#otp: not intolerable
angstmongertina · 2 years
Wow, I am terrible at technology, that last ask was supposed to be for Lia/Lyon I just... Hit send early? Or something? Idek anymore.
I randomed an "11" for you this time!
(Feel free to 🌀 yourself if you don't like 11 though)
So I absolutely meant to write additional scenes for this but I've been wholly distracted by a separate Cinderella AU for them now, so I will just post what I have so it doesn't burn a hole in my fic folder while I work on the whole AU lol. Thank you for the prompt! <3 I did, in fact, decide to run with 11 and it ended with me realizing what exactly Lia saw in Lyon in the first place, so thank you for that as well! :D
11. Heartbeat
At first, she approached him out of a sense of propriety. After all, as a delegate at the Seven Kingdoms Summit, she had a duty to meet as many of her fellows as possible, as soon as possible. And, given the circumstances surrounding her attendance, that Included the rest of the delegation from her own kingdom.
What possessed her to approach the Duke first and foremost was less apparent. It was certainly not from any encouragement on his side—while few of the Jiyelese delegation seemed to possess any more enthusiasm for socialization than she, a young lady who was attending out of obligation rather than desire, did, the duke was hardly one of them, though his expression seemed more… guarded, more uncomfortable, than anything else.
Perhaps that was it; it was not immutable, his attitude towards their fellow delegates. It was born of discomfort, likely of longstanding isolation, and she couldn’t help but try.
And shockingly, wonderfully, it worked. Oh, he had few words at first, his conversation stilted enough that it seemed to be an intentional obstacle on his part, but he was not immune to light coaxing and gentle teasing, even allowing a subtle smile to soften his features at her most pointed comments. And the words came easily, once she noticed his faint hint of interest. It was guarded, of course, carefully buried beneath stoic masks and, very likely, pointed reminders of what topics were and were not appropriate for social niceties, but once she did notice, it seemed almost impossible to not see the subtle shifts in his expression, the flicker of genuine enthusiasm in his eyes, as she ventured to ask his opinion on Mozi and Lisi, and offer hers in return.
It was a strange thing, to engage in such a discussion. After years of having only her family and servants as company, years where her conversations were on crop rotations and book balancing rather than philosophical treatises and academic debate, it was unfamiliar to banter and quip, to speak of theories and abstractions that she had only managed to glean through books borrowed and perused on late nights, made later by extra work. It was strange. It was enjoyable.
It was… right, somehow.
Still, she was not so deeply enthralled in the discussion that she missed the glances they received from the others, a mix of curious and calculating, particularly from other, no doubt more eligible, young ladies.
Then again, she did not require training for the summit to know that she was close to overstepping the bounds of propriety with the length of their conversation.
As she excused herself, he returned her formal farewell with alacrity, bowing and excusing himself a retreat into his self-imposed exile, in a corner far from the rest of their fellows, with a speed that perhaps should have been discouraging. And yet, even so, there was a change in his posture, in the manner with which he held himself, that lessened the disapproval which had earlier seemed to radiate off of him. For a moment, she granted herself a moment to pause, allowing the success of the interaction to bolster her nerve.
Maybe, just maybe, she was not quite so out of her league. Indeed, perhaps, she could make a small difference in her own way, could make some… pleasant memories, or even friends, from the unfortunate circumstances. Even if she did still have the rest of the gauntlet to face.
Taking a deep breath, she turned back to the rest of the hall and summoned her most friendly smile, though even so, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing back towards the corner, towards him, with a silly smile that she couldn’t fight, even if she wanted to.
And, strangely, wonderfully, she had no desire to.
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jelloooverse · 1 year
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in my yhk stupid era
[ID: An Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint comic. Kim Dokja says curiously, "I wonder how Lee Seolhwa and Yoo Joonghyuk are doing..." and Shin Yoosung perks up and exclaims, "Ah!" She pulls out her phone to show a picture of Seolhwa smiling and holding hands with a blank figure labeled Y/N and exclaims, "Ahjusshi! I heard that Seolhwa unnie is dating someone! they went on vacation. "I don’t know about Joonghyuk ahjusshi though...)"
