#flynn fletcher squad
bejeweled-wahlberg · 4 months
I made memes that doesn’t even make fucking sense for KOTNB and NKOTB
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Violet belongs to @jokerislandgirl32
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oh-phineas · 3 years
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The Flynn-Fletcher House
Day 28 – Interior Decorating Collaboration: Get together with your employees/coworkers and create a floorplan for your character’s house or business!
Under the cut for length! In collaboration with @ferbmanofactionfletcher and @i-want-candy !!
1. Front Yard/House Exterior
The front yard doesn’t have any fancy landscaping, but the family does work together to keep the lawn looking nice. There’s usually some kind of lawn sign to advertise Candace’s shows (in the spring there was one for Phineas’s graduation as well). The garage door is open a lot of the time, especially when Phineas and Ferb are working on the car, so people can stop by and say hi. At Christmas, there are lights on the house and candles in the windows. The house has a special doorbell. It both rings and is connected to little light plugins around the house that flash when someone rings it so if Ferb is home, he knows he should either go answer it or when to go hide. 
2. Entryway/Living Room
The front door opens into the living room, which has a couch, a loveseat, a TV, and a fireplace. There is one bookshelf in here and a record player. The stairs to the right of the front door lead upstairs to the bedrooms and hall bathroom. The wall where the stairs are holds pictures! It used to just hold the Fletcher side of the family, but of course now it’s got pictures of Phineas, Candace, and Linda! And a Flynn-Fletcher fam photo. Agent P included! Past the couch, there is a small hallway that leads to the powder room and office. This is where Phineas does a lot of his homework, hanging out on the couch with the TV on in the background. Agent P’s bed is also in the living room, although sometimes she sleeps in the boys’ room or Candace’s room (even though she’s not really supposed to). 
3. Dining Room
This isn’t so much a separate room as a part of the kitchen partitioned off by the breakfast bar. There is a big table with six seats, and Lawrence and Linda sit on either end with the kids in the middle. There’s one seat that’s always empty except when there’s a guest over (sometimes it’s Vanessa, lately it’s been Andrea sometimes) and there are two extra folding chairs in the hall closet, but those don’t get used all that often.
4. Kitchen
The kitchen is big and airy, one of the biggest rooms in the house. The stovetop is on an island in the middle of the room, so it’s common for people to hang out around the island and chat while someone cooks. There’s also a breakfast bar with barstools where you can kind of see the TV from if you try hard enough. Candace does her homework here sometimes because she likes to be in the middle of things but also have her own space. On the occasional times when they have parties here, Phineas likes to play “bartender” at this space.
The refrigerator is usually pretty stocked and there are Post-It notes on it where people leave reminders/shopping list requests. The fridge also has some souvenir magnets from vacations and other random places. A lot of times there are flowers out on the island from Garden Grove.
5. Garage
The garage is mostly used by Phineas and Ferb when they’re working on projects. Because of all of their gadgets all over the place, there isn’t really room to park a car here (plus, currently, that space is being occupied by the car they’re fixing up). However, sometimes, if someone does need to park the car in here, the boys will have to move all of their stuff out of the way, which is a long process.
6. Patio/Backyard
The backyard doesn’t have a lot of decor, but it does have a table where the family eats outside in the summer sometimes as well as a hammock. There’s enough room for Agent P to run around, and the whole thing is fenced in. Sometimes, tennis balls end up in the neighbors’ yards and Phineas has done some elaborate maneuvers to get them back without anyone noticing. There’s a big oak tree in the middle of the yard.
7. Downstairs Hall Bathroom
A small powder room with a sink and a toilet. Nothing too fancy. Usually used by guests.
8. Office
This is mostly used by Lawrence, since he teaches at Pride U and brings his work home sometimes. There’s a desk that Linda and Lawrence both use, and sometimes if someone needs to make a private call they can use the office. On the desk, Lawrence has one of those digital picture frames that cycles through the ones he’s uploaded from his phone. Mostly of the kids and Linda!  There’s a table with little figurines for reconstructions of famous battles  that he changes up every so often, sometimes to have visuals for his research but just as often just for his own enjoyment. 
The walls are lined with more bookshelves and some maps/diagrams of historical battles as well as posters and framed memorabilia from Linda’s music career. Her famous “I’m Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun” jacket is framed in a shadowbox that was on loan to the Hard Rock Cafe in Chicago for a while, but she got it back before moving to the UK. There’s a sort of strange dissonance between the Lindana merch and the historical battle decor, but it works somehow. 
9. Upstairs Hall Bathroom
“It’s right up the stairs!” --something you might hear if you’re at a function at the Flynn-Fletcher house and the downstairs bathroom is in use. This is the bathroom that Phineas, Ferb, and Candace all share. There are two sinks, a toilet, and a shower. Since Phineas and Candace are both at Pride U now, though, it’s mostly Ferb’s. Phineas doesn’t have a lot of stuff in here, just some three-in-one shampoo/conditioner/body wash, a half-used bottle of hair product, an extra toothbrush, and some old cologne that he hates the smell of but keeps forgetting to throw out. He leaves the toothbrush out on the counter, but everything else is in a drawer.
Candace definitely comindeers this bathroom wherever she’s home and definitely has her shit all over the counter (she has a seperate set at school, ofc.) She also will take a bath at least once a week when she comes home for the weekend--bubbles and candles, the whole nine yards and will be in there for an hour minimum, get lost boys.
Ferb just has the bathroom basics! but ever since the Flynn’s moved in he started acting like the bathroom was more like a dorm bathroom. So he carries everything to and from his room whenever he needs it. This is because he 1. doesn’t want to take up any room Candace or Phineas might need and 2. wouldn’t want to need something in there if they’re in there and then disturb them. so he’d rather take his toothbrush downstairs than go knocking on the door. He still keeps his bathroom stuff in his room, despite both of the Flynn kids being at PrideU, in case someone came home for the weeknight and he didn’t know.
10. Phineas and Ferb’s Room
Phineas and Ferb each have a twin bed, facing away from the windows (and toward the wall shared with Candace where their desks are). 
Phineas’s bed is on the far wall by the window that faces the house next door. He has a very basic dark blue comforter with a plaid throw blanket. Sometimes if he doesn’t feel like making his bed or if he just feels like it, he’ll unroll his sleeping bag and just sleep in that on top of his comforter (#work smarter not harder). He has a couple of posters by his bed and over his desk: a poster for the film The Social Network, a poster with a Steve Jobs quote, a bulletin board with random stuff and memorabilia tacked to it, and a shelf with some Lego things he’s built displayed. His desk used to have his computer on it (a 3-screen setup with a PC, a second monitor, and his gaming laptop) but now all of that has been moved to Pride U (he sometimes brings his laptop back and forth, though). Now, his desk just has random books, papers, and knickknacks scattered across it.
