#what’s worse is that I do get the sense that she cares about me *as a person*. like she sees a person who is suffering and feels empathy fo
l0tt1emy · 3 days
Girlfriend privileges
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Lottie Matthews x F!reader
Summary: After Jackie passes the lead to Lottie for a few weeks, the rest of the team isn't so happy
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It felt more like a nightmare to be honest
while the girls were spending the last of their energy every day training all day and arriving at their respective homes only in the early hours of the morning, some getting scolded by their parents but in the end it would pay off, it probably couldn't get any worse
Jackie Taylor was in charge of being the leader this year, but she didn't have the golden patience to be the leader, you and Shauna had a little fight a while ago for a silly reason, and in training you had to train together forcibly, and Jackie didn't know deal with that
" Don't you look where you are, you idiot?" Shauna shouts from the other side of the lawn, attracting the attention of Laura Lee and Natalie who sighs "Fuck you shauna" you retaliate rolling your eyes" Are you too busy looking at your girlfriend or some shit?" "Stop!" Jackie screams when she sees how close you and Shauna are, her screams making no difference
"Maybe you should go and have sex with the boys your best friend looks for you, that way your mouth will be too busy for you to talk shit" you retort "Randy, his name isn't he?" You step back when you see Jackie running to at least try to alleviate the situation that seemed like it couldn't get any worse
Shauna approaches you and for a second it looks like she's going to hit you, then dramatically Jackie jumps in front of you and lands embarrassingly on the ground before Shauna can take it out on you, a loud scream echoing out and making everyone on the lawn look at Jackie, damn it. she looked destroyed there
"You are an idiot Jackie?" natalie screams
and this caused a lot of problems, since the beginning of the year, the team wouldn't stop fighting, every time they got together and it became a law, not to put you or taissa with shauna, or it could turn into a murder, and jackie was the only person who put order there
Jackie's leg seemed to be twisted, it was a real horror, on one side Laura Lee was praying, on the other Misty was trying to touch Jackie's leg and the coach was roughly pushing her away, the rest of the girls looked like statues as they looked at you and Shauna
Jackie made all the girls gather at her hospital bed, receiving sighs and low curses over her, it looked like a wake and no one even knew what they were doing there
And it was worse than some thought, she started giving a speech about you and shauna having to be friends and some shit like that, and started saying that she would probably never walk again that it showed she cared about the team "That doesn't even make sense" Taissa says and is interrupted "Please let me finish"
"I'm going to choose someone to be the leader" "For just a while of course, no one can replace me" Mari closes her eyes and rubs her temples when she sees laura lee raise her hand
"And the chosen person is the most trustworthy here, I would choose Laura Lee but...I think she is too good for that?" Jackie gives Laura Lee a smile when she sees her frown with a disappointed expression
" You have got to be kidding"
"Mari, you're not catching the ball, try again now with Gen"
That was the phrase that Lottie kept repeating over and over for the last 2 hours of training that seemed to turn into 10 hours, the team formation being extremely confused without Jackie, which was to be expected.
"I swear if I hear that word again I'll have wished I was Jackie" Van says, leaning on the goal rail
"We can't go on like this, I know Jackie was too important to lead us, but nationals are coming up" Lottie murmurs breathlessly "I'm going to have to be tough with you guys"
"What the fuck is this lottie?" nat starts to protest running over to lottie and rolling her eyes " You think you're fucking Tommy Shelby?" Natalie says raising an eyebrow
"Who is this" "It doesn't matter"
" The next person who loses the ball will have to walk the length of the pitch 3 times" Lottie says firmly
All the girls sigh but Lottie is unfazed by the curses, insults and even things almost being thrown in her face directly by Van "Are you kidding me?" Taissa snorts and looks at you "Your girlfriend is crazy! We should do some ritual to get Jackie back"
"Nothing to complain about, let's see if Mari doesn't lose the ball now" lottie and mari exchange looks and mari gives an arrogant smile and rolls her eyes, positioning herself while lottie returns to her seat
Training continues and the ball passes from Natalie to Mari, for the first time in the game, and Lottie raises an eyebrow, analyzing
You run to the other side and try to pull the ball from mari, who was already close to your goal, putting strength in your legs that you swear are going to roll over. Now you get closer to mari's legs and are about to turn the ball over when mari gives you One final push and the ball lands in the goal easily, damn it.
The whistle blows and you whimper looking at the girls running to the water fountain, you run to Lottie "I don't want to do this shit" you mumble, shaking your head in denial repeatedly "You are not going" Your eyes widen in genuine surprise and you raise an eyebrow
While the rest of the girls enter, some talking and others panting drinking water, Laura Lee is the first to arrive and sits on the floor "Why isn't she running yet" Shauna's voice resonates "She doesn't need to run" silence
"What!" Mari shouts entering "But would I have to run?" she snorts, crossing her arms "I changed my mind, let's start with who lost the ball for the first time" Lottie says firmly
"If that's so then, she should start in the last training she let Laura Lee fall" they all nod and look at you "It's been a long time, just accept it, besides, Laura Lee is always in the front getting in the way"
Laura Lee widens her eyes and looks away "No offense" she looks at Laura Lee and raises her thumb which is ignored
" That was 4 days ago" Taisa argues to Lottie and she just denies it "That doesn't justify it"
"You're only doing this because she's your girlfriend"
"No, she has this privilege because she's my girlfriend, it's different" Lottie says bluntly
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haruhar-u · 1 day
Hard Armour Does Not Make A Good Pillow
-2779 words
“Feng Xin’s brain told him he should panic, flail and kick his legs and start yelling at Mu Qing to put him the fuck down. Unfortunately for him, his heart had other plans”
beta read by @good-vs-evo
For @fengqingaction donations are open until July 5th please consider donating :)
prompted by Ladysara_writer on ao3
—Basically Feng Xin has a migraine and Mu Qing takes care of him—
“Currently mount Tonglu is stable,” some random middle court civil god from the palace of Ling Wen, that’s Feng Xin’s guess as their blue robes matches Ling Wen as if she was their fucking idol or something,  practically droned on; they leaned over a piece of paper as they wrote on it at the head of the table. The other officials were all pretty much craning their necks to get a look at the paper. Feng Xin, on the other hand,  desperately tried to block out the constant droning of their voice. It was akin to a mosquito flying near your face and especially buzzing around your ears yet you can’t swat them away no matter how hard you try. 
“…the mortals are doing well as of now…Lord Windmaster is on his way to ascending again...now onto finances,” they continued as Feng Xin stifled a groan. The light streaming through the wide windows felt like it was going to practically burn out his eyes. Actually, Feng Xin wouldn’t be surprised if it was slowly burning his brain through his eyes. That’d make a lot of sense considering how he felt right now. 
The civil god started stating random amounts of merits in numbers so large Feng Xin didn’t want to process even thinking about them right now. He buried his face into his hands which were resting on the table in front of him, allowing the soothing darkness to engulf him…Well it wasn’t as dark as Feng Xin would like but it was slightly better than before. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world and hard armour is not a good pillow. He felt like he was heaven’s biggest idiot for thinking he’d be able to endure what started out as a dull ache for the entire hour the meeting would run for. And, dull ache? Nah, that became an intense throbbing pain clawing at his head and Feng Xin swore he felt bile come up.
Feng Xin tightly shut his eyes; if he has to stay here for another 45 minutes, might as well wallow in misery while he’s at it! The droning of the civil god got worse and their voice went from a buzz in Feng Xin’s ear to what sounded like the long nails of a ghost empress scratching at metal right next to his ears. Why couldn’t his state of misery have waited until after the meeting? Actually, why couldn’t it have stopped right this second? That’d be pretty ideal, if Feng Xin wasn’t to lie. He’ll just ask another heavenly official, probably Xie Lian, –he wouldn't mind for sure–what happened at the meeting. If he were to ask Mu Qing, he can see the eyeroll coming from where he is now.
He felt a light tap on one of his shoulders. Reluctantly he turned his head to the side and opened a single eye, slightly wincing at the light. 
          “You look worse than usual.” It was Mu Qing who tapped him. Was that a hint of concern in his hushed tone and facial expression? No, why would Mu Qing be concerned about him? 
      “Fuck off.” That just kinda came out weakly without Feng Xin even thinking about it. Force of habit, he supposed. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mu Qing roll his eyes at him. Typical. “Obviously you’re well enough to curse me out.”
“..’m fine” Feng Xin mumbled, turning his head back to how it was before Mu Qing came and decided he must disturb the peace by bothering him.
“No, you’re not.” 
“I am”
            “I don’t believe you.”
“I said I’m fucking fine.” “Sure.” Mu Qing retorts. “I’ll believe you when you sit up and pay attention.” 
Why did Mu Qing have to be so fucking fustrating? Feng Xin didn’t understand it! Why couldn’t Mu Qing just leave Feng Xin to suffer alone and in peace exactly how he wanted to in the first place. 
