#flynn: -gay panic-
legolasghosty · 1 year
10. for platonic Alex and Flynn please 👀
Hello my love, I am so so sorry for how long this took!!!! I have no excuse unless you count college. But here it is now!!!! I hope you like it!!!
Alex and Flynn had a funny kind of friendship. They'd first met when they got paired up in a middle school lab class. However, their first impressions of each other were formed months earlier when Flynn and her parents moved in across the street from Alex's house.
Alex's parents had taken one look at the lesbian couple unloading boxes at the old Murphy house and told Alex to stay away. Alex hadn't had the same aversion to their new neighbors as his parents, but he'd been too afraid of crossing them to actually go say hello. But he watched them sometimes.
Not in a creepy way. He promised. They just seemed so happy, the two of them and their kid. It made him feel a little less alone. Maybe it was possible to be happy being the way he was. That little family had managed it after all.
Regardless, he and Flynn didn't actually meet till September. There may have been an argument and some splashed sugar water during that first conversation. But after that, they got along surprisingly well. They didn't really hang out when they weren't at school though. They both had other friends. And Alex's parents were less than thrilled the one time they saw the pair walking home from school together. So they were lab partners and writing buddies and co-sufferers in math. It was simple and it worked.
It wasn't till high school that they really became proper friends though. Julie and Luke met and hit it off, and soon their friend groups were a big tangle of inside jokes and movie nights at Julie's and one big table at lunch. Alex and Flynn got closer, combining their snarky senses of humor against their friends and whining about how pretty their respective crushes were.
And after Alex came out at home, it didn't really matter who his friends were. His parents couldn't exactly resent him more. So he and Flynn started walking home together. No reason not to. Sometimes they walked in near silence. Sometimes one of them would ramble on and on while the other listened. Sometimes they talked about deep stuff like trauma and what happened when people died. Sometimes they joked around about whatever horrible concoction Luke had created for lunch that day. It didn't matter much. They were friends. They walked home together.
But then Alex turned 18. And well... his parents didn't exactly kick him out, per se, but Alex knew he was supposed to leave. Julie's dad, Ray, had already offered him the Molina guest room at least through graduation, so Alex spent his birthday packing up and moving out of his parents' house. At least it was a Saturday, so he didn't have to worry about school. All of his friends chipped in to help him pack and move everything over.
It was for the best. Alex knew that. But it was hard to think that way when he and Flynn were standing at the intersection of Birch and 13th Monday afternoon, where they'd always turned left together to walk home.
"So, I guess I'm going this way?" Alex said after a minute. Julie was already halfway down the block, unaware of the situation.
"Yeah," Flynn agreed quietly, glancing between Alex and her own route home. The route that wasn't Alex's anymore. "And I'm going that way."
They both stood there for a long moment, both unsure as to what to say. This was good, that Alex was out of the Mercer house. But what did they do now that they couldn't walk all the way home together? What did people do to say goodbye this early?
More than anything, Alex wanted her to know that nothing had changed. They were still friends, he would still be there for them at 2 am when they drank too many sodas and started rambling about her girlfriend. She would still smack him upside the head for letting people walk all over him. They would still talk about everything and nothing and anything in between. But how did he say that?
"Text me when you get home?" Flynn said suddenly, grinning.
Alex jumped, startled out of his thoughts, but then returned their smirk. "Definitely, you too," he responded. "No dying on the way home."
Flynn rolled their eyes and laughed. "As if you could get rid of me that easily, Mercer," she snarked, tossing her braids back over their shoulder. They paused for a second, then added, "So is this how we work now?" in a softer tone.
Alex took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "I guess so. Doesn't change us though, right?"
"Right," Flynn said, smiling. Years of friendship allowed Alex to pick up the traces of relief in their eyes. "See ya around then," she said, waving as she headed for her house.
"See ya," Alex echoed as he turned to follow Julie. He smiled as he walked away from the corner. He and Flynn would be alright. They'd been friends for ages, they could manage not walking home together. It might just take some work. They could do that.
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fangaminghell · 2 years
Okay screw Imani being the Amity of the protags . Leo is the real Amity. Gay panic is real.
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galaxii-star · 1 year
you guys remember this
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A lot of you really love it. Like now the post got 470 notes, which I consider A LOT. I have read the tags some of you wrote, so thank you for the lovely comments. It was really a silly mini-comic I did while I was practicing watercolor.
I actually want to expand the wacky universe the gang live in. It won't be any serious lore. Just a bunch of dumbos hanging around and probably committing crimes.
I don't know how much I can do since I've been very busy with school. But I will at least say the basics.
The gang still works in a kindergarten, but they are not locked up like before. They live and go on their daily lives like any humans.
Nabnab doesn't work there though. He worked as a bartender. Nabnaleena is, instead, his sister.
Banban wears party hats to avoid the extremely religious people's attention to his horns. Was kicked out of a christian preschool on first day.
Banban and Stinger Flynn had met each other in high school. Hated each other's ass, but somehow kept running into each other. They went to the same college, lived in the same apartment and worked in the same kindergarten. Had gay panic at some point.
Opila Bird is a wanted criminal. Criminal record : Attempt assassination, selling drugs, robbing banks.
