal healer, your-layers-like-an-onion peeler
human ranger, hell raiser, into-the-abyss gazer
human ranger, lithe linguist, sensual astrologist
human ranger, bugbear wrestler, established-societal-norm questioner
human ranger, tune hummer, every-known-fear overcomer
human ranger, knowledge gleaner, has the grass that’s always greener
human ranger, deer consumer, vole beguiler, badger groomer
human ranger, havoc wreaker, noted after dinner speaker
human ranger, cattle roper, inter-species interloper
human ranger, prey pouncer, fearless fighter, local counselor
deer stalker, fox glover, the one you’re with lover
black run skier, caged bird freer, the-change-you-want-to-see-in-the-world be-er
human ranger, eldritch blaster, surreptitious podcaster
human ranger, villain injurer, power broker, serial milliner
human ranger, wild reaver, what-a-tangled-web-we-weaver
human ranger, seed sower, flower goer, the-distance goer
human ranger, head turner, butter churner, bridge burner
human ranger, shameless liar, rule defier, hair dyer
human ranger, misbehav-er, always-against-the-grain shaver
human ranger, beast enrager, strong orator, up-upstager
human ranger, owlbear slayer, soothsayer, the-field player
human ranger, quick-quip punner, villain stunner, long-con runner
human ranger, heedless cur, own-job-interview saboteur
human ranger, of-wind guster, no-one truster, goat buster
he believes that any bird singing in the forest is doing it specifically for him (and birds don’t sing when he’s not there)
he trims his pubic hair into the word “shazam”
he keeps a dream journal (but if he has a nightmare, he ignores it and makes up something nice)
he writes really bad poetry (short, broken sentences, “rupi kaur style”)
he’s been using Ghoul’s Gruel as anti-aging cream (it doesn’t work)
his spirit animal is himself
he pronounces espresso like “ethpretho”
he has a bad feeling about worms in general
he howls at the moon
he pretends to understand all inside jokes
he’s very concerned about the mortgage repayments on his house
he always dances on the off beat in order to stand out in the club
he’s the reigning champion of the under-7s judo competition in his local area
he can tell the difference between brands of water (and he has very strong opinions about them)
he leaves parties without telling people and then comes back in disguise to talk about the fact that he left
he uses healing crystals
he gazes into the abyss until it gazes back because he wants the attention
he uses “sensual astrology” to try and seduce people
he has every known fear (the exposure therapy backfired)
he shaves (against the grain) with a sword (your hair doesn’t grow in hell. he does it anyway.)
he always has the greenest grass (he steals any grass he sees that’s greener than his own)
he runs a grooming business for badgers (“what does he get in return from the badgers?” “…friends”)
he’s an accomplished after-dinner speaker
he tried to hibernate with badgers and they kicked him out
he majored in drawing in sand with sticks
he’s a bed wetter
he always bets all in when playing poker
he is a leading member of the “pithy council” (it’s just him and a ferret getting together to recite pithy sayings)
he will love the one YOU’RE with (aka sleep with your wife)
when someone asks him a difficult question, he turns and runs
he thinks he’s been leaving episodes of a podcast called “whispers on the air” in various rocks and twigs on their journey, but he doesn’t have the spell for it so he’s just been talking to inanimate objects
he has an unhealthy obsession with hats
he sleeps in a web
he invented a kind of long distance running called long distance fleeing (26 miles = safety)
he burns every bridge he crosses
henley (a natural blonde) dyes his hair blonde (his natural hair color) so people will think he has grays because he’s older and more mature than he really is
he must always be upstaging someone
he has an inexplicable hatred of goats and, similarly, an inexplicable love of sea turtles
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belladevnirfou · 18 days
Je t’ai laissé shooter        Dans mon cœur blême Des mots trop veloutés De trop vibrants poèmes Je t’ai laissé flouter        La piètre image Qui m’avait tant coûté Avoue que c’est dommage Je t’ai laissé brouter        À mes prairies Égoutier dégoûté Décepteur en série Je t’ai laissé bouter        Mes certitudes Mon cul tu t’en foutais Le caleçon fut rude Je t’ai laissé douter        Jeter le blâme Et ton œil redouté Me tordait dans les flammes Je t’ai laissé tous tes        Cris tes colères Je t’ai laissé shooter Mon cœur pensant te plaire
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lerefugedeluza · 6 hours
J'ai presque fini de flouter toutes les fois où mon ex apparaissait dans mes vidéos, et en vrai j'ai l'impression de faire tabula rasa de cette relation en le faisant. C'est hyper étrange comme sentiment, c'est comme quand le temps efface peu à peu les traits des personnes dans nos souvenirs, mais là je le fais moi-même, presque manuellement. Bref hâte de tout remettre en ligne et de pouvoir passer à d'autres projets (je suis en train de préparer des vidéos-poèmes, j'ai trop hâte de sortir la première de ce (énième nouveau) concept !
