#for reasons n that might not be a surprise with my spinner comments
dabihaul666 · 2 years
New 'round here. You say you love all villains..even AFO? Yknow cus he's like..bad. Stinky bad man. Bad.
Love Spinner though, thoughts on him?
''stinky bad man'' its ok anon we can use our big adult words here. CORRECT. I do love ALL the villains.* I appreciate afo as a villain! his fight with all might in camino ward was GREAT, very exciting to watch. afo even was taking over shigaraki's body or whatever for a bit?? who was supposed to be his like perfect heir or whatever? I can't say I love this most recent manga update though... it kind of seems like hori is changing his motivations and they don't make a whole lot of sense. idk i havent read it yet tho just the summary lolololol. but without that part he's just a good old fashion big bad evil villain!
this new thing where like, villains are ''too bad'' to be liked or appreciated is so silly to me like. ok so u want lackluster villains that never go too far or do TOO bad of things? you always want them to have a deeply traumatic childhood sob story? would that make what they do okay? re like - people compairing shigaraki and dabi and todoroki shouto and overhaul's backgrounds.
how on earth would bnha world keep spinning without afo? ''you know he's bad, right'' is so.... lol weird to me. like yea thats why he's good.
tbh i like spinner! i just don't think he has what it takes to be a villain! i was always rooting for ''redemption arcs'' or whatever you want to call them for spinner and twice.
spinner's still really different from the rest of the league. ive said it before but he wasn't down for going against police in the chapter 160 highway chases. the anime glossed over it but spinner was demanding answers from shigaraki when they were fighting machia! when the league took over that mansion belonging to the anti-heteromorph cult!! he believed in stain's ideals the longest out of the league!! i think he should totally guide a movement for heteromorphs i love that for him, but im just not convinced he would have to stay with the league/liberation front for that, and i think they (plf +afo) know it! the plf needs his fans to stay relevant after they lost like 100k of them members, afo likes to make everyone do his bidding, i think both of them are trying to stroke spinner's ego a little bit, make sure he knows they find him a valuable asset u kno what i mean?
so i like spinner i just never talk about him bc he's not..... really evil enough. he doesn't appeal to me personally. he's kind of coming into his own but he was WELL out of his depth when he first started tbh. like also with magne, i would classify her as more dedicated to the league than spinner because she was ready to throwdown life or death instantly against some random dude. tbh idk how old spinner is but he just seems young sometimes, which yknow maybe because he was a gamer neet due to heteromorph racism and stuff in his ? smaller town? iirc. he was way in over his head and that really kind of cemented for me when i grew to love some characters more than others if this makes sense.
BUT WELCOME to around here anon!!
if i come off as hostile or talking with too much hyperbole or extremism its bc i have been here for a very long time and put up with a fair(unfair?) amount of things lol. my main goal is to mind my own business making bizarre and niche aus for myself and maybe like a few other ppl and friends with my evil little meowmeows. if they haven't killed someone they probably dont interest me too much :p
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ilikefandom · 3 years
“Not” Guilty
Request: Can I request a fanfic where fem reader and Severus are really good friends and like Sev is messed up because he was left rotting in Azkaban for a few years? Also he still feels guilty for everything and GIMME THAT ANGST
Requested by: Anon
Genre: Angst: No happy endings here
Synopsis: Severus recieves judgement, and, in turn judges (Y/n)
Pairing(s): Severus Snape x Fem reader, slight Lily x James
Warnings: Angst!!! Prision. Guilt manifested as anger
Innocent, what a beautiful word. Well, the actual term was ‘Not Guilty’, but that didn’t matter to (Y/n) as she watched the release of her best friend of over twenty years, and her crush for ten of them. 
Three years ago he had survived a brutal attack from Nagini and an entire war, only to be blamed for the torture and murder of several students. Severus Snape was by no means a rich man, however the prosecution's lack of evidence was astounding and Severus was allowed to leave from court. 
Stepping outside of the courtroom, nodding at old colleagues and breathing fresh air, (Y/n) waited outside of the door for fifteen to twenty minutes before moving towards the elevator amongst the wizengamot members. Her anger and relief filled her lungs as the lift raised itself to the highest level. 
A hand tapped her shoulder and she turned to see Arthur Weasly give her a smile. The patriarch of the Weasly family was a comfort to her at this time, and she smiled back. He fell into stride beside her as they made their way to the exit of the ministry. 
“They made the right decision.” Arthur stated. 
(Y/n) turned to him with surprise in her features. Arthur had never liked Severus and neither had Molly, but he had seemed confident in his choice of words.
“I agree. He witnessed it.” She commented as she quickened her pace as if she wanted to escape from the building itself. Which she did. Her long robes swept the floor as she stepped near a fireplace at the side of the room. 
“Molly’s making cottage pie tonight, if you want to attend.” Arthur passed her and stepped into the exit. (Y/n) nodded and followed him through the doorway. 
Stepping out of the toilet on the other end, (Y/N) left the ministry of magic, disappearing as soon as she could. 
Reappearing at the entrance to Spinner’s end (Y/n) strode down the line as she hid her wand in the folds of her dress. She made her way to the squat house that radiated magic and knocked twice. Severus answered the door maybe ten minutes later. His face was cleanly shaved and he was wearing a set of black robes without the outer coat. His coal black eyes bore into the young woman who stood before him.
“Hello Severus, it’s so good to see you.” (Y/n) repressed the urge to smile at her closest friend. “Might I come in?”
Severus grunted, his face lightening in the slightest way as he stepped aside to let her into his residence. The inside of the house was slightly messy, as one would expect for a man that lived alone, however, it was cleaner than the last time she had been in his house.
Snape closed the door and shifted his way to the armchair he usually occupied. The large scar on his neck prominent and stark against his yellowish skin. Sinking into his seat he looked at (Y/n) for the first time in just over four years.
She was beautiful, as always, and had done her hair in a very nice fashion. She looked right back at him and her eyes widened. “Severus,”
He sneered at her then looked at his lap. Surprised (Y/n) fell into silence. She took a deep breath and tried again. “Severus, you know that I support you.”
“But what?” He hissed looking at the woman with malice in his eyes.
Taken aback, (Y/n) looked back. “There is no but Severus. That was an opening for you to tell me how you’re feeling.”
“And what if I don’t want to,” he spat glancing at the ground at his feet, “talk with you about it.”
“I can wait. Severus.” (Y/n) shifted in the chair, uncomfortable, but wanting to support her dearest friend. 
The silence was heavy and deafening as they sat, apart yet together.
“It was the worst experience of my life.” He said eventually, staring intently at his hands. “It was horrifying and it ripped every feeling from my soul to sit in that dump and be around those disgusting creatures.”
“It’s going to be alright Severus.” (Y/n) spoke up, catching his attention and reaching out to touch his hands.
Snape pulled away. “Every child was under my care at Hogwarts, every child. And now there are parents that will never see their children again and it is entirely my fault. I should be rotting in prison right now, not having chats with you of all people!”
“It wasn’t your fault that they died Severus.” (Y/n) tried to say before the wizard stood up and began to pace up and down his own house.
“It was, (Y/n).” He whispered, “I stood idly by and watched death eaters torture and kill my children. I may not have cast the curses that ended their lives, but I am the reason that they are dead and I should have done something, but I didn’t and should be paying the price.”
“You couldn’t have done anything!” (Y/n) stood as well. She reached out to him once again and he pushed her back once again.
“I could have given my life for them, like Potter tried to do! Like Lupin did! Why am I always finding myself in second compared to them!” Severus tore past (Y/n) and grabbed handfuls of his own hair. 
“You never were second.” (Y/n) spoke in a quiet tone as she made her way back to her chair. “You never were compared to them!”
“Was I!” Snape shouted. Scaring his best friend. “Was I not?”
“No. Never!” 
“Really? Because as I recall, Lily abandoned me for Potter and his friends!”
“Severus,” (Y/n) touched his arm as he passed, “You may not have saved those students, but the grief you feel now is consequence enough.”
“Don’t even try (Y/n)!” Severus growled, turning to face her anger apparent on his features.
The din fell once again into silence and (Y/n) sighed. “Severus. We can’t keep doing this. You can’t do this to yourself.”
“We. We! (Y/n) this is my issue not ours!”
“You’re my best friend Severus! That makes it my issue!”
“Maybe if you minded your own business, you wouldn’t have an issue.”
Y/n’s mouth fell open, then closed. She swallowed and got out of her seat. “Maybe if you let me in you wouldn’t have as many problems.”
“How about I show you out instead!” Severus screamed in her direction.
(Y/n)’s heart shattered into a mess of broken bits as she looked at Severus. “You don’t mean that!”
“I do. I want you out. I want you gone. Why I ever thought I could love you is beyond me.”
(Y/n)’s eyes filled with salt water as Severus strode over to the heavy door and shoved it open. “Out. Goodbye (Y/l/n).”
“Severus. Please. I love you.”
(Y/n) nodded solemnly and sniffed her tears back. “I’m sorry have a good night Severus.” She departed, looking back every few paces to see if he would follow her into the darkness. Instead, she heard the door slam shut.
In the days, weeks and even months that passed, (Y/n) went to Severus’ house. He would never answer the door, and she would sit on his stoop for half an hour waiting to see f things would change. Nothing did.
Sometimes, both halves of a whole that could never be would lie in bed at night. Dreaming about how wonderful it would be if they could have made things work that night. But, the more they pondered, and the more they thought about the other, the more grief filled their beings.
Photographs were shoved into the back of (Y/n)’s closet, gifts Severus had given her, and all artifacts of her life with him had been pushed into a dark corner where they would never be found. 
