#Not an x reader
love44lew · 26 days
彡drivers gamer!max verstappen
彡genre dabble/scrap
彡summary max doesn’t realize his legs would create such an uproar in his chat
彡notes based off that one video of max.. i dont know why this was a scrap its so cute 🥹.
max was on live, slumped in his gaming chair as luke spoke about the previous game on fifa. he put his legs up on the desk, not noticing it was in the frame of his webcam. max glanced over a the chat.
“max’s legs!!” “scandalous” “giving us some thigh max..”
max blushes and puts his leg down and out of frame. the chat immediately erupted again
“you guys cant be normal about anything” “nouuuu maxxx” “great now everyone fucked it up as they always do”
max giggles, his pale face now fully red. he never knew just his legs would cause such an uproar in the chat. “hehe sorry guys” max apologized cheekily as he prepared himself for the next game.
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leavingsunsets · 4 months
because im bored and going insane, have a little drabble because im going insane. ALSO THIS IS KINDA A CRACKFIC???? you and alastor be silly together. does a cutoff 'kys' count as a warning?
"𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔪 𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔪 𝔓𝔬𝔴."
[𝖠𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋 & 𝗀𝗇!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋]
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"I'm back!"
The slam of the hotel doors echo throughout the lobby, an empty one. To which you only notice after a few steps in, swinging the one plastic bags branded '8-11' in your one hand.
"Uh, Husk, where'd all the others go?" You call out, putting them down on the coffee table. "Husk?"
No response. It's also now that you notice the bar was empty. Huh. Where did everyone go?
They went out for another redemption activity or something?
(This was the time Cherri took them out to the club. They're out there being judged by the holy court while you were busy sneaking out to raid the convenience store.)
"Gah, whatever. More for me."
You scoop up the bags and bring 'em over to the kitchen, where your chef (the microwave) awaited. Unaware of the red creeping figure by the second floor balcony.
Now, with your multitude of food splayed on the kitchen island, you tap your fingers over each one of them.
"Hmm. A burger or mac' n' cheese... Hmm."
With a shrug, you pop both open and throw it in the microwave, the radiation machine whirring to life as you lean back.
The peace is only broken once a sudden buzz of radio fills the silence.
"Wow. What is this?"
You nearly land on your own ass at his presence, head snapping to look behind you. "!?! WHAT THE HELL?!"
The sight of Alastor happily humming as he rummages through your other bag is what greets you, much to your horror.
"The f- Don't touch that!" you hurriedly snatch the bag away from him, hugging the bulky thing to your chest. "Why're you even here?? I thought you were gone with the others!"
"Eh, some Cherri girl, and a hefty pay," he shrugs, leaning on his cane. "What's that you're heating?"
Putting aside your bag, you squint your eyes at him for a moment. "My dinner."
He stares, raising a brow, "..which is?"
"Mac n' cheese," you grumble, already expecting some kind of reaction from the Louisianian.
"Eugh," yup, there it is, "you call that dinner? Goodness." You sigh, crossing your arms and facing the microwave once more. You weren't in the mood for some kinda wit war with this guy right now.
"Hmph. Back to the search." With a snap, he teleports your bag back to him, already digging through it before you can protest.
"HEY!" you reach out to snatch it back again, only for him to swerve it away. He daintily brings out a blue and red pin between his pointed fingers. Your eyes go wide at it.
"Who's this clown-" he disintegrates right as you lunge across the counter. Reappearing after you land face first on the floor, he continues, "this is the first time I've seen a neon jester of all things."
Face scarlet, you quickly get up and attempt to grab at him. But of course, what was Alastor if not a little shit, rendering your efforts useless. He disintegrates into the floor just as you reach out, teleporting to the other side of the kitchen island.
"Wow! You have 10 of these!" at this point, he was just pulling out the contents, splaying them on the counter.
"ALASTOR! I AM GOING TO SKIN YOU ALIVE I SWEAR TO-" The words die on your tongue the moment you spot him slide out a neatly sealed envelope, decorated with stickers.
At this moment, you seem to lose all sense of fear, or maybe some sort of sensibility to ground you back in reality. As at this moment, you find yourself charging at the demon 100 kilometers per hour, body ready to take any damage if it meant to stop him from even glimpsing at who the recipient was.
Unfortunately, he already did.
"Oho! To think you were a superfan! Of Fizzarolli nonethele-"
The microwave beeped in a little musical tune, however, it went unheard as you were busy having a important civilized conversation with the distinguished gentleman with you right now.
He dodges, sadly, disappearing into thin air once more. You basically crash against the counter, upper body smacked against the countertop.
"Ooh, 'Dear, Fizzarolli, I'm your biggest fan! I just wanted to say-' "
Grabbing a pack of frozen croquettes, you fling it at his head, to which a black tentacle sprouts from the ground and smacks away.
You jab a finger at him, face red with humiliation, "YOU'RE AN ABOMINATION TO ORAL HYGIENE." The frozen package flies, knocking the microwave into its plug and jamming it into the socket. A spark.
Right at this moment, Emily hops up to join Charlie in this outcry against the cruel (bi)annual exorcism of heaven, Angel Dust takes a courageous stand against the walking volatile moth himself, and you?
You face your own heavy battle, to which you're not sure will end peacefully. Which is a little generous to say, as he just continues reading the letter despite your insult. You feel a vessel nearly pop at his dismissal.
" '-I started watching your shows just a few months after falling here and-' "
Another packaged burger comes flying at his head. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, DAMNIT!" you screech, pissed.
"Hmm," for a second, he looks away contemplatively, tapping his chin. Then, it morphs into a smug smirk. "No. This is quite funny to me."
You grit your teeth tightly at his arrogance, veins about to pop, "This. Is why. Nobody. Likes you."
he leans over with a catlike smile, fluttering his lashes as he cutely lays against the kitchen island, kicking his feet slightly. "Awe yew mwad at mwee?"
Maybe it was just your temper, and his audacity, but at this point, you just explode.
And apparently, so did the microwave.
The first thing you feel is the machine's nuclear explosion just to your right, and the splatter of something gooey on your head. You blink.
The mac' n' cheese. You forgot about that.
Alastor remains unfazed and untouched, still lain across the counter and kicking his feet. Red eyes lazily glance at the absolutely blackened charr of a lump in the place of a perfectly functional microwave. "Hmm. Wonder what we're gonna do about that."
You are gonna insane if you have to spend one more minute with this man without strangling him.
