#for so long it was 'the girls'. and i guess even if alfonse and sharena were the same gender that would likely be too informal for royalty
moe-broey · 5 months
Also just such a small thing but like. In the F!Lumera FBs when Henriette and Ashe are waiting on backup from Alfonse, and Alfonse is the only one she mentions by name. Like yeah I could be reading into that, maybe he's on his own, maybe it's just shorthand like "Eh they come in twos no need to mention them both it's unspoken/expected that if Alfonse is here, Sharena is close behind him" like. Idk idk that barely tracks for me actually cause personally unless if I'm speaking about a specific sister, I'm always saying "my sisters" or saying both of their names. And esp before getting their own places, the two of them v much felt like a set.
Idk idk just weird to me. I think we should blow her up with our minds
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luckhound · 4 years
— reprieve.
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pairing.  alfonse/gender neutral reader (summoner)
genre.  fluff
description.  he’s not one for feasts and dances, but just like with everything else, you show up and change that.
note.  i’m not that confident writing for feh since this is my first piece, but somehow this is 2.2k words long and in alfonse’s pov 😐😐 anywayz no one should criticize me cause i tried
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Another day, another village saved.
It had been evening when the battle with the forces of Múspell came to an end, the last of the opposing army retreating. As thanks, the villagers opened their only inn to the Order of Heroes, inviting them to stay the night and recuperate, before resuming travel early next morning. They accepted, seeing as most of their forces were exhausted from the day’s events. Pitching tents, tending fires, and eating rations hadn’t sounded appealing to any of them in the slightest.
Alfonse was thankful for their hospitality, not to mention eager to get some much needed rest. Only to learn that the villagers were so moved over being saved by the Order, they were throwing a feast in their honour. Apparently, they refused to take no for an answer. (Though he doubts his sister put up much of a fight when approached by the village elders.)
Which is how the Prince of Askr finds himself nursing a mug of ale, watching the festivities and wondering when would be the appropriate time to retire for the night.
The villagers had done a fine job, considering how impromptu the feast was. A bonfire roared in the center of the village, bathing the square in hues of red, orange, and gold. Tables were erected nearby, full to the brim with various foods. One of the villagers had brought out their lyre and was playing a jovial ditty, while children and adults alike danced merrily to the tune.
Sharena is among the revelers, having shed her armour for one of the dresses she’d packed for the journey. (Alfonse had raised a brow at her luggage and told her such finery wasn’t necessary, not when they were setting out to defeat Surtr and his forces. It seemed he was the wrong one.) Her hair is twisted into a braid and decorated with flowers by the young children who had taken to following after her like ducklings would their mother. One of her little admirers is in her arms, head thrown back in laughter as they are swung about.
He spots other familiar faces nearby as well. Commander Anna is engaged in friendly conversation with one of the villagers, a woman. Camilla of the World of Conquest is sampling some of the desserts, licking the sugar that dusts her fingers with relish. Frederick of the World of Awakening appears as uncomfortable as Alfonse feels, standing on the fringes with his hands clasped behind his back and still in full armour.
The only one missing is you, the Summoner. It has been some time since he had spoken to you last. He’d caught glimpses of you at the start of the feast, but he had been too busy conversing with the village elders alongside Sharena to approach you. Though he glances around, he doesn’t see hide nor hair of you.
Had you decided to cut the night short?
Suddenly, sticking around sounds even less appealing. He’s done his rounds, chatted with villagers and fellow Order members, and thanked the right people. Surely his duties are complete. He thinks wistfully of his room at the inn. It isn’t as spacious as the one back home, but a bed is a bed, and he’s tired.
Just as he considers retreating, not unlike the Múspell forces had, he feels a presence at his side. “Well, if it isn’t the life of the party.” He glances over to see your smiling visage.
You’re out of your summoner’s cloak, wearing a fetching tunic and pair of pants. A flower is tucked behind your ear; perhaps the children had gotten to you as well. Your skin glows in the firelight, which is reflected in your eyes.
Alfonse finds his gaze lingering on your form for longer than appropriate. He clears his throat, turning away. “I would hardly refer to myself as such.”
“I know, I was joking.” You sound amused. There’s a pause, wherein Alfonse curses himself for not realizing your words had been in jest, before you capture his attention again. “That title would go to your sister, I think.”
That piques his curiosity. He seeks out Sharena for a second time. She’s still dancing with the children. His sister is twirling one of the girls, a beaming grin on her features. It can’t be clearer how much she’s enjoying herself.
He smiles at the sight. “Sharena always has been the life of any party. She was over the moon every time we held balls at the castle.”
You knock your shoulder against his. The brief contact has his fingers tightening around the mug he’s holding, a reflexive reaction he can’t control. “Let me guess. You didn’t have much fun at those balls?”
His first instinct is to laugh awkwardly, write your words off as ribbing and leave it at that. But when he looks to you, your head is cocked to the side, your gaze trained on him. You seem to be awaiting a response. As if you genuinely want to know what he was like back when the kingdom of Askr was at peace, and not in the midst of war.
Alfonse gives the diplomatic answer. “I understood their function. It is important for royalty to host events at the castle. They present an opportunity for us to interact with our people and learn how they are faring.” At your expectant look, he admits, “...I didn’t particularly enjoy them, no. Actually, I was often scolded by my mother for leaving early.”
You chuckle at that, but not cruelly. “Huh. I can’t picture you getting in trouble with your mom. But hiding in a corner, so you don’t have to talk to other people?” You look at him pointedly, a teasing slant to your mouth. “That’s easier to imagine.”
Does he really come off that way? He frowns. That isn’t how he wants to appear to anyone, you especially. The thought is a bit disconcerting, because he’s not sure when your opinion of him started to carry such weight.
“It isn’t that I didn’t want to talk to anyone at those events.” He stares out at the crowd, so that he doesn’t have to meet your gaze. “The nobles who attended just confounded me. So many of them are duplicitous. They rarely say what they mean, and often attempt to befriend me for my title. And then there were the rules and conventions that had to be adhered. Sharena was capable of handling all that while still enjoying herself, but it was...difficult for me.”
(It didn’t help that his behaviour usually disappointed his parents, whether it be because he inadvertently snubbed a noble or left before it was appropriate. Now isn’t the time to think of his many failures as a prince, however.)
“Oh.” The quiet sound compels him to look at you. Your merriment from before is gone, your brows furrowed and the corners of your mouth tugged down. “I’m sorry, Alfonse. I didn’t mean to remind you about all that, especially when this is supposed to be a happy occasion.”
He blinks, taken aback, before shaking his head. “N-No, don’t be sorry. You didn’t say anything untoward. If anything, I should apologize for ruining the mood.”
Now you’re the one shaking your head. “You don’t need to apologize for speaking your mind! I asked you about it in the first place, anyway.”
Suddenly, he can’t help smile at the situation. The two of you are members of the Order of Heroes, battle-hardened and assured on the battlefield...but tripping over each other during a simple conversation at a party. “Then I guess neither of us need to be sorry.”
Maybe you realize the absurdity too, because you huff out a laugh. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Conversation comes easier then, the topic at hand turning to how you both spent your time at the feast thus far. You wax poetic about some of the pastries you ate, while he mentions the praises the village elders had for the heroes. There are brief silences in between, but it’s comfortable and not at all stifling.
During one such lull, Alfonse notices that Anna is no longer near the food tables. She’s being led by the hand to the makeshift dance floor, still in the company of the woman she’d been speaking with earlier. She’s smiling from ear to ear, with a lightness to her shoulders that’s rarely present when they travel.