Severus held the small box in his hands running his fingers over the lid, before he promptly returned the small band inside of it, heart heavy with sorrow and his savings account heavy, again, with gold.
Maybe innocent was the right word after all. As both parties settled into a new routine of avoiding each other. For how could either of them ever be not guilty.
Author’s note: I do not own Harry Potter! Please request and comment. I love all of my readers big and small!
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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Disappearance 4: The Child {Katsuki Bakugo}
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! This was a chapter I had a lot of ideas for and was very excited about while writing!
Disappearance Masterlist
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While Toga didn’t hate their associate’s teleportation quirk, she did miss Kurogiri and his warpgate. He was a much better conversationalist than the skittish bald man in the back of the antique shop above their safehouse, plus she enjoyed the dramatic flair of his quirk more. The dark swirls suited her tastes much more than the bright white glow she experienced now.
She kept a hold on the boy as she blinked away the slight dizziness from the teleportation and took in the familiar basement of the tea shop. They’d only started using this shopping center recently since it had better clothing for the kid’s size. It didn’t hurt that the shop was close enough for a quick getaway if necessary.
Scanning the area as they stepped outside, she did notice the pink and red UA heroes on patrol. The curly pink one was wildly telling a story to a small group of citizens and the spiky red one was walking towards a nearby train station. She made a mental note to alert their associates of the increased hero presence; she and the rest of the League should’ve been told about the higher risk.
She brushed the dark hair forward over her shoulders and bowed her head slightly to hide her current face. These heroes were close to Katsuki Bakugo and could recognize her easily if she wasn’t careful. Still, with a firm hold on the boy beside her, she pressed on towards the mall.
The entire time they shopped she kept a watchful eye out for the heroes but didn’t see them inside the complex. Their intel said that they did patrol around the shops throughout the day but it was possible they just weren’t coming around this part of the mall around this time. Even so, she stayed alert until they finished choosing the boy’s new clothes.
With their purchases in one hand and the kid in the other, she stepped out of the shop and headed towards the door. The afternoon shopping rush was entering and she was thankful there would be more cover as they made their way back to the tea shop. Tomura had said to keep the boy in the sun for a bit to try and see what might happen but she was going to err on the side of caution with the two heroes lurking.
Toga saw the bouncy pink one to her left as she stepped into the crosswalk and kept her head low and the kid close, watching the different shoes blur together as she walked. They were only a few meters from the tea shop, from being safe, when she felt two tugs. One on her hand from the boy as his hand was wrenched from her grip and one on her leg as her foot was held in place and she tumbled to the ground.
The bag of clothes spilled out into the street and she hit the pavement hard, scraping her hands and feeling her ankle pop awkwardly. A woman stopped to help her up but she waived her off as she looked back to see thick white tape wrapped around her foot and sticking her to the ground. She sat up and untangled herself as she looked around for the boy.
Panic was bubbling in her chest at knowing she would be in a lot of trouble with Tomura for losing him, and she turned in place as she scanned the area around her. Her ankle throbbed and the blood rushed in her ears when she didn’t see him, instead coming to lock eyes with the red-headed hero standing at the entrance to the mall.
She knew he recognized her but all she could do was run, the pain sharp as she dashed the rest of the way to the tea shop and leaving the clothing strewn in the crosswalk.
Kirishima watched the imposter flee towards the shop and Mina try to give chase through the crowd. There were more people than expected and they were lucky Sero had pulled off his part as well as he had.
From where he stood he could see Sero approaching with the small boy at his side. He’d wrapped him in the hoodie he’d been wearing for his undercover streetwear and he looked positively tiny in the sea of olive green around him.
When they got close, then knelt down to the boy’s level and smiled warmly. “Hey little guy.”
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“I’m very sorry, sir, but he simply won’t speak with me,” the man said timidly. “There’s no way for me to determine if this may be a form of selective mutism or the result—”
Katsuki sighed tiredly. “He’s not responding at all?”
“Not verbally. A few times he would give me a nod or shake of the head but to properly assess him I would need more.”
He looked towards the window into the small conference room where the boy sat. He was lightly tracing square and triangle patterns on the table with his fingers instead of coloring with the art supplies the psychologist had initially brought in.
“You got more toys? Like Legos or blocks or something?”
“Yes, I do have some wooden blocks in my bag.”
He nodded towards the room. “Put them on the table closest to the seat across from him. I’m gonna see if he’ll talk to me.”
Moments later Katsuki was sat at the small table across from the little boy who still had yet to speak. Fearful eyes stared back at him for a moment before darting to the right, one hand absently scratching at his arm.
Deciding to try and ease the tension in the room he looked away from him and busied himself with building a small structure with the wooden blocks between them. He started with a haphazard Jenga-like tower, then decided to try a castle with the cone-shaped blocks as spires.
After a few minutes he felt eyes on him, and without looking up asked, “Do you want to play with these?”
From the corner of his eye he saw the dark mop of hair bob once timidly. It was progress, and he slid the blocks over to the other side of the table. When a full moment passed with the toys in front of him, he slowly took them in his hands and looked them over before starting to stack them.
He could only watch the child in wonder, completely in awe at the parts of him that were so distinctly Chiasa. Even with the grease and knots matting down his hair he could tell that it was dark brown like hers. The concentrated pout of his lips as he focused on building his tower took him back to the nights she stayed up late to finish her projects and that same expression was illuminated by her computer screen.
His heart ached in his chest knowing that this boy was the closest he’d been to her in four years but he hoped that soon he’d have them both in front of him. He could love this little boy if he was a part of her—part of him already did, he thought.
“My name’s Katsuki. Can you tell me your name?” he asked, receiving a shake of the head in answer. “I’m a hero and that means I can help you if you talk to me.”
He paused his building and ran his fingers gently over one of the green blocks, hesitating for a few seconds before whispering, “Kid.”
“Your name… is Kid?” Katsuki asked, his tone even despite his confusion and bubbling anger.
“Yes. And Boy.”
“Is that what your mom and dad call you?”
“Yes,” he said quietly, finally looking up to meet his gaze. “You have red eyes like him. But you don’t scratch like him.”
An ice-cold chill ran up his spine as his worst fears were confirmed with two sentences. He felt sick knowing what this meant, what she would have experienced. She would never by choice, not knowing everything that monster had put him and his classmates through for years.
“Is… is your dad’s name Shigaraki?” he asked, knowing and dreading the answer.
The boy nodded. “Spinner calls him that. Toga calls him Tomura.”
“And what does your mom call him?”
It didn’t matter what she called him, she shouldn’t even be near him.
“She’s always ‘sleep when I see her,” he replied, spinning the block in his hand. “She doesn’t talk to him.”
A picture of what this child and Chiasa had been through over the years began to form in his mind and he pushed down the overwhelming urge to vomit. Instead, he sat forward and continued to speak with the child to get as much info as he could.
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The bland hallways of Tartarus always unnerved him, but this time he was too focused on the task at hand to dwell on it. He had questions that could surely be answered by the man he sought out, though his annoyance couldn’t be kept at bay when the smarmy grin slid across Dabi’s face.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen any of you UA brats other than Shoto,” he said from behind the glass separating them. “What’s the occasion?”
Katsuki walked past the chair reserved for him and stood as close as he could to the glass, all without breaking the villain’s gaze.
“Ohh, serious business then,” he teased, resting his chin in his hand.
“What was the League planning at the time you were captured?”
Cocking an eyebrow, Dabi seemed intrigued by the question. “You wanna know plans nearly five years old? Didn’t take you for the cold case type.”
“This isn’t the time for games!” he snapped. “What was Shigaraki planning?”
“That asshole was always planning different things, nothing was ever set in stone. Doubt he managed to pull any of them off considering you’re alive and so’s Shoto. Why’s it matter?”
“He’s taken hostages and we need to know everything we can. They’ve been with him too long as it is.”
Dabi’s eyes widened slightly in surprise or appreciation—he wasn’t sure which. “Shit, he really got that pretty brunette of yours?”
“Why did he want her?” Katsuki asked lowly.
“To fuck with you,” he scoffed as if it were obvious. “You helped to take away everything from him—he was just returning the favor. ‘Eye for an eye’ type shit. But since All Might bit it he couldn’t take your sensei like you took his, so he settled for your girl.”
His palms were crackling at his sides, smoke escaping from the tight curl of his fists. Every bit of information brought more questions but he was no closer to finding her than he had been. His entire being ached to scream and blast his way through the glass to wring the villain’s charred neck if for no other reason than he had known that Chiasa being taken was a possibility.
“Where would he take her?” he asked through gritted teeth.
A shrug. “Don’t know.”
“Bullshit,” he growled. “We know the League has safehouses across half a dozen prefectures. Where would he keep her?”
“You said it yourself, they’ve got a lot of safehouses. This happened after I was brought in so I wouldn’t exactly know the final verdict on where she’d be taken anyway, hero.”
“If you knew she was going to be taken you know more than just the fact she’s got brown hair. You’d have to counter her quirk and I’ll bet that needed some special fuckin’ consideration. She’d have to be kept out of sunlight or she’d be able to blow you all to hell within an hour!”
Dabi stretched his arms over his head casually. “Told you: I don’t know where she’d be. It’s been like five years.”
“And she’s been there for over four of them!” he shouted, banging his fist against the glass violently enough to make the villain jump. “I always knew you pieces of shit were low but what Shigaraki’s done to her over all this time? Keeping her captive? Fuckin’ forcing himself on her? Making her have his kid? Is that what the League does now? I never supported your fucking cause but at least you had some lines you wouldn’t cross back then. You fucking—”
“His kid?” Dabi said with a sneer. “That dusty little virgin wouldn’t know where to stick it if a girl had a neon sign pointing to her pussy.”
