#focus and a dell. yes
12percentspider · 4 months
ok let me gt into super focus mode
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prettyboypistol · 11 months
What if... stuff that m!reader does/can do that makes the mercs flustered? even if its just making them a little embarrassed i need to know!!!
What You Do That Flusters the Mercs! || TF2 x M!Reader
He likes watching you socialize with people, you naturally lean on walls and tilt your neck up when you laugh- god damn, you look so hot when you laugh!
For some reason, when you throw things and catch them. He has no idea why it just makes his heart skips a beat.
When you focus and your eyebrows knit together and it deadass just stares at you.
DISPLAYS. OF. POWER. Deadlift something. Throw an enemy off a cliff. Threaten a Spy and scare him. Solly will never fucking recover.
Independence and general "coolness" makes Jane stumble over his words! You don't need a man, yet you still ask him to assist you? He feels so honored!
Asking for help casually, like said above. When you extend your hand out to grab something from him it makes Soldier scream internally.
The fact that you're kind to people makes them like you. You're sweet and polite and cordial when you want to be. You're not annoying or hard ot read or obnoxious- you're just kind.
When you take your time with things to understand them. They daydream about spilling all their secrets to you.
Protectiveness really flusters Pyro. One time in battle, Pyro was cornered. You slammed the Scouts with a metal pole and growled that "nobody touches our Pyro!". They haven't stopped thinking about that. Nor will they ever.
Tavish is enamoured with your sense of humor. He loves how you're quick to make a joke and open to laughing at anything.
Can't help but blush when you stare at him. Yeah, half of the times you stare, you're spacing out, but Tavish still looks away and is flushed a pretty deep red.
Hard work and general work ethic.
Dell is super insecure about the fact the finds you super hot when you're sweaty. After a battle or working out is when Dell seems to linger around, stealing glances at you.
WHEN. YOU. PRAISE. HIS. INVENTIONS. That replays in his head all week long.
He likes to watch you spar with people with stuff like wrestling/boxing, especially when you swing Scout around like a baseball bat.
There was one time where you and Heavy were in a tough spot against the enemy team, down by 4 kills. There was just something in your eye that had a light of fire and determination. Seeing that is how he fell for you.
Cook for this man please he will love you and blush forever.
Cooing with his birds??? He wants to pick you up and spin you around and kiss you and-
He really likes when you challenge him. You give this confident smirk and your tone shifts that make Medic want to just scream about how handsome you are.
Spy's a man with refined taste. He likes his men like he likes his wine: aged finely and polished to perfection. He likes when you're classy and get onto the others about acting crass and classless.
If you can dance, Spy absolutely pulls some strings to have you two on a mission where you two are in matching suits and dancing together.
Spy once was muttering to himself in french and you catch him and you just lean over the back of the couch, look down at him with a knowing smile and just respond in french as well "now now, a lady shouldn't scowl like that." He knew you meant it as a playful insult, but he blushed wildly under his mask.
Mick's downright horrendously flustered when you make eye contact with him. You're a tad shorter than he is, so you looking up from behind to him makes Mick shake in his boots.
Bro please don't grunt/groan in effort at anything. He will NOT stop thinking about that.
When you accidentally look at him during missions. He's always keeping an eye on you, so when you stare back at him it makes his heart flutter.
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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The contrast is so poignant when it comes to Belos isolating Hunter for years and instilling the fear of wild magic, versus Hunter's future in carving palismen to connect with nature and with others.
We have his signature gloves as part of all his outfits before he went to the human realm, representative of that isolation and fear: Belos wanting to keep 'Caleb' to himself, wanting to prevent Hunter from forging connections and thus finding freedom. The gloves come off once Hunter has room to create and experiment and explore.
During the many many months in between him beginning to learn the palismen-carving craft and us seeing him mastering it in the epilogue, there would've been many setbacks. Many cuts and splinters via mistakes (thus, more wounds and scars...small, but numerous) and bandages on his hands, like what happened with the sewing needle. Thus, many times when he was reminded of what happened with his best friend. I can imagine that on the more difficult days of learning under Dell, remorse and horrible memories eating into him, he'd be more at risk of leaving more cuts because it would be harder to focus. There would've been days where he got close to giving up.
In his arc, this changed everything:
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He was found by a free-spirited, strong-willed palisman.
This was when things began to be truly dangerous:
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but by then he gathered enough courage to finally question Belos directly.
What a high price to pay. Recovery from trauma is certainly that way in real life too. But it led him on that path towards transformation, towards what he truly wanted.
In his old life, he'd point a staff at others to intimidate, to instill fear, and be Belos's instrument in furthering a cause that Hunter didn't truly support.
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In the future, he generously gives palismen to others from the heart, via new creations made with his own hands, to bring more love, connection and wonder into the world. Letting others live out their truth via the bonds forged with their new palismen, the same kind of truth he himself had to fight so hard for.
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If we rewind back to what the Bat Queen said in Hunting Palismen:
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contrast that with this point in Hunter's arc:
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Still blocked and numbed out from fully experiencing the worst thing he had ever been through: being possessed and in that process, slaying Flapjack.
Willow and Gus had just began to reach that vulnerability within him, moving him with their love and support (which is why the anger he had for around 2/3 of For the Future began to subside).
But it wasn't enough.
In the finale, he gets some temporary respite and relief:
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But I believe the real gruelling work was to begin beyond this exact point:
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More vulnerability ahead, to pave the way for healing.
Putting the scene of him looking at the old Flyer Derby photo (in For the Future) next to the scene where the Bat Queen sums up what palismen are all about...it indicates to me how steep the climb would be to connect with the full range of his emotions and memories, which parallels his development under Dell's mentorship. To bring some beauty out of that horror he has endured. To bring about the conviction that yes, he deserved Flapjack's gift, from Flapjack's sacrifice.
It would've been years before he would confidently and effortlessly rest in the truth of who he really is, and who he would like to be (remember his "Even if I'm not who I'm supposed to be, I like who I am right now" in front of the mirror, right before getting possessed?).
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Liberating himself from enmeshment with his violent abuser and that old life, a process he'd have to repeat again and again even beyond Belos's death. Changing that narrative of "supposed to":
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into freely choosing the person he would like to become after Flapjack granted him love and literal life. We receive the one clue that he wanted to freely choose, as early as this scene:
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When it comes to palismen, we have "emotion" and "conviction" and also the deepest wishes that witches have in their hearts.
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For emotion to flow freely, there must be vulnerability, generosity and love: Hunter integrating even the most difficult emotions into his story.
For him to grow into acceptance of his future major role, it would have involved wrestling with many questions to reach that place of conviction.
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the-eeveekins · 1 year
Prospera: my more serious thoughts on her and her character.
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Like Suletta, I fully support Prospera's actions. You can't show me the Prologue where her whole life is violently taken from her and NOT expect me to root for her. She's just as much a victim of Delling’s actions and the systemic oppression of Earthians as many of the other characters in the show. I feel like a lot of people who don't empathize or sympathize with her either haven't seen the Prologue or haven't watched it since it was released nearly a year ago.
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Yes, she did terrible things along the way, especially to Suletta, Eri and Miorine; but Suletta affirmed her choice of trying to help Eri over revenge (and arguably, affirmed her very existence in the process), Eri agreed with Suletta's choice, and even Miorine was willing to accept her as family if it was the decision of her fiancée. Fixing those mistakes will take time, years even, and who knows if Miorine especially will ever forgive her, but she has that time and she has that chance. I love that the show gave her a second chance at the life she was robbed of and a chance to make amends and fix her mistakes. Most shows would have killed her outright or gone with the Redemption Equals Death trope. Characters like her, especially female characters, almost never get that chance.
And, personally speaking, the scene where Suletta pulls her into the data storm is one of my favorites in the show. She gets to speak with the memories of her colleagues and Nadim, and express her guilt for deciding to focus on Eri's future at the expense of avenging them, only for Suletta and Eri to affirm her choice and tell her it's time to move forward. The mask breaks, Prospera "dies" and Elnora finally gets to hold Eri again and apologize to both of her daughters. It's one of the most cathartic moments in the show, a perfect conclusion to the Mercury family story and it brings me to tears every time.
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I know not everyone is thrilled by Suletta's acceptance of her mom after everything she did to her, but I think it's highly appropriate: she loves people unconditionally more than anyone, understands Elnora did what she did from a place of love and selfishly wants to be with her whole family, mistakes and all. And again: Elnora is as much a victim in this show as anyone else. And even if Suletta accepted her mother, it's not like G-Witch forgave every awful parent of their sins: as I mentioned here, Delling may have surived, but his power to oppress is gone, he's under investigation for his crimes and by all accounts he's no longer a part of Miorine's life. We never see her forgive her father for what he did, and to be honest, I don't think she ever does. It's a hand she only extenda to Prospera because of her selfless love for Suletta.
