#flurgle penn
the-zapped-part-timer · 6 months
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mr111202 · 2 years
A Penn Zero AU Idea
So it’s basically the same as the show, except that in this AU, Penn has a older sister who’s just graduated from college and is living with her girlfriend somewhere else. So instead of Aunt Rose and Uncle Chuck, we’d get Penn’s older sister (let’s name her Mary) coming in to take care of her little brother, and Mary’s girlfriend (let’s name her Ronnie) insists on coming along with her. So, beside being a saving the world story, it’d also be a story of two lesbians in their 20s trying to raise a 14 year old boy.
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jorgemoctezuma · 7 years
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Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Episode 21 Save the Worlds/Penn Zero: Casi Héroe Capítulos 21 Salvando a los Mundos
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Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Season 2
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the-zapped-part-timer · 4 months
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the-zapped-part-timer · 4 months
Penn Zerothon Day 6
Flurgle Burgle🪐
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My Ramblings: FINALLY! PROPER SCHOOL SCREEN TIME! We saw it very briefly with the That Purple Girl.
There's symbolism in the Trio's respective lunches: Boone's a fancy and has all he needs, Penn's a a damn mess and Sashi's has something she doesn't want and has to do with her brother.
I want branded Goodbye Pony merch. I want that lunchbox and another item I'll bring up later on. Who has it? We'll see.
Hmmm, jumpy Sashi hopped up on sugar. Wonder what that would look like. Poor Terry, being a school mascot is the most dangerous job.
Penn is just realizing that Sashi's kind of goes overboard as a sidekick... all the time? He's learning, he's figuring things out.
As I've brought the whole Space World inconsistency, Penn doesn't recognize the world. Maybe the episodes were supposed to be swapped or was just a slight oversight. Like I said, doesn't really matter that much. Just observation.
World takes place years after 2715, noted.
I've only had Flurgle for a day and a half. But anything happens to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself - Boone, probably.
Out of context, please!:
Penn speaking to Flurgle: Get out of here, you weird little space pig. Papa's got to go to work.
Boone: I know, and don't call me space pig.
Iconic Flurgle-Penn. Kind of terrifying to look at for so long.
Boone... why is he so mean to Sashi in this episode? I get he cares for Penn and the Flurgle but jeez, chillax.
Oh my god, Rippen is making fun of Penn for shitting in the bushes! Now, they're even. God, this show can be pretty funny. What's with prehensile noses this episode? Flurgle and the Shnurkons.
Boone, look, it is cute to catch all this on your futuristic flip-phone, but help with the mission! Penn has an excuse, you don't. I get it, Sashi shouldn't have shot her laser blaster in the ship, but she didn't mean for this to happen! Also people are going to die if you don't find those fuel crystals! You're all up in Penn's business but than you just pawn him off to Sashi because now he has "too much energy?" When he's on a leash!? Also they say "how can we win the mission without our hero!" So does Penn have to be the one to win? Answer: no... I'll bring it up where that does happen. That's a whole other can of worms!
The also iconic "Front Row Seat Quarrel." Never seen Larry get so heated about a subject or towards Rippen this much, or at all at this point. It's amazing, they should be allowed to both have more quarrels like this more often. Larry doesn't always have to be a happy-go-lucky yes-man to Rippen, he can have attitude just as much as him! Love the saltiness. Boone is thriving off the drama.
Subtle Wilhelm Scream!
Good that Boone does come around in the end, yes, she did a little oopsie, but it's ok, people screw up. I think, Boone severely overreacted to the situation. Very much like this conversation between the two, haven't had that yet. And we get the big reveal! Sashi's parents don't know she's a sidekick and think she works at Fish Stick on a Stick (the place Rippen and Larry go to zap). This does bring up a question though: she claims she's been training to be a sidekick for 13 years, that's how old she is in the show... how? Her parents didn't know about any of that. Also get confirmation that Boone's parents are part-timers.
"They can't be proud of what they don't know, so I have to be proud of myself. An today I'm not" An incredibly hard hitting line. Larry's just listening in... that would've been interesting if he brought that up in Sensitivity Training, it does come before The Kobayashis... so.
RIGHT THERE! Larry's strength is shown once again with that powerful kick! Even Boone points it out!
Rippen just pulling out a laser glock on some kids will never not be funny.
"Flurgle, come!" Are very dangerous words.
Rippen, why are you belittling her as a sidekick? The one you call "the competent one!" That was pointless.
Deus Ex Flurgle. Rippen trying Penn like a dog and even calling him a "bad hero!" Gold. Get his ankles, Penn!