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xiakyo · 5 months
Wish Upon A Star, Stargazer Azul!
PROMPT: Azul fulfilling his duties as this year’s stargazer.
Words: 1.6K words
DISCLAIMER! My horrible description of Kalim teaching Azul how to dance (I took what I saw from the rhythm part of the event!) ++ Possible OOC characters?
— < ++ > —
I am a contributor to @twst-charity ! And here is a commission for @twsted-seas !! ^_^ i hope you enjoy this little work i’ve made in the midst of crazy exams @_@
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:: VIP ROOM ::
It was the Starsending, the day in which students around NRC would be bestowed a wishing star. This year, headmaster Crowley had tasked Azul and a few others with collecting the wishing stars around the campus in any possible way he could.
Azul sighed as he rested his forehead on the palm of his hand . “My my," he chuckled. “The headmaster surely knows how to burden his students, alright..”
“Haha, does it trouble you, Azul?” Jade let out his signature chuckle as he held his chin between his thumb and his index finger. Floyd groaned, obviously bored with all of this. “Come onnn~” He let out an exaggerated sigh as he hunched over. “Why’d we ‘ave to get involved ?”
“Indeed, the headmaster has quite the odd picking.. Especially seeing how Azul still has to oversee the lounge while handling this task as well. I mean.. Collecting the individual stars.. Practicing the dancing..” Jade squinted his eyes as he chuckled.
That seemed to make Floyd be in a.. Better mood. “Aha ha! Azul, doing the silly dance?!” He grinned as he fixed his posture, his hand on his waist.
Azul could only sigh in exasperation as he shook his head. Right.. He had to fulfill other duties aside from collecting the stars. Perhaps he should ask the other starsenders this year?
Azul walked along the cafeteria, searching for someone in particular. His eyes scanned the crowded room and eventually landed on a particular hyena with sandy brown hair.
“Shishishi, told you I could do it, now hand over the goods!” Ruggie was talking with a random Heartslabyul student who handed the hyena madol before leaving.
“Ruggie!” Azul called out to him as the hyena beastman jumped, not expecting him to call out to him.
Ruggie looked at Azul with a sigh and a grin. “Got another odd job for me?” He asked Azul, turning on his heel and looking at Azul.
“Not this time,” Azul gave him a closed eye smile as he pushed his glasses up with his middle finger. “I was merely looking for you to ask, what are you going to do to collect the wishing stars?”
“Shishishi.. Now, if you want to know the trade secret.. You have to pay up!” The hyena beastman chuckled as Azul sighed. “Very well.” He handed madol to Ruggie as he grinned.
“Well, I’ve just been doing typical dirty work for it.” Ruggie replied calmly. “But I doubt you’d get your hands dirty for it! Shishishi!”
Azul seemed to take in Ruggie’s comment before nodding. Perhaps he should ask Rook..
“Roi d’Effort!” Rook greeted Azul with his signature smile. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Rook,” Azul greeted the huntsman back. “I was simply going around asking the starsenders picked for this year on how they’re going around collecting the wishing stars!”
“Oh! Well, I have been getting them with quite ease! Nobody can truly hide their wishes from a hunter!”
Azul sweatdropped as he heard it before clearing his throat, “Well, that’s one way to put it.. Thank you. Rook.”
:: VIP ROOM ::
Azul was in the VIP room, sitting on his desk as he wrote on the parchment in front of him. He was thinking of ways to collect the wishing stars whilst looking over contract details regarding the lounge. Multitasking! Azul sighed as he leaned back.
Azul would continue to go around, looking for the rest of the starsenders, they all gave him their own ways on obtaining the wishes.
That put Azul into thought.. A thought appeared in his head, similar to a lightbulb lighting up. Every single stargazer he’s asked has given him an answer in which they all got the wishes in their own way.
So, he too should get it in his own way, right?
The next day, Azul announced that the lounge will be having a 10% discount to whoever gives their wishing star to him.
“To everyone who hands over their wishing star to me. Will be getting a 10% discount off of any item on the menu! Only available for those who share their wishes.”
How come you didn’t think of this earlier? You’re a genius, Azul. He thought to himself.
As the day came closer to nightfall, Azul sighed, finally. He had collected most of the stars around campus. He chuckled to himself as he looked over the sale reports. Excellent. Jade walked into the room with Floyd following behind.
“Haha, it seems that we have more sales today than on any other typical day.” Jade hands over the sale reports of the day to Azul.
“More sales on a typical day means more work.” Floyd huffed as he put his hands into his pants pockets’. “It was allll soooo boringggggg!” Floyd complained, drawing his words out longer.
Azul nodded as he looked over the sale reports. He was lost in thought as he looked over it, silencing Floyd and Jade’s talking, until Jade called out to him directly.
“Azul, when will you begin practicing the dance?” Jade asked, his signature smile on his face as he closed his eyes. It was spoken with a playful tone. “Oh! Ya! Totally forgot ‘bout it! So, when will you practice?” Floyd continued, a grin on his face as he imagined what Azul would look like dancing.
Azul looked at them as he panicked slightly, though he didn’t show it. He coughed into his fist. “Ahem.. Well, I’ve scheduled a practice with.. Kalim..!” He totally lied, but it wouldn’t be so hard convincing Kalim to help him.
“And that’s why I need your help, Kalim, you certainly know a thing or two about dancing. So, could you help me?” Azul was in Scarabia’s dorm. Talking to the housewarden, Kalim.
“Hahaha! Of course I can!” Kalim answered enthusiastically, his hands on his waist as he let out a big toothy smile. Jamil, who was beside him, sighed out in exasperation as he face-palmed. “You still have things to do, Kalim.”
Azul slightly deflated at that– He totally forgot about Jamil, he’d certainly want Kalim to focus on other things. And it wasn’t hidden that the vice-housewarden had quite the distaste for the scheming housewarden of Octavinelle.
“Oh! C’mon, Jamil! Azul’s our friend!”
But of course, Kalim would ignore any important task if it meant helping out a friend of his.
“Your friend, maybe..” Jamil sighed as he rolled his eyes. “Come on, Kalim..” his hand on his waist while the other was resting against his forehead. Before Jamil even knew it, Kalim was already telling Azul of all the different techniques he’d have to learn before learning the actual dance.
“Astaghfirullah.. Allah keeps testing my patience today..” Jamil mumbled under his breath, sighing. Knowing that Kalim had already decided what he’d have to do for the rest of the day.
