#for another few years” then kept extending the amount of years needed for a proper diagnosis)
steampunk-raven · 3 months
advil not kicking in :) not sure what I was expecting tbf but it’s not like I can tell my ob-gyn that I need stronger meds and have her *listen* to me
#I told her that i regularly get 10/10 pain just from period cramps and have significant bleeding n she was just like. “ok but have you tried#TWO Advils?”#so I tried that. Didn’t work. She prescribed *three* advils#that also obviously didn’t work#then she suggested increasing amount of dosages (as opposed to the dosage itself) which is *currently* not working#and it’s fucking dangerous longterm. and because I have *at least* 10 day long periods and I already am prescribed nsaids for my#various chronic pains it is so much more horrid for my body but I have yet to have a doctor prescribe me anything but nsaids#which is also pretty funny for my nerve pain because it takes a simple google search to see that nsaids usually don’t affect nerve pain muc#i hate the medical system#vent#vent in tags#also bonus: she diagnosed me with pcos but didn’t put it on my medical record (saying “🥺🥺 but you’re so young 🥺🥺 we can’t diagnose you#for another few years” then kept extending the amount of years needed for a proper diagnosis)#and she’s not REFUSING to do any tests otherwise I’d tell her to document her refusal but she’s still being generally unhelpful#what’s worse is that I do get the sense that she cares about me *as a person*. like she sees a person who is suffering and feels empathy fo#me but she doesn’t care about me *in a professional manner*#like idk I’m glad she cares that i’m suffering I wish she would do the steps of helping me through it (as I am paying her to do)#I could switch but there’s a lot of complications there cuz there’s a lot of shit goin on lol
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angstmongertina · 2 years
7KPP Week 2022: Day 1
We’re doing another 7KPP Appreciation Week over on @fyeah7kpp, and I thought I’d start the prompts with an introduction to how my ultimate OTP meet in their cutest iteration, the Childhood “Friends” AU. It’s so cute, I almost feel bad for what I put them through on most iterations.
Day One - First
Lady Camellia Guo of Jiyel had barely turned nine years of age when she attended her first academic lecture.
Cousin Jiya, three years her elder and born with the triple advantage of an influential lineage, razor sharp intelligence, and not insignificant beauty, had adapted quickly to the expectations placed upon her, rising to the challenges of academic study and social niceties with aplomb. As such, it was only natural for the entire extended family to be invited to the budding young scholar’s first officially hosted event; after all, few had mastered the art of both paying respect to others and humbly bragging about themselves as thoroughly as the Jiyelese elite.
Which was, of course, why Lia found herself in the library, contemplating the impressive collection of books with curiosity and no small amount of envy. The lecture on Jiyel’s changing philosophy towards its relations with its fellow kingdoms had been most fascinating, particularly with regards to the introduction of the famed summits, to be sure. However, and much to her chagrin, its conclusion had soon brought about mingling and dancing with the peerage of Jiyel, a pastime that she, still a child with barely a name of her own compared to her much grander cousin and the other, more esteemed, guests, had little to contribute. But the library, on the other hand…
She reached out, running a gentle finger along the worn spines. Leather, smoothed by years of careful handling, greeted her as far as she could see, from the floor to the ceiling in carefully arranged rows of bookshelves, covering everything from art and music to science and history. Craning her neck to one side, she mouthed the titles to herself as she shuffled forward, each one more intriguing than the last.
Rounding a corner, she continued forward, transfixed, until her arm bumped into something hard and she tore her gaze away, just in time to watch as a precariously stacked pile of books teetered on the arm of a chair… before collapsing onto the floor as well as the lap of its occupant.
In the suddenly deafening silence, she winced. “I’m so sorry.”
Cool dark eyes blinked several times from behind a thin pair of spectacles before their owner sighed, brushing his hair out of his face as he looked down at the mess she had made. “It is no matter. I should not have kept them so.”
“And I should have paid more attention to my surroundings as well. I apologize for not noticing you sooner.” As she spoke, she knelt, gathering the fallen books and depositing them into a stack that she rather suspected would rival herself in height.
And, given the diminutive form working beside her, would probably give her newfound companion a run for his money as well.
After setting down another two onto the pile that was already threatening to reach her waist, she turned to him. “Were you planning on reading all of these?”
To her surprise, he flushed a faint red, halfway through putting the final tome on their careful tower. “I admit it is unlikely that I even could, but many of these are new to me and their perusal seemed a… more interesting way to spend the evening than performing social niceties.”
“At least until I interrupted?”
He paused, considering her with something that, for all the world, resembled Master Hinata’s expression when discussing the unknown mysteries of astronomy, the expression of a researcher possessed by a scientific curiosity bordering on fascination. “I confess I am not entirely certain. I suppose that remains to be seen.”
She smiled with some mischief, even as she folded her hands as demurely before her as she had been taught. “I see. Do you need more data?”
“It would seem that that would be ideal for proper analysis.”
Try as she might, she couldn’t quite hold back a giggle. “Are you hoping to conduct an experiment on social interactions, then?”
“That would be an efficient way to…” He blinked, apparently taking in her amusement, before his expression drew into a hint of a frown. “I… apologize. I am not well-versed in the social arts, nor do I find much enjoyment in their performance. I fear I am poor company for you to keep.” With that said, he returned to his seat, this time free from the looming threat of collapsing books, though she couldn’t help but notice that even though he had a book in hand, he didn’t seem as impatient as he could have been to read it.
“If I wanted to find sociable company, I’d go to the ballroom. Since you’re clearly not there, I think it’d be safe to assume you aren’t interested either.” The only response she received was a shrug, which was, given the situation, acknowledgement enough. “Besides, there are better ways to improve at onvu than reading a manual on strategy.”
When he met her gaze, this time with a brighter curiosity, she grinned. “I think I saw a board earlier. You can always test your new strategies against another player. See how much Liu Zhu’s manual can actually help you.”
“I didn’t— I was brainstorming how to counter them!” His protest floated over her shoulder as she walked away, laughing; the quiet shuffles following her were indication enough that he was more amenable to her suggestion than his mannerisms might have implied.
Which was how, an hour later, Camellia found herself in the most evenly matched game of onvu she had ever played. Contrary to her teasing, he had proven himself to be a formidable opponent, armed with quick thinking and a hidden spark of spontaneity that took her entirely by surprise.
Then again, considering the astonishment that slowly turned into respect in his expression, perhaps it was a mutual experience.
Scarcely daring to breathe, she watched him sit forward, absently pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose as his eyes scanned the board and her scattered pieces. A thin finger nudged a cavalier to the side, neatly avoiding her attempted Taniguchi maneuver, before he slouched back with a genuine smile. “A good attempt.”
Finally relaxing, she grinned back and slid forward in her seat to shift her sage over a square, disrupting his counterattack. “Not quite. Check.”
Consternation flooded his face as he leaned forward, contemplating the board with renewed intensity. “That was… unexpected.”
She laughed, swinging her legs rhythmically as she waited for him to settle on his next move. “The game would be over much too quickly if it were not. Except…”
“Except it may just as well be now as well.” Her companion scowled, though his gaze never left the board.
Before she could reply, the door to the library creaked open. “Lia? Where are you?”
She heaved a breath, sliding out of her seat with an apologetic look and padding around the corner to the doorway. “I’m here, Mother.”
Her hand on her hip, Lady Hyacinth sighed, though it sounded more resigned than exasperated. “Of course you are. Heavens forbid we should find you properly socializing as opposed to ensconced in a library somewhere with your nose buried in a book.”
“I like reading, and I’m certain nobody even noticed my absence. It’s not as if any of them would want to dance with me, so learning is a much more efficient way to spend my time.”
“Learning and socializing need not be mutually exclusive, my dear. But no matter. Your father is ready to return home.”
Camellia nodded. “I’ll be just a moment.”
“Of course. It would not do to leave the room a mess.” Her mother smiled. “We’ll meet you in the entryway.”
When she returned to the onvu board, it was to find her opponent a little distance away and back to perusing a book in what was once again threatening to become a fort around him. He didn’t bother to look up as she drew near, though she couldn’t help but notice that his literature of choice was another manual on onvu strategy… and that his general had been tipped over on the board in a show of surrender.
She smiled, sweeping the pieces into their drawer. “Thanks for the company. I had fun.”
At that, he did glance towards her, eyes flicking so quickly that she almost missed it. “Good game.”
“You too. Rematch next time?”
Nearly at the corner, she paused, turning her head back just in time to see him shrug, though he did drag his gaze fully away from his book to meet her eyes.
Grinning wider at the acquiescence, reluctant though it might have been, she dropped into a brief curtsy before hurrying away.
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punchequipmentt · 1 year
How to Properly Care for Your Boxing Gloves and Extend Their Lifespan
Are you a boxing enthusiast or someone just starting out in the sport? If so, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the best way to take care of your equipment. Boxing gloves are essential pieces of equipment that protect both boxer and sparring partner from injury during a match. However, if you don't take proper care of your gloves, they will begin to lose their protective qualities and won’t last as long—meaning more money spent on new ones. This blog post provides tips for properly caring for boxing gloves and extending their lifespan.
What You Need to Know About Caring for Boxing Gloves
The most important part of taking care of your boxing gloves is understanding the material they are made from. Most boxing gloves are constructed out of leather or synthetic materials such as vinyl. Both have their own unique properties that require different types of maintenance and cleaning. For example, leather must be treated regularly with leather conditioners while vinyl needs regular wiping down with a damp cloth to remove sweat and dirt particles. It's also important to allow your gloves time to air dry after use before storing them away so bacteria don’t accumulate inside them.
Another crucial factor when it comes to maintaining boxing gloves is their shape. After using your gloves for an extended period of time, the padding can become malformed or even compressed due to compression from sweat or regular use over time. To avoid this problem it is important that you choose a pair that fits snugly around your hands without being too tight or too loose—this will also help protect against potential injuries during sparring matches. Additionally, try not to store them in tight spaces where additional pressure can cause permanent damage to the gloves themselves.
Tips For Keeping Your Boxing Gloves Clean
One way to make sure that your boxing gloves stay clean and free from excess bacteria is by washing them regularly with mild soap and warm water (not hot water). Make sure not to scrub too hard as the material may rip easily depending on what type you have purchased—vinyl or leather—as well as its size and weight rating (for professional fighters heavier-duty materials are usually recommended). Once washed, let them air dry naturally or use a blow dryer set at a low heat setting if available-never put them in direct sunlight as this could damage the material they are made out of further leading up faster deterioration than normal wear-and-tear would occur in a shorter amount of time
Additionally, consider applying a special conditioner specifically designed for leathers such as those found in sporting goods stores every few months in order to keep it soft and supple which will help prevent cracking due to dryness which can lead to tears over time especially if used often all year round regardless whether indoors/outdoors activities occur at night/daytime temperatures respectively
Lastly, an antibacterial spray like Lysol can be kept handy near where you store your gloves which should then be sprayed lightly inside each glove prior to every use avoiding overspray onto surface materials where it may interact negatively with paint finishes etcetera
Final Thoughts On Taking Care Of Your Boxing Gloves
Taking care of your boxing gear is incredibly important if you want them lasting longer than expected! A good quality pair of boxing gloves can make all the difference between having fun learning how to throw punches correctly while protecting those around us & ourselves versus accidents occurring leading to needless injuries not considering other regrettable consequences stemming forth directly related towards misusing our equipment life expectancy altogether
Cleaning & conditioning whenever necessary plus finely choosing mitts that fit well into our palms instead of shopping discount items solely based on price tags alone should ensure overall satisfaction during training sessions thereby ultimately maximising our investment's returns at greater lengths
By following these guidelines we should definitely increase our chances of prolonging availing opportunities offered through such powerful sports tools thus helping extend our beloved pugilistic wrappers' beneficial lifespan.
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awesomeminteh · 1 year
Tarmac Driveway The Choice of Homeowners
Tarmac is a very durable material and it is a popular choice among homeowners. It is also one of the easiest materials to install. However, there are a few things that you must consider before you decide to purchase and install tarmac on your driveway.
Before you can install a tarmac driveway, you should first make sure you have the proper tools.
A professional should be able to provide you with the equipment you need for a successful job.
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The cost of a tarmac driveway can vary depending on its size and how much preparation is needed. Generally, you can expect the price to be between PS50 and PS65 per square metre. This cost is affected by the amount of labour you need and where you are located. You may have to pay extra for certain features, such as gravel or brick work. Also, some contractors will hire equipment, which could increase the total cost.
Important factor of tarmac installation.
The most important factor to consider when installing a tarmac driveway is the condition of the existing foundation. If it has not been well-treated, it could cause breaks in the driveway and lead to long-term problems. For this reason, it is important to hire a company that specializes in the job.
Depending on the size of your driveway, you can expect the process to take a day or a few days. There are a few factors that can affect the duration of the project, including your foundation, the type of ground you have and any obstructions in the way.
When installing a tarmac driveway, you will need to clear the area of debris. Some of these debris will need to be removed by a low-pressure hose. After you have cleared the area, you will then need to mix the tarmac with the filler. Ensure the mixture is smooth and flush with the rest of the driveway.
Once the tarmac has been mixed, it can be laid on. It takes about two to three days for the tarmac to solidify. During this time, you can drive on the driveway. However, it should be kept out of the sun, as weeds can start to grow if it is shaded. To protect the base layer, you should clean the tarmac with a wire brush.
When you have installed a tarmac driveway, you should have it resealed about six months later. In addition to preventing water from getting underneath the tarmac, this will help to keep it looking beautiful. Another benefit of resealing the tarmac is that it will extend the life of your driveway.
Reseal is recommended for tarmac.
It is recommended that you reseal your tarmac every four to five years. This will help to keep it in top shape and prevent potholes from forming. Whether you decide to repair or redo your driveway, the cost of the resurfacing will be much less than a new driveway.
Although tarmac is easy to install, it is still a good idea to consult a contractor for a professional job. They will be able to ensure that the job is done quickly and correctly.
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packedwithpackards · 2 years
Emails from two former Packard researchers
In an attempt to get some others writing for this blog, I emailed a number of individuals who have put up sites about Packard genealogy. I wrote them something like this:
[name of person] Good afternoon. A while back I found your genealogy website where you write [link], referring to the Packards. You also have a page on the Packard family line.I thought it would be best to email you. I am emailing you today because as a Packard descendant, I have a blog I've put together called Packed with Packards! And if you are willing, you can make submissions to it. It doesn't have to be grand, or much at all. It would just be better if more people could contribute to it. If not, that's ok as well. I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Burkely Hermann Packard descendant via Samuel-Zaccheus-John-Barnabas I-Barnabas II-Barnabas III-William Henry-Cyrus, then the Mills family from there
I sent a number of emails out. Sadly, one to Don, who wrote that the Packard family branch "very likely extends to early colonial times but needs further study for confirmation" and a page on the Packard family line, bounced back (i.e. the email is no longer valid). The same was the case for Mr. Butler, whom had a page on Ensign Samuel Packard. However, Mr. Butler, emailed me back through another email, writing that
Burkely, I indeed have listed amount my ancestors Samuel Packard, though the Ensign’s father rather than the ensign himself.  I descended, twice,  through the daughter - sister Mary Packard.  (I found a surprising number of people twice on my family tree, Mary included.) I was very much into both genealogy and the web once upon a time.  My favored software was and remains MacFamilyTree, which automatically generated the page in question.  Although my interest in genealogy has faded, the web pages remain up, thus I get occasional e-mails from people who share a distant ancestor. A few remain favorite stories.  One person wanted to know how I learned the date of death of a War of 1812 veteran.  It turned out a letter had been written from his ancestor to a sister who was my ancestor saying father had died.  That letter had been kept in the family. I’m afraid I have no similar interesting information about any Packards.  It seems my father was related to much of old Hingham.  The Butlers seem to have moved from Hingham to Brockton to Abington to Rockland.  I’m now in Plymouth.  My father chased genealogy the old fashioned way, through legwork and old paper.  I used my computer, chasing Ancestry.com trees through the internet.  I got lots of names and way back, but I had more enthusiasm than accurate double checking.  My trees spread wide, but should be taken with a grain of salt. I have visited your blog and may visit again, but I have nothing to contribute at this point. Bob Butler
After a quick reply, which I won't reprint here, I wrote him back, leaving the door open:
Considering that you spent some more time on this email, it is only proper to send a fuller response. You are right that you have listed your ancestors there. Sometimes that happens that you have double listings. I've had to pull all sorts of people off my family tree so it was overly accurate. I haven't heard of MacFamilyTree before. I use Ancestry.com from time to time, and FamilySearch's tree. I understand that you get occasional emails from people such as me. Interesting story about the date of death of a War of 1812 veteran. Well, that's fine that you don't have any other interesting information about the Packards. I visited Hingham last summer on a road trip, following the Packard line into Western Massachusetts. My grandfather [Robert B. Mills] chased genealogy just like your father. I still have his book on my shelf, the Mills/Packard Family History [I meant to call it The Packard/Mills Family History, but misremembered the name], written in 1979, only a few years before he died. I understand that your trees have spread wide and that they should be "taken with a grain of salt" as you put it. I am glad you visited the blog I put together. But, if you ever want to talk about how you went about your research, that would be welcome as well. I haven't really explored that much on this blog, but hope to do more in the future. Best regards, Burkely
Then there was Ms. Lenker, who wrote me that she is not working on her genealogical file anymore. She makes a good offer:
Thank you for contacting me. Unfortunately, I am not working on my genealogy file anymore. I posted my file and Ancestry put it on-line in their new format, unbeknownst to me, and too many people have made changes to it that are incorrect, including in my own family. However, I can send you what I have, about 259 pages of different Packard lines to use as you wish. Moses Packard was my 10th great grandfather. I have Zaccheus in my file and he was my 7th great grand uncle. I only have John's name connected to his family, but no info about him. I don't have William or Henry, or Barnabus !,!!!. Or Cyrus I don't have any Mills family either. I started this project about 30 years ago with Family Tree Maker 2004 which was a very good program. It has been changed too much to be the quality program it once was. I can't even create the reports that I once could in the new 2014 program. However, FTM 3005 still works on my computer, so I can send you the 200+ pages of info if you would like. I no longer post anything on the various website forums. But thanks for the invitation. Let me know if you want a copy of what I have. Barbara Lenker
After a short reply, I sent a longer reply, writing:
Barbara, Building upon what I sent in my last email, thank you for replying with this much depth. I received some information from a Packard descendant as well, but sadly his email bounced back the last time I tried to send him an email. That's fine that you don't have a William or Barnabas or Cyrus or even the Mills. Not everyone goes through the same line. And that's ok. I've heard of Family Tree Maker before. Thanks again for the offer. Even if you'd like to talk about how you conducted your research, over 30 years, using Family Tree Maker, that would be fine. I know the programs are different now, but its always nice to hear a story like that. I wish I'd know how my grandfather [Robert B. Mills], who wrote a family genealogy which he released as a Christmas present in 1979, The Packard/Mills Family History, did his research. I know some snippets from my mom that he gathered a lot of information, but that's about it. Thanks again for such a kind email. - Burkely
I also sent a number of other emails to the following individuals
A Packard descendant, listed in the 1997 newsletter of the Genealogical Society of Vermont
Cathi Clore Frost whom hosted an old genealogical website with a page about the Packard family.
A blog written by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewski, B.F.A., one page about the Packards generally and another about the Packard family line.
Sharon, a person who commented about the Packards on now-defunct rootsweb back in 2003.
Scott White, whom had a blog about the Packard family.
And that's it. So far, I have not received a response from any of the others listed above.
Note: This was originally posted on December 7, 2018 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2018-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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kk095 · 3 years
Alyssa in Trauma
*hey everyone! I wanted to try writing a story with original, recurring characters with more of a 1st person perspective. Let me know what you think! Enjoy!*
It was a slow weeknight in our small community ER. It was just me, the head veteran nurse Nancy, nurse Ashley, nurse heather, and Dr Lindsay. The 5 of us were doing our part holding down the ER that night. We had a few minor cases- a kid who sprained his ankle skateboarding, back pain in exam room 2, and one of our frequent fliers in exam room 3 for who knows what this time.
A little after 8pm, the nurses station gets a call from dispatch. I can see Nancy nodding and responding to the voice on the other end of the phone, but I couldn’t initially make out what was being said. After the brief call, Nancy looked at me and gave me a rundown of the situation: “listen up everyone. We have a 26 year old female involved in a single car crash, possible chest and abdominal trauma. She’s hypotensive and tachycardic, and EMS intubated her on scene. ETA is 5 minutes.”
All of us quickly sprung into action at that point. I ordered the nurses to prep trauma room 1 and gather whatever supplies we may need for this particular case. While the nurses were getting things ready, me and Dr Lindsay put on a yellow trauma gown and a fresh pair of gloves. “make sure we have some unmatched o-neg, FFP, and platelets. And make sure surgery and radiology are on standby for us.” Dr Lindsay told the team, to which nurse Nancy nodded.
The following few minutes came and went quickly. We could hear the sound of the ambulance’s sirens grow louder and louder as it approached the hospital. The trauma room was quiet- the calm before the storm I suppose. We knew the patient was in rough shape, but we didn’t know what exactly to expect. Regardless, we were prepared for whatever was going to be thrown at us.
The ambulance pulled just outside the ERs main entrance and the medics wheeled the patient into the hospital and into our trauma room. To our surprise, one of the medics was performing CPR on the patient upon arrival. “26 year old female, restrained driver in single car MVC. Blunt chest trauma, lost vitals en route. Down 4 minutes, shocked ×2, meds ×1. PEA on the monitors.” The lead medic told us while the other delivered deep, violent chest compressions. “ok, let’s transfer her on my count. 1… 2… THREE!” I called out.
The patient was now on the table and under the overhead light. I looked down at the battered young woman lying on our table. Her name was Alyssa. She’s a 26 year old blonde with blue eyes, with a pretty face and a chubby build. She was just driving home from work when she swerved to avoid hitting a kid that ran out into the street, oblivious to Alyssa’s car, but slammed her car into a light post in the process.
