#font addiction strikes again
bishtheiress-kb · 2 years
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Chapter 1
Words: 500+
Original, do not steal ♥️
A beverage so beautiful, it's like an otherworldly elixir. To some it may be a strong dram from beans, a divine nectar so refreshing, pleasing and soul-healing to others.
Coffee. ☕
A hot drink made from the roasted and ground seeds (coffee beans) of a tropical shrub.
(First person pov)
My favourite thing about mornings like these. Hectic, bustling, lively even; Monday mornings. I had fallen in love with coffee ever since I had it for the first time. And ever since I found out one could make a living out of drinking, sharing and making coffee.... I knew I had found my purpose in life.
(Third person pov)
The shopkeeper's doorbell chimed. And in walked a brunette with flowing long wavy hair tied up in a loose, sleek ponytail. It was misty outside, the air of dawn time was cold and bleak, especially since it was the beginning of a new week, a new day.
Keeping her bags on the chair behind the counter, she proceeds to tighten her ponytail. Stretching and popping her knuckles, she sighs. It's gonna be a long morning. The best part of her day, is coffee. Her mornings started with with a strong one. Soon, it found its way into her routine, and to say the least, it had become a habit, a healthy addiction.
Turning on and scrolling through her phone, she brewed herself a cup of fresh coffee. The aroma of the beverage fills the room as the clock strikes six. It was time for work. The brunette flipped the craftsman's door sign.
Her ocean eyes scan outside the window panes, looking for possible customers. She has a pair of pretty blue eyes which shine with hope, love and contentment. They're bright, like a diamond ever so refractive, in a cave full of coal, dark and dull.
Blinking as she glances at the clock once again, going back inside to prepare for the day. She has great focus on what she does. Eyes so attentive and hands so skillful. It's like she has been doing this for years, her impressive actions amaze crowds. She must be a professional in her trade, a master dare I say.
In came the first patron of the day and she became busy attending to more as they arrived; sleepy, tired and restless all for one thing. Coffee. Her shop is not that popular, being built in a corner of the town. Nevertheless, more and more people come in. Usually regulars who trust her proficiency so much, they are willing to let her brew the first step of their day.
Laden with artificial flowers, with a vintage, academia vibe, the beautiful shop of hers is homey, comfortable and welcoming.Inside is a counter, tables and a mini library, woven chairs for outdoor seating and a dreamcatcher. Above all, a signboard, with a beautiful font.
It read, Sunrise Brews ✨
Followed by a name, the talented barista and owner of this humble establishment, of course.
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thatsmylog · 2 years
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thetypedwriter · 4 years
Imaginary Friend Book Review
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Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky Book Review 
This is undoubtedly the weirdest book I have ever read. 
You might be thinking… but, thetypedwriter you read fanfiction! This can’t be the weirdest thing you’ve ever read! Things like ABO universes exist!
You would think that, wouldn’t you?
But no. 
I shall endeavor to give you a spoiler free synopsis of the book first followed by my thoughts and criticism, but note that this is an endeavor for a reason. I have now explained this novel in depth to two different people, and both times I have found myself completely and irrevocably stuck on how to even begin, let alone end. 
With that forewarning, here we go. 
The novel surrounds a single mother and her young son moving to a small Pennsylvania town in order to escape the tragedies of their past that include the passing of her husband and her current abusive boyfriend. 
However, while things in their new home start out well-they find solutions to unemployment, poverty, the son’s dyslexia, etc, things start to go awry when Christopher, the son, is lured into the Mission Street Woods at the edge of town by a voice only he seems to be able to hear. 
As Christopher continues to listen to the voice in the form of a cloud, or a plastic bag, or even inside of his mind, he starts recruiting his friends to build a treehouse in the woods that will transport him to a different time and place. The voice, lovingly called the Nice Man, instructs him to finish the tree house by Christmas Day. 
Or else everyone will die. 
As Christopher struggles with newfound powers and responsibilities, coping with two different worlds, his mother struggles with her son’s sanity, the town struggles with anger, blame, and temptation, and what follows is the chaotic descent of a small town into the throes of good versus evil, love and loss, and most importantly, trying to differentiate what is real versus what is imaginary. 
In the simplest terms possible (a facetious statement if there ever was one), I thought this was going to be a thriller mystery book about a single mother and her young seven-year-old son Christopher leaving their home and her abhorrent abusive boyfriend in order to start a new life with hope and potential. 
And it….is? 
But it doesn’t stop there. Chbosky crams so many genres, themes, motifs, and messages into this book that when you think about it, it’s unsurprising that it’s over 700 pages long with the tiniest, most miniscule font I have ever had to squint at. 
However, make no mistakes like I did, this book is horror. 
Yup. You read that right folks, horror. 
To preface, and I might have mentioned this in another post for another book at some point, but I vehemently dislike horror of any kind. This extends to books, movies, shows, etc. 
I understand that horror is a great joy and pleasure for a vast amount of people and that it contains its own literary merit, tropes, and rules, and I can appreciate that for what it is from afar, but I personally take very little enjoyment from consuming anything horror related (I apologize to all the Stephen King fans out there in the world). 
I did not fully realize the extent to which this book was a true horror. 
This is entirely my own fault. I was very much blinded by the rosy colored glasses from college when I first read The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Chbosky’s first and only other novel. 
Perks is wonderful. It is a tragic, yet fundamentally hopeful and loving bildungsroman that shows the beauty and the pain of growing up and accepting yourself. The movie with Emma Watson is what dreams are made of. 
I committed author fraud when I picked up Imaginary Friend based on the pure speculation that I would most likely like it since he had written Perks, a book I adored as both a reader and a teacher. 
I’ve warned readers against this in the past, but it seems like I should have taken my own advice: just because an author has written one good book or one book you like, does not automatically mean you will like their second book, or any of their other books for that matter. 
This cannot possibly ring more true for Stephen Chbosky, as not only are his two books completely different in narrative and structure, but also vastly different in genre and purpose. 
I should have stuck with my gut and realized that I probably wouldn’t like this book based off the synopsis, the genre, and yes, even the cover (it looks scary to me, okay?), but I said noooooo, it’s Chbosky, you have to read it!
And this is where we ended up. 
First of all, I didn’t hate the book. 
I can recognize that it is extremely well written, well crafted, and well developed. I can enjoy a slew of characters, and oh boy are there a multitude to pick from, and I can give credit where credit is due. 
Chbosky is a talented writer. There is no doubt in my mind about this. The way he crafts words, the way he plays with texture and space, and with fonts and sizes, is nothing less of sheer brilliance. 
He undoubtedly is also masterful at motifs, foreshadowing, and symbolism. Notably, there were so many recurring objects, colors, metaphors, and so on that were sprinkled out so consecutively and intentionally throughout the novel-some I didn’t even pick up until the end-that I was left reeling from how immensely talented and brilliant he is. 
Things like his use of baby teeth, blue moon, and fogs/clouds/mist struck me in particular. I know this seems like gibberish, but Chbosky truly came across as understanding what he wanted to portray and how he wanted to deliver it. 
However, the biggest compliment I can give to Chbosky is the sheer magnitude of his imagination and creativity. This book almost overwhelmed me through the use of ideas and concepts I had never really thought of before. 
Alternate dimensions? Check. 
Supernatural powers? Check. 
Incredible use of diction and figurative language? Check and check. 
Chbosky had so many wild and tantalizing beautiful turns of phrases, expressions, and descriptions that it left me with the same sort of gasping epiphany that Maggie Steifvater’s writing always leaves me with, the feelings that writing can be so utterly beautiful and compelling, that it can be all-consuming as well as never ending with its potential to stun, to create, and to warp to unique needs and purposes. 
It definitely was a reading experience quite like any other I’ve had. 
Be that because of the horror genre or because of Chbosky’s odd, yet addicting writing style and this has definitely become a book that left me more than a bit dumbfounded. Although I’ve sung its praises and admitted to my own faults at this point, this book isn’t without flaws. 
To me the horror genre itself is just not my cup of tea like I’ve stated. Strike number one. 
Second, the book was...abysmally long. Atrociously long. As I’ve also said before, I do not mind large books. In fact, big books when you’re reading something you love is a true blessing. Finding that fanfiction at 3am that hooks you immediately and you look up to see its 300k? Amazing. 
Starting a new book series that you fall in love with body and soul and realize you have several installments left in the series to gorge and devour? Ecstasy. 
Sloughing through a single book that starts to drag on and on repetitiously for what seems like forever? Borderline hell. 
This book could have been 300 pages shorter and still contained everything Chbosky wanted to accomplish. It could have had the same brilliant writing, messages, and motifs, but without all of the never-ending back and forth between worlds and battles that just kept popping up time and time again. The abominable length considering its content is strike two. 
Last, the ending was a bit of a cluster. At this point in the novel, so much is going on, you are being exposed to so many pov’s that it’s almost stress-inducing, and events taking place are cataclysmic and 10/10 on drama. Chbosky bit off more than he could chew here. 
The book choked itself at the end, which, after reading for 700 pages is not the feeling you want to have. The ending left me befuddled, disappointed, and also bereft of a conclusive end and explanation for the shitstorm that had just rained down. It was not the ending I wanted, could understand, or could even really grasp. Strike three. 
This book has a plethora of merits followed by three enormous criticisms. If you like horror, then you’ve already crossed hurdle number one. If you can accept it’s repellant length (let alone have days upon days of free time to actually ingest said behemoth) then that’s hurdle number two. 
Hurdle three is up to you. Perhaps you would like the ending where as I found it lacking in structure, content, and answers. I like my endings tied up with neat little bows. I don’t like to be left thinking...hmmmm what does this mean? 
If I am going to read your massive book, I deserve an ending that satisfies the journey. Authors telling readers that it’s up for interpretation makes me want to strangle something. It comes across as enormously pretentious to me and oftentimes lazy. 
In the case of Chbosky, I think he had given himself so many loose threads that the neat little bow I desired was next to impossible. 
So he didn’t even try. 
Score: 6/10
Recommendation: If you love The Shining, are lacking bouts of creativity and imagination, have lots of free time during Quarantine, and don’t mind having an Inception-esque ending where you might not get all the answers you want, while being tasked with concocting it for yourself, Imaginary Friend might be your new best friend. 
Bonus: Here’s a pic of my kitty photo bombing this book shoot. Hope she brightens your day!
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 29 S4: Joey Wheeler, Dead Again
It took me kind of a while to get around to recapping again, been some drama on this end due to a couple natural disasters all happening in conjunction with eachother, but thankfully we are back in the green (sort of) there’s still wildfire smoke out my window but at least...at least the fires aren’t getting any bigger.
And it’s a shame we didn’t get to it sooner, because this episode has so many wild things in it, I don’t even know where to start. There was a lot of dueling, so I didn’t have to cap a whole lot...but even within such few caps, there’s some stuff to talk about. Like first off, the Kaiba’s inability to walk five feet without getting attacked by someone.
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Seto still winning Brother of the year award even after nearly shooting his bro with real ass lightning. Because remember, this lightning is 100% real. None of these are holograms.
And by the way, a “hologram” just grabbed Mokuba with real ass hands and Seto was like “Clearly still a hologram!” Because that is how deep his denial runs.
Anyways, this is where the Kaibas will be until the remainder of this episode, so we’ll just leave them where they are.
(read more under the cut)
Back at the duel between Mai and Joey, we’re slowly working out what it is the Orichalcos even does.
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We have had very little indication you can break the Oricalchos control on people’s minds up to this duel, but because Joey showed heart and bravery or whatever--he’s been slowly chipping away at Mai’s crusty, neon green, outer shell.
(I had a littttle bit of a hunger for some Taco Bell Baja Blast, not gonna lie. A little bit tempted because of that weird color. And now that I’ve eaten popcorn, I am 80% itching to drive to Taco Bell and make some mistakes. But I won’t.)
Comparing this to Pharaoh and Kaiba and their Oricalchos duels (even Rex and Weevil’s) it kind of makes you wonder why this never happened.......to anyone else? I mean, obviously it’s plot reasons, but it would have been a little neat to have some character development for the other villains.
But this unnecessary duel to the death between Joey and Mai spends most of the time screaming about how deep and real their love friendship is. Just a whooole bunch of aggressive friendzoning for the lady who just aggressively hates everyone.
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(Haven’t seen much of Yugioh Abridged because it’s spoiler territory but everyone who retweets Joey stuff puts “Brooklyn Rage” in there so I have learned the lingo through osmosis.)
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So because, someone’s absolutely going to die, lets start going through all of the flashbacks to remind the audience to feel something when they biff it. Lets recite the times we all spent with Mai.
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Remember how they brushed Mai under the rug for 3 seasons, and now that they actually need her, they’re shooting themselves in the foot because there’s actually very little evidence that they like eachother at all?
But they do show those few times they hung out: the camping trip where they almost got burned alive by PaniK, that time that Joey caught her smelling her own cards, that time that Yugi had a panic attack because he was convinced Pharaoh would murder her during a card game, that time that she almost got hit by a fireball and then Joey jumped in front of her.
PS, that fireball scene--they keep going back to that fireball scene but they cut out the part where, yes, Joey jumped in front of her--but then Yugi jumped in front of Joey, and then Yami took over and was like EFF YUGI DAMN IT while he got pegged with fireballs. Like...c’mon, Yugioh, there was a lot of fanservice in that particular episode, and you’re leaving out a majority of the ships.
Partial truth, Yugioh--you’re telling partial truths. If we’re saying friendzoning is a good replacement for some sort of romance, then this show is just a giant geometric shape of “who might possibly like who if they weren’t so addicted to friendship.” This show has “friendship” as the underlying tagline of every episode with every person.
In the process of removing romance--they accidentally made SO MUCH MORE romantic implications in this show. I just feel like this backfired in so many ways. Or...maybe this was exactly what they wanted. And by “they” I mean that one writer who stans Seto Kaiba in the back--just sitting there in the corner of the writer’s room tapping his fingers together and cackling like an evil villain. He knows what he did. Genius mastermind, slipping in his favorite ships by making every ship Yugioh-legal.
And, also the Joey/Mai duel was a lot of this type of questionable content:
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Joey Freakin Wheeler.
So I forgot if I mentioned this, but my bro had this friend in college who go struck by lightning not once, but multiple times in his life. He lived in like Virginia or North Carolina--one of the monsoon States, and he’d go on this hike to the top of this mountain--and on two different occasions at the same spot, he got stuck by freakin lightning. So like...Joey Wheelers do exist. There are people out there who just...
They’re just lightning rods wherever they go and their brain is somewhat scrambled eggs because of it.
(PS fun fact I googled just now because I couldn’t remember which state Virginia was, a Virginian by the name of Roy Sullivan was supposedly struck by lightning 7 different times and survived all of them. The more you know. ((PS still on the Google deep dive and the same guy also claimed to have been attacked by a bear 22 times (he’s a park ranger, so that checks) and once he was attacked by a bear immediately after he got struck by lightning which is like some pretty pro strats by said bear.)))
But like...kinda weird that Joey’s now kinda into this, and got super into it during a lovers friendship quarrel.
Anyway, all things come to an end, so Mai decides after enough cards have been played and Joey is clearly about to die...maybe it’s time to just accept not being 1st in the world in cards. Which...would have meant she should have been playing Yugi during this duel but, wtv. She clearly wants to be mad at Joey, specifically.
And I think the show didn’t do such a good job explaining why she was focused on Joey and not any of the other duelists until the very end, but we’ll get there. We’ll finally get to an explanation of why she was so fixated on Wheeler, we just have to wait for him to die first.
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Because after the lightning strikes, and after putting so much effort into punching Valon right before this...Joey is too sleepy to continue.
So he’s just gonna die here instead...
2nd time he’s passed out in a duel by the way. Remember that Joey almost beat Marik, but was too damn sleepy after the electrocution? Same situation here. Look at that parallel.
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Reminder that Joey STARTED this duel.
It’s like when you’re playing a game with a toddler and then it just passes out halfway and without any warning with it’s face just flat into the carpet.
Anyway, Mai grabs him in her arms sobbing all over him like she just did with Valon and it’s like...damn, this girl can just turn it off and on huh? Like she’s only 100% or -100% when it comes to the relationship meter, huh? No in between?
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Mmmm cue that irony that Yugioh loves so much, this entire duel was unnecessary, because all you had to do was yoink that necklace.
Really the solution to dealing with a lot of assholes in Yugioh, to be honest.
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This really is what Seto says in the show, by the way--a glitch. I like that Seto does not accept that dragons can feel sadness, and is just ITCHING to patch that out in the next release of duel monsters. I imagine that he’ll make a meeting once this is all over with his code team and at the top of the list will be the demand “Make The Dragons Stop Crying.” triple underlined, bold, and in bright red font. The entire code team will side eye eachother, unsure if this is a literal bug or something that Seto just hears all the time but no one else can hear.
So back at the Joey death fort, Mai decides to finally illustrate with words why she had to go so hard on killing Joey wheeler.
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It was because she saw his kindness and his help as a weakness and a failure on her part. Mai, who always wants to be independent and in charge, could not accept that someone else had saved her or would want to save her. Which was apparently why she decided to peace out back at the end of the Marik arc.
It’s a bit of a complicated character for a kid’s show, I’m not sure how many kids understood the pride situation here, but it’s nice they stuck in something that wasn’t just “I want to be the best.” It was more that she didn’t want to be helped in order to become the best.
(PS, there’s this flashback scene where Joey’s like “bye” as she drives away and it was unintentionally a very awkward and funny cut and I may grab that little quip. I have to cap a couple of animations, tbh, I haven’t done that in a while)
So, now that she is fully recovered, she decides to complete the parallel of when Joey saved her in a death coma and now she will do the same (although it is SLIGHTLY different since in this version she kind of absolutely killed Joey Wheeler but...still works). She decides to do the job these stupid boys have not been able to do for the entirety of this season.
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(these boots are REALLY well drawn, by the way. OBSESSED with Mai’s boots.)
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If only she swooped up Pharaoh and just stuck him on the back of her bike to get this final fight going.
But Pharaoh’s too busy getting lost in San Francisco, and stumbling upon Joey’s dead body.
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That this is the season where Yami can do nothing right and it just keeps happening.
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No idea how we’re going to resurrect Joey in so short a period of time, but we’re completely out of spooky necklaces, so I guess we can’t do the Pharaoh solution to just...stick him back in there.
Anyways, I’m off to recover from the trauma of my house burning down last week, so I’m gonna go eat a pint of ice cream while I dream of a life before quarantine (was there a time before quarantine? I honestly don’t remember)
If you just got here this is a link to these in chrono order.
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imagine-mr-markus · 4 years
Birthday Candles
I had to write sumn for my fave Dad on his birthday, but i got a teeeensy bit distracted watching Hellbenders so its a leedol late, sorry! But yes, here we have some tasty tasty fluff of my boys in honour of The Birthday. And not an all an apology for the fact that the next two I’m working on are just Angst of my Cyberlife Boys, absolutely not
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Hank Anderson, at the ripe age of 53 and 364 days, fucking hated birthdays. Hated the smell of cake and frosting and the cheerful wishes of others. What he hated most about them, however, was the birthday candles. The smell of them, the sight of them, even the fucking mention of them was enough to sour his mood beyond recognition, no matter how good it had been before. It hadn't always been like that; in fact, it had only been like that for two years and three hundred and twenty-nine days. Twenty-five thousand, four hundred and sixteen hours. One million, five hundred and twenty-four thousand, nine hundred and sixty seconds. The calculations flash irritatingly behind his eyes like they always have, and he shakes his head as his mood dips. He knows exactly why he hates those brightly coloured little sticks of wax so vehemently.
 They'd been Cole’s favourite.
 It had been a kinda stupid tradition his own mother had started when he was a kid to wake him up at exactly midnight on his birthday with a cake. There would always be another cake later, one for the party and the guests, but at midnight, when the world was quiet and the lights were out, it was just for the two of them to sit and eat a slice after he'd eagerly blown out the candles. Melissa had thought it was the cutest shit to grace this earth and had insisted on carrying on the tradition after they started dating, and he could easily admit that it was appreciated. It'd been part of what kept them together in the long stretch of time when they'd nearly fallen apart after pregnancy test after pregnancy test came back negative. But no matter how bad the fight, every birthday was ushered in with birthday candles and cake at midnight. It had only gotten better after Cole was born, the joy of the new baby and their much firmer foundation on marriage making for a much more relaxed morning. As soon as Cole had seen birthday candles, he’d been enraptured in the way only a child could be, and the new tradition that Cole always helped blow out the candles was born. For a solid portion of his life, Hank’s favourite smell in the world was the smell of the sweet smoke from the vibrant little pillars of wax.
 But not anymore. Not for one thousand and fifty-nine days.
 In the time Connor had been living with him, two hundred and ninety-eight days, his brain helpfully supplies, he's gotten much better at dealing with problems without the use of alcohol. In fact, he hasn't had anything stronger than a beer in months. But tonight, tonight the bar looks more tempting than he'd ever care to admit. He tilts his head slightly as he eyes his keys, fingers itching to make a break for it before Connor gets home. He could do it. Could grab his keys and be out the door. Connor would be disappointed, but he'd understand. Connor was good like that. He could-
The sound of the door startles him out of his reverie, the excited tapping of big paws on the floor following soon after.
 “We're home!”
 Hank turns away from his keys abruptly, mustering a smile as he looks towards the Android stood in the doorway.
 “Hey, Connor. How was your walk?”
 The kid offers him a smile before he bends to undo Sumo’s leash.
 “It was good! It's getting chilly out, but the leaves are starting to change! I like the orange ones best.”
