#foot tf
avegaytfenjoyer · 9 months
3 for 1
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[Requests] No User Given
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[Requests] Matsmi13
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[Requests] Sport TF Went to spent the holidays with the rest of my family down south. decided to stay for new years and got back 3 days ago! If anyone here wants the story's stand alone just shoot me a message and ill happily do it!
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kimochydra · 1 year
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user211201 · 12 days
Listen Up: Swimmer
--- Originally posted on 2021-04-21 by newyoutf ---
Jon twisted back and forth under the showerhead, singing along to the music blasting from his phone on the counter.
The music lowered in volume for a second, making way for two loud dings. Jon reached out from the stream of water and fumbled with the screen in his wet hands. It was a message from Oliver, his best friend, “Hey bro, got something you should listen to.”
“Bro?” Jon wondered. Since when did Oliver say “bro”? Jon blinked, struggling to think for a moment. Oliver talked like that all the time, he was American after all... wasn’t he?
Attached to the message was an audio file. Jon figured it must have been a new song by one of the pair’s favorite pop divas, perhaps a new leaked track. Jon hit the play button, placed the phone back down, and returned to the hot water.
A harsh static buzz and what sounded like garbled speech boomed from the phone, taking Jon by surprise. The corrupted audio cleared up after a moment and a deep, male voice started.
“Welcome. This audio program is custom designed. Just for you. Ensure you are in a comfortable, private place. You will not want to be disturbed.”
“Oliver,” Jon rolled his eyes, thinking that surely something starting this ridiculous would be some sort of joke or meme. After all, Oliver had always been a dumb joker. “Wait,” Jon felt confused, he could have sworn Oliver was a quiet, twinky lad like himself?
Jon realized couldn’t form a solid impression of his friend in his mind. They met at their university in London and became best friends, bonding over their mutual love of pop music and ogling the campus jocks. But now it was like that reality had been shattered. Those memories gave way for ones of meeting each other at the campus gym shortly after Oliver arrived from the US. Oliver was his best, hot, American friend, right? Jon’s cock twitched at the new image of his friend as he placed his face under the stream of hot water in an attempt to clear his head.
“Relax. Take a deep breath, in and out.”
Jon unwittingly followed the instructions. The frown fell from his face and his body relaxed, taking in the warmth of the water.
“You’re Oliver's best friend. Makes sense, given you’re a total alpha too.”
“Both wha- ah! Ah!”, Jon planted his hands against the wet, tiled wall as the words sent pleasure rippling through his body. He looked down feeling a strong warmth against his leg but it wasn’t the hot water. His semi-hard cock had blasted a rope of cum against his leg. “What the fuck?” Jon mumbled.
“What a coincidence that you’re both six-foot-four. It serves him well in the gym, the same way it serves you well in the water.”
Jon howled in ecstasy, spluttering and moaning, as his five-foot-nine body stretched higher. His soft cock drooled hot cum as it rapidly began to rise. His arms pushed against the wall, lengthening for better performance in the pool. He stepped backward as his head struck the showerhead and rose even higher. Hot water poured down the front of his much longer torso and legs.
“Your shoulders are so broad. Typical of you swimming jocks.”
Unable to resist the command, Jon's shoulders crunched and throbbed, thrusting out larger and bulging with muscle. “God! W- What the fuck i- is... ugh... happening?!” he roared, terrified not just by the growth gripping his body, but the incredible pleasure it wrought on him.
“Those are some long, meaty fucking arms, Jon.”
“F- fuck!” Jon roared, spraying a massive load up the back of the shower feeling his narrow arms explode with thick mounds of muscle, rippling across his biceps and triceps. The growth spread down his arms, his forearms bloating with tight, lean muscle. His wrists cracked as they thickened.
“Hands that big must be useful for pushing through the water.”
Stifled screams rumbled from Jon’s tightly clenched mouth. His hands were pressed against the back of the shower, clicking and twitching as they began to swell across the tiles. The fingers accelerated longer and longer. His palms spread monstrously broad. He flexed his hands, in total awe of their disproportionate size; perfect for pushing through the water.