We finally see Sashi's place! YAY! And her parents! Double yay! I may not know Star Trek but I do know George Takei when I hear him! Speaking of Penn and Boone being as Sashi's place, interesting how she reacts the next time they come over, very different tune.
The cake... I want it.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: He flurgled and burgled it up at the club today! He was a free spirit! He shat in the bushes!
Boone Wiseman: Why was he so snappy? Like I said above, he was a bit out of character to me. I could be wrong, just why so aggressive towards her? She made a mistake, but it didn't hurt Penn... kinda? She didn't mean to.
Sashi Kobayashi: Another Sashi episode! Really wanted it to hit harder, but Boone kind of miffed it a bit to me. But overall, is it better than Chuckle City? I don't know.
Rippen: Got a little too cocky with Penn out of the way and look what happened, you still lost!
Larry: The Front Row Seat Quarrel™️ will be one of my favorite Larry scenes.
Dimension(s): Never watched Star Trek, so... space! It's out there!
Forms: Fine, I guess. Nothing really for me. Alien designs are good, Boone's murder mittens hand were interesting, and the Shnurkons overall are fun to look at.
Temple of the Porcelain God🚽
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My Ramblings: Very unique episode, it's a sort of flashback-ish type with some flavor. I'm sure there's a term for it, I just can't think of it. Is it reverse chronology or inverted narrative? love how it's through the movie screen, because hey, this is a movie theater after all!
Lives in peril and a giant toilet monster trying to get them... unique to say the least. Showing a completed mission to teach a lesson, what lesson? We'll learn along the way!
Boone loves magazines! This time his mom made onto the cover of "Beef World Mag" for the third time in a row, good for her. We also see Boone's address, time to dox him (it's not real I tried looking):
278 North Street, Middleburg 110406. My guess? Either Florida or Virginia (because there are towns called Middleburg in each).
I'd enjoy watching a 7-hour Director's Cut of... whatever! Show me!
What an oddly specific black market, bathroom themed... anyways obviously inspired by Indiana Jones, which makes this so much funnier with the whip scene. If some of you don't know, Alfred Molina (Rippen's VA) was Satipo in the first film, the guy who also literally said: "Throw me the idol, I'll throw you the whip!" Iconic. Sam, Jared, I see you guys, good meta humor! Too bad the film didn't follow this scene, I know it wouldn't fit, but it's funny to think about. Someone should make this an animatic or redo that scene with this scene... if you get what I mean.
Also very interesting that Penn and co are returning the idol not STEALING IT. Hmmm.... very interesting choice. An upgrade to me over the film (I wasn't to fond of it, sorry).
Penn slight voice crack when he delivers: "Their whip doesn't even reach 16 feet." Is great, love it.
Such a gentlemen indeed, what a pussy Rippen is. Probably acted surprised because, it's Larry, nothing bad rarely happens to him, Rippen calls that out in this episode.
Get the iconic "Flip-flops are my thang" and see that's on the back of his shirt! Just for this episode, I think.
Penn has got some strong legs for him to catch and carry Boone while swing through the air. Look at his legs! They would snap like twigs! Glad that we're bring back man purses, yay!
How and when did Sashi get under the truck thing? Don't question it, she just is under it and as soon as Rippen sees her drop out from underneath with a screw, he knew it was all over.
Great little railway ride for all involved until Rippen just picks up Larry and chucks him Penn... with one hand! "How is it that you never get hurt?" Great question, Rip.
WILHELM SCREAM RIP EDITION! I'm assuming it's him.
Of course, the best exchange ever:
Larry: Don't worry, I'm okay! Rippen's soft body broke my fall.
Rippen: Can't some things be private?
Penn doesn't give to cents as to where Boone is, just the idol. Savage.
How does the Ominous Voice how warns Boone not to flush, know to call him Boone and not his zapped body's name? Maybe he heard Penn not caring about Boone?
Penn is still not over the fact that is indeed Boone's scream, did he just think it was a bit or something?
Penn is brave about just diving into an ancient toilet, everyone clap for him. No one else would. He's disgusting now.
Classic Indiana Jones hat grab but flip-flop addition.
I'm on Boone's side, paper comes over the top not out the bottom for your bottom... Penn, I'm sorry, buy your just wrong. Who ever sides with Penn, why!? Change your wicked ways (and have a nice day)! I'm just as passionate as Boone. I'm glad that Penn listened like a sane person.
My favorite part of that movie is the credits, everyone, clap for Phyllis! She worked her ass off!
