#for the trafficlight mention
yourfavoritecascade · 9 months
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Some kinda old Robotic Mythology sketches from when I was first coming up w/ the concepts and stuff. (Also about the flaming lizard doodle, I kinda wanna throw Trafficlight into this au, partially bc a relationship between the gods of fire and plant life(and also now winter) would be funni)
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mikhaelchange · 2 years
SINGING - Red Son x MK
Red Son had never heard MK sing.
Not that he didn't think his Noodleboy couldn't, as he often listened to him humming as he cleaned the apartment they shared with Mei now that they were in a stable relationship.
But he had never really heard him sing.
He was watching the DVD of a musical from the Macaque collection (Mean girls) for the umpteenth time and had come to the point of the song "World Burn" again.
My name is Regina George
And in case you're keeping scores
Kady may have won the battle
But I will win the war 'cause!
It was a text for a female voice, but MK was interpreting it not only with the right passion but without even getting out of tune.
Red Son was flabbergasted. He did not dare to move from the door, such was the fear of ruining that magical moment, merely observing from a distance how her boyfriend almost shone with his own light, while he interpreted the last notes of the song ... and then turned around and saw him!
Red Son acted on impulse.
In two steps he closed the distance that divided them, then throwing his arms around his Noodleboy's neck and kissing him passionately.
- I am the luckiest Prince in the Universe to have you as a companion - were his very first words when they finally broke away.
MK blushed even more violently than he had already done, then looking away from his boyfriend with a sweet smile on his face, which Red Son wasted no time in starting to fill with small, sweet kisses.
- I love you MK -
- I-I love you too Red -.
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toxictoxicities · 3 months
Sorry if this sounds odd, but I've been wondering... do birds have any significance in your Trafficlights? Birds have been mentioned in at least three of your Trafficlights drawings. Was that just a coincidence/spur-of-the-moment idea, or is that a theme for them in some way — in symbolism, or maybe it's something they connect on, etc.? (I'm asking because I have this silly idea for them more directly related to birds, but I need to know if that's actually a running theme)
Nah it's not odd at all! Especially when I have in fact littered so many little symbols and foreshadows in designs and art pieces I've done - and I love sprinkling in little symbols or using certain elements which aid in the whole visualization of the narrative.
However I cannot spill alllll my lil secrets I've laid out, but I'd love to hear your interpretation of it!
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Time to be a bitter bitch and roast some iterator ships, i AM the fun police /jjJJJ
Sunstone, SRS/FP: the only one that makes a lot of sense in my opinion, but somehow their portrayal in fanon is absolute garbage so 2/10 (i personally consider them to be a 10 but i am judging the fanon versions). Pebbles is made into a helpless spineless baby and Suns just takes care of him idk what else to say. Their dynamic is heavily misunderstood often portraying them straight up as mentor/protege when in reality they're just not that
Trafficlights, NSH/SRS: very boring and plain, NSH is either a daddy dom or a cutesy little clown guy, both interpretations suck, while Suns is left with zero of their traits displayed in canon other than being anxious i guess, they're weirdly regal and arrogant in a lot of interpretations. Also largely yaoi-ified 0/10
Ragequit, NSH/FP: NSH doesn't like Pebbles and seemingly has little to no interest talking to him, on top of that likely based his entire perception of him on what Moon had to say about Pebbles. Pebbles is made into some tsundere tiny twink that blushes constantly and this is very common problem with his interpretations in general you guys can't understand him to save your life 0/10
Triple divorce or whatever the fuck SRS/FP/NSH is called: one heck of a dysfunctional polycule, considering that Sig and Pebbles straight up just don't like each other 0/10 Ragequit, trafficlights and sustone made shittier basically
Lilypad, NSH/LTTM: might be idk, i personally don't view their relationship as particularly romantic. Since I think they're good friends i give it a 6/10 even though them not being romantically involved with each other is much more appealing to me
Milkshake, UI/FP: how do you even come up with this did you play the game. Innocence was not helping Pebbles in the slightest by blackmailing the guy and the fact that Wind mentions that its likely an attempt to be mean says plenty. Although not much is known about Innocence it's safe to assume they do not like Pebbles or have any intentions to help him out. The yandere UI fandom stuff is ridiculous 0/10
Moonstone, LTTM/FP: im not into incest 0/10
Eclipse, SRS/LTTM: only exists because of a somewhat cool name
Pebbles/Straw: another nothing burger ship entirely dependant on one's characterization of Straw, not ranking it
Conclusion: 90% of the tumblr rw community needs to play the game
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voldkat · 17 days
You mentioned how in your offstring au structures and their puppets are diffrent and now the only thing i can think about is two iterators agressievly flirting with eachother while their structures watch in confusion
yeah that probably happens
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haven't decided yet on what ships to include in the au ( or if i wanna include any at all ) but have some puppet trafficlights :3c
also slightly related but also completely unrelated concat doodle
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sosos-adventures · 3 months
Some more general impressions of Vietnam:
I wrote it all down with many jokes and sadly tumblr deleted ot for some reason. So here we go again. Less funny this time.
1: bathroom stories:
The shower/toilet situation: All of the accomodations we have been to so far have the toilet right next to the showerhead. So whenever you take a shower, everythibgelse gets wet. The toilet, the toiletpaper and the entire floor. It happens quite often that you forget you just showered and then enter the bathroom with socks.. and well they are wet then.
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The heater: I guess its quite common in some asian countries that you have to turn on the heater first and wait for 10 minutes before you can take a warm/hot shower. Otherwise it will be a very cold surprise.
Throwing the toiletpaper in the trash. So as the toilets easily get clocked, there are signs at mosgly any toilet to not throw the toiletpaper in the toilet. So we have to throw it in the trash. And just imagine you have to well... 💩... and then throwing the TP in the trash. Lets just hope they change the trash regularily.
2: Accomodation
Its really cheap to get a room in Vietnam. We usually pay around 8€ p.p. a night. In the big cities its 13€ p.p a night. So we so far havent booked a hostel yet. But I guess they must be even cheaper. Also there are so mamy oprtions to pick from that you can easily just bpok a room for the day after tomorrow. This makes travelling so much more spontaneous.