That's it for now. Thanks for listening to my ted talk.
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that-fruitier-emo · 9 months
✨Hello once again my fellow gremlins~✨
Howdy there, I'm Vic. I'm gay and Genderfluid, I go by he/they. And I'm dating my amazing boyfriend @mccall-me-maurice / @teddys-diary .
Pintrest: that-fruitier-emo
AO3: the-racoon-took-the-conch
Spotify: vic ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Discord: vic ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
TikTok: that-fruity-emo
Instagram: vitamin_c_05
Lord of the flies // Dead boy detectives // BBC Merlin // Disney Descendants // Criminal minds // Gravity falls // Over the garden wall // Buffy the vampire slayer
Cool people you should follow under the cut 😁🫶🫶🫶🫶
@teddys-diary being a wonderful boyfriend and not letting me eat washing machine Hi-Chews. Without him I wouldn't have actually survived as long as I have, and brightening up my day every time I wake up and talk to him.
@gayfandomnerd225 nicely letting me know when I'm being stupid, and being my silly book commenting friend. Thanks for also helping with my book, and sharing some of my general interests. Ily Robin. 😁🫶
@rubeslovesthesmiths for being an amazing friend and LITTERALY THE ENTIRE REASON I CONFESSED TO TODD! RUBES I OWE YOU MY SOUL! Seriously though, one of my Tumblr besties.
@stanleyvampire14 for multiple reasons, one for gifting this world with John Emerson, and two, for inspiring me to work on my oc's AND their parents.
And last but certainly not least, Flynn, whom I don't remember what @ to use, that I'm pretty sure caused the panic attack that made me realize I liked Todd. I like to believe you did that on purpose, but thank you regardless. I don't know how you watched us verbally edge eachother that long, but I'm glad you did. Your cool.
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oldguardleatherdog · 1 year
How And Why We're Getting "Christian Reconstructed" Out Of Civil Society: An LGBTQ+ Activist's Guide To Action
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This is based on my response to a recent Reddit post about the New Apostolic Reformation/Dominionist/Christian Reconstructionist political movement that's behind anti-trans, anti-drag, anti-LGBTQ+ laws, parental rights, systematic destruction of libraries, book bans, harassment of librarians and teachers, the "don't say gay" movement, the 303 Creative Supreme Court "right to discriminate" decision, school board takeovers, curriculum cleansing, the antics of Roger Stone and General Flynn, and every other damn thing that's making our lives hell in America. Here's how to understand the whole toxic mess so we can fight these jackals off, protect ourselves, claw back our rights, and put this movement down for good.
7 Mountains: Gotta Catch 'Em All! "There's no reasoning with these people and their cultish beliefs," many people are saying, and I think it helps to understand the source of those beliefs in order to fight effectively against the tide of hatred that is on the brink of destroying what's left of our rights and freedoms in this country.
I grew up Fundamentalist Evangelical in the 1960s and 70s. Looking back, the seeds of today's poison were being planted even then in ways that were subtly but unmistakably aligned with the New Apostolic Reformation ("NAR"), the movement based on Dominionist "7 Mountains" Christian nationalism that's the driving force behind Moms for Liberty, Gen. Flynn and Roger Stone, the Alliance Defending Freedom (the org that brought the anti-LGBTQ+ web designer to the Supreme Court), Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA, the GOP candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania last election cycle (Mastriano), and more. (Check out Jennifer Cohn, jennycohn1 on Twitter, a journalist whose coverage of Christian Nationalism is amazing and essential.)
Evangelical involvement in politics was minimal until the rise of Ronald Reagan, Jerry Falwell, and the "Moral Majority" in 1981. In the 42 years since, it's been a steady march to bring the seeds planted in us kids in the 1970s to today's hideous bloom.
I don't adhere to those beliefs, but I have a deep native knowledge of their intent and the ways believers are impelled by them to make these laws and file these lawsuits and elect slavering semi-sane madmen to power and stoke cultural panic.
These people aren't just getting started - they've got traction, scalps on their belt already, and they're gaining steam and hungry for more.
NAR Christians (such as Ginni and Clarence Thomas, Sen. Ted Cruz' father Rafael, former Rep. Michelle Bachmann, failed GOP candidate for governor of Pennsylvania Doug Mastriano, Jan. 6 co-conspirator Phil Waldron, General Mike Flynn, insurrectionist Roger Stone, and the Moms For Liberty) believe that it's their Divine Mission to prepare the nation and the world to become the Kingdom of God.
This is called "post-millennialism" - the term for the set of beliefs upon which the NAR is based and that drives its adherents. NAR believes that we are in the End Times as foretold in Scripture, and that today's Christians are commanded by the Lord to do everything humanly possible in pursuit of one singular goal: to bring God’s kingdom to pass on Earth and prepare the way for Christ's return. Viewed for decades as a far-out fringe heretical movement populated by apostates and quacks, these zealots will stop at nothing to bring this to pass.
See all the "cleansing" that's going on now? Roe v. Wade overturned, the abortion bans, the trans bans, the anti-drag laws, books being pulled from school shelves, public libraries being shuttered and defunded, anti-immigrant laws, the Twitter takeover and its right-wing reformation - the list goes on. This is ALL a direct result of the NAR/Christian Reconstructionist influence and the untold dark-money billions and shadowed billionaires that finance it.
