#food journey
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healing-food · 2 months
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I've been eating this for breakfast every day. It's tasty
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Confession #1: I ate one of my favorite snacks; honey butter chips. My stomach was so upset. I had gut pains for 3 days straight. Idk if I can call them my favorite anymore! Like I guess they’re too greasy, too salty and too much for me now 🙄
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sluttycrimebean · 1 year
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birdslime · 2 years
So! I went on a journey to try some slightly more uncommon schmeats!
In my list is offal of course! Because i have already tried something akin to chitlins in tacos which is Delicious, and beef lung too, and amongst others i Do loooove tendons in pho as well~
So the first one was:
Big reason too is im cheap and i love cheap meat
I spent time wondering, trying to work out a recipe that would make this Singular, Giant, $4 dollar kidney Fantastic and i came up with:
Searing the kidney on both sides, seasoned with beef bouillon and white pepper on a stainless steel pot
Add some oil and hella yellow onions to the same pot, let them cook down a bit until a bit past translucent and add butter, then fancily chopped garlic. Add some salt or beef bouillon, then covered the bottom of the pot with this Really acidic white wine i had and let it reduce. Add some worcestershire sauce.
While onions cook and sauce reduces, chop the seared kidney, cover pieces lightly with flour and then add to the pot, add 2 giant bay leaves.
Let that cook together a bit, added some dill and some oregano, it happened to need no more salts.
So! The taste was fine at first, hella strong. I think this may ne what is considered a "gamey" taste but the only gamey meats ive had are pigeons when i was like 12.
So a bit of metallic taste, perhaps gamey...? Taste lingers and so does the smell, very strong taste but fine overall.
The Texture though, is another story. See, i did Not chop the kidney horizontally because i didnt think about it, and i Really feel like smaller, bite size pieces would've helped a LOT. So, the texture... hooooo boi
It felt like a thick-ass shiitake mushroom, which sounds Fine, but its The Weirdest texture ive ever had in my mouth. Plus, seemingly i overcooked it (didnt stew/braise long enough to be tender, just enough for it to be hella chewy...) and the outer part was chewy and the inside... sandy..??? Hellish.
I wanted So bad to like it. I tried So hard to make my kidney taste fancy. My kitchen looked like Hannibal Lecter's. I planned this recipe for like 2 weeks....... and what do i have to show for man... Grayest dish ive ever made in my life, texture the Bane of my life,,, taste is quite like fancy dogfood,,,,,,,
This one was Not a win bois.
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-Yes, yes i rested the damn kidney!!! It was chilling there for like a good ~10min before i even cut it it just bled itself.
-Apparently youre supposed to cook them to like, rare or so
-A pâte made of this could probably taste pretty good! But ive never made a spreadable meat product before.. perhaps ill chop it even finer and mix those bits with some rendered tallow and it will be palatable then
-No meat tastes like a kidney, in both texture and taste it was fairly unique!
-The fat part the suet was the best part for me!
-The cat Really liked the smell so at least Someone enjoyed something about this!! (didnt give him any though because alliums >.>)
Overall, though i aint willing to try this again anytime soon, perhaps this will not be the end! Definitely wanna try something else next though..
I think it was a brave first shot :}
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feed-my-sheep · 2 years
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Lunch today was SO gooooood.
For the past month or so I've been working on my finances which means.. drastically cutting back on the amount of money I spend on fast food. To my surprise.. fast food was just convenience for me.. I thought I was craving the fast food but nope.
With saying this, I have been craving chicken ranch snack wraps a fair bit so I ended up buying the ingredients to make my own and they are *chefs kiss*. Definitely paired well with the salad I had.
To finish it all off.. one of my coworkers gave me a chocolate bar. I don't normally eat reeses much but today it hit the spot.. a bit too well too! Need to work on listening to my body when it says it's full!
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sophsweet · 3 years
Testing my app idea to stay fit and healthy
It’s been a long journey. Although technically I’m not going anywhere as I am on an exercise bike. After experiences, thinking, testing and researching for a while, with family members carrying this torch before me, I’m now starting a new phase of exploration. Although myriad experiences – which will form the narrative of something else I’m writing, with what I learned from them – happened…
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imthefailedartist · 3 years
Beef Enchiladas w/ rice pilaf & salad
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Delicious but I need to work on the gravy. It's good but not great. Added onion to the meat don't like the taste it adds.
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alissable · 4 years
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When MFP automatically thinks you’re making dinner with 15lbs of asparagus...
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healing-food · 2 months
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Look at this mac & cheese :3
I mixed peppers and spinach in and there's costco hot dogs too. There's like 4 different cheeses in there and I was halfway tempted of whisking an egg in there as well but decided not to ☺️
a delicious post-workout meal
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Possible ED trigger warning
Update 3: Sept. 26th, 2020
i think my body is getting used to this diet change even though it hasn’t been more than a week so far. i’ve done little things like drinking organic juice, more water, and other organic foods. but i’m still eating some of my normal stuff.
tmi, i’ve been using the bathroom more bc my body is adjusting but i think it’s possibly starting to reject some other foods. i had Wendy’s yesterday and was so nauseous and uncomfortable. i had some cupcakes made from the box today and now i have a migraine. this is the uncomfortable phase i think
i did buy some organic chocolate chip cookies, cheese crackers, and a chocolate bar to help with replacing my old snacks and they’re all good. i think my cravings are starting to go down, which is exactly what i need to happen. that’s the hardest part with me eating better overall, reducing these cravings.
i’m not falling a specific diet right now, just trying to make better choices. but i don’t think it’s a good idea for me to mix organic foods with non-organic, just based on my body’s reactions. i don’t mind switching to organic but that would mean i’d have to buy my own groceries and cut out a lot. i still live with my family so usually i eat whatever groceries is bought for the household and buy my own snacks.
another issue i have to eventually reduce is my constant snacking because i’m bored. i guess that would require me training my body by eating at certain time frames and eating fuller meals
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adaintierpeach · 4 years
Food log
* 2 cups of coffee (oat milk)
* hummus wrap (whole wheat tortilla, hummus, spinach, tomato)
* wheat thins
* frozen peach bar
* peatos, 1 package
* chili (black beans, chili beans, corn, onion, minced garlic, tomato, spices)
1070 calories 💖 much better today than I had been
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thinnnneeerrrr · 4 years
Food Journal 05/20/20
I definitely overate and I’m just going to fast tomorrow and eat a lot less calories 😭😥
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I’m so ashamed smh
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Food: 9th May 2020
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Yesterday started off pretty well, but Subway for dinner pushed me way over my daily goals. Ah well, starting fresh today!
L: Tuna in springwater on cruskits, with light philly and red onion S: Protein bar and pepsi max, homemade cherry pie D: Subway footlong chicken fillet with cheese, mayo & salad
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worldfood9 · 4 years
Kyrgyzstan Food Journey
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h3a1thy1ivin9 · 4 years
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Breakfast 2/26
Not going to lie, I could barely touch the food.... BUT I also had chocolate on the banana and some skim milk... Not pictured is the 3 krimpits I ate after this.... I'm trying to cut out heavily processed foods altogether (hense the no cereal) but it's been tricky.
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