The beds.. usually a matress should be a little softer to get some good sleep. Her ein Vietnam, they sleep on the floor with either a handmade mat or a thin matress. For tourists they have bedframes and matresses. And most of them are extremely hard. The first accomodstion we have been to was so soft and nice to sleep on. Sadly the more we got north the more uncomfy the beds.. so always read the reviews of a hotel and check if people mentioned the bed situation.
This is a picture of our room in Hanoi. For some reason we didnt take any picture sof the previous ones:
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3. The money:
So roughly 25.000 dong = 1 € . They dont have coins. The smallest bill they have is 1000 dong. We barely ever got to see that one. Usually we have 10.000, 20.000 and 50.000 dong bills. Whenever we go to the ATM we are millionaires. Usually we take 2 Million each. So getting familiar with the money takes a while. The billd look pretty cute though. One side always shows the face of Ho Chi Minh (he is everywhere.. as a statue, in temples, in peoples private rooms) and the other side shows vietnames sightseeing spots.
Also if you go to Vietnam, dont get scamed by getting the wrong bills back when getting change. They look quite similar and a x-00.000 can easily be wxchanged for a x-0.000 bill. Thankfully this hasnt happened to us yet :)
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4: Sidewalks dont exist. I mentioned this before but its just so different to Germany. Sidewalks are not really pedestrianfriendly. They are mostly blocked by either cars, mostly motorbikes or street vendors. So pedestrians mostly walk on the street or try to get past some street vendors somehow. Its just sad to see how especially motorbikes are using the space as their parking spots. In Hue for examole wa walked along a river and at some point there was a constructionsite. So we had to walk on the street instead which turned out to be the biggest street in that area. Just imagine 2 girls between hundreds of motobikers and cars just randlomy waiting in line for the trafficlights to turn green. This went on for only a few hundred meters but it is still not easy to get used to the fact that pedestriand basically are the lowest part of the mobilitychain (is that a word? no idea..).
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5: take off your shoes! Many places in Vietnam can only be entered when taking off the shoes. Not only in temples but also in some restaurabts and homestays this is quite common. And while we also do that at home, it sometimes just looks funny to see many different shoes at an entrance of a cafe or temple. It happened to me a few times that pepole can smell/find my shoes from quite far away.. this is because I brought "Toms" shoes that require some special socks which I did not bring for the trip. In Germany I can also wear them barefoot but here it is so hot that they staft smelling quite fast. So sorry for everyone who had to smell that so far. Once it happened at the tailorshop we went to and I felt super embarrassed.
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6: coffee time.. I already mentioned the coconut coffee. But Vietnam also has a specialty that is called weasel coffee beans. I wont tell you guys much about it but lets just say it has something to do with poop. Here are some links you can rwad more about how thks type of coffe is made and what it stands for. Apöafently a KG of weasel coffee is supee expensive to get. So maybe worth a try? You can rwad more about it here:
The other link I couldnt find anymore but I am sure you can find plenty of material if you want to.
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marron121 · 3 years
LEGO Monkie Kid Ship Poll results
Here are the results from a Monkie Kid Ship Poll run by @DailyLMK on Twitter, in case you don't have one. I'll link each position with the appropiate twitter in case you want to check it out yourself.
23. Goldenpork (Pigsy x Jin): 3 votes
22. Silverpork (Pigsy x Yin): 4 votes
21. Fastfood (Jin x Pigsy x Yin): 8 votes
20. Jasminetea (Sandy x Tang): 9 votes
19. Seasalt (Pigsy x Sandy): 13 votes
18. Hibiscustea (Macaque x Tang): 22 votes
17. Paranormal (Macaque x Mayor): 25 votes
16. Locketshipping (Mayor x Shoe Store Guy): 25 votes
15.1. Hotshoes (Red Son x Shoe Store Guy): 26 votes
15.2. Ghostspider (Syntax x Mayor): 26 votes
13. Fireant (Red Son x Syntax): 29 votes
12. Nightshade (Spider Queen x Princess Iron Fan): 29 votes
11. Goldendragon (MK x Mei): 30 votes
10. Fishballnoodles (Pigsy x Tang x Sandy): 34 votes
9. Irondumpling (Princess Iron Fan x Demon Bull King): 53 votes
8. Dragonfruit (Red Son x Mei): 77 votes
7. Peachtea (Tang x Sun Wukong): 82 votes
6. Trafficlight (MK x Mei x Red Son): 86 votes
5. Smokedbacon (Macaque x Pigsy): 95 votes
4. Silktea (Huntsman x Sandy): 118 votes
3. Shadowpeach (Macque x Sun Wukong): 170 votes
2. Spicynoodles (MK x Red Son): 189 votes
1. Freenoodles (Tang x Pigsy): 201 votes
0. Special Mentions (mostly meme suggestions, but they're funny so I'll link them here)
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Some more late news about Imagawa Aoi
Aoi got a new voice acting role in a show called Sekai no Yami Zukan.
There is little information about it now, but it is a supernatural horror anime, most likely of short format. The first episode will run on April, 2 on 3:35am (Japan time) on TV Tokyo; you can also watch the teaser >here<
Sekai no Yami Zukan official website Sekai no Yami Zukan myanimelist page
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mrbellamy-sir · 5 years
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MeseMoa. - The self-proclaimed idols who began by taking a joke too far are now heading for the Pacifico stage
This is an interview from 14th June 2019. Here’s the original link for the Japanese and the photo gallery.
I’ve done my best to translate it but I’m just a beginner so there are some parts that might not be entirely accurate. Thanks also to @namfonrainwater for the help.
MeseMoa. is a 9 member boys group that was formed when they uploaded a Morning Musume. dance cover video to a video sharing site in 2012. After that video was showered in attention, receiving over 1 million views, in 2013 they took on their former name Musumen. and changed their musical activities into those of a self-produced, "self-proclaimed idol group". In the 7 years since then, they've sold out Tokyo's Nakano Sunplaza, undertaken the 47 prefecture nationwide tour 'Thanks!' in 2016, had great success with their 2018 nationwide tour 'Maze No.9', and are steadily making progress.
Here at Music Natalie we interviewed 8 of them, with Nibansenji absent due to illness. Of course we discussed how the group came to be, as well as the characteristics and selling points of the team, and their excitement towards their solo concert at Pacifico Yokohama in August, which will be their largest capacity concert yet. The conversation that unfolded revealed how friendly their relationship is.
