DRV3 kids as parents?
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Since I do 6 characters per imagine and this is a big request, I’ll be doing the characters in parts!
 I’d usually say that you’ll need to send in another request containing the rest of the characters but I’m sure I’ll get a lot in the inbox so instead I’ll re-blog the other characters!
Mod Shuichi~
Rantaro Amami
-He’s a pretty chill father! He doesn’t discipline his kids in a harsh manner depending on what they’ve done. If it’s only a light thing like saying a bad word he’ll try discipline them in a calm but effective way.
-”Hey, I don’t like that word, please rephrase.” He’s also extremely supportive on his children’s activities, painted a beautiful painting? It’s without a doubt going to be put up on the wall. 
-He’s pretty good at solving problems, he can get to the core part of what’s bothering them and tries his best to try to comfort them and provide a safer environment.
-Although he can be a chill father, his behavior can turn into a more serious and stubborn one when the situation calls for it. He already has the sense that being playful and cool all the time might not always be the best decision.
-His experience with his sisters taught him a lot of parental kinds of things so it seems like he already knows what he’s doing, if his child ever had a nightmare, him and his kid/kids would go downstairs for a cup of milk and listen to them to what they had to say. 
-Overall, he’s one of the best fathers a child could ask for!
Kokichi Ouma
-Oh holy burrito.
-He’s probably one of the worst fathers to have existed, he’s never had experience taking care of a baby. So he leaves all the important business to his significant other. But volunteers to do fun activities with them.
-When the child gets older, they love pulling pranks on his partner just for the fun of it. No matter the age of the child Kokichi will always pull lighthearted pranks on them just for his own enjoyment.
-A huge fan of embarrassing his child in public, like blasting loud music when his child gets out of the car for school and everyone is looking at them. He also loves taking pictures of them at the most random occasions.
-To Kokichi, lying is an important skill to have, it gets  you out of sticky situations easily and smoothly. This skill is taught at an early age so they aren’t going to be the most honest person in the world. But Kokichi wants to make sure that he’s still the top on things, but he can still see through his own kid/kids lies even if the skill was taught by him.
-Nightmares and emotions are his key part in a parent, he’s pretty good at this part and instead of a sad and scared child, in the end they’re all happy and have wiped their fears away.
-If you were to ask, he’s a good father, but does have some things he could work on.
Shuichi Saihara
-He’s not the best at this job at first, he’s even aware of that. But as time goes on he gradually gets better at his job. The first few weeks gave him so much anxiety, he’s aware that children get kidnapped a lot because those cases are pretty common. So he’s somewhat protective of his child/children. But not too protective to the point where he’s always holding their hand.
-Shuichi already didn’t get much sleep, so after the child was born his max amount of sleep he got was around 2 hours. But he didn’t mind it too much. All- nighters were pretty much a huge factor in his career.
-The realization came when his actions could have a huge impact on the child/children’s behavior. So he’s always careful when he’s around them. But of course there are times where confrontations did bump in because his stress levels do reach overboard at times, but they’d always make up after, strengthening their relationship.
-Anything that they’re interested in, he tries to make sure it looks like he also sparks an interest in what they are. He does indeed show interest to whatever they’re showing, a painting, some random facts they learned or just wanting to show something weird he’ll take interest in them.
-School related matters are in his significant other’s hands, he’s not the best in the world at that field. But depending on their age he reads mystery novels with them but when they get older they tend to get more confusing.
-He occasionally gives his hat to them whenever they ask for it, his heart always melt whenever he sees them wearing it.
-If you were to ask. He wasn’t the best at first with the job but now, he’s considered a great father.
Kaito Momota
-Such a positive influence to his children and a motivating father to have! Always the type to give hugs and kisses to his child. 
-For their bedroom he bought these glow in the dark stars that are on their rooftop, their bedroom is practically space now. Star-gazing is a must but Kaito always engages in the activity with his child when it’s winter as it gets darker much quicker, he doesn’t want them to rest at such a late hour.
-He has such a short-temper so lashing out on his kid/kids are common, but definitely tries his best to make it up to them. Pretty good at resolving a conflict with their child between someone else, but gets pretty worked up himself when they explain their problem in more depth.
-Pretty protective, actually not pretty protective, he’s REALLY protective, if his child/children come home crying and unstable he’ll take action. Seeing his children in a state like this breaks his own heart. 
Maki Harukawa
-Being the Ultimate Child-Caregiver at a point in her life, she does have experience, but there are difficulties every parent has with their own children. Maki seems to be the type of person who doesn’t admit to wanting children, but secretly does.
-She’s quite good at parenting, there are two sides of her that can only be revealed to certain types of people. Her cold and aggressive side, and her soft affectionate side.
-Throughout her life, Maki never made emotional connections with others, she tends to keep away from people which force others to believe she doesn’t want children.
-She desires a happy childhood for her children, even if she doesn’t show it much, she wants them to have happy childhood memories unlike her. When the child gets older, she eventually teaches them self-defense, she is strict with the subject but will allow breaks.