“Then why do I have a kid sitting at my agency with greasy hair and red eyes that can’t stop scratching at his skin and says his dad’s name is Shigaraki?”
“I wasn’t there to—”
“But this little boy was!” Katsuki snapped. “He’s been there all his life and he doesn’t even have a name; your merry band of assholes just called him Kid or Boy. You may hate being Touya Todoroki but at least you have a fucking name.”
Dabi bared his teeth at the mention of his birth name.
“I don’t even think this child has meet his own mother,” he continued, jaw set. “When I asked him about her he told me that every time he’s ever seen her she’s asleep. He has nothing. No name, no quirk, no hope. And no mother, all because of the League.”
He fixed Dabi with a hard stare, the villain now shifting uncomfortably as he thumbed a staple on his wrist. The silence stretched between them for a moment, and then two, and soon almost ten minutes had passed.
Until a single word was given in a quiet grunt.
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated!
Disappearance Masterlist
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laylacooke · 4 years
Sympathy For The Devil || Ariana, Ulfric, & Layla
timing: Friday night (6/19) parties: @letsbenditlikebennett, @big-bad-ulf, & @laylacooke summary: Ari & Ulf vs. Layla. What’s the worst that could happen? warnings: violence, including a rock being used as a weapon.
“I can smell you, Little Wolf. You might as well come out to play.” Layla’s eyes scanned the area for her best friend. Since the fight at the arcade, all had been revealed about who the redheaded wolf had become, and the only worry she held was the fear of having to give up the one thing that was giving her freedom from feeling anything at all; the fidget spinner. “I know you brought the Big Red Mutt with you, too, because, you know...being inseparable and all.” She continued to look around waiting and watching for what the other teenage werewolf had up her sleeve, but Layla had a plan of her own in mind, and if all went accordingly, she wouldn’t be the only heartless monster walking White Crest.
If there was one thing that never failed to make Ariana become annoyed, it was being called little. The fact she was also calling Ulfric a mutt and making their connection seem like a bad thing only furthered the swell of anger that threatened to spill over. She stifled a growl, keeping herself hidden in the brush, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. She’d been a little suspect when Blanche told her about the car thing, but when Layla admitted to killing a man and how much she seemed to enjoy talking about, Ariana was sure she’d done something with that damn fidget spinner. She’d warned her to be careful with it and now here they were, having to hunt her down to keep her from going psycho wolf on the whole town. She looked to Ulfric and mouthed, “Sorry,” for Layla’s rude comment and gave a firm nod, to communicate they’d let her get a little closer before revealing themselves. 
Ulfric felt himself bristle at Layla’s words, letting out a low hiss from between clenched teeth. He knew though, that it was just a tactic to get them to give away their position and the advantage that came with the element of surprise. If it weren’t for the antagonistic context in which they were being employed, he might have felt proud of the young redhead’s adept understanding of battle strategy. As it was, he forced himself to release some of the tension the taunts had stirred within him, digging his heels firmly into the forest floor to ground him and shrugging in Ariana’s direction to let her know he could take whatever she was dishing out. He held up one finger, obscured by the large oak he was crouched behind to signal to Ari to wait. As soon as Layla stepped just a bit closer, or turned her back on them, they’d pounce, and they could dispose of the nefarious and utterly ridiculous toy that was apparently behind all this. 
“Oh, come on. Like I said, I can smell you both. Barely. Considering you broke my fucking nose, Ariana. And neither of you don’t exactly smell like daisies and sunshine. Really should do something about that dog smell, if you want to play hide-n-seek.” She paced the area getting impatient with their games. She knew the reason they had come to play. The fidget spinner, and this time Layla wasn’t taking it out, until she knew she had an airtight hold on Ariana. The device had already been damaged in the previous fight, and Layla had started glitching in terms of the way she felt and the clarity of her mind; a simple hairline crack already doing plenty of damage. And as she continued to scour the area with narrowed eyes and her usually highly sensitive nose, now damaged, she finally picked up on a scent, “And Bingo was their name-o…” Stepping closer, she forced her claws to come out; the control over herself, greater than it once was, and now on the ready to attack and use force if need be.
Ariana rolled her eyes at the whole dog smell thing. As if that was supposed to be some kind of insult. She was a wolf, smelling a bit animalistic was part of the package and she saw no shame in that. It was evident Layla wanted to get a reaction out of her and her annoyance spiked, but not enough to completely reveal herself before she had the ideal position to pounce. Peeking through the leaves, she saw Layla extend her claws. When did she get so good at that anyway? She was honing in on their scent, but she was close enough for her to grab her before she realized it. If Layla was going to be fighting with claws again, Ariana figured it’d be best for her to follow suit, not willing to give her any advantage. This ended tonight. She looked to Ulfric, communicating with a nod, before reaching out and snatching at Layla’s ankle to pull her down to the ground. Now that she was finally revealed, she grumbled, “Oh, shut up already.” 
The boldness and control Layla displayed now was surprising, the opposite of the frightened, turbulent teenager he had come to know. Was that what she’d wished for when she’d used the hypnotic prize on herself? To be everything she wasn’t. Ulfric felt a sharp tug of guilt at the thought, knowing the words he’d said and his distrustful attitude towards her when she first arrived had likely played a part in fueling that desire within her. One distinction between the girl who goaded them now and the one he’d gotten familiar withstood out as possibly giving him and Ari an edge though; while Layla was usually a ball of insecurities this version had taken that to the other extreme and was absurdly arrogant. It will be her downfall, the older wolf thought just as Ari grabbed her ankle to cause her to literally stumble. “Where is it? Where is the gadget spanner?!” He roared, bursting from his hiding place on the opposite side to shoulder charge the girl and help the purple-haired wolf pin her to the ground. “Hand it over, now!”
They still refused to come out and her patience was wearing thin. However, one swift jerk to the leg and she was down with a bit of a yip as she felt Ariana’s claws slightly dig in. Huffing after having the wind knocked out of her, Layla realized if she didn’t want to get caught, she was going to have to scramble fast. And even though the other young wolf had a death grip on the redhead’s ankle, she tugged, feeling skin and jean being ripped, but before she could get away, she felt the weight of Ulf pinning her as well. Letting out a growl, she squirmed managing to at least free one arm where she revealed her own claws and pulled a hand back ready to give Ulfric a swipe, “You’re never going to find it, so let me go!!!” With everything in her, she fought to free herself and keep the precious fidget spinner safe.
Under better circumstances, Ulfric’s booming voice calling it a gadget spanner would have put an amused smirk on her face. At the moment, her anger toward Layla took precedence and she kept a firm grip on her ankle, her claws causing skin and jeans to rip as the red headed wolf tried to rip herself free from her grip. Ariana let out a low growl as Layla tried to break free from their grip. She snarled, “Just give it up, Layla. You’re only making it worse for yourself.” Why she even bothered trying to reason with her, she wasn’t sure, but she quickly yanked on Layla’s leg, claws sinking in just a little deeper when she saw her going for Ulfric. It was clear she wasn’t willingly going to hand the fidget spinner over or leave with them. Ariana was still crouched low to the ground and used her knee to fully pin her other leg to the ground, not daring to give her the chance to run off and do any real damage. 
Ulfric’s growl echoed with the other’s as he just dodged Layla’s strike, her claws dragging and then snagging in the thick khaki fabric of his jacket sleeve. He quickly took advantage of the disruption to her momentum to seize hold of that arm, the arm that she’d injured early into her stay in White Crest and roll away with her, holding it in a contorted, uncomfortable position. “Have you forgotten amidst your little spree,” the wolf’s low voice rumbled in between grunts as she struggled between him and Ari. “That you’re not the only one capable of inflicting damage?” When necessary, he added internally not wanting to dilute the threat implied in his unflinching hold and words. He found it wasn’t difficult to conjure enough anger to seem menacing though, the mounting frustrations he’d felt building up over the last few week’s provided authentic fuel, even he remained reluctant to cause the redhead harm. “You want to be the big bad wolf, Rødhette? Well, if you don’t tell us where the device is will give you something to really howl about.”
The young wolf cried out in pain as Ariana’s claws dug deep into her leg, immediately bringing blood to the surface. Twinzies. It was only fair though. She had done a number on the wolf the other night at the arcade. And any attempt to remove Clifford from the picture was out of the question as he pinned her arm. The God-awful angle it was at had her quivering. Between claws in her leg and the threat of her arm and hand being broken, Layla was trapped. She whimpered as she knew defeat hung heavy in the air, but her mind was telling her otherwise, like a rabid animal with no sense of self-control, and she snarled as her breathing quickened, and she tried to force a shift. Body beginning to ache and the earliest signs of lycanthropy coming into play. Without the fear that had once lingered in her small form, she had more control and power over herself, and if it was going to be an all-out wolf fight, then so be it. 
The whole intimidating vibe Ulf was giving off was clearly working. Ariana could feel Layla squirming underneath her grip as she tried to transform. This wasn’t a side of Ulf she was familiar with, but she didn’t find herself frightened by it. It wasn’t directed at her and she doubted it ever would be. She tried to mirror it, her own growl coming out louder as she focused on keeping Layla’s legs still. They weren’t deep enough in the woods for an all-out wolf brawl. “Ulf,” she urged, “You have to knock her out. She’s trying to fully shift.” 