Once Alyssa was on the table, the medics left the room and we began running our trauma code. Nurse heather resumed chest compressions, nurse nancy was ambu bagging, and nurse ashley got the next rounds of epi and atropine ready. Dr Lindsay and I decided to order some tests: STAT trauma labs, a chest x ray, and a FAST scan. After ashley injected the next round of meds, she drew the trauma labs while Dr Lindsay got the ultrasound machine ready. While that was going on, I set up the portable x ray for the chest x ray. The chest x ray showed sternum and rib fractures associated with CPR, but nothing else noticeable. Dr Lindsay then performed an echo. “oh boy, look at all that blood in the pericardium. Massive cardiac tamponade.” She said, shaking her head looking at the ultrasound monitor. “let’s do a pericardiocentesis.” She continued. “I disagree. She’s already in cardiac arrest and that’s a huge tamponade. I think we need to do a thoracotomy.” I responded to Dr Lindsay. “I don’t know Dr Kenny, I think we should do a pericardiocentesis and see if her condition improves. If not, then we do a thoracotomy.” Lindsay replied. “I don’t think we have time to wait. Thoracotomy is the way to go here.” I said, standing my ground. There was a pause for a moment. “I agree with Dr Kenny.” Nurse Nancy said, breaking the silence in the room. Nurse Nancy has been an ER nurse for over 20 years and she’s seen it all, so everyone trusted her judgement when she spoke up.
Dr Lindsay and I looked at each other for a moment and nodded in agreement. “Ok, let’s get a thoracotomy tray set up please.” Dr Lindsay ordered. Once the order was made, Ashley and I began setting up the proper equipment. Meanwhile, nurse Heather kept performing deep, strong chest compressions on Alyssa. The patient’s chest caved in and her belly bounced outwards. Her eyes were half open, staring blankly above while one of her arms dangled off the side of the table, bouncing in sync with each individual compression.
I picked up a 10 blade scalpel off of the thoracotomy tray while Ashley splashed Alyssa’s chest with betadine. While heather kept delivering chest compressions, I made a quick, decisive incision in the 5th intercostal space starting at the sternum. I extended the incision laterally across the young woman’s bare chest. Ashley retracted Alyssa’s large, d cup left breast to give me room to continue the incision. Once I extended the incision past the breast, I continued across to the mid axillary line, just a few inches shy of her left armpit. I had to make a 2nd incision I the same general area to separate the underlying fat and tissue. Once the tissue was adequately separated, I placed a rib spreader into the incision area and began twisting the knobs, forcing the young woman’s ribs apart. A loud popping and cracking sound filled the already hectic trauma room from Alyssa’s ribs being forced apart.
After her chest was adequately opened, heather stepped away, stopping CPR. I took my scalpel and made a vertical incision into the pericardium, performing a pericardiotomy in order to release the tamponade and deliver the heart. After cutting the fibrous lining of Alyssa’s heart, there was a collection of thick, gooey, coagulated blood that came out. Ashley suctioned away the coagulated blood, only for my line of sight to be filled with a large amount of fresh blood. “what a mess.. let me take a look.” Dr Lindsay said, forcing herself into my position, reaching into Alyssa’s exposed chest cavity. While Lindsay was sorting things out, I placed a vascular clamp on the descending aorta in order to redirect bloodflow to the heart, lungs, and brain- a common practice during ER thoracotomies to limit damage elsewhere and to potentially buy the patient time during the resuscitation.
Ashley suctioned out the blood that obstructed the line of sight, revealing Alyssa’s motionless heart. “starting cardiac massage.” Dr Lindsay called out. She wrapped her hands around Alyssa’s motionless heart, placing her thumbs on the left ventricle. She then began squeezing the heart, pushing her thumbs in an upwards motion in the process. “1… 2… 3… come on hun…” Dr Lindsay said, looking down at Alyssa, as if she was trying to convince her patient not to die. Lindsay continued internal massage while nurse Nancy stood at the head of the bed ambu bagging. “let’s get another dose of meds in. Hopefully we can get a shockable rhythm that way.” I called out to the team. Nurse heather went over and got the meds and injected them into the patient’s IV line. Meanwhile, Lindsay continued internal massage. “something doesn’t feel right. Her heart feels almost empty.” She said to me. “let me take a look.” I replied, inching my way closer. Lindsay continued internal compressions while I probed around in the young woman’s chest, trying to see if I can figure out what her injuries were. While I was examining the area, her heart began to fibrillate in Dr Lindsay’s hands. “ok! She’s in v-fib. Let’s get the internal paddles and charge to 20.” She called out.
Nurse Ashley charged the internal paddles to 20 joules, and handed them to me. Everyone backed away from the patient while I placed the paddles around Alyssa’s weakly fidgeting heart. “ok. Everyone… CLEAR!” I called out, delivering the shock. A dull, wet thump was heard from the shock. Alyssa’s torso flopped and her breasts jiggled in response to the jolt of electricity. “no change. Let’s shock again at 30.” I called out. Once the paddles were recharged, I lowered them back into the 26 year old’s chest, and delivered the 2nd shock. Alyssa’s toes curled at the other end of the table in response to the shock, showing off thick, silky wrinkles throughout the soles of her size 10 feet. “No change Dr Kenny" heather tells me, shaking her head while looking at the monitor. “ok. Let’s recharge the paddles to 30 and shock again.” I ordered. Nurse ashley recharged the zoll internal paddles to 30j and handed me the blood stained paddles for the next shock. Everyone backed away before the shock, knowing what was coming. This particular shock caused Alyssa’s torso to jolt sharply on the table, but v-fib persisted. “Damn it… still v-fib. Let’s push another dose of meds and shock again. This time we should shock at 40.” I told the team. Once again, we recharged the paddles, lowered them into Alyssa’s chest, and shocked her again. The same dull, wet thump was heard. Alyssa’s lifeless body twitched sharply on the table in response to the more intense shock, but her heart stopped in its tracks after that shock. “shit. Asystole on the monitor. Resuming internal massage" dr Lindsay called out, acting decisively.
Dr Lindsay reached hands back into the young lady’s chest and began pumping her heart manually. “1… 2… 3… come on Alyssa…” Dr Lindsay said to herself, thinking out loud. Alyssa’s heart felt flaccid and empty in dr Lindsay’s hands. There was a definite contrast between feeling Alyssa’s warm heart and her cold, clammy skin. Her complexion faded rapidly, and her beautiful blue eyes remained half open, with a blank expression on her face.
Dr Lindsay messaged Alyssa’s heart for several minutes to no avail. “let’s push another round of meds. And dr Kenny, how about you take over internal compressions for me? Maybe you’ve got the magic touch.” She said with an undertone of sarcasm. I nodded and took over compressions for my coworker. I reached my hands into Alyssa’s chest. I looked down and saw her heart motionless in my hands- something that’s odd to see in a previously healthy 26 year old. I started pumping her heart with my own 2 hands, desperately trying to bring the young woman back. But I knew the odds grew less and less likely as time went on. “hey, we’re out of FFP. Should I get another unit?” nurse heather asked us. “no honey, let’s hold onto it for someone we can actually save. You know how fast that blood bank can empty out on a busy day.” Nurse nancy replied, implying that Alyssa was pretty much a goner. “She’s young though, we should keep trying at least a little longer.” I said to the team, trying to improve morale.
I massaged the patient’s heart for several minutes to no avail. We maxed her out on meds in that timeframe, and nurse nancy noted that Alyssa had fixed and dilated pupils. At that point, I held compressions and the monitors went flat. “alright… does anyone object to calling this code?” I asked everyone in the trauma room. I was met with silence and a couple people shaking their head “no.” I then nodded and said “ok. Time of death, 20:46. Thank you all for your efforts.”
Nurse nancy detached the ambu bag and shut Alyssa’s eyes for the final time. Nurse heather switched off the flatlined monitors and began removing the EKG electrodes from the patient’s bare chest. I removed the thoracotomy equipment from the patient’s body, while dr Lindsay started removing her gloves and trauma gown, walking out of the ER feeling defeated. Nurse ashley removed all the IVs and started filling out the toe tag. On the blank tag, she wrote: “Collins, Alyssa. DOB 8/26/95, DOD 10/3/21, time of death 20:26, cause of death: Blunt SVC dissection. After filling out the tag, she placed it on the big toe of Alyssa’s left foot. The tag tangled in front of her soft, wrinkly soles while a sheet was placed over her battered body. At that point, I began to remove my equipment and head out of the room. Nurse nancy and nurse Ashley then wheeled the stretcher out of the trauma room to transport alyssa to the hospital morgue while heather stayed back and cleaned the trauma room and prep it for the next patient. It’s never easy losing a patient, but it’s par for the course when you work in trauma. We have to compose ourselves and move on to the next patient.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
Pirate/Mermaid AU
requested by this anon: “Alright. Hear me out. Pirate Sapnap x Mermaid(fem) Reader. Finna Sapnap and the bois end up in a shipwreck and then reader tosses them all on shore and nurses them back to health type beat. Idrc, I just need that pirate AU. Please and thank you!”
{*Pulls out notebook of mermaid lore, with folk lore from everywhere around the world including tumblr, fresh vs salt water mermaids, shallow vs abyssal mermaids, mermaid sizes based on sightings, and legends, and lets it drop onto table* Boy oh boy have I been waiting for this}
{Like seriously tho} 
Pirate!Sapnap x fem!mermaid!reader
trigger warnings: swearing  mentions of drowning
premise: pirate sapnap and his crew wined up in a shipwreck, and naturally, since your passing by, you figure you might as well save them. As you help them recover, you can’t help but revel in the stories Sapnap tells of traveling around the high seas, well you’ve never been able to leave your cove. Eventually, when the time comes, there is a choice to make
Days since you washed over the Reef 323:
You floated lazily alongside what was left of the wrecked ship as Sapnap moved about, trying to find more worth scavenging. 
“I thought you got everything out of there.” You said, twisting to lean your fore arms on the now sideways knee wall of the ship. 
“Well, we’ll need all of it if we want to make anything that can make it proper back to the smp.” He explained, dropping some of the less water logged planks onto the raft.
You nodded, still looking up at him quizzically, “Where will you go? After the smp of course.” 
Sapnap paused, sitting down on the edge of the boat, “Mm, probably back further south, it’s nice down there.” 
“Where's your favorite place out there?” You implored. 
“There's lots of cool places,” He chuckled, running a hand through his scraggly hair, “I suppose the land Karl rules over, he calls it party island. Its quite a good time.” 
“Sounds interesting.” You smiled, letting your chin rest on your arms.
“It’s one of the only places that doesn’t have a constant warrant out for our arrest, so that's good enough, even if the locals are- strange.” 
“Stranger than you?” You smirk. 
A grin crossed his face as he reached down to flick water your direction, “Stranger than merfolk.” 
“Hey!” You protested, raising your tail to splash water back at him. 
He laughed, “You wouldn’t dare!” 
“You underestimate me!” You brought your tail down on the surface of the water, splashing him.
Still laughing Sapnap went back to gathering what he could find out on what was left of the main deck, dropping it back down onto the raft before climbing on, “Lets go get Ranboo then.” 
You nodded, grabbing hold of part of the raft and beginning to swim across to the other half of the wreck, where the other boy had been doing scavenging of his own. 
“Ahoy there!” The younger mans voice rang out from the back side of the wreck, “I’ve found a way into the hold!” 
“Where?” Sapnap asked, eagerly climbing off the raft and onto the rocky reef the ship had been sunk on. 
“Round over here!” Ranboo finally appeared from the side of the wreck, “You have to swim a little, but there's a hole in the ship, I made it big enough to get through!” 
“How water logged is everything?” 
“Ehh, not too bad, we can probably get a decent amount of it.” Ranboo itched at the back of his head. 
Sapnap grinned, immediately scrambling across the rocks towards the other side of the ship, “Lets go then!” 
 You sighed as they both disappeared, pulling yourself up to sit on the raft,  long tail still half dipped in the water, glumly calling, “Good luck.” 
“Don’t sound so upset! I bet if you really wanted to you could get over here!” Sapnap’s voice came muffled from somewhere within the hold. 
You scoffed, “Yeah, and get myself so busted up on those rocks that I can’t keep you fools out of trouble.”
Ranboo’s head appeared again, as he heaved a chest up and onto the reef, “We don’t need to be kept out of trouble.” 
You cocked an eyebrow, “You two were the ones who got in a shipwreck.”
“Your the one who got stuck in this cove,” Sapnap pointed out, coming back into view with a chest of his own, “Fish in a bowl.” 
“Well at least I had an excuse for getting thrown over this damn wall.” You snapped. 
After that it was quiet as you climbed off the raft, carful not to knock anything to the water as they loaded up the chests, quickly going back for another round and stacking them on the raft. 
You sighed, holding the raft steady as they tried to find a way to get everything to balance, “At least one of you is going to have to swim. This isn’t gonna work.” 
Ranboo and Sapnap looked at each other for a moment before Sapnap nodded at the raft, and Ranboo climbed on, almost reluctantly, “You know if I swam too we could get more stuff on here.” 
“Too late,” You said, letting go of the raft and letting yourself sink back down into the water for a moment, quickly reemerging as Sapnap went to jump from the reef, “Be careful. I’m not dragging your dumb ass back to shore again.” 
He rolled his eyes, “You worry too much.” 
“No one said I was worried.” You scoffed. 
Off to the side Ranboo faked gaged, grabbing one of the planks to use as a makeshift oar and began to paddle away, “You guys are the worst!” 
You chuckled, quickly moving out of the way as Sapnap jumped down into the water yelling, “Race you to shore!” 
Rolling your eyes you began to swim, “There's literally no way for you to beat me!”
Sure enough you quickly pulled ahead, grabbing a hold of the raft to pull it with you, chuckling as Ranboo began to yell joking insults back toward Sapnap, then as you drew closer to the shore, Karl joining in, despite having no clue what was going on. 
As the water grew shallow Ranboo jumped off the raft, pulling it up to shore, Sapnap hurrying to help him upon reaching the same depth. 
Karl waved at you before grabbing the first of the chests, pulling it up onto the shore before beginning to rummage through its contents. 
Smiling you slowly began to drift back out away from the shore, pulling yourself up onto one of the few smooth rocks that littered the cove, sudenly tired from the trips back and forth, content for now to just relax in the sun. 
Days since you washed over the reef: 325
Your dreams of the terrible storm that had landed you trapped within the cove were interrupted by a soft call of your name. 
“Hmm?” You rubbed at your eyes, sitting up to see that the sun had mostly set, and to see Sapnap standing at the end of the rickety pier that they had built during there first week stranded. 
“Hey.” He smiled. 
“Hey yourself.” You slipped off your rock, quickly swimming over to him. 
He sat down at the edge of the dock, offering a large piece of watermelon to you, “This is the last of the watermelons, Karl’s already started planting the seeds but hopefully we won’t be stuck here that long.” 
You frowned, “How you gonna get out of here?” 
“We’re gonna try to make a ship that’ll hold together long enough to get to Boomerville. We should be able to figure things out from there.” He explained, looking out to the open ocean. 
“Your gonna make a ship?” You looked up at him, confused, “How? There’s only four of you.”
Sapnap shrugged, “We can salvage parts of the ship, and we can cut the trees from the island. Bad thinks we could swing it.” 
You sighed, hauling yourself up onto the pier, Sapnap scooting to the side to make room, “You really think you can get out of here?” 
“Yeah,” The dock was quiet for a moment, the only sounds coming from the waves lapping at the shore before he offered, “You could come with us, if you wanted.”
You looked over at him, “How? I don’t even see how you could get a boat out of here, let alone me.” 
“Well, you know how yesterday everyone was gone?” He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly. 
Your brow furrowed, confused, “Yeah?” 
“We were kind of exploring the other side of the island. There's a gap in the reef, we should be able to get through.” 
You looked at him for a moment longer before looking down the coast of the island, you’d been trapped here for nearly a year and had never been able to find a way to the other side, “How am I meant to get to the other side of the island?” 
 “I’m sure we could figure out something,” Sapnap shrugged, almost chuckling, “I mean unless your lying and you’ve lived in this cove your whole life.” 
“Why would I lie about that?” You demanded. 
He held up his hands in defense, “Woah woah woah! I just figured the reef extends out away from the island, surely you’d gone around far enough to find the gap!”
You half wrapped your arms around your torso, “The reef isn’t in a perfect ring, it ellipses up to the shore, you should’ve seen that. Plus, There’s a wall where the rocks extend out to the coast south from here, none of the gaps are big enough for me to fit though.
“I may not be an abyssal mermaid but I’m not the same size as whoever made those. Fucking shallow water mermaids. Never take anyone else into consideration.” You huffed. 
“What?” He laughed. 
You couldn’t help but glare at him, “They’re inconsiderate! Just because they have less space to swim in doesn’t mean that the rest of us have the same sized tail!” 
Sapnap just kept laughing, so you moved to climbed back off the pier and into the water, starting to swim away, laughing even as you called, “You’re an asshole!” 
Days since you washed over the sea wall: 334
Since the castaways had gotten the idea to make a ship they had only spent there days felling trees and working them into planks, as well as trying to salvage more boards from the wrecks.
You watched as they toiled, offering help where you could, though you still doubted there plans. 
Now you were perched back on the pier, quietly wrapping a bandage around Karl’s arm, “I told you all that those rocks are dangerous.” 
He shrugged, “We didn’t think they were that bad. Besides we’ve climbed over them like that before.” 
“If you could climb those easily without getting cut I’d be long gone from here.” You muttered bitterly. 
“We’ll find a way to get you out of here,” Karl smiled sympathetically, chuckling, “I doubt Sapnap would let us leave without you.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, looking up at him. 
He giggled, glancing back up toward the wood where the shelter had been made weeks before, “Nothin.”
“mhhhm.” You hummed warily, tying off the bandage and  setting down your supplies before slipping back into the water, “Try not to get that wet.” 
He nodded absently, looking at the material before looking back at you, “I guess it was lucky that trunk was sealed. Hey, what did you do before we found those- to keep the cuts clean that is.” 
“Oh uh- kelp works, just about the same. That’s what I used on you guys after you landed here, and when I ended up here.” You explained. 
“You put sea weed on us instead of bandages??!” Bad yelled from up the shore, “That's not sanitary!” 
“It was kelp! Dude its like basic first aid! That’s all we had!” You retorted. 
“Ewww sea vegetables!” Ranboo yelled dramatically. 
“Dude shut up kelp is literally the most versatile thing! As long as you have kelp your set for life!” You argued, barley holding back giggles.
“But its weird!” Ranboo argued. 
You chuckled to yourself, turning and diving into the water, reemerging to swim closer to the beach, tossing a long piece of kelp to hit him in the face, “Kelp!” 
Everyone began to laugh as you retreated back into deeper water, swimming back and forth as Ranboo pealed the kelp from his face, “That was just plain rude!” 
Sometime later, after everyone had gone back to the shelter you found yourself slowly swimming back to the underwater cave that had been serving as your home since you’d ended up here.
You laid back on one of the rocks, stretching your tail and flexing your fins as you shuffled down to get comfortable, tugging a random drifting piece of hair out of your face you stared up at the ceiling.
Following the pattern of the rocks you sighed, what would happen when the ship was built, if ever? would they find a way for you to go with them? Or would they just leave you alone again?
Your thoughts slowly spiraled, going over the limited possibilities of what could happen, thinking of being alone again, when something knocked against the mouth of the cave. 
Slowly you rose, swimming the small distance to look out and see the bottom of the raft. 
A moment later you were swimming up and hauling yourself up onto the raft next to Sapnap, wringing water from your hair, “What’s up?”
“Stars are out.” He mumbled, gesturing up to the sky.
You nodded, leaning back to prop yourself back on your elbows, “Used to watch them, every night. From where ever I was staying that night. Now I don’t really see reason too.” 
“Why wouldn’t there be reason to?” He asked. 
“There always the same stars here. I used to be able to travel far enough to see different stars every night, but now there always the same.” You searched the heavens as you spoke.
He  glanced over at you, “We’ll see new stars once the ship is built.” 
You really think that building a ship will work?” 
“Maybe,” He murmured, “We’re trying to find a way to get you over there.”
“I don’t want to be alone again.” You mumbled, turning to look at him. 
Sapnap looked you in the eyes, “You won’t be, if I can help it.” 
“And if you can’t?” 
He opened his mouth, but made no reply, instead staying focused on the sky. 
You sighed, moving to slide back off the raft, “At least some stars remain.” 
Days Since You Washed Over The Sea Wall: 378
You swam back and fourth anxiously, today was it- today was the day that they made the attempt to sail from the cove. 
As far as you knew, the ship, which was apparently little more than a shoddy row boat, had been completed through much work, and today was the day they ventured out. 
Despite many weeks passing, no one had been able to come up with any plan to get you across the island, so now you were left in wait, hoping to see the boat come around the island, to try to find a new way to get you over the wall. 
Time seemed to pass slowly as you stared out over the sea wall, wondering if they had abandoned you completely. 
The sun had fully risen in the sky and yet they still weren’t appearing, your thoughts spiraling, coming to the conclusion that they truly had just left you. 
Taking a shaky breath you swam up to the sea wall, moving along it to what you made was where it held the least width, searching the wall almost desperately. 
A wave, almost larger than one you’d seen in a while rolled over the wall, pushing you back before re exosing the top of the wall, and with another deep breath you grabbed a section of the wall, ignoring the way it cut into your hand, and beginning the slow process of hauling yourself up. 
Just getting to perch on the wall found cuts on the palms of yours hands, and a scrape across your side, as well as a dull ache in your tail from where it slapped across the rocks. 
Still the shipwrecked pirates were no where to be seen. 
You continued to struggle across the rocks, slowly making your way to the ocean, dropping off the wall and into the water to feel a large pain across your back, still you ignored it, desperately starting to swim forward. 
The ocean was rougher than you excepted it to be, after all it had been over a year since you’d left the protection of your cage. 
You dived down, the stinging of pain from your cuts overtaking the feeling of freedom as you slowly resurfaced, only to be met with yet another huge wave. 
By the time the ‘ship’ had finally made it around the island, fighting against the rougher sea, you were no where in sight. 
“(y/n)!” Sapnap yelled, looking over the cove. 
“(y/n)!” Ranboo echoed. 
Bad struggled against the rudder, “Hurry up!” 
“(y/n)! Where are you? We’ve gotta go!” 
There yells were all in vain, not one of them reaching your ears, deep under the water, mostly unconscious in the cave that you’d barley managed to drag yourself into. 
~~ Days Since You Washed Over Sea Wall: 421
You sighed, carefully pulling yourself up onto the rickety old pier, rubbing gently at the scar that now crossed your torso, before laying back and staring up at the sky, trying to remember the way it had been to not be alone. 
The physicals wounds had healed, sure, but still the mind numbing loneliness was beginning to get to you yet again.
You stared up at the sky, wishing that at least the stars were there, but you were met only with the sun. 
You shot straight up as the familiar call echoed in your ear, “What the fuck?” 
