#Treasurer Larry
the-zapped-part-timer · 6 months
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effiesketch · 2 years
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After work drinks
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jadeazora · 9 months
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Oh, quit hassling Larry, he works three jobs.
And man was just about to call Geeta a bitch before catching his tongue, wasn't he, since she's given him even more work to do.
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jadeazora · 9 months
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I figured the Blissey would be a beneficial Pokemon for him, honestly. (Their eggs bring happiness and relieve stress!)
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bttf-dork · 11 months
Marty McFly, Larry Daley, and Benjamin Franklin Gates are nerdy history friends throughout spacetime and you can’t convince me otherwise.
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glauces-notebooks · 3 months
rewatching night at the museum for the first time in a while and wow. i missed this film.
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A life size Daffy Duck standee from a “The Looney Tunes Show” promotion, which somehow made its home in my office on the Warner Bros. Ranch for a time. He wore a dapper hat and watched over many of my treasures, until 2023 when it was time to pack up and go.
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tomnice2001 · 1 year
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Ok, i think i am gonna post more on this website from now on.
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celestialholz · 2 years
Treasures, Ruined (or 'Are the Elite Four the Treasures of Ruin?')
My fellow thought-experimentee @serene-hatterene mentioned a little while ago that the Treasures of Ruin bear a passing resemblance to our Paldean Elite Four, and I agree... though I don't think it means a heel turn is coming. None of them are evil - there's been literally zero foreshadowing of any form, and I personally refuse to believe that there is a single shred of evil in Hassel specifically. This man is sunshine incarnate - he even goddamn looks like the sun, and is painted as such in Surrendering Sunflora.
No, no evil here. But I'll tell you what I do think.
The Treasures of Ruin are the Elite Four if they were to go down a very different and much darker path, hence the Dark typing.
That's a fun statement, isn't it? Allow me to explain...
We will start in dex order, with Wo-Chien, our Hassel counterpart.
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This is most of Wo-Chien's lore.
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Now, there are multiple things of note here:
Tablets were classically used pre-paper manufacturing to write or draw things upon - like a musician might wish to do, or an artist;
Hassel comes from a noble family, who don't agree with his life choices - whilst he doesn't seem to bear grudges in his present state of mind, it isn't a stretch at all to imagine that he could were his mind dark enough;
Plants. Wo-Chien drains plant life, and holds control over it.
... Now, imagine if you will a moment, a darker timeline: a timeline where, embittered by his family's treatment and his own musical failure, Hassel finds Brassius, and instead of healing and supporting and encouraging him as he does in our canon, leading them to a beautiful and loving companionship, he instead does the opposite: takes out his spite and his anger, leads Brassius instead to ruin and to the death he saved him from in another life.
... No, you're crying. (/j, I am also weeping, god I hate noticing things sometimes. IT'S OKAY GUYS THEY'RE HAPPY AND LOVED AND ALIVE IN OUR WORLD *ugly sobbing*)
This idea is backed up further by the fact that Wo-Chien's shrine must be opened via purple stakes - Poison, seeping into the Grass.
Oh, and as Bulbapedia points out:
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... Huh. Imagine that, the emotional guy darkened due to his own feelings - or, indeed, that of our favourite Grass gym leader...
And then there's the fact that Hass' lead Pokemon Noivern nearly always starts battle by halving your HP with Super Fang... which has exactly the same effect as Ruination, the Treasures' signature move.
Anyway, let's move on, before I sob myself to sleep...
We arrive next at Chien-Pao, or our Larry counterpart.
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Lore incoming...
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Whilst Wo-Chien is represented by grudges, Chien-Pao is represented by hatred - and we know Larry a. hates his boss, b. hates his three jobs, and c. probably hates his life, as tired and done as he seems to be.
And so, imagine a world where that hatred, rather than be channeled into exhaustion and exasperation, becomes instead active - becomes instead a very powerful man who can apparently master types on a whim tearing down all before him, telling the world that's kept him down to bow before him. He becomes the boss; he becomes the hatred of those 'slain' by the corporate structure, and he simply sits there and watches the chaos.
Now, lovely little tired sweetheart Larry would rather eat onigiri, tell you you're very good at battling and go to sleep... but then, Hass would never drain Brassius either. It's all in the possibility, the alternate universe.
Interesting supplementary points here include:
Staraptor has the same base attack as Chien-Pao... who, like the rest of the Treasures, was patch-nerfed. It did have 130 atk, ten points higher than Staraptor;
It's represented by orange stakes, the colour of the Fighting type - Larry's one major weakness on his gym team, which later he adopts Flying types for and becomes strong against;
This man is a facade. He gives you the TM for it, he lives the gimmick... and when one tears down a facade, the person beneath is revealed. Not that I'm saying the person beneath wants to watch the world burn, but... not too tricky to imagine someone snapping under Larry's level of pressure, is it?
What's mightier than the sword, so the saying goes? The pen. You know, those things people use a lot in an office...