-Incredibly protective, maybe a little too much. She’s the one who’ll be protecting her child/children, if her child/children come home in tears or in an upsetting mood, she’ll not hesitate to threaten or start a fight with them.
-She enjoys hearing positive comments from her children, so any time she picks them up from school or any clubs she enjoys hearing their enthusiasm during the day, though the never admits it, it does lighten up her heart.
-Her past is what inspires her to grant a beautiful childhood for her kids, she has her own problems she’s indeed not a perfect parent, but like any parent there are strengths and weaknesses they all have.
Kirumi Tojo
-She’s practically a mother all ready, her motherly attitude is proof of this. She’s quite busy for the majority of the day so there isn’t much time for her to spend time with her children.
-Pretty much cleaning her home all day, making sure her children are well pampered, happy and entertained during the day. She does try teaching her children hygienic duties at an early age such as, cleaning their room or dressing them self.
-There are times where she without asking, cleans their rooms. Out of love or just felt the area needed tidying up. 
-She’ll try help her children with their own needs such as homework, she just desires their happiness. Kirumi doesn’t get much free-time, but when she does she enjoys reading them a story-book.
-When the child is sick, oh boy. She abandons her other duties for the day and her time goes exclusively goes to her child. Blankets, tea, pillows and medication are all given to her child.
-Holding hands and hugging are really the only bits of physical affection she shows, but when she’s in a loving mood, she loves plopping kisses on their cheeks.
-When their emotions are all over the place, such as anger and sadness she tries at the best of her ability to make sure their alright again. Taking the anger out on her is hard to manage but she deals with it without making an even bigger mess.
-Overall, she’s a hardworking and caring mother who just wants the best for her children!
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Oooh!! How about S/O with Rantaro, Shuichi, Kokichi, and Kaito in their drunk states and they start slurring out compliments and a few pickup lines while s/o brings them home?
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I wonder if these boys have specific drinks they’d want to have… I’m a fan of tequila, maybe they’d like to share a bottle with me… nyeh, that’d be a dream. Better start sleeping…
Under the cut in case you aren’t a fan of that alcohol stuff.. that’s okay. We can get smoothies instead. Also I did alter a few things, but I hope it’s okay for you anyway…
 A Drunk Mind = Drunk Speech, Sorry!
Shuichi Saihara
What happened to this poor man
After late night cases, and disgusting faces, even he thinks some down time is fair. So he might as well grab someone he trusts, that’s where you come in
He thought he could handle it, that his tolerance was stronger than this. He didn’t think just a few drinks would break him so easily
You’d opted for a fruit mix- sans alcohol. It helped you keep focused and hey, at least one of you should be able to drive you back home
Plus, with a sober mind, you could see the not-so-subtle glances Shuichi kept passing you. His rosy cheeks only flared deeper as he continued forward into his drunk spiral
As the detective’s mind grew more hazy, he began rubbing his forehead, leaning on the counter in front of him as his only means of support
Ah… were you always so…
Glancing over at your significant other, his eyes were now trained on you directly and while he still has a hint of hesitation, there’s a small passion in his half-lidded gaze.
“Hm? Did you drink too much?” You saw his hand gripped around an empty glass. How many did he have?
“You’re so stunning… an…and I want to be closer with, with you. If you don’t, hnn…. Ah, If you don’t mind…”
Even in his foggy state, he’s still Shuichi and that’s still quiet. But you wouldn’t take the chance of him saying more anyway.
It didn’t take much for him to get in the car, and he was much quieter in the closed vehicle
But the hand on your thigh and the small smile stretching across his warm cheeks that was directed at you and only you… It let you know he was there
And that he still wanted to be close to you
Kaito Momota
No cars needed! You guys can walk right?
You could try to argue, but chances are, he’ll be too stubborn to budge on his opinion. Especially with how excited he seemed to be about this date
You didn’t want to get rid of his toothy grin
So that’s how you ended up at a cozy bar with your drunk boyfriend hanging off of your shoulder
The stools you each sat upon were bolted to the floor so even while Kaito slung his arm over your shoulder and swayed side-to-side, the seats wouldn’t succumb to his actions
 His arm never leaves your shoulders and he doesn’t meet your eyes, it doesn’t even seem like he notices you’re there anymore until-
“I have…I have the best S/O everrr. Didja know that?”
 You have to remind him you’re there and once you do, he quits slouching and finally looks at you, a goofy smile forming on his lips
 He begins to slowly form reasons he loves you, repeating many of the same things over and over but the sentiment was there
 After he began cursing in every sentence to ‘express his love harder’ you decided he had enough and began to drag him out of the establishment
 Unfortunately, it seems like he’s the same Kaito even when he’s drunk and absolutely refuses to let you call a cab back after you’ve already walked here
“Let’s spend more time togetherr, because I love you so much, ya know? Yeah… yeah you know it. I love you, I love you so damn much.”
When you get home he’s out like a light the moment he hits the bed and after the night you had, you join him
Later though…
“M-mornin’… ugh… I don’t feel so good. Uh… Are you okay?”
“You drooled all over me, what the hell Kaito!”
