#food fantasy low budget
Hmm can you kindly do sukiyaki? Thanks a bunch! ❤️
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He wears beef scarf
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copperbadge · 11 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
oloriel linked to a fundraiser for Sean, who is close to his $5K fundraising goal for a liver transplant; he needs a healthier environment to live in once he has the transplant and they're raising the funds for a new place and at least some partial furnishings. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
gwydion's very elderly car broke down in late October; the repair, to a cooling hose, has cheap parts but expensive labor, and ate most of zir budget for the month. Ze can't do without a car, being disabled, but can't afford to replace it either; ze's raising $280 to help cover bills and the repair. You can give via PayPal here.
nivchara-yahel and her sibling rivalconga are raising money for rent, medicine, and living expenses; they need to pay November rent by the 10th to avoid eviction. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for The Environmental Conservancy of North Port, Florida, who are trying to raise $14K to purchase a parcel of land that will protect a group of gopher tortoise burrows from being forcibly relocated, which could stress or kill the tortoises, a threatened but keystone species in Florida (their burrows are often home to numerous other species). You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Buy Stuff, Help Out:
francescaswords is dealing with some worsening health issues which are preventing her from working as she completes her degree, which has had funding cut because she's dropped to a part-time student. She's raising funds by sharing her latest novel, the YA contemporary fantasy Rotting Trees, on Patreon between now and December 2024, where patrons can read the book in installments for as low as $1.50/month. The novel follows a girl with a cursed family necklace and the antiques shop she visits to try to break the curse. You can read more and reblog here or join the Patreon here.
Recurring Needs:
rusty-chevy is very close to her fundraising goal after her work cut her hours and thus her ability to cover bills from her reduced paycheck; she's hoping for one final push to reach goal. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for Squirrel, a good friend who has recently lost his job and needs to raise about $800 to cover bills and food; Squirrel has had a lot of interviews and believes he will have an offer but won't start work until December. You can give via paypal here.
rilee16 is raising funds to cover November rent and possible late fees after an aggressive roommate hiked their utility bills; Rilee is now sick and also needs to be able to pay to have medication delivered. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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Has anyone asked if Tav cooks/helps the camp that way?
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Nobody has actually.
Ace!Tav absolutely helps with cooking
They can’t do anything fancy, but are a master of simple comfort food
Can make a hearty meal on a budget
They have so many different ways to cook potatoes it’s not even funny
They also have a lot of experience helping in a kitchen and so know how to chop and pluck quickly
Probably the only person in camp Gale doesn’t mind hovering because he knows they actually know what they’re doing
Fantasy equivalent of line cook experience
Everybody finds their proficiency with a knife low key hot
(Astarion x Ace!Tav Masterlist)
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Mako Rescue
Name: Macie
Species: Mako (Underfell!Sans Shark from Fantasy Fields)
Morph: Nightlight, Swirl, Eldritch Eyes
Variant: No Variant
Age: Young Adult
Size: 20 Feet Total, 7 Feet Standing (Average Bara)
Personality: Defensive, Paranoid, Prankster
Compatibility: Macie is a very paranoid bitty, often hiding wherever she can in her tank and growling at anyone who gets too close to her.
Due to her previous circumstances, she’s scared of almost everyone and sees all other bitties as an enemy to be defeated, and will often try to sneak up on someone in order to attack them first. Because of this, it’s recommended that she be an only bitty, at least until she’s healed enough to not attack anyone.
She needs a lot of places to hide in her tank, as that would make her feel a lot more safe.
If she feels safe enough around you, she’ll often pull small, harmless pranks to show that she’s not as bad as she knows she seems. She never does anything out of malice, and she thinks of herself as someone who will never find true peace because of what she’s been through.
She needs someone kind and patient who can spend time with her and show her that she’s loved. Macie will love you forever if you show her that she’s loved even after everything!
Feeding habits: Macie tends to hoard food, and starves herself to save food in case something bad happens.
You’ll have to feed her by hand so that she doesn’t do this, which will be pretty difficult at first. With enough patience, she’ll learn that food won’t be running out any time soon.
Additional info: She loves to watch people play video games, whether it be you or someone online! She especially likes story-based rpgs like Final Fantasy and Persona!
Injuries: She has a small fracture across her collarbone, and quite a few chipped teeth. All injuries are most likely from fights.
Special requirements: She needs things to chew on when she’s bored, and be prepared to get a lot of chew toys! Even with her chipped teeth, her bite is very strong and she’ll probably chew through most things!
Warnings: She has the tendency to attack other bitties, so it’s not recommended that you adopt her with any other bitties currently in your home. This could change as she heals, though!
Reasons for rescue: She was rescued from an aquatic bitty fighting ring, one that was very low budget as there wasn’t a lot of food most of the time. The police found her trying to hide, but her tank was too small for her to properly move in. She was given to the rescue by the police and has been there ever since.
Difficulty: Advanced
Color/Pattern: White bones, Red swirl markings that glow in the dark, Regular Mako tail, Red eyelights, 2 pairs of eyes.
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whatchild · 1 year
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I decided to give another go at making a Pikmin OC, this time with details I will remember since it has not been literal years since the creation of the last one. (I'm not giving up on Mina, though. Her concept is cute dammit.) In-depth character exploration below the cut!
This is Cathrine, She/They pronouns, 24 years old. She comes from a mountainous planet named Duralca that values intellectual achievement and scientific advancement more than anything else. Standing at eye-level with average Pikmin types (Red, Yellow, and Blue), their species looks an awful lot like earthen housecats. You know how Skyrim Khajiit sometimes look like just cats but they can talk and have intelligence? It's like that, except on the same scale as your average Hocotatian or Koppaite.
Cath has wobbly cat syndrome, or an intergalactic equivalent of it. As such she instead remote operates a mech unit to explore planetary surfaces. Her controller has a microscreen for machine data and connects to a separate primary screen for camera output. The mech itself has a tractor beam and internal hammerspace to collect treasure and materials. There's a handrail installed on top so they can pick up passengers should they choose to do so in a manner not dissimilar to a Space Dog, and she would, except she works by herself out of a lone satellite currently stationed within PNF-404's outer atmosphere. There is nobody around to pick up... For now. The legs can be interchanged for various surfaces, except they don't have the resources or hand-eye-coordination to do it by herself.
Their job is considered blue collar work, and rather unimpressive stuff at that. Planetary Data Collection is mostly taken over by SPERO units, bolstered commercially after the Koppai food crisis. She doesn't make enough money to justify halting operations to go pursue another career, though. She's a little stuck.
The backwards apron they wear isn't a necessity or endemic to their culture. Rather it's simply because other planetary societies wear clothes, and so hers is expected to follow suit in the presence of others. It's pretty much the equivalent of pajamas to them, though, so they don't really mind. They have a small wardrobe back home, she thinks they're cute and collects what she can with what little paycheck she gets. Her leg braces are required to help her walk without assistance, she has a few in assorted colors but only one set aboard the satellite.