Feng Xin let out a sigh and forced himself to sit up straight. The bright lights from Mount Taicang poured burned into his head from the windows when he opened his eyes causing his head to feel like it was about to split open leaving only one martial god of the south. He couldn’t close his eyes. There was no way in the ghost realm he’d even think about looking weak in front of his greeted rival!
“You look…like you’re about to throw up all over the table,” Mu Qing comments in a whisper just loud enough for Feng Xin to just barely hear him. 
“I’m fine.” Was that really all Feng Xin could say? He was seriously starting to think that was all he knew how to say at this point! At this point if this headache kills him, ‘I’m fine -tremendous masculinity’ is going to be the thing engraved onto his grave! That fucker Mu Qing would make sure of it. 
Mu Qing rolled his eyes again. Then he did what Feng Xin would never imagine in a million years. He wrapped one of his arms under Feng Xin’s knees and the other under his armpits then lifted him up. Which unfortunately caused the judgemental gazes of all the heavenly officials in the room to land on the two of them.
Feng Xin’s brain told him he should panic, flail and kick his legs and start yelling at Mu Qing to put him the fuck down. Unfortunately for him, his heart had other plans as it started to beat uncontrollably fast. The heart wants what it wants and the heart wants him to lean against Mu Qing’s chest. He didn’t have the strength to fight it and then he buried his face against the silk of Mu Qing’s outer robe and closed his eyes once more. 
“General Xuan Zhen, General Nan Yang, just where do you think you’re going? And Xuan Zhen, why are you carrying Nan Yang??” the middle court official asked. Either Feng Xin didn’t catch what was said after or Mu Qing just straight up ignored them.
He felt the air get colder as Mu Qing stepped out into fresh air. There was a slight breeze that hit Feng Xin’s face. The breeze felt surprisingly soothing, like a mother’s touch, but cold. The air was definitely way less stuffy than in the temple, so that’s definitely a plus.
Mu Qing didn’t say anything as he walked, which Feng Xin deeply appreciated. He definitely thought the bastard would immediately start scolding him or use this as a chance to prove he’s better somehow. Feng Xin isn’t really sure how. But Mu Qing’s silence was a welcome change compared to the constantly grating voice of the junior official from Ling Wen palace. Feng Xin wishes banishment upon them for ...He'll get back to you on that. 
They must’ve gotten back to the palace because although Feng Xin’s face was still buried into Mu Qing’s chest the air surrounding them got slightly warmer and the breeze completely went away. Wait…Feng Xin’s face was still against Mu Qing’s chest? Well, a world of teasing is in for him once he gets better. He should probably think of bracing for the impact of Mu Qing’s words and start thinking of comebacks, you know? 
At this point, Feng Xin didn’t know where Mu Qing was taking him; in fact, he didn’t even know which palace he was even in! Did Mu Qing take him to his own palace or did he go to Feng Xin’s palace? Then a door slowly creaked open as Mu Qing supported Feng Xin’s body weight with one arm as the other was opening the door. Feng Xin was laid upon the bed. The bed felt soft and the blankets on top were completely messy and unmade and he could feel pillows thrown about all around him. This bed felt familiar. It felt like home. Oh wait, maybe that’s because it was home. Yeah that’d be a good guess. 
Mu Qing clicked his tongue. “You can’t even make your own bed in the morning? Seriously?” Feng Xin desperately hopes that’s a rhetorical question as he didn’t feel like answering that. Mu Qing then lets out a sigh, but it’s not one of those annoyed kind of sighs but it’s one of those exasperated-affectionate kind of sighs. “Do you have any rags anywhere?”
“In the bathhouse,” Feng Xin answered. Honestly, he wasn’t 100% sure if there even were any in the bathhouse. That was just the place where there would most likely be a random cloth laying about. Knowing Feng Xin’s organization skills, it’s definitely on the floor. He just has to trust that Mu Qing will be able to find it. He probably will. If Mu Qing wasn’t a martial god, he’d definitely be a civil god of organizing or some shit like that. 
Mu Qing then closes the door to leave Feng Xin with only the sounds of his own thoughts and breathing. Even that was a bit too loud at the moment. At least it wasn’t as bad as the heavenly official meeting. That literally felt like that time Hua Cheng and Xie Lian invited everyone to the ghost realm for dinner…it definitely wasn’t pretty and Feng Xin wondered if what was being served was actually edible. The ghosts were also incredibly noisy. Like a whole bunch of little tiny children in a martial school learning how to learn a sword for the first time or some shit. Like congratulations kids  now please shut up. Or in Feng Xin’s case, congratulations we are in a shit load of debt from rebuilding everything now shut up!
Mu Qing came back quite quickly. A lot quicker than Feng Xin thought he would, considering the state of his bathhouse. Feng Xin blinked open his eyes to see Mu Qing folding a cloth. His dark hair, which was held back in a half ponytail, was slightly messy with the occasional fly-away strands poking out. His robes were also a bit out of place, the outer portion was pulled slightly down, Feng Xin could only assume it was him who caused it, revealing a bit of his beige inner robes. It was...in the dimly lit room…No. There’s no fucking way Feng Xin is finding a man with messy hair and messed up clothes attractive. Especially if said man is Mu Qing. 
Mu Qing finished refolding the cloth in a rectangle shape and lay it gently onto Feng Xin’s forehead. The cool feeling of the damp cloth felt nice on his skin, it didn’t immediately soothe his headache but it felt good nonetheless. Then Mu Qing softly helped Feng Xin undo his top knot, letting his hair flow down to just under his shoulder blades. Having his hair down felt way nicer than laying on a permanent bump on his head due to the way his hair was styled. 
“I brought a bucket and water  from the bathhouse, just in case,”  Mu Qing states, putting the bucket and water down by Feng Xin’s bedside. Nope, there’s no way in the ghost realm he’d need to use the bucket in front of Mu Qing. There was definitely no way he’d give his biggest rival blackmail! Mu Qing seeing Feng Xin in pain like this was already enough, if he were to throw up in front of him it’d be ten times worse.
But if Mu Qing really was his biggest rival ever, then why does the mere thought of him taking care of him ever so gently and attentively cause his heart to feel like it was about to beat out of his chest? Or why does it cause his cheeks to go slightly pink. This is all too weird for Feng Xin! He hates Mu Qing right? Right??? And Mu Qing hates him back! But if he truly hated him back, why is he taking care of him like this! Why does he care?
Mu Qing leaves the room again, slowly closing the door behind him. Feng Xin doesn’t know why he didn’t want him to leave. He desired Mu Qing to stay and sit in serene silence with him the way he once did Jian Lan back in the day… What the fuck???
Mu Qing came back to check on him randomly throughout the day. He was a natural caretaker. It was odd. Whenever Feng Xin needed anything, it would be around the time Mu Qing came in to check on him. Mu Qing didn’t say anything when Feng Xin had no choice but to use the bucket he brought. Mu Qing only rolled his eyes, picked up the bucket and took it somewhere else. He probably cleaned it out and put the same bucket back. That or Mu Qing has found an endless supply of the same buckets somewhere. 
Still, this feeling Feng Xin had towards him. It was just (regrettably) gratitude for having at least someone to take care of him this time, right? There’s no way this is love! Feng Xin shudders at the thought of him and Mu Qing being anywhere near as sappy as Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. Gross. 
Mu Qing came in to check in on him one more time before Feng Xin fell asleep that night. He offered to run Feng Xin a bath or help him out of his armour. This was really wracking Feng Xin’s brain in more than one way. Does Mu Qing think he’s back in Xianle and that Feng Xin is still Xie Lian because the way he’s taking care of him is so…so soft, gentle and caring. Like a loving person. Ha! Someone loving Feng Xin, to him that’s funny. Who would even love someone like him? And to Feng Xin, Mu Qing wasn’t a loving person. At all. 
But Mu Qing was so tender when he was around Feng Xin. He was so caring when he added sugar to the bitter tasting pain killing herbs to make it taste better. He was even more tender when he brushed Feng Xin’s hair for me. And he was so soft when made sure that the cold cloth —which alternated locations between his neck and forehead— was replaced whenever it heated up. Feng Xin definitely didn’t expect this.
At the crack of dawn, Feng Xin felt way better than he did yesterday. Of course, it didn’t completely disappear, but what was once a throbbing pain was now a dull ache that he could definitely manage on his own. His eyes didn’t practically start screaming at him the moment light was let in too, which was definitely a plus. He stretched his arms, which felt like he was ascending once more or something, because he was basically stiffer than that giant statue Xie Lian had that one time. At least that thing could actually move! Mu Qing helped him into the bath and that was about it. 