He points the new development out. “Looks like the Commander and her new friend are planning to join Sharena.”
Your brows raise in mild interest, and you glance around for a moment before spotting the women in question. By now they have begun to dance, Anna’s arms twined around her companion’s waist. Your mouth quirks into a grin. “Oh, I doubt either of them are having friendly thoughts right now.”
He frowns. “What do you mean? They look friendly from where I’m standing.”
“Well, yeah, but...” You trail off, taking in his confusion. Then your eyes widen. “Uhhh...You know what? Nevermind! You’re totally right, they are.”
Alfonse gets the feeling that he’s missing something. He decides not to press you on it. Instead, he returns to watching the proceedings. He’s so engrossed in wondering how Sharena has yet to tire herself out, he doesn’t notice you glance from the dance floor to him, your teeth digging into your lip in contemplation.
“You know,” you begin carefully, “maybe we should join them too. As in, on the dance floor.”
It takes a moment for the words to sink in. Then he’s stammering, the nape of his neck warm. “Join them on the...I-I can’t. It’s not that I don’t want to, o-or do, that is to say— I don’t— I’m not a good dancer.”
You smile reassuringly. “That’s okay. I mean, look! Everyone's just dancing to the music!”
That’s the problem, he wants to say. He doesn’t have an aptitude for dance, but the waltz has steps he can follow. Here, in this tiny village so far from the castle, there is no structure to the dancing, villagers and heroes alike making it up as they go. Alfonse knows his two left feet will only embarrass him if he tries to join in.
His trepidation must show, because your smile disappears, a look of worry replacing it. “If you’re not comfortable, though, I’m not gonna force you. We can just stay here.”
He wants nothing more than to agree. But then you glance over at the dancing crowd, looking wistful, and he finds himself saying, “Well. Maybe just for a little bit.”
You turn back to him. “What? Are you sure? You don’t have to say so because of me. Really!”
His flush is spreading to his cheeks, and his mind is conjuring up all the ways he’ll slip up, and he’s afraid of making a fool of himself in front of you. And yet he still sets his mug down at a nearby table, before holding out his hand towards you. “I insist.”
It’s worth the trouble when your face clears up, an excited smile playing at your lips as you take his hand. Your fingers are warm, and a comforting weight on his palm. As one, you both head to the dance floor.
Sharena is the first to notice. Her brows raise in surprise, before she’s grinning at Alfonse with a knowing look. He avoids her gaze, feeling his flush worsen, only to lock eyes with Anna. She waggles her brows. He narrows his eyes, feigning irritation, and turns away.
Then his eyes meet yours. It’s impossible to look away from the warmth he finds there.
You take a step closer, until your chests are nearly brushing. “Here,” you say, so softly he has to strain a little to hear you. “Just do what I do.”
The villager on the lyre is playing a softer song, not quite as fast-paced as the previous ones have been. You guide him into a dance that matches the tempo. He stumbles at first, but you’re patient, smiling encouragingly at him as you continue to lead without issue. Just as confidently as you do on the battlefield. The comparison helps ease some of his anxiety.
Alfonse can feel sweat gathering under the collar of his tunic, from the press of bodies around him, the crackling bonfire, and his nerves. He’s much too cognizant of all the places he’s touching you, and you him. He’s been in close proximity to you before, but never quite like this.
It’s terrifying. It’s maddening. It’s exhilarating.
After some time, you grin. “Look at that! You’re dancing.”
Fondness blooms within his chest at how pleased you are with his success. His lips spread into a smile before he even realizes it. “So I am.”
Eventually, the song ends, only for another to start. Now is the perfect time to pull away, to retire for the night, just as he wanted to earlier. Yet Alfonse continues to follow your lead, despite his two left feet and nervous disposition.
We’re not friends with the Summoner, we’re allies, Alfonse had told his sister once. He’d meant it.
Now, he knows that’s not the case. That hasn’t been the case for a long time.
He doesn’t allow himself to think long about just what it is between the two of you. All he knows is that he wants to indulge in this feeling for as long as he possibly can.
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pokemagines · 6 years
fire emblem villains + protecting summoner from valter
anon asked: “(I'm having trouble wording this right…) Could I request the FE villains in heroes overhearing Valter's creepy yandere-stalker type plans for the summoner and basically after that whenever they see him within 20 ft of her they just kinda automatically pick her up and carry her out of there?”
a/n: this isn’t poly but it’s basically all the villains have a crush on the sumemer :^) tw: valter being creepy lol
nine o’clock am
   you lifelessly stir your porridge, too tired from last nights planning to have the motivation to lift the spoon to your mouth. sharena and anna are talking at you, but you only respond with nods of your head or little “mhm”s to let them know you were sort of paying attention. 
   “you need to eat, [name].” lyon says, and you lazily shift your gaze to the purple-haired boy. a small smile grows on your face.
   “can you feed me? i’m too tired to feed myself.” you tease, and you see lyon flush pink, his eyes dropping down to the floor. 
   “y-you don’t m-mean that-!” he stammers out of nervousness, and you just chuckle quietly to yourself. lyon was adorable when he was flustered. but he was right about eating, so you take his advice and eat a spoonful of the now-cold, flavorless porridge. you shoot him an ‘are you happy’ look, but then feel someone tug at your hair. you see anna and sharena visibly stiffen, and lyon sits up straight. you knit your eyebrows, thinking that it’s probably just nowi, but when you turn around you see it’s valter, a wide grin on his face.
   “hm... you smell good today [name]...” he continues to stroke your hair, wrapping a few strands around his slender fingers. “delicious enough for my taking.” you open your mouth to curse him out for being such a creep, but instead lyon stands up, stepping in between you and the wyvern knight.
   “leave her alone.” he says, voice wavering but still standing firm. your hand is on breidablik just in case valter tries anything, but instead he just laughs.
   “you send your pup after me?” he’s still laughing, puffing himself up to look down on the shorter man. “oh, i know you, you’re the prince of grado. you’re more pathetic than i remember.”
   “i said leave her alone.” you curse, knowing lyon’s voice dropping an octave meant only one thing, that the demon king was now in control. “or i will have no choice but to put you down like the dog you are.” valter looks amused, gripping his lance tighter, but you realize this has gone too far, so you use breidablik to teleport valter to the training tower where he could actually kill something. you sigh, leaning back against the table. lyon looks at you blankly, his eyes wide and dark unlike their usual pale purple color. 
   now you had a different problem on your hands.
twelve o’clock pm
   “there you are!” you freeze, hearing the familiar voice of valter. “you sent me away this morning, i suppose you’re not as daft as i first thought.” his voice is laced with venom. you want nothing more than to teleport him away, but feeling your hip you realize that you left your divine weapon in your room. 
   “i’m full of surprises.” you pull your coat tighter over yourself, trying to conceal the fact you don’t have breidablik with you. “now, please leave me before i send you back to where you came from.” he sneers, grasping your chin roughly and pulling you to look up at him, a sickening grin on his face.
   “i don’t think you will, little girl.” he looks you over like he would devour you at any moment, “i went by your room and i saw that blasted weapon that allows you control of me.” a few hairs fall in front of his face, making him look even more wild than he looked before. you try and pull away, but despite how strong you are, he’s even stronger, and his grip tightens to the point you swear a bruise will form. he lets out a tutting noise, and your eyes start to water. 
   “aw, are you going to cry, kitten?” he mocks, and you glare up at him, “maybe i’ll let you go if you beg in the way i like... so let me hear those sweet cries from you.” 