Ulfric hesitated for a moment at Ariana’s plea. As much as the overheated blood pumping through his veins sung out that he needed to hit something, the thought of directing that energy at Layla gave him pause. Layla had undoubtedly been spurred on to using the hypnotic toy by being unable to cope with her first taste of blood, which had only happened because Celeste hadn’t been there to help her at the full moon, which had only happened because he’d failed to keep her safe. How much further would the ripples of pain from that one-night spread? How much more suffering would he have to inflict on his charges before the mistakes he’d made then were finally dealt with? Layla strained and growled beneath his grasp. Guilt wouldn’t slow her down in her rampage against them and the entire town, he reminded himself as he scrambled for large rock with his free hand, he couldn’t afford to let it hold him back now either. He struck, and the arm he was holding went limp.
“Get the ropes from the back of the truck. Quickly.” Ulfric instructed Ariana between huffs. “I’ll search for the damned devil widget.” With all the tact and patience, he could muster, which was close to none, he searched the young redhead’s pockets until he found it. He only glanced at the device to confirm it, unsure of how easily it’s power could be triggered. It felt so light though, so flimsy between his fingers compared to the rock that weighed heavily in his other hand. All it would take was one good whack and it would be smashed to pieces on the forest floor. He stood and surveyed Layla’s unconscious form, in sleep she resembled the frightened girl they knew much more than the force of destruction she’d been moments before. With aggravated yell that dissipated into a resigned sigh, he threw the rock into the trees away from them, zipping the device securely inside his inner jacket pocket. As much as he wanted all this to be over, he couldn’t risk losing that girl. 
Calmer now, he stooped to pick the young redheaded wolf up. Like the cursed toy, she too felt worryingly light and breakable in his arms. Clutching her tighter, he carried her over to where Ariana was waiting at the truck, readying the restraints. “What are we going to do with you?” He murmured to Layla. It wasn’t the first time he’d asked himself since they’d become acquainted, but he found himself more disturbed than ever at not knowing the answer.  
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bakugou-jpg · 5 years
Hey there!!! I love your writing and I was wondering if you’d be up for doing a scenario with tomura or Dabi having a heavily tattooed and chubby girlfriend that’s super protective. I just think it would be cool to have either of them be super surprised that there usually docile partner gets really riled up about someone being rude to them... idk if it’s stupid feel free to ignore. Thank you!!!
I am so terribly sorry that this is so extremely late! I’ve been awfully busy with college lately so i’m slowly trying to pick up some sort of rythym but i hope you’ll enjoy! Also thank you so much for saying that, you’re very kind, love!
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With one arm rested on the bar as support his other one was resting on his s/o’s thigh. His hand was used as a support for his head while his s/o was leaning close to him while tending the wounds he had on his face and the bleeding patches of purple skin that were close to falling apart after his recent fight with the number 1 hero.
His turqoise eyes were glued on (Y/n)’s shoulder, taking in every detail of their tattoos.
“What you did was childish, all you had to do was take the big guy out and not make a whole entire show out of it by showing off. It’s time to use that head of yours ashtray that way you might actually succeed something” Shigaraki hissed while leaning against a table and glaring at the black haired male sitting at the bar.
Dabi’s head shot Shigaraki’s way and he glared at the male, ready to snarl back at him but (Y/n) was quick to stop him by grabbing his chin and turning his head towards them so they could continue what they were doing. Their eyebrows slightly knitted together as the narrowed their eyes at him.
“Stay still” They mocked.
Dabi gritted his teeth and glares at Shigaraki from the corner of his eye. “If you want the big guy out why don’t you do it your-fucking-self, huh?” He mocked, softly squeezing his s/o’s thigh. The man winced slightly when his partner started putting some new staples in his face. “..Fuck”
His s/o softly stroked his cheek and looked at him in pity. “Sorry, just squeeze my leg for support, it’ll be over soon” They said reassuringly.
“If it weren’t for me you’d still be a good for nothing, living on the streets like some sort of rat, stop complaining scar face” Shigaraki said while putting his feet on top of the nearby coffee table, his hand wrapped around a beer can while holding his pinky up.
(Y/n) furrowed their eyebrows slightly and put another staple into his cheek, Dabi immediately squeezed their thigh and gritting his teeth in response. He was about to open his mouth to talk back but his s/o shook their head. “Don’t talk back, let it rest” They whispered. The male grunted in response, rolled his eyes but still obeyed and kept his mouth sealed.
Dabi glued his eyes onto their body again and attached his hand to their under arm, tracing the lines of a black koi fish that they had tattooed there. It was a rather elegant design, not shading or anything special, just simple yet beautifully detailed line art of a japanese koi fish. He liked it, it was probably one of his favorite tattoos on them.
He exhaled and rolled his eyes, glancing at Shigaraki once more from the corner of his eye before locking eyes with the person sitting in front of him again. They smiled for a moment before putting the stapling machine down.
“You’re a pathetic bunch, Dabi. You gotta step up your fucking game because right now you’re a weak son of a bitch”
The male across the room put his pinky on the can and let it disintegrate, the ash slipping through his fingers and falling onto the ground. Shigaraki referred to it as ‘recycling’, completely misunderstanding the way it was actually done but still thinking it was an okay non-villain like thing to do because he’d prefer to personally be the reason why the world would go to shit through his actions rather than because of some pathetic thing like climate change.
“Guys stop fighting over such small matters, please” Mr compress said with a sigh, Spinner nodding in agreement.
Shigaraki stared at Dabi, who had now gotten up from his stool and was ready to burn him to crisp. His stare was cold and it didn’t hold any kind of specific strong emotion even though the male was ticked off.
Dabi clenched his fists and took a step forward. “You fucker-”
A hand got placed on Dabi’s shoulder and he was pushed down onto his stool, his bewildered, confused and shocked eyes glued onto the person that used to sit in front of him but was now rolling up their sleeves and walking towards Shigaraki.
“You of all people, call him weak?? That’s quite something coming from a guy that almost fucking dies with every single mission we go on” (Y/n) hissed as their usual (E/c) eyes turned into a dark red color.
Shigaraki cocked up his eyebrow and stood up, locking eyes with them and knitting his eyebrows together.
(Y/n) clenched their fist and pushed Shigaraki into a wall. “You’ve never even gotten into a physical fight without getting shot and almost bleeding to death. I’ve had your blood spilling through my fingers more times than anyone here, and that’s a lot when Toga has a blood related quirk.” They hissed while activating their quirk, a red magic circle wrapping around their hand like a bracelet. (Y/n) placed their hand on his shoulder and Shigaraki hissed in pain.
It was as if his muscles were about to be torn apart, and he felt his shoulder screaming for release. It hurt, not too much because he knew they weren’t using full power on him since even though they were mad, they still cared about him in a sort of way.
The man was quick to wrap his hand around their wrist, his pinky hovering above their skin as a warning. Of course Shigaraki wasn’t actually going to disintegrate their arm since he had a certain good spot for the league but he still wanted to warn them.
(Y/n) removed their hand from his shoulder, his muscles immediately relaxing again, and they held their finger in front of his face. “Listen up you fucking crispy skinned, pale fucker. If you call my boyfriend weak one more time i will fucking give you an actual reason to cry out in pain you hear me?”
Everyone in the room had grown silent, staring at the two of them in shock.
Usually, (Y/n) was more laid back. They never really lashed out at anyone but the enemy and pretty much never interfered with the fights their boyfriend and their leader had but the words Shigaraki had just used had seemed to strike a core in them.
Shigaraki removed his hand from their wrist and scoffed. He pushed them away from him and grunted, walking towards the door and leaving the room to go to his bedroom.
Once the man had left, (Y/n)’s eyes turned back to their usual (e/c) color and they took a deep breath, followed by a big sigh.
“Well that certainly was exhausting..” They said under their breath as they turned around again, facing the other members of the league and walking back to the stool they once sat at.
“Damn twinkle toes, i didn’t know you could talk like that” Dabi said with a smirk, immediately leaning forward to place his hand onto their thigh again.
His s/o frowned and looked away. “..sorry i just..I know it’s something sensitive because..well you know. I’m sorry, i just got really riled up because of it and don’t want you experiencing parts of your past because of some crusty dude” They said, laughing a little at their own reference. Their hand reached out for the cloth soaked in whiskey.
Surely it wasn’t an ideal cleaning tool, but it was enough for now and all they had.
Dabi blinked a few times without saying anything. They took his hand an started cleaning some of the cuts he had there.
He had told them about his past before, about his abusive father and constantly getting told he wasn’t enough and too weak and how he ran away from home without saying goodbye to his mother and siblings..Its just that he hadn’t expected them to keep that in mind so much. In all honesty he hadn’t even really cared when Shigaraki said that, it did strike a cord in him but he didn’t immediately link the comment to that.
Without thinking twice, Dabi wrapped his hand around their wrist. They dropped the cloth and cocked up their eyebrow. “Let me tend your-” They started, a pair of rough patched lips interrupting their sentence.
Dabi placed his hand on the back of their neck and deepened the kiss, his other hand tracing up their leg and taking a hold of their hips as he squeezed their skin. A soft surprised yelp came out of their throat and they pulled away, rather embarassed that it had happened in front of everyone. “..sorry”
“Geez get a room, dude” Spinner said while throwing a 5 of heart card on the table,rolling his eyes in disgust. “We don’t need to see that shit”
(Y/n) rubbed their face and exhaled. They picked the cloth that they dropped up and laid it down on the counter. “For once keep in mind that we’re not alone” They muttered, bringing their hand up to his cheek and softly stroking the scarred material to see if it was properly taken care of.
