#for her part ella is a nervous wreck
theteaisaddictive · 2 years
you send one thematically-relevant song about loneliness and love and suddenly you get yet another vague au idea based on your characters
#roses and lavender#it just sort of sprung into my mind but -- ella's on the way to the ball#the horses get lost#they wind up at this castle which very clearly does NOT have a ball on but like. what else is she supposed to do. it's cold and dark and#she can see candlelight through the windows#the entire castle is FLABBERGASTED to see what appears to be an honest-to-god storybook princess walk through the door#of course the beast gets down there asap but as soon as he sees her he decides to keep lukring in the shadows#she's beautiful and bright and shining and he is -- not.#for her part ella is a nervous wreck#this was not what she signed up for when she stepped into that pumpkin carriage#she stays for dinner because let's be honest she's starving at this point#they talk a little over dinner. as one does.#there's a hunger in both of them for human contact and despite the awkwardness of the situation they end up talking for a long long time#they lose track of time#and suddenly ella's doing her reverse magical girl transformation#and then they're stood in this drawing room just very awkwardly looking at each other#the beast who's been lurking in the shadows all night afraid to sully this beautiful creature by even standing too close to her#and the servant girl playing make-believe who's suddenly found herself in the worst version of the emperor's new clothes#in the distance they hear cogsworth shouting 'why the FUCK did the FOOTMAN just turn into a HORSE?!?!?'#eta the song in question was the loneliest time by carly rae jepsen ft. rufus wrainwright
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wileys-russo · 4 months
Ella Toone
“Jesus Christ love I didn’t know you could hit like that”
Rage room 🙂🔥
rage room II e.toone
"baby! i love ya so much but please hurry up." the mancunian groaned, twirling her keys around on her pointer finger. "el we are literally not booked in until three and it's only eleven thirty." you laughed at her impatience from the bedroom.
"yeah but we're gettin our nails done and then goin for lunch and then the rage room at three. we're on a tight schedule here woman chop chop!" the midfielder clapped, popping her head through the doorway with a raised eyebrow.
"sorry! i'll hurry up love." you made a point to bend down and lace your sneakers in slow motion, ella leaning against the door frame with a long and annoyed groan.
"i'm getting grey hairs here man." your girlfriend huffed with a shake of her head, smacking your hands away and kneeling down lacing up your shoes for you.
"sure babe you can borrow my jordans, thanks for askin." ella mocked sarcastically as you grinned. "sure love you can borrow my prada sunglasses, thanks for askin." you quipped back as the smile was wiped from her face.
"fair point. come on then!" she took your hand and pulled you to your feet. "baby!" ella moaned as you dug your heels in just to annoy her further, trudging slowly across the living room.
"you're such a fuckin wind up!"
"thank you for today el, its been perfect." you smiled sincerely, sat across from your girlfriend at your favorite japanese restaurant, leaning across and meeting her lips in a sweet kiss. "anything for you and that gorgeous smile baby." ella flirted charmingly as you shook your head.
"if only you were this smooth when you asked me out the first time." you teased as ella's cheeks flushed bright red. "you promised to stop bringin that up!" ella whined burying her face in her hands.
you'd transferred to united from bristol city two years ago and ella had been enamored by you from the moment you stepped foot into the locker room with a shy wave, a little taken aback by how forward and friendly the entire team was.
her best friends very quickly picking up on the developing crush she'd been relentlessly bullied into eventually asking you out on a date. though with half the team well aware of her feelings and the lingering fear of rejection she'd been a nervous wreck.
the words got jumbled up together and her attempt to ask you just for coffee wound up with her asking you to buy her a coffee and you leaving with a confused nod, showing up the next day with a flat white in hand for her and a very embarrassed number seven who hurried to correct what she'd meant.
"babe its a crucial part of our epic love story, i can't pretend it didn't happen." you grinned as your food arrived and you both thanked the server. "teach me please?" ella asked eagerly holding up the chopsticks in hand.
"el, love we tried this last time." you smiled sympathetically but unable to say no to her pleading eyes you walked her through it, the brunette eventually dropping them to the table with a clatter and a list of swear words dropped from her lips.
"fuck this." ella grumbled, snatching the fork you'd made sure to order for her and stabbing the california role before shoving it angrily into her mouth in one go.
"what?" she asked with a frown, mouth still full of sushi. "you know babe sometimes i miss when we weren't so comfortable around each other."
"so obviously the walls are off limits! they are cement though so i wouldn't recommend to hit them anyway because the shock of the bat hitting it could break your hand." the worker shrugged casually as you and your girlfriend shared a look.
"thats mostly everything. have fun ladies!" he shrugged, stepping out and closing the door as music filled the room. "ready baby?" ella grinned, moving forward and tugging your glasses down over your eyes.
"go!" ella cheered, swinging her bat at a stack of as you pumped your fists and the music got a little louder. you watched on with a grin as your girlfriend wreaked havoc, letting out a war cry and hauling a few plates at the wall.
"go on baby, your turn!" ella encouraged with a wave as you lifted your bat and swung at an old computer monitor barely knocking it over. "nah you can do better than that! think about that prick from ya old job, the one we used to scream into the pillows about!" ella remembered, clicking her fingers.
a sudden rage filling your body you let out a war cry of your own and swung at an old tv sending the glass screen flying in hundreds of tiny pieces around the room.
"jesus christ love i didn't know you could hit like that." ella whistled in shock. "baseball?" you gave her a wolfish grin holding up a mug as she perked up and readied her bat.
"ya know we should really bring mary here babe, she has a lot of rage."
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boyfriendfever · 11 months
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dating headcanons
pairing - mike, mal, ella, jasmine / reader (seperate)
contains - fem!reader, ooc (?), mentions of hickeys and making out, jasmine being a tall queen.
notes - these are kind of short but whatever 🤷‍♀️ jasmine’s accent does smth to me istg it’s just so attractive 😍😍
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nervous wreck when it comes to pda
if you even grab his hand during an elimination be prepared for him to just stop working
like he literally just powers off
“i- eh.. hah… areyouholdingmyhand?”
all in one word
pls brush your fingers through his hair
he’s gonna immediately melt in your arms
“mhh, that feels… delightful.”
if you hug him he won’t know what to do with his hands
he will just stand there like 🧍🏻
unless your cuddling
then he just wraps his arms around your shoulder
wakes up extra early just to find flowers for you every once in a while
picnic dates and stargazing by the dock
enjoys laying his head in your lap as you brush through his hair or (if you can) draw him.
favorite body part is your chest and neck.
he loves to kiss your neck and the skin above your breasts.
he likes how he can leaves hickeys on your chest and you can cover it up with a shirt or hoodie.
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he cares about you, even though he doesn’t show it
he asked you out by pulling you by your waist into the forest from behind during a challenge.
“i like you, you like me, let’s date.”
don’t reject him, just don’t do it.
why would he get you gifts? he is the gift.
if you’re near him while he’s sitting down best believe he will pull you into his lap.
he loves showing the others you’re his.
he will rub your thighs, kiss your jaw and neck, squeeze your waist, even make out with you infront of everyone.
he just doesn’t care.
you sleep with him in the mens cabin/room, and nobody dares to say anything about it.
scott has already made that mistake, being how he is.
nobody heard from him again after that.
calls you sexy. that’s the only pet name. either that or foxy.
favorite body part is your wrists.
solely because he can hold them behind your back while kissing you.
he enjoys how you want to touch him so bad, to wrap your arms around his neck.
on the topic of necks, he will always litter yours in hickeys.
he loves showing others that you’re his.
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she loves nothing more than to hold you in her arms.
it doesn’t matter where or when, if she can hold you she will.
tells the animals in the forest about you.
“oh, and that pulchritudinous personality! everything about her is just so.. alluring.”
if you don’t like pet names, don’t even try to date her.
darling, pretty, princess, my beauty, tangerine
(if your hair is long enough) she will braid it, curl it, straighten it, brush it, everything.
she leaves you little notes and poems around your bed and clothes.
bakes you cupcakes.
makes up little songs about you.
if you get hurt during a challenge she will stop everything just to help you.
she doesn’t care if she loses, you’re 10x more important.
her favorite body part is your hands.
especially if you wear rings.
she will play with them if she’s nervous.
she loves kissing your hands and massaging them.
(couldn’t find a jasmine gif)
loves carrying you over her shoulders.
mostly because of her height.
“you see anything up there?”
she let’s you climb her like a tree.
during breakfast she has you sit in her lap.
facing her.
she loves seeing your flustered expression
lets you wear her hat
“you look nice in my hat. maybe i should get you one of your own, would you like that?”
picks you up off your feet when she kisses you🤭
she would hold you by your thighs
like this
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calls you tangerine.
tangerines are her favorite fruits.
she will lay on her back as you saddle her waist while making out.
like mike, she wakes up early to gather some flowers for you.
except she takes polaroid pictures of her and the flowers as well.
her favorite body part of is your thighs.
not in a sexual way, she just loves to touch them.
they are just so soft.
similar to ella, she loves kissing and massaging them.
she just gets so much pleasure out of praising you.
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Just like Dad
Summary: Chris x readers oldest child (about eight, you can decide if it's a boy or girl) comes to you guys one night and tells you that they want to go into acting. Chris is thrilled you not so much. You think they are too young, but one day, Chris finds the perfect script. You agree to let them audition, and they get the part of Father and child.
Warning: fluff
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader, dad! Chris
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Ella was only 8 but her she had many ideas of what she wanted to do with herself. Her whole life she watched her daddy, chris act. She visited him on set, went to premieres with him and helped him the best she could with his scripts. She was so mesmerize by what he did but she never mentioned it until now.
Minutes before bed she came into yours and Chris's room. "Mommy, daddy." She climbed into the bed and sat right in front of you both in her heart PJs.
"what's wrong?" Chris asked her. She shook her head. "Nothing. Um can I be an actor like you daddy?"
You and Chris looked at each other at the same time. Deep down Chris was happy his bub wanted to follow him but you not so much.
You didn't want her to do acting at least not this early. You wanted her to finish school and then make her decision.
"ok um.. me and daddy will talk about it tonight." You smiled at her. "Now are you ready for bed?" She quickly shook her head. "No."
Chris got up out of the bed and pulled Ella by her legs. She squealed before laughing as Chris held her upside down by the legs as he ran walked out of the room with her.
Chris returned a few minutes later to find to you getting ready for bed. "You didn't look too happy about el wanting to try acting."
You exhaled, "yeah, I just don't think acting is smart because she's so Young." You turned to Chris seeing him nodding.
"I get it but I think her being an actress would be cool. She doesn't have to do crazy scene, she can do small scene."
You sucked in your breath, "I don't know."
"let me find a script. If you or El don't like it then you can say no but give me time." You agreed with him. "Alright."
It's been a couple of weeks and Chris has been doing everything in his power to find a good script not only for him and Ella. He was determined to find something you'll like and want Ella to do.
He eventually found one. It was a father and daughter role and he thought it was perfect. He raced home and was quick to find you. "Baby I found a good script." He came up and handed you the script.
You scanned over it; it was a perfect role for Ella. You smiled as you looked up at your husband. "Okay, you can take her to the audition and if she gets the role, I'll give you a pat on the back."
Chris chuckled as he took the script from you. He was ready to get his pat on the back.
Ever since that day Chris was preparing Ella. He had her work out the scenes and remember the lines. By the end of the week she was a pro at it. On Sunday Chris took her to the auditioning place. He had to audition with her for a little while, but the rest was all her. He felt like a nervous wreck. He wanted her to get the role so badly.
25 minutes later he heard the door open to the audition room and saw Ella run out. "I got it daddy. I got it."
Chris smiled as he picked her up. "You did?" He turned to the woman who walked her out, she nodded while smiling. Chris smiled, "that's perfect. Now we got to tell Mama. She's going to be so impressed."
Chris made his way home to where you were. Ella was the first to enter the house and find you. "Mommy!!!!"
You looked down at the excited 8 year old. "What?" You kneeled down to her height.
"I got the role."vl she jumped up and down before wrapping her arms around you. You laughed as you stood up with her in your arms. "I'm so proud of you."
You looked over at Chris, he was beaming at his accomplishment. He took his hand and patted himself on the back as you watched. You doubted him but he provided you wrong. He had every right to do that.
@chris-butt @princess-evans-addict @patzammit @bval-1 @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @raveviolet @rynabarnesrogers-reading @enn-j @london-dreamer71 @harrysthiccthighss @captainamerica-is-bae @la-cey @weirdowithnobeardo @lovepeacefood @baby-i-am-fireproof @denisemarieangelina @evans713 @smyfmj @thereisa8ella @rororo06 @keiva1000 @ughitsnic @adriannajackson123 @marvelnaturalock @notyourtypicalrose @dummiesshort @onetwo3000 @hhiggs @katiew1973 @andreasworlsboring101 @skepticnovak @funfickgirl22
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pricemarshfield · 3 years
can we surrender?
Chapter 1/26: who shot charlotte richards?
A Deckerstar fake marriage/Charlotte lives AU of the end of Season 3 (and a little bit of Season 4).
Read the full fic on AO3 here.
"I've been trying to go back to the way things were, you know, playing our greatest hits because..."
Chloe's phone rings. She hits reject without checking to see who's calling, something she never would've done before Lucifer became her partner, but. This is important. She's not sure what this is, exactly, but she can count on one hand the amount of times Lucifer's been as open as he's being right now.
He never lies to her. But he doesn't do this often, either.
"Is that--"
"It doesn't matter," Chloe says. "Keep going."
Lucifer takes a breath. "You were right. I've been avoiding dealing with things in the present, like...how I feel about--" His phone rings. He doesn't break eye contact with her, but he picks up and says, "This isn't a good t--what?"
He starts to walk away, reaching his hand back for her, like he always does. Chloe takes it, like she always does. He's holding her hand a little tighter than usual. "We'll be there soon," he says tersely, and hangs up.
"Lucifer, are you okay?" she asks.
"Charlotte's been shot."
"Oh my God."
He doesn't tell her not to talk about his dad, which is saying something. He walks a little too quickly for her to keep up easily, which says more.
"Detective, if I drive--"
"Put the sirens on," she says, already sliding into the passenger seat. "I know someone in the precinct gave you them, we need to get to the hospi--" She stops halfway through pulling her phone out. "It...it is the hospital, right?"
"Yes," Lucifer says, and out of the corner of her eye, she can see him smiling. "Yes. Amenadiel says she's in critical condition, but he thinks she'll pull through."
"Amenadiel?" she asks, half-distracted. Of course Dan was who called her. She hits call back without even thinking about it. "How did--Dan?"
"Chloe," Dan says, and he sounds wrecked. "Charlotte--"
"We heard," Chloe says. "We're on our way. Are you okay?"
Dan doesn't say anything. She can picture the exact look on his face--jaw clenched, eyes fixed on Charlotte if she's there and on nothing at all if she isn't.
"Sorry," Dan finally says. "I just--wanna find the bastard who did this."
"I know," Chloe says. "We're going to, Dan." She pretends not to notice Lucifer glancing over at her when she says "we".
"Okay. Good."
There's a beat of silence.
"Why don't you go make sure everything's okay with Charlotte's room?" she tries. "Or her insurance. You won't feel better until you get something done."
"I'll feel better once she's out of surgery," Dan says, harsher than he needs to be.
Chloe doesn't say anything.
"Sorry," he says. "Not your fault."
"It isn't. Go."
He hangs up.
"Detective," Lucifer says. "Are you alright?"
Chloe half-laughs. "Not really. You?"
"Not really."
He's driving faster than she does with her lights on, but she can't bring herself to care. "So how did Amenadiel know that Charlotte was shot before we did?"
"He was with her, apparently."
Chloe turns her head to look at him. His hands are white-knuckled on the steering wheel, and he's staring ahead without really seeming to see the road. It should worry her--he's easily more than twice the speed limit. Still, she's trusted him with her life before, and she doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon.
"Is he okay?" she asks.
He scoffs. "Physically? Fine. He plans on bringing divine wrath to whoever shot Charlotte, though."
"Div--right." She should be relieved that he's back to these--metaphors, or whatever. She is, sort of, but she can still hear the steering wheel creaking with how tight he's holding onto it.
Chloe puts her hand on his shoulder. "They're gonna be okay, Lucifer."
He exhales, and she can almost feel the tension melting away. "I hope so, Detective."
They don't say anything for the rest of the car ride. She doesn't move her hand until they're pulling into the hospital parking lot.
Hey Dan, where are you in the hospital?
Dan doesn't respond, but that isn't a huge shock. He's probably forgotten he has a phone at all, too focused on whatever he's doing to distract himself. Lucifer opens her door for her--didn't he just get out of his own side?--and helps her out. He drops her hand after her feet are on the ground. She tries to ignore her disappointment.
The fluorescent hospital lights are a shock to her eyes after so long outside. Lucifer doesn't seem to have that problem, walking towards the front desk and asking where they can find Charlotte Richards. The nurse at the desk tells them to go to the fourth floor without so much as a "what do you desire?" from Lucifer or seeing Chloe's badge.
They must look bad.