 Some of Hank’s misery eases at Connor’s easy enthusiasm, and his smile is more genuine.
 “That's good. I like the orange ones too.”
 He pauses a moment to gather himself, mentally flipping the bird at his cravings for booze before continuing.
 “So, whaddaya want for dinner?”
 Connor doesn't need to eat, but after the revolution Kamski whipped up some fancy ass robotics that allows him to if he wants. It's nice to sit and eat with somebody again, even if the kid is way too addicted to coffee now that he can taste it. Connor tilts his head as he moves towards the kitchen, an easy grin pulling at his mouth.
 “Can we get Chinese?”
 Hank shakes his head fondly at the kid. Another one of his favourites was Chinese takeaway, and they'd eaten it with fair regularity. Although, Hank is kinda grateful. The kid’s been trying to learn to cook, but his skills aren't…. incredibly tasty as he insists on doing it ‘the human way’. The familiarity of it all helps ease the weight on his lungs, helps pull some of the itch from his fingertips.
 “Yeah, Con. We can get Chinese.”
 “Hank, wake up!”
 His eyes snap open at the sound of Connor’s voice, hand going for his gun as he searches for what made the kid wake him.
 “What is it? What's wrong?”
 “Nothing. Happy birthday!”
 He looks at Connor properly, taking in the sight of the kid grinning at him excitedly from beside his bed. He's dressed in Hank’s old clothes, a hoodie too big even for him swallowing the Android whole and pair of ratty flannel pants from Hank’s much younger days hanging off his frame. He's got flour down his front and a streak of bright blue frosting on his forehead, LED shining a bright, contented blue at his temple as his eyes sparkle with excitement in a warm, flickering light. And before he even looks down at what he's holding, Hank knows it's cake adorned with candles. He can smell it, the sugary sweetness clinging to the back of his throat and the scent of melting wax in his nose. A sharp pang of something ugly strikes at his chest, a deep hurt pulsing behind his ribs and a flare of an irrational fury between his lungs. He can feel his face twist with it, and he sees Connor’s expression fall as his LED spins yellow.
 “Did…. did I do something wrong? I thought this is what family did on birthdays.”
 The kid looks heartbroken at the thought that he fucked up, doe eyes falling to look at the cake as his mouth turns down like he's about to cry. The expression pulls at that softness in him he had kept buried for so long, the gentle instinct to comfort and console. It was an instinct he'd always had; part of the reason people had been surprised he'd taken the promotions from beat cop upwards when he was one of the few cops who could handle kids well. It was where he'd gotten the idea for kids of his own, and that feeling had only grown exponentially once he did have a kid. Melissa had been a great mother, but it had always been Hank who would roll out of bed whenever Cole cried in the night, and Cole had very clearly been Daddy’s Boy. Melissa used to joke that if they ever had another she had dibs, but the fact remains that Hank has always been better with kids because he's a fucking bleeding heart who can never turn down a crying child. And he may logically know that Connor is not a child, but that doesn't change the fact that with his lower lip stuck out slightly and his big brown eyes ready to fill with tears at any moment and drowning in clothes too big for him, he sure as hell looks like a little boy that's been scolded. And that sets off that tender heart of his hard enough he grimaces before what Melissa used to call the “Dad Spirit” switches on. His tone gentles out of reflex, and he adjusts himself on the bed to sit up properly as he sighs slightly. He softens his shoulders, looking at Connor earnestly with forgiveness and apology in his gaze.
 “No, Connor, you didn't do anything wrong. I was upset, but not at you, alright?”
 Connor blinks up at him hopefully.
 Hank can't help the little curl of his mouth at Connor’s question, nodding a little. He's bracing himself for what comes next, but for just a second, it's alright.
 “Really, kid. Now c’mere, lemme see it.”
 As quick as it had gone, that unbridled excitement is shining out of the kid’s every goddamn pore as he eagerly presents the cake. Finally, Hank forced himself to look at it, and he nearly loses his goddamn mind right then and there. It's ugly, there's no getting around it, but endearingly so in that way that screams of love poured into the batter. The cake is uneven and lopsided, and smothered liberally in baby blue frosting. There are candles neatly sunk into it, and Hank knows without a doubt there are fifty-four of them arranged precisely in concentric circles. And there, in the middle, spelled out in neat lettering that he can recognise as Connor’s own personal font (though the frosting is wobbly and has been badly fixed) are the words “Happy Birthday, Dad!”. A shaky smiley face has been added beneath, and its obscenely cute. There's suddenly something in Hank’s throat. Connor has never called him Dad before, and it makes his own mouth wobble treacherously. He coughs a little before speaking, ignoring how thick his voice is.
 “You make this yourself? I thought you didn't have any cooking protocols.”
 Connor looks almost ridiculously proud of himself as he nods excitedly
 “I did! I was tempted to download necessary coding, but I wanted to do it like a human, so I followed the recipe in the cookbook above the refrigerator! This one was labelled as your favourite!”
 His mother’s cookbook. He hadn't touched it in years, and the only time Melissa had ever gone near it was for that specific recipe. The last time he'd used it, he'd been making Cole’s cake. Connor had found it, he'd made him his mother’s birthday cake, and Hank isn't crying, he isn't goddamnit-
 “Hank? Are you alright?”
 He clears his throat again and scrubs a hand over his face to wipe away any damning evidence.
 “Yeah, Con. I'm alright, just got something in my eyes. C’mon, the candles are starting to drip onto the cake.”
 He crosses his legs so there's room on the bed, and Connor moves easily to perch in front of him. It takes a second of him considering his own legs with a yellow LED before he crosses them like Hank’s, a pleased little grin turning his mouth. You wouldn't know it if you only saw him at work, but the kid was gangly and faintly awkward when it came to anything related to sitting. It had taken months for Hank to break his habit of sitting ramrod straight with his knees together and hands on his thighs. Now the kid would sprawl all over the couch, but he was still like a pubescent boy learning how to use his own limbs and how to arrange them, almost like a fawn learning to walk. It shouldn't have been as adorable as it was, but Hank has given up on trying to deny how fond he is of the kid. He shakes his head as Connor sets the cake down on the bedspread, and he stares at the cake for a long moment with a strange mixture of joy and grief and fondness and sadness in his chest like a bruise. He lets out a slow breath and looks up at Connor with a smile.
 “Well? Are you gonna sing to me or not?”
 Connor brightens and nods, but a brief show of yellow spins at his temple before he turns his head.
 “Sumo! Come here!”
 There’s a quiet boof from the living room before big paws thud towards the room, and the shaggy dog trots into the room to sit beside Connor expectantly. The kid gives the dog a fond pat before turning back towards Hank. His smile widens as he takes a deep breath, something he doesn't technically need, before he starts to sing, and Sumo awoos quietly with him in an odd harmony.
 “Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear da-ad
Happy birthday to you!”
 Ok, Hank is crying. He’ll admit it. It's one thing to see it written out in the cake, it's another to actually hear Connor call him Dad. And while it's not a surprise, he's thought of Connor as family for a while now, it brings a painful lump to his throat and a feeling filling his chest to hear someone refer to him as Dad and mean it. It's a feeling he hasn't had in one thousand and sixty days, and he had missed it dearly. He scrubs at his eyes again, sniffling a little.
 “C'mere, kid. Help me blow out the candles.”
 Connor gives him a brilliant grin and scrambles to sit next to him, carefully manoeuvring around the cake. He picks it up to settle it on their knees, Hank’s right knee supporting the left side of the plate and Connor’s left supporting the right.
 “Ready, kid?”
 “Ready, dad!”
 That feeling clogs his throat again for a second before he offers Connor a nod. He bends closer to the cake, and Connor follows suit as they inhale. He blows out a good chunk of them, and Connor catches the rest with ease before laughing a little. It's not exactly a new sound, but Hank feels downright fucking blessed to hear it if he's honest with himself. Connor doesn't laugh too often, not outside the house, and it still feels special to hear the kid be so human. He's still fucking crying, but they’re good tears. Cathartic is the word, he thinks. A fork is offered to him, and he takes it gratefully. The hurt weighing on him hasn't gone away, he doesn’t think it ever will, but it's shifted, moved some, become lighter, and he rolls his shoulders back slightly as he sits up a little straighter. He's moving to take a bit of the cake when Connor gasps beside him, and he turns with a raised eyebrow.
 “What is it?”
 “I almost forgot!”
 The kid plunges his hand into his pocket, pulling out a very familiar, very worn old Polaroid camera. Hank blinks at it, taken aback. He hadn't known he'd still had that around the house.
 “The fuck you find that thing?”
 Connor beams at him.
 “In the boxes in the garage, along with the photo albums! They were shoved in the back, but I found them while I was cleaning over the summer. It's where I got the idea to make you cake!”
 There's that funny rolling in his stomach again, like overwhelming happiness and sadness mixing like oil and water in a shaking bottle. But it's… it's good. Like the tears. Cathartic. He nods, gesturing with the fork.
 “Alright, well let's get this show on the road. I wanna eat my cake.”
 Connor laughs again, and Hank grins at him as he slings his own arm over the kid’s shoulder to bring him closer as he raised the camera.
 “Sumo! Come get in the photo!”
 The dog bounds easily up onto the bed, big head bumping at Connor’s forehead as he sniffles at the frosting there. Hank chuckles and shakes his head as he looks at the camera, making sure the text on the cake is visible as Connor presses the button. The flash is temporarily blinding, but he blinks it away as the camera spits out the sheet of thick film. Hank doesn't shake it like his mother used to, he knows better than that. He wants this one pristine if he can help it, especially because he's going to want copies of this shit. Eventually, maybe soon, maybe not, he'll stick it in the photo albums Connor found. The ones he hasn't had the guts to look at for years. But maybe…. maybe with Connor sitting next to him, he can focus on the good times as he tells him the stories about the photos. The kid is still pressed firmly into his side from Hank’s arm around his shoulders, and it's a good feeling, to sit beside someone. No, not just someone. His son. He knows Cole is never coming back, his little boy is gone, but maybe someday he'll see him again. And with any luck, he'll get to introduce him to his older brother.  Well, younger brother? It's a comforting, if slightly confusing thought, and Hank grins as he transfers his fork to his other hand so he can keep Connor close while he digs into his birthday cake. The photo develops a little while later, and Hank loves it. You can see that he's been crying, but his smile is easy, and Connor has his nose scrunched up as Sumo licks his forehead, and the cake looks even uglier in the flash from the camera and it's absolutely perfect. He’s gonna need a copy for his wallet AND his desk, goddamnit, and he might even feel brave enough to put one of his pictures of Cole beside it. It's only right that both of his boys be present, really.
 The smell of sweet candle smoke is heavy in the air, and he breathes it in. He can see Cole as he was the last time they celebrated together, green eyes sparkling and one of his front teeth missing from his broad smile as he shouted in the dark.
 “Happy birthday, dad!”
 Connor’s voice comes from beside him, and he turns to look at the kid as he smiles.
 “Happy birthday, dad.”
 He leans against Connor slightly, squeezing him gently.
 “Thanks, son. I'm glad you decided to celebrate with me.”
 And he means it.
 At the age of fifty-four years and one hour, Hank Anderson loves birthdays. He loves the birthday cake that's lopsided and the too thick layer of frosting and the cheerful wishes of the Android beside him. And most of all, he loves his favourite scent in the world.
 Birthday candles.
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mattpeplow · 4 years
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Tempting Tincas
The tiny red tip of the float sat motionless in the gentle sway of the still water, anchored to the bottom with two BB shots. The float may not be the correct colour to grant the best visibility. There may be slightly too little or too much of it showing from your added shot, but you can see it, and that’s all that matters. All you want as you sit there, transfixed with anticipation, is for that pimple of colour to disappear, which it surely will. The yearning and the craving for a take and a squirming fight is like a drug. You could easily describe most fisherman as addicts, or dreamers in need of their next fix. It is an extremely strong addiction made up of potential new records be it British, world or personal, or just the knowledge that you are doing everything right and the hard work and preparation has paid off. The pride in catching a beautiful trout on a fly that you created yourself. Or just the peace a solitude of not having to worry about the daily grind, your only concern when on the bank is whether it’s going to rain or not. I confess I am an addict and there is no amount of cold turkey that can cure me, and to be honest, I don’t want to be cured.
The sun was beating down and my polarised glasses cut through the water to show a few dark shadows lurking below, sifting through my grounbait for more substantial offerings. Today’s location is Mythe, a private club water controlled by The Birmingham Anglers Association (BAA). At around 600 meters long and as wide as the River Severn which runs along its one side it is one of my favourite venues. The hot sun of the warmer months causes a large amount of weed to grow here which means only half of the pegs are fishable at certain times on the year. The riverside bank is a jungle, imagine an untrodden terrain with thick overgrown bushes, steep slopes, ditches and barbed wire making their upmost effort to bar your progress. If you do venture this way though, you will probably end up with a few leaves and twigs in your hair and down your collar and maybe a rip in your favourite fishing t- shirt however you will find some of the most beautiful swims from which you can temp a few bites. A fellow angler and good friend of mine Rich has spent countless hours secateurs in hand carving pathways to the waters edge. Rich is a font of knowledge when it comes to Mythe and he often regales me with tales of his trips 30 years earlier when all the pegs where fishable, he is an in-depth encyclopaedia of every peg on the pool and has a story to tell for practically all of them.
Clear spots can be found in amongst the thick weed and most the pegs have a patch of lilies or a deep hole in which to place your bait. Bream are in abundance here with weights of over 100lb regularly being caught on the method or open-ended feeder. Large bags of fish are also caught on the pole or waggler however, this being my chosen method for the day. Carp are a rarity as they are not targeted very often, but the few photographs I have seen of these old warriors show beautiful dark oak coloured mirrors with apple slice scales and striking bronze commons. Rich also tells me of an orange bellied common which has evaded capture for a long time, he has sent me many videos of fish close to 30lb taking floating dog biscuits from one of his many walks around the pool fish spotting. I have also heard rumours of an elusive Catfish hiding somewhere amongst the gloomy depths but who knows, this pool seems to be a bit of a mystery and I don’t think anyone knows for certain what zoo creatures it could hold. Catching one of these legends is on my bucket list, however today I am here targeting Tench, one of my favourite species.
I have selected a peg with a thick blanket of weed framing a deep weed less hole with lilies at my feet and to my left. The water is crystal clear gradually gaining a green hue the further out you look out towards the centre of the lake. After laying a few balls of gound-bait and a scattering of sweetcorn next to the lilies I lowered my lobworm and tightened my line pulling my float to where red meets black. I am fishing the lift method; my float is held in place by two rubber stops and is set at between 5 and 10 inches over depth with shot on the bottom. I pinch my shots onto a small piece of braid threaded onto my line using a rig ring. This is also held in place with rubber stops. Doing this means there is no weaknesses in your set up, some split shots have sharp edges and squeezed directly onto your line can cut into it and cause breakages under pressure. When the Tench takes my bait and lifts the shot off the lake bed the float will rise up and lay flat, however it is suggested to strike before it reaches that point.
Though still water specimen hunting is predominantly based around bolt rigs and buzzers there is a period generally from mid-May where this more traditional method for catching Tench is particularly effective. The warmer temperatures and longer days cause the Tincas to move in to the margins in search of damsel fly nymphs and other immerging insects and fishing at such close quarters the bolt rig loses its impact and a float fished correctly will produce a lot more fish.
I hadn’t arrived early for today’s session. A few beers the night before in the local pub had cause me to oversleep slightly but I didn’t mind as it was summer with plenty of daylight ahead of me. I had got to the lake at around 9am and had chosen my peg and set up for half past. My first bight came 10 minutes later. It was slow and tentative. The float lifted a centimetre and settled again, half a second later it did the same and started creeping slowly to the left. I strike into a small greedy Perch half the length of my lobworm. Returned, rebaited and repositioned I waited once more.
The sun had decided to hide for a while behind a thick white cloud. Thankfully not the thick black kind as I hadn’t even considered bringing my umbrella, not in mid-June. I always travel quite light when I am not targeting Carp. A decent sized bream was my next piece of the action, around the 4lb mark. A slow short fight then like a wet flannel it floated to the surface and was dragged motionless towards the bank. A few of these in the keepnet wouldn’t be a bad result for the day but sadly it was not the prize I was after. Unlike some anglers I appreciate caching bream. A large shoal of bin lids in your swim can make for a great day, especially in match fishing where large weights can be obtained quickly once you have got them feeding, which doesn’t seem to take long, these fish are eating machines and will make short work of a large bed of bait.
By mid-day the temperature cooled a little; it was still warm but not the blistering heat of the past couple of days. A scattering of clouds and a slight breeze made it very comfortable with intermittent blasts of sunshine and shade. I think if the weather had been the same as earlier in the week the fishing would have been very hard. This was proved a few days later when a session with my dad was cut short due to only two bites between us in 5 hours of fishing in relentless heat, we were rewarded with 2 small Roach and two rather sunburnt faces.
Instead the bites were steady and with five perch in the keepnet and a few more bream I decided to mix it up a little and try a cocktail. A lobworm tail with two grains of corn on a size twelve hook. I sat watching the float twitch, bob, dip and sway for a about twenty minutes, there were a lot of small fish in the swim and I think my large bait was being picked up and dropped every couple of seconds by optimistic roach with mouths too small to take bait fully.
Finally, it lifted, this happened so quickly it was almost flat before I had chance to strike. Strike into weightless, air, weightless, nothing. “Bugger it”. It seems that I drifted into a daydream for a while easy to do when sat in the sunshine. I rebaited my hook and recast to the same spot and tightened up, determined not to lose concentration this time. I didn’t have to wait very long for another take and this time I didn’t miss it, my rod bent double and my 4lb line groaned and creaked painfully and my clutch hissed like and angry cat as the fish pushed itself into the weed in front of me. I managed to bully it back into open water and after a taxing battle I finally saw the olive-green shape and red eye break the surface. A few small final breaks for freedom and she gave in and slid into the web of my landing net. What a flawless specimen. A plump almond shaped body, black fins and a wide paintbrush like tale. Tipping the scales to 4lb 8oz I was pleased with my first Mythe Tench and what a beauty.
The next half an hour or so produced a few more Perch and Bream followed by another characteristic Tinca bite, my float raised out if the water and I lifted into another powerful creature. A lot of head shaking and dives to the weed almost confirmed to me this was another Tench. After a couple of minutes, the shaking stopped and I was left with a solid weight and no movement. The fish had hidden itself deep within the weed bed opposite. Doubtful, I lowered my rod pleading that it will release itself on its own with the line being slack. To my surprise and relief, I saw the line start to move. I tightened up to feel the relentless pulling once more. It seems the fishing gods are on my side today. The fish broke the surface and displayed itself for the first time. It was certainly a Tench but this one was unlike any I have caught previously. It had the typical bright red eyes and dark paddle like fins but its body was as black as coal. Securely in the net I admired its beauty and prepared the fish for its Photo shoot. What a beauty, and a lucky capture I think, that fish could have easily been lost. Returned safely it was time to pack up. I emptied my keepnet of 7 Bream and laid it out on the bank to dry, content with a successful day.
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threadoftheinfinite · 6 years
Ottessa Moshfegh, PR, Depression, and the Aesthetics of Antipathy
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You have probably seen the jacket cover to Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation by now. It is a very striking cover that is part of a well-engineered overall PR campaign. Electric pink font plastered over a dreamy reproduction of Jacques-Louis David’s 1798 painting, Portrait of a Young Woman in White. The Cut, New Yorker, Bookforum, Paris Review, Granta, Pushcart everyone promoted Moshfegh and this title.
Ultimately though, I put up the ridiculous sum of 28 dollars and change for Moshfegh’s book for what it promised inside. It promised to let me feel in literary form the peculiar species of depression the twenty-first century has wrought on young upper-middle-class, college-educated women. It promised to put in narrative detail what I already knew all too well: that myself and almost every all women I know in my generation have each and all suffered loss -- loss of a parent, a friend, a career, of some expectation we once held for ourselves-- and, too, that we all have, in turn, made ourselves suffer for this real or imaginary loss. We have all felt the pull of temptation to retreat from the world in the face of loss -- the desire descend into a deep, awful, alienating, self-protective, just-let-me-sleep depression. My Year of Rest and Relaxation appeared as the adventure that would indulge this desire to retreat and also functioned as proof that, in the face of depression and loss, there remained in all of us a hunger for something more than what the world, the entertainment industry, the pharmaceutical industry has to offer us to placate our hurt. We all want something more than pills, more than doctors, more than serial TV, rom-coms, or sex. We want a real art of depression, an art that details, that elevates, that immortalizes our boring, banal, stupid, narcissistic, and privileged brand of late capitalist depression.
Moshfegh was hailed as the the writer who not only could write this depression well, but mock it, show its perversity, and allow us enjoy our smallness and weakness perversely. The joke is always on us. Her writerly confidence oozes in interviews. She’s thinks she is greatest living writer. She loves to write--she has no regrets about her career. Not an ounce of depression here. Not a tad of anxiety. She knows how to write books that will sell. She gets high off her writing. Its that good. She will win all the prizes and the residencies.
Moshfegh’s arrogance is clearly itself a sickness, a symptom of late late capitalist American decadence -- but it looks good on her. One feels that we need more swagger from women POC in literary culture. It feels like a triumph to talk about the novel with Moshfegh in the #metoo era of Trump.