Dokja, a shadow stretching from him, says, "Oh. I see." Behind him is a collage of imagined Dokjas looking despairing over a broken heart containing a smiling Joonghyuk and Seolhwa, overlaid with the all-caps text "OTP is dead?"
Shin Yoosung cheerily waves, "Bye ahjussi!" and Dokja pensively contemplates, "..but if Yoo Joonghyuk isn't with Lee Seolhwa then..." He imagines Joonghyuk surrounded by sparkles and with his chest bared and thinks, "Maybe his personality could use some work.. But with his looks he'd be dating someone by now, right..?"
He then looks with surprise over a corner to encounter a sparkle-surrounded scene of Joonghyuk and Han Sooyoung with their heads leaned together. Joonghyuk looks down at Sooyoung soulfully while she laughs with a hand on his chest. Dokja hides behind the wall and wonders with shock, "With... HAN SOOYOUNG?!" Behind him, the real Joonghyuk and Sooyoung are arguing, looking annoyed and aggravated.
Dokja, sweating, goes, "No, that's... hard to imagine working out.." and envisions Sooyoung crossing her arms and exclaiming "Yoo Joonghyuk! You're an annoying prick!" plus Joonghyuk glaring "Han Sooyoung. You are intolerable." to equal cartoony versions of them being "lovey dovey" and sharing a censored kiss. A cartoony, flustered Dokja waves the thought away.
Then he looks back and thinks, "Well, if they're happy then.. I'll be a little lenient on our company's no dating policy..." He later walks in behind them to catch Sooyoung saying, "Blah blah that's fucking dumb. Right, Kim Dokja?" Dokja, looking disinterested, replies, "ugh, leave me out of your lover's quarrel."
Sooyoung turns to him with incredulous disbelief and raises a middle finger. "Shut the hell up??" Dokja grins, laughs, and returns her middle finger while Joonghyuk emits a question mark.
Then Dokja looks at his phone before beginning to grin increasingly obnoxiously as he says, "Should I leave you two alone this time, haha. Am I your guys' third wheel again? It's okay, I don't wanna get between you two! (Get a room alreadyy.)"
Sooyoung and Joonghyuk look at each other silently, Sooyoung looking bewildered and exasperated and Joonghyuk with his eyes coolly raised. Sooyoung runs a hand through her hair and says, "..Kim Dokja, did you develop a new strain of idiot?" Joonghyuk, looking put-upon, says, "A common case for him." Dokja looks offended before they both move around him, and Dokja goes "What-" as Sooyoung takes hold of his coat.
Sooyoung kisses Dokja on the cheek, leaving him blank with shock. Joonghyuk takes Dokja's chin to kiss his other cheek. Dokja is left standing small and comically stunned against a white backdrop.
The last panel simply shows icons of their heads. Sooyoung asks, "Hey, can we just order chicken for dinner this time?" and Joonghyuk frowns, "No. I already prepared for tonights dinner." Sooyoung shouts an incoherent "UGHGGH" of frustration. Dokja still looks shellshocked. End ID]
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lady-phasma · 5 days
I felt compelled to cite my sources for Armand and Lestat being an item off and on over the years. I’ve been in this fandom too long to get involved in ship wars or to really have an OTP for these crazy-ass vampires. I happen to love Armand and Lestat from the books and think that Assad and Sam make it work so well on screen. I hope we get loads more of them for season 3.
Anne wrote all of her characters as deeply flawed, we can all agree on that, but the nearly fanfiction level of “let’s see what happens when two of my most flawed characters get together” writing she did in TVA is brilliant. Book spoilers below.
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Here's a link to a post I made about Lestat's perspective of Armand from TVL. (I have included one quote from TVL below because it's too precious to exclude.)