The experience was like nothing Jon ever felt. A sexual eruption taking place across every cell as the words rewrote his body. “Can’t... resist... so g- good,” Jon grunted, gasping for air.
“You clearly work out for the aesthetics as well, not just the pool. Your shredded chest is proof of that.”
Jon couldn’t even attempt to fight anymore, but nor did he want to. His chest puffed and bulged, distorting the path of the water running across it. The previously non-existent pecs pushed outward from his widening chest. His cock trembled as the changes took hold in his abdomen, causing his flat stomach to erupt with tight, thick abs. Jon gripped his ass, feeling it swell into his huge hands while he erupted cum across the tiles once more.
*“That’s the spirit, Jon. You’re a *stud.”
Jon felt those words echo in his ears and rumble down his throat. Grunts and pants became deeper and deeper as his thickened and voice morphed. His head groaned as it enlarged to fit his frame. Hair began to flourish out of his cheeks and across his upper lip while the mop of medium-length hair on his head retreated, leaving a short, handsome cut in its place. He stroked his cock with one hand and clasped his face with the other feeling his jawline refine and the angles of his face sharpen. He turned to the mirror cabinet, seeing just a sliver of his improved visage. Jon gasped at the sight and immediately ejected another load of cum.
He didn’t just look like a swole swimming jock. He felt like one too. He rejoiced in his mind being filled with thoughts of the pool, weightlifting, spotting his bros at the gym, and fucking them afterward.
“Good to see the bottom half matches the top.”
Jon’s legs trembled. He clutched the slippery tiles harder to hold himself up, the pleasure reverberating through his legs almost too much to bear. Muscles spasmed in his calves, swelling with every little twitch. Muscle wasn’t all that was gracing his legs. Dark hair grew forth from the skin, coating his powerful legs in a layer of fur. Jon swore under his breath, impressed by the hair spreading up and down his legs. He thought about how he refused to shave like other swimmers, he liked the hair, and regardless his superior form needed no extra boost. His body responded to the suggestion, triggering a fine layer of hair to sprout from his forearms, between his pecs, in a trail over his abs and across the tops of his feet.
Memories of the pool, the beach, and victories across university swimming tournaments swarmed his brain. Trophies and medals materialized in the bedroom just next to where he was showering.
“Damn, it’s no surprise you outperform everyone in the water with feet that massive. And you know what they say about that, Jon.”
Every one of the toes on Jon’s size eight feet surged with pleasure. He moaned loudly as they began to push across the floor of the shower while his soles stretched to catch up. He recalled new memories of having large feet, how they propelled him to victory in the pool, and the comments people would make: “Bigfoot”, “You know what they say...”, “Where can you even buy size sixteens?”
“Sixteen?!” he repeated in his mind. The brief shock turned to anticipation as he felt his soles continue to march forward longer and wider, his toes twitching while they reshaped long and meaty. Jon growled aloud as he expelled another load, “God, yeah... so f- fucking... big.”
The jock trembled under the stream of hot water, desperate for sexual release. He looked down as the expanding feet settled into excessively large size sixteens, curling his long toes as his six-inch cock began to quiver in its desperation to grow larger as well. It felt as though it were perpetually hardening, only to then push longer and girthier instead. Jon grasped his wet cock and thrust into his grip hard and repeatedly. He relished in the sensation of the veins bulging and the shaft thickening.
*“I guess what they say really is true, isn’t *it?”
The audio toyed with him, pushing his cock just that little bit longer and pumping it ever so slightly thicker. It pulsed and twitched, gradually and slowly with every breath. His uncut, British foreskin slid further backward, as a larger, blunter head swelled outward. Jon smirked as he groaned and growled, stroking faster and faster, enthralled by the beautiful nine-inch weapon he now possessed.
“Oh yeah! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Jon made three final long, hard tugs on his thick pole before roaring in delight as unspeakable ecstasy filled him. Cum rocketed upward against the water rushing from the showerhead, ejecting what remained of Jon’s old genetic material while orgasm after orgasm pounded his body.
Exhausted and dripping wet, he stepped slowly out of the tub, unsteady on his new legs and feet.