Unfortunately, My Year of Rest and Relaxation lives up to Moshfegh’s promise: she can and will write a bestseller; it will be cheap, formulaic, and easy to market and sell; it will target you and you will buy it. Here is what she gives us:
The year is pre-9/11 2000. The city pre-9/11 cultural capital of American finance empire: New York. Our protagonist is a rich, white, and orphaned. She is a recent graduate from Columbia (BA Art history). We never learn her name, the whole book is spoken in first person. She lives alone on the Upper East Side in an indulgent one bedroom apartment and is rich enough to have a doorman and buy designer clothes. She doesn’t really care about the clothes, though. Her parents died while she was in college. Her father first to cancer, her mother after to drugs and alcohol. They left her their house and some money. She pays her rent with the money she makes renting their house in the suburbs. The plot revolves around her life and her depression in these twelve months. We are with her in the mundane everyday shuffle back and forth from her couch to the bodega on the corner. Here, she buys her coffees from “the Egyptians” (always two: one to chug in the elevator on the way back to her apartment, the other to microwave later and drink throughout the day), her klondike bars, her skittles, her pints of ice cream. 
There’s very few people in her life. She has one friend from college, Reva, and a boy named Trevor who she used to fuck that she’s still in contact with and occasionally calls. Reva comes over unannounced weekly. She is the only person who calls and checks in. Reva is bulimic, obsessed with her weight, and fucking her boss, Ken. Reva’s mom is dying of cancer on Long Island. 
We go with the narrator to the pharmacy to pick up pills and to the psychiatrist’s office , Dr. Tuttle, once a month, to get her scripts refilled. The book is an account of this small life and a record of our protagonist’s distain for the world, her desire to drug herself out of it, to watch Tom Hanks and Whoopi Goldberg movies and to be left alone. The whole thing reads like Jean Rhys plot, if Jean Rhys’s protagonists did not have to suffer the indignity of working as store clerks for money, being poor or on the down and out in Paris, or selling themselves to men for a drink or a dinner out. 
The central message of My Year of Rest and Relaxation seems to be this: if you are rich enough, privileged enough, pretty enough, bored and depressed and disgusted enough with the world, you can sleep through your life and no one will really care. The world turns on. Your irrelevance is especially true if your parents die or if they never really loved you at all. Without living or loving parents, without bosses who care about you, without mentors, without bright career futures or special talents, without a partner, without investments, without a desire to make or a need to make money, who or what says we have to get out of bed at all in late capitalism? Who or what really enforces anything in our social world? What sets desire in motion? So long as you can pay the rent and the bills, who says you ever need to get off your couch and participate in the world? If you adopt a simple attitude, i.e. that the world is mostly pain and fallen and diseased, you can live out your live in a moral-judgmental slumber, and no one will notice or care. All of your needs, under the right conditions, can and will be taken care of. 
The novel is a meant as a satire but Moshfegh also expends a tremendous amount of energy building empathy for her otherwise pitiable, selfish, drug-addicted, depressed narrator. In giving the narrator special victim status as orphan, in casting her world under the shadow of grief, in depicting her as damaged and mean because her mother was mean and damaged, Moshfegh encourages readers to see the narrator’s actions (her drug use, her cynicism, her callousness, her death-drive) as symptoms and products of the world that produced her as a person. This is a strange moral choice. We learn of the narrator’s parents’ loveless marriage, her brief and somewhat meaningful but ultimately pointless education in art history (she found the real art world to be capitalist, stupid, and vain). We see that she has been abused by men, and basically has never found a meaningful relationship to the world in work, friendship, or love. This woman who has never experienced love, or only experienced it in fucked up, brief, sadistic ways, how could we ever expect her to be whole? 
The service industry emerges to fill the love-void (women services like waxing manicures, colonics, massages, but also the general service industry of the city, its restaurants, bars, taxis, bodegas, department stores, entertainment). These services keep us afloat, they make our narrator feel slightly more alive, get her out of the house, give her contact with other humans. They allow her to interact, transact, to use people and be used. Its an empty, stupid, cycle, of services, but anyone with expendable income who has lived in a city knows it well, knows it can be a comfort.
The most moving moment in MYRR is when the narrator opens up about her father’s death, the memory of his final hours, and the things she said to him in those hours. MYRR is hardly about rest or relaxation. Its far more about death, loss, grief, and the trauma of squandering your life. In the end, what the book shows is that you can’t survive or subsist without the economy of love, compassion, and sympathy. To live well, whether we like it or not, we have to love and be loved. These are the rules of the game. We can, like our protagonist, try to subsist on memories of love squandered, to avoid love and loving in fear of being hurt, we can try to subsist on ghostly love, on the images of love that could have been but never was, on movie love, but that is depression. If we are live in this way, on love reduced, if we recognize this way of being in ourselves, its time to change our lives and find ways to live again. 
We shouldn’t have novels appearing like this. Novels where the service industry appears as the most loving touch in our social world. Where we recognize that as a truth. Or else, we should just understand our society as one of services for sale. And figure out how to get into that business. This is exactly what Moshfegh has done.
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loadingbox190 · 3 years
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yoon-kooks · 7 years
Signed in Black- Part 1
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Soulmate!AU, BadBoy!AU, FLUFF, Smut [in future chapters]
Summary: Min Yoongi. That was the name magically tattooed to your skin. You were told he was your lover by fate. And as cute as it would be to have a soulmate, Yoongi was the last person you ever wanted to be bound to. But thankfully, there was a way to remove the tattoo. All you had to do was convince six Bulletproof Fairies that the two of you were in love.
Word Count: 3.3k
Parts: ONE // TWO // THREE // FOUR // FIVE // SIX // FINAL
You stacked the dishes, wiped up the coffee rings and crumbs, and pushed the chairs in before collecting money from the table. Beneath the receipt was a note with a rather sloppy folding job. As soon as you opened it and read its contents, you threw it into the empty coffee mug with a chuckle. Phone number #6 of the day—not that you were keeping count just for the shits and giggles. You were just waiting to see how many numbers it took before you finally found the one. Like a soulmate or something cool like that.
So if you were searching for a soulmate, why were you trashing that gentleman’s number? What if he was the one? To answer that question, it was simply because your horoscope told you he wasn’t. Your horoscope told you specifically to look for someone who “left a mark on you”. Were you a fool to believe everything that came out of teen magazines and fortune cookies? Of course. But it still made a pretty good point. At the very least, your soulmate would have to leave some sort of impression on you to capture your heart. And so far, no one had really stood out in your eyes.
Well, maybe no one except for the cute brown haired boy who always ordered his favorite white mocha and sat at the same booth each morning. He’d sit around for hours, working on what you assumed was homework or other papers, and occasionally took breaks to glance up and smile at you for more coffee. The two of you never really chatted, but you loved the gentleness that came from his eyesmile and giggle. If there was one customer you wouldn’t mind getting a phone number from, it was that boy. And part of you was a little surprised that he hadn’t made a move yet. Maybe he was already taken, or maybe he was waiting for his soulmate as well.
“Hey, can I order now?” A low, raspy voice snapped you out of your daze. You turned your head back to the customer sitting at the table in front of you. You didn’t recognize that pale skin, or the black hair that peek out beneath his snapback, or the fresh scent of rose cologne. He was a new one. He leaned his cheek against his hand and pursed his lips together just a bit. His other hand rested on the table, his long veiny fingers tapping to a soft rhythm. His dark eyes looked right at you before shifting towards the direction of the brown-haired boy. “Or are you too distracted by that cute gentleman over there?” he smirked. 
You didn’t know what to say, but you certainly didn’t like that he had the audacity to call you out. So what if you thought the brown-haired boy was cute?? It wasn’t like you were having dirty thoughts about him… And even if you were having dirty thoughts, it wasn’t like anything would actually happen. 
“I want your attention, too, you know,” he pouted. He was really testing your patience, but you had to admit, his adorable pouty lips were distracting you from getting mad.
“Okay, what do you want?” You clicked your pen, ready to take his order, doing your best to ignore his kind of handsome face.
“An Americano, please,” he yawned. As you wrote down his order, he took out his phone and offered it to you. “And your number.”
You stared at the boy. And then at the phone. And then back at the boy, asking yourself if he was leaving a mark on you. You’d be lying if you said he wasn’t leaving any sort of impression, but it wasn’t a really good one either. Sure he was attractive and his voice was really sexy and he had a nice flowery scent, but something about him was trouble. And you knew it.
You gently pushed the phone back, brushing the tips of your fingers against his cold, pale ones. “If you really wanna see me that badly, come back here again for another Americano.” You only gave him a playful smile before walking away to make his coffee. He just sat there with stunned puppy eyes, even chuckling to himself out of disbelief.
As you stood in front of the expresso machine, you kept an eye on the boy from afar. He leaned back in his seat with his earbuds in, and began texting away on his phone. You didn’t see even a hint of annoyance or salt seeping from his pores despite the fact that you had just refused to give him your number. His baby-smooth skin just glowed as he stared at the phone screen. And for a second, it was kind of cute. His head turned suddenly and he peeked at you for a long while. You turned your back to him to grab a saucer and spoon, although you were really just trying to shake off his stare.
“Here’s your Americano,” you spoke softly, setting the drink down on the table while trying to avoid anymore eye contact.
“Thanks.” He looked up at you and pressed his lips together, although it looked like he still had more to say.
So you waited and raised an eyebrow at him, prompting him to spit it out. “Yes?”
“So if I come back tomorrow, you’ll really give me your number?” He wrapped his long fingers around the mug and took a sip of his coffee. His eyes widened as he licked his lips and stared deep into his mug. You knew that look—the look of a caffeine addict. “This is really good, by the way. Can you make me another one tomorrow?”
“Of course I’ll make you another one,” you blushed. You’d never admit it, but you loved being praised for your barista skills. Especially when the compliment came from a coffee lover. “But you have to quit asking for my number~”
He paused for a moment to think, and then nodded. “Deal.”
“I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow then~” you giggled at how serious the boy looked. A part of you knew not to expect a sweet-talker like him to actually show up the next day, but on the off-chance that he did come back to see you, maybe that meant he really was the one you’d be searching for.
Maybe, you thought to yourself as you cleared his table just after he left the shop. But of course, right next to the money and bill was a neatly folded note. The boy must’ve found the loophole in your agreement—rather than get your number, he’d just give you his. And as much as you didn’t want to be tempted to message him, your fingers had already begun unfolding the note.
But to your surprise, it wasn’t his number that he had left.
“Sorry, Sweetheart. Turns out I’ve got another date planned for tomorrow. I’ll have to take a rain check on that Americano ♥” The only thing that bothered you more than the cute little heart at the end was the way he signed his name in some fancy cursive shit. Min Yoongi.
You let out a loud groan as you crumpled up the note. No, he definitely was not your soulmate. You didn’t want a player like that. Never. You couldn't believe you wasted even a second on someone like that. Bye bitch.
“The two of you would be cute together,” a soft, angelic voice called out to you. You perked up and turned around, realizing it was the same voice that always spoke “white mocha please~”.
“Who?” You tilted your head as you walked up to the brown-haired cutie. “Certainly not me and this asshole, right?” You held up the crumpled note and set it down on the table.
“Why not?” the cutie giggled, unleashing that signature eyesmile of his. Your heart almost melted into a puddle of feelings. “I think you’d compliment him well.” They always say opposites attract, but you questioned the cutie’s judgment on this one.
“He’s just not my type.” In fact, he was the exact opposite of your type. Your type was the giggly cutie sitting right in front of you, but that Min Yoongi guy was more than likely a devil. Or at least you liked to think so.
“Fair enough.” With a slow nod, the cutie got up and placed the money gently into your palm. “Well, I just realized I have a lot of work to do when I get home, haha. Thanks for the mocha, Y/N. It was delicious as always~” He knew your name. The cute brown-haired boy knew your name. He must’ve picked it up after all this time from whenever your co-workers called out to you. But regardless, he knew your name, even if you still didn’t know his.
Although the note from Yoongi had left you feeling shitty and a bit foolish, you woke up the next morning a lot more refreshed than expected. It had to be because of that brown-haired cutie. Even that short chat with him was enough to get your heart racing. You made a mental note to get his name next time and perhaps strike up another conversation with him. You were tired of waiting for your soulmate. Hell, it was time for you to stop believing in all that horoscope crap.
You dug around your drawers for your cutest work-appropriate clothes and threw them onto your bed as you stripped out of your pajamas. Just as you were about to pull your black sweater over your head, something dark on your ribs caught your eye in the mirror. It was probably just a bruise from work. But the closer you came to the mirror, the more the mark resembled something written in sharpie. You almost fell to the floor when you finally made out what the mark was. It might’ve been five in the morning, but you were pretty sure you weren’t hallucinating when you saw the name of your new enemy written on your skin. min yoongi. All lower-case, right on your ribs in that fancy black cursive font. But the worst part? The I’s were dotted with hearts.
You ran to your bathroom for a quick shower in hopes that water and soap would be enough to get the ugly name off your precious skin. You scrubbed and scrubbed for twenty minutes while simultaneously cursing out the boy, but the name wouldn’t budge at all. There wasn’t even a smudge. Rather than simply writing in sharpie, it was more like someone had tattooed you in your sleep. But if that were the case, wouldn’t your skin still be sore? And what kind of crazy, sick person would break into your home in the middle of the night to give you a tattoo anyway?
Still unsure as to what the fuck was going on, you ran a finger over the name, following every loop and curve of each letter. Min Yoongi’s mark was literally left on you. And everything in you prayed it wasn’t what you thought it meant.
Surprisingly, you somehow managed to arrive at work on time, although you had to sacrifice looking cute in order to do so. You only had time to twist your hair up in a messy bun and to slap on a bit of moisturizer as opposed to your usual twenty-step makeup routine. But it would have to do.
As you opened the shop and did the usual preparations, you waited for the first customers to arrive. And luckily for you, the first customer of the day was the one person you were hoping to see. If you had to wait any longer, you might’ve lashed out at someone else.
“Surprise,” Yoongi walked up to the counter and waved. Surely he came because of the whole tattoo thing. “I cancelled my date because I wanted to see you, Sweetie.” As much as you would’ve loved to believe his words, the nice hickey that bruised his otherwise perfect skin was more than enough to keep you angry at him.
“Really? Because I wanted to see you too, Sweetie,” you spat. “Now explain what the fuck is going on.”
Yoongi sighed and ran his fingers through his dark hair. “It was just sex, you know. And in my defense, you didn’t wanna give me your number so-”
“No! Not that!!” You poked him in the ribs. The last thing you wanted to hear about was him in bed with someone else. “I meant about the tattoo??”
“Tattoo?” He tilted his head like a lost puppy. “Listen, I really don’t know what the fuck-”
You grabbed his sleeve and dragged him into the staff bathroom, locking the door behind you. The boy smirked as you took the hem of your sweater into your hand and lifted it to expose your stomach and ribs. His expression only changed when he saw his name written across your skin.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to get a tattoo of your lover’s name?” he laughed. “Tattoos are forever. Love isn’t.”
“Okay, first of all, you’re not my lover!” You poked him in the ribs again. “And second, you really don’t know anything about this tattoo?”
He only shook his head with a slightly pouty lip. And for a second, the two of you stared at each other in total confusion. Until a thought finally occurred to you.
“Take your shirt off.” You tugged at the hem of the Yoongi’s shirt.
“Okay listen, as much as I’d love have a quickie here, I’d much rather have that Americano you promised and-”
“Be quiet, will ya?” you groaned, lifting his shirt up. And there it was. Right next to the bruise where you had poked him too many times was your name. Your name signed in black to match the one you had perfectly.
“L/N… Y/N…? Is that you?” Yoongi looked down at his ribs and shooed your fingers away. “Oh, is that why I got slapped this morning?”
Suddenly, sparkles engulfed you and the boy until your surroundings completely changed. You were not longer in the coffee shop bathroom. Actually, you weren’t quite sure where you were. The walls were baby pink, the carpet had a pastel heart pattern, and rose petals were scattered everywhere. The furniture was all red and heart-shaped as well. It looked like Cupid did some shopping at Ikea, to be honest.
And then you noticed six sparkly boys staring down at you from their giant conference table. One of the faces, however, you recognized right away—it was the white mocha cutie. He gave you a small wave and that adorable eyesmile before one of the other boys spoke.
“Ah, Y/N and Yoongi, perfect timing.” The dimpled one with gelled back hair gestured to the two seats in front of him. “Please, have a seat.”
“Umm, who are you?” you asked the sparkly man. You and Yoongi nearly got into a fight when the two of you reached for the same seat, but luckily you won and stuck your tongue out at the boy when he had to sit in the other chair.
“I’m Namjoon, and this is the Bulletproof Fairy Council.” He gave you and Yoongi a warm smile. “Our job is to test the love between two soulmates.”
You choked on your own spit. “Wait, you guys are fairies? Is that why you’re all sparkly and stuff?”
Yoongi turned and gave you a look. “That’s what you care about right now?”
“Shut up! I don’t wanna hear that from you, Mr. All I Want To Do Is Have Sex.” The two of you glared at each other. The only thing that stopped you from pouncing was the muscular bunny boy that jumped in between you and Yoongi.
“Uh, Jimin… Are you sure you got the right ones?” The fairies began whispering to each other, still loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.
“It’s fine, Seokjin~” The brown haired cutie hummed. “Don’t you guys know love when you see it?”
“Jimin, you’re fucking blind.”
“Shh, Hoseok be nice to him... He’s new, remember?”
“Okay, but it’s pretty obvious that these two fucking hate each other.”
“Can we just burn their contracts right now while Namjoon’s not looking?”
“I can hear you, Taehyung.”
“UM. Hi, so what’s this about love and soulmates and shit?” Yoongi interrupted the whispering amongst the fairies.
“You guys are soulmates,” Bunny Boy said. “Like the romantic kind.”
“No we aren’t!” you and Yoongi shouted in unison. A vein popped on Bunny Boy’s forehead as he nearly stabbed a hole through his cheek with his tongue.
Namjoon’s eyes widened as he rubbed his temples, realizing what a mess everything was. “Yes you are. The tattoos serve as a contract that links your souls together. Whether you like it or not, the two of you are fated lovers.”
“What? Lovers? I don’t love this thing.” You pointed at Yoongi, who was ready to bite your finger off. “Is there a way to get the tattoos removed?”
All of the fairies nodded at once, but no one spoke.
“How?” Yoongi gritted his teeth.
With a sigh, Namjoon finally spoke. “If all six of us believe the two of you are truly in love with each other, the tattoos will be removed. But that’s the only way.” All of the other fairies besides Jimin laughed nervously, because they knew how this story would likely end up.
You couldn’t believe it. You were really going to be stuck with Min fucking Yoongi’s name tainting your skin for the rest of your life. There was no way you’d ever find love now. Not with that little shit’s name haunting you every time you took off your shirt.
“Okay,” Yoongi nodded calmly. “So you guys’ll be keeping an eye on us or something?”
“Yep, our fairy eyes see everything,” Bunny Boy smirked. “Except for what happens in the bedroom, of course.”
Great. First you woke up with an asshole’s name on your skin. Then you were told the two of you were soulmates. And now you were going to be stalked by a group of fairies. You didn’t sign up for this shit.
“And that’s about it for the explanation,” Namjoon said, regaining his composure. “If you have any questions, feel free to ask any one of us. I’m sure you’ll be seeing us around a lot from now on.”
“But!” Before you could finish protesting, you and Yoongi were teleported back to the bathroom with pixie dust in the air. Luckily, you landed right on top of the boy to cushion your fall. But just then, the door opened.
You jumped off of the boy and stared up at your boss with panic-filled eyes. “S-sorry, we were just-”
“It’s my fault. I asked Y/N for a quickie and-” Yoongi tried to help the situation, but you kind of wanted him to just shut the fuck up.
“You guys were in here for an hour.”
Yoongi froze for a moment. “Anyway, I’ll see you after work, Babe~” He blew you a half-assed kiss before fleeing the scene.
As soon as the boy shimmied his ass out of the shop, your boss began asking the real questions. “Who was that?”
Before you could answer, you saw the brown haired cutie, Jimin the Bulletproof Fairy, taking a sip of his white mocha in the corner of your eye. And that’s when you understood why Yoongi had acted all lovey-dovey all of a sudden. If the two of you wanted to ever get rid of the tattoos, you were going to have to fake your love until all of those fairies believed it.
“Min Yoongi, my boyfriend.”
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indiigo-child · 4 years
How do I consider anybody a friend when the shield I cling to covers my raw scars in cowardly doubt that censors the chapters of my story that define fundamental pieces of my puzzle? If my paper shredded wasn’t out of batteries, my impulse would’ve abandoned these texts in defensive suppression; numbing my perception with broken promises of escape... The trap door beckons me deeper into a labyrinth infested with over-sized rodents and cockroaches that greet my sober comedown like an intrusive lightening strike. Regret floods my brain with sewage when If notice that the child lock is on as sweaty palms desperately tug the handle with a hopeless grasp that leaves my knuckles red. “The only way out is through”, I whisper in a shaky whimper reeking of rotten doubt and ridden with the pungent stench of crippling fear. The reminders of the pages I wish I destroyed stain the walls of the cell with a bold font that mocks the bottle I overfilled with shameful emotion and flows over like Mentos in cola. The levels of Hell serve as a reminder of strength according to the advice given by a player that can’t make it past the first level. The appeal of the thought is enticing until you realize how deep it goes. You can knock on wood all you want when you make statements as naive as “it can’t get worse than this”, but the Universe has a dirty mind with a dark humor that takes the innocence as a challenge to plunge you deeper. Immortality seems sweeter than the kiss of mysterious death until the water fills your lungs and drowns you over again.