There was something weird about the palace though…It was a lot neater than Feng Xin left it. And did Mu Qing fucking tuck him in?! Everything that used to be scattered all over the floor was now neatly put away in places where logically you’d think you’d be able to find them. Everything down to his bathhouse was neatly organized. Now this was weird. Mu Qing helping him yesterday and willingly spending the day with him was already odd. Not even with him actually considering he spent the whole day playing doctor. He even went the extra mile to grab him some painkillers which did wonders and now his palace is neatly organized??? What the actual fuck. 
Placed on a table in the corner of the bathhouse was a note on a crumpled piece of paper. Feng Xin reluctantly picked up the piece of paper and did his best to straighten it by rubbing it against the table way more times than he actually needed to and almost ripped it. It read:
Feng Xin, your house was a literal nightmare to get around. Everything was everywhere and I literally couldn’t find anything. I have taken the honour of being the one to organize your welcome. I just wanted to add that taking care of you and rescuing you from that meeting made me realize I l-
-Mu Qing
After the “I l-“ the rest of the letter was scribbled and crossed out repeatedly like Mu Qing desperately didn’t want Feng Xin to read what he wrote. This left Feng Xin to only question what it was Mu Qing could possibly  have written. …I l- huh? I loathe you. Absolute loathing was all they felt for each other and that’s that! 
reblogs appreciated! Also cross posted on Ao3
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ikamigami · 1 day
Rant incoming, I apologize in advance for the length
I still see people trying to say Moon was never loved, that everyone gave up on him, or that saying New Moon is worse than Old Moon is a bad accusation since New Moon doesn't have a body count, or that he's "suffering" and "everyone ignored it" or "nobody tried harder after he said no once"
Like, first off, Moon was loved, Sun has not stopped loving him and refuses to make the choice as to whether or not to either lobotomize or KILL Moon because he doesn't want Moon hurt or killed, in that one episode if you cut out the flashback it is just Sun crying non-stop in his home alone, and when Puppet tried to force him to decide he immediately burst into tears, Earth made it clear in the newest episode that had Moon told them about any of this they would've helped him, she said that nobody really expected him to fix Solar because they all accepted his death, HECK! She even said "I was thinking about forgiving you for what you said" referring to him insulting her in P&S, her comment about him being like the Creator was a bit yick cus the only person that can top the Creator on the villain meter is Ruin but whatever, Lunar was also a bit whatever but he's also dealing with Tauros, the closest thing this world has to a god, and the one who's apparently been gunning for his death up in space court, is coming to earth which FUN
And for the accusation thing, Old Moon was an awful person, hurt his family, Sun especially, killed a lot of people, did lots of unethical things, yes, in the sense that he doesn't have a body count and committing random acts of terrorism New Moon is better, but the closest Old Moon ever got to killing anybody from his family was threatening Sun or punching him, meanwhile New Moon fully went for the kill because he didn't care and had Puppet not intervened she would've fully died
Even if Moon was having a problem, New Moon promised to not make some of Old Moon's worst mistakes, mainly lying about his problems, going behind people's backs, doing things impulsively, and pushing people away, New Moon had the full support of his family and Earth said so, yet he started lying he was okay and not hallucinating, which we all know Sun would've helped him with since Sun suffers from hallucinations, he went behind their backs and started making plans, pushed them away with insults and its clear now by how much he clearly doesn't care about his family that those weren't just bluffs to get them to leave but actually how he thinks about them, and is willing to weaponize what hurts them most to get them out of his way
I get being annoyed at Earth for not pushing harder, or Lunar for just not getting involved, I do not like it either, however, Lunar is currently distracted with the Astral thing, and Earth, who was there from the beginning to nurture and care for Moon and who helped fix Sun and New Moon's relationship, having Moon take her worst insecurity and stab her with it, and we now know he fully meant it, imagine being as close as they were, with Moon doting on her and her offering 100% of her support and allowing him to be vulnerable about his deepest insecurities, to him straight up trying to obliterate her and when she said "you're going to kill me too?!" HE SAID "I don't care", and she was still going to forgive him for what he said before, she told him Moon still had a chance to fix things, Moon still had his family, right up until he decided to murder his own sister who he claimed to love so much because she just happened to be in his way, he didn't even bat an eye and go "wait what have I done?" when half her body got damaged in the blast he was just angry Puppet denied him the satisfaction of blowing up Bloodmoon It wasn't just that "Moon said no and they gave up", he lied to them, broke their trust, took their insecurities like "you aren't a real therapist" and "oh look your Eclipse is showing" and shoved it in their face, and refused help or a better alternative multiple times, and now this
The final point is the reason why I am the most angry, because both Old and New Moon have/developed this problem, it is the impulsivity, when they get an idea in their head they go forwards with it consequences be damned, we see it here, it wasn't just that people didn't want Moon going with this plan because he had to kill someone, also ironic he was so torn up about having to sacrifice somebody only to turn around a few weeks later and do this, but Puppet, Monty, Eclipse, and several people some of whom would know because they are a dimensional entity or who went to a world where someone else did the same thing and it failed, all told him there were many serious consequences for doing the plan, like the Astrals bringing down their wrath, cutting the universe's life short, Moon bringing some monster back instead of Solar, some residual nonsense from whatever Dark Sun did to Ruin or Eclipse carrying over and killing Solar, heck when Ruin pointed out using Bloodmoon would only bring half of Solar back Moon went "Huh, didn't think of that", it is this blind impulsive desire for a goal and getting furious when denied despite being given a hundred reasons not to is so frustrating, part of the reason he tried to kill Earth was that she just so happened to be in the way of what he wanted and he didn't care if she was collateral damage, he was given other options to bringing back Solar, options that as far as we know completely lacked any of the drawbacks, but he refused, I am not going to say ego because I don't think that's it is, it is just single-minded obsession
Also, if Solar does come back, I doubt he's going to see Moon the same way anymore, because his Moon was so single-handedly obsessed with bringing his own Sun back he kept tearing Solar down for parts and putting him in worse bodies, and when Solar fled, Solar's Moon burned everything down, Solar had to deal with his Monty, who blamed him for Moon's rampage, and Moon, who he had to put down himself, how could he look at our Moon now and not see the same thing?
Moon was struggling with grief, yes, but if he had made a single better decision along the way things would've turned out better, at any point he could've told his family "I am hallucinating", "I am not doing well", "I am having angry, bad thoughts", there is no doubt in my mind they would've dropped everything to help him, when Moon cried himself to sleep in Sun's arms Sun took care of him, it wasn't that they didn't try hard enough, Moon became so obsessed with this idea that he cut away everything else, he even ignored the hallucinations of Old Moon and Solar, both of whom told him to stop, and even if what Solar said made him upset, clearly it wasn't enough, not even Solar is enough Moon says they left him no choice and now "he's the bad guy", he always had a choice, and he didn't have to be
This arc is frustrating for all of the above, everyone being out of character, Moon especially as it is so baffling that New Moon, who was so kind and had love and integrity, would become this, it's sad as I loved New Moon even when he got angry or sad before, seeing him be happy with his family, helping Sun and Lunar heal after the past, giving Solar a home, and his family caring about him in return, joking, watching movies, getting up to nonsense together, playing games, supporting him, but this? The needless angst and character assassination, and feeling like a hole has been dug so deep there's no way out, even if they reveal something like a virus, some things were done that cannot be taken back
Anyways…I had a lot of thoughts this rant was so freaking long, if anybody has other ideas or thoughts feel free to add or contradict
You're speaking facts, dear anon 👏
The only thing I disagree with is that you said it isn't an ego.. but I think it is..
Egoists often act like their ideas are the best ones and they don't want to listen to anyone else..
From what we've seen Moon seems to be doing this only because others said him "no".. and egoists often act like that..
Moon even wants to be a villain rather than admit that he was in the wrong and take responsibility for his actions..
And also you're right that Moon proved in these eps that he's worse than Old Moon cause he hurt his sister even though he could've easily just let Ruin help her get out especially considering that Bloodmoon didn't plan to run away..
So what was the point of being so so stupid? But Moon like typical egoist doesn't care about anything other than "I'll do what I want and how I want"..
I personally think that if Moon is infected with a virus which I'm sure he is he still has a chance to get back to his family if he'll decide to take responsibility for his actions if he'll try to atone for what he did..
Maybe I'm too hopeful but idc.. until VAs will prove me wrong I can still hope that things will change for better..
And you're right that what Moon told Earth hurt her so much because they were really close with each other just like you said..
And with Lunar it's the same, he's occupied by a threat that is hanging above their head.. and who would be able to function normally in such situation? I bet that it'd be hard for anyone..
And also Lunar is hurt by Solar's death as much as Moon, I bet.. but he just can't let the emotions to cloud their mind because he needs to control themselves in order to control their powers.. because if he won't he'll die..
And I think that you're right about what Earth said that Moon is like creator.. but I think that she was hurt and tried to hurt Moon as well but also I think that she also thinks that Moon is egotistic just like their father.. and because she doesn't know too many people she just said the person she knows and knows that they're egotistic..