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*“Remember to share this recording with your friends*.”
And with that, the playback stopped. Jon looked at himself in the mirror, still shocked, but enraptured with his new body and looks. He grabbed his phone and wiped the water from the screen, struggling to unlock it with his longer fingers. He typed out a reply to Oliver, “That shit was fucking lit mate!”
A few miles away, a sweaty Oliver was busy lifting weights, waiting for his friend to give him some indication that something had happened. He had to place the weight down slowly as his mind blurred for a moment. He saw the images and memories that he had of his friend change and shift. Gone were the images of a quiet little twink, replaced by those of a loud, masculine swimming jock. Oliver smiled cockily realizing what had just happened. Then, as if on cue, his phone vibrated with Jon’s reply. Following was a photo of a huge, semi-hard cock swinging above two gargantuan feet. Oliver felt his own cock stiffen slightly at the image.
“Hell yeah, bro! You should be selling these pics like I do,” Oliver sent in response, getting a deep chuckle out of Jon.
Both men now looked at their phones, horny and pondering who next to share the mysterious audio file with.
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anon-sect · 2 months
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Picture source: Instagram account: @mrstinkysocks
Patten had the perfect guy. He had been in many relationships, but his current one was the best. He really loved the guy, but his two step brothers weren't fond of having a gay brother. They had at many times picked on him for being gay, but he would just ignore them and their insults.
One day, their bullying had gone too far. Patten had received a call from his boyfriend wanting to break up with him. He claimed that he was cheating on him and had pictures to prove it. Seeing the pictures that his boyfriend received, he could tell that they were fabricated by his stepbrothers.
Patten confronted his stepbrothers, Ion and Devin. They didn't deny what they did. In fact, they were completely proud of it. This was last stunt was too much. He decided he would need some payback against his homophobic stepbrothers.
While they weren't looking, he had spiked their drinks with a special ingredient. He waited till they soon lost consciousness after finishing their drinks. He watched as both of them began to shrink in size and taking on the form of white socks perfect for his big feet.
He tried both of them on. They were super comfortable on his feet. He made sure that their senses were left intact and heighted to about 1000%. They would feel more intensity than normal.
Ion woke up as though he was run over by a bus. He felt strange. He tried to move but could only do a little squirming. He tried to speak but had no voice to make any sound. He felt something fill up his body as though it was hollowed out. He could hear his stepbrother talking on the phone above him. It sounded like he was trying to make up with his former boyfriend. As much as he tried to move or speak any form of defiance, he only could manage a little squirming motion.
Devin woke up to feeling the wiggling of toes. He was a little confused at first till he figured out that he was a sock on Patten's foot. He could smell the odor coming from it, but it was much in intensity. He could hear him make up with the boyfriend they tried to breakup with him. Once off the phone, the intense pressure of being stepped on and walked on was insane. It felt like every nerve ending was in excruciating pain. He wanted the pain to end but each step brought on pain fresh and new.
Patten walked into the kitchen to get a snack before relaxing in front of the tv. His boyfriend was coming over later for some make up sex after hearing what his stepbrothers tried to do. He walked back to the couch and propped his feet on the table. "You two tried to ruin my relationship because you don't like having a gay brother. Now, you two will serve my feet for about a week. I might turn you back to normal then. For now, enjoy my feet." He laughed as he watched tv, not giving a care about his new socks.
Patten saw one of his favorite pair of socks had a big hole in it. One of his stepbrothers was too damaged to change back to normal. The other was dirty, but still intact. He didn't see the reason to restore one and not the other. Keeping them both as socks was the better option. His boyfriend loved the fact about what he did to them. In fact, his boyfriend had used them as cum rags on several occasions. He didn't feel bad that they would be his socks forever now, since they were terrible brothers to him. At least in this form, they were more helpful.
Devin's mind was completely gone. There were no more human thoughts. The only thing that he focused on was Patten's foot. The hole was a badge of honor that he was proud of. Patten's foot had worn him out and he loved it. All he was now just a sock loyal to the foot that wore him.