I’m afraid to admit I’m afraid of anything anymore because I’m rigged with a curse that brings these things into fruition. Notice how that sentence just fucked me over. Like the irrational comfort of hiding under the covers as protection from the darkness as a child, the monster under my bed waits in another dimension to meet me in the astral realm when the relief of sleep finally surrenders to the insomnia that’s kept me awake for days. The bags under my eyes are my souvenir. Loud and proud, they expose my burdens for the world to see as I fake sanity with miserable attempt. Things get wonky after day 2 of no sleep and sleeping pills feed my beast. The blackout I experience from Ambien is the perfect opportunity for her to strike and Nyquil just makes my body feel fuzzy. But not like a fluffy blanket. More like the static of a television without cable.
With unlikely circumstance that anyone has even made it this far after the first couple sentences of these melodramatic ramblings, I must seem like a miserable fuck from an outside perspective, but I’m gonna paint the abstract self portrait of myself for you to give a better look into this existence. People think I’m sunshine, but they have no idea how exhausted I am from fighting the darkness. There are never any constellations in the pitch black void and I’ve never gotten over my fear of the dark. The North Star doesn’t guide me as my fears and I feast off each other during these hours of potential dreaming relief like vampires. Not the sexy, glorified vampires on television shows and romance novels that sparkle like diamonds, but the ones that are damned to an eternity of release that only exists in this place while normal people slumber unaware of the paragraphs your anxious fingers hammer out now that you’re finally hidden without moonlight to expose your filth and mortification. My filter is lacking lately and I worry I’m dunking someone in with me; clinging to them in selfish yearning to be saved and understood. The sunlight always comes around, though, and surrounds me with faces that won’t let me soak it in. Everyone automatically assumes you want company on the beach and my exhaustion made me forget my sunscreen, so I burn. I wonder how different things would be if I didn’t hide in the abyss to release these pointless worries. Sharing shakes my faith when vulnerability isn’t greeted and is left unacknowledged.
I’ve hidden parts of myself so well that I forgot where they went. In a manic haze, I go on benders and forget the nitty gritty details of my alter ego’s hiding spots and how many there even are. Sometimes I’ll come across some clues on accident, but it’s always when I least expect it. Like an escape room with a complex riddle that doesn’t quite add up; a vague message open to interpretation. Groups of friends have a blast figuring them out together, but I’m all alone and I’m not sure there’s a way out anymore because I’m cursed with existential crisis. As soon as I think I scratch the surface, I find something else. Or lose one of the pieces during a random binge that snowballs down like an avalanche driven by lack of self control. Sometimes I give up the scavenger hunt altogether and wave my white flag. How do you surrender to a war that goes deeper than most realize? I let other energies hoard my personal bubble and take on all of their baggage as I float around like a spirit over my body and try not to drag my feet too much, but I’m so damn tired.
Even if I try to translate this rubbish into language, I don’t think anyone would understand if they tried and that thought scares me more than the tension of this weight. I fear that nobody ever understands and the ego stains our sight with empathy that inflates you with a phony knowledge that you can fathom another existence. It’s human nature to relate in ways where you make a situation about yourself to an extent and I’m sick of hearing about how my PTSD is comparable to every mouth that spews their input in attempt to comfort through this notion. You try and imagine what a flashback would be like when you hear of stories of war veterans and assure yourself that you wouldn’t join the military, but don’t even consider that your best friend beating you while battling addiction can do as much damage as guns and bombs. Sharing my story makes people visibly uncomfortable, but I’m the one reliving it when I try to open up.
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aumnamunamu-blog · 7 years
Add’em up, add’ em up, +[er]all is all I need & want & I’m all ears to feed water for the falls
Mathematical in my lack of response, I’m an addict of pragmatism branded in the boldest of all fonts,
& you can call me anything, I’m all involved with both honesty & honestly the opposite revolves around me
I won’t lie to you though, at least most probably, &  if that probability changes I’ll promise a constant in range to the possibly Improbable
Faced with reflections of aged selves, I hate many things I can’t feign, wish the backspace button was actually a thing like Command Z or broken fps, rates if nothing else
Delerium Tremens shakes my hand in attempts to make amends, I’ve long accepted I’d have to meet the harbinger of nature's demands to make ends, I’m stable yet I keep speaking like I’ve something to say
Enough of having tried to try again to only try & left to look alive, shuffled in a brick house filled with ghosts inside, the kind that long for windows to strike chance with, life not only provides but demands it, If I’m alright, you can pretend to be just fine, & that’s just fine, mind the pedantic attributes of a universe with unlimited antics, polluted with cyclical burning candle wicks, illusions of grandeur that abandon the angelic spirit you’ve imagined
Next page, act normal
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resumeuncle · 5 years
How to make your Resume more effective
Your resume is your 1st line of defense on the find for a brand new job. Before striking send, you must do everything you'll be able to create your resume move.  We are here to help you with our best online resume builder. You can use our best online resume builder service from anywhere anytime.
Even if your work expertise is ideal, a resume may sink your possibility of obtaining an employment interview. However, if you mix relevant knowledge with an effective resume, you’ll sail right into the interview stage.
How to make your resume more effective
If you would like to impress recruiters on your look for employment, follow these twelve essential tips about a way to make an effective resume.
1. Think about your resume as a selling tool
It’s straightforward to think about your resume as an outline of your work expertise. However, a resume isn’t regarding listing your skilled history. Instead, it’s a strategic tool for selling your individual complete.
As you build a resume, suppose strategically. Take into account what you’ve accomplished with in the past and what you'll be able to supply in the future. Confirm your resume tells a transparent story concerning World Health Organization. You're as knowledgeable.
When it involves the work hunt, you wish to sell yourself because of the best candidate for the role.
In our best online resume builder, we will give a resume that shows your purpose sharply.
2. Tailor your resume to every new job
Along similar lines, you won’t have sufficient luck connection off dozens of identical resumes to plenty of various employers. Rather than treating your resume sort of a message, tailor it to every new role.
“One of the foremost common resume mistakes … is making one single page. Instead, analysis the corporate and browse the work description carefully. Work out precisely what the organization is searching for, then replicate those qualifications in your resume.
While ever-changing up your resume for each application is long, it’s well definitely worth the effort. It'd facilitate to stay a master list of all of your experiences to refer back to. That way, you'll be able to keep track of what skills you’re together with and which of them you’re exploit off counting on the work.
“Make a master resume (a vast list of every single accomplishment, skill, talent, etc. that you have) and choose no matter has relevancy to the one specific job you’re applying for.
3. Create a polished, accessible design
Another way to impress a recruiter right off the bat is with a sleek, digested resume style. Don’t be afraid to chop out extraneous expertise for the sake of up readability. White space will go a protracted approach toward creating a resume additional appealing.
Use a straightforward font like Times New Roman or Arial in 10-, 11-, or 12-point size. If you’re seeking an original position, you may have the benefit of incorporating a singular style part into your resume. Otherwise, persist with a straightforward, elegant style.
Utilize bullet points, short paragraphs, measurable achievements, and industry-specific keywords to face out higher than the remainder. If it’s vital, it’s your responsibility to create positive the recruiter sees it.”
4. Offer a list of skills
As you begin to create a resume, take into account adding a capabilities outline to the highest. Confirm to replicate the work description after you describe your areas of proficiency.
For instance, a corporation hiring a digital product designer may seek for somebody masterly during a program like a Sketch or InVision. A recruiter searching for a trafficker may obtain somebody at home with Google Analytics and Google AdWords.
Review the work description as you build your skills outline. That way, this section is often each correct and tailored to the work at hand.
5. Incorporate major keywords
Every recruiter is searching for specific keywords after they 1st look into a resume. This first review may not even be done by a recruiter, however, instead of by a malicious program.
“Resumes are seldom viewed by human eyes within the 1st spherical of the hiring method,” explained Niquenya Collins, president, and chief operating officer of Building Bridges Consulting. “Instead, a processed person chase System (ATS) takes the primary crack at narrowing the many applications received by each job announcement.”
The ATS picks out keywords and phrases that match the work description. While not them, your application may get eliminated before it even reaches human resources.
6. Place your work expertise before your education
Unless you only graduated from faculty, put your work expertise before your training. If you’ve been within the hands for a couple of years, recruiters don’t care such a lot concerning your instructional accomplishments. They require to examine your skilled expertise and skills.
If you’re distressed concerning age discrimination, you'll be able to leave off your year of graduation. Most organizations wish to examine you've got a relevant degree. However, don’t care about the maximum amount after you got it.
7. Highlight your achievements instead of your duty
When you build a resume, you’ll offer a couple of bullet points beneath every job title. However, don’t use this space to describe your responsibilities easily. Instead, specialize in your achievements.
For example, take into account these 2 statements for somebody in account management:
• Handled accounts for packaging firms.
• Managed ten accounts in far more than $5 million annually and came in beneath the budget by 10 p.c.
The second statement may be a heap higher than the primary as a result of it focuses on associate degree achievements. The primary describes an obligation — it doesn’t say whether or not the person was flourishing or not.
Plus, it quantifies the achievements, thereby creating it additional concrete. By providing knowledge, you’ll leave a stronger impression than you'd with a contradictory statement.
8. Organize your experiences in reverse written  order
As you set along with your work experiences, organize them from most to least recent. Again, recruiters are seemingly reviewing plenty of resumes. They require to examine your career progression.
If your work is in reverse written account order, they’ll be able to see the timeline quickly. However, you don’t have to be compelled to embrace each job you’ve ever had in your life. Once you’ve been out of faculty for a couple of years, you most likely don’t ought to embrace that summer you sold slushies at the beach.
If you've got any significant employment gaps, you'll wish to supply a short rationalization. As an example, you may indicate the corporate closed or set off 100 employees. Otherwise, you may write you traveled internationally or went on parental leave. That way, a recruiter can perceive the gap rather than seeing it as a red flag.
9. Limit your resume to at least one page
You may have detected the warning not to exceed one page for your resume. for many folks, this previous rule of thumb holds true. you must be able to communicate everything you wish to mention on one page.
Of course, there is also some things wherever it is smart to exceed a page. As an example, you'll like extra information measure if you’re applying for higher management or an office at a school.
But otherwise, you’ll seemingly be happier jutting to at least one page. If you’re emailing your resume, attempt saving it as a PDF 1st. That way, the recruiter can see the correct page length and data format.
10. See to it several times
When you build a resume, you want to be detail-oriented. First, you want to guarantee a uniform style. Be intentional concerning margins, font, font size, and spacing.
Second, check your writing system, punctuation, and word alternative. And confirm your dates of employment are correct.
A resume contains plenty of specific data. Before causation, it off to a company, check everything for accuracy.
11. Ask for suggestions
It also can be useful to hunt out another combine of eyes. Raise an addict or coworker to seem over your resume.
When you stare at a document for a protracted time, typically, you'll be able to not see its strengths and weaknesses. Gaining a contemporary and objective perspective will assist you to determine areas for improvement.
12. Build up your profile LinkedIn                                                                                                                
Beyond your resume, several recruiters examine your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is additionally an excellent tool for reaching resolute your network and discovering job opportunities.
So don’t forget to create your LinkedIn profile with the maximum amount of care as you are doing your resume. Use identical principles on LinkedIn as you are doing in your resume.
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Our best online resume builder is included with a lot of good attractive strategies that are industry applied can have an impressive effect on your interviewer.
We ensure high-quality work with our best online resume builder service.
Thanks and all the best!!
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frankskaraoke · 6 years
table.tableizer-table { font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #CCC; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #104E8B; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; }
SongArtistTime A Little Bit More 9114:15 All I Want Is You 9114:05 How Do You Want Me To Love You9113:42 Journey 9114:41 Little Bit More 9114:15 More Than A Woman 9113:50 Party People 9113:51 Private Number 9113:49 Starstrukk 30H!3 & Katy Perry3:41 Blah Blah Blah 30H!3 & Kesha3:11 Don't Trust Me 3OH!33:33 Double Vision 3OH!33:36 My First Kiss 3OH!3 & Kesha3:40 Don't Stop 5 Seconds Of Summer3:08 Good Girls 5 Seconds Of Summer3:42 She Looks So Perfect 5 Seconds Of Summer3:42 Amnesia 5 Seconds of Summer4:13 Girls Talk Boys 5 Seconds of Summer3:54 She's Kinda Hot 5 Seconds of Summer3:56 Don't Wanna Let You Go 5ive3:36 Everybody Get Up 5ive3:23 Got The Feelin' 5ive3:47 If You're Getting Down 5ive3:15 It's The Things You Do 5ive3:50 Because Of You 98 Degrees5:09 Give Me Just One Night 98 Degrees3:42 Hardest Thing 98 Degrees4:11 I Do (Cherish You) 98 Degrees4:03 Invisible Man 98 Degrees4:13 My Everything 98 Degrees4:11 She's Out Of My Life 98 Degrees3:57 The Way You Want Me To 98 Degrees3:48 This Gift 98 Degrees4:25 True To Your Heart 98 Degrees4:11 Way You Want Me To 98 Degrees3:46 Aaron's Party Come And Get ItAaron Carter3:31 Bounce Aaron Carter3:24 How I Beat Shaq Aaron Carter3:40 I Want Candy Aaron Carter3:22 All That She Wants Ace Of Base3:39 Always Have Always Will Ace Of Base4:03 Beautiful Life Ace Of Base3:51 Don't Turn Around Ace Of Base4:04 Every Time It Rains Ace Of Base3:50 Life Is A Flower Ace Of Base4:47 Living In Danger Ace Of Base3:33 The Sign Ace Of Base3:26 Chasing Pavements Adele3:52 Cold Shoulder Adele3:32 Don't You Remember Adele4:14 He Won't Go Adele4:53 Hello Adele5:11 Hometown Glory Adele3:57 I'll Be Waiting Adele4:16 Lovesong Adele5:30 Make You Feel My Love Adele3:48 One And Only Adele6:04 Promise This Adele4:09 Rolling In The Deep Adele4:05 Rumour Has It Adele3:58 Set Fire to the Rain Adele4:17 Skyfall Adele5:02 Someone Like You Adele4:58 Take It All Adele4:02 Turning Tables Adele4:25 Because I Got High Afroman4:34 All Hooked Up All Saints4:04 Black Coffee All Saints4:48 Bootie Call All Saints3:55 Chick Fit All Saints3:54 I Know Where It's At All Saints4:15 Never Ever All Saints5:33 One Strike All Saints3:52 Pure Shores All Saints4:53 Rock Steady All Saints3:06 Under The Bridge All Saints5:21 War Of Nerves All Saints5:26 All I Wanna Do Amy Studt4:17 Just A Little Girl Amy Studt4:00 Misfit Amy Studt3:51 Under The Thumb Amy Studt4:05 Addicted Amy Winehouse2:58 Back To Black Amy Winehouse4:23 Cupid Amy Winehouse3:38 FucK Me Pumps Amy Winehouse3:38 He Can Only Hold Her Amy Winehouse2:50 Help Yourself Amy Winehouse5:16 I Heard Love is Blind Amy Winehouse2:31 Just Friends Amy Winehouse3:26 Like Smoke Amy Winehouse4:43 Love Is A Losing Game Amy Winehouse2:58 Me & Mr Jones Amy Winehouse2:48 Our Day Will Come Amy Winehouse3:08 Rehab Amy Winehouse3:57 Stronger Than Me Amy Winehouse3:49 Take the Box Amy Winehouse3:38 Tears Dry On Their Own Amy Winehouse3:31 There Is No Greater Love Amy Winehouse2:23 Wake Up Alone Amy Winehouse3:59 You Know I'm No Good Amy Winehouse4:35 Boom Anastacia3:32 Cowboys And Kisses Anastacia4:39 Heavy On My Heart Anastacia4:45 Left Outside Alone Anastacia3:59 Made For Lovin' Anastacia4:06 Not That Kind Anastacia3:39 One Day In Your Life Anastacia3:46 Pieces Of A Dream Anastacia4:19 Sick And Tired Anastacia3:51 Welcome To My Truth Anastacia4:10 I'm Outta Love Anastasia4:13 Paid My Dues Anastasia3:43 Why'd You Lie To Me Anastasia4:04 Around The World Aqua3:46 Barbie Girl Aqua3:33 Candy Man Aqua3:52 Cartoon Heroes Aqua3:56 Doctor Jones Aqua3:40 Good Morning Sunshine Aqua4:23 Heat Of The Night Aqua3:52 My Oh My Aqua3:43 Turn Back Time