#flying duchess
askyoungiron · 6 months
I like how some engines like Sir Nigel Gresley, call Duchess of Hamilton, ‘Ham’
HAMILTON: Only close friends get to call me 'Ham'. If you're not personal with me you can shove off.
HAMILTON: I will make an exception for Tornado because she is as cute as a button.
SCOTSMAN: You don't let me call you Ham. 😞
HAMILTON: Because you're an annoyance. And you upset Mallard.
BITTERN: Since when do you care about Mallard?
HAMILTON: We spend everyday in each others company, it's hard not to care about him after a while.
BITTERN: He's a complete asshole!
HAMILTON: Not if you look closely. There's parts of him that are good, just hidden.
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blueart2001 · 9 months
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new year, new drawing :3 (it disappears for another few months (?)
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gordspost · 1 year
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How Gresley family get-togethers usually end: let's torture Ryan!
Ryan: Your children are possessed by the devil, I'm more and more sure of it.
since 1967 Scott, Gordon, Spencer and their families have found themselves in Doncaster, in a mansion bought by the large family to spend their summer holidays. Ryan is also a Gresley and so he joined them about a year ago (even if sometimes, like now, he would like to go home) the Gresley family has a lot of fun together, and the kids have a lot of fun too!.. especially torturing poor young Ryan
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tornadoyoungiron · 6 months
((For the sake of this, let's pretend everyone in the collection can steam))
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tragedy-for-sale · 1 year
Follow up to this post
Evermore - Padme lives AU. Padme and Obi-Wan flee Coruscant with the twins and struggle to find their place in the galaxy. From once conquering stars to nothing at all.
Call it What you Want - Obi-Wan, Quinlan, and Kit are best friends at 16. Causing mischief and making this planet their own. The weeks leading up to Obi-Wan's birthday are filled with treachery and danger that test the group and all they've learned as padawans.
Sparks Fly - Picks up where 'Call it What you Want' ends, the trios adventure over the past few weeks result in the end. All three friends are split up, Obi-Wan heads off to Mandalore where he meets a young duchess. And he can't stand her.
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moonypears-blog · 9 months
???: You were created to be a wife, a mother, and a homemaker-
Teenage Tilly: I was born to be a problem. Don't project your insecurities on me. Some of us are here to be a nuisance, and we're doing a mighty good job of that, thank you.
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Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and Grand Duke Serge Alexandrovich in 1884.
Peterhof, 20 June 1884
My Little Darlings!
I could not write all these days, we had so much to do, but now the marriage is over I am able again to tell you what we have been doing. Last Saturday was the state entry of cousin Ella into Petersburg. We all drove in beautiful old coaches, like in the fairy tales, with six horses. Aunt Minny in front with Ella in gold carriage drawn by eight snow white horses. We went like this to the Winter Palace.
We all were dressed in court dress. The weather being lovely it was a splendid sight. On Sunday, we had a tiring day, when two weddings took place, the Russian one at 1 o'clock followed by the German ceremony. At 5 we had a big banquet and at 9 a ball, which did not last long however. But we remained the whole day in our court or drawing-room dresses, for after the ball we got again into the gilt coaches and drove in procession to Uncle Serge's new palace, which is quite beautiful, an enormous house with most charming rooms for cousin Ella. She looked beautiful in her wedding dress, diadem and crown.
When we arrived at their house we had a big supper, after which we were delighted to go to bed. Next day Serge and Ella paid visits to all the family and she looked lovely in a pink dress and bonnet and had on many lovely jewels she got. Uncle Serge and all the family gave her lovely presents and Aunt Minny a splendid trousseau. They both look so happy and pleased.
Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna, Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
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luxurybrownbarbie · 2 years
One more take because I’m in the office for another two hours and bored.
Henry Charles Albert David. He knew exactly what he was bringing this woman into. I get it. He found someone who is, by all accounts, his perfect match, worth building with, and he didn’t want to chase her away with the realities of The Firm. But my god… he needed to say something to prep her. He threw his wife to the wolves, assuming she would be okay, and it nearly killed her. Who. Else. Did. That. Henry. I’m glad he has enough sense to protect her now that they’re locked in.