Dabi only smirked and sighed. “You’re completely right.”. He got up and leaned down, inching closer to their neck and let his lips ghost over their soft skin. A shiver ran down their spine and they rested their hand on top of his scarred shoulder. Their face had flushed and their teeth gnawed at their lips.
They were weak for his lips against their neck, it being a very sensitive part of their body and the way his breath was sending shivers down their spine wasn’t making their situation any better. “Dabi-”
A smirk once again spread over his face, one that could compete against toga’s. The villain got up and waved them off as he walked towards the door that Shigaraki had walked through not too long ago.“Well i should go now, got lots of stuff to do ya’ know”
(Y/n)’s face had morphed into to complete utter surprise. As their brain was still progressing what had just happened, they spinned the barstool around and looked at Dabi. They blinked a few times and snapped out of their daze. “What- Where are you going? I thought you were coming to my place?”
Dabi slid his arms into his coat and nodded. “I am, just gotta pick up something first. I’ll meet ya’ there..Maybe take some painkillers beforehand, you always do that when getting those pretty pictures right?”
(Y/n) pulled up their eyebrow and wrapped their hand around the glass that was half full of vodka. “No? Well i mean yea sure i take painkillers when getting tattoos but i’m not getting any today, idiot” They mocked, throwing their head back afterwards and down the rest of their drink.
They put their glass down on the counter and looked at Mr compress, nodding towards their glass and putting a finger up with a friendly smile on their face.
Mr compress nodded and took their glass, pouring another shot into the cup.
“Oh sorry forgot to mention, but you are. I’m opening my own business, just for you. Though my designs are rather different from the rest of your tats’ since mine are temporary and purple, sometimes red. I was thinking of placing them on your neck, chest and maybe your thighs..yea definitely your thighs, that’d look lovely on you my dear” Dabi said, rather casually as if it was nothing.
Spinner rolled his eyes and leaned forward. He put down his beer can and groaned. “Dude you’re fucking disgusting”
The black haired male ignored his fellow villain’s remark and locked eyes with the (e/c) shocked once that were currently looking at him with a mixture of disgust, shock and disappointment. “We’ll discuss the price once you get home. Have a good evening everyone”
And with that, Dabi left and shut the door behind him leaving behind a very uncomfortable quiet hideout filled with villains that were currently all processing what had just happened in their own silent way.
What had happened in the past 30 minutes was a lot, with it going from Dabi coming back all bloody with parts of his scarred skin hanging lose only for his s/o to take care of him that causing Dabi and Shigaraki to argue only for (Y/n) to step in and both physically and verbally attack Shigaraki and for that to lead to this.
Quickly downing their freshly poured drink, (Y/n) sighed and grunted breaking the silence. They put their glass down and turned their body towards Mr compress.
“I need 7 more of those shots”
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Tomura Shigaraki
The league was currently off the radar, hiding ever since the big event that involved the death of Overhaul and also their very beloved member Magne.
Spinner sighed and sunk further down in his chair. “I miss her. Its..different without her around” He said, taking another sip of his beer before throwing it behind him something which made (Y/n) groan.
They walked towards the empty beer can and picked it up. Crossing their arms and looking at Spinner. “We all do.. Wherever she currently is, i’m sure she found somewhat peace instead of living in this hell.”
They walked towards Shigaraki and gently slid a hand over his shoulder, handing the man the beer can only for him to disintegrate with a single touch of his fingers. The male watched the remains whirl to the ground and gather in a small pile.
“We’ll just have to stay low for awhile..” Shigaraki said, his fingers latching onto his own throat and rubbing the already damaged skin once more to calm down the agitating itch on his neck. He couldn’t even rememember for how long his skin had felt that way, all Shigaraki knew was that it had been there for as long as he could remember and that it would never stop.
(Y/n) glanced over to his neck and their eyebrows scrunched together just slightly. They reached their hand out to Shigaraki’s and guided it away from his neck, preventing him from irritating his skin any further than it already was, only for the man to get ticked off and send a glare their way. On the other side of the room there was some shuffling,  something which caught their attention.
“This is fucking bullshit..”
The scarred man threw a still half full can of beer against the wall, its contents spilling onto the ground. He got up, his body slightly swaying hinting to the fact that he might of have been intoxicated.  "Every fucking time. Every single fucking time you..“ He pointed his finger at Shigaraki who was starring daggers into his skull.
”..fuck it up for all of us. I’m fucking done, with this bullshit. Serving your fucking ass as if you’re some kind of god while you’re really just some useless piece of shit" The man slurred while making his way towards Shigaraki.
Spinner rolled his eyes and got up from his stool, grabbing Dabi’s shoulder and holding him back. “Bro, you’re a mess stop i- Fuck!” The scaled man yelped out in pain and held his, now burned, hand close against his arm. Toga glanced over Spinner’s shoulder and watched the scene unfold, mr compress examining his hand to see how bad the burn had been.
Shigaraki brushed (Y/n)’s hand of his shoulder and he got up, ready to throw hands at the drunk male that was currently approaching him. “Watch your tongue, scarface.” He said while rolling up his sleeves, his fingers spreading.
Dabi grinned, his hand opening with a small blue flame emitting from his palm. “Watch your own ass, your crusty fucke-” “Quit it!”
A hand yanked Shigaraki back, pushing him back onto the stool he once sat at and the same one pushed Dabi back a few steps which almost made him stumble over his own feet. (Y/n) switched their glare between Dabi and Shigaraki, but mostly looking at Dabi, and bawled their fists. 
“Instead of acting like fucking 13 year olds learn to put up with each other’s arses cause you’ll be stuck with each other for quite some time and i simply refuse to act like an elementary school teacher all the goddamn time you hear me?!” They spat out, making everyone grow quiet.
Shigaraki only looked at Dabi with pure disgust in his eyes, wanting nothing to disintegrate that smug look off of his face and disintegrate the remains of whatever was left of him after that. Of course it was just a thought, something he wouldn’t actually do..for now. 
(Y/n) let out a frustrated sigh and shook their head slightly.
“The only child here is that boytoy of yours, doll. Unlike him i’m a man, one that could please you in ways he wishes he could.” Dabi said, his shit eating grin once again present on his face. His turqouise eyes were locked onto their body, taking in every detail of it.
Twice nervously watched the scene unfold and tugged at his mask. “Dabi cut it out they’ll kill you. Continue doing so”
Shigaraki gritted his teeth, his blood boiling with rage. He could’ve choked Dabi with his bare hands, not caring if he would’ve killed him doing so, yet the reassuring hands of his s/o wrapped around his worked like a candle snuffer that turned his rage into a small dim ember. When his eyes locked with theirs, his heart felt at ease although he might of have not been showing it from the outside.
“Its okay, twice. I know better than to react to satisfy that shit faced fucker by reacting to him.” They said, reaching for the glass of whiskey that stood behind Shigaraki. They took a quick sip and breathed out, taking in the bitter taste of the alcohol hitting their taste buds.
Dabi only snickered and dug his hands into his pockets. “Can’t you see they’re using you? That they’re really just scared of you, therefore hiding behind the title of your lover?” He slurred once again. Dabi shook his head and turned on his heel, walking towards the door.
“That boyfriend of yours is only capable of caring for his own power, he’ll never be able to truly care for you” Dabi scoffed. He snatched a beer bottle out of Twice’s hand and brought it up to his patched  mouth. 
A piercing pain suddenly shot through his body, his body panicking at first for not being able to detect its cause at first. His lungs felt like as if they were squeezing all of the oxygen out by themselves, his mouth gasping for air. His throat rejected the beer he had just swallowed and he coughed it up, choking on the remains that were left in his throat. It felt as if all of the staples on his body were about to rip through the rest of his skin and let the loose patches of skin detach from his body. “Y-yo..Y-you b-bitc-”
“Tomura is ten times more of a man than you’ll ever be. Not in a million years would i let you come even come near my body. You, Dabi, are a fucking disgusting scarred piece of shit that i wouldn’t want to be found dead with in a million years.”
Their red eyes were glowing with nothing but rage, their hand up in the air while it emitted a red glowing light that connected to Dabi’s body.
Everyone in the room grew dead quiet, the only sound being Dabi’s suffering. Even Shigaraki grew quiet and was rather shocked. Surely he had seen his s/o use this kind of power before whenever they were in a fight, but they were usually the peacemaker and never the one to snap back. And this..was definitely not what he had expected they’d be capable of.
When Dabi really started choking on his beer, (Y/n) blinked a few times and let their eyes return to their normal (e/c) color. The red light between their hand and Dabi disappeared and Dabi immediately gasped for air, coughing violently afterwards.
“You’re fucking insane, guess that’s why you two pyschos were get it on so much. Jesus fucking christ” He rubbed his throat and groaned loudly, walking towards the entrance and leaving the room, a silence falling over the room again.
(Y/n) sighed and rubbed their temples, a small headache coming up as a side effect of their quirk. They walked towards the stool that was positioned next to Shigaraki’s and took a seat, leaning onto the bar and cupping their face in between their hands.
“Damn it..” They hissed, their hands violently rubbing their temples now that the headache got worse. A small chuckle left their mouth and they side-eyed Shigaraki. “You know, maybe if i went to UA instead of choosing this path maybe they would’ve taught me how to prevent these” They said, waiting for a reaction only to get none.
Shigaraki only sighed and turned his stool to the bar, scooting his stool just a little closer to theirs. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a small package out of it, laying a small platic bag with about a dozen of light purple pills in front of them. 
