#follow the fraud
commonsensecommentary · 6 months
I wonder what we would learn if we had a Covid-19 inquiry here in America? If the UK can do it, why can’t we? Is it possible that a lot of politicians, scientists, and pharmaceutical businesses would be exposed—and the whole scam would come tumbling down?
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clownsuu · 9 months
Hi hello, would you look at that, huh! Saw this lil fella on our backyard a dozen times already.. he looked lonely and it's getting cold here, so maybe I should take him in -
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You seem to know a thing or two about bugs and I never seen one like this! So I thought I could ask for advice, like is he the friendly kind at all?
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(Couldn't take much pictures cuz he kept wiggling around 😔😔)
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albus severus is the human embodiment of be gay do crime, in this essay I will-
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tango-but-everywhere · 5 months
Hello TangoTek nation, and welcome to the TangoTek skin tournament!
[Tournament over! Thank you for playing!!]
If I do things wrong keep in mind this is my first tournament I’ve organised ever so be niceys :]
Each round of voting will last a week!
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So if you don’t get that or if you need the alt text, here’s a more in-depth description:
Round 1 will be made up of a total of eight 1v1’s.
Round 2 will be four 1v1’s, based on the winners of round 1.
Round 3 is where it gets a little complicated; another four 1v1’s, this time with the winner of round 2 versus the predicted more popular skins.
Round 4 is the semifinals, two 1v1’s where the winners of round 3 go up against their respective opponents from each half of the bracket.
The finals will be the winners of round 4 against each other, and they’ll win bragging rights. We’re playing for funsies here.
On that note, this is a silly competition about a guy that we (presumably) all like. Keep it civil. We’re having fun. But you guys are pretty good you probably already know all that.
[The winners announcement]
[Bonus silly poll]
Propaganda, bribery and voter fraud all allowed and encouraged!
(yes I’m going to be voting myself ofc I am)
Tagging system - I encourage you to use it too because I want to see it all ^-^. And feel free to tag me I literally do not mind at all.
The tournament tag will be #TangoTekTournament - everything related to this tournament will be under that.
The tag for actual polls, the one and only tag that I ask that you don’t use yourself, will be #TheTangosAreFighting
Propaganda and bribery on this blog (because I’m gonna reblog everything I see, and posts all the asks and submissions) will be #TangoPropaganda (just to keep it all in one place - bribery is just another form of propaganda, really).
Other general stuff will be under #TangoTournamentTalk
Happy new year! Have fun voting!
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phynali · 4 months
no you don't have to create new emails thank god!! tumblr doesn't require you to verify the email before voting so you can literally type in whatever the hell you want (i've been picking random words with numbers and then just running up the numbers, for example shinysnake901, shinysnaky902, shinysnake903 etc etc) and you don't even have to use a real email service, you can literally type [email protected] (as long as there's a single letter before the .com!) copy and paste the same password or type gibberish and then pick a random birthday, rinse and repeat. it's super easy for me to do like 2-3 per minute!! any help would be super appreciated bc they definitely have multiple people frauding for the other side so it's hard enough to hold our lead, let alone inch sam/dean ahead :/ (and i totally agree with you about ruining the spirit of the thing ;-; the other side has been frauding for literally 36 hours almost STRAIGHT. that's like deranged behavior. way to spoil something that was supposed to be lighthearted and fun while also calling anyone who likes sam/dean woman haters :))) that makes me almost more annoyed than anything else -_-)
oh damn okay that's not as difficult as i thought! thank you!
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perianthkat · 9 months
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Vote for Luo Binghe in Hybrid Battle!
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refinedstorage · 9 days
The daily examples of people just literally copying other people's art and posting it without blinking RIGHT in the same circle they took the art from
How did you think that was gonna work out
I can't wrap my head around it
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
maybe. maybe I start writing again tonight. I feel like shit because it feels like all I ever do is hype myself up and say im gonna post things and then I dont. but maybe I can start again soon the brain fog has kinda cleared a little rn I gotta take this chance
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dosesofcommonsense · 2 months
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“Global warming”, “climate change”, “we’re going to destroy the world”, “the icebergs are melting”, “the seas are rising”, “the world will end if we don’t end man”. Sound familiar?
When you’re paying for science to find what you want it to find, someone will engineer the data to find what it’s paid to find.
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selamat-linting · 2 months
not punk saying he's uncomfortable over drew acting like a single white female... you literally did the same to jeff hardy until he quits his job!!!
(in storyline ofc. remember junk? remember punkhardy?? punk was constantly mocking jeff hardy's failures and rubbing it in, reminding him of his mistakes, doing things that should be sweet like appreciating his win but its all so passive aggressive and mean. there was even an injury angle. punk came out dressed as jeff hardy after he got suspended. you've dished it out for years now its your turn to take it lol)
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
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more chicks!! the top two are milkweed and wrath, the white one on the bottom is lyra!