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And that brings us to one of my major issues surrounding Prospera: the difference in how certain parts of the fandom treat Prospera and Delling. The greatest trick Delling ever played was being a little nicer to his daughter before falling into a coma for half the show. Suddenly so many people forgot all he'd done and were willing to forgive his past actions and offer him up for redemption, all while condemning Prospera to death for her actions and claiming she was unredeemable.
It just reeks of the usual fandom sexism with it's double standards towards male and female characters. I just found the idea that Delling was redeemable but Prospera wasn't to be wrong, and find it especially frustrating the way people still tend to focus on Prospera's wrongs while ignoring Delling's.
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Still, I think she's an amazing character, one of my favorites of all time. I'm so glad the show stuck the landing on her ending, not only giving her a chance to attone for her mistakes, but also giving her back the peaceful family life cruelly taken from her in the past. Mending her relationship with Suletta, Eri and Miorine will not be easy, it will take time and care and effort, but I believe someday those bonds will be repaired and they will truly become a family with mutual love for each other.
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dinsdjrn · 1 year
gone, from austin | j. miller | part two
brothers best friend!pre-outbreak!joel x f!reader
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summary: Joel Miller: the one that got away; right person, wrong time. Now you’re back in Austin and it hurts just as bad, as if you’d never left five years ago. [w.c. 2.4k]
warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, no use of y/n, light angst, Sarah is alive and well, f!reader, smoking, depression, brief mentions of a mental breakdown, implied cheating (not joel), ex-lovers to lovers, eventual smut, slow burn, lmk if i missed anything <3
💌 a/n: FINALLY a part two? who am i?? anyways not sure how i feel about this story... but i know how i want it to end so ill keep going for that. lmk your thoughts <3
previous part | next part | masterlist
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Part two | May 2002
You were a work of art, that’s the hardest part.
It had been three weeks since you had gotten home. You had become more than a bit of a hermit, looking and applying for jobs. You made yourself sparse in the house, you understood everything your brother did was an open invitation to you, but it was easier to disappear. It also gave you time to process, when you left Toronto it was a whirlwind, but now it was a dulling ache. Friends had reached out, wondering where you went, if you were okay. You gave them enough information so they wouldn’t worry, but not enough to come looking for you.
It was Friday morning, just like any other morning, you were searching through medical journals and websites looking for job postings. Search, apply, wait, and wait some more. It wasn’t very thrilling, but it was something to do to keep your head above water.
The alarm on your phone had begun ringing, 10 am, you reached into your desk drawer and took your meds. They filled a hole in your head you hadn’t known was there until you had a small breakdown two years ago. It was something only a few people in your life knew about, it wasn’t something you ever really wanted out there. There was almost a shamefulness to it, no one in Austin knew, and then one person in Toronto who knew about it was no longer welcome in your life. So you move on, continue as you have and hope that your ticket out comes sooner rather than later. 
A soft knock came at your door. 
“Come in!” You said, closing the desk drawer quickly. 
“Hey! Someone is at the door for you,” Kelsey popped her head in and smiled. 
You looked down at your Dell Med School t-shirt and Roots sweatpants and laughed lightly. 
“Is it anyone important?” You asked embarrassed gesturing to your pajama centered clothing choices. 
“I am sure they won’t even notice.”
You sighed and stood up, you lightly stretched and made your way downstairs. Just as the entryway came into view there was Sarah and Joel, Sarah with her backpack on and Joel shifting uncomfortably looking at the floor. 
“Hey guys,” you said, smiling at them. 
“Hey!” Sarah smiled. 
“What’s up? Shouldn’t you be at school already?” You questioned. 
“I had a dentist appointment this morning. We just came back to the house to grab my bag, but I wanted to see if you were around tonight,” She swayed, clearly hoping you’d say yes.
“I’m uh-, not sure,” You looked at Joel for guidance but he wasn’t paying any attention to you his sole focus was on Sarah. 
“I just really wanted to have that sleepover you promised! My dad is going out tonight and suggested it would be a good time for us to hang out and -“
“But only if you are available and want to,” Joel interrupted.
“Oh, yeah! That sounds like it could be fun. Why don’t I come over around 5ish and we can order some pizza?” You smiled at her. 
It would be much more comfortable without Joel there, you had felt like you were walking on eggshells when he would pop over to have a beer with Jake or help Kelsey fix things around the house. 
Joel nodded. 
“Alright baby girl, time to get you to school,” he began shuffling Sarah out the door. 
“See you tonight!” Sarah called over her shoulder. 
You waved at her in response and when the door clicked closed you pinched the bridge of your nose. 
“You know, she really did miss having you around,” Kels leaned against the doorway behind you. 
“I know,” You sighed, “I just don’t know what I’m getting myself into.”
“What do you mean? You’ve known her since she was just a little kid. You’re not getting yourself into anything except maybe forgiving yourself for hurting her.” Kelsey said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“You don’t fucking get it! This isn’t a permanent solution. I can’t stay, I don’t belong here anymore! I don’t want to get her hopes up that I might by hanging out with her and letting things go back to the way they were. That will just hurt her again.” You snapped, a pang of annoyance in your chest.
“You being here and ignoring her, it hurts them both. You can talk a big game about how you don’t belong here, but this is your home, your family. I don’t know what happened between you and Joel, but it is clear he still cares about you. Is staying really the worst thing? At least thinking about it?” 
“They are not my family, you and Jake absolutely are. And you’re right, maybe this was home once, but it’s not anymore. All that’s left is a permanent scar of what could have been. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” You turned to walk up the stairs. 
Kelsey came and put her hand over yours on the railing. 
“Look I’m sorry if I overstepped. I only want to see you happy,” Her voice was soft and apologetic. 
You just nodded in response and made your way back up the stairs, once in your room you made your way to the bed and cried into your pillow. You knew the love for Austin was there, it had always been there, but so was the hurt. The pain would always be there too, it painted your soul in blues and grays. That’s the hardest part, how beautifully life painted your anguish here. 
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The day came and went quickly, and you felt unprepared for your sleepover with Sarah. You knew it would be nice to hang out, do face masks and watch a few movies, but your anxiety was palpable. You were worried it would feel like grasping at a life you could’ve had, but were strictly denied. 
You made your way next door around five and before you could even knock the door had swung open and Sarah was pulling you inside. 
“You’re here! Finally, I’ve been thinking about what we could do tonight all day. Dad said he would call a few pizzas in, we went to CVS after school too! I got nail polish, face masks, and some weird snacks,” Sarah spoke excitedly. 
It gave you a bit of whiplash, barely able to even get in a few “Alrights” or “Sounds Fun”’s in. 
“Woah, woah, Sarah slow down,” Joel said as you made your way into their living room. 
He was sitting on the couch in a black t-shirt and Levis, his hair was wet and the messy ways were pushed off his forehead. He was still so devilishly handsome, he never tried too hard with his looks, but that didn’t mean he didn’t look good; it arguably made him more attractive. 
“A’right, I’m going to get outta here,” He put his hands on his lap and made his way to stand, “Tommy is gonna be here any second.” 
“Dad, did you remember to order pizza?” Sarah asked with a hint of annoyance. 
“Oh shit,” he felt his pockets pulling out his phone, “I’ll call on the way over to the bar.”
“Don’t worry about it, Joel. I’ll get it,” You smiled softly at him, pulling out your own phone. 
“Y’sure?” He asked. 
“Yes, yes, she’s sure, now, go have fun. We have a very important girls night to get started on.” Sarah shooed her father toward the door.
Joel just laughed and rolled his eyes, you shrugged in response. 
As soon as you heard the door shut Sarah came rushing back to the living room. 
“Sorry, he’s a mess,” Sarah laughed.
“I can see that nothing has changed,” You laughed with her. 
You both fell into a comfortable conversation, it was nice to see Sarah so happy. She was completely different then when you had left, yet somehow exactly the same. 
The night was spent watching cheesy rom-coms, doing face masks and nails, and eventually Sarah had fallen asleep in her pajamas on the couch. It was nearly one in the morning, you placed a blanket over her small frame and began quietly tidying the living room. 
The night had warmed your heart in a way you weren’t sure you’d be able to feel again. Sarah was such a light in your life for so long, and now she was turning into this beautiful and kind teenager. You had talked all about her school, Joel and Tommy’s shenanigans, and what’s been happening around Austin. She didn’t push you though, you had talked about Toronto and being away from home without delving into any fresh wounds.
 It was nice, it felt good to know when you left it wasn’t your last memory of Sarah. You worried for years it had been and you’d have to watch her grow through the lens of your brother, but here she was in the flesh. 
You sighed, putting the leftover pizza in the fridge and pouring any extra soda from your glasses down the drain. You went and checked on Sarah after you had finished cleaning up to make sure she was still sleeping. She hadn’t even stirred, so you took this as the best opportunity to step outside and have a smoke. 
It wasn’t something you were proud of, but was something that you would normally only do after particularly stressful days. Today would classify as one, you didn’t like fighting with Kels. That, plus the anxiety of coming to the Miller’s and not knowing what to expect, warranted a need to de-stress. 
You made your way into the backyard, only closing the screen door in case Sarah woke up, and placed a cigarette between your lips. Just as you were searching through your bag for a light a voice startled you. 