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arthursisland · 10 months
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Famous Engines
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pxmun · 2 years
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The Flying Scotsman had been spending time with Dutchess during her visits to Sodor. The royal engine was still sad about the queen’s passing but getting to see her Sodor friends really helped Dutchess through this tough time. One of her favorite things to do was racing. Normally this was seen as a very silly thing for royal engines to do, but on Sodor, Dutchess didn’t need to worry about those expectations.  Duchess and Scotsman thundered down the line towards Vicarstown. The two were neck and neck. “Ha ha, I’m going to beat you this time Duchess”! Scotsman grinned. “Not if I get ahead of you first”! Duchess proclaimed. She soon chuffed ahead and began passing Scotsman. Duchess kept puffing on with Scotsman closely catching up to her. However, luck would be on Duchess’s side as the signal turned red, forcing Scotsman to stop. Once the signal turned green again Scotsman pulled up to the platform next to Duchess. “Looks like you beat me again Duchess.” Scotsman said. “Guess I did, but you certainly gave me quite the run. I see now why they gave you the name “Flying Scotsman”, I thought you were going to come off the rails and sail through the sky.” Duchess laughed. “Well, I have actually flown before, but I strongly recommend against it.” Scotsman said as he remembered the bridge incident with Darius and Splatter. Nearby the clocktower rang out. “Oh dear, it looks like I have to go soon. Are we still on for the outdoor movie this coming Saturday”? Dutchess asked. “I’ll be sure to save you a spot on the rails.” Scotsman said. With that Duchess departed the station for the Mainland. Scotsman watched until he couldn’t see Duchess anymore. Nearby, were Bill and Ben who had seen everything. They decided to have some fun at Scotsman’s expense. “Well, well, well, Ben, did you see that”? Bill asked. “I sure did Bill.” Ben responded. “Didn’t take ya to be quite the gentleengine Scotsman.” Bill said. “Gentleengine? What are you two going on about?” Scotsman asked, eyebrow raised. “You and Duchess, that’s what.” Ben responded. “What about me and Duchess”? Scotsman asked annoyed. “Oh, nothing much, just that you’re in love with Duchess”! Bill proclaimed. “Me? In love with Duchess? Do you two have some screws loose? I’m not in love with Duchess, we’re just friends.” Scotsman said. “Oh, sure sure, that’s why you let her beat you back there.” Ben said. “I didn’t let her win, Duchess won fair and square"! Scotsman retorted. “We don’t believe you. You’re the second engine to go a hundred miles and you really want us to believe that you couldn’t have made it pass the signal”? Bill asked. Scotsman felt his brow twitch as the saddleback twins pressured him. “So, what if I let her win? Duchess has been going through a lot recently, I was only trying to be a good friend.” Scotsman admitted. Bill and Ben gave each other a cheeky grin. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Ben said. The twins puffed away, chuckling as they heard Scotsman’s rods rattle. After teatime, Scotsman met up with Darius for the evening Mainland express. The Doncaster engine was still peeved at Bill and Ben’s teasing. “You alright Scotty? Your steam gauge is in the red.” Darius asked. “I’m find, I’m just trying to get over what Bill and Ben said earlier.” Scotsman replied. “Well, try not to let it get to you Scotty. Its only words and from Bill and Ben no less, those two are just wanting to get under your boiler.” Darius said. Scotsman smiled a bit. “Agreed. They just wanted a laugh at my expense, and I’ve been a rather silly engine by letting myself be their entertainment.” Scotsman said. Once the express was done for the night, Darius and Scotsman arrived at Ulfstead castle. The Earl had prepared a berth for the standard gauge engine. Darius wished his engine friend a good night and Scotsman shut his eyes for some rest. Apparently, the ordeal with the saddleback twins was still bothering Scotsman and it had followed the Doncaster engine into his dreams. There was a wedding being held at Vicarstown, all of Scotsman’s friends and family were there. Scotsman found himself in front of the podium, a choir began harmoniously singing “Here comes the bride”. Scotsman felt his firebox go cold as he watched a pair of flower girls walk by, sprinkling rose petals as they went. Behind them an engine carefully approached, a white veil covering their face. Scotsman already knew who it was. The engine stopped just mere inches from his buffers. The newly crowned King Charles III stepped forward and began reading off the wedding vows. “Do you Dutchess take this engine to be your lawfully wedded train”? The king asked. King Charles III and Darius then lifted the veil so Dutchess could be heard.  “I do”! Came a voice, but it wasn’t Dutchess.  Instead, the removed veil had revealed the face of the twins. They laugh maniacally as the station began to spin and Scotsman blanked out. In the morning a cheerful Darius made his way to the shed.  He had just received their first job from the Earl and Darius couldn’t wait to get started. He flung open the shed doors. “Good morning, Scot- ai, ai, ai”! Darius shouted. Scotsman looked sickly. His nose was runny, and he was covered footplate to fender in heart shaped spots. “Scotsman, what happened to you”? Darius asked shocked. Scotsman let out an agonizing groan. “Don’t know, I just woke up feeling absolutely terrible.” Scotsman said as he let out a cough. The Earl soon showed up, wondering why Scotsman and Darius were running late. Once he saw Scotsman, the Earl became very concerned. “Goodness me, Scotsman are you alright”? The Earl asked. “No sir, sorry for the confusion and delay sir.” Scotsman replied. “No need to apologize Scotsman. I’ll see if Connor or Caitlyn are free to fill in for you. Right now, though you need to get some rest.” The Earl said. “Yes sir, thank you sir.” Scotsman said as he settled back into his berth. The Earl looked over Scotsman once more. “Something wrong”? Darius asked. “Hm, I think I read about something like this happening before. It was documented by Ethan during the very early days of the North Western Railway. An engine ended up with a mysterious illness with the exact same symptoms.” The Earl recalled. “Well, did Ethan happen to write down how to cure whatever this is”? Darius asked. “I don’t remember and unfortunately, I have lent the book to Cleo. Thankfully, she will be here later this afternoon.” The Earl replied. “Thank steam. Guess in the meantime Scotty will just have to hunker down. Right now, though I’m going to head down to the steam works and see if Victor has anything to keep Scotty’s symptoms under control.” Darius said. “Very good. The others and I will keep an eye on Scotsman while your away.” The Earl said. Darius thanked the Earl and headed off to the steam works. A bit later, Millie stopped by.
“Oh, dear. I knew the Earl said you were feeling unwell Scotsman, but you look like your about to fall to pieces”! Millie said surprised. Scotsman could only sniffle. “Sounds like your pipes are clogged. I’ll bring over the estate firewoman and she can clear you up in a jiffy.” Millie said.
The estate engine soon returned; she pulled up next to the Doncaster engine and dropped off the firewoman. Millie watched as the firewoman cleared out Scotsman’s funnel. The brush was tickling Scotsman. “Achoo”! Scotsman sneezed. A puff of pink steam whooshed from his funnel. Millie thought it was pretty, though she wished it didn’t come at the expense of Scotsman’s health. “Thank you, Millie, having clean pipes is making me feel a tad better.” Scotsman said. “I’m happy to help and I hope you get better soon. I have to leave now to help Stephen and Glenn with the tours, but I’ll be back later.” Millie said. She left not long after that. Millie picked up her first batch of passengers and began the tour around the Earl’s estate. Along the way she passed by many engines like Marion, who was working on digging a new foundation for a new station. On the narrow- gauge line she saw Luke who gave her a friendly whistle hello, and she in turn did the same. Millie crossed paths with Percy who was on his way to Tidmouth sheds for a good long rest after delivering the mail. As Millie pulled into Maron, she saw Connor with the Mainland express. It was here that Millie started to not feel well. “Hello Millie! Are you alright? You look a bit worn out.” Connor said concerned. “Hello Connor. I am feeling a bit stuffy in the smokebox. Thankfully this is my last stop before my crew’s lunch break.” Millie said. “That’s good. You should head back to the castle and get some rest.” Connor advised. “Thank you, Connor, I will. I just hope I haven’t caught whatever Scotsman has.” Millie said as she puffed away. By the time Millie had reached the castle she was feeling awful. At this point she too had developed heart shaped spots. As she made her way up towards the castle, Millie saw Stephen and Glynn coming down the track. When the two saw Millie, they came to a screeching halt. “Sizzling Sodor Millie! What are you doing up and about in a state like that? You should be back in the shed.” Glynn said. “I’m just on my way up there. I think I caught Scotsman’s bug.” Millie said. Stephen looked shaky; his rods rattled as he came to a startling realization. “No Millie, that is no bug. You have cooties”! Stephen said. “Cooties? Isn’t that