“(y/n)!” The yell came again. 
“You mother fucker!” You shouted, dropping off of the pier and swimming as fast as you could out into the water. 
(y/n)!” Was repeated yet again as you all but crashed into Sapnaps arms.
“You fucking asshole!” You repeated, looking from the pirate to the ship that had laid anchor outside the reef, already starting to pull him toward the shore, “I thought you weren’t coming back! I went out there after you! Busted myself up!” 
He glanced over your various scars, both the older and the newer before hugging you again, not worrying as you continued to tread water, “I didn’t mean too.” 
“What the hell though? I Thought you left me.” You repeated.
“I told you not if I could help it.” 
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fandomscombine · 3 years
It's the Lease I Can Do
Platonic! Weasley Twins x Reader
BG: The Weasley twins are so close to having their joke shop become a reality. They had found the perfect location but they had hit a minor problem that could cause them everything. You want to help, but how can you when they, the birthday boys themselves had given up?
a/n: I had this idea for a almst a year now and waited til ther twins bday to write it. I hope you enjoy.
WC: 2111
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Fred and George causing a ruckus in the common room is a daily occurrence that everyone is accustomed to. However ever since the start of Year 7, the amount of commotion these two had caused can be counted in one hand.
At first glance, it could be attributed to NEWTS or in this year's case-to a pink toad acting as High Inquisitor. Still, more and more nights the twins had claimed the back corner of the common room.
The last remaining batch of students were making their way through Filch's checkpoint (an added security protection which also serves for Umbridge having a list of names on who comes in and out of Hogwarts). You glanced down at your watch- 2:27pm, they’re late. Weird, the twins never pass a chance to go to Hogsmeade.
You hear the castle door open behind you. Thank Merlin, you thought but instead you were greeted with a disheveled Angelina. “I’m coming! Wait!”
“Have you seen Fred and George?” You called as she ran past you.
“I think I saw them in the common room!” Angelina shouted back.
The common room? “What are they up to now?” You sighed. Stomping heavily up the stairs. “Ditching me….”
“Oi Weaslebees! I know you’re in here!” You rounded the corner of their secret spot. “AHa!”
You caught them red handed, midway into shoving papers into their “Weasley & Weasley'' Trunk. Though what they were hiding, you weren't exactly sure.
“Y/N!” Fred greeted, grabbing onto your shoulders, effectively covering George and the table. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
Narrowing your eyes at him. “Really?” Hands on hips you blatantly say “2:15 am, courtyard?? Ring any bells?” Fred shook his head.
Meanwhile George’s head shot up. “Oh shit, y/n we’re so sorry!”
Fred turned to his brother, still clueless on what the heck George was talking about.
Abandoning the trunk, George gave his twin a classic smack on the head. “Hogsmeade, you idiot! We were supposed to all go together.”
“OHHHH FU--” Fred knew he was screwed. “I’M SO SORRY! WE’RE SORRY.” Seizing the messy trunk, he strategized. “Right, here’s the plan: I’m gonna quickly drop this off back in the dorm while you two make your way to the gate. If you run, I guess you can make it. I’ll catch up with you two then.”
“Fred….. We’re not gonna make it” you argued.
“Not if we don’t try.”
“It’s almost 3, Filch would be closing the gates by now.” You sat down on Fred’s empty seat. “Besides we can go to Hogsmeade next time, we could just hang out here. I miss having my best lads around.”
“Awww…we’ve been upgraded from annoying pricks to best lads!” Gushed George, pulling you into a side hug.
“Yea, I could help in whatever it was you guys were doing before I came. I don’t mind.”
At that, you could feel George tense up, his arm around you dropping. “Uhhh…” He looked to the older twin, silently conversing.
You gaze between the boys, sometimes they get so caught up in their scheming that they don’t notice that to others, especially those who had known them for years that their non verbal communication is not so sly.
In the end, Fred gave his brother a subtle shake. “No, that’s alright. I’ll just put this back and we could play gobstones or something, anything you like.”
As Fred headed up to his dorm room, you noticed a piece of paper under the table. Picking it up, the header caught your eye. RE: Lease Agreement. Were the twins looking for a new home after graduation? You didn’t mean to pry. You were close friends, they would tell you if they were moving right? This is big news….you decided to brush it off until another line caught your attention. The shop premise located at Number 93 Diagon Alley. Shop? They are trying to set up shop? That’s brilliant! The twins would get to showcase their inventions to the world! You could feel your pride swell. Leasing Agreements would not proceed if tenants, Mr. Fred Weasley and Mr. George Weasley, are unable to provide an endorser by the date of 31st of March.
“Where’d you get that?” George standing across from you, gobstones on one hand and another pointing at the document. There’s no backing out now.
“It was under the table.” You explained. “I didn’t know you were this far along with the shop.”
“Yea, well it’s not happening now is it?”
“Cmon y/n. I know you read it.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s alright. We aren’t getting the place anyway.”
“Wait what? Why?”
“No endorsers.” George stated matter of factly but you sense the pain in his voice.
“How about your parents surely-”
George laughed. “As if mum would suddenly have a change of heart. You knew how she disapproves of our inventions, calling it a waste.”
“Arthur then.”
“Mum won’t let him.”
“Anyone then?” George huffed in defeat. “How about me! I could back you up.”
“You have to be an adult with a proven financial stability.” He stated, effectively shutting you down. “Forget it y/n. The hold ends in 3 days. We’ve tried everything. Just don’t let Fred know that you know. He’s devastated. Promise?”
“I promise.”
“And no pity, sad eyes!” He added as footsteps are heard descending the staircase.
“But I suck at poker faces!”
“Then let’s hope that Freddie is distracted even to not notice.”
It’s been 4 days since you had sent the letter to your father.
“Dear papa,
I know that this is a huge favour to ask but I believe it would be worth your while.
So remember back in the summer when you caught Fred Weasley, George Weasley and me snooping around with the Extendable Ears but let us go because you were so enamored?
Well turns out the twins and trying to get a shop up and running! How amazing is that?
The only problem is that they need an endorser to back them up in order to proceed with the lease agreements. The are currently on hold for the Shop Number 93 in Diagon Alley until the 31st.
This is where the huge favour comes in. Could you please be their backer? You did say that you’d love to help in some part in their invention, be an investor of sorts. Please papa. I would love to do it myself but I have to wait a couple more months to qualify. Plus it’s their 18th birthday on April 1st. Imagine their surprise if it were to come through.
I’d love to hear from you soon, regardless of your choice.
Your favourite child
The twin’s 18th birthday was spent with absolute love and madness.
Lee had unloaded his stash of butterbeer and firewhiskey, Fred had slipped Angelina with one of their new prank inventions- which changes the person into a sickly color of vomit green, a perfect way to ditch class or events.
Upon learning that the color would last for a few days and would only fade with the ingestion of an antidote, antidote that George said they still had yet to create. Angelina (understandably) threw cake at them. The Gryffindor chaser with perfect aim, hits its mark. However, Fred using his beater skills, instinctively blocks the incoming cake.
Resulting in a wide splat zone. Fred’s arm was covered in frosting, having sprayed everyone around him in whipped cream during the impact. George wasn’t safe too, despite being across from Fred, the rebounce of the cake had made him the new target.
You had just changed into your pajamas when a tapping sound came from your window.
Your family owl, Lanny, was outside carrying a large yellow envelope.
Quickly letting him in, you gave Lanny a gentle pat and brought out some owl treats for the tired bird.
Unscrolling the note tied to his leg, you begin to read.
“My dearest y/n,
My sincere apologies for the late reply, it’s been quite hectic at work.
In regards to your favour, you need not worry. Everything is taken care of. I had met with the landlord of Number 93 Diagon Alley and had all the documents settled. I had also gone and checked to make sure the two lads aren’t being ripped off. Fred and George had picked a nice prime location.
Greet them a happy birthday for me alright? And tell them that I look forward to witnessing them succeed in their endeavors.
They would undoubtedly be bringing a lot of much needed joy into these darkening times. The people would be thankful for them.
I also had Lanny bring the twins’ copy of the Lease Agreement.
I can’t wait to see you all soon.
Much love,
Fred was grateful that their friends had retired into the night, leaving him and George to sulk into the dreadful reality.
“We were this close Georgie, this close!” Fred winced, pinching his fingers close without touching.
“I know but there was nothing else we could have done.” consoled George but even he himself was having a hard time. Number 93 was the perfect location for their joke shop. But now it’s gone.They are back to square one, scouting for locations.
“Fred! George! There you are! I have great news!” You yelled, not caring if you could wake up the other students.
“Oi Y/N! Be careful!.” Even in a bad mood, Fred Weasley couldn’t help being protective.
You banged the envelope on the table. “Surprise! Happy Birthday! From papa and I.”
“Another gift?” wondered George.
“So you don’t want it then?” You challenged, crossing your arms. You tried to look intimidating but the pajamas weren’t doing any good. “Cause I bet a hundred galleons that you’d shit your pants if you were to reject it.”
“That confident eh?” Smirked Fred, taking the contents of the envelope out. “ What do you think is so grand that Georgie and I would---BLOODY HELL! Y/N!” Fred kept looking down at the paper and up to you, unbelieving.
“What is it Freddie?” asked George leaning over to read whatever it was that left his brother speechless.
Re: Lease Agreement
Mr. y/l/n has submitted his endorsement to Mr. Fred Weasley and Mr. George Weasley.
The turnover of the leasing property of Shop Number 93 Diagon Alley would begin on April 1st …..
“Oh My- Y/n? Is this real?” George whispered, afraid that if he were any louder this dream would end.
“Yes, absolutely, 100%.” You affirmed. “The shop is yours! Opff-”
George embraced you tight, catching you off guard. You could feel your right shoulder getting wet. “Heyya big guy, don’t cry.” Running a hand up and down his back.
“But how?” Fred with brows creased was still stuck in a trance, you could see the paper shake in his grasp.
“You left the agreement noticed a couple of days ago. I might have accidentally read it. George said to not let you know cause you might get angry-”
“YOu KNEW?!?”
“George only knew I saw the paper. Nothing else.” You defended. “I thought i might try and help, so I called in a favour with papa. You knew how much he was impressed with the Extendable Ear, so I mentioned if he wanted to back you up. I only got his reply just now, said he’d love to and got onto ironing out the paperwork and viola!” Pointing at the document. “Oh and he also said Happy 18th Birthday, looking forward to your success and the people would be thankful for bringing a lot of much needed joy into these darkening times.”
“Thanks Y/n but this is a lot we can’t possibly-”
You cut Fred off before he could say more. “Oh please, you have done countless things for me. And I know what you’re gonna say- but see you would do the same for me. Besides think of this as your first investors. We want to help. We see your potential, we know you two, Fred, George, are gifted with bringing laughter and joy to people with your inventions."
"Thank you, truly y/n and to your dad too." Fred admitted, opening himself up. "No one's really backed us up with our inventions before, we've been always told off for being childish. It really means a lot."
“Hey, it’s the lease I could do.” You replied, causing the twins to chuckle immediately lightening up the mood.
It's great to see them relax again after weeks of stressing over the shop. Times might be changing but at least tonight, you got your best lads back.
Everything Taglist : @gruffle1
HP Taglist: @onlyfreds
116 notes · View notes
Last Christmas (M)
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Angst, smut, fluff
Word Count: 11k
Warnings: mentions of past bad relationships, oral (f receiving), fairly vanilla sex
(A/N): I am aware this is a common title 🙄 I’m very insecure about my angst writing skills and my golly gosh I was not happy with this at first. So I edited it several times and now it’s... acceptable. Hope y’all enjoy! (Inspired by me listening the Last Christmas by Wham! 20,000 times)
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“Crowded room, friends with tired eyes/
I’m hiding from you and your soul of ice”
-Last Christmas by Wham!
Holiday parties can be one of two things. They could either be the most exciting, eventful get together of the year, filled with laughter and happenings that will be talked about all the way until the next party. Or they can be a dreadfully stressful evening of avoiding that One Person and stuffing your face full of cookies and eggnog— trying to figure out when’s an appropriate time to leave without being rude because you only really came to show your face for the person that invited you. Last year’s party was the happier option for Jimin, one he’ll never forget; but unfortunately, this year has become the latter situation where his choices from the previous party have come to bite him in the ass.
He stands somewhere in the corner, out of sight and avoiding the crowd as everyone mingles merrily over the festive music playing in the background. All night has been like this, terribly boring as he watches his friends joke around and have fun. A few times he’s gone over to the group when he felt it was safe to do so, trying to appear as normal and relaxed as possible as Seokjin scolded him for being a wallflower. He didn’t even want to come, he reminds them, he would have been happy to stay home and mope all night instead of being subjected to this torture.
‘But you have to come, this party is tradition!” Hoseok whined when Jimin first told them this 2 weeks ago. The others had similar complaints.
‘Yeah, it’ll ruin the whole night if you don’t show.’ Jungkook’s pout was pretty convincing, part of the reason why Jimin caved. When he finally agreed, Taehyung had thrown an arm over his shoulders with that carefree grin of his.
‘Don’t let her keep you from having fun! Show up and show off how good of a time you’re having. She doesn’t control your life and you need to start acting like it.’
But Taehyung was completely wrong about that because you had an unimaginable amount of control over him even after so much time. His eyes were wide and paranoid from the moment he walked through the doors, hoping that you wouldn’t see him or try to approach— hoping that he wouldn’t see you and fall apart. And even after initially locating you on the other side of the room chatting to someone else, Jimin couldn’t freely move about the room without keeping his eyes on you to maintain a safe distance. He wouldn’t allow himself to become too distracted in fear of losing sight of you and having an awkward encounter, so he barely spoke to his friends and kept a solo cup of punch as his only companion. Even if he hadn’t come, if he had stayed in his home like he wanted, you would probably still have power over him. He’d probably catch himself wondering if you decided to show up or if you were just as nervous to see him as he was. Would likely daydream about what creative outfit you’d chosen to dress yourself in because he’s been told you usually go all out for parties like these. Maybe he’d scroll through the messages he still hasn’t deleted from his phone, remembering, regretting, reliving both the good and the bad of everything that happened between you two in the course of the past year. Thinking about the events that led him to this, all starting at last year’s party.
*** *** *** ***
One Year Ago
*** *** *** ***
“Who is she?” Jimin stares at you over the lip of his cup, sipping slowly on his drink. Seokjin glances at where his friend is looking, lounging drunkenly on the sofa cushions and loudly singing the wrong words to the Christmas music blasting through the speakers.
“Why? You have a crush on her or something?” He smirks, chuckling at the scandalized expression that Jimin turns to him with.
“A crush? I’m not in the 5th grade, hyung,” He rolls his eyes. “I’m just asking because I’ve never seen her around before...” Jimin finishes quietly, mumbling into his cup as he takes another sip. But before he can swallow fully, Jin is calling you over with a wave of his hand.
You turn your head at the sound of his voice and Jimin swears his heart stops beating in his chest as a bright smile spreads on your lips at the sight of your friend. You walk over with confidence and he has no choice but to take in your body, curves and lines caressed by the tightest onesie he’s ever seen. You’ve come to the party dressed as Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer, your deer onesie zipped low enough for the tops of your cleavage to be revealed and your makeup colored flawlessly to match, freckles spotted along your cheeks and red painted at the tip of your nose. It shouldn’t be sexy, but you could probably make a trash bag look like lingerie with your looks. Jimin shifts in his seat when you come to stand in front of the two men, popping your hip as you look down at them.
“Yes, Seokjin?” You only spare a glance at Jimin before your eyes return to Jin, but his linger on you shamelessly.
“There’s someone who wants to meet you,” He sits up into a proper sitting position, pointing to the man beside him. “(Y/n), this is Park Jimin. Jimin, this is (Y/n). You’re welcome.” Abruptly, he stands and walks away, heading over to bother Jungkook in another part of the large room.
“Nice to meet you, Jimin.” You extend your hand toward him and he fumbles with his cup between his hands at the gesture, eventually composing himself to stand and give you a proper handshake. Since he was seated on the couch and you had come to stand directly in front of him, you now stand a bit too close to each other, his body trapped between yours and the couch. But you don’t retreat, not even moving back a step as you inspect him from head to toe.
The two of you spent more than 2 whole hours talking, relentlessly flirting with each other as you discovered that you shared many things in common. You laughed at his jokes and gave him your full attention the entire night, your hand always finding it’s way onto his arm or knee as you pressed closer to him on the couch cushions as the night went on. It was obvious that you were very attracted to him, but Jimin didn’t want to be too forward and make you uncomfortable so he kept his hands to himself until you finally cracked and pulled his hand onto your upper thigh.
Looking into your eyes, he could clearly see the lust swirling in your irises, so it wasn’t a surprise when you pulled him upstairs into a bathroom, locking the door behind you and kissing him up against it. Nor was it surprising when you allowed him to lift you onto the countertop of the sink and bury his face between your thighs, tasting you until you had to clap a hand over your mouth to suppress your moans. What did surprise Jimin, however, was how amazing it felt to be inside you, his knees feeling weak as he pounded you into the hard surface and bit back the needy groans bubbling in his throat. You almost killed him when you dropped to your knees and took his tip into your mouth, sucking and swallowing every drop of his release as he gasped in elation. It took him several minutes to collect himself after the ordeal, but you sat on the counter and talked to him as you both calmed down and quickly agreed that this should become a regular thing.
It was about 5 months in that Jimin realized that he had serious feelings for you. The realization came when he couldn’t stop thinking about you— even in a non-sexual context— and started thinking about what it would be like if you were his. And when he finally gathered the courage to ask you out on a date, his heart nearly exploded when you said ‘yes’.
Yet his joy was short lived because his phone rang on the day of your date and you explained to him that you had been “thinking about some things” after a conversation with Jin. You had been talking about the newest episode of a tv show with him when he mentioned how awkward it would be if 2 of his friends ever started dating. He said he would hate to be a middle man between them, especially in an argument or breakup, and how hanging out with them would never be the same, how it would be weird to spend time with them separately but that he would be a third wheel if they were together. Of course, Jin didn’t know that you and Jimin were sleeping together, even if he was the one who introduced you, but his comment got you thinking and now you weren’t sure if you wanted to go out with him anymore. You told him that you needed time to think about it more deeply, but you are a logical person who never makes decisions without analyzing every outcome, so Jimin knew that it would be a long time before he got an answer from you. In the meantime, you suggested, you could continue to be friends because you had grown so used to his company, but things were awkward, and eventually communication dropped between you and you fell out of touch for the rest of the year.
A few times Jimin had wanted to text you. Ask if you still thought about him or if you ever intended to give him an answer. Maybe just check to see if you were doing well since he does still care about you. He still thinks about you almost everyday. Still wets his pillow with tears on hard nights. But his pride keeps him from reaching out, always afraid of your rejection.
*** *** ***
A sharp tap on the shoulder startles Jimin out of his thoughts and he almost drops the plate of cookies in his hands. Turning, his face pales as he is met with your inquisitive stare, beautiful face betraying little emotion. Before he can stop himself his eyes are scanning down your body, the ugly Christmas sweater dress you’ve elected to wear looking so cute on you, and he’s certain you’re the only person who could pull that off.
“Are you avoiding me? I haven’t seen you all night.” Blunt as ever, you stare directly into his soul as he squirms, looking down at the snack table in front of him and pretending to contemplate which goodies to pick up.
“No, I’ve been around.” He answers coyly.
“Not around your friends.” Your eyes shift behind him to the cackling group of men standing several feet away. This simple statement makes his heart jump. Had you been looking for him? Were you actually eager to see him tonight despite everything that’s happened? He tries to squash the tiny bud of hope in his chest, clearing his throat when you continue to stare at him.
“Like I said, I’ve been around. I’m not avoiding you.” This comes out quietly, he’s never been good at lying. But you make a sound of agreement and nod, not pressing him about it further. He watches from the corner of his eye as you turn your attention to the snack table now, looking as though you were going to pick something up, but when you realize that neither of you are moving and waiting for the other, you turn your head to him again.
“Do you- can we talk?” You ask abruptly and his eyebrows shoot into his hairline. He doesn’t know how to respond to this. Would it really be a good idea for him to talk to you? He’s tried so hard over these past months to extinguish the flame he felt for you, to lock away those feelings so he doesn’t get hurt anymore than he already has, but looking at you now— standing so close to him that he can smell the scent of your holiday themed body spray— has his heart working double time. One look into your eyes and he’s ready to melt into a puddle on the floor. He’s not sure how he’ll react if you actually got him alone.
Even still, he agrees.
Of course it’s after several seconds of silence and wide-eyed staring, but the smile you give eases his awkwardness once he finally gets the words out. It’s with lead limbs that he follows you through the crowd, weaving through friends and acquaintances until the noise of the room becomes muffled and you are the only person he can see. This is different, though. Flashes of last year keep coming back to him, the parallels making his head spin, but the air is different. Instead of sexual tension between you two it’s just regular tension. The air is tight in his lungs, but this time it’s not from excitement— it’s nervousness. The hallway you guide him to is private and out of sight, but this time you’re alone for an entirely different reason. He can sense the tension in your body even through the zip-tight facade you have on display.
When you come to a stop and face him, both of you are biting your lips, and it looks as if you’re trying to find the best way to put your words. You both stand with your backs to the opposite walls of the hall, the distance between you feeling necessary in order to think properly.
“How have you been?” You start quietly, lips pressed tightly together as though forcing yourself not to say the wrong things. “I’ve wanted to call you, text you, do anything to show that I still acknowledge your existence on this planet- but I’m a coward so I couldn’t bring myself to do it. So how are you?”
Again, Jimin finds himself not knowing how to answer. He could say he’s fine, but what good would that do in this situation? Taking a deep breath, he speaks.
“Honestly, it’s been hard, (Y/n). I know we never dated, I’m just the idiot that caught feelings in a strictly sexual arrangement, but it still hurts. You left me hanging.”
“You’re not an idiot.” You say quietly and he gives you a blank look before returning his gaze to the floor.
“... How have you been?” The words sound forced even on his own ears, but he can’t help but ask. He relates so deeply to what you said about not having the guts to reach out first. So many times he’s pulled up your contact, typed something out that resembles accepting the apology you never gave, but then he’d remind himself that if you wanted to talk to him you would, but you haven’t so you don’t.
“Miserable. I keep thinking about how it was when we were ‘together’ and how stupidly I acted. We were good together. I opened up to you more than I have to 99% of the people I know, and you did the same to me. I loved being with you— it wasn’t just about the sex— and I knew you felt the same way, but I froze up at the possibility of being your girlfriend. So I kept replaying everything that happened between us from the first day to the last, trying to make sense of it all and it was exhausting. A year feels like so long, but at the same time it feels like no time has passed at all.”