We're in a very dark and deep hole, as a country, as a culture. But we're not helpless. We start by arming ourselves with knowledge, by reading and heeding the reporting of Jenny Cohn and Bruce Wilson and Kira Resistance on Twitter and in the Bucks County (PA) Record reporting from the epicenter of Dominionist/NAR politics, take action online and in the places where we live. In today's world, we can be activists and influencers for good without having to leave the house, and if you want to protest in person or march in support of the cause, you won't be alone.
There are movements and organizations gathering steam in our community that have been preparing for action and are ready to launch. Some are more visible than others, but all are made up of committed activists, funders, legal advisors, and LGBTQ+ citizens who are tired of being abused by these people and the violence (literal and legislative) against us. Old-line AIDS activists like me are disgusted at the sight of our life's work and our decades of progress being rolled back and obliterated seemingly overnight. Gen Z and Gen Alpha are just not having it and are rightly pissed off by what's shaping up to be a bleak future.
It's not going to be easy or quick, but I know there are enough good people among us to hold back the worst of the current moment, rebuke and reverse the legislative oppression and physical danger, restore full access to HRT and gender-affirming care, roll back the "abortion bounty" laws and support vulnerable individuals and families with assistance and relocation, claw back and secure the civil rights that have been stolen from us, and restore light to our country, our culture, our lives, and our future.
I'm engaged in this fight, and after nearly 40 years of activism I've never been more lit up with passion and determination than at this moment. This fight is winnable. You're needed now. Watch this space for opportunities where your presence, your effort, your voice is wanted and will be welcomed, and feel free to message me with your questions, ideas, activist resources needed or offered, organizations you know of that need support, general questions, strategic advice, and words of encouragement you wish to give or need to hear. Let's gooooooooo
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solibrie · 10 months
sorry i'm being self indulgent gimme a sec . jatp as rapture (a bff discord server i'm in) quotes
julie: lord the white people you put on this planet are poisoning themselves luke: julie you're such a talented singer you can literally make me like any song reggie: yeah i didn't even know the mona lisa song was by brendon urine. yuri? alex: help. reggie: brenan. what's his name. panic at the disco
flynn: those words don't please my spirit willie: well your spirit can take a hike, pal
reggie: wait wait wait. everyone. i lost my pants. i could've sworn they were on my body julie: ??? reggie: where did my pants go luke: how high are you right now alex: you LOST them? reggie: SOBER. I'M ON DAY 4 NO WEED. THIS IS JUST #ME
willie: you have to experience the lows alex: i'm not already doing that ?
luke: [shakes a magic 8ball] should i lie to my bandmates? 8ball: without a doubt
julie: chris brown's been found murdered in a costco after alex did his little dancey dance
reggie: gonna ask if they're looking for a third but at this point the line's so long i'd be lucky to be a fifth
luke: in some alternate world, "stand tall" brought world peace
flynn: @/everyone if you had to think of an animal that screams socially progressive and fiscally conservative what animal would it be? reggie: girl wait flynn: HUH? reggie: my answer isn't girl
alex: the gang goes to ital y willie: ital luke: y reggie: ital julie: y alex: thanks guys reggie: new call and response just dropped julie: when i say ital you say y
reggie: i haven't seen the matrix either flynn: hand over the bi flag mr peters
willie: we should be able to put actors in gender studies classes against their wills
flynn: what if i gathered a bunch of twigs and sticks and made a giant bird's nest and then tied you to the nest a la looney tunes and then summoned a flock of ravens to peck at you until the mother bird imprints on you and sees you as a surrogate child and then raises you with them until its time for them to kicked out and then she throws you out of the nest but you can't fly because you're a human and so you fall and die julie: flynn you're insane flynn: HOW AM I INSANE
luke: you can't spell wednesday without "he" julie: yes you can? luke: wait fuck
reggie: who are you calling gay alex: yes
reggie: [shaking a magic 8ball] do you like my songs 8ball: very doubtful
willie: i think all straight people should be allowed to cheat in a gay way
luke: i'm giggling can you tell i'm swinging my feet in the air giggling alex: i can tell can you tell i'm exploding you?
reggie: a tank is just like the horse of cars
julie: i don't think i've ever met a clown that spoke? alex: luke speaks.
alex: they hate me for my sparkling water swag flynn: it's not swag.
julie: i think all of sunset curve should go to sleep. except for luke who should stay up and repent
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Comfort prompt--"breathe." Sweet tarts
By now, Carrie is pretty used to her dad's eccentricities. The crystals and meditation room upstairs, evidence of his ego in the foyer, all white walls and bland furniture.
She rolls her eyes as he uses his helicopter to see his quack therapist, or go get the latest fad vegetarian super food, even though it would be easier to drive, or hell, even walk.
But when he disappears, she's kinda freaked out.
Look, Trevor Wilson will never win the award for World's Best Dad, but he still always lets Carrie know if he's leaving. Yet when she wakes up that Sunday morning to no note, his room empty, the copter still there, she worries.