   “you lech,” you feel someone grab you from behind, and you instinctively burrow yourself into their chest, trying to get away from valter. “your filthy hands are not worthy to touch her, leave now and i won’t skewer you to the walls.” it’s then you realize it’s berkut’s voice, deep and rough and you know those threats are true. 
   “this another one of your dogs, [name]?” he grins, his eyes staring down berkut, who’s weapon is pointing right at him, you tucked under his arm like a baby bird. “very well. but don’t think this is over, you will kneel to me, one way or another.” and with a last threat, he walks out of the library. when berkut hears the doors close, he sets down his lance, gaze softening as he looks at you.
   “he didn’t hurt you did he? i’ll kill him if he did.” you sniffle, wrapping your arms around berkut’s neck, letting out the scared tears that you had been holding back. 
   “no, but thank you for saving me, berkut.” you whisper, “i owe you one.” berkut chuckles lightly, slowly encircling his arms around your waist.
   “that you do.”
five o’clock pm
   “is he still staring at me?” you ask grima, purposely facing him/her so that you didn’t have to look at the man whose been following you all day. grima turns his/her gaze to valter, who is indeed watching at you. 
   “i can pluck his eyes out if you want.” grima whispers back, no intent of humor evident in his/her voice. 
   “thanks for the offer but i’ll pass.” you sigh, alfonse clearing his throat and looking at the two of you, like a stern mother trying to keep her kids quiet in church. you probably should’ve been paying attention to anna’s speech about how tough the next battle was going to be, but you couldn’t bring yourself to focus, as you can practically feel valter’s gaze piercing into the back of your head. 
   “switch seats with me.” she/he says, already getting up. you oblige, earning a few odd stares from the other heroes in the room, but not caring. instantly, grima spreads his/her wings, effectively blocking valter’s view of you. you hear him cackle from across the room, but you could care less. you smile gently up at grima, mouthing a ‘thank you’ to him/her, and grima shrugs, trying his/her best to remain their uncaring attitude. he/she then proceeds to flip off valter, and you hear valter scramble to fight grima, only to be held back by a few of the other heroes.
   war meeting were supposed to be peaceful.
twelve o’clock am
   stifling a yawn, you open up your notebook to go and check to see if all the wyverns were in their place at the stable. usually, you would have done this much earlier, but considering how your day went, it was a surprise that you even got to it at all. you had only recently started counting the wyverns, as they usually behaved, but after cherche’s went missing one day and she caused an uproar (you have never been scared of anyone more in your life), the job had fallen on you.
   opening the stalls, you hear the loud screeches of the beasts, and you wince, the noise piercing your ears. you walk to the first few stalls, reaching your hand in and letting the wyvern’s nuzzle into your palm. you check off the two ‘minerva’s’ aka gerome and cherche’s wyverns. 
   then, you see your favorite wyvern, that belonged to one of your favorite people, michalis. you smile softly, grabbing some treats out of your pockets, and walking into the pen. 
   “hey buddy,” you coo softly, walking closer to the beast. it jumps up, its tail thumping against the walls of the pen. “i got something for you.” you stick your palm out flat, a few strips of dried beef for her. it quickly eats it up, nuzzling against your side, sniffing your familiar scent. at first, the wyvern would try and kill you when you got withing ten feet of it, but after getting to know the beast, it had warmed up to you. 
   “all alone i see?” comes a familiar erratic voice. a chill runs up your spine, and michalis’s wyvern growls. “well, this is a treat for me...”
   “valter, please,” you plead, stepping behind the wyvern. “can’t you just leave me alone?” 
   “oh, are you scared of me, kitten?” he sneers, “good. it’s always more fun when my prey is cornered.” his lance glimmers dangerously in the moonlight. you know he isn’t going to kill you, he’s told you that much before, but otherwise his intentions were unknown to you. thankfully, michalis’s wyvern snaps at him, cornering him against the opposite wall, and you take the opening to run out of the pen. you step backwards, forgetting about the step up into the pen and landing on your ankle awkwardly, falling to the floor, your ankle throbbing. you cry out, seeing valter step out of the pen, a feral grin on his face as he sees you laying on the ground holding your injury.
   “you know you can’t run from me for long, [name]...” he kneels over you, breath fanning your face. you screw your eyes shut, turning from his gaze. this is it, you think, he’s going to enact whatever thing he had planned to make you submit to him, none of the options pretty. “i want to hear you grovel... come on now! let me hear you beg!” it’s then you hear a THUD, and you open your eyes. you see michalis standing beside you, an axe in his hand and valter laying beside you, seemingly unconscious. you breathe a sigh of relief for having been saved for the second time today.
   “i really need to train with an actual weapon,” you say, smiling weakly up at him. he peers down at you, looking you up and down. the only thing keeping tears from flowing is the familiar pump of adrenaline coursing through your veins. 
   “...you okay?” he asks, his voice low. you shake your head, laughing bitterly at the question. 
   “honestly? not really. valter’s been stalking me all day and i’ve had to be saved multiple times, i haven’t had a good night’s sleep for the last week, and now my ankle’s messed up.” you let out a sigh, “sorry... i’m just tired is all.” 
   “hm...” he almost seems to smile, “guess you won’t have to worry about that insect anymore.” he taps your head with his clawed gloves. “can you get up?”
   “with some help, maybe.” you hold your arms out for him to help you up, and he grunts. instead of helping you up, he scoops you up in his arms, bridal style, and starts back towards the castle.
   “tell anyone about this and i’ll end you.” he says, but you’re not listening to his words. instead, you cuddle into his chest, letting out a yawn, your adrenaline high crashing and you start to feel overwhelmingly tired. your eyelids feel heavy as you start to fall asleep in his arms, a small smile on your face.
   “thank you for saving me,” you whisper, “you really aren’t as mean as everyone thinks. i know you can be nice...” before dozing off to sleep. michalis chuckles, wondering how you could have possibly have this sort of effect on him. 
   “only for you.”
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The Traitor’s War - Chapter 4
Previous : Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Warmth. The only sensation I feel surrounding me, as I sleep deeply...warmth around me, a steady breath…
Heat...so radiant...just like the sun….
and...the sweet peace...of sleep...as I drift between waking... and melting...into warmth’s soft embrace….
A warm wave...a steady breath...an arm around my waist….
Wait a minute. An arm around my waist? Whose arm around my waist? Wait, what?
I bolt upright from the furs I sleep upon, startling Ike beside me and waking him up. His hand instinctively reaches for the golden blade resting behind him, but it relaxes when he realizes everything is fine. Wait, Ike is lying beside me?
“Wha--what are you doing?” I shout out him, blushing furiously as I attempt to scoot away from him.
“Hmm?” he says groggily, exhaustion evident in his voice. “Lyn is out hunting again. She gave me specific instructions...to keep you warm.”
Damn that girl...this is not what I meant when I said I like Ike.
I cough briskly and clear my throat. I can still feel my cheeks on fire. “I...I see,” I say, not looking at him. I focus my gaze at the ground, and then I realize that I have no idea where I am.
I take a look at my new surroundings. We’re in a small cavern, and a fire burns a bit farther forward, near the entrance. Laegjarn sits there, looking out at the frozen landscape before her. Her wyvern rests a few feet from her, sleeping peacefully. I can tell from Laegjarn’s gaze that she watches for enemies, but also for any sign of her sister.
“Ike,” I say finally, “how long have I been out?”
“Two days now,” he says with a sigh.
“Two days?” I remember the last time I was awake, which ended in an inhalation of poison smoke.
“We had to carry you a long ways while Laegjarn lead us closer to Snjárhof. We should arrive within a day, according to her... but you also had a fever.”
He comes forward and gently touches my forehead. “You still do,” he says softly.