 Interviewer: Kawakura Yukiko
 Photography: Emi
  The last dregs of pulp after everything else has been squeezed out
 ·         Thank you for agreeing to your first appearance in Music Natalie!
 Nichan & Tomitake: We're really glad to be here! *claps*
 Aoi: Some of us have been interviewed as part of Musumen.'s sub-group TrafficLight., but this is our first time as MeseMoa. (You can read the TrafficLight. interview here (in Japanese))
 ·         You have had a long career so far, but could you introduce the group for our readers who don't yet know you…?
 Everyone: *waving their hands* It's not really a career!!
 Nozakibento: We just spent a long time being unknown.
 Nokkuso: It really is just that we have a long history of activities.
 ·         Is that so. *Laughs* First of all, could you tell us how the group came to be?
 Shirofuku: I had already been doing dance covers as a hobby, and it was a dance to Morning Musume., a group that I'm a fan of, which became the group's beginning. I wanted to gather a group of people in the same number as Morning Musume.'s members, and the people I spoke to out of the dancers I knew became the current members of our group. When we posted the video, the response was much bigger than expected. We received comments from general viewers as usual, but also from Morning Musume.'s producer Tsunku ♂, and we were invited to perform at various dance events. From there we decided not to limit ourselves to dance overs, but also to release original songs. We steadily continued our live activities as "self-proclaimed idols", and in 2015 we achieved our greatest wish of performing at Nakano Sunplaza. In May this year we celebrated the 7th anniversary of the group's formation, and are now rushing into our 8th year.
 ·         You evolved from a cover dance group to "self-proclaimed idols" and have spent 7 whole years together.
 Shirofuku: That's right. But to be honest, we're just a group of people with no talent. You could say we're like the last dregs of pulp that remain after everything else has been squeezed out……
 Everyone: Ahahaha
 Kimagure Prince: We didn't have to take auditions or anything, we just began because we were friends with each other.
 Shirofuku: It feels like we're a group of amateurs who used the 'self-produced' label to our advantage and somehow managed to come this far.
  It began with a dance event in Tokyo
 ·         Did you know each other well before the group's formation?
 Aoi: Kind of. We kept in touch with each other individually over the internet, and sometimes we performed at the same cover dance events so met each other there.
 Kimagure Prince: Even if we didn't speak much, we would watch each other's videos so we generally knew what kind of style each person danced in.
 Shirofuku: One thing I'd like to say is that I wasn't the only one that choose the group members. I know the first person I asked about it was Aoi…
 Nichan & Nokkuso: We're pretty sure we were invited by Gerutan!
 Forgeru: When I heard from Shirofuku that he was forming a group, he asked me if I knew anyone who'd like to join, so I said I'd find some people for him and asked a few people in my circle of friends. At the time, Shirofuku said something like, "I can't find people because I have no friends." *laughs*
 Shirofuku: Ahahahaha
 Kimagure Prince: We were all living in different areas, but we had a plan for how to gather as a group. Around the day we decided to shoot the Morning Musume. cover video, there was a big dance event in Tokyo at which most of the members were performing. The timing was really lucky because everyone was able to meet up.
 Nokkuso: In a way it's like we chose the group members based on who was available on that day, right?
 Shirofuku: I guess so. *Laughs*
 Nokkuso: That's why Tomitan wasn't a 1st generation member, because he lived in Hokkaido and couldn't come to the event.
 Tomitake: I'm the only 2nd generation member. I was already friends with everyone, so I just inserted myself into the group at a later date.
  Everything we do comes from taking our jokes too far
 ·         Looking back on MeseMoa.'s history, please tell us the most impressive events and turning points.
 Shirofuku: When we first released an original song after doing dance covers, there were no other groups doing the same thing. But now there are a lot of people who began original music activities by posting on video sharing sites…
 Aoi: At the time you could count them all on one hand.
 Nichan: Our discussion about holding solo events after that left a big impression in my mind.
 Tomitake: I remember everyone saying, "Will people actually come to see us!?"
 Nichan: The members had appeared at various big events many times, but it's a different story when it comes to solo events.
 Forgeru: We'd never heard of any group that had been created on a video sharing website go on to hold independent events.
 Shirofuku: That's true. But perhaps we attempted that challenge specifically because nobody else around us was trying it. Now I'm really glad we made that decision. After that we stacked up live activities like our 47 prefecture tour in earnest, and events like taking an audition to appear at a big festival are pretty memorable. We participated in the 'Deren no!? Summer Sonic!? 2013' Audition to see if we could perform at Summer Sonic, which had its ups and downs…
 ·         Summer Sonic is generally more of a band-oriented festival, isn't it?
 Shirofuku: It is, but we did our best to dance and give out an idol aura, and we performed on the stage in the special 2013 section. There were various comments regarding the participation of what began as a cover group, but perhaps some people learnt about us through this experience.
 Kimagure Prince: Participating in the 'Stairway to M-Sta Ultra Audition' in 2017 was also memorable. Our activities are usually focussed around the internet, but we also felt strongly that we wanted to appear on TV.
 Nozakibento: It resulted in an overwhelming defeat, but somehow we were able to get to the final shortlist. The support from all the fans was very encouraging.
 Tomitake: If we're thinking about turning points, it's got to be our Nakano Sunplaza performance. The first time we held a concert there in 2015 and performed on the stage where no-one thought we'd be able to stand became a source of confidence for all of us. We were also so proud to perform to a sold-out crowd.
 Aoi: At first we only mentioned Nakano Sunplaza as a joke, because it's the holy land of Hello! Project.
 Tomitake: We messed around saying how much we'd love to go there.
 Nichan: You say that, but doesn't everything we do come from taking our jokes too far? "Let's release our own single" or "Let's hold a concert and a cheki-kai", they were all jokes. *Laughs*
 Nozakibento: At least they were at first.
 Nichan: Once we'd decided to do something then we talked about it seriously, but our first steps all began in jest.
 ·         But you've managed to make all those things happen properly, right?
 Nichan: *with wide eyes* Yes…you're right!!
 All: Wahahahaha
 Aoi: That's how the results turn out, I guess. *laughs*
 Nichan: A fortunate conclusion indeed.
  An irregular collection of people - in a good way
 ·         At the 2015 Nakano Sunplaza performance, you announced that you would quit the jobs you'd individually been working alongside your idol activities - whether an office worker, a nursery school teacher or anything else - and devote yourselves to being idols. You had to make preparations for this decision, but how did that come to be?