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shannara810 · 7 months
Percy: "So..."
Luke: "So?"
Percy: "The parents are meeting each other."
Luke: "Yes? That's the plan".
The blonde was checking his reflection in the mirror on the wardrobe door, trying to fix the collar of his black shirt. The look it sent back was flawless: tight jeans, ironed shirt, perfectly tousled hair. "If you want to make a good first impression, start from the way you dress", Dad always said.
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"And we are ready for them to meet each other". It was almost like the other boy was trying to reassure himself.
In that moment nothing about Percy Jackson - Saviour of Olympus, Poseidon's only half-blood son and Mr. Rule Flouter all around - gave away the vibes of a ruthless war machine; rather, the pink flannel robe and the furry slippers made him look way too younger than his nineteen years.
Funny thing he was the same age as Luke when they first met each other. And yet people kept mistaking him for a teen, while the blonde boy already looked like a male model. It wasn't fair!
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Luke: "I think so. Shouldn’t we be?"
Percy: "Right." *pause* "Say Luke... why can't we run away to Alaska? It's chilly there and quiet and we could learn to fish!"
Luke: "You're the son of a Sea God. If you couldn’t fish, I might worry." The younger nephilim gave him the stink eye. He still couldn't figure out why Percy was so scared of letting their families meet. It wasn't like their relationship was a secret: his parents knew, Percy's too, the same could be said for their friends. So what was wrong with his boyfriend’s mother's desire to meet his dads?
Percy: "Ah ah ah, you're not funny! 😑"
Luke: "Actually I'm hilarious 😏. But what's got you all riled up? There will be only your parents and mine at dinner tonight. Easy peasy."
Percy sat on the bed. His body was shaking a little and everything inside him was screaming to run, run away as far as he could. He swiped a hand over his face and closed his eyes, mentally counting to five before he opened them again. "Don't, okay? You’re not the one with a father-in-law who hates him!"
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Luke raised an eyebrow, his lips curving in a crooked smile. "You called Father your in-law! Dad will be so happy 😁!"
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Percy: "Lukeeeeee, be serious!!! Your father wants to kill me!"
Luke sat next to the other demigod. He looked at his boy from head to toe, a bit worried.
Anxiety was a bitch for Percy and the nephilim didn't know what to do to help him. How could he make it better when he still didn't understand what was all this fuss about. The dinner? The dinner was making Percy feel so bad? "What's new? It's not the first time a supernatural being wants to murder you".
Percy: "You're not helping!"
Luke: "Would you rather I lied?"
Percy: "NO!"
Luke: "Then help me understand you, Jackson. What's the problem? Why are you so scared of this dinner?"
Percy: "Because..."
Luke: "Perce, Father is all bark and no bite. Really. You have nothing to be worried of."
Percy: "Now I know you're lying! Last time we met, your father swore he’d kill me if I defiled you! And he'll know! He'll know we had sex as soon as he sees us!" Sea-green eyes became so big, they almost appeared ready to leap out. The sound of his labored breath filled the room.
Luke: "Actually I think he already knows. Dad must have told him."
