askfullmetalpanic · 1 year
New stories in the works for the 25th anniversary of Full Metal Panic! A sneak peek will be in the issue of Dragon Magazine just released today (in Japan time)!!
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ga-wsc-fmp · 3 months
Reviewing my initial timetable
When beginning this project i planned out a timetable of the things i expected to get done each week. Here I will review the accuracy of this, and at the end I will create a new, updated timetable based on current progress.
Here's my original timetable:
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Weeks 1-3 were all about research, and I did spend this time researching the themes, however I also got distracted trying to learn some Unity as well, since at the time I wanted to attempt to do this project in a different engine to challenge myself. This led to the intended 3 weeks to last much longer. In fact development only started during week 7. This is an unacceptably long amount of time, and meant i had spent over half of the project time just on the initial research stages, leaving me with only around 5-6 weeks to actually develop something. This was terrible time management on my part and I fear my grade will be affected as a result. I intend to use the remaining time as best as possible so I can end this project on a high note, even if it means I won't be able to do everything I initially wanted to do.
Weeks 4-6 were supposed to be prototype creation. Here i would create an incredibly bare bones concept version of the project, which would act as a way to showcase the general idea of the project. Unfortunately during these weeks I was still in the research stage. I have only recently begun actual development and as such I am still in this phase, just multiple weeks later than I'd hoped.
Weeks 7-8 (In week 8 at time of writing) were supposed to be the final stages of the MVP, finishing up any necessary extra menus and getting people to play test. Unfortunately as previously stated this was not met, and I am currently in week 8 about halfway through the prototype phase.
I am sorely concerned about my ability to come out of this with a finished project. I expect i may have to skip out on a lot of aspects I'd have liked to have completed, such as creating an in-depth example battle, as well as some nice assets.
Absolute worst-case scenario, I do still plan on developing this further even after the FMP is over. I would love to realise the initial idea i had planned, regardless of whether it contributes to a grade or not.
With this, we can safely conclude that my initial timetable was terribly inaccurate and needs a drastic rework. So here's a timetable for the remaining time that's hopefully more realistic:
Weeks 8-9: Finish basic menu's and actions, creating a solid prototype. Get some feedback on this and make any necessary adjustments accordingly.
Weeks 10-11: Polish out the prototype and add any other needed features. Also import some assets such as music, sound effects, sprites, UI elements, and backgrounds. If there is time then create some of these myself otherwise find free to use assets online.
Week 12: Finish any unfinished features, or discard them if there isn't enough time. Spend rest of time testing and bug fixing. Do NOT start creating new features beyond this point unless absolutely necessary as well as realistically and easily achievable. Week 13: Project should be in an acceptable state to hand in. Fix any drastic bugs if absolutely necessary, otherwise spend week creating an itch.io page for the project, as well as a game play video and working on needed documents to review the project. Also make sure Tumblr blog is all up to date and any drafted posts are finished and posted.
Hopefully this timetable should be more accurate. I will need to discipline myself these remaining weeks and avoid any distractions. I will set myself schedules and reminders to keep me organized to the best of my ability. I should be minimizing my leisure time for the remainder of this project if I want a good outcome.
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coffeeandstudys · 2 months
FMP=final major project
Sorry that I've been inactive, I'm not good at actually posting.
For my FMP I was going to do a short horror film but that fell through badly because me and my actors all fell ill one after the other, so we changed the idea. Instead of a short horror film we are now aiming for the stars with a mockumentary about us failing to make the horror film! I thought this would be easier on me especially with the time restraint, I also had some material for it already from our first horror filming session because we can't do anything without bloopers.
I'll be posting some more posters that I've made for the mockumentary too so stay tuned for that!
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Day 8/100 of productivity challenge
I haven’t updated recently, in the last week I have been more productive though
-job interview
- job starting stuff
- mindful with keeping hydrated
- communicating with friends
- made four new friends
- talked with tutor about advise for fmp
- worked out multiple times
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fmp2maxleighton · 1 year
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ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) is a model of humanoid robots first invented in 2000 by Japanese car and electronics company Honda, which were in production from 2000 until 2018 when the final update was made about it. Even if it’s name is an abbreviation that makes sense, it was truly named after Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992), a revolutionary science fiction author. Even if the robot itself is decommissioned, making it’s last public appearance in 2022, it has become a staple iconic robot, having appeared at many things such as Disney parks, movie premieres, and even once conducted an orchestra. It serves as an inspiration to the FMP due to it’s overall design, being completely white in colour with panel lining and patches of grey around the body, design choices which are replicated on Turbine.