I blush again, and attempt to stand up. My legs wobble, and I feel a dull sensation in my left arm. It’s bandaged well, another proof of Lyndis’ skillful abilities. It still hurts, though, and I won’t be able to shoot any more arrows for a while.
I steady myself and lean against the wall of the cavern. “Laegjarn!” I call out to her, stepping towards her.
She turns her head, and and gazes at me. A flame seems to flicker in her eyes.
“Laegjarn,” I say again, with curiosity in my voice. “We’re very close, aren’t we?”
“Yes,” she replies with a smile. “We shall see my sister soon. I know how this is going to end. Your former allies continue towards Snjárhof, despite the search they’ve put up for us. Gunnthra must be there.”
I inch along the wall until I reach the slab of stone that Laegjarn sits upon. The firelight dances upon the gold in her uniform, reflecting ambition in her eyes. She gives a small smile as I sit down beside her.
“Are you all right? It is...imperative that you can walk properly in order to succeed in our efforts tomorrow.”
“Aye,” I respond, with a small cough. “I am sorry that I was out for so long. I didn’t mean to... become a burden.”
Laegjarn looks at me with a cool gaze, and I wonder what is going through her mind.
“You should not worry about that which you cannot control. Now, please go eat, rest, and ready yourself for tomorrow. Lyn will be back soon with more food, and possibly some winter herbs that might help you. We are running low on potions, so you must take care not to get poisoned again.”
I stare down at my hands. The color seems a bit off, a slight purple tinge remains stained upon my brown skin.
“They were worse the day you fainted,” Laegjarn explains. “Poison is definitely something that you do not want to be afflicted by, ever again. It would’ve sapped away at your very life if Lyn had not brought some antitoxins.”
“Right,” I respond regretfully. If only I hadn’t clutched my arm at the worst possible moment…
“Yes. Now, go eat. You should not be talking, let alone moving about, when you’ve eaten nothing in the last two days,” she commands in a steely voice.
“Thanks, Oneechan,” I mutter as I force myself to stand.
Laegjarn glares at first, but then smiles softly as soon as I turn my face away.
I walk back slowly, leaning against the wall to support myself again. Ike watches me with concern in his gaze. I am almost near the sack of supplies when, suddenly, my right foot catches a stone and I trip and fall forwards.
“Damn,” I curse, as I am about to hit the ground. But Ike is swift enough to catch me before I bash my head into the rocky floor.
“I...hate this!” I whisper angrily. I hate being so weak, when everyone else is able to give their all in these times of war. It’s so frustrating! While everyone has been marching forward towards our goal, I’ve been asleep two days! How am I going to accomplish anything? How am I going to end this war? What if I fail, and all of this is for nothing?
Tears begin to stream across my cheeks.
Ike lifts me back up to a standing position. “Hey now,” he says softly, and offers his hand. “You worry too much. I know why you’re upset.”
“You don’t know me at all,” I remind him with a sad whisper, staring down at the floor.
Ike stares at me for a moment. Then he takes my hand and walks me to the place where our supplies are located. I stare at the pile sullenly as we sit down. He unwraps a slice of lembas bread and solemnly places it into my hands. “You wouldn’t be saying that to me if you had eaten something.”
I blink. Then, I can’t help but laugh at the truth of his statement.
“You’re right,” I say, nibbling at the dry bread. “I… am never at my best when I’m hungry. To say the least.”
After a few bites, my mind begins to clear up again. I take a long drink from the flask of water beside us.
“Thank you, Ike. I’m...quite all right now,” I say, looking up at him with a small smile. I feel very ashamed of myself for being so...whiny.
“Good. All you need to do now is get more rest,” he replies.
“Lady Lyndis is returning!” I hear Laegjarn call from the entrance of the cave.
A wave of relief washes over me to know that Lyn is back, and suddenly I feel very sleepy again. “Rest, huh? I guess that doesn’t sound so bad,” I say to Ike, crawling back to the spot where I was sleeping before.
I lay down upon the furs, and pull another caribou skin over me.
“Just this time...you don’t need to keep me warm. I’m plenty warmed up now,” I say as I begin to doze off.
“All right,” he says, and sits down not too far from my head. I hear the muffled voices of Laegjarn and Lyn discussing near the cave’s entrance. A thought floats into my drowsy mind.
“Hey...Ike?” I ask softly, my eyes half closed.
“What?” he responds quietly, looking down at my face.
“If there is...a smash bros banner...would Meta Knight...break the meta?”
Ike is silent for a moment as he watches me fall asleep. My eyes are fully closed now, but I hear his sigh, and feel a lock of hair being pushed back across my face.
“You really should stop assuming that we know what you’re talking about,” he says softly, before I am completely swallowed by the waves of sleep.
~~The Next Day~~
“We’re not far now, are we?” I ask Laegjarn, riding behind her on her wyvern. Lyn and Ike ride on below us. A high hill appears before us, and they gallop across its summit.
“No,” Laegjarn responds, “We’re here.”
With one great swoop of her beast, I find us flying into the shadowy and icy valley of Snjárhof. But the place where I’m told the shrine once stood is...now engulfed in flames. Surtr stands there now, cackling, as Gunnthra lies tied to a pole on his right, burned and scathed. A magic circle glows at her feet. From the corner of my eye, I see the heroes of Askr rush towards the scene.
We land in the middle of the battlefield, in front of both armies. Laegjarn dismounts her wyvern, and I follow her to stand beside...Surtr.
“About time we’ve met up,” Surtr says, flashing an evil grin at me.
“Father,” Laegjarn begins, but is cut silent when he puts up a hand.
“You have done well, Laegjarn, to turn the summoner to our side. Now, all we must do is destroy this hunk of roasted meat,” he exclaims, and sends another flame to sizzle upon Gunnthra. She screams, but does not say anything.
I watch as Fjorm kneels beside the circle of fire her sister is trapped in. She turns for a moment to look at me. “How could you betray us like this? I trusted you!”
Alfonse, Anna, and Sharena come and stand beside her, gazing at me with hurt in their eyes.
“It’s not too late,” Sharena appeals to me, “You can still come back to us! I would forgive you!”
I narrow my eyes at them, and laugh. “Ha. As if I’d ever rejoin the likes of you! I have found where my true place is. And that is with the nation of Múspell. I am no longer your ally, and will do everything to see you burn!”
Surtr watches with a smile as the light of the blazing flame circle reflects in my eyes. “Well said, summoner! Now let’s end this.” He days, lifting a hand.
“Hang on, Gunnthra! We-” Fjorm begins, rushing as if to enter the circle of fire.
“You fool! Why do you suppose she yet lives? It was for this moment!” shouts Surtr.
“Aaaaaaagh!” Gunnthra screams, her skin ablaze in flames.
“And there it is. Before your very eyes, she succumbs to the flames…” Surtr adds, in mock solemnity.
“Fjorm... Do not...waste time...worrying about me. You must...live. Live! And seek happiness! …” she instructs, her voice trailing away.
“Oh, Gunnthrá…” Fjorm cries, tears running down her face.
“Dead already? How dull. I thought she'd put up more of a fight. I'm not even close to satisfied... Your mother had a lot more spark, wouldn't you say?” Surtr cackles.
“Surtr!” Fjorm yells, dashing towards him. Before she can reach him, she’s knocked back deftly by Laegjarn. “Grragh! Ah... Aah…”
“Ha-hah! Listen to that! I can hear you fraying... What vexes you more? Is it my strength, or your weakness? Let your rage consume you. Burn with the fires of hate. It will become fuel for my flames—all of it!”
