#force sensitive cassian andor
crimsonscloud · 2 years
consider: force-sensitive cassian but he doesn’t know it at first
(something something they say anyone can hear the whispers of the force if you listen for it, but whenever cassian is around jyn it sings.)
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marvelstars · 1 year
The force as part of all living beings always has been part of Star Wars canon
About the discourse with Sabine and Ahsoka and Ahsoka supposely breaking previous canon by training Sabine, I believe it´s best to look at the facts of the previous trilogies first to get a balanced view about this.
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The force always has been part of every living being since the original trilogy, Yoda and Obi-Wan talk about it as a force field that keeps united all living beings in the galaxy, that helps them see the past or the future, how to avoid trouble and how to connect with all living beings around the people using it, this is the original description of what the force is and this didn´t change in the series, Ahsoka is just recognizing this fact to train Sabine in the Jedi arts.
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The level of force sensitivity is the thing at question here, not the force itself, on the battle over the first death star all rebel pilots had the force because all of them were living beings but Luke was stronger in the force than the other pilots and so Vader could detect this, he didn´t say "He is force sensitive" or "He has the force" , he said "The force is STRONG in this one".
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Sabine as a living being with mandalorian training can perfectly learn and practice the Jedi arts even if the intensity of the force in her isn´t as strong as Jedi trained by the Jedi Order, like Kanan, Ahsoka, Anakin or Obi-Wan, she still can learn and become someone like Chirrut Iwe from Rogue One, who certainly was using the force in his daily life and practiced his martial arts trusting it to protect him.
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In fact I could go as far as saying that most of the Rogue One crew, Jyn Erso, Andor, Baze, Chirrut, despite not being jedi or strong in the force, still trusted it to help them steal the death star plans and the only one in the Empire who noticed was Vader, hence his comment about the force being stronger than the Death Star. It doesn´t need to be obvious or impressive, it just needs to allow certain events to happen at the right time.
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The force always had faith elements to it since the original trilogy and even not strong force sensitives can use it sometimes. Vader knows this for a fact because as a child he knew exactly what to do to protect himself or win the podraces his owner keep putting him expecting him to die at any moment. This is the force acting despite no training and that´s how it acts in most beings.
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Even the strongest force sensitives by sheer potential in the series: Anakin, Palpatine, Yoda, Luke and Leia needed traning to truly access that level of conection and control over the force because they may have been the beings with the most potential but this didn´t mean they didn´t need to learn discipline and method to develop their potential.
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Ahsoka and Luke are another example, Luke definitely has more force potential than Ahsoka, as Anakin´s Son "the force is STRONG in my family" , most of it already developed but Ahsoka knows way more about the force(at least at the time the Ahsoka series is happening) than Luke does, for her sheer training and experience.
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So what Ahsoka is doing is traning in the Jedi ways someone who would not have been called or accepted at the temple but who nonetheless can learn to practice the force to help her in battle like Chirrut did or to get a stronger connection with all force sensitives around her and thats not wrong at all, neither does it contradicts any previous trilogy or canon.
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Also, at this point, Ahsoka isn´t acting on behalf of the Jedi Order, in fact she still has conflicts over it, hence why she has not tried to help Luke more in the rebuilding of the school and my guess is because she´s trying to develop a variant of what the Order believed just involving people with different levels of potential while Luke is trying to rebuilt the school in the classical training of the old Jedi Order, at least in current canon, we don´t know if he will keep that path.
They could either go their own two ways or get to an agreetment over how best to rebuilt the Order but only time can tell and both have reason to want to make this slighty different to the way the old Order managed their training even if they really want to keep the traditions.
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captastra · 2 years
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Rebelcaptain Trees for @antifandor​ : Force Sensitivity AU
“The force?” “It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.”
Bonus quote because its too cute!
“The force may be a part of your soul, but I am a part of your heart” - ty @kourumi
Merry (Belated) Christmas and Happy Holidays! I Hope you like it 😊💗
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lovebunnie · 2 years
i rly think that little space twink that got charles xaviered was force sensitive
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antianakin · 6 months
My main problem with the idea of either non-Force sensitive people becoming Jedi or the whole "everyone is actually Force sensitive if you try hard enough" thing isn't that Force sensitivity is what makes the Jedi interesting, it's that this is what makes them JEDI.
