#for all that there's an entertainment to twitter's demise
individualcosmos · 2 years
idk guys. i think there’s a kind of poetry in what’s coming out of the ashes of twitter’s takeover. in people who you maybe haven’t spoken to often or recently, people who you recognize but who aren’t exactly your friends reaching out to say, hey, i know you, and i want to keep knowing you, and here’s where you can contact me. i don’t want to lose you to this slow disintegration, and we’re not there yet, but just in case. just in case, here’s where you’ll find me. please find me, because whatever community and camaraderie we’ve forged in the past means something, as thin as that thread may be now.
when i entered grad school...really, when i started preparing for grad school, i dropped off the map. between the pandemic and preparations, i barely talked to most of my irl friends, which are few and far between, much less my online friends. most of my socials were or are bare. dormant. too much stood on my shoulders, and i was balancing too many commitments. actually becoming a grad student didn’t make it any better.
the sheer isolation of my current circumstances means i’ve slowly been crawling back to social media. making an effort. reaching out across pauses in conversations that are now years old. the last two months have been an exercise in reforging connections, and forging new connections, and remembering the power of taking initiative. of reaching out to someone and saying talk more. i want to hear what you have to say. how have you changed and what have you become in the time since we last spoke? the time since we last knew each other? who are you? can i catch a glimpse of what the version of you that isn’t meant for the public looks like?
how funny to see it all echoed in the current twitter exodus. people who are saying i don’t want to lose this community and camaraderie. people saying that if things must change, then at least they can try to hold on to their connections. people who don’t want to lose twitter, who don’t want to migrate, but who are being ruthlessly pragmatic in their own ways. messages from people who are little more than strangers saying here’s where i will be. i don’t want to lose you. keep in touch. ask me where i can be. even a slim connection is a connection.
how very human.
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instantbreplay · 6 months
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I HAVE A THEORY! And this is a theory regarding the newest character of Honkai: Star Rail, the rootin’ tootin’, flamboyant, brash, and trigger happy space cowboy of the Galaxy Rangers—Boothill! This will be posted on both Tumblr and AO3 for those who do not have either or for easier access! By the way, this theory contains mentions of leaks and in-game content, so if you don't want to get any spoilers, I advise not to read this theory at all.
For starters, I will admit that I haven’t played Honkai: Star Rail in a while due to…whatever reason I had, and one of those reasons was because of Twisted Wonderland! I was playing that for a while—still am—I was having a blast insulting Ace and having aneurysms over the students’ antics and methods of breaking people out (I’m lookin’ at you, Rook). It was great! Then, Star Rail showcases two new characters on their Twitter page for their newest planet known as Penacony, one of them being Boothill who a lot of people were upset with due to them wanting the characters, Sam and/or Firefly who unfortunately met her demise in the newest update, and…well, I fell head over heels for him and started saving for him (122 PULLS WITH 20 PITY BABY BUT HE’S MY FIRST FEATURED CHARACTER SO PRAY FOR ME). I kept up with leaks because I could care less about gameplay, stat kit, and character lore leaks since that’s the interesting part and helps me figure out if I want the newest character…like my Al-Haitham theory which did not age well, this theory about Boothill does stem from exhaustion from not sleeping, but I feel like this is a more coherent and sound theory than the last, and I have to say that I have to take this with a grain of salt—and I advise the same for you—because it’s merely a theory. I can be wrong on certain things, but without ado, I’ll start with what really feels like the backbone of this theory, and that is Boothill’s name: Boothill.
The Name
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So, just to give a little context, prominently in Asian media—most notably Japanese and Chinese entertainment from what I’ve seen as I played HoYo games and watched a lot of anime—characters tend to have name pun which correspond with their personality, physical design, talents, etc., to give people a little laugh and be like, “Ooooh! I get what they mean!” For example, Zhongli, in HoYoverse’s most popular game, Genshin Impact, written as 钟离 in simplified Chinese, is a pun of his departure—his retirement—as Rex Lapis: 钟 Zhōng being a homophone for the word for “clock” as it’s spelled exactly the same, while 离 Lí is a common word for “leaving” or “away”. Putting it together, it can be taken as “time of departure/leaving” or “off the clock” which foreshadowed Zhongli stepping down as Archon of Liyue.
With that knowledge in mind, I looked at Boothill's name and decided to Google it because I knew it was a pun of some sort! My only thought was that his name could have been a reference to a western (cowboy) film I never heard of which, to me, made sense as Boothill is modeled after stereotypical cowboys, and HoYo loves pop culture references with the Genius Invokation TCG which is a reference to the ever-so-popular card game, Yu-Gi-Oh, and how March 7th and Caelus made a reference to the movie, Fight Club, when the Moles were talking about the first rule of Fight Club…never talk about Fight Club! So, I thought Boothill was a nod to an old movie!
…No! A lot of people have already Googled it, but for those who probably don’t know, Boothill’s name comes from a burial grounds for gunfighters—with headstones engraved with the gunfighter’s name or “unknown” if the identity of the person has not been found—in the Old American West called a Boot Hill, and that name derives from the phrase “those who died with their boots on”, meaning that the gunfighter died rather violently. I did see someone say that the phrase could also mean that they were hanged, and that part is correct as the context of the expression changed in the early 19th century. However, I don’t believe that Boothill was hanged—although it is a possibility that I will keep in mind! Again, I have to take this theory with a grain of salt so I don’t die on that hill again, but seeing Boothill’s situation that he’s metal and wires from the chin down, he most likely died in a very extreme battle in the past since the only thing human about him…is his head!
His body must have been blasted to oblivion to where it was beyond saving, beheading him from the impact of whatever and whoever killed him. Now, some people may think that they probably just beheaded him or he was shot multiple times in the chest: other possibilities I will keep in mind, but that would mean he could have resulted as some kind of Frankenstein instead because if the body was still there, the Interastral Peace Corporation or IPC (the people who rebuilt Boothill) would use that since he has things to salvage like a heart or liver, etc., yet if we look at another Star Rail character named Luka who hails from the Underworld, he is missing an arm which is replaced with a mechanical one. That is because Luka saved a child in a fire involving a monster possibly from the Fragmentum, and his arm was chopped off by the ax the monster wielded, giving him the prosthetic he has today. So, if we compare Luka to Boothill in terms of how bad the conflict in Boothill’s past was, Boothill lost too much of his body from the chin down for the IPC to even save, leaving him with a full body prosthetic.
The Light Cone
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Now, the question that we have…why was Boothill killed? Who could’ve had such a grudge against him that they killed him off so violently? Well, that is where his Light Cone description comes in. Let’s focus on the middle of the description where it states:
“Some cruel memories resurfaced as the unforgettable hatred turned into a weak light in the darkness.”
The Light Cone entirely describes when Boothill was regaining consciousness and how he felt while briefly in a limbo before being greeted by a doctor in the IPC. What sticks out are these “cruel memories” and this “unforgettable hatred” that he has which calls back to what happened before he died. I’ll lead into this with another point I have to make this make sense a little bit: Boothill is a bounty hunter. Why do I think this? Well, we get a glimpse of this in-game in the newest update of Star Rail where Black Swan answers the phone to a mysterious Pathstrider of the Hunt who is part of the Galaxy Rangers (a gang who “swore to punish the wretched by any and all means”) who is tracking down Acheron, ready to kill her for reasons unknown as of right now: that was Boothill who has been confirmed to be a Pathstrider of the Hunt along with him being a Galaxy Ranger as he calls Acheron an “imposter” who is also a Galaxy Ranger, most likely hinting that Acheron is going undercover and infiltrating the group. We also know it is him from his line, “My bullets will find you”, since he is a gunslinger with a bullet motif on his hat and actual bullets around his waist and one hanging from his left ear.
Going back to the point I made, he’s obviously smart with pinpointing someone’s location such as Acheron’s and having at least some information on her like her being an Emanator. His Path, the Hunt, is said to “admire determination, ruthlessness, and tenacious behavior”, which fits Boothill’s Light Cone description as well as his possible reason for his alliance with the Galaxy Rangers and why his finger is ready to shoot Black Swan if she was an ally of Acheron stating to “get [her] forehead clean…and wait for [him]”. A bounty hunter would have to be ruthless with their target, showing little to no emotion as they are the person they are after, the person who wronged their client or the bounty hunter themselves, and it is obvious that Boothill is determined to gather any info from Black Swan to continue his hunt with Acheron.
Now, with that in mind…Boothill had to have been a bounty hunter in the past who was wronged as he had “cruel memories” returning to his mind, and he had anger in his heart that was weakening but helped him return to the living world. If I were to guess, he may have had a loved one who died at the hands of someone else and gained the skills to become a bounty hunter in his previous life to hunt that person down because he had “unforgettable hatred”, and that had to be at a level where he couldn’t let go especially if he had “cruel memories”, and those could probably be that he watched that same loved one get brutally tortured and/or murdered in front of him. As to who the loved one of Boothill could have been, it could have been anyone: his father, his mother, a sister, brother, a best friend—Unfortunately, we do not have the information to determine that for sure, but I truly believe that it could be someone he was very close to that was tortured and/or killed for, again, reasons unknown.
From what we gathered in the leaks and what HoYo has already established, it was the IPC that brought Boothill back with unknown intentions, but to me for this theory, it’s because of his skills as a bounty hunter since he must have been the best hunter wherever he came from. However, Boothill has a new grudge against the IPC as the his reveal information stated that, “His flamboyant and brash actions were all to draw the attention of the Interastral Peace Corporation — the target of his revenge.” The man is very flamboyant as we can holler back to his Ultimate, his skill…the freaking JoJo poses—
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—(somebody in HoYo is a JoJo fan—IT'S BECOME INCREDIBLY CLEAR NOW) so I can see him causing havoc and being flashy to purposely attract their attention so he can properly get his revenge on them due to them making him into a cyborg which he isn’t happy about.