Ferb’s side of the room: Ferb’s bed is on the other side, closer to the closet. He doesn’t have a lot of stuff because he isn’t really a materialistic person, unless its books. He does have a lot downloaded onto his computer but he has a pretty hardy collection of books that he has procured over the years of being a lonely child and going to Chapter Three every afternoon for something new. Also it was an easy gift for his family members on his birthday or Christmas, just getting him any old book. They all got organized into boxes under his bed after being told the Flynn’s were coming to live with them and that he and Phineas were going to share a room. All the things on his side, besides his computer set up, he was given. The lamp, the globe, the crest of his cousins’ favorite football team hung up on the wall. Even the purple sheets/pillow cases and blanket weren’t his personal pick. But he’s fine with that, would rather it be that way. Before Phineas moved in he didn’t have all the much stuff so it was very easy to clear up half the room. (Though now that he’s moved out he looks over at Phineas’ side forlornly.) 
11. Candace’s Room
Candace’s room overlooks the backyard, so there is plenty of light, especially in the afternoon. It is pretty sparse, because Candace never really fully moved in. There is still a box or two in her closet and under her bed full of stuff from America. She had hung up a few pictures/string lights to make it feel more homey, but it doesn’t really have much of a Candace-feel. Though, I do HC that Lawrence took her out shopping to buy new bedsheets as kind of a father-daughter bonding experience, so she has nice grown-up white sheets with little designs stitched into them and lots of fuzzy blankets and pillows.
She has a desktop computer that Ferb and Lawrence built for her for Christmas 2020 and so she keeps that on her desk, and uses it for sound editing and regular editing/recording of her show. The lighting is really nice there by the window. She uses her regular laptop for most stuff like watching Netflix and Twitter/Tumblr, etc. Also, her guitar and ukulele are probably near the bookshelf underneath the windows on their stands.
12. Linda and Lawrence’s Room
Linda and Lawrence share the master bedroom upstairs. The windows in that room face the backyard, but they are smaller and over the bed, so it’s not easy to see into the backyard (which is probably for the best, given the shenanigans that go down there). 
The majority of their career memorabilia is downstairs in the office, but they have a bookshelf with a lot of Lawrence’s history books and some things they both read for fun as well. There’s also a pretty extensive collection of Love Händel CDs, vinyls, and merchandise, as that is the band that brought Linda and Lawrence together. They also have a bathroom with a double sink and a bathtub/shower. 
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zootopiathingz · 4 years
“Smart but has little common sense” squad: Phineas, Baljeet, Carl, all the OWCA agents
“I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing” squad: Candace, Buford, Doofenshmirtz
“Dumb but in a funny way” squad: Stacy, Monogram
“I’m just here to exist” squad: Ferb, Jeremy, Vanessa
“The only one that actually does shit” squad: Isabella, Perry
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justa-simplefangirl · 6 years
Hey, so does anyone remember that there’s a canon Dwampyverse AU where
*Han Solo and Isabella Garcia-Shapiro are rivals,
*Linda, Lawrence, Ferb and Phineas grew up as neighbours to Luke Fucking Skywalker,
*Heinz wants to become a Sith Lord,
*R1 never happened (instead, Perry stole the DS plans),
*Phineas and Ferb knew about Perry’s secret identity for years,
*Candace (and probably Baljeet and Buford) grew up trained to become a ruthless fighter (and she’s actually one of the best (but she haS TO BUY VADER’S/ANAKIN’S SOCKS (HOW DOES THAT BOY EVEN W E A R THOSE?? DOES HE HAVE ROBO-FEET??))),
*Isabella (the Han of this group) openly kissed Phineas (the Luke of this group),
*Vanessa is somehow a Twi’Lek?? But Doof is the same race (I won’t say human) as the main characters??,
*O.W.C.A. work with the Rebellion,
*Isabella just... casually gave the Plans to the Rebellions main fighters?? And they were literally going to fault Binks??
*Phineas and Candace met each other again after YEARS (what’s more hilarious is the fact that Polish Candace has the same VA as OT!Leia herself)
Honestly, this ep is just great imo.
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Ships I Will Write Requests for as of January 17th, 2022
Ships Listed Are in No Particular Order
1.    Robin x Regina (Once Upon a Time)
2.    Happy x Toby “Quintis” (Scorpion)
3.    Megan x Sylvester (Scorpion)
4.    Paige x Walter (Scorpion)
5.    Cabe x Allie (Scorpion)
6.    Daphne x Simon (Bridgerton)
7.    Anthony x Kate (Bridgerton)
8.    Benedict x Sophie (Bridgerton)
9.    Colin x Penelope (Bridgerton)
10.  Violet x Edmund (Bridgerton)
11.  Flynn x Eve (Librarians)
12.  Jake x Mabel (Librarians)
13.  Judson x Charlene (Librarians)
14.  Diana x Steve (Wonder Woman)
15.  Chloe x Jackson (Zoo)
16.  Kaliis x Aurora (Aurora Rising book series)
17.  Finian x Scarlett (Aurora Rising book series)
18.  Cat x Tyler (Aurora Rising book series)
19.  Saedii x Tyler (Aurora Rising book series)
20.  Elizabeth x Will (Pirates of the Caribbean)
21.  Jack x Angelic (Pirates of the Caribbean)
22.  Thor x Jane (Thor)
23.  Tony Stark x Pepper Potts (Avengers and Iron Man)
24.  Loki x Sif (Thor)
25.  Loki x Nebula (Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy crossover)
26.  Ryder x Grace (The Grace Year novel)
27.  Fletcher x Sylva (Summoner book series)
28.  Clint Barton x Laura Barton (Avengers)
29.  Wanda x Vision (Avengers and WandaVision)
30.  Bruce x Natasha (Avengers)
31.  Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter (Captain America)
32.  Peter Quill x Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)
33.  Scott x Hope (Ant-Man)
34.  Fitz X Simmons (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)  
35.  Coulson X May (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
36.  Trip X Skye (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
37.  Bobbi Morse X Lance Hunter (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
38.  Killian Jones x Female OC (Once Upon a Time)
39.  Will Scarlett x Anastasia (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland)