There are TONS of characters in Star Wars who, if they were Force sensitive, would make excellent Jedi and I love quite a few of them. Just for a few quick examples off the top of my head: Bail and Breha Organa, Beru and Owen Lars, and Hera Syndulla (the Rebels version, not the Ahsoka show version). Sabine Wren, by the end of Rebels, would count on this list, as well (but not the Ahsoka show version). Jyn Erso and Bodhi Rook, especially by the end of Rogue One (Baze and Chirrut obviously would fit on this list, too, but they are already a part of their own religion that they might have chosen regardless of whether they were Force sensitive or not and I am choosing to respect that). Bix Calleen and Brasso from Andor. Greez from the Cal Kestis games maybe. And there's probably more that I am missing.
But the point I am making here is that none of these characters (bar Sabine in the Ahsoka show) are ever assumed to be Jedi. I don't think a SINGLE fan would ever try to argue with me that they ARE Jedi. And obviously it does not make any of them less interesting or enjoyable as characters to not be Jedi.
So if you're going to come at me with the accusation "How boring do you have to be to think the only reason the Jedi are interesting is because they're Force sensitive" then my rebuttal is this: Do you think all of the non-Jedi characters in Star Wars AREN'T interesting because they don't bear the title of Jedi? Does Sabine Wren suddenly become MORE interesting of a character when she's (theoretically) the exact same character, but now she gets to call herself a Jedi? Would Bodhi Rook or Brasso suddenly be more interesting characters if they called themselves Jedi but nothing else about them changed?
How boring do YOU have to be to think that the only interesting characters in Star Wars are those who call themselves Jedi? Personally, I really love that there are all of these characters out there with a bunch of different narrative paths open to them specifically because they AREN'T Jedi. Cassian Andor, Luthen Rael, Saw Gerrera, and Mon Mothma get to be REALLY intricate and morally ambiguous characters specifically because they are not Jedi at all. All the characters I listed above get to be these really lovely heroes for the little guy that showcase that you don't need to have cosmic powers and a laser sword and a fancy title to make a difference. There's a whole sort-of underlying side story within some of these stories about how the galaxy relied on the Jedi to solve all of their problems and how they're forced to step up and defend themselves for once after the Jedi are destroyed, leading to the introduction of all of these non-Force sensitive heroes, some more grey than others.
The Jedi are beacons of hope within the narrative, a model of selfless compassion to constantly strive towards. They are characters who consistently become their best selves through hard work and dedication. This is one of the MANY reasons I love them so much.
But I ALSO love that there are characters who AREN'T Jedi, characters who have no additional cosmic powers or knowledge, and have to figure out how to make the right choice instead of the easy choice ANYWAY, even when it's hard, even when it requires sacrifice. I love stories about the little people in the galaxy learning how to step up and emulate the Jedi when the Jedi are no longer there to be a bulwark between them and their own darkness. The beautiful tragedy of this entire side story lies in the galaxy learning the lessons the Jedi were trying so hard to teach them only after the Jedi themselves are gone due to the galaxy's selfishness. This is the bed the galaxy made for itself and now they have to lie in it. But they do! Eventually, person by person, they do.
And eventually, after many many years, just like their selfishness bore consequences, their selfless efforts also ultimately bring rewards in the form of the Jedi returning. And it's only once the Jedi and the people of the galaxy start fighting TOGETHER, the way they were always supposed to, that they're able to defeat the darkness. THAT'S the story. The Jedi and the people of the galaxy are in a symbiotic relationship with each other, a theme that doesn't work if you go for the concepts where everyone gets to be a Jedi. The Jedi are a specific group of people, they are the Force made manifest, they are beacons of hope, they are an ideal to work towards. This doesn't work with the "Jedi can also be people without Force sensitivity" or "everyone has Force sensitivity" concepts. It just doesn't.