just a silly thing children came up with”? Millie asked puzzled. “Not for engines it isn’t! It’s a very real magical illness that can leave an engine out of commission for weeks, if not months! Why I remember one fellow who caught it not long after the Rainhill Trials, poor fellow couldn’t puff properly and ended up spreading cooties to the rest of his engine friends.” Stephen said. “Millie how many engines did you meet today”? Stephen asked. Millie gulped. “At little more than five, one of them being Connor.” Millie admitted. “That’s not good, who knows how many more engines that streamlined engine could’ve unknowingly infected.” Glynn said. “We better go and warn the Earl and the controllers. Hopefully the confusion and delay won’t be too severe.” Stephen said. The two old engines backed up towards the castle. Millie had to wait until Stephen and Glynn were at a safe distance from her before she could continue making her way up the track. Meanwhile the rest of Sodor was in a panic, engines were catching cooties one after the other. Confusion and delay were at an all- time high, poor Sir Topham Hatt didn’t know what to do. He was standing on the turntable facing most of the Steam Team. Edward and Toby were wise to stay away from the others once they noticed what was going on, the rest of the team however, they had to stay at Tidmouth sheds. Diesel, Bill, and Ben were occupying the two healthy steam engines berth’s after being quarantined. Romeo and Cleo were doing their best to keep the engines comfy. Gordon was suffering from a bad case of boiler ache and Romeo was trying his best to care for the engines, but it was hard. “Achoo”! Gordon sneezed. Romeo was covered head to toe in boiler sludge. “Gross”! Romeo said as he tried to wipe off the sludge. “Sorry.” Gordon sniffed. “It’s fine Big G, I just wish there was something we could do to make y’all feel better.” Romeo said. In Thomas’s berth, Cleo was rummaging through the pages of Ethan’s book in a frenzy panic. She must have checked each page over a dozen times, trying to find a cure to the cooties.  “Come on, there has to be some type of cure for cooties. I’m willing to take a measly hint at this point”! Cleo said as she slammed the book close. Sir Topham Hatt saw how distressed the kids were. “I think its best if you two take a break, why don’t we go over to Neptune’s Refreshments and have a nice cup of tea.” Sir Topham Hatt suggested. “Alright.” The siblings sighed. As the three began walking away, Bill and Ben overheard Cleo. “I just can’t figure out how Scotsman could’ve become romantically distressed enough to trigger cooties.” Cleo said. The twins splittered and spluttered, they knew what had caused Scotsman to fall ill with the cooties. The noise they made attracted the attention of Sir Topham Hatt. “Bill, Ben, are you two alright”? He asked concerned. The twins looked at each other. “You tell them Bill.” Ben said. “No, you tell them Ben, it was your idea.” Bill accused. “Was not”! Ben argued. “Was too”! Bill responded. “That’s enough, both of you”! Sir Topham Hatt boomed. Bill and Ben immediately clammed up. “Now, I want both of you to explain to me what exactly it is you want to say.” Sir Topham Hatt said. “Yes sir.” The twins answered. “Good, Ben you can continue.” Sir Topham Hatt said. “It’s Scotsman and the cooties. We might have teased him a bit.” Ben said. “And that teasing might have involved Duchess.” Bill said. “And said teasing with Duchess might have involved us accusing Scotsman of being in love with her.” Ben sheepishly grin. The Fat Controller was very crossed and was about to tell Bill and Ben off for their shenanigans, but he was interrupted by an even crosser Darius who had gotten a ride with Mr. Bubbles. “So, you two were the ones that got Scotty and the rest of Sodor sick”?! Darius boomed. The two trembled in fear. “We were only teasing him. We didn’t know it would end up in cooties.” Bill stuttered. “If we did, we wouldn’t have done it”! Ben stammered. Darius glared at the two. “When this is all over you two are going to go up to Scotsman and every sick engine and apologize to them, Understood”? Darius said. “Yes sir, we will sir”! The twins answered. Darius backed away so Sir Topham Hatt could have the floor. “Along with what Darius said, you two will also be taking over Scotsman’s goods trains until he is fully recovered.” Sir Topham Hatt said. “Yes sir, we understand sir.” Bill and Ben responded. Romeo looked over at Mr. Bubbles. “So, what are you doing here Bubs”? Romeo asked. “Well, I was on my way to entertain the passengers until their delayed train arrived when I saw Darius on the side of the road. He explained to me what was going on with the engines and I offered him a ride to Tidmouth.” Mr. Bubbles explained. The clown looked over at Cleo. “I also know