So what did they do wrong? Nothing... yep! Best mission ever! Lesson is: help toilet.
Clap again for Phyllis for giving them real golden crowns! I'd sadly also probably melt it down for cash like Sashi. Love her reaction.
WENDY WISEMAN AND MR. WISEMAN CAMEO! Seriously, what's his name? Maybe I'll call him... Wesley. Also, take back the clapping, Phyllis committed the most heinous crime of eating Boone's meatloaf. How dare you!? Down with Phyllis!
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: He's disgusting now. Never touch him, him stink of toilet water for the rest of his days!
Boone Wiseman: He will never forgive Phyllis for her abhorrent crime against humanity.
Sashi Kobayashi: Almost murdered two men, good for her! Hope she gets that cash from that melted crown.
Rippen: He and Larry were just along for the ride, really.
Larry: Do you think they've ever explored each other's bodies?
Dimension(s): Very fun take on an ancient temple but bathroom themed! Lot's of fun uses and designs. Like the plunger bridge, the bathtub railway and all the architecture! The humor is a little on the nose, literal toilet humor, but it works here... and only here.
Forms: Again, all good. Weird to see Sashi as a blonde with short hair but it's really cute. Rippen and Larry's designs of course I really like, Larry looks so huggable with that outfit and beard!
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the-zapped-part-timer · 6 months
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the-zapped-part-timer · 4 months
Penn Zerothon Day 12
Lady Starblaster💫
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My Ramblings: It's party time, people! School dance for what? Just because! Poor Terry got beaten by Sashi for the third time so far. Love how Penn just casually kills Larry and is such a dance machine (Larry is ok, but damn boy). He's git to have people focus in him.
And here's me at a dance, I mean, Rippen, at the dance... not dancing. "That's it, idiots. Dance your lives away, when you could be standing next to the punch bowl with your arms crossed." Wonder what school was like for him, not very kind I'm sure.
Penn's got dancing fever! Flinging Phyllis around and making her feel 1,014 again. Wait, what was that Phyllis? Whatever, she had fun.
HOLD UP! Wonky continuity! Remember back at when I bought up this before in "Brainzburgerz?" There's a picture of him in the Galaxy World and at the beginning of "Number One Number Two", they're in that world! So, what the heck!? Unless I'm over analyzing and when he said: "What am I wearing?" Maybe he meant like, "Hey? Where's my swim suit? We're at the beach." That doesn't really make sense either... this show and my brain sometimes.
Time to impress the space dictator, Count Destructo by stealing an entire planets water, like you do! To answer Rippen's question, he'd be a viscount, if he was made one. Also, I can see where Larry is coming from now about Rippen being a nurturing person, he was like that at the end of "It's a Colorful Life." How many times could've Rippen been like that off screen? I also get that it is Larry and not totally reliable, but still. Rippen would make an okay nurse, I believe.
Way to assume that the captain is a man, Rippen. Get with the times, old man! I know it's for the reveal, but it's funny he just assumed the gender.
And the reveal of Lady Starblaster herself, and damn, I'd be like Rippen too. But he falls instantly and so hard for her after 10 literal seconds of seeing her. He's down baaaaad. Even fantasizing spending a lifetime with her, 10 seconds y'all. Also he doesn't know a damn thing about her but he just assumes she the time to throw a vicious snake at him... or maybe that's just something he's into. I don't judge, like how I don't judge them drinking out of Larry's head on a date. Larry would be cool with that. I would go their wedding but I don't know if I'd do well with volcanos, it would also be awkward to just see three kids dangling off the edge.
Also the song lyrics to this fantasy?:
You make my heart so cold
So cold, it chills my bones
Baby, there's no one who scares me like you do
I'm so afraid of you
Rip on my heart
This poor woman having to deal with guys like him fantasizing about her and calling her beautiful. She gives him 10 seconds to surrender or perish, which, hey! That's the same amount of time it took to fall in love with you! And he's totally entranced by her that she literally has to snap him out of his daze to remind him that he will die. Larry's face during the count down was of concern while Rippen? Pure bliss. Right so, Larry is gonna try and wingman ol' Rip and it works put pretty well. I mean we get to hear him say "totes adorbs." That's a win in my book. He's so cringe. Thank goodness she takes the compliment well.
Ooo, she can cock her eyebrow just as good as him. She's serving. God I can't handle his cuteness, it's overbearing! Lady Starblaster stop! Your killing me!
I wanna know what it was like for the Trio to wear those robots, how did they walk? It doesn't matter, but I'm curious. Like stilts?