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro, like Kaito decided it would be fun for you to walk. The place hadn’t been too far and the neighborhood was friendly
Plus, he’s quite good company! Even if your heels hurt a bit, the adoring look he gave you had your heart racing, it was worth it
Also he doesn’t like cars so 
You two began conversing even when your respective drinks arrived
Since he never took his attention off you, even while sipping on your beverages, you had the honor of spectating your boyfriend slipping into a tipsy state
He was wonderful in keeping the pace of conversation though
At times, his words would slur but he’d continue as if it never happened, it was honestly pretty amusing
Once he became less than coherent, his eyes began to droop and he set down his drink
With his cheek in his hand, he gave you such a sultry yet adoring look that seemingly, only he could pull off
And then, like a sink, he let his words flow
“Hey… even in this scene, with the drunkards and loud-mouths, you’re so captivating, I can’t even focus on anything but you.”
“You’re so cute…I love the way you get flustered when I compliment you. Hah… don’t worry, I love you the same, even more maybe. You’re so cute…”
It was when he caressed your cheek that you decided you should get home
Even though his lingering touch made your skin tingle in such a wonderful way
He complied pretty easily, but insisted on taking your hand for the walk back
If you tell him about any of this in the morning (and you most likely will), he’ll rub his neck abashedly.
“Ah, is that so? Well, I meant all of it haha…”
Kokichi Ouma
How does this short, thin man handle drinks?
Time to find out
Will definitely try to insist you carry him. Why? He claims it’s practice for carrying him back when he’s smashed! Don’t worry, he’ll make sure he acts tipsy for effective preparation!
You drove there anyway, he did complain, but it was better than carrying the tyrant
His tolerance is better than you thought for such a small body
You assume it’s due to his sheer willpower to not let himself appear vulnerable
“Just sitting here an’ talking is boriiiiing, come, lets do more together…”
He’s trying his best to get close to you, and nearly falls off his seat before he forces himself back in it
“Nishi-nishishishi, you didn’t… didn’t think I was already wasted did you?”
It’s a continuous and confusing cycle of him acting more clingy than usual, and then pushing back and pretending he’s fine
It’s funny, but his drunk side is less filtered than his normal self. A less filtered side that isn’t afraid to make you go dangerously red in the face.
Even so, he’s very good at making sure you’re only uncomfortably warm, but he doesn’t ever touch you in the wrong spots, just like the other boys
But if allowed, he does like to have a hand on your leg while leaning forward, so close that your noses almost touch
So you begin to drag him back to the car, just as precaution
“Noooo, you haven’t even had a drink yet, c’mon, let’s draw out our date longer~”
He never stops whining, just like he did on the ride to get there. It’s was a good idea to not give in to his idea of a piggyback
You can get him in the bed to sleep, but he’s definitely gonna make jokes about ‘how forceful you were’.
Maybe you’ll force him to give you a piggyback as repayment for having to deal with him all night.
~ Mod Himiko
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kachuwritings · 6 years
I realized... (This is really dumb, I'm sorry) what is keeping me from writing finish what you've started part 2... it sound dumb I know... but seeing as part 1 did so well, I'm afraid I won't meet these expectations for part 2 and disappoint you guys. I know it's really stupid... And I'm trying to overcome it because I really want to see your reactions to part 2 but this fear has put me in some kind of block?? I don't really know how to get over it... Maybe I just need to start writing and it'll go away ;-;
I'm so sorry for always disappointing you :(
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kachulein · 3 years
Check-In Tag
I was tagged by @calcifer-rose and @marculees to do this tag. Thank you🥺💞💞
1. why did you choose your url?
Kachu is my nickname and "-lein" is a German diminutive to make it sound cuter since kachu by itself was already taken.
2. any side blogs?
Yes! I have quite a few but the only one that I actively check up on/post on at the moment is my astrology blog @dreamyaqua ...and even there I have been quite inactive due to studying for exams.
3. how long have you been on tumblr? 
Since December 2012 :')))
4. do you have a q tag?
Yes! I mainly use my "q: daydreaming💫" tag but I also have one for sleeping (that I keep forgetting to use) and I kind of replaced my "busy busy" queue tag with the daydreaming one as well. Rarely, I might temporarily make a new one with "sick/ill" or something to kind of also explain why I might be inactive/not replying to messages.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I'm actually not sure... I made a tumblr but didn't use it for a few years because it was too confusing to me. Then in 2014/2015 I used it here and there to reblog emo posts and then in 2016 I started getting into the kpop side of tumblr and became gradually more active (only really started interacting with people after starting my writing side blog in 2018, though).
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because it fits my current blog aesthetic/colour theme and Yeonjun is one of my ult biases.
7. why did you choose your header?
Pretty much the same applies to my header as well. Yes, I'm a sucker for Yeonjun. c:
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Oof...on main, I really don't know. I've made my fair share of kpop meme posts that garnered >1k notes but I couldn't say which one of those is number one. But my most popular post overall is a Bang Chan blurb I wrote on my (now mostly inactive) sideblog @fluffyheadcanons that counts >2.1k notes as of now.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I used to keep track of them in a little booklet so that I didn't forget anyone (especially with tag games, checking up on them, and also to update their url changes) because I had >100 mutuals. I've lost touch with most of them and a lot of them aren't active on tumblr anymore, so now I keep a small circle of lovely moots with some that I've been friends with for years and others I've met in the past year!^-^ 💞💞
10. how many followers do you have? 