So of course there are plenty of characters who aren't Force sensitive who follow Jedi philosophies or act in a way the Jedi would approve of. These people are the ones choosing to be in balance with the Jedi, which in turn is what brings balance to the entire galaxy.
If this interpretation of Star Wars and the Jedi comes off as boring to you, then, well, that sounds like a you problem and you're more than welcome to find a different corner of fandom to go spend time in and leave me to my corner.
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cantsayidont · 4 months
Uh, so, according to THE ACOLYTE, before the fall of the Republic, the Jedi not only coerced and abducted Force-sensitive children in indefensible ways — even when operating outside the bounds of Republic law that apparently gave them free reign to do whatever they wanted to kids — but also practiced systematic cultural genocide, with Jedi academies basically operating like outer space residential schools? That's sure, uh, an interesting creative choice, particularly since the witch coven included more women of color than in most of the previous movies and shows combined, and particularly after ANDOR's subplot about Cassian Andor being an indigenous boy that Maarva Andor literally abducted.
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vipier · 6 months
padawan to jedi to clone war general to inquisitor au timeline:
45 BBY: tristan patel is born.
42 BBY: the jedi order comes to his birth family’s door after discovering that he is force sensitive. tristan’s biological father is eager to let his troublesome child go with the help of a few credits.
41 - 33 BBY: as a jedi initiate, tristan is trained in cobra clan with a group of approximately 20 other students in the ways of the force. he struggles maintaining his emotions, which causes concern for several of the jedi masters. however, he possesses enough power and raw talent, and demonstrates enough progress, that he is permitted to continue.
33 BBY: tristan participates in the initiate trials and catches the eye of master seneca kappel, who takes him on as his padawan.
33 BBY - 23 BBY: tristan remains master seneca’s padawan. his master is a bit more “ hands-off ” in his training than most masters with their padawans — but, regardless, always seems to know what tristan has been up to, so there’s at least an understanding from tris that he’s being watched most of the time he isn’t directly at his master’s side. not that this improves his behavior ; if anything, he acts out in subtle ways, including eventually beginning an arguably reckless romantic entanglement with naval academy student and eventual senator’s aide cassian jeron andor, of which his master vocally disapproves but somehow still tolerates.
23 BBY: master seneca finally permits tristan to complete his jedi trials and takes him to the jedi temple on lothal to do so. despite struggling immensely with three of the nine steps — namely teamwork, anger, and forgiveness — tristan ultimately passes the trials and is knighted, just in time to see the galaxy descend into chaos the following year when the clone wars begin.
22 BBY: as a fully fledged jedi knight, tristan is made a general and placed in charge of his own troops, despite his misgivings. he struggles tremendously with leadership, and at times, his men doubt him. he seeks the counsel of his master, but finds far greater assistance in the advice of his secret lover, now a naval captain with a born knack for command and attracting loyalty. gradually, his leadership improves, and although he knows he will never be any truly great leader, his men begin to trust him more.
22 - 19 BBY: tristan and his men fight through the duration of the clone wars, often alongside captain andor’s troops, and all the while, he yearns for a swift end to the war, gradually disenchanted with battle and republic rhetoric and the orders issued by the jedi council. in his weaker moments, he asks his lover to run away with him, knowing they’d never make it without being executed as defectors — and knowing he would never agree.
19 BBY: tristan receives a visit from his old master while stationed with his troops on kashyyyk. master seneca confirms reports that general kenobi has gone to engage general grievous on utapau and that the war will soon come to a close. he also informs tris that captain andor has been revealed as a separatist and traitor, and that he expects tristan to arrest or, if necessary, kill him, because he's the one person who might be able to get close enough to do so. tristan first refuses to believe this information, then patently refuses to complete the task whether or not the information is true. the argument escalates until both men simultaneously sense a vast disturbance in the force. unbeknownst to both of them, order 66 has begun, and within moments, tristan's clone forces have turned on them. master seneca see his chance and abandons his former padawan without a glance back. it is only by a stroke of the most unlikely fate that tristan manages to escape with only the clothes on his back, his lightsaber, and a number of nasty blaster burns. although he is unable to piece together what actually happened until weeks later, he knows he is on the run. in reality, through all official channels, jedi general tristan patel is presumed dead.