“Hey, I didn’t know you smoked?” Joel. 
Fuck, you knew he probably wouldn’t have been much later, but it felt pathetic to be sneaking a cigarette on his back porch. 
“Not often, but you’d be surprised how common it is in healthcare.” You said finding the lighter and lighting the end. 
He looked at you for a moment, and you realized maybe he didn’t want you smoking on his back porch. 
“Oh, shit sorry, you okay if I-“ 
“Oh, yeah, I don’t really care,” he hurried before you could finish your question.
“Cool,” you said. 
The silence grew uncomfortable between you two. 
“I, uh, didn’t mean to startle y’a there,” Joel said. 
“I just saw the light on and wondered if you were out here.” 
“And here I was…”
“Here you were,” He shifted, “You always loved it back here. Sitting looking up at the stars after Sarah went to bed.”
“Yeah, I think I missed the stars the most while I was in Toronto,” you sighed. 
“I always thought they’d’ve had more stars up there,” he looked up at the sky. 
You had finished about half of the cigarette and put it out, it wasn’t doing anything for you at the moment except make you want to shower. 
“Not in the city, it was like a shitty, colder, New York,” You laughed. 
Joel chuckled at your comment. He came closer to you and leaned on the railing of the deck with you. It felt almost suffocating, he was so close to you and it felt so intimate. 
“Y’know, we’re really happy you’re here,” He said quietly. 
“Joel, don’t…” you warned. 
“I mean it, Sarah never stopped asking about you. She missed you, this girl's night made her whole year.” 
“Joel, please,” you whispered, tears welling in your eyes. You already carried so much guilt for leaving Sarah with nothing but a goodbye. You knew he was trying to comfort you but he was crushing your soul with guilt instead. 
“I’m sorry darlin’ I just… always asked myself what if things were different. Where we would be, how would Sarah be different if you had stayed,” 
His words ignited a fire within you, one that burned in anger and resentment. Who was he to ask what if, when he gave no choice in whether or not you had a chance at finding out. 
“We could talk about maybes and what ifs until we’re blue in the face, it doesn’t turn back time. Doesn’t change anything between us. You made a choice, Joel, and so you don’t get the what if’s,” You snapped. 
He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. 
“I’m allowed to wonder,” He retorted. “You weren’t the only one hurt, y’know?”
“Well guess what, I wasn’t the one that wanted out when things got a little bit complicated.”
“Wanted out? You think I wanted out?! Fucking Christ, I didn’t want to hold you back. I have no choice but to stay in Austin, letting you go meant that you wouldn’t be tied down here!” His voice was quiet, but he was clearly irritated.
“I didn’t need you to let me go, I’m very capable of making my own choices. And if I had chosen to stay I needed you to tell me everything would be okay.” 
You weren’t speaking in a hushed tone like he was. You were frustrated, angry, he had completely backtracked on your breakup. Tears stung your eyes, you were frustrated and confused. 
“I’m done talking about this, Joel,” You said, wiping the tears away from your eyes. “You said your piece five years ago, and nothing is going to change that.”
You turned to head back inside, now that he was here you’d be able to walk back over to Jake’s and go to sleep. Make an attempt at forgetting this conversation ever happened and pretend your night ended with you and Sarah asleep on the couch. 
Joel grabbed your wrist before you got too far. 
“Please, just let me explain.” He pleaded. 
You pulled your wrist from his grip and left as promptly as you came. 
Your chest was tight and it was as if you could feel your heart shattering all over again into a million little pieces. The ghost of his love haunted you for years. He was still the same man you fell in love with, that much was certain. In that, it also meant, he was still the same man who broke your heart. 
And that was a risk you were not willing to take. 
To spiral out, to try and float, to see a friend, to see a ghost.
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tags: @thetriumphantpanda @fruit-frogs @wand-erer5 @missgurrl @casa-boiardi @harriedandharassed @undrthelights @wishyoudaskme @reader-without-a-story @morning-star-joy @tightjeansjavi & once again sorry if i missed anyone or lmk if youd like to be on the taglist xo.
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mxboxlocks · 8 months
Could we possibly get a Engineer x Questioning System!Reader? /nf
reader is gender neutral and autistic!
warning for system loathing language at first, and unprocessed ableism. this gets worked through quickly and it doesn't linger for too long!
Y/N = your name
"Ah'm no psychologist," Dell says, lowering his reading glasses as he sits up in his recliner. "But Ah'm pretty sure that's not normal."
"I know!" You wheeze, face flushed with worry. Your frantic movements almost resemble stimming. You squeeze your eyes shut. "I don't know what to do! I feel like- I feel like-"
Dell glances down at his book. "Like someone else?"
"Yes!! I'm not- I don't feel like me, I don't feel like Y/N right now. I don't know who I am."
"Slow down," Dell purrs softly, getting up and offering you his seat as he removes his glasses. You quickly shuffle into the recliner, the ghostly warmth of his body permeating the leather and wrapping you in a hug. "Start from the top. What made ya feel like this?"
"I just... spaced out."
"Y'think it was anythin' else?"
"I don't remember-... W-Wait, yeah," You start, fuzzy memories pooling around you like fog. "I had... I had a meltdown. A really bad one."
"Explains the red." Dell mumbles, putting his hand to your face. "An' Ah'm guessin' you couldn't come 'n get me 'fore it got worse."
"Yeah." You whimper, leaning into his touch. "I'm sorry-"
"Don't, sugar." He hushes you. "Don't even worry about it. Let's focus on what we can fix."
"I feel dizzy. Is that normal?"
"Could be dehydrated-..."
"Oh God, I hear someone talking. It's not me."
"Y/N." Dell calls your body's name sternly, but not startlingly, and holds your hands to ease their shaking - they were shaking? When did that start? "Breathe, hun. Ah've known people with a lot bigger brain problems than voices in their head."
You're baffled at this statement. How could anything be worse than this? The statement is so strange to you that it forces you to ground yourself back into the chair - oh. That was the plan, wasn't it?
You hear a murmur inside your head, as a swirling feeling stirrs at the top of your head, near your scalp. Oh, he's good, the voice says, indistinct. It almost feels like a passing thought. I know, right? You off-handedly respond. It's not... an unfriendly presence. In fact, it feels like its been there for years.
"You have?" You ask.
"You've met Medic, sweetheart." He leans on a hip. "Of course Ah have."
You giggle softly. This Medic character seems like a handfull, comes the voice again. Yeah, you reply, typically he's rummaging around in corpses for fun.
Appalling. The voice seemingly turns its direction.
"Ya talkin to eachother?" Dell snaps you out of your daze.
"Yeah." You say, softly. "They're... nice. So far. It's just scary."
"Ah imagine so." He takes your hand aguain. "Can't be easy havin' roommates up there in yer noggin. But... Hey, whatever happens sugarcube, whatever ends up comin'a this, know Ah'm gonna be right by yer side."
"I wouldn't blame you if-"
"Nonsense." He cuts you off. "It's not like yer askin' me ta share ya. An' even then, that might not be so bad either. Ah've been in throuples before, it ain't so bad once ya get the hang of it."
Is that a proposition? Well, he is rather cute.
Hush. That's my man.
Well your man just proposed a polycule...
"Anyways..." He chuckles. "Ah love ya. Maybe... Maybe Ah'll borrow some books from the library soon an' we can both figure this out. Together. Okay?"
"Now c'mon. Let's getcha some water."
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gwagwagwagoogoo · 1 year
Beastars AU time hi. Sulemio beastars
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(yes im using their canonical school outfits but they arent in space, theyre on earth and there isn't any space conflict but THERE is still cooperate clashes.) Asticassia is the name of the school as opposed to Cherryton, well known for recruiting the world's most famous Beastars, it's pretigious Suletta transfered to school finally, after being deprived of an education for years. (Though it's unknowingly to be Prospera's pawn, to be groomed into the Beastars position, to give Prospera power for her vengeance) Asticassia keeps a few things, the main funder of the school is a snow leopard by the name of Delling Rembran. And considering he has massive influence due ot keeping the school alive, and formerly being a Beastar himself - he can decide the school's rules and has massive political influence. Fights between carnivores are encouraged, in these little duels, to see who could prevail upon top and also to settle matches. Herbivores are rarely allowed to partipcate in these duels, as it could lead to an increase of herbivore predation (and also it's believed that they cannot handle the fighting conditions and are seen as 'lesser' and 'weak').
Delling's support of the dueling system is that every animal must embrace being an animal, and conquer that insticintual part of them, to show true and utter restraint. RAAH REJECT MODERNITY BE ANIMALS RAAAH. It's still a very odd and weird system regardless. Delling is a Sublime Beastar himself so yknow. MEGA loser L
Miorine is the daughter of Delling, and is also a hybrid. Her late mother, Notrette Rembran, was an arctic hare. Miorine looks more snow leopard, but she has these subtle herbivore features (duller teeth, duller claws, softer eyes, shorter tail, taller ears) that make it obvious to others that she is simply not the same as them. Especially to her father, she feels like a complete object. It annoys her, she's not taken seriously by either Herbivores or Carnivores. So she pushes others away, focusses solely on herself because there is no one else to distrubte her focus to. Carnivores will only see the prey in her, and herbivores will only see the predator in her. So why waste her time? Instead, she wanted to escape this school and run away from the Rembran name completely. Try to find solace, live a simpler life.