It keeps fluctuating but it's around 1.5k~
11. how many people do you follow?
About 271 as of now~
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Ever? You mean, all the time? Yes, that sounds more like it. :')
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Hmm...some days more, some days less. I probably pop in at least once a day (most of the time) but I'm not as crazily active as I was in the earlier days (I literally lived on here ok😭).
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Hm... not a fight per se... but there were a few instances.
1) Back in 2019 I believe, I got an anon ask saying that one of my mutuals was talking shit about me on their blog and they asked me whether we had a fight (we didn't). So I went and messaged said mutual and asked what this is about and whether I've done something to upset them. They never replied and also unfollowed me and all, so to this day, I still have no idea what the heck happened.
2) I had a similar situation with a second mutual as well, there wasn't an anon involved but I just suddenly realized that they unfollowed me on every social media we connected on and same as above, to this day, I still have no idea what I did wrong/whether I did something to upset them.
3) I won't go into much detail here because what happened is very personal but this mutual was one of my first friends here on tumblr and they were without a doubt the person I talked to the most. We had similar struggles and could relate to each other well. Then there was a personal issue and I confronted them about it... I wasn't mad but I just wanted to know the truth because I don't like being lied to... but they never replied to me and it marked the end of our friendship. This one is the hardest for me to get over because we weren't just mutuals, we were so much closer than that. More than anything, I just miss them and think it's sad how we went from talking all day every day to being strangers. But life goes on...
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? 
Depending on what it is about they make me a bit uncomfortable. I know that those posts who threaten you are all about superstitions but it still scares me/I don't wanna risk anything y'know😔
16. do you like tag games?
Yes!! I really love these type of games, so moots or anyone who's reading this, feel free to tag me in games, I'm always up for doing them! And I don't mind getting spammed either, it just means more fun games for me!^-^
17. do you like ask games?
Yes, I love them! But I don't want to annoy people so I haven't reblogged one in ages ^^"
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Hmm... I'd say Qiu (@stealerz) and Key (@key201303)!!🥺💞💞
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I'll join Niamh here and say squishes! I do have those on my moots because you're all so precious and ily!!!👉🏻👈🏻🥺
20. tags?
@jsczclpjs @jellihye @stealerz @key201303 @interstellix @oddlittlefandomist @marriael @jbemin and anyone else who'd like to do it!~💞💞
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scarsandtigerstripes · 11 years
Character Development and stuff
6) Describe your character's best memory?
Seb doesn't have a lot of pleasant memories, honestly. His life consists of abuse, anxiety, murder, ptsd and fear, and it was even worse before Jim found him. However, one night definitely stood out over the others, and that was the night Jim agreed to marry him. He had been planning it for months; he picked out the most expensive and intricately carved gold rings he could find, tried practicing what he would say repeatedly in his head...he had everything planned out perfectly. Even though he couldn't quite get the words out like he wanted to, Jim was perceptive enough to know what was up. That night, at least to Seb, Jim's touch seemed softer, affectionate, almost...caring. Seb hasn't had a single ptsd meltdown since he and Jim got engaged because the memory of that night can always keep him together if he's ready to break down.
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c can i have some rantaro cuddling headcanons
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I love this boy and writing cuddling headcanons are so relaxing to write for! I’m on a spree today with writing. I think I’ll try tone it down and schedule a few for tomorrow ,later today or later on the week.
From now on for headcanons I’ll use bullet points instead.
Mod Shuichi~
Definitely the type to cuddle early in the relationship
Doesn’t mind what spoon he is, but on some occasions he loves being the big spoon!
Can be a little affectionate when he cuddles like stroking your hair, whispering sweet compliments in your ear which can be flattering at times. Or something simple like lightly holding your hand.
Loves cuddling in the morning, he thinks it’s adorable when you sound so tired so he playfully teases you about not sleeping enough.
He’s a quick sleeper so just until you two settle down he’s already asleep, you can barely ever hear his snores, you wonder how he can sleep without trying.
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Hey there! I was wondering if you could do headcanons on how Shuichi, Kaito, and Kokichi would propose to their S/O?? thank you so much!
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I fangirled way too much when I saw this pop into my inbox and no words can describe how much fun I had while writing this
Kaito’s one may be slightly cliche if not really cliche 
Mod Shuichi
Kokichi,Kaito and Shuichi proposing to their s/o
Shuichi Saihara
-After a long time of you two being in a relationship Shuichi thought long and hard about the future of the strong connection you two hold. He thought of taking action earlier, but because of his shy and awkward nature he chose not to and do it some other time.
-But with the assistance of his good friend Kaito, after building up the necessary amount of courage in order to perform this action he was ready to open up this new chapter in his life.
-Shuichi wasn’t a fan of proposing in public at all because of the fear of being rejected in front of others who have no involvement on the current situation. So proposing in a private place was his cup of tea.
