reesewestonarchive · 5 years
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for @fluorescentraven‘s WIP Game Over
name meanings for two jackasses that I have fallen Greatly In Love With
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indecentpause · 5 years
Okay, so, maybe this is a little out of the blue but I don’t care, it’s my blog and I do what I want
I just need to shoutout to @fluorescentraven and @reeseweston and @infinitelyblankpage for having such AMAZING characters and writing styles that can overlap and cross over so dang well and for always making such inspiring stories! AND for always just being an absolute joy to talk to. <333 \
And an EXTRA shoutout @reeseweston for not only even wanting to use Jen in Drop Me In the Water (link) but!!! for doing it so well!!! You do him proud and I know I tell you this regularly but I want the world to know too!!!
Please visit their blogs and also their Wattpads!!
One of these days I will have the attention span to make a big long list of all my recs, but for now, have links to three of my dear friends!
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bookishdiplodocus · 5 years
The science of flirting
I recently saw a TED talk about the best techniques to flirt with someone. It was presented by Jean Smith, who has studied flirting for decades, and who founded Flirtology. I took notes, because I figured I could use it in my writing. And I’d like to share it with you.
She uses the acronym H.O.T. A.P.E. to teach her checklist of things people do when they flirt:
Open body language
Eye contact
So, what does this mean for my (and your) characters?
Humor: You can let your character tease their love interest, and there’s always banter of course, but they can also use a little joke to break the ice if they’ve just met or to get the love interest on their side. Humor doesn’t always have to be verbal (although it may be easier to write), it can also take the form of facial expressions or body language.
Open body language: Don’t cross your character’s arms, don’t hunch their shoulders, don’t stuff their hands in their pockets, don’t turn their upper body away from the love interest.
Touch: You can let your character lightly touch the love interest’s upper arm or elbow after they made a joke, or touch their shoulder or back when they have to walk past behind them if there is not much space. Even a pat on the shoulder (”sure, honey”) or a high five can be flirting in the right situations, especially if your character is not touchy-feely. Normal touching lasting a bit longer than usual (especially combined with eye contact) can be flirting as well. Be careful to stay away from groping and other touching that is not consented. Giving (or even offering) someone an unrequested massage or trailing their fingers through the love interest’s hair or similar things are not flirting, it’s sexual harrassment. Stick with safe body parts to touch.
Attention: On a basic level, it means your character is not paying too much attention to other people or happenings, but only to the love interest. If you’re really interested in someone, they take up all your thoughts. Don’t let your character look around and notice too many things outside of the conversation, because they’re enthralled by the love interest. Also, see eye contact.
Proximity: Don’t stand on the other side of the room, but let your character stay close to the love interest, show up whereever they are, or stand just outside of the border of their personal space. Again, stay away from behavior that would make someone feel uncomfortable.
Eye contact: Perhaps the most well-known sign of flirting. It’s partly to show that the love interest’s got all their attention, but also an extra way to communicate. Let your character follow the love interest with their gaze, let them wink, laugh and wrinkle their eyes, or roll their eyes over something they shared earlier.
Source: The TED talk and H.O.T. A.P.E. are Jean Smith’s. The writing advice is mine.
I hope this was helpful and this inspires you! Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions. Now you go write some flirting!
Follow me for more writing advice, or check out my other writing advice here. New topics to write advice about are also always welcome.
Tag list below the cut, a few people I like and admire and of course, you can be too. If you like to be added to or removed from the list, let me know.
