#follow answersfromtheshadows
To find the entire blog and up-to-date posts follow: https://www.tumblr.com/answersfromtheshadows
This is just the new main account I transferred answersfromtheshadows to so I could have it be its own entity.
This blog will not be updated often / at all in the future. For further information, please follow :
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answersfromzestual · 7 months
"what happens if your erectile device breaks, would you need to have surgery or not and what would be the recovery time"
This is not a dumb question at all! I did have to do some research on this one to give you most the correct information I could find.
My research found was mostly studies done on older CIS men with erectile function issues, but still had some useful in common stuff.
From what I've read the most common complication is leaking from the reservoir from damage or a fistula. This would require surgical intervention. From there I read that the most viable option would be to replace the pump.
This means surgery to fix it.
The implants are filled with salt water/saline solution, which isn't harmful to a majority of people. If it does leak, your body would just absorb it within a small period of time. But you should still seek medical attention right away after noticing a leak or any damage.
The recovery time can be from two to three weeks, depending on how badly/where the implant is damaged and what procedure they would have to perform to correct it.
Here are my sources that I mainly used for your question, friend:
I will email the clinic I speak with and let you and everyone else know what the surgerons and urologists have to say.
Stay tuned for that!
Thank you for the question,
Stay Golden ✌️ 💙 💜
-Ask from follower
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gayhenrycreel · 10 months
i would like everyone to know that @answersfromtheshadows is a fantastic blog and you should follow him
ive been wanting to learn about ftm surgery and this is the perfect blog for it. the information is correctly sourced and backed up by science. the things people say about phalloplasty are pretty awful and this blog was everything i needed to know that it is actually a safe procedure and is not as bad as people think. in fact i think i might get phalloplasty myself now that i know how it works. answersfromtheshadows deserves more followers, and is an amazing education blog
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answersfromzestual · 8 months
Rules of the Blog: PLEASE READ!
Be kind. Asks that are mean, cruel, hurtful, hateful, transphobic, homophobic, or anything hurtful about any other ideification of Trans or LGBTQAI+ (this includes any hate on transmascs/femmes/anything inbetween) are automatic block and report. I will not put up with anti transitioning propaganda. I will call it out. Depending on how rude you are, I will block you without warning.
If you have something to add to my post, make sure you post at least three legitimate sources with your fact or correction. Without doing so, I will ask you to remove your comment. If not, you will be blocked from access to this blog.
I do have autism, so if I do not understand your context, it is okay to tell me. I would prefer an ask.
Trans people can themselves be transphobic - there is no argument here, so if you pull that card, I'd put it back in the deck before you use it on me, this blog, or the followers... This is a blockable offense without any warning!
I have a busy life, so posting may not be daily or constant. I try to answer as quickly as possible.
I only use articles that are peer-reviewed, medical studies, medical journals, physician websites and interviews, or legitmate articles from reliable sources. I always provide information sources. I also draw from personal experiences.
Information from this blog is never shared, I keep this blog confidential. I do ask my wife her opinions on how and what to post about, but she does not have any access to this blog or its contents. Only I do.
Your identity will not be mocked by me or any user. This will lead to being blocked if a user does so.
Antisemitism or rasicm will not be tolerated and is an automatic block and report. Without warning.
I do not tolerate anyone sending non blog related asks and conversations. This is inappropriate in this environment
Just general guidelines:
I do not use the words: "fag", "faggot", queer", or "dyke"- Those words have deep wounds for me personally. I have a post that explains why. Please understand. I will not block or unfollow you for your identity, but just know that this is why I do not use those words. If you identify that way, I can't take away your identity, nor do I want to. You do you and be proud.
I am much older than many of you, I do not know all the terms and what they mean. I may ask you questions on what the words mean. This is not meant to be disrespectful by any means.
If I do make a mistake (spelling, usage of terminology, etc.). It is okay to send me an ask to let me know.
Remember to be safe on the internet. Not everyone has pure intentions, even on Tumblr. I strongly suggest you do your own research and come to your own conclusions as well as using my blog. My blog is just a resource tool to help you find information, I am not a surgeon or healthcare professional
When sending asks your username will not be posted without your expressed consent to do so.
No hate speech, no racism, no antisemitism/ antizionism, no bashing how people identify, no hurtful comments, be kind.
I'm proud of you, I'm glad you are here today and you should be too. ❤️ 💙 💜
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answersfromzestual · 1 year
I found this list of phalloplasty surgerons in the United States, it was written in 2021,
I looked up many of these doctors and I find many of them are very successful and have many happy clients. For up to date information if you google "best phalloplasty surgeons United States" and it comes up with a very accurate list (according to my research on the top 10 doctors on the list I saw yesterday)
Thank you to all the surgeons that do gender affirming surgery and help us become who we are.
Remember I am here to answer any asks (be nice)!!!
Also we have an email now
A confidential way to have a conversation or submit anything.
“Be who you are and may you be blessed in all that you are.”
(Since it is Shabbat for me and any Jewish followers, I found a great Bracha (blessing) for anyone who finds comfort in it.)
Stay golden ✌️💙💜
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answersfromzestual · 9 months
I am relocating this blog to its own dedicated tumblr.
I will try to transfer as much information as I can. After that is completed, I will be deleting this one. I am seeing if Tumblr staff has a solution for me.
Please follow @answersfromtheshadows-2
I will also be stealing this username so it will remain answersfromtheshadows to make it easier to find.
I appreciate you all being so patient. I am very appreciative of those who have been waiting for me to do this for almost a year.
Every single one of you
Stay Golden 💙🩷
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answersfromzestual · 1 year
And to my follower who messaged me, I am thankful I could be helpful. I appreciate all the kind words, I appreciate you taking a chance on clicking on this blog.
I am proud of you dude. You deserve to be happy with your body.
I hope you are able to have it in the near future.
I just want to thank you as well for making it all worth it. It's people like you I want to help.
Wishing you well friend!
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