And not surprisingly even that didn't work on Moon.. he just doesn't care.. the only thing he cares about is that he's hurt that no one let him do things like he wanted them to do and that others constantly told him what he can and can't do.. like typical egoist..
And about Sun.. yeah you said that right.. he was crying almost non stop from just thinking about the possibilty of Moon being dead.. and for whole this time - three days that's what Sun told Puppet.. and we know that he was crying a lot because even when Dazzle came to him he was crying beforehand.. he even sounded on a verge of tears..
I'm scared to see how Sun is doing cause such excessive crying isn't good for anyone.. Sun can barely function.. it already doesn't seem good but what will happen when he'll find out that Moon didn't care that Earth would die from the blast of star's power! Sbksnsksksjs
I can't imagine Sun being okay after this.. he'll most definitely spiral.. things will only get worse..
I don't have much to add to what you said..
I just really wish for Moon to finally take responsibility for his actions.. this is all I want..
I feel you, dear anon and I understand your frustration about what's happening in these shows 🫂
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
the last unicorn post from earlier has me thinking about the master. that yana is still in there, you know? is still someone he was, if even for a brief flash across the life of a time lord. there’s no way to unlive that life. there are ways to twist it later, sure, to make utopia into hell on earth. but the life was lived. in much the same way that the doctor can remember, can feel, the love he held onto as john smith even as that life is ripped out of his hands. the doctor choose denial and then grief and then to shutter it all away. and so john smith died, and so professor yana died, and the doctor and the master live on. the doctor has done this before, and he lives in orbit around humanity, trying to keep the best parts of them and hold them deep enough to take root (which he can pretend he gets to choose, as a time lord. as a human, it all floods in and can’t be dug back out.) but what about the master, right?
to borrow a turn of phrase: i think there are two time lords left in the universe, and they both learned how to regret.
#regret here meaning less feeling the emotion of actual regret obviously because time lords do not actually funxtion on unicorn rules. they#already get sad just fine on their own. no humanity needed for that.#but i dont know. i just dont think he brushed it off so easily. i think he did a hell of a job convincing himself he did.#and what better way then to twist his own great works and destroy the species he was working so hard to save at the end of the universe.#but what about the knowledge that he *could* be that person. that somewhere in him exists a version that wanted to save people.#a version that is painfully too much like the doctor. even. now is that part worse or better than the human part?#but if past regenerations are ghosts i think yana deserves a haunt.#anyway maybe ignore this one im rambling about nothing here#theres just. i dont know. what if you were the last of your kind and in surviving you made yourself Not Like Them in a way you’ll never#escape.#i mean doctor who is just so concerned with all these plots about hybrids and children of the tardis and clones and What Makes A Time Lord.#but they’re so obsessed with it in just. a very Lore way. is what it feels like. we get brushes of more like with jenny and how she’s#physically a time lord and the doctor denies her that inheritance. a shared suffering…#but me myself im just fascinated with the doctor and the master as the time lords who survived. but they survived Wrong#its. its. children of gallifrey that don’t belong to her anymore. you know?#i dont care if river’s got time lord dna!!! or the metacrisis is physically human!!! i dont care!!! talk to me about what it means beyond#their blood and bones!!! what’s it like to have your sense of self stripped from you like that!!!#what’s it like when so much of you is the shed skin of time lords past. but one of you was human. one of you was painfully *humiliatingly*#human!!!#enough about how much dna you need to count as a time lord. i want to know how much they can mutate until they can’t be recognized as one.#does that make sense?
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apathyfairy · 1 year
i spent 3 months watching gilmore girls and i finally finished it and a year in the life and then netflix is like hmm what should we recommend... gilmore girls season 1 episode 1 is starting in 3 seconds
#against my better judgement i watched a year in the life again and it was so much worse the second time. i only watched it when it first#came out and then forgot everything that happened because it was so bad it didnt even have to be that bad but it was so bad.#like this might be an unpopular opinion but god whenever they reboot shows or do like a reunion the magic from the original is just gone#that came out wrong i dont mean the original show loses it's magic but that the reboot is missing the thing that made the original special#like ok spoilers and also unpopular opinions but there was just like no chemistry between any of the cast anymore IMO. imo dont come for me#i have no idea what the actors were doing or what they had to move around to make cameos or whatever but just imo alexis was like on another#planet i have no idea why rory was like that. it was just so. routine and expected ? like they were acting how we would expect them to act#but it was just so insincere? i guess is the word#like season 7 sucked and we all know it but god season 7 was better than a year in the life in retrospect#the ONLY good thing about a year in the life is emilys story like good for her finally living her own life and finding what she loves#that makes sense and that all adds up like love that for her.#im biased because ive been a jess girl since i was 8 but jess. fantastic. sucks that he's still in love with rory but hes doing great fine#lane deserved more than that that was bullshit that she was there for 5 minutes and sookie too like#from what i remember melissa mccarthy couldnt be in it or didnt want to or i dont know but i didnt like that they essentially made sookie#abandon jackson and her kids idk.#christopher i dont care about but PARIS deserved more as well#dont get me started on the wild plot omg.#but that's another thing that ruins the reboots is they just try to add such topical references and it just ages so badly imo#and anyway im just so confused. rory is still sleeping with logan but she has a boyfriend whose name she cant remember but also#she's having one night stands at comic con ?#all for the show to end with SPOILER her saying she's pregnant ?#? ? ?#?#ok.#like. they ruined her character a long time ago but they just completely gave up in this.#lorelai is lorelai i expected nothing else so it was boring i just. think this was the wrong show to do a reunion with i dont know.#i didnt watch it but i think the friends thing is the best way to go where they dont make new episodes but just bring the cast back together#like it was so much better with us all just imagining luke and lorelai got married and had another kid and rory went on to be a journalist#and that was that but here we are
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yoonstudios · 1 year
#another vent! don't read if you don't want to! it's long.#so um. my mom and i got in a small fight while out shopping. not anything extraordinary just a regular small dispute and she got#kind of annoyed. and whenever anyone annoys her she *always* says 'it's fine' or 'i'm fine/over it" and it has become noticeable to me#over time. so i told her 'i know you're annoyed with me' and she literally told me 'fine. do you want me to just start telling me that#i'm annoyed with you??' and i was like 'what? yes! why wouldn't i want you to??' but she didn't really answer it. we got into the car#and i said 'sorry i didn't mean to upset you earlier' and of course she was like 'oh it's fine' so i just said to her:#'what i wanted to say was that telling me how i annoyed you and told me what you thought would get us a lot further than just covering your#emotions with a constant 'i'm fine' and not telling me anything.'#and was just like: 'i love you madison but that's not how it works.'#like ????? girl yes it is how it works!! good communication strengthens trust in relationships!! how is this a foreign concept to you??#but something clicked when she said 'look your father hates it when people talk about their feelings or how actions and words#make them feel. if i get used to telling you how you made me feel then i'll start doing it to your father.'#and i just fuckin. sat there. i didn't even say anything for a good minute bc i was so astonished but everything like. made sense.#this house is so full of 'i don't care' 'fuck you/off' 'i'm fine' and so many other harsh words and careless but hostile name-calling—#we don't even know how to tell each other how we feel and think. there's no healthy connection. whenever someone gets emotional by#crying or saying something about how they feel they're called 'soft' 'snowflake' 'sensitive' or sometimes worse names i won't mention#but it's all the same shit. the shaming of being human is revolting but it also shows how dysfunctional this household is. like#it seriously checks every. single. mark. i don't even tell my mom about my problems because all i ever get back is a 'just relax' or#'stop being ridiculous' and there's no sign of comfort or trying to problem-solve anything. it's just 'get over it you'll be fine.'#it made me realize that everyone in this house doesn't know how to properly communicate or work through emotions- thoughts- and conflicts.#myself included. ever since the age of 9 i had such a hard HARD time showing and receiving affection (physical and emotional) from friends#but i didn't know why! it just felt so goddamn foreign! but now it just. now i understand where my deeply rooted#emotional unavailability came from. healthy communication of affection and conflict was never shown to me and all i ever saw from#my parents were fights. lots and lots of fights. i think i thought that's all normal relationships looked like. i thought any affection or#display of healthy communication was fake and a trap of some kind so i just never even chanced a good friendship. i started having healthy#friendships just in late 2020 when i started realizing what in the fuck was going on. i'm more mature than a reserved 9 year old girl now#of course so i'm learning how to be more emotionally available but. i just need a minute. what the fuck.