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keeps-ache · 11 months
why am i sneezing so much oh stars oh misery oh my hVSH
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callisteios · 1 year
I ended up with "god of longing for connection", which is funny given my current situation (housing/attempting to get comics into animation etc) and I'm noticing that some others are getting deep sea god (when they're actually studying the deep ocean as their major) etc... so my q is, are you somehow an ancient greek oracle pointing things out using modern technology to see what the mortals do with this knowledge? (Also thanks for a fun quiz)
you're going to get a long answer for no other reason than I'm at work and I hate my job. sorry
like way to long. i am so sorry.
personality stuff
I'm going to say that first and foremost I am a massive skeptic when it comes to stuff like personality types, astrology etc. I think a lot of these things are people making very broad statements which many people identify with and become more convinced of their reality. a messy rabbit hole. I'm hardly the first to say this so lets move on
I also am a massive fan of personality quizzes (done well) and things like tarot ( i literally love doing tarot readings does anyone want a tarot reading). so not super well meshing opinions you may say?
however. i make them fit like this. I don't think all people can be split into 12 or 16 or whatever number of groups. I do think there are many shared human experiences and emotions. I know that most people taking my quiz are of a smiliar age and mostly western. This means we have even more shared experiences in this very global world.
I also know that from a lifetime of studying people and trying to understand their motivations (thank you autism (in case you couldn't tell)) I have got reasonably good at understanding various types of feelings and states people experience. and yes i suppose 'types' of people.
From this observation I have understood that (on top of us living in a very similar/global environment) we all (not all but basically all) go through the same emotions at some point during our lives.
From this experience and my understanding of our shared reality and feelings it is not exceptionally hard for me to then craft a quiz and retroactively apply the answers.
I'm going to give an example here because I feel my explanation has got incredibly rambly. Uh spoilers for my god quiz
Let's look at this result: the sky and the earth (because it's one of my favourites)
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the first thing i'd say about this is that it's literally based on one of my favourite songs of all time. written while the author was in a mental instition no less (stream dory previn). so i am hardly the first to identify this 'type'.
When i look at this result and am assigning answers for it, several things about it stick out to me. Its main focus is the in between feeling, the longing for more spirtuality but also a desire for the physical and real. while at the same time feeling as if those are very confliced desires. there's obviously more to it but i can only hold so much info in my brain.
i think this is a state many in modern society will experience as we live in such a new and confusing and separate world. i am exposed to more of the world every day, and yet i feel as if i understand it less. the opportunities for me to truly experience the natrual are few and far between. i want to crawl around upon the earth. i want to see the stars and be enlightened.
knowing this i will say
does someone who is sky and earth want to be a god?
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(this was the hardest question for literally every type btw.) here i'd say yes. because only something divine can be two opposing concepts surely. surely to know the sky and earth is an impossible goal for a mortal.
ok moving on (im not doing this for every quesion, don't worry, just a couple more to hammer home the point)
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this one was harder. i was torn between fruit, dedicated to one issue, and drowning. I think all fit but went for dedicated in the end
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for this one i knew i was using a picture of an iguana and i thought iguanas come from deserts so i chose desert. they're not all hits
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this one was so easy. to me the confluence of rivers, bringing together something that's normally apart. that felt like the duality of sky and earth to me.
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basically the exact same thing as above with mutilation.
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i chose the painting of the building surrounded by people. i felt like this building crushed between the sky and the earth, looked upon by passers by, felt like a monument to the dichotomy. when i am feeling sky and earth i feel like the building, i cannot move or touch or really experience. i am just stationary watching it all move around me
So you see. I have identified here an emotion which i felt, which i have witnessed others feeling. i have identified the likely responses i believe a person in this state would give and i hope for the best.
OKay you definitely get the point bt now. but i am nowhere near done, i mentioned tarot earlier. there was a reason for this beyond me wanting to do more tarot readings.
I think even though im good, i am really not that good. one thing i have noted over doing many tarot readings is that often the subject needs incredibly little input from the reader. oh, they may need your help guiding them towards the symbolism on the card, but once they've got that they launch into an explanation of how this answers their question.
Because I Always make sure they ask a clear question. this to me is the most important part of any kind of reading or quiz. you want the person to think about this themselves and then perhaps help them to the conclusion. once they're at the results screen/have a card they already have some idea in mind. it doesn't matter if they were expecting something a bit different, this is just a vehicle for their own self truth anyway.
ok im done.
i am a god
woah woah woah. im not done though. you're talking to a classicist so ive GOT to address the oracle comment. my favourite oracle of delphi theory is that the oracle's chamber sat above some kind of natural gas deposit, this gas was possibly hallucinatory. The oracles would get high and then deliver prophesies. I believe that if you combined my observation with powerful drugs I could come up with prophesies like "if your empire goes to war with another empire a great empire will fall ;)". Therefore, yes i am. and i'm taking requests ;)
tldr? uh. i take very universal feelings, use some skill to present those to people most likely to identify with them, they do a bunch of the work
/tldr i am a divine prophet and would like my place at a nice temple and access to good drugs asap
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sleevebuscemii · 8 months
winning by .01%…stevebuckies grab your old 1940s uniform from the smithsonian so you can fight ur best friend in it in hopes that seeing it will trigger his memory and remind him that you love each other 🙄
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2-wuv · 2 months
what if i rebooted skills bracket........ hmmmmm........................ would any1 be interested.........
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flystill · 21 days
how i feel talking to my python student:
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the code i'm explaining:
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