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Finally updated the queue. I except to spend a lot of time in front of the computer in the next few months so I will do my best to update sagara dot neocities dot come as well! I wasn’t online as much during my summer vacation (well, only on mobile, and doing html/css on there is a pain).
I just got the last volume of Viz’s Fullmetal Alchemist Fullmetal edition so I’m about to reread that whole series along with the J-novel collector’s editions of the FMP novels (I’m reading & watching other stuff alongside those too, of course). Anyone else excited about the upcoming Mob Psycho 100 S3 or Chainsaw Anime? Those are the two I’ve got my eye on in particular.
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fonecablecom · 9 days
FMPS:24 Registration Now Live! Reserve Your Seat to APACs Biggest Event
June 06, 2024 at 12:52PM After much anticipation, registration is now live for Finance Magnates Pacific Summit 2024 (FMPS:24), the year’s largest professional event in the Asia-Pacific region. The premium event looks to bridge the B2B and B2C space, taking place in Sydney, Australia on August 27-29. Prospective attendees can expect to meet, network, and engage with the industry’s leading talent and brokers, while connecting with regional and local providers. FMPS:24 is all about expanding one’s global reach or footprint through unique networking opportunities. Nowhere else in APAC will attendees have the chance to speak to so many different parties, speakers, and talent, all under one roof. This is one event you cannot afford to miss this August! Register Today for FMPS:24 FMPS will be held at the world-famous International Convention Centre (ICC) in downtown Sydney. ICC Sydney is not only one of Australia’s leading venues but a locale renowned for its conventions, exhibitions, and entertainment. As one of the world’s greatest business event centers, ICC promises to be the perfect setting for FMPS:24, conveniently located next to the premium waterfront location at Darling Harbour. Attendees can expect to take a deep dive into multiple verticals represented at length, such as the online trading, payments, digital assets, and fintech space. With only a few months to go until the doors of this event swing open, the time to reserve your seat is now and can be done by accessing the following link. What Can Attendees Expect from FMPS:24? FMPS:24 is APAC’s can’t miss event of 2024 that starts with professionalism and includes a diverse range of individuals available for doing business with. Attendees can expect to network, engage, and connect face-to-face with the following participants: Forex/CFD Brokers Institutional Brokers Affiliates & IBs Traders & Investors Educators & Market Experts Fintech & Payments Brands Crypto & Digital Assets Businesses Technology & Liquidity Providers Press/Media Regulators Start-ups Investors/VCs In terms of content, FMPS:24 will take a explore the latest topics and trends with actionable insights, engaging conversation, and an eye on the future. This includes an entire content slate of discussions, webinars, workshops, keynote speeches, and much more. These informative sessions provide the ideal forum and platform for traders and industry professionals to learn and gain valuable perspective into new trading techniques, technologies, and trends in Australia, APAC, and the broader financial services space. Look for the event to attract upwards of 2,000+ attendees, 70+ exhibitors, and 50+ speakers, making FMPS:24 one of the largest events in Australia in 2024. Stay tuned over the next month for more updates on FMPS:24, including the rollout of the detailed agenda, and more! This article was written by Jeff Patterson at www.forexlive.com.
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pm-majorstudy · 14 days
Major Study Introduction
This will be the blog of Pavel Mamichev - MA Concept Art at Hertfordshire.
This blog will serve as the central hub for my Major Study, where I can consolidate my thoughts, share my work, and reflect on my progress. It will provide a space for me to document my journey, analyse my achievements and setbacks, and make informed adjustments to my approach as needed. By regularly updating this blog, I aim to maintain a comprehensive record of my study, offering insights into my workflow and evolving strategies.