Would you try a space rat on a cracker? Do you think that would taste good? Rippen says so, but I've seen what he puts in his mouth (I'll bring that up later, trust me). Larry just takes three and hasn't even tried them yet, his face.
Flurgle Burgle is dead, she just yeeted that poor space pig into a robot WILHELM SCREAM. Just... wow.
This dork is so nervous he's got pit stains on his metal suit and all he has to say to that is "thank you." This man has no rizz. Larry is being flung and pushed to every which way this episode.
I desperately always want her to answer Rippen's "is your boyfriend coming" question with: "No, but my girlfriend will after her yoga class." I bet her dating pool is rough, luckily she has a highly specific thing for men who have hair like a skunk monster. Which I don't believe at all, sorry Rip. God the face he makes when she says that is priceless.
Damn, she's like, uber evil. I bet Rippen had a lot of hard feelings and lechery for her in that very moment. Too bad Penn's ocean blue eyes somehow caught Rippen's attention. God, the man can't get through a sentence around her at all without being horny. Poor Penn and co have to watch this unfold. Rippen is so freaking tall compared to her.
Yes take him to the pump room- I mean the heroes, take them to to room with all the water...
Maybe this man does have rizz, he's gonna have a dance with her! His little giggle, I just AAAAAAHHHHHHH! This gives Penn an idea and luckily it works out because Rippen doesn't know how to dance. Bringing it back around! He has to accept, Penn has won Middleburg's Snazziest Feet award three times. So Penn gets to have a silly dancing lesson with his art teacher and than Rippen will shoot him into the vacuum of space, sounds good. Why does Larry have a violin in his robot stomach hatch thing? Why wouldn't he?
Just this scene, I'm speechless. Penn is being actually so helpful, I can't wait for Starblaster and Rippen to dance! Be a shame if the heroes got loose of their cuffs and Sashi had access to her laser blaster. Such a shame.
"Never send a man to do a woman's job." Starblaster, she ate. Sashi? Agrees and tries to kill her. She succeeds in the fight and lets her dangle over her watery grave.
No need to fear, Rippen is here! With the power of skunk hair! He really sold on the idea of be married to her by a giant bat, huh? Too bad she isn't and tosses him and Larry over to their watery grave, thank goodness to Larry's strength! She never was interested, like a sane woman to be honest.
Remember that Larry has a jetpack? She didn't. Nobody betrays his bestie! He just scoops her up and she tries to convince him join her, get rid of Rippen and they can rule the galaxy tog- nope! He says: "Get away from him, you witch." A very clear Aliens reference, which is so damn good because she is voice by Sigourney Weaver, star of Aliens and who said that line... but with bitch instead, which Larry should have said. Let Larry say bitch! AND THAN HE KILLS HER! HE GOT HER, SHE'S DEAD. DROWNS.
Rippen loves her even more after that double-crossing and wishes he had gotten that dance. And Larry like the bestie he is, asks for a dance.... my heart. Rippen checks around first and than HE ACCEPTS! I'M GOING TO EAT MY HAND!
Star Wars Tie Fighter sound. Oh yeah, the heroes save the day and return all the water.
Rippen thanks Larry for always having his back and Larry's like: "That's what best friends are for." Then Rippen dips him, I CAN'T-
Oh, hey, that Count Destructo is here. That guy. That's not what matters, what matters is that he says: "Hey, what up, Boyyyy?" HE'S SO CRINGE, I LOVE HIM! I LOVE HIM AND LARRY.
Lady Starblaster lives! And a fish thing promptly falls in love with her. What does she doe? Xenomorph-mouths the fish! JUMPSCARE!
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: Snazzy boy snazzes it up and saves the day! Bu this ain't about him.
Boone Wiseman: He has one line, and it's good.
Sashi Kobayashi: She should have finished the job, but I'm glad she didn't.
Rippen: SUCH CRINGE! SUCH A LOVESICK FOOL! Every scene with him and Lady Starblaster is cringe and adorable! I usually don't like the idea of "guy falls instantly in love with a woman he has no chance with and can't shut up about it" but I really enjoyed this. Rippen is such a dork, he's cringe but free. But realistically, I wouldn't want his to happen to me (sort of did?)... unless it was him.
Larry: Such a wingman, he was there trying his best to help that hopeless romantic. He's a true bestie!
Dimension(s): We have seen this world before, but briefly, it's space. No one can hear you try to rizz.
Forms: I love Penn and Sashi's hair. That's it really.
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My Ramblings:
~The Characters~
Penn Zero:
Boone Wiseman:
Sashi Kobayashi:
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