-It was dusk, the sun was setting down to end the day and you two were sitting on the bench located at the park. It was a peaceful scenery with nobody but you two there, and this is when Shuichi was ready to pull out the ring.
-”S-s/o I-I really want to tell you something and I r -really won’t expect you to turn away from my proposal but, will you marry m-me?” stutters formed into his speech but it wasn’t too difficult to understand what he was saying. In fact, it was very touching for him to perform such a courageous act
-You saw his face and movement, his face was cherry red and his eyes were looking away avoiding eye contact from you in fear of rejection or a bad reaction from you
-After the small silence was over you said something, it wasn’t something Shuichi expected at all, in fact after hearing the words of accepting his proposal he froze in shock not believing the words that went in and out from his ears
-”R- really?” trying to make sure that this is reality that he is in he finally realized that he is and was overjoyed for the acceptance. He’s now preparing this new chapter that he’s going to take on in his life
Kaito Momota
-When Kaito began to feel that your relationship is getting stronger he started thinking of taking it to the next level which is marriage. oh please don’t get those dirty fantasies up xD
-God who knows about the amount of time it took for him to find the perfect ring that matched to your liking, he wanted the moment to be just pure perfection and nothing else. He already started dreaming of your acceptance 
-It was late at night a beautiful one with the stars being brighter and more visible then ever, and whenever this opportunity has happened to roll in you two have to go star gazing no matter what comes in
-It was a regular night of listening to him rambling on about his future and you talk about it with him as well sprinkling in minor details, and when the topic of marriage pops in Kaito is building up the spirit to prepare for his next response.
-”Hey s/o speaking of marriage,would you  marry me?” then in front of your own eyes was a beautiful ring that matched up  to your tastes and it sparkled more then the night stars did.
-Waiting for your feedback he pulled of his usual smile that was always filled with determination, rejection was not something he was thinking about during the moment at all in fact it was the opposite 
-One of his dreams had finally come true and as soon as he knew it you had accepted his wholesome request. The expression he had on his face was priceless, Kaito then tackled you with a tight and warm hug, and he’s enthusiastic to open up the new possibilities in life.
Kokichi Oma
-Having a forceful kind of personality Kokichi would do anything to make sure things would go his way and his only especially when it came to romance so it’s no surprise when he did end up being extremely forceful for the occasion.
-Everything was planned ahead and if anyone knows Kokichi a hundred percent he does tend to go over board when it comes to planning a major occasion especially the one he’s going to do now
-”Hey s/o! What would your reaction be if I ever in my whooole life ever proposed to you? Super sad or super duper happy?” clearly hinting on the idea of proposal you answered his question and as soon as you could even blink he was on his knees asking for the proposal
-”I never ever ever ever kneel down to anyone who is totally not my s/o! So can you pretty please accept! If you don’t I’ll force you to!” you already knew that you’ll accept but it’ll become hell if you don’t
-Having the happiest expression on his face Kokichi then stood up and skipped over to you to give a hug, an extremely tight one probably the biggest he had ever given.
-Now the arrangements were finally done with and you two have moved onto the next stage of life
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kachulein · 5 years
21 Questions
tagged by @yeonki thank you~💞💞
answer twenty-one questions and tag twenty-one people
Name: Laura Jane
Nickname: Kachu, Lala, Pikachu, Pika, Min,
Gender: Female
Star sign: Aquarius
Current time: 08:00pm
Favourite song: It changes all the time. I don't really have ~one~ favourite ^^"
Favourite artist(s): The Boyz, Ateez, Stray Kids, Monsta X, TXT, Weki Meki, Ariana Grande, Little Mix, and many more~
Last movie you saw: My Neighbor Totoro!! I've been quite sick lately and I felt really bad because I could hardly breathe so I watched this movie to try and distract myself while I cuddled my Totoro plushie😂
Last thing you googled: Kakegurui genre (lmao)
Song stuck in your head: Boy - The Boyz (I have no idea why I haven't even listened to this song-)
Other blogs: ooof uhm-
and some more :')
Do you get asks: here and there, I haven't been very active lately,,, sooo yeah
Reason for your url: it's my nickname with a German diminutive added at the end
Following: 684
Average amount of sleep: 6-8 hours, my sick body literally shuts down if I don't get enough sleep,,, so there's that
Lucky number: 3, 99
Currently wearing: grey hoodie and black pj's
Dream job: singer & songwriter
Dream trips: Hawaii, Korea, Japan, Scandinavia, Alaska/Canada (I wanna see tundra and taiga + aurora borealis)
Favourite food(s): brownies, dark chocolate, spinach, rice pudding, porridge
Play any instruments: piano but I'd love to learn how to play the guitar🥺
tagging: oh my 21 people... okay let's see,, @nctaezen @pwark-jisung @wilderossetti @namiiyae @waitingonjhope @softpastelmx @ice-cream-s-coups @visualgiggles @briee-elle @littlefallenrebel @staytion-nine @leefelex @scene-steala @maggiandmilo @manyakhater @honey-minnie @hanniejji @thetoastycanoli aahh I don't want to bother anyone by tagging them, so feel free to ignore this! And I've been so m.i.a on here lately, I'm really sorry I haven't talked to y'all in a while :(( Hewwuu I guess~♡
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kachuwritings · 5 years
okay,, i'm not sure if anyone even cares at this point but I just wanted to say a few things.
