#food industry engineering services company
gunnarinnovations · 2 months
Revolutionizing the Food Industry with Cutting-Edge Engineering Services
In an era where innovation reigns supreme, the food industry stands at the forefront of progress, constantly seeking novel solutions to meet evolving consumer demands. At the heart of this transformation lies the intricate network of poultry processing plant engineering services companies, food industry engineering services firms, food industry product prototyping services company, and food industry engineering design services specialists. These entities play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of food production, ensuring efficiency, sustainability, and unparalleled quality.
Pioneering Excellence in Poultry Processing Plant Engineering Services
When it comes to poultry processing, precision and efficiency are non-negotiable. Our poultry processing plant engineering services company embodies a commitment to excellence, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of poultry producers worldwide. From facility design and layout optimization to equipment selection and automation integration, we leverage advanced technologies and industry expertise to streamline operations and maximize yield.
Streamlined Facility Design and Layout Optimization
Our approach begins with a meticulous analysis of client requirements and operational workflows. By harnessing the power of cutting-edge design software and simulation tools, we craft bespoke facility layouts that prioritize efficiency, hygiene, and safety. Every aspect, from product flow and personnel movement to equipment placement and waste management, is carefully orchestrated to enhance productivity and minimize downtime.
Innovative Equipment Selection and Automation Integration
In today's fast-paced environment, manual processes are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of modern poultry processing plants. That's why we collaborate with leading equipment manufacturers to source state-of-the-art machinery tailored to specific production needs. From automated evisceration systems to advanced packaging solutions, we integrate technology seamlessly into existing workflows, empowering our clients to achieve new levels of throughput and quality consistency.
Empowering Innovation in Food Industry Engineering Services
Beyond poultry processing, our expertise extends to the broader spectrum of the food industry, encompassing everything from ingredient sourcing to final product packaging. As a leading food industry engineering services company, we are dedicated to driving innovation and efficiency across every stage of the production process, helping our clients stay ahead of the curve in a competitive marketplace.
Comprehensive Process Optimization
From raw material handling and processing to packaging and distribution, our holistic approach to process optimization ensures maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Through meticulous analysis and continuous improvement initiatives, we identify bottlenecks, minimize waste, and streamline workflows to enhance overall productivity and profitability.
Sustainable Packaging Solutions
In an age of increasing environmental awareness, sustainable packaging has become a top priority for food manufacturers worldwide. As a food industry engineering design services company, we specialize in the development of eco-friendly packaging solutions that reduce environmental impact without compromising product integrity. From biodegradable materials to innovative packaging designs, we help our clients embrace sustainability while maintaining brand reputation and consumer satisfaction.
Driving Innovation Through Product Prototyping Services
Innovation is the lifeblood of the food industry, driving growth, differentiation, and consumer engagement. As a trusted provider of food industry product prototyping services, we empower our clients to bring their ideas to life, from concept to commercialization, with speed and precision.
Rapid Prototyping Technologies
Our advanced prototyping capabilities leverage the latest technologies, including 3D printing, CNC machining, and rapid tooling, to accelerate the product development cycle. Whether it's creating functional prototypes for testing and validation or producing small-batch samples for market research, we offer flexible solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of every project.
Iterative Design and Feedback Loop
Central to our approach is a commitment to collaboration and iteration. We work closely with our clients throughout the prototyping process, soliciting feedback and making adjustments in real-time to ensure the final product meets their exact specifications. By fostering open communication and agile development methodologies, we empower our clients to innovate with confidence and agility.
Shaping the Future of Food Production
The food industry is undergoing a period of unprecedented transformation, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and global sustainability initiatives. As a leading provider of poultry processing plant engineering services, food industry engineering services, food industry product prototyping services, and food industry engineering design services, we are proud to be at the forefront of this evolution, empowering our clients to thrive in a rapidly changing landscape. With our unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability, we are shaping the future of food production one project at a time.
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arcade-writing · 1 year
-leans in here totally casual-
Would you.. perhaps, tell me about your Mysterio?
Name: Quintin Beck
Birthname: Vyacheslav Beck
Nickname: misty, magician, Quinn, Slava, Solomon
Other names: the great Mysterio
Age: 26
Body type: twunk
Height: 5'10 (6 ft in heels)
Sexuality: aromantic, pansexual
Religion: Jewish
He moved from Ukraine with his family when he was 11 to New York
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+ his tattoos (both arms are the same) normal vs In the dark
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Lore/ story facts:
Man of many talents! Has an engineering degree, a degree in fashion and costume making, did courses to be a magician and a degree in film and creative media
Went from making and designing backstage props at his local theatre to becoming the Tech guy and then, starting a small film business by himself. It didn't go very far but with his skills he was asked to work on other movies. He agreed, able to make a living for himself
Even had a short apprenticeship at Oscorp for engineering, meeting Mason and then joining together as a Duo. Mason Caring for him like a father. And still supporting him as a Villian.
That was until, Scout arrived. (My spidersona) Scout was asked to star in a short film about himself but discovered that there were cameras everywhere - hidden. Even in private spaces. All to figure out his identity and share it with the public. Once that came out he made it known to the public and they got sued. After all, a risk to his identity could be life threatening. Causing Quintin to be out of service despite being a bystander and due to the bad rep, struggled to get back into work due to it. After all, no one wanted ties with a problematic company.
Whilst he didn't harbour any Ill will on Scout it was already hard getting through the industry as it was. So, he decided to keep uplifting his own film business - but if he was to make it about the hero. He needed a villian.
He decided to take on the role of Mysterio and amaze all of New York as the newest Villian for Spider-Scout to face. Documenting it all. People loved it! To get so close to the life of a hero and a new enemy - it was exciting! As time went on he became inspired by Scout. He noticed there was a kinship in their interests. It become more civil between them. He's now basically a blogger - crafting shows of illusion and magic for the public.
(+ the lil colab we did together coz it looks so good✨)
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Traits and small facts:
His favourite food? shakshuka. Always feels warm and well fed afterwards
His smile is always crooked but wide, he has 1 dimple on the right side of his face. He definitely emotes better with his hands than his face.
When he's Mysterio is like he's a completely different person. Confident and bold. Grand in everything he does. Speaking louder than New York itself. He feels so comfortable behind a mask.
Also as Mysterio, as he streams alot of his fights, he acts like a show host. A floating microphone with him to capture every word.
He cries so loudly. Hiccuping and sniffling. Lips wobbling as long streaks of tears down his face. Is easily moved to tears at a good film or a piece of music that really touches his heart
He's actually pretty good at lying, just doesn't like to. He likes being an honest genuine person unless it's necessary.
He expresses his joy very visually, a small squeal will escape him before he immediately starts to conceal it. Definitely a laugher - always letting out one in some way or another. Big smiles and jazz hands.
he's not one to get angry. He doesn't enjoy it nor strive to feel it. He's very good at keeping himself in check but when it does? He's so quite. For such a loud animated guy, he can become so stiff and quite. Firm in his words and forcing back a snarl. It's uncanny.
being nervous is almost his constant. He's shy. He's built like an extrovert but as the personality of a shaky dog. Abit anxious when it comes to social interaction because he fears he'll be too much too soon.
Despite his inability to feel romantic attraction, he is a hopeless romantic. He LOVES love. He thinks it's beautiful. He had to learn to stop mourning his lack of it and realize he can love in many ways. But that doesn't mean if someone asked for a fake date - he wouldn't make sure he's best fake date ever. Flowers? Fancy restaurant? You name it! It's a performance he won't fail at!
He does smoke, non nicotine tho, he smokes through a long pipe for aesthetic. The plant it's infused with dyes the smoke and makes it turn from a light blue to purple.
He uses this plant for other purposes for his magic tricks - it is a non addicting herb that was discovered that simply as the trick of changing smoke colour.
Songs I feel that relate to him:
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dreamer213 · 8 months
Broken Machines: Between Shadows
Chapter 6: Corporate, Crime, and Colleagues
Being busy is a normal part of life most people just fall into. Be it because of schoolwork, actual work, chores, or a hobby, things just get backed up and need to be tackled in way too short of a deadline. And unfortunately for the two youngest high-ranking workaholics in the Atlas range, today was one of those days.
Whitley, up early as usual, had just gotten through his backlog of work that morning when Hannah knocked on his door.
Hannah: Young Master?
Whitley sighs, pockets his scroll and gets up from his desk to open the door for her. But when he sees her it’s clear something is very very wrong. Her expression is sour, and her face is slightly green from uneasiness, not something you want to see on your service staff so early in the day.
Whitley: What happened this time, Hannah?
Hannah: W-well, Master had a guest over last night.
Whitley: Yes, I’m aware. And?
Hannah: Well, it seems he’s made a…little messy in one of the guest rooms, and the cleaning crew is having trouble tidying it up.
Whitley: Are they running low on supplies or was there some property damage they can work around?
Hannah: N-no, it’s not that.
Whitley: Then what’s the problem?
Hannah: It’s…not easy to describe. Honestly, it would be easier just to show you. Please follow me.
Whitley sighs again before stepping out into the hallway and letting Hannah led him to the aforementioned guest room. As they’re approaching Whitley can already tell this was going to be unpleasant to deal with. The cleaning crew was standing outside the room dawned in protective smocks, industrial duty gloves, and masks. They all looked horrified but were completely clean as if they couldn’t even attempt to enter for fear of meeting some horrible fate. A foul snitch permeates through the hall, the only indicator of what’s got them so spooked. The moment Whitley gets a whiff of it his stomach drops, he knows that smell and immediately understands why everyone’s being so cautious. Still, he needs to confirm his hunch before calling in backup.
Whitley: Please God, let it be just a small pile on the bedsheets.
He prays, before opening the doors to the guest's room and peeking in. His eyes go wide in pure horror as he gets a glimpse of the mess inside. The smell hits him at full force causing him to double over and gag, stomach threatening to empty onto the floor. He pulls back slamming the doors shut before turning to Hannah.
Whitley: Where is the guest?
Hannah: In another room down the hall, asleep.
Whitley: Okay, make sure he gets rehydrated when he’s awake, and give him soft easily digestible food for the rest of his stay.
Hannah: Yes, sir!
Whitley: Thank you. Now I’m going to call the hazmat company to clean this up. When they finish take everything out of that room outside and burn it.
Hannah: Everything?
Whitley: Yes, not even the strongest industrial cleaner is going to get that level of snitch out.