Percy: "WHAT?! You... you... you..."
Luke: "Had a chat with Dad? Of course! You never ask your mother for advice?"
Luke: "Why?"
Percy: "Because you just don't! I don't want to know about my mom's sex life and she doesn't want to know about mine! People don't ask their parents about sex! It's not normal!!!" The demigod was screaming and he knew it. How could Luke not...
There it was. That look again. That look so open and trusting and blameless like the one of a child. Percy often forgot how young this Luke really was.
Because Luke Milligan and Luke Castellan were not the same. They had the same blond hair, ice blue eyes true, even the same lopside smile. The two Luke shared a lot in their looks.
However the same could not be said for their temper: they were like night and no, not day. They were like night and dusk. This new Luke lacked the anger and the desire for vengeance the old one had. He lacked that inner darkness which had feasted on Luke Castellan's soul till his last day on Earth and being Luke Milligan what he truly was, this really felt like a giant joke.
Once again Percy found himself wondering what could have happened if the old Luke had had a family like the one he had now during his past life. Because in the end it all came down to his family.
Adam&Michael were Luke's rock, his safe haven. The couple had proven time and time again they didn’t care about Fate when it came to their son and Percy had to admit he felt a little jealous of their steadfast love. Sally Jackson loved her son with all her heart, but she wasn't always there for him while he was growing up.
However what scared Percy the most was not knowing what could have happened to him had Luke Castellan not taken on his shoulders the weight of the first Great Prophecy. Because hero or not, good or not, Luke and him were not so different in their rages.
Luke: "Again, why? Need to remind you it was my first time? I may remember a few things about my past life, but sex is not one of them. Who was I supposed to talk to? Uncle Gabe?"
Percy: "Nope, nien, no! Lalalalalala, I'm not listening!" The demigod covered his ears in his attempt to block everything out, but without much success. "No more sex advices from our parents, okay? We learn together, Luke."
The blonde grabbed Percy by the shoulders to keep him calm. The other boy was on the verge of a panic attack over nothing. "Percy, breathe. Everything is gonna be okay. Our parents will meet each other, will like each other and we will spend a nice night all together".
Percy: "At least I thought I could have your Dad's approval, but now he will hate me too". He whined.
Luke: "Dad doesn't hate you. He finds you sweet and cute ☺️. So stop worrying."
Percy: "Our first time was a disaster!"
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Luke: "Our first time was perfect. You made me feel loved, happy and cared for. I could have asked for nothing more. We can work on the technique another time. The question is: was it nice for you too, Perce?"
Percy: "Yeah... yeah, it was".
Luke: "Good, then it was perfect. A perfect first time 😁".
Percy looked down, defeated. What Luke had said was not entirely true and several of his insecutities were rooted in it.
In hindsight he couldn't say that many of the problems he had during his past relationship with Annabeth didn't still plague him, even if he tried to not mind them.
What is perfection? What allows you to define something as perfect? Nothing truly alive can be described as perfect, because each one of us gives to this word a different meaning. Learn to live with your limits, kid. Suddenly these words came back to his mind and Percy felt like he could let himself breath for the first time tonight.
Once Luke had taken him to visit the Garden of Eden and there Percy had met Joshua, another "uncle" of his boyfriend. The calm he had felt in that garden had shocked him to the core and the demigod had found himself visiting Joshua often in the last months, while Luke was busy with his cousin Jack.
Joshua the Gardner had become his unofficial therapist and Percy thought he had made some progress in healing the countless wounds on his young psyche.
Percy: "But it was not my first time. You know this, Luke".
Perfection was an impossible thing to achieve and he had to learn to live with his short-comings.
Luke: "It was your first time with me. I know you have a past, Percy: I'm not stupid. And I'm glad that at least one of us knew where to put his hands". Luke winked at him and everything in their world was right again. The blonde had this ability to make you believe anything he said just because he had said it. It was like a super power. "Our future will be full of first times, Perce". At once his smile became quite sinister. "Whatever Nico di Angelo thinks of us 😑."