He lifts his great axe into the air, and our first battle fighting together begins.
I notice one new warrior fighting against us in particular...Reinhardt, now bearing a sword. He’s quite strong, slashing foes twice when attacking and upon being attacked. However, even with his newfound swiftness and the power of his sword, Reinhardt II is unable to overcome the harsh effects of facing Sinmara. Within moments, Alfonse’s forces are subdued. Surtr is able to deal heavy damage to all of the Askrian forces in a few rounds.
Fjorm kneels in defeat near the now extinguished circle of fire, while the Askr trio rests at her side, covered in scars.
The charred body of Gunnthra dangles upon the pole it is tied to. I am surprised that it has not fallen to pieces yet.
“How could you? Answer me, Surtr! How could you do such a thing to my sister?” Fjorm yells in despair.
“Ha-ha-hah!” Surtr laughs, almost maniacally.
“Princess Fjorm,” Anna says to her, crouching beside her. “There is no time to argue with him. We can't defeat Surtr yet! You said this yourself... We must escape before we fall into his trap! Hurry!”
Suddenly, I hear her voice in my head, as I watch the charred body lift an arm. “My dear...My dear Alethia!”
A chill runs down my spine, and Fjorm looks me dead in the eye. “Gunnthra! You...hear her, too, don’t you, Alethia?”
“On my name... Gunnthrá, Nifl's child... Stone, to its vessel…” I hear her echo in my brain. Breidablik begins to glow in my hands.
“You live?” asks Surtr, incredulously, staring at the charred figure in the center of the ash pile.
“With my body... With my soul…” she speaks, the blackened eyelids over her eyes flying open.
“Oh, my sister... Her final act…” Fjorm sobs, tears shining in her eyes.
I stare at the body of Gunnthra, and her eyes seem to bore into my soul...does she know the truth?
I trust you, I hear her say in my brain.
“It is done. My role is at an end... Your divine weapon... I have entrusted the power to you, Alethia... Go now. Follow the light... I am so glad that we were able to meet at last…” says the blackened being, before crumbling away to a pile of ash.
“Gunnthrá…” Fjorm says, any sign of life or feeling absent from her voice.
“So she held off death...for a while. To what purpose? Could it be that you are the one, Alethia?” Surtr says, grinning horrendously at me. “Fascinating. Their hopes rest with you. You have done well to have joined our cause, or else I’d be forced to burn you next!” he exclaims with a laugh.
“Let's get out of here. NOW!” Anna yells, before hurrying away with their forces.
The battlefield grows silent, as the Askrians make their quick escape.
“Well, what now?” I ask turning to face Laegjarn and Surtr beside me.
“You have much to learn, my new summoner. Come with us to our kingdom, now. We shall teach you the ways of our people,” he says, offering a hand to me.
Laegjarn watches me intently. Ike and Lyn stand nearby gazing at me, their eyes filled with concern.
I look into Surtr’s eyes. They glow a steely red, utterly consumed by evil. I look down at his hand again, but then I notice something about his arm…
The spaces between the layers of his armor, where his skin or clothing should be...I see only the unmistakable flow of magma. How much of his being has been corrupted? I remember seeing his right eye spurt a flame in the midst of battle. Is Surtr...a demon? A dragon? What happened to this king?
I quickly glance down at Briedablik, glowing in my hand. I wonder what sort of power Gunnthra has bestowed upon it, and where it could take me.
I finally lift my hand to shake Surtr’s hand, but then I stop midway. I freeze, and my fingers retract. I decide against it. Instead, I kneel, and bow my head down to him.
“Yes, your highness,” I respond at last, solemnly. “I will do anything to be of service to you and your kingdom. I will fight for your cause.” Chapter 5
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Flu Season ( male summoner x Alfonse oneshot )
// This is my first Kiralfonse oneshot so I hope it’s ok. I got this idea because flu season is around right know and how the 3 heroes would handle their summoner getting sick with another worldly illness. This is dedicated to @sarai377 because her oneshots got me into this ship, Naga bless you girl! //
It was a cool crisp February morning in Askr. The sun peeked through the curtains of Kiran’s room in the castle, hitting the summoners face as it roes him from his deep slumber. He let out a groan and pulled the covers over his head, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep. Anna usually came and woke him up because with out an alarm he would usually sleep until noon which he loved to do on the weekend back home. It had been month since he was pulled from his world and so fare he loved it here. Kiran had always been into the medieval stuff so he didn’t mind changing his life style a bit. A knock then sounded at the door and he heard the sound of Anna’s voice. “Come on Kiran time to get up, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes!” She said. “Ok, ok i’m up.” He called to let her know he was awake. He heard a satisfied sound from the other side of the door then footsteps leading away. He let out a sigh and sat up, stretching his arms above his head and slid out of bed. But as soon as he stood up a wave of dizziness struck him and he stumbled. He let out a shaky breath and grabbed onto the bed post to keep from falling over.
 “Wow…” He mumbled holding his head as a headache started to make itself known. He shook his head and made his way to the bathroom to wash up before getting dressed and heading to the dinning room to meet the others for breakfast. As he walked he realized just how tired he still felt, his body aching too even though they didn’t have a battle the day before. He walked into the dinning room to see the royal siblings, Anna, and the few Hero’s he had summoned so far. “Good morning Kiran!” Sharena smiled as Kiran sat down next to her. “Morning.” he yawned and she giggled. “You still tired? Didn’t you turn in early last night.” She asked and the albino nodded. “Ya I just feel really out of it this morning.” He mumbled and rubbed his head, still trying to get ride of his headache. “Well i’m sure you’ll wake up once you get something to eat.” Anna said and Kiran nodded. As he put some fruit into a bole his glanced over at Alfonse who seems to be in deep though. “You ok Alfonse?“ He asked and the prince blinked and looked up at the smaller male. “Hm? Oh yes I’m fine just thinking is all.” The prince smiled lightly at the summoner. Kiran raised a brow not buying it but he let the prince be. “Ok whatever dude.” He said popping a Grape into his mouth and the prince rolled his eye’s with a smile.
After breakfast the 4 teens made their way to the training yard, they often practiced when they weren’t in battle to help Kiran work on his tactician skills. Kiran sat on top of a wall as he over looked the fake battle field, a few guards attacking as enemies while the 3 others were waiting for Kiran’s order. He scanned the yard carefully so he wouldn’t miss anything. Kiran then made a signal for Anna to move and she did running at one of the fake enemies and taking him down. “Yes!” Kiran cheered to himself happily, he was actually getting better at this tactic stuff. One of the enemies then made a run at Alfonse and Kiran’s eye’s widened.”Alfonse quick behi- COUGH COUGH HACK!” He started to suddenly cough heavily and Alfonse looked up at the summoner worriedly not caring that he was tagged by the enemy. “Kiran are you ok?” Sharena called up to the albino and he shook his head as he kept coughing. Once the fit ended he held his throat and his face twisted in pain as he let out a whimper. “Come down!” Anna called and he nodded and jumped off the wall and shakily walked over to them rubbing at his throat. Anna pulled her glove off and placed her hand on his forehead. “Kiran your burning up!” She gasped as Kiran started to sway. 