what the cure to cooties is.” Mr. Bubbles continued. Everyone was stunned. “Oh, please Mr. Bubbles, can you tell us what it is”? Cleo pleaded. “Certainly! All the engines need is.... A cootie’s shot”! Mr. Bubbles announced. “A cootie’s shot”? Darius asked skeptically. Mr. Bubbles nodded. “Yes, a cootie’s shot. Just like the kids do when they think one of their friends has caught the cooties.” Mr. Bubbles said. Cleo looked over at Thomas. “Guess it’s worth a shot.” Cleo said. She stood in front of Thomas and began dancing. “Circle, circle, dot, dot, now Thomas has his cooties shot.” Cleo recited. And in the blink of an eye, Thomas was cured! His heart shaped spots quickly faded away. Everyone gasped in shock. “Alright, my turn”! Romeo interrupted as he rushed over to Gordon. “Circle, circle, dot, dot, now Gordon’s got his cooties shot”! Romeo sang as he danced around. Just like with Thomas, Gordon’s spots soon vanished, and he was cured. “Mr. Bubbles you did it! Thank you”! Cleo smiled. “You don’t need to thank me, Cleo. I’m just glad that the engines can start feeling better.” Mr. Bubbles replied. Darius walked up to Henry. “Circle, circle, dot, dot, now Henry’s got his cooties shot”! The young adult danced. But unlike with Thomas and Gordon, Henry was still sick. “What the? Did I do it wrong”? Darius asked confused. Sir Topham Hatt walked up to Emily. “Circle, circle, dot, dot, now Emily’s got her cooties shot”! Sir Topham Hatt sang. Again, nothing happened. “What on Sodor is going on? I thought this was supposed to work”? Darius asked. This time it was Romeo’s turn to solve the mystery. “If this cure was made by kids, then maybe it can only be given out by kids”? Romeo theorized. “If that’s the case then we’re going to need a lot more kids to help cure the engines.” Darius said. “My grandchildren are visiting today; I’ll see if they would want to help.” Sir Topham Hatt said. “And I’m sure the kids at the station will gladly help out as well.” Mr. Bubbles said. Soon, children from all around Sodor were working together to make the engines feel better. Both Cleo and Romeo would head up to Ulfstead castle to cure Scotsman. The Doncaster engine was very happy and cheerfully puffed out of his shed.
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To the people of this blog. Welcome
THE ASK BOX: For lore questions: ask ROB
I'd like the thank @toast-com for being helpful in coming up with many humanization Headcanons. Please go give her some love.
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askyoungiron · 10 months
So Flying Scotsman is the gold soul of the LNER, Truro is the gold soul of the Great Western. Who are the the gold souls for other railways like the LMS and North Western?
DUCHESS OF HAMILTON: Why that would be myself of course!
SCOTSMAN: I’ve never actually considered the Sudrian’s would have a Golden Warden.
GORDON: It would be myself, of course!
SCOTSMAN: Brother please.
GORDON: Who else on Sodor is more famous than me?!
GORDON: Not him, he’s not-
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blueart2001 · 2 years
Scots me quedo hermoso <3
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gordspost · 2 years
here are all my families in my canon, soon I'll start drawing them all.
Gordon Gresley x Henry Stainer
Elizabeth "Lilibeth" Gresley (1965)
Margaret "Memi" Gresley (1967)
Albert "Bubi" Gresley (1969)
James Horwich x Edward Atlas
Catherine "Cat" Horwich (1966)
Dash "Dashy" Horwich (1968)
Jordan "Jordy" Horwich (1970)
Mason "Masey" Horwich (1971)
Aston "Astie" Horwich (1976)
Olga "Olya" Horwich (1978)
Devious Diesel x Daisy Diesel
Casper "Cappie" Diesel (1965)
Caleb "Cabbie" Diesel (1966)
Denver "Denvie" Diesel (1968)
Blacky Diesel (1970)
Toby Holden x Henrietta Wisbeck
Ginevra "Nena" Holden (1971)
Ivan Holden (1976)
Enea Holden (1978)
Thomas Billington x Rosie Howard
Irina "Nina" Billington (1972)
Xenia "Xaxa" Billington (1974)
Scott Gresley x Frieda Krupp
Nicolaj "Nickly" Gresley (1966)
Michail "Michy" Gresley (1968)
George "Georgie" Gresley (1969)
Aleksander "Sandro" Gresley (1970)
Philip "Pippi" Gresley (1973)
Sofia "SoSo'" Gresley (1977)
Spencer Gresley x Duchess Stainer
Anne "Annie" Gresley (1967)
Bianca "B" Gresley (1969)
Corinne "CoCo" Gresley (1971)
Ileana Gresley (1973)
Porter x Timothy
Friederich "frittie" Porter (1966)
Alice Porter (1973)
Sarah Porter (1975)
Arianne Porter (1977)
they are not all, some I will introduce later. if you have any questions just ask
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pipcrystal · 2 years
jasmine: hello, duchess. :) duchess, walking through with style and not stopping: eat dirt and die, trash.
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When the BULLY wants REVENGE | Meghan Markle CBS Interview
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