Lestat spends almost a full page describing how he sees Armand at a ball at the Palais Royal:
Yet never had Nicolas, mortal or immortal, been so alluring. Never had Gabrielle held me so in thrall. Dear God, this is love. This is desire. And all my past amours have been but the shadow of this. - The Vampire Lestat, p. 275
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They literally feel the same about each other: instant attraction, love, desire, and so on. And it is powerful.
So powerful that hundreds of years later (in one of my favorite passages from any of her books) Armand is the only person allowed to approach an unconscious Lestat. Not only approach him, but allowed to lay down next to him and cuddle, caress, and console Lestat, to cry onto him.
I looked down on Lestat, who was unchanged, his hair fallen as before, a little over his left eye. His right arm was out, and his fingers curling upwards, and there came from him not the slightest movement, not even a breath from his lungs or a sigh from his pores. I knelt down beside him again. I reached out, and without flinching or hesitating, I brushed his hair back from his face. I could feel the shock in the room. I heard the sighs, the gasps from the others. But Lestat himself didn't stir. Slowly, I brushed his hair more tenderly, and I saw to my own mute shock one of my tears fall right onto his face. It was red yet watery and transparent and it appeared to vanish as it moved down the curve of his cheekbone and into the natural hollow below. I slipped down closer, turning on my side, facing him, my hand still on his hair. I stretched my legs out behind me, and alongside of him, and I lay there, letting my face rest right on his outstretched arm. Again there came the shocked gasps and sighs, and I tried to keep my heart absolutely pure of pride and pure of anything but love. It was not differentiated or defined, this love, but only love, the love I could feel perhaps for one I killed or one I succored, or one whom I passed in the street, or for one whom I knew and valued as much as him. - The Vampire Armand, pp. 368-369 (emphasis is mine)
But the contrasting absolute annoyance Armand has for Lestat is hilarious! He loves him but can barely stand him sometimes (that isn't unusual for Lestat's admirers).
Lestat, not a bad friend to have, and one for whom I would lay down my immortal life, one for whose love and companionship I have ofttimes begged, one whom I find maddening and fascinating and intolerably annoying, one without whom I cannot exist. The Vampire Armand, p. 276
But it's the way he describes things that happen to him that maddens me, the way that he connects one incident to another as though all these random and grisly occurrences were in fact links in some significant chain. They are not. They are capers. And he knows it. But he must make a gutter theatrical out of stubbing his toe. The James Bond of the Vampires, the Sam Spade of his own pages. - The Vampire Armand, p. 288 (emphasis mine)
Though Armand's head on Lestat's arm might be the most beautiful image of the two of them from any of the books, this line gives me chills every time:
"Lestat, my Lestat - for he was never theirs, was he? - my Lestat was crazed and railing as the result of his awful saga […]" - The Vampire Armand, p. 320 (emphasis mine)
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Yes, your Lestat.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
re: "incest shippers are chill" anon Agreed. I started shipping incest solely because the incest shippers were the only subcommunity in my fandom where I felt welcome as a freak. While everyone else was obsessively scouring every interaction for signs of thoughtcrime, the incest shippers were just having a good time and writing beautifully fucked up shit
So congrats, antis! I wasn't that into incest ships before, but now I love 'em. Thanks for making the rest of the fandom so intolerable that I gave the fuck up on my old OTPs and decided to devote myself full-time to brotherfucking
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pealeii · 1 month
Dipper pines for the character ask thing?
favorite thing about him: like a lot of the writing in the show, he is a very realistically and well written. he is a tween boy. like he makes mistakes he’s sweaty and awkward, he can’t let go of things he embarrasses himself. he’s a NERDDD. and like so many of the characters he struggles with his family but he ultimately loves and protects them.