His knees bucking under him and the two royal quickly bolted forward to catch him. “Kiran, hey take it easy.” Alfonse soothed, patting Kiran’s cheek to get him to focus again. Kiran blinked and looked up at him tiredly. “We should get him to bed.” Anna suggested and the two siblings nodded and help Kiran stand and put one of his arms over each of their shoulders. As they made their way to the summoners room heroes stopped and looked at Kiran worriedly and would ask if he was ok. Anna said they didn’t know yet but she would let them know once they did. They got to the room and sat Kiran on his bed and took off his cloak and boots before letting him lay down. Sharena pulled the covers up around the albino and brushed his already damp bangs back. Alfonse looked down at him worriedly, bitting his lip. Anna came out of the bathroom with a bole of water and a cloth and set it on the nightstand. She dipped the cloth into the water and rested it on Kiran’s head. “This should help with the fever.”She said and Kiran opened his purple eye’s and blinked for a second and made a face that showed he was thinking. “Kiran what is it?” Sharon asked. “H-how long have I been here?” He asked in a low horsed voice.
The three blinked and looked at each other. “About a month, why?” Alfonse asked and Kiran cursed under his breath. “It’s still flu season in my world and I never got my flu shot.” He mumbled. The other three looked at each other very confused and kiran caught this. “Do you guy’s not have the flu here?” He asked and Anna shrugged. “No I don’t think so, nobody really get’s sick around this time of year with anything serious. The occasional cold or fever but nothing like you seem to have.” The red head said. “Then how the hell did I get sick with it?” He almost shouted but cringed in pain from his sore throat. “I’m going to get a doctor.” The blond said and quickly left the room. Kiran rubbed at his throat in pain and curled up into a ball. The other two sat down on the edge of the bed, Alfonse reached out and gently rubbed Kiran’s shoulder in a shooting way hoping it would calm him down. Luckily it helped and Kiran drifted off into a light doze as they waited for the princess to come back with a Doctor. 
A few minuted later she came back with one and the bluenette prince gently shook the albino awake. Kiran sat up and the doctor started to ask him some questions and checked him over. “mhmm, yep he is defiantly sick with something. If this illness is from his world there’s nothing we can do but let him rest, give him fluids, and keep an eye on him. Alfonse nodded and thanked the doctor and showed him out. “I’m going to make him some tea with honey to help his throat.” Sharena said leaving the room again and Anna looked at Alfonse as he helped Kiran get comfortable before he pulled up a chair next to the bed and he looked over at her. “I’ll keep an eye on him, go let the others know Kiran will be M.I.A until he’s better.” He smiled when he heard Kiran chuckle at the fact that the brunette used a term from his world. The red head blinked in shock but nodded “Ok, i’ll be back by tonight to take the night shift.” The prince nodded and watched the door close before directing his full attention on his sick Summoner. “Have you gotten this before?“ He asked and Kiran thought for a moment. “Not that I can remember.” He said quietly. Alfonse nodded and reached to to gently stroke his flushed cheek, the albino happily leaning into his touch. “I’m sorry you don’t feel well but I promise i’ll be here next to you the whole time.”
Kiran opened his eye and looked at Alfonse. “Dose that mean you finally consider me as a friend?” He smirked and Alfonse rolled his eye’s but smiled. “Ya, I guess you have grown on me.” He confessed and Kiran silently celebrated in his head until his stomach start to stir and his eye’s went wide. He held his breath and pulled at the prince’s sleeve. Alfonse looked at the albino confused until he saw the look on his face and he understood. He quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom and came back with a bucket just in time. Kiran then throw up everything he had for breakfast that morning. Alfonse gently hushed him and rubbed his back. He gently grabbed the cloth that had fallen onto the summoner’s lap and placed it on the back of his neck. Just then Sharena came in carrying a cup of tea and looked worried at the scene before her. She walked over to the bed and sat down next to Kiran as he pulled his face out of the bucket looking more pail then before. The blond smiled sadly at him and handed him the cup. “It’s lemon with honey, it should help sooth your throat.” Kiran mouth a thank you before taking a few sips of the warm drink before setting it down before flopping down onto the bed passed out. Alfonse set the bucket on the floor and rescued the cloth and placed it on Kiran’s forehead.
By the time Kiran woke up again the sun was starting to set and only Alfonse was in the room with him. Resting back against a chair and reading a book. “Your still here?” He asked and the prince looked up from his book and smiled. “Well looks who awake, and yes I did say I would take care and watch you.” Kiran blushed and hoped his cheeks were flushed enough so it wouldn’t be notable but knowing his luck. “Are you ok, you cheeks just went super red.” Alfonse’s brows frowned and he places a hand on the albinos forehead. “Y-ya…” He lied and looked away to try and stop blushing. “Your lying I know you by now Kiran and I can tell when your not being truthful, you bit your lip and don’t make eye contact with people.” Kiran let out a huff and looked back at the bluenette. “It’s nothing Alfonse don’t worry about it.” The prince stared at the summoner for a few second before letting it drop for know since he was sick and didn’t want to stress him out. “Ok.” He said and went back to his book. Kiran rolled onto his side facing away from the prince, a blush still clearly present. God he wished he could tell Alfonse how he truly felt about him. He closed his eye’s and tried to fall back to sleep but couldn’t so he just stayed like that but because of this something happened that he didn’t even expect to happen. He heard Alfonse move from his seat and slowly sit on the bed next to him. The summoner could feel that the prince was staring at him, his guess was trying to figure out if he was asleep or not but it didn’t seem to mater either way when he felt a warm pare of lips gently press against his cheek. “I like you two you dork.” Alfonse mumbled into Kiran’s ear and he opens his eye’s too look at the prince who smiled lovingly at him. Maybe him getting sick wasn’t such a bad thing anymore.
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grandsonoflightike · 7 years
Christmas On Writer's Earth
The writers’ earth celebrates christmas with Winter’s Envoy during “Battle For The Demon World P86: Subspace Askr VS Demonic Emblian Empire”. They now deal with Creepy Muspell working with Demonic Grey Veronica. Subspace Alfonse watched as Subspace Anna and his sister talked about the gifts they would through the competition. Both Subspace Askrian Royalty were surprised to see Subspace Anna missing her time away from The competition by shopping.
Subspace Alfonse says “I am worried about her.”
Subspace Fjorm says “She said that there was someone who she wanted to get a gift for before we left.”
Subspace Sharena says “Our Anna wanted to buy some kind of gift for someone? It must be someone special.”
Suddenly Subspace Anna arrives with a small gift bag in her hand.
“Who is the gift for, Commander Subspace Anna?” Subspace Sharena says.
“I just say this midnight will be when it’s recieved.” Subspace Anna says.
Subspace Anna Jr. goes over to her dad and whispers to her dad “You will be surprised tonight.”
“What’s That mean, my daughter?” Subspace Alfonse says.
“I am just saying you will be surprised.” Subspace Anna Jr. says.
That night, the Subspace Askrians and Subspace Fjorm are getting ready for bed and Subspace Anna going to the bathroom with the gift bag she got it from the Winter’s Envoy festival.
‘What Could she be doing bringing that in there?’ Subspace Fjorm thinks.
Suddenly Subspace Anna comes out of the bathroom and the bag is open and then thrown away.
‘Oh is that what she got?’ Subspace Fjorm thinks.
It is then Subspace Fjorm sees that Subspace Anna is walking weird.
“It is that.” Subspace Fjorm says.
Subspace Sharena says to Subspace Fjorm “What is what?”
Subspace Fjorm says “Is Subspace Anna and Subspace Alfonse a couple?”
“Yeah, even though the citizens of Subspace Askr would never accept it.” Subspace Sharena says.
"What do you mean?" Subspace Fjorm says.
"The People of Subspace Askr want my brother to marry a princess.  That means either you or Demonic Grey Veronica.  They never accepted my brother and me joining Subspace Anna's Side in battle." Subspace Sharena says.