“Like this–?” Azul was cut off as he fell, an annoyed sigh leaving him. He just couldn’t keep up with Kalim.. Perhaps it’s because Azul had never danced, with two feet or even back when he was in the coral sea. “I don’t know how you’re able to do all this Kalim.. Especially while keeping that upbeat expression and that enthusiasm of yours..”
Kalim could only let out a laugh as he pulled Azul up by the arm. “Come on! It’s simply, first.. You do this, then this!” Kalim first moved his leg and feet, making it so that his left foot would nearly be touching her right leg before doing it reversed and repeating around two to three times. “One, two, three!” Azul watched and copied his exact movements in a sloppy manner, but it was still something!
“I don’t understand why I have to do all these movements one at a time..” Azul sighed, he could be in the VIP room by now, filling out documents and such when Jamil interrupted his thoughts. “It’s good to practice your leg movement before moving to focus on your arm movements then combining the two.”
Azul sighed before moving his gaze back at Kalim who was ready to do another set of movements. “And then, you do this, Azul!” Kalim swung his right leg a little bit out while jumping a little, he grinned as Azul followed his manner. “That’s right!”
After a few more tries, Azul got less sloppier and did it much more cleanly.
“Now! Onto arm movements!!”
Azul sighed as Kalim seemed to be rather enthusiastic about it. Had he really not broken a sweat through this entire ordeal? Before they could move onto the next practice of movements, Jalim entered the room.
“Why don’t you take a break first? I’m sure Azul and you have exhausted yourselves, Kalim.” Jamil walked in with a basket filled with nutritious food and drinks to replenish their energies.
“Oh wow! Thanks Jamil!”
“I.. Indeed, thank you, Jamil.”
Azul sighed as he saw the amount of people in front of the tree. You have worked long hours, practicing, perfecting this!
Along with his fellow star-senders, he steps in front of the crowd and they begin their star-sending performance.
“Woah! Look, Jamil! Azul’s really doing it!” Kalim seemed excited, knowing his help had paid off. “Hmp, he really is..” Jamil could only let out a small smirk.
:: VIP ROOM ::
Days had gone by since the star-sending ceremony. Azul looked over the reports from the last few weeks and this week, he had noticed a surge in the sale reports. Was it due to the discount? Nono, of course not. Or perhaps his wish did come true, for Mostro Lounge to blossom even more.
He chuckled, looking at the papers with a grin. “Now this.. This is a star-sending miracle!”
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chaoticcornchip · 7 months
Adam headcanons!!!
Taking him to the dentist
Hello there! It's me posting for once in my new thing of headcanons, starting with the boy Adam. And this is inspired/thought of after yesterday (2/20/2024) as I had a Dentist appointment, but without delay, to the Adam at the dentist case! (my opinions so scuff off and leave me alone if you don't like em.)
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Thanks for your attention! but here we go:
Adam would be scared of the dentist- nor I meant absolutelyTERRIFIED of it
You can’t look at him and tell me he isn’t.
Will do absolutely anything to avoid it.
You know those kids that scream and cry about the dentist? Yeah take Adam, make that but worse, he won’t be kicking and screaming. Nah this man will be struggling like a panicked animal in a snare trap, while shrieking loud enough to put some rooster to shame
You would need to bribe him, even then, the bribe won’t work entirely, he still will be stubborn and impossible as heck.
He would think of simple cleanings, checkups, etc. Is the equivalent of torture. 
Adam would need to be drugged or tied down just to get him still. 
Adam also would be hiding if someone says that he needs to go to an appointment. 
Becomes THAT kind of person, making excuses, running away, hiding. Yes, sometimes you will be chasing him for hours.
Being said, you will be forced to get ready 2 hours ahead, so if he finds out, you can catch this manbaby
Adam will need you or Lute to be with him
Yes you and Lute need to work together because Adam won’t tolerate or listen to anyone else. And both of you can’t handle this 7-9ft tall baby alone.
Afterwards Adam will be pissy. And will complain and berate everyone that looks at him
Adam also would actually like the scent of the fluoride, idk why, he just would. which will be a problem as he will be sniffing it like a dog.
Always go for the bubblegum flavored stuff. ALWAYS
Adam would refuse the rinsing as he wants the flavor to stay.
Has he bit the dentist? Yes. he has.
Adam has been banned from several Dental offices
He is the person who hates EVERY other dentist, except for 1 or 2 people and will only accept these people to dare put their rubber gloved fingers in his magnificent mouth for a cleaning.
Adam would’ve had many cavities the first visit, get scared of the pain and never again not brush his teeth and keep it clean. 
Hates the numbing stuff and complains it don’t work
After numb stuff is applied, this man will relentlessly bite the spot, and make himself bleed.
More complaining from Adam.
He becomes the full “no talk me angy” meme after the hell is over.
THat's all, thanks so much for looking, sorry if it's disorganized, but I hope you enjoyed it and if you want more feel free to leave a request! (after reading the pinned post ofc)
But have a wonderful life and don't die. please don't, the world needs you.
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Yandere kidnapper hawks fatherly for izuku
Hawks found out about Izuku through the sports festival and saw a boy who gave heroics his all, even if it destroyed him in the process.
And that awakened something in Hawks that the commission tried to keep dormant. His mutanic, monstrous, protective instinct.
It originally started with the small Endeavour plushie, then with his first handler and new roommate. When he'd get too attached, they'd destroy what it was, showing that he cannot be too invested in something. That would be a distraction. And he cannot afford distractions.
But he's a pro hero now. With his own money and place to live and agency with dozens of staff members and millions of adoring fans. He doesn't have to worry about the Hero Commission taking our him for liking something, for not behaving appropriately.
He takes Izuku on as an intern, even if he intentionally lost to Endeavour's kid and broke damn near all of his bones. The bird quirked boy he was going to take far from his mind. The Commission wants him to have an inside scoop in U.A. and Class 1A in particular. Why not the boy who's activated some primal, paternal instinct in him?
But soon he realizes how much danger his little hero is in.
He's undercover with the league and Shigaraki has a fascination with his Izuku. Not long after the internship is over and he's gathered everything he needs to know on the fifteen year old he now considers his kid, he seemingly becomes the target of every villain in Japan.
Sure, he's fascinating, but he's Keigo's. He can't allow Izuku to get hurt like this, by the hands of a villain who's ill-equating him to the next Number One Hero.
And he's all for Izuku becoming a hero and becoming a star, just not in suffering like Hawks does. That's not something his child should ever have to deal with.