My previous blog, which details the proposal and planning stages, can be accessed here:
I am undertaking the development of a real-time strategy (RTS) video game prototype, with a significant focus on crafting the concept art. This encompasses the design of various factions, units and the game world, all integral components that will bring the game to life.
The primary objective is to achieve a working prototype that showcases rudimentary gameplay mechanics, combined with a portfolio of concept art and thus setting a solid foundation for future development.
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flowermountainpress · 23 days
Feb 13 updates
(porting stuff over from patreon)
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Mostly misc updates on projects and what I'm doing:
This week I started a 6 week work training thing AND bachelor's coursework after not being in college for half a decade. It's been a DOOZY!
So to make sure I stay on top of my obligations and commitments, I made a big checkbox list that I can color in as I make progress. Breaking things out into little steps a) makes it seem less impossible and b) motivates me more to do it so I can have the tactile sensation of marking it off and seeing the visual progress.
As personal projects, I'm working on the two paperbacks I owe from the last giveaway (appreciating your patience here-- next time I do a giveaway, it'll be one at a time, and I won't do it concurrent with other projects)-- and finally decided to get back to printing Vathara's "Embers" for my spouse. The date of the file says I 90% completely the typeset LAST spring. But their birthday is coming up in March so I might have enough time!
If not, a late birthday gift. Obviously it's just volume one of Embers, I'm not that crazy. I also want to do a better job of posting patreon stuff to the fmp tumblr after the requisite early access period is off. Last thing I posted over there was the sketchpads! Ehhh it'll happen.
I'm looking forward to the break period of not making books for other people-- I've been doing them back to back since uhh. Last May. Oof. With nary a break. … That explains a lot! Why am I looking forward to the break? Creative freedom mostly. I want to share pictures of various projects and do stuff as I'm inspired with no deadlines.
Also pictured; the adventures of choosing a vinyl color for the accents on this book (yes I did once more forget that it's easier to iron the vinyl onto the case BEFORE casing in the book, because I was so excited to finish casing it in; hush) and my sweet boy Oliver who is 50% of my will to live at any given time.
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Notes: the checklist is not starting at 0% on these tasks. It's starting at whatever stage I'm on rn. That's why it's so white/blank haha
This month's bookmarks are yet again Hand painted, mostly because I don't want to make prints. I'm going with a lotus pond type nature scene!
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georgiafitzsimons · 1 month
FMP Major Project - Time Plan Update - lo3
Following my mitigation approval this has allowed me to revisit and make a new time plan for the upcoming weeks to allow for a set plan.
MAY 9 - Developing video + study skills
MAY 10 - Establishing font and patterns within the video + study skills
MAY 11 - Improving timing and adding to more time to video
MAY 12 - Process book improving+ portfolio + asset element research for video E.G. shapes/ symbols
MAY 13 - Video improving
MAY 14- Video improving
MAY 16- Video improving
MAY 17- Video improving + Study Skills
MAY 18 - Assets research, experimentation and tests
MAY 19 - Process book improving + portfolio
MAY 20 - Test printing + video improving
MAY 21 - Video improving
MAY 22 - Video improving
MAY 23 - Assets research, experimentation and tests based off of video composition
MAY 27 - Process book development
MAY 28 - Asset refinement
MAY 29 - Video improving
MAY 30 - Video improving
JUNE 4 - Final prints, Asset test prints
JUNE 5- Process book binding
JUNE 6 - Evaluation
JUNE 7 - any tumblr alterations
JUNE 8- any tumblr alterations
JUNE 9- any tumblr alterations
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annaminijayan3dblog · 1 month
Blog 35 - FMP
During my research, I also came across another way to create hair. This is through hair cards created using the help of ZBrush and Substance Designer and it has been explained in a video by 3D Mutiny. In the video, he explains how he analyses the hair reference and creates hair card concepts. Using the hair card concepts that he created he then recreates the hair cards within Zbrush using the Curve tube brush. Once it is done, they are exported to Substance Designer to be baked. The hair cards are then imported into Maya and deformed and turned into clusters so that they can be used to create the hair. He uses the lattice deformer to place the hair card clusters on the head. One of the benefits of this method is that if some of the cards don’t seem to work well, we can just change them in Zbrush and re-bake them to update the hair cards.