least favorite thing about him: get over wendy. in my most recent rewatch i just finished the last mabelcorn and like there’s sTILL a reference to him liking her. like i know he’s a kid but like pleeasee
favorite line: how could i CHOOSE. the first one i thought of was this
but who stole the caperssssssssshshhshshshshs
brOTP: HIM AND SOOS!!! Love their friendship so much they are the ultimate bros. And they’re pretty different as people so its cool to see them connect
OTP: i don’t really ship him with anyone officially but i am veeeeery close to being a dipcifica truther. i have to reread lost legends
nOTP: do i even have to fucking say ⚠️👁️
random headcanon: low iron lactose intolerant wears glasses when he’s older. these are the most glup shitto headcanons but they just came to me
unpopular opinion: sorry dipper i love your sister more
song i associate with them: hmmm huh I’m actually making an older pines twins playlist right now but maybe have you seen my sister evelyn? by evelyn evelyn
favorite picture of them: also hard to choose but fucking sock puppet dipper
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dangermousie · 9 months
When she decides to confess, gets her hair done, puts on the dress he got her, and RUNS because of traffic jam, it's such a gorgeous sequence...In a lot of dramas, one part of the OTP feels more invested than the other, but here they both feel equal in how much and how openly they like each other.
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She stands there waiting to confess and he comes and kisses her before she can get a word out and I love it so much because it makes it equal - she wanted to confess (and he can tell, he'd have to be brain dead not to) but he actually made it so she didn't need to because that kiss was his own confession and once again, they are on an equal emotional level.
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I loved this so much because even though a confession on her part is clearly not needed, but she still makes it! They keep showing each other over and over and over how much they love and want and treasure the other person. But also what gets me is her phrasing - by putting it this way, she is not imposing herself but offering a choice - they keep giving emotional power to the other, back and forth, back and forth. And her reason is not "I love you" or "you love me" or anything but "I will never betray you" really really gets me because it shows how well she gets him, and his difficulty with being vulnerable and his issues and just - they get each other so well.
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This is so!!!!!!
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And of course she posts on social media right away, like a boast and he's so pleased to be boasted about.
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Her little giddy thoughts are of course cheesy enough to require lactaid for the lactose intolerant among us but this is SO something a 19 year college girl in new love with her first boyfriend might think. Life is gonna buffet that around like hell though...
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And then we get three years later thing and I peaced out for real life stuff but no wonder she hasn't been able to get over him in the present in 3 years of his jail absence - not only was that a hell of a cinematic relationship and first love to boot, they were together for over three years, which at any point, and especially at that age, is a super long term relationship!
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anghraine · 7 months
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your Austen postings. It's hard to deal with all the heteronormativity in the fandom when I can't relate to it - "Who's the hottest Austen man?" I couldn't care less! - but then I feel guilty because hetero women are marginalized in media, too. There can be space for everyone, and I'm glad you provide some balance.
Oh, wow—thank you, anon! I really appreciate hearing this, honestly. Austen is both my main fandom over many years, and one of the most deeply alienating fandoms I've ever been in because of that intense heteronormativity. It's not about whether people in the fandom ship het or whatever (obviously my own OTP is a het juggernaut!), but there's this whole pervasive atmosphere that assumes Austen is for straight women and that straight women's romantic and/or sexual preferences define all perspectives on her work.
I don't want to understate the impact of misogyny on either straight women who love Austen (there are a lot of misogynistic stereotypes and assumptions around them) or on Austen's general reception in modern pop culture. There's no problem with straight women (and straight people of other genders too!) being in the fandom, but heteronormativity underpins so much of what goes on and what is assumed that it's this ... loud background noise that would be pretty intolerable if not for my handful of queer friends in the fandom.
Anyway, I'm really glad if my grey-ace lesbian Austen stan monologuing has made the fandom even a bit less alienating for some others than it has often been for me. And I appreciate you reaching out to tell me.