And so, when he gets the opportunity to take out Shigaraki he does. He doesn't hesitate. He doesn't form a familial connection with him. He kills the League without mercy and the Hero Commission praises him. They award him with the child on a silver platter, freshly orphaned without Hawks even having to get his wings bloody in that way.
And Hawks' picture perfect smile graces his face as he takes his favorite intern into his arms and nest. He'll be able to fly from it one day but for now, Izuku needs to indulge his new papa.
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rising-shellshock · 10 months
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Boo, mun art jumpscare. So. Guess who's not dead? ...Again.
Anyways, make sure y'all thank @notjustdragonspages (I think that's the right one to tag???) for my coming back with milk.
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vividc4ndy · 1 year
Head cannon that Nostradamus cheats in monopoly. Fucker really goes "Look that way!" then when you turn he won't do anything the first couple times to mess with you, then when he finally does cheat you won't believe he actually did anything! Also he smells like vanilla cookies.
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keylimeimagines · 2 years
I’ll be opening requests up for Scaramouche because I’ve officially been converted to the Scara Nation because OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM and he’s so cute <33
Warning! There might be requests that contain spoilers for the new archon quests, and since I’ve already completed the archon quests, that means I will be writing stuff that contains spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled, than I suggest that you avoid those works until you are ready!
And a small warning for those who want to request for Scara: I will NOT write Scara as a mean partner, as that is not how I see him, and I will write him as a much softer partner (since that’s what I’m better at writing). If you want a mean Scara, then this blog is not the page to request it to :( I apologize
With that out of the way, have fun requesting!
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blossomxlush · 1 year
My own brain is rick rolling me rn
Me : About to fall asleep
My brain :
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url0veb0t · 1 year
Bro. Bestie I thought you were dead 😭😭😭
Purr LMFAO no I’m always alive dw pookie
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thebeautyoffanfics · 1 year
Happy Aromantic Day of Visibility!! This has felt like a very important day for me, therefore I wrote a bit of a spiel on it ^^
Ahem-- happy aromantic day of visibility! I’m a bit late for my time zone, but I know it’s still this big day in plenty other parts of the world.
To those who might not know, I am aro-spec (even as an individual who primarily writes romance!)! Therefore, to see the first aromantic day of visibility has felt incredible. To see individuals coming together, sharing their experiences has warmed my heart (which, contrary to some beliefs, aro-spec people do have.) While I can’t share anything profound, or anything that hasn’t been shared before, I simply wanted to put my feelings into words. To share the joy I feel, and the validity of all forms of aromanticism. 
While I am not sure whether this identity will be what fits me perfectly, the term I currently use to label my aromanticism is “grey-aromantic.” For me, this means that I don’t feel romantic attraction often-- however, I do still desire romantic relationships when those feelings arise. For another, they may feel romantic attraction rarely, and not want a relationship once those feelings form!! Both are valid points-- as any form of aromanticism is. For me (and many other queer individuals), the path of discovering this about myself has not been easy. It still isn’t, and may not ever be! To sit around at a sleepover as an AFAB individual with many feminine friends, listening to rants about crushes and partners would make me feel different. Yes, I felt attraction, but… that rarely happened. Those situations can make any a-spec individual feel like an outcast. I now am in a genuine romantic relationship-- something that is NOT required of an individual to be valid-- feeling emotions that are not required of an individual to seem human. However, there are instances in which I clung to those who loved me, since I thought I could make myself love them-- that, if I was in a relationship, I was normal. This was not okay for me to do, but that is simply what felt "right."
I think it simply feels important for me to share these things because of how “taboo” aromanticism can seem to ignorant individuals. Therefore, if it hasn’t been said enough today (although I’m sure it can’t possibly be said enough), your identity is valid. Your aromanticism is valid! You are perfectly fine the way you are; you do not need to change. I love you (platonically, hehe), and I don’t need you to love me back!! You don’t need to love anyone back-- you just need to be you, and let others accept you as you are. Happy day of visibility-- I see you, and I hope everyone can come to see you, and accept you. You deserve it.
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werecreature-addicted · 7 months
people are always like "Oh a vampire wouldn't get horny while drinking someone's blood, that's like getting horny while eating a sandwich" and like man have you never had a really good fucking sandwich?
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heartiella · 6 months
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tonycries · 3 months
Madam Gojo - G.S.
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Synopsis. Gojo Satoru, the strongest clan leader in all of Japan - and the most dangerous, too. You, rejected by the elders, and totally not his future bride, right? Right?
Pairing. Gojo Satoru x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, clan leader! Gojo, arranged marriage, Satoru is a little (very) INSANE and down bad, the elders are awful, oral (fem receiving), use of “madam”, unprotected, créampie, kníves, overstím, féral Satoru, heinous things, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 4.9k
A/N. I need clan leader Gojo SO bad you guys don’t understand.
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They say that the head of the Gojo clan is the one person who could burn down this entire world and get away with it, too. 
The youngest of all the clan leaders - and the most infamous - a man who keeps his friends close, and his enemies even closer. Enough so that you’ve heard whispers of his cruelty at every nook and cranny of those stuffy social functions your family has dragged you to. And it was more than enough to paint a picture of such terrifying power.
Of a sharp blade and an even sharper mouth. Of an angelic figure that left no evidence, nor anyone to tell the tale - only the final, hauntingly beautiful image of cloudy white hair, and electric blue eyes.
Eyes that were currently locked with yours, and didn’t seem like they’d stop any time soon. Dangerous. Magnetic. Twinkling with such odd amusement from across the long tatami room. 
Gojo Satoru, the head of the Gojo clan - your future husband.
“Tch, the Kamo girl’s family had a much better reputation than this one.”
Ah, right. How could you forget?
You shift awkwardly on the mat, managing to rip your eyes over to the line of elders behind Gojo, whispering just loud enough that you’d hear - and, of course, remember once more that no, the marriage proposal hasn’t been approved just yet.
And considering those disapproving glares you’d been so warmly welcomed with, it seemed that they were well and fully intent on keeping it that way.
“I can assure you,” you fight to keep the polite smile plastered on your face, painful and slowly cracking with each passing second being interrogated. “My family is well-respected in the community.” Eyes snapping over to a silent Gojo, skin burning at his intensity. “Very well respected.”
“Come now. We’re just saying.” Another voice speaks up, strained and tinged with a venomous tone you knew didn’t bode well. “Your lineage isn’t exactly illustrious, is it?”