40.  Gendry x Arya (Game of Thrones)
41.  Tyrion x Shae (Game of Thrones)
42.  Sanji x Nami (One Piece)
43.  Zoro x Robin (One Piece)
44. Luffy x Vivi (One Piece)
45.  Jonathan Joestar x Erina (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures)
46.  Joseph Joestar x Suzi Q. (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures)
47.  Mista x Female OC (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures)
48.  Kit x Ella (Cinderella 2015 version)
49.  Joshua Faraday x Emma Cullen (Magnificent Seven 2016 version)
50.  Vasquez x Female OC (Magnificent Seven 2016 version)
51.  Gilbert x Anne (Anne with an E)
52.  Diana x Jerry (Anne with an E)
53.  Mary x Bash (Reign)
54.  Leif x Claude (Reign)
55.  Kili x Tauriel (Hobbit)
56.  Claire x Owen (Jurassic World)
57.  Mia x Nicholas (Princess Diaries)
58.  Joe x Clarisse (Princess Diaries)
59.  Maria x Georg (Sound of Music)
60.  Lara Croft x Lu Ren (Tomb Raider 2018 movie version)
61.  Maleficent X Diaval (Maleficent)
62.  Kate X Daniel Forsythe (The Spirit of Christmas)
63.  Tiger Lily X James Hook (Pan)
64.  Westley X Buttercup (Princess Bride)
65.  Chato X Grace (Suicide Squad)
66.  Logan/Wolverine X Mariko (Wolverine)
67.  Vlad X Mirena (Dracula Untold)
68.  Will X Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean)
69.  Jack X Angelica (Pirates of the Caribbean)
70.  Galavant X Isabella (Galavant)
71.  Richard X Roberta (Galavant)
72.  Gwen X Arthur (Merlin)
73.  Gwen X Lancelot (Merlin)
74.  Gwen X Merlin (Merlin)
75.  Merlin X Morgana (Merlin)
76.  Morgana X Male OC/Reader (Merlin)
77.  Lancelot X Female OC/Reader (Merlin)
78.  Marian X Robin Hood (Robin Hood BBC)
79.  Will X Djaq (Robin Hood BBC)
80.  Marian X Allan (Robin Hood BBC)
81.  Allan X Djaq (Robin Hood BBC)
82.  Ban X Elaine (Seven Deadly Sins)
83.  Margaret X Gilthunder (Seven Deadly Sins)
84.  Meliodas X Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
85.  King X Diane (Seven Deadly Sins)
86.  Arthur X Merlin (Seven Deadly Sins)
87.  Ana X Alberto (Velvet)
88.  Claire X Matt (Daredevil)
89.  Lilette X Robbie (Rise)
90.  Hardison X Parker (Leverage)
91.  Nate X Sophie (Leverage)
92.  John X Sara (Alienist)
93.  Mary X Laszlo (Alienist)
94.  Farkas X Female Dragonborn (Skyrim)
95.  Vilkas X Lydia (Skyrim)
96.  E’lara X Caddoc (Hunted: The Demon’s Forge)
97.  Rime x Ember (Degrees of Separation)
98.  Cody x May (It Takes Two)
99.  Frank x Karen (Punisher)
100. Makoto x Abigail (Great Pretender)
101. Robb x Talisa (Game of Thrones)
102. Tadashi x MK (Big Hero 6 and Epic Crossover)
103. Eloise x Sir Phillip (Bridgerton)
104. Francesca x Michael (Bridgerton)
105. Hyacinth x Gareth (Bridgerton)
106. Gregory x Lucy (Bridgerton)
107. Okabe x Mayuri (Steins;gate)
108. Okabe x Kurisu (Steins;gate)
109. Edward x Elizabeth (White Queen)
110. Liam Jones x Elsa (Once Upon a Time fan pairing)
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sleepingdragonhq · 5 years
Costume Contest
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Hey guys !! Below the read more is the whole list of costumes and another list for the couples costume (platonic pairs specified for their own category). If we’re missing any or have made a mistake, please let us know. You can find the voting form here. You must put five choices for each for the point system to work. The winners will be announced next week !!
Adabella Skeeter - Rose (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber - Velma (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe - Cowboy
Alastair Watson - Steve Rogers / Captain America (Marvel)
Albus Potter - James Bond (James Bond)
Alexander Hawthorne - Sailor (V-J Day in Times Square)
Alice Longbottom II - Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Amara Bones - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Anthony Rosier - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Archer Selwyn - Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Ariadne McLaggen - Lola (Looney Tunes)
Ariella Belefleur - Anna (Frozen)
Aryana Robins - Shego (Kim Possible)
Ash Rookwood - Gardener
August Fawley - Werewolf
Aurora Claremont - Bunny
Avalon Mulciber - Megara (Hercules)
Benjamin Ollivander - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart - Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
Brianna Avery - Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Caleb Cresswell - Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Callista McGonagall - Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
Camille McGonagall - Mrs. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Candice Cresswell - Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
Casey Abrams - Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Caspian Berrycloth - Poseidon (Mythology)
Cassius Cresswell - George Washington
Cecily Prewett - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Playboy Bunny
Charles Villiers - Gomez Addams (Addams Family)
Charlotte Watson - Mia (La La Land)
Chase Sayre - Burt Macklin (Parks & Rec)
Clara Arquette - Captain America (Marvel)
Colm McCarthy - Flash (Zootopia)
Darcy Mulciber - Loki (Marvel)
Declan Rowland - Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Delilah Flume - Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dev MacMillan - Devil
Diana Rosier - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Dominic Whitehorn - Golden Snitch
Elaine Greengrass - Belle (Beauty & the Beast)
Electra Carrow - Daisy Buchanan (Great Gatsby)
Elena Flores - Baby (Dirty Dancing)
Elide Weasley - Cactus
Elijah Nolan - JD (Heathers) 
Elisaveta Hagen - Queen
Elizabeth Greenwood - Veronica (Heathers) 
Elsa Lestrange - Snow Queen
Ember Fortescue - Ice Cream
Emma Pickering - Elphaba (Wicked)
Evan Parkinson - Cowboy
Everett Pickering - Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) 
Ezra Bishop - Fiyero (Wicked)
Finley Murray - Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
Fletcher Duke - Nightwing (DC Comics)
Frank Longbottom - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Freya Avery - Winnie Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Gabriel Larkin - Jack (Titanic)
Grace Turner - Spider-Gwen (Spider-Man)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Harley Burke - Mabel (Gravity Falls)
Hazel MacDougal - Rachel Green (Friends)
Hudson Burke - Dipper (Gravity Falls)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Wally (Where’s Wally?)