Percy: "You're scaring me".
Luke: "Ops 😅. Sorry, babe! Do you feel better now?"
Percy: "I think so. I'm... I'm not regretting what we did but I would have liked to have a little more privacy, though".
Luke shrugged. "Angels, Perce. We don't know what it is".
Fucking Angels and their need to spy on them. A bunch of peeping Toms, that's what they were. But Percy knew better than to say what he really thought about those flying bastards to Luke. He was already on thin ice with his boyfriend's family. "Your uncle Gabe sent me a thank you basket for deflowering you!"
Luke: "And it was the best chocolate I have ever tasted 😁. Uncle Gabe is a genius!"
Percy: "Any chance your other uncles won’t know we had sex?"
Luke: "Mmm, maybe Castiel. The parents don't like him much. Cas and the Winchesters are as thick as thieves".
Percy: "Damn!"
Luke: "The joys of a hive mind. Angels like to gossip a lot 🤣".
Percy raised his eyes to swear again: "Fuck!"
Luke: "Maybe later 😁. I want to be on top this time 🤔".
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Percy: "🫣" *silence* "Luke?"
Luke: "Mmm?"
Percy: "Do we really need to go to this dinner? We can stay at home, order Thai and try to..."
Luke: "To?"
"Don't make me sound like a stupid teenager 😠. We could... make love again?"
The nephilim put an arm around his man, giving him a loud kiss on the cheek. "Ohhhh, Percy! Sassy prince of my heart, as much as I’d love to stay here and ride you till dawn, my dad didn’t raise a quitter. Go and get ready or we will be late!"
Percy: "I hate you!"
Luke: "Youuuu loooooovvvvvveeeee me 😁"
Percy: "Well, at least my dad won't be there tonight."
Luke let go of a guilty whistle, removing his arm from Percy's shoulders. "I wouldn't be so sure of it".
A chilling shiver ran down the poor demigod's back. "Fuck! We're doomed 🥲".
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(This is getting out of hand, @darkcrowprincess 😅)
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Training Challenge #3
“Based on my experience on the beach the day before, I form a new plan.”
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His parents hadn’t taken the news well. This was no surprise, considering he’d only managed to convince them he was keeping the ebony capall, that currently chuffed beseechingly at him for her breakfast, this long so as to sell her for more during the first week of October, when tourists and townsfolk alike would pay more than was reasonable for any horse, let alone one that looked at you more as dinner than a friend. Yet his name was now scrawled onto the Gratton’s chalkboard and beside it Saoirse, so despite their upset, there was nothing they could do now. They were racing.
            He’d risen early this morning, early enough that the sun had yet to paint the sparse fields with morning light, and his father, a farmer all his life (with the schedule of one too) still snored soundly in the bedroom down the hall. Stealthily, Jaxom had stolen from the house to feed the dark predator that resided in their barn, and he watched her now as she swallowed, black muzzle stained crimson by the blood in her meal. It should have perturbed him, watching the capall as she ate, looking less and less like a horse with each passing day as the autumn ocean called to her, yet the man felt nothing but love blooming in his chest for the creature before him. She had crawled out of the sea for him, that much he was certain of.
            As Saoirse finished her breakfast, he busied himself with preparing her tack, pulling out the bridle hung with red tassels and the sheepskin he used in place of a saddle from the small room at the side of the single stall barn. Technically, he wasn’t supposed to know how to ride – his parents had forbidden it, in the hopes of preventing him from association with the deadly capaill and the Races. However, his Aunt Gwennie, lover of island ponies and flouter of rules, had taught Jaxom when he was still a boy upon her own steady steed, encouraging and enabling until he’d become a passable rider. He’d never be one of the people who looked like they were born to ride, a seamless blend between horse and man – he lacked the physical awareness for it. He’d always been a little not at home in his body – while his peers had kicked balls and run around at school, Jaxom was lucky if he made it to the classroom door without tripping. Yet with Saorise, everything was different – when he was astride her, he felt right. Her legs felt like his own, and together he knew they could take on anything.