Her dad isn't the type to go on walks, he's nowhere on the grounds, and his phone goes straight to voice mail. She curses them not installing cameras on the door, just so she could have checked them, but Trevor insisted the gate and razor wire was enough. Carrie had snorted at that-if Flynn and Julie could scale it, then how safe was it really?
She's honestly trying not to panic, but it's hard. Her dad's fame had started to wane a little since his last few albums had flopped, but he still had plenty of fans. Some of whom had threatened and promised awful things in the past. Had one of them finally carried through?
She knew it was too early to get any police involved, and even after calling Dr. Crystal, she had no leeds. So maybe it was desperation, maybe it was just needing to hear some reassurances-she called Reggie.
Reggie Peters had been her math tutor all year, and honestly the only reason Carrie passed with a high enough mark to graduate-her and numbers didn't get along alright?
But they had also struck up a tentative friendship, with Reggie sending her corny jokes or songs she might like, and she replied back with terrible memes and a playlist of gay country songs that made him laugh.
"Carrie?" he answered. "Not like you to call this early on a weekend."
The sound of his voice made her started to sob and she couldn't stop even as she word vomited over the phone at him. "R-reggie... my dad... he's gone and I don't know where he is and I'm freaking out and I didn't know who else to call..."
"Okay, slow down doll, breathe for me okay? Breathe."
Carrie hiccupped a little then slowly drew breath, blowing it out, over and over until the tears stopped. "Okay, I'm breathing."
"Good. Look, I'm gonna come over okay? We can figure this out, and then you won't be alone-you shouldn't be alone right now. You want me to bring you some snacks?" Reggie asked.
"We do have food here," Carrie replied.
"Yeah, no sugar no calorie no taste vegan crap," Reggie replied, making her snort. "I'm talking an actual snack-full of carbs and high fructose."
"Pink SnoBalls and the super spicy Takis?" Carrie asked.
"I'll get you a disgusting kale smoothie to even it all out," Reggie promised. "You want me to stay on the line until I get there?"
Carrie was so tempted to say please, to hear him cheerfully talk at her, have the comfort of his voice in her ear. But what if her dad called? Or worse, the people who may have her dad? So she shook her head before saying no. "I'll be alright-just... hurry please?"
"I'll be there in two shakes doll, I promise."
True to his word, Reggie was there before she knew it, and she barely waited for him to get out of the car before launching herself into his arms. Reggie caught her though, rubbing soothing circles into her back as he whispered words of comfort into her hair. "Come on, let's go inside and we'll see if we can find out what's going on, okay?"
Carrie let him hold her as they sat on the couch, gorging themselves on the snacks Reggie brought, while Carrie started texting and calling any acquaintance of her dad to see if they knew where he was.
No leads yet, and finally Reggie encouraged her to call the authorities, even if they waved her off, it would give her piece of mind.
Only as she lifted her phone up, an unknown number flashed on the screen. She gripped Reggie's hand, and he nodded as she answered. "Hello?"
"Daddy! Where are you?"
"Baby I'm so sorry I worried you. I went out to get some papaya-I even got an Uber because I remember you lecturing me about the helicopter. But then I found this cute little farmer's market and there's a booth here selling Filipino food like my lola used to make, and I got caught up talking to them. Didn't realize my phone died, so they're letting me use theirs. I'll be home soon okay?" Trevor explained.
"You didn't leave a note," Carrie sobbed.
"I figured I would be back before you got up, I am so sorry Carrie," Trevor replied.
"You'd better be. And bring me back some turon."
"You got it baby girl."
Carrie then looked at Reggie who was still there, holding her hand, smiling wide. "Actually daddy? Bring back two."
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irlkisukeurahara · 10 months
I desperately want to rant about my Pokémon AU but don't know where to start lmao so my ask box is open
Here's the general premise
Some stuff I've already discussed (yeah it's almost all Hop and Leon, shut up):
There are people known as Mythic Chosen. They're, well, chosen by Mythical Pokémon for various reasons and are destined for greatness and great responsibility.
Leon raised Hop and thus they end up reimagining their relationship as father-son. Leon later has a daughter and her and Hop see each other as siblings, Hop has a son and sees Leon as his grandfather, etc.
Hop is polyamorous and ends up with two OCs, the champion of Alola and his student/employee, as well as Bede and Arven.
The Callaghan family (Hop, Leon, their dad, their sister, their brother) is a psychic family from Ireland. All psychics get their powers from a Pokémon in their bloodline, and the magnitude of the powers is based on the Pokémon in question. The Pokémon they get their powers from is Cresselia.
When Eternatus was captured by Victor, he transferred his consciousness into Leon through his open wound and Dynamax Energy after attacking him before. Leon is now the host of Eternatus, who possesses him whenever Leon has panic attacks that relate to Hop being in danger. Eternatus eats people and it slowly lets him regain his mind and cognitive function beyond killing and maiming.
Hop has DID and has 9 other alters. I haven't talked about it but two of Hop's other partners (the OCs) both have OSDD.
Leon has Walking Corpse Syndrome. Whenever he's depressed, he's nihilistic and thinks he is a dead man after being "killed" by Eternatus, being strung along in an infinite cycle of life and death.