And she was going to, until Suletta Mercury came upon the scene. MIorine had tried to escape the facility of the school, one day, by crawling out her window and sliding along the sides of the wall. Perfect, dangerous, subtle explain plan. If Suletta had no noticed someone up so high, in such a dangerous place-- and not sprung into action. Somehow managing to 'save' Miorine- and MIorine was livid! Unfortnately school staff caught hold of their ruckus, and escorted them into their dorms.
Suletta's never been to any type of school before, she's been with her Mother as long as she could remember. Just her Mother. But she's excited! Excited to prove herself-- but so nervous at the same time. Absolutely terrified of the unknown... but if you run, you gain one. If you move forward, you gain two! She tried to keep that moto, to keep herself motivated. Aforementioned mother being Prospera Mercury, owner of a small yet rather high-ranking company. Prospera Mercury has... slight ulterior motives. Other than fulfilling her daughter's wishes. Being a Beastar, it holds such unpresented power. A title that solidifes a leader, unites herbivores and carnivores together. It wasn't her intention fully at first, but when the oppurinity arised and Suletta was simply at the right time and place. She couldn't help her investment.
and as you can guess. Being titled a 'young beastar' is a bit differently than in the original series, you gotta DUEL FOR IT BITCH!!!!! For the chance of position
The former holder of potenital 'Young Beastar' was Guel, until Suletta came in and kicked his ass!! For Miorine! And as per Dellings little set you, you'll never guess what being 'Young Beastar' also meant. LOL get ENGAGED LOSER!!!
SULEMIO TURBULENCE. I TELL YOU. i'll get more into the sulemio insanity but i had to establish the SETTING FOR MY AU LIKE A COMPLETE FREAK.
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Species List thus far:
Suletta - Racoon Dog/Bernese Mountain Dog
Miorine - Snow Leopard/Arctic Fox
Prospera - Bernese Mountain Dog
Delling - Snow Leopard
Guel and Lauda - Lion
Shaddiq - Leopard/Aubrac Cow (Hides being a hybrid)
Nika - Eastern Bluebird
Chuchu - Toy poodle/Flamingo (do not let her around shrimp)
Martin - European Hare
Nuno - Bulldog
Ojelo - Bighorn Ram
Till - Roe Deer
Aliya - Kiko goat
Lilique - Syrian Hamster
(if you wanna know about a specific gwitch character's species pls ask me about it!! ask abt my AU in general it makes me soo happy :sob:)
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terresdebrume · 10 months
I started writing this at work because I didn't get any prompt for my flash fic drive yesterday but I still wanted to do a little something, and this is what came out. On the upside, it's longer than my usual flash ficlets so. Yay for my first completed Webgott work :P
Bedtime Stories
They're in bed, settled in for an early evening with the blankets high under their chins. David is half draped over Joe's chest, because he likes having his head in the crook of Joe's neck and also because Joe likes the extra warmth—it's toasty, like this, and David has sweat gliding down his neck, but he enjoys this too much to let it go. Spending their winter evenings like this—him, finishing the day's crosswords in the San Francisco Chronicles, listening to Joe's heartbeat while Joe's fingers run through his hair and make an absolute nest out of it, the latest best seller in his free hand to keep the memories of Bastogne he rarely talks about at bay—very few things in the world compare to this. David will take all the sweat in the world and then some to keep this. He's comfortable, and warm, and beloved, and he's inches from sleep when he feels Joe's breathing speed up.
David looks up, frowning, but Joe's face doesn't look the way he does when the ghosts of the war catch up with him. He is frowning though, shoulders tensing under David's cheek, and David puts his pencil down, reaching up to cup Joe's cheek in his hand. Joe, his eyes still fixed on the book, doesn't pay attention to him until David starts fiddling with the branches of his reading glasses. He takes the kind of deep breath that comes after losing oneself between the pages of a good book, the release of deep focus and tension melting him further against the headboard.
"Am I bothering you, your highness?" He asks, and David puts on the haughtiest air he can muster:
"Yes, as a matter of fact. It's quite the racket in there. Good scene?"
Joe hums, contemplating, and twists until he can land a kiss in the palm of David's hand. He stays there for a moment or two, quiet enough that David wonders if maybe he's gotten lost in thoughts, until he says:
"I'd say efficient, more than good. I don't know that I like it."
David makes a questioning noise. He hasn't followed the plot of Joe's book very closely—Joe started it while David was rushing to meet three separate deadlines and had no mind to remember the details of some rich excentric man's birthday plans. Worse: the book is apparently the sequel to a children's story that David hasn't read, and overall seemed to expect its readers to care quite a bit more about genealogy than David is prepared to. He does nod when Joe asks if he remembers what happened last.
"They're at the inn now, right? With the uh. Ranger man."
Joe snorts, and David has known and loved him long enough by now to hear the implied 'literature studies and that's how you describe a plot. Pathetic.' A few years ago, David would have taken offense at that, but he's too comfortable for bickering tonight, so instead he makes a conceding hum and tilts his head up until Joe rolls his eyes and kisses him.
"Read it to me?" He asks after they pull apart some time later.
"'As they prepared for sleep in the inn at Bree, darkness lay on Buckland. A mist strayed in the dells and along the riverbank. The house at Crickhollow stood silent. Fatty Bolger opened the door cautiously and peered out.'"
Joe has a good reading voice, despite his protests. It's not the kind of voice they'd pick for the job on the radio, but the way he puts gravitas into the narration would put George Luz and his impressions to shame. It's easy for David to relax back down against him and try to imagine what a character named Fatty Bolger might look like.
"'A feeling of fear had been growing on him all day,'" Joe continues, "'and he was unable to rest or go to bed. There was a brooding threat, in the breathless night air. As he stared out into the gloom, a black shadow moved under the trees.'"
David's heart beat picks up just as Joe's does, his spine stiffening with the memory of countless guard rotations—the fight against exhaustion, the knowledge that in the dark every shadow could spell his death. The terror shooting through him with every crack of a branch or rustle of a leaf.
"'The gate seemed to open of its own accord, and close again without a sound,'" Joe continues, his free hand moving from David's head down to his shoulder. "'Terror seized him. He shrank back, and for a moment he stood trembling in the hall... then he shut and locked he door.'"
David's hand abandons its position on Joe's cheek and goes to grip Joe's hand instead. There is a tremor in his knees: the dull shock of landing on damp grass in the night, machine guns roaring in the distance—the rush of getting the 'chute off, pulling his rifle into position. Staring frantically into the pitch darkness of Normandy and desperately resisting the urge to shoot at the first thing that moves.
"'The night deepened,'" Joe continues, the rhythm of his ribcage against David's back speeding up again, his voice growing more tense by the second. "'There came the soft sound of horses led with stealth along the lane. Outside the gate, they stopped, and three black figures entered, like shades of night creeping across the ground. One went to the door.'"
Another night, another building to clear. Rushing to the door, trying to think about what to do—grenade, wait, rush in—rather than what could be waiting there.
"'One to the corner of the house on either side, and there they stood, as still as the shadows of stone while the night went slowly on. The house and the quiet trees seemed to be waiting breathlessly.'"
The dissonance between the quiet and the fear. The knowledge that peace was still there, just out of reach behind gossamer curtains.
"'There was a faint stir in the leaves, and a cock crowed far away. The cold hour before dawn was passing.'"
Waiting in a ditch, with dozens of better armed men a scant few feet away from realizing they could hose the lot of them down in less than a minute. Dreading the only orders Winters could possibly give in that situation, and knowing there would be nothing for it but to execute them anyway.
"'The figure by the door moved. In the dark without a moon or stars, a drawn blade gleamed, as if a chill light had been unsheathed. There was a blow—'"
Something knocks against the front door, and David jumps so hard his head collides with Joe's chin, whose yelp echoes in the little bedroom. They sit together for a moment, the fingers of their clasped hands tight around each other as they slow their breathing down as best as they can. There's another knock, and this time David only flinches before he straightens up. He glances at Joe behind him and finds him pale and drawn, the familiar furrow of his anger cutting deep between his eyebrows as he grips David's hand tighter than ever.
"I'll get it," David says as their landlady starts calling for them at the door.
He brings Joe's hand to his lips and presses a kiss on the back of it, just so he can remind himself where he is—where they are—before he makes his way through the tiny apartment, vaguely combing through his hair until he opens the door. Mrs. Obradovic startles, and immediately falls into a concerned frown:
"Is everything alright my dear? You look like you've seen a ghost!"
The truth of it is both much sillier and infinitely more serious than Mrs. Obradovic thinks, but David doesn't feel up to baring his soul to his octogenarian proprietor, no matter how kindly she is, so he makes himself laugh.