Subspace Fjorm was surprised and then says “Wow. What about when you decided to be in love with a Subspace Wolfskin?”
“Oh you mean Subspace Takeda.  Not too kindly.”
Subspace Fjorm says “That isn’t right.  I think you should marry who you want to marry and my kingdom thinks the same way as me.”
Suddenly the bell chimes for bed.
"Good night, Subspace Fjorm.  See you tomorrow  for gift unwrapping.” Subspace Sharena says.
Subspace Fjorm says “See you tomorrow, Subspace Sharena.”
At Midnight, Subspace Alfonse hears something sneak into his room.
"Who’s There?” Subspace Alfonse says.
He is about to grab his sword when someone climbs on top of him.  This makes light a candle.  This lets see Subspace Anna in a very sexy Lingerie.
"Hello, Subspace Alfonse.” Subspace Anna says “I feel you crotch being up so you like this.”
“Hello, Subspace Anna.” Subspace Alfonse says “I do like it.  Is this that gift you got?”
"Yep.” Subspace Anna says “I don’t care what the people think.  Kiss me in your bed.  Make Love to me.  I want you.”
“You sure, Commander Subspace Anna?” Subspace Alfonse says.
"I am sure. Also when we are alone, just call me Subspace Anna.” Subspace Anna says.
"You got it, Subspace Anna.” Subspace Alfonse says.
Meanwhile in Subspace Fjorm’s room, she has found the book on the legend of the Annas in the Askrian Library and she is reading it.  She finds something that can change the people of Subspace Askr’s Mind on Subspace Anna Jr.’s Existence.
That morning, Subspace Sharena and Subspace Fjorm are looking for Subspace Alfonse and Subspace Anna when they head to Subspace Alfonse and sees them together had made love.
“Brother, It’s time to get up.  You too, Commander Subspace Anna.”  Subspace Sharena says.
Subspace Anna and Subspace Alfonse jump at the voice of Subspace Sharena.
"Subspace Sharena, what are you doing in here?” Subspace Anna says.
“We were looking for you and Subspace Alfonse after you didn’t come to breakfast.” Subspace Fjorm says.
Subspace Anna and Subspace Alfonse once again jump, at the voice of Subspace Fjorm This Time.
Subspace Anna says “Well You can see why we didn’t come.  Now could you get out so we can get dressed before any of the citizens of Subspace Askr see us?”
“About that...” Subspace Fjorm says.
“What is it, Subspace Fjorm?” Subspace Alfonse says.
"I read up on the Legend of The Annas and have found something that will change the minds of Subspace Askr’s Citizens on Subspace Anna." Subspace Fjorm says.
“I still want to be dressed for this.” Subspace Alfonse says.
“Also is Subspace Anna’s Nightwear in here?” Subspace Sharena says.
Subspace Alfonse just realizes that too “Is it?”
Suddenly Subspace Anna Jr. comes in and says “No but I brought it.  You really should have thought this out, Mother.”
Subspace Sharena says “Thank you, my future niece.”
The 3 people in the room besides Subspace Anna And Subspace Alfonse get out so The Other can get dressed in their nightwear.
When The Two Are Dressed, Subspace Alfonse says “It is safe to come in, Subspace Sharena and Subspace Fjorm.  Subspace Anna Junior, you watch the door.”
Subspace Anna Jr. says “On It Dad.”
“We are talking about The Thing that will have Change Citizens of Subspace Askr’s Minds on me being with Subspace Anna.” Subspace Alfonse says after Subspace Sharena and Subspace Fjorm walk in.
"Well, it is simple.  Each of the Annas had a destiny to fill and Subspace Anna’s Destiny was to get together with Royalty as a queen.  The Money Grabbing Additions would help the family defeat their enemies as the king would realize what he truly must do as his parents will let him know after finding a specific prophecy.” Subspace Fjorm says.
"Prophecy?  You think it is this kingdom Subspace Anna is supposed to bring this too?  How can that be?” Subspace Sharena says.
“It is just what the legend says.” Subspace Fjorm says “In any case, it makes Subspace Anna a Princess too, to see her destiny through to stop our enemy.”
Subspace Anna says “Well That is just great.”
Suddenly a Flash is hear in the summoning Altar.
“Is Subspace Aereon Summoning?” Subspace Alfonse says.
“We told him to wait.” Subspace Fjorm says.
Subspace Sharena says “I guess the Weapon couldn’t wait.  Let’s go.”
They run to the summoning altar and find a woman standing there with Subspace Aereon.
Subspace Fjorm says “Subspace Gunnthra?”
Subspace Gunnthra says “Hello, Little Sister.”
Subspace Aereon says “That is why I couldn’t wait.”
Suddenly Subspace Ayame walks in and says “Well Look at this.  The Family of The Kingdom of Ice is together for Winter’s Envoy.”
Subspace Ayame was wearing Bride Shadow Charolette’s Outfit at the moment in Subspace Style and has wielding Subspace Version of Bride Shadow Charolette’s Weapon.
"Heh, It is surprising to see you, a money warrior, seem happy to get The Kingdom of Ice Royal Family Together for the Winter’s Envoy.” Subspace Anna says
“I am saying that it is sad because Subspace Takeda isn’t here to enjoy it.” Subspace Ayame says.
Suddenly Subspace Aereon’s Breidablik Starts Glowing again and Subspace Aereon shoots it.  The Summon that comes out is...
Subspace Sharena says “Subspace Takeda?”
“I can only stay for so long before Demonic Grey Veronica knows I am missing.  I am spending the holiday with my girlfriend no matter the cost.” Subspace Takeda says.
“Thank you, Subspace Takeda. I got a gift for you that I would have had you open when we found you.” Subspace Sharena says.
Suddenly Subspace Ayame says “Hey I know Subspace Anna gave her gift for Subspace Alfonse to him.  So do you have a gift for me, Subspace Aereon?”
“Yes, And You will like it.” Subspace Aereon says, he then brings out a diamond ring and says “Will you marry me, Subspace Ayame?” 
"Oh my god! Yes, I will.”  Subspace Ayame says.
"Subspace Ayame and the Others seem happy.” Subspace Takeda says “Sorry I don’t have a gift for you, Subspace Sharena.”
“You being here is all the gift I need.” Subspace Sharena says.
“Actually there is one more gift to give out.  To You, Subspace Anna.”  Subspace Askr’s King says as he approaches.
“Father?” Subspace Alfonse says.
“We, The King and Queen of Subspace Askr, bestow upon you, Subspace Anna, something that will make you liked by the people the Askr’s Sacred Seal of Spendthrift.”  Subspace Askr’s Queen says.
The Crowd around the Order of Heroes cheers.
“Subspace Takeda, you have to go now, don’t you?” Subspace Sharena says.
“You got me there.” Subspace Takeda says “See you next year, Subspace Order of Heroes.” He then vanishes.
Subspace Sharena says “Bye.  I will miss you, My handsome wolfskin.”
Subspace Askr’s Citizens sees this and realizes who that wolfskin is and why the Demonic Emblian Empire have been unwilling to give him up.
“Dear Writers...” The Village Leader says “That’s The Subspace Askr’s Wolfskin Leader.”
Subspace Sharena says “What?  You mean he’s important?”
“Yes, you could in fact consider him a prince.  My King and Queen, I wish to give one of my best to the Subspace Order of Heroes to help defeat the Demonic Emblian Empire.” The Village Leader says.
“One of your best?” Subspace Askr’s King says.
“Yes.  It is a summon we found on the borders of the town during the recent hero battle." The Village Leader says.
“Send her over.  We will take all the help we can get.” Subspace Alfonse says.