@writingquestionsanswered @brynwrites @thecaffeinebookwarrior @thatsmybluefondue @abbywritesstuff @bronwyn-writes @sunblushedgoblin @fluorescentraven @elliewritesstories @heywriters @authors-haven @helpfulwritingstuff @wordsnstuff @writingtipsandtricks @clevergirlhelps @fixyourwritinghabits @theliteraryarchitect @git-writing-good @thewritershandbook @goddessofnothingatall @therska @stephrawlingwrites @cometworks @elarasterling @writeblrconnections @writingwordsanddrawingpictures @the-words-we-never-said @writingwhithotchocolate @i-rove-rock-n-roll @maskedlady @no-time-like-write-now @timefire25 @black-lakritz-dragon @nzmayart @fandomrandomness-stuff @dangertoozmanykids101 @anaestheticdisaster @storytellingofravens
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phoenixmakeswords · 5 years
I think I just finished Dented. Holy crap I finished something! Last time I finished a WIP I liked, I almost bit my tongue off a couple weeks later and had to get a new car. Anyway, I kinda owe this thing to @reeseweston and @fluorescentraven because I saw their AUs and they inspired me to write my own. So thank you. At this point, unless it gets an epilogue, I’m considering it done. Wow I forgot how sad it is to finish something and come to the end of it. There’s always sequels, right?
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klywrites · 5 years
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@fluorescentraven  like these!
I think they’re fun :P
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corishadowfang · 6 years
Last Line Tag
Tagged by @cirianne--thanks for the tag!
This happens right after Aiden and Kiru convince Jackie to help them.  (Aiden didn’t think it’d work and is still stressed.)
Kiru phased in after they were out of sight.  See?  That worked out fine.
I’ll tag @siarven, @sleepy-and-anxious, @dragonauthor, @cawolters, ​@elliewritesstories, and @fluorescentraven, if you guys are interested in doing this!
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
Page 88
He lights up a joint as soon as they’re outside, his fingers shaking, the flame of his lighter blowing in the wind. “What’s going on?” Ryan asks him, wanting to reach out and touch him, steady him somehow, but Nakoa holds himself at a distance.
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
🕹 📝 🎥 📻
🕹 Video game you are currently playing - the last one I played was, briefly, Luigi’s Mansion … before that was… We Happy Few, I think?? Maybe? 
📝 Fave quote - If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
🎥 Fave film - Can’t Hardly Wait :p ALSO Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
📻 Fave song currently - ohhh. aside from peace of mind, which is the #1 always, here is my last.fm top tracks:
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
I sent a short ask via mobile earlier but who knows if it went through, and it also was far from sufficient, so I logged back into Tumblr on my laptop just for the sake of this ask. To me, you are brilliant in all regards, but especially feelings and dialogue. I can often feel the characters' emotions, be they good or bad, and your dialogue always feels real to me. Never dull or forced. Just. The general feel of your words and settings are vivid and magnificent and I love everything you write ♥
O: It didn’t go through! naughty tumblr, we hates it!*
and !!! my eyes are gonna do a leak. I’m. so glad you feel that way and that things often come across as I intend them and that you, and so many others, have enjoyed my work and :’) I’m gonna take this and go do some emotions now :’)
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
In some ways, usually small ones, Aero wonders if she should have kept her relationship with Aarav professional.
He’s a kind enough guy, and Aero likes hanging out with him. He’s so gentle and soft-spoken and when he talks about his homebrew campaign for D&D, his eyes light up, and he’s so eager to be good that Aero often forgets who his roommates are.
Nakoa can barely walk, and Aero probably should have called Ryan from Aarav’s phone, told him where to find Nakoa, but somehow that felt… wrong, knowing everything that’s going on.
Not that Aero will claim to have half an idea of what goes on in the lives of Aarav’s roommates.
“Do you ever think of anything besides yourself?” Aarav asks, shoving at the door to the apartment. Nakoa snorts at Aero’s side, tightens his grip on her shoulder as they stumble through.
Aero tries to keep her voice light as she says, “Almost there, Nakoa, come on.”
Ryan’s voice is confused, concerned, when he says, “Everything all right?”
Aarav makes a wild gesture towards Nakoa. He’s so beside himself with his anger, and it doesn’t suit him at all. “Ask him.”
“Oh, fuck you, Dice,” Nakoa says, and lets go of Aero’s shoulder. Though he stumbles, Aero lets him go, grateful for the distance. “You’ll be glad for it later.”
Tugging at his hair, Aarav says, “That was my entire future down the drain! Are you so screwed up that you can’t stand someone else’s success?”
With Nakoa out of her arms, Aero grips at Aarav’s hand, reaching up to rub at his shoulder. The smile is brief, but a little of the tension seeps out of his shoulders, anyway.