"I almost thought I did. How may I help you?"
She points down to a small bag on the floor.
"Josep finally came home with the coal," she says, still visibly concerned. "I'd have waited until tomorrow, but I know your Joe doesn't do well with the cold."
"Thank you, Mrs. Obradovic," David says, sincere through the headiness of calming down after an abrupt fright. "You're an angel."
"Nonsense, nonsense. Now, you boys have a good night, and let me know if you need anything else, yes?"
"We will. Thank you again," David says, and finds himself giving her a warmer smile than he normally does, touched by her continued concern over Joe's well being.
He closes the door behind her, locks it, and deals with the coal before he makes his way back to the bedroom, dusting his hands off as he walks. The book is back on Joe's bedside table when he enters, red eye staring at David from the wide black circle on the cover, and the spindly red runes almost feel like they're about to start moving. On the bed, Joe is no longer as pale as the novel's cover, which David decides to take as a good sign as he crawls up onto Joe's lap and takes his face between his hands.
"So," he says, pressing his forehead against Joe's and taking deep breaths to calm himself down. "I see what you meant by efficient."
There is a brief silence, and then Joe sighs and goes soft between David's palms, pliant like he is after nightmares finally let go of him, usually several hours past dawn. David draws him in and nuzzles his nose, dipping in to plant little kisses on Joe's cheeks. On his hips, he feels Joe's fingers tighten again, almost to the point of bruising, until Joe's arms wrap around his waist and pull him in tight.
"Fuck," Joe says eventually, the slip into German more familiar now that David finally convinced him there was no reason to punish himself for what the Nazis did. "Fuck, it's just a fucking book."
"Well, at least you're not the one who nearly broke his lover's nose over it."
That startles a laugh out of Joe, and he tilts his head up to kiss David's lips. They don't kiss like that often—usually, Joe prefers to tug David downward to negate their height difference. But David likes it when he gets to kiss Joe from above, likes the opportunity to cradle his face with his hands, the excuse to treat Joe like the precious thing he is without being accused of thinking he's fragile. They lose themselves in the kiss for several long minutes, and by the end David is almost back to the the mellow state he was in before they started reading.
"Right," Joe says, picking up the book from the bedside table and tossing it to the other end of the room, "Goodbye, Tolkien."
"I don't know," David says, eyes drawn to where the first few letters of 'Fellowship' shimmer in the dim light of Joe's bedside lamp, "I'm intrigued now."
"Intrigued?" Joe repeats, incredulous. "You nearly shat yourself."
"Yeah, well, so did you," David shoots back, soothing the sting with a kiss on Joe's nose. "What can I say, I'm braver about fiction than reality."
"Like I didn't know that," Joe scoffs, and David rolls his eyes.
"I'm serious, Liebling. I'm going to read it."
"Just...maybe not at night," David admits, and Joe's face goes from gently mocking to purely fond as he squeezes his arms around David's waist.
"Don't worry," he says, visibly going for a joking tone, "I'll hug you better if you scare yourself."
Joke's on him, though, because that's exactly what David was angling for.
ETA: Cleaned up (and longer!) Version now available on AO3!
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adracat · 5 months
So I have a feeling I'm gonna ramble on here, so tl:dr is basically I love your writing, thanks for sharing. With that out of the way:
I started by reading your G Witch myth analyses here on Tumblr. TBQH a lot of it went over my head, but I enjoyed them all (went through a mythology phase in like elementary school, so it's been a minute, but I still casually enjoy learning about myths). Then I saw you have fics on AO3. And as a millennial on the interwebs I am aware of the site, but as someone generally in the ace sphere of things I haven't actually spent any time over there. Anyway, I found your Law of Causality series and because my Sulemio brainrot is boundless I read As Above So Below. And boy howdy did I enjoy that. Like, read it a few times. The story telling is really good, and I love the little notes you stick on at the ends of the chapters. Now I am not a Prospera fan, so I didn't read Chaos and Night for a while. But eventually I decided I liked your writing enoughto give it a try. What can I say, I truly enjoy the world you concocted and wanted more of it. I'm glad I did, because I think that may be my favorite of the three stories. Still don't like Prospera as a person in general, but you wrote her so well. Like, girl, don't go making those stupid-ass choices. But obviously I see why she did, because her characterization comes through so strong in your stories, so she really had no choice in her decisions (tragically, yes). But, not to state the obvious or anything, Notrette is the one who steals the show. My favorite of your characters. The times where she is so open and honest and vulnerable in sharing her feelings with Prospera kills me every single time. She gets the best lines due to those situations. Like there are at least three times where she bluntly asks Prospera to stay in the garden, and that's not even counting the handful of times she asks for them to be a family. Damn. We all know what's gonna happen, but it doesn't make that knife's edge any less sharp. I have many favorite lines of hers, but up there is when she come back from Delling and tells Prospera she was only able to do it by thinking of her. Man, that whole interaction gets me every time and I gotta take a moment to pause and reflect. Absolutely heart wrenching. Anywho. Their toxic, tragic relationship is just so dynamic. Plus, again, all your mythology easter eggs were delightful. I thoroughly enjoyed looking up the different names and stories as I came upon/recognized them. (I'm actually naming a new character of mine in an upcoming ttrpg I'm joining after one of the gods I learned about and then did a deeper dive into late one night.) I'm sure there was quite a bit that slipped past my notice, which is a testament to your vast knowledge of a wide variety of deities across different cultures. Theophany was like a sweet afterwards/gift when it came out. Loved how it ties in the two stories, and how the two relationships mirror each other. Devastatingly so, and also in a beautiful way. I will never get over Prospera always being so firmly rooted in the past that she kills off so many healing futures she might have had. And how Suletta refuses to do the same, even without knowing her mother's tragedies, and is able to focus more on her present with a certain amount of forethought as well. Ugg, cycles indeed. I have, of course, read your other G Witch fics (the finished ones anyway, will get to the last one when it's completed). Those are great as well, but I mostly wanted to gush about your Law of Causality. I have read each story multiple times now. Just last night I finished reading all of them, in order, in their entirety. I can't get them out of my head (kinda want to go and reread my favorite parts again already) which is what lead me to reaching out to you. I'm not sure if this is poor etiquette or whatever, and I'm not an elegant writer like you, and it's certainly obnoxiously long, but I figured I've gotten so much enjoyment from your writing I ought to let you know. So. Thanks.
This made my day! Thank you so much for the gushing praise. Law of Causality possessed my soul while writing it, and I honestly think it may be the best thing I've written purely on a cohesive and thematic level. I wanted people to dive deep into everything I was doing there and think about why certain references were chosen. I'm looking for a moment to actually do a lengthy write-up on the stuff that may have been too obfuscated lmao. The two pairings are complimentary and contrasting tellings that I loved bringing to life. Prospera I knew would be a hard sell for people, but I'm glad you gave it a chance! Notrette's lines were a treat. (Ngl I reread too for them) I'm glad I wrote her saying the wildest off-the-wall shit to contrast Prospera's self-inflicted misery brainhole. It's incredible to know my work is seen and appreciated <3
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cat-esper · 12 days
WIP Questionnaire
I was tagged to do this by @teacupsandstarlight
In return, I shall be gently tagging @awleeofficial, @illarian-rambling, and @ahordeofwasps + open tag!
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
The Enochians. The initial inspiration for Records was actually Peter Mohrbacher's artwork which I saw at a con. I imagined a world where these vast and horrific angels just appeared in the sky over a world that was basically their sandbox. All I had to figure out was who lived in the world and what they would do about it.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I picture Records having a whole intro title and credits sequence with very 80s CGI fantasy landscapes to this song here:
The fictional band Red Tape Rocket plays an important role in this series and I based their sound on my very favorite irl band, the Moody Blues, so there's a fun fact for you.
Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
Definitely Sydney and Dell. Sydney's a girl who struggles to see herself in a positive light after being told again and again that she's worthless by members of her own family while being quietly brushed aside by the people who are supposed to care. So when she ends up on the Spiral, it's very much a journey of self-discovery and learning to be confident in herself and boy, do I want to give her a hug.
Dell started out as an email attachment that, due to some strange reality-warping shenanigans, gains sentience on Reyna's computer. She's super excited to speak with him and teach him things because her life is sad and she has no friends and he ends up leading her on a quest to the Spiral. I already know he's going to be fun to write because AI/robots always end up my favorites anyway XD
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
I've always thought this would make a cool Jim Henson movie so probably fans of weird, dark surreal fantasy like Labyrinth or The Dark Crystal would like it.
What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Probably getting everything to fit together in a way that makes sense but also allowing myself to leave certain elements a mystery. Usually when I plan my magic systems, I like to make hard rules for them but the Spiral is home to an eldritch skeleton thing that literally warps reality so anything can happen.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Depends what constitutes animals, I guess. I have a lot of strange creatures that inhabit the Spiral but all of them are sentient (yes, even the sandstone), so I guess they'd be more like fantasy races than animals. But they include the Varixxi, moth-like winged humanoids, the Aroon, clay pot tortoise-looking guys, and the Keem-Torali, which look like tentacled Horta that secrete acid and chill in extremely salty water.