God, let's see if Rika can cheer us up a bit, although I doubt it given the topic... we move, then, to Ting-Lu.
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The lore has this to say on the subject of Ting-Lu:
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Ting-Lu represents fear: and if any of you have also sat there like me in fear for your champion prospects (and possibly life) as Rika stares you down during the interview process, I think we know why.
Fear... and control over the earth. The translation is a little more literal here, given that they share their specialist types.
Our Rika is fun and laid-back, but in another world, well... imagine a woman motivated by the fear of those before her, intimidating all who stand before her in both words and in battle, swallowing her enemies with the power of the earth. As a fun counterpoint, the Rika we know and love even says that you shouldn't find her worrying when you meet her during your gym challenge:
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Couple of additional things:
Ting-Lu's stakes are green - Grass, life, swallowed whole by the ground;
Rika's rocking the classically evil red eyes;
Most of her Pokemon have the capacity to learn Fissure, which is referenced in Ting-Lu's bio.
We know comparatively little about Rika compared to Hassel or Larry, but the type-share kinda says it all here.
And finally, we reach everyone's favourite overachieving tiny sister, Poppy.
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Here's some lore for y'all:
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Now again, in comparison to Hassel and Larry, we know next to nothing about Poppy, but envy specifically is interesting. The kid is very clearly far too powerful for her age, and it's therefore quite simple to imagine envy-based corruption occurring - of her dominating her peers, of her envy that everyone else seems to fit in where she doesn't. Thankfully in the Elite Four she's amongst friends, but... the composition of this team, jesus. Take a look:
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Kid is made of nuclear weapons, my god. The young mind is impressionable, easy to lead astray... except she's all fine and adorable, because she has structure, and an outlet for her power. Without that... well, Chi-Yu's on fire, so... I think this about sums it up.
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Little bit more on the intrigue:
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Mmm. Lighter. Well yeah, she would be...
There's a saying in gemology, or the sculpting of gems, about jade - what Chi-Yu's bead eyes are made of. And it goes like this:
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... Like a bell? Like that one she has on her team?
Chi-Yu is represented by blue stakes, or the Water type; the tears of a lost little girl, her fieriness extinguished.
So, now we've analysed the similarities of the characters, let's take a look at the story of the Treasures.
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'The king's greed', huh...
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... Huh. Geeta, who owns a Kingambit, who is the Top Champion. Now, aside from Larry, who seems to just straight-up dislike her, we don't know how the other three feel about their 'king' here - but we do know from the gym leader rematches that multiple of those guys aren't fans of her hardline stance. She and Tulip style-clash, Katy resents her for having her go easy on challengers, and Grusha seems afraid of her power to oust him. She seems to be a divisive woman, and... well, it's irrelevant, because we're here to imagine an alternate universe, friends. In another life, Geeta greedily overworks her people, taking the desire she has to host the greatest League and turning it dark; in another life, grudges, hates, fears and envies lead to a world of destruction and rebellion instead of a united found family. What is a king there is a queen here, and what would our queen be able to do, if she was attacked by all four of her treasures at once? Very little.
Four treasures, one king, two worlds. We even have the people to 'seal them away' - us, Nemona, Penny, Arven, and all the rematch gym leaders, who at that point outlevel the Elite Four. After all, if the shoe fits... two of us have already have taken down all four of them.
Let's all be glad we live in the good timeline, folks, where our Elite Four are loved and wholesome.
... It's fascinating isn't it, that we've pulled up these stakes up, crumbled them to dust... released the Poison, the Fighting, the Grass, the Water... that we've all seeped toxicity into the earth, lost the fight, had the life sucked away, and doused youthful enthusiasm.
... Nah, can't mean anything. Can't mean anything that we're the wielders who have already defeated them. Can't mean anything that Geeta's name in Japanese is 'omodaka', which directly translates to 'heightened surface', like the high places you nearly always find these stakes on.
... Nah, guys. Just a coincidence. They're all perfectly lovely... in our world. Still, quite the AU, right? ;)
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tymns · 2 years
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He’s so fine can’t take my eyes off 😩👌
My headcanon age for Larry/Aoki is late 30s/early 40s
don’t worry i’m gonna hit 26 soon:)
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scootersscooter · 9 months
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WIP because there's like a 70% chance I don't go back to finish this
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paldealeagueofficial · 10 months
This just in:
A trainer has defeated me in a battle at the Treasure Eatery. But that's not the news. The news is that he called me Lawrence on his way out.
Please just call me Larry.