Hannah winces and then nods her head in agreement, walking away to inform the other staff members of their new orders. Whitley calls up the cleaning specialist but just as he finishes the call, he gets a message from his father. A demand to summoning him to an in-house conference with some of his business associates. Or more accurately a meeting with a bunch of corks brushing aside the worries of middle management who know good and well that they’re toeing the line of legality on multiple fronts. And Whitley was going to play rear guard in case someone lost their temper, again.
Whitley: As always, there is no peace in this house.
He muses before walking back to his room to make preparations for the meeting.
Meanwhile, in Mantle, Penny is assisting in another emergency involving the robberies. The military detail for Hemlock Steel was making its way back with the shipment but two small explosions stopped them midway. The first detonated directly under the armored van’s engine causing it to blow up along with the front of the vehicle. This also caused a fire that quickly spread to the interior. The shipment truck stopped immediately after the blast, the soldiers inside leaped out to aid their comrades. Just as they were getting everyone out the second explosive went off. Though this one was just a flashbang, it still managed to temporally blind and deafen the soldiers in range. By the time most had regained their senses, the shipment truck was gone, and they had to call back up for transport back and to tend to the wound.
Which is where Penny came in.
It's hard to keep her anger in check as helps her fellow soldiers into medical vans, carrying a few who couldn’t stand and guiding others whose vision was still impaired by the second blast.
Penny: Okay, just take a few more steps.
She said softly, right hand set steady on the shoulder of a soldier and the other firmly grasped in his hand as they walked carefully on the icy terrain. He was a young man, a newer recruit barely nineteen years old, and already wore heavy prescription glasses. But they had shattered in the first blast, a reflexive blink being the only thing to save his eyes from direct damage. Until the second blast.
Penny: That’s it, now put your foot up onto the step.
She directs the man as he steps up and into the medic van, shaking while still grasping Penny’s hand tightly. He’s unsure in his steps but thankfully manages to get in safely where military EMTs get to look after him along with the other injured. Penny lingers for a moment to watch as they check his eyes, the meager reactions and dilation as they shine a light into them being clear indications of damage. Penny couldn’t help but be hit with a sharp twinge of pity for him. If it could be healed naturally it would take a while, leaving him somewhat blind for the duration. But if the damage was great enough to necessitate treatment via cybernetic or even complete ocular transplant then he would never be the same again. As one who’d had her whole body replaced aside from a few key organs, Penny knew just how foreign those new parts could feel in both good and bad ways. But she couldn’t dwell on it for long, there were still others in need of help before the cold or their injuries got to them.
Penny: Just focus on getting everyone home safe. Everything else is secondary.
She tells herself, pushing down the heavy emotions swirling around in her head as she returns to the wreckage to grab the next patient.
Back in Atlas, Whitley is sitting in the middle of a corporate battlefield. Accountants, lawyers, and descent-minded middle-upper management begging for clarification on discrepancies in budgets and complaints from both employees and customers while Jaques's team of well-bribed broader members deflected all wrongdoings.
The issue of missing money is the first to send everything into disarray, accountants terrified of possible tax issues demand to know why spending was so high. The most senior of them, Jeffery Hayward was especially vocal, reminding the board of the “cost-cutting measures” Jacques had put in place and how hard the finance and legal department had worked to make it happen without any of the four kingdom’s councils interfering.
Jeffery: We had protests around office buildings for months, White Fang members used it as an insight incident to justify the murder of multiple executives and a few board members! Men who were here when this company came to be and stood beside our founder lost, all for the sake of these policies! Policies that have not only damaged our company image with the masses but provoked multiple lawsuits from workers! Yet The Head of our massive enterprise has allowed spending to get this out of hand! Can someone please explain to me hoe this is remotely feasible?!
He shouted from across the long oak wood boardroom table, red-faced and clearly incensed. The Head himself however seemed unmoved and instituted of responding looks over to his son sitting in the chair to his left. He wasn't going to bother with this. Eyes cold with boredom, he stares Whitley down in a commanding way, giving the boy silent permission to speak. Catching his cue Whitley rises from his seat with papers in hand, ready to rebuke the claims. The forums were doctored to hide the truth, obviously and his selection was simple to act as a buffer between the two sides. Because who would dare question the young well-spoken future head of the company?
Whitley: The additional costs are from new expenses for necessary procedural and equipment overhauls in several departments due to changes brought on by changes in the closing of borders and loss of communication with a portion of our global facilities.
Jeffery’s anger calms for a moment as he processes the boy’s words. But it soon returned as more questions arose.
Jeffery: But this is simply too much of a discrepancy! An increase this high in over only a year is-
Whitley: Is necessary when the entire of the Atlas shipping fleet had to be switched from manned aircrafts to remote control aircrafts. There was also the cost of production of the new ships, the severance and retirement pay for the long-term pilots who were dismissed. One of whom’s family we are still forwarding a monthly salary and providing health insurance coverage due to the pilot going missing during his final delivery. Not to mention the added inflation on all of this due to Vale’s current economic and institutional restructuring.
He rebuffs elegantly, cutting off Jeffery and stopping the conversation in its tracks. Bringing up two tragedies, one of which directly relates to the company on a public level and the other on a practical level, gives the high-spirited pause and makes the bloat in cost seem more understandable. But this was just the beginning. Just like before Jeffery comes back with another fallacy in the situation and as the rest of the room looks on Whitley continues to stand his ground. It’s a war of attrition and the young man had more than a talking point and patience to win.
Unfortunately, Penny isn't so lucky. Just as the medics finish patching up the last of the injured the sound of loud stomping breaks through the icy winds. Sensing danger, Penny steps away aside and fires up her boots. She jets up into the air and looks in the direction where the sound is coming from, focusing in with her enhanced vision. What she finds is a horde of Ursai grimm coming their way! Most of the group is made of ursa minor but their numbers are high and the one ursa major among them was massive, towering over the other even from the back of the herd.
Penny: This is bad. At the rate they are traveling, we’ll only have five minutes before they reach us and less than fifty before they get to the city if they bypass us. Better cut them off now while we’re still out of sight.
Penny thought, activating her aura and focusing in on the ursa major before descending back down. She doesn't land immediately, instead, she hovers above the area steadily putting herself in a position where everyone can see and hear her.
Penny: Attention!!!
She shouts, and everyone stops in their tracks to look up at her. Giving of this air of authority Penny quickly briefs everyone on the situation.
Penny: A horde of Ursai is coming in from the east, twenty minor and one major!
The area irrupts into loud murmurs at the announcement, many of the injured looking frightened, and the able-bodied and uninjured quickly pick up their arms as Penny continues.
Penny: All the injured and incapacitated need to retreat, now. Everyone else, stay and prepare to engage. We’ll cut them off before they can reach the main road or city lines.
With no time to complain or even think the trooper replies with a simple “Yes, Ma’am!” before going to work. Within moments all the injured had packed into medical vans and were heading back to the city while the active soldiers ready themselves for a fight. As the horde comes into view, the soldiers form a firing line and take aim. Penny, still in the air, signals to those on the ground to hold.
Penny: I’m going to take down the major to break their formation, focusing on minors before they break away from the group.
The soldiers reply again with another “Yes, Ma’am,” and retrain their sights to the smaller Ursa minors. Just as they get into firing range Penny flies directly at the Ursa major. Discharging all her swords, Penny sends them flying at all four of the beast’s limbs before kicking it directly in its mask-shaped outer skull, hurling it back and onto its stomach. Confusion spreads through the horde as their leader falls to the ground, giving the soldiers a clear shot as they open fire. The ursa major doesn’t get a chance to get back up as its limbs lose all function from the deep cuts Penny slashed into the joints. It only gets a few seconds to flail about before Penny fires an energy blast at it, obliterating the large beast’s head in one blow. As the rest of its body crumbles away Penny refocuses onto the ursa minors. Almost half had already been mowed down by the firing line while a few had managed to break away. So, with a quickness like no other, Penny gives chase. Not a single one of these grimm were getting to the city on her watch, even if she had to fight them off by hand!
Busy in battle, Penny unknowingly misses her lunch call with Whitley. Not that he could answer, the meeting running so long that they had to have food brought in. The quality and quantity of which causing another agreement, one Whitley had to agree for while everyone else ate. By the end, the boy was exhausted and in much need of some reprieve but as always things don’t go his way. As his father’s seeing off his colleagues, promising to go out with the man and his associates for drinks that weekend, Olga approaches him. Her face is strewn as she tries to tell him something, but he just brushes her off. Sensing her disposition Whitley looks over at her and motions for her to wait at the side. She does just as the last man goes out the door and Jacques re-enters the manor.
Jacques: Gods, that was exhausting!
He signed, taking off his clip-on tie and tossing it to one of the maids who catches it on reflex. He stretches his arms as if he’s just had the most troublesome day, a low yawn escaping him as he does so.
Jacques: Someone fetch me my cinder box, I’ll be in my study. Don’t disturb me.
He commands, the staff present reply in unison with a respectful but monotone “Yes, Master.” Jacques huffs proudly at the display of obedience and leaves, the tension in the room deflating once he’s footsteps can no longer be heard. Now in the clear Olga rushes over to Whitley, the sternness in her eyes now mixed with a hint of anger.
Olga: Young Master! You need to come with me right now!
Whitley: What is it this time Olga?
He says in an aspirated tone, emotionally unwilling to take on any more tasks but unable to refuse. This attitude soon shifts into one of urgency as Olga clarifies her request.
Olga: Something has happened in the Mistress’s bedroom!
Whitley: What!
He exclaims, voice full of shock and worry at the prospect of something happening to his mother. Without any delay, Whitley and Olga head to Willow’s wing as quickly as possible. During the walk over Whitley’s mind races with possible scenarios that could have befallen his unfortunate and at times barely coherent mother. Thankfully none of them comes to pass as when they arrive Whitley is greeted by the sight of his mother in her bed asleep. She was dreaming peacefully while on the other side of the room stood, Yuko and Mary. Mary was standing there with her usual uninterested glaze while Yuko was holding down another maid in a tight grip. The young woman had her head down, her long dark blonde hair obscuring her face. Mary is the first to spot them and quietly strides up to them.
Mary: Evening Young Master.
Whitley: What’s going on Mary?
Mary: Mistress was experiencing more headaches then usual and decided to go to bed early tonight. After I put her down, I called for Olga and Yuko to help me tidy up “the usual mess.”
Her gaze falls to the floor, looking pointedly at the stray empty wine and bourbon bottles start on the floor. Whitley scowls at the sight and, not wanting to think about it, presses Mary to move on.
Whitley: Yes, and?