You were right about that. Standing in front of you now, it seems like he just saw you yesterday. He’s reminded of the last time he saw you in person, your head on his lap as he asked you out to dinner, beaming up at him as you spoke the magic words to him. “I did feel the same way. Truthfully, I liked you after our first night together and things just got better and better from there. I had so much hope. You seemed so happy with me, which made it hurt so much worse when you turned me down.” His eyes never leave the ground as he speaks.
He doesn’t see how your eyebrows crease. “I was happy! I was the happiest I’ve been in a long time when I was with you, but-“ You trail off with a shake of your head, biting your lip when you can’t think of the right words. “Jimin, I’m so sorry I hurt you. It really is all my fault.”
“But what? Would dating me really make that much of a difference?” You were basically a couple already, he doesn’t see what the problem could have been. He refuses to believe that you simply didn’t like him enough. Yet, a cold chill climbs up his limbs at the thought.
“No.” His eyes connect with yours and it’s your turn to look away.
“Then why did-“ He doesn’t even need to finish his question before you’re shaking your head.
“Because I was scared. Like I said, I’m a coward.” Jimin hates when you put yourself down like that. Hates to see you look so guilty even though he knows you probably should.
There’s a long pause.
“Then were you ever going to give me an answer?” Quietly, the words slip past his lips before he can even think about them. They float over to you and dance around your head as if taunting you. If Jin was truly the obstacle of your relationship, you both could have just asked him. No, Jimin isn’t asking you if you were willing to risk Jin’s comfort to be with him. He was asking you if you shared his feelings. If you wanted to be with him. And the answer isn’t as straightforward as he would have liked.
“I typed out an answer to you so many times, but I couldn’t send it. I’m sorry I waited so long to talk to you, but the more I looked at my words the more uncertain I got and eventually I felt like you wouldn’t want to hear from me at all. I really am sorry, Jimin.”
Finding his eyes again, you see Jimin stiffen. He looks tired almost, as if exhausted by his own worries and thoughts, and you sag when you notice this.
“What would you have said?” His words come louder than his previous ones, though they seem much more fragile. He blinks at you, watching your chest heave for breath at the question. Dread fills his stomach like a heavy stone in his gut.
“I like you a lot, Jimin, I do. But-“
Without a second thought, he spins on his heel and walks back toward the party, leaving you stunned with a gaping mouth. His heart twists painfully as he paces away from you, weaving his way through the crowd and toward the door. It’s one thing to worry and think the worst, but Jimin has been clinging onto that one shred of hope, and hearing you confirm his fears out loud would be the worst heartbreak. Your rejection would sicken him and he had no intention of crying in front of you or at a holiday party filled with his friends, so he made the split decision to leave.
He should have never come. He would’ve happily stayed in blissful ignorance for another year instead of having to experience this. This pain is the worst.
He can tell you’ve started to follow behind him but he doesn’t care. Swooping past the pile of coats on one of the couches and picking his from the top, slinging it across his body as he pushes open the door. The cold winter air bites at his nose as he pushes on toward his car, sniffling from both the weather and the emotions stuck in his throat. Soon, he hears your footsteps behind him, heeled boots clicking on the frozen pavement as you scurry after him. He doesn’t even look back.
“Jimin, wait-“ How childish of him to run off like this, you must be thinking, and he listens to your hurried steps with a frown as he imagines the pout on your lips and distress in your eyes. “I- Ah!”
Your dramatic gasp and the sound of your body hitting the concrete is enough to stop him. And his body reacts on instinct.
Whipping around he sees you wincing on the cold ground, cradling your ankle with one hand, and suddenly he’s rushing back over to you. You move to stand, attempting a tentative step forward, and Jimin reaches you just in time as you collapse again and fall forward into his arms.
“Jimin, that’s not what I meant-“
“Did you hurt your ankle?” He cuts you off, focused solely on the foot you hold limply above the ground.
“I-“ Noticing that he won’t meet your eyes, you relent, cheeks burning. “Y-Yeah.” The sidewalk is cracked and uneven where you stand, your heels likely stepping right into the crack and causing your twisted ankle. He clicks his tongue.
Any logical person might have taken you back into the party where the host, your friend, would surely be able to help. But instead he scoops you up into his arms princess style and continues down the path toward his car. You say nothing, simply looking at his side profile as he walks. Jimin refuses to look at you even with his arms wrapped around your body, feeling a distinct warmth not only from your body pressed to his, but also from your unyielding gaze. It’s almost as if you are studying every inch of his face, awed by the sight as though you missed it. As if you missed him. His face heats uncomfortably but he ignores it, keeping his eyes focused straight ahead until you reach his vehicle.
Opening the back door, he sets you inside, well aware of your momentary surprise when he slides in next to you and shuts the door. Holding out his hand, he waits for you to get the message, and slowly you raise your leg up until your ankle rests in his lap. The silence is tense. The enclosed space is only slightly warmer than the whipping wind and bitter cold outside, but currently neither of you are sure which you would prefer more. He removes your boot with some difficulty but takes care not to hurt you, reaching down to slip off the other and note the difference in size. Your ankle has begun swelling a bit, though the damage is minimal likely because of the cold. Your mouth opens with unspoken words, he can see this from his peripheral, but you end up closing it again without a sound.
The leather of his seats crinkle when you shift and the noise feels far too loud. His car smells of the air freshener he’s placed somewhere, a woody and spicy scent that reminds you of cuddles by a warm fireplace— the smell calming you somewhat as you allow him to continue his examination. As gently as he can, Jimin pokes at your ankle around the swollen area, pressing one finger over a spot that makes you hiss, and finally his eyes snap up to yours.
“What are you doing?” His eyes flicker away from you again at the question.
“I’m checking your ankle, it seems a little swollen-“
“No- what are you doing? Why did you walk away from me? Why did you bring me to your car?”
If he had an answer for you, surely he would give it, but he’s trying to figure all of those things out himself. What was his goal? Did he subconsciously want to talk to you somewhere away from the party, in a place where he was comfortable, that he could control? He thought he didn’t want to hear what you had to say, but here you are, alone with him again.
“I don’t know.” He answers lamely. “Did you walk here? I know you don’t live far— I can give you a ride home if you want.”
“I don’t want a ride home, I want you to listen to me!” At the raise of your voice everything stops. It even seems like the wind outside has paused. You weren’t angry, you were tired of him ignoring you when he hadn’t even given you the chance to explain yourself. You bring your voice back down when he drops his hands. “Could you listen to me? Please.”
“... Okay.” Like a child, he sits stiffly with his hands folded and fidgeting, body half turned toward you, but you take that as sign enough to start.
“You asked me what I would have said to you in my message. You didn’t let me finish.” He swallows at your irritated tone, but it softens when you take a deep breath. “I was saying that I really do like you Jimin, but I just didn’t realize how much I liked you until I had already ruined things. I would have said that I’d love to date you, that hearing you ask me out was the happiest moment I’ve had in a long time— but I kept doubting myself. I’m so afraid that I’ll disappoint you. That we’ll start dating and just when I’m finally happy you’ll realize I’m not everything you thought I was and leave me. I’ve had some really bad relationships in the past and I felt like they’d come back to haunt me and you’d realize how damaged I am and get fed up because I’m not sensitive enough or too paranoid or too... broken.”
“(Y/n),” Seeing you so insecure like this hurts his heart. His hand returns to your leg. “I already know about your past relationships and trauma. You told me about it all and I still asked you out after I knew. I would never think that way about you.”
“I know you wouldn’t, that’s one of the reasons I fell so hard for you. That’s why it’s called an irrational fear. Even though I knew this, I still panicked when you asked me out and all of those thoughts came flooding in. And when Jin made the comment about his friends dating... I guess I was looking for an out. You did absolutely nothing wrong, but I pushed you away because I couldn’t handle the thought that you would want me, of all people.” You mumble your last sentence, but he hears you loud and clear. “I’m sorry, I do some pretty stupid things when I’m in love.”
When you’re in love? 
Jimin doesn’t say anything for a long while, shocked into silence by your last statement. It’s a lot to take in, he’s just gone from believing you were about to rip his heart out and reject him, to hearing you say that you’re in love with him.
“So... what does this mean for us?” He hears himself ask, not conscious of his mouth moving to produce the words.
“I-If the offer still stands, I’d really like to date you. That is, if I didn’t already screw everything up and you still have feelings for me.” Your eyes looks so innocent when you look at him. You are usually fairly stoic, eyes betraying little emotion except for when you’re extremely happy or flirting— this is one of the few times he’s gotten to see this side of you. Being vulnerable is something you struggle with, it’s rare for you to be in this type of position where someone else holds your fate, your heart, in their hands.
He can’t hold back the small smile that makes its way onto his face, meeting your eyes without any apprehension this time. “You didn’t screw anything up, (Y/n).” He doesn’t say anything more after you return his smile, he simply exits the car and rounds the front to the drivers seat. The air shifts and it’s no longer as suffocatingly tense as it was moments prior, much to your relief.
The ride to his home is quiet, you don’t dare speak or look out the window for the entirety of the trip because you’re so focused on the back of his seat and the glimpse of his face you can catch whenever he shifts. He’s fairly certain you’re trying to figure out what exactly is running through his mind right now— and so is he, honestly— but you won’t ask him yet. He hasn’t really given you a proper response, you can only hope that his comment meant that he holds no ill feelings toward you and would also like the chance to date you, but you hate assuming. Your pride has your questions caught in your throat, though.
You seem a bit startled when he parks in front of his building. He answers your curious gaze with the excuse that he can better take care of your injury here and insists that you stay the night since it’s already so late. Cheeks burning, Jimin tries to ignore the small chuckle you let out when he stammers, his arm wrapping around you to help you out of his car. He takes revenge on you, however, as he lifts you back into his arms like before, not even allowing you to place your feet on the ground as he walks into the apartment complex despite your complaints, smirking slyly when your face colors the same as his at the odd looks you receive from the other passengers of the elevator.
He puts you down only when you reach the couch inside his apartment, setting you gently on the soft cushions and offering to take your coat from your shoulders. He hadn’t even asked if you had all of your belongings from Jin’s house before he impulsively drove you here, something that he apologizes profusely for, though you wave him off and assure him that you only brought your coat and the things you could fit in its pockets with you.
Not knowing what else to say, Jimin stands in front of you for several long seconds as you look up at him with soft eyes. He’s caught now, forgetting everything that he was doing as he looks back at you sitting so prettily on his couch. That look you have in your eyes is the same one that gave him enough courage to ask you out months ago, your irises nearly sparkling even in the dull lighting of his living room. It takes his breath away and he is momentarily stunned, frozen in place with a heart that beats out of his chest. What was he even supposed to be doing? Your coat is in his hands and he fiddles with it, trying to remember where he wanted to put it before you blindsided him with those beautiful eyes. Ah, yes. The coat closet. Blinking, you take note of how he shifts from one foot, then the other, before clearing his throat.
“I’ll be right back.” Jimin turns from you immediately as he feels his cheeks start to color pink. It feels heavy, having all of those wilting and withering emotions come slamming back down on him with just one look. He’s dazed as he hangs both of your coats in his closet, picking up compression bandages and scissors from his first aid kit then swinging past his kitchen to retrieve an ice pack for you.
When he returns he sees you still seated rather uncomfortably on his sofa, body tense and on the very edge of the seat. You were never this awkward in his home before, even during your first time here— granted, you did spend the first few hours naked in his bedroom, eliminating most of the discomfort you’d feel when he decided to give you a tour of the rest of the place afterward. But Jimin somewhat expected that you would settle right in even though things have changed since the last time you were here. Guess not.
“You can get comfortable, you know. You don’t have to act like a stranger.” He tries to laugh but it comes out a bit dry, the pull on his lips looking a bit forced. And it hits him then that he’s the one that’s nervous. While you seem to be trying your hardest to be polite, he’s actually the one that feels pressured. Swallowing hard, he takes a seat next to you and lifts your injured foot onto his lap again, this time feeling hyper aware of where your body touches his. His hands shake the entire time he wraps your ankle and he’s sure you’ve noticed by how intensely you stare as he works. It’s embarrassing to say the least, but he can’t seem to calm himself. Not when you’re so close to him again and especially not now that he knows how you truly feel about him. So, reluctantly, he removes your legs from him once he’s finished and sets up some pillows over the armrest for you to elevate your foot and places the ice pack on your ankle. “So, um, do you wanna watch a movie or something?”
*** *** ***
One thing Jimin has always found endearing about you is how quickly you tend to fall asleep once relaxed enough. The movie is little over halfway through when he sees your head nodding beside him, catching him by surprise when you lean over to rest it on his shoulder. He shifted you to lay against his strong thigh so you can get more comfortable, and now he’s completely forgotten about the movie as he watches you sleep peacefully against him. Staring down at you like this has all of his worries slipping away, your words from earlier finally sinking in and allowing him to finally react. This was all he ever wanted, you to give him a chance and reciprocate his feelings, and now that it’s happening it doesn’t quite feel real. But you are very real. He confirms this by caressing his thumb over your cheek, planting a soft kiss on your forehead that makes your eyes flutter open.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He whispers sheepishly, but you simply shake your head.
“No, it’s okay.” You stretch but don’t bother to move away from him. You’re far too tired for awkwardness and would much rather return to normalcy with him.
“How’s your ankle?” He asks gently, glancing at where it remains propped up at the end of the couch.
“Mm, a little sore,” He frowns at that, feeling guilty. “But it’s not that bad! I’m fine, really.”
“I’m sorry. It’s my fault you got hurt.”
“No it isn’t, it’s my fault for not looking where I was going.”
“But you wouldn’t have needed to watch where you were going if I didn’t storm away from you like that.”
You let out a heavy sigh at this. “Just drop it, okay? It’s really not that big of a deal, I’ll be back to normal in a few days.” You turn your head toward the tv to take in what was happening on the screen, allowing the noise of the movie to fill the quiet that falls between you two.
“I won’t do that again.” Jimin states quietly, playing with the hair at the very top of your head. “In the future, I won’t walk away from you until we work things out like adults. You didn’t deserve that tonight.” Something about how he says this makes your heart stutter. You turn back around slowly, lips parted as you look up at him.
“In the future? As in, you want to have a future with me?” Realizing how that sounds, you quickly try to backtrack as you sit upright with a wave of your hands. “I mean in the near future, not like you want a future with me like we’re getting married or something! You know what I meant, right? I wasn’t implying that... y-yeah.“ At the amused look on his face, you stop, closing your mouth before you make an even bigger fool of yourself. You’re never like this around him. You never used to fumble for words or feel the need to explain yourself like you do now, but suddenly the pounding of your heart has you tongue tied and jittery. Your nervousness makes Jimin feel a little bolder.
“Yes, (Y/n). In both the near and far future, I’ll always treat you with respect. You’ve had it hard. I want to be the one to show you that relationships can be good— that you can trust me to respect you as a person and can put your faith in me. So yes, I want there to be a future.” You blink at him and he has to laugh at the dumbfounded look on your face.
“...Does this mean you’ll give me a chance and date me?” He nods. “You’re not upset? I left you waiting unanswered for months, I would’ve thought you would at least need some time to... reconsider?”
“What’s there to reconsider? My feelings for you are just as strong as the last time I saw you, (Y/n), that hasn’t changed.” Your eyes drop to where his hand lands on your thigh, making you gulp. “We wasted enough time not being together this year, what’s the point in wasting another second? Sure, I was hurt before tonight, but hearing you explain everything so openly to me made me happier than you can imagine. I want you to go out with me. I want you to see how much I care about you and know how far I’ll go to make you happy, and fall for me just like I’ve fallen for you.”
He seems resolute when he says this, serious but sweet all the same, and now it’s your turn to be shocked and dazed by how honest he’s being at the moment. This must have been how he felt earlier, unable to say the right words or relax his body even after your reassurance. You want to tell him that what he said is pretty silly. Silly because you already fell for him without even realizing it and there’s little else he needs to do to prove himself in your eyes. Unable to vocalize all of this, you simply move closer to him until you’re face to face. His hands come to softly rest on your waist out of habit, stabilizing you as you slowly rise on your knees and lean into his lips, kissing them innocently to convey what you feel.
As soon as your lips find his, chills shoot throughout his body. God, he’s missed your lips. Missed the way you smile into the kiss when he presses deeper and pulls you closer with his insistent hands. You tell him everything he needs to know with every movement you make, your hands snaking up from his chest to his neck where they twine loosely in the hair at the back of his head. His breath hitches when you throw a leg over his hips to straddle him, your dress riding up your thighs until it bunches around your hips. You pull away from his mouth, panting and grinning in his lap.
“Okay.” You nod, accepting him.
“Okay?” He raises an eyebrow and you smile.
“Yes. I want that, too.” He allows you to press into him again, his back molding into the cushions of the seat as you rest your weight on him fully.
“Good.” You can see he’s trying not to look overly excited by this because he’s biting his lips hard to contain his smile, but his eyes betray his happiness to you. When he sees you smiling at him, he buries his face in your neck, leaving playful butterfly kisses that flutter ticklishly against the skin of your neck, chest, and shoulders causing you to giggle.
“Jimin stop, that tickles!” You squeal, halfheartedly squirming to get away, but he has his hands tight on your hips to keep you in place. Giggling at your playfulness, he lets his lips linger just a little longer with each peck, stealing licks and nibbles every so often until he trails his way back up to your lips. His fingers slide down to press into the smooth skin of your exposed thighs, wanting but not pushy even as the kisses become hungrier.
You didn’t intend on your make out session turning into anything more, but the atmosphere quickly shifts in that direction as soon as your hips start to roll against his. As soon as your crotch meets his, Jimin bucks into you slightly and you let out a mewl into his mouth, grabbing a fistful of his hair. He feels your body start to heat when he slips his tongue into your mouth, exploring you in sync with the rolls of you hips. Just having you close to him again has his body reacting and he’s sure you can feel him hardening in his slacks, light hisses leaving him whenever you catch his tip against your thigh or pull at his roots, tugging his head back to you every time he tries to pull away to gasp. A wet patch seeps into his briefs beneath your expert hips, ruining his slacks from the inside while you ruin them from the outside with the wetness you drip from your panties.
Jimin’s fingers fiddle with the hem of your dress, breaking from you shortly to silently ask your permission, and once you nod he delicately removes the clothing item before tossing it to the other side of the sofa. Taking it further, he pulls down the cups of your bra to expose your breasts to him, gently rubbing his thumbs over your sensitive nipples.
“So pretty,” He whispers, bending down to take one into his mouth, sucking the bud as you hump against him faster. Your fingers, still wound in his hair, keep him steady at your chest, tiny whimpers leaving your lips at each flick of his tongue and graze of his teeth against your pert nipple. He works around your tits just how you like it, having learned exactly what makes you mewl from the many times he’s found himself in your bed. Your chest is glossy by the time you peel him away, the pressure in your core no longer satisfied by your grinding, and he gives you a questioning look when you move to stand in front of him with your hands on the button of his slacks. Completely forgetting about your ankle, your leg gives as soon as you put pressure on the bad foot and Jimin catches you swiftly, flipping you so that you now lay against the cushions with him kneeling in front of you. “Be careful,” He scolds lightly, trailing kisses up your thighs.
“You don’t want me to give you the ‘sloppy-toppy pepper grinder 9000’?” He snorts at your puppy eyes, pulling down your panties with a shake of his head.
“Not today,” The pecks he leaves up your inner thighs have goosebumps prickling your skin.
“But you love the ‘sloppy-toppy pepper grinder 9000’!” Your pout becomes more prominent when he spreads your legs further apart, anticipation building exponentially in your gut.
“Please stop calling it that,” Jimin laughs, eyes squinting cutely at you. “Tonight I wanna  show you how much I missed you. Just relax, baby, let me take care of you.” He doesn’t give you time for a rebuttal, diving down to lick up the arousal that dribbles down your folds, following the trail up with his tongue until he reaches your clit with a flick. You moan immediately and he’s almost surprised by your sensitivity, concealing a small smirk by dipping down to do it again.
His fingers part your lower lips, allowing him to press his tongue more firmly on your bud, and it’s all you can do not to shriek at the bolts of pleasure it sends up your spine. It’s like he’s injected lava into your veins, heat spreading all throughout your body and pooling in your core with every eager swipe of his tongue against your bud, setting your nerves alight. Jimin has always shown enthusiasm for oral— you remember one night in particular where he pinned you down and wouldn’t let up until you were begging and crying for him to stop as your 5th orgasm of the night washed over you— but this is something different entirely. His movements are slow and deliberate, sensual patterns drawn against your most intimate areas to build you up slowly but steadily, focused solely on your throbbing clit that practically begs for his attention. He has his eyes locked on yours the entire time, watching every emotion that flickers across your features and noting what brings you the most pleasure, although he already knows from experience.
“Mmh,” He growls into you as you continue to drip for him. You taste just as sweet as he remembers, your essence coating his cheeks and chin messily. It smears against his lips when you start to rock into him, moaning lewdly in tandem with your movements and holding onto the back of his head for leverage. He really doesn’t mind how you hold his face so tightly to your center. The heat from your core and thighs give his cheeks a delightful flush but he doesn’t pull away for a second, instead using his lips to suck on your pearl until your legs quiver around him. One of his hands drops down to palm at the ever increasing tent in his pants, his dick already at full hardness and twitching impatiently for the chance to be inside you. Just thinking about being inside your wet heat again makes his eyes roll— fuck, he needs to calm down before he cums in his pants. But he can’t help but shift his hips in search of friction when two of his fingers enter you with no resistance, slipping in to the knuckle because of the copious amounts of fluids you leak. It’s easy to find your spot, and when he does your back arches from the chair.
“Fuck, Jimin, I’m close.” You gasp out, tossing your head back as you rub yourself against his face more forcefully.
“Already?” He mumbles against you, the words muffled because he refuses to pull away, but the vibrations of his voice go straight through you. All you can offer is a needy whine to him but it’s more than enough for him to double his efforts. He pushes at your thigh to open you again, then flattens his wet muscle over your clit, using his whole mouth to please you with broad licks that make your toes curl. He can feel your walls clenching around his fingers as he strokes at your spot, pulsing synchronously with the bud against his tongue, and he catches the most beautiful look take over your face as he brings you to climax.