Chloe finds herself focusing on her breathing in the elevator. Inhale for four seconds, hold her breath for two seconds, and exhale for four seconds. Inhale, hold, exhale. Lucifer reaches over and grabs her hand. She squeezes it, and he squeezes back. It does more to ground her than a breathing exercise could.
"Thank you," she says.
"For what?" he says, but he doesn't let go of her hand.
The elevator doors slide open and Chloe sees Amenadiel, looking supremely awkward in the waiting room chairs. He's holding a cafeteria hot dog. It's definitely from Dan. They walk closer. Chloe reluctantly lets go of Lucifer's hand to sit down by him.
"Chloe," Amenadiel says.
"Hey, Amenadiel," she says. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he says, almost surprised. "Why?"
"Lucifer said you were with Charlotte when she got shot."
Amenadiel's face darkens. "Yes."
Chloe waits.
"This is usually the part where you say more, brother," Lucifer says. If Amenadiel looks like he doesn't fit in this room, Lucifer definitely doesn't, wearing a three-piece suit and holding a cigarette between two fingers.
She stares at him.
She gestures at the cigarette.
"Fine," he says, putting it out against one of the chairs. He shouldn't, obviously, but there isn't a lit cigarette in a hospital waiting room, so she's going to consider it a win.
"Chloe," Dan says, rushing up. He's holding a semi-crushed snack from the vending machine and looks like he's about six seconds from a complete nervous breakdown. "Thanks for--"
"Don't mention it," Chloe says. "She's my friend, too."
Amenadiel nods. "We will find who did this. I swear to you."
Dan smiles at the two of them, and it's a nice moment in the midst of a really, really shitty one.
"Not that you want my perspective," Lucifer adds cheerfully, "But I won't let whoever did this go unpunished either."
Dan turns to stare at Lucifer. His jaw works, like he wants to say something or maybe just deck him, but decides against it.
"Right," Lucifer says. "Onto the question of the hour."
"And that would be?" Amenadiel asks.
"Who shot Charlotte Richards?"
Dan sits down next to Amenadiel. "What'd you see, man?"
Amenadiel shakes his head. "I didn't see anything. We were just--talking, and she suddenly moved in front of me." He swallows. "If she doesn't wake up, that's my fault." Lucifer starts to deny that, but Amenadiel shakes his head. "She saw me in danger and stepped in front of me. There is nothing I can do to fix that."
"We can catch who did this to her," Dan says. He doesn't look at Amenadiel.
"We will," Chloe says, newly determined. "Where's Ella?"
"Already at the scene," Dan says. "She says there isn't a lot there, but I don't think she's leaving until she finds something."
Amenadiel shifts uncomfortably in his seat, but doesn't respond to either her or Dan's questioning looks.
"So who would try to hurt Charlotte?" Lucifer asks after a second.
"She's put away a lot of perps," Dan says quietly. "Could be anyone who got out recently."
"You said she stepped in front of you," Chloe says to Amenadiel. He nods. "So we're not looking for someone who'd hurt Charlotte. We're looking for someone who wants to kill you."
All of them turn to stare at Amenadiel. Lucifer looks away first, pulling out his phone.
"Amenadiel, who would want to kill you?" Chloe asks. She tries to be calm, but all she can think about is Charlotte--her friend--in surgery, who might not wake up, who might not make it at all.
"I don't know," Amenadiel says.
"Well, what do you do for a living?" Dan asks.
"I...am a therapist," Amenadiel says.
"Okay," Chloe says. "Do you have any patients with violent tendencies?"
"...no?" Amenadiel says.
"What my brother is trying to say," Lucifer interjects, "is that he doesn't want to break confidentiality."
"Yes. That."
"I don't think Amenadiel needs you talking for him, Lucifer," Dan says.
"Have you met him? He should let me talk for him more often." Lucifer smiles, and Chloe wants to put her head in her hands and groan until all three of them stop talking. She doesn't, because after so much time living with Maze, her self-control is immaculate.
"Lucifer, you know what--"
"Stop," Chloe says. "Dan, stop antagonizing Lucifer. Amenadiel, if your life is literally in danger, we can get a warrant for patient information. Lucifer, stop. Just--stop."
Refreshingly, all of them do.
"There's no warrant necessary," Amenadiel says. "I'm confident this attack was not from one of my patients."
"Okay, is there anyone who wants to hurt you outside of work?" Chloe tries. "Any reason someone would have a grudge against you?"
"Not unless their grudge is actually with Lucifer," Amenadiel says.
Lucifer makes a vaguely offended sound. "It's not as though I go around talking about you with my enemies, Amenadiel. I can't think of anyone who hates me--other than Detective Douche here--that even knows you're...my brother."
Chloe notices the awkward pause. Dan doesn't, too irritated to focus on the details.
"Detective," Lucifer says, suddenly urgent, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Of course."
"Alone," he adds, helping her out of her chair and dragging her to another not-quite-private part of the room.
"What's wrong?" she asks. It's too much like their conversation earlier, almost-intimate, and she's finding it hard to focus. But it's Lucifer and he still doesn't usually look this serious, so she ignores her feelings just like she has been for the past few months.
"I think I know who was trying to kill Amenadiel," Lucifer says. "And I need you to trust me."
"I do trust you," Chloe says, brow furrowed. "Lucifer, what--"
"It's the lieutenant."
Chloe sets her jaw. "Lucifer, just because you don't like him--"
"Chloe," Lucifer says, and she stops. "This isn't about how I feel about him. It's about how he feels about me."
"Even if he hates you, why would he try and kill Amenadiel and not you?" Chloe's tired. Her friend's life is in danger and this doesn't make any sense and she wishes she and Lucifer had gotten to finish their conversation before the call because it's not as though they can do anything.
"Because Amenadiel is my father's favorite son," Lucifer says. He doesn't say God's favorite son. Whether that's because he's taking this seriously or he just wants Chloe to believe him, it works.
"Okay," Chloe says. She takes a deep breath. "Okay. So he's...trying to get back at you by killing your brother? And pissing your dad off?"
"He's trying to piss my dad off," Lucifer says, phrasing incongruous with how he speaks normally, "Because he doesn't trust that I'll hold up my end of our bargain."
"And what bargain is that?"
"Oh, to end his endless existence, naturally," Lucifer says cheerfully. "Although I doubt he wants to die anymore. Thanks to you, Detective."
"Lucifer, you can't just accuse someone of attempted murder because of these metaphors," Chloe says, more irritated than she has been in a long time. "Marcus doesn't even know Charlotte's been shot, I need to call--what now?"
Lucifer's eyes are fixed on something on the other side of the room. She turns to look and sees Marcus, talking to Dan in tones hushed enough that she can't hear a single word.
"Dan wouldn't have called him," Chloe says slowly. "He barely thought to call me and Ella. And Ella wouldn't call him unless she'd found something, and she would have told us first."
"I'm sorry, Detective," Lucifer says. "But there's things you don't know about Pierce."
"If you tell me he's Cain," Chloe says. "I'm going to throw you out a window."
"While he is," he says, annoyingly patient, "He's also the Sinnerman."
"He killed the Sinnerman. To defend you." She sounds more defensive than she'd like.
"No, that was one of his lackeys. Pierce was always head of the operation."
"I need--Lucifer, I can't just take your word for this." She breathes in for four seconds, holds it for two, breathes out for four. "I need proof."
"Would you take Pierce having kidnapped someone?" he asks.
"Lucifer, what--"
"Mazikeen texted me while we were waiting," Lucifer says. "She says that Pierce kidnapped her after she refused to help kill Amenadiel."
Chloe doesn't say anything.
"Are you with me, Detective?"
She sighs. "Yeah. I'm with you."
"Good," Lucifer says. "Because I need your help to make sure he gets punished for this."
She puts a hand to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Okay. We can assume Dan and Ella are willing to help--"
"Ella loves the lieutenant, are you sure?"
Chloe half-laughs. "She's like family to me. I trust her."
"We need to make sure Daniel won't jump straight to murder when we tell him," Lucifer says. "Could you tell him?"
"Why didn't you tell us Pierce was the Sinnerman?" Chloe asks. "How long have you known?"
"Not the whole time," he says. "But I did try to tell you something was wrong."
"You told me he was Cain from the Bible. That's not the same as keeping me in the loop!"
"Well, it's not my fault you didn't believe me," Lucifer says, irritated. "Detective, we need to stop him, but if he finds out we're onto him, we--would you come to my penthouse later tonight, Detective?"
"Chloe," Pierce says, suddenly far closer than she'd expected. It takes a ton of self-control not to flinch. "Lucifer."
"Lieutenant," Lucifer says. "Do you mind?"
"Sorry, I'll--" Pierce clears his throat. With a shock, Chloe realizes he's tearing up. The hairs on the back of her neck stand up. He's lying. She knows he's lying. He doesn't get emotional, not like this, but--if she didn't know him, she'd be convinced.
She hadn't realized he was such a good liar. It's not a comforting realization.
"I just wanted to let you know. We're going to find who's behind this." He pauses to see if either of them respond, but they don't. He walks away, and Chloe watches him go.
"Okay. You're right." Chloe closes her eyes for a second. "I'll see you tonight."
Lucifer nods. "Go home, Detective. Make sure the little urchin is alright."
"Why wouldn't she be?" Chloe asks.
"No reason at all," Lucifer says, gentler than he normally is. "But you're going to be tense until you check on her."
She laughs, quiet at first and then louder, more genuine. He looks at her like she's insane.
"Are you alright? Did you hit your head on something?"
"It's been a weird night," Chloe says, head in her hands, shoulders shaking with silent laughter. "But yeah. You're right. Just--"
There's something honest, genuine at the tip of her tongue, but there's already so much going on. She wants to see her daughter, make sure she's okay with her own two eyes. She wants to get a little too drunk. She wants, in all honesty, to go to sleep and wake up with all of this having been dealt with.
"I'll see you later tonight," she says.
Lucifer looks at her with an odd expression on his face.
He hugs her. Chloe reacts before she's even really aware of what's going on, hugging him back. She can practically feel the tension melting out of her. They don't do this. The first time she hugged him, he froze up, awkwardly patting her back as if that was what you were supposed to do. He got better, sure, but she can't remember the last time he initiated anything like this.
She pulls back. "Thank you, Lucifer." She can't bring herself to look up at him. It's too much.
"See you tonight," he says.
She nods. She gives her goodbyes to Dan and Amenadiel and Pierce, who looks after her as she goes. Chloe was going to marry him. She was going to marry him.
Waiting for a Lyft in the parking lot gives her a chance to process. The air's just cold enough to be bracing.
1. Charlotte Richards was shot.
2. Lieutenant Marcus Pierce (probably) shot her.
2a. She was going to marry him.
3. Pierce is apparently the Sinnerman, the head of a criminal syndicate.
3a. Lucifer knew this and failed to share it.
3b. She was going to marry him.
Breaking it down doesn't make it make more sense, but it calms her down enough that she doesn't give away too much is wrong when talking with Trixie later.
"Mommy," Trixie says. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, monkey," Chloe lies. "I'll be fine. How's school going?"
Trixie talks about math and art and her boyfriend, which is not something Chloe feels equipped to deal with now, or ever.
The door opens and Chloe has to restrain herself from reaching for her gun.
"Hey," Maze says. She looks messed up, with a broken nose and a long cut along her face.
"Maze!" Trixie yells, running over and practically leaping into her arms. Maze catches her without even hesitating. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, Trix," Maze says. She looks up at Chloe. "I'll watch her tonight."
"Oh. Right." She'd completely forgotten she was going to go see Lucifer tonight, to talk about catching her lieutenant who shot one of her friends. Fuck. "Thanks, Maze."
Maze nods, putting Trixie down. Chloe doesn't miss her wince when she bends down. "Anytime, Chloe."
"Are we...okay?" she can't help but ask.
Maze sighs. "Maybe."
It's always weird, having to go through Lux to visit Lucifer. Chloe's not dressed for a club, but people don't give her weird glances anymore. She's practically here more than she's at the precinct. The bartender--who she's pretty sure is named Percy--smiles at her and doesn't offer her a drink.
She pushes her way through a few groups of people dancing to make her way to the elevator, hitting the door close button a few times more than usual once she gets there. Unsurprisingly, Lucifer is playing the piano when she gets up there. She doesn't recognize the song.
"Detective," Lucifer says.
"Lucifer," Chloe says, sitting down next to him. She sort of wants to play Heart and Soul again. Play their greatest hits, as it were. But they've got a killer to catch, and one who's in charge of the entire investigation. "Do you have a plan?"
Lucifer sighs, and stops playing. "We need to make sure Pierce doesn't know we're investigating him."
"And...we need to make sure he thinks you're no longer interested in him."
Chloe scoffs. "Well, I'm not. Clearly."
"Well-aware," Lucifer says dryly. "But if you explain to him that you're not interested in him because you know he's a murderer, then the entire plan fails."
"I see what you mean," Chloe sighs. "So? What's the plan?"
"What, I have to do all the work?" Lucifer says, mock-offended. She grins despite herself. "I do have an idea, but I don't know if you'd be alright with it."
She waits a minute, but he doesn't say anything. "What is it?"
After another beat of silence, he says, "You could get married."
"To Pierce? That's ridiculous, I wouldn't be able to hide that I want nothing to do with him."
"Not to Pierce," Lucifer says, taking a drink of bourbon. "To me."
Chloe almost chokes on air. "What?"
"For the case," Lucifer adds hurriedly. "Not--"
"Oh, well, I--"
"I'm just thinking about the case."
Chloe's face feels too warm. She can't look right at Lucifer.
"So," Lucifer says after what feels like hours but was probably closer to a minute. "If you have any other ideas, I'm all ears."
"It's not a bad idea," Chloe says.
"I'm aware it's not the best of--wait, what?"
Chloe tries very hard not to find his dumb-founded look endearing. "It's not a bad idea. It'll buy us a lot more time to investigate, and Pierce will probably leave me alone if he's, uh. Sad about us being together."
"Right. That's that, then," Lucifer says, getting up from the bench to get another drink.
"No, Lucifer, wait," Chloe says, turning to look at him. "Are you okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" Lucifer asks. He isn't looking at her.
"You're alright with this?" she asks.
"Again, why wouldn't I be?"
Chloe swallows. She thought their talk earlier was--well, something it wasn't, clearly. It's a good plan, and she should be relieved that they have a plan at all, but she has a knot in her stomach.
Breathe in for four seconds, hold for two, exhale for another four.
"No reason, I guess."
Lucifer doesn't say anything, and for a second she hopes he might turn around, finish that conversation from earlier. He doesn't, stepping back towards the bar and pouring himself more than he normally does.
"Will you be alright with this?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" she asks.
Chloe shakes her head. "I'll explain to him what's going on."
"What about your offspring?"
"I'll talk to her about it," she says dully. "I'm not going to lie to her."
"I never would've suggested you do," Lucifer says, finally turning to look at her. The lights are dim enough that she can't quite make out his expression even from only a few feet away. "I just--"
"It was your idea, Lucifer," she says, hoping she doesn't sound as harsh as she feels. "Why are you trying to talk me out of it?"
"Because, Detective," he says, "I want to make sure you know what you're getting into. This is already going to be one of our hardest cases. You're going to be lying for weeks. If not more."
"You don't lie," Chloe says, brow furrowed. "How are you okay with this?"
Lucifer shrugs. "I'll be careful with my phrasing. I managed this with Pierce, didn't I? I'd much prefer being married to you."
That's not what Chloe wants to hear right now. "Great."
"Well. Let's work out the logistics of this, then, shall we?"
He walks past her, and it's not a brush-off, but it feels like it. She'd thought they meant something. Hell, she'd talked to Ella about Lucifer meaning more to her than she'd realized earlier today. But if he can do this without so much as an explanation of how he really feels, then clearly they're not on the same page.
She turns to look at him. "Let's get to it."
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ladypogue · 4 years
Used to this (part 4)
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Summary: Ella hangs out with pogues and JJ is caught off guard. They both admit their feelings to themselves, but things get messy at a boneyard party when Ella’s friends try to set her up with a guy.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: the slightest little bit of swearing, maybe some angst??? but other than that none :)
A/N: hello all! I am still eternally grateful for you if you are reading this story. I am terribly sorry for the late update, I started my first big girl job since graduating college so now I’m working full time so I’m limited on time to write (especially cause I do most of my writing at the late hours of the night) but i still love you and as always feedback is greatly appreciated! :)
Part 4
JJ and Ella’s relationship was starting to slowly blossom. The pair found themselves drawn to each other, even though both were terrified of what could come between the two. JJ was spending more time at the Wreck, keeping Ella entertained during slow periods of her shifts. When it got busy, he would sit back and just admire how she handled everything so smoothly. To most, sitting and watching someone work would be boring, but for JJ he found himself tuned her every movement, his eyes attentively trained on the way her lips curled into a smile as she talked to a customer and how her hips sways ever so slightly as she walked to and from the kitchen with trays of food. They usually hung out after Ella’s shift was over, at the least JJ would walk her to her car where they would stand and talk for half an hour before parting ways, just to text each other not even two hours later. The more time she spent with the Maybank boy, the more Ella found the walls she had built up around her heart, slowly breaking down. As for JJ, he had no idea how to process this and he was in a state of denial, telling the pogues that Ella was a just a friend and that was it. The pogues would roll their eyes at him, as they all knew that JJ was developing feelings for the girl, and deep down he knew it too.