Mary: As we were cleaning that girl over there, I believe her name is Tabitha, came to the door with a basket of fresh laundry. She insisted on putting everything away herself, so I let her come in. But not long after I heard something fall from the closet and when I looked, I found her hiding this behind her back.
Mark holds up a silver brooch with a large red jewel at its center.
Whitley: That’s!
He takes the jewelry from her hand and holds it gingerly. He knew this brooch well for it once was pinned to the shirt of a man he deeply admired. The last person to make him feel secure and at peace before Penny. This was his beloved grandfather’s brooch; one he wore often when out of his armor and had been a treasure keepsake for his mother. One that never left her room since his death, store away in a jewelry box she kept at the back of her closet. And yet.
Whitley: How dare!
Whitley maintains a neutral face as he takes the jewelry piece and puts it back where it belongs. Pulling the jewelry box off the shelf, he stared at it for a moment. It was an old silver box shaped like a grand piano, a birthday gift for Willow after she’d gained an interest in the instrument all those years ago. It had no lock but why would it need one? No one was foolish enough to touch something so valuable and meaningful to the literal inherent of the estate. At least no one with sense.
Whitley: Yet some people are just so rotten even that doesn’t faze them.
He thought bitterly as he gently placed the brooch back with the other jewels and returned to the box to its hiding place. When he turns back around, there’s a burning anger from him that puts everyone but Mary on alert. Seeing any other Schnees this irritate was cause for concern but seeing the normally calm and courteous Whitley like this? That was almost mythical and completely unpredictable. Without a word, he walks toward the door, stopping at the door front then turning back to pointing out to the hallway. With his blazing gaze, he conveys a simple demand “Outside now,” which all four maids follow immediately, Yuko carrying Tabitha out by her arms as the attempted thief drags her feet. Whitley gently closes the door behind, eyes trained on his mother’s sleeping form to make sure the noise does wake her. On out in the hallway, Whitley marches up to Tabitha and Yuko.
Whitley: Hold her up.
He orders, Yuko complies and lifts the girl up onto her feet.
Whitley: Tabitha.
Addressing the theft, Whitley expected her to look up at him and try to explain herself. However, it seems that despite being shameless enough to steal a beloved keepsake from the person she’d called Mistress she somehow was too ashamed to look at the woman's child as he confronted her.
Whitley: Tabitha, look at me.
His voice was cold and menacing, his tone sending frightened shivers down the blonde’s spine. Scared of what could come to pass if she refused, Tabitha slowly raised her head though her gaze stayed on the ground. Annoyed by this Whitley tilts her head up by her chin using his index and middle fingers. He held her face so that her brown eyes have no choice but to stare into his deep blue which now bore terrifying hollowness as they stare back. It was so harsh Tabitha felt like she might cry. For a moment, the vast power difference between them became clear. Despite seeing him near daily most of the staff never fully recognized how much Whitley had grown in the last few years. His dignified demeanor and attitude made it hard to see him as anything more than the proper little young master. But right now, they could see he wasn’t the little boy he’d used to be but a young man with far more strength than most would ever realize.
Whitley: Collect your things from the maid’s quarters then turn in your resignation. You have one hour to leave this manor and never return.
Tabitha: But-
Whitley: And if you fail to do so I will have you arrested for theft and blacklisted across the kingdom before you can even post bail. Do you understand?
Tabitha nods in the affirmative erratically and Whitley finally lets her go. His gaze doesn’t leave her as Yuko lets her go, causing the blonde to fall to her knees before scrambling back up and running away.
Whitley: Yuko.
Yuko: Yes?
Whitley: Make sure she does as told and drag her out if she doesn’t follow through.
Yuko: Yes, Young Master.
Whitley: Olga, tell the head maid of Tabitha’s dismissal and why in detail. Don’t leave her any room to talk her way out of it.
Olga: Yes, Young Master.
With that, both maids leave to carry out their new orders. This left Mary and Whitley alone, the maid giving the boy a knowing look. It wasn’t often that she got to see the boy bare his fangs in person but when she did it only reminded her that she’d back the right one. The young heir could be just as cruel as he could be kind when needed, it’s one of the traits she’d first spotted in him. A testament to the type of leader he’d become when the time was right.
Whitley returns her look with a scoff before leaving, his mood utterly soured. He disliked acting harshly but had no mercy when ruthlessness was deserved. Still, the whole situation left a bad taste in his mouth as he wondered what could have happened if his mother had been awake to see such a scene.
Whitley: She’d would’ve been in hysterics if she’d seen that. Gods knows how she is about Grandfather’s things.
He muses as he strides back to his room, foreseeing another of work coming his way when arrives he takes the long routine back to prolong the inevitable. In his steps, his mind wanders to happier things, specifically the lovely redhead he’d been dying to see.
Down on Mantle’s streets, Penny is also taking the long way back as she finally heads home. Taking down the rest of the ursa minors took longer than expected as a pack of beowolves came in behind them. Now after getting back and getting all the reports done Penny’s workday is over and she could some much-needed rest!
Penny: Can’t wait to get home! I need something warm to eat, soft pajamas, and a nice bubble bath.
She mused, a tired yawn escaping her as she turned a corner. She’s walking past a retail store when she spots a familiar face up ahead. Decked out in her usual bright colors and roller skates in front of a burger shop was Neon Kat, holding a hefty bag on her tail while both her hands rested on her hips as she argued with a man on the street.
Neon: For the last time Mike, I am not interested!
She shouts, looking at the man, Mike, with obvious disgust. Mike doesn’t take this lying down and shouts back.
Mike: Bullshit! I know you want me!
Neon: Like Hell I do! You’re a piece of shit!
Mike: Ha! Says the slutty cat!
Neon: The fuck did just you call me?!
Mike: You heard me! Everyone knows you rotate through your dickbag teammates on the daily.
Neon: You son of bitch! Don’t you dare bring my team into this!
Their bickering attracts stares and whispers from passersby, but no one moves to intervene. Tired but not wanting her reckless friend to get in trouble, Penny goes to break them up. As she’s approaching Mike raises his hand to strike Neon, the cat faunas too caught up in yelling to notice. But as he brings it down, something grips on his wrist tight. It’s Penny’s hand, holding his wrist with strength that threatened to snap it in two.
Mike: What the-
Penny: Leave my friend alone.
Mike: Let go of me, you crazy bit-
Penny: Leave now before I make you leave.
She states eyes a glow as she grips him a little tighter. The pressure sends a wave of pain down his arm and Mike's face pales. She lets go when he pulls away, backing up into a wall before taking off in terror. Situation handle Penny turns Neon to check if she’s okay.
Penny: Are you okay Ne-
Neon: Penny Pop!
But it’s unnecessary as Neon quickly latches onto her in a bear hug.
Neon: What’s up girly! Whatcha doing around here?!
Penny: Walking home, I just clocked out for the night. What about you?
Neon: Gettin dinner for the gang.
She brings her tail around and shakes the bag of food in Penny’s face.
Neon: My period just started, and it gives me mad red meat and cheese cravings. And since it’s payday I thought I’d be nice treat my boys too!
Penny: That’s…more information than I really needed.
Neon: Whateves. Hey, you wanna come back to the barracks with me? We’re having a jam session to prep for a concert we got coming up.
Penny: Team FNKI’s performing again?
Neon: Yeah, Bossman Iron Pants says morale had been tanking all over town and asked us to dish out some of our special brand of funk to people’s spirits up!
Penny tilts her head, getting the jest of what she means but losing bits of it among the slang.
Penny: Bossman? Do you mean General Ironwood?
Neon: Duh! Who else would I mean?
She chuckles, promoting Penny to roll her eyes and lightly shove her off her shoulders.
Neon: So, you in or what?
Penny: Sorry, Neon but I have to get home soon. My dad’s making pasta for dinner, and I need to get there before it gets cold.
Neon: Aw, what! That’s so lame!
Penny: Maybe to you but it’s not to me. Good night Neon.
She waves Neon goodbye before continuing her trek home.
Neon: Hey wait!
Neon rolls in front of her, blocking Penny’s path.
Penny: What is it?
Neon: Just give a sec! I still owe you for scaring off that douchebag.
Penny: It’s fine, Neon, that’s my job.
Neon: Still! You’ve had me and my crew’s backs for a minute now and feels like I owe you something for all the trouble.
Penny: It’s really not a problem, you and the rest of team FNKI are my friends and comrades. I’ll always be there for you if you need me.
Neon: See, that’s what I’m talking about! You’re just too damn sweet, Penny.
She chirps while pinching Penny’s for her unbelievable cuteness. Penny lets her have her fun for a few seconds before brushing her hand away.
Penny: Quit it.
Neon: Sorry, couldn’t help it. All those freckles on your chunky cheeks just makes your face look so squishable!
Penny: Okay? If that’s all then I really should-
Neon: No wait! Just give me a second to think.
Neon takes a moment then comes up with a brilliant stupid idea. She turns around and kneels down in front of Penny, putting her hand behind her back with her palms facing up.
Neon: Jump on!
Penny: Excuse me?
Neon: Get on, I’m gonna blade you home!
Penny: Seriously?
Neon: Yeah! It’s the least I can do!
Penny: You do realize my skeletal structure is made of metal, right?
Neon: Yeah, I know. But I also know you don’t weigh half as much as you pretend you do. Now get on!
Penny: (sigh) You are truly infuriating Neon Kat.
Against her better judgment gets on her back. She wraps her arms around Neon’s shoulders and neck and puts her feet onto her hips. Once she’s securely on her, Neon asks Penny for directions to her house. She enters her usual route into Neon’s scroll, and they set off. It’s a surprisingly quaint ride as they roll the streets at a leisurely pace.
Neon: Having fun back there?
Penny: A little, I haven’t been on someone’s back like this in a while.
Neon: Really? Not a fan of piggybacks?
Penny: No, it’s more out of independence. After I started walking, I just preferred to move on my own. Before that, I was mostly sedentary so when I got the chance to move on my own I got overexcited and I didn't really rely on anyone for transportation.
Neon: Cool, walk your own path sister! But don’t forget that there’s always a helping hand there if you need it.
Penny: I know.
They continue rolling down the streets when Neon gets another bright idea.
Neon: Hey, wanna see something cool?
Penny: Sure.
Neon: Okay, hold on tight!
Penny: Wait, what are you going to-WHOA!
Penny shouts as Neon activates her semblance, propelling them forward at a high speed under a haze of rainbow light. Despite being used to high velocity from flying Penny had never moved like this on the ground. She can feel every bit of wind resistance, every crack and bump on the sidewalk as they glide through town. It’s a bit terrifying but also thrilling! Penny can’t help but smile as they zoom, Neon laughing aloud when she catches her grin. Before she knows it they’re right in front of her house, Neon taking a few spins around a light post to slow down before coming to a full stop.