Hop and Leon don't go to Area Zero with Arven and the rest of the group because Hop is in a wheelchair. So, Hop leaves Dubwool with Arven. As Dubwool stays out of his pokéball at all times, his pokéball wasn't locked and Arven fought his parents alongside Koraidon and Miraidon with Dubwool.
There is a power system centered around the concept of Willpower. It can manifest in a Bond, where your Pokémon gains a bunch of buffs or changes significantly. Or a Domain, where the world around them or the other Pokémon change significantly.
Some significant OCs:
Astrid Grey, the daughter of Akito Grey, the founder of Rotom Co. A freshly ten year old girl who admired Pokémon trainers and wanted to be the Unovan Champion. Everyone in the group follows her during her journey to keep her safe in Unova's weather. She might be chosen for something greater, however...
Skylar Valks -> Toby Valks, the Champion of Alola and a Mythic Chosen. She was chosen by Zeraora. Her mother, Kazarah, was previously chosen by Zeraora before moving down the bloodline to Skylar when it was time for her personal journey. She comes out as a transgender male during the story, and Hop starts thinking about him very differently immediately following it. Him and Hop had chemistry that Hop never picked up on because he is gay. But when Toby comes out, Hop picks up on it and panics around him. Hop doesn't know how it happened, considering he hates the league and mega evolution and Toby clearly participates in both.
Miles Flynn, Hop's student and employee. Miles is a transfer student from the Mesagoza Academy, Uva House. His father is Raifort's older brother, and he was bullied severely for being the nephew of a teacher found to be weird. He has a cousin, Levy, whose mother is the sister of Raifort. Miles' parents moved out to Galar to finish Miles' education as Mesagoza Academy is insanely expensive. Miles became an intern at Hop's lab, and later became his protegé. He was severely neglected by his parents, and thus was very codependent with Hop. He goes through a personal arc of realizing that he is an independent adult and that his relationship with Hop must be mutually beneficial, and that he can't leech off him for everything. He is chosen by Koraidon.
Violet Spark, child of the Spark fashion company, one of the most famous and rich people alive, and a Mythic Chosen. She was chosen by Hoopa. She used to attend the Mesagoza Academy in the Uva House, and has a close family member named Scarlet who was in the Naranja House. She's a prissy and self-important business woman, for good reason. She's an extremely powerful trainer, but she's arrogant to a fault. The Unovan cold is taking a huge toll on her, now violently ill from the temperature, and thus is desperate to resolve it. She is a Paldean Champion.
Dark, a mysterious thirteen year old boy whose real name is unknown. He joins the group after defeating Astrid in a Pokémon battle with his oversized Steenee. However, he seems extremely nervous around Violet, who is determined to figure out what his deal is. He doesn't know that an external force is searching for him.
Levy Loranto, the cousin of Miles and best friend to Violet. She attended the Mesagoza Academy in the Uva House. She has an air of intrigue around her, a legend if you will. She moved to Galar later in life, however, her and Miles weren't in contact for years. Miles didn't even know she moved until Violet mentioned her. Both Miles and Levy didn't go outside enough to meet each other. But in the Galar Arc, they reconnect as cousins again.
Damien Walten, a mutual childhood friend of Leon and Hop. He met Leon first as he was struggling to catch a Wooloo for Hop. At the time, Leon was 9, Damien was 6, and Hop was 3. Damien distracted the Wooloo with grains and allowed for Leon to catch him. Damien was Leon's only friend as a child, as Leon was stuck between raising Hop and champion duties. As Leon became more and more busy, he entrusted Hop to Damien. Then, Hop and Damien became the closest of friends for many years. When Hop ran away from Postwick, he blocked everyone's numbers, including Damien. Damien moved to Ballonlea afterwards as Postwick has nothing to offer him. He maintains a relatively normal friendship with the rest of the Galar 5. He is chosen by Miraidon.
Rory Callaghan, the father of Hop and Leon. He abused them both severely before suddenly moving away to Kalos when they were 7 and 13 respectively. He was forced to move away by his mistress, who said she'd make him famous again after a child acting career failed to drugs. When the group comes to Kalos, he plays nice, but he knows that Leon and Hop won't budge. He wants his control back over his life, and thus tries to force his sons back into his life to maintain his old "perfect" life. He later is fused with an Annihilape and gains its powers combined with his pre-existing psychic prowess.
Jamie Callaghan, the estranged sister of Hop and Leon. She was neglected severely by Rory due to being seen as a mistake and collateral. She has a half sister (on mother's side) who she looked up to that died in a horrible accident. She named herself after her in remembrance. She's a very physically strong woman, 6'6 and able to wrestle with Machamps and win by a long shot. However, she's the only Callaghan to never manifest psychic powers. And it's unsure as to why...
The cast in Unova starts as Astrid, Skylar, Kazarah, Hop, Leon, Violet, and Dark. Bede joins the group in Unova as he was doing a fundraiser to save Glimwood Tangle there.
The cast in Galar adds Levy and Damien.
The cast in Kalos adds Jamie.
The cast in Paldea adds Arven.
And even more... Stay tuned...