Isabelle Crawford - Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
James Ashcroft - Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
James Potter - Firefighter
Jasper Locklear - Romeo (Romeo + Juliet)
Jaxon DuQuan - The Invisible Man
Jonah Finch - Cosmo (Fairly Odd Parents)
Josephine Goldstein - Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Joshua Selwyn - Baseball Player / Pitcher
Julia Kominek - Bonnie Parker
June Finch - Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents)
Katherine Robertson - A Phoenix
Kristoff Flynn - Johnny (Dirty Dancing)
Laurel Ollivander - Pink Power Ranger (Power Rangers)
Lena Macmillan - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Liam Kominek - Joker (Suicide Squad)
Lily Potter - Princess Merida (Brave)
Long Huojin - PT Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
Lorcan Scamander - Clyde Barrow
Lucia Rodriguez - America Chavez / Miss America (Marvel)
Lucienne Wolffe - The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Lucy Weasley - Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmatians)
Lyra Malfoy - Juliet (Romeo + Juliet)
Lysander Scamander - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Lysandra Rowle - Flower
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Dalmatian
Maeve O’Hare - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Manon Flamel - Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Marcus Carson - Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget)
Margot Fontaine - Alice Kingsleigh (Alice in Wonderland)
Matthias Vallois - Kristoff (Frozen)
Meredith Wayfelle - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Michael Thorne - Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Milo Fox - Peter’s Shadow (Peter Pan)
Molly Weasley - Nurse (V-J Day in Times Square)
Mortimer Claremont - Milo Thatch (Atlantis)
Natalie Davies - Red Riding Hood (Red Riding Hood)
Natalya Dolohova - Quidditch Player 
Nesta Greenwood - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Nile Harb - Burt (Mary Poppins)
Octavia Coleman - Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Odette Flume - Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec)
Orion Yaxley - Danny Zuko (Grease)
Peggy Carson - Peggy Carter (Marvel)
Pepper Rosewood - White Angel
Pippa Rosewood - Black Angel
Penelope Hawthorne - Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Perseus Mulciber - Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Poppy Zabini - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Reid Anderson - Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Rhiannon Prewett - Persephone (Mythology)
Rosalie Fleur - Samara (The Ring)
Rose Granger-Weasley -  Beyoncé
Scorpius Malfoy - Skeleton
Sebastian Nott - Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Seraphina - Sandy (Grease)
Seung Krum - Baseball Player / Catcher
Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Sofia Clarke - Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Tallulah Abbott - Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Teddy Lupin - James Ashcroft
Theodore Dubanowski - Hunter (Red Riding Hood)
Theodore Oliver - Green Soldier (Toy Story)
Theseus McLaggen - Mr. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Tiberius Flume - Error 404 Costume Not Found
Tobias Atwell - Hugh Hefner 
Toby Anderson - Sebastian (La La Land)
Verity Nott - Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Victoire Weasley - Cinderella (Cinderella)
Vivian Chang - Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
Wesley Martin - Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
William Ashcroft - Hades (Mythology)
pair costumes
Adabella Skeeter & Gabriel Larkin - Rose & Jack (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber & Wesley Martin - Velma & Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe & Evan Parkinson - Cowboys 
Alastair Watson & Peggy Carson - Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter (Marvel) - platonic
Alexander Hawthorne & Molly Weasley - Sailor & Nurse ( V-J Day in Times Square)
Anthony & Diana Rosier - Flynn Rider & Rapunzel (Tangled)
Ariella Belefleur & Matthias Vallois - Anna & Kristoff (Frozen)
Ash Rookwood & Lysandra Rowle - Gardener & Flower - platonic
Benjamin Ollivander & Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel & Flynn RIder (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart & Everett Pickering - Sherlock Holmes & Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) - platonic
Callista McGonagall-Kominek & Liam Kominek - Harley Quinn & Joker (Suicide Squad)
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom - Sally & Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Charles Villiers & Candice Cresswell - Gomez & Morticia Addams (Addams Family) 
Chase Sayre & Odette Flume - Burt Macklin & Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec) - platonic
Dominic Whitehorn & Natalya Dolohova - Snitch & Quidditch Player - platonic
Elizabeth Greenwood & Elijah Nolan - Veronica & JD (Heathers)
Emma Pickering & Ezra Bishop - Elphaba & Fiyero (Wicked)
Grace Turner & Archer Selwyn - Spider-Gwen & Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Harley Burke & Hudson Burke - Mabel & Dipper (Gravity Falls) - platonic
James Ashcroft & Verity Nott - Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
James Potter & Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Firefighter & Dalmatian
Jasper Locklear & Lyra Malfoy - Romeo & Juliet (Romeo + Juliet) - platonic 
Jonah & June Finch - Cosmo & Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents) - platonic
Joshua Selwyn & Seung Krum - Pitcher & Catcher / Baseball Players
Kristoff Flynn & Elena Flores - Johnny & Baby (Dirty Dancing) - platonic
Lorcan Scamander & Julia Kominek - Bonnie & Clyde 
Lysander Scamander & Poppy Zabini - Beer Pong - platonic
Milo Fox & Amara Bones - Peter Pan & His Shadow (Peter Pan) - platonic
Nile Harb & Sofia Clarke - Burt & Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins) - platonic
Orion Yaxley & Seraphina MacAuley - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
Perseus Mulciber & Penelope Hawthorne - Prince Eric and Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Pippa Rosewood & Pepper Rosewood - Black & White Angels - platonic
Sebastian Nott & Ariadne McLaggen - Bugs Bunny & Lola (Looney Tunes)
Tallulah Abbott & Vivian Chang - Spongebob & Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants) - platonic
Theodore Dubanowski & Natalie Davies (ft. Apolline) - Hunter & Red Riding Hood (ft. Wolf)
Theseus McLaggen & Camille McGonagall - Mr & Mrs Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith) - platonic
Tobias Atwell & Celestina Shacklebolt - Hugh Hefner & Playboy Bunny
Toby Anderson & Charlotte Watson - Sebastian & Mia (La La Land)
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fauxhammerblog · 4 years
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Incredible time yesterday at @IronSkullUK All the winners are below so please check out their work and Follow #IronSkull2020 for work from some other incredible painters. If anyone knows if an Instagram account I haven't added, please comment CATEGORY 1 - SCI Fl SINGLE MINIATURE GOLD - NEIL HOLLIS - SILVER JAMIE CORDWELL - BRONZE - BEN POYNTER - @bpminiaturepainting CATEGORY 2 - SCI Fl SQUAD GOLD - STEVE GARCIA - SILVER - MARTIN WALLER - @martin_waller_figurepainter BRONZE - RYAN ALLEN - @a_painters_journey CATEGORY 3 - HISTORICAL FIGURE GOLD - ALEX LONG - @undergroundminiatures SILVER - MARK LIFTON - @mark.lifton BRONZE - CONRAD MYNETT - CATEGORY 4 - FANTASY SINGLE MINIATURE GOLD - PHIL PRYCE - SILVER - MARTIN WALLER - @martin_waller_figurepainter BRONZE - NEIL HOLLIS - CATEGORY 5 - FANTASY SQUAD GOLD - THOMAS AMBROSE - SILVER - BOBBY THOMPSON - @bobdogzpaints BRONZE - MATT FLYNN - CATEGORY 6 - SCI Fl OR FANTASY MONSTER GOLD - CONRAD MYNETT - SILVER - ROBIN MCLEOD - @miniature_mcleod BRONZE - PHIL PRYCE - CATEGORY 7 - SCI FI / FANTASY / HISTORICAL VEHICLE GOLD - JAMIE CORDWELL - SILVER - BOBBY THOMPSON - @bobdogzpaints BRONZE - RYAN ALLEN - @a_painters_journey CATEGORY 8 - SCI Fi OR FANTASY LARGE GOLD - CONRAD MYNETT - SILVER - ARNAU LAZARO - @arnau.lazaro BRONZE - STEVE GARCIA - 2020 CATEGORY 9 - BUSTS GOLD - ARNAU LAZARO - @arnau.lazaro SILVER - CONRAD MYNETT - BRONZE - MARTIN COWER - CATEGORY 10 - SCENE / DUEL / DIORAMA GOLD - DAVID SOPER - @davidr.soper SILVER - ARNAU LAZARO - @arnau.lazaro BRONZE - MARK LIFTON - @mark.lifton 2020 CATEGORY 11 - JUNIOR GOLD - FREDDIE LIFTON - SILVER - AL DELISS - @aldeliss842 BRONZE - LUKE HIGGINS - CATEGORY 12 - STAFF GOLD - DAVID CHILVERS - @chilvers_industries SILVER - FLETCHER GILES - @fletchers_painting BRONZE - JAMES OTERO - @james_otero_figureart BEST IN SHOW DAVID SOPER - @davidr.soper https://www.instagram.com/p/B9L9bWTnKCh/?igshid=ibpzit7fitne
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disneydude94 · 7 years
The Toon Four
It’s been a while since I made another journal entry like last year. So today I finally coming up with my ideas for crossover like for example when most people made “The Big Four” featuring Rapunzel, Merida, Hiccup, and Jack Frost while others make “The Modern Four” featuring Violet, Wilbur, Penny, and Hiro. So why not 2D animation or cartoon for short?