            Yesterday Jaxom and Saoirse had merely observed the fray on the beach from the cliffs, his precocious mare squealing and pinning her slender ears in displeasure if any of the capaill down below had the audacity to look her way. That was why they made their way down so early today, attempting to avoid the crowds that would irritate the capall that now jigged beside him, the bells on her bridle jingling softly as she moved, anxious and excitable this close to the water. He shed his boots and the sheepskin on a boulder where they did not risk getting wet, and then barefooted he brought Saoirse down towards the beach.
            Her curved ears pricked, attention turning toward the ocean, tension visible in the triangle of her eye and sharpness of her shoulder as she took a step towards the surf.
“Easy now beloved.” Jaxom soothed, using his free hand to trace gentle circles on her shoulder, the other holding the reins as if he didn’t believe she would pull away. Saoirse snorted and gave her head a toss as if shaking away the enchantment of the Scorpio Seas, turning her blue eyes back to the human before her. He smiled in return, bending down to cup a handful of sea water, sprinkling the salty wet across her dark hide. Playfully, the mare pawed at the sandy ground, spraying salt water and wet sand across both their legs. Laughing, Jaxom splashed at her in return, tossing his own head and snorting back at her. The mare straightened up, as if offended, then pranced a few more paces into the surf, forcing Jaxom to release his grip on her reins or get wet. He allowed her to drag him a few paces, until the freezing water lapped around his calves. “Okay my love, that’s enough now.” He warned, turning her so she faced cliffside, away from the allure of the open ocean.
The ebony capall made a soft, sorrowful sound in return, peering at him beseechingly, the yearning in her heart present in every muscle. She wanted him to follow her into her own world, where the song of the ocean invigorated her every step. When he insisted, she reluctantly followed, thin black mane disappearing against her arched neck as the spray wetted it down.
He brought her back up to the boulder, where he redonned his boots and threw the sheepskin across her back, using the elevated stone surface to mount. She was slick and sinuous beneath him, one ear flicked to him but the other never leaving the ocean.  The sun was starting to rise now, staining the beach and waters around them scarlet, a promise of carnage to come. Jaxom exhaled, Saoirse’s excitement filling his own body. Much to her chagrin he held her back, trotting and circling as the sun continued to rise, ensuring her body was soft and supple beneath him. Finally, as the red light of sunrise melted into the softer glow of daylight he let her loose, and together they ran.
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[Image ID: Roadside barriers in Edinburgh, covered in chalked signs from a nearby pub entreating customers not to sit on them, lest the pub lose its license. The barriers are covered in people drinking.]
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POST N°111 _ 18 Février 2024 Se découvrir Masques à échelle 1 pour me flouter et me découvrir Fil de fer et de cuivre + câble électrique
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🏕A large scale kit, that's where we start!
The kit is called "big waterfall in the secret forest". I honestly do not even know how else to call it: "mountain set" "magic world" ? If you have options write in the comments.
🏕The set goes on sale in Japan 08:05:2023.
There is a baby Husky in the set. The story of the set is that the Latte Brothers Cats (there is a set with them, which I will show in the comments) found a map, and went looking for treasure, in the river they found a key, and in the grass a stash with a chest. You can see how the stash works in photo 7
🏕It all reminds me of a mix of the old fairy collection, summer homes 2020, and amusement parks 2022.
🏕I would rate it 68% out of 100% - it's interesting, unusual, but I don't really want to see it in my collection.
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A new family of seals!
They will come out early - in July
🦭I think this family is very unusual - it is so far, the only family with more than two items besides figures, the composition itself (Mom, Dad, standing baby and crawling baby)
🦭The babies are covered in coarse fur, like Persian cats, and the parents are plain, smooth. Why is this done that way? Fauna lovers likely know that baby seals (baby seals) are born covered in white fuzz, and at age 2 their fur molts and turns into adult, sparse fur.
🦭A little about family members
Dad is Maurice Flouter.