Cathrine's personality has taken a bit of a nosedive ever since being isolated. They don't quite remember how to speak intergalactic common but they can understand it just fine, it just takes them a while longer to formulate a response or make statements. She occasionally forgets to speak in common entirely, sticking with native tongue Duralcan. Being prone to dizzy spells as well, they don't make the best conversation partner on bad days anyway. On good days though, they're very relaxed and low-key, more content to stick around in the same room as a friend while everyone does their own thing. Offtime is rare for them but when they do get it, it's typically spent reading. Fiction isn't typically produced on Duralca, so she has a big digital collection of stories from across the galaxy. Her favorites are contemporary fantasy and other similarly low fantasies, but science fiction tends to just frustrate her thanks to her everyday proximity to real technological advancements.
Despite being only slightly bigger than a Pikmin, she's never had the opportunity to meet one in person. She doesn't have a spacesuit thanks to budget cuts (it was either keep getting paid the same or get a suit she didn't have the ability to safely use. They picked the money) and on top of that, the Pikmin are terrified of the mech. If she pilots the mech too close to an Onion, the Pikmin will unify to attack. Cathrine isn't above fighting back, either. She won't instigate on purpose, but the default legs on the mech can execute a charge that tramples Pikmin, planting them back in the dirt much to their displeasure. They don't get along.
Cath doesn't get along well with their family either. They have separated parents, and two older siblings. The eldest, Leon, is the golden child, and has taken over their father's job of developing new spacecraft tech. Middle child Sandra is a bit better, as she's also often snubbed in favor of Leon, but she's a bit prone to taking out her middle child syndrome out on the wrong targets. Cathrine is well aware that her position as the "youngest" is the only thing keeping her from being known as the "disappointment" instead. The siblings' mother is still working, unlike their father, and is a part of a biocrafting lab off-planet.
Despite all of the setbacks they've endured, Cathrine is rather fond of PNF-404. They've sabotaged their own data collection in the planet's favor, lying and stretching the truth to make it less appealing for colonization and resource harvesting. If she gets caught, she gets replaced with a SPERO unit. Then what?
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ogradyfilm · 2 months
Recently Viewed: Conquest
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Conquest is dark even by the usual standards of the dark fantasy genre. Armies of savage beast-men roam the untamed wilderness, slaughtering and pillaging indiscriminately; their luckiest victims die before they are dismembered and devoured. Pagan cults oppress and subjugate primitive tribes, demanding human sacrifices in order to “convince” the sun to rise each morning. Theft and murder are not merely commonplace—they are essential survival techniques; food is scarce in this setting, and competition for limited resources is therefore fierce and merciless. Magic unambiguously exists, but it is inherently demonic and evil in nature; the allegedly “benevolent” gods, on the other hand, are apparently indifferent to the suffering of mortals, intervening on behalf of their worshippers only when it is absolutely necessary.
I’d expect nothing less from Lucio Fulci, whose City of the Living Dead has haunted my nightmares ever since I caught it on Kanopy years ago. In that Lovecraftian horror movie, the apocalyptic stakes were made all the more suspenseful by the utter mundanity of the protagonists; painfully average, ordinary, and skeptical, these white bread urbanite characters were woefully unprepared to combat the supernatural forces of Hell.
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Every frame of Conquest is likewise fraught with deliciously unsettling tension, often conveyed through the simplest, subtlest stylistic techniques. In a particularly memorable sequence, for example, our hero—a young warrior from a foreign land on his coming-of-age journey—has been poisoned. His companion—an older nomadic local—leaves him lying by the riverside while he searches the nearby mountain for an enchanted flower capable of healing any ailment. As grotesque boils pulse and burst across the lad’s body, oozing a viscous mixture of blood and pus, the barbarian frantically navigates a seemingly endless sea of foliage, which fills the entirety of the screen—no matter how far the camera zooms out. The pervasive sense of dread that emerges when the burly figure is reduced to a barely perceptible speck amongst the trees is palpable and suffocating.
Featuring brutally excessive gore, charmingly low-budget special effects, a narrative that evokes the structure and themes of classical mythology, and a hazy, surreal, dreamlike atmosphere, Conquest elegantly splits the difference between European arthouse cinema and trashy exploitation film. It is probably an exaggeration to call it a “neglected masterpiece”—but it nevertheless deserves a lot more love and attention.
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chrome-head · 8 months
for the questions!
5, 8, 11, 12, 20, 25, 32, 43 48
:3 go wild
someone is nosyyyyy :3c
5. How many people have you kissed?
zero :( unless its like. a friendly top of the head kiss. in which case. i think one
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
sometimes ill get the urge to go rewatch all of trigun on youtube and you should do the same. or hellsing. the old one with the really good music and low budget. also watch gungrave also watch c
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
a mutuals house. i dont know which bc theres a few i need to visit for various reasons but One Of You would be getting a visit from me
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
hmmmm i think i wanna become a smith! like for a renn faire, i wanna make weapons and/or armor. ive done some chain mail stuff before but very basic and at the very least i do wanna make some actual armor for myself one of these days (probably not like. useable armor, my soft delicate hands would have a rough time making a chain shirt with the smaller thicker gauges
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
i mean. ff14 and baldurs gate have had me by the throat for a while now honestly, those are probably my most accurate answer rn since im not actively hyperfixating on something else atm
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
not closing at my work for once lmao that place is a nightmare on fridays. but the real answer would probably be like. playing some dnd with friends, ordering some food and watching a movie together after
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
honestly i think id wanna live in faerun or. whatever youd call that setting. dnd land. like yeah theres biannual world shattering events that wipe out scores and scores of people even in major seemingly protected cities and gods and devils are just real and out to get you. but im a horny lesbian and i like elves and tieflings and aasimar. and in waterdeep if you live in a tavern room and youre not in the building when the tax collector shows up you just dont have to pay taxes that week
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
if anon is who i think they are then they know the answer to that and i am NOT saying it on this blog hghfgfgh
48. Describe your ideal partner.
someone i can share nerd hobby stuff with, but also not like toooo much of an overlapping venn diagram of interests or experiences i guess bc i love things with other people who dont know them and them sharing new things with me. eager to talk with me a lot i like talking with people and. get a little over excited and clingy and needy :c
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indraprasthainn1 · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to Lucknow Hotel Booking at a Low Price for a Budget-Friendly Escape
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Hey there, fellow wanderers! If you're reading this, chances are you've got the travel bug, and your sights are set on the cultural tapestry that is Lucknow. Good choice! But hey, let's not burn a hole in your wallet while you're at it. Welcome to "The Ultimate Guide to Lucknow Hotel Booking Low Price for a Budget-Friendly Escape." We've got your back, so let's dive into the nitty-gritty of scoring affordable stays in the city of Nawabs.
Lucknow Unveiled: A Budget Explorer's Paradise
First things first, Lucknow is not just a city; it's an experience. From the grandeur of historical monuments to the tantalizing aroma of street food, this city has it all. But, before you start envisioning yourself strolling through the Bara Imambara, let's figure out where you'll rest your weary head without breaking the bank.
Timing is everything: Best Seasons for Budget Travel
Lucknow, like any city, has its peak seasons. Planning your visit during the off-peak times can be a game-changer for your wallet. The months of July to September might be a bit drizzly, but the prices drop like monsoon rain. Plus, you'll get the added bonus of experiencing the city without the usual tourist hustle.