Sooo...I've been extremely busy with uni and now I also took on a 50% job, so I need to manage my free time really well and honestly...I already fail at that during vacation time because I just have so many interests that it's hard to practice them all,,,
I definitely haven't lost my passion for writing but I haven't been able to get to it in a long time. However, I don't want to delete this blog and neither do I want to delete @fluffyheadcanons. While I will try to update the latter more often again, I just wanted to kind of use this blog for whenever I find time to write and then share a story because..even though time is so sparse, I really want to write again and also improve my writing because it's always been something that brought me joy.
Anyway, I just wanted to update y'all on this. I hope you started off nicely into 2020. My 21st birthday just passed a few days ago and I feel o l d. :')
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kachuwritings · 5 years
hi hi guys~
A lot has happened and I've been really busy so that I didn't find time to write anything or update my writing blogs :( I'm so sorry!!
Uni has started and I'll be quite busy with that from now on. I'm even struggling to answer all the messages I get and I still have around 50 unanswered text messages from friends,,,,ahh I feel so guilty for making them all wait :(
The thing is, I've been diagnosed with a chronic illness (endometriosis) a while ago and it's not *that* shocking because I now have a name to all the health problems I've struggled with for years but it's still been a bit of a bummer that made me quite worried. I was also at the eye specialist today and apparently I have corneal neovascularization (or something like this) caused by my contact lenses and I've been quite scared since my eye specialist told me that if this keeps growing I'll be unable to wear contact lenses at some point and I won't ever be able to get laser treatment.
It's been a bit tough regarding my health and I've spent all my free time practicing self care so that I can stay positive and in a healthy mindset. I've come so far over the past months that I don't want these health issues to destroy all the progress I made.
I do not intend to stop writing. I've always liked writing and I will continue to like writing. I just ask you all to be patient with me. I got lots to do and apart from writing I have many other hobbies, so it's always hard to find time for everything. :(
I'll probably not be very active on here and maybe also on @fluffyheadcanons due to that but I still want to undergo these changes for my blog and spice things up, so I hope you'll stay with me through this~
If you ever want some updates on my life or just see me be active on tumblr, you can check my main blog @pikachulein that's where I usually post all my personal stuff since I always wanted to keep my writing blogs clean and only post my own content here ^^" (but maybe that's not so good since it looks like the blog it dead then, whereas it's more of a semi-hiatus)
I just wanted to let you guys know!! I'm not the greatest with opening up but I thought telling you this would explain why I'm so inactive :((
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kachuwritings · 5 years
I've started posting blurbs on @fluffyheadcanons again yayyy :3 I hope I can say that I'm finally back.
I'll spare you with the uninteresting details about my personal life and my shitty health but I'm doing better again!
Finals are nearing and I got a shit ton of studying to do because I really don't want to fail my first exams @ uni 😬 but whenever I find some spare time and motivation to write, I'll definitely do so! Probably mainly over on @fluffyheadcanons for now but I want to make my comeback here as well!
At the latest, when my semester break starts, which is right after my exams on January 11th!!🥺
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kachuwritings · 5 years
A New Beginning
You may or may not have noticed how inactive I've become on this blog and this has many reasons which some of them I've already mentioned and some not so much.
[If you want to know more about what's been going on and some more info, please read the post "an overdue apology & explanation" that I reblogged with some additional info right below this post.]
I'm not sure when exactly everything started to go downhill for me but I think it slowly began after I decided to open a second writing blog called @fluffyheadcanons At first I thought it was an amazing idea to have a writing blog with scenarios, reactions, mtls and moodboards and a separate soft blog for soft hours and small blurbs. However, I didn't realize how much work this would be for one person to manage at first (and I'm not trying to put pity on myself) but as time progressed it became painfully apparent to me.
I felt like when I was active on one writing blog I neglected the other and vice versa because I became more invested with both of them and in the end I spent almost all day on tumblr or writing on stuff which in the end took a toll on my already not great mental health. I basically used these blogs to hide at home on the internet and therefore not having to face my anxiety to a point where I've been going through a really dark time... I totally let my social life go, my mental and physical health problems increased and I lost touch with most of my irl friends which made me feel really lonely and even more isolated. This increasing drop in my wellbeing also manifested itself in me losing motivation, inspiration and strength to write and I just let myself go and wanted everything to end.
Now, you need to know, I'm an extremely sensitive person that is very concerned with other people's opinions (way too much!!) and I also really hate disappointing or even hurting someone. These things make me beat myself up a lot, so I've always felt extremely guilty that I didn't complete the requests I've gotten from you and truthfully speaking, I still feel guilty and I am scared people will hate me for this (this is not me judging someone else rather my anxiety tells me people will hate me for it because it takes every opportunity it can get to find reasons as to why someone would hate me). And I'm not really a confrontational person and really dislike conflict so I never want to anger someone (which is inevitable though).