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fagrights · 2 years
i just need to get this out sorry
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snekdood · 2 days
wish i didnt hafta cut off my conservative family members but they were all so abusive that I can hardly tolerate being around them
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steampunk-raven · 4 months
advil not kicking in :) not sure what I was expecting tbf but it’s not like I can tell my ob-gyn that I need stronger meds and have her *listen* to me
#I told her that i regularly get 10/10 pain just from period cramps and have significant bleeding n she was just like. “ok but have you tried#TWO Advils?”#so I tried that. Didn’t work. She prescribed *three* advils#that also obviously didn’t work#then she suggested increasing amount of dosages (as opposed to the dosage itself) which is *currently* not working#and it’s fucking dangerous longterm. and because I have *at least* 10 day long periods and I already am prescribed nsaids for my#various chronic pains it is so much more horrid for my body but I have yet to have a doctor prescribe me anything but nsaids#which is also pretty funny for my nerve pain because it takes a simple google search to see that nsaids usually don’t affect nerve pain muc#i hate the medical system#vent#vent in tags#also bonus: she diagnosed me with pcos but didn’t put it on my medical record (saying “🥺🥺 but you’re so young 🥺🥺 we can’t diagnose you#for another few years” then kept extending the amount of years needed for a proper diagnosis)#and she’s not REFUSING to do any tests otherwise I’d tell her to document her refusal but she’s still being generally unhelpful#what’s worse is that I do get the sense that she cares about me *as a person*. like she sees a person who is suffering and feels empathy fo#me but she doesn’t care about me *in a professional manner*#like idk I’m glad she cares that i’m suffering I wish she would do the steps of helping me through it (as I am paying her to do)#I could switch but there’s a lot of complications there cuz there’s a lot of shit goin on lol
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inkskinned · 1 month
it's because the bear wouldn't kill me just for being a woman. the bear doesn't kill me for fun. the bear can be shouted at, and will leave me alone. the bear won't make a tiktok complaining about how i crossed to the other side of the path when i saw him coming. if a bear kills me, it's just being a bear: it cannot understand logic. it is not acting out of malice - just fear or hunger.
bell hooks once wrote about how porches might be the only outside space left for women - it is still the domain of the house while it is also outside-but-safe. when i am in the woods, i am in the bear's home, and he has a right to defend his property. outside spaces - anywhere at night, certain parks in the day - those are often implicitly "owned" by men. i cannot explain the feeling of knowing when you have entered a man's "territory." you walk into a place and just know you are in their space. you get a sick sense - you're in danger.
the other day a group of about 8 men were fooling around in the woods while i walked my dog. i had to go around, take the extra 3 miles just to avoid them. it's okay, i like walking. this wasn't even a #feminism moment. it was just a tuesday.
what a plain and easy question. only one of the situations is seen as a tragic accident. i would rather die and have a park bench erected in my honor rather than have my family questioned about why they let me, an adult, walk in the woods in the first place when i should really be at home in the kitchen.
i worked in retail and food service. i have had women say and do absolutely heinous and abusive things to me - not because i was a woman, but because i was there, and they were angry. the way men treated me when angry was different - it was because i was a woman. you can always feel the difference, how there's an undertone of i'd hurt you worse if i could get away with it. i keep seeing people try to cite stupid statistics. why is there always a strange rage whenever women agree on things? like men can argue their way out of our lived experiences? it isn't a buzzfeed quiz - which of these traumas are you? 10 super cute ways not to fear strange men.
i have actually (thrice!) seen a bear in the wild, by the way. i died each time, obviously, and am a ghost writing to you. (it was scary but completely and utterly fine). the second encounter was a black bear with her cub. she looked at me like - do we have to do this or are we good? my dog was busy sniffing a bush, completely nonreactive. i felt like i was in a sitcom: feminist poet reacts - does she actually mean she'd choose the bear? my only thought was - she's so beautiful. her paws are massive.
and there's a part of me that feels the rage spinning out in a corner. why do we have to come up with quippy little comments in order to teach men empathy. would you rather die in a car accident or due to a mugging? and would you rather your house burn down due to an electrical fire or due to arson? gee willikers - it's almost like we're human people, and want to risk the accident versus the intention.
i would rather my last thought be oh shit, a bear rather than i'm a person too. why doesn't that matter? why don't you care?
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augustinewrites · 4 months
cw: it’s just angst
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“i’m not mad.”
satoru closes and locks the front door, trailing after you into the kitchen, apprehension rising in the space kept between you. “really? because you seem kind of mad…”
“it’s fine, gojo.” you snap. “i’m fine.”
he watches you, quiet as the two of you go about your evening routine. leftovers from meals brought to the infirmary stowed away. week-old laundry tossed into the basket. you don’t say a word to him, emotions you don’t know how to make sense of still simmering.
“i’m sorry,” he says plainly as you’re both putting away the dishes. 
you wipe your hands on the tea towel, glancing over at him. “do you even know what you’re apologizing for?”
he shifts, unsure. “no…”
“of course you don’t,” you sigh. 
“then tell me,” he insists, exasperated. “i don’t want to fight.” 
“i don’t want to either,” you snap. “but you’re doing it again.” 
“doing what?”
“you just spent a week in the infirmary. you were hurt.”
“c’mon,” he laughs weakly. “there was no real chance of me dying.” 
“that’s not the—” you voice rises, then immediately quiets when you realize the kids are asleep. “that’s not the point. you’re losing yourself in it again. soon you’re going to drift away from us— from me,” you tell him, bleeding into the pain you’ve felt the last few days. “like you did when we were in school.”
because for as long as you’d known gojo, his drive was to constantly do more. be more. the period of time after the failure that was the star plasma vessel mission was the first time you’d witnessed it. gojo satoru doesn’t do anything halfway. he won’t permit himself to.
that’s what really scares you. he doesn’t know when to stop.
“i’m sorry that i worried you,” he apologizes, sincerity etched into his expression. you know him, know that he’s scared to say the wrong thing, that he’ll mess this up or somehow make it worse. “i had to. the higher ups—”
“satoru,” you interrupt, walls crumbling right in front of him. “i’ve always liked that you care about the jujutsu world. i just don’t want you to only care about it. not with where we are in our lives right now.”
“i don’t—”
“you do! you always have, and i get it. i know the world needs you…but things are getting worse, and we need to start thinking about the future—”
“everything i’m doing is for the future. for the future generation of sorcerers all over the world—”
“i don’t care about the world! i just care about you, and that’s the problem. one person always cares more in a relationship and that’s always been me.” 
“that’s not true,” he insists, a desperate edge in his voice. “all i’ve ever wanted is you. all i’ve never needed is you—”
“i need you too! maybe that sounds selfish or needy, but i don’t want there to be a day where i have to tell the kids that you’re not coming home. if you can’t understand that—”
he doesn’t think you realize you’re crying, frustrated tears gathering in your eyes and threatening to spill over. satoru reaches for you out of instinct, your argument the furthest thing from both your minds at this moment. you let him pull you into his arms, let him hold you. 
but you’re exhausted. 
this is fight you’ve been having since the moment you’d met him, and you don’t think he’ll understand the impact of it until you walk away.
“if you don’t understand that,” you continue softly, “then maybe we need to take a break.”
outside the apartment door, nanami and shoko sit side by side, sharing a bottle of "welcome home" wine.
"guess they forgot we were coming over," the doctor mutters, pressing her ear against the door to see if jujutsu tech's favourite couple was still fighting. “it’s way too quiet in there. you think she killed him?”
nanami sighs, loosening his tie. “it’s quite possible.” 
“i’ll be the alibi and you’ll get rid of the body?”
“of course.”
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
there’s a progression in there, somewhere, of even going from ‘the master might kill me any day now :(‘ to ‘the master is going to kill me :) she’s not going to let someone else do it after all this time’
#i wouldn’t call it hubris exactly. more like this pretty secure surity that that’s how they’re going to die.#and to them that makes sense. they chose this. they keep choosing it after the doctor offers them a way out.#because this is. they understand this. and they feel safe in the reprieve before their death.#how do you control death? choose who kills you. the last defense of a prey animal.#something something dark mirror to clara’s ‘i am owed’ speech for even is if this ever. doesn’t work out the way they thought it would.#clara tried to threaten the doctor so that he’d reverse death for her. even would turn on the master if she tried to spare them.#i am owed better. i am owed the death you promised… i am owed the knowledge that you don’t care enough to save me… you know. something like#that.#even is. kind of. meant to mirror the doctor’s companions at the time. they are a martha who can’t leave him. they are a donna who has to#remember and never speak about everything they know. they are clara if during deep breath clara reached back and truly didn’t expect. truly#hoped. that no one would take her hand. because if they can be certain it will happen they can know never to reach again.#jesus christ. go to therapy boy. you have so many trust issues.#but that’s why they’re Like That with the master because at the end of the day. who is easier to rely on? the guy who comes in to put out#fires but only sometimes. or the guy who. really really fucking likes starting fires.#better to get burned hoping someone is coming or get burned knowing that’s what would happen. and even. chooses the latter.#AND ALL OF THIS. for me to say thats why i cant actually let the master ever kill them.#i think she needs to do something worse to even. i think she needs to abandon them.#and that will either set them free to go have healthy normal relationships or. lets be honest much more likely. completely fucking break#them. which would be fun :) for me.#dw oc
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hybridirl · 4 months
i’ve never done this before…
18 + only, please!