The Art of Scoring Early-Bird Deals
Picture this: You're sipping chai on your balcony overlooking the Gomti River. Now, let's make that fantasy a reality. Booking your accommodation well in advance can save you a ton. Lucknow has a plethora of charming hotels, and the early bird catches the budget-friendly worm. Keep an eye out for those early-bird deals and pounce on them like a tiger on its prey!
Embrace the Local Flair: Boutique Hotels and Homestays
If you're tired of the same old cookie-cutter hotel experience, Lucknow has some hidden gems for you. Boutique hotels and homestays not only provide a unique and personalized stay but often come at a fraction of the cost of big-chain hotels. It's like staying in a friend's place but with the added bonus of professional hospitality.
Lucknow's Hotel Hotspots: Where to Look
Now that you're armed with the knowledge of when to go and how to snag those deals, let's pinpoint the areas where you should focus your hotel hunt.
Gomti Nagar – Modern Comfort on a Budget
Gomti Nagar is the heart of Lucknow's modern charm. This area boasts budget-friendly hotels that don't compromise on comfort. It's like finding a cozy corner in a bustling metropolis.
Hazratganj – The Cultural Hub for Budget Explorers
Hazratganj is the cultural epicenter of Lucknow. Staying here not only immerses you in the vibrant local scene but also provides a plethora of affordable accommodation options. It's a win-win!
Charbagh – Budget Bliss Near the Station
If you're arriving by train, Charbagh is the place to be. With its proximity to the railway station, you can find budget hotels that offer convenience without skimping on quality.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Lucknow Hotel Booking
What's the average cost of budget accommodation in Lucknow?
Ah, the million-dollar question. Well, not quite a million, but we get it. On average, budget accommodation in Lucknow can range from $20 to $60 per night, depending on the season, location, and amenities.
Are there any budget-friendly hotels near popular attractions?
Absolutely! Lucknow is considerate like that. You can find budget-friendly stays within walking distance of major attractions like the Bara Imambara, Chota Imambara, and the Rumi Darwaza.
Can I trust online reviews for budget hotels?
In the digital age, reviews are our guiding stars. But, and it's a big but, take them with a pinch of salt. What might be a deal-breaker for someone else might not bother you at all. Trust your instincts and read between the lines.
Any tips for negotiating a better deal?
You bet! Remember, everything is negotiable. If you're booking directly with the hotel, don your negotiation hat. Ask about discounts, especially if you're planning an extended stay. The worst they can say is no!
Is it safe to stay in budget accommodations?
Lucknow is generally safe, but it's always wise to take precautions. Opt for accommodations with good reviews, and make sure the area feels secure. Trust your instincts; they're your best travel companion.
 Wrapping It Up: Your Budget-Friendly Lucknow Adventure Awaits!
There you have it, intrepid traveler – your roadmap to conquering Lucknow on a budget. From timing your visit right to exploring unique stays, we've covered it all. So, pack your bags, book that budget-friendly hotel, and get ready for a Lucknow adventure that won't leave your pockets feeling light. Happy travels!
Source Link: https://usamediahouse.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-lucknow-hotel-booking-at-a-low-price-for-a-budget-friendly-escape/
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asian-fiction · 11 months
Blooming 一念花开
Episode Count: 30 Runtime: 40 minutes
Dubbed: Dubbed without own voices.
Remember Wulin Heroes? Yeah, this is like about the same flavor overall. Same production values. Same actress, same main female VA, and also dubbed.
Summary (better one because people asked)
Our hero, Mu Bai Zhenren, and heroine, Lian Wen used to be in a relationship 100 years ago, but due to some circumstances, the hero was cursed by the heroine to have this lotus blooming on his head if he should fall in love again. He also was supposed to guard this lotus, but he lost it. And then he disappeared. He belonged to the Qingyuan sect.
Tantan was found by the head of the Qingyuan sect and raised. But after Mu Bai Zhenren left, the sect is in deep disrepair.
By chance Tantan meets Cui Chen and quickly discovers he is the missing Mu Bai Zhenren. The secret comes out that if the pedals on his forehead bloom, a curse will fall on him. But, he also says that Tantan looks a lot like his past lover, despite them having the opposite personality.
He's on a quest to collect 7 seeds of the lotus (There are 2 already), but decides to help Tantan, whom he absolutely can't fall for because she's nothing like Lian Wen.
Mostly, it's them traveling around, solving various problems for villages/villagers, solving little cases here and there, while the writing takes various pot shots at conventions of xianxia, fantasy and other things. And then he gets the Macguffin--the lotus seeds along the way. I'm about 90% sure there are some puns I'm missing from the context that would make it funnier. (The names, for example, sound like they'd be jokes.)
Production values: Low. Really low. I mean, the shots are clever, and all that, but clearly they saved a lot of money here. It's not bottom of the barrel, but it's the same as Wulin Heroes. (also the humor is about the same).
You don't particularly have to pay attention that much to get the story, but it is funny. The jokes are mostly not visual, though there are a few minor ones.
The writer is from South Wind Knows.
The Director is from The Romance of the Tiger and Rose. His directing was livelier on Romance of the Tiger and Rose, but the cast chemistry in that one was amazing too. Directing isn't bad, but it's not the best always… I give it about 5-6
Writing-wise, 100% backburner to middle burner drama, for mostly silly laughs. It'll never be your first watch if there is something better on. 6/7 on writing. I'm sure I'm missing puns, etc.
Costuming I find creative for the low budget. It's shallow of me, but I like the owl costume, and some of the thought into the frog costuming. It's not over the top, why I love it, but it's lots of little things and thoughtful touches along the way.
People dunk on the female main character, but she is clever--able to figure out things for herself or with others, just immature in some ways, mostly thinking she's the prettiest, but being totally dense about love for herself. And romantically stunted (as in she can't see it, which is typical Chinese drama fair--should I start listing multiple Wuxia and Xianxia of this sort? Ashes of Love, for example. I got a ton more… but how long should I make the list? Should I throw in folktales for you?) She also has room to breathe and show she's clever often moving the events forwards in doing so, and doing little childish things.
There is overacting, but I forgive the drama for that because it's satire.
People hate this drama for the low production values. But I don't think one should confuse low production values for a bad story or bad actors. Production values is the smallest thing that one can control and I've seen some really good stories with low production values. Most of it is supposed to be satire of these types of stories. Some people like to go to restaurant dives and get a good meal over going to a fancy restaurant and getting terrible food.
Feminism tests:
Bechdel test: Two named women, check. Talk to each other. Check. About something other than men. Food. But it's directly followed by a conversation about men. It's slightly better than a marginal pass since it's not directly all about men.
Mako Mori: clean pass. She wants to be a better cultivator, but currently sucks. It's not about men.
Sexy Lamp: She's not a sexy lamp. But she does make the same joke from Wulin Heroes about being attractive while everyone ignores her. She does make decisions, learn a bit from her mistakes, and influences other characters to change the direction of the plot and way over more than one time. The ML does undercut her a bit a few times… which is played for laughs, but she does make clean decisions and learns and grows fairly quickly without him and take the lead.