Two years ago when I come up with my own team that concludes four. I start off with Phineas and Ferb and Gravity Falls from Disney Channel and adding Vanellope and Rancis from “Wreck-It Ralph” and Timon and Pumbaa from “The Lion King”. But unfortunately that I had to hold off for a while until then when 2016 came when I watch a new television series on Nickelodeon that was called “The Loud House” and I was a like “that’s a lot of kids” but it turns out that this show was so popular like “Spongebob Squarepants” and I’ve began to grown fond of it.
And now that I have finally made my decision that I make crossover adventure that will featuring that I already know by adding four popular animation series between Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. I call it “The Toon Four”, a crossover that features Spongebob Squarepants, Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, and The Loud House. It’s when a group of kids and a sponge join forces to go on an adventure and discover the mystery throughout the globe. When suddenly, four villains are plotting to get their revenge for those whose foiling their plans like last time and they will conquering the world. Our heroes will defend their home and together they will beat them once more.
So what if there are three characters from different series including their pets. Here is the list for all of characters that will featured in The Toon Four.
Heroside Squad - A group of kids and critters that are solving the mysteries and making a whacky inventions.
* Clyde McBride - Lincoln’s best friend and an adoptive boy of his two dads.
* Dipper Pines - Twin brother of Mabel and solves mysteries from Gravity Falls.
* Ferb Fletcher - A stepbrother to Phineas and Candace with man of actions.
* Isabella Garcia-Shapiro - Leader of the Fireside Girls and friends of Phineas and Ferb.
* Lincoln Loud - A middle age boy of the Louds and man with a plan.
* Mabel Pines - Twin sister of Dipper and makes lots of sweaters and album.
* Patrick Star - Spongebob’s best friend that eat ice cream and Krabby Patty.
* Phineas Flynn - Stepbrother to Ferb and brother of Candace with brilliants of ideas.
* Ronnie-Anne Santiago - A toughest girl and not-so-girlfriend to Lincoln.
* Sandy Cheeks - A squirrel from Texas and lives in her Tree Dome.
* Spongebob Squarepants - The happiest sponges and the greatest fry cooker of the Krusty Krab.
* Wendy Corduroy - The lumberjack girl and oldest of the Corduroys.
Top Secret Agents - While everyone was busy, a group of animals are undercover as secret agents.
* Charles the Dog- A pit bull dog and one of the Loud Family’s pet.
* Cliff the Cat - A black cat and one of the Loud Family’s pet.
* Gary the Snail - Spongebob’s pet snail.
* Geo the Hamster - A hamster in a ball and one of the Loud Family’s pet.
* Perry the Platypus - Flynn-Fletcher Family’s pet and an OWCA top agent.
* Waddles The Pig - Mabel’s pet pig that she won from Mystery Shack Fair.
* Walt the Canary - A yellow bird and one of the Loud Family’s pet.
Sinister Syndicate - A group of villains that wants to rule the world and enemies of our heroes.
* Bill Cipher - The most powerful triangle demon and enemies of the Pines.
* Chandler - Lincoln’s bully who wants revenge when he lost his reputation.
* Heinz Doofenshmirtz - An evil pharmacists and enemy of Perry the Platypus.
* Sheldon J. Plankton - Owner of the Chum Bucket who wants to steal the secret formula.
And there you have it folks. I’m pretty sure that you’ll enjoy the most ideas. I was wondering if you can join me that can draw or write anything. There’s more coming up next when I return.
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perryshmirtz · 7 years
I just had a dream where the OWCA Files was like, a real sequel series to Phineas and Ferb - only instead of Harry, Maggie, and Karen, it was Phineas, Ferb, and Candace. It had a completely different aesthetic, more like AT2D with like an art deco, Batman Beyond-type feel. Recurring themes included Doofenshmirtz using his knowledge of Evil to take it down and jokingly talking about "hey, remember when we all had to keep secrets??? Those were the times."(part 1)
The reason why Phineas and Ferb are allowed to know is because Doofenshmirtz volunteered to be his new host family, so Perry lives at DEI and now it's the Flynn-Fletcher kids who have to live double lives. There's this whole B plot of Isabella trying to sleuth out "watcha doing?" And I think there's a new recurring villain with a swanky flat on the edge of Danville? IDK I think he might be that one evil kid who tried to seduce Vanessa from the episode Monty was introduced.
Also Monty's there, but only from time to time. Stacey makes more reoccurring appearances than he does. Jeremy's the damsel in distress, like, 72% of the time, and sometimes Candace uses the Mysterious Force to solve the problem of the day, but only when things are REALLY dire. Oh yeah, that's another B-plot: Candace trying to calm down mom. Also I think Isabella might find out everything eventually, but they HAVE to keep it secret.
So the B plot shifts from Isabella trying to sleuth them out to Isabella trying to keep the secret from the Fireside girls, which lasts ABOUT an episode before they become OWCA's super-secret crack team. And like, ACTUALLY secret, nobody knows about them except for Phineas, Ferb, Perry, and Candace, though Doofenshmirtz has a vague idea that the fireside girls are more than they seem and that his boo has a crack team but can't put two and two together.
Stacey helps the Fireside girls out from time to time, which leads to ~sibling rivalry~. I remember there being a few episodes about Pinky and the old OWCA Files being like, the Junior Agents. I think that Pinky and Karen might've been like, the weird parents of that particular squad? Anyway, my favorite episodes were early on in the series, because they had some REALLY great "Doofenshmirtz Saves EVERYONE" eposodes before it all focuses more on Stacey.
Also there were some really REALLY great domestic bits about Perry and Doofenshmirtz being roomies? Phineas likes to tease him about it, which makes Isabella go "you freaking hypocrite" because HOW CAN HE KNOW ABOUT HOW THE FEEL FOR EACHOTHER WITHOUT KNOWING HOW SHE FEELS ABOUT HIM OMFG HOW ARE U A SPY PHINEAS *ahem* anyway, that's a recurring theme. A fan theory I liked was that he DOES know, but knows better than to let her know he knows quite yet, yaknow?