Birthday: March 23 Favorite Thing: Amora's Fishcake
Mom - Amora Flouter
Birthday: July 12 Favorite Thing: Eskimo
Baby - Puffy Floater
Birthday: August 30 Favorite Thing Fish Burger
Crawl Girl - Muffy Floater
Birthday: June 4 Favorite Thing: Ball
🦭My score for the set is 90% out of 100%.
By the way, let's congratulate baby Mafi in the comments🥳
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🐚The next novelty comes as a plus to the Marine Amusement Park collection.
🐚The set is called "Yumeiko Castle Mermaid Shop" and is scheduled for release on July 8. It will cost 3,600 yen ( 2,098 rubles)
🐚The set is a portable box, with a store inside. The store sells balloons in addition to bags and other accessories! This has never been seen in a sylvash set before.
The set also includes a baby cat, Jilly, who has a painted star on her cheek. She reminds me a lot of an amusement park bunny by her outfit, star, and color.
🐚 The set is for play and not for collections, I will give it a score of 33% out of 100%
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Another set with 2 Latte brothers
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The furniture set. Reminiscent of the set with the mother rabbit and furniture for Mary's house (don't tell me you don't know this set).
🍲This furniture set is advised to be used to fill the new variation of the house with light - "house with light. The secret room in the attic." In a nutshell it differs from the usual one only by the bigger attic and the stairs that lead to this very attic.
🍲 While you remember the stairs, I will tell you about the car, the main thing is that it goes down this staircase from the attic as if it was a slide. Also, there is a fridge, the secrets of which I did not understand, and understood only that in appearance it is the most ugly fridge of all.
The table has a little mechanism that allows you to remove the edges, so that the table is half the size. On the stove is a pot, you can not remove it, it's glued there, and all this to insert a mechanism that allows you to turn the broth into soup. Well after dinner you can sleep in the bunk bed.
🍲 My rating of the set is 37% out of 100%
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damnea · 2 years
Seymour Smoke gets a job at knapford station.
The Fat Controller wasn't happy.
These last couple of weeks had been fraught with difficulty and now he had to contend with the local safety inspector intruding into his office.
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With his book in hand and a click of his pen, the inspector set about making notes.
"The stations fire exits aren't marked clearly, the fire drills are in shambles, and the fire extinguishers are upside down and expired."
He then stepped up onto an office chair and pulled down a shoddily taped up smoke sniffer.
"This device doesn't even have any bloody batteries in it!"
The Fat Controller went red in the face, he was sure they were there this morning...
"This doesn't happen often, I can assure you. The safety inspector wasn't so convinced.
"It's not like the thing works anyway, even with batteries-"
The inspector sharply raised an eyebrow at this.
"I beg your pardon?"
He clicked his pen and wrote "regular safety flouter" down in his book.
"And where are the batteries...?" He asked in a stern tone.
With a little "peep-peep" the answer soon presented itself.
A tiny toy train appeared from behind the office desk. The tiny Thomas chuffed happily passed their feet, letting of a cheeky whoosh of steam as it went.
It was full of life and running cheerfully along it's little plastic track, no doubt thanks to it's new batteries
"Peep peep, thanks for all the juice!"
A note was quickly made, and with that the little engine puffed away on another jaunty adventure around it's benefactor's desk.
"I highly recommend you get your act together here, and you can start by dealing with that little trip hazard."
And without another word, the inspector left in a huff.
The warning was clear as day and so the Fat Controller quickly set about righting all the issues.
And he started with the smoke detector.
After all, he did like new gadgets.
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--- One Amazon delivery later ---
The next day, the Fat Controller was busy filling in some neglected forms when a grumbly voice came croaking from the ceiling.
"Excuseeee me." Mumbled a sickly voice.
The Fat Controller sighed "What is it now Seymour?"
"Would you be so kind as to close that door? Those old fire hazards on wheels are taking years off my warranty..." His coughing grew louder upon Gordon's arrival.
"I have a better suggestion," came a familiar grumpy tone.