So light satire type. Some people value production values highly. This isn't for you. Some people want high intrigue--this also isn't for you. Some people want political intrigue and seriousness… definitely not this drama.
If you want satire, with some puns, silliness, and a quick romp to run around with, this is that sort of drama. You'll probably get more of the jokes if you've watched Wuxia or Xianxia before.
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fantasyideas1 · 1 year
quotes almat
Poetry The powerful orgasm of love is like I was shot in the head, I pass out in an erotic buzz when I see you, tropical fever of lust, exotic romance of fantasy dreams about you, from your beauty, as if my sperm were set on fire and the flamethrower of passion burned you with insane passion, when I saw you I cum so hard in my pants I seem to have powerfully crap with sperm, as if a powerful laxative for sperm, hardcore arousal, eternal amazement, in the hopes of longing, from the love of the soul of flowering, you are the call of the heart and penis, foaming in the mouth and in the penis from passion for you sperm, insane boner, stands like a hundred warriors, rushing towards you like a yak, lust leading into the depths of passion, I swim towards you in the depths of love to know endless love for you, jokes You had a threesome with bbws, hell of weights man, hell of weights, powerlifting, I moaned and screamed because I thought that the bones would not hold I can't normalize my daily routine, in the sense of the daily routine Maybe there is not enough calcium, but he lacks everything, when he was created they saved on materials, if I am such a low-budget project, why do you naturally have twenty teeth Why do you have a face or pass written over your vagina (pass two meanings, pass, or pass, that is, refuse) Love? Wait for an egg vacancy He’s not full-term, yes, I’m just slowly aging, he probably didn’t have a puberty yet, his voice hasn’t matured, his eggs haven’t grown a beard yet to talk to me so rudely, it was you jerking off in the toilet and moaning like a girl Can't fit in shoe, looks like sex with a virgin erotic food court glass and straw, donut cock ring, ice cream frigid wench, coffee migraine clitoris He was silent for a long time and now he screamed in falsetto, he has direct anger with foam, he will arrange a foam party for others, too, foam at the mouth, stupid as stumps Stop living in fantasy series and films, start living real life, I'm a complete zero in life, then turn on the series Can become a gigolo for the ladies, relax the rolls, we are not interested in anyone The egg had a vacancy, she broke up with a guy In the oriental series they shoot at each other with laser glances, as if a laser tag, this girl fries personal belongings with a laser gaze of the protagonist of the series, mother fries his anus with a glance, he probably got pregnant You look at muscular girls, I love steroid clitoris, from growth hormones they are big and fleshy, why am I friends with you
Author musin almat zhumabekovich
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foodfantasylowbudget · 7 months
🙏thank you for the sweet tofu.. he's the loml. can u do salty.. 😻
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intellibloghub · 1 year
The Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment: SmileDesigns101 in Somerset NJ
Having the smile of your dreams is no longer just a fantasy. With the advancements in orthodontic treatments and financing options, achieving a beautiful smile is now within reach for everyone. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which SmileDesigns101, a leading orthodontic practice in Easton, provides affordable and accessible orthodontic care.
Understanding Easton Orthodontic Financing
Orthodontic treatment can be a life-changing experience, but it often comes with a price tag. However, at SmileDesigns101, the team believes that finances should not be a barrier to obtaining the smile you desire. This is why they offer a range of flexible, affordable financing options to ensure that orthodontic care is accessible to all patients.
The Benefits of Easton Orthodontic Financing
There are several benefits to choosing SmileDesigns101 for your orthodontic financing needs:
1. Customized Payment Plans:- SmileDesigns101 understands that everyone's financial situation is unique. That's why they offer customized payment plans that are tailored to fit your budget. Whether you prefer monthly installments or a lump sum payment, their experienced team will work with you to find a solution that works best for you.
2. No Hidden Fees or Surprises:-The secret to success in financial concerns is transparency. SmileDesigns101 prides itself on providing honest and upfront pricing with no hidden fees or surprise charges. You can rest assured knowing exactly what you will be paying for throughout your orthodontic treatment.
3. Low-Interest Financing:- To make orthodontic care even more affordable, SmileDesigns101 offers low-interest financing options. This means that you can spread out the cost of your treatment over a longer period, reducing the financial burden and making it easier to fit into your monthly budget.
4. Insurance Assistance:- SmileDesigns101 is dedicated to helping patients maximize their insurance benefits. Their knowledgeable team will work closely with your insurance provider to ensure that you receive the coverage you are entitled to. They will handle all the paperwork and assist you in understanding your insurance policy, making the process as smooth as possible.
5. Discounts and Special Offers:- In addition to their already competitive pricing, SmileDesigns101 frequently offers discounts and special offers to make orthodontic care even more affordable. By keeping an eye out for these promotions, you can save further on your treatment costs.
Orthodontic Treatment Options
Now that you understand the financing options available at SmileDesigns101, let's explore the various orthodontic treatment options they offer:
1. Traditional Braces:- Traditional metal braces are a tried and true method for achieving straight teeth. With modern advancements, traditional braces are now more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing than ever before. They are a great option for patients of all ages and can correct a wide range of orthodontic issues.
2. Invisalign:- If you prefer a more discreet orthodontic treatment, Invisalign may be the perfect choice for you. Invisalign utilizes a series of clear aligners that are virtually invisible when worn. These aligners are removable, making it easy to maintain good oral hygiene and enjoy your favorite foods during treatment.
3. Lingual Braces:- Lingual braces are placed on the backside of the teeth, making them completely hidden from view. This treatment option is ideal for patients who desire a truly invisible orthodontic solution. SmileDesigns101 uses the latest technology to customize these braces to match the unique contours of your teeth, ensuring optimal comfort and results.
4. Ceramic Braces:- Ceramic braces offer a more aesthetic alternative to traditional metal braces. These braces blend in with the natural color of your teeth, making them less noticeable. They are a popular choice for patients who want a discreet treatment option without compromising on effectiveness.
5. Retainers and Orthodontic Appliances:- In addition to the various types of braces, SmileDesigns101 also provides retainers and orthodontic appliances. Retainers are worn after the completion of orthodontic treatment to maintain the alignment of your teeth. Orthodontic appliances, such as expanders, are used to correct bite issues and help guide the growth of the jaw.
SmileDesigns101 understands that achieving your dream smile should not be hindered by financial constraints. With their flexible financing options and a wide range of orthodontic treatments, they strive to make orthodontic care accessible and affordable for everyone. Whether you opt for traditional braces, Invisalign, or another treatment option, SmileDesigns101 is committed to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams.
Contact Us:- Easton Orthodontic Financing
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indtravels01 · 1 year
Explore the World: The Essential Guide on Tour & Travel Packages with Jaipur's Best Travel Agency
Are you a passionate traveler who fantasizes about exotic locales and captivating adventures? If you answered yes, you're in for a treat! We will take you on a voyage around the world of travel in this blog, highlighting the greatest tour and travel packages and introducing you to the top travel agency in Jaipur. So buckle up and get ready for an incredible journey!