(I'm so sorry this went on for like ever) but yeah. The Phineas and Ferb OWCA Files was a pretty good show, and I really wish it was like... A real thing. The feel of the thing alone was deeply satisfying, it felt like those few episodes with REALLY good side characters we'd never see again (you know the ones) and it was so satisfying to see a world where Perry's allowed to be himself and still see the boys. I REALLY wish it were more than a dream.
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nova-friends · 7 years
@Squad: We've already established Steven & Connie, Dipper & Wendy, and Kim & Ron. I'm gonna toss out a few other names and see if they ring a bell. Danny Fenton, Sam Manson (possibly Fenton), Tucker Foley, Ferb Flynn-Fletcher, Phineas Flynn-Fletcher, Isabella Shapiro-Garcia, Ben Tennyson, & Gwen Tennyson. Also we've talked about Dipper, but what about his sister Mabel? I know in a few realities she ends up with Pacifica, does it happen here too?
Nova; Well I think knows about the name fenton.
Connor; hmm well yeah Fenton works is one of the most well know businesses in the world. I think it’s ran by a danny and his wife sam. I can’t really remember. I think Tucker is the head of their R and D department.
Nova; Phineas and Isabella are our next door neighbors. mom knows them pretty well. Ben Tennyson? hmm i dunno, isn’t that the astronaut that was sent into space with his cousin?
Connor: *shrugs* and of course I know Mabel, i’m not sure who she’s dating though. I heard she has twin girls named Aria and Melodic. THough there’s rumors she’s been saying Pacifica, there’s also rumors that one Gideon Gleeful has invited her to some of his shows in Gravity falls. 
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Kevin Wozniak on Kevflix: Best of the 2010s: Best Movie Moments/Scenes
Every year since Kevflix has been alive, I’ve made a list of my favorite scenes/movie moments of that year.  This is always my favorite list to make as it allows me to highlight some truly great moments in filmmaking, acting, and story-telling.  I couldn’t count down the best movies of the decade without making a best scenes/moments of the decade, so here we are.
When making my list for the best scenes or movie moments of the 2010s, I focused on one key thing for what would make the list: emotion.  What scenes brought the most emotion out of me?  What was the scene that had me the most excited or the moment that nearly brought tears to my eyes?  Which moment defined what cinema was in 2010s and which one changed it forever?  After much deliberation, I have come up with these ten scenes/moments.  These are the moments that no matter when I watch them, they make me feel like I did the first time I saw them and always bring out some sort of emotion in me..  Here are my picks for the best movie moments/scenes of the 2010s.
    You’ve been warned.  But if you haven’t seen these movies by now, you’re missing out on some great cinema.
JJ Abrams’ The Force Awakens was a perfect reintroduction to the Star Wars franchise.  It introduced new fans to a legendary franchise and brought old fans back to franchise they once loved.  But when Han Solo (Harrison Ford) is killed by his son Ben (Adam Driver), a.k.a Kylo Ren, it was Abrams sending a message.  This was the start of a change.  This was Abrams showing us that the Star Wars we knew was gone and that this was the dawn of a new story and new characters.  It was a daring, shocking, powerful scene that still crushes my heart every time I watch it.
“Nick loved a girl I was pretending to be. “Cool girl”. Men always use that, don’t they? As their defining compliment: “She’s a cool girl”.
Most movies will give you the twist at the ending.  David Fincher and Gillian Flynn give you twists in the middle of the movie.  In this dark mystery thriller about Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) who’s wife goes missing and he becomes the prime suspect and has a spotlight shined on him in a media circus, Fincher and Flynn throw us for a loop right when we think we know where this movie is going.  Rather than find out what happened to the man’s wife at the end of the movie, we find out in the middle and what a twist it is.  We see as Nick’s wife Amy (Oscar nominee Rosamund Pike) is cruising down the highway in a beaten up car.  From there is a beautiful combination of stellar filmmaking and writing.  Flynns’ writing is electric, as Amy gives us a play-by-play of her plan, how’s she’s feeling, and why she’s doing what she’s doing.  Fincher’s direction is sensational and works perfectly with Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross’ score and Kirk Baxter’s editing.  Gone Girl is one of Fincher’s finest films and this is one Fincher’s finest moments as a director.
I didn’t know what to expect going into Ryan Coogler’s Creed.  Having loved Coogler’s debut film, Fruitvale Station, and being a big fan of the Rocky franchise, I thought I would enjoy the film.  But it was this scene, in which Coogler does a “single-take” boxing fight showing us the first round and part of the second round until Adonis (Michael B. Jordan) wins by knockout, that I knew this movie was on a whole other level.  The smooth movement of the camera, the physicality and swagger and Michael B. Jordan, and the building score make this one of the best boxing fights I’ve ever seen on film. Creed was my favorite movie of 2015 and it was Coogler’s directorial touch that elevated its greatness.
      7. “LET IT GO” – FROZEN
I have a niece who is three-years-old who is obsessed with Frozen.  Whenever I see her, chances are she will be watching Frozen and singing along to it, most passionately to “Let It Go”, in which she sings and mimics everything Elsa is doing in this scene.  This is six years after Frozen came out and it just shows how powerful the movie and its key set-piece are.  “Let It Go” is the princess anthem of the millennium.  It’s an empowering, catchy song that every little child and their parent knows the words to coupled with some beautiful animation.  This is a song and movie that will continue to be popular and loved for years to come.
If there is one thing we learned about Tom Cruise this decade it is that he is a madman.  Though one of our greatest movie stars and a spectacular, awards-caliber actor, Cruise took the 2010’s to show just how insane of a man he is and how far he is willing to push himself, namely in the Mission: Impossible franchise.  Cruise climbing The Burj Khalifa in Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol almost snagged this spot, but Cruise’s H.A.L.O (High Altitude Low Open) jump in Fallout is an extraordinary stunt and feat of filmmaking.  Jumping out of a plane at 30,000 feet and opening his parachute at under 3,000 feet is an insane stunt done by top military men and apparently Tom Cruise.  How director Christopher McQuarrie shot the scene by having a cameraman follow Cruise as he falls through the air, giving us a front row view of how crazy this fall is, is nothing short of extraordinary, especially seeing it on IMAX.  This was peak stunt work this decade and peak Cruise.
Rouge One was a first in the Star Wars franchise.  This was the first side-story the franchise had ever done.  It steered away from the Skywalker story and focused on a new set of characters, plots, and stories.  Though Rogue One was about the group of soldiers who retrieved the plans to the Death Star, which would then be used by Rebels in A New Hope, we had no idea what to expect in this film, and while the film was very entertaining and unique from other Star Wars films, nothing could have prepared us for the Darth Vader finale.  This is the greatest Darth Vader scene ever (yes, including “I am your father) as it showed Vader at the height of his powers, mowing down puny soldiers with his lightsaber and force powers.  This ended Rouge One on a high note that nobody expected.
Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman came at just the right time for the DCEU.  After Batman v. Superman and Suicide Squad disappointed critics and audiences alike, nobody knew what Warner Bros. and the DCEU were going to do.  But Wonder Woman came along and saved it.  Up until this scene, we only saw glimpses of what Diana (Gal Gadot) could do.  She was still learning this new world she was in and was trying to understand how and why the war was the way it was. This was the first time we saw Wonder Woman.  Not Diana, Wonder Woman.  The shield wielding, head-banded hero who only wants to do good and save the world.  This scene got every emotion in me going.  It is inspiring, exciting, beautifully crafted, and awe-inspiring.  This is the greatest superhero intro scene ever and it’s not even close.  This was the birth of a hero.  This was the birth of an icon.
      (Part 1)
  (Part 2)
Damien Chazelle’s sophomore film is a war film in the music room.  A no-holds-barred look at being pushed to the limit for perfection.  This all comes to a head in the film’s finale, where Andrew (Miles Teller) gets embarrassed by his former teacher Fletcher (Oscar winner JK Simmons) on stage at a performance.  But rather than leave the concert, Andrew comes back on stage and changes the set and starts to perform “Caravan”.  But it’s after the song where Andrew really shines, as he riffs for nearly five-minutes, giving the performance of his life full of blood, sweat, anger, and passion as Andrew shows Fletcher that he is the best.  But this finale brings up the big question of how far is too far?  Is Andrew giving Fletcher a giant middle finger or has he become the obsessive monster Fletcher was grooming him to be?  Highlighted by expert editing and mad-house performances by Teller and Simmons, this is a heart-racing scene and one of the best finales of the decade.
The performance of “Shallow” in Bradley Cooper’s A Star is Born was the most overwhelming movie experience I had in 2018 and one of the most overwhelming experiences I have ever had in a movie.  A scene of pure power, love, and emotions that had my eyes almost in tears.  The dizzying, almost dream-like first act of the film comes to a head in this scene, as Jackson (Bradley Cooper) invites Ally (Lady Gaga) up on stage to sing a song they briefly wrote together the night before.  Ally owns it, and sings her heart, much like Jackson knew she would.  Perfectly shot and edited, with Gaga belting her heart out and Cooper presenting a confidence and swagger while being in a state of bliss as he falls in love with Ally and watches her become a star.  The song is Oscar-worthy, but its Cooper’s direction and Gaga’s stunning voice that make “Shallow” an iconic cinematic moment this decade.
The 2010’s belonged to comic book movies and cinematic universes and nobody did it better than the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  After twenty-three movies (twenty-one released in the 2010’s) the MCU came to an epic finale with Avengers: Endgame and what a finale it was.  Everything that was the MCU was on the screen at the final battle of Endgame, a scene that is not only the definition of awesome, but is epic on every scale.  When all hope seems lost for Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), and the remaining Avengers and it looks like Thanos’ army will take over the planet, we hear the static of Falcon’s (Anthony Mackie) voice in Captain America’s ear, followed by the appearance of T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) coming from a Doctor Strange portal.  It is then an onslaught of everyone from the MCU appearing on screen, both those who disappeared in the snap from the previous movie and those who survived, all culminating in an attack on Thanos and his army with Captain America commanding, “AVENGERS!  ASSEMBLE!”.  Alan Silvestri’s epic score takes over and we watch as eleven years and over twenty movies come together on the screen at the same time.  You can’t help but get emotional watching this.  We have grown with the MCU and The Avengers and all of these characters and seeing them all on screen at the same time fighting for their lives and the galaxy is something we had been waiting for for over a decade.  This moment symbolizes so much of what cinema has become while also being the as big as anything that has ever been on the big screen, which is why it is the best movie moment of the decade.
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        The post Best of the 2010s: Best Movie Moments/Scenes appeared first on Kevflix.
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oh-phineas · 3 years
Dog Days Are... Starting! | Flynn-Fletcher Squad
After years and years of asking, Phineas finally convinced his mom to let him get a dog.
Well, not necessarily Phineas. It was a joint effort between the kids, and Phineas had a feeling that the only reason Linda had agreed to it was because Ferb was responsible and Lawrence was willing to help, too. Before Linda had gotten remarried, she had always told Phineas that she didn’t want to get a dog because she didn’t want to be the person to take care of it. So now that there were more people around, she was more open to the idea. Throw in some impressive data visualizations from Ferb and she was finally convinced.
They picked up the dog along with some basic necessities from Ruff to Fluff, then headed back home. Phineas walked through the door, puppy in his arms, and immediately released her to go run around the house. 
“There you go, girl! Explore!!” Phineas cheered encouragingly.
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@i-want-candy​ @ferbmanofactionfletcher​
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1202
Monday, February 26, 2018
 Way to go all the Canadian athletes that competed in the 2018 Winter Olympics. You made us proud. Now we get ready for some March Madness. It might seem like I'm a big sports fan but I'm not. It's just that it's less annoying than a lot of the stuff happening around the world these days. Sure I was sad when the Canadian Women's curling team skipped by Ottawa's Rachel Homan didn't make it to the medal rounds and the Canadian Women's hockey team lost the gold medal game in a shoot-out but I didn't get angry and upset. No one was killed by some idiot.
 Archie #28 - Mark Waid & Ian Flynn (writers) Audrey Mok (art) Kelly Fitzpatrick (colours) Jack Morelli (letters). I only keep reading this book because Betty is in it. I don't like the walking disaster area that is Archie. Nor the smug Jughead. I really hate that big fat jerk Reggie who should be someone's plaything in prison. The fact that I feel so strongly about these characters means that the creators are putting out a very good comic book but I would stop reading if there weren't any likable characters. Classic Catch 22.
 Doctor Strange: Damnation #1 - Nick Spencer & Donny Cates (writers) Rod Reis (art & colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Stephen may not be Sorcerer Supreme anymore but he's still pretty powerful. Remember how Las Vegas was destroyed during a recent mega crossover? Well now the whole city plus its citizens is back on terra firma. Guess where it's been before being resurrected? Hey, they don't call it Sun City for donuts. There's a glitch in Doc Strange restoring all those lives and landmarks and that's where this 4-issue mini takes off. This is a high stakes game between the Doc and Mephisto and the players will be familiar to Marvel Zombies far and wide. Doc's team is on the cover but you'll have to read this first issue to see who's playing for Mephisto.
 The Brave and the Bold #1 - Liam Sharp (writer & art) Romulo Fajardo Jr. (colours) A Larger World's Troy Peteri (letters). DC's old team-up title is back on the racks with a murder mystery featuring Batman and Wonder Woman. There's a strong fantasy element since the murder takes place in Tir Na Nog, the mystical land of faerie. Liam Sharp drew me back into reading Wonder Woman when he did the Cheetah story and here he gets to go all Irish myths for us with runes and rugged faeriescapes. I like a murder mystery as well as the next Batfan but the profuse flowery prose turned me off. It's a tough decision whether I read the rest of this 6-issue story because I really love the art.