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bejeweled-wahlberg · 6 months
Phineas Flynn’s Panic Attack(Story)
Mentions of: Panic Attacks,GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder) Su!d!3 Mentioned and Fainting,Homophobia
Characters used: Phineas Flynn, Jonathan Knight-Rodriguez(NKOTB), Marissa Kratt, Harley Rodriguez
Note from me: Ik this isn’t the regular content I post on here but this story is actually based off of the real events that happend to me and I’ve experienced before and so I wanted to have phineas that similar experience and you guys can understand with the story-BW Aka Trin
It was just a regular day at school phineas was just walking around talking to his friends and then Marissa Told Phineas about how people are bullying him for having Two Dads Harley and Jon in which Phineas doesn’t like homophobia and supports the LGBTQ+ community in which phineas said to Marissa that the people who make fun of his 2 dads are jealous and so him and his friends walked into class for the pop quiz that phineas has been studying for 5 Days Now until then the pressure of how the people who made fun of his two dads online got into his head phineas started sweating and asked Mrs.Jenkins to go use the bathroom until then phineas sees Henry playing with the water and ferb writing some notes about how to kill Jordan Knight aka Phineas’ Uncle even tho that won’t even happen, Phineas went to the sink told Henry and ferb hi and all three of the boys started talking Henry said “Also there’s plans that my uncle Paul is gonna give the kotnb aka us OUR OWN BURGER!” “Awesome” Ferb Says Happy “uh-yeah th-that’s cool” phineas says while shaking in which his anxiety starts to happen “uhh phineas are you okay?” Henry asked in his concernd voice until then phineas started to faint he was already pale and Henry and ferb started to yell phineas’ name to wake him up and Henry told ferb to get Nurse Biffany(Buford’s mom BTW) and so biffany called phineas’ Dads to come to the school to take him home and on the way to the farm that Harley and Jon own Jon Asked Phineas a question “Phineas are you having like anxiety attacks or anything?” “W-what n-no dad I-I’m not I’m fine” phineas says with a fake smile “Well incase if it happens just come talk to either me or your dad” Harley said to phineas “A-Alright Bubba” phineas said
Few minutes later
Marissa(who lives with Jon,Harley and phineas so that phineas can have some company) came home from school in which she knew about what happend to phineas and checked up on phineas in his room making sure he was okay
Until dinner
Jon said phineas’ Name 12 times but phineas didn’t answer “maybe he’s asleep babe” Harley told Jon “yknow I’m gonna check on him” jon told harley and so jon walked into phineas room and saw phineas crying and asked him “Son what’s wrong?” Until then jon saw the writing that phineas wrote on the wall saying “You Have Gay Dads That’s Weird” “Hey Look Red Hair Has Gay Dads and One of them is a new kid HAHAHA” “dude get a mom not another dad” in which that made jon upset for a bit until he saw phineas scars on his arm and phineas was crying saying “I don’t wanna Live in this world anymore” until that’s when Jon Stopped him phineas dropped the knife and his dad hugged him and said “Don’t Leave me Son” until then Harley and Marissa Came upstairs to see phineas crying on Jon’s chest and Jon was comforting his son that he recently gotten to known and Harley plus Marissa joined too to help but they both realized that Jon and Phineas needed Father and son time
Jon grabbed some rubbing alcohol to put it on phineas’ arm that he cut from a knife and wrapped it up in a bandage and phineas explained his dad and bubba about what’s been going on and Marissa apologized to phineas about telling him the bullying and homophobia towards his Dad and Bubba, and That’s when They heard a knock on the door and Jon opened the door to see Henry,Donnie,Sunny,Joey,Trin,Danny and Ferb putting Jordan into a headlock for a about a minute until ferb stopped and let go “We heard what happend Jon” Jordan said and so everyone walked in and phineas walked down stairs to see his friends and uncle here “phineas we are here for you” sunny said “Yeah well except for Baby Donnie” Henry said in which Everyone laughed including Donnie cause that was his nickname that his mom gave him(RIP alma btw)
Next day:
When phineas went back to school the same people who made fun of his dads said homophobic slurs towards phineas and phineas actually told them “You need to calm down and Shade never Made Anybody Less Gay”(Taylor swift reference)
Reminder from Henry:
Don’t make fun of your friends or family well you can make fun of my uncle mark hehehe no don’t really do that but incase if you are having anxiety problems talk to an adult or your school counselor or maybe listen to some of rayes(aka Taylor swift’s) Songs and look up some quotes from Donnie wahlberg aka my foster dad now if you excuse me I gotta Stop ferb from killing Jordan