It was a Friday afternoon and Ella decided to walk to the Wreck to pick up her first paycheck, luckily having the day off and the weather was nice so she figured she might as well enjoy it. Walking to the building and grabbing her check, she was greeted by her coworkers who were currently busing tables or bringing out food. Ella was grateful that she got along well all her coworkers, and that she had fit in nicely. She more nervous about that than she was about not being good at her job. Ella was standing in the kitchen talking to Mr. Carrera when Kiara came in a grabbed her hand.
“I’m just gonna borrow her real quick” Kie said, smiling innocently while looking from her dad to Ella. Ella was confused as she was pulled away from her boss, stumbling she turned around to face Kie as her father just laughed at the two, happy that Kiara had another friend that wasn’t the three hooligans she usually hung out with.
“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” Kie asked, her face lighting up excitedly.
“Nothing that I know of. Why what’s up?” Ella asked, still skeptical since her and Kie had never hung out outside of work before.
“We’re going out on the boat today and I want you to come with. Sarah can’t come and I do not feel like being the only girl today, plus it will give us more time to bond. So? Will you please come?” Kie was giving her best puppy dog eyes and it was hard for Ella to resist. Besides it’s not like she had anything else to do today.
“Alright I’ll come, but we gotta stop by house so I can grab proper boating attire” Ella laughed as she looked down at the clothes she slept in, consisting of sweat shorts and a large t-shirt. Nodding fervently, Kie grabbed Ella’s hand dragging her outside so they could make their way to Ella’s house and then head down to the dock where the boys would pick them up.
A short walk later, they make their way into Ella’s house and up to her room, Ella started rummaging through her drawers looking for a bathing suit to wear. Finally settling on a blue tie dye bikini, she went to change in her bathroom. Walking back out into her room to grab clothes to cover her up, she heard Kie whistle from behind her.
“Damn Ella, you’re hot. And I mean that in the most non-creepy way possible.”
At this Ella just chuckled, “Oh sush! Have you seen yourself?” Ella couldn’t help but admire Kiara’s natural beauty, subconsciously comparing herself to the girl, though she graciously accepted the complement.
“I’m serious! JJ’s not going to know what to do with himself today.” Kie said smirking. Ella felt her neck heat up at the mention of his name. She knew he would probably be there today, but was she ready for him to see her so exposed? Not saying anything, Ella just smiled to herself and pulled on a tank top and some shorts, sliding her feet into her sandals and grabbing a bag that she usually brought along to the beach, she looked back at Kie, “Ready to go?”
“Yes!! Let’s head down, I’ll text John B and tell him to come pick us up.”
The duo made their way down to the dock, laughing the entire time. Their friendship coming easy, making even the lulls in conversation comfortable. Growing up together, it’s a surprise that the two were never great friends before. They were always friendly with each other, but they never really spoke unless they needed to, maybe it was because the year Kiara took her kook year was the same year that Ella met Grace and Sophia, or maybe it was just out of the fact that growing up Ella was shy and reserved. But now, they both felt that their lives were better with the other in it. They were becoming best friends and they welcomed this new friendship with open arms.
Five minutes go by when they hear the sound of the HMS Pogue pulling up. Parking the boat at the end of the dock, John B held his hand out, helping both girls onto the boat.
“Ahoy ladies!” John B said once they were both safely on the HMS Pogue, making sure to salute them.
“Boys this is Ella, Ella that’s John B, Pope and you know JJ already.” Kie said, introducing you to her friends that she considers family, hoping that you’ll end up as a part of the group too.
“It’s nice to officially meet you.” Pope said extending his hand for you shake, John B following in his footsteps.
Smiling at the two boys, you shake each of their hands, “Likewise. I’ve heard so many stories of the infamous pogues so I’m excited to experience it first-hand.”
“Well I hope we don’t disappoint” John B laughed before starting the boat up again and heading out into the marsh for a day of fun.
JJ had been oddly quiet from the moment he saw Ella standing on the dock with Kie. He was caught off guard that she had managed to infiltrate his friend group without him, and he was a little upset at that. It’s not that he didn’t want Ella to get along with with his friends, but he just wasn’t ready to introduce her to them quite yet. Obviously Kie would know her as they worked together, but John B and Pope, they were something else. Both of them like brothers to JJ, but that doesn’t change the fact that they were both good looking guys with great personalities and JJ feared that Ella would like them more than him. It was a dumb fear because Ella didn’t seem like that type of girl, but it had happened before, which is why JJ wanted to make sure Ella liked him, and only him, before he brought her around. Now that was ruined.
He sat at the back of the boat, watching her joke around with his friends, sulking. She looked so happy and carefree, that made him smile slightly, knowing she was comfortable in this setting. Sipping on a beer and admiring her from a far, JJ was certain she would become a pogue. The other three already seemed to love her and she them. Ella had barely looked at JJ since arriving, they made eye contact when she first boarded the boat but since then she’s only sent him a glance here and there, whereas he could barely take his eyes off her. But that was Ella’s personality, she gave her undivided attention to whoever she was talking to, a characteristic about her that JJ loved and admired. Looking back at the blonde, seeing him sitting alone, Ella smiled and made her way over to him, smiling and shuffling so she was sat next to him.
“Hi,” she smiled while looking down at her lap, suddenly the strings on her shorts very interesting.
“What are you doing here?” JJ asked, tipping his beer back and finishing it. It came off ruder than he had intended but he had to keep his armor up even more now that he wasn’t in control anymore.
Taken aback by the sudden attitude and shift in JJ’s demeanor, Ella replied cautiously, “Kie invited me. Said she wanted to hang out outside of work. Plus, I was excited to see you.” She mumbled the last bit under her breath, hoping he didn’t hear and think she was clingy.
Even though she mumbled, JJ still heard her, and he felt his heart swell. The fact that she was excited to see him put him slightly at ease, but he was still on guard. Not replying, he just nodded his head and grabbed another beer from the cooler in front of him, propping his feet up on the closed lid.
“Do you not want me here?” Ella asked, JJ could hear the sadness in her voice at the thought that he didn’t want to be around her. Which was a stupid thought because JJ would be more than willing to spend every moment with her, but that alone terrified him. Besides Kie, he had never felt this close to a female. Never had he had a connection with any of his hook ups, they were all superficial relations that only went surface level and never lasted more than a night or two. But with Ella, it felt different, even different from Kie. He felt like he could tell her things and there would be no judgement, that he could trust her with his life. Around her, JJ forgot any problem he had going on around him. She was his entire focus, it was like she put up blinders and all he could see is her. He wanted nothing more than to keep her happy because the sight of her smile and the sound of her laugh made JJ happier than he’s been in a long time.
“Of course I want you here. I just wasn’t expecting to see you and now I’m caught off guard because I wanted to be the one to introduce to my friends, not Kie.” He replied to her question, not sure if that was necessarily the best thing to say as he sounded like a control freak, but he was trying to be honest.
“Okay good, I was nervous that maybe you were getting tired of me” she smiled over at him gently. In which he simply glanced at her, taking in her beauty as the light reflected off of the water and onto her golden skin and replied, “never.”
Around three that the afternoon, the Pogues and Ella had returned to shore.  Parting ways with promises to hang out with them again soon, Ella started her trek home. Ella only lived about 10 mins from John B, but she was going to go see Grace and Sophia and they lived on the cusp of Figure 8, so it was closer to 25 mins.
Hoping in her car and heading to where her friends were, she pulled into their driveway and walked into the house. Knowing her friends were most likely in Sophia’s room, she made her way up into her room, and plopped on the bed where her two friends were already laid out.
“Hey where have you been? I feel like we haven’t seen you in forever!” Grace exclaimed, while rolling on top of Ella and pulling her into a hug.
“I’ve been working like crazy, but I have the rest of today and tomorrow off so I thought we could do something together.”
The three hung out on Sophia’s bed for majority of the evening, happy to be together again. They laid there laughing, sharing stories of their days and plotting their next outing. Sophia, the partier of their little group, informed them of another boneyard party happening that night. Wanting to let loose and have fun, they decide to go. Getting ready in record time, they arrive with the party already in full swing, with more and more people arriving by the minute.
Instantly getting drinks from the keg, the three stood around and scoped out who was there. Sophia and Grace were not only looking for themselves, but earlier in the week they had planned to hook Ella up with someone at the next party, they just weren’t sure on who. What they didn’t know was that Ella was still talking to JJ Maybank. As far as they knew, Ella had heeded their warning and had left it alone. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Ella was hanging out with JJ almost daily and while they were looking at guys to take home, Ella was looking at one blonde haired boy standing in a circle laughing with his friends, not a care in the world.
Smiling to herself, Ella let her mind wander to what could potentially become of her and JJ. She pictured them in a relationship, her standing in that circle with his arm around her waist, her leaning into his side and using him to keep her standing as they laughed at something Pope said. She imagined them curled up on her couch on a rainy day, her playing with the rings on his hand as she laid against his chest with the tv playing quietly in the background. She imagined his lips on hers, and how she would be able to feel them anytime she wanted. She pictured him standing on the dock, looking out into the water and her coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist from behind, resting her head on his back, peppering kisses along his spine. She thought about spending every afternoon like they had today, laughing on the HMS Pogue with John B, Pope and Kie. She could truly picture them being happy together.
Lost in her daydream, she hadn’t noticed that Grace and Sophia had picked a friend group they were going to infiltrate. Feeling someone nudge her arm, she looked up to see that her friends were starting to walk over to a group of three boys. They were definitely attractive, Ella had to admit, however they were no JJ. Ella was very surprised when Sophia and Grace hugged the three boys now standing in front of her as she had no recollection of knowing them.
“Ella, this is Jake, Eddie and Pat.” Sophia said pointing out each one respectively, “Boys this is Ella.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Ella said smiling, but then glancing curiously at Grace, as if asking ‘how the hell do they know them?’
Graced laughed at her friends confused facial expression, explaining that her and Sophia had met the boys while out in town running some errands one day while Ella was working. Grace and Sophia didn’t have jobs, so they spent their days running around doing god knows what, though it seemed to be spent flirting with boys. Nodding her slightly and turning her attention back to the group, Ella fell into conversation with Eddie. They talked about anything and everything, jobs, hobbies, pet peeves, anything they could think of they discussed. Conversation flowed effortlessly between the pair; as they laughed and joked Sophia and Grace internally high fived thinking, they did great in setting their friend up.
Eddie and Ella broke away from the group of their friends, opting to walk around the crowded beach. They drifted towards the edge of the water where they sat on a branch staring out into the dark. A comfortable silence fell over them as they sat there, both lost in thought.
“Can I ask you a question?” Ella inquired, looking over at the boy.
“Sure, go ahead.”
“How do you know if you love someone?”
“Well, for me, I know I love someone when I’m able to look at them and feel at peace. Just their presence alone gives me comfort, a stable feeling. There could be a storm going on around me, but as soon as I look at that person, I’m grounded, I’m safe. Also, when I genuinely enjoy being around them, but not just hanging out as friends. More like when we hang out, I don’t care who else is around because just knowing that person is there makes the whole time better. It’s hard to explain, but deep down you just know, if that makes any sense.”
Ella nodded, taking in every word that Eddie spoke, “have you ever been in love?” she asked quietly.
“Once.” He replied, not making eye contact with her, just staring at the waves breaking in front of them.
“What happened if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Nothing happened, I’m still in love with her. I know she’s the one for me, I knew it on our second date that she’s the girl I’m going to marry.”
Surprised to hear that Eddie was in a serious relationship, Ella spoke, “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.”
“I do, we’ve been together almost a year.”
“Yeah, sorry if I lead you on.”
“Oh, you didn’t, the reason I asked was because there’s this boy and my friends don’t like him, but I think I’m falling in love with him. But we haven’t even gone on an official date, so I was just looking for some insight.”
“The best advice I can offer you is just tell him how you feel. Life is too short to not know and succumb to the ‘what ifs’. If you really want to know, you just gotta go for it. And as for the friends not liking him, if they’re really your friend, they would see how happy he makes you and learn to like him.”
“You are very wise beyond your years.” Ella stated smiling over at the boy, hoping they would stay friends as she very much enjoyed their time talking together.
“As are you young grasshopper.” Eddie chuckled, lightly shoving Ella with his shoulder, the pair laughing and continuing on with their conversation, both telling stories about the people that hold their hearts.
Standing not too far away, JJ saw the girl he was falling head over heels for laughing with some guy sitting by the water. He would recognize her smile anywhere and it pained him to see someone else be the reason for it. Seeing the guy she was with bump his shoulder with hers broke a little piece of JJ’s heart. He knew it was too good to be true. Why would she actually want to be with JJ? He was nothing short of a fuck up and had more issues than he could count. But what hurt the most is actually thought she liked him back. She laughed at his jokes even though he knew they weren’t funny. She smiled at him when she caught him staring, always staring back. She never told him to leave her alone when he bothered her at work, and never objected to hanging out after her shift. But maybe she was just being polite and didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Seeing Ella and the mystery guy get up and start to walk towards him, JJ quickly shook himself off and went to find someone who could distract him from his approaching heartbreak, not knowing that Ella had spent most of her time with the boy talking about JJ.
Rejoining their friends, Ella and Eddie had made a mutual agreement to stay friends but let Sophia and Grace think something could become of them until she could find a way to tell them about JJ. Thinking of the boy for the thousandth time that night, she looked around for his mop of hair and shining blue eyes, that she knows would probably be red rimmed from being under the influence. Finally spotting his golden locks, she smiled until she saw the brunette girl tucked under his arm. The girl had her hand pressed against JJ’s stomach as she stood talking to her friends. He looked unamused, tipping his drink back and taking a big gulp of it before looking straight at Ella and pressing a kiss to the top of the girl’s head.
Her heart ached at the sight, realizing her friends were right and that JJ was just using her. She had hoped that they had been wrong, and that JJ was actually as decent guy who would give her her first taste of love, not heartbreak. But her she was, trying to hold back tears and act like everything was fine as to not concern her friends. Sophia and Grace had drank more than Ella so they were oblivious but Eddie noticed her change in demeanor. Following her stare to the blonde boy, he whispered to her, asking if that was him. She nodded her head slightly, to which he then asked if she was alright. With a tear slipping from her eye, she shook her head no and started to walk away from the group.
JJ was not impressed with the brunette who was pressed against his side. He wished for nothing other than that it was Ella he had pulled close instead of the girl he couldn’t remember the name of to save his life. Ashley maybe? Or perhaps it was Kate? Either way it didn’t matter to him and he wouldn’t bother to learn it. JJ wasn’t paying attention to the conversation in front of him, instead he continued to watch Ella from a far. Watching her laugh with her friends, not even seeing the boy who couldn’t help but let his wander to her every chance they could.
Finally making eye contact with the girl he couldn’t get off his mind, he panicked. He did the only thing he could think of to show her that he didn’t need her, and that was place a kiss on top whatever her name is head while making eye contact with Ella. Upon doing that he realized what a mistake that was because he watched Ella’s heart break in front of him. He watched the way her smile fell, and her eyes seemed to well up with tears. His heart shattered even more knowing he might have overreacted and fucked everything up. He watched as the guy she was with earlier bend down and whisper in her ear after looking at JJ and her responding with a few motions of her head before running off. Not even thinking twice about it, JJ dropped his arm from the girl’s shoulder and started after Ella.
As he walked by the group she was just standing in, the guy who Ella had spent most of the night with grabbed his arm; “don’t fuck this up. She really likes you dude.” JJ just nodded, pulling away to go find Ella and beg for forgiveness.
Taglist: @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ @agirlwholovescoffee​
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screenmotional · 3 years
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Dir. Marley Morrison
Coming of age. The period of rebellion. Hostility to the world around us. The rush of emotions and their complete lack. Cinema knows many stories about growing up in which we see the main character struggling with changes taking place in his body and mind. It's no different in Marley Morrison's feature debut "Sweetheart", which tells the story of 17-year-old April spending her family vacation in the seaside town of Dorset, England. The park, full of caravans, will be the backdrop for events in which AJ, as that’s how she wants to be called, will rediscover herself and her family during a holiday romance. It is worth adding that the object of her feelings and sighs will be beautiful, equally young and flirtatious girl Isla, who while working in Dorset as a lifeguard, will throw a love lifebuoy towards April. Will AJ be able to catch it and swim to the surface safely and unscathed?
The film opens with a scene in which we see AJ and her mother Tina and a younger and sweet sister on their way to their summer adventure. The first seconds already suggest that the main character would rather spend this time differently, preferably alone. The cool look of orange glasses, the lack of any excitement and the youthful rebellion on April's face instantly makes this young and arrogant girl close to us as if we had known her for years. Hearing the opening words of the (excellent) soundtrack 'My mum says that I look like a nervous wreck / Because I bite my nails right down to the flesh' the viewer may already suspect that it will be another necessary film about the mother-daughter relationship and youthful challenges, which, as history will show, will make those few intense days (and nights) in Dorset unique and needed by all protagonists. Tina (a very good role by Jo Hartley known from Netflix's ‘After Life’) as a loving and willing mother will do everything in her powers to cheer up her daughter. She probably does not like the fact that AJ struggles with the cruel world in which cows are killed (AJ is a vegetarian) and everything else is wrong. Tina desires for AJ to spend this time in joy and with a smile on her face. Throwing casually What, mom?, AJ (played by the excellent and charismatic Nell Barlow) manifests a certain dose of bitterness and tiredness for the world around her with her indifferent but charming body language. Perhaps she is too COOL to spend another vacation with her mother and two sisters. The older one, Lucy, and her cute boyfriend will only make April feel worse.