Really, it was only a matter of time until Aarav was dragged into things with Nakoa. Nakoa, bless him, struggles more than he lets on, but a lot of his bullshit, he brings on himself.
Like tonight. She’s not completely convinced that there’s something sinister about Nakoa confronting Aarav’s future employer, but good intentions don’t always excuse the behavior.
Nakoa points Aarav’s way, reaching for Ryan’s drink on the coffee table. Ryan intercepts it before Nakoa can get a drink in. “Success? You’d be working for that miserable, racist fucker the rest of your life, and and where would that leave you? Stuck with a job that makes you suicidal, in love with a woman who won’t love you back.”
“Okay,” Ryan says, reaching for Nakoa. “Whatever the fuck you took—“
Dropping her hand like she’s burnt, Aero stares at the ground. That’s not—that’s not true. She’s overcomplicating her relationship with Aarav and she knows it, but until the tutoring’s done, she needs to keep it professional.
“Nakoa,” she tries, her voice quiet. “I think you should get some rest.”
“You wanna tell me how you really feel about me, Aarav? I’m right fucking here.”
The use of his real name—not Dice, not Dicey, none of the jovial tone Nakoa usually has when he talks with Aarav—hits him like a slap in the face.
Like he always does when Nakoa’s involved, Ryan comes in like a knight in shining armor, shoving at Nakoa’s back until he stumbles towards his bedroom door. “Go sleep it off, asshole.”
But Nakoa doesn’t stop, his voice fading as he leaves the room, and Aero watches him go, torn somewhere between concern and relief.
Aero wants to reach out for Aarav, but in the wake of what Nakoa’s said, the touch feels wrong. She keeps her hands to herself. “Aarav,” she says, and that seems tainted, too.
His voice sounds like defeat when he says, “Don’t worry about it.”
So Aero holds her tongue.
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
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a birthday gift for @forlornraven ♥
(over a week early because both of us are otherwise inactive on your actual birthday)
raven has crafted one of those most engaging and intriguing worlds I’ve ever read, with fantastic characters across the board, distinct and lovable in their own way. it’s real and dark and each piece of it I read makes me all the more excited for the final product. your project is brimming with your love for this world, and these characters, and seeing how far you have come in such a short time is all kinds of inspiring. I hope this playlist captures your world even a small amount
to top it all off, raven is genuinely one of the nicest, kindest, funniest, most talented, and most supportive people I have ever met, and I am grateful for her every day. I hope your birthday, and the days until then and after, treats you incredibly well, my dear raven; you deserve nothing less.
yt | spotify
victorian meltdown - atrium carceri / raven’s hollow - nox arcana / a curved blade - atrium carceri / somnolence - arcana / anthropic uncreation - vestigial / that which lies beyond - sinke dûs / primordial - lustmord / until dawn do us part - northaunt / miles to midnight - atrium carceri, cities last broadcast, god body disconnect / once upon a nightmare - nox arcana / haunted - nox arcana
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
Sweater for Nakoa, winter for Ryan, star for Dice, eggnog for Fredly.
Sweater : Would they wear an ugly sweater? What would it look like?
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Winter : Do they like cold weather? What is their favorite winter activity? Least favorite?
he lives in minnesota; he’s come to terms with it. “like” is a strong word; “resigned to” is probably better; staying inside! :D and then, least favorite, going outside :D
…in all honesty though he loves pelting nakoa with snowballs
Star : Who is the most important person to your OC?
…until he meets aero I don’t think he really has one? he shows his love for nakoa and ryan in very very small ways and they’re definitely important to him but… yeah
Eggnog : What is their favorite holiday beverage?
^^^ :P but also: all of it. fredly’s not going to pick favorites when everything’s so good, haha
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
Nakoa - 9 and 15, Ryan - 5 and 10, Dice - 2 and 13, annnd 12 and 18 for Viola
Your OC is preparing a 3 course meal for their family/friends/S.O. What does this meal look like? Does it go over OK?