19 - 17 BBY: he is a fugitive with no friends and no resources, merely surviving, flying under the radar and terrified to reveal even a fraction of his identity for fear of being discovered by vader and his inquisitors. he managed to flee kashyyyk to the outer rim and inhabits mostly desolate planets, foraging for most of his food, and trying to stifle his connection to the force as much as possible for fear of being discovered. he has surmised that the few allies he may have had, including captain andor, are dead.
17 - 16 BBY: tristan's greatest fear is realized and he is captured by lord vader's inquisitors on the outer rim planet of vaal in the gordian reach, where he had made a temporary home for himself in a remote area of the vast savannah there. after a fight, and despite expecting death, he was taken to the fortress inquisitorius, where he spent the next year incarcerated. throughout this time, the inquisitors, purge troopers, and some empire scientists interrogated, tortured, and performed experiments on him in a calculated effort to break his will. while tris finds himself tormented and hopeless during this time, the most prevalent emotion is rage. eventually, he realizes that he can use this rage to make it appear as though he's fallen completely to the dark side - which he does successfully.
16 BBY - 4 ABY: tristan becomes a full inquisitor, the eleventh brother, and for the next twenty years of his life, must hide in the lion's den, shielded from detection amongst his own ranks of force users by his unpredictable anger, which effectively eclipses his intentions of revenge and sabotage of the empire after having everything taken from him. unfortunately, this gamble of his opens a dangerous door that leads him down the path of actively fighting descent to the dark side as he balances the use of his rage for his own protection and the protection of the eventual rebel networks to which he feeds information, and attempts to pull himself away from the precipice of being consumed by darkness completely. throughout this time, he probably saves hundreds or thousands of lives - but is also forced to do countless things he never wanted to, all of which pull him further toward an edge from which he fears he can never return.
15 BBY - 6 BBY: tristan successfully makes contact with two different rebel forces: saw gerrera's partisans and bail organa's resistance network. he uses the alias of viper to send the appropriate information to each faction, namely assisting gerrera's partisans in identifying the most effective times and places for empire sabotage and delivering the names of force sensitive and other vulnerable individuals, as well as potential spies, to organa's network for rescue or recruitment. for almost a decade, he manages to ferry information under the radar. nobody suspects on either side that the eleventh brother could possibly be this rebel informant, whose valuable information leads his moniker to be whispered with increasing frequency among those who would align themselves with rebel cells.
6 BBY - 2 BBY: saw gerrera becomes increasingly paranoid, including developing suspicion for the individual calling himself viper, especially after nine years of refusing to reveal himself. through saw, tristan is able to make contact with luthen rael, who agrees to assume any risk associated with the anonymous informant. tristan spends the next four years in contact with luthen and his associate kleya marki to deliver sensitive information.
2 BBY - 4 ABY: the rebel alliance in its final form finally comes to fruition. for convenience, tristan's viper reports siphon their way solely through rebel intelligence via general davits draven, rather than both through luthen and bail organa's contact, for approximately the first year after the alliance's official formation. in 1 BBY, however, when cassian andor commits to the rebellion after years of chaotic and dangerous solo work, apparently with a new resolve and commitment, viper transmits that he with only communicate with andor moving forward. while a bit baffling to rebel high command - and a bit of a hit to general draven's ego, to lose exclusive access to a vital informant - the rebellion allows this. the reality is that tristan discovered cassian's survival many years before, when he was captured by the eleventh brother's purge trooper squadron. without explanation, tristan let him go and has been monitoring him and protecting him as best he can since without revealing his own identity, for fear other inquisitors - or force forbid, lord vader - might sense the shift or andor might be discovered and killed. sometime in 2 BBY, a course of events forced his identity to be revealed to his former lover and they were reunited under dangerous circumstances. tristan urged cassian to commit to the rebellion, to help him, and for the next five years, cassian becomes his " handler, " with nobody else the wiser that viper is, in fact, the eleventh brother.