"Why don't we get rid of that whiny little wheeze box and get a proper smoke detector. You know, one that doesn't come with complaining?" The irony was lost on the big engine, he started poop-pooping crossly at the little device.
Poor Seymour was trying his best.
He'd only been up about three hours, but it felt longer.
In his first twenty minutes out of the packaging, he must have screamed at least a half a dozen times.
"EEEEEEEEEEEE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!" Screamed poor Seymour.
"Thomas! Move away from the office door for Pete's sake, your fire is upsetting him!" The Fat Controller scolded.
"But sir I need it to live!"
"I'm trying to get my work done and I can't with him screaming!"
Most of the complaints were false alarms of course.
One was for the toaster, two for the smoke breaks, and the rest for every moment the little toy train passed by blowing steam.
It wasn't real smoke, but Seymour didn't care. He was just doing his job.
Gordon was fed up, "Just get rid of him already!"
"I can't... we need to have a smoke detector..." The Fat Controller had long given up working and now just sat angrily at his desk, watching Gordon and Seymour argue.
"Bloody nuisance." The big engine snapped.
"Big windbag." Snarked the sniffer.
And with that last offending remark, the Fat Controller quickly whipped the window blinds down.
Gordon wasn't having that though, and purposefully directed a violent sneeze through the office doorway.
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He took his job very seriously and would occasionally have his own daring feats of heroism, but those were few and far between.
He did save a dozing Fat Controller from his own Easy-press waffle maker once, but that was about it.
With a wave of his blackened waffles, the Fat Controller lamented his poor purchases this year.
"Should have sprang for the air frier."
One too many vengeful engine sneezes eventually had Seymour forcefully relocated to a locker room.
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elinaline · 1 year
Alors par contre je saurais pas exactement mettre le doigt sur pourquoi, mais les photographes qui payent insta pour diffuser leurs photos de manif pour se faire de la pub ça me met profondément mal à l'aise. Surtout que je n'ai vu aucun de ces photographes là flouter les visages des manifestants.
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maaarine · 2 years
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Charlotte Bienaimé:
“L’idée qu’un père violent peut être un bon père est encore largement répandue.
De nombreuses études et associations martèlent pourtant le contraire depuis de longues années, comme me l’a expliqué la psychologue féministe Annie Ferrand.”
Annie Ferrand:
“Un père, quelqu’un qui est capable de mettre en place des violences systématiques vis-à-vis de quelqu’un, a fortiori il aura du mal à inventer un autre style relationnel à autrui, surtout si l’autre est quelqu’un d’aussi proche que la femme qu’il maltraite.
Avant 6 ans, c’est énormément de chantage affectif, du chantage au suicide.
On a un père qui peut s’effondrer en larmes et venir se faire consoler par un enfant de 4 ans, juste après avoir frappé la mère.
La mère est à terre inconsciente avec éventuellement du sang, et le père va s’effondrer en larmes dans les bras de l’enfant.
Entre 6 et 10 ans, là où l’enfant a besoin de logifier son espace mental et comprendre les choses, la père va multiplier les phénomènes d’intoxication intellectuelle.
Des propos contradictoires, chaotiques, des explications qui ont l’air simples mais qui sont moralement inacceptables.
Bref, il va flouter les repères intellectuels puis, plus on monte en âge, les repères moraux de l’enfant.
La manière dont un père va exercer ces violences conjugales va avoir un impact majeur sur le développement de l’enfant.
La violence conjugale elle-même est à rebours des besoins fondamentaux de l’enfant: besoins physiologiques, de sécurité, d’identité, d’affiliation, de relation. (…)”
Pierre-Guillaume Prigent:
“L’enfant est aussi témoin des appels téléphoniques, de monsieur qui harcèle madame en permanence, de monsieur qui est violent pendant les remises.
Après la séparation, ce qu’on peut voir c’est qu’il va manifester moins de violence explicite, mais il va se saisir des institutions pour pouvoir reprendre le contrôle sur la victime.