Neon: Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached our destination, please take all bags and luggage as you depart, and thank you for riding the Neon rails!
She quips while putting Penny down, the girl giggling as she gets her feet on the ground.
Penny: Thanks Neon! That was so much fun!
Neon: Any time girl! Hit me up if you’re ever looking to party, peace!
Penny: Bye Neon.
She waves her goodbye while Neon throws her a peace sigh before rolling away. Home at last, Penny gets out her keys and unlocks the front door. She walks in and is welcomed back by the scent of tomato sauce and garlic bread, her dad hard at work in the kitchen.
Penny: I’m home!
She announces, catching her dad’s attention as he’s pulling the garlic bread out of the oven.
Pietro: Welcome back, Sweetpea! You ready for dinner?
Penny: You know I am! I haven’t eaten since this morning!
Pietro: Well then put your bags down and set the table. I got a whole pot of spaghetti and extra big meatballs!
Penny: Okay!
She chirps, pulling off her backpack and sitting down to take off her boots. Her mood had lifted so much higher from where it was, she couldn’t help but kinda feel lucky.
Penny: Despite everything, today was very eventful and exciting. I got a lot done, protected many, and even had a little fun. Give them circumstances, this is as good as a day like this could get.
She thought while placing her left boot to the side. Before she starts on the other one Penny hears a notification come in on her scroll. She opens and once she reads the words on the screen, she can’t help but jump up in joy! However, her landing falls flat as the height difference between her barefoot and single boot leaves her off balance, making her fall to the floor. But that barely faxes her as her giddiness sends her into a giggling feat, eyes clouded over and absolutely lovestruck as she re-reads the text.
Whitley: [Are you free this weekend?]
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SEOUL, South Korea — In fried-chicken-obsessed South Korea, restaurants serving the nation's favourite fast-food dish dot every street corner.
But Kang Ji-young's establishment brings something a little different to the table: a robot is cooking the chicken.
Eaten at everything from tiny family gatherings to a 10-million-viewer live-streamed "mukbang" -- eating broadcast -- by K-pop star Jungkook of BTS fame, fried chicken is deeply embedded in South Korean culture.
Paired with cold lager and known as "chimaek" -- a portmanteau of the Korean words for chicken and beer -- it is a staple of Seoul's famed baseball-watching experience.
The domestic market -- the world's third largest, after the United States and China -- is worth about seven trillion won ($5.3 billion).
However, labour shortages are starting to bite as South Korea faces a looming demographic disaster due to having the world's lowest birth rate.
Around 54 percent of business owners in the food service sector report problems finding employees, a government survey last year found, with long hours and stressful conditions the likely culprit, according to industry research.
Korean fried chicken is brined and double-fried, which gives it its signature crispy exterior, but the process -- more elaborate than what is typically used by US fast food chains -- creates additional labour and requires extended worker proximity to hot oil.
Enter Kang, a 38-year-old entrepreneur who saw an opportunity to improve the South Korean fried chicken business model and the dish itself.
"The market is huge," Kang told AFP at her Robert Chicken franchise.
Chicken and pork cutlets are the most popular delivery orders in South Korea, and the industry could clearly benefit from more automation "to effectively address labour costs and workforce shortages," she said.
Kang's robot, composed of a simple, flexible mechanical arm, is capable of frying 100 chickens in two hours -- a task that would require around five people and several deep fryers.
But not only does the robot make chicken more efficiently -- it makes it more delicious, says Kang.
"We can now say with confidence that our robot fries better than human beings do," she said.
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Investing in 'foodtech'
Already a global cultural powerhouse and major semiconductor exporter, South Korea last year announced plans to plough millions of dollars into a "foodtech" fund to help startups working on high-tech food industry solutions.
Seoul says such innovations could become a "new growth engine," arguing there is huge potential if the country's prowess in advanced robotics and AI technology could be combined with the competitiveness of Korean food classics like kimchi.
South Korea's existing foodtech industry -- including everything from next-day grocery delivery app Market Kurly to AI smart kitchens to a "vegan egg" startup -- is already worth millions, said food science professor Lee Ki-won at Seoul National University.
Even South Korea's Samsung Electronics -- one of the world's biggest tech companies -- is trying to get in on the action, recently launching Samsung Food, an AI-personalised recipe and meal-planning platform, available in eight languages.
Lee predicted South Korea's other major conglomerates are likely to follow Samsung into foodtech.
"Delivering food using electric vehicles or having robots directly provide deliveries within apartment complexes, known as 'metamobility,' could become a part of our daily lives," he said.
"I am confident that within the next 10 years, the food tech industry will transform into the leading sector in South Korea."
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'Initially struggled'
Entrepreneur Kang now has 15 robot-made chicken restaurants in South Korea and one branch in Singapore.
During AFP's visit to a Seoul branch, a robot meticulously handled the frying process -- from immersing chicken in oil, flipping it for even cooking, to retrieving it at the perfect level of crispiness, as the irresistible scent of crunchy chicken wafted through the shop.
Many customers remained oblivious to the hard-working robotic cook behind their meal.
Kim Moon-jung, a 54-year-old insurance worker, said she was not sure how a robot would make the chicken differently from a human "but one thing is certain -- it tastes delicious."
The robot can monitor oil temperature and oxidation levels in real time while it fries chicken, ensuring consistent taste and superior hygiene.
When Kang first started her business, she "initially struggled" to see why anyone would use robots rather than human chefs.
"But after developing these technologies, I've come to realise that from a customer's perspective, they're able to enjoy food that is not only cleaner but also tastier," she told AFP.
Her next venture is a tip-free bar in Koreatown in New York City, where the cocktails will feature Korea's soju rice wine and will be made by robots.
Entrepreneur aims to improve South Korea's dish using robot
11 September 2023
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wendy-sinobake · 2 months
SINOBAKE Group Limited is a leading biscuit and cookie making machinery manufacturer based in China. The company designs, develops, and manufactures a wide range of high-quality baking equipment, including biscuit and cookie production lines, chips line,cake line,automatic raw material feeding and dosing system,ovens and mixing machines. Mold size width: 800/1000/1200/1500/1800mm. According to different types of biscuits, the output of production is not the same. Capacity can achieve 100~5000kgs/h,
  We has a strong reputation for producing reliable and efficient machinery that is easy to use and maintain. The company has a team of experienced engineers and technicians who are dedicated to researching and developing innovative new equipment and technologies to meet the evolving needs of the baking industry.
  We has a global customer base, and its equipment is used by many well-known food brands and manufacturers around the world. The company has a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, providing comprehensive support services, including installation, training, and after-sales support.
  Overall, SINOBAKE Group Limited is a trusted and respected player in the biscuit and cookie making machinery industry, and its equipment is renowned for its quality, reliability, and performance.
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Scientists across the United States are receiving massive funding to test out novel mRNA vaccine systems on rodents, livestock, and produce. The deleterious nature of the mRNA platform and the deadly failures of its application in human populations has not stopped the US government from funding new mRNA experiments to re-engineer animals, food, and humans. Mad scientists are now experimenting with mRNA injections in beef, poultry, pork, and produce. There are currently no laws to protect the food supply and the human genome from an onslaught of mRNA experiments and the mass production and deployment of biological weapons inside animals and produce.
The mRNA experimentation continues in cows at Iowa State University
In fact, the Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine Department at Iowa State University is testing out an mRNA vaccine system on cows. The stated goal is to induce immunological protection in cows that are prone to RSV infection. The vaccine platform includes a prefusion F mRNA delivered continuously by a vaccine implant. The implant delivers preprogrammed mRNA into the cow’s cells, instructing the cells to produce a pathogenic protein antigen that the cow’s immune cells are trained to attack. The technology will be first carried out in mice, before it is unleashed as a “cost-effective way” to sustain cow populations.
As of April 5, 2023, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association heeded, “There are no current mRNA vaccines licensed for use in beef cattle in the United States. Cattle farmers and ranchers do vaccinate cattle to treat and prevent many diseases, but presently none of these vaccines include mRNA technology.” Their Association doesn’t seem concerned that mRNA experiments are headed into the beef supply.
Merck and Genvax are in a race to transfect pork with mRNA injections
The drug company Merck has wasted no time getting their mRNA products into pork. In fact, pork producers have been using Merck’s Sequivity platform to re-engineer the cells of pigs to express various porcine diseases, including swine flu. This mRNA platform is mass producing toxins in pigs and forcing their immune cells to generate specific responses to the foreign bioweapon proteins. To make matters worse, this mRNA platform has not yielded any specific benefit to pork populations. Sow mortality rates have increased from 11.1% in 2017 to 12.6% in 2021. Suffice to say, the mRNA platform has not fixed the problems in the pork industry and may even hasten the destruction of pork populations long term, as the animals’ immune systems become (weakened) dependent on the programming of the mRNA from season to season.
The race to pollute the food supply with mRNA bioweapons does not stop there. Genvax Technologies is advancing a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine into livestock populations. The startup has secured $6.5 million in funding from United Animal Health, Johnsonville Ventures, the Iowa Corn Growers Association the Summit Agricultural Group, and the Ag Startup Engine. They have also secured additional grants from the USDA-Agricultural Research Services Plum Island Animal Disease Center and the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research. This mRNA platform is being promoted as a solution in the fight against existing and emerging threats to the food supply chain. The mRNA will program the swine to produce proteins modeled after African swine fever variants. When a new outbreak is identified, the mRNA platform will be deployed to engineer the livestock’s cells for a mutant-specific immune response. The animals are engineered using a transgene or “gene of interest” that is matched to the dominant variant strain in circulation.
Vegetables are no longer sacred, as their genetic integrity is polluted by federally-funded mRNA experiments
The mRNA platform is also being unleashed through basic vegetables. Researchers from the University of California Irvine and University of California, Riverside have found a way to incorporate mRNA into lettuces, tomatoes and other vegetables. Scientists are creating transgenic, chimeric plants that have DNA that is combined with DNA from viruses and animals. These scientists are pushing mRNA in vegetables, thanks to a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, a funding apparatus of the NIH, whose directors are appointed by the President of the United States.
In the race to hack humans and control populations, not even the food supply is sacred. Legislatures across the United States must move quickly to protect the future of the food supply, and the genetic integrity of plants, animals, and humans. The impending failures of mRNA experiments and the deleterious consequences of man trying to play God are only a matter of time; inevitable.