By creating the narrative system of the story, AJ makes us know what she feels, what she felt and what upsets her. Who she is, who she was and who she is becoming. This procedure, no matter how negative the main character is towards everything and everyone, will bring us closer to her and will allow us to be filled with an extremely strong sympathy. We will be cheering for her from the very first moments. We want to make friends with her because I think each of us was once like April. An embarrassed, pissed off and misunderstood young person, whom no one could comprehend. We should not miss the fact that she has to struggle, to some extent, with the synthesis of emotions and feelings towards the same sex, which she does not seem particularly embarrassed about.
The family accepts AJ's sexual orientation and even cheers her on when Isla (played by Ella-Rae Smith, known from Netflix's series ‘The Stranger’) suddenly appears in her vacation frame. The holiday atmosphere, the carelessness of the moments and the chance that the girl has the same sympathy at least to a small extent will suddenly make AJ smile and will light up a spark of hope in her heart. And although it may sound sloppy and has some shades of kitsch, this is what first love or first infatuation is. Full of optimism and butterflies in the stomach. That first text message, first one-on-one, this first gaze. Everything seems to be the first in April's life, although she, through skillfully told anecdotes, gives the impression of being mature and experienced for her young age. She is a smart and cool girl. We want her to succeed. We believe in every gesture she makes, her every sigh. We like her arguing with Mom and sister. And it's great to watch thanks to the roles created by talented and young actresses. But not only they shine on the screen.
A gallery of interesting and friendly characters enriching the background of the film make it one of those productions in which you would love to participate. You like these characters and you will be very fond of them. Steve, as the boyfriend of his older sister April (played by Samuel Anderson), is an extremely warm character. His relationship with his family and the freedom of relations between him and the women around him, make him one of the nicest heroes enriching this sweet story. The naturalness of acting and the ease of relations, even those quite difficult and tense between Tina and April, are such an extremely strong advantage of the film. But something else, quite special, is also worth mentioning. There is no negative attitude towards the main character's sexual orientation in this film. Her preferences are an important part of the film and its core, however, there are no people who are hostile to her sexuality in this story. Even the younger generation people April meets in Dorset are so familiar with the subject of different variants of love and affection that there is a great urge to take their views and admirable attitude off the screen. To today's world full of hatred and incomprehension. Perhaps Tina, in some of her comments, gives the impression that it would be easier for April to choose a different path than the one that is full of disagreement with the world around her, but this is due to her motherly care and love, which Tina has a lot of. And the viewer can feel it.
It is not always easy to understand another person, and it is even more difficult when they are close to us. The film shows that it is worth and necessary to talk, even when these are difficult talks to make. Because when the thread of understanding is established, and the sun comes out after the storm, its rays will make it possible to overcome any problem. Especially in a strong and caring family. Movie’s heroes enriched with the strength of their maturity, irrelevant to their age, became better people. And such stories are always worth watching.
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Title: Love, Maybe? {28}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Slow, Smoldering, Torturous Burn 😊, Angst
Word Count: 2.2K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
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Chapter 28: East Meets West
  Two very important women in his life were about to come face to face. He’d thought about this day for weeks and stressed about it and even looked forward to it, but now that it was here he was a nervous wreck. Standing in front of his mirror adjusting the tuck of his shirt in his pants for the fifth time he groaned and dropped his head back and rolled it around. His shoulders and neck hurt, for the first time, he realized how much. He felt as if he had the weight of the world resting on him.
  He allowed his eyes to close and rubbed at the tension in his neck. The knot was huge. He took advantage of his alone time and let his mind wander where it pleased. This was the third day of a week planned stay. The day before, he’d played tour guide and showed off his city. He showed you and your family places he loved when he was growing up, including every tourist attraction, and even took the time to share ice cream with Ella at his favorite ice-cream place. She was so much like him; it was insane. Her favorite flavor was his. She bit into her ice cream like he did. When she tried something, she didn’t like she said, “ I no wike it.” That killed him; he laughed so hard. The saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” couldn’t have been more accurate in his case with her.
  After sightseeing for half the day, he accompanied Vixen on her errands to finish planning Ella’s birthday party. He played the supportive role and agreed with all of your ideas and plans. Truthfully you had an excellent eye for detail, and your ideas were terrific. Where possible, you asked for his input, and he was sure it was to make him feel included, he appreciated the thought. It was another thing he loved about you; you were thoughtful. There were a few times you became assertive, and it was mainly when he offered to pay for a service. You insisted you had it. The first two or three times, he took it in stride and brushed it off his shoulders, but when you’d said it the fourth or fifth time, he was ready to flip a table, especially with what you said the final time he offered.
  “I am fully capable of paying for things myself. I don’t need you,  your money, status, or influence to save me.”
He was speechless and irked, to say the least. It was uncalled for and unfair to him. After the outburst, any conversation ceased and so did the lite mood of the afternoon. The tension was obvious. He didn’t know what to say after that; he didn’t even feel like talking. He was at his wit’s end. When he brought you back to the house he didn’t speak to you for the rest of the night.
  A soft knock broke him out of his mind. “Come in.”
Turning the corner, you appeared with a sheepish look on your face.
  “Damnit, why does she have to be so fucking gorgeous.”
Balling his fists at his side, he straightened his back and held his head higher. “Hey.”
Your eyes dropped to the floor, and your head followed. You began playing with your fingers, but you didn’t answer right away. He took the chance to look you over. The color looked great on you, and the way you pulled it off was nothing short of amazing. He didn’t know how you managed to make a simple dress look so flawless.
  “Hey,” you finally responded. The sound of your voice snapped him out of his stupor, and he turned back to the mirror and continued what he was doing. Silence filled the room, and he did his best to ignore it. After almost a minute he couldn’t handle the silence anymore.
  “Everything okay?”
  “No, everything is not okay. It was going fine, almost great even, and then I ruined it. I’m the reason why everything is so fucked now.” He stared at you through the mirror and fought the urge to go to you. Part of him didn’t want to give you the impression he was trying to save you, especially since you expressed how much it bothered you. When you finally looked up into his eyes through the mirror he went against his better judgment and walked over to you.
  “I’m sorry, Chris, I really am. I didn’t mean to be such a bitch.”
  “You weren’t--.”
“I was, oh my god, I was such a bitch, and I’m sorry about it. I seriously am. It’s just I don’t want to get swallowed by you.”
  He was taken aback; he had no idea you felt this way. He began to wonder if he’d done something to make you feel like this.
  “Swallowed? I—I never meant to make you feel that way or come off that way at all--.” He led you to the nearby seat at the foot of his bed and sat beside you. Neither of you spoke for a few more moments. “I’m sorry,” he finished.
“No, don’t—uugh.” You rubbed your forehead and took a deep breath. “You’re this huge star; everyone loves you, everyone wants you--wants a piece of you. You get everything you want and you and the idea of you--you’re—colossal, even back then. I’ve worked so hard to get where I am today. I’ve had to go without sleep more times than I can count. Yeah, I have an amazing family around me who have helped a lot but, I’ve missed meals on my own. I’ve had to choose which bill had to be paid just to make sure the priorities were taken care of for Ella in the beginning. I’ve worked my ass off to earn what I make, and it has shaped me into the woman I am, and I just don’t want you thinking I’m like all these other women who you can throw money at or around.”
  He grabbed your hand and squeezed. “You’re kidding. Vixen, I don’t think that at all. You have no idea how impressed, and in awe, I am over the fact that you refused money back then. I love that about you. I love that you’re hardworking and proud and so damn independent it’s an incredible trait, especially in the world I live in where women would prefer to rely on the other half that is more famous and wealthier. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or give you the impression I was trying to fix you or anything. I just wanted to help even a little, not to take away from your ability to do it. I know full and well how able you are to do it—to do anything. You’re like WonderWoman.” He smiled because the comparison was spot on; you were WonderWoman in the flesh; it was incredibly attractive.
  “I wanted to start doing my part with Ella, I just wanted.”
  You sighed and squeezed his hand back. “I know Chris, I know. Well, I know now. At the time, I didn’t see it. I’m sorry for biting your head off, and for saying it the way I did. Sometimes I struggle with the way things are now. Before it was Ella and me, I didn’t have to consult anyone, didn’t have to think about anyone else, and now you’re everywhere, you’re involved, and it’s—different.” Your words hit him harshly, but he knew you didn’t mean them with any malice. He couldn’t help but think you didn’t like the way things were now, didn’t like him “everywhere,” didn’t like him involved. His heart sank a little, but he tried his best not to give anything away. Instead, he nodded his head and cleared his throat.
  “I understand.” He really didn’t. You cleared your throat and released a breath.
  “I’m sorry. I promise I will work on biting my tongue,” you began.
  “No, don’t. I don’t ever want you to bite your tongue around me. Tell me if I’m overstepping.”
  “You’re not though. You’re being a good dad.” Your eyes met his, and that is where they stayed. Long moments passed with the two of you just looking into each other’s eyes.
  “I’m trying,” he quietly said before he looked down. “I’m—really trying, Vixen.” Your hand connected with his jaw, and it brought his eyes right back to you. Your hand shouldn’t have felt as good as it did. A small electric surge penetrated the skin of his cheek and traveled through his body. Everything in him said get closer.
  “You’re doing great. Most almost two years olds are easy, Ella is not, and she loves you already. You’re doing amazing, cross my boob.” Just like that at the mention of the phrase from three years ago in Vegas, he snorted out and laughed, a laugh you joined in on.
  “See, you remember the top of the Eiffel tower too,” he slid in. You bit your bottom lip, and his attention went to those sultry lips.
  “I remember how dirty your mind was.” He smiled.
  “In my defense, you were naked and literally crossed over your heart. I was just pointing out the correct action that you did.” You smiled and nodded. “See, it’s better when you admit and accept when I’m right.” You laughed with a loud “ha” before you playfully pushed him away.
  “Whatever Evans. I am always right.” You stood and walked away a little giving him another full view of your figure.
  “Are you nervous?” You stopped at his window and peeped through the grey curtains.
  “Is it that obvious?”
  “Not obvious like easy, but I guess I’m getting a little better at reading you.” your head snapped to him and took him in for a few moments before you looked away again.
  “There is no reason to be nervous, but I understand why you are. I promise though; it won’t be as bad as you’re imagining.”
  You smirked. “So, everyone won’t take a turn with me in the hidden boxing ring in the basement?” He laughed again and stood.
  “That imagination of yours is wild.”
  “You have no idea.” Suddenly the air between you became thick and the room warmer than it was mere seconds ago.
  “Jesus, she’s like walking temptation.”
  He shook his head, hoping to bring his head back to the right path. “Hopefully one day, I will.” You smiled small then walked toward the door. “Hey, Vixen--.” You looked back before walking out his room. “You look really great.” You studied him for a second or two then the smallest demure smile teased your lips.
  “Later, Evans.”
  “Wedy,” Ella echoed from behind in her car seat. He smiled as he looked back to her smiling face.
  “All right, princess, here I come.” He looked beside her to your face. You looked like you were going to vomit. Everyone began getting out of the car, and he made his way back toward Ella. When he got to the door it was locked. Pressing the unlock button again he tried the handle, but again it was locked. Confused, he looked to Nexus who was close by. She smirked and held up her finger as if to tell him one minute. So, he stood there and gave you the amount of time you needed. While standing there, he realized he just might wait forever, and it was fine with him.
  After five minutes, the door opened, and you slid out then reached back in for Ella who wrapped her arms around your neck. “Wedy mama?”
  “Ready baby.” He nodded, and they began walking down the path to his family house.
  He’d made it a point to buy his mom her dream house when he had the money and told her nothing was too expansive. It took two years to renovate it the way she liked, but everyone was happy with it now. Instead of going through the front door, he decided to go through the side. The sound of music could be heard, and his nerves began to rise. He took a peek back at you and said a silent prayer things went as well as he hoped they would. When he opened the latch on the gate he allowed everyone to walk ahead and followed behind Vixen. He could hear chattering.
  “Where is your brother? They should have been here ten minutes ago,” his mother asked.
  “Maybe she picked up and disappeared again. Chris did say that is what happened the first time,” Carly voiced. He knew if he could hear her, then you’d definitely heard it. He looked back to you, but you avoided his eyes. He groaned, already feeling the stress return to his neck and shoulders.
  “We’re here!”
  Everyone looked at him, and their conversations stopped. It was now a little over a dozen people all with their eyes glued to him and everyone else.
  “Uncle Chris!” His two nephews bolted across his mother’s lawn to him, and he enthusiastically met them and engulfed them in a hug. After asking how they were and listening to a little bit of their answers he looked up to everyone else who’d closed in. He hugged and kissed his mother and sisters then moved on to hug everyone else. Soon a silence fell over everyone, but the smiles never fell.
  “Ehm, everyone meet Carmine, and Soleen Giovanni, Nexus, Vixen, and Ella.”
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ao719 · 5 years
Epiphany - Say Anything (Part 17)
Title Inspiration: Say Anything - Tristan Prettyman
Characters belong to Pixelberry
Summary: Nobody told Daniella what to do when the story turned out wrong.
Warning: This series will contain NSFW material. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18 or over.
Catch Up Here
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Liam stared at Daniella as his heart thundered in his chest. “Ella…” he breathed, his eyes locked on hers as she stared back. “I mean … Daniella,” he swallowed nervously before closing his eyes, subtly shaking his head. “I mean … Your Grace.” He wasn’t sure what to call her. He had always called her Ella, but that was then … this was now.
“I’m still Ella, Liam,” Daniella said. He gave a soft nod as he opened his eyes and continued to stare at her. “How are you?”
“I’m, uh … I’m good,” Liam lied. “How are you?”
“I’m good.” They stood there in silence, just staring at one another, neither one really knowing what to say to the other. “Well … this is a bit more awkward than I had anticipated,” Daniella sheepishly smiled, and he returned a small smile of his own. She glanced down, noticing he still held his lantern in his hand. “Didn’t make your wish yet?”
I’m staring at it. “I did … just not my let go …” She stepped up to him, his heart pounding erratically as she handed him a matchbook, her eyes still locked on his. “Thanks.”
“Do you want me to give you some priv—”
“No,” Liam blurted out before she could finish her question. Please don’t go. “You … you can stay … if you want.”
Daniella nodded as she took another step forward, coming to stand next to him at the railing. Liam stared down at her as she looked out at the gardens below, unable to move, as if he were frozen in place. She glanced up at him, noticing the look on his face, like he had so much he wanted to say.
Liam looked away, dropping his gaze to his lantern. “Right … um …” He let out a nervous breath as he thought for a moment. “I’m going to let go of … past mistakes … and expectations …” He stared down at the lantern for a brief moment before giving a slight nod to himself. He lifted it, striking a match and lighting the wick before pushing it off. They both stared at it as it floated away, meeting the others in the sky.
At the same moment, they turned to one another and Daniella looked up at him. They stared at one another for what felt like forever before she took a step forward and leaned up on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. He hesitated but only for a second before his arms circled around her waist.
“I missed you, Liam,” Daniella whispered.
Liam closed his eyes at her words as he swallowed the lump that had instantly formed, burying his face in her hair. He could feel the tears slipping out as they stood there, holding one another for a long moment. “I missed you too, Ella,” he finally choked out, his voice trembling with emotion.
Liam could have stayed in that very spot for the rest of the night, just as they were. He wanted nothing more at that moment than to tell her how much he still loved her, that he never wanted to let her go, but he didn’t say anything else. He didn’t know how she felt, if she felt anything at all. Yes, she said she missed him, but he knew you could miss someone without having feelings for them. And he wasn’t planning on inserting himself that way, not the way he did a year ago. Back then, he would have told her anyway, just needing her to hear it whether she wanted to or not, but everything felt so different now.
They slowly drew apart a few moments later; Liam’s hands went inside his pockets as he looked up at the sky, clearing his throat. Daniella saw the glisten on his cheeks in the moonlight, and she felt this ache, knowing, but she didn’t say anything, swiping under her eyes to rid herself of her own tears before he could see.
Daniella could tell that he was an emotional wreck, but fighting himself to let her see it. “I, uh … I think that maybe we should talk,” she said softly.
Liam looked back down at her, chewing the inside of his cheek as he nodded. “Ok …”
“Not here, tonight … with everyone here. Maybe … we can meet up tomorrow for lunch or dinner? If you’re free, that is … I know you’re busy.”
“I’ll make sure I’m free,” Liam said, his eyes not once leaving hers. He was fighting everything in him to keep himself together, feeling as though he was going to break at that moment. He glanced away, unable to hold her gaze, feeling it coming as he let out a slow breath.