How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Walking mostly or, if they're lucky, my characters may catch a ride on a Colossus, but they're very hard to climb on to and you have to be careful not to get stepped on. Incidentally, there's also the molted exoskeleton of an eldritch abomination that sometimes becomes a portal when someone dies next to it, but that's not very practical.
What part of your wip are you working on rn?
I've actually been taking a little break from this so I can focus on Incantations but I really want to have my draft of book 1 finished by the end of the year.
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
This is pure, old school portal fantasy escapism. The main characters are all unhappy in their normal lives, wish for something more, and they get it. They're not your traditional heroes, but they get to save the world anyway.
What are your hopes for your wip?
If this story and these characters resonate with at least one person and can help them get through the day, I'll be content.
Records of the Spiral taglist: @awleeofficial , @desastreus
General taglist: @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1, @teacupsandstarlight
Blank questionnaire below the cut:
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
What part of your wip are you working on rn?
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
What are your hopes for your wip?
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mdhwrites · 1 year
You know what's so frustrating about the ending to me? It's the time skip. I was mad enough about the lack of planning, interaction, development from the characters that I knew I would never get.
The time skip just puts salt on the wound, some of the cast don't feel like the same cast from the two episodes prior (I don't take growing up as an excuse) I want to SEE IT ALL, not just the beginning and the end, I need the middle. How Hunter learned to carve palismen, what has been Boscha doing after all this, when did Lilith master harpy mode???
I would've been fine without the time skip really, but nope, they just had to copypaste Amphibia at the end for the lack of ideas.
If they expect me to hate disney after hitting me with a "this is what we could've have with more time" because of the shortening for the hundredth time, no. And that excuse is getting old already.
So there's a lot of nice elements to a time skip ending. It allows you to move past the wreckage of a high action climax, it lets you let the audience know with 100% certainty that the characters will be okay and it allows enough time to pass that small shifts in who people are from the show can blossom into glorious flowers of development.
Not to say TOH succeeded in those strengths for the most part but there's a reason a lot of media uses it. The big thing I want to talk about though is... This isn't a fair criticism. I am willing to talk shit about TOH all day long, don't get me wrong, but this is simply unfair. TOH is an adventure comedy after all (as a note, I get that from its listing meaning it places itself in those genres. That's not me ascribing anything to it). That genre necessitates certain elements to its formatting, such as fight scenes, gags, etc. like that. This isn't The Ghost and Molly Mcgee. That show is a comedy, yes, but its half sized episodes and slice of life focus would have absolutely made character exploration like you wanted possible, even after a big climax like the one TOH had for its finale. But TOH can't do that. Unless there were plans to have the archivists eventually show up (which... No. Just no. Don't go and try to rip off Steven Universe even harder from my understanding because the people of the Isles just can't fight those beings properly. There's already enough bullshit to making it so that Belos can beat The Collector.) then Belos is the fantasy, action climax. You can't go beyond that. And even that one was poorly setup because of the show's lack of focus. So an episode of Hunter talking to Dell, facing his insecurities, exploring what palismen mean and especially mean to Hunter until he makes his new palisman? That simply wasn't going to happen. And that's also more than okay. One of the problems with TOH is not being willing to cut any idea out. To have no focus and that's not the job of a professional piece of media. A good story knows as much what it isn't as it knows what it is after all. A story like Hunter becoming a carver simply isn't what TOH's style, tone or focus wants. And that's what fanfiction is for. You want that story? See if a writer takes requests or commissions. Or take a crack at it yourself. I honestly tried for the past couple days after first properly reading this ask to do something of my own to pimp my capabilities but a mix of sickness and depression stopped me. I also want to add that I do complain a lot about TOH not exploring certain elements of itself. The difference between that and complaining about wanting something like development on Boscha, a character who has NEVER mattered, is that I try to target elements that it claims are important to itself. The Boiling Isles, Luz's magic, magic in general, the character arcs that aren't properly done or explored, etc. like that. Again, I can shit talk TOH all day if given an excuse to. But we shouldn't hold it against a show for not covering what we want covered. Not if it never gave us a reason to expect those moments in the first place. It's unfair and it's how you get a series that goes on for ten seasons when it really only had five seasons worth of material. And TOH's writers struggled with keeping any sort of consistent quality for three so do you REALLY want to see how they fucked up giving Lilith, a character turned into mostly a gag post S1 for no reason, her harpy form? Because I don't think I do.
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static-sulker · 2 years
The Explosion (Science Party)
Hi again! I have another headcanon that I think i've mentioned before about Dell's scar. Yes, the engineer must have dozens of scars throughout their body, but its specifically the staple of my Engie design, which is the eye scarage
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This scar is apart of a whole situation that i've thought about for the past couple days- so uh yippie
also TW violence and semi gore? but it's pretty soft
Medic hadn't been with Engie at the time, but damn did he obsess over that Engineer.
It was just a silly crush sure, but Medic would spend hours at night just THINKING about him. His crystalized blue pupils, His intelligence, and his natural beauty that brought Medic to his knees.
Anybody with the right brain would keep eyes on him, especially in combat. It was the job for a Medic to help his team of course!
He was busy staring at the engineers attacks, basically swooning over his friend, before a semi-mangled scout crawled towards the doctor.
"Doc... please heal me..." He looked to have several broken bones and a series of arrows plunged into his back.
The Medic took one last look at Engie, and began to heal the scout begrudgingly.
"Such a baby..." he muttered, causing Scout to spout out a series of insults at the man who currently held his very own life in his red gloves.
"Oh, beruhige dich, kleiner Späher." He chuckled, taking out one of the arrows from his back rather harshly.
after a minute or two, the scout was good as new. "Thanks Medic!" He called, already dashing back into the heat of battle.
Medic nodded, and turned back to where he was holding post.
Engie was gone? That was strange, Engie wasn't one to move that fast so quickly.
He stepped down from the balcony-like platform he took post at to recover from his past injuries down to where the Engineer had been placing his series of machinery and dispensers.
Faintly, in a nearby building, there was the sound of heavy machinery and yelling of a familiar texan man. Medic followed the sound, through a hallway.
Around a corner he could hear the familiar tone of bullets hitting walls and people alike, and the ear-piercing screech of explosions. He carefully stood at the corner, peering over the wall to see the events of a bloody and aggressive fight.
The other teams rather crazed and drunken enemy demoman, fighting against the doctor's teams Heavy. An enemy Scout was assisting the demoman with a stupid smirk. Those scouts always have that stupid expression..
Engie was working behind his sentry, the machine booming with force and almost pushing the smaller man back. Medic smiled, getting ready to enter the combat...
until a large echoing boom erupted, covering Medic in a white light. He took a moment for the ringing in his ears to stop, and his eyes to regain focus.
"Ow..." The german muttered, holding his head in a daze. He was shoved against a wall after the explosion from that blasted demoman. Obviously he would throw such a strong explosive in such a confined space. Medic wasn't torn up too much in the blast but-
Medic shot up from his fallen state, seeing that the demoman sprinted off with scout, and Heavy was already up again. He did look pretty banged up but enough to keep moving.
The explosion must have centered down on the sentry specifically, it not becoming nothing but rubble.
Engie was crumpled on the floor, eyes hazy as his entire right side of his face was covered in blood and open wounds. His goggles had completely shattered at this point.
Medic sprinted towards him, pupils dilated. He slid to the floor, holding up the limp Engineer.
"Engineer, are you alright..?" He had never seen somebody so utterly broken down. He knew the respawn machine would keep him alive, but these wounds couldn't be healed so easily.
Wounds like these need to actually be tended to, or he wouldn't even be able to function, like a constant loop on the brink of death.
A fucking nightmare
Dells eyes-well mainly eye, as the other had been screwed shut at this point, drearily opened.
"Oh...Is that you, Doc?" He smiled weakly, blood streaming from his lip. His stupid smile stayed true, like a lopsided smirk, with no negative motive behind that smile. Just a genuine smile.
"Yes, yes it is me Dell, can you hear me...?" He held the engineer softly, not wanting to tighten his grip to hurt him more.
"your a bit foggy but, yeah..?" His voice slowed, and he winced, trying to touch at his bloody mess of a right face, quickly being stopped by Medics free hand.
"You shouldn't touch it, it'll just make it worse." He tried to slip past the definition of 'it'.
"How bad...Is it?" He chuckled, hacking up some more blood accidentally.
"It's...It's pretty bad Dell but It's going to be okay I promise-" He bit back tears, caressing the others left cheek solemnly.
"Don't shit-talk a shit-talker, Doc." He mustered up the courage to tease the doctor. How could one joke at a time like this?
The Medic let out a depressed giggle, feeling the start of tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Im going to get you back to the infirmary, ja? Your going to feel all better soon, Okay..?" Ludwig carefully picked up the almost corpse of man, who winced in pain.