Aqua4:09 Dangerous Woman Ariana Grande4:09 Focus Ariana Grande3:50 Into You Ariana Grande4:19 One Last Time Ariana Grande3:34 Beauty & the Beast Ariana Grande & John Legend4:06 Side to Side Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj4:01 Love Me Harder Ariana Grande & The Weeknd4:08 Break Free Ariana Grande Feat. Zedd3:54 Problem Ariana Grande Ft Iggy Azalea3:32 Autobiography Ashlee Simpson3:48 Boyfriend Ashlee Simpson3:22 Invisible Ashlee Simpson3:44 La La Ashlee Simpson4:03 Love Ashlee Simpson2:48 Pieces Of Me Ashlee Simpson3:50 Shadow Ashlee Simpson4:11 The Last Goodbye Atomic Kitten3:19 The Tide Is High Atomic Kitten3:36 Walking On The Water Atomic Kitten3:59 Whole Again Atomic Kitten3:17 Alice Avril Lavigne3:50 Complicated Avril Lavigne4:23 Don't Tell Me Avril Lavigne3:46 Girlfriend Avril Lavigne3:59 He Wasn't Avril Lavigne3:18 Hot Avril Lavigne3:43 I'm With You Avril Lavigne4:06 Keep Holding On Avril Lavigne4:18 Knockin' On Heaven's Door Avril Lavigne3:07 Losing Grip Avril Lavigne4:05 My Happy Ending Avril Lavigne4:20 Nobody's Home Avril Lavigne3:39 Sk8ter Boi Avril Lavigne3:45 Smile (Clean) Avril Lavigne3:43 What The Hell Avril Lavigne3:58 When You're Gone Avril Lavigne4:17 Blame It On The Weatherman B' Witched3:39 C'est La Vie B' Witched3:12 I Shall Be There B' Witched4:37 Jessie Hold On B' Witched3:37 Jump Down B' Witched3:18 Roller Coaster B' Witched3:24 To You I Belong B' Witched3:24 I'll Be In The Sky B.O.B4:24 So Good B.O.B3:49 Magic B.O.B & Rivers Cuomo3:35 Airplanes B.O.B. Feat. Hayley Williams3:16 Nothin' On You B.O.B. Ft. Bruno Mars5:05 All I Have To Give Backstreet Boys4:43 As Long As You Love Me Backstreet Boys3:58 Call Backstreet Boys3:43 Drowning Backstreet Boys4:48 Everybody Backstreet Boys3:56 Fool Again Backstreet Boys4:12 Get Another Boyfriend Backstreet Boys3:30 I Still Backstreet Boys4:10 I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys3:50 Incomplete Backstreet Boys4:12 Just Want You To Know Backstreet Boys4:15 Larger Than Life Backstreet Boys3:47 More Than That Backstreet Boys4:00 One Backstreet Boys4:05 Quit Playing Games With My HeaBackstreet Boys4:12 Shape Of My Heart Backstreet Boys4:09 Show Me The Meaning Of Being LBackstreet Boys4:12 The Call Backstreet Boys3:43 The One Backstreet Boys4:05 Who Let The Dogs Out Baha Men3:39 You All Dat Baha Men3:41 Good Luck Basement Jaxx4:37 Hush Boy Basement Jaxx3:29 Red Alert Basement Jaxx3:56 Romeo Basement Jaxx4:02 U Don't Know Me Basement Jaxx3:47 Where's Your Head At Basement Jaxx4:14 Catch My Disease Ben Lee4:15 Countdown Beyonce3:53 Crazy In Love Beyonce4:07 Dangerously In Love Beyonce5:12 Die With You Beyonce3:50 End Of Time Beyonce3:58 If I Were A Boy Beyonce4:30 Irreplaceable Beyonce4:05 Listen Beyonce4:08 Love On Top Beyonce4:41 Me Myself And I Beyonce5:22 Naughty Girl Beyonce3:49 One Plus One Beyonce4:47 Run the World Girls Beyonce4:15 Single Ladies Beyonce3:28 Sweet Dreams Beyonce3:47 Telephone Beyonce3:59 Video Phone Beyonce3:53 Work it Out Beyonce3:40 Upgrade You Beyonce & Jay Z4:55 Bonnie & Clyde Beyonce & Jay-Z3:39 Closer I Get To You Beyonce & Luther Vandross5:19 Baby Boy Beyonce & Sean Paul4:32 Beautiful Liar Beyonce & Shakira3:35 Deja Vu Beyonce Ft Jay Z4:23 Drunk In Love Beyonce Ft. Jay-Z5:43 Don't Lie Black Eyed Peas4:02 Don't Phunk With My Heart Black Eyed Peas4:23 Don't Stop The Party Black Eyed Peas6:31 Hey Mama Black Eyed Peas3:57 I Gotta Feeling Black Eyed Peas5:07 Just Can't Get Enough Black Eyed Peas3:59 Let's Get It Started Black Eyed Peas3:55 Mas Que Nada Black Eyed Peas4:19 Meet Me Halfway Black Eyed Peas5:02 Missing You Black Eyed Peas4:54 My Humps Black Eyed Peas4:35 Pump It Black Eyed Peas3:56 Rock That Body Black Eyed Peas4:49 Shut Up Black Eyed Peas4:59 The Time (The Dirty Bit) Black Eyed Peas5:12 Time (Dirty Bit) Black Eyed Peas5:12 Where Is The Love Black Eyed Peas4:11 Imme Be Black Eyed peas4:31 Request Line Black Eyed Peas & Macy Gray4:04 Banquet Bloc Party3:29 Flux Bloc Party4:04 I Still Remember Bloc Party4:44 One More Chance Bloc Party4:48 Prayer Bloc Party4:05 The Prayer Bloc Party4:05 Can We Fix It Bob The Builder3:27 Freestyler Bomfunk Mc's3:15 Basketball Bow Wow3:29 I Want Candy Bow Wow2:58 Let's Get Down Bow Wow & Baby4:32 Girlfriend Bow Wow & Omarion4:20 Marco Polo Bow Wow & Soulja Boy Tell'em4:23 Better Bow Wow & T-Pain4:24 (You Drive Me) Crazy Britney Spears3:41 3 (Three) Britney Spears3:42 Baby One More Time Britney Spears3:50 Beat Goes On Britney Spears4:09 Born To Make You Happy Britney Spears4:23 Boys Britney Spears3:46 Break The Ice Britney Spears3:09 Circus Britney Spears3:28 Crazy Britney Spears3:36 Criminal Britney Spears4:02 Do Somethin' Britney Spears3:45 Email My Heart Britney Spears4:03 Everytime Britney Spears3:57 Gimme More Britney Spears4:27 Girl In The Mirror Britney Spears3:48 Hold It Against Me Britney Spears4:06 I Can't Get No Satisfaction Britney Spears4:47 I Love Rock & Roll Britney Spears3:28 I Run Away Britney Spears4:15 I Wanna Go Britney Spears3:48 I'm A Slave 4 U Britney Spears3:48 I'm Not A Girl Not Yet A WomanBritney Spears4:12 If U Seek Amy Britney Spears3:53 Liar (Explicit) Britney Spears3:34 Lucky Britney Spears3:43 My Prerogitive Britney Spears3:48 Oops I Did It Again Britney Spears3:52 Outrageous Britney Spears3:42 Overprotected Britney Spears3:41 Perfume Britney Spears4:15 Piece Of Me Britney Spears3:52 Radar Britney Spears4:06 Someday (I Will Understand) Britney Spears3:48 Sometimes Britney Spears4:11 Stronger Britney Spears3:43 Three Britney Spears3:42 Till The World Ends Britney Spears4:15 Toxic Britney Spears3:42 Womanizer Britney Spears4:01 Work Bitch Britney Spears4:25 You Drive Me Crazy Britney Spears3:35 You Got It All Britney Spears4:16 Me Against The Music Britney Spears & Madonna4:09 24K Magic Bruno Mars4:04 Count On Me Bruno Mars3:33 Gorilla (Clean) Bruno Mars4:23 Grenade Bruno Mars3:57 Just The Way You Are (Amazing)Bruno Mars3:52 Just The Way You Are Bruno Mars3:48 Locked Out Of Heaven Bruno Mars4:09 Marry You Bruno Mars4:06 Moonshine Bruno Mars4:04 Runaway Baby Bruno Mars2:43 The Lazy Song Bruno Mars3:29 Treasure (Clean) Bruno Mars3:03 Versace On The Floor Bruno Mars4:39 When I Was Your Man Bruno Mars3:50 Young Girls Bruno Mars4:06 Been It Cardigans4:20 Erase Rewind Cardigans3:54 For What It's Worth Cardigans4:12 Lovefool Cardigans3:32 My Favourite Game Cardigans3:55 Burnin' Down The House Cardigans & Tom Jones5:34 Call Me Maybe Carly Rae Jepsen3:29 Curiosity Carly Rae Jepsen3:27 I Really Like You Carly Rae Jepsen3:40 This Kiss Carly Rae Jepsen4:05 Tonight I'm Getting Over You Carly Rae Jepsen3:58 Anyway Cee Lo Green3:43 Bright Lights Bigger City Cee Lo Green3:56 Forget You Cee Lo Green3:59 Fuck You Cee Lo Green3:59 It's Ok Cee Lo Green4:03 Music to My Soul Cee Lo Green3:09 I Want You (Hold On To Love) Cee Lo Green3:40 Because You Loved Me Celine Dion4:43 Call The Man Celine Dion6:15 Calling you Celine Dion4:37 I Want You To Need Me Celine Dion4:47 I'm Alive Celine Dion3:55 It's All Coming Back To Me NowCeline Dion7:46 Just Walk Away Celine Dion5:04 Like A Natural Woman Celine Dion3:51 Love Can Move Mountains Celine Dion5:10 Love Doesn't Ask Why Celine Dion4:16 Loved Me Back To Life Celine Dion4:07 Miles To Go Celine Dion5:03 Misled Celine Dion3:44 My Heart Will Go On Celine Dion4:57 Natural Woman Celine Dion3:51 New Day Has Come Celine Dion4:20 Next Plane Out Celine Dion4:54 The Prayer Celine Dion2:58 The Reason Celine Dion5:19 Think Twice Celine Dion4:37 Bang Bang My Baby Shot Me DownCher2:57 Believe Cher4:17 Dark Lady Cher3:47 Heart Of Stone Cher4:04 I Found Someone Cher3:45 I Hope You Find It Cher4:03 I Walk Alone Cher3:40 If I Could Turn Back Time Cher4:17 Just Like Jesse James Cher4:24 Music's No Good Without You Cher5:14 One By One Cher4:52 Shoop Shoop Song Cher2:47 Song For The Lonely Cher4:19 Star Spangled Banner Cher2:06 Strong Enough Cher4:01 This Is A Song For The LonelyCher4:28 Walking In Memphis Cher4:09 Welcome To Burlesque Cher3:02 Working Girl Cher4:00 Be Lonely Christina Aguilera4:23 Beautiful Christina Aguilera4:19 Can't Hold Us Down Christina Aguilera4:27 Candyman Christina Aguilera3:28 Come On Over Christina Aguilera3:30 Dirrty Christina Aguilera4:24 Fighter Christina Aguilera4:29 Genie In A Bottle Christina Aguilera3:53 Lady Marmalade Christina Aguilera4:09 Love Will Find A Way Christina Aguilera4:19 Not Myself Tonight Christina Aguilera3:20 Oh Mother Christina Aguilera4:07 Reflection Christina Aguilera3:51 So Emotional Christina Aguilera4:23 Somebody's Somebody Christina Aguilera5:35 The Voice Within Christina Aguilera5:00 Voice Within Christina Aguilera5:00 We're A Miracle Christina Aguilera4:29 What A Girl Wants Christina Aguilera4:05 Your Body Christina Aguilera4:14 Cant Hold Us Down Christina Aguilera ft Lil' Kim4:30 Car Wash Christina Aguilera ft Missy Elliot4:09 You Make Me Feel Cobra Starship3:48 7 Days Craig David4:11 All The Way Craig David3:50 Don't Love You No More Craig David4:15 Fill Me In Craig David4:12 Hidden Agenda Craig David4:00 Rendezvous Craig David4:49 Spanish Craig David4:53 Unbelievable Craig David3:43 Walking Away Craig David3:36 What's Your Flava Craig David3:54 World Filled with Love Craig David4:02 You Don't Miss Your Water Craig David5:40 Last Christmas Crazy Frog3:23 Butterfly Crazy Town3:58 Church Of The Poison Mind Culture Club3:50 Do You Really Want To Hurt MeCulture Club4:38 I Just Wanna Be Loved Culture Club3:51 I'll Tumble 4 Ya Culture Club2:50 Karma Chameleon Culture Club4:25 Mr Vain Culture Club3:33 Time (Clock Of The Heart) Culture Club3:45 Time Culture Club3:45 Victims Culture Club5:07 All Through The Night Cyndi Lauper4:50 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Cyndi Lauper4:19 I Drove All Night Cyndi Lauper4:07 Money Changes Everything Cyndi Lauper5:36 She Bop Cyndi Lauper4:01 Time After Time Cyndi Lauper3:58 True Colours Cyndi Lauper3:37 Who Let In The Rain Cyndi Lauper5:00 One More Time Daft Punk4:15 Get Lucky Daft Punk Feat. Pharrell Williams4:37 Lose Yourself To-Dance Daft Punk Feat. Pharrell Williams6:26 Under Pressure Danni Minogue3:36 All I Wanna Do Dannii Minogue4:37 I Begin To Wonder Dannii Minogue3:50 Put The Needle On It Dannii Minogue3:44 Who Do You Love Now Dannii Minogue3:46 Darkness Darren Hayes5:32 Insatiable Darren Hayes5:18 So Beautiful Darren Hayes5:04 Strange Relationship Darren Hayes5:21 You Spin Me Around Dead Or Alive3:24 Sitting On Top Of The World Delta Goodram4:26 A Little Too Late Delta Goodrem3:34 Born To Try Delta Goodrem4:34 Butterfly Delta Goodrem4:07 I Can't Break It To My Heart Delta Goodrem4:15 Innocent Eyes Delta Goodrem4:10 Little Too Late Delta Goodrem3:45 Lost Without You Delta Goodrem4:34 Mistaken Identity Delta Goodrem4:18 Not Me Not I Delta Goodrem4:39 Out Of The Blue Delta Goodrem4:01 Predictable Delta Goodrem3:51 Sunrise Delta Goodrem3:45 Together We Are One Delta Goodrem4:26 Almost Here Delta Goodrem & Brian McFadden4:08 Body Say Demi Lovato3:31 Confident Demi Lovato3:42 Cool For The Summer Demi Lovato3:52 Don't Forget Demi Lovato3:44 Give Your Heart A Break Demi Lovato3:43 Heart Attack Demi Lovato3:47 La La Land Demi Lovato3:28 Neon Lights Demi Lovato4:14 Sky Scraper Demi Lovato4:20 Skyscraper Demi Lovato4:02 Stone Cold Demi Lovato3:23 Bootylicious Destiny's Child3:48 Bug A Boo Destiny's Child3:42 Cater 2 U Destiny's Child4:27 Emotion Destiny's Child4:18 Girl Destiny's Child3:54 I'm A Survivor Destiny's Child4:21 Independent Women Destiny's Child3:41 Jumpin Jumpin Destiny's Child4:03 Lose My Breath Destiny's Child3:54 No No No Destiny's Child4:00 Nuclear (Clean) Destiny's Child4:02 Say My Name Destiny's Child4:31 So Good Destiny's Child3:33 Soldier Destiny's Child5:37 Stand Up For Love Destiny's Child5:03 Survivor Destiny's Child4:19 All You Want Dido4:16 Don't Leave Home Dido4:11 Here With Me Dido4:30 Hunter Dido4:20 Life For Rent Dido4:07 Sand In My Shoes Dido5:16 Thank You Dido3:55 White Flag Dido4:00 Dirtee Cash Dizzee Rascal4:38 Dirtee Disco Dizzee Rascal3:54 Holiday Holiday Dizzee Rascal4:12 Scream Dizzee Rascal2:56 Bonkers Dizzee Rascal3:13 Shout For England Dizzee Rascal & James Corden3:37 Goin' Crazy Dizzee Rascal & Robbie William3:29 Scream Dizzee Rascal Feat. Pepper2:53 Dance Wiv Me Dizzee Rascal Ft Calvin Harris3:46 A Team Ed Sheeran4:54 Castle On The Hill Ed Sheeran4:41 Don't Ed Sheeran3:56 Drunk Ed Sheeran3:38 Galway Girl Ed Sheeran3:06 Give Me Love Ed Sheeran5:41 How Would You Feel Ed Sheeran4:57 I See Fire Ed Sheeran5:08 Lego House Ed Sheeran3:22 Perfect Ed Sheeran4:41 Photograph Ed Sheeran4:36 Shape Of You Ed Sheeran4:11 Sing Ed Sheeran4:13 Small Bump Ed Sheeran4:12 The A Team Ed Sheeran4:54 Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran4:56 You Need Me I Don't Need You Ed Sheeran4:00 Blue (Da Ba Dee) Eiffel 653:46 Lucky In My Life Eiffel 653:52 Move Your Body Eiffel 653:50 Gay Bar Electric Six2:44 Danger High Voltage Electric Six4:09 Anything Could Happen Ellie Goulding5:01 Army Ellie Goulding4:13 Beating Heart Ellie Goulding3:52 Burn Ellie Goulding4:08 Explosions Ellie Goulding4:14 Goodness Gracious Ellie Goulding4:02 Guns & Horses Ellie Goulding3:52 How Long Will I Love You Ellie Goulding2:44 Lights Ellie Goulding3:49 Love Me Like You Do Ellie Goulding4:29 On My Mind Ellie Goulding3:45 Starry Eyed Ellie Goulding3:16 Still Falling for You Ellie Goulding4:19 Your Song Ellie Goulding3:25 Addicted Enrique Iglesias4:35 Be With You Enrique Iglesias4:01 Don't Turn Off The Lights Enrique Iglesias4:05 Escape Enrique Iglesias3:50 Hero Enrique Iglesias4:33 I Love to See You Cry Enrique Iglesias4:27 I Will Survive Enrique Iglesias3:48 I'm a Freak Enrique Iglesias3:57 Love To See You Cry Enrique Iglesias4:27 Maybe Enrique Iglesias3:29 Mentiroso Enrique Iglesias4:09 Rhythm Divine Enrique Iglesias3:47 Sad Eyes Enrique Iglesias4:15 She Be The One Enrique Iglesias3:46 Trapecista Enrique Iglesias4:30 Carrie Europe4:48 The Final Countdown Europe3:32 Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)Eurythmics5:04 Big Girls Don't Cry Fergie4:49 Fergalicious Fergie5:17 LA Love (La La) Fergie3:30 London Bridge Fergie3:47 MILF Fergie2:58 Close To Five4:50 Closer To Me Five4:50 Don't Wanna Let You Go Five3:36 Everybody Get Up Five3:23 If Youre Gettin Down Five3:15 Invincible Five4:31 It's The Things You Do Five4:08 Keep On Movin' Five3:35 Lets Dance Five4:35 Until The Time Is Through Five4:35 When The Lights Go Out Five4:21 Hiphopapotamus Vs. RhymenoceroFlight Of The Conchords2:29 I'm Not Crying Flight Of The Conchords3:34 Ladies Of The World Flight Of The Conchords3:09 Most Beautiful Girl Flight Of The Conchords4:23 Call It What You Want Foster The People4:17 Pumped Up Kicks Foster The People4:09 Killing Me Softly Fugees5:12 No Woman No Cry Fugees4:38 Cars Gary Numan3:51 Careless Whisper George Michael4:22 Bag It Up Geri Halliwell3:47 Baker Street Geri Halliwell4:31 Desire Geri Halliwell3:38 It's Raining Men Geri Halliwell4:38 Look At Me Geri Halliwell4:21 Mi Chico Latino Geri Halliwell3:22 Ride It Geri Halliwell4:07 Scream If You Wanna Go FasterGeri Halliwell3:48 Calling Gerri Halliwell4:12 Gold Digger Glee Cast3:18 Loser Like Me Glee Cast3:37 Somebody To Love Glee Cast5:03 True Colours Glee Cast3:48 Express Yourself Glee Girls4:17 Take A Bow Glee Girls3:52 Crazy Gnarls Barkley3:19 Run Gnarls Barkley2:58 Smiley Faces Gnarls Barkley3:19 Who Cares Gnarls Barkley2:48 A&E Goldfrapp3:39 Caravan Girl Goldfrapp4:12 Fly Me Away Goldfrapp4:34 Happiness Goldfrapp4:31 Number 1 Goldfrapp3:38 Number One Goldfrapp3:38 Ooh La La Goldfrapp3:49 Ride A White Horse Goldfrapp4:47 Rocket Goldfrapp4:01 Strict Machine Goldfrapp4:08 19-2000 Gorillaz3:38 Clint Eastwood Gorillaz3:59 Dare Gorillaz4:27 Dirty Harry Gorillaz4:00 El Manana Gorillaz4:10 Feel Good Inc Gorillaz4:03 Kids With Guns Gorillaz4:09 Stylo Gorillaz4:11 Eyes Wide Open Gotye3:30 I Feel Better Gotye3:34 Somebody That I Used To Know Gotye Feat. Kimbra4:22 Eyes Wide Open Goyte3:30 All I Need is You Guy Sebastian4:00 All That I Need Is You Guy Sebastian4:05 All To Myself Guy Sebastian4:45 Angels Brought Me Here Guy Sebastian4:19 Don't Worry Be Happy Guy Sebastian4:27 Elevator Love Guy Sebastian3:57 Gold Guy Sebastian3:38 Kryptonite Guy Sebastian3:56 Like It Like That Guy Sebastian4:17 Like a Drum Guy Sebastian3:18 Taller Stronger Better Guy Sebastian4:04 4 In The Morning Gwen Stefani4:54 Baby Don't Lie Gwen Stefani3:37 Cool Gwen Stefani3:12 Crash Gwen Stefani4:21 Don't Speak Gwen Stefani4:31 Ex-Girlfriend Gwen Stefani3:47 Excuse Me Mr. Gwen Stefani3:15 Hella Good Gwen Stefani4:16 Hollaback Girl Gwen Stefani3:44 It's My Life Gwen Stefani3:59 Just A Girl Gwen Stefani3:39 Luxurious Gwen Stefani4:42 Make Me Like You Gwen Stefani3:53 New Gwen Stefani4:39 Running Gwen Stefani4:15 Simple Kind Of Life Gwen Stefani4:37 Spiderwebs Gwen Stefani4:45 Used To Love You Gwen Stefani4:05 What You Waiting For Gwen Stefani3:50 Wind It Up Gwen Stefani3:34 Cookie Jar Gym Class Heroes3:58 Cupid's Chokehold Gym Class Heroes4:17 What Is Love Haddaway4:12 Don't Save Me Haim4:08 Falling Haim4:40 If I Could Change Your Mind Haim4:13 You Can't Stop The Beat Hairspray5:40 I Will Come To You Hanson4:21 If Only Hanson3:56 Lost Without Each Other Hanson4:04 Mmmbop Hanson4:12 Penny And Me Hanson4:28 This Time Around Hanson4:16 Where's The Love Hanson4:07 Naughty Girl Holly Valance3:38 State Of Mind Holly Valance3:40 Down Boy Holly Vallance3:47 Kiss Kiss Holly Vallance3:47 Ready For The Floor Hot Chip4:14 Believer Imagine Dragons3:42 It's Time Imagine Dragons4:12 Radioactive Imagine Dragons3:25 ABC Jackson 53:13 Blame It on the Boogie Jackson 53:50 Blue Skies Jamiroquai4:10 Canned Heat Jamiroquai3:33 Cloud 9 Jamiroquai4:08 Corner Of The Earth Jamiroquai3:52 Cosmic Girl Jamiroquai4:25 Deeper Underground Jamiroquai4:40 Feels Just Like It Should Jamiroquai3:55 Little L Jamiroquai4:07 Love Foolosophy Jamiroquai4:06 Seven Days In Sunny June Jamiroquai4:19 Space Cowboy Jamiroquai6:43 Virtual Insanity Jamiroquai4:21 You Give Me Something Jamiroquai3:49 All For You Janet Jackson4:43 Dosen't Really Matter Janet Jackson4:14 Every Time Janet Jackson4:41 Everytime Janet Jackson4:41 Go Deep Janet Jackson3:56 I Get Lonely Janet Jackson4:36 Just A Little While Janet Jackson4:18 Someone To Call My Lover Janet Jackson4:42 Son Of A Gun Janet Jackson4:25 Together Again Janet Jackson4:44 Unbreakable Janet Jackson3:58 What Have You Done For Me LateJanet Jackson3:27 Breathing Jason Derulo4:10 Don't Wanna Go Home (Clean) Jason Derulo3:43 Encore Jason Derulo4:00 Fight For You Jason Derulo4:15 Get Ugly Jason Derulo3:37 In My Head Jason Derulo3:33 It Girl Jason Derulo3:27 Other Side Jason Derulo4:05 Ridin' Solo Jason Derulo3:53 Sky's The Limit Jason Derulo4:00 Stupid Love Jason Derulo3:51 The Other Side Jason Derulo4:05 The Sky's the Limit Jason Derulo4:00 Trumpets Jason Derulo4:05 Undefted Jason Derulo3:54 Want To Want Me Jason Derulo3:46 Watcha Say Jason Derulo3:57 What If Jason Derulo3:39 I Won't Give Up Jason Mraz4:16 I'm Yours Jason Mraz3:54 