Pulling up their eyebrow, (Y/n) grabbed the package and examined it. “What’s this? Drugs?” They asked, only for Shigaraki to scoff. 
“I’m not a drug dealer..Its a quirk side effect inhibtor, for your headaches” He muttered, clear enough for them to hear.
Smiling, (Y/n) put their hand on top of his and squeezed it softly. “Thank you” They whispered.
Shigaraki sighed, a very faint and rare smile tugging at the edge of his lips. He raised his hand and put it on top of their head, with his pinky up. No words needed to be said, for they already knew how Shigaraki spoke in actions.
They leaned closer to him, their lips parting slightly as they whispered something into his ear something which was only loud enough for him to hear
“Love you too, Tomura”
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silvana-fangirls · 6 years
Target [Dabi x ua!Reader] Chapter 5
Hey guys! Sorry this took a lot longer than I hoped... I was sick and I didn't take care of myself properly and I ended up in the hospital for being reckless but I'm okay now and I've learned my lesson too :) I guess that with work and college everything just gets in the way.
I hope the wait was worth it.
Anyways, there're notes at the end so please take a look at them :)
Links to chapters: 
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or below the cut
You remember a time when your parents were the best there ever was. You supposed most kids feel the exact same way about their parents, some even holding to that feeling till they grow old.
You were little, naïve and ignorant to the outside world; but even as a kid, you were pretty much independent.
Your days were a well-known routine. You’ll wake up, have breakfast, get home-schooled by mom till noon, have lunch with them before they left for the day, play till they came back late at night, get surprised with expensive presents as soon as they got back.
They were good parents back then, because you didn’t know. You didn’t know what they were doing when they got out, or from where did the presents came, or that pretty jewelry your mom definitely didn’t have when she left before, or those stains in their clothes… You never really asked any questions, but how could you? You were an innocent child.
Things started to get odd in ‘middle school’, after you got your quirk (which was definitely a surprise, because your dad was quirkless and your mom only managed to move some objects a bit, so you thought you wouldn’t be getting one).
You asked to go to school like normal kids instead of being home schooled. The answer came quick: ‘absolutely not’.
It didn’t matter how much you cried, kicked and screamed at the time, their cold eyes as they gave you the same answer never changed.
It made no sense, and you simply couldn’t understand it. What was so wrong about school? Getting to know kids your age? Make friends?
It was only then that you started to notice some odd behaviors. Before that you didn’t seem to notice that you were barely allowed to go outside to begin with, or that you weren’t allowed to talk to your own neighbors unless it was strictly necessary, or that you were strictly prohibited to let anyone inside the house, or that you could only order food from certain places.
While your parents were masterly dodging your incessant questions the presents and expensive stuff kept coming, as the messy state your parents returned home in.
It was only when you were all seating in the living room, watching the news on T.V. that something clicked.
‘The pair of self-proclaimed ‘wizards’ did it again. Yesterday night they managed to steal several art pieces valued in ¥ 10.596.026, while killing 4 guards in the process. Pro Hero n°5 Edgeshot got to the scene, but all attempts to stop the couple of villains were useless due to Genkaku Warlock’s quirk: Mind Manipulation. Till the day it seems impossible to stop this two villains’
“I hope they catch them” You said, eyes glued at both masked photos of the villains. You’ve heard of them, how could you not? They were everywhere and they seemed to be pretty unstoppable. No hero has ever landed a strike on them yet, not even a finger.
You knew it was all thank to the guy’s quirk. Mind Manipulation. From what you’ve heard, he could make you see things that weren’t there, hear nonexistent noises, feel ghost touches.
You imagined it was definitely hard for heroes, and so easy for them.
Your parents didn’t say a word regarding your comment.
“Maybe All Might could defeat them” You said again.
“He can’t” Your father’s voice was ice cold and downright terrifying. You’ve never heard that tone of voice before coming from his mouth.
You shut your mouth, and didn’t dare to turn to him.
After that, it started as an experiment. Just so you could shake those chills out of your body, just so you could erase that suspicion.
You started to ‘fangirl’ over heroes (thing you never did before, probably because you lived practically trapped in the apartment). You started talking about them with your parents, commenting about their good deeds, admiring their achievements.
It was not until you told them that you wanted to be a hero that they exploded.
You could still hear their screams from that they in your head. All those offences towards the heroes, the utter hate in their eyes, the rage in their voices. How they explained to you that heroes were the worst type of scum in the universe.
That day they made you promise that you’ll never be a hero.
And that day they also gave you the answer you wanted, but the one you were desperately wishing it wasn’t true.
It took some digging, but you managed to match all the dots and figure it out.
The final and crucial clue was realizing that besides having your mother’s quirk, you did have your father’s as well. With the difference that you needed to touch someone to make it work unlike him.
So, you confronted them, and they accepted it without even flinching.
After that you realized that, while you knew your parents loved you, they were much more interested in keeping you under their control than anything else.
Your life was shit after that, and the routine changed. You’ll wake up, have breakfast alone, study on your own, have lunch alone, watch your parents leave, watch them in the news as they mercilessly destroyed everything in their path… killing innocents, stealing stuff, destroying homes… all that while the heroes’ desperate attempts went by practically unnoticed since they were completely useless.
Still, one thing didn’t make sense yet.
A night when they returned, you asked them.
“You can easily do all the things you do without hurting or killing anyone. So, why do you?”
That answer was the one that made you decide.
“Because it’s way more fun this way” Was what you father said, as he smiled wickedly along with your mom.
You turned on your heels and went straight to your room without even reacting to what they said, with your mind set on your goal.
Bakugou grunted again and muttered a low curse. You couldn’t help but admire his insistence. He spent the whole night trying to get out of those cuffs. He didn’t even blink an eye.
You wouldn’t have either, if it wasn’t for the stupid headache that was threatening to make you go insane. It was so strong that it did make you faint several times through the curse of the night.
“Dammit!” Bakugou cursed again, shaking his boxed hands as hard as he could.
You blinked a bit, adjusting your sight. There were bright yellow lights coming through the holes of the windows, meaning it was morning already.
The sounds of sudden steps coming from the hall made Bakugou stop. You both turned to the door and saw as it opened.
“Rise and shine, sleeping beauties!” Magne said getting inside the room as most of them followed.
“Anyone had a sudden change of heart while sleeping?” Spinner asked, taking a booth.
“Fuck you” Bakugou spat, glaring daggers at both of them.
“Someone’s grumpy in the mornings” Dabi lazily said as he got in the room, followed by Shigaraki. Bakugou growled at him.
“So” Shigaraki said. “Any of you thought of what I proposed yesterday?”
“Yeah” Bakugou said and you were actually surprised that some of the villains looked hopeful. “I thought that you need to shove your proposition up your ass” Some of the villains groaned at this.
“I’m tired of this freaking kid! I wanna be like him!”  Twice exclaimed.
Shigaraki sighed.
“Whatever, you’re gonna have more time to think about it anyway. Today’s moving day”
“Moving day?” Magne asked. “Didn’t you say we can go outside carelessly because we could be seen? How are we supposed to move and go by unnoticed? Plus I bet this two wouldn’t exactly be quiet about it”
“There’s Kurogiri for that, you idiot” Shigaraki said. “We already have the location, so that won’t be a problem. Go pack your stuff. Once we’re done we’ll be moving this two first” He said pointing the two. “Twice go see if you can give them a drink or something, we’re still recruiting them even if they’re just brats”
“Why is it always me!? Sure thing!” And Twice left the room.
“Do I have to repeat everything I say? Move it! If you don’t have anything to pack then help move other stuff”
You eyes were glued to the floor as you listened everyone leave, careful not to make eye contact with any of them.
As soon as the door was closed, Bakugou spoke.
“We need to get the hell out of here before they move us” He said, once again trying to shake off his restrains.
“Will that make a difference?” You couldn’t help but ask. What was the difference between escaping this place or the next one?
“Yes, there is” Bakugou said, and you could almost feel how he bit back a ‘you idiot’ since apparently your question was stupid enough. “If they feel the need to move means that this location isn’t safe enough for them, or that it can be compromised. They probably look for a safest location last night. They already know that we’re not willing to accept their offer, so there’s also a chance that this new place can contain us better. That’s why we need to escape from here”
You blinked in surprise at his reasoning. He was completely right and it shocked you how quick he analyzed the situation. But then again, he technically was the best first year student from UA.
“I can’t use my quirk with this on my head” You said, even if he probably was already aware of that.
“We need to figure something out” He said, since he couldn’t use his quirk either. “Fuck!” He cursed out loud.
The door opened and you both snapped your heads towards it.
Twice walked in, holding two water bottles as he was being followed by Dabi.
Dabi gave a quick glance at you both before grabbing one of the bottles.
“Take care of him” Dabi ordered, pointing at Bakugou with his head.
“Okay! Me again? No way! You do it!” Twice whined.
“Yeah, no thanks. I don’t feel like getting spit all over me”
Twice whined again a but resigned and turned to Bakugou that was currently screaming ‘fucking coward’ at Dabi.
Your eyes were glued to the ground again. Of all the villains here, he was the one you’d rather not see. It pissed you off just to acknowledge his presence before.
How he used your drawback to defeat you, how he was practically playing with you while you battled, how he abducted you even though you already said you weren’t interested in whatever they got to offer.
He really was a coward.
‘I could spit on you if I wanted to, too’ You couldn’t help but think, not that you’ll do it though.
Even if you weren’t looking up, you saw his feet stopping right in front of you.
You felt him crouch down to your level and once he got comfortable enough you were able to see how he started to open the water bottle to then bring it close to your mouth.
You were quick to dodge him.