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bartoonist · 5 months
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Team Crystar and the Gorilla Garnet: Those three are my Treasure Hunting Adventurous OC Trio: Larry Lizard, Anadrew Aardwolf, and Sparky Sparrow, being chased by a Palm Tree/Goku hairstyled Gorilla Guardian (because the Dragon Ball Hero: Goku has that Palm Tree like hairstyle too of course) who has been guarding that Gorilla Garnet gem statuette for hundreds or thousands of years, and I know I drew the Gorilla Garnet Gem Statuette and Goku Hairstyled Gorilla Guardian in the Donkey Kong style, but that’s mostly because its a much more fun style to draw gorillas that way, I probably could’ve tried the Disney Gorilla Design Style from Disney’s Tarzan to draw one of them that way in retrospect, but hey I grew up around the Donkey Kong Franchise in my 90's Childhood and I’ve always been a big Donkey Kong fan for like a very long time, despite having transitioned from my SNES to my PlayStation Journey over the years, I still stayed in touch with some Nintendo Franchises especially the Donkey Kong franchise in Nintendo Handheld Consoles, and I still love that red necktie attired ape after all these years. I have two illustrations and two sketch portraits that I forgot to share on my social media platforms like two weeks ago but I hope you folks like my OC Illustration I did this year anyway of course.
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Larry, Larry, Oh So Extraordinary
“Afternoon, Larry! Your usual, I presume?”
“Hello, Moe. And yes, please.”
“Comin’ right up!”
Larry slid into his seat, setting his briefcase down onto the floor beside his feet. He let out a sigh, it was identical to the other sighs he let out every workday. And the sighs he normally let out while placing himself down at the counter were of content. He considered the Treasure Eatery as his safe haven. The constant low humming of the bustling restaurant was a pleasant experience for him, and the scent of aged wood and cooked food brought him comfort whenever he set foot inside the warm building. However, this particular sigh was for another reason. And because she had mastered the art of decrypting the different pitches of his sighs and what they meant, Moe instantly caught up on it.
“That doesn’t sound like a happy sigh,” she slid him a fresh plate of grilled rice balls, complemented with two slices of lemon. One minute and forty seconds, she was quicker than last time. “Everything goin’ alright? Besides the usual office woes, of course.”
Larry looked down at the golden triangles before him, instantly feeling his mood lift a smidge. Food. Food was always a good thing. Food was always there for him. Food never disappointed him. Food made him happy.
“Well,” he began, wedging a lemon slice in between his fingers and spritzing his rice. “You know how the Pokémon League has been scrambling for the past month to find suitable candidates for the Elite Four, since all the previous ones resigned?”
He didn’t need to say any more. “No way, you got promoted?!”
He snorted, taking his first bite and chewing thoughtfully. “More like forced. I don’t know what on Earth my boss was thinking recommending me. I’m just an average guy from Medali who likes to eat, I’m nothing worth nominating over.”
Moe swat the air, eyeballing the wok of frying vegetables to her left. “Oh, don’t be like that, Larry! You’re known as the ‘Exceptional Everyman’ around here! We didn’t give you that title for no reason!”
Larry hummed as he finished off the first rice ball and went to the other one. “And I still don’t quite understand why you all insisted on giving me that title. Or why the League even demands that we submit titles in the first place.”
Moe scratched her forehead with her arm. “Think of it as a uniformity. I know how much you value consistency.”
He arched a thick eyebrow.
“You know how Gym Leaders in other regions have a title, or some kind of motto or phrase that describes their person or the type of Pokémon they specialize in, right?” She took a brief moment to finish up another dish of stir fry, setting the hot bowl onto the counter for the waitress to retrieve it.
“‘The Lightning Lieutenant’ in Vermilion,” and she stuck out fingers to count. “‘The Underground Boss of Driftveil.’ Hearthome’s ‘Alluring, Soulful Dancer.’ ‘The Person Who Makes Paths with Starlight’ in Anistar. The list goes on.”
Larry frowned, swiping away a grain of rice on his cheek. They all were much too complicated for his liking, and the last one felt nauseatingly over the top. Now “The Extraordinary Everyman” didn’t sound as bad as when he first heard it. A thought crossed his mind and he hummed.
“Gym Leaders in Alola don’t have titles,” he mentioned. The second shriveled lemon lay discarded in the corner of his plate.
“Unless you count ‘Trial Captain,’” she winked, cracking a couple of eggs into a skillet and scrambling them with a whisk. “It doesn’t have the same ring as the others, but a title’s a title.”
She had a point, he supposed. He was just glad he wasn’t the one who contributed to the creation of his title. He had the creativity of a blank sheet of paper, and he didn’t want to be bothered with spending any more of his depleting energy or fleeting time to come up with something.
“Another one, ‘Larry the Extraordinary?’” She chuckled as he ducked his head in between his shoulders.
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“…Yes, please…” 
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✪ This is just a little small snippet from a much bigger passion project I’m working on! 
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Writing done by me!
Illustration drawn by the amazing MsCMB_! <3
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bttf-dork · 9 months
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JanAUry Day 9 - History Friends
This AU is my own, and it’s about Marty McFly from BTTF, Ben Gates from National Treasure, and Larry Daley from Night at the Museum being friends. They first meet in the 80s as like-minded history nerds, then keep running into each other throughout the space-time continuum. Also Marty and Rexy are friends :)
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