Sources include:
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nameless-brand · 1 year
Gothamites ::
Gotham is a melting pot of culture and all walks of life. From food to music to clothing, there's quite a number of "Little" versions of a country or culture for people to visit. And for larger places such as Chinatown, the people living there do not even need to speak a lick of English to survive, given the population is large enough to support only needing to know Mandarin and perhaps Cantonese alone.
Gothamites as a group are wary people and a little smarter than a typical city dweller. Unlike denizens from other cities, they place a lot of emphasis on their own safety. That means not going to known bad areas (East End), not taking risky shortcuts like unfamiliar alleyways, don't be out past midnight if you don't need to, etc etc. This is likely due to the rampant crime, primarily robbery. Though robbers will not typically target Gothamites individually, usually tourists.
Note: The typical Gothamite carries only up to $30-40 in hard cash at best. Likely, the most valuable thing on their person would be some jewelry, their cellphone, and/or a laptop.
As for socio-economic class, in Gotham, the poor come for the opportunities, the middle class come for the wages, and the upper class come for the lifestyle. Approximately 20% live below the poverty line, which is approximately $35000 in 2022 (average national is around 14%). This number is expected to get larger in 2023. Part of it is the wage stagnation and job availability. Unemployment rate is around 9%.
Even the largest employer of Gotham citizens Wayne Enterprises only employs around 150,000 people out of 20,000,000. And as most people who visit Gotham come to enjoy the lavish city lifestyle, most people who are employed work in the service industry, which can change drastically given whatever area a supervillain or crime gang decides to devastate one day.
Big Business ::
Almost every single major brand can be found in Gotham. The Diamond District houses Gucci, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, H&M, etc in one convenient area. There are also branches that can be found through the other districts as well. Industrial companies such as Wayne Enterprises or Reddick Industries also have their headquarters in Gotham.
As can be expected, the local government leans heavily towards Big Business. That is because it is corrupt. And it is public opinion that the people up top are corrupt and cannot do anything about it because they either cover their tracks well or will bring down too many people if they were to go down.
Gotham is not pro-labor. Police often will stand on the company side when it comes to dispersal of a strike. Locations have been shut down, just for something as little as a rumor of a union vote [ see Gotham Ironworkers Union vs Gallium, ruling in favor of Gallium [1]]. People overall are intimidated into not using their rights as a worker, given that the city will provide almost no help. And there are just many barely legal things that a company can do to make their workers lives miserable.
[ Reddick Industries vs Alan Thorn ] A Glassdoor Review that Alan Thorn, ex-engineer of Reddick Industries, discusses the "lack of safety protocols and appropriate training making it dangerous for employees to work in" had been in the public eye after Reddick Industries filed a libel lawsuit and successfully won the lawsuit for $3,000,000 after Gotham City Inspectors found no evidence of Alan Thorn's claims. An appeal was filed but canceled after Alan Thorn did not show up. Reddick Industries claims no foul play, only stating that Alan Thorn likely knew he was going to lose and decided to skip town to avoid paying the suit.
Crime ::
Gotham is known for its crime rate, being in the top ten for robbery, felony assault, sexual assault, grand larceny, and murder.
Robbery in Gotham usually does not involve the common citizen. Most robbery involves stealing from supermarkets or stores outside the Diamond District. When firearms are involved, they usually involve high value targets such as banks, large companies, or armored trucks. Part of the lack of citizen targeting is because citizens do not carry much out of precaution - and that there is an easy-to-dial 217 number for credit card cancellation in the city of Gotham. A lot of cellphones are also made by WayneTech and include a GPS tracker that could only be removed by breaking the phone. So it is not very cost-effective to target a Gotham citizen for robbery, not when there's a good number of tourists instead to target. So the only time when robbery targeting citizens happens if it's en-masse like in a train.
A lot of the felony assault and murder involves people in East End and some of the outer districts / Docks. Most of it is gang-on-gang violence, and the police will often ignore the most crime-infested areas or arrive there late when all the fighting is done. The reason why police can get away with this is because of a very strong police union, who insists that the average policeman is ill-equipped to fight a "supervillain" who could be laying a trap in the area. Unfortunately, there is precedence for their claim [ see Scarecrow Incident [2]].
The murder rate is usually normal for a city of this size. The only problem is when supervillains get involved - and then the murder rate spikes (similar to that meme about Spiders' Georg).
Note: In my honest opinion, the worst crime that happens involves companies exploiting their workers, and the workers not knowing their rights or scared to use them. Example: There are managers in some of the service industries that have convinced their waiters and other staff that they are entitled to a cut of the tip pool.
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year
I'm sorry nobody knows what a tumblr job is
if you aren't missing a comma or a "but" there. thank u i love u
if i had unlimited characters and thought people would bother reading context associated with a poll, (i am pretty sure they usually do not) and also had some foresight about some of the specific things people would interpret differently than i intended, here's what this would have looked like:
[begin post]
[begin poll]
which of these listed tumblr job types is yours?
retail, grocery, consumer-facing service and sales (excludes call centers and food service)
food service (includes restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, bars, cafeterias, food trucks, commercial kitchens, food kitchens, etc; cooking + serving + hosting)
teacher, professor, tutor, teaching assistant, childcare provider, but not educational administrator, if you do another kind of education read the rest of the options first because one of them might be a better fit
engineer, developer, technical designer, data or computer scientist, not including technical writers
parks and wildlife, outdoor research, animal care (including animal boarding and veterinary care), animal keeping (such as zoos or aquariums), animal husbandry, farming, ranching, environmental conservation, gardener or plant nursery worker (but not florist), field archaelogist, equine therapist, outdoor camp counselor if you work with and have knowledge around plants and/or animals
librarian, archivist, docent, tour guide, curator, patron-facing researcher, consultant historian or sociologist, community educator at a cultural or knowledge (probably nonprofit) institution (including but not limited to historical reenactors); reception or guest services related to any of the previous, excepting food service, which is the food service option
writer - content, technical, proposal, marketing, fiction, nonfiction, educational, research, including editing, but has to be actively working and receiving pay from a company, an organization, and/or clients/commissioners including publications/publishers, even if income is inconsistent or not received at regular intervals. does not include captioning or transcription. translators use your best judgment
artist, illustrator, graphic designer, but has to be actively working and receiving pay from a company, an organization, clients/commissioners including publications and galleries, may include visual marketing but does NOT include ad sales, also does not include video editing unless you do like, speed paints or show off your art in videos
patient healthcare, caregiving, and advocacy. does not include animal care, pharmaceutical research or dispensing, or medical coding/billing
you are not currently working as / do not currently have any of the Tumblr Jobs listed above
[end poll]
a "Tumblr Job" is decided based on the following criteria, which is based on my own dashboard/Tumblr experiences, and tumblr searches:
either many Tumblr users have or have had that job, OR, one to a few high-profile Tumblr users have or have had that job
posts are made about that job, either about the day-to-day work itself (positive or negative), as an appeal to authority ("librarian here!"), or about the concept and/or vibes of the job or having that job
posts are reblogged about that job, and reach an audience of people who do not have that job; posts go viral about that job, even
Tumblr users might aspire to have that job, or be studying toward it
it might require a high level of interest and/or personal investment with limited positions available, OR, it might be a very common job in the world
the job is NOT one that many Tumblr users would perhaps complain and/or rant and/or criticize about other people having
the job is NOT one commonly associated with things Tumblr tends to skew away from, like industries known to contribute to climate change or jobs that tend to be associated with ultra high earners with wealth inequality in the same industry (editing to plug my other poll that 6 & 7 apply to that nobody is taking)
a "Tumblr Job" is NOT just a job anybody on tumblr might have or even a job most people or many people on tumblr might have. it's not even a job that is necessarily common on tumblr (common on tumblr != common tumblr job), that's something i am interested in finding out via the poll.
just because tumblr users you know also have your job doesn't mean it Is a tumblr job. and just because your job type isn't listed doesn't mean it is Not a tumblr job. there are only 9 job hodgepodge types here. there are more jobs in the world than this and there are more tumblr jobs on tumblr than this. these are also not and are not intended to be standard industry classifications. they are grouped by tumblr vibes, not necessarily by job role or duties.
if you do not have a job at this time, you do not currently right now have one of the listed tumblr jobs. being unemployed or being a student, even if you once had one of these jobs or are studying to obtain one of these jobs, are not jobs for the purpose of this poll.
the purpose of the poll is to see how many respondents actually have and are doing these specific jobs that i have identified as "tumblr jobs". nothing more and nothing less!
[end post]
but nobody is gonna fucking read all that & tumblr polls have character limits. if the poll was as specific as i wanted it to be it would not have however many thousands of votes it currently has. curse of my autisms <3
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dhivyaakumar · 1 year
Become a Digital Marketing Pro: Learn the Basics NOW!
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing refers to the marketing of products and services of a company or business through digital channels such as search engines, websites, email, social media, mobile apps, etc. It involves the use of electronic devices and the internet. Digital marketing is often referred to as online marketing, internet marketing or web marketing.
Digital marketing mainly comprises Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO), and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). We can say that it can be divided into three parts SEO, SMO, and SEM. However, Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing have also become important components of digital marketing over the past few years. So, in digital marketing, we mainly deal with the following components:
Email Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
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Why choose Digital Marketing?
Non-Digital Marketing, which is the traditional means of marketing, includes the usage of physical means of marketing. These are generally in the form of physical prints such as posters, flyers, newspaper advertisements, and billboards. Even at the first glance, it is quite apparent why almost every business is choosing to get into Digital Marketing.
The primary and the most fundamental reasoning for this is the amount of reach that is possible with it. There are smart devices everywhere, from televisions, laptops, computers, and tablets to smartphones. Even cars have smart systems enabled in them where you can access the Internet. All of these facilities present a blank canvas for advertising your brand.
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How does Digital Marketing work?
There are two ways in which Digital Marketing is implemented by brands and businesses:
B2C (Business to Customer)
B2B (Business to Business)
B2C (Business to Customer):
When a brand or a company has to sell a product or service to individual customers. In fact, 95 percent of the time, the ads and marketing that you see online are examples of B2C campaigns, e.g., an ad for a candy bar, a promotional video for a safety razor, or a movie trailer. All of these marketing efforts are targeting individual consumers and not organizations.
B2B (Business to Business):
B2B is conducted for very specific products. You wouldn’t generally see B2B products being advertised on platforms with traffic from the everyday crowd. These marketing campaigns are low profile, professional, and in most cases, marketed directly (or pitched) to the client. This client can be a small business or a corporate giant. We can take heavy-duty cooking machinery used in big fast-food restaurants as an example. What would be the point of running a TV ad for an industry-level chimney? None. This sort of marketing is done through B2B-specialized salesmen who use custom-made marketing material, PowerPoint presentations, and word of mouth to pitch their product.