The emphasis on “illustrious” isn’t lost on you, and it’s so fucking dramatic than you think you could almost laugh. Apparently, a few of the elders think so, too - because they’re positively seething at the sight.
Muttering an icy, “Something funny, dear?”
“Nothing at all.” you bite back any insults, sifting around the contents of your untouched dinner - the last thing on your mind right now when it seemed like you were the main scrutiny tonight. “Absolutely nothing.”
“Such attitude!” That offended croak is met with murmured agreements and nods from the end of the room, “The madam of the Gojo household must be demure- I told the young master we should go with the Kamo girl.”
God, why did you agree to this again? Something about strengthening your family ties? You felt sorry for the poor soul who’d end up marrying Gojo, because no matter how much beauty or power he held, it certainly wouldn’t make up for this. 
Scoffing, the words falling from your lips faster than you could register them. “Then why didn’t he?”
And this little question somehow seemed to have struck a nerve - multiple, in fact, as you watch in morbid fascination as the elders visibly bristle. 
“B-because-” one sends a hasty glance at their stone-faced clan leader, flushing at his still-unwavering gaze on you. “You- It doesn’t matter. Someone like you isn’t suited to marry-”
“Right, because this clan is that great.”
You freeze. The elders freeze. It seems like everyone in the world freezes except for Gojo - who only raises his brow. Letting your words hang in the air like a foul stench, studying just how awfully you’re digging your grave deeper in this hellish marriage meeting.
Eventually, the elder closest to Gojo’s right mutters a painfully saccharine sweet, “I knew we shouldn’t have let the riff-raff participate.”
And oh it was like a dam burst open.
“-out of the thousands of girls, for someone like master-”
“The scandal, too- imagine letting the Gojo name fall this far-”
“Isn’t worthy. Can’t let the bloodline be carried by some whor-”
You’re on your feet before you realize it. Whirling at the elders head-on, and if looks could kill then all those old fossils would be six feet under and their graves a dance floor for you already. 
Fists clenched, you spit, “If he’s so wonderful then you all can marry this oh-so-great bastard yourself-”
Oh. You’ve done it now.
You were fucked. You were so very, very fucked. 
You don’t even bother to meet Gojo’s stare, instead wondering whether you’d be able to outrun the strongest clan leader alive. Sure, you could take those old toads but-
Your heart leaps at the voice, the first time you’re hearing it since entering this room - deep, almost-melodic, and for a second you don’t even recognize who it came from. Not until Gojo’s flashing you a mirthful grin, blue yukata shifting as he moves to sit cross-legged, “Sit.”
Oh, God, you didn’t know of any torture methods one could do while sitting - but you didn’t doubt that Gojo was an expert in all of them. 
And as your knees buckle, sinking ever-so-slowly to sit back down on the floor, Gojo tilts his head in confusion. Brows scrunching together as he gestures downwards.
“On your…lap?” You question, as if the answer wasn’t glaringly obvious. 
The only response you get is a careless nod, Gojo spreading his knees further as if to prove his point. No care or concern as he plows on, “If you’d like, of course.”
It’s a silent staredown - you, and him - and the elders watching jaw-dropped, of course. None of you have ever known the young master to let anyone get this close - let alone give them a decision on, well, anything.
A weighty beat passes. One. Two. 
He wins.
And you find yourself walking unsteadily towards Gojo’s imposing figure, all eyes on you as you plop down unceremoniously in his waiting lap. Warm - and it catches you off guard. Gaze flickering over his broad shoulder to look at the aghast faces behind you. Tension crackling in the air as they wonder the same thing as you at this very moment - just what type of torture method is this? 
“Interesting…I need this one.” You blink up in confusion, heart racing and oh- shit, when did he get so close? But Gojo’s chest only rumbles with laughter. Circling his long fingers around your waist, pulling you flush against his sculpted chest, “As the new madam of the Gojo household.”
The elders behind let out stifled gasps, as bewildered as you were. And you swear you saw one faint, though, you don’t get to take a close look, because Gojo’s gently grabbing your chin, tilting your head up at his pretty face. 
“Wan’ me to kill them?”
“Kill- why?” you sputter - both from his idea and the heat of his proximity. 
“Why not?” He looks at you through his long lashes, so deceivingly innocent that it makes your head spin. Tone so light, as if he was talking about something trivial like the weather. “An early wedding gift, maybe?” And he sounded like he was joking - you wished he was joking. But you knew better. 
So you swallow thickly, “N-no…thank you.”
At this, Gojo’s eyes twinkle. “Yeah, real interesting.” he coos, voice so uncharacteristically playful. And his lips are so close - too close. Running a thumb along your bottom lip, “Gorgeous, too. Tell me, pretty, what do you think of ruling over this trash?”
And you could feel every eye on you as you mull over the question. Weighty. Scrutinizing - except for Gojo who seemed like he was hanging onto your every word. 
Hell, might as well give ‘em a few heart attacks right?
Words that never come - because your body moves before your mind. And you’ve got one hand gripping his expensive Yukata, the other scrambling for his broad shoulders. Softening the blow as you crash your lips onto his.
Soft - it’s the first thing you register. Followed very shortly by the taste of those cheap lollipops from those local convenience stores you loved - strawberry, you think.
But you don’t get to confirm, because the kiss is over as soon as it happens.
Gojo’s pulling away with a strange light in his eyes, lips flushed a pretty pink, yukata dangling off his shoulder already. You have to train your eyes away from the milky skin, and over to the elders. Yeah, one really had fainted - three, now, actually. 
And only one of them is brave enough to pipe up a rapid, “You- how dare you dirty-”
It all happens so fast you’re not sure if your eyes are playing tricks on you. In a split second, there’s a long dagger pulled out from his yukata, embedded deep into the tatami mat - not even an inch away from the elder who’d opened his mouth. 
It’s so abrupt that for a second, you think Gojo’s talking to you, voice soft, and so so eerie. It sends shivers down your spine as you raise your eyes to look at his glare at the frozen crowd behind him.
Eyes wide, aura menacing - a grin gracing his features, absolutely nothing like the one he’d sent you - it was something so dangerous and cold. The temperature in the room dropping about ten degrees as he mutters, “I won’t say it twice.”
And immediately, it’s chaos. Each one stumbling over the other to run out the sliding doors first, none of them daring to look you in the eyes now. 
“O-of course, master.” the leader, seemingly, chokes out. One foot out the room already, “I’ll um- check that the servants are doing their work-”
“No. You all will stand outside.” Gojo murmurs, not even bothering to look at them. Instead, cupping your face closer towards his, “And close the door.”