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ellie x f!loser!reader
a/n: so basically i was on janitor ai because i’m genuinely an addicted freak and this was inspired by a chat i had :3 im also replaying tlou2 bc i cant stop i need it i need it i need it. also i think a LOT more things make sense now, so i think you should replay after u play it.
brief summary: ellie is ur big sister’s best friend! but, unfortunately you’re dubbed an “annoying little sister,” your sister’s not home, ellie’s high when she comes over, and ur a loser nerd who can’t deal with confrontation :(. (au if it wasn’t obvious!)
tw / DUBCON?, ellie is very mean, degrading, praise, pet names, reader is a virgin, small age gap if you really squint, porn without a plot, rushed sex, scissoring (tribbling?), use of y/n i think…
⋆ ˚。⋆ ꪆৎ ˚
with a grunt, you pulled your pajama pants up the rest of the way. you were headed to the door after hearing seven hard knocks on the door.
“hello—“ you began, cutting yourself off when you see ellie, your sister’s best friend. “ellie?” you glanced behind her, then behind yourself. “she’s not home right now.”
“yeah, yeah,” she slurred, and your lips went into a thin line from her state, so obviously intoxicated. “she told me come ‘n wait. she’s gettin’ her shit rocked, ‘r whatever. she dropped me off ‘ya know? said you wouldn’t mind. you don’ mind, do you?”
being such a caring person had its ups and downs. you weren’t fond of ellie, and she wasn’t fond of you. she had been your biggest bully throughout the entirety of middle and high school. but, you couldn’t deny her entry. she could get hurt or worse, and you didn’t want that. or to be responsible of it.
you adjusted your glasses, eyeing her with a thoughtful look. her eyes were halflidded, red, and she smelled disgusting. she eyed you right back, her stare almost intimidating.
“no, ellie. i don’t mind,” you said begrudgingly, stepping aside to allow her in. you watched her make her way around the all-too-familiar home while you shut the door. you mentally prepared yourself for tending to her needs; you knew she’d tell if you hadn’t. you also prepared for the anger she would inevitably feel. she was an angry person when intoxicated. you leaned against the door and watched her opened the fridge.
“what do you got?” ellie asked, shutting the refrigerator and looking at you. “what’re you gonna make?”
“i don’t know,” you responded and took a glance at the stove. you hadn’t noticed what she took from the fridge, only gasping when you heard the familiar sound of a beer opening. “hey, hey, hey! that’s my dad’s!” you watched ellie shrug and give you a “so what?” look. “stop it, that’s not good for you!” you rushed over, reaching for the beer, but her rough hand kept you in place as she chugged it down. “ellie, stop! you’re already high, that’s gonna make it worse; ellie, stop!”
“and what the fuck do you know?” she asked as she slammed the beer bottle of the counter, “you stupid fuckin’ loser, what the fuck is wrong with you? i’ll do what-the-fuck-ever i want. you’re such a fucking lame-ass, you won’t even take a lil sip o’ this thing,” she stuck the beer can up to your mouth, which you turned away from, “that’s what i thought, you stupid bitch. you’re probably a virgin, too, huh? you don’t even try- nobody even tries for you. no man, no woman, no whatever. never been in a relationship, never been in fuckin’ nothing. you are such a fucking loser.”
your jaw was slack, almost looking like a fish out of water as it tried to shut and open.
“you’re too high for this,” you said slowly, still shocked at her words. you took a step back, your back pressing against the island counter.
“you don’t know the first thing about ‘too high,’ jackass. bet you never had a dick in you before. too busy studyin’ your stupid fucking books to be the good girl you are. can’t even do this because you’re always bein’ a teacher’s pet, always bein’ a goody-two-shoes, know it all, fucking bitch. probably got a few toys like the desperate freak you are. maybe a dildo? nah, you want that pussy t’stay tight, huh?” you thought it couldn’t get worse than the insults before, but this was insane. your eyes were wide, shock filling your features.
“ellie!” you gasped in horror and embarrassment, “i— i’m calling my sister!”
“you’re a fucking snitch!” she giggled, pointing at you. “she doesn’t care what the fuck i’m saying to you. she’s too busy slutting herself out to give a fuck about your pathetic ass, baby.”
“go away, ellie,” you whimpered out, eyes at the ground. you attempted to push past her, but her hands gripped your wrists. “please.”
“you’re not getting rid of me,” she growled, her beer-breath filling your nostrils, “you’re a goddamn joke. i’m not going anywhere ‘til i’m good ‘n ready. you just know i’m right.” she leaned in, her lips brushing your cheek as she whispered deep into your ear, “you just want my hands all over you, don’t you, y/n? i’ve seen how you watched me. you want a real woman’s hands on ‘ya. all of over your pretty body, hm?”
“no,” you whispered right back, your brows furrowed. this was your sister’s best friend. this was just… wrong; you couldn’t explain it, but it wasn’t right. and she was high! she didn’t know what she was doing, what she was saying, but her touch felt so…
“don’t you lie to me,” she huffed her breath hot in your ear, “you wanna get touched bad. you know you do. you want my hands slidin’ down your pretty panties and touchin’ that clit. make you cum all on my hand. you want that, don’t you?��
“ellie,” you almost moaned out at her dirty talk, your brows knitted together in conflict. your hand went to cover your mouth as her hand slipped beneath the waistband of your pjs and simultaneously your underwear.
“let it out, baby,” she told as your hand muffled a broken moan, “you’re already so, so wet for me. this pussy’s just beggin’ for my touch, huh?” her finger-pad ran across your clit and your knees buckled. she giggled in response, a lazy grin plastered on her face. “mm, ya feel that? this’s what y’ve been missin’ out on with all that nerdy bullshit you do.” her fingers slipped easily inside you, making your eyes roll with pleasure; another moan escaped your throat. “y’so tight. just like i thought.” she pulled her fingers out, quickly giving them a lick before tugging your bottoms down. “oh, baby…” she moaned at the sight, licking her lips as she took you in. “look at that pretty pussy. mhm, ‘n all f’r me, huh?” she knelt down, getting face to face with your cunt. “answer me.” she kissed at your inner thighs. all you could do was watch, trembling under her dominating touch.
you yelped, jumping in surprise as she bit your thigh harshly.
“i said answer.”
“y-yes! all for you, ‘s all for you,” you whimpered, whining as her mouth finally met with your drooling pussy. your resolve had slipped away, only thinking about that needy, touch-starved vulva of yours. “oh, ellie…” she grinned as she watching you come undone, your fingers slipping into her hair and tugging at it. she lapped and lapped at your clit, tongue running circles around the sensitive bud. she gave it a last kiss before she pulled away, smirking at your distress.
“preview, baby. all that was. go to your room, m’followin’ you.”
you were anxious to walk, taking just a moment before giddily rushing to your room. the masculine woman easily followed your direction, shutting the door hard behind her as she pulled you down to the bed with her. her hands were immediately on you as you lay atop her, caressing and running down your back, cupping your ass and squeezing.
“you’re so ready for me baby, aren’t you?” she asked with a small smirk playing at her lips. “you wanna grind that pretty pussy on mine, don’t you?”
“i-i’ve never done this before, i-i don’t know what to do,” you admitted, although she already knew your circumstance.
“makin’ me do all the work, you pretty lil pillow princess?” she teased, that same lazy grin on her face. she easily flipped you over, watching your eyes widen in surprise. “god, how are you so perfect…” she moaned softly to herself, her hands running down your sides, down your legs, and down your calves. she reached her jeans, unbuttoning them and tugging them down quickly. you gulped as you eyed her pubic mound, her dark hair trimmed finely.. she lifted your hips up, appreciating your vulva once more. she used her thumb to lift up your clitoral hood, bending down to meet the pearl with her tongue. “mm, god, i can’t get enough of you. pull your shirt up, wanna see those tits ‘ve been wantin’ to see.” you did as you were told, quickly pulling your nightshirt up and showing her your breasts. a groan left her throat as her hands reached out to touch them, tweaking and rolling your nipples between her fingers.
“please,” you whined, your head tilted back. “please, ellie…”
“oh, i know you’re so needy, huh? never done this before? never been touched so good by another girl b’fore, huh?” ellie teased once more, and all you could do was nod. it was all true. “say it, baby. tell me how much of a loser you are.”
with an embarrassed grimace, you obliged, “i-i’m a big loser. ‘ve never, ever gotten laid ‘n i wanna… oh!” you gasped as you felt the sensation of her pussy meet yours. “ellie…” her hips ground against yours, your clits bumping and running across each other.
“you like this? my pussy all over yours?” she growled, rolling her hips to meet your cunt. “fuck, you’re so wet.” you moaned out, your hands trying to find a place to stay as they flailed. they gripped the sheets and you watched above as her pussy slid across yours. you both glistened with a thin layer of sweat, your bodies becoming hot with arousal. “you feel so fucking good.”
