#food safety laws
tqvaudit · 5 months
Using Efficient Food Management Systems to Guarantee Food Safety
Food and safety management has become critical in the food industry in a time when foodborne infections are becoming more and more of a worry. Ensuring food safety from farm to fork necessitates the use of extensive systems and standards. This is where the management of food safety comes in. Stakeholders can reduce risks and protect public health by putting strong plans into place and following tight rules. We'll examine the importance of food and safety management and important implementation strategies in this piece.
Comprehending Food and safety management A variety of procedures are included in food and safety managementin order to guarantee that food is fit for human consumption. It entails locating possible risks at different points in the food supply chain and putting controls in place to lessen and manage such risks. The main goal is to stop foodborne infections and epidemics, as these can have detrimental effects on one's health as well as the economy. Important Food and safety management Elements: 1. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP): Throughout the food manufacturing process, hazards are identified, assessed, and controlled systematically using HACCP. It involves identifying critical control points (CCPs) where hazards can be effectively prevented, eliminated, or reduced to acceptable levels. By implementing HACCP principles, food producers can identify potential risks and implement appropriate control measures.
2. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs): These are regulations that specify the fundamental needs for the preparation, handling, and preservation of food items. These procedures address things like staff training, facility upkeep, cleanliness, and hygiene. Following GMPs guarantees the manufacture of safe, high-quality food items and helps prevent contamination. 3. Traceability Systems: These systems make it possible to follow food goods all the way from the source to the consumer. A thorough record of suppliers, product movements, and production procedures helps stakeholders promptly recognise and resolve problems related to food safety. Additionally, traceability makes it easier to recall products and lessens the effects of foodborne illness outbreaks.
4. Quality Control and Assurance: Processes and methods for quality assurance are used to guarantee that food products fulfil predetermined requirements for quality. This covers routine testing, monitoring, and inspection of the production processes. In contrast, quality control aims to stop dangerous items from being released onto the market by detecting and correcting departures from these criteria. 5. Training and Education: For efficient food and safety management, employees at all stages of the food supply chain must get the appropriate training and instruction. To reduce the danger of contamination, employees should be informed about food safety principles, hygiene standards, and appropriate handling techniques.
Difficulties in Managing Food Safety: Systems for managing food safety are intended to reduce hazards, but there are a number of obstacles that may prevent them from working as intended. Among these are: 1. Complex Supply Chains: Products in the current food supply chain frequently go through several phases of manufacture and distribution, making it a very complex chain. Coordination and cooperation amongst multiple stakeholders are necessary to ensure the safety of food items, but they can be difficult to achieve.
2. Emerging Risks: Managing food safety is continuously hampered by the introduction of novel infections, pollutants, and foodborne dangers. Suitability of control methods depends on ongoing study, monitoring, and change in response to these changing hazards. 3. Compliance and Enforcement: It can be difficult for food enterprises, especially small-scale producers and manufacturers, to comply with food safety laws and requirements. To maintain responsibility and stop gaps in food safety, these standards must also be effectively enforced.
4. Consumer Awareness: Although consumers can significantly contribute to food safety by making knowledgeable decisions and handling food safely, there is a vast range in consumer awareness. Enhancing consumer education and awareness initiatives can enable people to proactively safeguard themselves against foodborne infections. Conclusion The goal of food and safety management is to protect public health and maintain the integrity of the food supply chain through a variety of strategies. Stakeholders can detect possible dangers, reduce risks, and enforce the highest standards of food safety by putting in place thorough systems and practices. But overcoming the obstacles related to food safety calls for cooperation, creativity, and a dedication to ongoing progress. Together, we can build a food system that is more robust and safe for everyone.
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iww-gnv · 1 year
The Labor Department is investigating Perdue Farms and Tyson Foods — two of the biggest poultry producers in the U.S. — after reports that migrant children as young as 13 have been working overnight shifts to clean the companies' plants. The department told NPR that its Wage and Hour Division is looking into the matter and could not provide additional details. The inquiry comes after The New York Times Magazine published last week a harrowing account of a 14-year-old boy, Marcos Cux, whose arm was nearly torn off while working at a Perdue slaughterhouse on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. According to the Times, Cux was hired by one of Perdue's contractors tasked with cleaning operations. He and other middle and high school-aged children made up about a third of the overnight shifts at the plant — handling acid and pressure hoses to wash away blood and meat scraps from industrial machines.
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epickiya722 · 2 months
Need to spell someone? Bake a treat!!
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surpriserose · 2 months
I know the jungle is a book about a family that never gets a fucking break due to capitalism but oh my god can jurgis get a FUCKING BREAK
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mbat · 2 months
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i saw this meme format and i had to do it with them im not sorry
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
Area woman learns they put strontium-90 in soda, drinks it anyway
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Excerpt from Long Time Running Chapter 8, Firewood
Olivia lowered her voice. “You need to explain that whole ‘Nuka’-everything deal- I mean, if it’s.. Y’know. Safe.” RJ turned to Olivia with raised eyebrows. “Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second-”  “Wha- Did I insult the local mayor..?”  Insult the local mayor. RJ made a note to get down to Hancock’s place as soon as he could return to Boston alone and tell him all about his past two weeks.  He laughed again at her confusion. “No, no, you- Have you ever had Nuka-Cola before?”