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Not surprisingly, billions of marketing dollars spent on traditional channels is already starting to shift to digital marketing campaigns and this will continue to increase as the Web matures.
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How to Build a Taxi Booking App Like inDriver, OLA, and Uber Clone App
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In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key when it comes to transportation. Taxi booking apps like inDriver, OLA, and Uber have revolutionized the way people get around. If you're looking to join the ride-hailing industry and create your own successful taxi booking app, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll guide you through the process step by step.
Understanding the Market
Before diving into app development, it's crucial to conduct thorough market research. This research will help you identify your target audience, understand their needs, and analyze your competitors. Here's how you can get started:
Market Analysis
Begin by researching the ride-hailing market in your target region. Identify key players, market trends, and potential gaps in services.
Target Audience
Determine your app's target audience. Are you catering to everyday commuters, tourists, or a specific niche? Understanding your users' preferences is essential.
Building the App
Now that you have a clear understanding of the market, it's time to start building your taxi booking app. This process involves several steps:
Feature List
Create a detailed list of features your app will offer. This should include user registration, driver profiles, GPS tracking, payment processing, and more.
Technology Stack
Choose the right technology stack for your app. Consider whether you want to build a native app for iOS and Android or opt for a cross-platform solution.
Design and User Experience
Invest in an intuitive and user-friendly design. The app's interface should be easy to navigate for both passengers and drivers.
Development Team
Assemble a skilled development team or hire a reputable app development company to bring your vision to life.
Testing and Quality Assurance
Thoroughly test the app for bugs, glitches, and security vulnerabilities. Ensure it functions seamlessly before launch.
Release your app on app stores like Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Optimize your app listing with relevant keywords and appealing visuals.
Legal and Regulatory Considerations
Compliance with local regulations is essential in the ride-hailing industry. Be sure to:
Obtain Necessary Permits
Check with local authorities to understand the permits and licenses required to operate a taxi booking service.
Data Privacy
Implement robust data privacy measures to protect user information and comply with data protection laws.
Marketing and Promotion
Once your app is live, you'll need to market it effectively to attract users:
Digital Marketing
Utilize digital marketing strategies like search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and online advertising to reach a wider audience.
Incentives and Referral Programs
Encourage users to refer friends and family by offering incentives and referral bonuses.
Scaling and Expansion
As your app gains popularity, consider expanding your services:
Geographic Expansion
Explore opportunities to launch your app in neighboring cities or countries.
Additional Services
Introduce additional services such as food delivery, package delivery, or carpooling to diversify your offerings.
Building a taxi booking app like inDriver, OLA, and Uber requires careful planning, a dedicated team, and a commitment to delivering a top-notch user experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can embark on your journey to creating a successful taxi booking app.
How much does it cost to develop a taxi booking app?
The cost of app development can vary significantly depending on factors like features, complexity, and the development team's rates. It's best to get a personalized quote from app developers.
Is it essential to have a mobile app for both iOS and Android?
While having apps for both platforms is ideal for reaching a broader audience, you can start with one platform and expand later based on user demand.
What is the key to attracting drivers to my platform?
Offer competitive commissions, a user-friendly driver app, and efficient payment processing to attract and retain drivers.
How can I ensure passenger safety in my app?
Implement background checks for drivers, allow users to share ride details with friends, and incorporate a ratings and reviews system for drivers.
What are some emerging trends in the ride-hailing industry?
Some emerging trends include electric and autonomous vehicles, eco-friendly options, and improved AI for better route optimization and user experience.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Exalted Saturn in First House
If Saturn is exalted in the first house. Exalted Saturn is often benevolent in the first house of the horoscope in Libra, although it can occasionally become malefic. It may occur when a malefic planet or planets, as well as a malefic horoscope as a whole, have an effect on such an exalted Saturn. The book "Match Making and Manglik Dosh" explains the idea of a benefic planet becoming malefic as a result of the influences of malefic planets.
Depending on the native's overall horoscope and running times, exalted Saturn in the first house of a horoscope in Libra, when benefic, can bless the native with favourable outcomes relating to mother, education, wealth, properties, vehicles, love life, children, creativity, health, lifespan, profession, finances, reputation, authority, recognition, and fame, among other favourable outcomes.
A native may receive a variety of benefits from an exalted Saturn in relation to or via his mother, offspring, and/or longevity. Depending on his total horoscope and running times, such an exalted Saturn may grant the native good health and a long life, such as beyond 70, 80, or 90. Given mother, the native's mother may be wealthy, famous, a government official or a prominent politician. The native may profit much as a result of her wealth, power, and/or prestige. When it comes to children, such an exalted Saturn might grant the native offspring who may be better or much better than normal in terms of their physical, intellectual, emotional, artistic, and/or spiritual abilities. Such children may succeed greatly in many areas of their lives, bringing the local good name and several other positive outcomes.
Depending on the native's profession, an exalted Saturn can help him or her succeed as a researcher, analyst, lawyer, astrologer, religious guru, teacher, preacher, consultant, professional working in the real estate, iron, steel, automobile, IT, health, fitness, media, finance, education, coaching, movie, television, music, sports, travel, food, hotel, airline, telecom, internet industry, or some other field.
As an illustration, let's say Venus and benefic exalted Saturn are both in the first house of a horoscope in Libra. In the first house, Saturn creates Shasha Yoga. The eleventh house of Leo contains the benevolent Sun, benefic Mars, and benefic Mercury. Rahu, Ketu, and Jupiter are all positioned in the tenth house of Cancer, the fourth house of Capricorn, and the third house of Sagittarius, respectively. The native may open a hotel in this situation, and he might see positive outcomes.
The equation may improve if the benefic Moon is positioned in Gemini's ninth house. In this situation, the native may experience a substantial degree of success, wealth, and notoriety in the hotel sector. His company may continue to expand once he becomes 35 or 40. By the time he is 55 or 60, if the finer details and running times are favourable, he may have have a billion-dollar corporate empire. His company may develop into a hotel chain with locations throughout numerous cities in his nation.
A local with an exalted Saturn may be granted authority in the government as a judge, doctor, scientist, engineer, politician, or another form of professional, as well as in the police, army, air force, navy, revenue, administrative, or foreign services.
Such an exalted Saturn can aid the native's achievement in a creative sector, such as acting, singing, playing music, writing, dancing, playing sports, becoming an artist, architect, designer, developer, or any such job. As an illustration, let's say benefic exalted Saturn creates Shasha Yoga in the first house of a Libra horoscope. Beneficial Moon is positioned in Gemini's ninth house, benefic Mercury is in Sagittarius' third house with Jupiter, benign Sun is in Capricorn's fourth house with Venus, benefic exalted Rahu is in Virgo's twelfth house, and exalted Ketu is in Pisces' sixth house. In this scenario, the local can end up being a writer. He can produce works in a variety of genres, including fiction and nonfiction.
The equation could improve if benevolent Mars is positioned with Jupiter and Mercury in the third house of Sagittarius. The native in this situation could be extraordinarily talented and experience great success, wealth, renown, and reputation. He may publish a number of best-selling books, including some biographies of the most important figures in the world. He may become one of the most well-known authors of his time and earn several accolades, including the Nobel Prize, if the finer details and the passage of time favour him. His wealth might be in the millions.
On the other hand, depending on the native's overall horoscope and running times, malefic exalted Saturn in the first house of a horoscope in Libra can cause the native problems with his or her mother, education, wealth, properties, vehicles, love life, children, health, lifespan, profession, finances, reputation, authority, recognition, and a variety of other issues.
The first house is where Saturn is located and it governs the fourth and fifth houses. The native may have a variety of issues relating to or via his mother, children, and/or longevity if such an exalted Saturn is impacted by malefic planets and/or an overall malefic horoscope. Considering mother, the native may not get along with her, his parents may divorce, and he may live with his father; additionally, according to the native's overall horoscope and running times, his mother may have a chronic illness, be an alcoholic or drug addict, be a criminal, or pass away before the native turns 20. The native may lose one or more children via miscarriages that his wife experiences.When it comes to offspring, the native could miscarry one or more children, which his wife might see. He could see births take longer than expected, and he might have kids who are struggling in some manner emotionally or physically. He could have a divorce, lose his kids, or see them get involved in immoral or criminal activity, leading to reputational damage and a host of other issues.
The native may experience delays, financial losses, setbacks, failures, job loss, a poor reputation, and several other issues pertaining to or brought on by his line of work. As an illustration, let's say benevolent Saturn is exalted and situated in the first house of a horoscope in Libra with benevolent retrograde Jupiter and benevolent Ketu. Malefic Rahu is positioned in the exalted Sun-ruled seventh house of Aries, Mars is positioned in the exalted Venus-ruled sixth house of Pisces, and the Moon is positioned in the exalted twelfth house of Virgo. Grahan Yoga forms in the seventh house, whereas Guru Chandal Yoga forms in the first house. Even though he may be doing well in this situation, the native may experience financial losses and professional difficulties. He might not be a parent til the age of 36.
The equation may become more problematic if weak Mercury is positioned in the sixth house of Pisces with Venus and Mars. In this situation, the native may frequently go through spells of unemployment lasting more than three months even if he may make a good living. He can experience financial setbacks and a terrible reputation in his line of work. His mother could pass away before he becomes 25 or 20. He may settle down in his second or third marriage after seeing one or two unsuccessful unions. Before the birth of his first living kid, he could lose one or two children to miscarriages that his wife would see before having his first child at age 36.
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gunnarinnovations · 3 months
Revolutionizing the Food Industry with Cutting-Edge Engineering Services
In today's rapidly evolving food industry landscape, innovation reigns supreme. To stay ahead of the curve, food businesses must invest in poultry processing plant engineering services company, food industry engineering services, food industry product prototyping services, and food industry engineering design services. As a premier provider in this field, we are committed to driving transformative change and elevating the industry standard.
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flourmillmachine · 8 months
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
“It is not as if we were not warned. It is not as if we lacked scientific evidence. It is not as if we could not see the steady ecological degeneration and species extinction. And yet, we did not act. The result will be mass death with victims dwarfing the murderous rampages of fascism, Stalinism and Mao Zedong’s China combined. The desperate response is to burn more coal, especially with the soaring cost of natural gas and oil, and extend the life of nuclear power plants to sustain the economy and produce cool air. It is a self-defeating response. Joe Biden has approved more new oil drilling permits than Donald Trump. Once the power outages begin, as in India, the heat waves will exact a grim toll.