“yes,” you cried, “more.” and she gave you more, her hips rolling with fervor while you writhed in pleasure. “p-please— ellie!”
“yeah, scream my name you little slut,” she purred, her auburn hair sticking to her sweaty face. “let ‘em know— let the neighbors know you’re finally getting laid.”
you continued to moan her name, completely drunk on this feeling. she let out small little ‘just like that’s’ as your voice echoed off the walls of your room.
it was intense, your bodies moving together and so perfectly in sync. sweat dripped from her forehead onto your belly, slightly coating your skin. her hands gripped your chest as she ground against you, the position slightly awkward, but pleasing nonetheless as your heats mushed together in symphony. sloppy squelches filled your ears, almost drowned out by your moans and cries as she took you.
“i’m gonna,” you began, tears welling up in your pretty eyes, “i’m gonna cum, ellie!”
“yeah? right on my pussy? cum right on my pussy, baby,” she moaned, her hands reaching her cup her own breast. you moaned, following her command like a dog as your canal contracting around nothing, costing her slick folds in all your essence. your body convulsed as you came, and the sight forced a moan out of her throat. “yeah, that’s it, my good girl, fu—ck… i’m cumming!” with her orgasm following in suit, she gripped your leg hard, riding out her orgasm as you tried to come down from your own. you whined from the overstimulation, feeling her arousal spread out on your flesh. she shushed you, her index finger on your lips as she calmed her breathing. she dropped your leg, plopping beside you with a grunt.
“t-that was good,” you said to her, your eyes lingering on her glistening face.
“mhm, now you get to brag to a—ll your nerdy, little virgin friends that you,” she jabbed a finger, “got laid.”
“you’re mean,” you huffed, a little pout on your face. she smirked, bringing a hand to the back of your neck and bringing you in to kiss.
“yeah?” she chuckled, “but you like it.”
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luveline · 10 months
I would love to see more of badass reader x Spencer, but maybe reader gets hurt on a case (like a concussion or something) and only wants Spencer and we get to see more of reader’s soft spot for Spencer. Idk if that made sense or if that’s anything you’d be interested in writing. Love reading whatever you write!💕
thank you for your request and for reading babe!! —your singular soft spot for spencer rises to the surface when you get hurt in the field. fem!reader, 1.1k
Emily's foot tap tap taps hospital linoleum. The nurses are getting worried about you —your CAT scans are fine, but you're lethargic. Mildly concussed with moderate symptoms, you winced at the lights, told Emily to turn them off, and haven't said much since. 
She frowns. It's not nice to see someone who's usually so closed-off openly pained. "You okay?" she asks. 
"I wanna see Spence," you murmur. 
Emily nods slowly. She's had this conversation with you already. You have a spot of amnesia, nothing to worry about, decidedly temporary. 
"Why hasn't he come to see me?" you ask. Your voice trips and tumbles, your eyes glowing with a glassy sheen. "I thought he'd come to… make sure I was okay. But he doesn't want to see me." 
"Spencer's on the way here. He was an hour away with Hotch, remember? They're on their way." 
You twitch like a displeased cat under your sheets and turn away from her, sniffling weakly. Your shoulders heave with slow tears. Emily gets up to rub your back but thinks better of it when you stiffen. She doesn't understand how you function, doesn't know what it is about Spencer alone that you can be vulnerable with him and not the others, but she won't judge you for it. She just wishes there was more she could do. 
It's an untold amount of time between your tears and Spencer's awaited arrival. You're worse than lethargic, depressed, hand lax behind your back and unresponsive to the sound of the door. 
"She's asleep?" he mouths. His hair is limp either side of his face, flattened by anxious hands. 
"Upset," she mouths back through a frown, drawing a tear down her cheek with her pinky finger. 
He doesn't give Emily a second glance after that. 
"Hey," he says softly, rounding your hospital bed, touching the tips of his fingers to your hip and drawing a gentle line up your side. His head dips down, bending at the waist to see you better in the dim lighting. "Hey, what's wrong?"
You make a small keening sound from the back of your throat. It's so cleaving that Emily wants to leave, so painful that she wants to stay. You're her friend too. Emily cares about you, even when it hurts to do so.
"I don't feel like me," you say. 
Spencer doesn't shy away either. His expression is open, reassuring as he pops into a semi squat that can't be comfortable. His hand closes around your arm, thumb feeling the naked skin there sweetly. "It's normal to feel confused after a head injury. I promise it won't last." 
"I don't feel well," you say, small, like a scared kid. 
"I know." 
You reach for him. Emily knows Derek would never believe it, your hands stretched out almost desperately, the pleading noise yanked from between teeth normally gritted. Spencer wraps long arms around you with the ease of someone who's done it before, maybe exactly like this. 
"It's okay," he says. He's speaking with pep he doesn't feel. Emily can see he's stressed in the high pinch of his shoulders, but he's putting on a show for you. "You don't have to be scared. It's okay." 
The perpetual line carved between Hotch's brows seems deeper as he enters the room. Neither of you look up, your back loosening under the lazy back and forth of Spencer's hand. 
"Concerning, right?" Emily asks. 
Hotch ignores her, but not for lack of agreement. "What do her observations say?" 
"Mild to moderate head injury, post-concussion amnesia, fractured index and middle finger on her left hand." 
"Where are her clothes?" he asks. 
"They can't check her out until she gets her fingers cast and all she brought in her go bag was slacks." 
"I'll get her some pyjamas," Hotch says. 
Emily's not sure what's funnier, the idea of you in pyjamas, the image of Hotch choosing a pair, or the word pyjamas in his stoic murmur. He lingers to make sure you're okay, his eyes tracking the tremble of your arms as Spencer talks too low to hear in your ear, having sat down on the bed and curled himself around you protectively. 
You moan something sad and Spencer laughs, your hospital gown crinkling as he massages the top of your shoulder. "Why would you say that?" he asks lightly. "You think you know better than me? Really?" 
"Of course not," you say. If it were anyone else, you'd have knocked them off the bed already. 
"I don't remember you having an eidetic memory," he furthers. 
You actually manage to laugh for the first time since your initial injury. "I don't remember anything right now," you say. 
Emily leans over to Hotch. "You know, when we first came in, I suggested to the nurse that she might have amnesia because she kept asking me where she was, and she looked me dead in the eye and said, well, good thing you're not a nurse." 
Hotch scoffs a laugh. "It's a little surprising even now. Seeing them together, you'd never think it." 
"Think what?" Emily asks, fond rather than judgemental. "That she's as emotional as a China teacup?" 
"I'll remember for both of us," Spencer murmurs, stroking your face. "Okay? So calm down." 
Derek once told you to calm down and felt the cold of your icy attitude for a ragged week. Spencer says it and you take a visible deep breath, your head laying back in your pillows, his hand quick to cup the side of your neck. "Okay," you say quietly. 
"It's not just that," Hotch says, failing to explain further. 
He doesn't have to. Emily knows what he means. You can be snippy, aloof, unfriendly. But it's not just your softening that's surprising, it's Spencer's growing confidence. The ease with which he handles you, hands unabashed in their comforting. 
"Want me to find you something to wear?" Spencer asks. 
"We got it," Hotch interrupts. "Take it easy, Y/N. Rest." 
You nod obediently. He and Emily leave, hearing a last snippet of conversation as the heavy door closes behind them. 
"You wanna sign my cast, when they do it?" you ask hopefully. 
"Are you kidding? I'd love to. I've always wanted to sign someone's cast, and it's good for your morale." 
"Will they be in a cast long, do you think?" 
"They should be healed in about six to eight weeks, but you may not regain full strength for another two months afterward. There have actually been studies…" 
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
could you do something about how alastor gets jealous and how he shows it? Like what things would get him jealous and stuff like that and then how he would go about it? Thank you!
I guess I gotta- 🥵
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being a red flag, Wifey is into it even though she pretends not to be, A widdle suggestive
Description: ☝️⬆️
It doesn't take much to make Alastor jealous, he has a big ego to defend and doesn't like to share your attention
He also doesn't think a lot of people are worthy of your attention so that's a big part of it
Alastor is almost childish the way he acts out when he's jealous, it's painfully obvious even though he denies it every time
He sulks and acts out to get your attention back on him, doing anything he can to make you just look at him
He's rude and intimidating to anyone he thinks is flirting with you or trying to take you for themselves
After every incident, he tries to pretend like nothing happened and refuses to acknowledge his jealous streak
Can't people just understand that you're a married woman and that Alastor deserves all of your time???
Someone is talking to you and you're laughing too hard, cheeks a little too pink? Alastor is right there to sniff out any ill intention
"What's so funny, my dear? Surely you're not gossiping without me.."