“Come on out, girl.”  The Village Leader says.
Out of the crowds comes Grima Priscilla.
Grima Roy says “Grima Priscilla, you escaped Demonic Grey Veronica?”
“More like was summoned but forgotten because Subspace Aereon didn’t want me.” Grima Priscilla says
“Well then I take that back.  I will gladly take you if we can find Subspace Takeda.” Subspace Aereon says.”
The End for now… 
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hinakasa · 8 years
*rythmically banging fists on table* ALFONSE ALFONSE ALF- no also HECTOR HECTOR HECTOR
(answers below the cut!!)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: can’t say, I’m not into harry potterbest quality: he takes his job as a prince and a member of the order of heroes very seriously, and he works very hard to maintain peace in his kingdom. even if people didn’t like him as a prince being in the order of heroes, he didn’t give a shit blessworst quality: he’s SO SERIOUS LIKE ALF 🅱️LEASEship them with: KIRANKIRANKIRANbrotp them with: kiran, sharena, anna,, that’s it bc he always says not to get close with the other heroes. I do hc robin and kiran as friends tho since they’re both tacticians, and eventually alfonse becomes friends with robin as well!!needs to stay away from: lmao no one…… I was gonna say my girl veronica but I just want a happy ending with veronica coming to her senses and all of them being happy and chill with each other thanksmisc. thoughts: ????? I don’t know when I started liking him but ugh. love him. wish he had more background tho
hector (it’s been a long time since I played so I’ll be vague :,3c)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang bang me instead B)hogwarts house: can’t say, I’m not into harry potterbest quality: his strength stat he’s a real big friendly dude who has a heart of gold even with his fiery personality. not afraid to defend others and the type to sacrifice you to nergal for a chipworst quality: has to chill sometimes like, buddy. gets kinda impulsive at times and gotta take a step back now. one hop this time. two hops this time. everybody clap your hands. cha cha real smooth.ship them with: ELIWOOD, lyn, florina, matthewbrotp them with: E L I W O O D, matthewneeds to stay away from: lance usersmisc. thoughts: what a good man!!!!! best bro for eliwood, didn’t deserve what happened in fe6, love him 11/10
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First Date ( m!Kiran x Alfonse oneshot )
// I wanted to make one of their first date so ya here ya go. A little information about my Kiran is that he became an orphan at age 13 after a car accident, he was also born with albinism so he has white hair but his skin tone isn’t that pale. But he also has another very rare thing called Alexandria’s genesis that makes his eye’s purple. //
The prince of Askr, Alfonse stood at the entrance to the garden with a small bokay in his hands. Just a few feet away his summoner Kiran sat under a tree reading a book. Alfonse gulped and took a deep breath before walking over to the albino teen. “Hey, um Kiran?” He said and he looked up at the bluenette and smiled. “Do you need something Alfonse?” H asked, his purple eye’s sparkling in the sun making the prince blush deeply. “I uh, ahem, yes these are for you.” He quickly handed Kiran the bundle of white Roses making the summoner blink in surprise. “I know this is sudden but I was wondering if you wanted to… accompany me for dinner tonight, alone.” Kiran blinked in surprise. “Y-ya sure I’d love too.” He stood up and yelled the flowers. “How did you know I liked white Roses?” He asked with a smirking the prince rubbed the back of his neck blushing darker. “Lucky guess.” He said shyly and Kiran laughed. “Well I have to go meet Anna to go over the tactics for the next battle, i’ll see you tonight.” He walked away leaving Alfonse to let out a sigh of relief ands ink down into the grass. His sister Sharena had found out about his feelings for the summoner and had urged him to ask Kiran on a date to dinner and after some convincing from her part saying she would prepare everything he hesitantly agreed. now he had a date with Kiran. He had promised himself he wouldn’t get close to a hero from another world again but Kiran…he was different and unlike anyone else he had ever met and it intrigued him, leered him in even. The albino seems to have teared down the walls surrounding his heart and now had a place there.
Alfonse got up and made his way to the library where he found his sister who smiled at him as he entered. “So how did it go, did Kiran say yes?” She asked excitedly and Alfonse nodded. The princess squealed happily and stood up. “Ok i’ll have the staff prepare dinner and a place for your dinner, now go wash up and get ready for tonight.” She usurped him to his room before taking off towards the staff area of the castle. He sighed and went into his room and washed up before getting dressed into a white tunic with a vest, along with a pair of tan pants. Alfonse thought up some stuff to ask Kiran during dinner and willed himself to calm down and take deep breaths as he looked at himself through the mirror. He checked the time and saw he still had another two hours so he sat down at his desk and went over somethings until there was a knock at the door. He got up and open it to see Anna standing there happily. “Sharena told me the news and ask me to bring you down to the gardens, that’s were dinner is set. 
She’s waiting for you with Kiran.” Alfonse nodded and followed her down to the garden. As they walked he had to keep telling himself to stay calm.. “Ok, calm down Alfonse everything will go great. Your having dinner with Kiran, you know Kiran he’s not a judge person. I’m sure he-“ This thought stopped when they stepped into the room and he saw Kiran. He was wearing a long sleeve light blue tunic with intrigued white designs, light brow pants, and forget me not’s in his hair probably put there by Sharena. He felt his cheeks grow hot at the sight of him, he was beautiful. The blond smiled and nugget Kiran and he turned to see Alfonse and blushed too. The two girls giggled and made their leave. A;fosse took a deep breath a walked over to a still blushing Kiran and smiled. “You look lovely.”He complemented the summoner who smiled shyly and looked down brushing some hair behind his ear. “Thanks your sister picked it out.” Alfonse chuckled expecting that and held out his arm which Kiran glad took and they mad their way to the garden together.
A table was set up under the big cherry tree by the pond. The bluenette pulled out a chair for Kiran who sat down then he went to his own. They suirved them selves some food and happily talked and laughed as they ate. Since they finally had alone time together they were able to get to know each other better much to both of theirs enjoyment. They talked about their childhoods and somethings they laid and disliked. “Wait so your telling me your afraid of clowns.” Alfonse laughed and kiran pouted. “Don’t laugh they just creep me out!” The albino amended himself and the prince help up his hands. “Ok calm down, I meant no affiance.” Kiran rolled his eye’s but smiled anyways. They were silent for a few minutes just looking at each other. “What?” Kiran asked and the prince chuckled. “I’m just admiring how beautiful you are, your a treasure that should be cherished.” The summoners face went beat red and he buried his face in his hands. “S-shut up…” he mumbled making the brunette laugh. 
He then stood up and walked over to the blushing smaller teen and held out his hand. Kiran peek out from behind his fingers to look at him. “May I have a dance?” He asked and Kiran nodded and took his hand standing up with the prince. “I’m not much of a dancer.” He said shyly. “Don’t worry i’ll take the lead.” Alfonse said and Kiran nodded, letting the bluenette pull him close an they swayed lightly together. Kiran laid his head on the princes chest listening to his heart beat. “Kiran.” He whispered. “Hm?” The prince was silent for a moment. “Will you stay here, with us… with me.” He asked but Kiran was quiet until suddenly he let out a chocked sob. Alfonse’s eye’s widen and he pulled back a bit to cup Kiran’s cheek as tears ran down them. ‘Kiran place don’t cry.” He hushed softly, wiping the tears away with his thumb. The summoner then grabbed the prince by the collar and pulled him into a kiss. His eye;s went wide at first not expecting Kiran to be so bold but soon melted into it. They pulled away after a few seconds and Kiran looked up at him and smiled. “I will.” He said making the prince smile brightly and pulled him back not another kiss.
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