#for shits and giggles OFC
thxnks4themrms · 21 days
sometimes ill look thru Maris old post when I miss him
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Why don't you follow me HERE???!!! 😜
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trashbag-baby666 · 1 month
There’s a universe where this is his mom.
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petrichorium · 10 months
Jing Yuan has one of those loud dad sneezes and the first time u hear it he startles both himself and Mimi awake from a nap
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galax-dragon · 4 months
me: wants to make a webcomic and/or animated series thingamabob that's like a rewrite of coroika, focusing more on The Horrors™️ and stuff and reducing nudity/pantsing by about 70%
also me: only has a phone, minimum animation skills, IbisPaint and FlipaClip, my finger, and no money 😔
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baby-xemnas · 1 year
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most discussed colorspread or not im just very happy zoro and bepo are in one picture and bepo got to be on the forefront like that good for you baby (laughing that oda shrunk him for this tho)
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ruiiplume · 2 years
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A redraw of these earlier this year
Incoming old art jumpscare ⚠️⚠️⚠️
2011 and 2012 nightmare fuel
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selestialsprout · 11 months
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another wip cause apparently thats all i can make as of now 🫠🫠🥳🥳
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princeconsortroad · 10 months
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via @/agcd on Instagram
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vilsoo · 9 months
im so tempted to buy those pheromone perfumes and wear it near my man to see how he reacts 👀
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cursed-princess-club · 5 months
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post starts getting traction when mantits are brought up. i see how it is
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iftitah · 6 months
talked to school bestie 2 hours on phone god im out of breath with my chest hurting but it so worth the talk
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proxythe · 14 days
i think simultaneous junmina and yukaham could be soooo fun..
YESS!!!!!!!! i always have trouble imagining kotone and minato both alive in the same universe (for some reason my brain just cannot wrap around it) which is crazy bc i also default to the hc that theyre twins n i draw them together a lot but anyways. none of that will stop me from picturing junpei and yukari finally finding something to bond over and it just so happens to be those emo siblings… up late at the dining table, head in their hands, wondering how this happened to them. all while minato n kotone sleeping like babies upstairs
vividly can see yukari n junpei being each others wingman (& roasting the shit out of each other) 💆 vividly can see kotone being oblivious while minato has his suspicions but he doesnt say anything anyways bc he doesnt give af 💆
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milligramspoison · 10 months
For shits and giggles since the last NA show is tonight lol (this entire post is a joke but if you wanna manifest go ahead)
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icebrooding · 11 months
"I read it for the educational value."
Where Trahearne, still young and naïve, never stops to check just what's in the books he buys before reading them. Or: Trahearne accidentally buys a dirty book and has no idea what is happening. Rating: Teen Tag(s): Comedy Also on Ao3
“Bah!” He exclaims, tossing the book to the pile—already a small mountain on his desk by this point. “Another useless book.”
“I can’t believe I was duped by another… oh, what was it… another…” Scowling, he wracks his brain trying to recall what that one human had said when he’d been in Divinity’s Reach several weeks ago, trying to purchase some essentials for his excursions going forward. They had pulled him aside while he was talking with a merchant, citing they were some sort of… “That’s it,” he grumbles, reaching out for the next book on the dwindling stack to his left, “a ‘con artist’.”
Excitement had somewhat overtaken him this time; having found a book peddler who’d seemingly overheard about his plight and claimed to have several books focusing on Orr. It had seemed like a good idea, the price wasn’t too steep, it was only… in hindsight, probably not at all worth the hours of tedious labour he’d subjected himself to to fund his ventures outside the Grove.
He’d ended up taking the very substantial pile of books back to his temporary residence, spending the entire afternoon and evening thumbing carefully through each and every one. Several books in, however, he realised that any mention of Orr was a mere passing sentence, or information he had already gleaned from the most prominent historical accounts. In other words, a complete waste of time.
Their race is still so new, and he is still trying to figure out his way in the world—something, he has discovered, makes him a prime target for the dishonest. He finds humans interesting, but cannot understand why many seem so sneaky or motivated by such things.
Nonetheless, he moves on to the next book in his hands. And sighs deeply. The hot-pink colour of the book being a more-than-obvious sign that this, too, would contain absolutely nothing regarding his topic of study. Books focusing on history or folklore were usually earthy, muted colours, certainly not this.
He goes to put it aside, but the cover catches his eye—he’ll admit, he had been so focused on just reading them that he had barely glanced at the typically fanciful cover illustrations or long, meandering titles. He brings it back closer, brow rising at the rather… interesting image adorning the front of the book.
Two humans, a man and a woman, completely devoid of their clothing (not foliage, as he had been corrected several times). 
Well, it may not be Orr, but it is still curious. He had noted during his travels just how similar the general shape of his peoples bodies matched those of humans, and they still know very little of themselves. Possibly, knowledge on human anatomy could be useful even for a Sylvari.
Flipping the book open to an index page, he runs a finger down across the contents. “Male, female…” He supposes it is a biological book… until his finger drags further downward. “Male on male…?”
What on Tyria could that possibly mean?
Turning to the indicated page, his eyes widen and brow rises yet higher. He cannot quite fathom what he is looking at—these positions, complex illustrations, written guidelines using words he has certainly never seen before and cannot even begin to understand what they could mean.
“Are these training exercises?” He asks himself aloud, but something tells him that isn’t quite right. To learn his necromancy he has had to look up martial and magical books, and none of them indicated anything quite like this.
He is a bit… astounded, by the humans use of their anatomy. For a Sylvari like him, those were simply areas always covered away by their leaves, and not something they ever thought too much on. But perhaps this is their secondary purpose? How very, very odd.
Bolstered by his curiosity, he turns the page, and despite the bright lighting of his room, can see as his glow tints the pages before him in a faint purple hue.
“Is this really how that functions…?”
He continues to flip through pages. Sometimes he will wince, wondering why would someone put themselves through such things—although perhaps it is because humans are more flexible, as odd and mushy as they are, and it simply isn’t as much a problem for them. Sometimes he will tilt his head, unable to quite understand what he’s seeing even with the detailed notes accompanying it—having to pull back from the book, holding it at arms-length and turning it on its side, completely and utterly baffled.
Humans are so strange, he thinks.
Pages flip by, pace increasing as the sight of everything begins to overwhelm him—until something inside him just can’t take it anymore and he slams the book shut. Purple is still awash across his face, even though the rest of him refuses to glow too—he will have to look into that at some point, that can’t be normal.
Musing over what he’s just seen and read, he comes to only one conclusion.
“I should bring these back to the Grove, and test my theories.” He mutters and begins tidying the mess on his desk away. As useless as most of the books had been, they would at least make interesting reading for his brothers and sisters. Not all of them were as interested in leaving the forest, so a bit more understanding of the broader world may excite them.
But as for this book in particular…he would need a partner to test his theories out with, presumably. Someone else sharing his anatomy, if he wants to really figure out those diagrams and instructions. He taps his chin for a moment, pondering, who would be the best to ask…?
Malomedies? No, definitely not. The man is all books and learning, hardly the sort to engage in strenuous physical activity. Dagonet, then? Although, he doesn’t seem the type to be interested in such things either (and hardly is he ever home). Kahedins, perhaps? No, while his brother is earnest and curious, he has always come across somewhat frail—and Trahearne has been building what humans call ‘muscle’ with his physical endeavours.
He finds the answer as deep teal leaves flicker in his mind, a bright smile plastered across his face.
“Of course, Riannoc!”
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The BBC has the opportunity to do the single most hilarious thing when it comes to casting the 16th Doctor after Ncuti Gatwa regenerates
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