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misscrimsondawn · 1 month
I'm really starting to hate those Wolfstar shippers tired of writing that the Blackinnon couple is dead and putting a tag with my otp under posts where all sorts of crap is written and 0 content Blackinnon is alive and will live, because there are old fans of the fandom who do not see all the heroes as LGBT, gay, trans, etc. sounds intolerant, but I see no reason to respect other people's headcanons and tastes, because I'm tired of such an AMAZING couple like Sirius/Marlin being mixed up with crap by stupid shippers Sirius/Remus
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splashesdarling · 10 days
haven't read the books, but why do people claim that daniel is the 'love of armand's life'?
if we're talking about the show, the idea that armand actually wanted daniel to ruin his marriage doesn't make sense. he was pushing for daniel to leave dubai and would have killed him in san fran if louis hadn't stopped him. i'm also getting tired of the mental gymnastics that shippers do to erase louis' importance.
I have to assume it's just that people have read The Devil's Minion chapter... and literally nothing else of the chronicles, or they're just stating that to them they consider Daniel to be the love of Armand's life because it's their preferred ship/otp, which, fair enough - nothing wrong with a preference or headcanon.
On the show, you're right, there's nothing currently there to suggest Armand and Daniel have anything going besides mostly contempt - See here for a more detailed breakdown of why the whole 'Devil's Minion on the show has already happened' makes no sense. And yes, I too am sick of the Louis erasure (among other things) in all this.
Now, if you've only read that chapter, I could get why you'd think their relationship was a bigger deal than it actually ended up being in the books - they're obsessed with each other, they're co-dependent, they're very attracted to one another, they love each other, Daniel becomes Armand's first and only fledgling - I get it.
But the simple fact is in the books this relationship really goes nowhere and Anne went out of her way to make it clear Daniel didn't matter to her and certainly wasn't the love of Armand's life -
✨Book spoilers✨
Anne made out like 'sure Armand loved Daniel but whatever it was more about being afraid of ending up alone/loneliness that made him do it' - "That is no mystery unto itself, the making of Daniel. Loneliness will always inevitably press us to such things." - And she also acted like (despite dedicating a whole chapter to their realtionship) 'it wasn't that deep, he just needed someone to teach him about modern times' - "my one and only fledgling, Daniel Molloy, had left me. My love for Daniel had never been entirely honest, and always viciously possessive, and quite entangled with my own hatred of the world at large, and my confusion in the face of the baffling modern times".
Their relationship turns to shit and they break up almost immediately after Daniel gets turned - "my one and only fledgling, Daniel Molloy, had left me" [...] "Daniel, though alive and wandering, though civil and gentle, can no more stand my company than I can stand his."" [...] "but he cannot contend with my continuous company, and I cannot contend with his." [...] "when gaining Daniel as a fledgling, I lost him as a mortal lover and gradually began to let him go."
Daniel, who was already going mad in The Queen of the Damned, goes completely insane and winds up with Armand's maker Marius, who takes him in both to care for him and they also become companions. None of this is given to us in detail, we don't really get a why, when, how about it. But Anne again tosses out the idea that it's mostly because of someone being afraid of ending up alone/loneliness - Marius: "I took Daniel because it's unendurable to me to be utterly alone".
And Daniel's even treated like a bit of a burden who's just kind of annoying - Armand: "the boy, who had been my faithful mortal companion, and only sometimes an intolerable nuisance" - and has to be taken care of - Marius: "Daniel always needs someone to look after him. It suits me to be near Daniel. Daniel doesn’t have to speak. That he is here is sufficient." - Basically, Anne said 'he's useless but he's pretty so sure he can stick around', because again, Anne seemed to view him as a nothing character she just kind of had to deal with being around despite having nothing for him to do.
We get an 'oh by the way they're suddenly back together' in the penultimate book of the series - "After all, he’d lost his longtime companion, Daniel Molloy, to Armand again" but not only do we get nothing else between them, Anne further establishes how little their relationship means by following up them getting back together by having Armand definitively declaring that the love of his life is Lestat in the very next book . And not just that, but also that the other two biggest/most important/true loves of Armand's life are Louis and Marius - "I have loved you more than any being in all the world whom I’ve ever loved. I have loved you more than Louis. I have loved you more even than Marius." - Daniel doesn't get a mention... cause in the books he's a nothing character who wasn't that important to Armand in the grand scheme of things.