From Your Chickenity friend, Henry Hart
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koficlouds · 2 years
Headcannons for the JSE egos
Egos in order: Angus The Survival Hunter, Antisepticeye, Chase Brody, BSE, Henrik Von Schneeplestein, Jacques Septicque, Jackieboyman, Marvin the Magnificent, Jameson Jackson, Robbie the Zombie, Shawn Flynn, Marcus Brickley, S34N
Personality types
Angus: INTJ-A
Anti: ENTJ-A
Chase: ESFP-A
Henrik: INTP-T
Jacques: ISFP-A
Jackie: ENFJ-A
Marvin: ENFJ-T
Jameson: ENFP-T
Robbie: INTP-A
Shawn: ENTP-A
Marcus: ESFJ-T
Angus: Gay
Anti: DemiAroAce/Omni
Chase: Bisexual
BSE: AroAce(QueerPlatonic)
Henrik: Pansexual
Jacques: Polysexual/Polyam
Jackie: Bisexual
Marvin: Asexual-Polyromantic
Jameson: CupioAroAce/Omni
Robbie: Demiromantic/Asexual/Panromantic
Shawn: Omniromantic/Graysexual
Marcus: Unlabled
S34N: AroAce(QueerPlatonic)
Gender Identities
Angus: Demiboy
Anti: Genderfluid
Chase: Demiboy
BSE: Agender
Henrik: Questioning
Jacques: Bigender
Jackie: TransMasc Nonbinary
Marvin: TransFem Nonbinary
Jameson: Pangender
Robbie: Pangender
Shawn: Agender
Marcus: Questioning
S34N: Agender
Angus: He/It
Anti: She/He/It
Chase: He/They
BSE: It/They
Henrik: He/Xe
Jacques: Xe/Xir
Jackie: They/It
Marvin: She/They
Jameson: Any
Robbie: Any
Shawn: They/It
Marcus: He/They
S34N: It/Its
Favorite Music
Angus: I Don’t Wanna Go - Alan Walker, Julie Bergan
Anti: Pit Of Vipers
Chase: You’re Mine - Dagames
BSE: Who Is She? - I Monster
Henrik: Chaos - Mathea
Jacques: Teacher’s Pet - Melanie Martinez
Jackie: So Am I - Billie Eilish
Marvin: Tears of Gold - Faouzia
Jameson: Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish
Robbie: On My Way - Alan Walker, Sabrina Carpenter
Shawn: Unholy - Sam Smith, Kim Petras
Marcus: Stranger - Neovaii
S34N: iRobot - Jon Bellion
Theme Songs
Angus: On My Way -  Alan Walker, Sabrina Carpenter
Anti: Lonely -  Alan Walker, Steve Aoki, ISAK, Omar Noir
Chase: Eeeaaaooo - Xguiz, Patricia Taxxon
BSE: Stand Out Fit In - ONE OK ROCK
Henrik: This is Love - Air Traffic Controller
Jacques: Happy Face - Jagwar Twin
Jackie: Don’t Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers, Daya
Marvin: House of Memories - Panic! At the Disco
Jameson: Who Am I - Besomorph, RIELL
Robbie: Good In Me - Jon Bellion
Shawn: Devil on My Shoulder - Faith Marie
Marcus: Nothing Ever Changes - Nico Collins
S34N: Yellow - JubyPhonic
Bad Habits
Angus: Can’t ask for help
Anti: Reacts on impulses
Chase: No boundaries
BSE: Timidness
Henrik: Jumping to conclusions based off of paranoia
Jacques: Lack of self esteem
Jackie: Reckless
Marvin: Cannot say no
Jameson: People Pleaser
Robbie: Arrogant 
Shawn: Can be too bluntly honest
Marcus: Socially Awkward 
S34N: Very serious
Angus: Has actually taught himself morse code
Anti: Is basically the tech nerd of the group, can detect a manipulator 
Chase: Actually very sneaky when he needs to be and a good liar
BSE: Easily mistaken for a sweetheart but can easily be an asshole
Henrik: Slightly clumsier than he seems, hates being touched by anyone he doesn’t trust
Jacques: Sometimes doubts himself a lot
Jackie: Made his suit himself from the cape, mask, and jumpsuit he was given for christmas 
Marvin: Can do magic, acts like he can’t
Jameson: Has flipped Anti off several times
Robbie: Not fully decaying and can actually think for himself
Shawn: Actually has a whole bunch of stuffed animals
Marcus: Goes non verbal a lot so uses either sign or notecards
S34N: loves any true crime shows
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legolasghosty · 1 year
JATP Anniversary Rewatch EP 4
Ahhhhh I GOT THE MUSIC!!!!
I love her gradual costume changes!! The sparkly jeans are such a vibe!!! Also I love how we get to see her hair ribbon things in this episode, long before she does them for real in the last episode!
My girl is jamming!!! Bro the sparkly blue thing!!!! I love it so much!!!
Flynnnnn!!! Yes my girl!!!!!
Lol the drumsticks!!! Leaving us to wonder just how much of that dancing around Julie actually did...
"It's something me and my mom were working on," *cue the protective looks from Flynn <3*
"Just remember he's made of air." "Cute air."
The Country Album!!!
WILLEX MUSEUM SCENE!!! (I'm sorry, I will never not freak out about these two.)
Alex's look when Willie grabs his hand <3333
The Cherry Socks!!!
"I've always been a little anxious, and then I died... which did not calm me down."
Heheheheh they're so cuteee!!!
Okay but the way Willie left his hair down under his helmet in this scene... he fully noticed Alex's gay panic over it the first time they met.
As someone who recently had to blow up and tie a LOT of balloons for work, I feel Flynn's pain...
"Dad needs all the help he can get, right?" Oh Carlos
Okay... so Finally Free is in Luke's journal... but they were already playing it... was that one a Sunset Curve song or one Julie and Luke wrote? I have been wondering about this for three frigging years.
Oh no... the Trevor drama....ick. Lowkey hate this storyline. Not that it's bad or anything, I just hate the betrayal and stuff.
Bro a helicopter with his face on it? That's just tacky...
Okay but how DID Julie and Flynn get past the security gate? Could it be that they used to come over a lot? And the guards still remember them? And assumed they were just coming to visit Carrie?
Gosh I REALLY wanna know what went down between the three girls...
Reggie and Luke are just like, "You... is that how gay dates work?"
Willie is a mischievous scamp and I love him.
HGC.... Fancy, Gay, and Evil...
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rainbowcomet · 30 days
Excerpt from Chapter 2 of Rainbow Comet!
Where Boreas continues to get fat, and Flynn continues to get gay panic.
“King Flint is just nervous to be offered such an extreme honor. He is excited to feed our king!” 
Oh, he has no idea.
Excerpt from Chapter 2: First two chapters up, full fic coming, on Rainbowcomet.com shortly.
His dad looks over at us warmly, clearly ignoring the mood between us, beaming and outfitted in radiant gold. His hands are outstretched. “As is custom, the final wish will go to our new visitor, a king who we are all lucky to have with us, the great Flint, fire fae and former king of the light kingdom and all elemental fae, who has agreed to guard my son! Flint, you will give the final offering, and together, we will make our final wish.” He looks at the queens affectionately. “Once my son has chosen a bride, she will pronounce the final wish, either here or in the bedchamber…” He winks at Boreas, who looks out of it and kind of nauseated, but who smiles at his dad and straightens up all the same. “But for now, we will help our new guest.” 
The king hands me a plate with a large slice of cake on it.
Please, god, no.
The king hesitates, looking confused, but the purple mushroom man who has been torturing me by helping me all night, actually comes to my rescue.
“King Flint is just nervous to be offered such an extreme honor. He is excited to feed our king!” 
Oh, he has no idea.
Or maybe he does, as he eyes me with a flush, and gets a slight smile, like the man who came to get me at the space gates had before. 
I think I could get used to the lack of shame here.
Not that I can relate.
I’m going to melt into a puddle or set myself on fire, one or the other, as the plate is set in front of me.
Boreas moves around uncomfortably and then looks at me innocently, and opens his mouth. 
I look down at him, at his handsome face, his beautiful body.
For once, the mushroom man is too into what’s going on to yell at my swear, but I know he heard it.
I want to say no, run away, throw this cake anywhere but inside my friend, the man I fantasize about, but there’s no escape.
Everyone is watching, and I can’t offend Boreas like that. 
So slowly, I shove the cake right into his mouth, picking it up by hand and just placing it in.
He lets out a muffled noise and it’s only then I realize I should have used a fork, did this in multiple bites or something.
But his father just laughs. “Such an eager participant! He gets our customs after all!”
No, I really don’t.
But it’s pure pleasure, shoving this in Boreas’ mouth, watching his beautiful eyes go wide as I shove it in, as I hold my hand over his mouth, forcing him to swallow it.
I want to see him swallow other things…
Suddenly, his belt pops off, sending diamonds everywhere, and confetti made of pure magic rains from the sky, as everyone at the table stands and cheers, raising their hands, and the king leads them in a chant they all seem to know by heart.
“We wish for happiness for the universe!” 
I stand and leave the table, unable to take this for a second more.
I heard this place was heaven, but right now, I am in hell. 
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whitekneewebby · 2 months
i love my ocs
like seriously
dee: fuck everyone (malicious intent)
kazi: fuck you specifically
quill: fuck everyone (sexual intent)
spark: *neurodivergent lizard noises*
nuelli: un-fuck you specifically
emma: I love everyone! but, if you touch my girlfriend I will make macaroni from your ashes.
alex: gay space marine.
flynn: you better not fail her vibe check or your vibes stop there.
elise: you better not fail her vibe check or your vibes are hers, also psychic crabsquid
gur: he's 37 feet tall but he's basically everyone on his ships blorbo
edith: the most violent engineer in the universe
the future of that world has some good ones too
gerran: he's basically myc from inside job (same voice, same energy, Reagan's intelligence) but completely blind, seeing through the use of echolocation, able to taste with his fingers, and is a daddy long legs from rain world
clarise: *transgender lizard with all the knowledge of a life from a thousand years ago noises*
captain "venom" (Albert): gay man who flies a ship and has snakes in his back.
even my other dudes
velvet: god damn the child knows necromancy, as an adult she is far worse.
sigil: immortal moth that killed nine gods so she could fuck a squid. not even making this up this is actual sigil lore.
kraken: violence and lesbian panic merge into a 27 foot tall squid, she definitely has no relation to sigils lore
bubbles: violent octopus trans girl
yall see what I mean by "I cant make cis or straight oc's" now?
half these people use pronouns that have they or them in them, hell, ~5 are trans, and almost all of them are trans girls
how do I make a straight cis OC please
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tclesof-a · 4 years
@firesongtales​ liked your post:
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What was that? He’s needed somewhere? Cat stuck in a tree maybe??
He’s going to walk, very quickly, in the opposite direction.
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ky-loves-jatp · 2 years
How I think the JATP characters would react in a fight/someone trying to fight them
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Blank version under the cut
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peachpitmp3 · 3 years
currently thinking about a live action tangled is if flynn was a girl. yeah.
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