Anyway, I wanted to give you guys a bit more information as to why I've been doing what I've been doing and also give you an insight about my emotions and mental health. I started off 2019 really bad to be frank, however, I've managed to get better both physically and mentally. I will encounter setbacks from time to time and I will still have old habits or feelings resurface and make me feel bad but I'm working a lot on improving on every level and feeling happy, motivated and inspired. I've built up my social life more again and tbh, meeting up with friends and not being so isolated has helped me a lot to deal with my anxiety and I feel much better already (mind you, I've been struggling with it for years but I've learned techniques to deal with panic attacks in therapy and now I feel like I'm strong enough to face my fears).
[This is something I want to emphasize to others that are struggling, please don't put yourself into a triggering situation when you're not ready and don't have the resources to deal with it yet. It will only worsen your struggles. People always say "you have to face your fears if you want them to go away" but I don't think you should immediately do that. First, you need to gather the resources to deal with your struggles and if you feel like you got them and you feel strong enough, you can try to face your fears and use the resources you've acquired.]
I'm rambling on, I'm sorry, I'm coming to the point now.
I realized I need a makeover, a new beginning, a fresh start. The remaining requests (as I've mentioned before) I will not be able to complete them, over the months and during the time I've struggled they've become somewhat of a negative space for me and something that tries to guilt-trip me and I don't think I can handle to complete them at this point if I want to enjoy writing again. I am so sorry, seriously, I didn't want to let you guys down. I really want to make this blog blossom again since I've grown attached to it, it's like my little creative niche but it's turned into a chore over time and I lost passion and motivation for it. I've always felt obliged to write and post and put out content and complete requests and I've put a lot of pressure on myself that way.
Therefore I decided I will change this blog up and have a fresh start. I will change my guidelines, as well as the groups I'll be writing for. I will not take requests anymore until further notice (maybe for a drabble game or when I feel like I'm strong enough again and then I will handle it differently and make sure I don't put too much on my plate). And I will also change my blog aesthetic to further emphasize the makeover (+ I really could use a new one by now :')).
Well, I guess that's it. I want to thank you, yes you, who's reading this right now, to have read this far and not already decided to drop me and I am so grateful for you understanding and hope you will continue to check in on this blog in the future even if there will be some changes!
I am really sorry again, I tried my best and it wasn't good enough and that's why I decided I need to put this out and start anew. Thank you for reading this and I love you.♥️
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kachuwritings · 5 years
I'm so sorry I'm so dead on here,,, I still don't really know how to proceed and what to do next ;-; there's some ideas I have but I'm not sure what to do first,,,,I'm so indecisive ;-; well,,, in case anyone is missing me posting content (I don't think that would be the case but who knows-) I'm not dead over on @fluffyheadcanons and work on the blurb requests I got there.
I'm not sure whether I should continue my skz social media bf! series next? I only did 3/9 members so far,,, and maybe some of you want to see the other members as well?🥺
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kachuwritings · 5 years
I'm really bad at organizing/having a schedule/not spacing off and losing track of time when it comes to all my hobbies and interests. I mentioned on @fluffyheadcanons earlier how I feel like I need a 100 extra hours to each of my days because I just have too many hobbies/interests I'm trying to pursue and whenever I put more effort into one, I feel like I have to neglect the others ;-;
soooo uhh, kinda just wanted to ask (since I'm surely not the only person who struggles to take care of so many hobbies/interests) if anyone has some tips on how to organize your time better and take care of all hobbies? :o
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kachuwritings · 6 years
NCT 2018 ideal dates
anonymous asked: please do a nct 2018 ideal date!! like how or what’s their perfect ideal date? Thanks sm🔥
a/n: I tried to keep it interesting with different date ideas and also tried to see which would fit which member the best imo. I hope you like it!~♡
Disclaimer: This is the last nct 2018 reaction I'll post. It's just too hard on me to write a different reaction for 18 members, that's why I decided to only take requests for units from now on and finish off this little nct 2018 journey with their ideal dates.
warning?: it’s a bit cracked up sometimes?! xD
- gender neutral -
Taeil is a main vocalist and he loves singing above anything, so I think his ideal date would include his greatest passion. He always sings their own songs and it's always serious and professional, so he'd love to let loose for once and just sing his heart out to whatever song he wants. That's why Taeil's ideal date would be going to a karaoke bar with you.
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Johnny is known as the most romantic member (at least within 127) and that's why I believe he'd want a traditional and romantic date. He'd take you out to a candle-light dinner at a fancy restaurant and like the gentleman he is, he'd pay for you and after you'd go on a walk through a park together.
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We all know Taeyong loves cooking and that he's the best cook in NCT. Therefore he'd love to invite you over to his place and cook a full course meal for the both of you to enjoy in intimate togetherness. And of course he'd end up blushing when you'd compliment his food, hoping you couldn't see the redness on his cheeks in the candle-light.
gosh, look at his smile uwu my heart is bursting
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For Yuta I could imagine two different kinds of ideal dates. Either he'd love to take you on a concert with him, preferably going to see his favourite Japanese rock band One OK Rock (their concerts are lit btw I love them so much) or he'd want to go shopping with you, either to a mall or to the city, so he could see you trying on different outfits and spoil you like the sugar daddy gentleman he is.