Now obviously the books are not the show, and vice versa. A lot of changes have already been made, including a complete overhaul of Daniel as a character, so there's no telling how their relationship will play out in the show. Maybe in the show Daniel will be the love of Armand's life, maybe they will be endgame on the show - they just weren't at all in the books.
And while i'm cool with people shipping Devil's Minion (I do too!) and i'm cool with people enjoying their own headcanons, I'm personally sick of a certain very loud portion of their fans attempting to push it onto everything, up to and including ignoring and disparaging Louis, the actual canon of the books, the actual canon of the show thus far, and their active harassment of Loumand shippers and Louis-specific fans.
You can enjoy what you like without harrassing others, don't like a take? Ignore it, filter tags, or block the person posting it. Live and let live, enjoy what you enjoy and let others enjoy what they enjoy. Let the show play out how it's going to play out and stop trying to force it or reshape it to fit your headcanon, simply "Let the tale seduce you."
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you are so correct they ARE a package deal!! let's go!
Sexuality headcanon:
Zee is demi and pan.
Emma is queer. Just queer. No specific label.
Gender headcanon:
Zee's nonbinary. they're kind of indifferent to gender as a whole, he just mostly uses he/him bc they were amab and that's what she's used to. but they really don't mind. it's impossible to misgender her, he uses any pronouns. Again, collecting 'em like pokémon.
Emma's questioning her gender. She thinks she's genderfluid in some way bc the way she thinks abt gender changes. Sometimes he feels a lot more masc, and he/him feels more comfy, but he never feels fully 'male'. Gender is confusing and Zemma are the genderweird couple of all time.
An OTP involving this character: Each other. Zemma. Obviously. Lmao
A BROTP involving this character:
Zee and Damien have such a fun dynamic, they're absolute bros (gender neutral) and I wish we could have seen more of them.
Emma and Bowie were the besties ever in season 1 and I will be eternally mad that they never repaired their friendship. In my mind they reconnected between seasons and are still friends, idc. Rajbow and Zemma double date when
A NOTP involving this character:
Two for one. Chazee and Chemma. Chase and Zee's dynamic in season 1 was kind of funny, but it doesn't change the fact that Zee can do better. I don't even hate Chase specifically (any more than you're supposed to, at least, lol).
Random headcanon:
Zee is lactose intolerant (being scared of milk was foreshadowing ig) and makes constant jokes about how they "lack toes". In general he just makes a lot of puns. No one except Emma and sometimes Damien finds them funny.
Emma listens to a lot of Marina and the Diamonds, especially after his breakup with Chase. Is this me projecting my own music taste onto him? Yes, yes it is.
Also another hc provided by the ever-present CR: Emma has an ever-growing collection of scrunchies. She has all the scrunchies. Too many scrunchies. Entire drawers overflowing with scrunchies. And if one gets lost (and many have been lost) she mourns it like a child. She Is The God Of Scrunchies.
General Opinion: Come on. They're Zemma. They're so freaking cute and fluffy and Emma deserves an actual good relationship, dammit! They may not be canon, like, at all, but they're canon to Me
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gay-yosuke · 6 months
ok now i gotta ask for chie :)
favourite thing about them: shes very like. realistic . like yknow? she blurts things out . she doesnt always think she's right even when she comes out with something profound or smart. nobody really mentions it but she's a seriously important driving force on the team in that she, like yosuke, is doing the solving before naoto turns up.
least favourite thing about them: i feel like sometimes she comes off way ruder in game than i feel like she is. like not to be like "i know your characters better than you atlus" but like. come on. she knows when to pick fun and when not to.
favourite line: literally any time she refers to any girl as cute. go girl youre lesbian.
brOTP: she and kanji. i think they could benefit from just like. sitting around together. kanji needs to teach her how to knit fr.
random headcanon: chie is lactose intolerant :) she does not care about this :)
unpopular opinion: this one might get me killed but i think most people who say chie best girl might be into femdom. but dont quote me on that.
song i associate with them: dragon road from sonic unleashed!!
favourite picture of them: i cant post it but its some unreleased art lux drew of yosuke and chie where yosuke's lamenting not feeling great about finding out adachi's his cousin while they both play mario party and chie's about to go in for the palmshred.