"Doc..Has anybody told you how pretty you are when you cry like that? You look..." The Engineer smiled, before slowly resting his eyes shut. "...Heavenly..." And that was it from him.
"Engineer? Engie? DELL?!?" Medics eyes melting into tears as he gripped onto the body he held so dearly.
Ludwig basically scrambled to the infirmary, body in hand.
Fuck the Admins rules of staying on field until the round was over.
He stayed in the infirmary for hours, working on Dell's barely breathing body.
When the crew came back to their base, cheering for their win, it only made the Medic angrier.
"Wie soll man in dieser Situation jubeln … Ingenieur, alles wird gut, ich schwöre es." Medic whispered to himself, looking over his coworkers face. He looked so peaceful, still covered in blood. In a different situation, Medic would like this appearance a lot more.
He spent 9 whole hours working on keeping Engie alive.
9 hours spent trying to save him, going through about 3 breakdowns throughout the situation.
Funny enough, he almost called for Engineer to hand him his tweezers. Dell had a tendency to assist Medic every now and then with his experiments.
It felt awfully quiet during the surgery.
Ludwig slept in the infirmary that night in one of the beds. He made sure to scoot his bed near the engineers, just in case he awoke in the night.
He didn't.
His heart rate was normal again, but he was asleep for a few days.
Ludwig was a mess for those few days. He hadn't showered the entire time, he didn't go on missions at all through the week. His hair was unkept and he was barely eating or drinking water. Nobody was there to remind him to keep up with his hygiene after all.
Anybody else who mentioned his appearance would get a bitter syringe in the eye, obviously.
He waited, eyes sparking at any rustle or shift in his friends sleep.
He waited.
and waited.
Waiting for a rather long time, but it only was a week.
For Doctor Ludwig?
It felt like years.
Finally, 7 days after the accident, Engie regained conscious.
Medic was taking a review on his scar when he did, looking over the scar to see if it would open up again and begin to bleed again.The scar seemed to look a bit better after his rampant healing and nonstop care over the week.
Engie let out a soft groan, eyes wincing slightly.
Medic almost let out a choked sob to hear his voice again.
"Dell, are you okay..? Can you hear me well?" He leaned forward slightly, seeing his expression finally move after what felt like forever.
"I sure can Doc, whats going on?" He opened his left eye, squinting at the light. It looked alright, no damage there. His right eye definitely would have some damage, but he hypothesized that he would still have sight through it.
"Oh thank God you're alright, Dell." He smiled, eyes threatening to tear up again. "You got caught in the center of an explosion and you passed out..For seven days." He winced at the amount of time it has been.
"Good lord, seven days? Thats a lot longer then I expected...Are you okay?" He smiled, looking at the disheveled doctor.
"Me? Engie, you were in a coma for a full week and you're asking about me? Thats...Thats not important right now." Medic was flabbergasted at his coworker. Nobody could actually be that humble, right?
"Whats important is your right eye," He paused, searching for the right words. "Can you open it? The right side of your face took the most damage in the explosion. If you can, we can see the damage over your eye and see where to move on from there." He smiled reassuringly, seeing the semi-concerned Engineer.
"Alrighty.." He closed his left eye, before opening both completely. His right pupil was almost completely grey, losing its bright blue to now a dull form. "I can..Kinda see? It's a bit blurry but uh, yeah I can see ya Doc." He smiled, his eyes crinkled in a smile. Medic smiled, tears streaming down he face again. He was okay.
Medic was okay.
A few months after the accident, the two of them got together. It was quite obvious that the Medic had never actually been so crushed when his patient was near death.
Heck, their teams demoman was nearly burnt alive after going through the respawn machine, and Medic did it with a smile on his face. No breakdowns. Nothing.
Engie started using glasses every now and then for reading, and he grew used to his eyesight. He was back to what could be described as normal.
Now he just a grotesque yet interesting conversation piece right on his face. Medic actually liked the scar a bit after they got together. He would trace it carefully with his finger when they slept, softly smiling at the man he held. He was so happy.
so so so happy.
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The Road Ahead (More Hindsight AU)
Orignal Hindsight AU
A/N- Orignal warning apply. This is not friendly to Peeta, please enjoy your day/night by continueing on if that is not to your likeing. FOR REAL, please don't torture yourself if your a Peeta fan, skip this. I would absoulutly be with you if my mind would stop wanting the angst. This one is through Peeta's PoV so I promise this is argueably worse than the OG one. Upside is I got to write some Delly! Which helped to make it worth it. Hope those craveing the angst enjoy this. And with luck this will be the end of this plot bunny/alternate universe for me.
This idea came to me I think, octorber of last year so as much as it makes me want to cry I am glad to have finally finished it.
Also yes: I did tag everthorne and Gale for a reason. Avoid like the plague if you have a problem with it. They are not the focus here, but they are presant and portrayed as happy here. So my everthrone antis can also continue on your day without reading this better off for it, too.
Delly's footsteps slow their pattern of hitting the dirt ground and she gently grabs his hand with hers.
"Peeta, I'm glad you are letting me hang around while rebuilding the bakery. Spending time with you after so long has been nice. Really nice."
Knowing anything he says could give a wrong impression, Peeta smiles politely and nods to agree. Delly decides to throw all of her cards on the table and leans into him for a kiss which Peeta gently steps back from. Putting a gentle hand on her shoulders to make his message unmistakable.
For her part, Delly doesn't seem upset. Disappointment shades her features but not any anger or sadness. It relieves him a bit, seeing she didn't take it too harshly. Even if there is no small amount of guilt pooling in his gut. Still, it was nice to see she wasn't terribly hurt. That was the last thing he wanted.
"Sorry. I just- I had to try. Only once, tell you before I moved on." Delly explains.
"No, no don't be. Delly if I could just feel the same way you do I would. If it were up to me, I promise you it'd be different. Please know you are amazing, alright? Don't let me not being able to get my head out of my rear end make you think otherwise." Peeta explains.
A smile is flashed at him, and they continue to walk through the path covered with the forests downed leaves. For a moment he thinks he couldn't get more lucky to have Delly as his closest friend. Peeta wishes it were as simple, as easy to forget he'd already given his heart away and to be with her instead. It isn't, and he has tried and tried hard to let himself fall into something with her. To pretend otherwise would be a lie. Delly deserved much, much better than that.
Katniss Everdeen did exist, and even though she had chosen Gale, he couldn't love anyone like he had loved her no matter how much he wanted to or tried. Despite truly trying in the last few weeks to let this time with Delly grow something it was fruitless. Peeta wished it was as easy as choosing her.
"Peeta, can I say one last thing? Then we can talk about anything you want, forget this ever happened?" She asks, and he nods. She meets her eyes with his. "Katniss…she's happy, Peeta. And I wish that you could be that way too. I know you are content, and at peace with how things are. But you've earned more than that, whether I'm involved or not. Just think about it, okay? Maybe start looking at the road ahead of you. Deciding what you want it to look like."
He can't stop himself. Peeta doesn't want to make these promises cause he doesn't feel confident in fulfilling them. But Peeta decides, he is trying. Reopening the bakery is the start even if doesn't feel as successful as he'd hoped. "I promise, Dells."
Inside he knows, as usual, she is right. Katniss, for the last few weeks as far as he understands, has been on an extended hunting trip with Gale, thoroughly enjoying herself and filled with life if the look she had while smiling as they packed their gear the morning they left was any indication. She's never been more where is meant to be. Somehow she'd scratched something pleasant for herself after it all. With that, it would be logical to make an effort to have something like that for himself.
Peeta was sure he wouldn't get that far. Though he's trying, Katniss could be confident in choosing what she wanted, or at least not be affected by his reaction. And that Delly wouldn't worry about him sulking himself to an early grave.
"Good!" Delly trills, loosely taking his arm. When he stays silent, she offers more chatting to continue and lighten the conversation. "Is this rumor about a new cinnamon roll recipe I am hearing about true? If so, I volunteer as a taste tester."
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jacethegaymer · 2 years
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Hello everyone!!! I got a big announcement
Me and @simmerprincess17 (Emily) are having a new Sims 2 Machinima series to come! Young Trio!
Welcome to 1984 Strangetown.
The series will focus on the 3 teens, Jace, Pascal and Buzz and their family life.
Although I must note;
This series will contain heavy subject matter such as abuse, mentions of abuse, and more. (But we will have a warning in each episode if they contain the heavy subject matter)
The title Young Trio comes from the title of Young Sheldon. (Which is a show set in the 1980s. Although this machinima and real life show isn’t reality in any way except for title.)
Now let’s see the families
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The Dell Family
Yes! From my early Strangetown series, The Dells are coming back!
After the war, Elliot decided to move back to his hometown, Strangetown. But will this effect the families life and will Jace get used to the new life that’s bound to come?
The mother, Lois grew up in the city of Belladonna Cove
So a small town boy and a city girl? Perfect.
They have 3 amazing kids,
Twins, Jace and Bob and the youngest, Susanne. Both are in high school (sophomore) and middle school. (8th grade)
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The Curious Family
The Curious Family doesn’t need an introduction, everyone knows who they are. But if y’all don’t well
The Curious Family are in Strangetown and the family is well.. strange, Curious, and interesting!