99 Problems Jay Z4:11 Ain't It Funny Jennifer Lopez4:27 Ain't Your Mama Jennifer Lopez3:55 Baby I Love You Jennifer Lopez4:49 Cherry Pie Jennifer Lopez3:59 Do It Well Jennifer Lopez3:25 Feeling So Good Jennifer Lopez4:40 Get Right Jennifer Lopez4:04 Hold It Don't Drop It Jennifer Lopez4:14 Hold You Down Jennifer Lopez4:10 I'm Glad Jennifer Lopez3:38 I'm Gonna Be Alright Jennifer Lopez3:18 I'm Real Jennifer Lopez5:14 If You Had My Love Jennifer Lopez4:39 Jenny From Block Jennifer Lopez3:33 Let's Get Loud Jennifer Lopez4:21 Love Don't Cost A Thing Jennifer Lopez4:01 My Love Don't Cost A Thing Jennifer Lopez4:00 Play Jennifer Lopez3:51 Waiting For Tonight Jennifer Lopez3:57 Because Jessica Mauboy4:35 Been Waiting Jessica Mauboy4:06 Burn Jessica Mauboy3:09 Let Me Be Me Jessica Mauboy4:09 Saturday Night Jessica Mauboy3:42 Up Down Jessica Mauboy3:42 A Little Bit Jessica Simpson4:06 A Public Affair Jessica Simpson3:39 Fired Up Jessica Simpson3:48 I Think I'm In Love With You Jessica Simpson3:35 I Wanna Love You Forever Jessica Simpson4:25 These Boots Are Made For WalkingJessica Simpson3:59 With You Jessica Simpson3:37 Belief John Mayer4:16 Bigger Than My Body John Mayer4:41 Clarity John Mayer4:36 Come Back to Bed John Mayer5:40 Daughters John Mayer4:03 Heartbreak Warfare John Mayer4:57 Home Life John Mayer4:43 Moving on & Getting Over John Mayer4:33 New Deep John Mayer4:18 Say John Mayer4:01 Something's Missing John Mayer5:18 Split Screen Sadness John Mayer5:17 Waiting on the World to ChangeJohn Mayer3:34 Wheel John Mayer5:50 Why Georgia John Mayer4:42 Your Body is a Wonderland John Mayer4:23 Move Your Feet Junior Senior3:27 Rhythm Bandits Junior Senior3:17 Boyfriend Justin Bieber3:09 Eenie Meenie Justin Bieber3:40 Love Yourself Justin Bieber4:14 Never Let You Go Justin Bieber4:40 One Time Justin Bieber3:52 Pray Justin Bieber3:46 Somebody To Love Justin Bieber3:56 Sorry Justin Bieber3:37 U Smile Justin Bieber3:37 What Do You Mean Justin Bieber3:42 You Smile Justin Bieber3:37 As Long As You Love Me Justin Bieber & Big Sean4:03 Baby Justin Bieber & Ludacris3:54 Never Say Never Justin Bieber Ft Jayden Smith4:03 Cry Me A River Justin Timberlake5:10 I'm Lovin' It Justin Timberlake4:04 Last Night Justin Timberlake5:02 Like I Love You Justin Timberlake5:04 Lovestoned Justin Timberlake4:18 Mirrors Justin Timberlake8:20 My Love Justin Timberlake4:55 Rock Your Body Justin Timberlake4:46 Senorita Justin Timberlake5:19 Sexy Back Justin Timberlake3:51 Sexyback Justin Timberlake3:51 Take Back the Night Justin Timberlake6:14 Tunnel Vision Justin Timberlake7:09 What Goes Around Justin Timberlake5:28 Until The End Of Time Justin Timberlake & Beyonce5:39 Suit And Tie (Clean) Justin Timberlake Feat Jay Z5:45 Gold Digger Kanye West And Jamie Foxx3:48 Gold Digger Kanye West And Jamie Foxx3:48 Bluebird Kasey Chambers4:24 Hollywood Kasey Chambers3:52 Like A River Kasey Chambers3:35 Little Bird Kasey Chambers3:44 Not Pretty Enough Kasey Chambers3:30 Nothing At All Kasey Chambers3:38 On A Bad Day Kasey Chambers2:59 Runaway Train Kasey Chambers3:46 Birthday Katy Perry3:53 Circle The Drain Katy Perry4:52 Dark Horse Katy Perry3:51 ET Katy Perry3:45 Firework Katy Perry4:05 Hot & Cold Katy Perry3:57 I Kissed A Girl Katy Perry3:16 Last Friday Night (TGIF) Katy Perry4:10 Not Like The Movies Katy Perry4:17 One Of The Boys Katy Perry4:24 One That Got Away Katy Perry4:04 Part Of Me Katy Perry3:51 Peacock Katy Perry4:07 Roar Katy Perry4:01 Teenage Dream Katy Perry4:06 Thinking Of You Katy Perry4:27 This Is How We Do Katy Perry3:42 Unconditionally Katy Perry3:55 Waking Up In Vegas Katy Perry3:40 Wide Awake Katy Perry3:58 California Gurls Katy Perry & Snoop Dogg4:13 Acapella Kelis4:26 Caught Out There Kelis4:37 Get Along With You Kelis4:36 Good Stuff Kelis4:13 In Public Kelis4:48 Milkshake Kelis3:25 Millionaire Kelis4:10 Young Fresh 'n' New Kelis3:49 Already Gone Kelly Clarkson4:54 Because Of You Kelly Clarkson3:58 Before Your Love Kelly Clarkson4:15 Behind These Hazel Eyes Kelly Clarkson3:36 Breakaway Kelly Clarkson4:20 Catch My Breath Kelly Clarkson4:20 Cry Kelly Clarkson3:50 Dark Side Kelly Clarkson4:00 Don't Waste Your Time Kelly Clarkson3:52 Gone Kelly Clarkson3:43 Heartbeat Song Kelly Clarkson3:39 I Do Not Hook Up Kelly Clarkson3:37 Invincible Kelly Clarkson4:17 Low Kelly Clarkson3:42 Miss Independent Kelly Clarkson3:59 Mr. Know It All Kelly Clarkson4:09 My Life Would Suck Without YouKelly Clarkson3:49 Never Again Kelly Clarkson3:59 One Minute Kelly Clarkson3:20 Since U Been Gone Kelly Clarkson3:29 Sober Kelly Clarkson4:06 The Trouble With Love Is Kelly Clarkson4:00 Trouble With Love Is Kelly Clarkson4:00 Walk Away Kelly Clarkson3:25 What Doesn't Kill You Kelly Clarkson3:58 Blah Blah Blah Kesha3:11 C'Mon Kesha3:46 Die Young Kesha3:51 Take It Off Kesha3:52 Tik Tok Kesha3:40 Your Love is My Drug Kesha3:24 All Summer Long Kid Rock5:11 Jackson Mississippi Kid Rock4:14 Sex On Fire Kings Of Leon3:42 Use Somebody Kings Of Leon4:14 Jump Kris Kross3:21 2 Hearts Kylie Minogue3:15 All The Lovers Kylie Minogue3:37 Aphrodite Kylie Minogue3:58 Better The Devil You Know Kylie Minogue4:18 Breathe Kylie Minogue3:53 Can't Get You Out Of My Head Kylie Minogue4:05 Can't Stop Giving You Up Kylie Minogue3:55 Chocolate Kylie Minogue5:21 Come Into My World Kylie Minogue4:51 Confide In Me Kylie Minogue5:22 Everything Is Beautiful Kylie Minogue3:44 Flower Kylie Minogue3:43 Get Outta My Way Kylie Minogue3:58 Giving You Up Kylie Minogue3:55 Hand On Your Heart Kylie Minogue4:09 I Believe In You Kylie Minogue3:42 I Just Can't Get You Out Of MyKylie Minogue4:09 I Should Be So Lucky Kylie Minogue3:42 I Was Gonna Cancel Kylie Minogue3:52 In My Arms Kylie Minogue3:53 In Your Eyes Kylie Minogue3:36 Into The Blue Kylie Minogue4:16 Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi Kylie Minogue3:45 Loco-Motion Kylie Minogue3:33 Love At First Sight Kylie Minogue4:19 On A Night Like This Kylie Minogue3:45 One Kylie Minogue4:28 Please Stay Kylie Minogue4:24 Put Yourself In My Place Kylie Minogue4:29 Red Blooded Women Kylie Minogue4:40 Slow Kylie Minogue3:37 Spinning Around Kylie Minogue3:40 Step Back In Time Kylie Minogue3:26 Tears On My Pillow Kylie Minogue2:47 The Locomotion Kylie Minogue3:33 The One Kylie Minogue4:28 This Wheel's on Fire Kylie Minogue4:02 Timebomb Kylie Minogue3:13 Wow Kylie Minogue3:33 Especially For You Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan4:10 Kids Kylie Minogue & Robbie William4:46 Alejandro Lady GaGa4:48 Bad Romance Lady GaGa4:43 Paparazzi Lady GaGa3:49 Poker Face Lady GaGa4:14 Applause Lady Gaga3:48 Born This Way Lady Gaga4:38 Brown Eyes Lady Gaga4:21 Dance In The Dark Lady Gaga5:04 Edge Of Glory Lady Gaga5:27 Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)Lady Gaga3:13 GUY Lady Gaga3:51 Judas Lady Gaga4:27 Love Game Lady Gaga3:59 Monster Lady Gaga4:23 Perfect Illusion Lady Gaga3:18 Queen Lady Gaga5:48 So Happy I Could Die Lady Gaga4:12 Speechless Lady Gaga4:54 Teeth Lady Gaga3:57 The Cure Lady Gaga3:44 The Edge Of Glory Lady Gaga5:27 The Queen (Clean) Lady Gaga5:48 You And I Lady Gaga5:23 Chillin' Lady Gaga & Wale3:34 Do What U Want Lady Gaga Ft R Kelly4:14 Telephone Lady Gaga Ft. Beyonce3:59 Just Dance Lady Gaga Ft. Colby O'Donis4:17 Back Of The Van Ladyhawke4:00 My Delirium Ladyhawke4:28 Paris Is Burning Ladyhawke4:07 Blue Jeans (Clean Ver) Lana Del Rey3:48 Born To Die Lana Del Rey5:02 Carmen Lana Del Rey4:25 High by the Beach Lana Del Rey4:33 Love Lana Del Rey4:53 Shades Of Cool Lana Del Rey5:56 Video Games Lana Del Rey4:53 West Coast Lana Del Rey4:30 Young and Beautiful Lana Del Rey4:15 Summertime Sadness Lana Del Rey & Cedric Gervais3:53 Lust For Life Lana Del Rey & The Weeknd4:43 In For The Kill La-Roux4:27 Bulletproof La-Roux3:45 Let Me Down Gently La-Roux5:50 Quicksand La-Roux3:24 Uptight Downtown La-Roux4:32 22Lily Allen3:24 Air Balloon Lily Allen4:06 Alfie Lily Allen3:04 Fear Lily Allen3:46 Hard Out Here (Clean) Lily Allen3:49 LDN Lily Allen3:32 Littlest Things Lily Allen3:24 Not Fair Lily Allen3:39 Our Time Lily Allen4:33 Smile Lily Allen4:06 Somewhere Only We Know Lily Allen3:47 The Fear Lily Allen3:46 Twenty Two Lily Allen3:24 Who'd Have Known Lily Allen4:05 I'm On A Boat Lonely Island Feat T-Pain2:53 Green Light Lorde4:13 Royals Lorde3:39 Team Lorde3:30 Tennis Court Lorde3:39 Yellow Flicker Beat Lorde4:10 Macarena Los Del Rio3:57 I Got A Girl Lou Bega3:35 Mambo No 5 Lou Bega4:15 Paper Planes M.I.A.3:44 Space M.I.A.3:19 White Walls Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Feat.6:08 Thrift Shop (Clean) Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Feat.4:12 Can't Hold Us Macklemore And Ryan Lewis Feat4:45 I Try Macy Gray4:09 Amazing Madonna3:57 American Life Madonna4:52 American Pie Madonna4:49 Beautiful Stranger Madonna4:15 Borderline Madonna3:59 Celebration Madonna3:39 Cherish Madonna4:06 Crazy For You Madonna4:20 Deeper And Deeper Madonna5:53 Die Another Day Madonna3:51 Don't Cry For Me Argentina Madonna5:46 Don't Tell Me Madonna3:58 Dress You Up Madonna4:00 Drowned World (Substitute ForMadonna5:25 Erotica Madonna4:53 Express Yourself Madonna4:59 Frozen Madonna5:28 Get Together Madonna5:32 Ghosttown Madonna4:29 Girl Gone Wild Madonna3:31 Give It To Me Madonna4:18 Hanky Panky Madonna4:18 Holiday Madonna4:18 Hollywood Madonna4:28 Hung Up Madonna3:41 I'll Remember Madonna4:14 Impressive Instant Madonna3:58 Into The Groove Madonna4:22 Jump Madonna4:03 La Isla Bonita Madonna4:04 Like A Prayer Madonna4:39 Like A Virgin Madonna3:54 Living For Love Madonna3:58 Lucky Star Madonna4:01 Material Girl Madonna4:03 Music Madonna3:39 Nothing Really Matters Madonna4:03 Open Your Heart Madonna4:10 Papa Don't Preach Madonna4:22 Power Of Goodbye Madonna4:31 Ray Of Light Madonna5:54 Santa Baby Madonna2:53 Secret Madonna4:43 Secrets Madonna4:43 Sorry Madonna5:09 The Power Of Goodbye Madonna4:29 This Used To Be My PlaygroundMadonna5:26 True Blue Madonna4:34 Turn Up The Radio Madonna3:57 Vogue Madonna5:41 What It Feels Like For A GirlMadonna5:07 Who's That Girl Madonna4:05 You'll See Madonna4:22 4 Minutes Madonna & Justin Timberlake3:27 Give Me All Your Luvin' Madonna Feat. Nicki Minaj and3:41 Rude MAGIC!3:59 Against All Odds Mariah Carey3:43 All I Want for Christmas is YouMariah Carey4:15 All In Your Mind Mariah Carey5:03 Always Be My Baby Mariah Carey4:27 Art Of Letting Go Mariah Carey4:03 Boy (I Need You) Mariah Carey5:36 Don't Forget About Us Mariah Carey4:12 Dreamlover Mariah Carey4:13 Fantasy Mariah Carey4:20 Hero Mariah Carey4:38 I Want To Know What Love Is Mariah Carey3:49 I'll Be There Mariah Carey4:32 Infinity Mariah Carey4:27 It's Like That Mariah Carey3:43 Loverboy Mariah Carey3:54 Never Too Far Mariah Carey3:59 Obsessed Mariah Carey3:56 Oh Santa! Mariah Carey3:58 Shake It Off Mariah Carey4:07 Someday Mariah Carey4:23 Thank God I Found You Mariah Carey4:40 The Art of Letting Go Mariah Carey4:03 Through The Rain Mariah Carey4:58 Touch My Body Mariah Carey3:47 We Belong Together Mariah Carey3:42 Without You Mariah Carey3:41 One Sweet Day Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men5:00 Boy I Need You Mariah Carey & Cam'ron5:36 Heartbreaker Mariah Carey & Jay-Z4:31 Endless Love Mariah Carey & Luther Vandross4:32 Say Something Mariah Carey & Snoop Dogg4:04 Say Somethin' Mariah Carey Ft Snoop Dogg4:04 When You Believe Mariah Carey Whitney Houston4:51 This Love Maroon 53:35 Moves Like Jagger Maroon 5 & Christina Aguilera3:39 All About That Bass Meghan Trainor3:27 Better When I'm Dancin' Meghan Trainor3:14 Dear Future Husband Meghan Trainor3:21 Lips Are Movin' Meghan Trainor3:19 Me Too Meghan Trainor3:20 No Meghan Trainor3:50 Lullaby Mel B3:40 Feels So Good Mel B5:21 Tell Me Mel B4:14 Ga Ga Mel C4:11 Gaga Mel C4:11 Here It Comes Again Mel C4:25 I Turn To You Mel C4:52 Melt Mel C4:07 Northern Star Mel C4:49 On The Horizon Mel C3:59 Yeh Yeh Yeh Mel C4:43 Goin' Down Mel C3:52 If That Were Me Mel C4:51 17 Forever Metro Station3:15 Shake It Metro Station3:16 Electric Feel Mgmt4:09 Kids Mgmt5:25 Big Girl You Are Beautiful Mika4:28 Grace Kelly Mika3:22 Happy Ending Mika4:55 Love Today Mika4:15 We Are Golden Mika3:42 7 Things Miley Cyrus3:48 Adore You Miley Cyrus4:53 Can't Be Tamed Miley Cyrus3:05 Climb Miley Cyrus4:07 Fly On The Wall Miley Cyrus2:47 See You Again Miley Cyrus3:25 The Climb Miley Cyrus4:07 We Can't Stop Miley Cyrus4:10 When I Look At You Miley Cyrus4:22 Who Owns My Heart Miley Cyrus3:51 Wrecking Ball Miley Cyrus3:55 Work It Missy Elliott4:35 Little Lion Man Mumford & Sons4:21 Case Of The Ex Mya3:54 Free Mya5:43 A Little More Time On You N Sync4:09 Bye Bye Bye N Sync3:40 Celebrity N Sync3:41 Children Need A Helping Hand N Sync4:29 For The Girl Who Has EverythingN Sync3:56 Girlfriend N Sync4:28 Gone N Sync4:40 I Drive Myself Crazy N Sync3:53 I Want You Back N Sync3:43 I Want You Back N Sync3:40 I'll Never Stop N Sync3:37 It Makes Me I'll N Sync3:42 It's Gonna Be Me N Sync3:30 No Strings Attached N Sync3:57 Somewhere Someday N Sync4:38 Tearin' Up My Heart N Sync3:41 That's When I'll Stop Loving YouN Sync5:05 This I Promise You N Sync4:59 You Got It N Sync3:33 Torn Natalie Imbruglia4:29 All Good Things Come To An EndNelly Furtado5:16 Big Hoops (Bigger The Better)Nelly Furtado3:55 Do It Nelly Furtado4:01 Forca Nelly Furtado3:59 I'm Like A Bird Nelly Furtado4:15 In God's Hands Nelly Furtado4:30 Maneater Nelly Furtado4:47 Powerless Nelly Furtado4:15 Promiscious Nelly Furtado4:22 S## T On The Radio Nelly Furtado4:08 Say It Right Nelly Furtado4:01 Te Busque Nelly Furtado3:58 Try Nelly Furtado5:01 Turn Off The Light Nelly Furtado4:43 Well Well Nelly Furtado3:17 Jealous Nick Jonas4:01 Levels Nick Jonas3:05 Anaconda Nicki Minaj4:37 Catch Me Nicki Minaj4:03 Did It On'em Nicki Minaj3:44 Girls Fall Like Dominoes KaraNicki Minaj4:01 Pills N Potions Nicki Minaj4:37 Pound The Alarm Nicki Minaj3:40 Right Thru Me Nicki Minaj4:04 Starships (Clean) Nicki Minaj3:48 Super Bass (Clean Version) Nicki Minaj3:38 Beez In The Trap Nicki Minaj & 2 Chainz4:40 Right By My Side Nicki Minaj & Chris Brown4:43 Roman's Revenge Nicki Minaj And Eminem4:45 Moment 4 Life (Clean) Nicki Minaj Feat. Drake4:55 Fly (Clean Version) Nicki Minaj ft Rihanna3:50 Don't Speak No Doubt4:48 Hella Good No Doubt3:41 It's My Life No Doubt4:06 Just A Girl No Doubt3:46 Wonderwall Oasis4:16 Pretty Fly For A White Guy Offspring3:27 Why Don't You Get A Job Offspring3:05 You're Gonna Go Far Kid Offspring3:16 Best Song Ever One Direction3:38 Drag Me Down One Direction3:27 Fireproof One Direction3:09 Gotta Be You One Direction4:09 History One Direction3:24 Infinity One Direction4:18 Kiss You One Direction3:21 Little Things One Direction3:56 Live While We're Young One Direction3:36 Midnight Memories One Direction3:07 More Than This One Direction4:07 Night Changes One Direction4:02 One Thing One Direction3:33 One Way Or Another (Teenage KiOne Direction2:56 Perfect One Direction4:05 Steal My Girl One Direction4:05 Stole My Heart One Direction3:43 Story Of My Life One Direction4:21 Tell Me A Lie One Direction3:39 What Makes You Beautiful KaraOne Direction3:36 You And I One Direction4:19 Hey Ya OutKast4:20 Ms. Jackson Outkast4:19 Roses Outkast5:41 Alligator Sky Owl City3:36 Fireflies Owl City4:00 Good Time Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen3:37 I Write Sins Not Tragedies Panic! At the Disco3:21 Nothing In This World Paris Hilton3:16 Stars Are Blind Paris Hilton4:11 18 Wheeler Pink4:03 Ave Mary Pink3:33 Bad Influence Pink3:52 Blow Me One Last Kiss Pink4:36 Crystal Ball Pink3:42 Cuz I Can Pink3:58 Dear Mr President Pink4:51 Don't Let Me Get Me Pink3:52 Family Portrait Pink4:17 Feel Good Time Pink4:11 Fuckin' Perfect (Explicit) Pink3:52 Funhouse Pink3:42 Get The Party Started Pink3:31 God Is A DJ Pink4:10 I Don't Believe You Pink4:53 Just Like A Pill Pink4:18 Just Like Fire Pink3:53 Last To Know Pink4:23 Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) Pink3:42 Mean Pink4:31 Most Girls Pink4:28 Nobody Knows Pink4:13 One Foot Wrong Pink3:43 Please Don't Leave Me Pink4:07 Raise Your Glass Pink3:42 So What Pink3:52 Sober Pink4:28 Stupid Girls Pink3:28 There You Go Pink3:43 Trouble Pink3:37 Try Pink4:18 U And Ur Hand Pink3:55 Who Knew Pink3:52 You Make Me Sick Pink4:30 Back In Time Pitbull3:43 Freedom Pitbull3:12 Hotel Room Service Pitbull4:24 I Know You Want Me Pitbull4:29 International Love (duet) Pitbull & Chris Brown4:03 Rain Over Me Pitbull & Marc Anthony4:10 Time Of Our Lives Pitbull & Ne Yo4:07 Give Me Everything (Tonight) Pitbull & Ne-Yo w~ Afrojack &4:18 Get It Started Pitbull & Shakira4:21 Hey Baby (Drop It to the FloorPitbull & T-Pain3:42 Feel This Moment Pitbull Feat Christina Aguiler4:08 Don't Stop The Party Pitbull Feat TJR3:43 Timber Pitbull Ft Kesha3:42 Shake Senora Pitbull ft T-Pain & Sean Paul3:54 Pokemon Theme Pokemon3:36 Peaches Presidents Of The USA3:06 Breathe Prodigy4:13 Firestarter Prodigy4:00 Nasty Prodigy3:43 Gangnam Style PSY3:55 Gentleman PSY3:34 Common People Pulp4:32 Disco 2000 Pulp5:02 Bottle Pop Pussycat Dolls3:47 Don't Cha Pussycat Dolls3:59 Hush Hush Hush Hush Pussycat Dolls4:32 I Don't Need A Man Pussycat Dolls4:02 I Hate This Part Pussycat Dolls3:57 Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny) Pussycat Dolls3:59 Stickwitu Pussycat Dolls3:42 Stuck With You Pussycat Dolls3:50 Sway Pussycat Dolls3:22 Sway Pussycat Dolls3:22 Takin' Over The World Pussycat Dolls3:51 Wait A Minute Pussycat Dolls4:04 When I Grow Up Pussycat Dolls4:13 Beep Pussycat Dolls & Will.I.Am4:11 Watcha Think About That Pussycat Dolls Feat Missy Elli4:04 Buttons Pussycat Dolls feat. Snoop Dog4:03 Bump N Grind R Kelly4:39 Feelin' On Yo Booty R Kelly4:29 Feelin' Single R Kelly3:54 Fiesta R Kelly3:41 Gotham City R Kelly5:10 Hair Braider R Kelly4:20 Happy People R Kelly4:27 I Believe I Can Fly R Kelly5:43 I Wish R Kelly5:49 If I Could Turn Back The HandsR Kelly6:25 Ignition R Kelly3:20 Just Like That R Kelly3:30 Lady Sunday R Kelly3:53 Love Letter R Kelly5:03 Number One Hit R Kelly4:39 Only The Loot Can Make You HapR Kelly5:10 Radio Message R Kelly4:17 She's Got That Vibe R Kelly4:10 Slow Wind R Kelly3:40 Snake R Kelly5:20 Step In The Name Of Love R Kelly5:38 Storm Is Over R Kelly4:39 The Worlds Greatest R Kelly3:42 Thoia Thoing R Kelly4:05 When A Man Lies R Kelly4:00 When A Woman's Fed Up R Kelly5:00 It's On R Kelly & Dj Khaled & Ace Hood4:26 Pregnant R Kelly & Tyrese & Robin Thick6:12 Playas Only R Kelly And The Game4:09 Locked Away R. City & Adam Levine4:04 Never Gonna Give You Up Rick Astley3:58 Come To Me Ricky Martin4:43 I Don't Care Ricky Martin4:11 Livin' La Vida Loca Ricky Martin4:14 Loaded Ricky Martin4:08 Maria Ricky Martin4:26 Nobody Wants To Be Lonely Ricky Martin5:11 Private Emotion Ricky Martin4:14 Shake Your Bon Bon Ricky Martin3:20 She Bangs Ricky Martin3:56 She's All I Ever Had Ricky Martin5:12 St. Tropez Ricky Martin4:52 The Cup Of Life Ricky Martin4:54 Volveras Ricky Martin5:06 Vuelo Ricky Martin4:14 Tip Toe Wing In My JawwdinzRiff Raff4:00 Breakin' Dishes