Your skin flushes as the high overtakes you, mouth parted to let out the cutest moans and curses mixed with his name, eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows scrunched together as wave after wave crashes down on you. His name has never sounded better to him as it falls from your pretty lips on repeat, drowning out the squelch of your wetness as he fingers you through your bliss. Feeling you pulsate around him is a feeling he’ll never get tired of, but he’d much rather feel you throb around his cock instead of his fingers, his hips bucking up into the air in anticipation.
“So fucking sexy,” Jimin groans, obsessed with the way your hips squirm when it becomes too much. His wet lips press kisses down your trembling leg as you catch your breath, ending with your tender ankle that he babies apologetically.
“Holy shit.” You finally find it within yourself to whisper, melting into the couch beneath you.
“You okay? I’ve never seen you cum that hard before.” He isn’t teasing when he says this, but your cheeks heat up regardless, averting your eyes away from his gentle gaze.
“I haven’t slept with anyone since you, so I’m a little hypersensitive now.” It’s been months since anyone has touched you. Truthfully, it wasn’t only because you felt bad because of your silence toward Jimin, but that certainly played a part in it. Even still, you don’t like how his face morphs into shock as if there’s a horn growing out of your forehead. “Stop looking at me like that!”
“Oh, no it’s just- I haven’t been with anyone else either...” He didn’t like to think about it, but he assumed that you were getting your needs fulfilled by someone else after you had stopped talking to him. Knowing you hadn’t been with anyone else makes an odd relief come over him. Now he’s blushing too and you still can’t look at him, but he climbs up your body to kiss you anyway, easing your momentary shyness. The kiss reignites your desire and suddenly he feels your hands tugging at his zipper, working to free his member from his confinement. He takes this time to remove his own shirt, unclipping your bra and tossing it into the pile of clothes that now sits at the end of his couch as you yank down his slacks and briefs in one go.
His length springs free before you, the sight pulling a whimper from your lips. It’s the prettiest cock you’ve ever seen, thick and long and smooth in all the right places, and it never fails to make you gush every time you see it. You can practically feel it inside you already and you can’t wait another minute, wrapping your warm fingers around the base and stroking drips of precum from the tip. Jimin groans with a bite of his lip, removing your hands from him and leaning away.
“Turn over for me.” He instructs, gripping himself as he watches you spin onto your knees with your arms draped over the back of the couch. You look back at him with flirtatious eyes, wiggling your ass at him to entice him into action. A smack lands on one of your cheeks, the flesh jiggling from its force and you hear a sharp inhale behind you. “Comfortable?”
Always the gentleman, he always checks to make sure you’re okay. But you’re far beyond that point, seconds away from grabbing him and pushing him into you yourself.
“Yes, now please fuck me already, I’m going insane.” He snickers at the way you push back toward him, hole searching for his length blindly as sweat accumulates on your back.
“Anything for you, babe.” Fingers collecting your dripping essence, Jimin takes the time to spread your lubricant over himself, allowing you to hear the slick noise and his heavy breaths as you wait on quivering knees. After what feels like an eternity, you finally feel him drag his hot tip through your folds, tapping the weight against you until you’re just about ready to crack. But just as you take in a breath to scold him, he pushes in to the hilt and forces a groan from you.
The intrusion is tight. He almost goes cross-eyed at how tightly you squeeze him upon entry, and he’s awed into silence at the way your velvet repeatedly clenches and relaxes as you try to adjust. At least he thinks you’re trying to adjust, until he brings his fingers down to your clit and starts rubbing, only for the clenching to get more intense.
“Is that okay?” He asks, leaning forward to rest his forehead on your back.
“It’s amazing,” You nearly sob, rocking back into him. “Please move, I can’t take it anymore.”
Before you’re even finished your sentence he’s pulling back, leaving you completely empty except for his tip before thrusting forward. You both moan at the movement and he starts a fairly quick pace, standing erect and gripping your hips securely. Just like the first time he had you, you steal his breath away. It’s addicting, the way he glides in so easily with the thick coating of arousal you cover him in, and he wonders how the hell he lasted months without you. He thrusts deep, giving you every inch and loving the curses and whimpers you let out.
“Shit baby, just like that.” You gasp, digging your nails into the top of the sofa at the pleasure. The arch in your back deepens when he hits your spot, and you involuntarily clench around him, goosebumps crawling up your skin when the tightness pulls a deep groan from him. His cock is the perfect shape, the perfect length for you, and he touches places within you that you can never reach on your own. Every snap of his hips is precise, intended to give you the utmost pleasure because Jimin simply adores seeing you fall apart for him, but there’s something else tonight. Passion. You can feel it in the way his hands roam your body freely, tracing over your curves and caressing you with a tenderness that you haven’t felt before from anyone. His thumbs massage the dimples in your back even as he rams into you, dipping down to line your shoulder blades in sloppy kisses.
“Fuck (Y/n), I missed you so much.” Jimin rasps, sucking a hickey into the side of your neck as he changes his pace to a swivel of his hips. “Missed our long talks, missed your laugh, those cute little moans— mmh— and I especially missed fucking this tight, wet pussy.”
“Yeah?” You try to sound a little cocky, but that’s ruined by the shakiness of your voice. He still has your legs shaking even with the delicate strokes he now delivers, and you have to rest your forehead on the back of the couch to catch your breath.
“I can’t tell you how much I thought about you these past few months. I drove myself crazy wondering if I’d get to see you again.” His voice drops an octave when you squeeze at his words, your walls fluttering along with your heart.
“Stop apologizing, at least I get to have you now.” And have you he does. Whether he knows it or not, he owns your body and heart already and there’s no going back now. Nodding, you start to rock backwards against him, fucking yourself on his cock. He stops moving to let you work, biting down on your shoulder at the feeling as you spread your legs wider to get more leverage. His moans and grunts spur you on, wordless encouragement as you render him speechless with your hips. If he wouldn’t let you use your mouth on him, the least you could do is take some of the work off his hands to pay him back. If it wasn’t for your bum ankle you’d be riding him off into the sunset right now, but you settle for working hard on pleasuring him like this.
His hands aid your movements, pulling you back onto him as you feel the light layer of sweat smear on your shoulder when he rests his forehead against it. One of his hands inches toward your midsection, pressing down slightly to feel the bulge of his tip as it slips in and out of you, pulling a desperate moan from you. The pressure around his member increases from the external force and he moans alongside you, the sweet sound breathed right next to your ear and traveling straight to your core.
“I’m- I’m close again.” You hiccup, faltering in your motions.
Without a word, Jimin pulls out of you, ignoring your whine to move you onto your back swiftly. He situates himself between your open legs, smirking at how they tremble on either side of him as he lines himself up and pushes back into you. At your gasp he steals a kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth and savoring the taste of your moans. He drops down to his elbows but you pull him closer until all of his weight rests on top of you, even if it causes his thrusts to be less efficient. When he pulls away for air, he smiles down at you.
“Hi.” You return, brushing some hair away from his eyes.
“I just wanted you to face me so I could watch you cum again.” Jimin explains cheekily, proud of the blush he pulls from your cheeks.
“Then make me cum.” He doesn’t need to be told twice. Swooping down for another kiss, his hand immediately slithers between your body to reach for your clit, pressing into it with his fingers as his hips pick up speed. You’re confused at first when his hand doesn’t move, your pearl throbbing beneath him, but it’s soon forgotten when he touches your g-spot again and makes you see stars.
Your orgasm builds up with every hard stroke of his, and when your legs move up to wrap around him he hits so much deeper. A knot is forming in his own belly from looking at you, watching you struggle to keep your eyes open and on him as you tug on his scalp. The sparks of pain only add to the almost overwhelming pleasure of being inside you, and Jimin has to focus hard to avoid cumming before you. He grits his teeth as he fucks you harder, reveling in the music of your squelching wetness and the slap of your skin, keeping the rhythm steady to please you. Your hands leave his hair as the pleasure mounts. They grapple at anything around you as you start to lose control, grabbing at the cushions beneath you, scratching down his back, holding onto your own legs, until they finally settle on the firm muscles of his ass, urging him on.
Then he feels it. The steady clamp of your cunt that tells him quite clearly that you’re ready.
Shifting his fingers to swipe a glob of your arousal, Jimin begins rubbing into your clit vigorously, holding his position solidly above you when your body jolts from the sensation. You feel as if he’s rubbing a fireball into your core, heating you up until you’re panting and sweating and just about ready to combust. He’s assaulting you from all sides, battering your g-spot, attacking your clit with his nimble fingers, and sucking at your stiffened nipples; the onslaught of bliss sending you head-first into a breathtaking orgasm.
Looking up at you through lidded eyes, Jimin feels like he’s flying. You look completely enveloped in bliss, pride swelling in his chest as you call out his name and pull him closer until there’s no space between you. Feeling you cum around him is his favorite feeling, he loves the erratic spasms of your inner muscles, how the rest of your body tenses around him, the uncontrollable jump of your hips as he works you through it all with slow fingers until you try to squeeze your legs shut around his body and he takes pity on your whimpering. It feels so good you could cry, and there’s nothing he loves more than the watery eyed smile you give him when you finally peek your eyes open to stare up at him.
His heart clenches as he looks down at you, racing for a reason unrelated to the vigorous movements of his hips. Seeing you like this, with stars in your eyes and soft adoration for him, has him hiding his face in the crook of your neck. You stroke his hair and continue to clench around him, whispering dirty words to push him over the edge.
“I’m g-gonna cum,” Jimin grunts, the crease between his eyebrows growing.
“That’s it, baby,” You drawl as you suck your own love marks into his skin. “Cum for me.”
With a strained groan, Jimin pulls out of you and rubs himself against your lower abdomen, shivering when you drop down a hand to stroke him until white ribbons coat your stomach. There’s a lot of cum and it makes a mess all over you, yet you enjoy every drop, savoring the quivering moans from the man above you. When he’s finished, you release him and reach for his face, bringing him down for a searing kiss.
You don’t know how long you kiss him like that, but you do know that he breaks away all too soon, pushing himself up off the couch to gaze upon his artwork. He lets out a growl of approval, to which you laugh and throw one a pillow at him.
“What? I didn’t even say anything!” He snickers on his way out of the room, returning with a wet washcloth to clean you with. His touch is so gentle that you could fall asleep right there, but you force yourself to stay awake to bask in the moment. It’s then that you realize the tv is still on, the movie you had been watching having ended long ago. You reach for the remote and turn off the screen, watching instead as Jimin busies himself with tidying the room. He reaches for you when he deems it good enough, all of your clothes folded at the other end of the couch and his cushions clean of any bodily fluids, and this time when he lifts you into his arms you allow it.
After helping you to the bathroom and making sure you didn’t fall or walk on your injured foot, he rests you on his bed gently and tosses you one of his shirts, slipping on a new pair of boxers for himself. As soon as his warmth enters the bed with you, your entire body relaxes. Cuddling after sex hadn’t always been your thing, but it became routine a few months after seeing Jimin. He couldn’t resist and you couldn’t say no and now it comes almost automatically. He lets you wrap your arms around his midsection and rest your head on his beating heart, his own arm slung around your waist. These moments, these quiet moments where the silence is comfortable and simply feeling your skin is enough, are what he missed the most. He’s never wanted this kind of intimacy with anyone else. Never craved to hug anyone and never let go until he met you. No one has ever occupied his thoughts like this, made him slightly irrational or scared him as much as you do— he’s never been scared to lose someone before he was faced with that situation with you. Jimin is certain he’s never been in love before, therefore he has no idea what it feels like, but now he’s starting to wonder if this is it. The thought is equal parts terrifying and comforting and all he can do is hold you closer.
A chuckle from you draws his attention to the silly smirk on your face, and he just knows you’re about to say something stupid.
“So, you missed this gorilla grip pussy?” Of course you would say something like that. You’re the only person he knows who would say that to someone in seriousness— just like how you came up with that foolish name for a blowjob. But it’s one of your many charms. He stifles a laugh knowing it would only encourage you, but you catch the rise of his cheeks and laugh anyway.
“Ugh, why do I even put up with you?” He rolls his eyes playfully.
“Because of this gorilla grip pussy.” You state as though it were obvious, clinging to him as he lightheartedly tries to push you off.
“God, I missed your goofy ass.” His lips find your forehead and your snuggle deeper into his chest.
“And my-“
“Please, don’t say it again.” Jimin stops you with a wrinkle of his nose, pulling the sheets higher up your bodies. “But yes, I missed that too.” Your giggles settle down after a few seconds and then the mood shifts to something a bit more serious. “(Y/n).”
“Hmm?” You hum, closing your eyes.
“Never think you aren’t good enough. Your past doesn’t define your future and just because a few people treated you poorly in the past doesn’t mean that you’re unworthy of love. You may think that what you went through makes you undesirable, but in my eyes it makes you look incredibly strong. And you’re even stronger to be able to share your experiences with me and open yourself up after all that’s happened. I want you to know that I will never fault you for the shitty things other people have done, and I will spend every day showing you just how amazing you are to me, if you’ll let me.”
You don’t open your eyes as he speaks, afraid that the tears that have been welling up will spill over if you open them. Hearing him say this means the world to you and you’re inclined to believe every word. These are the kinds of things he would say to you when you were still just fuck buddies. He always listened with empathy and took the time reassuring you that nothing you went through was your fault, yet you still doubted him when he showed interest in dating you. Looking back on it, you feel silly. How could you ever doubt such a genuine man, who has never taken advantage of you even once when you poured your heart out to him, who is so understanding and caring that you feel instantly at ease when talking to him? Jimin is everything you ever wanted, and for once your heart and brain can agree to let yourself be happy.
“Thank you, Jimin.” You sniffle, leaning into the hand that now strokes through your hair as his words replay in your mind. You don’t like getting emotional, so you try to dispel it by using humor. “If you truly mean it then get ready, I only get goofier from here.”
He giggles. “I don’t think that’s possible.”
“Oh it is, trust me.”
“I do.” The seriousness of his tone has you glancing up at him, suddenly overwhelmed by the affection in his eyes. You clear your throat, feeling a blush creep up your neck so you look away. “So will you let me take you out tomorrow?”
“Yeah, the sooner the better. We could go out for breakfast.” His smile is blinding and your blush deepens. You’re not used to getting shy, but Jimin seems to bring it out of you.
“Brunch. I have a feeling we’ll be sleeping in.” Glancing at the clock, you note how late it is, well past midnight and any other reasonable bedtime. That doesn’t seem to matter, however, because you will probably spend all night laying awake from the excitement of what will come tomorrow— and the day after, and the day after that. Your months of worrying have finally come to an end and this feels like a brand new start. You have no idea what it’ll be like to date Jimin, but the promise of it all is too much to bear. The smile doesn’t leave your face for the rest of the night, not even as you fall asleep.
“Brunch it is.”
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hey!! could i get a nagito x tired!reader oneshot where the reader hasn't slept for awhile and komaeda is trying to make them sleep?
Mod Mikan: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Schoolwork has been piling up and I want a good job in the future. Thank you for your patience, darling, it means a lot :) And I’m so sorry if the ending is rushed, I really wanted to get this out for you, and I was a bit distracted. I’m really sorry, please forgive me! 
(Y/D/J): Your dream job 
(F/C): Favorite Candy
"Oh, you’re the ultimate (Y/T)?! Wow, that’s amazing! It must be so much fun having an astonishing talent like that!” 
That’s barely scratching the tip of the iceberg
I loved my talent. I really did. Without the skills that I possessed, even before Hope Peak’s academy, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Back in high school, it was safe to say that my professors and classmates helped developed and shape my abilities even more. Now, I work as a(n) (Y/D/J). While my job had it perks, the word ‘fun’ wouldn’t really be the right word to describe it
In my opinion, I’d rather use to the term ‘grueling’ 
My long-term boyfriend, Nagito, claims that my talent was gifted from heaven since birth. He even called me his ‘angel of hope’ since I believed I was a gift from heaven bested upon him as his ‘ultimate good luck’. While that was an exaggeration, it was also only partially true. I loved to believe that I’ve always had my passion for (Y/T), however my hard-work and determination also played a major aspect in my success
Despite my high work-ethic and strive for perfection, I was nothing more than human. After a few months working in my dream job, I started to feel the after effects of the tiring tasks that was dumped on my already heavy schedule
Racking my brain from these thoughts, I let out a heavy exhale, turning my house key into the lock. I entered my shared house with my boyfriend, tossing my keys onto the foyer table. With the literal kick of taking off my heels, I threw my cross-bag onto the couch as soon as my fatigue eyes fell upon it. Oh, how I wouldn’t give to take even a five minute nap on it. In anyone’s eyes, it just looked like a fuzzy, beige couch. But it was a bed made of clouds in my worn-out brain. I ran a hand through my (H/C) locks, a sour expression forming on my face
When was the last time I actual had a proper night of sleep? 
I moved away from the living room, making my way into my home office. As much as I wanted to at least try to get some shut eye, I was still knee deep in work. Nagito didn’t work, due to his mental health. He was usually home almost all the time, either taking care of the cleaning or chores. Today was one of the rare nights he wasn’t home. I focused my weary orbs onto a note stuck onto the fridge, messily written in blue ink
Hajime needed some help with something, so if I’m not home when you come back, you know why. I’m sorry I didn’t text you, it was an urgent call. I hope you understand, my beloved hope. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I love you so much, angel girl! XOXO
A sigh escaped my pink lips, as I treaded towards my home office. I practically melted into the cushioned seat of my desk chair, wanting to sleep right there, right then. But I knew I still had assignments to catch up on, along with overdue paperwork that was waiting to be faxed to the office. An annoyed click of my tongue fell after the drained sigh I just let out, as I poked my finger at my computer monitor, waiting for it to load 
2:41 am
My dearest apologizes for not emailing this sooner to you, Mr. Grant. I was finishing up another project I had, but I managed to squeeze some time to inform you that the papers you needed filled out are done. I will be sending you the rest in three to five business days. In the meantime, I hope that what I have attached will suffice. Please let me know if--
My swivel chair squeaked, as I felt the seat turn around with a swift motion of a hand that was not my own. I eyes were ripped from the incomplete email that was meant for my boss. Instead, my eyes were forced to see my pale skinned boyfriend that was standing in front of me. His eyes were filled with worried, all of his usual cheerfulness drained from them. He extended a hand of concern towards me, a box of (F/C) tucked underneath the other one
“Huh? N-Nagito? Welcome back. Is everything okay with Hajime? You were out pretty late,” I crooked out, my voice getting more sapped by every passing minute. He nodded, placing the candies onto my office desk, but quickly turned his attention back to me. He placed a gentle hand onto my shoulder, closing a few inches of space between us 
“There was an emergency, but everything is fine now, darling. But...I’m not so sure, seeing your state. You look exhausted,” He frowned, making me look down. My gaze from the floor only lasted a split second, as I pair of skinny fingers lifted my chin to look at Nagito’s green orbs again 
“(Y/N), when was the last time you slept? Be honest with me,” He softly demanded, forcing me to come clean. Nagito was no fool. He was more observant and intelligent than the average person, regardless of how much he speaks down about himself. There was no point in lying in a failed attempt to make him feel better
“A good....three....to five.....business days.....” I scowled, crossing my arms. Nagito let out a long exhale, however something about it just made me more mortified with myself. It was the kind of ‘disappointed, overprotective’ spouse sigh. He turned to me with his upset expression, making my heart slowly break 
“Why didn’t you tell me, (Y/N)?” He asked me, prying even more hidden information from me. With another suspire, laced with a hint of self-irritation, I unraveled what has been flooding my sleep-deprived mind to my long-term boyfriend
“I just.....want to be hopeful...the angel of hope like you always tell me that I am...” I weakly smiled at him, but knew that it wasn’t the best time to paint a thin coat of fake happiness to this pathetic condition. My meek beam was replaced with my previous scowl
“Everyone always thinks that my job is...’fun’ and I’m so lucky to have it. I didn’t want to look weak, asking people for help....or....or even telling someone I can’t take it....I can take it, Nagito. Really.....I just don’t want to disappoint anyone that believes in me...including you,” I finished, huffing at the end. I was a successful in hiding the tears that were begging my eyes to let them out. But I didn’t allow it
Be strong, (Y/N). Be strong.....
It was no secret that Nagito was huge on compliments. He was my number one supporter in everything I did. He praised all my efforts, believed in me more than anyone else, and showered me with affection and love, even if I lost a personal battle. He was a bit hypocritical, wanting to focus on building my own self-confidence rather than his, but besides that he was the perfect, loving boyfriend. Still, every time he cheered me up and managed to put a smile on my face....I couldn’t help but feel like the most loved person in the world. After all these years....all his efforts, despite him confessing he wasn’t the best at comforting others, made my heart flutter
After all, his beloved hope was feeling despair? Not on his watch! 
So this didn’t surprise me
“(Y/N), my darling angel....don’t fuss over this. I mean...you need despair to feel hope,” He began to speak. He took this opportunity to tenderly grab my hand, pulling me from my chair. I thought he was going to lead me to our bedroom, but instead the hand that pulled me closer to him wrapped around my back. He closed the space between us, practically slamming me into his lanky figure. With his other hand, he wrapped it around my legs, scooping me up bridal style
“N-Nagito?! I know I’m tired, but I can walk myself!” I requested from him, raising my voice as loud as I could. However, due to my fatigue, my ‘yelling’ voice was nothing above a normal speaking tone, as Nagito still carried me to the bed, a smirk plastered on his handsome face. I rolled my eyes, but wrapped my arms around his neck
He laid me down on our bed, crouching down to my height. He still kept his cheeky grin on his face, crossing his arms. I couldn’t help but smile myself, knowing that Nagito had the cutest plans to make his angel feel better when they were down in the dumps 
“Now, let me bring that hope back inside you. Shall I prepare some Chamomile tea with a plate of (F/C)? When I was coming home from Hajime’s, I noticed the 24 hour store only had one box left of them,” He admitted, provoking a pink colored blush on my cheeks. It was so like Nagito to do something like that, always thinking about what his lover would want
I couldn’t just say ‘yes’ without gushing about how lucky I was to have this man in my life. I just nodded, squeaking out a small ‘thank you’ filled with an endearing amount of affection. He smiled gently at me, kissing my forehead before draping our blanket around my body, leaving the room. I hugged the sheets close to my body, waiting for the marshmallow haired man to come back. Upon returning with the tea and plate of candies, he took his side of bed and handed me the treats. After I was done with the snacks and warm beverage, Nagito took them from me, setting the dirty cup and plate on the dresser on his side. Before I could even express my gratitude towards Nagito, he wrapped his arms around my once again, pulling me close to him. I felt our bodies rock back and forth, as he snuggled his head on top of mine
I could tell Nagito wanted cuddles and to whisper sweet nothings in my ear.....