Ion was screaming daily for Patten to forgive them. Six months of the stench of his brother's foot was a nightmare. He wanted out badly. But when he heard that they would stay as socks due to the fact that one of them had a hole in it, was mortifying. Since the hole would prevent that sock from returning to normal, they both had to remain as socks. He figured that Devin's mind was probably gone by now. He would be a dumb mindless sock. The bad part was that Devin having a hole in him meant that they both now share the same fate. Forever tormented by their gay brother on his feet.
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thetfer · 6 months
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When the DM takes emersion to the next level and forces the players to experience the same fates as their characters...
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dead-bouquet · 2 years
DP x DC thoughts
Every fanfic and prompt I read has danny either pretending to be older than he is or just outright telling people he is a child.
I’d love to see actual thousands of years old danny who lost his family and has been in his castle for so many years that he’s become a shell of himself. He’s super knowledgeable, super powerful, but he’s just  t i r e d. 
Not to mention he can change his form like clockwork if he wanted to but most of the time he stays in his 14 yr old form cuz that’s the most comfortable.
Now imagine the JL come in. They summon the Ghost King because they need help and omg that is a child on the throne with a dead eye stare but he’s super powerful and helps them for no fee and and bruce is already pulling out the adoption papers.
Dick gaining an older brother figure and learning not everything has to be on his shoulders.
Jason and Danny bonding over being forced to adapt to a world that’s mourned and moved on from them and the struggle to learn to fit in again (because jason is technologically illiterate with all the advancements he missed and you can pry that head cannon out of my cold dead hands).
Tim gaining an older brother who actually listens to his rants and pushes him towards new info cuz danny has lived for so long and duh he knows stuff.
Damian just being a language nerd with danny and learning some languages that have been lost to time (because now he can shit talk about drake without anyone knowing)
Duke just vibin with this bright ass creature but hey? at least there’s another meta in the fam.
Danny spoils the girls cuz they remind him of dani and jazz.
all the while danny slowly gains his spark back and becomes more and more like his old self.
Just... let me have millennia old danny being a shit disturber.
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cannibaleather · 7 months
In my wildest dreams it can happen in an instant, one shot changed forever. Needle slips into your skin, plunger pushes down; you feel it burn in your veins like holyfire, running up and down your limbs, coalescing in your chest as your heart pounds and pounds and pounds even faster. You double over consumed by it, hands balled into tight fists, and then it happens; you change, you become what you were always made to be.
And in these wildest dreams it is not a fairytale shift from one state to the other, it is messy and sweaty and delirious with lust; it is your clothes tightening till they tear as muscle shifts and grows anew, fat settling in new places. It is your bones crunching as they thicken and shift. It is hair sprouting across your chest and back and legs and arms, thick and dark. It is your new dick tenting in your boxers, something fresh and new throbbing and begging for you to feel it and see how much you've grown. It is a thick fog clouding your mind as you find everything melting away into the bliss of the pain and the change, the smell of sweat dripping slick down your new body, the growl of your every panting breath and grunt now rumbling deep in your chest; you look good, you feel good, and all you want to do is touch yourself, fuck until you're exhausted. There's no going back, this is you forever now- bigger, hairier, sweatier than before. But this is what you were made for, this is the body that was always meant for you, all it took was one little shot for you to realise that.
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arseteta · 23 hours
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webbonso jaguar teammates!au
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softasawhisper · 9 months
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Esmeralda and Meg would get along pretty well... ♡
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gen loss dump part 2 :]
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i have a gen loss playlist so the last two was me hitting randomize and drawing a pic based on the song before it finished. the second one technically isn’t that cause charlie’s inferno isn’t on apple music cause they hate me so it’s way more of the song out of spite because they wouldn’t give it to me.