Rihanna3:38 California King Bed Rihanna4:29 Cheers (Drink To That) Rihanna4:40 Diamonds Rihanna4:00 Disturbia Rihanna4:14 Don't Stop The Music Rihanna4:53 Get It Over With Rihanna3:46 If It's Lovin' That You Want Rihanna3:39 Kiss It Better Rihanna4:30 Man Down Rihanna4:53 Needed Me Rihanna3:31 Only Girl (In The World) Rihanna4:11 Pon De Replay Rihanna4:29 Rehab Rihanna5:10 Rude Boy Rihanna4:03 Russian Roulette Rihanna4:05 S & M Rihanna4:21 SOS Rihanna4:22 Shut Up & Drive Rihanna3:54 Sledgehammer Rihanna3:51 Stay Rihanna4:16 Take A Bow Rihanna3:59 Te Amo Rihanna3:44 Towards The Sun Rihanna4:49 Umbrella Rihanna4:33 Unfaithful Rihanna4:09 We Ride Rihanna4:14 Where Have You Been Rihanna4:19 You Da One Rihanna3:38 We Found Love Rihanna & Calvin Harris3:51 Work Rihanna & Drake3:59 Talk That Talk (Clean) Rihanna & Jay-Z3:45 Raining Men Rihanna & Nicki Minaj4:07 Rockstar 101 Rihanna & Slash4:19 Right Now Rihanna Feat. David Guetta3:20 What's My Name Rihanna Feat. Drake4:45 Hate That I Love You Rihanna Ft Ne-Yo4:01 Hard Rihanna Ft. Young Jeezy4:36 How We Do (Party) Rita Ora4:19 Party And Bullshit Rita Ora4:19 Poison Rita Ora3:40 Radioactive Rita Ora4:29 Roc The Life (Clean} Rita Ora4:16 I Will Never Let You Down Rita Ora Feat. Calvin Harris3:42 R.I.P. Rita Ora Feat. Tinie Tempa3:56 A Better Man Robbie Williams3:40 A Kick In The Head Robbie Williams2:44 Advertising Space Robbie Williams4:57 Aint That A Kick In The Head Robbie Williams2:49 Angels Robbie Williams4:43 Be A Boy Robbie Williams4:54 Better Man Robbie Williams3:38 Beyond The Sea Robbie Williams3:40 Bodies Robbie Williams4:20 Candy Robbie Williams3:37 Come Undone Robbie Williams4:50 Cursed Robbie Williams4:13 Different Robbie Williams5:06 Eternity Robbie Williams5:14 Feel Robbie Williams4:15 Fly Right Robbie Williams2:47 Freedom Robbie Williams4:40 Handsome Man Robbie Williams4:11 Have You Met Miss Jones Robbie Williams2:53 Heavy Entertainment Show Robbie Williams3:41 Hollywood Will List Robbie Williams3:24 Hot Fudge Robbie Williams4:21 How Peculiar Robbie Williams3:17 I Will Talk And Hollywood WillRobbie Williams3:34 It Was A Very Good Year Robbie Williams4:53 It's Only Us Robbie Williams3:08 Karma Killer Robbie Williams4:24 Kids Robbie Williams4:59 Knutsford City Limits Robbie Williams5:06 Lazy Days Robbie Williams4:09 Let Love Be Your Energy Robbie Williams5:00 Let Me Entertain You Robbie Williams4:26 Life Thru A Lens Robbie Williams3:06 Love Be Your Energy Robbie Williams4:29 Love My Life Robbie Williams3:45 Love Somebody Robbie Williams4:21 Lovelight Robbie Williams4:20 Mack The Knife Robbie Williams3:37 Man For All Seasons Robbie Williams4:16 Me & My Shadow Robbie Williams3:35 Me And My Monkey Robbie Williams7:19 Met Miss Jones Robbie Williams2:45 Millennium Robbie Williams3:42 Misunderstood Robbie Williams4:20 Monsoon Robbie Williams3:55 Morning Sun Robbie Williams4:21 Mr Bojangles Robbie Williams3:40 Nans Song Robbie Williams4:00 No Regrets Robbie Williams5:33 Old Before I Die Robbie Williams4:11 One For My Baby Robbie Williams3:50 Party Like A Russian Robbie Williams3:19 Radio Robbie Williams4:12 Revolution Robbie Williams5:55 Road To Mandalay Robbie Williams5:33 Rock Dj Robbie Williams4:35 Rudebox Robbie Williams4:11 Sexed Up Robbie Williams4:41 She's Madonna Robbie Williams4:22 She's The One Robbie Williams4:36 Shine My Shoes Robbie Williams3:38 Sin Sin Sin Robbie Williams4:29 Something Beautiful Robbie Williams5:14 Song 3 Robbie Williams3:59 Strong Robbie Williams4:45 Supreme Robbie Williams4:11 Take That Away Robbie Williams3:29 Tripping Robbie Williams4:24 Well Did You Evah Robbie Williams4:12 Win Some Lose Some Robbie Williams3:54 You Know Me Robbie Williams4:11 Dream A Little Dream (Duet) Robbie Williams Ft. Lily Allen3:44 Be Mine Robyn3:49 Dancing On My Own Robyn5:11 Handle Me Robyn4:08 Luv 4 Luv Robyn4:28 Who's That Girl Robyn4:08 With Every Heartbeat Robyn3:37 Believe Ronan Keating5:08 Brighter Days Ronan Keating5:06 I Hope You Dance Ronan Keating3:56 If I Don't Tell You Now Ronan Keating3:36 If Tomorrow Never Comes Ronan Keating3:53 If You Love Me Ronan Keating3:37 Let Me Love You Ronan Keating3:32 Life Is A Rollercoaster Ronan Keating3:54 Long Goodbye Ronan Keating4:59 Lost For Words Ronan Keating4:09 Love Won't Work Ronan Keating4:08 Loving Each Day Ronan Keating3:46 She Believes In Me Ronan Keating4:26 The Long Goodbye Ronan Keating4:59 The Way You Make Me Feel Ronan Keating4:12 Tomorrow Never Comes Ronan Keating3:58 Way You Make Me Feel Ronan Keating4:03 When You Say Nothing At All Ronan Keating4:29 Alive S Club 74:00 Best Friend S Club 74:11 Bring It All Back S Club 73:48 Don't Stop Moving S Club 74:17 Have You Ever S Club 73:45 Love Ain't Gonna Wait For YouS Club 74:01 Natural S Club 73:05 Never Had A Dream Come True S Club 74:16 Reach S Club 74:21 S Club Party S Club 73:30 Say Goodbye S Club 74:19 Two In A Million S Club 73:51 You S Club 73:45 You're My Number One S Club 74:02 Do You Want Me Salt N Pepa4:03 Let's Talk About Sex Salt N Pepa4:02 None Of Your Business Salt N Pepa3:53 Push It Salt N Pepa3:50 Expression Salt N Pepa4:12 Whatta Man Salt N Pepa5:10 Scatman Scatman John3:45 Comfortably Numb Scissor Sisters4:43 Filthy Gorgeous Scissor Sisters4:13 Fire With Fire Scissor Sisters3:57 I Don't Feel Like Dancing Scissor Sisters4:30 Land Of A Thousand Words Scissor Sisters4:13 Laura Scissor Sisters3:56 Mary Scissor Sisters4:38 Only The Horses Scissor Sisters3:58 She's My Man Scissor Sisters5:51 Take Your Mama Scissor Sisters4:53 Kiss You Off Scissors Sisters5:06 Kiss From A Rose Seal4:10 Beautiful Girls Sean Kingston4:07 Dumb Love Sean Kingston3:30 Eenie Meenie Sean Kingston3:40 Fire Burning Sean Kingston4:08 Me Love Sean Kingston3:47 Party All Night (Sleep All DaySean Kingston4:00 Get Busy Sean Paul3:45 Get Busy Sean Paul3:58 Gimme The Light Sean Paul4:04 Give It Up To Me Sean Paul4:21 I'm Still In Love With You Sean Paul4:03 Like Glue Sean Paul4:20 On The Horizon Sean Paul3:59 She Doesn't Mind Sean Paul4:11 Temperature Sean Paul3:50 We Be Burnin' Sean Paul3:42 Got 2 Luv U Sean Paul & Alexis Jordan3:42 No Lie Sean Paul & Dua Lipa3:59 Come And Get It Selena Gomez4:10 Heart Wants What It Wants Selena Gomez3:45 Kill Em With Kindness Selena Gomez3:51 Naturally Selena Gomez3:29 Same Old Love Selena Gomez4:09 Slow Down Selena Gomez3:50 Hands to Myself Selena Gomez & The Scene3:40 Good for You Selena Gomez ft A$AP Rocky3:58 Closing Time Semisonic4:54 Angel Shaggy4:15 Boombastic Shaggy4:32 Dance & Shout Shaggy4:11 Hey Sexy Lady Shaggy3:43 It Wasn't Me Shaggy4:07 Oh Carolina Shaggy3:25 Strength Of A Woman Shaggy4:16 Julie Shaggy & Ali G.3:57 Freaky Girl Shaggy & Kraft4:14 Dare (La La La) Shakira3:24 Don't Bother Shakira4:27 Dont Bother Shakira4:27 Empire Shakira4:14 Hips Don't Lie Shakira3:55 Illegal Shakira4:15 The One Shakira3:48 Try Everything Shakira3:34 Underneath Your Clothes Shakira4:01 Whenever Wherever Shakira3:36 Any Man Of Mine Shania Twain4:24 Come On Over Shania Twain3:11 Don't Be Stupid Shania Twain3:55 Don't Shania Twain4:18 Forever And Always Shania Twain5:11 From This Moment On Shania Twain4:52 God Bless This Child Shania Twain4:05 Heart Is Blind Shania Twain4:26 Home Ain't Where His Heart IsShania Twain4:22 Honey I'm Home Shania Twain3:51 I Ain't No Quitter Shania Twain3:47 I'm Gonna Getcha Good Shania Twain4:21 I'm Holdin' On To Love Shania Twain3:44 I'm Outta Here Shania Twain4:27 If You're Not In It For LoveShania Twain4:44 It Only Hurts When I'm BreathingShania Twain3:34 Ka-ching Shania Twain3:45 Love Gets Me Every Time KaraoShania Twain3:51 No One Needs To Know Shania Twain3:23 Party For Two Shania Twain3:35 Rock This Country Shania Twain4:36 She's Not Just A Pretty Face Shania Twain4:12 Thank You Baby Shania Twain4:20 That Don't Impress Me Much Shania Twain3:56 The Woman In Me Shania Twain5:08 Up! Shania Twain3:07 What Made You Say That Shania Twain3:11 Whatever You Do Shania Twain4:05 When You Kiss Me Shania Twain4:18 When Shania Twain3:59 Whose Bed Have Your Boots BeenShania Twain4:29 Woman In Me Shania Twain4:57 You Win My Love Shania Twain4:22 You're Still The One Shania Twain3:50 You've Got A Way Shania Twain3:43 Burn Shannon Noll3:44 C'Mon Aussie C'Mon Shannon Noll3:53 Don't Give Up Shannon Noll3:53 Drive Shannon Noll4:16 Learn To Fly Shannon Noll4:29 Lift Shannon Noll4:16 Shine Shannon Noll3:54 Way That I Feel Shannon Noll3:38 What About Me Shannon Noll3:33 Alive Sia4:36 California Dreamin' Sia3:57 Chandelier Sia3:49 Cheap Thrills Sia3:47 Elastic Heart Sia4:35 Helium Sia4:15 Never Give Up Sia3:59 Unforgettable Sia3:34 Baby Got Back Sir Mix A Lot4:44 Dance For Me Sisqo4:28 Incomplete Sisqo4:07 Thong Song Sisqo4:19 Unleash The Dragon Sisqo4:05 All Star Smash Mouth3:36 Pictures Sneaky Sound System3:37 When We We're Young Sneaky Sound System4:01 Drop It Like It's HotSnoop Dogg & Pharrell4:38 Get Over You Sophie Ellis Bextor3:36 Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)Sophie Ellis Bextor4:00 I Won't Change You Sophie Ellis Bextor3:59 Me & My Imagination Sophie Ellis Bextor3:43 Mixed Up World Sophie Ellis Bextor3:54 Murder On The Dancefloor Sophie Ellis Bextor4:12 Music Gets The Best Of Me Sophie Ellis Bextor3:55 Take Me Home Sophie Ellis Bextor4:22 Today The Sun's On Us Sophie Ellis Bextor4:41 Young Blood Sophie Ellis Bextor4:47 Catch You Sophie Ellis-Bexter3:37 Crank That Soulja Boy4:28 Gold Spandau Ballet4:07 2 Become 1 Spice Girls3:51 Goodbye Spice Girls4:43 Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)Spice Girls3:51 Holler Spice Girls4:12 Mama Spice Girls5:22 My Strongest Suit Spice Girls4:23 Say You'll Be There Spice Girls3:57 Spice Up Your Life Spice Girls3:06 Stop Spice Girls3:29 Stop Spice Girls3:42 Too Much Spice Girls4:31 Two Become One Spice Girls4:10 Viva Forever Spice Girls5:26 Wannabe Spice Girls3:16 Who Do You Think You Are Spice Girls4:13 Black Betty Spiderbait3:42 5 6 7 8 Steps3:40 After The Love Has Gone Steps5:00 Better Best Forgotton Steps4:05 Better The Devil You Know Steps4:13 Chain Reaction Steps4:18 Deeper Shade Of Blue Steps4:32 Heartbeat Steps4:47 Here And Now Steps4:02 I Know Him So Well Steps4:38 Last Thing On My Mind Steps3:19 Love's Got A Hold Of My HeartSteps3:36 One For Sorrow Steps4:13 Only In My Dreams Steps4:41 Say You'll Be Mine Steps3:49 Scared of the Dark Steps4:01 Stomp Steps3:39 Summer Of Love Steps4:15 The Way You Make Me Feel Steps3:37 Tragedy Steps4:51 Way You Make Me Feel Steps3:39 When I Say Goodbye Steps3:49 Words Are Not Enough Steps3:50 Brick To Yo FaceStitches3:11 About A Girl Sugababes3:45 About You Now Sugababes3:29 Caught In A Moment Sugababes4:43 Change Sugababes4:02 Denial Sugababes3:50 Easy Sugababes3:57 Follow Me Home Sugababes4:20 Freak Like Me Sugababes3:54 Get Sexy Sugababes3:30 Girls Sugababes3:34 Hole In The Head Sugababes3:57 In The Middle Sugababes4:17 New Year Sugababes4:00 Overload Sugababes4:58 Push The Button Sugababes3:53 Red Dress Sugababes3:53 Round Round Sugababes4:18 Shape Sugababes4:27 Stronger Sugababes4:19 Too Lost In You Sugababes4:21 Ugly Sugababes3:58 Wear My Kiss Sugababes3:55 Walk This Way Sugababes Vs Girls Aloud3:15 Don't Dream It's Over Susan Boyle4:03 End Of The World Susan Boyle3:31 I Dreamed A Dream Susan Boyle4:15 Perfect Day Susan Boyle4:46 Proud Susan Boyle3:36 Wild Horses Susan Boyle5:19 All About Us t.A.T.u.3:20 All The Things She Said t.A.T.u.3:48 Not Gonna Get Us t.A.T.u.4:45 Dead And Gone T.I. Ft. Justin Timberlake5:16 22Taylor Swift4:06 Back To December Taylor Swift5:10 Bad Blood Taylor Swift3:50 Beautiful Eyes Taylor Swift3:13 Blank Space Taylor Swift4:10 Breathe Taylor Swift4:39 Change Taylor Swift4:53 Cold as You Taylor Swift4:20 Fearless Taylor Swift4:15 Fifteen Taylor Swift5:09 Hey Stephen Taylor Swift4:28 I Almost Do Taylor Swift4:08 I Heart Taylor Swift3:23 I Knew You Were Trouble Taylor Swift3:56 I'd Lie Taylor Swift3:45 Innocent Taylor Swift5:13 Invisible Taylor Swift3:33 Jump Then Fall Taylor Swift4:13 Last Christmas Taylor Swift3:43 Love Story Taylor Swift4:11 Mine Taylor Swift4:09 Our Song Taylor Swift3:37 Ours Taylor Swift3:56 Out Of The Woods Taylor Swift4:12 Picture to Burn Taylor Swift3:10 Shake It Off Taylor Swift3:55 Should've Said No Taylor Swift4:18 Speak Now Taylor Swift4:17 Stay Beautiful Taylor Swift4:14 Style Taylor Swift4:11 Sweeter Than Fiction Taylor Swift4:15 Teardrops On My Guitar Taylor Swift3:51 Tell Me Why Taylor Swift3:34 The Best Day Taylor Swift4:22 The Moment I Knew Taylor Swift4:55 The Outside Taylor Swift3:46 The Story Of Us Taylor Swift4:45 Tied Together with a Smile Taylor Swift4:13 Tim McGraw Taylor Swift4:11 Today Was A Fairytale Taylor Swift4:18 White Horse Taylor Swift4:07 Wildest Dreams Taylor Swift3:55 You Belong With Me Taylor Swift4:05 You're Not Sorry Taylor Swift4:34 Safe And Sound Taylor Swift & The Civil Wars4:10 Everything Has Changed Taylor Swift Feat. Ed Sheeran4:23 Angels The xx3:03 Scream Timbaland4:10 Give It To Me Timbaland Feat Nelly Furtado4:19 The Way I Are Timbaland ft Keri Hilson3:24 Apologize Timbaland Ft One Republic3:29 Pass at Me Timbaland ft Pitbull3:26 Carry Out Timbaland Ft. Justin Timberlak4:11 If We Ever Meet Again Timbaland Ft. Katy Perry5:13 Way I Are Timbaland Ft. Keri Hilson3:19 Be The One Ting Tings3:12 Great Dj Ting Tings3:44 Hang It Up Ting Tings3:39 Shut Up & Let Me Go Ting Tings3:02 Shut Up And Let Me Go Ting Tings3:12 That's Not My Name Ting Tings4:06 We Walk Ting Tings4:26 Dear Lie TLC5:31 No Scrubs TLC3:48 Unpretty TLC4:47 Baby Baby Baby TLC4:31 Creep TLC4:33 Damaged TLC4:18 Diggin' On You TLC4:21 Girl Talk TLC3:50 Silly Ho TLC4:29 Waterfalls TLC4:24 Heathens Twenty One Pilots3:33 Ride Twenty One Pilots3:48 Stressed Out Twenty One Pilots3:40 Follow Me Uncle Cracker4:02 Drift Away Uncle Kracker3:51 In A Little While Uncle Kracker4:19 Smile Uncle Kracker3:38 Burn Usher4:31 Caught Up Usher4:12 Climax Usher4:10 Confessions Pt 2 Usher4:06 Crash Usher3:44 Good Kisser Usher4:27 Lay You Down Usher4:20 Lemme See Usher4:28 Love In This Club Usher4:34 More Usher4:07 Moving Mountains Usher5:19 My Way Usher4:03 Nice & Slow Usher3:56 One Day You'll Be Mine Usher3:49 Pop Ya Collar Usher3:58 Scream Usher4:13 There Goes My Baby Usher4:58 U Don't Have To Call Usher4:48 U Got It Bad Usher4:22 U Remind Me Usher4:26 U-Turn Usher3:21 Yeah Usher4:34 You Make Me Wanna Usher3:46 My Boo Usher & Alicia Keys4:03 I Don't Mind Usher & Juicy J4:29 DJ Got Us Falling in Love Usher & Pitbull3:58 In My Bag Usher & T.I.5:01 Omg Usher & Will.I.Am5:02 Hot Tottie Usher And Jay-Z5:17 O.M.G Usher Ft. Will.I.Am4:47 A-Punk Vampire Weekend2:37 Giving Up The Gun Vampire Weekend5:04 Oxford Comma Vampire Weekend3:37 Ice Ice Baby Vanilla Ice4:50 Play That Funky MusicVanilla Ice3:32 Turning Japanese Vapors3:51 Boom Boom Boom Boom Vengaboys3:35 Cheeka Bow Bow Vengaboys3:21 Forever As One Vengaboys3:50 Kiss Vengaboys3:51 Sha La La La Vengaboys3:30 Uncle John From Jamica Vengaboys3:28 We Like to Party (Vengabus) Vengaboys4:01 We're Going To Ibiza Vengaboys3:30 Popular Veronicas3:02 Untouched Veronicas4:30 You Ruin Me Veronicas4:08 Bitter Sweet Symphony Verve4:22 Dance Hall Days Wang Chung4:49 Everybody Have Fun Wang Chung3:43 Earned It Weeknd4:02 Hills Weeknd3:48 I Can't Feel My Face Weeknd4:11 In The Night Weeknd4:06 Starboy Weeknd3:27 A World Of Our Own Westlife3:17 Amazing Westlife4:43 Angel Westlife4:07 Angels Wings Westlife4:53 Bop Bop Baby Westlife3:50 Flying Without Wings Westlife3:42 Fool Again Westlife3:48 Hey Whatever Westlife3:50 Home Westlife5:21 I Don't Wanna Fight Westlife4:37 I Have A Dream Westlife3:46 I Lay My Love On You Westlife4:13 If I Let You Go Westlife3:24 Lonliness Knows Me By My NameWestlife3:39 Mandy Westlife3:27 Miss You Nights Westlife3:52 My Love Westlife3:52 Obvious Westlife4:42 Queen Of My Heart Westlife3:56 Rose Westlife4:07 Safe Westlife6:10 Seasons In The Sun Westlife3:12 Smile Westlife4:20 Swear It Again Westlife3:44 The Rose Westlife4:28 Tonight Westlife4:56 Unbreakable Westlife3:25 Uptown Girl Westlife4:21 Us Against The World Westlife4:28 What About Now Westlife4:10 What Makes A Man Westlife4:14 When You're Looking Like ThatWestlife3:52 World Of Our Own Westlife4:21 You Raise Me Up Westlife4:16 Black Suits Comin Will Smith4:09 Freakin' It Will Smith4:18 Gettin' Jiggy Wit It Will Smith4:21 Just The Two Of Us Will Smith4:04 Men In Black Will Smith3:35 Miami Will Smith4:19 Party Starter Will Smith3:40 Switch Will Smith4:11 Wild Wild West Will Smith4:11 Bang Bang Will.I.Am4:31 It's My Birthday Will.I.Am4:21 Boys & Girls Will.I.Am & Pia Mia4:59 #thatPOWER Will.i.am Feat Justin Bieber4:49 Scream and Shout (Clean) Will.I.Am Feat. Britney Spears4:56 This Is Love Will.I.Am Feat. Eva Simons5:06 T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) (CleWill.I.Am Feat. Jennifer Lopez4:59 That Power Will.I.Am Feat. Justin Bieber4:29 Making Plans For Nigel XTC4:53 Senses Working Overtime XTC5:37 We No Speak Americano Yolanda Be Cool Ft D Cup5:07
0 notes
natwine-blog1 · 6 years
The Bottle that Turned Me