4 ABY: after the conclusion of the battle of endor, the rebels storm the fortress inquisitorius. tristan, already fighting what feels like a losing battle within himself with the dark side, attempts to flee - not out of cowardice but out of fear he will destroy the entire invading squadron if they attack. he finds himself cornered, unable to explain himself to a group of reactive and distrustful rebels who've just faced a number of his supposed brethren, all prepared to kill them all. with blasters trained on him, the air pressure crackling around them as tristan attempts to control his power made vast by his constant and purposeful fostering of hate, it all nearly comes to a head before captain andor intervenes and dispurses the troops as he pulls tristan back from the brink. tristan, overwhelmed and drained, collapses and is brought back to rebel headquarters, where he remains in a bacta tank for a week. he wakes in a panic, exploding the bacta tank and setting off a number of alarms, after which that particular medbay is evacuated, save for tristan himself, a number of medical droids, and captain andor, who refuses to leave. it takes a number of weeks for tristan to even partially recover, and by the time he is debriefed, pardoned, given his accolades for his service, and discharged, he still walks with a cane. with cassian, he leaves as soon as he's able for a remote forested planet on the outer rim, where cass has a house waiting for them to return to.
FOLLOWING 4 ABY: tristan sheds the title of both jedi and inquisitor. he suffers deeply from night terrors and struggles with remants of the dark side rising to the surface which remain persistant for years, but begin to dissipate, even though they never fully go away. to heal himself, he focuses hard on removing the rage, on building a home with his lover, cultivating hobbies, discovering a life after four and a half decades of war and use by others. eventually, after spending a significant amount of time isolated in nature, he begins to repair his relationship with the force on his own terms, without the tie of any particular label. to his delight, he's able to pull the corruption from the kyber crystal which powers his lightsaber, turning it back from red to its original yellow. he's little interest in the politics of the new republic, but very occasionally, he's sought after for advice relating to his knowledge of the empire as well as his knowledge of the force. he also becomes useful to the small community on his planet for the deep connection he develops with the forest, which proves a boon for the farmers, loggers, and ranchers in the area.
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pfirsichspritzer · 2 years
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Rebelcaptain trees for @antifandor for the prompts jedi/force sensitivity AU and kyber crystals
Padawans Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor travel to the planet of Illum to get kyber crystals for building their own lightsabers.
I hope you like it; I had such a blast drawing this piece (also playing with lighting, which is not my strongest suit) 😅
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nazmazh · 3 months
Finally started watching The Acolyte this evening - First episode did a good job hooking me in.
Joking with my dad about how Carrie-Anne Moss was well-suited to play a Jedi due to her role in The Matrix - Familar with both sci-fi technobabble and wire-work fight scene choreography.
This led to a half-joke that at this point it does kind of feel it's sort of inevitable that *every* celebrity is going to make an appearance in the Star Wars universe.
Dad quipped - "Except Shatner"
Which, yeah, that's accurate.
And while I wouldn't necessarily want Shatner himself, given the turn towards being a real asshole these past few years (far beyond just the pompous egotist he kind of always was), I think honestly, in another world, it would actually kind of be a great bit to have a chair turn and reveal him as a Jedi Master.
And the thought occurs - Having any of the Star Trek cast members s appear as Jedi (or any other role) would be pretty great for a chuckle. Like, give Brent Spiner or Robert Picardo voice roles as droids. Marina Sirtis already knows the schtick for playing an empath, it'd translate completely well to being a Jedi.
Then, the thought occurred to me - Star Trek characters with their basic personalities, but in Star Wars (And I'm sure there's plenty of fanfic already written of this, out there).
Kirk as a hotshot young Jedi, on the frontlines with Anakin. Sisko and Janeway (I mean, assuming she's not a Sith...) running the strategy of The Clone Wars alongside Mace Windu, and proving absolutely ruthless in battle.