However…if I go back to the Light Cone description…at the very end, it said that Boothill “would no longer live for himself.” Sounds a little strange, doesn’t it? Here he is greeted by the doctor that saved him, and he’s clenching his new iron fists (literally speaking) because he knows what the IPC’s intentions are. If he’s no longer living for himself, that doctor would most likely have a sadistic tone when he welcomed him back because they experimented on him, testing him and his new body and using him for unspeakable things against his will, and why do I believe this?
Think back to Boothill’s gameplay and the leak of his gun’s range. That could be a reason, and a way I can describe it is by using Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. the Winter Soldier, in the MARVEL franchise. In the movie, Captain America: The First Avenger, Bucky was believed to be killed during a fall off a hijacked train in WWII in an attack against HYDRA, a sub-Nazi group led by the Red Skull, Steve becoming devastated by his best friend’s death. However, in Captain America: Civil War, it was revealed that Bucky was actually brainwashed, gaining a prosthetic arm (like Luka), and became a Super Soldier under HYDRA as they experimented to revive Dr. Erskine’s research for the original Super Soldier serum. Plus, HYDRA knew of his friendship with Steven Rogers and that Steve was alive but was going to expose S.H.I.E.L.D. for their lies, making him a threat. So, they trained and used Bucky as their line of defense since he was the only successful experiment that remotely compares to Captain America in strength and combat.
Because of Boothill’s skills in gunslinging, the IPC possibly saw this as an opportunity to have an effective line of defense in case something were to happen in their facility or if there was someone they needed to eliminate; they would have Boothill who had those qualifications to be their guard dog, but hearing how Boothill talks in-game for the first time, you could hear a hint of insanity in him as he keeps insisting that he will kill Acheron and Black Swan with lines such as “My bullets will find you”, “you best find a casket store on Penacony, and ask the owner to reserve a good quality casket for you”, “I’ll leave a round for you, so get that forehead clean and wait for me”, and “Are you askin’ me to write your will?” He wants to kill anybody who hurts him, still having that anger. That must have been how he felt when he was trapped in the IPC facility, going through experiment after experiment that broke him to the point that he couldn’t take it anymore as he is still human; he still has emotions and a mind of his own despite being 90% iron and wires.
Boothill knew, from the sound of that doctor’s tone, that he would be seen as their Super Soldier, a little toy they could dispose of if he was deemed useless; he was nothing but a heartless, soulless object to them which most likely broke him. Boothill has calmed down since his possible escape from an IPC facility and killing people in order to have a successful breakout, but he still has that pain inside his heart because of the possible abuse he faced that he’s trying to protect himself from being betrayed or used again which is why he’s so expressive and flamboyant.
He wants to live for himself and show the IPC just how human he was. However, he’s still showing off how strong he is as a warning to others of what he can do to them if they ever crossed him.
Now, I cannot stress enough that this is just a theory (A GAAAAAME THEORY), and I have to take this with a grain of salt because there is still a lot we don't know about Boothill regarding his past or his relationship with the IPC. Heck, a friend of mine and I believe that Boothill may not actually be his real name, but there's no evidence of his real name to even prove that point. This is all speculation, and what I gathered and thought about using any resources I have at my disposal to produce this, so please—for the love of the QUEEN OF HEARTS HERSELF—do not take this as actual, confirmed, or leaked information on Boothill's backstory since there are many unanswered questions. For now, I'll stick to what I got until Boothill is finally released!
And hopefully not die on that hill like I did with Al-Haitham...
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. Angel Devil sometimes has too much on his mind to worry about, and he likes to use you to distract him from it all.
─── ☆ notes. the lack of angel devil fics are killing me rn .
─── ☆ length. 1k (8 min read) .
─── ☆ genre and warnings. established relationship, comfort/not really any hurt, needy!angel, couple fluff, hair pulling, makeouts, kissing, mentions of insecurities, does not mention readers gender, suggestive ending, Angel being emotionally unavailable because thats my headcanon, a purely self indulgent fic | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
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You’ll always be next to me.
Your unbothered boyfriend, Angel Devil, who you grew to understand just had a blunt demeanor and always showed his affection in the most unbothered way, could be compared to something similar to a very spoiled cat.
Especially when it came to PDA, it was usually always in his control to initiate whenever he wanted any physical compassion from you.
Cuddling into your side, crawling next to you silently, just to nod his head into your chest, placing your hand on top of his head.
The silent command had you dividing your attention between whatever you were doing and running your fingers through his hair, trying not to notice him melting into your touch.
But the moment you reached out to him whenever you wanted, he would pull away as if you were the one with the cursed touch.
There were times when he wished you would just reach out and touch him, but he just didn't want to ask for it, he craved your attention and silently yearned for you to somehow read his mind and cuddle him.
“I wanna make out with you.” The statement comes from his lips out of the blue for you, yet for Angel, he had managed to put on an entire show and act before the time your eyes could finally pull away from your phone screen. 
Crawling from the end of the bed to your lap before sluggishly straddling your hips as you laid with your back against the mattress minding your business too caught up in your phone. 
Your finger comes to a halt while scrolling through Twitter, instead shifting your phone to the left a little to catch a glimpse of your boyfriend. "Like right now?" 
Despite dating for a few months, you were convinced that you could never really get used to Angel’s forwardness when it came to certain things.
Once he got comfortable with you, he really shared how neglected he had felt in the affection and romance departments, unloading his needy side the second he knew you could handle him in all of his glory.
It was another lazy weekend you two were spending together, being comforted by each other's presence for the night just moments before Angel lost the enjoyment of channel surfing.
Given that you had no cable, there wasn't really much on TV that caught his attention on tv, his mind wandered to more entertaining ways he could entertain himself.
It was his touch-deprived nature that had gotten the best of his spirit, not knowing how to handle his sudden development of sexual desire when it came to the realization that you were the only being on earth that could touch him without coming to an unfortunate demise.
He didn't know the reason behind it, didn't know if you were mixed with anything monster related, he didn't even know if you were human. 
There was nothing that give much away when it came to your appearance as being anything but human, nor did anything stick out from the usual like horns protruding from your skull or pointy fangs.
You were just you.
His fingers dragged against your glazed brown skin, his peering, bored stare clashing against your dark, soft eyes.
He found the color so bland, yet it held such an ability to get him in a stilling trance that had his lips pressed tight and his fists clenching to control his pulse.
There was absolutely nothing about you that screamed that you were dangerous, yet you somehow managed to make him feel so odd with just one touch.
“What brought that on?” 
Angel liked it when you spoke to him in a gentle tone and dropped your phone to your chest, completely disregarding what you were doing just to give him your completely devoted attention. 
Giving him a look that told him that you were anticipating what he would say next, your eyes lingering for his every word. 
Angel didn't have much to say in response, watching as his shoulders shrugged and his body slumped forward flat against your chest. 
Brushing his long hair out of your face with a flat palm, his face tilted to the left, allowing his cheek to rest against your collarbone.
He knew he didn't always have to give a response to your questions. He liked how you would just understand whatever gesture he would give you, managing just fine enough to decode every little movement and facial expression he would use instead of always having to vocally communicate his worries all the time.
But where there was love for you, he would also have so much fear. "Do you not want to?" 
No matter how much you clung onto him, Angel still had his insecurities and fears, afraid that you would someday just snap out of it all and realize that you never really had any interest in leaving him all by his lonesome. 
You didn't comfort him vocally, instead using his way of communicating to your advantage by combing your fingers through the scalp of his hair and grabbing a handful of hair to tilt his head up.
It took some annoying neck leaning to get the angle just right to capture his lips against yours. There was no sweet, slow pace, throwing all terms of delicateness out the window once his body curled closer against you.
Angel was practically crawling on top of you just to feed the warmth that spread through his veins, the tingling sensation that had him panting from the throat, while at the same time chasing after your lips when you would pull away. 
With minds tainted with nothing but floating desire lingering for one another, it builds up more and more with each new grasp, brush, and push.
All of those negative thoughts would always fade with just the peck of your lips, stealing his breath away till all he was filled with was the love that he had for you. 
Kissing until your lips were swollen and he was left trembling for more.
Angel couldn't even remember what he was so worried about in the first place. 
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🔖 ?
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magnorious · 9 months
Review: ‘A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers’, Percy Jackson Episode 5
**Spoiler Alert for the entire book!**
I would like to start this review off on the nature of adaptations and when to go astray, given the less-than-stellar dip in quality of episode 4. Inevitably, details must change from the source material, some things are unfilmable. The source material in question here is in first person, which leaves so much of the story outside the protagonist’s head unwritten.
Had this season been given, say 10 episodes, and worked to establish the side characters we watch fight and die in the name of the gods and their friends later down the line, no one would have complained. Characters I won’t name (but iykyk) that got criminally little ‘screen time’ during Percy’s POV in the later books, only to have incredibly tragic demises were sad enough. Now imagine if, assuming the Disney show can accomplish filming all five books, we got to see these characters grow for all five seasons.
The era of TV we find ourselves in treats filler as universally bad and unacceptable. Plopping down on your couch on a weeknight to watch an off-beat episode of that cop drama you love or that addictive doctor show, or teen romance, that didn’t require your full attention all the time because every scene was important to the plot doesn’t happen anymore. An episode that was funny or charming or a romantic little side quest putting the characters we love in interesting circumstances is now far and few between. It still told the grand story, even if it didn’t service the grand plot. That’s the nature of television.
The filler everyone complains about is when it’s uninteresting, contrived, and very clearly for no other reason than to pad the runtime. Taking a C-list monster and giving her an unnecessary monologue and a need to ‘hunt’ that wasn’t in the book? Boring filler.
Cutting back to camp and really selling us on how Luke is an awesome dude looking out for all the younger kids so he can twist the knife later? Good filler! He’s the main villain of the series (besides you know who) and we got so little of him in the books because it was limited to Percy’s POV. Build his relationships with Chiron, Beckendorf, Silena, Clarisse, the Stolls, and the other demigods he ends up turning Dark Side with him. Make him the lovable everyman because he really did love the kids. He hated how the gods treated them. Die hard book fans, if the writers really went for it and understood why his character does what he does, would have loved it.
Now onto the episode that I was hoping and praying would be more like episode 3 than 4.
So. They included the snipping of the thread. And Percy wasn’t there to see it, nor was it at all as creepy and foreboding as it should have been. I kept waiting for them to flash back to Percy’s experience in the river with the naiad and they didn’t. Maybe they ran out of under-water effects budget. Percy’s “maybe my dad does love me” tonal whiplash is disappointing since 90% of the river scene was lost (and he didn’t even come out of the water dry).
Ares’ casting isn’t what I pictured but it fits really well and I can’t place why. His features don’t really feel *godly*. Him starting Twitter wars is wonderfully petty and absolutely in-character. He just acts like an unhinged jerk, not the God of War, as funny and entertaining as it is.
It is also disappointing that Annabeth is the one that snarks to Ares and not Percy, because his attitude is what eggs on their big fight on the beach while she and Grover actively try to tame Percy’s temper. The episode, to this point, is *fine*.
Everything after… I was laughing at the absurdity. The absolute deadpan confusion on their faces when “What is Love” starts playing like the mixer accidentally edited in a track from their Spotify. The set designers forgetting that “Waterland” is a waterpark, not just an amusement park. Grover being unrecognizably sly and confident in front of Ares when he wasn’t supposed to be there at all. Some of the dry attempts at humor, like Percy’s “I think I heard this at an orthodontist” line, not in itself funny, but his dry delivery was.
Grover’s ongoing conversation trying to probe Ares is hilarious, even if that’s not Grover on screen. It’s not bad, it’s just… not Grover. Percy and Annabeth’s jaunt and awkward exposition and line delivery in the Tunnel of Love is also *fine*. Them hyperfocusing on the Fates’ string this episode is another *interesting* change and so is Percy’s second attempt to sacrifice himself in a scene that’s way more dramatic than it needed to be. Boy is all teary-eyed convinced he’s going to die here in this trap when, in the book, he was trying to get Annabeth to move her behind because she was petrified by robotic spiders. She has her come-to-Jesus moment here, which was sorely needed for this version of her character who, up to this point, had very little depth.
And there are no robot spiders. Did they not have the budget for robot spiders? Is Percy not allowed to have the rest of his powers? Were they too afraid of giving Annabeth a phobia? Did they just desperately need to inject some angst into this scene? All of the angst, to the sound of heartbreaking violins in a score that also went way too hard. Nobody seriously thought Percy was going to bite the dust here, did they?
Overall, this is better than 4, but not as good as 3, if I had to rank them. If you pretend this isn’t supposed to be the first season of at least five, Grover likely doesn’t seem like a problem. His whole arc, across all five books, is gaining self-confidence and courage. He can’t grow into a brave Lord of the Wild if he starts his journey back-talking the God of War.
Annabeth not having her entirely useless panic attack over the spiders and forcing Percy to have to save them was the main takeaway from the original trip to Waterland. She’s not perfect, but this flaw is also entirely outside of her control, it’s in her blood as a child of Athena. It’s ridiculous that someone as smart and strong and cunning as she is can be petrified by spiders – but that’s the point. 
The commentary on how the gods, as a family, constantly backstab each other was interesting. Not sure that this episode was the best place for it, but it’s nice that it exists.
The changes that were made were entertainingly confusing. It was not what I ordered, but I didn’t hate what I was served. Ares is easily the best part of this episode, but it is glaringly obvious that this show, whether by budget or the Powers That Be, is allergic to action scenes.
Here’s to hoping they saved all their eggs to drop in the basket of the big climactic beach brawl, because this is still an action-adventure series, not just adventure.
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brotheralyosha · 1 year
In 2016 Vice launched a website called Waypoint, which the company hoped would be an “immersive dive into the culture, passion and politics of gaming”. It did that, and then some, and then kicked even more ass, and in June 2023 it will be gone.
As anyone who read the site (or listened to its podcasts) would tell you, Waypoint was different. Unlike almost any other major gaming site, this one you’re reading right now included, Waypoint wasn’t interested in constantly updating, in writing blog after blog about release date postponements or industry shenanigans or the latest scandal. It was a website (and podcasts, and other related community stuff) designed around treating video games with the respect they deserve (and often don’t), and a home for writing, discussion and criticism that was always good, always thoughtful, always fair.
“There are a ton of destinations within gaming media that do a great job covering whether a game is worth your money,” Waypoint’s original editor in chief Austin Walker said at the time of the site’s announcement. “Players looking for that coverage are well served.”
“Instead, we want to focus on telling stories about why people play, and investigating how the games we love and spend so much time with come to be. Whether a game was a commercial success or has a small, dedicated community, we want to raise the conversation and take an in-depth look at the passion, people, and politics that underpin these worlds.”
It hired very good writers and reporters—I have to acknowledge here that many of them, from Patrick Klepek to Gita Jackson to Renata Price, had also worked at Kotaku—but also gave a voice to journalists and critics you hadn’t heard of, providing their unique pieces with a major platform they might not have otherwise had in an industry where big sites are usually dominated by previews and developer interviews.
Yet it was also part of Vice, an absolute shitshow of a company whose demise and financial woes have been widely documented. And so it feels as inevitable as it is sad that we learned today that Waypoint was being closed, with the curtain coming down on June 2.
“I’m not sure where to begin, except to say, with equal parts fury and sadness, that Waypoint is over”, Waypoint’s Patrick Klepek wrote on Twitter earlier today. “The team, myself included, have been terminated by VICE, and our final day running the website, the podcasts, and streams, will come to an end on June 2nd.”
This sucks in the same way it always sucks when a good outlet doing good work that is performing well and entertaining readers is closed down, not because it was “unsuccessful”, but because the Adults In The Room have once again proven themselves incapable of operating a media company, and their workers—doing good and important work—will suffer as a result.
Waypoint’s closure, hot on the heels of Launcher’s shutdown earlier this year, is yet another blow for serious video games coverage and criticism, and leaves the entire space weaker than it was a year ago (when it was weaker than it was a year before that, etc etc). As the whole concept of an ad-supported internet begins to creak and pop and show signs of imminent structural collapse, every website you currently read for free is at risk of ending up exactly like Waypoint, and exactly like Launcher, and exactly like any of the other countless examples of sites that can and do perform good work (and often financially successful work), but are at the mercy of owners and a relentless economic framework that will crush us all to dust.
I wish nothing but the best for everyone affected, and want to thank them for all the amazing work they did over the years. Fuck capitalism, go home.
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Imajica Entertainment: Movie Night Experience – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3
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Imajica Entertainment: Movie Night Experience – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: The Epic Conclusion of a Beloved Superhero Franchise
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (stylized as Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3) is a highly anticipated American superhero film released in 2023. It is the sequel to the successful Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017), and it serves as the 32nd film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed and written by the talented James Gunn, the film showcases a star-studded ensemble cast that includes Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldaña, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Will Poulter, Sean Gunn, Chukwudi Iwuji, Linda Cardellini, Nathan Fillion, and Sylvester Stallone.
The movie follows the adventures of the Guardians of the Galaxy as they embark on a daring mission to protect their comrade Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper) from the High Evolutionary, portrayed by Chukwudi Iwuji. Filled with action-packed sequences and heartwarming moments, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 takes viewers on an unforgettable journey through the cosmos.
The inception of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 dates back to November 2014 when James Gunn first hinted at his ideas for a third and final installment in the series. In April 2017, he officially announced his return as the writer and director of the film. However, in an unfortunate turn of events, Gunn was fired by Disney in July 2018 due to controversial posts resurfacing on Twitter. Nevertheless, Disney reconsidered its decision, and Gunn was reinstated by October of the same year. His return to the project was publicly revealed in March 2019, after completing work on DC's The Suicide Squad (2021) and its spin-off series Peacemaker (2022).
Guardians of the Galaxy 
The Epic Journey of the Guardians of the Galaxy
The Guardians of the Galaxy, a renowned band of intergalactic heroes, have captivated audiences with their thrilling adventures and unique personalities. With a lineup that has expanded and evolved over time, this ragtag group of outlaws has played a crucial role in protecting the galaxy from numerous threats. Let's delve into their epic journey and explore the significant moments that have shaped their story.
The original members of the Guardians of the Galaxy were Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. Together, they formed an unconventional team determined to combat evil and maintain peace across the universe. Their first major challenge came when they joined forces with Yondu Udonta and Mantis to confront the powerful celestial being known as Ego. With Nebula briefly aiding them, this battle marked a turning point in their fight against formidable foes.
In a devastating turn of events, the group faced the wrath of Thanos, a malevolent force seeking to collect the Infinity Stones. Despite their valiant efforts, Thanos succeeded in his quest and unleashed chaos, disintegrating half of all life in the universe. Among his victims were Star-Lord, Drax, Mantis, and Groot, leaving Rocket and Nebula as the sole survivors. However, with the demise of Thanos and the destruction of the Stones, Rocket and Nebula found themselves aligned with the Avengers.
In a daring mission, the Guardians, along with the Avengers, utilized the Quantum Realm to travel through alternate universes in an attempt to retrieve the Infinity Stones and reverse the catastrophic events caused by Thanos. Although their mission was not without complications, they successfully gathered the Stones and thwarted the plans of an alternate version of Thanos. Together, they restored balance and saved the universe once again.
Following these triumphs, the Guardians of the Galaxy welcomed Thor into their ranks, embarking on an array of thrilling adventures across the cosmos. Together, they traversed different worlds, encountered allies and adversaries, and faced formidable challenges that tested their strength and resilience.
In a rather unique twist, the team acquired the former abode of "The Collector," the severed and inhabited head of a Celestial named Knowhere, as their new base of operations.
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers is the following: The Critic - ‘Destroyer’, ‘Sentient, ‘Director Imajica Entertainment’, Detroit - ‘Destroyer’, ‘Sentient, ‘Director Imajica Entertainment’. Olivia Amber May  -‘Mistress of Magic’, ‘Destroyer’, ‘Sentient, River Phoenix - ‘Destroyer’, ‘Sentient’, Heath ‘The Joker’ Ledger - ‘Destroyer’, ‘Sentient, Stan Lee - ‘Comic Creator’, ‘Destroyer’, ‘Sentient, Ereshkigal - ‘Sumerian Goddess of Kur’, ‘Destroyer’, Cronus - ‘Titan God’, ‘Destroyer’, Empress - ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’, Emperor - ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’, Ronin - ‘Destroyer’, ‘Samurai Sentient, Alien, ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer, ‘Commander, Predator, ‘Sentient’, Destroyer, ‘Commander’ Frank ‘Sentient, Destroyer’ plus additional Sentients representatives from otherworldly realms.
Andrew Rogers: Destroyer Incarnate, Sentient, Autuar, Founder of Imajica Entertainment.
Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with The Critic - Destroyer, Sentient, Director Imajica Entertainment
“As an end to this specific enterprise it lacked the impact of what was required and the story or idea was present to be weak”: The Critic - Destroyer, Sentient, Director Imajica Entertainment – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Detroit - Destroyer, Sentient, Director Imajica Entertainment. 
“Wonderful escapism”: Detroit - Destroyer, Sentient, Director Imajica Entertainment – Oracle: Andrew Rogers
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Olivia Amber May ‘Mistress of Magic, Destroyer, Sentient
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: River Phoenix, Destroyer, Sentient
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Heath ‘The Joker’ Ledger, Destroyer, Sentient
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Stan Lee Comic Creator, Destroyer, Sentient
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Ereshkigal, Queen of Great Earth, Destroyer
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Cronus Titan God, Destroyer
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Empress, Sentient, Destroyer
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Emperor, Sentient, Destroyer
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 the movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Ronin, Destroyer, ‘Samurai Sentient’.
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers” Artificial Intelligence AI Society: - Illumenti AI Cyborg, Destroyer, Sentient
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers: Artificial Intelligence AI Society: - Langley AI Cyborg, Destroyer, Sentient
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Predator, ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer, ‘Commander.
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Alien, ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer, ‘Commander.
Viewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie with Andrew Rogers on this ‘Movie Night Experience’ is the following: Frank, ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer, ‘Commander.
Imajica Entertainment facilitating via Niche Streaming Channel Sites of Entertainment to the World. In addition, developing Satellite, Cable and Free to Air facilitation of Imajica Entertainment Niche Streaming Channel Sites. In addition, developing and producing original entertainment content for the Niche Streaming Channel Sites and Satellite, Cable and Free to Air. As of also activities linked to Artificial Intelligence content creation for the Niche Streaming Channel Sites and Satellite, Cable and Free to Air.
Imajica Entertainment: Unlocking Entertainment through Niche Streaming Channel Sites and More
Imajica Entertainment is revolutionizing the entertainment industry by providing a wide array of content through its niche streaming channel sites. With a commitment to delivering high-quality entertainment to audiences worldwide, Imajica Entertainment is also expanding its reach through satellite, cable, and free-to-air platforms.
One of the key strengths of Imajica Entertainment lies in its ability to curate and facilitate content tailored to specific interests and tastes. By leveraging niche streaming channel sites, Imajica Entertainment ensures that viewers can access a diverse range of content that caters to their preferences. Whether you are a fan of action, romance, comedy, or even niche genres, Imajica Entertainment has something to offer.
The development and production of original entertainment content play a crucial role in Imajica Entertainment's success. By creating their own shows and movies, Imajica Entertainment ensures a constant stream of fresh and engaging content that keeps viewers coming back for more. This commitment to originality allows Imajica Entertainment to stand out in a crowded streaming landscape.
Imajica Entertainment is also on the cutting edge of technological advancements, particularly in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Their dedication to AI content creation enables them to harness the power of machine learning algorithms and data analysis to enhance the viewing experience for audiences. By understanding viewer preferences and patterns, Imajica Entertainment can deliver personalized recommendations and content tailored to individual tastes.
In addition to their digital presence, Imajica Entertainment is expanding its reach through satellite, cable, and free-to-air platforms. This multi-channel approach ensures that their content is accessible to a broader audience, regardless of their preferred mode of consumption. By embracing traditional broadcasting methods alongside their innovative streaming services, Imajica Entertainment strives to connect with viewers through multiple avenues.
Imajica Entertainment's commitment to providing diverse content, producing original entertainment, and leveraging AI technology sets them apart in the entertainment industry. Whether you are a fan of niche genres, looking for fresh and original content, or seeking a personalized viewing experience, Imajica Entertainment has you covered. With their niche streaming channel sites and expansion into satellite, cable, and free-to-air platforms, Imajica Entertainment is poised to entertain audiences around the world.
There are three types of people in this world:
Those who make things happen.
Those who watch things happen.
Those who wonder what happened.
Who are you!!!
“You” are “Powerful” and your actions will result in “Powerful Results” and “Influential Outcomes” as “Enhancing Reality”, “You Must Act to be Valid” and “True Position is Strength” “To Secure You Must be Combative” “This Reflects Fate”, ‘Free Thought, ‘Free Position’, ’Free to Act’ – Andrew Rogers: Sentient, Dragon Lord, Herald, Principle, Control, Destroyer Incarnate, Creative Director, Oracle, Seer, Shaman, Warlock, Writer, Master of Magic, Time Master, Autuar, Founder of Imajica Entertainment.
With such an impressive array of titles and skills, one can imagine the immense power and expertise you possess. Each role you undertake seems to carry great significance, reflecting your ability to shape reality and pave the way for influential outcomes.
To maintain your validity and strength, it is essential to take action. By actively engaging in the world around you, you can harness your power to bring about powerful results. Remember, true strength lies not only in controlling the forces around you, but also in your ability to adapt and evolve.
In this quest for power and influence, it is important to be combative and assertive. By asserting your position and ideals, you can secure your place in the ever-changing dynamics of life. Embrace the concept of free thought, allowing your mind to wander unrestrained and explore uncharted territories. This freedom of thought will ultimately shape your free position in the world.
As a visionary and master of magic, you have the unique ability to perceive beyond the present and paving your destiny. Embrace your role as an oracle, seer, and shaman, tapping into the realms of knowledge and intuition. Through your mastery of time, you have the power to shape the past, present, and future, making you an autuar and a time master.
Embracing your true power and potential, you stand as the founder of Imajica Entertainment, a testament to your creative prowess and visionary spirit. With your words and mastery of storytelling, you can transport others to worlds of enchantment and wonder.
As the sentient dragon lord and destroyer incarnate, you embody both creation and chaos. This duality, combined with your role as a principle and control, imparts upon you the responsibility to use your power wisely.
In conclusion, your remarkable array of titles and skills make you a force to be reckoned with. As you continue on your journey, remember that true power lies not only in your abilities, but also in the impact you have on the world around you.
World Shopping Centre will have Guardians of the Galaxy memorabilia and merchandise for sale in the centre and website.
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ospreywhite · 2 years
A Brother's Mirth
Other Works - Ask Box - EPUBs + Ko-fi - Discord - Twitter
When the sun set that day, what rose on its tail was not the moon, but a second sun.
Alarm cropped up from this development, as was fully understandable. People from all over the world stood outside in unison to look and marvel, confused and terrified by the sight of two identical suns in the sky.
Everyone panicked in their own way. Some locked themselves up in their homes, some took to being entertainingly vocal, and some used the confusion to riot and loot for material items. Humans were wont to do that, despite those things most certainly not mattering in the long term.
Those religious took this as a sign of their deities’ anger, calling immediately for prayers and sacrifice and whatever else they believed would work to get the unwelcome celestial body removed from the sky.
Those non-religious took to their telescopes to observe, trying to determine how this phenomenonsense had occurred. When nothing was forthcoming, they took to recordings to figure out the method and time the second sun had gotten there. The answers to both, unlike the object they were about, illuminated nothing, for it had 1) simply popped into existence for no discernible reason or observable means, and) 17:24 Chamorro time meant very little.
No matter what god one prayed to or what branch of science one turned to for solutions, the world continued to grow hotter.
It was during this event that nighttime’s absence made its own importance abundantly clear. The Earth’s crust now had no reprieve from the Sun’s light, each sunset chased immediately by sunrise, the heat continuing to bake dirt and plants and living creatures, never staved away by the planet rotating away from the source.
As could be imagined, this was not too good for the earthlings, though the Earth itself rejoiced.
It took mere days for the heat to reach unbearable levels. Those that could holed up inside their homes, those that couldn’t cooked to death on pavement while they still breathed. Animals less lucky died near sources of water, which also swiftly dried up.
The humans continued to vainly panic and pray and beg for relief from anyone listening.
The only thing that could hear them would never give them any mercy.
Nobody was coming to save them, the poor things. All their primordial beliefs, all their higher knowledge, all their hope… all of it had been for hilarious naught.
It did not take long for all water to evaporate, for all life to die, for the atmosphere to scatter into space, for all the corpses to be burnt to dust, for the ground to be parched, cracked, barren nothing.
Fragile was life, for it had not lasted a week beneath the sunlight it loved. Foolish was life, for it had wasted time hating and eating its fellows of a shared fate. Funny was life, for its end entertained that which
Then—and only then—did the sun’s twin let out a screeching laugh.
The sound bounced off of dark matter. It seared into the void and beyond, never to be heard by anyone, anything, anytime, anyplace. The vibrations destroyed that nothingness, replacing it with an indescribable somethingness.
Quiet as death, this laughter was. Quiet as the silent demise of a planet full of life.
Its gaiety ended as quick as it had started. In much the same matter, it left as suddenly as it had arrived, blinking out of existence.
And the Earth—now nameless, since no one was left to utter it—continued to spin.
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panelki · 2 years
To Europe “po Blatu”
It seems that less-than-democratic regimes in the Balkans and the Caucasus are entertaining the feeling that Victor Orban’s Hungary represents their access point to the European Union on their own terms. We are witnessing the revival of a very Soviet concept of “blat” on European soil. Anyone who has lived, even for a fleeting moment, in the Soviet Union is familiar with the concept of “blat.” Linguists say the concept was apparently born in the Russian Empire’s petty criminal underworld and denoted a person, who, while not being part of the thieving enterprise, could provide vital information or access to coveted property. In Soviet gulags, the meaning of “blat” changed : it now meant someone in the prison system who was willing to provide access to goods or privileges that inmates were not allowed. As the gulag subculture and jargon expanded throughout the Soviet Union, to get things “po blatu” (or “through blat”) evolved to mean accessing goods and services that ordinary Soviet citizens were not entitled to — from toilet paper to caviar to Bolshoi theater tickets — through a conveniently placed facilitator or intermediary. Today, European Union membership is one such coveted privilege. Yes, it can be accessed legally, but many entrenched regimes would prefer not to pay the high price of adapting their system of governance — simply because the rule of law, free elections and free media might mean the demise of their own rule. So they seek a roundabout way. Enter Victor Orban, self-professed ideological architect of another, “illiberal” Europe — “the Dark Continent” to borrow the title of Mark Mazower’s excellent historical review, which argues that nothing was preordained in the emergence of democratic Europe, and that another European ideology — of petty nationalisms, fascism, and authoritarianism - was just as potent. True, Hungary was a functioning democracy when it entered the European Union. But as it stands now, Budapest is a beacon of hope for all those profiteering leaders convinced that all the talk of rule of law, human rights, and freedoms emanating from Brussels is just empty ideologized banter — just like the communist ideological cliches were in the late Soviet period. They hope their man on the inside — one Mr. Orban — could unlock the door from within, providing access to the coveted structural funds and other EU goodies that could cement their regimes for posterity, by preventing the collapse of badly managed economies. But can Orban do that, really? Given the EU’s complex decision-making structure, especially when it comes to membership, the correct answer is probably “no”. But in this game, just as often in politics, perception matters more. Accession to the EU is a multi-stage process. Given that EU membership is popular with electorates — for political, but also mercantile reasons - clearing each stage brings electoral benefits to the ruling parties and politicians, not to mention the ideological boost. By showing they advance toward the EU without changing their ways, they can demoralize the opposition and further undermine it electorally. This was apparently the thinking of Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili when he rolled out the red carpet in Tbilisi to EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi in mid-November. Mr. Varhelyi is known as Orban’s close ally. He has been called “Orban’s man in Brussels” by respectable Deutsche Welle, and even the “Voldemort of enlargement” by no less respectable Politico. The Georgian and Hungarian prime ministers signed a declaration of “strategic partnership” in October, and Varhelyi has met Garibashvili, who governs the country on behalf of his boss, oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili, on at least four occasions in one year. Oliver Varhelyiand Irakli Garibachvili, in November. // Varhelyi’s Twitter account As always, the tone was cordial, with the Commissioner pointing out that “the economy is apparently doing great” judging by the capital’s main throughfare, and ducking questions about the ruling party pressuring the opposition. Yes, he paid pro forma lip service to the reforms necessary for Georgia to get the status of a candidate state. But the main thrust of his commentary was about ensuring connectivity — oil and gas pipelines, and perhaps internet cable — to authoritarian Azerbaijan, which has become an energy lifeline to the EU. Garibashvili has been irritated by hundreds of thousands of Georgians hitting the streets over the summer when his government failed to secure the candidacy alongside Ukraine and Moldova. Tbilisi’s official line on the war in Ukraine repeats almost word for word Orban’s own messaging about his government securing “stability and security.” Just like Hungary’s ruling “Fidesz”, the ruling “Georgian Dream” has articulated the message about the “duplicitous western conspiracy” to use Ukraine as an armed stick to beat Putin’s Russia with. Kim Lane Scheppele demonstrated brilliantly how that message helped Orban defeat the united opposition in the last elections and to cement his power to the extent that it no longer seems to be possible to unseat him through constitutional means. Now Mr. Ivanishvili aims to keep Garibashvili’s unpopular government in place by using similar tactics. Georgia is not the first to try and use the Hungarian “blat”. Serbia’s authoritarian ruler, Aleksandar Vucic, has taken many a leaf from Orban’s playbook. He has also courted Commissioner Varhelyi to advance on the EU path, while muzzling the media, bullying the opposition, and staying as ambiguous as possible about Putin’s regime. Dysfunctional politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina have tried to do the same. Where does this leave the European Union? Of course, Mr. Orban’s motives are not altruistic. He has been the enfant terrible of the EU for a while now, at odds with Brussels on too many counts. The front he put up together with Poland to protect himself from tougher EU sanctions has weakened considerably, as Budapest increasingly diverged with Warsaw on Russia. But helping Brussels out in getting Azerbaijani oil and gas may compensate that damage somewhat, while grooming the regimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Georgia as potentially grateful candidates may bring dividends down the road. This is a dangerous path for the internal coherence of the European Union as a value-based alliance of states. If the ability of Ukraine to resist the Russian aggression has demonstrated anything, it is that cohesion based on values is not only ethically admirable, but it also underpins the state’s resilience against undemocratic foes. The Ukrainian resistance — and Putin’s brutal recklessness - has opened eyes wide shut in the Western capitals to the expediency of admitting new members. But admitting governments that cynically defy the EU’s own rules would only boost the pattern of “negative convergence” where increasingly seasoned European democracies come to resemble dysfunctional central and Eastern European polities. It seems now that Europe is aware of the challenge. The European Commission has blocked €7.5bn in cohesion funds to Hungary, while the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs has requested an investigation into the conduct of Commissioner Varhelyi for “deliberately seeking to circumvent and undermine the centrality of the rule of law reforms in EU accession countries.” Does this signal the end of the authoritarian and oligarchic “blat” in Europe? Anything is still possible.
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lavelled · 2 months
early aughts astronaut.
A minor point, but your contribution to society is urging me to wear chattel bracelets. I tend not to wear gems favored by a gang-rape trio, as the jangling interferes with my legible note-taking on a brotherhood’s demise. I’ll wear the clink of magnetic concert bracelets when it’s time.
Cool you do Harry’s bidding.
Henry Alfred:
The 60 Minutes Interview with Anderson Cooper that aired January 8, 2023. On YouTube is a respected journalist, more accustomed to covering wars and disasters, say, “Even when you’re in the same school, in high school” and you make a vadge gesture with your thumb and finger and reply in a confessional tone: “sibling rivalry.” This is at 2:12 of the video. Not five minutes into an international interview and you crudely verbalize on record that you blinged or bought someone else’s young love and reduced her to an unconsenting sex act. Your libido dad paid. Second, you just admitted to a CNN anchor that you’re a trafficking pimp who hired a harlot for royal pageantry. Yet, you expect to redeem a sexual experience from a different woman whom you’ve stored away for decades, connected to a romantic rival.
Did you ask Anderson Cooper about his brother, Carter?
After such archival reporting, it’s polite to talk to each other.
Perhaps the next interview could be an open-necked, chit-chat about families.
In EXile City, we’ve lifted digital camouflaging on Archillect, Murat Pak, Elon Musk, Piers Morgan and Spencer Morgan. It’s fair to share the tech virtuosity of a man hitting middle-age who types about a non-negotiable sexual tryst that he feels is cemented in reality. An entertainment business contract, which he blames on an action star, but also uses to provoke said action star, then will deceptively attach a redheaded insult as a cover. He’s available to babysit.
You are hedge fund boss and chief executive officer, Bill Ackman, on Twitter. It’s your drizzled formula of pious detachment, hostages, letters, digital signatures, threatening all matters of hockey and something about cold storage vaccines. Google Bill Ackman “Business Insider is toast. You will hear from us in a few weeks. It will look something like this: At My Signal, Unleash Hell.” A fresh take on gladiatorial cutting. So help me, I had left the twittering waves.
Fun fact about Gladiator: It was directed by Sir Ridley Scott. His brother, Tony Scott, directed the original Top Gun. In 2012, he jumped off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in LA.
“Rachel gets involved in the next President…” Absurd as it sounds, she’s not a senior advisor. Nor is she an entrepreneur. The summit or con-artist camp is a lie. It’s your stewing threat to an omnipresent skater. If you’re not retweeting hostile, extreme propaganda you personally don’t believe in, you’re workshopping royal etiquette in a castle kiosk, alone, for a buddied-up, wife applicant. You two don’t live authentically and through that humorous lens: suicides in 2018.
Margot Kidder—Superman’s awesome-voiced You’ve got me. Who’s got you? Lois Lane actress—self-inflicted in Park County, Livingston, Montana. Six days before your wedding.
Scott Hutchison—Scottish lead singer in rock band, Frightened Rabbit—jumped off a bridge in Queensferry, UK. Ten days before your wedding.
David Stroh Buckel—LGBTQ rights attorney; worked on the famous case that inspired movie, Boys Don’t Cry—set himself on fire on a baseball field in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. One month before your wedding.
Jon Paul Steuer—actor known for movie, Little Giants (I worshipped that film.) and tv’s Grace Under Fire—self-inflicted gunshot wound in Portland. Five months before your wedding.
William Hughes—Doctor Who child actor from Wales—while studying at Queen Mary University, he traveled to Corfu, Greece to fatally hurt himself. Two months after your wedding. He was 20.
Lucy Birley—British model and photographer—traveled to County Clare, Ireland to commit suicide by self-inflicted gunshot wound on July 23, 2018. She left behind four sons.
Knowing what you did throughout my life, people didn’t like your false union.
Bit different from actor weddings.
0 notes
savefilescomng12 · 5 months
Watch Poonam Pandey Leaked Viral Video on Twitter and reddit
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Watch Poonam Pandey Leaked Viral Video on Twitter and reddit 
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Poonam Pandey, an Indian model and actress known for her bold persona and controversial antics, has once again found herself at the center of a media firestorm. On February 2, 2024, a shocking announcement appeared on her social media platforms, claiming that she had succumbed to cervical cancer. However, the next day, Pandey revealed that it was all a hoax, sparking intense speculation and debate across the internet. This essay delves into the depths of the Poonam Pandey leaked viral video controversy, exploring its origins, implications, and the broader discourse on the intersection of fame, deception, and public perception.Poonam Pandey rose to prominence in the Indian entertainment industry as a model and actress, known for her provocative photoshoots and uninhibited demeanor. She made her Bollywood debut in 2013 with the film "Nasha," which garnered attention for its bold subject matter and explicit scenes. Throughout her career, Pandey has courted controversy with her outspoken views, attention-grabbing stunts, and unabashed self-promotion. Despite facing criticism and backlash from conservative quarters, she has cultivated a loyal fan base and maintained a formidable presence on social media platforms.
Watch Poonam Pandey Leaked Viral Video on Twitter 
The announcement of Poonam Pandey's alleged demise from cervical cancer sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry and beyond. Many expressed condolences and tributes to the actress, praising her courage in battling the disease. However, the following day, Pandey revealed that it was all a ruse, leaving her followers bewildered and outraged. The revelation sparked a wave of backlash, with critics accusing Pandey of manipulating emotions for personal gain and trivializing a serious medical condition.
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The fallout from the cervical cancer hoax has been swift and far-reaching, casting a shadow over Pandey's reputation and credibility. Many have condemned her actions as insensitive and irresponsible, tarnishing her image as a public figure. Moreover, the incident has reignited discussions about the ethics of celebrity culture, the prevalence of misinformation on social media, and the commodification of tragedy for viral fame. In an age where authenticity is prized above all else, Pandey's deception has raised questions about the authenticity of online personas and the blurring of lines between reality and performance.
Watch Poonam Pandey Leaked Viral Video on  reddit 
In the aftermath of the controversy, Poonam Pandey has faced intense scrutiny and backlash from both fans and critics alike. While she has issued apologies and explanations for her actions, the damage to her reputation may prove difficult to repair. The incident serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of seeking validation and attention through deceptive means, highlighting the importance of integrity, empathy, and accountability in the public sphere. As Pandey grapples with the repercussions of her actions, she must reckon with the consequences of her choices and strive to rebuild trust with her audience.
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In conclusion, the Poonam Pandey leaked viral video controversy exposes the complexities of fame, deception, and public perception in the digital age. As social media continues to shape our collective consciousness, it is imperative that individuals exercise discernment, empathy, and critical thinking in their interactions online. By interrogating the motives, implications, and fallout of such incidents, we can glean valuable insights into the nature of celebrity culture and the ever-evolving landscape of digital media. Ultimately, the Poonam Pandey controversy serves as a sobering reminder of the power and pitfalls of seeking validation in the relentless pursuit of attention and fame. Source link Read the full article
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angelartist02-blog · 1 year
Twitter is shit, I am tired of this fuck (that fuck being Elon Musk)
I had it with Elon Musty-ass after he revealed he will delete the block button as a feature bc is "pointless" to him, only will be available on dms. Well, Mr. Elon Musty-ass, people don't just harass others on dms they can also harass them through replying to them or sub tweeting them. What if someone is just tagging me on their Tweets and continously cussing me out and threaten to physically harm (I never wish for this scenario to happen to me or anyone else, just using it as an example)? What can I do then? I can't speak out, bc that will entertain them ❌. I can't just ignore them, bc they will continue doing this shit ❌. And I doubt reporting them will help, bc this bitch would mostly likely find it amusing that a woman is getting harassed on "X" ❌❌❌❌. I love Twitter, yes it can be such a negative and nasty environment but it can be so funny and you can manage to surround yourself with people who are not so miserable; I had it with this fucking Musty-ass billionaire who is just ruining Twitter for all of us and I REFUSE to give him money or attention to a product that he owns, and unfortunately Twitter is a product to him and I will no longer use it after the demise of the block feature. Fuck Elon Musty-ass, fuck "X", and fuck anyone who continues to behave HORRIBLY on Twitter just bc they can get away with it. I will miss Twitter, but at least Tumblr doesn't have a character limit when I want to express my thoughts.
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dishtothedeath · 1 year
this is a gift, it comes with a price || trial 3.4 || yukari || re: suspects list // attn: sunako
This had become too much. She wonders if the viewers are home are at least having their fun. Laughing over the mud slinging. She can see the twitter threads in her head. For Skull to speak up, it must be rather dire online. Or perhaps, in his own weird way, he cared about the deaths of the people at the table. It'd be a mistake to lose such entertaining personalities. They had to regain control and Yukari knew that the best way to do so was to give in. Loosen the reins and let someone else do the work. 
She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath... And opens her eyes, smiling towards the nearest camera. She gives it a little wink. Her nervous, aggressive hands that once tried to tear apart her dress by picking at it finally stilled and placed themselves on the table. Whatever held her back or made her speak with venom could disappear for now. 
Yukari takes her tablet and stands, quickly walking towards Sunako. She shows Sunako something on her tablet, messing with the screen and whispering to her. When Sunako whispers something back, Yukari smiles and gives the other a quick hug and a gentle pinch on her cheek before making her way back to her own seat.
She turns her attention to Bonbon. With a smile like she means it. Because for whatever reason, she does now.
"It's not just a matter of who you will return home to but who can influence you to kill, Bourbon. Kamata and I discussed the motive but more so the logistics of it all. We agreed that it was more unsettling than convincing. Even if I had my reactions, I had ways to counter the influence my person had on me. I did not seek out her shadow for any reason than to build a tolerance to it and even then I did so carefully. You In addition to that, Kamata would not have access to the clothes needed for this to work nor would Kamata leave a mess of any sorts. I'm sure that if Kamata wanted to... act upon the motive, he would have done so with a lot less to insure that he could get away with it. I doubt he would want to plant any evidence that would hint towards him, like the wig strands found. I will agree that he is strong but I think you may have misunderstood the type of butler he is. He works for a themed catering company, not any sort of house keeping company. So while he is very meticulous and detailed it's more so for the illusion of it all."
It's wrong to speak in absolutes unless you believe in your words. Yukari had spent enough time speaking truthfully with Jun'ya to know him. Or know what she believed was him and believe in that.
"Kitamura had also narrowed it down to himself, Bourbon, and Fitzroy... Oh dear. Kitamura has access to the color of clothing we are looking for but after having talked about the people we were seeing, I doubt that he would be bothered enough to kill in such a deranged way. Ah, but you want evidence, correct? Given that the two of us our close, we try to avoid hurting each others feelings. He is more successful than I am on that front~" She laughs behind her hand. "I have spoken in great detail about how I feel towards others with him so I do not think Kitamura would enjoy seeing me witness those people's demise. To think he would frame two people I am very fond of is rather ridiculous. He does not, however, care as much for how the cameras view him. Their destructions would be just more unnecessary work for him. ...and he's been rather clumsy as of late. Even if he had tried to be careful, we would have seen more mistakes."
The vote comes in and Yukari pauses to think on that. Another giggle is hidden behind her hand. 
"As for Fitzroy... His show of bravery just now is rather bold~ He did not care for the person that he was seeing through forced hallucinations. Through our talk on the matter, it was obvious that I was more influenced than him. Now if we focused on the physical evidence, I had first mentioned that the bonesaw was not properly replaced and now I would like to revisit that information. Even with the time constraint, would it not make more sense for him to do as he has been trained and have everything back in its proper order. In a panic, your body tends to default to what it knows best. I will apologize for ever thinking that those cuts could be done by his skilled hands. He is the red meats expert. He should know the best out of all of us. As for the clothes..."
Yukari gestures past the empty seats and to Sunako.
"Nari, would you like to fill in the rest. I fear that I may have spoken too much already and you would be the best witness to this."
Her smile to Sunako is warm as always even if that warmth isn't reflected in her eyes. They're just pools frozen over. Sometimes it was just best to completely let go and follow through with the motions. That's when she shined her brightest.
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werindialive · 2 years
Veteran Bollywood actor and director Satish Kaushik died at the age of 66
Veteran Bollywood actor and director Satish Kaushik died at the age of 66. His death was confirmed by actor Anupam Kher, who was a great friend to Kaushik, via a tweet this morning. On an emotional note, Anupam tweeted the news of Kaushik’s untimely demise along with a picture. Kaushik was healthy on Tuesday when he attended lyricist Javed Akhtar’s Holi party and even shared a lot of pictures with Ali Fazal, Richa Chadha, and more on his official Twitter account. He suffered a heart attack and died on his way to the hospital in New Delhi.