Passion for wine, unsurprisingly, begins with a bottle. Much like we all remember our first love, we all remember the bottle of wine that truly changed our perception of the beverage. Also like romance, a great bottle can strike at any time. Growing up in Northern California, wine had always been around me, and my first adventures in drinking involved Charles Shaw. Yet, it was years before it became my beverage of choice. In college, I drank mostly beer, and then moved on to the macho allure of Kentucky Bourbon. Still, my work in the restaurant industry maintained a relationship with wine, and my love of beverages in general meant I had a (very) basic understanding of it’s history and importance in the world of fermenting and distilling. Last summer I was lucky enough to begin working at a beautiful new farm-to-table restaurant with a serious wine program. Although located in the famously laid back town of Woodstock, NY, Silvia was anything but relaxed. Every shift involved an intricate and in depth pre-shift, where we tasted new menu items, discussed the geographic origins of the meats and cheeses, and, occasionally, had wine classes. The director of their wine program is Sommelier Alison Berlin, a firm believer that wine begins with the grape and terroir. Her expertise, although at first intimidating, also offered a berth of knowledge. Alison discussed wine in a way I previously thought reserved for music or literature; that unique blend of curiosity, knowledge, and reverence. Alison’s classes were primarily meant to educate the staff to help improve sales. We were not expected to understand carbonic maceration or memorize sub-appelations, but it would no doubt be helpful to understand the power of location on wine and some of the key points when discussing popular and often misunderstood wines, such as Riesling. One of Alison’s biggest focuses was the importance of terroir (a difficult to translate word that basically comprises all of the natural factors affecting a grape: the soil, the sunlight, the weather) on a wine. To illustrate this we tasted two bottles of Cabernet Franc, one from Chinon in the Loire, and another made from grapes grown in the Santa Cruz mountains of California. At this point it should be noted that I grew up in the Bay Area, and throughout high school and college somehow managed to spend significant time in almost all of California’s major wine regions, including Santa Cruz. I should perhaps also mention that my dad grew up in Sonoma County, and I spent many weekends at Grandma’s house in Santa Rosa. My ties to the region and California as a whole are not insignificant, and I consider the entire state worthy of the word ‘home’. We tasted the Chinon first. It was explained that it was an ‘old-world’ style (basically meaning it was from Europe), and we were given a chance to express any thoughts we had about the aroma or taste. Frankly, I don’t remember much about that wine at all. Part of this is due to arrogance, I definitely was convinced any future I had in beverage would be through whiskey. Part of this is also due to the fact that I don’t think it was a very interesting wine. Delicious and drinkable, I’m sure, and probably doing exactly what Alison intended it to do. At the time, not something I would think too much about. We dumped our glasses and Alison began to pour the second bottle. It had a very Californian label, a stark white with a line drawing of coastal mountains and a sans-serif font reading METHODE SAUVAGE. It was explained that the wine maker, Chad Hinds, was bringing Cab Franc clones from France and planting them in various regions across California to explore  the affects of terroir on the grape. I smelled the wine, and was immediately intrigued. It smelled dirty, musky, and wet, what Alison would call ‘Forest Floor’. We sipped, and the dirty feeling continued, but also gave way to dark fruits and spices. It was the aftertaste, the finish, that truly floored me. The flavor was a blend of black cherry and what my friend Lindsey called “Savory marzipan,” and for a moment, an extremely clear moment, I felt like I was 3,000 miles away in my late grandmother’s condominium. My grandmother never served me marzipan, or kept cherries around the house. The flavors I associate with her are fried chicken, roast beef, and Kraft grilled cheese. She also wasn’t a wine aficionado. Although it was her drink of choice, she wasn’t in a financial position to be purchasing the finer side of the Dry Creek Road. She also never expressed any sort of affection for Santa Cruz, about 130 miles south of her. In fact, I have a feeling she probably had disdain for the place. So why the fuck did this wine make me feel closer to her than I had since her funeral? I still have no idea, and I probably never will, since that wine is gone and will never be produced again. It was a similar experience to the smell of sandalwood reminding me of the summer of 2015, commuting to San Francisco and an ex-girlfriend. Similar to the way the smell of wet carpet and fake pine reminding me of driving through the backroads of Vermont in my old truck. Similar to how I can’t listen to the Chili Peppers without thinking of California or the Strokes and New York. From all that, I know that it was not just an emotional experience but a sensory one. Addicting is the wrong word. The feeling should be sought after. That sort of connection between body, spirit, and nature is difficult to find but highly rewarding, which is why we still create anything. I thought I had loved whiskey, but it had never offered that sort of experience, not to me. I was also lucky to be working in a generous restaurant. What could’ve been a memorable experience quickly became a reasonable hobby, as the following week I was sent to a natural wine tasting in my then residence of Hudson, NY. Each wine I smelled that felt similar to the Methode Sauvage sparked an adrenaline rush. “Is this it?” I would think. As it turned out, none of the wines I tasted that day stuck with me in quite the same way, although many of them were delicious and offered other, smaller pleasures. I became hooked, and begin studying and drinking wine regularly. Since that time I have had a few bottles that left me moved or stunned, though in different ways, broadening my understanding of the abilities of wine. What I hope to achieve with this blog is a sort of public diary, allowing for musings and reflections, a part of the broader conversation on the importance of wine.
0 notes
The convoy of 18 wheelers racing along the road were nestled between armored humvees. Painted across the black metallic doors in bold font colored a steel blue was the name Hawkwood. Gunners stood half emerged from their steel-plated watching ahead with vigilant eyes tightly gripped the handles of their mounted .50 cals. UAVs hovered silently overhead stalking the ground below for any pray that might scurry into its panoramic field of vision. They drove west towards the receding night sky. The red and orange hues of dawn reflected brightly in rear view mirror.  The lonely two-lane road was surrounded by dense forests. Every now and again they passed a boarded-up building. Usually, a gas station or a rest stop derelict buildings that had been abandoned long ago. Token reminders of a sprawling, interconnected civilization that had been carved and dismembered.
LT Col Levinson formerly of the marines was the commanding officer of the convoy. He spent his extensive military career on the receding boundaries of a crumbling empire. He’d retired from the military to pursue a career with Hawkwood. It was similar work, with more than three times the pay, and with the added perk of being closer to home.
His eyes were covered by a translucent visor attached to his helmet where he could view, in real time the flow of intelligence being fed into the battlenet either through radio chatter, electronic messaging or through the electric eyes of the drones scouting ahead.
The majority of Levinson’s military career had been counterinsurgency work. He fought against guerillas in deserts, jungles, and cities. He had high confidence in his men and the automated systems, but one thing he knew about insurgents is no matter how tight you made the net they always found a way to slip through there was always a hole. There had been a few casualties in the no-mans land far outside the woods and from the city’s borders. Most of these were officially written off as “accidents.” Everything had been relatively calm though and from what Levinson understood about fighting that could be very ominous.
“Sir there’s no response from checkpoint alpha,” the driver informed Levinson.
“Shit, their comm equipment probably just fucked up again,” Levinson shrugged.
“What the hell?” Levinson muttered
A heavy layer of thick black smoke obscured the road ahead. A warning message in bold red letters flashed across his visor, and he was connected to the drones live feed. Less than two kilometers up the road was a barrier of burning cars.
“Oh, fuck,” said Levinson. “All units, all units we have a roadblock up ahead-”
He was interrupted by a rocket streaking out from the trees and striking one of the drones. The flying robot burst into flames and showered the area with jagged shrapnel. The gunners started laying down fire into the forests as they continued to drive head-on into the burning blockade.
“Fuck we’re stuck we gotta turn this motherfucker around!” Levinson shouted.
The forest was lit up by muzzle flashes. The automatic fire made a high-pitched clinking sound as the bullets struck the armor plating. The gunner fell back into the vehicle with his neck spraying blood.
Robert laid his yoga mat across the grass and inhaled the crisp morning air. It was a mild morning. The temperature was in the mid-fifties, but the bountiful sun combined with the slight chill in the air evened it out nicely. Billowy white clouds lazily drifted across the sky being carried by the wind as they slowly dispersed across the blue canopy.
Robert’s wife Rachel was already sitting cross-legged on her mat and well into her breathing exercises. His eight-year-old daughter Theresa was busying herself organizing irregularly shaped blades of grass on her mat. The only noticeable absence from the daily family ritual was Robert’s 15 son Chester.
Salutations to the sun was an integral part of the morning routine in the Pak household. Lemniscate sustained itself on the energy provided by the ever-abiding orb of fire. The city was built on the principle that settled society should be able to function on the resources nature provided. Exceeding these limits could only lead to destruction and thanks to some breakthroughs in engineering they had done quite well for themselves. Lemniscate had all the trappings of modern life and still even managed to provide the little extras the generation that built the burgeoning solar utopia were hopelessly addicted to.
There was no industrial agriculture in Lemniscate, in fact, most people didn’t even eat meat besides the occasional grass-fed beef. What could be grown in the vast greenhouses was distributed along with some perfectly safe nutrient-rich food substitutes boasting to taste just like the dishes they were imitating. They weren’t bad, but they usually fell just a little short on delivering the promised flavors.
People in Lemniscate had no use for markets like previous generations. They saw this system of food distribution as wasteful and inhumane. Instead, the nutritional requirements of a family were carefully calculated by an artificial intelligence that then delivered the food via a system of solar-powered drones.
Chester Pak was the fifteen-year-old son of Robert and Rachel Pak two of Lemniscate’s two most respected citizens and two of engineers behind the revolutionary solar technology that was the foundation of the high-tech bastion. Without their contributions, a self-sustained city that offered all the amenities of modern life would never have evolved into anything beyond a quaint idea. Their combined life’s work was the very existence Chester had grown accustomed to and in his adolescence had come to take for granted.
Thanks to the machinations of genetics Chester’s intellectual potential was a far sight more impressive than most of his peers. For the time being, however, the only way Chester could think to rebel against his brilliant goal driven yet very liberal and open-minded parents was to adopt an attitude of apathy.  His ambivalence to the world around him was considerably exacerbated by the numbing lifestyle his parent's life's work had managed to keep going in their little corner of the country.
Robert knocked on Chester’s bedroom door. Robert was very conscious about respecting his son’s space and tried to remember this was just a phase. Afterall rejection of the way of life of his parent's generation was what lead him and Rachel to take such an active role in building Lemniscate. Despite this though he was irritated at having his authority as a parent willfully ignored. He knocked again more firmly.
“Chester,” he said in a stern tone.
“What?” the boy replied sleepily.
Robert rolled his eyes and opened the door. Chester was laying face down in bed with the shades drawn. The only light in the room was the  LED light of the tv mounted on the wall.
“What, what’s up?” Chester asked not even bothering to turn his head on his pillow.
Robert pulled the shade up and sunlight flooded into the room striking Chester’s squinting eyes.
“Ah close that up,” Chester said turning away from the light.
“Why aren’t you up for salutations to the sun?” Robert asked.
“I don’t know I just feel like we’ve already said hello to the sun plenty of times already I don’t think it’ll take it personally,” Chester replied dismissively.
“Hey we didn’t raise you to be an ingrate,” Rachel retorted. Robert hadn’t even noticed her standing in the doorway. She arrived just in time and seemed to be in good parental form. Just from the tone of her opening line, she made it apparent she wasn’t in the mood for angsty teenage nonsense.
“We pay our respects because if it weren’t for the sun none of this, and certainly not you would be here now,” she said.
“The sun didn’t build the solar cells,” Chester mumbled.
“That’s not the point,” Robert said with frustration.
Rachel sighed. “Look I know you’re going through that phase where it’s cool to think everyone else is an idiot but believe me there is a fine line between being rebellious and independent and just being a jackass.”
“What does that mean?” Chester said defensively
“If you had any idea what it’s like out there you would never question why we express gratitude to the natural world,” said Robert. “You have no idea how good we have it.”
“Yeah? And what is it like out there? Why is it so terrible compared to here?” Chester asked.
Robert’s ringtone interrupted the conversation. Robert knew it wasn’t the best time to take a call, but it was from a number designated strictly for emergency purposes.
“Shit, I gotta take this,” said Robert. He didn’t see his son rolling his eyes.
“This is Robert Pak,” he answered as he stepped out of the room.
“Robert this is Greg you have to get here quick. Hawkwood packed up and left this morning. We don’t know what to do. We need you down here now!”
Greg was an anxiety-ridden individual, but his voice conveyed genuine panic.
“Just hang on. I’m heading over,” Robert replied authoritatively.
A driverless car was pulling up in front of the house just as Robert was walking out the front door. The car greeted him with a friendly female voice.
“Hello, Robert,”
“Hi,” he replied.
“I have calculated the shortest route to your destination. Is this ok or do you have a preferred route?” Asked the computer.
“That’s fine,” replied Robert reaching for his phone to dial back Greg. The phone rang one and a half times before Greg answered sounding even more terrified than before.
“Robert are you almost here??”
“I’m on my way now.”
“You have to get here fast none of us know what to do,” Greg wailed.
“Greg, what’s happening over there?”
“There's some kind of army heading this way. Apparently really well armed and they’re almost here.” Greg explained in a shaky fluctuating voice.
“What about Hawkwood what are they doing about this?” Robert asked calmly but firmly.
“They left Rob! the assholes fucking left,” Greg sobbed.
Rob shook his head. “They can’t just leave we have a contract this is the kind of thing they’re supposed to deal with.”
“I know that’s what I told them,” Greg’ wined. “I guess they got attacked this morning. They said it wasn’t worth what they’re getting! “We’re so fucked, we’re so fucked!” Greg said as he broke down into full on sobs.
“Greg calm down. We can’t panic. Remember there are always solutions it’s just a matter of finding them.”
Rob ended the call and looked around with confusion when he saw they hadn't moved.
“What’s going on how come we aren’t going anywhere?” He asked visibly frustrated.
“Sorry I didn’t want to interrupt your call,” the car apologized. “I noticed your phone only has fifty-six percent battery life. Would you like to plug into my power source?”
“What the fuck? Just drive this is an emergency!” Rob snapped. The car pulled away from the curb and sped down the road. Robert pulled out a tablet from his shoulder bag and started going through his messages hoping to get some better idea of what was happening. Through the windshield, he could see the sleek metallic body of a small jet gleaming in the sunlight as it ascended into the sky. Another followed in the wake of its exhaust trail, and another closely tailed that one. The exodus was underway.
Robert’s presence only provided momentary relief.  The brain trust got down to the business of thinking about how they could save their city from the wave of marauders and morale quickly plummeted. Despite the robust, cutting-edge security systems and protocols they put in place they never had any idea the dangering forming out in the wastelands. Now all they could do was watch helplessly as an army of barbarians marched towards Lemniscate.The rats were quick to desert the ship. After every break, they took one or two fewer of them came back. Soon word came the city’s airfield was going to be out of aircraft before the day was through. Robert had dedicated his life to Lemniscate but now the time had come where the safety of his own family superseded the much-lauded greater good. Now it was time to break the news to his wife. He didn’t know how such a willful woman would react to the idea of abandoning her home. So he made sure to make all the arrangements beforehand.
“I arranged passage for you and the kids on a plane out of here,” he whispered into the phone.
“Just leave? Where would we even go, Robert?” She asked in a tone that was a combination of fear and anger.
“North to Vancouver,” Robert replied calmly.
“This is our home!” Rachel fired back. “I’m not just going to let a bunch of militia assholes tack it form us!
“We can’t stop,” Robert sighed. “The security forces left already. We don’t have the weapons or the expertise. There’s nothing we can do.”
She was silent for a moment. “Robert how are they moving?” she asked.
“What do you mean?” Robert asked.
“Are they marching single file or are they moving as a large huddled mass.”
Robert thought about it for a second. “I suppose they’re pretty close together,” he said.
“Well if there are no guns we can still use explosives,” she suggested.
“How?” asked Robert. “We don’t have any bombs, and even if we did, we have no way to use them.”
“The food delivery drones,” Rachel said. “We can fly them right into the middle of those assholes and blow them the fuck up. I bet they’ll disperse and run off if they had suicide robots coming down on them.”
Robert was skeptical, but it was the best suggestion he had heard so far. He brought the plan back to the rest of the committee, and by default, it went forward. Instead of food, the drones were loaded with makeshift bombs. They launched the fleet of suicide machines and watched from the basement of the office complex as the flying bombs headed east to find their target. They had a bird's eye view of the morbid pyrotechnics display. The drones flew over the mass of people hovered for a second before plummeting to the earth and exploding.
It was just like Rachel said. The fiery explosions broke the enemy’s cohesion and sent them scurrying in all directions. Robert and his colleagues cheered as they watched the fire destroy the horde, but the celebration was short lived. The fires didn’t stop burning. The flames began to consume the surrounding forests, and soon the landscape was set ablaze, and the wall of flames began its own march towards Lemniscate.
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the-smolartist · 7 years
Drug Rehabilitation Bagdad Florida 32530
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