He let out a short, dry chuckle at your actions.
“I thought you were done playing difficult” he said, but you were pointedly ignoring him while looking away, your lips as far as they could from the bottle.
You focused your gaze on Bakugou for a moment (that was also giving that other villain one hell of a bad time by avoiding to drink) until you felt his fingers grab your chin and make you look at him.
“Hey! Get your hands off her you crusty bastard!” Bakugou shouted.
Dabi shot him a brief irritated look before turning to you, still holding your chin in place.
When his aquamarine orbs met yours, you fought back a shiver out of fear.
He could easily burn your face up just like he did with Bakugou’s nape anyways. Still, you refused to show him that.
Instead, you frowned and glared at him.
“You better drink this” He said, and made a motion attempting to make you drink again.
“I’m not thirsty” You snarled, trying to get free of his hold.
You felt him tighten up his grip and for a moment you could almost see yourself with a giant burnt scar in your face.
“This is all you’ll be getting till we get at our new location, so you better take it” He said again.
Your only response was to press your lips tightly against the other.
A smirk grew from the corner of his lips, as he slowly released his hold on your chin.
“It’s gonna be fun to have you till you agree to join us” Dabi said to you as he got up. “C’mon Twice, let’s go” He said.
“But he hasn't drink anything yet! About damn time!” A now soaked wet Twice said, holding a nearly empty bottle.
“Doesn’t matter” Dabi said, walking towards the door before stopping one last time to look at you “They aren’t thirsty anyways” He said and then left, followed by Twice.
“I wish I could kill those bastards” Bakugou growled.
“That makes two of us” You honestly said.
“We need to get outta here” He said as he tried once again to get free form his restrains. “You need to try to use your quirk”
You gazed at him nervously because you knew it’ll take a miracle to make your quirk useful under the conditions, but you nodded anyways. He was right, you needed to get the heck away from here before you were moved.
You focused your eyes on your hands, and fought against the agonizing headache as you tried to make your quirk work.
It’s been hours.
The lack of light coming from the wholes of the windows proved that it was nighttime already, and also the fact that a small part of you was regretting deeply not taking even a sip of water before.
You were thirsty, hungry, tired but overall physically fatigued and in pain. You were dizzy due to the headache, and even if after long hours you managed to create tiny and useless purple blasts from your hands you knew for sure that if you managed to get free now you wouldn’t even be able to walk.
“We don’t have much time less” Bakugou said, obviously impatient and irritated. “Damn it!” He said looking at the now dented box that was holding his hands. Even if he managed to dent it pretty bad, he still couldn't open it. “How you doing?” He asked rushedly.
“I-I still can’t…!” You stuttered, trying to focus your dizzy sight at another of the many blasts that just like the others was too tiny and too thin that it broke into a million pieces instantly to then vaporize into nothing.
Bakugou began muttering a curse that was cut short by the door suddenly opening.
You could see as Bakugou smashed the box one more time against his chair while the villains weren't focusing on you two just yet, and then you heard it.
It was so faint that you almost thought you were hallucinating it due to the headache.
“Got it”
It was the faint but reassuring look of victory in his eyes that gave it away.
“We already moved all our stuff to the new place, now’s your turn” Shigaraki said.
“You heard them kids, time to go!” Magne said with a smirk.
“Nah” Bakugou said, making everyone stop in their tracks.
“I’m sorry?” Shigaraki asked, clearly confused at the bold answer.
“I said no. I don’t fucking think so” Bakugou said again and only a quick glance to you was the warning to what came next.
You covered yourself as you could.
A brutal explosion made all of his restrains fly away in pieces. A large cloud of smoke covered the room, and when it finally dissipated, Bakugou was in front of you while looking at the villains with a wicked smile.
“I’m gonna explain this once” Bakugou said, gazing at each of them. “You either let us go or I’ll blast all of your faces off!” He threatened.
“Compress” Shigaraki said, but as soon as Mr. Compress made a move Bakugou blasted him off making him crash against the wall.
Everyone stood quiet for a moment.
“We don’t have time for this” Shigaraki said. “The Heroes could be anywhere now, we can’t be too careful” He added. “Master… lend me your power”
“A ‘master’?” Bakugou asked in a mocking voice. “I thought you were the boss around here” He added. “But you’re just a pathetic sidekick”
“Kurogiri” Shigaraki said. “Time to go. Someone take care of the girl”
“I can’t believe they’re such bad audience members, it’s almost impressive” Compress sighed as he got up from the previous attack.
You saw as Kurogiri began walking towards Bakugou that was in defense position waiting to strike if needed.
All eyes were trained on them as they waited for Bakugou’s rampage to unfold.
But the nerve-wrecking moment was cut short by a nock on the door.
“Hello. I’ve got a pizza delivery here” Someone said from outside.
Everyone stood completely still and in silence… until the wall where Spinner was laying on collapsed.
“SMASH!” All Might’s distinct voice said as he landed in the room.
You suddenly felt like crying tears of joy.
“What the-?” Spinner said in utter shock, still knocked down on the floor.
“Kurogiri! Gate!” Shigaraki urged.
“Pre-emptive biding Lacquered Chain Prison!” Kamui Woods exclaimed as he got into the scene. Trapping all villains with his famous attack.
“Ha… That’s it?” You heard Dabi said and a chill ruined down your spine. If he was to burn his way out then y’all were good as dead.
But your worries disappeared once a tiny, old here jumped into the scene. Quick as light, he knocked down Dabi by bouncing on his head.
“Don’t do anything foolish! It’d be in your best interest to cooperate with us” He said once he knocked him out.
“Just what I’d expect from a competent new hero” All Might said, referring to Kamui Woods. “And a veteran pro that moves faster than the eye can see, Gran Torino” He added. “You can’t run anymore, League of Villains, understand?” He exclaimed. “Because we are here now!”
You let out a relieved gasp.
“Just a day after the press conference?” Mr. Compress exclaimed in desbelief.
“Tree man you’re hugging me too tight! Tighter!” Twice said.
“One tends to neglect defense when they’re in the offense” Edgeshot said entering the room with his quirk. “But we didn't come alone. Take a look” He added and opened the door, letting in a dozen of police man. “You’re surrounded by the police. Not to mention powerful heroes like Endeavor” He added.
All Might took a look at the two of you.
“Oh, you must’ve been scared” He said. “But you stayed strong. I’m sorry, kids. You’re safe now” He said.
“WHAT!? I wasn't scared! Not even close!” Bakugou shouted at him.
You can kinda vouch for that.
All Might just gave him a thumbs up before turning to you.
“Don’t worry, young lady. We’ll get you out of those right now” All Might said to you, but before he could even give one step towards you, Shigaraki roared in full rage.
“Kurogiri! Bring over as many as you can!” He commanded.
“The nomus, right?” All Might asked.
“What are you waiting for, damn it!” Shigaraki turned to Kurogiri.
“I’m sorry, Shigaraki Tomura. The Nomus were supposed to be on a fixed location but… they’re gone…” Kurogiri explained in shame.
“Huh?” He exclaimed in disbelief.
“It seems you’ve got a lot to learn, Shigaraki” All Might said laying his arm on Bakugou’s shoulders. “You’re still green” he added. “Your little League, underestimated all of us: The souls of these two young people, the police’s diligent investigations and our righteous fury” He explained. “Enough is enough. Your days must come to an end, Shigaraki Tomura”
“All Might, please!” Spinner begged. “You’re the only hero to be respected. You’re worthy!”
“You think it’s over?” Shigaraki asked with clenched teeth. “Don’t be stupid. I’ve only just began to play… Justice, peace… You’ve created a garbage society by lifting up such ridiculous ideals. That’s why I targeted you, All Might” He explained as he started to get up. “It’s why I started gathering people to my cause! You think this is the end…? Then you’ve lost” He added. “Kurogiri-!” He began to exclaim but Kurogiri was instantly attacked by Edgeshot and resulted unconscious.
“What just happened!?” Mayne exclaimed horrified. “Did they kill him? I couldn’t see anything!”
“I’ve played around with his insides and left him unconscious” Edgeshot explained. “Nimpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce.” he gave the name of his attack. “This man was always a nuisance. I’ll have him sleep”
“Weren’t you listening earlier?” Gran Torino said.“Y’all be better of if you take us seriously” he added. “Hikiishi Kenji” He said looking at Magne. “Sako Atsuhiro” He turned to Mr. Compress. “Iguchi Shuichi” He turned to Spinner. “Toga Himiko” He turned to Toga. “Bubaigawara Jin” He turned to Twice. “Though they had little time and information, the Police worked through the night to discover your true identities. Do you understand? There’s nowhere else for any of you to run”
You couldn't help but notice that Dabi’s true name was not being mentioned.
“So, Shigaraki. One question: Where is your boss hiding?” Gran Torino asked.
Shigaraki stood still in shock for a moment.
“…No.” He whispered. “This is not over… Just you wait. The game is still mine!”
“You tell us where he is right now!” All Might demanded.
“Go away” He hissed. “Disappear!”
“Shigaraki!” All Might warned, angry.
“This is your fault!” He shouted and you started to feel terrified just by looking at his face. “I HATE YOU!”
As soon as he screamed, black dense liquid appeared at both of his sides, making you gasp in fear.
Nomus were coming out from them.
“Nomu!” Kamui Woods exclaimed. “How did they get here!? What is this!?”
More black liquid portals started to appear all over the room.
“Dammit, Edgeshot! Stop Kurogiri!” Gran Torino shout.
“He’s still out. This isn't his doing!” Edgeshot said after checking on Kurogiri.