The Curious Family is very interest in science and aliens, but, will Glarns past come back and haunt him? How will Kitty react to this shocking information when the news is revealed?
The family consist of Kitty and Glarn Curious with their 4 kids. Jenny (in college in her senior year), Pascal (sophomore) Vidcund (freshmen) and Lazlo (7th grade)
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And finally
The Grunt family!
Like the Curious family, they don’t need an introduction but we are doing one!
The Grunt family are a family of generations and generations of military’s family members. But with the outcome of war and the affects after it, will it tear apart the Grunt Family or will things be even worse?
And that’s all! Wait..
Hold on. We got a envelope here.. what IS this?
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Oh yeah! It’s.. a Casting Call!!!!
Yes! We have casting calls open! More roles will be added later on but for now we got these roles in CCC!
The roles are
Elliot Dell
Lois Dell
Bob Dell
Susanne Dell
And principal Valerie Evans.
But.. we NEED a Elliot, Lois, Bob and Susanne now! We have to make the promo quickly. Anyways spread this around and get hyped up for a 80s adventure! (If you wanna audition, DM me for the link. It won’t let me paste it here)
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suckitsurveys · 27 days
Are you one of those lucky people to own a walk-in closet? Not in the apartment, no. but it’s sufficient enough. I had one in my bedroom at my dad’s that he had custom made for my sister when it was her room. It was HUGE and I never had enough stuff to fill it.
Is there a random object you own that has a huge personal significance? A lot of things. I am a sentimental person.
Do you use Google? Yes.
Would you like to go swimming right now? I’m always up for swimming.
Can you play electric guitar? Nope.
Do you have an HDTV? Yes.
When was the last time you drank something through a straw? A few minutes ago.
Have you ever tried to teach yourself a different language? No.
What do you think makes you unique from others? I don’t know.
How long was your last phone call? Just a few minutes.
Do you need to repaint your nails? Yes, they’re so chipped. I’m finally getting a mani tomorrow tho!
Has there ever been a horoscope that came true for you? Sure.
Are you a fan of industrial metal? Eh.
Are you one of those people who chew two pieces of gum, not one? I mean, if I find the piece too small, then yeah.
Do you have a wall calendar? I do. I have one at work and one in our kitchen.
Have you ever taken the pictures from a calendar and used them as posters? Yes, I have a couple from my old BoJack calendar.
Can you handle the cold? Yeah, for the most part.
Have you ever been to Canada? Yes, when I was too small to remember it.
Do you believe in superstitions? I’m just a little stitious.
When was the last time you took a taxi somewhere? I took a water taxi on the river to Chinatown and back a couple weeks ago .
Would you ever join the army, air force or navy? Nope.
How old is the person you last kissed? 39.
Is there a friend that you can always rely on to get you out of a jam? I mean, I don’t really get into “jams” that often and if I do I can usually get myself out of them.
What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve had to buy? I’m not sure. I don’t recall ever feeling embarrassed by any purchase I’ve made.
Have you ever tried to balance the light switch between off and on? Maybe when I was a kid.
Do you believe in ghosts / supernatural occurrences? Somewhat.
Have you ever mistaken a person’s gender? I'm sure it’s happened, but not where I’ve said it to their face.
What was the most expensive thing you’ve broken? My car.
Has anyone texted you yet today? Nope.
Did you stay calm during the whole swine flu scare? Yes, which is why I also didn’t initially freak out over Covid, because I thought it would be handled.
Is there a light on in the room you’re currently in? Yes.
Are your feet touching the floor? Yes.
Have you ever been in a car accident? Just a minor fender-bender.
Do you usually make back up plans? Not usually.
Can you focus well in high-stress situations? Sometimes. It depends on the situation.
Without the aid of mascara, do you have long eyelashes? Nope.
Is there a kind of music you listen to that helps you release your anger? I don’t really listen to music when I’m angry.
Are you one of those people who keep their feelings bottled up? Sometimes, around certain people.
Is one of your friends extremely odd but you love them regardless? I'm only friends with weirdos.
Is there anyone you dread going into public with? Yeah, my brother in law.
Are you a victim of writing run-on sentences? I do that on twitter sometimes just as like, a stream of consciousness.
Graffiti: an art or an act of vandalism? I have no issue with it at all.
Do you buy things online? Yes.
Are you easily frightened? Yeah.
Do you have a favorite model? Nah.
Have you ever watched Titanic? Yes.
What’s your current facebook display picture of? Me in the dells a couple weeks ago.
How about your IM display picture? I don’t really have an IM? I use Facebook messenger and twt and IG dms.
Is there anyone whose hair you envy? Not that I can think of.
Would you act in a movie if offered a role? Sure.
Does speaking in front of people make you nervous? Yeah.
Can you read in a moving vehicle or does it make you sick? I haven’t tried it in a while but it used to make me sick.
Have you ever dated someone who was extremely shy? My husband is shy, but I wouldn’t say “extremely.”
Or have you dated someone who took things too fast? Nah.
Does the idea of driving 220 mph sound exciting to you? Not that fast, no.
Everyone has a weakness, what’s yours? Food.
Do you or anyone you know have an account on Deviantart? I don’t.
Thoughts on the Dunkin Donut commercial that says “America runs on Dunkin’”? Whatever?
Do you bother buying movies on DVD anymore or do you just download them? I usually stream them.
Do you listen to Daughtry? No.
Do you get your eyebrows waxed? No.
How do you take your coffee? Iced with some sort of flavored creamer.
If you have a dog, what breed is it? -
Do you make up nicknames to refer to people you don’t like? Hah, I’ve done that.
Have you found someone who makes you unconditionally happy? Yes.
Do you have a friend who always seems to be dying their hair? I’m the friend that’s always dying their hair lol.
Would you swap names with a friend? Nah.
Do you plan on going to university? I already did.
Guys who wear muscle shirts, yes or no? I really don’t care.
Are you a fan of Carrie Underwood? I don’t hate her.
Do you make playlists on iTunes? I do on Spotify.
Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday? It’s possible but I am usually pretty good with birthdays.
Are you scared of being left behind? No?
Do you remember your last dream? Nope.
Do you know someone who is an obsessed Star Wars fan? Yes.
Is politics something you don’t care about? I care about them in general. I like to be informed and I vote and I am passionate about issues and such, but I DO NOT want to fucking discuss them with people, even people I agree with. It’s so draining and boring.
What’s a movie/tvshow/book/series that is way overrated? Super hero movies.
Do you think Barbie presents an unhealthy image to young girls? Not so much anymore.
Is there a pet that you desperately want? I’d love a dog some day but I could also live without ever having one.
Would you ever get your bellybutton pierced? Nope.
Are you musically talented? Nope.
Have you ever shot a gun? A bb gun.
Do you have a friend that always changes their mind last second? Eh.
Are you not afraid to voice your opinion? Depends on the situation. I’ve learned to shut up around certain people because it’s just not fucking worth it.
Are you one of those people who are always pushing their limits? Nope.
Is there a word that you will always find humorous? Probably, but I can’t think of any right now.
Do you frown upon immature people? Depends on the situation and their level of immaturity.
Have you ever slipped on ice and hurt yourself? Yup.
Do you try to have an intimidating impression? No.
Living in the big city or chilling in the country? I am used to the city but I wouldn’t mind a country setting.
Do you pity women in history who had to wear corsets? Yes.
No one seems to obey the legal drinking age, do they? I’m sure there are people that do.
Do you like your country’s flag? No.
Have you ever made a totally amazing snow fort? Yup! A couple winters ago I constructed one with my nieces and it was REALLY cool.
Do you use Bounty Paper Towels? We’re a Brawny tear-a-square family.
Are you the one usually behind the camera or the one in the picture? It depends, but usually behind.
If you get married, will you have a traditional wedding? We went to City Hall and then celebrated at a waterpark lol. Neither of us likes being the center of attention, so a traditional wedding was never on our minds. It also seems like a giant waste of money and a lot of unnecessary stress to me.
Do you feel your slowly losing one of your friends? No.
If you draw, what’s one thing you always have trouble with? I don’t draw.
Is there someone you know moving away any time soon? No.
Do you ever go on Tyra.com? Nope, never heard of it.
Allergic to anything? Some medication.
How many cars have you owned? Three. Might have to get a new one soon if they can’t fix my Escape.
What are you going to do after this? Work and maybe another one.
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*Tala giggles*
Not exactly what I meant, but he is a scientist to a certain degree, he's more aligned with Dell though, his focus is on electronics and robotics, but he is also trained in HVAC work. After the war and through the parasites, everyone is a bit eccentric, so I'd say yes but not abnormally so. And he does like birds but none of us own any pets just due to the conditions we currently live in. He's focused on feeding himself and his daughter through everything, a pet is just "a little more stress to worry about," his words, not mine.
Ludwig looks away & hums in thought, "What else could we have in common then..."
"Being cute?"
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