1. Introducing Jaipur's Best Travel Agency
When it comes to holiday planning, selecting the appropriate travel agent may make all the difference. One agency stands out above the rest in the colorful city of Jaipur, a treasure mine of historic treasures and cultural delights - "IND Travels" IND Travels has acquired the status as the best travel agency in Jaipur, catering to all of your travel needs and producing experiences that will stay with you forever.
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Why Choose IND Travels?
IND Travels knows that each visitor is unique, as tends to be their travel plans and tastes. Whether you choose a calm beach holiday, an exciting adventure, or an immersed cultural experience, they have a package suited for you.
Personalized Itineraries: Goodbye, cookie-cutter itineraries! IND Travels' staff creates specific vacation programs based on your interests and needs. Through their skillful touch, your fantasy holiday becomes a reality.
Expert Advice: From the moment you contact IND Travels until you return home, their team of travel specialists will be there to help you. You'll have a dependable companion every step of the journey, from recommending the greatest places to offering useful travel ideas.
Budget-Friendly Options: IND Travels believes that unforgettable travel experiences do not have to be expensive. You may see the world without exceeding your budget thanks to a variety of low-cost packages.
Safety and Comfort: Their primary concerns are your safety and comfort. Rest assured that IND Travels takes all necessary precautions to ensure a safe and pleasurable voyage.
IND Travels moves visitors throughout the world.
Now that you understand why IND Travels is the greatest travel agency in Jaipur, it's time to explore the amazing tour and travel packages they provide. Here are several of their best-selling products:
Majestic Himalayan Adventure: Travel to the Himalayas, where snow-capped peaks, calm monasteries, and lush valleys await. This action-packed trip appeals to both excitement seekers and environment lovers.
Mesmerizing Rajasthan Delights: This culturally rich package allows you to experience Rajasthan's imperial history. Admire the splendor of old forts, savor delectable Rajasthani food, and immerse yourself in vibrant local culture.
Tropical Paradise in Andaman: If you want sun, beach, and crystal-clear water, this Andaman package is for you. Discover gorgeous beaches, spend time snorkeling among the coral reefs, and enjoy the serenity of this tropical paradise.
Cultural Extravaganza in Varanasi: Travel to Varanasi to experience India's spiritual core. Experience the soul-stirring atmosphere of this hallowed city by witnessing the enchanting Ganga Aarti and strolling through old passageways.
Finding Travel Agents Near Me
If you're not in Jaipur but want to experience IND Travels' greatness, don't worry! They have a network of reliable travel agencies all throughout India. Simply search for "travel agents near me" to discover the nearest operator and start on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
The Last Thoughts
In a world full of delights, seeing new places and encountering different cultures may be profoundly transformational. IND Travels, a leading travel agency in Jaipur, is just a phone call away from achieving your trip ambitions. So pack your luggage, put on your explorer's hat, and prepare to make experiences that will last a lifetime.
Best wishes!
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enahstudio · 1 year
The Cool Breeze of Tagaytay
Unforgettable Moments in Time
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a travelogue
There's this time we tag along with my father's workmates on a trip to Tagaytay. At first, the weather was kind of unsettling. I do not want to go out in a gloomy weather. The vehicle and the overall cost of the trip wasn't the problem. The question is, "Am I going to have fun?", "If I endured my carsickness, will it be worth it?". Not gonna lie. I love hanging out, especially when I'm with my family. But doing it with people I barely interact with won't be easy. Knowing how much of an introvert I am, I knew I wasn't gonna last long. I'd go running to my mom, begging her for us to go home already. But you never really know what's in store for the next few hours.
We went to this place called "Fantasy World". The place looked uncanny once I stepped in. No people, dried leaves scattered everywhere, and just pure silence. I recently watched a documentary regarding the place. It was established by a Japanese man but was put into pause when they got low on budget and was left behind. It funny how we visited an abandoned place without the sidewalks. I caught a glimpse of the beautiful scenery in my glistening eyes. The gush of wind was just fleeing the worries and stress I felt at that time. It's like time stopped for a moment. They're busying themselves by taking pictures while I admire the sound of birds chirping as they fly across the sky, and embracing the gift of nature. Being there isn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Our last stop would be at Puzzle Mansion. It became the fun part of the whole trip for me. I found myself staring at one the most renowned collections displayed in the acrylic cases. Nevertheless, all of them were complete masterpieces. We even got some magnets and other souvenirs to bring home. Shortly after, we had a meal in a nearby restaurants before returning back to our humble abodes.
By the time my father claimed his very first car, he couldn't help but cherish it with all his heart. That's when he planned a family getaway in Tagaytay with just the four of us including my mom, my brother, and me. As well as to get his car blessed in one its known churches, "The Pink Sisters". Using his newly bought gray Chevrolet Spin, we drove off to the land where the adventure starts.
I can already feel the adrenaline rushing throughout the car ride as it is my dad's first time taking us on a trip with his car. I remember my mom scolding him about it since he can be a bit clumsy sometimes and t old him to wait until he gets used to driving on far places. But no one can stop the breadwinner of the family. Gladly the whole trip went safe and nobody was harmed.
Going back, as soon as we arrived at our first stop, I immediately hopped off and felt the fresh air. The sun shone brighter but it never competed with the coolness of the air. Getting the car blessed never felt safer. The drive to Picnic Grove was smooth like butter. Luckily the area wasn't packed with a bunch of people. It's easy for us to accommodate a space where we can set-up our pika-pika foods. Of course pictures is no exception. Once the timer on the camera started its countdown, we got out poses ready. That's another memory that flashed afore my eyes that I'll never forget.
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@enahstudio 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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imthyderabadedu · 2 years
How is Hyderabad a good place to do your MBA?
A top MBA program in Hyderabad offers an extraordinary learning environment and superior job placements when compared to other locations. More than 50 Top MBA colleges in Hyderabad provide top-notch education, making the city a beloved fantasy for those looking to pursue management education there. Today, Hyderabad is home to many top-notch MBA institutions, including IMT Hyderabad.
What is MBA? MBA! A lot of reputation is attached to those three letters! Even though there are many options for careers following graduation, business management is the front-runner. An MBA is regarded to be a necessary component for moving up the employment ladder. High managerial jobs are undoubtedly attainable for those that put in the necessary effort and receive the due credit. While working in various industries, a lot of aspirants realize that management is where their genuine potential lies. With an MBA, changing jobs is great because one may begin later as well.
The profession with no restrictions on admission has a lot to offer. The advanced degree opens the door to lucrative positions, more challenges, networking opportunities, and the possibility to launch your own business in addition to boosting knowledge, confidence, and business acumen.
What makes Hyderabad the best city to study MBA? Are you thinking of going to Hyderabad to acquire your MBA but aren't sure if that's a good idea? Here are a few arguments that can persuade you to reconsider Telangana's capital city. Deciding to pursue an MBA course is a significant one. You choose where you will study in addition to dedicating yourself to several years of hard work.
When it comes to obtaining a management degree and top-notch business education, Hyderabad is assuming a prominent position. Hyderabad management institutes are unique since they serve as a training ground for creating professionals who are prepared for the workplace. Due to several factors, studying for an MBA in Hyderabad has become the top option for students from around the nation.