“Are … are you really ok, Liam? I heard … that you haven’t really been yourself …” Daniella’s heart felt not as though it was racing, but more like it was trembling in her chest as she stared at him.
“I … I will be …” Liam slowly nodded as he looked back at her. “I’m … I’m really glad that you’re back, Ella…”
Daniella saw his eyes well up and his chin began to quiver before he quickly rubbed his hand over his mouth, willing it to stop. Looking away from her again, he let out a heavy breath as he pulled her back to him; her arms wrapped around his waist and his around her shoulders as he rested his chin atop her head. She could feel his tense body slightly relax against her, hearing his heart that was pounding slightly slow down as she rested her head against his chest.
“Come on, you should get back out there,” Liam said softly as they parted.
Daniella nodded, still looking at him, unable to tear her gaze away from him. She hated seeing him this way. “Walk with me?” He gave her a small smile and nodded as they stepped off the balcony.
Drake, Maxwell, and Olivia were still standing on the grounds across the estate when they saw Daniella and Liam walking out … together. They each shared a quick glance, all grinning. They watched as they briefly spoke; Liam’s hands were once again stuffed in his pockets, still keeping a respectful distance from her before he turned and headed back toward them. As he approached, they all noticed his expression was wracked with emotions. Worry, confusion, happiness, and heartache all at once.
“Hey …” Drake said, giving him a questioning look.
“Hey,” Liam nodded as he glanced off.
“So … did you two talk?” Olivia asked.
“A little … not about anything really. Just … hello’s … I missed you’s.” They heard his voice slightly crack at the last words before he cleared his throat. “I’m coming here tomorrow afternoon so we can talk …” They could see the nerves written all over him, not knowing what to expect from this conversation with her.
“Relax, Li …” Maxwell looked at him. “It’s just Ella. You two seemed to be on good terms over there just now. Don’t think too much about it.”
Easier said than done, Liam thought as he nodded. “Yeah.”
Liam tossed and turned in bed the whole night, unable to sleep. He knew he was most likely making this talk out to be more than what it was, but he couldn’t help but try and play through the different scenarios of this impending conversation in his head.
Daniella was the one who said she thought they should talk, she was the one who wanted to have this talk, and for some reason that had him on edge. Was she going to bring up the past? Was she going to get angry and upset with him and tell him what he already knew, how awful he was a year ago? How he was selfish and only thinking about himself? He couldn’t disagree. He knew this. He had spent the last year beating himself up over it every day, wishing he could go back and change things. He had lost count of the number of times he wished he could go back to that night in New York and tell her that he chose her, that it was her and always would be her. If he could change it, he would do it without a second thought.
Liam got up from the bed and walked out to the balcony, leaning against the railing in the early morning hours after a night of restless sleep. He looked out across the palace grounds as the sun began to crest over the horizon, letting out a heavy breath. Coffee, he thought, I need coffee.
Daniella woke that morning and got showered and ready before heading downstairs. The estate was abnormally quiet; she had given Gladys and the rest of the staff some much-needed time off, so it was just her there. She thought that was probably for the best considering she wasn’t sure where this conversation with Liam was going to go. This way, they didn’t need to worry about anyone else overhearing them. They would be able to focus on this long overdue talk.
Daniella had some things she wanted to say, but she was mostly hoping to get Liam to open up. She had never seen him the way she saw him last night. He seemed timid around her and as if he had a lot on his mind, which she was sure he did, but was afraid to say anything. She needed him to know that it was still Ella and Liam and that he could talk to her and be open like he was before, but she really didn’t know if that would make a difference. According to what she was told, he had been like this for a long time, but she was hoping that he would come out of this shell that her being gone seemed to have put him in.
Liam showered and got ready after drinking a few cups of coffee and eating breakfast, his mind still racing about seeing Daniella again. He had asked Bastien to stay behind, wanting to be able to drive himself to Valtoria and clear his head on the way there, to which he agreed. He slowly walked the corridors from his quarters and down the hall; he descended the stairs and went through the foyer, out to the SUV. He slid into the driver’s seat, taking a breath as he started the vehicle before making his way out of the gates.
Liam tried calming his nerves on the way. He kept trying to remind himself of Maxwell’s words — It’s just Ella.
Just Ella.
If only it were that simple. She would never be just Ella to him. She would always be the girl who stole his heart in New York City after knowing her for mere hours. The girl who flew to his country on a whim that she might have a chance to be with him, with no guarantees of what her future was going to look like. The girl who during the Social Season stole the hearts of his friends, the nobility, the press, and his people, as an outsider nonetheless. The girl he had fallen completely head over heels, madly in love with, and wanted to marry because she was the only person who ever saw him for who he truly was, as just Liam. The girl who his father sabotaged and plagued with a scandal all to keep them apart … and he let him win.
The girl who Liam still to this day was completely head over heels, madly in love with. She would never be just Ella. He held her on this pedestal, and no matter what happened between them, that’s where she would stay. Always.
After the drive and unsuccessfully attempting to relax himself, Liam pulled up to the estate and parked the car; he inhaled a deep breath in a last-ditch effort to calm his nerves before exiting the vehicle and walking to the front door. He knocked, and a moment later Daniella opened the door.
“Hey,” Daniella smiled as she stepped aside, letting him in.
“Hello, Ella.” She could see the nerves written on his face before shutting the door and motioning for him to follow her into the kitchen. Liam walked in to see a bunch of different foods and snack options. A soft chuckle escaped him. “Expecting an army?”
Daniella smiled. “No,” she said through a laugh. “I just … didn’t know if you ate, or how long you were going to be here.”
“I’m just kidding. Thank you.” They brought some of the food and some drinks out to the balcony and sat down. “It’s quiet here today …”
“I gave Gladys and the rest of the staff some much-needed time off,” Daniella smiled. He nodded before a yawn slipped out, still not recovered from his sleepless night. “You look tired,” she chuckled.
“Yeah,” Liam smiled sheepishly. “I didn’t … really sleep that well.”
There was this air of silence for a few moments as they picked at their food before Daniella let out a breath. “I really hate this … this awkwardness between us …” She gave him a sad smile.
Neither one of them expected it to be this way, not with them. Not ever.
“I’m sorry. I guess I’m … I’m just—”
“Nervous?” Daniella asked, and he nodded. “Why? It’s just me, Liam. I mean … I know I’ve been gone … and we haven’t talked … so I guess I can kind of understand … but it’s still just me.”
“I …” Liam shook his head. “Honestly … I’m just … I’m afraid to say anything that will upset you … of making any mistakes … of doing or saying the wrong thing …” He glanced away.
“Liam …” Daniella had never seen him this way before. “Well … maybe I should start this off … with an explanation of why I up and left.” She thought that if maybe she started the conversation, it would get him to talk to her about what he was thinking and feeling.
Liam shook his head. “You don’t owe me an explanation, Ella.”
“But I do … I feel like I owe you a lot of explanations.” Liam stared at her for a moment. Daniella took a breath trying to find the right words. “After what happened … I just … I wasn’t in a good place, Liam. It wasn’t one thing in particular, it was everything all at once. Things that I never dealt with that resurfaced … new things that happened. I was overwhelmed and at my breaking point and I knew that I needed to do something for my own personal well-being. And I couldn’t do that here. I didn’t know how long I was going to be gone. In truth … I thought maybe a couple of weeks at most. But it actually took months for me to finally start to feel like myself again.”
“I’m sorry,” Liam whispered. “I-I … I didn’t mean to make you leave …”
“You didn’t make me leave, Liam. Again, it wasn’t one thing in particular. And …” Daniella let out a sigh. “And I’m not telling you this for you to apologize to me. I think you’ve apologized enough for the past …” He looked at her, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth. “And back then … I wanted to hear you apologize, but in truth … I should have apologized to you as well.”
Liam knitted his brows in confusion on why she would possibly think she owed him anything, especially an apology.
“When I came back after the tour … I came back for all of the wrong reasons. I came back because I wanted you to hurt the way I was hurting. And I knew … I knew that seeing me would do that. I knew that seeing me with other people would do that …” Daniella shook her head as a flicker of shame crossed her face. “While what happened between us hurt … a part of me still understood where you were coming from. I let my hurt and my anger towards the whole situation take over and spill out, but deep down, I knew. I knew that it wasn’t your intention.”
“I don’t think you owe me an apology, Ella. I don’t want you to apologize. I never … I never should have listened to my father in the first place …”
Daniella could hear the emotion in his voice as he trailed off. “But I don’t want you to take the blame for me leaving, Liam. Because I had a hand in bringing all of that on myself. And you don’t deserve to be shouldering this guilt. I want to put the past in the past and leave it there. I want to move forward from all of that. I have forgiven you, Liam. You don’t need to feel this way anymore.”
They stared at one another for a moment; Daniella could see that he still wasn’t really opening up. He wore an almost turmoiled expression as if he had so much to say and nothing to say all at once. She placed her hand on top of his and watched his eyes move to look at it.
“I heard … that you haven’t really been yourself … and I don’t want you to feel this way. I don’t like seeing you like this. And I’m sorry … I’m sorry that my leaving affected you this much, Liam.”
Liam closed his eyes, tensing his jaw. “Stop, Ella … please … please stop apologizing to me.” He shook his head looking away, fighting to keep himself together.
“Liam … talk to me,” Daniella pleaded.
Liam glanced up at her, his heart racing. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or seeing her again or being near her again. Perhaps it was all of it at once. He wasn’t sure. But that bottle he’d been stuffing everything into burst open as he stared at her before he dropped his head, losing complete control of his emotions.
Daniella was taken aback as she looked at him. She had seen him cry before, but not like this, like there was so much rawness inside him as he let everything out after holding it in for so long.
“I don’t want you to apologize … because you don’t owe me anything … and I don’t deserve it. I wanted to call … to come see you,” Liam’s breath hitched as he cried. “But I didn’t … I didn’t know if you wanted to see or talk to me … and I didn’t want to push you further away. I don’t want to make any more mistakes. I just want you to be happy, Ella … and if it’s without me…” He shook his head, trying to catch his breath, the thought of his own words working him up more. “I don’t know how you feel … and I’m afraid to say how I feel because I’m just trying … to follow your lead. And I don’t … I don’t want you to leave again … I don’t want to lose you again. I don’t know … what to do or not to do, to say or not say … but I still … I love you, Ella … I never stopped…”
Daniella’s own tears were falling as she watched and listened to him pour his whole heart out. He was so worked up, he was having trouble catching his breath and his hands were trembling. “Liam,” her voice cracked and her lip quivered, “try to calm down.” He sat back in the chair, covering his face with his hands; his chest was heaving as his breath hitched in his throat. She reached up and slowly peeled his hands away from his face and was met with an almost panicked look in his eyes as he stared at her. She cupped his face in her hands as her expression fell. “Breathe, Liam.”
Liam closed his eyes, working to slow his breathing, and after a few moments, it finally worked. He let out a shaky breath, and Daniella stood from the chair; she took his hand and pulled him up, guiding him over to the outdoor daybed on the balcony and pointing to it. He laid down, feeling like a complete fool at that moment over what she just saw, what she was still seeing, but it was as if he had no control over it.
Daniella climbed onto the daybed and lay there with him; they were both on their sides, staring at one another in silence. She reached up and wiped a tear from his cheek, and he closed his eyes from her touch. She then scooted closer to him, slipping into the crook of his arm, and she felt his body once again relax as his arm came around her.
As if she were his calm.
Finally, after a long while of silence, Daniella looked up at him. “Are you alright?”
Liam nodded. “Yeah. I’m sorry .. about that …”
“Don’t be sorry. I’ve had my fair share of those moments,” Daniella smiled. Liam looked down at her as she shifted away from him so they were looking at one another again. “Do you think you’re ok to talk some more?” He nodded as he stared into her eyes. “About what you said … your feelings …” She watched as a nervousness flashed in his eyes. “I still care about you too, Liam. I never stopped either. But … I don’t want to fall right back to that place where we were a year ago. If we want to make this work … truly work … I think we need to start over and start fresh. And right now, being friends is the best place to start. And we’ll ease into things, and see what happens …”
Liam let out a soft breath. “Ok,” he nodded.
Seeing his eyes still locked on hers, Daniella could tell he was thinking about something. “What are you thinking about?”
“Just … how much I’ve missed you,” Liam said, earning a soft smile from her. “I’ve missed talking to you …” A soft breeze blew across the balcony, rustling her hair; Liam reached up as he looked at her, hesitating for a moment as his hand lingered above her cheek before he brushed a strand of hair away from her face. He leaned in, pressing his lips to hers, but abruptly pulled back, closing his eyes; he felt as though he was already making mistakes, jumping the gun before thinking.
You shouldn’t have done that.
Suddenly, Liam felt her lips press against his in a soft kiss as her hand went to his cheek. He felt a warmth run through him from feeling her lips on his after all this time apart.
They drew back a few moments later, and Daniella looked at him. “That’s … something we can look forward to once we’ve reestablished our friendship …”
“Right,” Liam nodded, chewing the inside of his cheek as he continued to stare at her. “Friendship …”
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nomadstevergxrs · 5 years
Pairings: Chris Evans x Latina!Reader
Word Count: 1580
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Angst, Unrequited love, Fluff (Teeny Bit)
A/N: This is part of @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ Marvel Play list. I got Smooth by Santana featuring Rob Thomas. I don’t have a beta reader to look into this so sorry if it sucks. More announcements at the end (might be a part 2).
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December 2018, Bronx, NY
“I don’t think I can do this.” you muttered to yourself, looking up at the ceiling.
It had been five days since your grandmother passed away and you were still in complete shock. You had only spoken to three days before. She had been in the hospital for about a week due to her heart condition, but she had been released and was doing a lot better according to her doctor. So when news of her passing reached you while you in the middle of production of the movie you were working on, you thought it was a joke.
You felt the foot of the bed dip, “Come on Y/N,” Your co-star and best friend Chris said softly, patting your thigh, “You have to go. At least be there for your dad.”
You took one of the extra pillows beside you and pulled it over your head, a small part of you hoping that all of this was a terrible nightmare. You heard him sigh and get up from the bed, “I’ll meet you in the lobby.” You heard his footsteps fade away before hearing the door to your hotel room close.
You laid in bed for a few more minutes before finally forcing yourself off the bed and walked into the bathroom.
Chris Evans was a sweetheart. He had been your best friend for almost eight years. You had just moved to Los Angeles when you had been casted as an extra in Captain America: The First Avenger. You were a nervous wreck but he helped you through it and you both had been each other’s person to lean on. However you had both been cast in a movie where you play each other’s love interest and it’s making you face certain feelings that you had been trying to repress for a long time.
After taking a quick shower, you quickly got dressed in all black and headed down to the lobby and met up with Chris. Leaving the hotel, you both drove 25 minutes into the South Bronx in silence. As you were nearing the funeral home, reality finally hit you. It wasn’t a nightmare. You felt yourself start to get agitated when suddenly, you felt a large hand cover your free hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, “It’s okay doll.” He gave you a small smile, “I got you.”
Walking inside the funeral home, you were met with family member that you haven’t seen in years. After greeting everyone, Chris and you made your way over to your mom who was sitting on one of the couches.
“Hola ma.” You called out to her.
She snapped her gaze from the ground and onto you, “Y/N!” she rushed over to you in a flash and pulled you into a tight embrace, her hot tears soaking your leather jacket.
“How’s dad?” you asked her in English, wiping some of the tears from your eyes.
“Esta mal.” She answered back to you in spanish, “El estuvo en el hospital con ella y se le murió en sus brazos.”
You closed your eyes in agony, “Oh no.”
Steve looked at you with a quizzical expression on his face, “What did she say?” He asked.
“My dad….was in the hospital that night.” your voice trembled in response, “She died in his arms.”
“Oh my god doll, I’m so sorry.” he pulled you into a hug, and surprisingly, it felt nice.
You pulled away from Chris, then turned to look at your mom, “Voy a buscar a mi papa. Tu te acuerdas de Chris verdad?” you asked as she nodded.
“Hola papi.” She gave Chris a warm smile, “How are you?” She asked in her thick spanish accent.
You excused yourself from them and made your way through the throng of people that surrounded you before finally finding your dad, standing by the doorway greeting the other guests.
“Hey dad.” you gave the man with graying hair a big hug.
“Took ya long enough kiddo.” He gave you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
It broke your heart to see him in this position. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”
He shook his head, “You got here as fast as you could kiddo.”
The rest of the day was a blur. It was as if your mind and body were on autopilot. By the time you had gotten back to the hotel, it was almost 11:30.
“Can’t wait to get back to my hotel room and pass out.” Chris said as you both stepped out of the elevator.
You stretched out your legs “Same here. Being cooped up in a SUV all day sucks.”
He let out a chuckle, “Yeah, Tell me about it.”
You both stopped outside your hotel room. “Well this is me.” You announced nervously.
“Okay.” Chris answered simply, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.
“Okay.” You said as he turned on his heel and walked down the hall.
You pulled your key card from your pocket and scanned it against the lock but before you can turn the knob to let yourself in, Chris called out to you, “Y/N?”
“If you need anything doll, you know I’m next door.”