The Anthropocene Age – the age of humans, which has caused extinctions of plant and animal species and the pollution of the soil, air and oceans – is accelerating. Sea levels are rising three times faster than predicted. The arctic ice is vanishing at rates that were unforeseen. Even if we stop carbon emissions today – we have already reached 419 parts per million – carbon dioxide concentrations will continue to climb to as high as 550 ppm because of heat trapped in the oceans. Global temperatures, even in the most optimistic of scenarios, will rise for at least another century. This assumes we confront this crisis. The earth is becoming inhospitable to most life.
The average global temperature has risen by about 1.1 Celsius (1.9 degrees Fahrenheit) since 1880. We are approaching a tipping point of 2 degrees Celsius when the biosphere will become so degraded nothing can save us.
Social coercion and the rule of law will disintegrate. This is taking place in many parts of the global south. A ruthless security and surveillance apparatus, along with heavily militarized police, will turn industrial nations into climate fortresses to keep out refugees and prevent uprisings by an increasingly desperate public. The ruling oligarchs will retreat to protected compounds where they will have access to services and amenities, including food, water and medical care, denied to the rest of us.
Voting, lobbying, petitioning, donating to environmental lobby groups, divestment campaigns and protesting to force the global ruling class to address the climate catastrophe proved no more effective than scrofula victims’ superstitious appeals to Henry VIII to cure them with a royal touch. In 1900 the burning of fossil fuel – mostly coal – produced about 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide a year. That number had risen threefold by 1950. Today the level is 20 times higher than the 1900 figure. During the last 60 years the increase in CO2 was an estimated 100 times faster than what the earth experienced during the transition from the last ice age.
There are three mathematical models for the future: a massive die-off of perhaps 70 percent of the human population and then an uneasy stabilization; extinction of humans and most other species; an immediate and radical reconfiguration of human society to protect the biosphere. This third scenario is dependent on an immediate halt to the production and consumption of fossil fuels, converting to a plant-based diet to end the animal agriculture industry – almost as large a contributor to greenhouse gasses as the fossil fuel industry – greening the deserts and restoring rainforests.
We knew for decades what harnessing a hundred million years of sunlight stored in the form of coal and petroleum would do to the climate. As early as the 1930s British engineer Guy Stewart Callendar suggested that increased CO2 was warming the planet. In the late 1970s into the 1980s, scientists at companies such as Exxon and Shell determined that the burning of fossil fuels was contributing to rising global temperature.
Clive Hamilton in his Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change describes a dark relief that comes from accepting that “catastrophic climate change is virtually certain.”
“But accepting intellectually is not the same as accepting emotionally the possibility that the world as we know it is headed for a horrible end,” Hamilton writes. “It’s the same with our own deaths; we all ‘accept’ that we will die, but it is only when death is imminent that we confront the true meaning of our mortality.”
Humans have inhabited cities and states for 6,000 years, “a mere 0.2 percent of the two and a half million years since our first ancestor sharpened a stone,” the anthropologist Ronald Wright notes in A Short History of Progress. The myriad of civilizations built over these 6,000 years have all decayed and collapsed, most through a thoughtless depletion of the natural resources that sustained them.
The latest iteration of global civilization was dominated by Europeans, who used industrial warfare and genocide to control much of the planet. Europeans and Euro-Americans launched a 500-year-long global rampage of conquering, plundering, looting, exploiting and polluting the earth – as well as killing the indigenous communities, the caretakers of the environment for thousands of years – that stood in the way. The mania for ceaseless economic expansion and exploitation, accelerated by the Industrial Revolution two and a half centuries ago, has become a curse, a death sentence.
Anthropologists, including Joseph Tainter in The Collapse of Complex Societies, Charles L. Redman in Human Impact on Ancient Environments and Ronald Wright in A Short History of Progress, have laid out the familiar patterns that lead to systems breakdown. Civilizations, as Tainter writes, are “fragile, impermanent things.” Collapse, he writes, “is a recurrent feature of human societies.”
This time the whole planet will go down. There will, with this final collapse, be no new lands left to exploit, no new peoples to subjugate or new civilizations to replace the old. We will have used up the world’s resources, leaving the planet as desolate as the final days of a denuded Easter Island.
Collapse comes throughout human history to complex societies not long after they reach their period of greatest magnificence and prosperity.
“One of the most pathetic aspects of human history is that every civilization expresses itself most pretentiously, compounds its partial and universal values most convincingly, and claims immortality for its finite existence at the very moment when the decay which leads to death has already begun,” the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr writes in Beyond Tragedy: Essays on the Christian Interpretation of Tragedy.”
“This great city, perhaps the greatest in North America, rose, flourished, fell into decline and was ultimately abandoned. Civilizations die in familiar patterns. They exhaust natural resources. They spawn parasitic elites who plunder and loot the institutions and systems that make a complex society possible. They engage in futile and self-defeating wars. And then the rot sets in. The great urban centers die first, falling into irreversible decay. Central authority unravels. Artistic expression and intellectual inquiry are replaced by a new dark age, the triumph of tawdry spectacle and the celebration of crowd-pleasing imbecility.
“Collapse occurs, and can only occur, in a power vacuum,” anthropologist Joseph Tainter writes in The Collapse of Complex Societies. “Collapse is possible only where there is no competitor strong enough to fill the political vacuum of disintegration.”
The poet Paul Valéry noted, “a civilization has the same fragility as a life.”
Across the Mississippi River from Monks Mound, the city skyline of St. Louis is visible. It is hard not to see our own collapse in that of Cahokia. In 1950, St. Louis was the eighth-largest city in the United States, with a population of 856,796. Today, that number has fallen to below 300,000, a drop of some 65 percent. Major employers — Anheuser-Busch, McDonnell-Douglas, TWA, Southwestern Bell and Ralston Purina —have dramatically reduced their presence or left altogether. St. Louis is consistently ranked one of the most dangerous cities in the country. One in five people live in poverty. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department has the highest rate of police killings per capita, of the 100 largest police departments in the nation, according to a 2021 report. Prisoners in the city’s squalid jails, where 47 people died in custody between 2009 and 2019, complain of water being shut off from their cells for hours and guards routinely pepper spraying inmates, including those on suicide watch. The city’s crumbling infrastructure, hundreds of gutted and abandoned buildings, empty factories, vacant warehouses and impoverished neighborhoods replicate the ruins of other post-industrial American cities, the classic signposts of a civilization in terminal decline.
“Just as in the past, countries that are environmentally stressed, overpopulated, or both, become at risk of getting politically stressed, and of their governments collapsing,” Jared Diamond argues in Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. “When people are desperate, undernourished and without hope, they blame their governments, which they see as responsible for or unable to solve their problems. They try to emigrate at any cost. They fight each other over land. They kill each other. They start civil wars. They figure that they have nothing to lose, so they become terrorists, or they support or tolerate terrorism.”
Pre-industrial civilizations were dependent on the limits of solar energy and constrained by roads and waterways, impediments that were obliterated when fossil fuel became an energy source. As industrial empires became global, their increase in size meant an increase in complexity. Ironically, this complexity makes us more vulnerable to catastrophic collapse, not less. Soaring temperatures (Iraq is enduring 120 degree heat that has fried the country’s electrical grid), the depletion of natural resources, flooding, droughts, (the worst drought in 500 years is devastating Western, Central and Southern Europe and is expected to see a decline in crop yields of 8 or 9 percent), power outages, wars, pandemics, a rise in zoonotic diseases and breakdowns in supply chains combine to shake the foundations of industrial society. The Arctic has been heating up four times faster than the global average, resulting in an accelerated melting of the Greenland ice sheet and freakish weather patterns. The Barents Sea north of Norway and Russia are warming up to seven times faster. Climate scientists did not expect this extreme weather until 2050.
“Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up,” the anthropologist Ronald Wright warns, calling industrial society “a suicide machine.”
In A Short History of Progress, he writes:
Civilization is an experiment, a very recent way of life in the human career, and it has a habit of walking into what I am calling progress traps. A small village on good land beside a river is a good idea; but when the village grows into a city and paves over the good land, it becomes a bad idea. While prevention might have been easy, a cure may be impossible: a city isn’t easily moved. This human inability to foresee — or to watch out for — long-range consequences may be inherent to our kind, shaped by the millions of years when we lived from hand to mouth by hunting and gathering. It may also be little more than a mix of inertia, greed, and foolishness encouraged by the shape of the social pyramid. The concentration of power at the top of large-scale societies gives the elite a vested interest in the status quo; they continue to prosper in darkening times long after the environment and general populace begin to suffer.
Wright also reflects upon what will be left behind:
The archaeologists who dig us up will need to wear hazmat suits. Humankind will leave a telltale layer in the fossil record composed of everything we produce, from mounds of chicken bones, wet-wipes, tires, mattresses and other household waste to metals, concrete, plastics, industrial chemicals, and the nuclear residue of power plants and weaponry. We are cheating our children, handing them tawdry luxuries and addictive gadgets while we take away what’s left of the wealth, wonder and possibility of the pristine Earth.
Calculations of humanity’s footprint suggest we have been in ‘ecological deficit,’ taking more than Earth’s biological systems can withstand, for at least 30 years. Topsoil is being lost far faster than nature can replenish it; 30 percent of arable land has been exhausted since the mid-20th century.
We have financed this monstrous debt by colonizing both past and future, drawing energy, chemical fertilizer and pesticides from the planet’s fossil carbon, and throwing the consequences onto coming generations of our species and all others. Some of those species have already been bankrupted: they are extinct. Others will follow.
This time the collapse will be global. It will not be possible, as in ancient societies, to migrate to new ecosystems rich in natural resources. The steady rise in heat will devastate crop yields and make much of the planet uninhabitable. Climate scientists warn that once temperatures rise by 4℃, the earth, at best, will be able to sustain a billion people.
The more insurmountable the crisis becomes, the more we, like our prehistoric ancestors, will retreat into self-defeating responses, violence, magical thinking and denial.
The historian Arnold Toynbee, who singled out unchecked militarism as the fatal blow to past empires, argued that civilizations are not murdered, but commit suicide. They fail to adapt to a crisis, ensuring their own obliteration. Our civilization’s collapse will be unique in size, magnified by the destructive force of our fossil fuel-driven industrial society. But it will replicate the familiar patterns of collapse that toppled civilizations of the past. The difference will be in scale, and this time there will be no exit.”