On Budget Hyderabad is a fantastic choice for students on a budget because it has a low cost of living and tuition. So be sure to think about Hyderabad as your location if you're thinking about studying for an MBA.
Infrastructure It has excellent infrastructure, is safe, and has a low amount of pollution. Access to a first-rate transportation network, helpful government services, and delectable food are further benefits. Additionally, the vibrant city has a rich past and is home to numerous famous landmarks.
Future Possibilities In addition, the city is home to several well-known corporations, including Tech Mahindra, Dell, Facebook, IBM, and Google. Graduates from MBA College in Hyderabad will join a tech-savvy metropolis with a wealth of chances for fulfilling work after graduation.
The top B-schools in Hyderabad collaborate with a wide range of enterprises around the city. As a result, businesses are better able to select the most qualified personnel for their operations. They watch after students' progress and provide them with the finest instruction possible.
Exceptional educational provider The greatest, most qualified, and most experienced professors are available at the top MBA institutions to aid applicants in developing a deeper understanding of the market. The best universities, like IMT Hyderabad, occasionally have guest lectures for the benefit of the students.
Conclusion MBA is not merely a must for defection to become tomorrow's top executives! It is a highly sought-after program with several benefits. Unquestionably, having the degree gives you the capacity to work effectively in a variety of companies across a wide range of sectors. One of Hyderabad's top MBA schools, IMT Hyderabad offers the best MBA course in line with industry standards. They provide the ideal environment for developing present and future industry leaders.
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kyuuppi · 4 years
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help, my boyfriend has no sex drive! (3)
Pairing: Kenma x reader (f)
Contents: smut; thigh highs; semi-clothed sex; unprotected sex; oral sex (f receiving); fingering; cum eating; creampie; virginity kink; established relationship; forgotten homework ):
Word Count: 4.1k
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 4
“Fuck, it’s cold!” 
You curse under your breath as you rub your legs together underneath the blanket, desperate for any semblance of warmth in your freezing apartment. With the arrival of winter, Tokyo has steadily gotten colder and colder each day. Despite wearing your thickest pair of fleece pajamas and cocooning yourself in a bundle of thick blankets on the couch, you feel gooseflesh lining your trembling legs. Each time you accidentally brush your feet against your shins underneath the blankets you recoil from the frostiness of your own toes. 
At your limit, you snatch your cell phone off the coffee table to open the Amazon app, intending to buy a pair of thermal tights to be express shipped. 
Instead, your eyes land on a conveniently placed advertisement on the home page. 
Extra Warm Fuzzy Thigh High Stockings 3 Pack for Women
Immediately enticed by the words “extra warm” you click on the image. The page loads to reveal a variety of colors to choose from along with some product information about the material and a satisfaction guarantee. You scroll down to read a few reviews, almost all citing positive experiences and expressing surprise to find how “cozy and warm” the stockings are despite their low price.
Thoroughly persuaded, you quickly select a set of versatile colors before using the one-click “Buy Now” feature. 
Just as you receive the notification of an order confirmation email, you hear the front door of the apartment open before your boyfriend tiredly shuffles inside. 
“Sorry I’m late,” Kenma murmurs, struggling to shrug off his thick puffer coat. “Yoshida-san wanted to talk again…”
You laugh at that, recalling just how talkative the elderly lady from two doors down tends to be. Once the woman finds someone willing to listen to her rambling, she can go on for hours about topics ranging from romantic conquests of her youth to what types of seasonal fruit her grandchildren like. You can very clearly picture your awkward boyfriend, feeling too guilty to interrupt as Yoshida-san complains about the local markets increasing the price of eggs for thirty minutes. 
“You need to be more selfish, KenKen,” you chastise playfully as you hop up off the couch to help him remove the complicated layers of winter outerwear. 
“Tell people what you want to and don’t want to do. Yoshida-san would understand; you’re a full-time student and eboy , you’re busy.”
Kenma shoots you a disgusted look at your favorite way to refer to his streaming career to which you only cackle. With a few calculated tugs, you manage to remove his coat and hang it on the rack beside the door.
“Anyway, I’ll go ahead and call for dinner—I was thinking we could get sukiyaki and watch a movie for tonight,” you suggest, already making a beeline for your phone.
The rest of the night is spent comfortably, cuddled up on the couch while you both eat warm soup and watch a fantasy movie Kenma picked out. You hardly have any interest in the contents on the screen but you relish in the warmth provided by both the food and your boyfriend. 
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You all but forget about your Amazon order until two days later when Kenma comes home with a plastic package in his hands.
“It says it's for you,” Kenma says simply, handing the package over to where you sit on the couch. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion for a moment before the realization hits and you tear the plastic to pieces in your excitement to open it. Kenma lingers to the side, seeming curious about what could garner such a reaction from you.
With your university student budget, it is rare that you buy anything outside of necessities and an unhealthy amount of take-out, so you are unperturbed by Kenma’s apparent curiosity. 
You grin as you pull the neatly folded pile of multi-colored soft material from the package, holding them in the air for him to see.
“It's my new thigh highs! I was tired of feeling like I was in danger of getting frostbite in our own apartment.”
You drop all but a pair of striped pink socks on the couch and quickly shift to try them on, oblivious to how Kenma’s curious gaze has morphed into something akin to mild horror. The material glides easily up your bare legs, stopping just below mid-thigh. 
“ Ooh— they’re so soft,” you cheer, standing up to test their slipperiness on the wooden floors. Kenma swallows thickly, eyes lingering on where your plush thighs slightly spill over the tops of the stockings. 
He nearly goes into cardiac arrest when you lift your right leg in his direction, toes unintentionally mere centimeters from his crotch. 
“Feel them, they’re super fuzzy!” 
Kenma shies from the innocent brightness in your eyes and shuffles backward, nearly running into the wall in his haste to leave.
“I actually have to film something right now—sorry.”
With the firm shut of his office door, you find yourself standing alone, leg still raised dumbly before your balance falters and you quickly set it down. You can only blink for a few seconds, thoroughly thrown off by the rapid series of events you just experienced. Eventually, you just shrug, writing the exchange off as Kenma being his weird, gamer-boy self, and set to work on your own homework. 
You don’t suspect anything until the next day. 
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As usual, you wake up before your boyfriend. You spend a few extra minutes in bed, enjoying the comfortable warmth and silently cooing over Kenma’s cute sleeping face while he’s curled up to your side. Eventually, though, the desire for breakfast wins out and you quietly slip out of bed.
The cold floor nips at your feet as you tip-toe out of the room. You make a detour to the living room where you left the package overnight, pink and white striped socks strewn haphazardly over the back of the couch where you removed them before bed. Deciding to switch it up, you pick a pair of solid black thigh highs and slip them on before hopping to the kitchen, legs sufficiently warm beneath your oversized sleep shirt.
You lose yourself to the familiar motions of making breakfast, cracking eggs, and mixing batter while your hips sway to a rhythm you make up in your head. Halfway through flying your second egg, you hear the bedroom door behind you open, signaling Kenma’s emergence. 
“Good morning,” you sing-song, well aware Kenma is far from a morning person.
“Do you want your pancakes plain or chocolate chip? We’re out of blueberries.” 