Archer doing his "Ah, Sucks" diplomatic routine alongside Obi-Wan, convincing the galaxy that the Jedi are toothless and will try to talk everyone into their way of seeing things, while Kira, Worf, and Seven are busy coordinating and organizing resistances alongside Saw Gererra, and Garak and Bashir work with Cassian Andor and/or The crew of The Ghost to steal all the Empire's secrets (I realize I'm heavily intermixing timelines here, I don't care).
Chewie and B'Elanna Torres either are best friends or bitter rivals.
Picard would rather be happily exploring and studying ancient Jedi ruins, but he keeps being called on by the council as one of their more effective generals. He's somehow found a way to avoid ever taking a Padawan.
Q and Yoda frequently debate all manner of things. It's often unclear how serious either of them is with *literally* anything they say. Mostly, it seems to be a game of who can frustrate the other most quickly/thoroughly. Nobody's quite sure how Q fits into things with the Force. He refuses to elaborate.
Quark is tending bar in Mos Eisley or somewhere similar. Or maybe still DS9/the equivalent of it - Which, either way, of course, ends up being in the outer rim near enough to Tatooine. He thinks he's a bigger deal in the Hutt syndicate than he actually is. He of course still is fundamentally not ruthless or craven enough to fully be an outright gangster/mobster. Nog bucks the trend of Ferengi generally not being Force Sensitive and is a Padawan (Perhaps to Obi-Wan).
[It still feels like a huge wasted opportunity that they never gave him another one on Clone Wars. Also makes the "a pupil of mine until he turned to evil" line in New Hope retroactively weird - "A" pupil, Obi? He was your *only* pupil!]
Anyway, like Toydarians, Ferengi are resistant to Force mind powers [I guess that's just something you get if you're a race of hyper-capitalists that have some unfortunate design implications?]. You would think they were likely to be members of the Trade Federation, and therefore part of the Confederacy - And many are - But, by and large, they're too individualistic to have their whole culture join any one side.
Vulcans, naturally, make for powerful Jedi - But, I'm sure to some people's surprise, so do Klingons. And their concern with honour means they have a shockingly low rate of turning to the Dark Side [Klingon Jedis are much more like Worf, having that formal, controlled environment they're raised in]. Of course, those without force powers get along swimmingly with Mandalorians. There's probably more than a few Klingon foundlings under those Mandalorian helmets.
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🖌️ Kittylorian's Fanfiction Masterlist 🖌️
(As of 14 March 2024) **underlined words in color are links to the stories**
Fandoms: Star Wars/The Mandalorian/Star Wars Rebels
For Only The Strongest Shall Rule - AO3 Type: Multi-chapter, longfic, part 1 of 2 in main fic Status: Ongoing; 65/77 chapters Brief description: Mand'alor Din Djarin who slowly learns he’s Force-sensitive; Purge survivors are mostly teenagers and little kids; worldbuilding; healing of traumas; facing destiny head-on for many canon characters; leads to the reclaiming of Mandalore
Perfect World - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete (but may potentially continue as a one-shot series) Brief description: A teenage OC's POV before Din Djarin enters his life and becomes his only hope.