3D Mutiny (2023) 🦜Master Real-Time HAIR CARD for Games in Minutes (2023) [YouTube Video]. Available from: https://youtu.be/aHhOXszawHA?si=2y4NyLJK3f06epKo
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askfullmetalpanic · 1 year
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Fantasia Bunko is having its 35th anniversary! The theme is "35 Dreams" where they will have some kind of feature for 35 of their publications.
Gatoh and Shikidouji have both mentioned they have FMP! stuff incoming for the event!
On the event's webpage, FMP's lil spot has been posted.
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This roughly says that it's FMP's 25th anniversary! Shikidouji has illustrated something special for it, and we can expect upcoming announcements for a project!
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florasearlethirdyear · 2 months
FMP: Amusement Park Merchandise & Merchandise of Seaside Attractions. LO1
Week 10
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From my research, many mainstream parks use commercialised entertainment, such as Paultons Park and their Peppa Pig merchandise. A majority of parks create merch inspired by their rides, usually the logo. Common products:
Hoodies, shirts, badges, keychains, cups.
I was surprised to see that Pleasure Beach (pictured in last image), hadnt updated their merchandise in accordance with the new branding. It is quite tacky and random when you look on their online shop. Looking to Coney Island, as well as Sydney's Luna Park and Belmont Park, their branding is very consistent. They've embraced their historical heritage and varied it into their merchandise also. Visually, I find their products more appealing. Not once have I purchased something from an amusement park, but these I would. Overall, Belmont uses their branding most effectively. It is a shame I cannot view their other merchandise online.
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I don't think much research is needed when thinking to seaside merchandise. You cannot go to the beach without seeing one and knowing what to expect. Common products:
Ice cream, stick of rock, postcards, sand building tools, floats, magnets, keychains and badges
Why rock?
Fun fact!:
Depending on sources, it is believed to be linked to a young man named Ben Bullock, an ex-miner from Burnley, who conceived the idea whilst holidaying in Blackpool. He began producing sticks of brightly coloured, lettered candy sticks at his Yorkshire-based sweet factory in 1887.
From this research I am even more determined to create a brand so consistent, it spreads to the merchandise itself.
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fmpskyyear1 · 1 month
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creating fmp day 3
I clearly have a lot of work to do and I'll continue to do so after lunch then I'll take a screen shot.
how the process has been so far its been long and stressful I would say but overall I'm happy how its turning out considering I'm not someone who knows there way young photoshop or has even came close to understanding I never have and were thought I would but I'm actually really happy with the progress of this car
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after lunch update are you can see I have made quite a big indent in the drawing and its almost ready I think I would be able to start drawing my girl Wednesday since train strike is happing Tuesday so I think and hope it will be done soon but the progress so far its going really well and I am enjoying watching dexter while working on this peace its also help me unwind this week from doing this fmp.but over all I've made quite a few progress in the past couple of days and it has took die a bit to sit and concentrate but I have done it and I'm proud of that. I have a feeling I won't finish the car today but I will most likely finish it Wednesday before lunch.
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alecbicheno · 2 months
Exciting opportunity update
ILM London Jedi Academy 2024
I have completed my application for London Jedi Academy 2024 so fingers crossed and we'll see what happens!
I finished the model which I said I was going to add to my portfolio. The model in question is of the DC-17 blaster which is from the prequel era of Star Wars, and used by the clones.
I'm very happy with this model, it captures a good likeness to the blaster, and looks very detailed and clear. I also succesfully textured it with Substance Painter, where I had a much easier time with the whole process than previous projects, showing my learning and improvement.
I would like to touch up the topology and redo some renders and the in viewport renders too, this time with a topology that hasn't been triangulated, however I'll do this at a later date as I need to shift my focus back onto my FMP planning.
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goos3-345 · 2 months
What I’ve got so far for the Animatiom FMP!
(It’s running slower on my home laptop then the computers at college; but it’s supposed to be 16 seconds lol, 74 seconds to go!)
I hope you guys are just as excited as me to see how this will progress and I’ll do lots of updates on it to show you guys!
(I know Daphne is excited lol)
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