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Kun is another member I wasn't completely sure about. I could see him loving a quiet date at the bookstore together, where you'd be rummaging through various books and reading together or he'd also love to take you on a road trip with him, where you'd drive through the whole Korea just for fun and blast your favourite music in his car.
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Since we know that our little Doyoungie practically never leaves his room during their days off, I felt like he'd love a cosy stay at home date, where you would cook dinner together, fool around and later watch some movies while cuddling.
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Ten is a very energetic baby as we all know and since he loves dancing, I bet he'd love to go dancing with his date to either impress them, dance together with them, watch them dance or all of the above. Therefore he'd probably take you out dancing and either you'd just dance together or he'd offer to teach you. If both of you were up to it, you might even take some slow dancing classes together.
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Jaehyun seems to be the type of person that loves everything soft, romantic, relaxing etc. I can totally see him doing a spa night together with you. When you arrived at his place, he'd prepare a nice bubble bath for the both of you, while you'd be enjoying some expensive champagne and later you'd give each other back massages while having scented candles placed all around the room so the both of you could just lay back and rest for once.
wow look at him, I’m in love :)))))))))))))))
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Sicheng is such a soft and shy baby and for some reason I associate cosy winters and playing in the snow with him. I feel like he'd love to take you out on a date to go ice-skating. You would both help each other to get comfortable on the ice and when you felt anxious still, he'd keep his arms draped around your waist to keep you from falling until you felt stable enough to ride alone but that still wouldn't be a guarantee that he'd let go of you then. ;)
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I associate everything aesthetically pleasing with soft Junguwu and that's why I picture him wanting to take you out to a small and cute café, one that was less popular and hidden away from the center of the town, so only those with taste would know about this place. Either you'd go there for simply having a cup of coffee or in the morning for brunch. He'd love having a quiet place with you to go to talk and share your passions with.
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When I was brainstorming for this post, it didn't even take me a whole 2 seconds to know what Xuxi would love to do with you, hell, I even wrote it down in all caps. I hope we can all agree on that this loud, big baby would absolutely love to go to an amusement park with you. He'd want to see if you get scared on rollercoasters or the haunted house, so he could protect you.
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Mark is a very busy boy and I can imagine he feels exhausted a lot and would just prefer not to go out for once. He'd love a quiet night in when you'd come to his place and the both of you would order some take out food because let's be real, neither of you knew how to cook for life. After dinner, he'd get his guitar and play some songs for you while you'd lean against him with your eyes closed, enjoying the moment. You'd finish off the evening with watching movies until the both of you fell asleep in each other's arms.
I feel attacked :)
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Renjunnie is our local art hoe™ so I think he'd love if his date would be just as much into the arts as him. If you happen to be like that, he'd love nothing more than to either visit an art gallery together with you or meet up so you could draw each other. Or even better, you'd visit the art gallery first and after go to his place and spend the night away drawing beautiful portraits of each other. aEstHEtiC
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Just recently I posted a little imagine (I put the link if you want to read Jeno's ideal date in an more aesthetically pleasing way) on my blog @fluffyheadcanons that I think would suit Jeno so well. Like in that post, I think Jeno's ideal date would be going to a park on a sunny afternoon and having a nice picnic there while he would be able to feed you with chocolate glazed fruits.
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Our full sun would love going out with you, especially during the warmer months. That's why I could imagine him wanting to take you out on a stroll around town until you'd get to your favourite ice cream shop where the both of you would buy an ice cream in your favourite flavour, with him insisting on paying for you and then going to the Han River to relax and take silly photos of each other.
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Jaemin is such a supportive baby he'd literally love everything you wanted to do and would agree on anything. But if you let him decide and tell him that you wanted to go on his ideal date with him, he'd take you bowling and together you'd have so much fun and laugh at each other for failing and hitting the gutter all the time.
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Our Lele is such a playful and childish baby so he’d definitely want to take you on a date to a place where you'd have the time of your lives. And is there a better place than going to an arcade together? I don't think so. You'd try out all the different games, from air hockey, to basketball, to car or motorbike races and dancing games. You'd enjoy yourselves so much that you'd forget about the time and get home late, so eomma Taeyong would end up scolding the both of you for staying out past curfew.
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Since maknae Jisung is still young and might feel a bit embarrassed to go on dates in public, and since he's also an introverted bub, I think he'd love a stay-in date. He'd probably ask you to come over when all the hyungs would be gone for practice or individual schedules so he'd have the dorm to himself. Then he'd prepare all kinds of unhealthy snacks for the both of you and you'd end up playing videos games together until everyone would get back and be shook at seeing their youngest member having his date over while no one was there to watch over them. (Taeyong eomma will snap)
uhmmm can you,,, NOT??? pls,,,
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kachulein · 5 years
after writing this hanahaki!au on @fluffyheadcanons my heart h u r t s
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