You bend down to retrieve clean plates from the bottom of the dishwasher, rummaging for a few moments before finding two decently sized ones. You return to your full height and plate the eggs before realizing the pancake batter is still sitting in its bowl, waiting, and Kenma has still not responded to your question. You twist your torso around to look over your shoulder, briefly considering maybe he hadn’t heard you properly. 
Surprisingly, Kenma is still awkwardly standing right in front of the bedroom door, seeming to not have moved a muscle since opening it. However, his gaze seems locked on something, eyes wide and pupils dilated not unlike a cat staring at a laser. 
You follow his line of sight only to land on your own thighs, clad in the pair of black thigh-highs. The gears shift and it clicks all at once.
A grin sinister enough to rival the Grinch spreads across your face. 
“Enjoying the view, KenKen~?” You taunt, coyly pointing your toe so the muscles of your calves and thighs flex under the material. 
Kenma finally tears his eyes from your legs to meet your eyes, seeming conflicted between annoyance and embarrassment. With red ears, Kenma turns on his heels and walks unusually quickly towards the bathroom, mumbling something about taking a shower. 
“Wait—you never told me what type of pancakes you want!”
The only answer you receive is the slam of a door. 
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For the rest of the morning, you take full advantage of Kenma’s newfound interest in your thigh-high stockings. You brush against him at any opportunity: claiming you need something from the cabinet right behind him when he’s in the kitchen, conveniently dropping pens and pencils right in front of him when he sits on the couch so that you have to bend over to pick them up.
With each action, Kenma gets more and more flustered and vocal with his complaints, well aware of what exactly you are doing. Regardless of his harsh words, the pink on his cheeks is too cute to resist so you keep doing it until you’re forced to leave for class. 
By the time you come back from campus, the sun is long gone and the apartment is silent save for Kenma’s mumbled voice in the back room where he speaks to the viewers of his stream. 
Kicking off the jeans you had hastily slid on over your black stockings and settling into bed you have only one thing on your mind: the essay your professor had so graciously surprised your class with. He claimed the topic was “easy” and therefore could be finished and submitted “before midnight.” 
“Easy my ass,” you mutter bitterly, pulling open your prehistoric laptop. 
The hours melt away with the inconsistent click-clacking on your keyboard as you set to researching and writing your assignment. While actually spitting out a 500-word essay had been easier than expected, many of your arguments felt weak and you found conflicting information in a few of your sources, forcing you to spend extra time editing your work.
You are so lost in your reading that you hardly notice the uncharacteristic silence from the other room until the bedroom door opens. You spare Kenma a momentary glance and mumbled greeting before your eyes are immediately back on the lengthy Wikipedia page. The small text blurs together under your tired eyes and the overheating laptop on your thighs is bordering on unbearable.
Unbeknownst to you, Kenma stands idly at the door for several minutes while you read, eyes roving over your disheveled, stressed form before landing on your thighs where you rest your laptop. Somehow, it is when you are least put together that you look the most alluring. Wordlessly, he moves forward. 
You startle when you feel the mattress shift beneath you, looking up at Kenma in mild alarm as he crawls into bed with a strange expression on his face. You try to focus on your work again, half-heartedly announcing that you’re busy. 
But Kenma doesn’t listen. 
A soft pair of lips connect with your cheek, sending shivers down your body at the unexpected sensation. Your cheeks flush, unused to Kenma initiating physical contact so directly. As much as you would love to take full advantage of this moment, your word essay stares back at you threateningly.
“Kenma—I can’t, I have an essay—”
Your complaint falls on deaf ears as he continues leaving soft pecks along your cheeks, becoming less innocent and more frenzied as he moves lower. One of his hands finds purchase on your breast, gently fondling the clothed flesh.
Your pulse flutters as his lips press under your ear, hot tongue swiping at your skin. He moves feverishly as he kisses down the column of your neck, only pausing when he reaches the collar of your sweater. 
“You look so pretty right now,” he whispers airily, voice lower than usual. 
You want to disagree. You’re unshowered and bare-faced after a full day of classes with your hair thrown in a messy style—no part of that is conventionally “pretty.” 
But the way Kenma is looking at you, pupils dilated, and a soft flush on his face as if mesmerized has you unable to utter a word of dissent.
All previous inhibitions are forgotten as you set your laptop to the side, not even bothering to save your draft.
His grip on your chest falls away and you take the hint, grasping the hem of your sweater and pulling it over your head. Having left in a rush not to be late earlier, you had forgone a bra—but Kenma hardly minds.
His gaze immediately zones into your exposed breasts. Briefly, his eyes flicker up to meet your own as if silently asking permission, to which you nod, before he returns his attention to your chest, brushing his pale hands up your waist to finally cup your breasts without a barrier. 
He marvels at their softness for a few minutes, alternating between gently cupping and firmly pressing into the supple flesh. Some distant part of his mind suggests the feeling is similar to mochi but he thinks better of sharing the childish thought aloud. Instead, he puts his mouth to better use. 
You sharply inhale when Kenma ducks down without warning, hot tongue swiping over your right nipple while he flicks the other with his thumb like it's a joystick. He envelops the bud in his wet mouth, lightly sucking while his fingers begin pinching.
The sensations shoot down your spine straight to your core and your squirm at his ministrations, gently fisting his silky hair when he switches sides.
Eventually, he releases your nipples with an audible pop to press kisses on the underside of your breast instead. His lips brush against your flesh and he slowly makes his way down, pausing to edge his wet tongue around your belly button in an unexpectedly naughty way that makes you squirm.
His hands abandon your chest in favor of your hips where his fingers slip under the sides of your cotton panties.
He glances up, lips just barely ghosting your skin as he murmurs, “can I take them off?” 
Your throat feels much too dry to produce any comprehensible sound so you simply nod. He wastes no time rolling the thin material down your thighs as you assist in eagerly kicking them off. You make a move to remove your last remaining clothing, your soft black thigh-high stockings, but Kenma quickly grabs your hands to stop you.
Confused, you look up to meet his eyes only to find his cheeks dusted pink as he avoids your gaze. 
“I…want you to keep them on.”
You can’t contain the giggles that bubble up at his admission, only increasing when he visibly pouts. Your amusement dies down as Kenma’s hands move to your shoulders, gently pushing. Obediently, you let your back fall onto the soft bed while Kenma settles directly between your spread thighs, hands supporting his weight on either side of your waist. 
You watch as he looks over you, golden eyes flitting across your body almost methodically as if he is assessing a challenging puzzle in a game. The comparison makes your body feel warm and you resist the urge to squirm under his stare. 
It is far from your first time—you shouldn’t be the nervous one here , you scold. 
At last, Kenma nods to himself, as if silently making a final decision before he lowers himself again. A pair of soft lips brush against the hood of your clit in a peck that has your muscles tensing and a mewl getting caught in your throat. Kenma presses a few more light, soft kisses around your vulva before he uses the thumbs of both hands to properly spread your lips open.
You’re almost embarrassed by how much wetness you can feel beginning to leak out but all thoughts are rendered obsolete the moment Kenma pushes his tongue into you, earnestly and without hesitation. His increase in confidence since the night he had “returned the favor” is clear in his every movement.