“Roger that, Cap.” You winked at him playfully and for a split second you thought you saw his cheeks flush pink.
Stepping out of the shower, Chris grabbed a fluffy white towel and wrapped it around his waist. He quickly dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a gray t-shirt and fell back on his bed, turning on the tv and flip through the channels until something came up and sparked his interest.
He looked over at the clock on the bedside table and saw it was almost midnight. He shut off the television and before hearing a tune that he hadn’t heard in a very long time.
“Man, it's a hot one Like seven inches from the midday sun I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone But you stay so cool”
He hummed along to the music until he heard your voice singing along to the song.
“My muñequita, my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa You're my reason for reason, the step in my groove
And if you say this life ain't good enough I would give my world to lift you up I could change my life to better suit your mood Because you're so smooth And it's just like the ocean under the moon It's the same as the emotion that I get from you You got the kind of loving that can be so smooth Gimme your heart, make it real, or else forget about it”
He was surprised at how well your singing voice was. Chuckling to himself, he propped himself up against the wall and closed his eyes, humming along to the soothing sounds of Carlos Santana.
“Fuck.” you muttered to yourself as you stood outside Chris’ hotel room, running your fingers through your hair, “What am I doing here?”
You paced up and down the hall for a moment before finally building up the courage to knock on his door.
“I should go.” You muttered to yourself, when suddenly the door swung open and Chris walked out looking down at you.
“Y/N?” He asked groggily, making you weak in the knees, “What’s wrong?”
“I uh…” you looked down at your feet, “I can’t sleep.” You looked up at him and gave him a nervous smile, “Can I spend the night with you?”
“Of course doll.” He replied, stepping aside and letting you in.
“You still thinking about your grandma?” He asked as he walked passed you to the other side of the room where the mini fridge was and pulled out two small brown liquor bottles.
“Yeah.” you let out a sigh, thanking him as he handed you one of the bottles.
Unscrewing the caps, you both made a quick toast and downed the shot.
“Man that’s strong.” You grimaced at the taste of the whiskey.
You stayed up for hours, talking to Chris about the memories of the sweet little old lady that helped you pursue your dreams.
Before you knew it, it was 4:30 in the morning, “I should get going.” You slurred as you got up from the couch but fell back down immediately, “God, I’m so drunk.” you let out a laugh.
“Maybe you should lie down Y/N.” Chris suggested as he grabbed of the extra pillows and handed it to you.
You took it and tossed it aside, feeling brave as you got up from the couch and walked towards him.
“Maybe…” you trailed off, looking up at him with your best attempt at a sultry look, “You should kiss me.”
Before he could open his mouth, you wrapped your arms around his neck and crashed your lips against his.
At first he was shocked, but then he kissed you back, before immediately he pushed you away.
“No!” Chris said in shock.
“Oh my god.” You sobered up fast, all the color draining from your face, “Chris I am so sor-”
He cut you off, “You gotta go Y/N.”
You nodded and quickly made your way out of his hotel room and made it back into your hotel room, slamming the door behind you and slid down to the floor, “Smooth Y/N…” you chastising yourself for being capable of doing so stupid, “Real fuckin’ smooth.”
A/N: I am so sorry that I haven’t been on tumblr lately. I’ve been going through a massive writer’s block and depression. I want  to dedicate this story to my grandmother who passed away last month. She was the sweetest little old lady and I miss her so much. 
Tags: @travelwithwords @becaamm @ktrivia@elivanah @justatranslation @tbetz0341 @raventt5-bb@canadiancoven @asimpleracoonqueen @queen-merc@evanstandream @a-court-of-stydia @loki7ms @mp8130 @lilasiannerd @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan@motleymoose @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt@notateenbeachmovie @hellkat2 @kirmt15 @shamvictoria11@yourtropegirl @basicallybucky @thefanficfaerie@jonsnowisnotdeadthough@animexchocolate @westoftheglass @feelmyroarrrr @maris-astrum @heir-of-light-33 @labyrinth-of-storylines @dirajunara-archive @danijimenezv @heather-lynn @ariallane @princess-evans-addict @elfwriter1088 @sebbytrash @crazyliraz@onebigfangirlworld @erinvanlyssel @buckys-other-punk@musichowler @lady-thor-foster @meatballevan @bionic-buckyb @aprofoundbondwithdean @therealsabalicious @fly-little-butterfly @deanmon-winchester-666 @madhattervanessa@the-most-handsome-ginger 
If anyone wants to be on or off the taglist. Please shoot me a message!
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This is a Robert Sheehan fanfic.  All liberties taken are mine alone. Medium level sex scene.  Based on a photo shoot that was very inspiring!  
‘OMG it’s him!’
‘Who him?’ I was too busy going through the last batch of prints at my desk to pay much attention to what my two off-siders were whispering about. They’d been giggling by the water cooler like Beavis and Butthead for the last five minutes, staring at someone in the foyer, no doubt. It never failed to amuse me how, no matter how many celebrities we met and photographed for our online entertainment magazine, my makeup artist and hairstylist could still turn into a couple of total fangirls at the sight of a pretty, famous man.
They either didn’t hear me or weren’t brave enough to say the name out loud for fear of him – whoever he was – overhearing, so I let it go and walked the prints over to reception. ‘Stella these have the name and contact details on them, can you mail them off for me?’
Stella nodded. ‘Of course. Standard post or express?’
‘It’s pretty urgent.’
‘Express post then.’
‘So, who’s my next lamb to the slaughter?’ I asked her.
‘Robert Sheehan.’
Stella’s brown, perfectly made-up eyes widened. ‘Are you actually kidding me? The guy’s show is one of the biggest things on Netflix at the moment! The Umbrella Academy?’
‘Haven’t had time. Seriously, how do you people manage to binge-watch TV all day with full-time jobs?’
‘Because we’re not workaholics like you.’ Stella replied, with a laugh. ‘Seriously, you should watch it.’
I screwed up my nose. ‘Superheroes, right? Doesn’t really sound like my kind of thing.’
‘How do you know it’s not your kind of thing unless you watch it?’ Stella said, reproachfully.
‘She’s got a point, you know.’
I sighed. ‘He’s right behind me, isn’t he?’
Stella exploded into giggles. I shook my head at her and turned to find my next subject indeed right behind me.  
He smiled. ‘Not a fan, I take it?’
Hm. Roughly six foot or over, lean but not too skinny, nice green eyes, dimple – okay, I had to admit, I could sort of see what all the fuss was about. His curly dark hair could do with a comb and some product though. I knew I was thinking like a photographer but that was my default setting.
‘It’s not that,’ I told him. ‘I just … haven’t seen your show. I could be a fan.’ I winced. ‘Don’t go over to the competition, please. My boss will kill me.’
He laughed. ‘I don’t even know who the competition is, so I think you’re safe there.’
 I liked his accent too. ‘What part of Ireland are you from?’
‘Port-Laoise,’ (He pronounced it Port Leesh).  ‘I know… practically nobody’s heard of it. It’s not well-known like County Cork or Dublin. It’s a little country town.’
‘Nice. Well, Stu gave me a bit of a heads-up on where to go with this, so are you ready?’
‘Ready as I’ll ever be.’
‘Great.’ I turned to Britt and Ella. ‘You two want to stop standing over there like props and get organized?’
Britt’s jaw dropped. ‘Can we watch?’
‘That would be up to Mr. Sheehan.’
‘Just Robert’s fine. I’m no Mister,’ he joked. ‘I … okay … sure, I guess.’
‘Girls, he’s probably sick to death of being ogled at from all angles,’ I told them. ‘Ten minutes, and then you’re out.’
 To their credit, Britt and Ella did an amazing job. Not that this guy needed much of anything in the way of makeup or what Britt liked to call “floofing”.  But they’d taken one look and decided on the theme. His hair had been straightened and worked into a kind of punk rock bouffant. Like Elvis, but more extreme. Black kohl liner exaggerated the olive green of his eyes. Ella had decided on a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the buttons unfastened to mid-torso. The black and white striped stretch pants looked like something Freddie Mercury would wear in the 70’s – or Michael Hutchence might have worn now, if he’d been alive. Had to admit, for all their fangirling, my employees knew how to dress a man so that you’d want to undress him!
‘Is this okay?’ He walked out of the dressing room patting down the back of his hair, self-consciously. ‘Leave it alone,’ Britt laughed, ‘You’ll wreck all my good work.’
‘It looks great. Suits you.’
‘Thanks. So um … what’s the plan?’
We worked steadily for the next ten minutes while Britt and Ella stood watching from the doorway of the dressing room. After that I gave them permission to buzz off for the day, but I hardly believed they’d take me at my word. Either way it didn’t matter – the door stayed closed. Even Stella left as she had to catch an early train.  I was on my own with a client – not something I regularly planned for as it bent the rules a little bit – but you had to see this guy to understand. I’d photographed male models before, guys whose natural beauty gave me goosebumps in all the right places. But the trouble with them was they knew it and played on it.  I’m not saying Robert didn’t fully realize the effect he had on women.  He knew. He just wasn’t arrogant about it.  In fact, if anything it was the opposite. He was hilarious. He had me in stitches in minutes. It was a good thing the camera was on a tripod because I would have dropped it for sure!
It was when I asked him to improvise a bit that things took a turn for the … well, strange. No, that’s not the word. Let’s just say that I wouldn’t have been surprised if the narrow, horizontal windows near the ceiling of my basement studio were a little bit steamed up …
 He walked toward the camera, slowly, like a tiger biding his time, waiting to pounce. I zoomed in on that face and was glad I did. His grin was like a slow burn, working its way from the pit of your stomach to your thighs. That was when I realized I was holding my breath.  He narrowed those hypnotic green eyes slightly and lifted a finger to his mouth, biting down on it seductively.  My camera kept taking pictures, but I barely noticed my role in their creation. Later I’d go back over the shots and struggle to remember taking some of them. But I never forget the video. I always film a photo shoot, especially if it’s just me in the room with a male client, which doesn’t happen all that often. I always ask permission but it’s more for my protection than theirs. Anyhow, when I returned to the video to make sure I wasn’t running out of battery or flash drive space, I watched Robert in the monitor. He was staring down at his feet, and I wondered what he was thinking about. He lifted his head slowly and glanced at something slightly to the right of the camera, letting out a shaky breath. There was a vulnerability in that one little movement where I kind of felt sorry for the guy, even though there was nothing to pity him for. He was rich, he was incredibly talented, and drop-dead gorgeous. What’s to feel bad about?
‘Are you okay?’ I asked him. ‘Do you need a break?’
He smiled as if the previous moment hadn’t even occurred. ‘No, I’m fine! Honestly, let’s keep going, I’ve got my second wind.’
‘Robert … you would tell me if you felt … objectified, right?’  
He blinked. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Well, I’m just saying … you must have people taking your picture all the damn time. Does it ever get old?’
He shrugged. ‘Sometimes. But that’s the job, you know. Why?’
‘I just … how can I explain this. so it makes sense …’ I bit my lip. ‘You’re a good-looking guy.’
He grinned. ‘Thank you.’
‘And you don’t even fish for compliments. That’s rare. Even when you’re telling some celebrities how great they are, they want to hear more.’
‘Yeah, I’ve met some like that. Quite a few actually.’ He motioned to the sofa under the window. ‘Come to think of it, I might take you up on that quick break, if you don’t mind.’
‘Of course not.’
I went back to reviewing some of the photos until he cleared his throat. I glanced up.
‘You’re not taking a break?’
‘Um … I wasn’t going to …’
‘Come on. Sit down for a bit. Put your feet up. I heard your receptionist say you’re a workaholic. You can relax for five minutes, you know.’
I laughed. ‘I know … All right.’ It wasn’t taking a break, in itself, that made me nervous.  I might have been driven but as far as I knew, I didn’t suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It was having to sit so close to one of the most attractive men I’d ever met, and not allowing myself to get flustered or unprofessional.  All I could think about was whether I had lipstick on my teeth or bad breath.  I ran a hand through my short blonde hair, which had recently been chopped to resemble Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘do in Sliding Doors (thank you, Britt, you’re a doll) and wondered if he thought I looked too butch.
‘I like your hair,’ he said. ‘Is that a new cut?’
‘Yeah … I mean, thanks. How did you know?’
‘I didn’t. You just have that look of someone who had their hair cut recently but isn’t sure of it yet.’
I chuckled. ‘That’s awfully specific.’
He shrugged. ‘I like to read people. I think I’m pretty good at it.’
‘Really? What am I thinking now?’
Robert settled into the vintage chesterfield sofa and crossed one long, lean leg over the other, in my direction. He tilted his head, speculatively. ‘You’re on edge. Nervous. I have no idea why. I’m a fun guy. Not intimidating at all.’
You’re half right, I wanted to say, but that would beg the question – what was he wrong about?
‘Okay, I’ll try to remember that,’ I told him. Relaxing back against the sofa I added, ‘Better?’
‘Marginally, but you still have that tense little line between your eyes.’  He reached over and before I knew what was happening, stroked the skin between my eyebrows with his thumb. It had the odd effect of making me feel sleepy.  ‘There, that’s better.’
I managed a smile despite the tension that still sat in my neck and shoulders. ‘Is that Reiki or something?’
‘No. Just something I picked up somewhere. I forget where. I think they do it to newborn babies who are stressed. It puts them to sleep.’
‘Nearly put me to sleep,’ I admitted, feeling a blush creep into my cheeks.
‘Ah well, then, it worked.’  God, that smirk. That dimple. The confidence, along with the complete lack of arrogance, was undeniably hot. I suddenly wanted to remove my blazer, even though it was roughly 10 degrees outside and not much warmer in my studio.
‘Okay well, we’ve … we’ve had a long enough break. Let’s get back to it …’
Robert laughed. ‘It’s your shoot. What do you want me to do now?’
My face grew warmer. I could think of a few things, but they weren’t appropriate at the time and certainly aren’t printable!  ‘Well first off, a wardrobe change. Why don’t you go and have a look at what’s there?’  While he did that, I took off to the bathroom in the hallway, just outside the studio.  Splashing some water on my face, I managed to dial down the red.  Breath, check, I thought, going through the drill. Pits, check. Heart rate … going a mile a minute. Need to get that down!  Think of something totally not hot. Rupert Murdoch. Dead … anything. Warts. Yeah, that’ll do it. Rotten big carbunkles!
No matter what I did, though, when I walked back into the studio and saw him in a pair of black leather pants and a patterned black and silver shirt open all the way down, with nothing underneath but bare skin, my heart-rate spiked!  I’m going to have a bloody stroke, I realized. He’s gonna make me stroke out, the gorgeous bastard!  
Shucking off my blazer because it was now far too hot in that claustrophobic little studio, I complimented him on his choice. ‘You look like Michael Hutchence,’ I admitted. ‘If he was into wearing guyliner.’
Robert laughed. ‘Well, I’m flattered cos he was one hot piece … am I allowed to say that?’
‘Of course! I’m not about to stop you.’ Damn, I thought. He’s gay. Just my luck!
‘I’m not gay, though, not that there’s anything wrong with that,’ he added, quickly. ‘Not that you care, either, I just …’ he shot me a sideways glance. ‘I just wanted you to know.’
‘Okay.’ I think my heart stopped beating altogether somewhere amongst his garbled confession. If in fact it was a confession. I felt a bit like Forrest Gump – too slow to figure out something that should have been obvious.  Wait, I thought. Does he want me to know he’s straight because he’s into me? Or because he’s worried I’ll go to the ‘zine and spill my guts?  Inside I knew the answer to that but my self-esteem, little destroyer that it was, wouldn’t allow me to gloat.
I’m not sure how it happened. I don’t remember how I got from A to B; I just knew that I had to be kissing him right now, before I lost my nerve. He tasted like coffee and pistachios.  His cologne was something altogether fantastic: citrusy and woody and musky all at the same time. Or maybe the musk part was all him, I don’t know.  
He was a freakishly good kisser. Once the shock of my making the first move wore off, he took charge without overstating it. Which was easy for him because I’m less than five feet two in heels and he towered over me. In less than a minute he had managed to trigger every cliché in the romance writer’s arsenal: my knees were weak, my skin was covered in goosebumps and my heart was pounding like a jackhammer. I had to wind my arms around his neck to keep from dissolving into a puddle of lust on the floor, because his lips and hands were doing things to me that are illegal in some countries!  We kind of shuffle-walked back over to the sofa without breaking contact, and suddenly I was lying beside him, reaching into his shirt to hold my hand over his heart, to see if it was racing as fast as mine.  Not quite but close enough. He responded by slipping his hand beneath the hem of my shirt and running it up along my flank until it reached my bra. His lips left mine and started kissing their way down my throat.  My breath caught as his cool fingers grazed my nipple through the silk. He reached around and unfastened my bra with one hand. Hm, clever, I thought. Dexterous at the very least. How many times have you done that, I wonder? It should have been enough to put me off; to change my mind about this. But he started kissing me again and I lost all notion of caring how many women he’d been with or even what day it was.  His hand cupped my breast, this time free of the bra. He moved from my mouth to my collarbone, and pushing up my top, kissed the skin over my heart. I removed the shirt and bra in one, anxious to get as close to him as possible.  I wanted his shirt off as well. As good as it looked on him, this guy was born to not wear clothes!
He let me push it off his shoulders as his mouth made my nipples so hard they ached. My fingers delved into his thick dark hair, messing up the ‘do Britt had so carefully made look careless. His lips traced a path down the center of my torso, the short whiskers on his chin and upper lip alternating between scratching and tickling my skin. When he reached the waistband of my jeans, I had to stop him. ‘No,’ I whispered. ‘Not that. I’m not … I’m not comfortable with it.’
He glanced up at me. ‘You mean, you don’t want me to go down on you?’
I nodded. ‘Sorry.’
‘Don’t be sorry.’ He shuffled back up beside me. ‘Any particular reason?’
‘I don’t know … just … not today. Okay?’
‘Okay. That’s cool.’  He leaned in and kissed me. ‘I have other ways of making you squirm.’
I quivered at the thought. He unzipped my jeans and tugged them down a little, his hand disappeared between my thighs, cupping me and making its way beneath my underwear. ‘Actually,’ he said, in a husky voice, ‘this is almost better.’  I gasped as he started to stroke, and he grinned, and winked at me. ‘Better vantage point.’
When he had me as wet as I could possibly be, he finally let me move enough to unfasten his leather pants. Before that he’d been determined to make me ‘squirm’, as he put it, and squirm I most certainly did. I was still catching my breath when he produced a condom from a pocket I didn’t even know those pants had. ‘Should never leave me alone in the wardrobe room,’ he joked. ‘I get up to all kinds of hijinks.’
‘You brought that with you?’
‘I always have at least one with me,’ he explained. ‘In my position, I sort of have to. You have no idea how many girls throw themselves at me just because I’m famous. I do have a policy where I don’t shag my fans but … when it comes to women in general, sometimes I’m not as disciplined as I’d like to be. Like now, for instance.’
‘Oh good,’ I murmured, ‘Because I don’t have any.’  I looked up at him. He looked so beautiful lying there on his side, practically naked except for a pair of black jockey shorts and the leather pants around those knees. He kicked both off and hurriedly rolled on the rubber.
‘No rush,’ I said, with a giggle. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’ I reached up and stroked his cheek. I could feel the bristle of new stubble growing through, even as Britt or Ella must have given him a shave in order to apply the makeup for the photo shoot. Those beautiful big green eyes were luminous even in the shadow from the photo-lighting. His skin was golden and his lips … suddenly I regretted my earlier reticence about oral sex. I’d experienced it before of course but it was always awkward, messy and felt almost like an obligation, on both sides. And it almost never, ever made me feel like he’d made me feel a moment ago, with his hand. I wanted to be able to explain that to him but felt stupid and almost prudish. Instead I took him in hand and fondled him until he closed his eyes and bit down hard on his lower lip. Taking that as a signal he was ready to go, I shucked my own pants off and pulled him close, sliding my leg over his hip. He was cautious at first, probably worried about blowing his load too early, but the feel of him inside me was almost too much, anyway. It reignited what had been simmering away for the last few minutes, with a pleasure so sharp it was almost pain.
‘Are you okay?’
I nodded. ‘Keep going.’
He did, but slowly, and we kissed as if we had all the time in the world. He raised himself up on his elbows over me, and I responded by wrapping my legs around his slim hips, holding him inside. His new position gave him leverage, and strength to go harder and faster. Pretty soon it was only a kiss every other thrust, and I don’t know about him, but I felt like I was about to burst out of my skin.
Suddenly, just as I arched my back with release, and he did the same seconds later, I heard a shrill beep, and remembered.
I hadn’t turned the camcorder off.
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Undeniable Heat Chapter 65: Unable to Wait
Jensen Ackles x Reader
1300 Words
Story Summary: You’ve just gotten a job as one of the makeup artists on the set of Supernatural. Nervous on the first day, you become completely awkward, winning the affection of the divorced Jensen Ackles. You try to fight your desire for him, but he thwarts you at every turn. Will you be able you separate work and play, or will you let Jensen win?
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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Jensen's POV
Frustrated, my long legs ate up the ground as Jared and I made our way to the meeting spot with Cliff. I wanted to be down Alpine Street now, not waiting for a ride.
"Jensen, slow down!" Jared exclaimed, even his long legs having trouble keeping up with me.
"If you can't keep up, then stay back." I muttered, before realizing how rude I had just sounded. "Dude, I'm sorry." I apologized, slowing my steps down.
"Jay, I get it. You're worried, and we're so close. But we need to meet up with Cliff and come up with a plan. We can't just head in there hot headed."
"I know...I know." I sighed. "I'm just so freaking close. When we get her back, and we will. I'm going to marry her. I'm going to show her just how much I love her."
"Jay, I don't want to ruin things, but Y/N's been with Brad for quite some time now. She might not be the same Y/N that you were engaged to. This might have changed her."
Turning to glare at my best friend in the entire world, I saw him flinching, ready to get hit for his remarks. But I couldn't hit him. He was at my side when I needed him the most. He was just trying to keep my head clear. "I know, and that scares me. But I will still be there for her, helping her every step of the way. Y/N's tough, she's going to fight."
Just then Cliff pulled up beside us, rolling his window down. "What are you waiting for?" He asked, as I rounded the car. Sliding into the passenger seat, I quickly filled him in on our news.
"So, are we just going house to house?" He asked as he turned back towards Alpine street. "We need a plan."
"I think we just need to get more information. We can travel the street, try to find them, then go from there." I suggested.
"And if he sees us?" Cliff argued. "Who knows what he will do if he sees us?"
"We won't let him." I promised. "Your windows are darkened."
"Maybe we should wait for the police to arrive. I heard they were on their way up here. Should be here in a couple of hours." Cliff wondered out loud.
"No!" I all but screamed. "I've waited this long, Y/N's suffered this long. I'm not going to wait any longer."
"Okay." Cliff sighed, turning the SUV down Alpine street. With all of us staring out the windows, conversation stopped.
Sure, I knew Cliff was trying to be reasonable. But I also knew the longer we waited, the less the chance of getting Y/N back unharmed. I knew she had already been through so much, I didn't want to leave her with him any longer.
Driving down the road, I wasn't surprised when houses became fewer and fewer. Turning from small city homes to cabins with plenty of open ground around them. The ocean was in the distance. "This isn't going to be the easiest place to sneak into." Cliff muttered half to himself.
I just continued to stare out the window, my jaw clenched so tight I knew it would be sore the next day. I kept searching for any clue that I could find. Hoping that he hadn't hidden his black SUV somewhere we couldn't see.
As the ocean came closer into view, I spotted a small, run down cabin off to the side. Two cars lined the pitted driveway, one looking suspiciously like the black SUV in the surveillance footage. The other was a small sedan, non-descript and out of place.
The cabin bordered the beach, with a small forest off to the other side. The windows were barred, but as Cliff continued driving, I could just barely make out figures on the beach. One figure stood out to me more than the rest, and I felt my heart picking up as I realized who I was seeing.
"Cliff! There! She's there!" I exclaimed, almost causing a wreck in the process.
"We will circle around." Cliff tried explaining through my excitement. "He's probably already spotted us, and who knows what he will do to Y/N."
I glanced frantically between Brad and the Priest, wishing that the Priest would stand up and try to fight Brad. But he didn't, and I got why. This wasn't his problem. While he wanted to help me, he also wanted to keep his head. He probably had a family to go back to.
"Brad, put the gun down." You spoke calmly, even though you were shaking from fear and the frigid air swirling around you.
"Sure, I'll put the gun down." Brad answered, surprising you. His eyes calmly glanced towards you, full of glee at getting his way. "As long as the two of you do as I say."
"Yes, of course." The priest muttered quickly, holding up his hands. "I will perform the ceremony, as long as you promise to let me go."
"Brad, I will marry you." You whispered, almost choking on the words. "As long as no harm comes to him."
"Thank you." The priest mouthed, and even though you could see guilt clouding his features, you knew he wasn't able to help you. No one was able to help you. You were completely on your own, at the mercy of Brad.
Finally, his hand slid down, the gun now pointing to the ground instead of the Priest's head. Taking a deep breath, you winced as Brad grabbed your arm, turning you to face the Priest. "Get on with it!"
Gulping, the Priest opened his book, pushing his glasses up his nose. He began rattling off the beginning of the Wedding vows, when Brad interrupted. "Just get to the important shit already, got it!"
As the priest turned the pages of his book, getting to the I do part, you heard the sound of a car traveling down the gravel road. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Cliff's familiar SUV, your heart soaring for the first time in what seemed forever. Jensen was here, he had found you.
Schooling your features, you turned back to the priest, hoping that Brad wouldn't recognize the car. "Wait!" He yelled to the priest, waving the gun at him. "What the hell is a car doing back here? This road never has traffic."
As the wheels turned in that crazy brain of his, you thought just as fast. If Brad realized who that was, there's no saying what he would do. He would probably kill you before letting you be with Jensen once again. "That can't be..." He wondered out loud, and you made your move. As the SUV came rambling back from the end of the road, you dove towards Brad, heading straight for the gun, hoping to knock it from his hands.
If you’re enjoying this story, buy me a coffee :)
Jensen/Dean Tags: @acreativelydifferentlove @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278 @anokhi07 @aubreystilinski @bebravekeeponfighting @colette2537 @deanwinchesters-impala67 @ikeneasul11 @its-not-a-tulpa @lenaabs @love-charmer-sketch @ruprecht0420 @sizzlingbearpolice @sleep-silent-angel @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @thesaneone @queen--glitch
Undeniable Heat Tags:  @abbessolute @andreaaalove @anotherwaywardsoul @anxioushomosapien @attackonmikaelson @attractiverandomness @anxuanpham @beatlesobsessionlove @beckawinchester @beltz2016 @bikylove @blacktithe7 @bowtiesarecool6288 @canadianjelly @colette2537  @crowleys-niece  @dailyn32102  @dancingalone21 @dancing-b @dancingcapricorn  @daniyell619 @darcy4 @daughterleftbehind @deansgirl215 @dylanosprayberry03 @earthtokace @fandomlover03 @fangirl-who-dreams @flawsweirdo @gallxntdean @ginger0222 @harleenquinzzel @hillface89 @hotwinchester @iamnotsaneatall @i-is-for-inspiring @imaginesofdreams @imagine-inc @iwriteaboutdean @jarpadobrien @just-another-winchester @katrena7 @keepcalmandbeajunkie @keikoraventeller  @kiejera @laurenw1025 @likesiriusly @little-anthony-tommy-ding-dong @lexie-mo @lucifersimapala @madhattercheshirecat @mariazintili @mariajoseplg @mbowles23-blog @mcnuttynut @mellowlandrunaway @miatortilla246  @moonlitskinwalker @my-squirrel-and-moose @mysteriouslyme81 @nayamoralesx3 @peachy-jordyn @petiteserpent @phoenixiax @posiemax @pottergirlpotterworld @redeyedvixen @rosie21395000 @rvenhaighter @satan-squared  @shadyshadesofblack @sizzlingbearpolice  @sleepdeprivedchildren @snarkpunsandsarcasm @spn-ficfanatic @star-gazer178 @superromijn @superwholock1983  @the-doctors-fallen-angel @theridiculouspanda @thevioletthourr @todorath @vaisabu @vh1015 @wayward-ella @waywardswain  @winchesterprincessbride @winvhesters @xdifsx  @xthefuckerysquaredx @zima-soldat
Forever Tags(Closed):   @16wiishes @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @anxuanpham @artisticpoet @atc74 @babydanixox @bambinovak @bea789 @be-amaziing @beltz2016 @benjerry707 @bish-its-me @bohowitch @boxywrites @bradygabrielle-blog @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @buffytheangelslayer @camelotandastronauts @cantsleepian @cascar24 @castielhasthetardis @captainaudreystark @captainemwinchester @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @createdbybadappreciation  @criesateverything @crystal923  @darthdeziewok @delessapeace-blog @destiel-addict-forever @disneychic8 @dixonsvixon2017 @docharleythegeekqueen @dontslurp @dslocum89 @duckieburns @easelweasel  @edward-lover18 @emmazach @emoryhemsworth @emmysthougts @ericaprice2008   @evyiione @essie1876 @extreme-supernatural-lover @faegal04 @freakintasticfan @freddy-fuckboy-tammy @gabriels-trix @sanity-is-overratedxp @generalgoldfishldrm @ginamsmith @gloria1097  @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @haleyhay96 @hetsgrinch @hollandisstilinski @hunterpuff @iliketowrite02 @imboredsueme @impatient-witch @inlovewithbja @iriyelle  @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @jayankles @jenna-luke @jensen-gal @juatanotherbandgirl @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @katelynbkool @keelzy2 @likesiriusly @linki-locks11 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork @livingasafangirl @loricwizardbluetoastedcake @love-untiltheresnoloveleft @lowlyapprentice  @mariahoedt @marvelandwinchesters927 @maui137 @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @moosesamdeancasbees @mrsbatesmotel53 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @myplaceofthingsilove @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @naviwhite  @nerdybookwormsinger @ohgodjensen @oneshoeshort @padackles2010 @pancake-pages @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @jayankles @procratsinator @quiverhope @randomthings077 @ria132love @riversong-sam @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @sai-kida134 @samisimportant @sammysgirl1997 @sandlee44 @saoirsewhittle @sgarrett49 @sgtbxckybxrnes @shamelesslydean @simplycheyenneautumn @spnbaby67 @spnbaby-67  @spn-dscc @starstruck-sugg @summer-binging-spn @superbadassnatural @supernatural-jackles   @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @tatortot2701 @thebikiniinspector @the--blackdahlia @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @thoughtsoftheantagonist  @tokentransboy @trashforwinchesters @tunadean @upon-a-girl  @vvinch3st3r @walkslikesummeractslikerain @waywardmoeyy @winchester-writes @wonderange @zombiewerewolfqueen
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whenthedayisdone · 4 years
Top 13 general artist's lyrics. Top movie/tv show quotes. im not gonna set a number for that cuz we'd be here forever
So, this incredibly weird human being right here got distracted and didn't read the entire question. Lmao
I thought you set the bar up at 13 quotes.
It took me forever. But that's okay, given how things are messy right now, this was a good distraction. Made me feel better. 😁
Here it goes.
My top 13 general lyrics - No particular order
1. You promised the world and I fell for it.
I put you first and you adored it.
Set fires to my forests and you let it burn.
Sang off key in my chorus cause it wasn't yours.
We'd always go into blindly.
I needed to lose you find me.
This dancing was killing me softly.
I needed to hate you to love me.
Lose you to love me - Selena Gomes
2. And I don't want the world to see me cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything is meant to be broken, I just want you to know who I am.
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls.
3. It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along.
She will be loved - Maroon 5
4. Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you.
Caught up in circles. Confusion is nothing new
Flashback, warm nights. Almost left behind.
Suitcase of memories. Time after...
If you're lost, you can look and you will find me.
Time after time.
If you fall, I'll catch you. I'll be waiting.
Time after time.
Time after time - Cindy Lauper
5. Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by.
Total eclipse of the heart - Bonnie Tyler
6. Funny, you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving.
Cause when you never see the light, it's hard to know which one of us is caving.
Stay - Rihanna
7. I don't care if hurts. I wanna have control.
I want a perfect body. I want a perfect soul.
I want you notice when I'm not around.
You're so fucking special.
I wish I was special.
But I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.
Creep - Radiohead
8. I remember the day you told me you were leaving.
I remember the make-up running down your face.
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them.
Like every single wish we ever made.
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things.
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you and the memories I never can escape.
Cause I'm not fine at all.
Amnesia - 5 seconds of summer.
8. We are searchlights, we can see in the dark.
We are rockets, pointed up at the stars.
We are billions of beautiful hearts.
What about us - Pink
9. And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me.
Fight song - Rachel Platten
10. Forget what I said. It's not what I meant.
And I can't take it back, I can't unpack the baggage you left.
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I get the feeling that you'll never need me again.
I'm well aware I write too many songs about you
It kills me 'cause I know we've run out of things we can say.
Falling - Harry Styles
11. And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all.
Say something - A great big world & Cristina Aguilera
Am I falling in love with the one that could break my heart?
I wonder when you go, if I stay on your mind.
Two could play that game, but you win me every time.
Everyone before you was a waste of time.
Break my heart - Dua Lipa
12. You can't expect me to be fine.
I don't expect you to care.
I know I've said it before, but all of our bridges burned down.
Payphone - Maroon 5
13. When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.
Fix you - Coldplay
My top 13 quotes - No particular order
1. Sometimes family is more than just the people under your roof. They’re people who jump in, head first, who aren’t afraid to make fools of themselves to help you, who don’t hide their faces in shame if you fall down.
Alison Hendrix - Orphan Black
Bonus to this one on this show:
Sarah: Whose side are you on, S?
Siobhan: Yours, love. It's always been yours.
2. At the end of the day, you are who you are. And it's probably who you have always been.
Brooke Davis - One tree hill
"So, I’ve been thinking about this whole being happy thing, and I feel like people get lost when they think of happiness as a destination. We’re always thinking that someday we’ll be happy; we’ll get that car or that job or that person in our lives that will fix everything. But happiness is a mood, and it’s a condition, not a destination. It’s like being tired or hungry, it’s not permanent. It comes and goes, and that’s okay. And I feel like if people thought of it that way, they’d find happiness more often."
Julian Baker
3. In peace may you leave this shore.
In love may you find the next.
Safe passage in all your travels.
Until our final journey to the ground,
May we meet again. - The 100
Bonus: Yu Gonplai ste odon. (Your fight is over) - The 100
Honorable mention: "We're back, bitches!" Octavia Blake
4. You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing.
Walter Bishop - Fringe
I know what it's like to have a hole in my life. It's been there for as long as I can remember. Olivia Dunham
5. I know how hard it is when everything we know to be true changes. But sometimes all we can do is just accept the way things are, and make the best of that.
Kara Denvers - Supergirl
Forgiveness isn’t something that you give to somebody who’s hurt you. Forgiveness is something you give to yourself.
Alex Denvers
6. Just because life isn’t what you want it to be right now, doesn’t mean you should tear it down.
Regina Mills - Once upon a time
People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say, "No, this is who I am". You want people to look at you differently? Make them! You want to change things, you're gonna have to go out there and change them yourself, because there are no fairy godmothers in this world.
Emma Swan
7. Sometimes the best thing you can do is take a step back and give yourself a chance to breathe.
Ella Montgomery - Pretty Little Lies
I am just really tired of living in a state of permanent anxiety.
Spencer Hastings
8. Don't wish away your life, you're exactly where you're supposed to be.
Shelby Corcoran - Glee
Being part of something special does not make you special; something is special because you are a part of it.
Rachel Berry
9. We probably judge ourselves way harsher than anyone judges us.
Ana Gutierrez - The fosters
DNA doesn't make a family, Love does.
Lena Adams Foster
10. You spend your whole life looking for answers because you think the next answer will solve all your problems: make you a little less miserable, because when you run out of questions you don't just run out of answers... you run out hope.
Gregory House - House M.D
I need her in my life. Do you know what it's like to need someone?
I'm sorry I pushed you away. It's what I do when I'm afraid.
Gregory House
11. Being aware of your crap and actually overcoming your crap are two different things.
Cristina Yang - Grey's Anatomy
Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need. He's very dreamy but he's not the sun. You are. - Cristina Yang
Honorable mention: You are my person.
Meredith Grey & Cristina Yang (occasionally, Alex Karev but we're pretending he's dead now, so...)
12. If you leave, then I don't want you to come back. It's too hard saying goodbye like this.
Marissa Cooper - The OC
I can't change where I'm from, but I can change where I'm going.
Ryan Atwood
So, sarcasm’s like breathing for you.
Ryan Atwood
Honorable mention: I’m just having an allergic reaction to the universe.
Seth Cohen
13. If we can't live together, we're going to die alone.
Jack Shephard
Bonus: Don't tell me what I can't do.
John Locke
Honorable mention: Freckles.
Sawyer (James Ford)
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ladypogue · 4 years
Used to This (part 3)
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Summary: Ella starts her first shift at the Wreck. While working a certain blue eyed boy comes in looking for Kie but stays with Ella. The pair hangs out during and after her shift. This is the start of something new. 
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: the slightest little bit of swearing at the end. but other than that none :)
A/N: hello all! I am still eternally grateful for you if you are reading this story. Sorry for the late update, I’ve been having migraines recently so its been hard to stare at a screen but I’m feeling better so I hope to be back on a normal update schedule again. Also would you guys be interested if I started writing imagines, one shots, blurbs, etc? If so lmk and send requests! I have a few ideas....as always feedback is greatly appreciated. love y’all! :) 
Series Masterlist
Part 3
Ella woke up excited for the day, today was her first day working at the Wreck as a waitress. Heading downstairs to start on her breakfast, she pulled out her phone to see if JJ had texted her. Slightly disappointed that she didn’t have a text from the boy, she shook off the feeling and carried on with her morning; scrolling through her phone, taking her breakfast upstairs to start getting ready, not wanting to be late for her first day.
Making her way down to the restaurant popular with tourists, 15 minutes early for her shift, she walked through the doors looking for either Kiara or her dad, not quite sure what she was supposed to be doing today. One of the other waitresses showed Ella where she could put her things and gave her an apron, telling her to sit at the bar and Kiara would be out to show her the ropes.
Kie came out from the kitchen greeting Ella and giving her a brief run-down of what her days will look like. Kie then continued to explain that for the day she would just be working register in order to get her used to the computer system. Completely fine with that, Ella smiled and watched intently as Kie showed her how to ring people up and how to open the register drawer when it got stuck, it was old, so the drawer was sometimes sticky. Excited to officially start her day, Ella took her place behind the register while Kiara went back into the kitchen to help her dad. She was prepared for whatever the day may bring, though she was hoping that it would be an easy first day.
The sun shining brightly through the windows of the chateau is what woke JJ as he had passed out on the pull out couch the night before. Pulling the pillow over his head, JJ groaned and rolled back over after checking the time, relieved to realize that he didn’t have to get up for school, not that he went that often anyways. Sleeping in for another few hours, he re-awoke and made his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. JJ practically lived with John B at the chateau, especially since Big John went missing. He’ll tell anybody that asks that it’s because he doesn’t want John B to get lonely and that his friend shouldn’t have to go through this alone. And while all of that was true, JJ would never admit out loud that it was also because he was avoiding his own problems at home. John B knew about JJ’s homelife, so he graciously accepts the company that his best friend since third grade offers him. It’s nice to know he’s not alone in that house, but also because he knows JJ is safe if he stays with him. Ready to start his day, JJ laced up his boots, grabbed his phone and went outside to wait for Pope so they can go to the Wreck to get food. Looking at his phone he suddenly remembered the girl from last night, Ella. Just thinking about her put a smile on JJ’s face. He opened his contacts, shooting her a quick message.
To Ella: Hey! It’s JJ. Sry I didn’t txt you last night, after cleaning up I went straight to sleep. I wanted to say it was nice meeting u and I hope to see u again. :)
Pressing send, JJ laid back on the hammock letting his mind wander about the girl. What was she like? Did she have any pets? JJ hoped she had a dog. What were her likes and dislikes? Was she single, and if she was would she even go for a guy like JJ? He couldn’t help but imagine her as a part of his life. He pictured them spending the day together at the beach, him teaching her how to surf and her not being good at it so they give up and just swim in the ocean, his arms wrapped around her waist and hers around his neck. Eventually he would get the courage to pull her in for a sweet kiss, imagining how she tastes. He imagines she would taste sweet, her lips soft and her tongue warm.
JJ’s daydream was cut short by the sound of footsteps approaching. He looked up and locked eyes with Pope. Swinging his legs over the edge and standing up, he rubbed his hands together walking towards his friend, “Ready to go?” JJ questioned.
“Yeah, but I told my pops we’d help him with a delivery before we go.” Pope told him while walking away from the chateau. JJ just groaned, wanting to go see Kie and get some food. Checking his phone once more before putting it in his pocket, JJ sighed seeing no response from Ella. It was stupid of him to get his hopes up, a beautiful girl like that giving him the time of day, as if. Shrugging it off, not letting it affect his mood, JJ picked up his pace and caught up with Pope, jumping into conversation, letting the boy’s rambling distract him from the small twinge in his heart at the thought of being rejected.
Back at the Wreck, Ella’s first day was going smooth. She had a few mishaps here and there but that was to be expected and Kiara was always right there to help her. Throughout the lulls in customers, Kiara and Ella got to talking. Having essentially known each other their whole lives, it was amazing how little they knew about each other. However, the conversation flowed seamlessly between the two, and they both could tell that they would end up being good friends.
The two girls were stood at the counter, giggling with each other, when they heard the bell above the door chime, signaling that it was time to go back to work. Kie grabbed a cloth and went to wipe down tables, preparing for whoever it was that walked in the door. Ella turned ready to great her new customers, when she froze, breath caught in her throat at the sight of JJ Maybank. He had yet to see her as his was searching the floor for Kie, ready to beg her for food. As he scanned the restaurant, his eyes skimmed past the girl standing behind the counter, having to do a double take JJ broke out into a grin once he realized who it was. Ella made eye contact with the blonde, timidly smiling, feeling a blush creep up on her cheeks. She was definitely more nervous, not only over the fact that he was even more attractive in the daylight, but she didn’t have any alcohol in her system to calm her and give her a confidence boost. JJ sauntered over to the counter to talk to the girl who’d been running through his mind while Pope made his way over to the table Kie was currently wiping down.
JJ couldn’t help but admire her natural beauty as she stood there in her uniform with her hair tied up in a messy ponytail, small pieces of her hair framing her face. She wore light makeup, only concealer under her eyes and mascara, but JJ still thought she was beautiful. He didn’t know she worked here, especially since they spent a lot of time at the Wreck as a group, he was sure he would have noticed her, and Kie didn’t mention any new hires. Sitting down in front of her, JJ felt his confidence waiver. She hadn’t responded to his text, so maybe she didn’t want to see him.
“Hi JJ.” She smiled at him lightly, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear, his confidence slowly rising.
“Hey.” He replied simply, “I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Today’s my first day.”
“Ahh, well congrats on your first day, I think you’ll like it here.”
“I already do, everyone is super friendly and made me feel welcomed.”
“Well that’s great!”
A silence fell over the two, it wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t comfortable either. Ella was debating if she should bring up the fact that JJ never texted her. She didn’t want to seem desperate, but she was also playing into what her friends had planted in her mind, that JJ was only going to use her. She didn’t want to believe her friends, but she kept the wall up around her just in case, not wanting to get hurt. Meanwhile, sitting across from her, JJ’s brain was turning a mile a minute. He was trying to get a read on the girl, but to no avail. She kept herself heavily guarded and only let JJ see what she wanted him to see. It was frustrating. How was he supposed to get to know her if he couldn’t even pick up on subtle things?
“Are you gonna order anything or are you just gonna sit there?” Ella asked curiously, not trying to be rude but also not wanting to get in trouble with Mr. Carrera.
“That all depends, what time do you get off?”
Taken aback by his question, Ella shook her head lightly, “What does that have to do with if you’re going to order or not?”
“Well, if you work for a couple more hours, I’ll order so I’m not sitting here starving.” JJ said, even though he had every intention of just getting the food from Kie, knowing she would bring food out soon enough for the boys.
“I get off in 2 hours.” Ella stated simply, looking back down at her receipts making sure everything is in order.
Just as he was about to reply, Kiara came back over to the pair, ready to scold JJ for undoubtedly flirting with Ella. “JJ Maybank, you better not be harassing my newest employee, we need the help and I don’t need you scaring her off.” Kie half joked but was also half serious, she knew his tendencies and Ella was nice girl who didn’t need corrupted by her flirtatious friend. JJ put his hands up in surrender, “I wasn’t flirting, I promise.” At this Ella felt her heart break a little, of course he wasn’t flirting with her. She was just caught up in her crush, so she was seeing and hearing what she wanted to. Shaking her head and smiling at the two, Ella walked away, going to find anything to keep her busy and away from JJ.
JJ shot Kie a confused look, to which she just shrugged her shoulders. The boy went after Ella, wanting to continue to hang out with her and wanting to make sure they were still good. As he got up, Kie shot him a warning look, reminding him that she was there to work and not hang out. As Ella’s shift starts to wind down, she continues to entertain JJ’s antics while keeping focused on her work. While JJ continues to follow her around like a puppy, Pope and Kie sit in the back at a table just watching the two, bemused. It was weird for them to see JJ act this way, but it warmed their hearts that maybe JJ had a shot at love. They would have to tease him about it later.
Taking her place behind the counter one last time, with JJ sat in front of her on a bar stool, Ella started finishing up her tasks, ready to leave for the night.
“What are you doing after this?” JJ asked, noticing her finishing up and not ready to part ways.
“I was planning on going home and watching Netflix.”
“Would you maybe want to hang out more? I want to continue to get to know you.”
Ella felt her cheeks and neck heat up, agreeing, happy to spend time with the boy not during her work shift.
Clocking out and grabbing her stuff, she waved bye to Kie and Pope. Ella follows closely behind JJ, not sure what he had planned, if anything. JJ leads the two of them down to the beach, kicking off their shoes they start to walk along the warm sand. Falling into conversation easily, the two found a spot and sat down, sitting closer than necessary. In her head, Ella said that it was because it was a starting to get chilly with the breeze and the lack of sun, but really, she knew it was because she wanted to feel his skin on hers.
“So, am I not good enough to receive a text from the notorious JJ Maybank?” Ella joked, nudging her shoulder with JJ’s.
“I did text you. Because you are far more than good enough. You just never responded.” JJ looked at her confusedly, shrugging his shoulders trying to seem unbothered.
Pulling out her phone and going to her messages, she sees a message from an unknown number. Guilt washed through her and she smiled sheepishly at JJ as she added him to her contacts.
“I was at work already so I must not have seen it. And then you showed up, so I didn’t have to wonder if you texted me.”
JJ chuckled, teasing her lightly, “you were looking for my text?”
“I wouldn’t say looking so to say, but I wouldn’t have been upset at seeing your name on my screen.”
Slinging his arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer, he felt his insides warm at the thought of her wanting JJ to text her.
“I was nervous when you didn’t reply that maybe you didn’t want be friends.” JJ replied, mumbling under his breath hoping she didn't hear him.
She had heard him loud and clear. “Of course, I wanna be friends JJ” she smiled up at him, resting her head on his shoulder.
JJ smiled back down at her, happy she wanted to have him as a part of her life. The two continued to get to know each other, telling stories from their past, both cracking up at what the other would share. Neither was sure how things felt so easy, but they weren’t complaining. They were just soaking in everything about each other. Checking the time, Ella realized she had to get home as it was almost midnight and her shift ended almost 4 hours ago. JJ offered to walk her home, stopping outside her front door, he awkwardly shuffled back and forth with his hands in his pockets.
“I guess I’ll see you later then?” JJ asked, hoping that the girl would want to hang out again. Maybe he could bring her around the pogues.
“Sure. Text me when you get home, so I know you’re safe.” Ella said with a soft smile coating her face. JJ returned her smile with an “of course” before he turned around and started his commute back to the chateau.
Ella made her way into her house and up to her room, tip toeing, not wanting to wake her parents. Quietly making her way into her bathroom and taking a shower, Ella couldn’t help but smile to herself as she recounted her evening with the Maybank boy. She wished she could have taken a picture to remember how he looked in the moonlight as they sat by the water. She relinquished in the feeling of his arm around her, wishing it never had to have ended. All Ella wanted to do was text Sophia and Grace and tell them about her date, could she call it date? She didn’t even know; all she knew was she wanted to tell someone about what had happened. Instead she settled for squealing into her pillow and flopping on her bed. Shooting her friends, a text about how her first day went, leaving out the parts about JJ, not ready for them to remind her that he wasn’t good for her. She opened their text thread and sent him a message;
To JJ: Had a really nice time tonight. Thank you for making my first day at work one to remember :)
Pressing send, Ella turned over and fell asleep, hoping to dream about the boy with ocean blue eyes.
JJ walked into the chateau and was greeted by John B sitting on the couch watching some reality show on the TV. Nodding to his friend, he went to the kitchen to grab himself a beer and joined John B on the couch. Upon sitting down, John B smirked at him, just waiting for him to notice. Feeling his gaze, JJ looked over, confused at the look on his face as he brought his beer bottle up to his lips.
“What?” JJ asked incredulously.
“Nothing. Nothing. Just Kie and Pope stopped by, said you went off with the girl from the kegger. Ella was it?” he continued to smirk when he noticed JJ start to blush.
“Shut up. We’re just getting to know each other.”
“Uh huh, ‘getting to know each other’. JJ you have never gotten to know a girl, you’ve always been a love ‘em and leave ‘em type”
“I don’t know man. Somethings just different with her. When she bumped into me, I just felt this almost instant connection with her. Like she was meant to bump into me. I can’t explain, all I know is I enjoy her company.”
John B smiled at his friend, seeing how much Ella already meant to the boy even though they really just met.
“Bring her around some time. If she means that much to you already then I’m sure she’ll mean a lot to us as well.”
“I will. For sure. Just maybe not yet, I don’t even know if she likes me and I don’t need you guys fucking this up for me, at least not more than I’m bound to.” JJ didn’t want to think about his destructive tendencies when it came to relationships. He wasn’t ready to let this one go.
“I’m offended that you think we would fuck this up for you, but I get it. I really do.” John B knew how his friend could get, so he would do everything in his power to make sure that this worked out in his favor, even if that meant postponing meeting the girl that seemed to have captured JJ's heart. He wanted nothing than to see his friend be happy.
“Yeah, yeah. You know I love you guys. I’m gonna go to bed, I’ll see you in the morning” JJ stated before making his way into the guest room before collapsing on the bed. Shooting Ella a text, seeing she already texted him, he grinned to himself.
To Ella: Had a really nice time 2night too :) I got back safe, maybe we could hang tmrw if ur not busy? Just lmk! Good night Ella :)
JJ expected that the girl was probably already in bed so he turned off his light, crawling under the covers, falling asleep while scrolling through his phone, looking forward to the days to come.
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