At least that’s what he wanted to do for me. He just shushed me every time I tried to thank him for taking good care of me. He stroked my hair tenderly whispering to me “You don’t need to thank you, angel. I’ll do anything to see that smile” and “I love you so much, my hope. You just relax, I got you,” He warm breath hit my face, making me feel cozy inside. He cradled me back in forth, singing softly. He was never confident in his singing skills (or anything he did), but I absolutely adored it. After I heard his voice die down after several minutes of staying like this, I yawned one last time for the night, feeling my fatigue take over my body. I was in a much more comfortable position, in my lover’s arms, as I dozed off into sleep
I could’ve sworn that Nagito smiled softly, his hand never stopping the journey of roaming through my (H/C) locks. I felt another kiss being pressed onto my forehead and something along the lines of this filled my ears before I was out like a light 
“Sweet dreams, my hope. I love you so much....” 
“What the hell is this?!” Your boss, Mr. Grant, exclaimed as he reread the threatening email he was sent 
Let all your employees have the week off or bad things will happen
Thank you!
“Who the hell could’ve sent something like this?! I’m not going to give them the week off over a ridiculous email!” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the email that was supposed to scare him into closing his office for the week. He began to type a nasty reply to the sender, disagreeing with the what he thought was nothing more than an empty warning made by a coward 
A smirked curved onto the sender’s lip, seeing the new email on his phone. Lanky fingers ran through a pair of (H/C) locks, yet again, as a precious angel was asleep on their shared bed. Careful not to wake his lover up, Nagito began to dig through the tabs on his safari phone app, eager to make a bomb
“Serves him right for overworking my precious angel of hope......”
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niqhtlord01 · 4 years
Humans are weird: Mating habits with aliens and their offspring
For as much of their war mongering nature has come to define the species of Humanity what is often looked over is one of their less, awkward traits. Mainly their incessant need to procreate. 
A closer look at their society, from fashion to cultural standards, appears to enhance the average human’s desire to join with another of their species; often times not even for the need of producing young but for the varying levels of enjoyment they experience during the process. This feature of their species has only become more highlighted as they have advanced further and further into deep space and began interacting with other species. 
One would imagine that a human would feel intimidated at the prospect of mating with a non-human species; that the concerns for inter-species diseases or compatibility would deter their efforts. It was with some astonishment after digging through their archives and digital records that many researchers discovered that as far back as the 20th century humans were depicting mating with non-human species for some time. 
The thrill from the endeavor comes from a different section of thrills and sensations the human goes through during the act rather than logical reasoning.
A recent study was conducted among humans after being questioned about having intercourse with other alien species and what their pros and cons would be, even going so far as to list species that have been mated with that are not even “humanoid” in shape.
Predatorian’s: Pro - Stamina to last hours if not an entire day. Con - Rows of razor sharp teeth increased the risk of slice wounds and blood loss. 
Zefillem’s: Pro: Clay like bodies allow for more intimate grasps, grapples, holdings, cuddles, and positioning.  Con: Lack of mouth decreases pleasurable orifices and twelves eyes make it difficult to blindfold. 
Draul: Pro: Well muscled bodies allows for them to easily maneuver partner into any position and hold them up even for several hours without signs of strain.  Con: Often inexperienced and need hand holding the entire time. 
Flinchestet: Pro: Though not physically able to mate, their psychic powers allow them to enter your mind and project a variety of different and sometimes impossible scenarios.  Con: Their constant superiority complex often leaves them in a near constant state of trying to micromanage every aspect to perfection leaving some partners feeling “left out” of their own mind. An example from one female human was explaining how she had been excited to indulge in a scenario with her Flinchestet partner on a mind beach only for the Flinchestet in question to spend more time ensuring the trees looked perfect and that the grains of sand were arranged in just the right manner. 
Gloven: Pro: Females of the species are extremely confident and know exactly what they want making mating sessions far easier for those of humanity with a stronger submissive nature.  Con: Females of Gloven are often looked down on by the males leading to pent up aggression which is often released through mating sessions. In such a state the females do not let their partner cease until they have achieved their own desires. (Oddly enough some humans also marked this as a pro.)
Hive: Pro - More likely to engage in a mating session with multiple partners at once and is also more likely to suggest such exchanges.  Con: Hive physiology is far different from many other species and has far more numerous hazards for the unaware such as acid sacks and thorn launchers. Potential partners are recommended to read medical books to ensure proper orifices are used. 
Sandrul: Pro - Wide knowledge of herbs and drugs to enhance sensations beyond what is normally possible.  Con - Heavily religious to the point one mistake during procreation could result in blasphemy and grounds for execution. 
Ghuma: Pro - Excellent at following instructions to the letter.  Con - Lack any form of creativity leading the partner to often push the session forward.
Iltick: Pro - Extremely passionate with a burning intensity that makes their partners melt like butter.  Con - Not a fan of surprises in the least nor given to planning them and will often state what is going to happen before hand. 
“Jellyfish”: (The blob like species that refuses to name themselves. “Jellyfish” was most often what humans call them and will be used at this time.) Pro - Seemingly endless supply of tentacles giving endless possibilities.  con - Often described as “Attempting to make love to a water bed.”
Mer-Folk: Pro - Tongues often extend farther than a human arm and they have perfect control over every inch of it. con: Faces resemble an aquatic species on human home world called “Eel’s” often making serious interactions difficult as laughter ensues.  
The list goes on for a considerable number of other species one would find daunting to imagine if only for the fact that the humans have had system to system space travel technology for only two to three years. 
This seemingly endless list of partners has no doubt been increased by human space travelers returning home and sharing pictures of other alien species they have encountered. This has set off a chain reaction of human artists depicting what intercourse would be like with said species and circulating the information webs to all corners of their planet, thus in turn encouraging a mass exodus of both male and females of the human species setting off to the stars in search of potential “Flings:, “Lovers”, “Partners”, “Pillow Bait”, “Cuddle Buddies”, “Dommes”, “Daddy’s”, and “Japanese Gods” to name a few of the terms used by mating humans to describe their opposite union members. 
What has been even more astounding than the humans apparent sexual drive is that inter species offspring are often a result of such unions. Normally an offspring of two different species would be unlikely due to the varying genetic makeup of each creature, but by some baffling oddity human genes are capable of adapting themselves over time to be compatible.
It is well known in cases such as Kevin McFurough, whose parents were a human male and Predatorian female, to appear human on the outside yet have a far greater amount of teeth when opening their mouths. 
Varying genes from human to human determine if the human traits will be more dominant or recessive depending on their partner. One human female and a “Jellyfish” had an offspring that would often take only the form of a human but only in the simplest of features and appearing as an outline of a human of undetermined gender. When asked why they took such a form they replied that they did not know why, but it felt right to them. 
There are cases however of some human genes being completely incompatible with other species such as the Hive. Hatching from their eggs the offspring of a human and hive female often appears deformed and showing signs of extreme organ failures. Most of these offspring die shortly after exiting the egg while others are kept alive by extensive life support systems. 
No one species has come up with a unified reply to human inter species mating. The Flinchestet are the most against the unions and have declared such acts a capital crime should they happen on Flinchestet territory. 
The Sandrul would be the next step below and would be just as adamant against it were it not also deep in a religious debate over the matter stating that if their gods created all life then surely mating with humans was part of their gods plans. 
Species like the Predatorian’s, Draul, Hive, and Ghuma are indifferent towards the matter and have made no laws advocating it nor banning such interactions. 
Gloven men are against such practices but Gloven females are strongly for it oddly enough, though their reasoning is more selfish as human males and females are often easier to have their way with compared to Gloven males.
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HASO, “A Gift.”
Ok, so someone somewhere, I thought asked for Adam/Sunny Fluff. I don’t know where or who that was, either that or I am remembering incorrectly, but either way here it is whether you wanted it or not :)
Thought I’d focus a little bit on Sunny.
Ignore if you are NOT interested in the relationship subplot.
I am trying to do this right, but who knows if that is going to work because I don’t usually write this sort of thing.
The humming of the ship’s engines reminded her of Anin, and reminded her of the distant roaring of the volcanoes as she slept in their family’s little hut at the center of the fertile belt. The feeling the memory provoked in her was a fond one despite being tainted by years and years of her mother's overarching disapproval, disapproval she was only now casting off, shedding it like an alien might shed a second skin.
It was a thing slow in coming, after years and years of constant disapproval, but becoming a Saint had been her last push into shaking off the insecurities of her childhood. The spirits of Anin had chosen her, and that was something even her mother could not deny, it was something sunny herself could not deny, despite her own fears and insecurities telling her otherwise.
She was worthy.
Finally worthy.
It felt good to wake up like that, felt good to sit up in the dim light of her little room aboard the Omen, and know that she was enough. She lay there in the quiet for a moment, in her own small room, with her own little window that looked out on the stars to her side. She rolled over to stare outward watching a distant galaxy spinning past in all of its glory. Adam liked to park the ship in places like this, places that would remind the crew of where they were and what they were doing. 
From this distance that spiraling galaxy seemed so small despite being billions of lightyears wide, dim and distant, though still shedding a faint light upon her from so far away. As she lay there another light pulsed over her body, luminous purple-blue LED strips around the bottom and top of her room, dimmed for the proper ambiance.
She sat up slowly stretching and flexing her feet.
She sat up looking around her room and the familiar space lit by the glowing purple blue neon.
It was a strange mixture of things alien and things familiar.
Beside her bed, a tall, climate-controlled glass case held a large armature upon which her saint’s armor was proudly displayed, little white stage lights shining pearly waves of rainbow across it’s outer metal, beside that a metal rack on the wall held a collection of spears, some worn and used with age, others sharp and new, one glittering with the same pearly white sheen as her armor.
On the headboard of her bed rested a pair of lime green headphones.
There was a Holo-screen on the wall across from her bed and a couple of photos tacked up on the wall across from her. They were hard to make out in the dim bluish lighting, but there was one of Anin and a few of her and her brother, a couple more of her and Adam, and a single image in the middle.
It wasn’t as refined an image as the others, having been hand painted by a crewmember as a commission for her….
An image of a tall golden Drev in mighty war armor.
Just below that image, set back into the wall, there sat a small, almost-shrine, with a spirit light and a few other odds and ends from Anin.
Sunny stood and stretched rolling her muscles and joints as she walked over to the little shrine and knelt before it.
She reached out and cupped the spirit light in her two lower hands as she bowed her head.
She stayed there for some time as the minutes ticked away.
A clock on her nightstand gave her the time in human hours tiny numbers glowing green.
As the clock hit 30, she opened her eyes and turned to the side dipping a rag into the sink and proceeding to rub it over her body.
Drev didn’t need to bath as frequently or as…. Heavily as humans. Where humans relied on natural oils to keep their skin healthy, the Drev had no such problems, and rarely produced the amount of bacteria that humans did. For that reason, Drev didn’t tend to smell, and if they did it had more to do with what they ate than it did with their own festering nastiness. 
She set the rag down and stood, pulling on her headphones and scrolling through her playlist using the implanted chip in her arm, like the humans she had taken up one of the devices to store her information and money, along with the implanted translation system just below her ear. She kept it off most of the time, but she could turn it on when needed.
Scrolling through the list, she paused at one and then hesitated before clicking on it.
Sunny knew a lot about music for someone who grew up without it. It was a piece  of art she thought the Drev were sadly lacking, and listening to the drums and rasping vocals of humans two thousand years dead, she wondered why they had never thought of it.
The playlist, had been one she hadn’t touched in a while. 
It tended to make her sad despite it’s upbeat and powerful music.
It reminded her of Adam.
It was his playlist after all, but she really did feel like she needed something to get her going this morning,
With the music going, she grabbed one of her spears from the wall, and then stood at the center of the room.
She closed her eyes as the blue neon light glowed over her. WIth her eyes still closed she began to move slowly, one foot forward one foot back dropping into a crouch pulling the spear back and then beginning to move slowly remembering the forms, remembering the mountain and the voice of Naktan as he urged her through the new and emerging steps.
Adam sat up, cool air blowing on his skin from the vent above. 
Outside the window the vast spiral of the Milky way glowed in from his viewing window casting delicate yellow light over his skin. He stretched muscles flexing and tensing as he extended his body to a brief maximum before relaxing. 
He sat there for a moment taking in the view, allowing it to bath him in cosmic light.
And some people wake up to a sunrise.
He reached down to the side of the bed, gripping the cool metal and carapace surface with his left hand before socketing it into place over the stub of his missing leg. There was a sharp whirr and then a sudden rush of sensation. He flexed the two toed alien foot of his right leg and stood stretching his legs as well.
He turned and walked to stand before the full length mirror by the window. The light was dim, but it still cast enough illumination that he could see the hills and valleys of his own body set in sharp contrast in the light.
He stood straighter lifting his chin and surveying himself in the mirror. 
He was almost proud of what he saw. Never a slouch, he had always been active, and during training he had been in good shape, but a few years as captain of the ship, with more duties and little time he had neglected his physique for other matters. It hadn’t done anything horrible to him, but he had seen better days.
That was, of course, until his breakup with Sunny. Granted a week of binge drinking hadn’t exactly helped matters, but his following vacation time that had included a stint of time with a human colony of Neospartans had kicked his ass back into gear. A few months and a couple of personal revelations later, and he had made it his goal to mold himself into the best version of himself he could conceive. His body was just beginning to show that dedication.
He bent down, tugging a pair of shoes from one of the drawers under his bed, and sat down to tie them on.
He stood and walked over to the side of the room pressing a button on the wall. There was a sharp whirring as the floor rotated and three large screens slowly pulled down from the ceiling. 
Off to his left waffles opened one sleepy amber eye before heading back to sleep.
He flicked his arm once and stepped onto the small rectangle of floor.
The screens lit up in front of him showing an open mountain landscape and a trail.
The floor below him slowly began to move, and he broke into a jog. The music flipped on at his request as his feet began pounding against the moving floor. He kept his back straight and his arms against his sides as the floor tilted and rolled slightly below him, mirroring the trail on which he now ran.
Sweat rolled down his bare back as, forty minutes later he dropped to the floor, hands held at shoulder width pushing himself repeatedly up and down and up and down. When his arms shook, he stood and leaped upwards, catching onto the padded black bar on the ceiling. The muscles in his back flexed firing as his teeth clenched and sweat dripped down his face onto his shoulders.
He repeated that sequence for some time before returning to the side of the room and picking up the silver metaled spear.
Still breathing hard he pulled on the VR glasses and followed the Drev training simulation twice before putting the spear away.
Waffles at up and stretched.
He patted her head once before passing into the bathroom.
Water cascaded down his body where he sat washing salt and sweat down the drain, only to socket his leg back on again and dress himself. Eyes stared down at him from the walls, vintage movie posters from years long gone.
A replica lightsaber glittered dully in the light where it sat on his nightstand.
He adjusted his uniform cap before the mirror, and whistled once for waffles, who ran up to stand at his heels.
He opened the door just as Simon was raising her hand to knock.
She stepped back in surprise, and he smiled, “Beat you again, Simon.”
She opened her mouth nonplussed and then closed it again holding out her clipboard, “Morning, Sir.”
He took the clipboard and marched with her up to the bridge where he got his work done. Waffles lay at his feet as he gave the morning crew their orders, and inspected their trajectory, reading their orders from the UNSC and the GA,before sending off a few reports. He read through the reports of his chief staff and approved a few important changes.
Once upon a time a day like this might have overwhelmed him.
He stepped down from his chair and turned to Simon, “Command is your Simon, I have a few things to attend to this morning.”
She saluted crisply and traded seats with him as he turned and stepped down the stairs.
The sound of the engine was louder down here and his heart thrummed along with her as he stood with his back to the cold metal. At his feet Waffles stared up at him with her big brown eyes, waiting. 
Deep breath.
He turned stepping into the doorway and looking into the small workroom, lined on all sides by unfinished projects and hanging blueprints. He stood quietly in the doorway, watching the light play over her blue carapace, rolling down her like rivers of sunlit water. The way she moved was so steady, and so sure, that it seemed as if she herself were the waters of a mountain river, steady, changing only with the greatest deliberation.
The movement of her hands on metal was so precise and so predictable he might have been able to pound out a beat to her movements, but this was hardly the time. He stepped forward silently over the metal.
“Someone once told me you can only find Gemstones in the darkest of places.”
Sunny turned her head and rolled a great golden eye when she saw it was him, “You know you flirt like a…. Hut being tipped over in a windstorm.”
“How’s that?”
“A mild disaster.”
“How ironic, so are you metaphors.” 
She eyed him up and down with one golden eye, “Where is he and what have you done with him?”
“What do you mean?”
“My Adam is a stuttering idiot, where did you put him.”
My Adam.
He walked over and sat on the bench next to her leaning back against her work table, “Tied up and locked in the closet for the time being.” he smiled and scooted a little closer, “He tends to get nervous talking to pretty girls.”
“Oh, does he?”
She leaned forward a little bit one of her hands brushing up against his leg.
Dammit! The stuttering began in earnest  and he felt his face go red to the tips of his ears.
She hummed deep in her chest, “That was a good try, you almost made it a full minute.”
Sunny hummed in mild pleasure as she watched him squirm, her superior cones and rods picking up the delicate change in skin tone as subcutaneous blood rushed into his face. The Delicate pattern of UV light that played over his face glowed in green blue pearl patterns, swirling over his cheeks and face.
She knew those pattern well, and guessed she could probably have drawn them from memory if someone had asked.
He ran a hand through his hair, and as he did she could pick out the individual strands of hair and the color changes. A few of the hairs at his temples had bleached white. She wouldn’t tell him that, but the number of white hairs had been increasing rapidly over the past few months. Weather it was stress or genetics she didn’t know.
He cleared his throat awkwardly.
“I tried.”
“You did.”
He continued to rub the back of his neck, “I um…. I brought you… s-something.”
He reached down beside him and pulled a long black box from the floor offering it up so she had to pull back to let him set it down on the table before her.
He turned to look at her, his one green eye so alive with worry she wanted to reach over and take his hand just to calm him down.
But he remained even, and with a smile of his face, he reached over and flipped the case open. She glanced in, eyes wide with surprise, “What…. This is all for… me?”
“I thought you…. Might like it. I mean they aren’t really my thing you know, but they did, they did make me think of you and I, well I picked up a few things but I…”
One look from her silenced him and he wilted back into his seat, “It was during my little vacation…. I was going to give them to you earlier, but I didn’t want it to seem like I was trying to buy you back. I really just thought you’d like them.” 
“Tell me about them.”
He scooted over to sit next to her, and he was close enough now that she could feel the heat radiating from his body, “This knife, I won in a bar fight with an outlaw, stole it off him while he was unconscious.” She watched him blush again a little, “I would have felt bad about it accept he was kind of an asshole.” he pointed to the next item in the velvet lined box, “That is the revolver of another outlaw I met by the name McBride, bested him in a boxing match on the back of a moving train. That spear was given to me as a gift by the NeoSpartan king for prowess in battle, and that triton was something I picked up free hunting alien sharks.”
He turned to look up at her, “I’m not pushing or anything,” he held up his hands, “Jupiter knows I don’t deserve it, but, it is a gift, and I want you to have them-”
He trailed off.
She stared at him.
He stared back.
She leaned down a little lowering her head and lightly touching her forehead against his. He wasn’t speaking any longer. Her eyes were half closed. She leaned forward, one of her hands resting on his real, human leg. He was warm below her hand, almost burning. One of his hands rested over hers.
They sat like that for a minute.
And then she felt him move. Something brushed over her cheek, soft, human lips depressed against her skin warm and humid. She hummed softly in her chest until the pressure pulled back, and she opened an eye. Before she knew what had happened she was on his feet, gone from underneath her hands.
He stood about two or three feet away skin on his face and hands bright with blood flow.
“I-I have to…. To do a.-something, a- about a thing, but I hope you like…. The gift.” He turned.
“Watch out for the-’
There was a clattering noise as he caught his toe on the step, pitched forward, landed on his hands and knees and then scrambled out the doorway with all the grace and beauty of a meteor collision.
“Step.” She finished to the empty air
She could still hear him clattering his way up the hall.
ON the floor below her Waffles looked after him with a comically confused expression for a dog.
“Well go on after him, and make sure he doesn’t accidentally kill himself.”
Waffles yipped low in her throat and charged off after him
Sunny hummed and turned back to her work bench staring down at the box of items, reaching up a hand to rest on her cheek.
They were getting there.
But they were getting there
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atths--twice · 3 years
Chapter Five
December 1923
It took nearly a month to secure the preparations needed to leave Cairo and begin the journey down the Nile.
If he had not seen much of Dana before, he now saw her nearly every day.
She brought books from work, shared information she had been gathering for years, showed him maps she had copied and shared where she believed the temple of Kha’ari was located and why.
“There are big areas devoted to the more well known gods and goddesses: Luxor, Karnak… but I don’t think it’s near them. I just feel as though it’s near the Kharga Oasis,” she told him, as he walked her home after dinner at the hotel.
“The names are similar,” Fox agreed.
“True, but it’s more than similar names.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think… and, I know how it will sound, but I think that the other temples were erected in places where it may have been hard to be happy at times, but…” She paused and shook her head with a heavy sigh. “I think it’s harder to be sad in a beautiful place. To feel the weight of your heart breaking, while the day is beautiful and others around you are happy. I think a temple near an oasis, near that beauty, for a goddess of pain and suffering… that would be the perfect location. Showing that there is that beauty in the world, even when we believe it’s not possible.”
Fox stared at her, thinking of the people who may have come to the temple, leaving their offerings of thankfulness, finally able to see the beauty in the day around them, their hearts beginning to repair. He smiled and nodded, believing she had to be right, her deductions far too reasonable.
“I think that makes perfect sense,” he said softly and she smiled.
The Lady of the Nile, was a large beautiful ship in which Fox had procured two rooms to carry them to their destination. When they had arrived that morning, Dana had stopped and stared at it and then at him.
“Our journey will take three weeks. We may as well spend it in comfort,” he had said and while she had seemed hesitant, she entered the ship with him.
The ship was even more beautiful once they were being led to their rooms. The rich colors, tapestries, and details all added to the grandeur of it. Dana kept looking all over and shaking her head, telling him how beautiful she found it.
Her room was first and when they stepped inside, she gasped. The room held a small bed, wardrobe, nightstand, oil and globe lamps. There was a sitting area with a small sofa, a table in front of it, and a sink with a chest below it.