L’une des manières principales dont l’agresseur peut légitimer sa violence c’est justement par l’autorité parentale conjointe.
Monsieur a le droit de décider si le fils a le droit d’aller faire du basketball ou si madame a le droit de continuer le suivi psy qu’elle a commencé pour son fils.
Il a un droit de contrôle sur beaucoup de décisions qui concernent l’enfant. C’est l’un des moyens privilégiés par lequel les agresseurs vont maintenir leur emprise.
C’est le quotidien des femmes, ça parasite leur existence. Elles renoncent à choisir des activités pour leur enfant parce qu’elles savent que monsieur va faire obstruction.
Par exemple, un père violent est la plupart du temps misogyne, et il va refuser que son enfant fasse des sports ou activités qui ne sont pas associés à son sexe ou à son genre.
Si elles ont des familles à l’international, elles savent qu’elles ne quitteront pas le territoire parce que monsieur va garder leur passeport et ne pas le leur rendre, ou même peut-être faire une interdiction de quitter le territoire.
Donc il va toujours se servir de tous les droits qu’il a en tant que père pour pouvoir obstruer les droits et la vie des femmes et des enfants.
L’intérêt qu’ils ont à se présenter comme un bon père est le fait que les institutions sont très susceptibles à être séduites par cet homme qui veut simplement voir son enfant.
Il va beaucoup jouer là-dessus. Cet argument va lui servir à maintenir le contrôle sur les enfants et la mère.”
Source: Un podcast à soi: Quand les pères font la loi
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trio saddled with a baby AU
tesilid is the one who brings the baby home. obviously.
hestio losing his mind bc why would you do that, are you sure you can look after it?!?!?
ephael: 😔 leave it be hestio you know how tesilid is (ephael is already mentally thinking about what accomodations they need to make for the new member of their household. i love characterising ephael as an enabler)
we can't use canon universe bc their social positions are literally so bad, i don't think they'll adopt a baby. pretty sure any kid they adopt without a layperson partner will just end up being a stigma bearer as well, and i can't imagine any of the three being okay with burdening a small vulnerable baby with that. esp since they're not even home half the time bc of dungeon raids
so modern AU it is!!!
hestio & ephael have only just graduated from their orphanage. tesilid was adopted ages ago but his new parents kind of sucked so he left as soon as he could, and now the three of them are trying to eke out a living
okay i actually already had a whole setting for their background in modern AUs for the zombie AU but im lazy to rehash it here so maybe this is my sign to go back to that zombie AU
the three of them absolutely hated growing up in the orphanage so if anyone suggested they just put the baby in the system, they'd be like. hahaha. no. 🙂
doesn't matter that they're in a new city or state altogether and that the baby wouldn't even go into the same awful orphanage. not a chance.
on paper tesilid is the guardian
in practice hestio is the one most trusted with looking after the baby's needs, because tesilid has the best career out of the three of them and is often not home, and ephael is. ephael
i cannot decide if i want hestio to gradually warm up to the baby or to instantly be code switching around it
hestio @ the baby: aww how's our widdle one doing? 🥰 you're hungry? okay hold on a second!
i think it's funnier if hestio was able to instantly code switch, but frankly i do not think he has the social aptitude to know what to do at first. bc although he's not going to yell at or be judgemental towards a baby, that's how he's been interacting with people his whole life
the modern AU in my head uses round 0 tesilid's characterisation, so he's still sticking to the rules and whatnot and wants to raise his kid to be an upstanding and honourable citizen. unfortunately his co-parents are hestio and ephael and they're rule flouters
wait im pretty sure i wrote about this scenario about how theyd pick their kid up from the principal's office before (found it)
when it comes to caregiving ephael's pretty trustworthy as well, it's just that every now and then he loves throwing out ridiculous ideas and watching hestio shoot them down. sometimes he carries it out, but nothing ever really goes wrong too badly
all three of them might already have decent knowledge of infantcare bc of their time in the orphanage. except maybe tesilid. unlike most baby AUs i think the main conflict is the different ways they approach it
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