 Shirofuku: We often couldn't get our schedules to match up and were usually affected by time restrictions. We also felt like we should treat the group in a more professional way for the sake of those who supported us, so we talked it out over and over and decided to focus on this one activity.
 Tomitake: We also asked the fans how they felt about it at our Nakano Sunplaza concert, like "What if we decided to make this our jobs?" There were certainly some people who liked the fact were just doing it for fun and not taking it too seriously.
 Shirofuku: We too were hesitating until the very last minute.
 Aoi: But thanks to that decision, the number of times we could gather as a group increased noticeably. Our practice sessions became much more efficient.
 Shirofuku: There have been a lot of advantages to that decision. On the other hand, while we were doing our activities just as a hobby many things were forgiven, but now that level of indulgence no longer applies. Since we said we would make being an idol into our jobs, we felt an increasing sense of responsibility to show something suitable.
 ·         By being determined and placing your bets on these activities, did the group's teamwork grow stronger?
 Kimagure Prince: We're originally very close friends, but I think our teamwork grows stronger every day. Each member of MeseMoa. has things that he's very good at and things that he's not so good at, but I think that humanity aspect is part of our charm. In a good way MeseMoa. is an irregular collection of people, created by each of us showing off our specialist areas.
 Tomitake: Speaking of our relationship like that, we're basically just like a family. Maybe we have a common destiny?
 Nokkuso: In the dressing room we're always super noisy!
 Shirofuku: You can even hear the members' laughter from the toilets on the other side of the building.
 Tomitake: This is probably our worst aspect, but we still can't shake the feeling that we're amateurs, so we struggle when we have to be strict. Also, we keep repeating the same jokes as so many years before and laughing at them, even from 7 years ago.
 Nichan: We're like a bunch of terribly forgetful grandpas. *Laughs* At any rate, we get along well, and I think that feeling is best conveyed during our concerts.
 Tomitake: We might not be very good at singing or dancing, nor are we particularly handsome, but our MCs are definitely funny!
 Nozakibento: However, deep down we're all serious about this, so it's not like we let each other be idle and take it easy just because we're friends. I think our team is brought together in a positive atmosphere by wanting to work hard and produce something great.
  A certain company refused to sign all 9 of us
 ·         What are the selling points of MeseMoa. that make you different from other boys' groups?
 Aoi: From the start we weren't affiliated with any companies, but made good use of the internet as a self-produced group. Just 2 years ago we finally created our own company (DD).
 Shirofuku: Our former member represents the company as its president.
 Kimagure Prince: Perhaps it's because we aren't part of a major company that we're able to freely do what we want to. That's become our character. But that's just based on my impressions of major companies. *laughs*
 Forgeru: We heard this from a staff member who's been with us since our formation, but they asked if we could all be signed onto a certain company and were rejected. Apparently they said that all 9 of us would be too much…
 Nichan: In short, we couldn't join. *Laughs*
 All: Wahahahaha
 Tomitake: But that might have been for the best. Because we did everything by ourselves, we were able to stay motivated.
 Shirofuku: It was normal for us to think and act by ourselves, and maybe we wouldn't have been able to come this far if we hadn't done that. I guess this is a big difference from other groups.
 Nichan: Also, I think we've been able to continue together for so long for the same reason that a family stays together. To put it simply, we all love each other, and we can keep going because we're all here for each other.
 Tomitake: Nokkun has always said that if anyone else quits, then he'll quit too.
 Nokkuso: If we're not together as a group of 9 then there's no meaning to it.
 Shirofuku: But if Nozaki-san quit…?
 Nokkuso: Then I'd keep going!
 Nozakibento: *interrupts* Why just me?!
 All: Wahahahaha
 Nichan: Here's a typical pattern. *Laughs* This is what we meant when we said earlier that we keep laughing at the same jokes. We'll always laugh at this kind of thing.
  Where are you supposed to buy our CDs?
 ·         One thing we'd like to ask about is the fact that, even though you're self-produced and mostly focussed on online activities, your number of fans is still growing. What's your key to success?
 Tomitake: Actually, it's because we can only actually meet in person. As we said before, we don't appear on TV very often, and the members usually do online broadcasts on an individual basis. The only times we really all meet together are for concerts and other events. I guess everyone is looking for the fun and the explosive power that comes when all 9 of us gather.
 Shirofuku: One of the reasons is perhaps that we started doing lots of free lives last year. Although they're technically release events, they're easy for people to take part in if they're coming for the first time, and also easy for fans to invite other people they know.
 Nokkuso: It's also easier for us to visit some regions for a free live than to travel for a tour.
 Nozakibento: If you talk to people who've become fans recently, many of them say that the first time they saw us perform was at a free live.
 Nichan: We were the ones who said we wanted to hold free lives. We wanted to increase the chances for various people to come and see us without difficulty. When we held an event at Ikebukuro Sunshine City in May, it seems we were the first artists to perform there without having our CDs in major circulation. That's a great honour.
 Tomitake: But because they're not in circulation, our music isn't available in CD shops. People often ask us where they're supposed to buy it. *laughs*
 Nozakibento: And yet we're always asking people to buy our CDs. If you do want to buy something, please get it at an event or use the mail order system on our official site!
 Kimagure Prince: Once we advertised the group using bus wrapping, but it had a confusing warning saying, 'The CD will not be sold in CD shops. Please search 'MeseMoa.' online for details.'' *Laughs*
 Tomitake: Perhaps the key to attracting fans is to come up with new things every day to make sure people don't get bored.
 Forgeru: At the very least we make sure to post on social media.
 Tomitake: We also stay a step ahead of everyone else by doing all the things they won't do…that's what we've always done from the beginning. Maybe that's because we don't have a particular concept. Since we don't have to rigidly stick to any one setup, we can try out various things, so I think that's one of our assets. We take each piece of music and discuss it, like, "Next time let's make a school theme," or "This time let's become office workers."
 Forgeru: It feels like a Lucky Dip saying, "Try me!!"
 Kimagure Prince: Each time we're dyed in a variety of different musical concepts.
  We're confident that we'll definitely make Pacifico a huge success
 ·         Speaking of your recent live activities, during this May's long Golden Week you appeared on the live stage at 'NikuFes', the food event that specialises in meat.
 Nichan: That's right. We've been allowed to perform at NikuFes many times throughout the years, but the atmosphere of this year's performance was just like a music festival, which really surprised me.
 Tomitake: The enthusiasm from the audience was amazing. We always get nervous when we perform in a place away from our typical locations like that, but there were more first-timers who stopped to watch us than I'd thought. From the stage we could see people having fun. I'm glad that the number of people who watch us and think we look interesting is growing.
 Forgeru: Some of the fans also brought their friends and family along, so it really felt like our circle has expanded.
 Shirofuku: The first time we appeared at NikuFes, we went around handing out flyers in person. But this year so many people came to the meet-and-greet session that we wouldn't even have had time for that kind of thing. That was surprising. Talking of concerts, we're currently doing a hall tour 'Ch8 ~Channel 8~', but last time we did a hall tour was the 'We changed our name from Musumen.' tour, for which we couldn't sell out all the seats. Thankfully this time we've had lots of applications for tickets. I keep wondering when we became this kind of group. We're very grateful, but it also feels kind of strange.
 ·         It seems your next goal is to perform at Nippon Budokan, but you will conclude your current nationwide tour 'Ch8 ~Channel 8~', which began at the end of May, by performing at Kanagawa's Pacifico Yokohama on 4th August. Pacifico Yokohama is also a big venue, so are you feeling excited for it?
 Kimagure Prince: When we were aiming for Nakano Sunplaza we did our best and achieved that dream. Next is Pacifico Yokohama, which is about twice the capacity of Nakano, and those tickets are now sold out. We have no idea what the view will be like, but now that we've been doing this for 7 years, we're confident that we'll definitely make Pacifico a huge success. In the past we wouldn't have been able to say that.
 Shirofuku: We've put a lot of effort into the staging of this tour, so for those who are used to seeing us in a live house it might be like seeing a fresh MeseMoa., with the videos and the stage set.
 Aoi: Up until now we've basically had no stage sets, but this time we have stairs etc., so we can also change the way we choose to stage our songs. The tour title is 'Ch8 ~Channel 8~' because we're using TV channels as the concept.
 Kimagure Prince: Sometimes we parody existing TV shows, or make up our own variety shows.
 Aoi: That's also typical NicoNicoDouga. *Laughs*
 Kimagure Prince: For sure. I hope lots of people come to see it.
 Nichan: Even if people have never seen us before, it's OK for them to come and see any of these shows. There's no connections to previous tours or anything like that, so you can just come on a whim and have fun. Each performance is like a one-shot manga.
 Tomitake: There's nothing at all that would make it difficult for new fans to come along.
 Kimagure Prince: This time the first part of our performance is more like a talk show, and the second part is the live concert. So people who are more interested in our personalities and character might come to the first part, and those who want to see us dancing might come to the second part.
 Shirofuku: We'd be really glad if people came to see us wherever in the country we're performing, not just to Pacifico.
 Nokkuso: There are also exclusive projects that change every day so you can only see them at a particular location, plus we're planning to hold free lives on the days before and after our concerts in nearby locations.
 Aoi: If you're interested, you should check out our YouTube channel in advance and watch various videos so you can have more fun.
 All: We'll be waiting for you!
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detectiveconnor · 2 years
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@jericholeader​ sent: Muse A yells for Muse B in the dead of night, and Muse B hurries into the room - but it was just a nightmare.  ( you have mentioned Connor possibly calling for Markus in a nightmare in human verse and. O.O they do not necessarily have to be in separate rooms, either way.)
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The nightmares always started the same way. It was an ordinary call, made in the late evening while Hank was giving him a ride home. Dispatch advised of a homicide reported off Ashmore St.
“We’re close,” Connor asked Hank’s permission, not without request. Connor liked his work. It was best to investigate a homicide as soon as was practicable, but they were meant to be off work. The Lieutenant shot him a look. How would Connor know, was he saying that just because he wanted to check it out? After the work it had taken to get him to finish up for the night? So Connor told him (yes he knew Ashmore, he wasn’t saying it baselessly), “Markus’ clinic is right beside it. He’s actually there tonight.”
Lieutenant Anderson and Markus Manfred had never met, but Hank had asked already when he was going to get to meet him. Hank tried to glower at Connor now, but the car lowed at this next corner. The indicator clicked on. Connor sat back in his seat, pleased.
“You sure you two aren’t dating?” the Lieutenant asked, as they made the turn toward a nameless homicide on Ashmore.
Connor shared a smile with the passenger-side window. It was raining. The water caught the red-yellow of the traffic light and threw it strangely, through the window. “We’re headed that way,” he admitted. Glowed. Somewhere between those two verbs.
They were headed towards dating, but they weren’t, yet. They had all the time in the world. What was the rush?
From there it shifted. There was something to it, Connor often thought to himself occasionally, in the waking world -- something his subconscious liked to do, to throw the incongruity into sharp relief. A second ago it had been no rush, all the time in the world, a promise of the next day taken as easily as breathing. In the too-cramped alleyway, with blood on his shoes and the taste of acid in his mouth and Markus face-down in a downpour, below him, ‘tomorrow’ seemed shaky at best.
Connor was used to the next part. Nightmares like this were, his compulsory three sessions with a department-approved therapist said, very common. They rarely followed the events of the night exactly (this sort of shifting forward and back, changing details, getting caught on very particular, needless ones like the way the trafficlights refracted) and often chose points at which to diverge; experimenting with how to bookmark the ‘end’ of an event that hadn’t quite properly ended. It had ended, now. Three weeks ago the court had reached a guilty verdict, and sentencing had happened the same week, and now they - they were done. The nightmares had, largely, begun to dissipate. Resolve themselves. Find endings they had been looking for.
So it was odd, that in his dream Connor knelt in the water and blood and felt it soak into his shoes and he reached for Markus’ shoulders - “Markus -” and found his skin as cold as ice. It was odd, that this was how the dream went, with the pouring, drowning-out rain somehow even harder than it had been that night (this is wrong, Connor thought, in his dream, with some slight confusion), and the world darker than it had been - the streetlight didn’t flicker - he pulled Markus up. Around.
“Connor.” Hank, from over his shoulder, watching him. Connor heard him say this, and then Hank said something else, muffled by the sound of pounding rain and Markus’ frozen skin and open eyes, wide and unseeing and halfway through setting up a coffee date, vacant blue-green caught in the flicker of the buzzing-too-loudly streetlight that a second ago had -
And then he was awake. Connor woke with a start, conscious of the way his mouth finished the word - Markus - and his hands scrambled to find what was, actually, a heartbeat that his palm had already been pressed flat against, accidentally. His own heart was racing, eyes just on the edge of wet -- he held his breath as he caught up to where and when he was. The bed was warm. His hands were cold. The taste of bile sat somewhere at the back of his throat - he had to swallow it down.
The image of unseeing eyes crept into his mind, and Connor released a breath, slow and steady and controlled. He needed... he didn’t know. Connor rolled away, not to be further but at least to be on his back, facing the ceiling. They’d been getting better, the nightmares, since they’d had a definite end to things, he didn’t know... He took another breath in and cussed, “Shit,” quietly, on the exhale. Shit.
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nashikguideapp · 3 years
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Nashik Extended Flyover ❤️❤️❤️ . . . PC @nashik_guide . . . •••••••••••••••••• ➡ Like ➡ Comments ➡ Tag ➡ Mention आणि ➡ Follow करत राहा 🤗 ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 @nashik_guide . . . ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 📣 नाशिकच्या सर्व अप्रतिम पोस्ट साठी फॉलो करा ❤️... ▫️ 🔻 Want To Get Feature🔻 ▫️ ● Follow - @nashik_guide ▫️ 🔸Use #nashikguide #नाशिकगुइड ▫️ ★ Tag Story & post @nashik_guide👍 ▫️ 📱 Nashik Guide Mobile App Link in Bio🔗 . #nashikguideapp #nashikguide #nashhik #thingstodoinnashik #nashiktrending #nashikbloggers #nashikblog #nashikfoodie #foodielove #foodblogger #travelblog #maharastra_ig #maharashtra_clicks #maharashtra_clicks #covid19 #flyover #trafficlights #traffic #highway (at New Adgaon Naka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP5092qhupe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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euro3plast-fr · 7 years
5 secrets from top brands to inspire your Twitter Marketing Strategy
Follow these examples to get the most from Twitter marketing in 2017
Twitter remains one of the most popular social media platforms and it’s recognized by brands as a way to facilitate customer and user engagement. But, with over 350,000 tweets posted per minute, achieving brand visibility is a challenge.
Success is not just about how many followers you have, it’s about engagement with users, building strong relationships.
Twitter allows you to reach a larger audience and increase brand awareness. But there are challenges to overcome such as exposing your brand to negative comments, dealing with customer complaints, and remaining visible.
18 Brands + 2 CEOs, 12 Months of Twitter Data
Using Interbrand as a reference, we chose 18 successful global brands from 9 industries. For a different perspective, we included two well-known CEOs, both with a big presence on Twitter.
For the period of 2016, we mined data from each brand. We took stats for hashtag usage, tweet engagement, how brand ambassadors and influencers were used, and engagement with followers.
Based on this data, we’ve highlighted the top 5 Twitter tips that we think are key to building a successful Twitter marketing strategy. If you want to dive straight in and find more, you can download the full report of all 20 brands and learn all the secrets.
Twitter Tip #1: Find the voice of your brand and have the confidence to speak your mind
Don’t be Shy – Speak Your Mind
You’ll need the strength of your own convictions, facts to back up your comments, honesty and passion. Sharing your thoughts, even if controversial, shows the human side of your brand – robots rarely express their feelings.
Our hearts are with the Orlando victims, their families and the LGBT community. #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/vMPzfWa6Y7
— Google (@Google) June 12, 2016
Google’s Twitter feed is hardly a selling platform. Occasionally it tweets about product development but primarily it’s a collection of everything it considers important. Whether it’s a worthy cause, political issues, amusing anecdotes, or something poignant. The tweet above was retweeted 10,032 times and liked by 17,715. Comments weren’t all positive, but Google stood up for what it believes in and received engagement of 27.7K.
Google is confident enough to openly support the causes it values, popular or otherwise. Its convictions are strong and it speaks its mind, negative comments merely increasing engagement.
Twitter Tip #2: It’s not a playground - rise above negative comments to defend your brand
Negative comments – Be a Grown Up
There will be negative comments; how you deal with them is your choice. Here’re two different strategies, both effective.
Donald Trump posted a derogatory comment on Twitter about The New York Times. What did it do? It didn’t ignore it, it didn’t get angry. It defended its reputation, it protected its brand.
@realDonaldTrump @nytimes fact: surge in new subscriptions, print & digital, with trends, stops & starts, 4 X better than normal.
— NYTCo Communications (@NYTimesComm) November 13, 2016
At the time of publishing our report, the above tweet had been retweeted 2,645 times and liked by 5,422. It’s still very much alive on Twitter and it’s now been retweeted 35,369 and liked 128,270 times. The New York Times uses @NYTimesComm to respond to tweets but rarely engages. In this instance, protecting its brand was primary.
Like many big-name brands, Siemens gets its fair share of negative press. Rather than facing it head on, like The New York Times, it tweets positive and promotional news from its main account and from @Siemens_press and @SiemensMobility; regularly using positive hashtags like #CO2neutral # CleanEnergy #EnergyEfficient.
World’s most energy efficient #trafficlight presented by @Siemens. #LED #CO2neutral https://t.co/bZTvPpD210 pic.twitter.com/jxwGIpcQL4
— Siemens Mobility (@SiemensMobility) August 1, 2016
Twitter Tip #3: Brand ambassadors and influencers bring a whole new audience
Collaboration Works - Communities, A-Listers, Individuals
Whilst celebrities and sports people feature heavily as brand ambassadors, Pampers uses a large community of reviewers and bloggers who test products, share opinions, advice and promotions. It’s real people sharing real life stories, providing genuine reviews and positive user generated content, which Pampers always retweets. The tweet below had only 153 retweets but it was shared throughout the community of reviewers and bloggers, plus it linked to a website with other offers from Pampers.
#ad Print high value @Pampers coupons at home https://t.co/5BrcgbG8kT & see this Sunday's newspaper! #PampersSavings pic.twitter.com/mlbGF7Zbbp
— Rose A (@mail4rosey) June 7, 2016
Louis Vuitton relies heavily on brand ambassadors from fashion and entertainment. Whether it’s actor, Léa Seydoux, the face of the brand, or newsjacking red carpet events and photographing celebrities who’re wearing Louis Vuitton.
Louis Vuitton’s Twitter marketing strategy is one-way, no engagement, with its focus on pushing its products. It only retweeted 5 times in 2016, all from its other Twitter accounts. Yet it has nearly 6m followers, who retweeted the brand’s tweets over 378K times. It’s not a strategy that would work for all brands, but it works for luxury brands that users aspire to.
Jennifer Connelly wearing #LouisVuitton to the #AmericanPastoral Premiere during the Zurich Film Festival #ZFF2016 pic.twitter.com/uHFDz3xAkj
— Louis Vuitton (@LouisVuitton) September 27, 2016
Brand ambassadors and influencers aren’t always planned, as the following tweet about Nike demonstrates.
this choker trend is wild y'all i wore a shoelace to the bars last night & i've never gotten so many compliments thanks @Nike just do it lol pic.twitter.com/K49fJmAXNe
— Katie Rosebrook (@katierosebrook) October 2, 2016
A member of the public wore a shoelace as a necklace and tweeted a pic, it went viral. Engagement was at 310K and the story was picked up by the press. Whilst not directly promoting Nike, it brought huge interest @Nike. Strangely, Nike did not engage with the tweet.
Twitter Tip #4: Tweets about trends increase follower engagement and expose tweets to a wider audience.
Stay on Top of Trends – Nike #justdoit Right
Back to the Future is a movie with a cult-like fan base. When it was released almost 30 years ago, Nike created a responsive shoe – the self-lacing sneaker or Nike Mag – worn in the movie by Michael J Fox. In 2016 Nike, never slow to jump on a trend, released the 2016 Nike Mag. A limited-edition, only 89 were produced. The sneakers were put into an auction with proceeds going to The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Nike followed a trend whilst demonstrating its social conscience.
.@REALMIKEFOX the future is now #NikeMag: https://t.co/gvzyQC7s8H pic.twitter.com/mJ87BasEMk
— Nike (@Nike) October 4, 2016
Twitter Tip #5: Whether you’re controversial or caring – keep it interesting and make us happy
Keep it Human, Keep it Social – Be Approachable
Interacting with people who mention your brand on Twitter is important. Brands that ask questions, use humour, can laugh at themselves, and personalize their tweets – are seen to be more approachable, more human. It takes time and effort but followers do appreciate it, and you’ll increase engagement and brand awareness.
Richard Branson shares his thoughts, ideas, politics, charities, jokes, book recommendations, family stories; his products and services are almost an afterthought. He has over 9 million followers but tweets as if it’s just to YOU.
Procrastination is the thief of time: too many great ideas fall flat due to lengthy decision making: https://t.co/7gAoxDhfey pic.twitter.com/UiDtoo4ekF
— Richard Branson (@richardbranson) December 7, 2016
Keeping the Siemens’ Twitter feed human, the Chief HR Officer tweets about Siemens’ activities using inspirational hashtags, including #gender #equality #diversity #ability #ingenuityforlife #greenbuilding.
We support #PrideWeek @Siemens because respecting each other is what matters to us #diversity @SiemensCareers pic.twitter.com/WVGvV6LLIG
— Janina Kugel (@janinakugel) July 18, 2016
Find Inspiration for your Twitter Marketing Strategy
Don’t wait for a disaster on Twitter before reacting, use it just for selling your product, or jump in purely for customer service issues. Twitter can bring character to your brand, a personality. Used well, it’ll be your brand’s human voice.
Your Twitter marketing strategy can make or break your brand. Make your Twitter account worth following with tweets that add value, are interesting, controversial, funny, and helpful. It’s not about the endless marketing of your brand. Make us laugh, make us cry, make us question, make us angry, make us happy.
To learn more about how these brands and more have found a voice that rocks Twitter, download the full TalkWalker report – Top 20 Brands On Twitter – Playing Their Cards Right In 2016
Thanks to Meg for sharing their advice and opinions in this post. Meg Carpenter is a copywriter in the marketing and communications team at Talkwalker, a social media analytics and monitoring platform.You can connect with her on LinkedIn.
from Blog – Smart Insights http://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/twitter-marketing/5-secrets-top-brands-inspire-twitter-marketing-strategy/
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euro3plast-fr · 7 years
5 secrets from top brands to inspire your Twitter Marketing Strategy
Follow these example to get the most from Twitter marketing in 2017
Twitter remains one of the most popular social media platforms and it’s recognized by brands as a way to facilitate customer and user engagement. But, with over 350,000 tweets posted per minute, achieving brand visibility is a challenge.
Success is not just about how many followers you have, it’s about engagement with users, building strong relationships.
Twitter allows you to reach a larger audience and increase brand awareness. But there are challenges to overcome such as exposing your brand to negative comments, dealing with customer complaints, and remaining visible.
18 Brands + 2 CEOs, 12 Months of Twitter Data
Using Interbrand as a reference, we chose 18 successful global brands from 9 industries. For a different perspective, we included two well-known CEOs, both with a big presence on Twitter.
For the period of 2016, we mined data from each brand. We took stats for hashtag usage, tweet engagement, how brand ambassadors and influencers were used, and engagement with followers.
Based on this data, we’ve highlighted the top 5 Twitter tips that we think are key to building a successful Twitter marketing strategy. If you want to dive straight in and find more, you can download the full report of all 20 brands and learn all the secrets.
Twitter Tip #1: Find the voice of your brand and have the confidence to speak your mind
Don’t be Shy – Speak Your Mind
You’ll need the strength of your own convictions, facts to back up your comments, honesty and passion. Sharing your thoughts, even if controversial, shows the human side of your brand – robots rarely express their feelings.
Our hearts are with the Orlando victims, their families and the LGBT community. #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/vMPzfWa6Y7
— Google (@Google) June 12, 2016
Google’s Twitter feed is hardly a selling platform. Occasionally it tweets about product development but primarily it’s a collection of everything it considers important. Whether it’s a worthy cause, political issues, amusing anecdotes, or something poignant. The tweet above was retweeted 10,032 times and liked by 17,715. Comments weren’t all positive, but Google stood up for what it believes in and received engagement of 27.7K.
Google is confident enough to openly support the causes it values, popular or otherwise. Its convictions are strong and it speaks its mind, negative comments merely increasing engagement.
Twitter Tip #2: It’s not a playground - rise above negative comments to defend your brand
Negative comments – Be a Grown Up
There will be negative comments; how you deal with them is your choice. Here’re two different strategies, both effective.
Donald Trump posted a derogatory comment on Twitter about The New York Times. What did it do? It didn’t ignore it, it didn’t get angry. It defended its reputation, it protected its brand.
@realDonaldTrump @nytimes fact: surge in new subscriptions, print & digital, with trends, stops & starts, 4 X better than normal.
— NYTCo Communications (@NYTimesComm) November 13, 2016
At the time of publishing our report, the above tweet had been retweeted 2,645 times and liked by 5,422. It’s still very much alive on Twitter and it’s now been retweeted 35,369 and liked 128,270 times. The New York Times uses @NYTimesComm to respond to tweets, but rarely engages. In this instance, protecting its brand was primary.
Like many big-name brands, Siemens gets its fair share of negative press. Rather than facing it head on, like The New York Times, it tweets positive and promotional news from its main account and from @Siemens_press and @SiemensMobility; regularly using positive hashtags like #CO2neutral # CleanEnergy #EnergyEfficient.
World’s most energy efficient #trafficlight presented by @Siemens. #LED #CO2neutral https://t.co/bZTvPpD210 pic.twitter.com/jxwGIpcQL4
— Siemens Mobility (@SiemensMobility) August 1, 2016
Twitter Tip #3: Brand ambassadors and influencers bring a whole new audience
Collaboration Works - Communities, A-Listers, Individuals
Whilst celebrities and sports people feature heavily as brand ambassadors, Pampers uses a large community of reviewers and bloggers who test products, share opinions, advice and promotions. It’s real people sharing real life stories, providing genuine reviews and positive user generated content, which Pampers always retweets. The tweet below had only 153 retweets but it was shared throughout the community of reviewers and bloggers, plus it linked to a website with other offers from Pampers.
#ad Print high value @Pampers coupons at home https://t.co/5BrcgbG8kT & see this Sunday's newspaper! #PampersSavings pic.twitter.com/mlbGF7Zbbp
— Rose A (@mail4rosey) June 7, 2016
Louis Vuitton relies heavily on brand ambassadors from fashion and entertainment. Whether it’s actor, Léa Seydoux, the face of the brand, or newsjacking red carpet events and photographing celebrities who’re wearing Louis Vuitton.
Louis Vuitton’s Twitter marketing strategy is one-way, no engagement, with its focus on pushing its products. It only retweeted 5 times in 2016, all from its other Twitter accounts. Yet it has nearly 6m followers, who retweeted the brand’s tweets over 378K times. It’s not a strategy that would work for all brands, but it works for luxury brands that users aspire to.
Jennifer Connelly wearing #LouisVuitton to the #AmericanPastoral Premiere during the Zurich Film Festival #ZFF2016 pic.twitter.com/uHFDz3xAkj
— Louis Vuitton (@LouisVuitton) September 27, 2016
Brand ambassadors and influencers aren’t always planned, as the following tweet about Nike demonstrates.
this choker trend is wild y'all i wore a shoelace to the bars last night & i've never gotten so many compliments thanks @Nike just do it lol pic.twitter.com/K49fJmAXNe
— Katie Rosebrook (@katierosebrook) October 2, 2016
A member of the public wore a shoelace as a necklace and tweeted a pic, it went viral. Engagement was at 310K and the story was picked up by the press. Whilst not directly promoting Nike, it brought huge interest @Nike. Strangely, Nike did not engage with the tweet.
Twitter Tip #4: Tweets about trends increase follower engagement and expose tweets to a wider audience.
Stay on Top of Trends – Nike #justdoit Right
Back to the Future is a movie with a cult-like fan base. When it was released almost 30 years ago, Nike created a responsive shoe – the self-lacing sneaker or Nike Mag – worn in the movie by Michael J Fox. In 2016 Nike, never slow to jump on a trend, released the 2016 Nike Mag. A limited-edition, only 89 were produced. The sneakers were put into auction with proceeds going to The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Nike followed a trend whilst demonstrating its social conscience.
.@REALMIKEFOX the future is now #NikeMag: https://t.co/gvzyQC7s8H pic.twitter.com/mJ87BasEMk
— Nike (@Nike) October 4, 2016
Twitter Tip #5: Whether you’re controversial or caring – keep it interesting and make us happy
Keep it Human, Keep it Social – Be Approachable
Interacting with people who mention your brand on Twitter is important. Brands that ask questions, use humour, can laugh at themselves, and personalize their tweets – are seen to be more approachable, more human. It takes time and effort but followers do appreciate it, and you’ll increase engagement and brand awareness.
Richard Branson shares his thoughts, ideas, politics, charities, jokes, book recommendations, family stories; his products and services are almost an afterthought. He has over 9 million followers but tweets as if it’s just to YOU.
Procrastination is the thief of time: too many great ideas fall flat due to lengthy decision making: https://t.co/7gAoxDhfey pic.twitter.com/UiDtoo4ekF
— Richard Branson (@richardbranson) December 7, 2016
Keeping the Siemens’ Twitter feed human, the Chief HR Officer tweets about Siemens’ activities using inspirational hashtags, including #gender #equality #diversity #ability #ingenuityforlife #greenbuilding.
We support #PrideWeek @Siemens because respecting each other is what matters to us #diversity @SiemensCareers pic.twitter.com/WVGvV6LLIG
— Janina Kugel (@janinakugel) July 18, 2016
Find Inspiration for your Twitter Marketing Strategy
Don’t wait for a disaster on Twitter before reacting, use it just for selling your product, or jump in purely for customer service issues. Twitter can bring character to your brand, a personality. Used well, it’ll be your brand’s human voice.
Your Twitter marketing strategy can make or break your brand. Make your Twitter account worth following with tweets that add value, are interesting, controversial, funny, and helpful. It’s not about endless marketing of your brand. Make us laugh, make us cry, make us question, make us angry, make us happy.
To learn more about how these brands and more have found a voice that rocks Twitter, download the full TalkWalker report – Top 20 Brands On Twitter – Playing Their Cards Right In 2016
Thanks to Richard Sunley for sharing their advice and opinions in this post. Richard is a copywriter and communications officer at social media analytics platform TalkWalker.
from Blog – Smart Insights http://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/twitter-marketing/5-secrets-top-brands-inspire-twitter-marketing-strategy/
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