That door could not have been shut faster, ringing in the tense silence. And suddenly you’re too-aware of the audience outside. Too-aware of being left alone with…your future husband? And the way he was looking down at you with something so dark in his eyes.
“So…” he runs his nose down your neck, breathing in your scent. “If you don’t want me to kill those bastards…what else must I gift you, my wife?” 
“Like what?” You gulp, back arching involuntarily into him. 
Gojo laughs at the reaction, teeth ghosting over your racing pulse. “An estate?” Dancing ever-so-slowly, up your jaw, “All the cars you could want?” He blows gently in your ear, chuckling as you yelp in surprise. “Maybe jewelry?” Kissing the tips of your ears, “You’d look gorgeous in blue. And the Zenin clan has the perfect necklaces I can…convince them to send over.” He pulls away, taking you in entirely, “Or maybe-” Lips now ghosting yours. “-something else?”
And then he’s kissing you - and you’re kissing him. 
You don’t know who leans in first, just that Gojo’s lips were so sweet on yours. So addictive. Palms cradling your face so softly, while his lips were anything but. 
“Open your mouth, pretty.” he pants into your lips. “Kiss your husband properly, now.”
Shit, you barely even realize the way you’re listening to every single word he says. Jaw falling slack to let him lick at the seam of your lips. Such a messy clash of teeth and spit and him - so hot and starved. Like he couldn’t get enough with the way he hastily moves to press wet, open-mouthed kisses down your jaw. 
“Satoru-” you gasp, and he nips lightly at your bottom lip once you immediately shut yourself up because shit, you’re getting ahead of yourself. Calling the clan leader Gojo by his first name? Hell, you’ll see the gates of heaven before you see an altar. 
But Gojo himself seems to think the complete opposite. “Don’t get all shy now.” he pries away the hand covering your mouth. “Call me ‘Toru’.”
You stare at him, wide-eyed, trying to will yourself to say this little nickname.
Too slow, apparently. Because his hands are suddenly everywhere - on your breasts, your hips, giving your ass a slow squeeze. “T-Toru-” you squeal. 
Gojo’s mouth drops into a soft oh! Immediately surging forward as if to claim your lips again - stopping mere millimeters from your lips with a pained grunt. Like it killed him to stay away. 
“See? Jus’ like that.” he angles your head just right, before spitting, once. Twice. Right into your pretty mouth. “N’ now you’re mine.”
And fuck if Gojo wasn’t going to prove it.
He’s laying you down on the mat, fumbling with the ties of your yukata, “Mine to wed. Mine to carry my legacy.” Thumb running over your hardened nipples as he urgently unbuckles your bra, throwing it behind god-knows-where. “Mine to-” Biting down, ever-so-lightly on your nipple, “-worship.” Hands dipping lower, and lower - just barely teasing the hem of your drenched panties. “Mine to ruin.”
You don’t know what you’re reeling more from - maybe from those words, which you’re sure he said loud enough for the elders outside to hear.
Maybe from the way he’s sliding a finger underneath your panties, sliding it up and down your puffy folds. Making you arch into him like such a slut as he pools your sweet sweet juices on his fingertips, popping them into his mouth with a low groan. 
“Oh. Fuck. Oh, fuck-” Gojo’s eyes roll to the back of his head. Not wasting a second before ripping off your flimsy panties, tucking them away into the waistband of his yukata. “Sweeter than I imagined.”
“S-so filthy-” you mewl, as he spreads your shaky thighs. Lips wobbling pathetically at how he’s admiring your glistening cunt. “Toru, no one’s ever…”
At this, his eyes are back on yours now. Half-lidded, pupil’s blown - and you don’t think you’ve ever even heard of the leader of the Gojo clan being so out of it, let alone see it first-hand. His voice strained as he breathes out a barely audible, “Shit- really? So then…” He’s moving to lick lewd little circles on your inner thigh, “...your husband’s gotta make this memorable, right?”
Gojo doesn’t give the time to even think about answering - he doesn’t trust that he has the fucking sanity to wait that long. Because you’re so pretty splayed out like this for him. Your moans too sweet. Your cunt too tempting. Too his. 
So, really, you can’t blame him when he’s plunging nose-deep into your quivering pussy, licking one, long stripe right up your swollen folds. And fuck the cute lil’ whines escaping your lips are so addictive that Gojo just can’t help but do it again. And again. And again and-
“O-oh my god, ngh- feels too good-” you card your fingers through his soft locks - something that would usually result in a lost hand or two. But for you - anything, for you. “More, Toru.”
Shit, if Gojo thought he’d lost his sanity before then he definitely wasn’t ready for this. 
“So needy.” he’s chuckling into your glistening folds. One hand throwing your legs over his shoulders, the other thumbing over your needy clit. “So perfect. Can’t believe no one’s ever hah- eaten out this pretty cunt before.”
Immediately, he’s squeezing his hot tongue past your folds. And it’s all you can do to buck your hips up so sluttily when he licks at your sloppy entrance. Your throbbing clit. Anywhere and everywhere Gojo could reach.
“Hngh- yes yes yes, too good.”
“Yeah? Ya like this?” He moves his fingers down from your already-ravaged clit, circling your sopping wet hole. “Ya like making such a mess on m’tongue?”
“W-wha-” The words get caught in your throat as you whirl down at the sight below you - Gojo. Gojo, with strands of white hair sticking to his forehead, eyes so glassy. Gojo, tongue lapping at your sweet juices, looking like he wanted to devour you with his eyes, as much as his mouth. 
At your reaction, he grins, furrowing his brow in mock-concern, “What’s wrong, pretty? Can’t talk?” Bullying his long fingers past that first feeble ring of resistance, massaging your plushy walls. “N’ you were so hah- feisty earlier. Thought my new mmpf- wife would be mouthy?”
You give his hair a warning tug, whispering, “Sh-shut up-” But it comes out more breathless than you intended. 
Gojo notices, of course he does. Because he’s letting out a whiny, “Sh-shut up.” Wrapping his pretty pink lips around your pulsing clit, “As you wish, madam Gojo.”
You hear a dull thud from outside, but you can’t even think about turning your head to look because Gojo’s drinking you in like a man possessed. Pumping his fingers in and out, expertly hitting that one spot with each and every thrust. Looking nothing like an infamous clan-leader and every bit on cloud nine as he rolls his tongue over your clit. Over and over and-
“P-please ah- oh-” you squirm.
“Move your hips like that. Yeah- jus’ like that, pretty- fuck-” The most powerful man in the country letting himself be angled and pulled as you pleased, grunting each time you drag your pussy all over his mouth. Fingers frenzied on your clit - sloppy. Fast. 
But it still wasn’t enough for Gojo - he thinks it’ll probably never be. But that’s fine - the two of you have until the wedding night to perfect it, right?
So he’s looping a big arm around one leg, pulling your snug cunt impossibly closer, reaching over to toy with your pretty clit. And then he’s nose-deep in your sloppy entrance, preparing you for what was to come - fucking you both on his tongue and his fingers. 
Jaw grinding deeper, stretching you out, thrusting in and out in and out in and-
“Fuck fuck fuck- Toru m’so…”
“Close?” he slurs into your cunt, grunting and smacking his lips against your own. Fingers just digging into your hips, sure to leave pretty little marks for him to admire later - and to give a message to those old toads outside. “Cum f’me. Shit- cum f’me, pretty.”
Gojo realizes it before you when you’re finally cumming - because your gummy walls are squeezing around him so tight that it’s almost difficult fuck you through your high the way he wants. 
You’re shaking. Blood roaring in your ears, vision spotty. Crying out a hoarse, “Fuck fuck fuck- oh my god, Toru-” Barely even realizing the way you’re rocking your hips so hard into his hot mouth. 
And Gojo keeps going. 
Even when you’re blinking your vision back, big fat tears pricking your eyes at the sheer overstimulation. Even when white-hot electricity sparks behind your eyes each flick of his tongue. Still toying with your poor clit, tonguefucking you so messily. 
“Toru, s’too- ngh- much- fuck.” You can barely get the words out, jolting. Wondering how the fuck his mouth wasn’t tired, yet - how his fingers weren’t cramping up, tongue still as greedy as ever. “C-can’t-”
“You can. You will.” he’s murmuring into your cunt. Running his mouth now, like he was drunk off your pussy. Words as fast and ragged as his tongue. “C’mon, faster. Harder. Fuck-” you flinch as he spits out little profanities into your messy cunt. “Fuckin use me. Use me like the good lil’ wife you are.”
“Oh- shit.” you whine. Clawing at the mats, Gojo’s hair, his shoulders - just anything to cope with the sheer stimulation as he made out with your pussy like a mad man. “Wait- cum- m’gonna…”
You’re cumming and cumming all over again. So hard, even as you grind your hips deeper into Gojo’s mouth. Riding out your orgasm on his pretty face, so painfully good. 
And only then is he finally pulling away. Absolutely wrecked, eyes miles away already, mouth glistening with your slick. Going all the way down his jawline, and onto the tatami mat in a deafening drip! drip! drip!
“Oh.” he runs his tongue along his wet lips. “Who made you cum like this?” 
A smile slowly splits across his face as you manage out a little, “Y-you, Toru…”
“That’s fuckin’ right. Me.” Hypnotized by the heavenly sight of you all fucked-out and twitching with the aftershock. Marveling down at his hand - glossy, and covered with your slick, “N��� m’gonna love you.”
And, well, a good husband always shares, right?
Because Gojo’s shoving his fingers past your kiss-bitten lips, pressing right at the back of your tongue in a way he knew would have your eyes watering, gagging around him so prettily. Eyes widening at the feeling of something so hard and hot between your legs. 
“C’mon, lil’ madam. Lick them clean f’me, will you?”
You’re gasping, “Mmpf- Toru-” Eyes flitting between a smug Gojo and the hand currently untying his robe. So teasing with the way he’s giving you just a flash of those boxers before oh-
You thought that he’d be big - it was expected, in fact. But this was fucking ridiculous. 
All sculpted curves and dips of his body, faint scars painting his milky skin - stories he’d tell you about later, you think. A fucking masterpiece. All the way down, down, down to where his throbbing cock was leaking all over those tufts of white at his toned pelvis.
Rock-hard, and so so angry. Prominent veins running along the side, flushed a shade of pretty pink that glistened with precum in the dim lighting. So intimidatingly long that it already had you worrying for your poor cervix, and thick enough that it had your thighs pressing mindlessly together. 
Something that Gojo obviously didn’t appreciate.
“Now now.” he tuts, pulling back his fingers to spread apart your thighs with ease. So far apart that it burned. “I need these legs open, pretty. I like the view, y’see.”
And he made it quite obvious, too. Spreading your swollen folds so shamefully apart with his thumb - wet with your split. All the blood rushing to his cock at the way you flinch in embarrassment, at the feeling of being so used. Cute. 
“Shhh, relax.” Gojo hums. Spreading the spit and slick lazily along your cunt with his fat head, purposely letting it smear all over your thighs. “M’gonna make this feel so good for you.”
And let it be known that Gojo Satoru was a merciless man - for everyone. 
Except maybe his cute lil’ wife. 
Because, yes, he’s suddenly splitting you apart on his massive cock. Yes, he’s holding your poor hips still, head dropping into the crook of your neck as he sinks in inch by fucking inch. 
But oh God does he have to hold back from fucking your tight cunt exactly the way he wants. The stretch too sinful, your pussy too heavenly. 
Instead he’s kissing away the single tear rolling down your cheek, muttering, “Too big? Aww, f-fuck, pretty. You needa breathe-.” Rich, coming from him considering that Gojo doesn’t know if he was breathing right now. Too caught up in the way he’s rolling your swollen clit between his fingers, gasping into your open mouth, “Trust me. M’gonna make it f-feel hah- good. So fucking good.”
“F-fuck-” Your head is spinning. And you can only give him such delirious little nods as Gojo starts to push in quick, lazy little grinds of his hips just to squeeze inside your gummy walls. Past that first, tight ring of resistance. 
“S’too big-” you squeal, nails raking down his back. “A-are you all the way in- yet?”
“Nope.” he’s popping the p, so unfairly smug. “Not even halfway in.” Drinking in all your cute lil’ sobs as he snakes a hand up to draw an invisible line across your stomach. “But you b-better be prepared, wifey. Because this-” Pressing down, hard. “-is where I’ll be.”
You didn’t know who wanted that to become a reality more - Gojo or you. 
Especially with the way your tight cunt is sucking him up so good, and shit for all Gojo’s reputation, he feels like he could’ve cum right then and there. 