He's wrapping a protective arm around you and kissing your cheek, eyeing the other person the entire time as he asserts his husbandly dominance over them
"Hm? Oh! He was telling me a funny joke about-"
Alastor takes a break from kissing your wrist and palm to snap his gaze to the other man, a wicked gleam in his eye
"Ohhhh! So you're a clown! Wonderful~! Your attire had me wondering what you do for a living, but now it all makes sense!"
The other person is visibly uncomfortable by your husband's unspoken challenge and backs out of the conversation with their tail between their legs
"I guess he had other things to do~"
You roll your eyes as Alastor nuzzles your neck, petting his around his ears and antlers
"You're are not a very subtle man, my dear."
You're dancing with someone who's not him? Alastor will physically shut that shit down
He spends maybe a full minute pouting and ignoring everyone else around him, eyes locked on you and your dance partner
"Alastor, are you even listening?"
"Out of all the women here, why did he choose MY wife? I walked away for one second, and he snatched her up!"
He doesn't care for how closely they're holding you, the way they blush and smile from your attention
Alastor isn't having it, striding over and using his hip to push the man away from you and off the dance floor, taking your hand
You're trying not to smile at him, pressing against your husband as you take his hand and dance with him
"Alastor, that was rude..."
He simply chuckles and spins you around happily, snapping his fingers to change the song into something more romantic
"I would say I'm sorry but we both know I'm not~ Besides, I waited for my chance to dance with you!"
It's hard to stay mad at him when he's looking at you like you're the only person in the world and holding you like you're something precious
It helps that he's so handsome, you can't help but lean up and steal a kiss from him, feeling familiar butterflies at the touch
"You've been dancing with me all night, and you barely waited a minute... you greedy demon~"
He leans into your hand as you cup his cheek, tail wagging from having your undivided attention again
"Is it a crime that I want to hog my darling wife? That I crave every opportunity to dance with her and steal the show?"
He's leaning in for another kiss, and it makes you instinctively move in closer to meet his lips
"It will be if you keep injuring people~"
And those are just some examples of people who weren't flirting with you, it's so much worse when someone actually wants you
You're waiting for your husband to meet with you for your date, dressed up and looking your absolute best
When you hear a sharp whistle from behind, only to see a sleazy looking demon towering over you and eyeing your body
"And just where do you think you're going looking like that, beautiful? My place is that way~"
He's much too close, placing a hand on the wall behind you in order to keep you from running, completely unaware of the danger he's in
You can't help but roll your eyes at the situation
"I'm flattered, really I am... but I'm not interested, I'm waiting for someone, actually."
You casually move out from under his arm, completely unfazed by the way his expression darkens as you fix your appearance
"Oh really? And just who might you be waiting for? Let me guess, your boyfriend?"
He doesn't look like he believes you, making air quotes around the word boyfriend
You can't help but laugh at the poor soul, putting a hand on your hip as you whip around to face him-
"Husband, actually~ My name is Alastor though maybe you'll recognize my other name! The Radio Demon~ Maybe you've heard of me?"
It's such a treat to watch the cocky demon lose his composure in fear and so sexy to watch your husband be the cause of it
The demon is so much larger than Alastor but he's practically cowering away from him, Alastor grinning at him as he tilts his head
"Look uh-I'm sorry! I didn't realize-"
Your husband tuts at the demon, antlers already growing as he morphs into his larger demonic form
You can't help but blush at how sweet Alastor is being, rushing to your rescue like this
"Didn't realize what? That you were hitting on my wife? You think I would just stand by and let you think you have a shot with her? She's much too far out of your league, unfortunately."
He's so cute when he's jealous
"Darling, do be quick with that? I don't want to miss our reservation-and no eating him! I don't want you to spoil your appetite!"
Alastor looks at you and visibly blushes at how good you look, the other demon simply an afterthought as he tears them apart
"My dear, you look absolutely ravishing~ How am I going to keep the other men from looking at you when you're so delectable?"
He's still humongous, a large claw reaching out to stroke your leg tenderly, a lovesick expression on his face
You can practically see the hearts in his eyes~ Smiling at your husband and blowing him a kiss
"It's a good thing that you're the only man I have eyes for then, isn't it?"
He shrinks back down to his normal size and kisses your hand before wrapping an arm around you as you two walk together
"It's something that I'm extraordinarily grateful for~"
You can't help but lean your head against him, letting him nuzzle the top of your head in an affectionate manner
"Though~ I wouldn't mind a refresher of just how much you adore me...~"
You can't help but snort at the comment, gently slapping his chest before pulling him in for a kiss
"Dinner first~ You'll need your strength~"
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I might go back and change this one a bit ngl
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lady-ashfade · 5 months
so this one i stole again lol from your list. “Please go on a date with me.”
basically percy notices the reader and tries to impress her by doing crazy ridiculous things but she’s not interested because she thinks his ego is too big. finally she comes around when she sees he got hurt doing something for her to notice him. i hope that makes sense.
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Falling for you- Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
-£ words: 900 words
-£ Warnings: Short story, Simp Percy, cute crushes, reader being a bit mean to him, percy get it hurt, fluffy fic
-£ taglist: @kazurami14 @anonymouslyawesome25 @american-idiot21
the son of poseidon was persistent.
no matter how many times you told him off, or set him running with his head running, or you leaving him alone. he always kept coming back. Percy was often knocking his opponent down in training hoping you’d see him. he did everything to try and get your attention.
his back legs curled around a tree branch where you normally took your daily stroll, he was hanging down with a huge smile on his face and his cheeks glowing red. “percy.” you greeted with a uninterested tone. he just kept that annoying big smile, “lovely day isn’t it?” the only thing you did was roll your eyes and continue to walk down the dirt path. “And you’re ruining it.”
when he first arrived at camp, he already had some sort of glory after defeating a minotaur. he just kept finding his way in danger and saving the day, time after time. but his stupid smirk or smile told you he was too full of himself. he’d making the lake waves move, or make them a shape of something. no matter what, he was showing off.
and boy did you hate it.
somehow he find his way to you and that annoyed you, it was just too much. honestly you didn’t even realize he was trying to get your attention and just thought he was showing off to everyone. and certainly you didn’t know he had a crush on you. all you noticed was his ego.
but he noticed everything about you.
the way you walked, if you held your head up high or at the ground. how pretty your face shined when the sun shined on it, and how your smile shined even brighter. he was constantly chasing after you, he was craving to get your attention. most of the time he just did what popped up in his head which for someone like him, and you, was always dangerous and over the top. he lacked self control.
how someone could be so beautiful he couldn’t understand. even when you fought, he was entranced. you could be the worst fighter and he’d stare at you like the stars in the sky. his heart belonged to you.
but this time, he had gone to far.
“you’re a idiot,” you push his head under the water as you clothes get wetter by the second of sitting in the water. the bruising on his skin and the cuts going along with it only made your heart ache worse. his stunt didn’t go so well this time, hints his fracture wrist. he took a deep breath as he came back up even though he could breath under the water. he just wasn’t thinking straight.
sitting yourself back down on the sand you click your tongue. he had challenged you to a fight with that same attitude, the same smirk, the same slick tone. he got a little to distracted near the edge. he walked backwards with his sword held pointed at you, “look at us spending time together, we should do this more often.” he really should have watched his steps because his foot finally slipped and he took a tumble down onto the rocks. you watch him slide down, his grunts of pain and the way his body sounded made you cringe
lucky he landing on the shore line and only a few feet away from the water. which is were you two stay now catching your breath and thinking to yourself. why did you care if he was actually hurt or not? not like he would die or stay injured because he always got back up. why did his smile finally get to you back then?
and why was your stomach sick.
as you thought to yourself percy watched again like he always found himself doing. he loved the look on your face when you were deep in thought. and now that your face was wet and hair hanging down he couldn’t stop himself from falling deeper for you.
“please go on a date with me.” his words cut you out of thought.
your eyes grow bigger and look at him shocked and startled. you couldn’t believe your ears. he just asked you out on a date…percy jackson asked you out. the cocky, dumb, arrogant demigod was talking to you. Why, you hate his guts and always made fun of him. he jumped up from the water and you saw his teeth pinch the inside of his mouth anxiously.
“Sorry,” he sighed. “it just came out. I’ve been trying to ask you out for weeks but i couldn’t work up the courage to ask you out, I’m not good at this type of thing.” percy jackson lacking courage? that made you laugh. you looked up at him, the sun shining behind him as his hand now extended to you offering to help you up. any other time you would have smacked it away and cursed at him to leave you alone.
“I know you probably think I’m a total idiot which is true but, I really like you. If you really don’t want anything to do with me then I respect your wishes.”
but now you realize that you actually enjoyed his company. he made camp fun and exciting. and boy, was he handsome now that you really look at him. “alright, beach boy.” you grabbed ahold of his hand as he pulls you up. your body pressed into his and knocked him back a bit but his arm grabbed ahold of your waist to steady you.
inches away from his face your lips curled in a small smirk, “You got yourself a deal.”
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