Shelves with brackets were above the bed and along the walls to hold objects and keep them from falling. A round window, above a small bookshelf which held a decent amount of books, opened to look out onto the water. Sheer curtains hung around the bed and a large rug covered the floor.
“This room is nicer than my flat,” Dana said softly to him as she looked around, her trunk set down by the porter.
Fox smiled at her before excusing himself and continuing onto his own room. It was similar to hers, though the colors were a bit darker and instead of the small sofa, it had two comfortable looking chairs.
He unpacked his trunk, hanging up his clothes and looking around with a grin and a nod. It was all really happening.
He walked around the room, touching the books in the bookcase, the oil lamps, the curtains around the bed. With another nod, he left the room and walked to the dining room, requesting a table for dinner on the deck at sunset.
When he left, he walked back to Dana‘s room and knocked on her door. She answered, though she did not open the door fully, staying slightly hidden behind it.
“I’ve made reservations for dinner,” he said. “But I was wondering if you would like to take a tour of the ship with me.”
“Oh… yes, I would like that very much. Can I meet you in a few minutes?”
“Of course,” he agreed with a nod. “Fifteen minutes? In the main lobby?”
“Yes,” she agreed, smiling and nodding as she closed the door.
He left and walked to the bar, looking at the alcohol displayed and ordered two glasses of champagne. As it arrived, so did Dana, in a dress he had never seen before, and his heart stopped before it began to beat rapidly. Her hair was up and she looked beautiful, though slightly nervous.
“You look beautiful,” he said as she reached him.
“Thank you,” she answered with a blush on her cheeks. “My mother sent me this dress, just in case I had an occasion to wear it. I’ve had it for nearly two years and never worn it before tonight. I feel a bit unlike myself, but thought it was the right time to make use of it.”
“Indeed,” he said with a smile, the dark blue of the dress making her eyes bluer, if it were possible. “Here.” He handed her one of the glasses, clinking it with his own.
“Cheers,” she said quietly and he nodded as they took a sip. Extending his arm, she accepted it, as they turned from the bar and made their way up the stairs.
They walked around the ship, discovering the luxuries it afforded: a dining room smoking lounge for the men, a library, a salon with chairs and sofas filling the room, the gleaming windows letting in the late afternoon sun.
The deck of the ship was even better with the view of the sunset, the water, and the other small boats sailing beside them, their masts filled by the breeze.
He glanced at Dana, the loose strands of hair blowing across her face, and he smiled. Her eyes were shining and her lips curling up as she waved to him sailing past them. Under any other circumstance, he would have seen the romance of the situation. Truth be told, he was hard pressed not to see it, as the setting sun created a romantic atmosphere all its own, but he pushed those feelings aside.
“This is a beautiful ship. Far more than I was expecting,” she said and took a last drink of her champagne, the glass now empty.
“What were you expecting?” he asked, taking her glass and then draining his own.
“I… I don’t really know,” she said, leaning her arms on the railing and twirling a strand of hair, at the base of her neck, around her fingers. “I’ve… It's been a long time since I’ve been around such luxuries. My income at the museum is not large and what money I am sent from my mother, it’s not much either, and not always absolute.” He frowned and she smiled slightly. “My father didn’t want me to leave and threatened there would be no financial help from him if I did.”
“That’s…” He paused, not knowing what to say, and not wanting to insult a man he did not know.
“Not exactly the kindest, no, but it’s been cleared up. Letters and distance work wonders, you know.” She smiled at him and he frowned again. “He was worried about me on my own, and didn't want me so far from home.” She bit her bottom lip and looked away with a sigh, the wind blowing her hair across her face.
“But you know what I think?” she asked as she turned to look at him again. “Although he never says, his own letters generally short, and only a postscript added to my mother’s, I think the money is from him, but he won’t admit it. Stubbornness and not wanting to appear too soft, he will continue the charade.” Fox laughed softly and she smiled.
“My mother similarly did not want me to leave. But… after the pain and uncertainty the war caused her, I can understand.”
“Were you… shot? Your leg…” She glanced down and back up at him. “Please don’t feel you have to discuss it if you don’t-”
“No,” he interrupted, not wanting her to feel she had imposed upon him. “I wasn’t shot in my leg. I was stabbed and it became infected before I could get proper medical health. I had to spend some time in hospital correcting the mistake. I didn’t think I would go back to the front line after that, but they cleared me to return. My mothers letters were filled with her worry and anger over that decision.”
“I can understand how she feels,” Dana said quietly, her eyes downcast, fingers stroking her locket.
He felt the conversation was becoming too morose and so he suggested they continue walking and heading to dinner. She agreed and they moved on, him carrying the glasses and giving them to a server who had passed by.
Dinner was delicious, their conversation easy, but he could not help but feel something was different. She smiled and laughed, but the happiness did not quite reach her eyes.
After the meal was finished, she politely excused herself to return to her room, claiming she was tired and could do with an early night.
“Of course,” he responded with a nod, and she walked away.
Not wanting to be held within the walls of his own room just yet, he strolled around the ship again. On his second trip, he stopped at the library where he spent some time perusing the titles. Taking a book back to his room, he was determined to read as much as possible before falling asleep.
The days they spent together were different from the seemingly endless ones of planning and discussions. Then they worked tirelessly, walking to and from the library, the hotel, and her flat.
Now, they had time to relax, sleep later, lounge about if they so chose, which they did as it was a very welcome change.
They ate every meal together, learning more about one another.
She had grown up in Maryland and was the youngest of three siblings; her youngest brother dying in infancy.
Her brother, Bill, had fought in the war, coming home wounded in one eye. He handled it well, saying he could live his life with one eye as well as two. His fiancée, Adelaide, had not cared, thankful he had returned to her alive, and his children, of which he had two rambunctious boys, thought of him as a pirate.
Her sister, Melissa, was married to a very kind and quiet man, Joshua, who doted on her every need. They had three children and last she had heard, would soon be adding another.
“They are all the sweetest children, my sister's children more so, always sending me drawings and little notes. I love them all, miss them of course, but…” A hand at her throat drew his attention, but no story was forthcoming and he was left wondering about the mystery of the locket.
He told her of his life, a sometimes lonesome one without a sibling, wishing he had a playmate, but happy with his parents. His mother especially was loving and attentive and he had never lacked for anything.
“But it’s not made you as some,” Dana said and he frowned in confusion. “I mean that some people become demanding and rude, carrying their wealth as though it puts them above others. You don’t do that. You have wealth, as was obvious when I first met you, but you don’t flaunt it. It’s a part of you, but not something you think or worry about.”
“That may be the kindest way to tell someone they are a rich snob that I’ve ever heard,” he teased and she laughed, looking out at the water as they sat at a table, enjoying a drink.  
Other than the discussion the first day on the ship, the war was a topic they avoided and also how she had come to be in Egypt. It hung between them, something he would not have minded discussing, but one which she obviously did not, so their conversation mostly revolved around the journey and their destination.
The ship made many stops, allowing for touring the temples. For Fox, they saw nearly enough to make it all worthwhile, even without discovering anything on their own, but knew it was not the same for Dana. Her commentary of the day as they returned to the ship and had dinner, her eyes shining, he knew she was thinking of the excitement of their own hopeful discoveries.
Luxor, Karnak and Hathor, each place was more impressive than the last. The sheer magnitude of them was daunting enough, but the details in the artwork kept him standing in one place and sketching for longer than anticipated, only stopping when Dana joined him after touring places he had missed, his attention focused on sights before him.
There were people offering their expertise as a guide, but they declined them. Dana shared everything she knew, which was quite a bit, explaining what they saw with a passion the other guides lacked. He loved listening to her speak on subjects of which she knew, her tone animated and her hands moving quickly, pointing them out with a smile, his interest piquing with every word.
They went to the Valley of the Kings, where a large crowd waited to see the tomb of King Tutankhamun. Fox felt nervous as they made their way to the front of the queue, terrified he would react the same way he had at the pyramids. It would be twice as horrifying if it were to happen in front of Dana.
As the next couple walked forward, he took a deep breath. Thinking of the fact that it had been a while since he’d had any type of an attack of panic, he felt his heart start to race.
“Fox? Are you ready?” Dana asked, breaking into his thoughts and gesturing toward the tomb.
He took a deep breath and felt the panic begin to rise, when suddenly she touched his forearm and stared into his eyes. As she did, he felt a calm wash  over him, his breathing returning to normal.
“Yes,” he said, letting out his breath and swallowing down his worries. “Yes, I’m ready.” She smiled and took a step forward and he followed; down the steps and into the tomb.
December 25, 1923
Off the ship and now staying at a hotel in Luxor, Fox dressed for dinner, tying his tie before he put on his jacket and walked out of the room.
Tomorrow would begin their day of preparation. They would be meeting with the men who would be joining them on their expedition. Food would be acquired, tools, clothes, tents, and any other items they would need.
Fox was excited, but also nervous, hoping they would truly find what they imagined was somewhere out in the middle of the desert. Tonight though, he and Dana were having dinner and celebrating the holiday.
Nearly a month on a ship, he was glad to be in a place which sat on solid ground. The ship had been large and comfortable, the river calm, but he still preferred to be on dry land.
Down the stairs, he stood waiting in the main lounge area for Dana. She did not keep him waiting long and when he saw her coming down the stairs, he drew in a deep breath.
Wearing the same dark blue dress as she had their first night on the ship. Her hair was up, though in a slightly different style, and his let out his breath when she reached him. He smiled, unable to take his eyes off of her.
“You’ve managed to make that dress even more beautiful the second time. You quite literally took my breath away.” He smiled again and she looked down, her cheeks pink, before raising her eyes to his and smiling.
“Thank you. You look very nice too,” she said and he nodded as he extended his arm to her. She took it and they walked into the dining room.
The room was large, with a dance floor in the middle, and tables around the edges, covered with white tablecloths. Candles lit around the room and sitting on the tables, gave it an inviting feeling.
“It’s beautiful in here,” Dana said, the orchestra in the corner beginning to play softly as they sat down.
“It is,” Fox agreed, looking around and smiling. “I think what I like best though, is that we aren’t on a moving ship. This room, being stationary, makes me very happy.” Dana laughed, picking up the menu from beside her plate.
Their food orders were given and as the waiter left them, he looked at the orchestra, his foot tapping the floor beneath the tablecloth. Turning his head, he looked back at Dana who smiled at him.
“I want to thank you, Dana,” he said quietly and she seemed surprised at his words. He drew a breath, about to speak, when the waiter arrived with a bottle of wine, filling their glasses. “A toast. To the journey on which we are about to embark, all we have seen, and to one another.” She raised her glass and tapped it to his, her eyes shining.
God, she’s beautiful, he thought, the dress and style of her hair accentuating her beauty.
When they had eaten, and the dishes cleared away, they rose to leave. Her eyes followed the dancing couples as they glided past, smiling and laughing.
“Would you like to dance?” he asked and she shook her head, clasping her hands in front of her. “A walk around the grounds of the hotel perhaps?” She smiled in agreement and they began to walk.
“Fox,” she said softly, her eyes on his. “I have thoroughly enjoyed the last few weeks. I’ve lived here for over three years and I have not had the opportunity to travel as we have done. I knew it was there, but the cost was beyond my means. Here I was in a place I had wanted to visit most of my life and I was stuck in one place.” She smiled at him, reaching for his arm and slipping her hand into the crook of it. “I never imagined I would be here, on the brink of doing what I set out to accomplish.” She stopped walking and held tight to his arm, forcing him to also stop. Staring at him, she smiled again.
“Thank you, Fox.”
“It has been my pleasure,” he whispered with a slight nod. “I have enjoyed the past few weeks as well. Immensely.” Placing his other hand over hers, he squeezed gently.
“And now I must express my appreciation. Thank you,” he said quietly and she shook her head. “No. I do thank you. If it was not you who answered my first letter, I would not have been as intrigued to come here. To not only see all that we have, but to meet and thank the person behind the pen. I’m so glad it was you. Thank you, Miss Scully.”
She blinked her eyes rapidly, though he could see the tears shining in them. He squeezed her hand again, let go and took a handkerchief from his pocket, handing it to her as they began to resume walking.
The music from the dining room could be heard through the open windows as they walked past and he stopped. Turning his face to her, he raised his eyebrows, asking silently if she would like to dance. She nodded and he took back his handkerchief, placing it into his pocket.
Holding out a hand, she took it and he pulled her close, waiting to feel the rhythm of the music.
“I’m not always good with the quicker steps, but I’ll try my best,” he confessed and she smiled.
“I’m not a great dancer myself. Please don’t feel worried,” she whispered. He smiled with a nod, his leg the furthest thing from his mind as he held her in his arms and they twirled, her laughter ringing through the air.
They stumbled only a couple of times, both apologizing and then laughing harder, but they kept dancing until the music stopped, with applause following.
Catching their breath, he looked at her and without thinking if it was the right thing to do, he leaned forward and kissed her softly, surprising both of them. He began to pull back, his apology already forming in his mind, when her grip tightened and she kissed him.
As quickly as it began, it stopped. She pushed away from him, her eyes wide.
“I… I’m sorry,” she breathed, a hand going to the locket at her throat. “I…” She shook her head and stepped back, walking away quickly.
“Dana… Please don’t leave,” he called after her, but she kept walking and he did not chase after her, knowing it was not what she wanted nor what he should do.
The music began to play again, happy and festive, the diners applauding, laughter  echoing through the windows. He felt no such joy, only worry and confusion. Less than a minute ago he had been happy, and now he stood alone, the memory of her kiss still lingering on his lips.
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handmaid - 01
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, forced marriage
A/N: i’m so happy with the feedback i got for the last chapter, i’m glad you guys are excited about it!!! i hope you enjoy the first proper chapter. have fun xx
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ingenue: generally a girl or a young woman who is endearingly innocent.
Y/N was the first one to be up, as per usual. Ever since both her and Gwen were kids she would be the first one to wake up, around sunrise, so she could climb up the attic and sit on the roof of the old country house to watch the sun light the night sky. Today, however, things were slightly different. She could see the staff of the how rush from side to side, preparing Gwen’s luggage so she could properly move into her future husband’s house and Y/N with her. 
Being a handmaid to the mob’s daughter was an archaic job, most of them had switched to bodyguards after the 50′s however the Forrest family did things the old way unlike other mob families. The leader of the family in particular, Michael Forrest, was one to follow tradition by a t, which was maybe why she had ended up growing up with Gwen instead of in an orphanage. Nevertheless, being a handmaid to Gwen was something that came naturally to her, specially when most of her job was being her portable consciousness. Y/N did not blame her for her reckless behaviour, specially when she had grew up in one of the most tight knitted mob families in all of New York. However, to Y/N, the day where Gwen finally had to move in with her fiancé always seemed ages away, something that probably wouldn’t happen, a day that would never arrive. Yet, here it was. 
She sighed, watching as the sun peaked from the horizon, the warmth slowly wrapping itself around her being, wondering if she would be able to do this once she was in her new home. God, her new home. She didn’t know what it looked like but from comments coming from Gwen it was far different from the shielded country house in the outskirts of New York. No, the Stan family lived a cosmopolitan hedonistic lifestyle in the Upper East side of New York where everything and everyone bowed in fear when they passed by. Yet, somehow, the family was still shrouded in mystery, specially the new head of the family, Gwen’s husband to be. She didn’t know what he looked like but rumours said he was pretty good shape, with a handsome face tainted by a scratch scar from his first kill. However, Gwen said he looked like a stereotypical rich boy. 
     - Y/N, are you in there? - her lips twirled into a smile as she heard a very familiar voice. She climbed down the stairs down to the attic, hugging the man who was standing there. - Gwen guessed you’d be here. 
    - I thought you were in California. - she smiled at Dan, Gwen’s older brother and apparent future head of the family, despite various arguments from him. He had graduated a few years ago and moving to California along with his girlfriend Beth. Y/N had always seen him as more of a older brother as he had been the one to teach her to ride a bike and the one who took her to prom when no one else did. - It’s so nice to see you. 
    - Yeah, dad called about Gwen moving in with Sebastian Stan, thought I had to say goodbye. 
    - As if Gwen will settle down. - Y/N sighed. - Besides, your father always said change was the way for an exciting life. 
    - If you don’t wanna go, I can speak with my father, Y/N. The Stans have pretty good security, you don’t need to be keeping an eye on Gwen. 
    - That’s nice of you, Dan, but I owe it to your father. - she walked from the attic and down the stairs onto the upper floor of the house. Dan followed her into her room where most of her necessary belongings were packed into a duffel bag and a flower patterned suitcase. - Besides, he can’t possibly be that bad. 
    - I know dad and Gwen constantly shield you from what they do, but trust me, it is not the best thing for you to go with her. The Stans are standoffish, murderous family who silence anyone and everyone who disobeys them. 
    - You’re being overdramatic, Daniel. People aren’t that evil. - she patted his face jokingly. 
    - Y/N? - Gwen peaked into her room. - The chauffeur is here. 
    - I gotta go. - she kissed his cheek whilst grabbing the handle of her suitcase and swinging her duffel bag around her back. 
Y/N followed Gwen down the hall and down the stairs, looking at the walls of the house she’d grown up in, a tinge of nostalgia hitting her as she walked outside the door. In front of the house was a limousine with blackened windows and a man dressed like an old-time driver, holding the passenger door open with a smile. This sight was different from Gwen’s regular chauffeur’s rolling his eyes whenever he saw the two girls coming. 
The heiress entered first, followed by Y/N whose luggage was politely taken away and put in the car’s boot. Inside there was a very expensive bottle of champagne which Gwen was quick to pop open and pour herself a glass as the car took off. Soon enough, the familiar environment of the sheltered home was loss and they were driving right in the Upper East Side, surrounded by designer branded shops, people carrying enough jewelry to pay for a down payment on a medium sized house. It was far different from the outskirts she was used to and Y/N wasn’t sure if she was gonna enjoy it, specially when she saw the much more modern building they were being driven to. 
Gwen, as per usual, was unfazed, almost as if she wasn’t about to be married in a few months to a man she clearly felt nothing for other than pure spite. They were let into the apartment complex, Y/N’s eyes going up to look at the futuristic design with no greenery to be seen in place. In front of the main apartment stood a valet dressed in a crisp suit straight out of a Paris runway, who tipped his cap as the car came to a halt. 
   - Miss Forrest, welcome. - the valet opened the door for her who slightly turned to step onto the perfectly straight and flaw free stone of the ground, removing her sunglasses to take a better look at the man. - I’m here to escort you to the penthouse.
   - A penthouse ... original. - the heiress offered the man a fake smile who opened the main door for her while Y/N stepped away from the car too, silently taking the chauffeur. - Come on, Y/N. 
Few people got to enter or even be close to Sebastian, even Gwen who had been promised to him had never been to his place and now that she was, she wasn’t impressed. The man looked to follow the stereotypical powerful man playbook, at least judging by her window based, modern approach when it came to his home. Y/N on the other way was somewhat enchanted by the level of luxury surrounding her. The lift itself was padded with dark velvet material, a slight mahogany smell constantly entering her senses. The ding signalled they had arrived and as the doors opened, she realised the level of luxury Mr. Stan lived in paled to that of Mr. Forrest. The walls were windows, giving the room a perfect view of the Upper East Side and natural lighting to the dark marble floors that shone the slightest whenever the light hit it just right. 
  - Miss Forrest, it’s a pleasure to welcome you to your new residence. - another man perfectly dressed in a suit, hands behind his back, took a slight bow. - I assume this is your handmaid. 
  - I’m Y/N. - she extended her arm, smile on her face to try and mask how nervous she was but the man kept his posture, not even acknowledging her hand. 
  - Mr. Stan is expecting you. - Y/N looked over to Gwen, expecting it to be directed towards the heiress but as the man placed his hand on the small of her back and started leading her away from Gwen, she started to panic. - Not to worry, miss, it’s standard procedure. 
  - Standard procedure? - they stopped walking once they reached a big dark brown wooded door with golden handles. He didn’t say anything else, instead the man knocked on the door before holding the handle, slightly twisting it and opening the door for a small inch. 
Y/N could fell her heart beat on her throat, not entirely sure what awaited her behind that door. She knew the tales, she knew the stories, Dan had told her several times what his family was capable of, what he was capable of. She remembered being a young girl and hearing about it, muffled voices from Gwen’s father’s office, death threats. Now she was about to see him for the first and it felt wrong, it felt like she would be stripping the myth away from the man. 
With her hand slightly trembling, she pushed the door open to its full capacity, her eyes meeting with a figure standing behind a wooden desk covered with various papers. However, it wasn’t the amount of paperwork in the sort of small desk that surprised her, it was the man behind it. Suddenly, all she could hear was a buzz in her ears and the nerves she had before were heightened.
  - M...Mr. Stan? - Y/N didn’t expect to stutter, however, that had been how her voice came out. He raised his head, stunned at the woman standing in front of him and had to fight the smile that was wanting to creep onto his face. 
The daylight allowed her to study his features better than the darkness of the club. Physically, he was extremely well built with a physic belonging to a stock hero character on the silver screen, with blue eyes and light skin tainted by a small scar on his left cheekbone. 
  - Take a seat, Miss ... - he stood up, pointing at one of the black velvet chairs facing his desk.
  - Y/N. - she replied, shyly walking over to the desk and sitting on the cold leather which greatly contrasted with her warm skin. He looked at her like a predator to a prey, examining every single detail about her complexion and demeanour. His gaze alone made her feel as if she were naked in front of him. However all he could think about was how endearingly harmless she looked in an oversized pirate styled white blouse tucked over a high waisted leather and velvet black skirt and some scratched yet somehow polished black ballerina shoes. It was a far cry from the oversized heels and dress she had been wearing the prior night. He thought it suited her better. - I’m so incredibly sorry for last night, Mr. Stan.
   - Sebastian. - he corrected her, putting down the paper work he had been looking at. - Am I correct to assume you’re Gwen’s handmaid?
   - Yes, sir. - Sebastian bit his lip, listening to the innocent title that escaped her mouth in the most normal of ways. - I do understand it’s a bit odd, but Mr. Forrest requested I continued to keep Gwen company and make sure she’s alright.
   - A bit of an outdated job but my fiancée said you were an non negotiable employee, therefore, I guess you’re part of my staff now. I hope it is not rude to discuss salary, I’m not entirely sure how much Mr. Forrest or Ms. Forrest pay you. 
  - Oh, I’m not paid. I don’t expect you to pay me either, Mr. S ... Sebastian. - she corrected herself mid sentence, feeling the heat creep up her cheeks as he gave her a puzzling look.