#spotify is prolly better (definitely is for finding playlists i use spotify to find playlists still and then add those songs to my own lmao#but dad pays for a family apple music subscription and free music streaming is infinitely better then paying for my own spotify#also my wound reference i feel like i let him off easy from the seven foot tall wire security monster#but idk this was drawn a year ago idk what i was doing#like i agree w the vest just being REALLLL bad bruising and internal stuff but i feel like he had wayyyy more open area besides that to get#fucked up besides just his arms#but i guess since the wire monster also got turned off by the button since it didn’t immediately go at ranboo next then maybe that’s still#reasonable idk#generation loss#generation loss fanart#ranboo fanart#continuing my not spamming tags trend so even though i bc puls have tagged all three of them im not gonna#still posting this primarily for me and for everyone else second#OH THE OUTFITS ARE FROM MY PIN BOARDS#I MAKE OUTFIT BOARDS FOR EVERYTHING ITS SO FUN#LIKE EVERY FANDOM IVE POSTED HERE HAS ONE#ITS BAD#and then irl i wear sweats and t shirt lmao#i found mouse trap game board earrings#i spend too much time on those finding highly specific bullshit#the jrwi one is especially cringe cause i have a different section for all of the what ifs#and that shit lasted one (1) episode#also the full color drawing i’m so >:| about it#i need to practice coloring sooooo badly but i always get frustrated w it#i need to slow tf down idk#but thats also from nearly a year ago so
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avegaytfenjoyer · 8 months
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[Request] umair0010
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godisshook · 1 year
there was this total average looking guy in my freshman orientation group, but now it’s finals in spring term and he’s somehow bigger than even the seniors on campus? I started hearing some people saying he’s now a total alpha, but he just asked/told me to come to this end of year party he’ll be at!
You were nervous about freshman year in college, being away from family, and having to go at it alone would be a big change of pace, but you were up for the challenge. A sense of nervousness overcame you as you became more and more aware, but you were brought back to reality as the orientation leader in the front said, “You all will now be placed in groups, check the number on the back of your name tag for your group number!” When you turn the tag around, you see a number 9, and walk over to the advisor waving a sign with the same number. You were placed in a group with nine others, who all looked either confused as to everything, or wanting to leave already. Then along came Leo.
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He was unassuming and barely talked throughout orientation, but you initiated a conversation with him, hoping to make at least a new friend before the year started. He smiled at you the whole time, clearly appreciating that someone walked up to him. Orientation seemed to pass by much faster, and you two talked throughout.
Before orientation ended, he put his number in your phone, telling you to keep in touch, and you obliged. As the semester began, the stress of school made it hard to keep your promise, and you two started talking less and less.
As the semester came to a close, you started preparing to go back home for spring break. You wished your friends goodbye for the semester, but the thought of Leo still lingered on your mind. Those thoughts began to subside as you pack your last bag into your car. Not wanting to stop talking to him completely, you texted Leo occasionally, checking on him from time to time, but he seemed to always be busy.
Spring break was coming to a close, and as you prepared to return, you were excited for a new semester and the experiences it would hold. One of your friends walks up to you and urgently says, "OMG, look at this."
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The guy was hot, but ultimately he didn't look too familiar. Your friend smiles at your confusion, and finally reveals, "It's Leo." You could only stand there stunned. While Leo definitely wasn't scrawny, he wasn't the biggest guy in the freshman class, but now he was bigger than most seniors! As if they knew what you were thinking, your friend says, "I know, everyone was surprised too, he walked on campus and his shirt would barely fit!" You hoped to see him just once, and you spent the whole day looking through his Instagram, seeing as his body began changing, becoming bigger and bigger. After you got hard in Biology class, you decided that your exploration through his feed would have to be put on pause until you were in a more decent area.
When you finally got home, you could only think about him. He was always cute to you, but he was now among the hottest guys on campus. you could only think one thing, "Were those springtime chats enough?" You thought you had missed your shot, had you just talked to him more, had you reached out more, maybe, just maybe...
Breaking you away from your spiral was a notification. Your phone pinged, and it was a new snap from Leo.
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As you opened the photos, your jaw dropped. The photos were as close to explicit as he could get, and you stayed on each picture, absorbing his form. Your eyes wandered down each photo, taking in each element of it, including his not-so-hidden bulge. Before you could even respond to what was maybe the hottest thing you've ever seen, Leo starts typing. "There's gonna be this end-of-year party at the lake this Saturday." Looking at the text, you try to formulate a response, was it an invitation, if it was, why didn't he tell you to be there?