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beau-rebloga-coisas · 7 months
Whenever USAmericans say that biden is leaning left I gotta laugh because that isn't a leftist. If an average centrist saw brazilian aid polices they would die from cardiac arrest. If they saw our healthcare they would fall down foaming by the mouth. If they saw our job laws they would start speaking in tongues and throwing up.
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roomstudent · 9 months
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miawashere · 1 year
canned meat history
a man named Harvey Wiley started to spread the word of the hazards that came with eating the canned meat in the late 19th century. it seemed like no one would take his word for it- until many U.S. soldiers fighting in war got sick & even died from eating expired can meat. after realizing how serious the matter was, people started to fight for quality meat. in 1906, the Food and Drugs Act along with the Meat Inspection Act were passed to ensure the safety of food, especially meat. some might say one of the biggest contributors to the Meat Inspection Act was Upton Sinclairs “The Jungle”, an exposé on the process of meat packaging & showed how little the meat companies cared about the safe consumption of the product. the public ate the book up and showed how little sanitation & care went into the food, leading to the acts being passed to ensure public safety.
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What sorts of alcohol do you think Grima imbibes in? I think you might've touched on it in that one modern AU post you did, but in terms of Middle-Earth beverages, what do you think he'd prefer to drink?
I've touched on Middle-Earth preferences as well - it's buried somewhere in a more general Grima Ask, I think.
Anyway! Always happy to talk Grima!
I roll with Grima drinking wine, once he becomes part of the king's household. Purely because of the status symbol aspect of it. Wine is expensive, hard to ship long distances, and I don't think the Rohirrim are vintners so they're importing it. Therefore it is a sign of wealth, power, and status - all things Grima loves. And in the movie we see him with the very rich fabrics and furs, some of which has been quilted (his sleeves) - a technique that is labour intensive and pricey. Therefore, the man loves a good Display of Wealth.
However, while he drinks wine because he can, he prefers mead and ale. Which is what the average person would be imbibing in large quantities (insert ramblings about caloric intake needs and beer).
I don't think Rohan distills anything. They purely ferment. So hard liquors, if they're present, are imported. If they do have hard liquor, I can see Grima liking select whiskies - but those that are spiced/flavoured - because that would replicate the palate he'd be used to. Maybe also some gin/Jenever liquor.
Which leads me to my favourite head-canon: gruit.
I love the idea that Rohan, aside from mead, makes gruit which is beer brewed with barley specifically, no wheat, and using flavouring agents such as yarrow, mugwort, horehound, bog myrtle (i.e., sweet gale), wild rosemary, heather and/or juniper - but it varied heavily depending on the region. This was used predominantly in a pre-hops time.
Cue my question: is beer in middle earth brewed with hops? I say yes for the shire, no for Rohan and Gondor. ?? for the elves. Probably not. They be putting shit like henbane in to get h i g h and see the silmarills in their dreams or something. (Not that you can't do hops + weird ass additions. Exhibit A: Toronto's craft brew scene).
I also enjoy rolling with the idea that Rohan's brewing traditions used, in some parts, the early brewing practices of the celts, picts and gaels where they brewed ale at a high alcohol level (8% and up) and added in things like henbane to ritualize the experience. Up in what is now Scotland they would add heather as a flavouring agent (also added some mild psychoactive aspects too). This lends itself to my joke of it being Grima "get drunk, do drugs, commit treason" son of Galmod.
Essentially, since Rohan is based on Anglo-Saxon England, ain't no one sober in this society. Which explains a lot. They drink heavy and hard and I don't see Grima being an exception to this.
So yeah! Long story short: he publicly consumes wine because it's a Status Thing (look at my wine, and the pineapple on my table, and oh what is this?? a tomato! and an orange in winter! I am rich). But deep in his heart, his preference is for mead and ale, the more day-to-day alcohol.
Thank you so much for the ask!! Have I thought a lot about Rohan's brewing culture? Maybe. A little. Should I write something with Grima trying to bring in a licensing system in order to incur more revenue for the crown? Maybe.
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annadelveys · 2 years
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soon-palestine · 7 months
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More profound when you consider that Doctors Without Borders rarely makes political statements.
In #UNSC mtg on Middle East, @MSF SG Christopher Lockyear says: "Israeli forces have attacked our convoys, detained our staff, bulldozed our vehicles, hospitals have been bombed and raided. And now for a second time, one of our staff shelters has been hit. This pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence. Our colleagues in #Gaza are fearful that as I speak to you today, they will be punished tomorrow."
He adds: "The humanitarian response in Gaza today is an illusion. A convenient illusion that perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. Calls for humanitarian assistance have echoed across this chamber. Yet in Gaza we have less and less every day, less space, less medicine, less food, less water, less safety."
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iww-gnv · 1 year
Tyson Foods and Perdue Farms, which together produce a third of the poultry sold in the United States, are under federal investigation into whether they relied on migrant children to clean slaughterhouses, some of the most dangerous work in the country. The Labor Department opened the inquiries after an article in The New York Times Magazine, published this past week, found migrant children working overnight shifts for contractors in the companies’ plants on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Children as young as 13 were using acid and pressure hoses to scour blood, grease and feathers from industrial machines. Meat processing is among the nation’s most hazardous industries, and federal law bans minors from working in slaughterhouses because of the high risk of injury. The Times article focused on one child, Marcos Cux, whose arm was mangled in a conveyor belt last year as he sanitized a deboning area in the Perdue plant. He was in the eighth grade.
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ujaglobaladvisory · 3 months
Indian Food Law and Safety Standards
Over the years, India has witnessed several changes and amendments to food laws to keep pace with evolving food safety standards and practices. Notable developments include the establishment of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in 2006 under the Food Safety and Standards Act, which consolidated various food-related laws and regulatory bodies into a single authority. This act was introduced in 2006 but came into force in 2011. The establishment of this law nullified the eight laws that were in operation, which are as follows:
1. The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 of 1954) 2. The Fruit Products Order, 1955 3. The Meat Food Products Order, 1973 4. The Vegetable Oil Products (Control) Order, 1947 5. The Edible Oils Packaging (Regulation) Order, 1998 6. The Solvent Extracted Oil,De-oiled Meal, and Edible Flour (Control) Order, 1967 7. The Milk and Milk Products Order, 1992 8. Any other order issued under the Essen- tial Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955)
FSSAI and Food Law
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is the apex regulatory body responsible for ensuring food safety and standards across India. The following are the main functions of FSSAI:
Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2011
Gathering data on food product
Identifying emerging risks in the food
Implementing a rapid alert system for the food
Developing regulations to ensure food safety for
Establishing standards and guidelines for food businesses to uphold
Issuing licenses and registrations to food business
Providing the government with policy suggestions on food-related
Promoting safe food handling and
Ensuring the promotion of food.
Regulating and preventing food adulteration.
Enhancing food market hygiene and eliminating adulteration.
Maintaining food quality control.
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In conclusion, food laws in India play a vital role in ensuring the safety, quality, and hygiene of food products consumed by the population. These laws have evolved
to address emerging challenges and align with international standards. The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, along with the regulations issued under it, provides a comprehensive framework for regulating the food industry, setting standards, and ensuring compliance.
Through the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), India has established robust mechanisms for licensing, inspection, enforcement, and consumer education. These efforts aim to protect public health, promote consumer confidence, facilitate trade, and control adulteration in the food market.
However, challenges such as food adulteration, contamination, and ensuring uniform enforcement across diverse regions remain. Going forward, continued efforts are needed to strengthen food safety regulations, enhance enforcement mechanisms, invest in infrastructure, promote awareness, and collaborate with international partners to address emerging risks and ensure the safety and quality of food in India.
To know more, check the link- https://uja.in/blog/legal-chronicle/indian-food-law-and-safety-standards/
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nightmare-chaser · 5 months
I'm not religious, but i think something can still be holy after you dissect it
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
The most validating thing about having a brother in law is sometimes I’ll make a comment about my parents being kinda horrible and he’ll just be like "DUDE FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT IVE BEEN THINKING THIS THE WHOLE TIME BUT DIDNT KNOW HOW TO ADDRESS IT"
#the klock keeps ticking#like i remember about 2 years ago when it really clicked with me that my parents were worse than i let myself believe#i had like covid and so to be safe i completely isolated myself in my room and only came out when no one was around#or with a mask on just to get food or use the bathroom that was it#and like when i had mostly recovered i stopped isolating and i looked around and noticed huh the house is kinda a hot mess#and i realized it was because i was the one who kept up with like basic cleaning and making sure things were in order#so like a little bit later i was in the car with my sister and brother in law and i was talking about this#and i was like ‘i think ive realized our parents are kinda unable to take care of themselves without me doing it for them’#and my BIL was like IM SO GLAD YOU FINALLY NOTICED THIS HAS BEEN DRIVING ME CRAZY FOR YEARS#which was just so validating i was like okay so im not just being an ass like this is an actual problem#and idk a more recent thing that maybe uh. made me a little bit emotional was we were basically at a cool place where you can climb shit#and he was just kinda there helping me when it seemed i was gonna lose balance to make sure i didnt get hurt#as well as my sister too and i was like oh god is this was like. basic affection feels like???#is this what it feels like to have someone care like actually kinda give a fuck about your safety and well being???#so yeah i maybe am still not okay with that and still dont know how to feel anymore 😭#so i guess even though hes stinky and i like to bully him I GUESS hes actually a pretty cool guy and he does make my sister happy and he#treats her with respect and hes very good with their cat so yeah maybe i actually really appreciate him and care more about him#than i do my parents and most people in my family#but i cant say that cuz then itll like. go straight to his head 🥺#and he still wont play pokepark 2 with me even though he PROMISED its been like 4 years since he said that and WE STILL HAVENT PLAYED IT 👺👺👺
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