  - People who shot at Ms.Forrest will shoot you too, they’ll even shoot first. Do you mean to tell me you put your life on the line for free? - he cocked an eyebrow at her.
  - Why would people shoot me? - his lips were tightened as he wondered if she even knew what the mob did and how they dealt with enemies and issues. The Forrests themselves had few enemies, mostly surviving due to smart tactics and alliances with other small mobs, however, the Stans were mostly hated by every other mob in New York that coveted their unshaken, powerful grip over the Upper East Side and its residents. Once Gwen became officially his wife, any single person who hated him would hate her too and by that, would also hate Y/N. He couldn’t help but chuckle darkly at her naiveté.
  - Alright, Miss Y/N ... - he pushed a small stack of papers, stapled together with a shiny gold staple towards her. - Please sign.
  - What is it? - Y/N didn’t even touch it, merely taking a quick glance. If there was something Mr. Forrest had embedded into her and Gwen was to never, ever sign something without knowing what it was.
  - A contract. You’re my employee now, under my payroll, therefore I require you to sign a contract.
  - I’m not gonna sign a contract without reading it. - to be truthful, she was scared to deny him. He was statuesque and confident while she was cowering in her chair. - I would like some time to read it ... maybe ask a lawyer to look over it.
 - Are you negotiating with me, Miss Y/N? - he was intrigued, watching as she used the last shred of courage she had to nod her head yes. - I don’t negotiate, Miss Y/N, but since my fianceé is rather found of you ... I’ll give you a day. How does that sound?
  - Thank you, Sebastian.
  - You may go now. - she beamed almost like a Disney Princess, preparing herself to pick up her contract, her hand reaching the paper before his hand wrapped itself around her wrist, stopping her from taking her hand away. She squealed softly, not expecting the sudden grip on her wrist. - Tell Genevieve to come in, please.
   - Yes, sir.
He loosened the grip on her wrist thus allowing her to grab her contract and almost rush out of his office, leaving him to watch her leave and close the door behind her. She was positively dewy-eyed, ingenuous even, possibly the first woman he’d met within the mob who didn’t carry a knife under her skirt or spoke with the confidence of a stone queen. She was like a little daisy in the middle of blood soaked roses. However, he couldn’t help the route his mind took whenever she called him sir.
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ellewords · 3 years
“you know i’m in love with you, right?” hinata mutters into your shoulder, arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace.
he had to leave. a team had invited him to play in japan. an opportunity of a lifetime had presented itself to him, and he would be an idiot to pass it up. but that also meant leaving brazil. leaving you.
the pair of you had met pretty soon after hinata had arrived two years before, and there had been a spark from the second you laid eyes on each other. you had never been happier than you were during the time you got to spend with him, and as far as you could tell, hinata shared that sentiment. but you knew from the very beginning that your time was limited. that was why you had never made anything official; it would hurt too much when time ran out. you had too much of your life rooted in brazil to validate leaving, and hinata was rooted in japan. it would be unfair to expect that to change just because of how you felt for each other.
yet here you guys were, hinata holding you like you were his lifeline, face pressed tightly into the curve of your neck, confessing like he’d wanted to from the very start as you sniffled. it was cruel, getting a taste of what could have been just as he was about to board a plane out of your life, but you couldn’t help the watery laugh that escaped your lips.
“i love you, too, sho. always have.”
he pulls back, and his smile is wide and wobbly, and his eyes hold so much love and so many tears, and it hurts. neither of you look away.
you don’t know who leans in first, but before you know it, your noses are nearly touching. he looks just about ready to plunge in and seal the deal when the intercom interrupts with the announcement to begin boarding his flight. he winces, pulling away slowly to look at the throng of people beginning to line up. he needs to go soon, but he can’t make himself move. he doesn’t want to move.
he squeezes your hand and looks like he’s debating whether he should pick up his luggage and begin his departure or stay by your side for forever. instead, you make the decision for him, tugging him towards you gently and pressing a kiss to his lips. it’s quick and light, but it starts a fire in your chest. you almost regret it, feeling the longing begin to start up again, but the thought quickly leaves your mind when you see the way hinata blinks rapidly and a smile finally makes its way to his cheeks. then he pulls you tightly into his chest and spins you around, once, twice, a third time as he peppers kisses across your face. when your feet finally hit solid ground again, he’s buzzing with the energy he always seemed to have as he gathers his things and leads you as far as airport security will allow.
“i’m gonna make you so proud, (y/n)! i promise! and then when we see each other again, i’m gonna take you out on a proper date and ask you to be my girlfriend and—“
“i know, sho,” you interject, heart feeling just a little lighter as you watch him get further and further out of view. “i’m already so proud.”
his smile gets impossibly bigger then, and he turns on his heel to walk the rest of the way up the walkway. he stops right before he can disappear, and he looks serious again.
“i love you.”
“i know.”
“i’ll come back to you.”
your heart skips a beat, but before you can respond, another passenger pushes him forward. he’s out of sight instantly, and it finally feels safe to cry. but your smile is still in place.
“i know, sho. i know.”
— from elle! 💛anon you make my heart hurt and for what?? oh my gosh this is amazing! like legitimately so perfectly bittersweet !! gosh, i love this so so much and the fact that it's timeskip!hinata just makes it all the more *chef's kiss* anyways, i'm picking up where you left off for my little scenario (under the cut, as usual; feat f!reader to go along with what 💛anon sent in). hopefully, i'm able to do justice what you've sent in. thank you so much for this, i hope you're having a wonderful day <3 also i'm not too sure if this is for the first date margins q but i'm considering it as that just in case
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it’s one of those rare moments wherein he had gotten more than just a couple of days off; in fact, he actually had a couple of weeks. the off season for volleyball had begun — no matches, no tournaments, and for a short while, no practices. just giving the team some rest after months of non-stop playing and training.
the second he had gotten the email that confirmed his time-off, hinata’s fingers found themselves booking a ticket on the nearest flight to brazil, the flight that would bring him back to you. he promised that he would take you out on a date, he couldn’t just show up without a plan. not when all he thought about for most of his waking moments was running home to you.
so he packs his nicest suit, folding it as carefully as he could as to not get it crinkled, and spends all of the 26 hour flight daydreaming of the moment you two would finally meet again in person. would you run up to him? wrap your arms around him? he hopes you would. 
you had kept in touch of course, hinata couldn’t allow himself the displeasure of not talking to you at least once a day. but late night video chats, early morning phone calls, and text messages throughout the day could only do so much. he wanted to feel your skin against his, to hear your voice untainted by the thousands of miles of distance, to run his fingertips along the apples of your cheeks and cup your face in the palm of his hand.
and hours from now, he would finally be able to.
hinata stands in the reception area of your office building, flowers in hand, nervous smile on his face. after a nap and a shower, he raced out of his hotel room in his suit, making a reservation to one of your favorite restaurants.
his foot taps on the marbled floor, glancing at his wristwatch every few seconds. he had placed himself by the elevator doors, making himself the first thing you’d see the second you stepped out of it. hinata’s growing more and more impatient as the seconds ticked by, rocking back and forth on his feet. the clock strikes six, any second now.
hinata wishes he could capture the bewildered look on your face, the way you stopped in your tracks the second you made eye contact with him. he gives you a sheepish smile, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck before gesturing into a wave. a quiet little “hi” leaving his lips.
you approach him cautiously at first, tentatively, like you were unsure if he was actually there in front of you. he had told you that he had gotten a couple of weeks off, but he never mentioned using them to fly back to brazil. you’re stunned, breath caught in your throat as your eyes move along the entirety of his figure. there’s no way he was here, this is all just a figment of your imagination; the section of your mind that missed him had finally lost control. you want to keep your steps slow for fear of disappointment.
but your heart and your feet betray you, picking up the pace just as you were a couple of feet in front of him. you practically throw your body against his, wrapping your arms around his neck, hoping he’d be strong enough as to not make the two of you fall on the cold floor of your office building.
hinata takes a few steps back from the force of your body impacting his, but he places an arm around your waist, steadying both himself and you. he hears it, the beating of his heart, loud and clear as he takes in the familiar scent of your perfume.
you pull away, placing your hands on his face just to make sure he was really in front of you. gazing directly into his eyes, you breathe out, “you’re here.”
“i'm here.” hinata confirms, pressing a kiss to your temple; just to let you know he's real.
hinata gazes at you from across the table, reaching out for your hand so he could hold it in his; he needed this, the warmth of your touch, a gentle reminder that he was once again in your presence.
and you were not one to deny him such a simple thing, mostly because you need that reminder as well.
this isn’t the first time you had eaten at this particular restaurant. during his two year stint in brazil, the place had become a source of comfort for the two of you. it’s where you celebrated birthdays, big promotions, or just had dinner when neither of you felt like cooking.
hinata still knows your order by heart, surprising you. in all honesty, you thought he would forget all about you the second he step foot in japan. there’s a small pull at your heartstrings, a flurry in the pit of your stomach, a fluttering in your chest.
most first dates are spent trying to get to know the other person, but hinata already knew you like the back of his hand. and the same could be said of you with him. you knew in the light in his eyes as he talked about his new teammates how much he adored playing with them. and he knew in the smile on your face as you rambled on about the book you had just finished reading that it would become one of your favorites. 
you can’t help but stare, how could someone change in just a short amount of time? he had grown more confident, looked the happiest he’s ever been. and it certainly helped that he was wearing a suit — you had mostly seen him in sweatpants and pyjamas, so this was an entirely different look to you.
“you know, i wish you had told me you were coming,” you frown, looking down at your work clothes, knowing that somewhere deep in your closet is a dress that would have been perfect for a night like this, “i would have dressed for the occasion.”
“but you’re already perfect.” hinata says it without missing a beat, with such complete and utter sincerity that your heartbeat pick up just as he said it.
like a true gentleman, he walks you back to your apartment. a place that isn’t exactly foreign to him, his feet leading him on muscle memory alone. 
the walk back is filled with his and your laughters, arms looped around the other’s as you made your steps as slow as possible; trying your hardest to extend the time you had. 
when you finally reach the front door, hinata stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans, suddenly unsure of himself. was this too much for you? was he coming on too strong?
you chuckle, seeing the complete panic in his features, stepping closer to him. you hold his face in your hands, voice barely above a whisper, “i still can’t believe you’re actually here.”
hinata’s breath evens out at your touch, heart finally calming down, blush on his cheeks. and just like that day at the airport, it’s unclear who leans first, but did that matter at this point? everything hangs in the air, months of unsaid words between the two of you, breath hitching as your noses touch.
“i told you i'd come back.” he mumbles against your lips before letting them meet his in a kiss. 
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a question: what are the hq characters like on a first date?  |  written on the margins masterlist
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join my hq taglist here. <3
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mareebird · 3 years
Santa’s Little Helper
It’s my Christmas fic, y’all.
Not relic universe.
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TITLE: Santa’s Little Helper
Summary: Loki wrangles Thor into playing Santa at the mall.  Family feels are had.  It’s sacherine and fluffy.
Wordcount: 2400 (because it’s Dec. 24...)
In retrospect, it had been the enormous cinnamon roll’s fault.
Loki was half-way through his snack, and half-way to regret over purchasing it in the first place, when he saw the long queue of children waiting to meet the mall Santa.
He was determined to finish the roll, of course, as sickeningly sweet as it was—much like Christmas in general, but Loki rather surprisingly enjoyed that part.  Thor had promised to split the dessert with him, but his promise had been empty.  One bite and he was satisfied.  He had never shared Loki’s love of sweets.
And, well, Thor had put on a lot of sympathy weight since Loki’s last visit.
But part of the problem was that Thor was laden with bags upon bags of Christmas presents.  He was responsible for all of the shopping this year.  Jane was in no condition to help and Thor was taking his duties very seriously, as he always did.  He refused to let Loki vanish anything away, even for the sake of freeing his arms.
So in order for him to share the roll, Loki would have to feed him by hand.  And that was not going to happen.
Oh well.  More Cinnabon for me, thought Loki.  That was before the nausea set in.
But the line of children had spilled out of Santa’s Workshop and was now circling around a fountain and trailing all the way toward the entrance of Bloomingdales.  Loki frowned and tilted his head.  Thor must have thought he was actually looking at Bloomingdales, because he gestured and mentioned something about buying yet another gift for Jane.
“That line is far too long,” said Loki.  “It’s deplorable.”
“Children should not be made to wait that long to see the Santa.”
“The Santa?”
Loki began tapping his foot on the floor.  He tapped his fork against the side of the roll, as well, before stuffing another mouthful of what was mostly icing between his teeth.  It tasted like pure childhood.  The amount of sugar was beginning to make him vibrate.
“That line must be hours long.  The children look as though they are being tortured.  Visiting the Santa should be fun.  It should be a happy memory.”
“First of all, it’s just Santa.  Not The Santa.”
Loki did not care for the correction.  It failed to embarrass him, but Thor had been in a very agitated mood as of late, and it was grating on everyone else.  Jane had all but begged Loki to take him off her hands for a few hours.  He was constantly overwhelmed, constantly worried, and though he had every reason, even Loki thought he might be overdoing it a bit, and that said something.
Then again, the pressure was not on Loki.  He was only going to be an Uncle.   Jane was due with his nephew any day now.
“They wait in lines like that every year," Thor went on.  "You’ve never been to the mall at Christmas before.  How do you even know what meeting Santa is?”
Loki shrugged.  Context clues.  Never mind the fact that the modern-day Midgardian Santa was heavily influenced by Woden, a Germanic interpretation of Odin…
Loki liked Santa far better.  A jolly old man who adored children of every race and creed?  It was a vast improvement, in his personal opinion.
He sighed.
But Thor was right, Loki had never been to the mall at Christmas.  He did spend a good amount of time on Earth these days, paying visits to his brother and Jane that probably out-stretched his welcome, but this was his first visit to encompass a major Midgardian holiday.  Loki had quickly decided that Christmas was a good thing and all his favorite parts were the ones that celebrated the happiness of children.
Surprise surprise.
Children made to wait for hours?  Loki did not care for that.  “I think something’s gone wrong.”
Loki pointed with his fork.  “See those gnomes?  They appear to be discussing grave matters.”
“Gnomes?  You mean, elves?”
Elves?  Hm.  Loki had a very different concept of what elven peoples looked like.
One of the elves was on the telephone.  The others were milling about with furrowed brows, wringing their hands.  They looked like lunatics, and sounded like them, too, with jiggling bells sewn into their clothes, but it still plucked a minor chord in Loki’s heartstrings.  Perhaps his sugar rush was already crashing.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Brother,” sighed Thor.  “The line is long because everyone wants to meet Santa.  He’s very popular—Loki, where are you going?”
Loki was going to find out what had gone wrong, that was where he was going.  If this holiday was about bringing children joy then, by the Norns, he was going to see to it that it did not bring them tears instead.
He stuffed the remainder of his cinnamon roll into his mouth and discarded the evidence in a trash can.
“Excuse me, is something the matter?” he addressed one of the fretful employees, a teenage girl who looked as though she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.  From behind, he could hear Thor running to catch up.
“I'm sorry.  Santa’s been...detained,” she said, maintaining meager poise in her polite reply.  “We’re gonna close the workshop.  Can you come back tomorrow…? Oh my god, you’re Loki.”
“What do you mean detained?”  Loki ignored the girl’s shock at seeing him.  It was a typical reaction, even if he was on better footing with the humans these days.  PR was everything.  Having an Avenger for a brother helped.  But that wasn't important right now.  Loki distinctly remembered seeing Santa when he and Thor first arrived, seated upon his Christmas throne, taking photographs with the children.  So where was he now?
"He left for lunch and we haven't heard from him…  Oh my god, you’re Loki.  And Thor!” gasped the second elf.  The bells on her pointed hat rung with her surprise.
“Yes, yes...” Loki sighed.  Thor laughed with Santa-like jocularity.  In the spirit of Christmas, Loki refrained from jabbing him in the ribs.
The third elf had been on the telephone this whole time: an ancient, tan device with a curly cord—how it was able to contact anyone was beyond Loki.  Abruptly, she hung up.  “I got a hold of him.”
“Where is he?” the other elves asked at once.
“The hospital."
"His son was in a car accident…  Oh my god, it’s Loki and Thor.”
Of course, Loki had always known the man dressed as Santa was an actor, but hearing about something so grizzly was jarring.  The trio of elves flew into a flurry over the news.  The son was hurt, but not seriously.  His father needed to mind the grandchildren until someone else could step in.  Everything would be fine.  The only tragedy was that he could not return to the mall until later that night.
They needed to shut down the Workshop for the rest of the afternoon.
“Would you like the two of us to step in?” asked Loki.
The elves might as well have been smacked upside the head, the way they suddenly lost their balance.
Thor made a sound as though he had choked.  “What?”  Suddenly, his hand was around Loki's elbow.  "That enormous Cinnabon went straight to your head.  Are you crazy?"
"That's irrelevant."
"Jane is expecting me home."
"No, she's not," protested Loki.  "She kicked you out so you would stop driving her mad with your incessant fawning—"
Thor winced.  Loki shut up.  He felt a bit bad about pointing out just how annoyingly intense Thor's caregiving had been as of late, but it was the damned truth, although he could hardly blame Thor.
"These gnomes need our help," Loki pressed on.  The sugar would power him through.  "Are you not sworn to protect this realm?"
Thor rolled his eyes.  Loki scowled.  How could Thor not understand?  It was of the utmost importance that they not send these children away.
Thor blinked at him.  Slowly.  “You really want to play Santa, Loki?”
Loki haughed.  "Oh no.  Don’t be silly.  You’ll have to play Santa.  I'm just your agent.”
Thor looked down at himself, frowning, half-dazed.  “I admit, I’m not in the best shape of my life, but playing Santa—”
Loki waved a hand.  They did not have time for Thor to be ridiculous.  “I’ll have to disguise you.  Obviously.”
“Wait a minute.  You’re the one who actually wants to…”  Thor stopped himself, looked around, and lowered his voice.  “You’re the one who came up with this idea.  You be Santa.”
“Do you want to go back and forth on this?  I could never play a believable Santa, even in costume.  It’s not my type.  It’s laughable.  Are you going to do this for the children or not?”
Loki knew he was manipulating his brother, but only the slightest bit, because he also knew that even if Thor began to walk away, he would only turn around and march straight back.  He was Thor to a fault.
Slowly, Thor placed his bags on the floor.  Loki vanished them away before he could even begin to change his mind.
"I'm not… as good with children as you are…"  Thor muttered.  He met Loki's eye.
"You'll be fine.  I promise."
"Will I, though?"
Loki's breath caught, as he realized Thor might not be asking about the children in the queue.
One of the elves jumped up and down and clapped, unaware of the silent exchange.  “Oh my god, I can’t believe this is happening.”
Loki’s heart broke just the slightest bit for his brother, but there was no time to have a family chat now.  Loki cast a spell over Thor.  With a sound like the wind, his clothing filled out and became bright red, a far more brilliant hue than the standard mall costume.  Loki much preferred the older depictions of Santa he had seen on Christmas cards, as far as fashion went.  He finished off with a long red coat and buttons trimmed to look like cookie icing, and the hat was a proper nisse cap.
“I’m going to sweat to death in this,” said Thor.  Loki had kept his face the same beneath it all, but one could hardly tell beneath the long, white beard that extended all the way to his lap.
“You’ll be fine.  Think of it as losing your sympathy weight.”
Thor shot him a tiny glare.  “And what are you going to wear?”
Loki hardly had to think before changing into a sharply tailored, velvet, forest green suit, complete with a silk waistcoat.
“You look like a butler,” said Thor, wrinkling his nose.
“This is proper attire for one of Santa's handlers.  No offence.”  Loki glanced at the elves and, with a shrug, gave himself a pair of pointed ears.  Thor rolled his eyes, but Loki did not pay him any mind.  He was too busy pushing Thor toward his throne in the Workshop—although why a workshop needed a throne was beyond him.  “All you need to do is make this a magical and perfect experience for each child.”
“Piece of cake,” Thor said dryly, or at least, he sounded as though he had said something like that.  It was possible that parts of Loki's cinnamon roll had lodged themselves in his brain, never to leave.
A roar of clapping and cheers erupted from the exhausted crowd in the queue.  "Your Santa is here!" Loki shouted above it all, and the cheering only grew louder.
Thor waved.  Then, he slowly began to grin.  Loki had do doubt that his brother would do an excellent job, with his help.  This would be a learning experience.  Thor was right, Loki was better with children, probably because at heart, he still was one—even if his heart was a bit crusty around the edges.  Christmas was an excuse to shed all of that.
A little girl was at the front of the line.  Loki could hardly fathom how long she'd been waiting.  He met her at the gate and took her by the hand.
"I'm ever so sorry for the wait. I'm...Charles...the North Pole butler.  What's your name?" He asked, while one of the mall elves guided her parents to the side of the Workshop.
"Violet," she said, in a sweet, chipmunk-like voice.  She was wearing a dress the color of plums.  She could not have been more than four years old.
"Oh, that's right!  I remember now.  Hello, Violet.  Are you having a nice day?"
She nodded.
"Excellent!  Santa will be so happy to hear that."  Loki guided her to Thor, who still looked more nervous than Loki had hoped.  He really did need more practice with children before his own arrived.  "Mr. Claus, this is Violet.  Remember her?  She wore such a lovely dress."
"Yes.  And...the color matches her name!"  Thor's face lit up, no doubt pleased with himself for making the connection.
The three of them chatted for a minute or so—not for too long, because there were dozens and dozens of children to see. Violet asked for a playhouse for her yard.  Photos were taken.  Candy canes were passed out.  Loki was satisfied.  No, not merely satisfied, but genuinely contented, which was a Christmas miracle of its own.
He moved to meet the next child at the gate.  Thor pulled him back by the hem of his sleeve.  "How are you so good at this?"
Loki thought for a moment.  A few memories stirred in his heart, some of them happy, some of them sad; feelings he did not know how to explain.  In the end, he shrugged.  "I'm not entirely sure.  I just make it up as I go."
"That's how you do everything," said Thor.  Loki laughed.  Thor's eyelids fluttered and his eyes glistened behind them, pleading for something a bit more meaningful than a joke.  For reassurance, perhaps.  It stirred Loki's heart.  
Loki cleared his throat.  "All you have to do," he said, "is make sure they know they are special to you."
Before they both needed to wipe away a tear, Loki turned away.  He dove both fists into the basket of candy canes.
"And if ever they need a little cheering up—"  He tossed the sweets into the crowd.  The whooped and giggled and waved their eager hands.   "I heartily suggest lots of sugar!"
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