Dinui ("Gift") Type: One-shot series Status: On-going *Dinui - AO3 || Tumblr Brief description: A "then vs now" slice of life between Din's childhood with the Tribe vs adult Din as a provider for the Covert post-Purge *No Place Like Home - AO3 || Tumblr Brief description: 17 year-old Din returns to Aq Vetina with his adoptive Mandalorian father and faces a part of his past *A Child Called Din - AO3 || Tumblr Brief description: Teen Din runs into a little big problem. Set immediately after "No Place Like Home" feat. teenage!Paz and friends
Fandoms: Star Wars/The Mandalorian (Fanfiction centered on the Din Djarin x Omera pairing; all are rated G or Teen; some fluff and some angst)
The Routine - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Omera's POV, set immediately after the events of Mando s01ep04
To The Letter - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Omera's POV; Omera thinks of a way to thank the Mandalorian (don't worry, it's wholesome)
Starship Down - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Din's POV; Din and Grogu "crash land" on Sorgan, a rescue ensues; set after BoBF s01ep07
Priceless - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Shared POV; Din takes Omera to a memorable vacation spot, but a lot of things have changed
Battle Scar - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Canon-divergent, shared POV; Din is Mand'alor and Omera is queen; Omera argues with Din and Din tries to set things right
Fandoms: Star Wars/The Mandalorian/The Book of Boba Fett/The Bad Batch
A Good Night's Sleep For Once - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Migs Mayfeld POV, post Mando s02ep07
Double Tap - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Din double checks if he really took Moff Gideon down; post Mando s01ep08
Putting the Weep in Sweep - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Paz Vizsla is tasked to sweep the Forge because he's a responsible adult
Fatalitea - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Fennec Shand and Boba Fett try boba tea
The Test - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Din's thoughts as he visits Grogu; during BoBF s01ep06
I'm Just A Kid - AO3 Type: Multi-chapter Status: On-going; 4/7 chapters Brief description: Din and Boba transform into kids and Paz Vizsla babysits
Heart And Mind - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Tech's POV when he and Omega have a brief talk during s02ep09
A New Age of Mandalore - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Semi-crackfic; an old scientist visits the Covert with a theory, and only Grogu understands. Set after s03ep02
Fandoms: Star Wars/Andor
1.A Daughter Of Ferrix - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete: Brief description: Maarva Andor copes with her teenage son Cassian's arrest after he avenges the death of his father, Clem Andor
2. Alone - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: B2EMO's POV of the night after Maarva passes away
Fandoms: Star Wars/The Mandalorian
A Future Yet Unknown- AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Din and Grogu are greeted by an unexpected new member of the Covert. A "missing scene" in s03ep01 "The Apostate."
Only One Creed- AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Paz's son Ragnar has questions, and Paz isn't sure if he can answer them all, not where he stands with Din. Set after s03ep01 "The Apostate"
From The Ashes- AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Paz begins to teach Ragnar about the legacy of House Vizsla.
All The Little Foundlings- AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Ragnar copes with fears and loss of self-confidence as he recovers from his harrowing rescue adventure; clan Djarin step in to help. Set after s03ep4 "The Foundling."
We Are Eternal - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Paz Vizsla leaves a holo-recording to his son Ragnar before he accompanies Bo-Katan to scout Mandalore, knowing well that it could be his last mission. Epistle style. (Spoilers for s03ep07 "The Spies")
In Dreams, We Wake - AO3 || Tumblr Type: Multi-chapter (2/?) Status: Ongoing Brief description: Ragnar Vizsla is Axe Woves' apprentice. Two years have passed since Mandalore's reclamation and Paz Vizsla's selfless sacrifice. Ragnar lives a double life for the sake of his father, in life or in death.
***end of list***
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mostthingskenobi · 1 year
CASSIAN’S RECKONING - Chapter 1: The Razor
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FIC SUMMARY: Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, and the rest of Rogue One survive the Battle of Scarif, delivering a major blow to the Empire. But Wilhuff Tarkin will not be made a fool. When Cassian falls into the Grand Moff's clutches, he pays dearly for the Rebellion's victory.
Special Note: I commissioned the wonderful @amikoroyaiart​​ to create 5 illustrations for this fic. I’ve included one of them in this chapter (scroll down to see it!!! It’s 🔥🔥🔥). The rest will be released on my Patreon to my Jedi Knight and Jedi Master tiers.
I come bearing gifts.
I've been working on this fic since the Andor series began. Jyn and Cassian have become my latest obsession. I love them. But, let me say this right up front: Rogue One is perfect exactly as it is. The only reason I wrote this fic was as a guilty pleasure for myself because I ship RebelCaptain so hard it hurts my soul. Plus there's a general lack of Cassian whump in the world, so I've taken it upon myself to remedy that.
If you are not into whump, turn back now. I don't get too gory in this fic, but there's a lot of hurt before we get to the comfort--as per my usual.
I'm only sharing chapter 1 for now. I just wanted to wet your whistle before I post the rest after I've finished writing it (which should be very soon--I only have a few chapters left). I hope you enjoy.
People had been disappearing since the Empire reared its ugly head. