#for the pc to boot again and like it's /a/ solution but it's not what i paid for so back to the repairs it goes :(
spacemilkbag · 1 year
small blessings (will be able to listen to new drong when I wake up)
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stellaralignment · 8 months
After reading @kira-serialfaggot 's post about inaccessible menus and @butterfly-sapphire post about non-customizable menus figured I now had sufficient excuse to rant about how I hate how every big restaurant's ""solution"" to these two problems is somehow always the worst fucking app I've ever had to use in my life.
So, to clarify real quick. I agree with both previous posts. Places that serve food should have their menu easily accessible somewhere if they have an online presence, and places that let you customize your order need to have that as a feature of any digital ordering solution they implement. Good? Good.
So, a lot of places I've seen (Wendys, Taco Bell, and McDonald to name a few) Have tried to get around how fucking horrible the DD app itself is by making their own apps with DD integration for the actual ordering/serving of delivery orders. Great, this lets them provide their own menu customization options, serve discounts/coupons, and generally have more control over the user experience. Fantastic. As a bonus, this usually also allows you to just look at the menu whenever you want.
Small issue. All of these apps were written by the worst fucking programmers I have ever witnessed in my life. I havn't gotten angry enough to de-compile or try to reverse engineer one yet, but my user experience has been so consistently bad and I've encountered issues that, as a software engineer, I honestly could not tell you how fucked their system has to be in order to allow that to happen.
Allow me to tell you the worst of these. I'm trying to order delivery from a store. It's late, like 7pm, but I know the place is open till 10. I can confirm this on their website (I do later for reasons that will become apparent) and google maps. So I punch in my address, make my order, and go to checkout. Unfortunately, the app tells me "Your payment method failed. Please select a new method and try again". Which was odd, but not unimaginable. I've had issues with my bank in the past. So I swap cards and try again, thinking nothing of it.
Except, my other card doesn't work either. Nor does using PayPal, or Google Pay, or any of the other payment options I tried. I'm getting desperate. I buy some games on steam just to make sure some of these are working, which they are. I was worried, but now that I've confirmed all my money hasn't been siphoned away somehow, I'm just confused and getting annoyed.
So I start going insane. I buy digital gift cards from several different sites and try using them. No dice, payment failed. I try using the website instead of the app, on my phone and PC. Payment failed. I boot up an android studio instance with a brand new virtual phone, install the app on it, and try to order. Again. Payment failed.
I'm starting to wonder if their servers are just completely down. A friend in a different state can order with no problems. A friend in the same town can order with no fanfare.
But my roommates can't. They have the same issue
Payment failed.
So. I'm going insane. I've now spent almost 3 hours attempting to order food, and I'm starving. It is at this point that my anger finally overcomes my social anxiety, and I do the one thing I never thought I'd do.
I call the store in question.
Now, in all of this there was one crucial mistake I made. See, that friend in the same town? Lived on the other side of town. And there's 2 different stores of this franchise in town. We didn't control for this, because the app doesn't let you pick a store anyways when doing delivery. It's hard locked to whatever one is closest, which isn't a terrible thing to do. You need to get the delivery address anyways, and you know where all your store are, so it cuts out a step for me. But having to choose a store might've clued us in to what was going wrong.
Because the store? Was closed. Not just closed, like mega closed. It was being shut down. It hadn't been open for two weeks, and would never be open again. The order was failing because they'd already taken all the computer systems out, and it couldn't confirm to have received the order.
So there was nothing wrong with the payment. Literally nothing I could have done about this. I am just barred completely from ordering because the app defaults to the nearest location for orders, and my nearest location didn't exist anymore.
And you'd think that there would be some way to communicate this to the user when making the app. But for reasons I can only assume are profit motivated (Though I have no idea how the fuck this is more efficient/profitable), the app just defaults to saying the payment failed.
Now, I wouldn't be this mad if this was just "oops edge case lol" where I suffered the unfortunate consequences of some procrastinator forgetting to do the thing that removes stores from the database. Unfortunate but not really anyone I can blame for it. But no. This is just the most extreme example, and it's not even confined to the one app.
Almost every single app like this I've used defaults to saying the payment failed and to try a new payment method when anything goes wrong. No drivers out on DoorDash to actually move the order? Payment failed. You're trying to order a seasonal item that got dropped today? Payment failed. The companies servers actually are down? Payment failed. You're not connected to wi-fi like an idiot and there's actually something you can do to fix the issue that's not related to payment whatsoever? Payment failed.
What the fuck is up with this lazy ass programming? I seriously doubt there's enough technical debt from these apps to justify not having a robust error catching system that communicates with the user what the issue is. By the fucking stars these people love collecting intrusive data, I'm surprised they havn't used this as an excuse to harvest everyone's fucking location at all times and send "error data" back to central.
But just don't tell me my debit card was declined when I'm trying to order a burger and you closed that store two weeks ago.
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
Physical or digital media?
I would be a 100% physical media person if I could help it.
There are too many stories of games getting delisted for licensing or whatever. A developer pays for a celebrity likeness or a top 40 song or a specific model of car and five years later, whoops! The rights expired! The game goes poof. It's like it never existed. Doesn't matter how good or bad the game was.
And keep in mind, even a bad game is going to be somebody's favorite, and they deserve a way to still experience it.
If you have a disc, that disc is forever (within reason). If it's a digital game, it gets deleted from that reality. Literally deleted. I bought Forza Horizon 3 on PC a few years ago because Microsoft had the foresight to warn people when it was getting delisted. And thankfully, the servers are still up, and Microsoft says they are, at least for now, committed to letting you redownload delisted games that you paid for.
But that won't always be the case, and it's already happening that some games can permanently disappear. The Wii Shop Channel is gone now. All those Virtual Console games, all those WiiWare titles, if you missed your shot to download it from Nintendo, it's gone now. Doesn't matter how much you paid. If you connect that console to the internet all you'll have is an error message. The clock is also ticking on the 3DS and Wii U eShops, which are slated to close at the end of this month.
Stadia, in its entirety, is gone. Most (not all) of those games are available on other platforms... but if you bought it on Stadia, you will have to buy it again somewhere else, and hope that one day, that too does not also go down.
There are always gestures of preservation efforts made by the community. And I'm thankful for those. The Wii Shop Channel is gone, but all of those games have been backed up by pirates years ago. Believe me, I'm no stranger to the methods used to play games like Castlevania ReBirth or Fast Racing League, which died on the Wii Shop and have never been ported anywhere else to this day.
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But there are a lot of assumptions made in things like that which may not have practical solutions. Like, how many of you reading this blog have ever tried to emulate an original Xbox game on the PC? Microsoft only lets you access a small percentage of the Xbox library through their official backwards compatibility, but what if you want to venture outside of that?
It's not an easy process. Compatibility is a mess, system requirements are all over the place, and you have to get very specific dumps to even get the games to boot at all, assuming they can actually run. Yes, the data has been preserved, but it's not worth much when you can't do anything with it or need to spend $1500 on a PC good enough to run the emulation software.
It will always be easier to own the disc and throw it in the original hardware. A lot of Sega Saturn emulation still isn't an especially easy thing to run smoothly unless you have an above average gaming PC. I'd have to spend at least $300-$400 just to upgrade my system's CPU, but a couple years ago I spent $110 on a RetroTink2x Pro and I can hook my real hardware up to that just fine.
But even that's becoming it's own problem, because all of the greasy collectors have been moving in for years now and driving prices up on even the cheapest, most recent trash. The aftermarket is all but disappearing -- up through the launch of the PS4, it used to be you could find PS2 games for pennies. Now used prices seem to stay pretty much lock step with retailer MSRP (that's the price you pay for brand new shrinkwrapped games, kids). You might be lucky to find newer games on Ebay for a couple bucks off, but it's not like it used to be.
There are more and more and more stories about grifters like WATA coming in and "officially grading" retro games to be fake collector's items, leading to awful headlines like a copy of Super Mario 64, one of the most ubiquitous and common N64 games ever made, selling for a million dollars. That's like selling a bucket of tap water for a million dollars.
Buying physical is becoming a landmine because it's feeling like if you wait too long then you're at the mercy of scalpers and grifters and "collectors" who think they can throw a loose cart of Super Mario 64 up on Ebay and get $50-$70 for it.
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A part of me wants to slap on a tinfoil hat and say that this was a plan. Ten years ago, the used games market was the enemy for a corporation like Microsoft, because it was a method to get dirt cheap games without any of that money going to them.
And though they backed off from that after it publicly damaged the Xbox brand, they are still pushing very, very, very hard to move everything to digital where the used games market does not exist. The next generation of Xbox after the one we're on right now probably won't come with a disc drive at all for how much they push the all-digital Series S in the marketing.
How do you hurry that along? Turn the used games market in to "the collector's market" where those old games like Halo 2 are much more expensive and much less convenient than just buying a digital copy of The Master Chief Collection for $20 on the Xbox Store.
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And make no mistake, it is more convenient. Speaking as someone who has moved into smaller and smaller spaces over the last seven years, there comes a very real moment where you have to get rid of pieces of your life. Being able to plug a single box in and have my 18 year old Steam account with 1500+ games certainly seems a lot more comforting on the surface than having to lug five tubs of plastic cartridges and game discs around everywhere I go.
But what if the unthinkable happens, and Steam shuts down some day? I cannot reliably back up 1500 PC games. What if it gets stolen tomorrow and I can't get access back? Is convenient always better? Like, yeah, somebody could break in and steal my retro games, too, but that's a lot harder to do than breaking into my Steam account.
And this isn't even touching on the complications of ownership rights, and how certain businesses are trying to redefine what it means to be a "service" because that allows them to bypass the ownership laws meant to protect people like you and me.
The reality is, because of space, price, and availability concerns, I only really buy physical games if they're meaningfully important to me. And if they're important to me to own on a disc, I usually end up buying them digitally too, just for the convenience of digital. The Xbox 4 might not have a disc drive but I'll still be able to play the digital copy of Sonic Unleashed on it some day, while also being able to pop that same disc in my old 360, assuming it still works.
There are forces at work here and as always their goals are to take more and more and more of our money away from us. They have discovered a lot of great ways to do that. Buying physical is getting to be almost a matter of protest at this point.
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jknauer · 5 months
My Grandfather’s Betamax and Modelling New Product Diffusion [1] [2]:
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My grandfather loved his Betamax camcorder.  Sometimes when I picture him he is carrying it with him, casually strung across his shoulder with the rainbow Sony strap (not unlike the one pictured) on display.  My grandfather was convinced that Betamax was the superior and bound-to-be enduring technology.  I imagine that he thought those home movies would be family heirlooms to be viewed again and again via compatible Betamax players.
I don’t want to paint the picture of my grandfather as naïve.  He was well educated (with degrees in Electrical Engineering and an MBA to boot) and a highly successful executive in one of the world’s enduring mega-engineering corporations.  Perhaps he would be better characterized as an earlier version of me: be that a more successful, more dignified, more worldly, and much taller version of me.  But one thing is for sure, his intuition regarding the staying power of Betamax was wide of the mark. Certainly, we could dissect the various blunders on Sony’s part which ensured that Betamax technology would never achieve market saturation.  Yes, it’s easy to Monday morning quarterback most things, but could the right models have been applied to predict, with a measure of accuracy, the rise and fall of Betamax?  For that matter, can we model diffusion of new products to untested markets?  Take, for example, pre-sliced peanut butter slices, adhesive bandages embedded with nanocrystals of pure silver, a PC plug-in to release scents, a collapsible wheel, and a modified synthetic substance for horse racetracks.  While these products sound far-fetched, they all share something in common.  They are all 100% real products.
One powerful tool for forecasting the market diffusion of new and innovative products is the Bass Diffusion Model.  Prior to Sony’s sale of the first Betamax camcorder (to my grandfather or someone just like him), the existing customer base was exactly zero.  As product adoption began, the positive feedback from the handful of early adopters was so minimal that it was negligible, and thus a predictive model such as the Bass model needed to capture alternate adoption channels such as news media coverage, advertising, and directed sales efforts by Sony.  To solve this problem, Frank Bass developed the Bass Diffusion Model in 1969 (see sample model diagram below) which solved the start-up puzzle by postulating that potential adopters are made aware of the new product via external information sources which can be modelled as constant over time in terms of magnitude and persuasiveness (effectiveness)[3].  The aggregate adoption rate is the sum of adoptions resulting from word of mouth and adoptions resulting from advertising and external influences.
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So, what happened to Betamax?  Long before it could be cannibalized by superior technology it was dead in its tracks due to inferior technology: VHS (boo!).  This was one of the rare times that Sony publicly and massively miscalculated.  The popularity of this new technology was largely a function of externalities, specifically the size of the user base.  By playing it close to the vest with its new technology, Sony kept the Betamax out of the hands of its competitors.  We all know how that played out.  Very soon every home had some type of VHS machine, and my family was left to watch my grandfather’s home movies while others were out renting E.T. and Tootsie and all of the other the latest blockbusters.  The takeaway messages are numerous: 1) don’t trust your grandfather’s intuition, 2) all models have their limitations, and 3) pre-packaged peanut butter slices are only part of the solution without the jelly slices to go with.
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[1] Image sources: image of someone making home movies 1980s betamax - Search Images (bing.com), peanut butter and jelly - Search Images (bing.com)
[2] Content for this article sourced from “Forecasting the Adoption of a New Product” by Professor Elie Ofek and Research Assistant Peter Wickersham, President and Fellows of Harvard College,  Copyright 2005; “Four Products: Predicting Diffusion” by Professor John T. Gourville,  President and Fellows of Harvard College,  Copyright 2001; “Four Products: Predicting Diffusion (2008)” by Professor John T. Gourville,  President and Fellows of Harvard College,  Copyright 2008.
[3] “Business Dynamics” by John D. Sterman, copyright 2000.
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strangecloud · 9 months
Things I wish I knew before I installed Linux
Flatpak. Flatpak is a software packaging and distribution solution, the main feature of which is containerization. What that means is if you install a Flatpak app, it is isolated from most of your filesystem and processes at runtime. The main advantage is enhanced privacy and security. The main disadvantage is that, if you would like your application to communicate with external apps (like Discord's rich presence) or if you want it to access an external filesystem, like a secondary drive, that's going to be a bit harder and require some workarounds.
Display/Audio servers. Depending on your distro, your server processes and daemons are going to be different. A normal user doesn't have to worry too much about stuff like PulseAudio unless they are already comfortable tinkering anyway, but Display is another matter. If you notice issues with tearing, stutter, or reduced performance, check whether your Desktop Environment uses X11 or Wayland. If one gives you trouble, switch over and try again. There's more advanced tinkering you can do to improve the display experience but I'm not comfortable telling people to root into their xorg.confs or whatever, so just search on the internet if you feel something's not working right.
Ext4. Ext4 is the preferred filesystem format for Linux OSes. There are exceptions but most distros are going to require this format. Importantly, Windows does not read ext4 out of the box. That means if you decide to back up some data onto a default Linux-formatted ext4 drive, you won't be able to access your files from a Windows PC. In this case, you'll need either some data recovery tool or a live Linux boot media to move your files back.
Mesa. Mesa is the open-source graphics library for AMD and Intel graphics adapters. If you use an AMD or Intel GPU (dedicated or not), you'll most likely want to use Mesa and not bother with proprietary drivers unless you are on a workstation use-case. While Linux has a reputation of being friendly to old tech, support for my Legacy GPUs have been mixed. On Debian, my AMD R7 260X does not play nice with RADV and requires a workaround to force AMDVLK. Your mileage may vary.
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mantisfriendd · 4 months
I gotta share what I've been going through here because it's driving me up a wall
Ok so like months ago I try to install a copy of Rainbow Six Lockdown on my PC via disk
All is going smoothly and the installer asks me to restart the PC, something about graphics drivers or something, sure let's restart, it is a 5 DISK install for god knows why.
Little did I know that Rainbow Six Lockdown was about to live up to it's name
After restart I get the dreaded "diagnosing windows" screen, never in my life have I ever seen this actually "diagnose" anything. So I try a bunch of things to get my PC to actually boot, eventually I can get in if I disable driver verification.
I delete the game, and after much much digging I see that some files associated with my graphics driver are unsigned.
Internet gives me a variety of solutions, none of which have worked
I've updated my drivers to the proper version, I've done a fresh install of the updated driver, nothing seems to work.
This is already annoying but then everyone's favorite makes an appearance, the Windows Update.
When Windows tries to update at 3am (with my PC on and files I've been working on open no less) it tries to restart to apply the update but because of the unsigned driver files it cannot, Windows assumes the update went south, rolls it back, and then tries again the next night, this continues so long as my PC is powered on at the Windows update hour.
It's bad form I know but I have no backups of my PC, not from before my PC getting lockdowned and not after.
I am lost for any kind of solution, if anyone here as any suggestions I am open to trying things
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micro-pc-tech · 7 months
Guide for Computer virus handling
In todays time every single person familiar with word Virus.
"A virus" the word “virus” is famous for “CORONA VIRUS” after impact of COVID-19 in all around world.
What do you do while protecting yourself from corona virus?
Yes! IT'S about to
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Cover you face with mask
Keep distancing
In similar style YOU can protect your computer from viruses that are generally called malware with formula KEEP DISTANCING! YES "IT DEFINITELY WORKS"
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Technical masks on your computer in form of Antiviruses, firewall, anti-spyware.
Keep distancing is another magic follow up to stay away from viruses.  (It’s very easy and possible to make distance from computer viruses
Keep distance from suspicious links downloads (Shared through emails or any other sources)
Keep distance from removable devices or does a scan with updated antivirus before insert it.
Keep distance from unauthorized web pages. Don’t open them.
Keep distance from downloading freeware from internet
Keep distance from downloading unauthorized software (malicious software)
Let's read what actually a virus is?
Oh that’s a silly program made by scammers in order to
Destroy computer system
Damage computer system
Make your computer sick and put it on ventilator
Hijack your computer system
Steal control or any important information from your computer system
All that means to disable smart functioning of any computer system, software, or electronic data. Virus is a program that spreads by first infecting files or the system areas of a computer or network router's hard drive and then making copies of itself. It can cause serious damage to your computer.
Download from reputable sources
Before downloading any freeware, take some time to read reviews from other users.
verify authenticity before downloading any software
Use a reputable Antivirus and keep it up-to-date
Be cautious of 'too good to be true' offers
Always opt out of installing anything that you're not sure about.
Keep your operating system and software updated with the latest security patches to minimize vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malware.
By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of getting viruses from freeware and protect your computer and personal information.
Over WWW there are numerous guides’ available that teaches you some possible ways to handle a virus. You definitely get huge suggestions in finding and fixing.
Are that all guide is resolving your problem? or
Make it worst?
Sometimes a journey of fixing existing virus may take you at risk of facing another unwanted virus or suspicious attack as many fake resources available to guide you. HOW? As most time a victim can opt for solutions by searching over web and can be entangled in a net of those who
Claim to remove your virus for free
Claim A system scan for free
A software that available with excited offers
Not have reputed name in market and work to just earning from victims.
Removing a virus from your computer requires careful steps. Here's a general guide on how to remove a virus that can be of any type like file infection , Boot sector , macro virus , polymorphic viruses ,Trojans ,Ransom wares ,  Aware , Spyware etc Here are some suggestions to remove virus from your computer .
Best way is to get Professional Help
If you're unable to remove the virus on your own, consider seeking help from a professional computer technician or IT specialist. This is best way to have help from a professional as they know right way to handle with virus. There are many helps over web that cares you pc through call.  They may have specialized tools and knowledge to assist in virus removal. Micro PC Tech, we provide the best support for virus removal.   You can contact at their toll free number +1-877-842-1012.
If you not want to go with a professional follow these steps, may it help you
Opt. Safe Mode: Turn off your computer and start it up again (Restart your computer) and click on safe mode (boot into Safe Mode). This action to run a computer in safe mode prevents the virus from running and makes it easier to remove.So this is one of possible way in detecting and removal of virus from your computer.
Update Antivirus: Antivirus is software that protects you from virus attacks. To ensure your antivirus proper functionality and best output check for software is up-to-date with the latest version. Updating of software is much important as it UPGRADE the software to fight with extreme power an let you protected from any suspicious malware attacks . If you don't have antivirus software installed, consider downloading OR buying a reputable program and installing it.
System Scan: When a virus affects computer than scanning is best way to stay it away from your computer, hence perform a full system scan using your antivirus software. Don’t halt scanning; Allow the scan to complete, as it will search for any traces of the virus on your computer.
Remove Detected Threats: Once you detect a virus, what is our next step? Probably we are going to kick it out. So the next step for you is that if the antivirus software detects the virus or any other threats, follow the prompts to quarantine or remove them from your system.
Manually Delete Suspicious Files: Manual detection is a bit difficult as you have to identify by yourself for any suspicious item and deleting them may cause for data loss. In case if the antivirus software does not detect the malware, you may need to manually search for and delete suspicious files. Be cautious when deleting files manually, as deleting system files can cause issues with your computer.
Restore Your System: most important for firm or personal is DATA, So Consider restoring your computer to a previous state using System Restore (Windows) or Time Machine (Mac) if the micro virus persists after running antivirus scans.
Prevent Future Infections: Once you remove virus that not mean it will not back again. After removing the micro virus, take steps to prevent future infections by installing reliable antivirus software, keeping your operating system and software up-to-date, and practicing safe browsing habits.
By following these steps, you can effectively remove a micro virus from your computer and help protect it from future infections.
Micro PC Tech Inc technician help millions of people around the world by relieving the frustration and stress caused by technical issues. Micro PC Tech Inc also helps enterprises transform customer experiences and increase satisfaction and lifetime value by enabling them to offer high quality technical support services for out of scope issues. Micro PC Tech has one of the highest resolution rates in the industry and strives to provide a great experience at every interaction. Today’s highly tech-dependent lifestyles have created an enormous need for professional tech support services. Filling this need gap neatly, Micro PC Tech helps consumers and small businesses get the most out of the technologies they use everyday by removing the stress and frustration experienced by people when dealing with technical problems.
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gddmgttsu · 1 year
So, I've been having this issue of my old PC from like 2018 is starting to feel a bit lacking in terms of performance. I'm not like a computer expert by any means so I've given alot of thought as to wether I should get a new one or upgrade this one.
My mind was set on just buying a whole new one so I could run my stuff better. I stumbled upon a video that talks about graphics card performance over the years up to now being not quite as exponential as expected gave me a bit of hope that my smelly 1060 can still do good.
Alittle after that too, my friend was buying a new PC since he's never had a dedicated gaming one. While the friend group was on call, we were just talking about ram and how 8 gigs used to be the alright but now it's the minimum. After that conversation I realized "WAIT A SECOND ALL OF MY PC ISSUES FEEL LIKE A RAM PROBLEM" since I only had 8 gigs.
Without much thought, I went online and bought an extra 8 gig stick which would give me at total of 16 gigs. With great difficulty due to the size of my graphics card, I was able to slot it in properly (2-4 slot thingy) and upon my first boot it was wonderful.
It was like my PC's asthma was cured. I could actually like play my games properly and tab out to discord to talk without it exploding. I tested a bunch of games and felt a giant weight off of my shoulders.
I should preface this by saying I bought a somewhat expensive set of digital isntruments (I don't actually recommend the one I bought) and because it ran terribly but still useable. I had the idea to upgrade my PC because of that.
You could imagine how I felt when the next boot a few hours later things felt "normal". It was like I didn't install that new stick of ram.
To my surprise, the task manager said something like 4.8/8 gigs memory, despite my PC correctly seeing that it has 16 gigs of ram. I didn't quite feel a pit in my stomach but my first thought was "ah fuck I paid for that".
I spent 3 hours or so troubleshooting, taking the PC apart several times, cleaning, slotting in different slots, messing with windows settings and eventually I got it to fully use 16 gigs. It was only shortly lived as during my testing I noticed that on a stress test the memory felt like it was capping at 8 gigs and after a bit more pushing, it just BLUE SCREENED.
It gave me the error code of not being able to access the ram and it rebooted. It started up as normal again but before it can hit my desktop, this time it blue screened againt this time maybe telling me about corrupted system files. At this point I felt like the gif of the emoji disintegrating.
It reboots up one last time and everything seems normal and I can access my desktop.
I check the task manager, it only sees 8 gigs.
I eventually give up and go to bed deciding to take it out when I wake up which leads us to now.
I suppose I'm lucky I didn't catastrophically destroy my PC since I don't have a back up for my files yet (hehe) but like, come on man, I paid money for that stick.
As a last resort I check the listing for any semblance of warranty I could use and behold I see it, the prime reason as to why forces beyond our comprehension decided to mess with me: "Not compatible with AMD processors"
So, lesson learned: Read your tooltips (I'm an ffxiv player)
In all seriousness though, I'm kinda glad I went through the whole process because it gave me insight as to what I need to look out for when I actually get one whole money and buy a new PC.
It also gave me a newfound appreciation for the people in the computer repair industry that do this for a living. I imagine idiots like me walk into the store 200x a second with an easily remedied solution. Can't imagine the patience required haha.
I suppose when I can afford it, I can buy another ram and give it another go. It shouldn't be too hard this time since I'll be walking into the physical store and asking for what I need with my specs.
As for the ram, I might just give it away since it might still work with a non AMD processor. I did pay for it and I wouldn't want it to go to waste.
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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What To Expect Out Of Your Profession Path As An Data Scientist
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Data scientists use chance, statistics, arithmetic, and computer science to make predictions about advanced methods. Gaining expertise as a data analyst is superb preparation for success as a data scientist. Learn essential skills to construct a data science profession by enrolling in top-rated programs from main universities and companies. The term information scientist is being used rather loosely — from analysts to data visualisers and business intelligence experts — all are being termed as information scientists. The imply annual wage for an information scientist in the U.S. is $103,930, based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
visit to know more about : data science training in hyderabad The analytics sector has witnessed a sharp improve in demand for highly-skilled professionals who understand both the enterprise world in addition to the tech world. Organisations today are on a continuing lookout for such professionals who can fill this ever-growing dearth in talent. A information analytics boot camp will educate you the skills to pursue an entry-level data science function and to enter this exciting career. Such boot camps are short-term, intensive courses lasting three to six months and offer versatile scheduling, on-line coursework, and sensible training. Similarly, data-science initiatives are complex, lengthy, confusing & with full of experiments. You must have temper and empathy to work with massive teams of individuals with totally different expertise like data engineer, DevOps,  leaders, domain consultants and so forth. As knowledge scientist, you’ll largely interact with non-data individuals from various capabilities like sales, marketing or compliance. One of your job will be to hear them carefully and perceive their mind-sets & problems related to business. In this guide, I’ll stroll you thru the ins and outs of the info scientist profession path and the skills required for the same. Additionally, I’ll share some lights on, how to determine which data science profession is best for you. If you need to start on a profession path in the rewarding and in-demand field of knowledge science, a knowledge scientist degree from PennWest California may help you make that dream a reality. Data science administrators collaborate with business groups to determine alternatives, step via requirements, and come again with technical options from their group. In addition, 35 p.c of knowledge scientists hold a master’s diploma, and 14 percent have attained a doctoral degree. In this information, we’ve mentioned each side of the info science career path in size. It principally revolves around expertise you require to get into this career and what are the varied choices you’ve. However, In the data science trade, we have a massive shortage of expert data scientists! Even though the jobs within the field of information science are seeing a steady upward trend, there is a noticeable shortage of knowledge scientists with the right expertise. It is mostly good to control the “cutting edge” of information science. This area largely deals with managing tons of and 1000's of petabytes of data in a secured and easy-to-access manner. Big knowledge builders are technically savvy individuals with heavy data of pc architecture. In 2021 alone 137,000+ open jobs had been out there within the subject of data science. You can even witness growth of beautiful 47% in analytical jobs compared last 12 months. It’s not a hidden truth anymore that today’s financial  system is shifting increasingly towards analytics & data-driven solutions/decisions. Organizations, businesses & governments, have spent latest years accumulating & mining big quantities of data. In order to instruct computer systems to convert your evaluation in action, you should have distinctive programming expertise. In business most widely used language is Python, so it goes without saying, you want to be a master of Python. Apart from Python, you should learn other languages too corresponding to R, C, C++, Shell Scripting & SQL. As a data science director, you’ll need broad knowledge and experience in most areas of data science. The possibilities within it are expanding, both when it comes to functions and job alternatives. Whether you’re contemplating getting into the field, have already got your first data science job, or you’re already a couple of years in, here’s an summary of what to expect when you’re anticipating to remain in information science. Nowadays, any enterprise, big or small, is always on the hunt to search out people who can comprehend and deconstruct data. If you’re here, I am assuming you’ve determined or are on the urge of deciding a profession path for your self. Let me draw your attention to few other necessary elements, which may help you resolve further. The company’s every system & infrastructure related to knowledge needs to be built and maintained by identifying all attainable structural and installation options. Data architects are liable for making certain their company’s information options are built for performance & scalability and in addition to design analytics for a quantity of platforms. It's the information scientist, who’s coping with stakeholders too for understanding business issues, knowledge at hand and share analysis & findings with them in most effective means. You have to be taught and execute totally different methods for deploying your model in real-time production methods. Deep studying is an advanced model of Machine studying, which pulls its inspiration from the human mind; for complicated use circumstances and datasets. To be a great Data Scientist you should learn and understand the complicated ideas of Deep learning. Focused primarily on predictive analysis, they usually use pre-existing statistical fashions or work with specs laid out by a extra senior knowledge scientist. Linear algebra/calculus are superior math skills that are essential for those in data science. Linear algebra has been referred to as “the mathematics of knowledge,” in that it has functions to machine and deep learning, and calculus is no much less crucial in constructing algorithms. You don’t need PhD or masters in statics but a common understanding is a must. This expertise should have allowed you to hone your talent for deep technical teaching and mentorship. You have to useful resource the work against your staff correctly, meaning that you simply assist prioritize the work and assign the work to a member of  your staff. You need to have experimental mindset, which will permit you to discover & explore alternative ways to manipulate obtainable data and extract the most juice out of it. In order so that you simply can do this, you want to learn varied information pre-processing operations & you can begin this with SQL, which is a vital requirement of the Data science journey. Data Science has shown the capability that it could transform industries and our society. With limited provide of specialised professionals in Data Science and a speedy demand, it has turn into a lucrative profession. Now, let me draw your attention in path of few essential elements for why you should choose data science as a profession. As you can see, understanding the assorted causes behind client behaviors is crucial to being in a position to glean related insights from collected information. These knowledge increases are prompting organizations to seek extremely skilled knowledge professionals as they pivot towards data-driven choice making. For example, 92 % of the executives responding to the 2019 MIT Sloan Management Review stated they'd begun investing extra closely in information and AI. That same year, Entrepreneur reported that firms that leveraged huge data had been eight percent more profitable than those that did not.
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demoani · 2 years
Hp pavilion 17 insyde bios update
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Run Microsoft Autoruns with Administrator rights (right click -> Run as Administrator).Īgree with the standard license agreement from Microsoft. With regards to your concern where it came from, please provide me with a log file so that I can see for any signs.ĭownload Autoruns (from Microsoft) from this URL => You have already verified you can open its configuration F10 and since your PC starts fine, then the BIOS is verified as OK. (.) Anyway to try and verify again to make sure the BIOS is okay? Thank you. The BIOS update window popped up while I was editing photos in Lightroom. I am concerned because I did not request the BIOS update.
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I tried again to restart the computer and it seems to be fine now. Exit BIOS without saving the changes and start Windows Choose/press F10 to open the BIOS configuration. please, shutdown the computer using the power button (pressed and hold for a few seconds until PC powers off)Īs soon as you press the power-on button, immediately begin hitting the Esc button repeatedly (like tap-tap-tap) before any logo appears. Therefore, if PC boots fine, most likely BIOS is OK. If the computer does not pass the POST, you will receive a combination of beeps indicating what is malfunctioning within the computer. The BIOS includes instructions on how to load basic computer hardware and includes a test referred to as a POST (Power On Self Test) that helps verify the computer meets requirements to boot up properly. Otherwise, keep the existing version as long as possible. Same applies for Windows Updates, OS update, drivers updates, etc - upgrade/update IF you have issues which you know are fixed in the newer version or for some severe security issues. Any kind of update (no matter for what and who relesed it) can fix 2 issues but may introduce 10 more issues. Additionally, upgrading the BIOS (for any vendor) poses more risks because BIOS recovery is not that easy as compared to typical software updates IF something goes wrong. Updating just for updaing and just for using the latest verson is not solution. General recommendation I provide to users/customers is NOT to upgrade BIOS/UEFI unless they experience any kind of specific BIOS/UEFI issue. Personally, I do not recommend you do it unless you experience some issues with your existing BIOS and you are sure that the new BIOS will fix it. It's used for lots of PC vendors - check their website > Insyde is the vendor of the BIOS you have on your PC. Not sure what popped-up for the BIOS update - it could have been from HP Support Assistant, but this is not a virus. Hello you for posting in the HP Support forum.
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pineradvance · 2 years
Hirens bootcd 15.2.iso
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Hirens bootcd 15.2.iso how to#
Hirens bootcd 15.2.iso drivers#
Hirens bootcd 15.2.iso software#
Hirens bootcd 15.2.iso iso#
In most computers, the primary disk is C:, since it hold the operating system and program files. Partition means to divide a certain part of a hard drive for backup and system files, like separating a part from the whole. What more if the computer is having a problem to boot or load the operating system? What if the BIOS (Basic I/O or Input / Output System) becomes corrupt thus not able to access the operating system like Windows or Mac, and not being able to access the files? Well, there is a solution to this, and it's another easy to use software: Hiren's BootCD.įor USB Booting Instructions just click here.
Hirens bootcd 15.2.iso drivers#
Many resort to using the traditional clean install, where the primary driver is reformatted, thus leaving the PC clean and new, and the only thing that is very tedious to do afterwards are none other than installing once again the drivers or hardware installed on the computer, which usually take 2 or 3 hours to finish. When it comes to having a certain PC streamlined, base lined, or simply reformatted, there are various ways to do so.
Hirens bootcd 15.2.iso software#
At “ Boot Order” setting, set the USB-HDD as first boot device.This kind of compilation software provides a compilation of programs to help resolves most and some uncommon Internet and computer issues like driver failure, intermittent internet connection and other computer malfunctions.(This setting is commonly found inside " Advanced BIOS Features" menu). Inside BIOS menu, find the " Boot Order" setting.(The way to enter into BIOS Settings depends on the computer manufacturer). Power On your computer and press " DEL" or " F1" or " F2" or " F10" to enter BIOS (CMOS) setup utility.Notice: In order to boot from the Hiren’s Bootable USB stick, you must set the USB as first boot device from your BIOS settings.To do that: When Rufus operation is completed, close Rufus utility, unplug the USB stick and use it in the future to troubleshoot your computer.
Hirens bootcd 15.2.iso iso#
Wait until Rufus utility erases your USB stick and transfers Hiren’s Boot ISO files to it.ĩ. Read carefully the warning message and press “ OK”. Inside the “ Hiren’s Boot 15.2” folder, select the “ Hiren’s BootCD 15.2.iso” image file and choose “ Open”.Ĩ. Then click the icon next to “ ISO Image” entry to select the Hiren’s ISO Image file “ Hiren's.BootCD.15.2”.iso” from your computer.Ħ. At “ Create a bootable disk using” option, select “ ISO Image”.ĥ. Choose the empty USB stick that you plugged on your computer.Ĥ. Now double-click to run “ rufus” application.ģ. Remove all USB storage drives from your computer and plug an EMPTY* USB stick (minimum 1GB) to an empty USB port.Īttention: DO NOT leave your files on USB stick, because all files will be erased during this operation.Ģ. Create a bootable Hiren’s BootCD USB flash drive.ġ. Go to the official Rufus download page and download RUFUS USB Bootable Creator Utility to your computer. * Rufus is an excellent utility that helps to create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc.ġ. Step 2: Download RUFUS USB Boot Creator Utility*. When the Download is complete, right click on “ Hirens.BootCD.15.2.zip” file to extract it. Scroll the page down and click on “ Hirens.BootCD.15.2.zip” )Ģ. (Hiren’s BootCD Official Download page: ) Download Hiren’s BootCD to your computer. How to create a Hiren's Boot USB Flash Drive.
Hirens bootcd 15.2.iso how to#
In this article you will find instructions on how to put Hiren’s BootCD on a USB flash drive (stick) in order to troubleshoot computer problems in the future. I write this article because I use Hiren’s BootCD frequently to troubleshoot computer problems, specially when a computer doesn't boot anymore due to a virus attack or due to a corrupted file system. More specifically, HBCD contains hardware diagnostic programs, partition tools, data recovery utilities, antivirus tools and many other tools to fix your computer problems. Hiren’s BootCD (HBCD) is a bootable CD that contains a set of tools that can help users to fix their computer if their system fails to boot.
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adavewor · 2 years
Xboxone enter alternate mac address
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First, ensure that your Xbox is in idle mode and fully booted.
Here's how to perform a power cycling procedure: This procedure will clear any temp data and drain the power capacitors, which will fix any firmware-related problems you might have. One of the easiest ways to fix these issues is to perform a power cycle. Under some conditions, like after an unexpected shutdown, data corruption might end up affecting your console's ability to establish and maintain a stable Internet connection. You could be experiencing a local file corruption originating in your Xbox temp folder if none of the previous methods have been successful.
Start up your Xbox console again and wait for the corruption scan to finish, then, once the startup is complete, try to connect to your home network again and see the Additional Authentication Needed error still occurs.
Wait for the operation to begin, then press and hold on the Xbox button until your console shuts down.
Navigate to the Troubleshooting settings and access the Test network connection menu.
Open the Network tab from the Settings menu.
Next, go to and access the Settings menu.
Press the Xbox button on your console to bring up the guide menu.
If you want to try it out for yourself here's what you need to do: The exact reason this seems to help is not certain, but according to some users, this operation ends up forcing your console OS to flush all temporary data. Interrupt a test connectionĪnother potential solution is to cause a machine interruption while your Xbox is in the middle of testing your Internet connection's strength.
When you're done with that restart your Xbox console to force your networking device to assign a new IP and check to see if the problem is resolved.Ĭheck the next step below if this didn't help you.
From the A ccess Control menu, move over to the right-hand side menu and turn off Access Control.
Navigate to Advanced/Security and find the option labeled Access Control.
If they're not applicable to your router check online for the default login credentials for that brand and model.
The username and password are usually "Admin".
Once inside the login menu, enter your login credentials to gain entry to your router settings.
If you don't know your router's IP address you can check the bottom of the router.
Use your PC to open your preferred web browser and enter the IP address of your router inside the address bar and hit Enter.This is usually done by parents to limit their kids' time on the Xbox. You can get the error if you previously blocked the Xbox console from being able to access your network at a router level. Save the current configuration and reboot your console and see if the problem persists.Paste the physical address that you previously copied.
Next, navigate to the Network settings from the Network tab and choose Manual under Alternate Wireless MAC address.
Then move over to your console and press the Xbox button on your controller to bring up the guide menu.
Scroll down to the network that is shared by both your Xbox console and the PC and copy the Physical address in order to paste it on your Xbox to use it as the MAC address on your console.
Within the CMD window, enter the following command: "ipconfig/all" and press Enter to get an overview of your current IP configuration.
Note: When you get to the User Account Control (UAC) prompt, click Yes to grant admin access to the CMD window.
Next, enter "cmd" in the box and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open an elevated Command Prompt window.
First press Windows key + R on the PC connected to the same network as your Xbox One console to open the Run dialog box.
With the help of applications listed in this article, you will be able to change your device’s MAC address with just a few clicks. Since your computer’s or smartphone’s MAC address can be used to collect data on your browsing or physically track your whereabouts, it is important to know how to change the MAC address. Some of the major features include the ability to set a MAC address of a different vendor, automatically enable newly set MAC addresses, and more. You can change the addresses both manually and automatically.Ĭhange MAC Address Changer is compatible with Windows 7, 8, and 10. It allows you to list even the hidden MAC addresses and change or spoof them with just a few clicks. It is an application with a simple name and a simple user interface. The last option on this list is Change MAC Address.
Aside from changing the MAC address, the free version also allows you to view IP config. Despite lacking some advanced features, the basic version is still powerful enough for casual users. Smac MAC Address Changer has five tiers, with only the basic one (Evaluation Edition) being free. Here is one of the most powerful MAC changer applications.
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reliefmmorg · 2 years
Boot camp installer stuck on realtek audio
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Boot camp installer stuck on realtek audio movie#
Boot camp installer stuck on realtek audio install#
Boot camp installer stuck on realtek audio drivers#
I’ve not yet mastered all the ins and outs that this console offers, but it has already audibly boosted my audio quality.
Boot camp installer stuck on realtek audio install#
Solution 2: Takes Care of ItselfĪfter another reboot following the successful install of the UAD drivers, however, I got a post-bootup pop-up from the Notification Center saying “Realtek Audio Console installed.” And then, of course, the Realtek Audio Console (RAC) launched properly from the Start menu (type “real” into the Cortana search box and it should come right up).
Boot camp installer stuck on realtek audio drivers#
But the Console can’t work without the proper (UAD) drivers in place, it seems, so that problem should take care of itself once the right drivers are in place. Instead I got the spinning balls and a message that read “RPC can’t connect.” Further research indicated that the program wasn’t able to communicate with certain key system services using Remote Procedure Call (RPC) technology. On one of my PCs after I was able to install the Realtek Audio Console, when I tried to launch it the program never ran. Problem 2: Realtek Audio Console Says “RPC can’t connect” Why not let the installer do what it was built to do, for once? It works! You will have to navigate into the directory where you unpack the driver files and run Setup.exe, though. Normally, I don’t bother with this time-wasting procedure but this time we need to flush all evidence of the old drivers before installing the new ones. Run the installer and wait through the lengthy process as it removes the old drivers, reboots, installs the new drivers, and reboots again. Solution 1: Install the Realtek HD Audio UAD Driversįollow the preceding link, and click the Download button on that page to download the drivers. Fortunately, the Realtek installer removes the old drivers before it installs the new ones - WARNING! Requires two reboots to complete - so I provide a link to a known, good working set at the excellent French driver repository. These compatible drivers are called UAD, short for Universal Audio Drivers, and they’re the second, less common kind of Realtek audio drivers. They don’t work with the Realtek Audio Console, so they must be uninstalled and a good set of compatible drivers installed in their place. Unless you see “Realtek(R) Audio” in Device Manager, in fact, you’ve most likely got the HD Audio Drivers installed. First and most common there are Realtek HD Audio Drivers, which can show up as generic “High Definition Audio Device” or as “Realtek High Definition Audio” in Device Manager. Turns out there are two kinds of Realtek audio drivers. Problem 1: Realtek Audio Console Won’t Install Of course, you can get the best audio experience with popular music apps like pandora, spotify as well.
Boot camp installer stuck on realtek audio movie#
Realtek audio console helps provide the best quality sound while watching a movie with Cinema HD. There are some complications that must be resolved beforehand. And once I got it installed, I couldn’t get it working right away, either. Once I found the UWP app and got it to my PC, I wasn’t immediately able to get it to install. A Few Hurdles Before Putting Realtek Audio Console to Work Finding this UWP program can be tricky, but here’s proof positive that it’s there for the downloading.
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veworcave · 2 years
Smc fan control for imac
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Download smcFanControl 2.6 for Mac from our software library for free.
Whats people lookup in this blog: Fan Control Mac Os X El Capitan.
Download smcFanControl for Mac now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. Macs fan control for mac free and software reviews macs fan control 1 4 utilities macfn com how to adjust mac fan sd manually with macs control osxdaily smcfancontrol para mac. On any computer, and Mac's aren't an exception, you can't control how its fans work as they. It's easy to use but you've got take certain precautions beforehand. With smcFanControl you can configure yourself the speed of your Mac's refrigeration. I found good settings that will work on all iMacs and would like. 8/10 (9 votes) - Download smcFanControl Mac Free. I have been looking on YouTube for smcFanControl Settings for my iMac but found no results. The most frequent installer filenames for the program are: smcfancontrol252.zip, smcfancontrol24.zip, smcFanControl23.zip and smcfancontrol. The size of the latest setup package available is 1.2 MB. This free Mac application was originally designed by Henric Holtmann. This is a gem of a utility.Macs fan control for mac free and software reviews macs fan control 1 4 utilities macfn com how to adjust mac fan sd manually with macs control osxdaily smcfancontrol para mac. My investment will without question last longer as heat is the enemy of all computers. I don't care if there is a bit of fan noise. It's a very simple, but very powerful app that keeps that from ever happening to your macbook, or any Mac for that matter. I swore not to let that happen again and searched for- and found - Macs Fan Control. I didn't hear the fan going much, so thought it was normal. Well, I didn't know this and had an only 2013 macbook which one day started getting very hot. So he had the engineers turn down all fan noise, including on Macbooks. I heard Jobs thought personal computers should be seen and not heard. One thing that bothers me, though, is how beauty and serenity is prized over common sense. I've since come to realize I should have made the change a long time ago. Way back in the day, I had eschewed Macs (the Macintosh SE) because of the high price.
Download The SMC Firmware Update 1.0 is a System Management Control (SMC) firmware update for certain Intel-based computers, including iMac (Early 2006) computers.
Under "Control" click "Custom" and you can then use a slider to change the fan control on your Mac".įor 20 some years, I was a PC person, who dabbled occasionally on the Mac. No matter how powerful and efficient M1-powered Macs are, they are not immune to glitches. Macs Fan Control is a program that helps you control fans of any Mac and Boot Camp. 1 How to Adjust Mac Fan Speed Manually with Macs Fan Control1.1 How to Manually Control Mac Fan Speed1.2 Related2 BIOS2.1 Smart Fan.
Launch the app and you will then have access to the fans and be able to see the temperatures of the components inside your Mac.
Download and install Macs Fan Control from MacUpdate.Note: Custom profiles are available in the Pro version of the app. Works on all Macs, both Intel & Apple Silicon.Solve noise problems such as those caused by iMac HDD replacement.Solve overheating problems like those found on a MacBook Pro.Real-time monitoring of fan speeds and temperatures.Control fan speed in relation to a temperature sensor (e.g., 3rd party HDD).Set any constant value to any fan (e.g., minimum).If you've got burnt thighs from an old MacBook Pro or you notice that your computer is always overheating and crashing from. Software solution to noise problems such as those caused by iMac HDD replacement, or overheating problems like those found on a MacBook Pro smcFanControl lets the user set the minimum speed of the build-in fans.smcFanControl uma aplicao bem curiosa que lhe permite alterar. Defina a velocidade do ventilador do seu computador. Macs Fan Control allows you to monitor and control almost any aspect of your computer's fans, with support for controlling fan speed, temperature sensors pane, menu-bar icon, and autostart with system option. Baixe smcFanControl para Mac gratuitamente.
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bananasf · 2 years
Windows 10 pc won t shut down
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Windows 10 pc won t shut down how to#
Windows 10 pc won t shut down drivers#
Windows 10 pc won t shut down update#
Windows 10 pc won t shut down full#
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge.
Windows 10 pc won t shut down drivers#
The latest drivers can be downloaded from the official HP website.
Windows 10 pc won t shut down update#
It will be easier and safer if we let the official HP driver update tool do the work. If the first solution does not work, it might be due to any other hardware driver issues. Solution #2 If the First Solution Doesn't Work There you have it! Step-by-Step Solution With Pictures Click on OK, and try to shut down your PC as normal.Finally, uncheck the option that allows the computer to save power.Right-click on it, and click "Properties".Find the hardware named "Intel(R) Management Engine Interface".Scroll down and expand the option named "System Devices".Below is a complete step-by-step instruction with pictures. You can find this option by searching for "device manager" in Cortana, or by going through your PC Settings. I was shocked to find the real solution to this seemingly big problem because of how simple it was. Although this is a temporary solution, it is not practical and is absolutely ridiculous. Then the laptop would turn off in seconds. After when the computer is done restarting, you would then click the 'Shut Down' button without logging back in. Instead of hitting the 'Shut Down' button, hit the restart button. Hardware that has been programmed to receive power even when the computer shuts downįor example, let's say you are done with your work on your HP laptop and want to turn it off.Any hardware that has been installed with a corrupted driver/software that keeps it running.Any program or application running in the background that has become non-responsive (which has caused the system to "hang").What's weird about this problem is that it would turn off really fast the second time you turned it off. And when it finally seemed to turn off, it would restart again. After upgrading from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, the laptop would take a very long time to turn off. The problem specifically was limited to just Windows 10. Shut Down Problem in HP Laptops Running Windows 10 Nor were other thousands of HP laptops and notebooks that had same/similar problems. At first, I thought I have gotten a defective piece and might have to go through all that hassle of returning and waiting again for weeks for another model.īut when I searched online for a solution, it became immediately clear to me that mine was not a damaged model. For nearly $800, I didn't expect it to behave like this. In my case, it was an HP Notebook 15 that was being marketed as a Middle East and Asian version. And guess what, it was a brand new laptop I had ordered online. The next option is to disable the Fast Startup feature.Did Your HP Laptop Not Turn Off After Hitting That 'Shut Down' Button?ĭon't worry, mine didn't either.In the Command Line, type: shutdown /s /f /t 0įigure 2 - Command-Line Prompt with the shutdown /s /f /t 0 option
Windows 10 pc won t shut down how to#
The following article explains how to open a Command Line in Windows: The Command Prompt: What It Is and How to Use It on a Dell System
The next option is to use the Command Line.
Windows 10 pc won t shut down full#
Windows will perform a full shutdown while Restarting the system ( Figure 1).įigure 1 - Windows 10 Restart/Shut Down Options
If a Shut Down is needed, Restart should be selected instead.
The following methods should be used if a Shut Down is needed while Troubleshooting Windows /software issues. More information can be found in the following location: Distinguishing Fast Startup from Wake-from-Hibernation The feature is used to speed up the Operating System boot process by being a hybrid between a System Shutdown and Hibernation.įast Startup in Windows will discard all your open programs and files (as it would during a traditional shutdown), but it will save the state of the Windows kernel to the hard drive (as it would during hibernation). Since Windows 8.1 and through Windows 10, a feature call Fast Startup has been an option on Microsoft's Operating Systems.
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