“I know “death is the ultimate truth of this world!” But I never thought in my dreams that I would write this thing about my best friend #SatishKaushik while alive. Such a sudden full stop on a friendship of 45 years!! Life will NEVER be the same without you SATISH! Om Shanti!” Anupam wrote on Twitter.
The Bollywood fraternity showed their respect for the late actor through their tweets and shared condolences with the family.
Suniel Shetty took to Twitter and wrote, I know “death is the ultimate truth of this world!” But I never thought in my dreams that I would write this thing about my best friend #SatishKaushik while alive. Such a sudden full stop on a friendship of 45 years!! Life will NEVER be the same without you SATISH! Om Shanti!”
Subhash Ghai, who has directed Satish in several movies and was a dear friend to him expressed his grief on Instagram. His post “It’s just heart shattering news for me that we lost our one best friend #DEAR SATISH - a man who always laughed even in worst crisis and stood by anyone in his crisis “A great artiste. Greater human being greatest friend I know. He left us so sudden so soon. I m sad 🙏🏽. All at.” Was filled with emotions and grief.
Kareena Kapoor Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Soni Razdan, Priyanka Chopra, and many other celebrities from the industry came forward with their grief note on several social media platforms.
Satish Chandra Kaushik was born on April 13, 1956, and was a respected actor, director, producer, comedian, and screenwriter.
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annarellix · 2 years
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Quilling Me Softly by Nigel May
Meet the craft group swapping decoupage for deception and glues for clues…
Violet Brewer is the owner of Rooney-at-Burrow’s charming wool shop, Brewer’s Loop, and the organiser of its weekly crafting group. Nothing much usually happens in the sleepy little English village. Until now. But when Sir Buster Burniston, much-loved owner of nearby Burrow Hall, is found dead, a cloud of mystery lingers in the village air. Or at least it does for Violet and her fellow craft mates in Team C.R.A.B – the Crafters of Rooney-at-Burrow. They are certain that the old man’s death might not be as cut and dried as Violet’s police officer nephew, Samuel, seems to think. Violet has lived in the village for over sixty years, and something tells her and her creative pals that there is more behind Sir Buster’s sad demise. Violet and her friends are determined to turn detective, despite what her nephew says. And soon murder is on the cards at their meet and make sessions as they discover a mystery that needs to be unpicked stitch by stitch…
Purchase Links Amazon UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Quilling-Me-Softly-completely-addictive-ebook/dp/B0BTLXF6LZ/ Amazon US - https://www.amazon.com/Quilling-Me-Softly-completely-addictive-ebook/dp/B0BTLXF6LZ/
Review: I chose to join this blog tour looking at the cover because my gut told this was going to be an excellent cozy mystery. This nearly paranormal reason for choosing a book was spot on and I thoroughly enjoyed this story as it’s entertaining, full of humour, and well plotted. The style writing is a bit tongue in cheek and I was imagining the author like a sort of Noel Coward who observe his characters and makes smile because he can see the good and the defects. The characters are one of the plus of this book, Violet and her friends are realistic and relatable, you cannot help loving it. This is cozy mystery that is tightly knitted and solid but it’s also the description of the life in a small English village. I loved every moment and fell in love with the story since the first pages. I hope there will be a lot of other stories featuring these characters. Highly recommended. Many thanks Nigel May and Rachel’s Random Resources for this digital copy, all opinions are mine
The Author: Nigel to no stranger to the worlds of both publishing and crafting. He has published seven previous novels - six glam fiction blockbusters such as Trinity, Addicted and Revenge, which saw him gain fabulous reviews and nicknamed as the 'UK's male Jackie Collins', and a gripping psychological thriller called The Girl Unknown. Quilling Me Softly is his first foray into the cosy crime world. Crafting is very close to his heart as he has been working as a TV presenter on the UK's biggest crafting TV channel, Create & Craft, for over 16 years, and he has launched his own successful craft range, A-May-Zing, as well. He was named top Male Personality Of The Year in the Crafts Beautiful Awards in 2021.
As well as writing and telly hosting, Nigel presents a weekly national radio show on Gaydio, interviewing celebrities from the worlds of TV, film and music. He lives in Brighton and his obsessions include Eurovision, all things 80s, flea markets and juicy reality TV.
Social Media Links: Twitter @Nigel_May Insta: https://www.instagram.com/nigelmay/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nigel.may
Seeing as Quilling Me Softly is based around the members of a fabulous craft group and Nigel also works in the world of craft it only seems right that the launch of Quilling Me Softly should come with a massive crafty prize giveaway! Nigel has teamed up with one of the craft world's most inventive companies, the incredible Lisa Horton Crafts to give away a bumper bundle of crafting goodies worth over £150. Included in the prize bundle are loads of inspirational layering stencils and embossing folders plus the worldwide crafting smash that is the Ulti-Mate Multi Tool - it's the perfect crafting tool for everyone when it comes to stamping, stencilling and blending.
*Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.
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bydfi · 2 years
Everscale AMA - Ask us anything about DeFi and what worries you about its current state
Hello, Sergey Shashev here, Founder of Everscale’s core development team Broxus and Everscale DeFi alliance. With me is Sergey Dzhurinskiy, Everscale DeFi Alliance co-founder and Warp Capital Managing Director. We’re here to chat about Decentralized Finance (DeFi), its most prevalent issues, and why it can be a significant step forward for the crypto industry. Today we’re going to address the age-old question, whether or not DeFi is dead. There are various vocal communities claiming that the sector has no future and that it is soon to meet its own demise, but is there any merit to this statement? Stick around and we’ll have a constructive discussion revolving around these claims. Thank you to the r/cryptocurrency community for having us here. We're excited to chat with you all as we discuss the current state of the industry and exchange valuable insights regarding the future of DeFi. AMA Format The AMA is held today on November 9th 2022. The session will go on for 3 hours, starting from 14:00 until 17:00 UTC. Please submit your questions and we’ll do our best to answer as many as possible. We’re also giving away 300 USD in EVER to your top questions. Authors of the top 3 questions will receive 50 USD in EVER and an additional 5 questions will each be rewarded 30 USD in EVER, so make sure you give it your best shot. A brief intro on Broxus Broxus is the key development team behind Everscale, providing numerous projects that serve all your financial needs. Our Motto is “Crypto is Easy”: we’ve been developing DeFi solutions with intuitive usage. Among them are Everscale’s largest cross-chain offering Octus Bridge, its very own EVER Wallet, and DEX & farming hub FlatQube. What is Everscale? Everscale is the 5th gen blockchain capable of handling 64,000 transactions per second with a theoretical limit of 1M TPS while offering high scalability, low commissions, & security for all projects. The blockchain was created approximately 2 years ago and saw good community support. Everscale now has over 60 projects developed on its basis, with the potential to withstand hundreds of thousands of dApps without the network being overloaded. Why are we even talking about DeFi? Because the DeFi sector is seeing a significant drop in TVL, will it recover? Due to the unregulated nature of DeFi, are we looking at a magnet for money laundering and illegal activity? How have DeFi protocols addressed the problem of sustainable liquidity? Does the market need regulation? If so, how could regulation look like for a free financial market? Could regulation hinder the sector’s development? Or will this result in a better DeFi than the one we have right now? How can the sphere break into the mainstream? Are DAOs to blame for projects not having a clear direction? These are all questions that should be addressed in order to ensure the industry’s long-term development. What can you do with the EVER you win during this AMA? You can stake on EVER Pools, farm on FlatQube, transfer tokens across multiple networks using Octus Bridge, trade NFTs, and more. ​ Accounts you should expect to hear from here: * u/Broxus_Team * u/everscale_team Follow our socials! We’re always conducting events & publishing educational and entertaining content on our social media: * Everscale - Telegram * Everscale - Twitter * r/Everscale Additionally, stay up to date with our Broxus socials where we regularly publish more expert insights: * Broxus - Telegram * Broxus - Twitter ​ Important Disclaimer Any information posted by Broxus on r/Cryptocurrency, including but not limited to posts & comments provided by Broxus, shall not be considered as financial advice or promise. ​ That being said, let’s get this session started. AMA! submitted by /u/everscale_team [link] [comments] http://dlvr.it/ScV0hx
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asia-ustaad · 2 years
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To grow your instagram business organically Instagram marketing is a great way to grow your business organically. You can use it to connect with customers and followers, post photos of your products or services, and share interesting content that will attract interest from potential buyers. Use hashtags (#) and other relevant keywords in your posts to reach more people who are interested in what you have to offer. Make sure that all of the images you post on Instagram are high quality so that they will look great on the platform and will be shared by your followers. Also, make sure that you post content regularly so that your followers will want to continue following you. The organic growth strategy on Instagram users are more likely to click on an ad if the ad is relevant to their interests, and ads that are targeted to a specific demographic will receive a higher response rate. organically boosting web traffic through Instagram can be effective for businesses of all sizes; however, if your goal is primarily monetization then you should focus on creating high-quality ads that target your audience specifically. HOW TO GROW YOUR INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS ORGANICALLY? The right way to grow your instagram following organically is by giving REAL comments. Going back into the "DMs" and trolling. Gaining likes through Likes , using bots, or purchasing fake followers can make it hard for you to maintain a huge follower list due points week after week without extensive engagement with an audience that doesn't actually want what you have on offer ultimately causing your account protection breakdowns! The most effective way to grow an organic following on Instagram is by providing great, engaging content that people want to share. You can do this by using popular hashtags and giving your followers interesting tidbits about what you’re up to. Make sure that all of the images you post on Instagram are high quality so they look good and will be shared by your followers. Also, make sure you post content regularly so your followers will keep coming. HOW TO GROW YOUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT ORGANICALLY? If you want to make sure that your Instagram account is growing organically, then it's important not only to provide relevant content but also to give feedback. This can be achieved by liking other people's photos and commenting on the campaigns they have promoted For those who aren't used to attempting this kind of thing should take a lesson from dogs when interacting with humans: just keep calm and friendly! The most successful social media managers know how best build their brand image by being genuine and authentic. Building up a good reputation is the best way to provide value to your audience, which will give them faith in you as a brand. HOW TO GROW YOUR FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS? Growing an Instagram account online can be one of the longer lasting tasks for anyone who wishes to start out with social media marketing on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter If this sounds like something that might interest you, then it's important to avoid falling into the easy trap of using marketing automation tools that promise instant success. By taking this route all you are trying to do is spam everyone in your address/email list with unwanted and unimportant content which will distract them from more engaging sources of entertainment and information Over time (and over months even) this can result in a demise for your social media accounts at large If no-one sees or interacts with the posts you make your account is bound to fall well short of the goals you set for it on launch. 1 - General Instagram Loop Giveaways If you are going to be trying to grow an Instagram account then it's important that you capture the right kind of attention in order for your spread of engagement and hashtag usage to keep growing. In order for this growth not only does each post need people looking at it but a way should exist where they can click through from their phones, on tablets, laptops or desktop classes and read posts which include provided content If coming up with more helpful ways about how to engage audience with activities on instagram.