Leo says, "I want you to come with me." There was the ticket, the reply you needed. You wouldn't dream of saying no, so you agreed. "Good, and just know that you would be coming as my boyfriend." You pinched yourself, certain you were simply having the best dream of your life. No pinch could remove that text from your gaze, and you replied, "I wouldn't have it any other way." Each day felt like years as anticipation for the party was building. Classes felt like simple distractions against what could happen on Saturday. Your imagination soon went wild, and With Saturday finally here, you got into your best pool fit, and waited for him to pick you up.
The two of you would catch up in the car, with you thinking that he didn't like you, and him reassuring you that he was truly just busy, and you could clearly see the results. He would stop his car on a back road near the lake and would lead you towards the party. Your friend was already there, and you went with them, splitting from Leo. Things went well as you mingled with the other party goers, and reveled in the time-out. After a while, you began looking for Leo, wanting to at least get a dance in with him. It didn't take long to find him, as he seemed to be searching for you as well. With you two back together, he asked, "Do you wanna go to the other side?" As you were pondering the question, you noticed the boats on the lake, and one, with his friends on it, looking over at you. When you eye them, they look away, clearly caught in the act. Thinking a little fun couldn't hurt, you obliged, waved bye to your friend (who was actively kissing someone), and got on the boat.
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The boat sped on the water, with you getting splashed occasionally, as the driver began doing tricks in the water to impress his friends. Soon it was explained that one of Leo's friends owns all the properties near the lake, and just rents out some of them. You couldn't imagine any place better to party, and you continued to enjoy the ride, as Leo began flexing in the back, you laughed and said, "I didn't know I was at a gun show." He replied, "Just for you, of course."
As you all approached the other side of the island, one of Leo's friends slides him a key, and Leo leads you off the boat, following behind you. With you two firmly on the land, the driver yells "Have fun!!!" and sped away, leaving you dumbfounded.
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As you got to the other side of the lake, Leo thought it was necessary to continue "The gun show." You didn't mind it at all, whistling and clapping after each flex. As you took in his massive form, he would ask, "Are you gonna come to the show and not try it out?" You closed the distance between you two and started feeling up his body. He looked down at you, his gaze intensifying the moment. You began to truly grasp the situation, as desire flared in his eyes.
It was just you and him, and you appreciated this moment of intimacy. He planted a kiss on your cheek, and you blushed. With you two now being so close, you felt the tension rising between you two. You wanted more than a kiss, and you glanced back at the cabin behind you. Looking at him with sultry eyes, you asked, "How about we take this inside?"
Sharing your sense of urgency, he rushed over to the bathroom to change out of his trunks, and each moment felt like hours. As he came out of the bathroom, you couldn't wait for another second, you pulled him close and began kissing him, with him returning the favor with a fiery passion, taking your body fully into his as he held on to your head, supporting the weight of each intense kiss he shared. You two only split to catch your breaths, and a flurry of tongues and lips moved with what seemed to be desperate urgency.
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Knowing you wanted him at the moment, he laid down on the floor, saying, "It'd take too long to get to the bed." You laughed and got to work. First, you planted light kisses on his muscular body, his breath hitching with each kiss. Each hand sought to only make the experience more pleasurable for him, with you feeling him up and down as kisses created a path. Your kisses trailed all the way down to his shorts, where you noticed his cock bulging in his shorts, as if it was waiting for you as well. With his dick pressed against his underwear, you knew it was time, and slowly pulled down his shorts.
He groaned in pleasure as you began sucking him off. His massive cock wouldn't fit in your throat completely, but you managed regardless. Soon, Leo asked the all-important question, "Do you want me?" Your response was quick, "Of course!" Leo, taking advantage of your impatience, would ask, "How do you want me?" Exasperated, you replied, "I want you in me, Leo." "Good answer," he said with a grin on his face. In a flash, Leo had his strong hands on your waist and lifted you in the air, as you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. As he approached the bed, he laid you down gently and began laying kisses on your body, just as you did his. As anticipation and desire swirled around in you, Leo gave you the release you needed. He would grab your waist once more, this time to get you on top of him, setting your ass on his cock.