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startagainaprologue · 5 months
1, 22, and 24 for isabeau mayhaps...
1: OTP?
youll never guess (isafrin or isaloop)
22: Give us a headcanon for [character]
im starting to realize im a guy with a comical lack of coherent headcanons with this ask game. isabeau lactose intolerant
24: What's your favourite thing about [character]?
SO HARD TO PICK OUT ONE THING i love isa so much hes just so so good. im going to excitedly point at his friendquest
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bluemoonbabes · 2 years
Slightly Unhinged OTP/Character Ask Prompts
Because I keep seeing these on my page and want to know of all the weird shit. Have fun <3
1. Who ate chapstick in elementary school?
2. Who ate paper?
3. Who had the gum selling empire in middle school?
4. Who does body shots?
5. Who does whippets?
6. Who’s had a threesome?
7. Who’s the heavyweight?
8. Who would diddle an alien?
9. Who would tell the authorities to go fuck themselves?
10. Who’s done graffiti under a bridge?
11. Who hords Twinkie’s in a secret place the other(s) won’t find?
12. Who would have sex in a church?
13. Who would smoke weed in a confessionary?
14. Who still eats dairy even though they’re lactose intolerant?
15. Who actively and knowingly eats the very foods they’re allergic to?
16. Who would be best at drag?
17. Who had the stripper fallback plan if they failed college?
18. Who left the fork in the microwave on accident?
19. Who left the fork in the microwave on purpose?
20. Who’s most likely to shag their ex’s mom?
21. Who would teach their kid how to steal?
22. Who lets the intrusive thoughts win constantly?
23. Who would try to eat fire?
24. Who goes to a haunted place only to start yelling at the ghosts to try to challenge them?
25. Who would snort pixie sticks unironically?
26. Who would stick their dick in a Chinese finger trap?
27. Who would try to teach a cat about the Communist Manifesto?
28. Who wakes up alone in an alleyway next to a dumpster?
29. Who gets arrested the quickest?
30. Who would give their left nut for a Klondike bar?
31. Who twerks to Dancing Queen by Abba?
32. Who needs a higher dosage of adderall?
33. Who‘s father is unanimously agreed to be a DILF?
34. Who’s been accused of murder?
35. Who bites shoulders?
36. Who’s constantly a little horny?
37. Who accidentally took viagra instead of allergy pills?
38. Who accidentally ate 400mg worth of edibles?
39. Who would get so lost in the sauce that they’d hallucinate Abraham Lincoln chilling in the corner?
40. Who sobbed so hard for so long that they fell asleep on the bathroom floor?
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can-a-tuna-fish · 7 months
the character asks with Brooke!
Favorite thing about them:
I’m not even joking when I say everything. Brooke Lhost save me. I do think the bit where she writes French phrases on her hands and says them to Jeremy is really funny, I love her.
LEAST favorite thing about them:
I know I have criticisms but nothing is immediately coming to mind so I might edit this and add something later :(
favorite line:
“scary! I have some issues with dairy :(” genuinely so funny of her to openly mention in the second conversation she’s ever had with this boy. She is the exact representation we need for people who are lactose intolerant but still eat icecream. On a more serious note “I just want someone to see me first” is devastating.
her and Jenna (iced tea I think?) :(((( I’m so so so sad they never got any scenes together after the play. I have a really specific way I see them, where I feel like Brooke recognizes how much they leave Jenna out, and in a way the only thing holding her back from ever making real honest friends with her is the need to uphold her own status. Also puppylove, I need them to be besties BAD.