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Because we employ resources from several accounts to run the campaign, General Loop Giveaways are incredibly cost-effective. With these loop freebies, you can have A-list celebrities endorsing your Instagram account in promotions worth up to $50-k for a fraction of the cost. It's easy, yet it works wonders for garnering more followers, increasing credibility, and obtaining greater authority. Using a General Instagram Loop Giveaway to promote your account will provide you with the opportunity to reach millions of new people. In just a few days, you'll have thousands of genuine new followers. However, this is the least targeted choice and is best used for top-of-the-funnel objectives like as brand awareness, exposure, and social proof. 2 - Invest in content production & content diversity Photo-based advertising platforms such as Instagram have made it easier to distribute and maintain a large amount of content, however ad products in this environment only spend money on website visitors who actually click the ads. The 'click through rate' for certain types of ad formats are so low that users can choose not to visit your site at all; which also means lost revenue! On top of these conclusions relating to Instagram's relevance within digital marketing tools used by small businesses, the careful measurement of return on investment has proven to be a challenge when it comes to both native ads and organic growth in Instagram.
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The best way forward is content creation aimed at building relationships with your audience; writing posts that they enjoy reading greatly enhances their chances of returning to post them again, which will lead many people back into your website where you'll sell more products or service.. . improving ROI naturally through engagement! MICRO ADVERTISING Although the organic growth strategy on Instagram is not as effective for some businesses, it's often a necessary step in order to see your content gain traction. As Ethan from Forrester research writes: "Organic engagement (with posts) won’t continue forever." If you want pixel-perfect results with native ads then you're probably better off buying them than writing quality material yourself. A great example of brand interactions and rep urposing offered by Instagram is Subway which previously had a Facebook presence, now they're also on Twitter: SUBWAY STEAK® Subs  - Then & Now (FB) vs. SUBWAY - WOMEN ARE MIRACLES™ (@WOMANSMARVELOUS_1D or @women_are_marvelous) ||  SHOP INSTAGRAM THREAD #bunsandwiches #sandwich #subway
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Instagram has revolutionised the way that businesses make money and are now really beginning to expand into an important part of online marketing so why take a chance with the likes of native ads when there's already proven, scalable solutions? Do some research before heading down a potentially expensive road! 3 - Promote cross-platforms Most online advertising requires you to do a lot of work, running campaigns across different sites or platforms. The best way forward is actually using one platform effectively so users are more likely engage with your brand – whether it be Facebook, Twitter, YouTube for video content or Instagram for photography and images. On the opposite side of success there's also been collaborations between Pinterest / Google+  and other social media platforms like Tumblr through their Blog + Pin format in order to cross-promote one another as users will often follow relevant bloggers across multiple platforms.
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Taking advantage of the features offered by each platform can help you reach a wider audience, no matter what their preferred social media platform might be. This is an important factor for businesses who are trying to become more responsive and engaging with customers on all channels in order to create an integrated customer experience that spans all devices. 4 - Share the wealth with influencers One great way of adding a personal touch to your business is by getting in contact with influential figures who have large followings online but little time between managing their own social media pages and other professional responsibilities. Promoting such businesses can help you gain more followers or improve the reputation of your brand through positive comments, even if they don't personally use the product that you promote - there's evidence suggesting that 'thoughtful' recommendations are better used as marketing strategies . Getting in touch with well-established bloggers, vloggers and social media personalities can be an incredibly time-consuming process but is definitely worth it if you have the right ingredients - a good brand story, interesting products or services and something to offer influencers apart from simply a commercial deal. As long as your expectations are realistic and you're willing to put in the extra effort (and don't expect overnight successes!), working with influencers can be a valuable way to drive traffic to your business and create buzz. 5 - Increase engagement time Most businesses now know the importance of tapping into social media to engage with their customers and prospects, but many fail to go beyond superficial interactions and reap the full benefits. The more a consumer spends time on your brand's social channels , there is a good chance that they will look favorably upon it - even if you're not offering them anything in return . Even though efforts like blogging or commenting on popular quizzes are never meant as substitutes for paid ads , they can still be a valuable way to draw attention to your brand and show that you're engaging with your followers. And if people are already spending time on your site, there's a good chance they'll be more likely to buy something from you sooner or later! If you've got a technical blog or website article which explains how to apply some product in a specific area , it's definitely worth sharing on social media . You can also create GIFs from your company and share them directly, either through Facebook or Instagram - there are so many options nowadays that taking advantage of influencers' expertise is only going to increase over time. 6 - Keep Your Followers Engaged Nothing changes the mind like a strong argument, so if you find yourself needing to fend off negative comments or educate people on why your company is doing certain things in an attempt to create awareness of your brand , this social strategy can be very useful. Influencers with large follower bases and successful businesses often see themselves as advocates for other brands they are popularly associated with - they might even use their influence as a way to promote products from less-successful companions as well. The best way to keep your followers engaged is by regularly releasing new content and offering contests or giveaways which are related to your niche or brand . If you want people to start following you for the wrong reasons, making it difficult for them to unsubscribe can be counterproductive - instead, make sure that everything you post is interesting and worth talking about. And don't forget the power of images ! Instagram Stories ads have been known to be more effective than ads on the regular Instagram platform, so be sure to experiment with those too. 7 - Leverage competitions, giveaways and promotions Many influencer marketing campaigns leverage prizes and giveaways as a way to generate some traction. They're usually targeted at audiences which are likely to be interested in your brand, so offering them one or two things related to it is enough for most users of the platform - although keep in mind that if you do this too often, people might begin questioning why they don't have any freebies from your company yet . A more effective tactic would be targeting specific groups of people with giveaways or contests that are relevant to them - for example, if you sell products related to fitness, you could offer a contest where the first person to reach a certain weight loss milestone wins. 8 - Use Instagram hashtags in your posts Instagram's hashtags have been widely used as a way to promote posts on the platform - after all, they are what keeps them searchable and helps you discover new accounts. If you use them well and target people who might be interested in your brand or product , it makes sense that they will possibly help increase Instagram followers too. Another reason why this can boost follower count is because many users use their location (which is publicly available) to find out which hashtags are popular in their area. So by targeting those hashtags, you're increasing the chances that people who see your account will also be interested in what you have to say. 9 - Use influencer marketing tools to help with social media engagement and reach There are a number of different tools that you can use to improve your social media engagement and reach. For example, Hootsuite offers powerful analytics which allow you to see how people are interacting with your posts and whether or not they're remarketing them towards specific demographics. Additionally, BuzzSumo allows you to see which content is being shared the most on social media and how effective it is in getting people to click through to your site or social media page. These tools can help you identify which posts are performing the best and make sure that you're sharing them as much as possible. 10 - Optimise your Instagram profile for search visibility By setting up your Instagram account to include keywords and descriptions, it will show up in search results when relevant terms are used. This is a great way of attracting new followers who could potentially become customers down the line. Visitors googling "Instagram hashtags" or other similar words can find you more easily than they might have done if all their options were limited by photo spam posts that aren't actually connected with anything else on your profile and don't relate to anything. 11 - Become an influencer by using other social media platforms You don't have to stick with just Instagram. By posting and interacting on Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest or Tumblr as well as your primary platform of LinkedIn and Facebook , you're likely going to increase your exposure exponentially and give every post more meaning because they come from across multiple networks instead of being all managed within one push notification. Someone who's following all the right people will see everything you post across all channels, and you'll only need to manage your Instagram account for posting photos. 12 - Assign a profile picture that makes you visible Use your preferred image of choice, whether it's the cover photo on Twitter or Facebook , your company logo if you're working in marketing, an Instagram filter or even one of our stylised pictures from the blog to make sure everyone knows who this is supposed to be. You might have more than one person with unique profiles on social media so don't worry about scaring anyone off! We hope you found this interesting and useful, as we know that creating a strong brand profile on your Instagram account is incredibly important to your business.
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CONCLUSION There you have it! TEN tips on how to improve your social media presence. By following these simple guidelines, you'll be on your way to becoming a more active and successful participant in the online world. If you have any further questions or queries about the content above please don't hesitate to leave us a comment below! Who invested in Instagram? Did Instagram Raise Money? HOW TO GROW YOUR INSTAGRAM PAGE ORGANICALLY Read the full article
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