He researches ALL THE THINGS. he spends weeks pouring over cookbooks and it’s normal so Ryan doesn’t think about it, and then he comes home one night and Nakoa has food everywhere, and it smells fantastic and Nakoa is just :D :D :D here is your wine (beer) and please sit and try this is it good?? ryan is it good????? nervous as hell but he knows it’s good
I couldn’t tell you what he cooks but nakoa’s presentation leaves a lot to be desired - but it tastes good so who cares :p
How does your OC talk about their hobbies/passions?
incessantly, but so lit up and animated that it’s impossible not to fall a little in love
Your OC finds a dirty puppy or kitty, what do they do?
definitely does not adopt it, because if he lets himself adopt one he’ll adopt them all. but he definitely makes sure that they are returned home or to a good shelter so someone can adopt it and love it. in the mean time, he WILL get muddy or dirty loving it and cuddling it.
Nakoa’s seen it. Nakoa falls in love a little more every time. also funnily enough, here’s ryan’s FC doing Just This
Does your OC like telling stories to kids? How do they go about telling a story?
yes. very much. with nakoa :’)
What is your OC’s idea of a perfect date?
something dorky. programming stupid shit together, probably :p
annnnd man. I just thought about how dice would propose, if dice is the one that proposed :p
What is your OC like when they dance?
terrible :D :D :D he can’t dance!! he steps on aero’s toes all the time!! she loves him anyway! he’d probably eventually take dancing lessons for her though, because she Loves It and he Loves Her
How does your OC sleep?
octopus’d around penny and drooling on her shoulder :p
How does your OC talk about their love, if any?
she doesn’t often, but that’s just because if she’s allowed to start talking about it she can’t stop. she is deeply enamored by penny, has always fallen hard and fast, and loves her so much she doesn’t know what to do with herself sometimes
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
2 viola, 7 nakoa, 11 ryan, 18 dice
..are these for the headcanons I forget
Cooking headcanon
VIOLA IS A COOKING DISASTER. not to say it doesn’t turn out okay but it looks awful and the kitchen is a nightmare after :p
Kissing headcanon
nakoa gets into his head a lot when he kisses. probably easily overloaded because he wants everything all at once and he can’t decide what he wants first. too much not enough. he’s not big on kissing, when he’s with others as a result. ryan’s a calming presence just as much as he isn’t. nakoa digs kissing him.
Wardrobe headcanon
you unlocked a bonus answer!! because ryan and nakoa share clothes. a lot. they’re also boring, jeans and t-shirts. you might find one of them in a flannel shirt too, but. unlikely :p they steal each other’s hoodies to the point they forget who it belonged to in the first place
Favorite possession headcanon
either his computer, which is his passport to everything, or anything aero ever gifts him :p
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
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a second (early) happy birthday gift for @forlornraven ​
pennant was the only character I could consistently see as having an instagram in modern day, haha, so I hope I captured him well ♥
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
2, 7, 27 - Elijah, 6, 12, 28 - Viola :D
What are their talents?
he used to be a waiter, back in the city - and got really good at juggling shit and not spilling it, so. that’s a talent.
beyond that, :shrug:
How do they react to being sick?
he is a fucking nightmare with a head cold. miserable, and upset, and angry as all hell and he lies there and frowns at the ceiling and curses genetics and biology for sinuses
What were they like as a child?
he was never keen on small town life, didn’t like farming, didn’t like a lot of sports. josh was almost always more into sports than he was, more well-known, more outgoing. the difference saved elijah a lot of fuckups, but josh is kind of a prick and dragged elijah into it anyway so
he read a lot, liked quiet rainy days and watching his father’s animals :p
Have they ever gotten drunk or high?
…on the regular. viola would be wildly down with hallucinogenics, I think, especially as a means to broadening the mind
What would their college major be, if they went?
more or less I think she believes in… not going to college, especially in america where you have to sell an arm and a leg, but… she’s a smart cookie. probably something like engineering.
What is their favorite season or time of year, and why?
she likes fall - everything’s just a little quieter, the town gets spooky and weird, and she can wear her beast costume and freak everybody out easier
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