playride. I will die on this hill. Have you ever seen someone pine so hard that it makes them physically sick?? That’s what Brooke has going on. I think about them a lot and how they both end up in this friend group where they see each other around a bunch but maybe don’t really talk individually a lot. Christine is experiencing the Jake Dillinger effect of only being important to him when he wants her to be, while Brooke is dealing with having to be the “second choice” to Chloe, and it sort of just over time morphs into them being friends with each other (fully based on that one scene in bway bmc where Brooke frowns and sympathetically pats Christine’s shoulder after Chloe says her “he got bored of you” line). I also think that Brooke would somewhat admire Christine’s ability to recognize her own boundaries and break up with Jake, even if she never admits anything about it. I would do outlandish things for three minutes of playride screentime. Pleas….
I’m so sorry pinkberry moots. As much as I can see them having a funny kind of friendship that constantly borders on “oh this is so not what friends usually do”, them as a romantic pairing is so not my cup of tea.
random headcanon:
braces haver :)))) also she’s like 5’11
unpopular opinion:
don’t think I really have any? I don’t like the way people characterize her as being naïve though :/
song I associate with them:
Be your own 3am by Adult Mom, and also flip flop by yucky duster (she wouldn’t like either of those, that’s more a me thing)
Favorite picture of them:
I’m a little too scared to actually add pictures, but i like the scene in bmc london where she chases Jeremy up onto a table during DYWAR.
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natequarter · 8 months
sophie bone for the character asks?
favourite thing about them: only one? she's hot, she's smart, she's a dead tudor catholic, she takes the initiative, she refuses to communicate with her husband except in mime, okay maybe not that last one
least favourite thing about them: i mean attempted murder is pretty high up there, but probably that she decides to flee without humphrey?? this is admittedly also his fault but the actual extent to which he can hold off the guards is probably very limited and he's definitely going to die that way whereas if he flees he'll only probably die. take him with you, girl!
favourite line: not sure. none of her lines are particularly striking on their own, though 'moi... joyeuse?' has a classic charm and 'death to queen bess' says it all, really
brOTP: robin is the correct answer here, but since they never interact - humphrey. i mean, he also barely interacts with her, but there's something there, a shred of genuine affection that never has the chance to develop
OTP: see above. humphrey and sophie don't hate each other, they were just fucked over by circumstance and also sophie's stubbornness. within canon it doesn't make sense to me for their relationship to be romantic, but outside of that? bring on the pining and ust
nOTP: er. barclay? it's not like she's met most of the cast of ghosts...
random headcanon: she and humphrey have definitely had at least one ill-advised shag that they both tried to forget about. they couldn't look each other in the eyes for days, which was fine, because they already weren't doing that
unpopular opinion: her timeline makes no sense and she was definitely born in the mid-1540s not the 1530s she's a monarchist. she lived in the sixteenth century! she wants to replace one monarch and religious intolerance with another monarch and even more religious intolerance. not that she isn't cool, because she is, but she's not enlightened or feminist or anything like that. no one in the 1500s is
song i associate with them: i'm afraid i don't have one for sophie
favourite picture of them: when she's sitting around reading poetry instead of plotting england's destruction. she is so pretty
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maochira · 9 months
bachira and k…kaiser🤢🤢🤢🤢
Sexuality: demisexual gay
Gender: demiboy (he/they)
OTP: Bachisagi
BROTP: also Bachisagi
NOTP: Bachirin
Random headcanon: he was that type of kid that would try to eat ANYTHING until he was 10 years old
General opinion: I LOVE HIM SO SO MUCH I'M LITERALLY HIM IRL I even based my blogname on his and my names
Sexuality: gay
Gender: cis
OTP: none
NOTP: idk
Random headcanon: he's lactose intolerant and also pretended to be gluten intolerant for attention for a while
General opinion: I love him but I'd push him down the stairs
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