 Mata Hari #1 - Emma Beeby (writer) Ariela Kristantina (art) Pat Masioni (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). This 5-issue mini comes from Dark Horse's Berger Books imprint. I'm glad Karen is still editing comic books. I met her at a DC Retailer's conference over twenty years ago. I was lucky enough to share a group dinner table with her at a steak house in Fort Worth, Texas. I can still remember how happy I was when I asked if I could order a second steak dinner after the first one failed to fill me up and she gave me the go ahead. She thought I had a hollow leg. This book is beautifully drawn but I found the storytelling a little confusing with it's jumping back and forth in time to show us how the lady spy ended up in her current situation. Mata Hari is a very compelling historical figure so I will keep reading this to learn more about her life and death.
 Infinity Countdown Prime #1 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Mike Deodato Jr. (art) Frank Martin (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Flip the cover and you get an info page quickly telling you about the 6 Infinity Stones and what powers they bestow to whoever possesses them. The story starts promisingly enough with the guy who is the best at what he does fighting off some bad guys and then the new Sorcerer Supreme, for the Infinity Stone that he has. Unfortunately the story deteriorated for me when it came to introducing the other stones. It got way too convoluted what with other dimensions involved and what looks like every dang super hero and super villain to ever exist thrown in. I think I have mega event fatigue. Keeping up with the weekly Avengers: No Surrender story with all those heroes and villains to keep straight makes trying to follow this massive story harder to do. I hope nobody dies.
 Batman: Sins of the Father #1 - Christos Gage (writer) Raffaele Ienco (art) Guy Major (colours) Josh Reed (letters). This 6-issue mini is based on the Batman: The Telltale Series video game with a different back-story than the Batman that we are all familiar with. This Batman's father, Thomas Wayne, was a villain who experimented on people. Bruce is trying to right that wrong and save Wayne Enterprises. You can expect lots of action and the first protagonist is easily recognised. I was super impressed with the art here. Kind of reminded me of Frank Quitely. If the rest of this story looks this good it will be a joy to read.
 Hit-Girl #1 - Mark Millar (writer) Ricardo Lopez Ortiz (art) Sunny Gho (colours) Melina Mikulic (letters). Hot on the heels of the new Kick-Ass book is this 4-issue mini featuring Dave's old partner Mindy. She's looking for a new partner and who she picks is a real winner. This story goes international as the purple-haired perp pulveriser goes to Colombia to deal with the gangs there. I want to see if her new sidekick survives.
 Avengers #681 - Al Ewing, Jim Zub & Mark Waid (writers) Kim Jacinto with Mike Perkins (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). No Surrender part 7. It's Kree Captain Glah-Ree's turn to narrate an issue as his Lethal Legion team fights the Falcon's Avengers team for the prize. Some surprise characters pop up right at the end that will make fans clamour for the next issue. Mike Perkins's pages were only subtly different from the rest of the art and that surprised me too.
 Batman #41 - Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin (art) June Chung (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Everyone Loves Ivy part 1. I was naïve to think that Joelle Jones was the best artist for this book because there are lots of artists that I love out there. Mikel Janin made me gasp after I flipped open the cover and saw the first page. Page 10 made me sigh. His Poison Ivy will haunt your dreams. The Cat and the Bat face a daunting challenge in this new story. This is a great issue to start to find out why I've been raving about this title every issue.
 Moonshine #7 - Brian Azzarello (writer) Eduardo Risso (art & colours) Cristian Rossi (colour assistant) Jared K. Fletcher (letters). Boy was I surprised when this issue hit the racks. I thought #6 finished the story of Lou Pirlo, mob enforcer. Plus, it's been almost a year since #6 came out. This supernatural tale continues with the location changing from the hillbilly hills to New Orleans. I'm thinking some voodoo be due.
 Superman #41 - James Robinson (writer) Ed Benes (art) Dinei Ribeiro (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). The Last Days part 2. I was tolerating this story about Superman and a native scientist trying to save a planet from a Jonestown massacre until the science guy explains how he's going to save his species. He sure didn't take any genetics classes. I do not suffer foolish science gladly. The good news is that this story is over and Jon learns a lesson in tolerance.
 Defenders #10 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) David Marquez (art) Justin Ponsor (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Ah Jessica, Luke, Danny and Matt, we hardly got to know you. I don't know if this team book will continue after this but it won't be the same. This sure looks like Brian Michael Bendis's last issue. David Marquez  made me sigh on page 11 panel 5. I'm glad Felicia is okay.
 Incredible Hulk #713 - Greg Pak (writer) Greg Land (pencils) Jay Leisten (inks) Frank D'Armata (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Return to Planet Hulk part 5. Hulk faces off with the Warlord in the fifth and final gauntlet. The final page had me singing Chuck Berry's Maybellene in my head. Now that we've gone back to Sakaar it's time to revisit another old Hulk story. Get ready for World War Hulk II.
 Damage #2 - Tony S. Daniel & Robert Venditti (storytellers) Danny Miki (inks) Tomeu Morey (colours) Tom Napolitano (letters). I can't say that I am enamoured of the title character since he's just a one hour Hulk but the guest stars are worth the read. Here we have the Suicide Squad and next up is a real hero that I am certainly interested in.
 Amazing Spider-Man #796 - Dan Slott & Christos Gage (writers) Mike Hawthorne (pencils) Terry Pallot & Cam Smith (inks) Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Threat Level: Red part 3. The art and writing this issue was very wooden to me. Kind of stiff and predictable. I don't like Peter and Mary Jane getting cozy again either. If it wasn't for what's happening to Norman Osborn I would consider benching this book.
 Super Sons #13 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Carlo Barberi (pencils) Art Thibert (inks) Gabriel Eltaeb (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). The Parent Trap part 1. Damian's mom, Talia al Ghul, needs his help for a hit and she's not going to take no for an answer. The boys find themselves in even more trouble when one of the targets is revealed. Robin and Superboy's friendship may not survive. As much as I love Carlo's art I wasn't happy that Talia looks more like Damian's slightly older sister than his mother.
 Astonishing X-Men #8 - Charles Soule (writer) Paulo Siqueira (pencils) Walden Wong & Roberto Poggi (inks) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). A Man Called X part 2. Y'know, I don't think that the guy in Fantomex's body is Charles Xavier. He keeps saying trust me, I can fix this and then he screws things up royally. So, another comic book with amazing art. Psylocke made me sigh on page 3.
 Mighty Thor #704 - Jason Aaron (writer) Russell Dauterman (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). The Death of the Mighty Thor continues. Wow, I snagged a larger than usual pile of comic books off the rack to read last week and inadvertently saved the best 'til last. The writing and art was as powerful as can be. The build up to the last page made it a spine tingling experience. This story is going to be another highly recommended collection when it comes out in trade paperback.
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