Slowly, he would put his dick in you, and as every inch started to fill you, you wondered just how big he was. After filling, you completely, he would start slowly lifting you off of him, and then going back down. With the desire in your body reaching a fever pitch, you took drastic action. You placed a hand on the headboard of the bed and started moving your ass up and down, moaning each time as his cock entered you again. He kept your pace, speeding up and grunting as you kept going. He took control again, once again turning you over, with his cock still in you. With you now under him, he would place his hands on the bed near your head, and start thrusting. You could only respond in moans as he fucked you with ferocity. The moment felt like a rush of passion, with your two bodies seeming to merge at the moment. The whole world seemed to disappear around you, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
After what seemed like forever, you two re-emerged from the cabin, with your legs still weak, Leo was essentially holding you upright. As you reunited with the other party goers, it was obvious they knew exactly what happened, and you blushed as your friend gave you a light punch on the arm, beaming at you and Leo.
The next days were a blur, and as things settled, you wanted explanations, of all the people he could have, why you? He put it simply, "Everyone else only talked to me after I got big, you were the only one who cared before that." As realization dawned over you, you were transported back to spring break. While you had thought your check-ups as unproductive, to him, it was the only interaction he had with someone from school the whole time. You smiled at him and hugged him, as he wrapped you in a massive bear hug. You two had become inseparable. The party marked the start of your relationship, and what seemed like a missed opportunity, turned into the situation of your dreams.
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absentlyabbie · 2 years
reading this book and it describes this fantasy tiered city built on the side of a mountain and it has one "impossibly long" stairway for traversing from one tier to another
and all i can think is "wow that is awful urban design."
without even getting into the inherent ableism (but hey! fantasy city with fantasy races which are naturally superior and therefore pretty much never experience disability, of course, because that's what superiority means) of the apparently sole system of traveling between levels of this city being stairs and only stairs, it's a freaking deathtrap.
one impossibly long unbroken stairway across the breadth of a tiered city built into the side of a mountain? no landings are described, even. without some kinda natural break, one moment of clumsiness or an unfriendly shove and someone is having a long, long tumble to a broken neck (and broken everything else.)
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littleoceanbabe · 9 months
oh i just KNOW sherlock somehow, somewhere found a captain’s hat before he got on that boat. i know it in my heart.
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anon-sect · 3 months
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Tom had a major crush on his neighbor. He had been over at David's house a few times and were good friends with him. But he never told him how much he liked him. He soon found out that David was straight and had a girlfriend. Yet, he still liked the guy even though it would only be a fantasy in his mind.
One day, while hanging out over at David's place, he told him how many UPS socks he goes through in a short period of time. They seem not to last long on his feet. A pair only last about two weeks max before he has to trash them. Tom had a solution to his problem that he wondered if his neighbor would take the offer.
"I can give you a pair of work socks that will last longer than two weeks, gaurented." Tom spoke with assurance. David gave him a look of disbelief. "No way, it's impossible. Normal socks are simply destroyed by my feet." David remarked back.
Tom was determined to prove him wrong. "I will be right back." He told him and quickly left. He came back ten minutes later holding a small cell phone like device. "I drank a durability formula before coming back. You use this device to turn me into a pair of UPS work socks. I promise you, I will last longer than two weeks." He told David.
David didn't know if he was joking, being serious or certified crazy at the moment. He watched as Tom typed something into the cell phone looking device. "I have also programmed the restore feature for after the two weeks. All you have to do is hit flash, and you will have a pair of new work socks that your feet won't destroy." Tom told him. He was still in doubt. He handed him the device. "You do know if this really works, I will literally wear you to see if what you say is true. My feet will test how durable you are. I would hate to have my feet completely ruin you." He remaked, hoping his neighbor might change his mind. "Prove it." Tom replied back with a serious look. Seeing that his neighbor would not take no for an answer, he hit the flash part. He was amazed. Tom was completely replaced with a pair of new UPS work brown socks. He picked them up and saw they looked normal, yet he knew they weren't. "Two weeks, buddy. We will see how my feet can handle you." He spoke to the socks, feeling weird doing so.
Tom was so happy about his new situation. He had literally become David's work socks. He couldn't wait till the next day.