“Don’t release them under any circumstances, got it!?” All Might ordered Kamui Woods.
After that all you could feel was the sudden feeling of having something coming out of your mouth.
You tried to stop yourself but before you knew it the same black liquid was coming out of your mouth, surrounding you.
You screamed.
“C-Crap!” Bakugou exclaimed, and you could only guess he was in the same situation.
The last you saw was Edgeshot trying to get you with desperation all over his face, before everything turned black.
As soon as you felt your feet hit something solid you collapsed in the ground, coughing continuously as you felt how that disgusting liquid left your body. The only thing you did other than gagging was taking off the belt off of your head.
You could hear more coughing around you.
“D-Dammit!” You heard Bakugou said between coughs, and judging by how close you heard them, you only supposed he was right next to you.
You only stopped trying to get as much of that liquid out of your body when you saw dressing shoes stop right in from of you.
“My apologies Bakugou, (Y/N).” A voice said, and your head snapped up to meet his owner.
Your breath hitched once you saw a man, with no face, ‘looking’ down at you.
You felt Bakugou instantly yanking you up by one of your arms to get some distance between you and the man.
You heard noise from behind, and both of you turned to watch as the League of Villains arrived to the place by the same liquid portals.
“That was so gross!” Toga said covering her mouth in order not to puke.
“This black stuff reeks! I love it!” Twice exclaimed.
Shigaraki was the last one to appear, kneeling on the ground.
“Master” He said and gave a small bow down.
“So, you failed once more, Tomura” He said at first, and walked to him. “But you must not be discouraged” He said. “You’ll try again. That’s why I brought your associates back with you. Even this children. Because you judged that they were important pieces on your game board” He offered him a hand. “Start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. All of this… is for you”
Bakugou made you a motion to stay focus.
“Ah…” The strange man suddenly said. “…There you are”
In less than an instant, All Might crashed against him, the contact between the two created a wave of wind that made you both stumble backwards.
“I’ll have you return my students, All For One” All Might said.
“Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?” All For One asked.
Once they finally separated, an ever stronger wind of power made the ground collapse, sending you flying away a few meters. Bakugou was quick to grab you while at it, so when you crashed to the ground you weren't far from him.
You could hear a faint exchange between All Might and All For One, but the wind was still loud enough to block most of the sounds around you.
You saw All Might charging at him again, but when he was about to hit him, All For One’s arm got bigger, and with wild, strong winds coming from his extended hand, he sent All Might crashing back.
“A-ALL MIGHT!” Bakugou exclaimed.
“Don’t you worry” All For One said. “It’ll take more than that to kill him” He explained. “Get off the battle field, Tomura, and take these children with you” Black things came from his fingers, and pierced through Kurogiri’s still unconscious body. “Kurogiri, walk them away”
“Be careful!” Magne exclaimed. “One of the heroes messed with him and he’s unconscious” He said obviously worried. “I’m not sure what’s going on but if you can teleport why don't you get us out of here?” He asked.
“My war power’s still new Magne, there is much I need to learn about it” He explained. “It’s distance is limited, and while he can teleport to specific coordinates I only transport people to and from my own location. It’s easier to have Kurogiri do it” And once he finished saying this, a big black portal showed up. “Forcible Quirk Activation!” He exclaimed. “Leave this place” He then said to Shigaraki.
“What about you?” He asked, but before All For One could answer, All Might rose up to the sky.
All Might started charging to him, so All For One separated himself from Shigaraki.
“You’re not thinking, Tomura. There remains much more space for you to grow” He said.
“Let’s go, Shigaraki” You heard Compress said. “While our masked lead is keeping All Might. Claim your price” He said, and you instantly knew he was talking about you two.
“You good to go?” Bakugou muttered only for you to listen.
“Yes” you said, even if it wasn't true. There wasn't much left to do now. Maybe your quirk will be useful at least to defend yourself.
“Keh” Bakugou let out, positioning himself. “This is gonna be fun” He said to the villains.
“You, kids, don’t!” You heard All Might exclaim at you, but you didn't turn to him.
You acknowledged the fact that both of your presences here were holding back All Might. He was distracted because of you, so you needed to get the hell away from here so he could finish this guy up.
The first move was made by Twice, shooting one of his measuring tapes at Bakugou.
Knifes came at you then, and you almost wanted to snort in irony since deep down you knew Toga was going to hit you first now that Dabi was still out.
You dodged several knifes while blocking two with small barriers that were strong enough to stop them from hurting you.
Bakugou blasted her off of you by making the ground explode.
“Behind you!” You exclaimed as you saw Compress get near Bakugou from behind. He blasted the ground again, using the explosion as propulsion to flip over him. With a energy ball strong enough, you pushed Compress out of the way.
“Don’t let him lay a finger on you!” Bakugou exclaimed at you, while he used explosions to dodge the villains jumping over their heads.
The knifes returned, and you were once again using barriers to keep Toga away from you.
‘This crazy bitch! From where are all this knifes coming from anyways!?’
You felt your quirk starting to fail already, which wasn't really a surprise considering the huge amount of rubble and dust the place had due to the fight.
You started to just dodge them then, deciding to use your limited quirk if only necessary.
You watched something from the corner of your eye.
The wall from behind exploded, and you could see as two gigantic ice ramps started to grow from the ground.
Three guys from class 1-A were running up one, with their eyes set on their goal.
“(Y/N)!” A familiar voice shouted from behind you.
Kendou was there, using her quirk, while Todoroki and that girl from class 1-A with the creation quirk were holding her up. They both have jetpacks behind them.
It took you only one second to figure out their plan.
When Dabi woke up he didn't understand a thing.
He saw All Might fighting against some guy, the rest of the League trying to catch both of the UA kids while they were dodging them and Kurogiri out cold while a portal was open up right in front of him.
It took a few seconds to figure out what was going on, but as soon as he got up, the wall from behind collapsed and two ice ramps started to grow from the ground.
And he didn't need to see to know who was causing this.
“(Y/N)!” Someone exclaimed, making (Y/N) turn to the voice instantly. Dabi saw the girl take a quick glance at the other group of ‘rescuers’ an it seemed that once she was sure that Bakugou was getting rescued as well, she charged towards the right position for her friends to take her.
There was no way in hell he was letting her escape.
Not only he was knocked unconscious and remained useless like a weak loser while everyone else was fighting, but there was absolutely no way he was letting her be saved by him of all fucking people.
He run towards her while shooting fire to the ramp as well.
“Come on!” He heard one of the kids reaching Bakugou said, to then hear Bakugou blast himself off the ground to get to them.
Dabi knew he wouldn't get in time, but he was still running towards her while melting down the ice.
Dabi heard Magne ordering Spinner and Compress to go grab Bakugou, so Dabi knew that at least they’ll get him.
He saw the girl with big hands grabbing her. Still he didn't stop.
He heard Compress go off as a canon towards Bakugou, and by seeing him from the corner of his eye he knew that he’ll meet the mark.
But apparently, he wasn't the only one who realized that.
Even if she was up in the air as the ones with the jetpacks were taking her away, he saw her horrified eyes once she saw the destiny that was awaiting Bakugou.
It took her no more than a mere instant to decide what to do.
She was up in the air but somehow he felt as if he still heard her.
“I’m sorry” She said to her friend with the big hands.
“What!?” The other girl exclaimed terrified.
She broke free from her grasp, and while falling down he set her target. With both of her hands she created a large purple ball, that was then blasted to Compress, getting him out of the way and saving Bakugou in the process.
“(Y/N)!” The redhead exclaimed with tear in her eyes, as the others seemed to realize that no matter how much they wanted to, they couldn't get back to get her because now the villains would definitely stop them.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Bakugou turn for a moment, maybe due to the commotion happening behind him.
The girl was nearing the ground, and Dabi was there to catch her.
The impact made both crash into the ground, but he was quick to get up and trap her.
“NO!” He heard from behind, the distinct voice of the angry kid. “Turn back you idiots! Or I will! We need to go get her!”
He picked up the girl and placed her on his right shoulder like a sack of potatoes while he listened the UA kids trying to convince Bakugou that if they went back, none of them will be able to get out of the situation again.
“One false move and I’ll burn you alive” Dabi told her, feeling her crying as he walked towards the portal.
“I won’t be leaving without her!” Bakugou’s faint voice could be heard, as they got away in the air.
“We can’t go back! We’ll only make things worse now!” Someone else said.
“You don’t fucking get it!” Bakugou roared.
“We do get it! I came here for her, Bakugou, and even I know that we can’t go back now!” The red head said.
“All Might’s gonna get her” Thats the last thing he heard before crossing up the portal and stepping in their new ‘hideout’.
“You ended up being a bigger pain in the ass than I took you for” He said, taking the crying girl with him to some safest room where he could keep her while he found something to keep up her headache.
So, we got part 1 of the reader's backstory, next chapter it's part 2 (and final part of backstory I suppose). The villain name of the reader's dad means hallucination and yes it was just google translate. I'm terrible with names by the way... I don't even have one for her mom just yet.
Anyways, this chapter is SO FUCKING LONG! But I just wanted to include all this things here BECAUSE all these 5 chapters were kind of an 'introduction'?? It's very tied up with the canon plot, but next chapter we're getting into the REAL story hehe..
Anyways, thoughts?
tag list: @buckybear97 @this-lost-child @aebeessun @ye-rinn@ihatemyselftoinfinityandbeyond @cindxalex @luvley-shadow@taeniix @roadtripsonspaceships @iana-therese@darkagedoctor @liliafangirls 
Should I keep this up?
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