“Shit- so fucking tight. God- you’re gonna make me lose my mind.” words so strained. So dangerous. He kisses down your neck, biting right above your racing pulse. “How do you want it? Like you’re my hah- wife- or my lil’ slut?”
A trick question, you think - as much as you could when you’re this cockdrunk, at least. 
Locking eyes down at the way your cunt was bulging so obscenely around his cock, clamping and quivering as he keeps pushing in in in- Unstopping. Relentless. Mewling a little, “L-like I’m your…wife.” 
“Like I’m your wife.”
Several things happen at once - that faint muttering suddenly increases tenfold, and maybe if you were in any better state of mind you’d have noticed the few gasps. Gojo, however, does hear. 
It only takes an irritated growl and a split-second flash of metal for a second dagger to be struck deep into the thin wooden panel of the door - unfortunately for whoever just so happened to be on the other side. 
“That’s right. My wife.” And then he’s bottoming out - heavy balls smacking your ass, leaky tip nudging your poor cervix, letting you mark him up all you want as he rocks his hips faster into yours. “And you- ah- you realize they’re beneath you, right?” he’s stroking where he can feel himself bulging inside you. “That my lil’ wife just has to say the word n’ I’ll ngh- take ‘em all out?” 
You can only sob at the pressure, because his words are so soft but he’s fucking you so mean. Sounding like he was losing his sanity with each time your heavenly walls milked him. 
“I’ll kill ‘em- kill ‘em all-” he’s gritting out. “Hell, I’ll take down the r-rest of those clans ah- too if it pleases you.” Fingers getting so erratic on your clit, angling his hips just right to try and find- 
“Hngh- f-fuck, Toru- there-”
So sloppy with the way he’s alternating between hitting that one spot and just abusing your cervix. Bruising - like he wanted to mark you everywhere n’ show it off, too. Biting down your neck, whispering into the skin, “Anything for you, madam.”
Rocking his hips harder, and he couldn’t give less of a fuck about the lewd little pool of slick and split forming on the mat below. Can’t even think to bring himself to be disgusted. 
“Feels good?” he’s drinking in your adorable sobs, “S’what you imagined?”
You’re torn between running away and fucking your hips up so bruisingly into his, hells digging into the mat as you push and pull away. “Yes. Feels- ah- ngh-” And for all your mouthiness earlier, you can’t even form coherent sentences right now - something that makes Gojo balls squeeze so painfully.
Something that has him wrapping his arms around your legging, dragging you like some ragdoll back to him. Rocking his hips so bruisingly deeper and deeper as he babbles. 
“Gonna make you c-cum. So hard.” He’s fucking you harder into the mat. Faster. Sloppier. “Gonna ngh- make you my beautiful bride.” Bouncing you on his painfully hard cock like he was claiming you from the inside - to leave marks for everyone in the clan to know. His balls on your ass, your nails down his shoulders, lips on your neck leaving little bites. “Gonna make you mine, pretty. And everyone else s’gonna know.”
And Gojo can tell when you’re close because he’s learned that you have a habit of squeezing him to insanity when you are. 
“Close?” At your delirious nod he’s giving you a blinding grin, “How cute. Why don’t you hah- cum f’me like the good lil’ wife you are, hm?”
Cum for him you do - thighs shaking, body jolting. So hard and violent that you’re covering him in all your sweet sweet juices. 
And he can only watch - awe-struck - as your pretty pussy squirts all over his angry cock glistening, and just drenched with your slick now. Beads of it getting all over his burning abs, trickling down every dip and curve as he uses your quivering pussy harder and harder-
“God, you’re so good f’me. Look how much you came.” Giving a final, harsh thrust. “So perfect f’me.”
So fucking smug as he finally cums as well. Letting out a low, muffled moan into your neck as he fills your poor pussy with rope after rope of seed, painting your walls such a sinful white. All the way until he was sure you were bloated with his cum, until he could feel it dribbling down the side. Looking down to confirm and- ah, sure enough, it was such a heavenly sight - thick globs drenching your clothes below. Spreading in a pool as his hips push deeper and deeper. 
Like it hurt to stop. Like it hurt to even think of tearing his eyes away from you. 
But, alas, this old meeting room could only take so much, and Gojo thinks you’ll enjoy his - your - bedroom much better for round two.
Which is how the elders outside found the door kicked open not too long after. Blinking up in shock at the tall figure of the Gojo clan leader at the frame holding you. Tired and limp in a princess carry, all bundled up your yukata and one of his outer robes. 
And they can only avert their eyes, faces burning at the hazy expression on your face, hair so unsubtly messy, bare legs twitching ever-so-slightly from where they were just peeking out from where the fabric had bunched up. Sinful. Desecrated. And evidently his. 
“Clean that room up.” 
Gojo’s stern command snaps them all out of their reverie. 
But before they could all run to do so, he’s plowing on, unapologetic and low. “Oh, and bow down-” chuckling lightly as they scramble to their knees before him - and your barely-lucid figure. “-to the new madam of the Gojo household.
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A/N. On my period I’m gonna cry. 
Plagiarism not authorized.
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nareclipwse · 4 months
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39K notes · View notes
rising-shellshock · 1 year
hey, i hope you’re doing well!!
Currently dusting off the blog since the new TMNT movie is in theaters (no I haven't seen it yet) and thankfully my writing motivation is slowly coming back. So HOPEFULLY I'll draft up a bunch of those asks and finally answer them.
I'm sorry I kept promising to do them then kinda ghosted you guys. Between my motivation lacking and things generally happening in my life, I kinda didn't find the time to update y'all. I kept feeling guilty seeing both the Leo and Donnie fics doing well, but seeing a fic writer I really write loosing their motivation to write for other people with a character I don't really see written for all that much was the final push I needed. (Of course, I can't say I don't get it, just heartbreaking for me is all. So no shame in them doing that!)
Speaking of; Holy crap guys not only is the Leo fic close to 1000 notes, Donnie's fic is at 2400 something. You all RULE. I am so happy you all like the fics I made. I've attempted to make X readers for so many different fandoms over the years, but seeing the amount of even just likes is WILD to me.
There's no way to write this without sounding like the same thank yous so many online folks do, but genuinely. Thank you for even just liking my stuff, seeing how many of you enjoy it made me incredibly happy in my skills and now I feel a bit more confident in being a writer. I've been so used to just saying I'm an artist with a bit of writing, but with you all supporting my silly purple boy nickname of Softie, I feel more confident in saying Artist/Writer! Looking forward to the next time I post to you all.
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