His tongue twists in ways he remembers you had particularly liked with the occasional new experimentation as well, alternating between firmly massaging your walls with the tip and thrusting in and out in a mimicry of what he intends to do with his cock later. 
Just the thought of his dick experiencing the heat currently engulfing his tongue has him groaning into you, making your own voice keen at the vibrations. 
He releases his tongue from inside of you to wrap his lips around your clit instead, sucking while the middle finger of his right hand pushes into you. The insertion has you nearly breathless as he manages to reach a place deep inside of you—much deeper than your own fingers could. As a former volleyball player and current gamer, it is no surprise that Kenma has long, dexterous fingers but to feel them in action leaves your heart pounding in your chest as you greedily rock your hips against him. 
He eventually adds his ring finger, the resistance minimal with how wet you have become. His other hand moves to grip your meaty thigh, fingertips just barely slipping beneath the fabric of your stockings. 
You can quickly feel your release building. Kenma seems set on having you cum on his fingers as quickly as possible as well, flicking at your clit with the tip of his tongue while he pushes in a third finger, never once faltering in his pace. It is when he unexpectedly curls his fingers inside of you, hooking into a squishy spot that your vision blurs, and every muscle in your body tenses with your orgasm. 
Kenma diligently helps you ride it out, continuing to finger you and suckle at your clit until your legs draw up, attempting to push him off. Kindly, he pulls away.
You take a moment to collect yourself but it seems all for naught when you catch the way Kenma brings his sticky fingers, utterly drenched in your release, to his own mouth and licks them clean without a second thought. Despite the fact he had just eaten you out, something about watching him suck your essence off his own fingers feels decidedly filthy and leaves you more turned on than you were before your orgasm.
Kenma removes his fingers from his mouth once he deems them “clean” though they now shine with the remnants of his own saliva. He moves his hands to rest on your raised knees and carefully searches your face for any negative response. 
“Do you want to keep going?”
He asks softly but purposefully, fully prepared to stop if you suddenly aren’t up for it anymore. The consideration makes your chest swell and you grin. 
“Yeah,” you answer, sitting up slightly only to hook your fingers in the waistline of his track pants, “take these off.”
His cheeks flame but he obediently hooks his own thumbs into the pants and slides them down, carelessly kicking them off to some corner of the room.
Unsurprisingly, Kenma didn’t bother wearing underwear but you hardly mind and your mouth nearly waters at the sight of his pretty dick, bobbling slightly with his movements and dripping a copious amount of pre-cum, just like on that first night you sucked him off. 
He settles between your hips and you lay back on the pillows to form a textbook-perfect missionary position. One of his hands slides up your leg before finding a good place under your thigh to grab and hold your leg open while his other grabs his cock to position himself.
The first brush of his head against your sticky folds sends a shiver through both of you and his grip on you tightens almost painfully. 
“Can I...put it inside?”
“Yes, Kenma, please,” you respond breathlessly. 
You’re far too impatient to bother being embarrassed by your apparently eagerness though Kenma flusters at your plea. He lines himself up carefully before finally pressing forward. 
You gasp at the stretch, trying your best not to tense up as he slowly forces his way inside. You can hardly remember the last time you had someone inside of you—it must have been a while before you had even met Kenma.
Just as you had suspected that night you first saw him, his girth feels thicker than average and the stretch has your toes curling. He keeps pressing until he bottoms out, hips flush against your ass, and he has to physically pause to catch his breath as he adjusts to the brand-new sensation of being inside of someone.
His brain feels foggy and slow, like your pussy holds the power to make him go dumb. His length feels like it’s burning in your hot insides, soaked and massaged by your pulsating walls. 
He is positive this is one of the greatest experiences of his life.
It only gets better when you impatiently rock your hips against him, creating friction he didn’t realize he so desperately craved. You mewl needily, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and forcing him to press against you, sweaty chests smushed together.
Kenma steels himself, adjusting on hand to grip at your hip while the other supports his weight on the bed, trying not to lay his full weight on you. Torturously slowly, he pulls his hips back until his length nearly slips out only to sink back into the hilt. 
Your walls suck him harshly, threatening not to let him leave every time he partially withdraws and he’s pretty sure it's causing him to make some extremely embarrassing sounds he’ll regret later.
In contrast, you revel in the soft ‘ah’ s and sharp gasps he releases against your neck every time he thrusts inside of you. You experimentally clench around him just to hear the whine he makes in response, his hips involuntarily stuttering. 
“Ngh... feels good,” he whines into your ear. 
You moan your agreement, pressing soft kisses into his sweaty neck in encouragement. His speed steadily increases, your wetness producing a distinct squelch with each thrust. It is quickly devolving into something messy and imperfect but filled with love nonetheless. Every nerve in your body feels as if inflamed, burning you until you are no longer yourself but something new—something that is both you and Kenma. 
It is as your second orgasm is rapidly approaching and your limbs are seizing up, forcing Kenma to reach even deeper inside of you that you realize why it feels so different from the other times, why you felt so nervous before.
It’s the first time you’ve been fucked by someone you truly love. 
With a stammer of Kenma’s name, you cum. 
Your spasming walls prove too much for him and he follows quickly, thrusts losing all semblance of rhythm as he releases inside of you. You feel him deep inside, the head of his twitching cock near the entrance of your womb when he cums, filling you with warmth. Idly, you realize there’s a lot of it—likely the result of Kenma’s first time cumming inside of someone. It fills you to a brim, some of it escaping and sliding down his own spent length until it drips onto the sheets in a sticky mess. 
All strength seems to leave his body and Kenma fully collapses on top of you, head buried into your neck and chests sticking together like glue. The room is silent for several minutes aside from panting as the two of you catch your breaths. 
Kenma is surprisingly the first to speak. 
His voice sounds nervous, slightly hesitant and he refuses to make eye contact as he asks, “Was that okay?”
Every inch of his appearance screams insecure and the sight tugs at your heartstrings. You know he is worried he won’t compare to your previous boyfriends, feeling inadequate due to his own lack of experience. You quickly work to amend that. 
“It was great,” you answer honestly, offering a bright smile. 
“You’re amazing, Kenma.” 
The redness of his cheeks is almost comical but a wide smile stretches across his lips and when he meets your gaze his eyes seem to be nearly sparkling in happiness.
Your heart stutters in your chest. 
“I love you,” he whispers, voice full of adoration.
“I love you too,” you respond, curling into his side.
You nearly purr when his arms immediately snake around your waist, rolling you both onto your sides as he slips from your warmth. You’re overcome with a sense of calm, everything suddenly feeling right in the world if only for this single moment. You have never experienced this with any of your past partners; yet another piece of evidence to validate what you already know: Kenma is it for you. He’s the one. 
A thought comes to mind that has your features twisting into a sinister smirk. 
“Hey, KenKen...you really like my thigh highs, right?”
He stiffens beside you, instinctively knowing he’s in danger. 
“...I guess so,” he cautions, flinching when you coyly brush a clothed toe against one of his shins.
“Maybe for Christmas,” you continue, “I should get you a pair.”
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