The following morning, David got up, showered, and got ready for work. The only difference was that his socks were a living person. He almost felt bad as he put the socks on his feet, but then thought about how much his neighbor wanted this so badly. He put his shoes on and prepared to start his day as normal.
Tom was instantly bombarded by the pressures of being stepped on and stood on as David began to walk around before leaving home. It was painful, but the pleasure of being wrapped around his feet made the pain bearable. The second part, he was not fully prepared for. The odor in David's work shoes was strong, but being that his senses were almost 200 times stronger than normal, the smell was almost obnoxious. He could hear David get in his car on his way to work. He began to wonder if his mind could survive this little bet he made with his neighbor.
David started his day early in the morning and usually wasn't finished until late in the evening. He had a lot of stops on his route each day. Some had a lot of packages, and some would have one or two. As his dey wore on going from stop to stop, he noticed his feet weren't hurting. He didn't have to take as my breaks as before to get off his feet. This was the first time he literally could keep going all the way till all the packages were delivered for that day. He was amazed at the socks on his feet. The shoes were his normal shoes, only the socks were different. He arrived back home later that evening and saw his feet completely dry. The socks themselves were barely wet. His feet didn't have an odor at all. The socks even absorb that. He rather loved his new socks he was borrowing for two weeks.
Tom found his new existence as not pleasing as he had initially imagined. He was drinking up every amount of foot sweat from David's feet as he went from stop to stop, walking the heat. It was disgusting. To make it worse, any odor from his feet was taken in by his new sock bodies. He was smelling like his owner's feet. He was living the full existence of being just socks. Maybe taking this two weeks bet was not such a good idea. He had no way of telling David he changed his mind. He could only hope that David would change him back soon.
David had thought about changing his neighbor back to normal after the first day ended, but seeing how well the socks performed, he wanted to keep the two weeks test going. He wanted to see if his neighbor could survive the brutality of his feet for that long. He wore him during the week and jerked off in him at least twice just for the fun of it. On the weekends, he would wash his special work socks. Normally, his socks are slightly worn and have a hole in the toes, but after two straight weeks, the socks still look in good condition. There was no wear or tear, not even a single hole. His neighbor was really right about what he said. He pointed the device at his socks and hit flash.
Tom found himself normal again after two weeks. For ten days, he was wrapped around his neighbor's feet. The jerking off part was so wrong, he thought to himself. He somehow had some mental clarity after his two week adventure as socks. "See, best socks you ever had, I bet." He spoke after two weeks of not having a voice to speak at all.
"About that, I proposee you be my work socks from now on. You are my best pair I ever had." David paused. "I would just borrow you during the week and release you on the weekend." He added while making adjustments on the cell phone looking device.
"Absolutely not. I won't be your working socks forever. Go find another volunteer for that." Tom immediately objected to the idea entirely.
David firgured his neighbor would say that. He pointed the device back at him and hit flash. Tom was reduced back to UPS brown work socks. He deleted his human form from the device. He picked up the socks. "I figured you might say something like that, so I decided for you. You have no choice. I need excellent work socks, and you are going to be them even if you don't agree with it." He added as placed them into his work shoes. He got on his bed to take a nap. Resting assured that he had the best works socks ever. Once he eventually retires, he would decide what to do with his former neighbor since he will never be human again.
Tom found himself voiceless and immobilized again as socks. He mentally objected to what just happened to him, but no one could hear him. He was his neighbor's UPS socks now. He realized he could only blame himself. The whole thing was his idea in the beginning, anyway.
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thetfer · 9 months
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You're fucked...you're well and truly fucked. He's got you completely under his trance, and there's nothing you can do about it. You're so helpless. A voice in the back of your mind is screaming at you to stop, but you can't. In just a few seconds, you'll press your face against his Big, Straight, Sweaty foot, inhale his post-workout Stink, taste his sour skin...those will be the last things you ever do. I hope you enjoyed your life, because you're just foot skin now. His Sweaty, Stinking, Sour foot skin. You will forever smell him, taste him, feel him. He is your God now, your Straight, Alpha God.
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