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velvexlubricants · 2 years
Superior Lubricant Oil  Company Produced by Velvex
India is the world’s third-largest lubricant market, next only to the US and China, ahead of Japan, Russia, and Brazil, with a total consumption of approximately 2.4 billion liters.
The Indian lubricants market remains one of the growth prospects in an otherwise flat global market; however, it has its challenges. The year 2019 was significant for the Indian economy; however, the slowdown in the global economy has caught up with the Indian economy, as it consistently registered downward revisions in its economic outlook. This directly impacted automobile production, with the most severe shrinkage, observed in commercial vehicles production. This immediately impacted first-fill demand; a cascading effect on the service-fill market is anticipated.
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Velvex formed by the Nandan group of companies is the fastest growing Lubricants oil company that provides petroleum derivatives, and food products catering to multi-disciplinary industries. The Nandan group of companies works with a mission to provide quality products and services to the customers through efficient systems. The group works with a vision to become leaders in manufacturing genuine oils, greases, and specialty oils with a momentous presence in the industry.
About Us : 
Velvex formed by the Nandan group of companies is the fastest growing company that provides lubricants, petroleum derivatives, and food products catering to multi-disciplinary industries. The Nandan group of companies works with a mission to provide quality products and services to the customers through efficient systems. The group works with a vision to become leaders in manufacturing genuine oils, greases, and specialty oils with a momentous presence in the industry. The group works enthusiastically to bring change in the oil sector by ensuring growth and progress with growing time. The group works to provide innovative ways to enhance the stockholder values and create growth opportunities for the employees. The NPL BlueSky has been awarded as the supplier of the year by the TATA MOTORS in the Annual Vendor meet for the year 2018-2019. Winning many accolades Nandan group of companies works towards building a positive future. It is one of the oldest and the largest contract blending and filling specialists in India.
The Overview Of Lubricant Or Engine Oil Companies In The Perspective Of India :
India is the world’s third-largest lubricant market, next only to the US and China, ahead of Japan, Russia, and Brazil, with a total consumption of approximately 2.4 billion liters.
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The Indian lubricants market remains one of the growth prospects in an otherwise flat global market; however, it has its challenges. The year 2019 was significant for the Indian economy; however, the slowdown in the global economy has caught up with the Indian economy, as it consistently registered downward revisions in its economic outlook. This directly impacted automobile production, with the most severe shrinkage, observed in commercial vehicles production. This immediately impacted first-fill demand; a cascading effect on the service-fill market is anticipated.
The Indian lubricant market is fiercely competitive, characterized by the presence of nationalized oil companies (NOC) such as Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL), Indian Oil (IOCL), and Bharat Petroleum (BPCL); international lubricant marketers such as Shell, Valvoline, Total, and ExxonMobil; and, homegrown marketers including Gulf Oil, Raj Petro, Savita, Columbia, and Apar falls under top 20 lubricant companies in India. Over the past five to six years, HPCL has swiftly expanded its market share in addition to lubricants and the process oil segment over the past five to six years.
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In her book “One Idea to Rule Them All, Reverse Engineering American Propaganda,” Michelle Stiles reveals how the American public (and indeed the global population at large) have been indoctrinated and conned by public relations (PR) companies that run the globalist cabal’s propaganda campaigns. I will be interviewing Michele shortly for this book.
The PR agency creates a global media plan for a given client. It decides the articles to be written and where they’re to appear. It then decides where ads will run and when. So, while drug companies appear to have a rather direct influence over media, it’s really the PR firms that wield the greatest control, especially when it comes to the
They make sure the same message is distributed in many different places in a cohesively timed fashion. As such, PR companies are a central cog in the global propaganda machine and need to be understood as such.
On a side note, there are two designations for PR companies: public relations firms and ad agency holding companies. Ad agency holding companies do public relations but are primarily ad agency based.
A Russian Nesting Doll Model of the World
As detailed in “Who Owns the World?” a handful of private investment companies dominate every aspect of our lives and own everything we spend our money on, from food and beverages to clothing, travel, housing and just about everything else you can think of.
While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In reality, all packaged food brands, for example, are owned by a dozen or so larger parent companies.
These parent companies, in turn, are owned by shareholders, and the largest shareholders are the same in all of them: Vanguard and Blackrock. These institutional investors also own each other. They’re shareholders in each other’s companies, which erodes the concept of competition and strengthens the global monopoly even further.
Four Ad Holding Companies Dominate the Media Landscape
The four largest ad holding companies in the world are currently the Publicis Groupe, WPP, the Omnicom Group and the Interpublic Group, and Stiles notes, all are “deeply interlocked with the corporate media, the military-industrial complex, and the policy elites.”
Each agency, in turn, has smaller subsidiaries and affiliates, again giving us the illusion that there are far more players than there really are. And, as with everything else, Vanguard and/or BlackRock are among the top 10 shareholders in these top four ad agency holding companies. They also own major media companies, and the largest drug companies.
For clarity, in her book, Stiles lists the top three as WPP, Omnicom and Interpublic, but as of November 2021, Publicis surpassed WPP in terms of market value, nabbing the No. 1 spot as the world’s largest ad holding company.1 WPP still has a larger annual revenue, though. That said, all four boast multibillion-dollar annual revenues. In 2022:
Genesis is a faith-based precious metals company which is one of the reasons why they do NOT pretend to give away “free” silver. No, it’s not really free no matter what the other companies claim. Protect your life’s savings with a self-directed IRA backed by physical precious metals. Call us, 800-279-4653, and leave the gimmicks to the other guys.
London-based WPP, which has agencies in 112 countries, made $17.847 billion.2 Noteworthy clients include Amazon, Microsoft, NBC, Healthline, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Pfizer.
Publicis made $14.957 billion3 serving clients within the technology, pharmaceutical and banking industries.
New York City-based Omnicom made $14.289 billion4 from its 200+ agencies, which service more than 5,000 corporate brands, universities, nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
The Interpublic Group’s revenue was $10.928 billion,5 and its clientele include the U.S. Army, ABC, Columbia Records, Unilever, U.S. Bank, Facebook and ExxonMobil, just to name a few.
According to Stiles, an estimated two-thirds to 80% of the content broadcast and published by corporate media comes from public relations firms. In other words, most so-called mainstream media “news” is propaganda.
Remarkably, when you add the revenues of these top four ad holding companies together, it’s still below $60 billion, which seems a modest price to control up to 80% of the global mainstream media landscape. Clearly, it’s money well-spent, from the globalist’s perspective.
The Transnational Capitalist Class
As noted by Stiles, the term academia uses to describe this globalist cabal is “The Transnational Capitalist Class” or TCC. “They are 1% of the world’s wealthiest people who provide the ideological justification driving desired actions to be implemented worldwide in pursuit of their shared interests through transnational governmental organizations,” she writes.
She goes on to cite sociologist Peter Phillips’ book, “Giants: The Global Power Elite,” in which Phillips details:
Everyone has a MyPillow and MyStore promo code and they all offer the same discounts. Support Mike Lindell AND an America First news outlets that does NOT bow to Google ad dollars. Use promo code “JDR” or call 800-862-0382.
But for all their private meetings, the globalists would not have been able to build this hidden monopoly where they own everything, were it not for their control of the media.
They hid their control of the media pretty well for a long time, but during COVID, the lockstep word-for-word regurgitation of nonsense and easily-confirmed lies revealed there was, without doubt, a top-down organization to the madness.
Here, Publicis appears to be a top candidate as the primary string-puller, seeing how it’s partnered with the World Economic Forum, which is leading the call for a “reset” of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.
US Government Spends Billions on Propaganda
While private interests are at the center of the globalist cabal or Deep State, it’s a mistake to think that governments aren’t participating in their plans — or their propaganda.
As reported by Stiles, between 2007 and 2015, the U.S. federal government spent more than $4 billion on public relations services, plus another $2.2 billion for polling, research, and market consulting services. Why does a government “of the people, by the people, for the people” need all this PR? In short: to indoctrinate the public with the globalists’ narratives and points of view.
“Building trust takes time because character is only revealed through action,” Stiles notes, and this is well-known to con artists and propagandists alike. Without a certain level of trust, a con won’t work, and we are now discovering that the globalist cabal has spent decades orchestrating a con so big many still cannot believe it. They’ve infiltrated academia, science and just about every branch of government, and not just in the United States.
In a functioning system, mainstream media would have alerted us to the game plan and exposed the liars and the frauds along the way. But they didn’t, and the reason they didn’t is because mainstream media are no longer free to report truth. It’s been captured by the globalist propaganda machine and its primary function is to broadcast the narratives created by PR companies on the cabal’s behalf.
The Creation of an Idea Syndicate
Stiles goes through the various ways in which the globalists technocrats and transhumanists managed to create an “idea syndicate” where their ideas always get top billing. One way has been through the capturing of societal influencers through the lures of “grants and the promise of appointments, publications and prestige.”
This strategy has resulted in people of low integrity and morals taking center stage — most are basically people willing to sell out — while simultaneously throttling the influence of independent thinkers who cannot be bought.
Another highly effective strategy is to “control the realm of ideas by lavishly funding certain themes and narratives while selectively starving others slated for extinction,” Stiles writes. This is routinely done through charitable foundations. Through “charity,” the cabal can fund the ideas that the TCC endorses while simultaneously starving out opposing ideas and ideals. As noted by Stiles:
The third way to create an idea syndicate is through front groups — third-party organizations that claim to be independent but are really agents of and for a particular agenda.
Controlling Competing Views
So, to summarize, maintaining control over ideas and prevailing narratives involves both the monopolization of ideas and the simultaneous suppression of competing views, and PR companies and media perform both functions.
As noted by Stiles, even when media present opposing views, they do so very carefully. “Truth that has the power to unseat the illusion of democracy will have a firewall erected against it,” and media simply will not cross that firewall, no matter how “neutral” they pretend to be.
ChatGPT Weighs in on Potential Dangers of PR Firms
In closing, and just for fun, a member of my team recently asked ChatGPT to “write a story about the potential dangers of how the top three ad holding companies, which also act as public relations firms, can influence news coverage about pharmaceutical products, similar to how Bill Gates could use his foundation’s money to influence the World Health Organization and media organizations to influence the coverage of global health, and potentially benefit from his own pharmaceutical investments.”
The carefully engineered prompt for the AI allowed a response that reveals the kernel of truth that even the radicalized programmers at OpenAI could not filter out:
1 Forbes November 3, 2021
2 Macrotrends.net WPP Revenue
3 Macrotrends Publicis Revenue
4 Macrotrends.net Omnicom Group Revenue
5 Macrotrends.net Interpublic Group Revenue
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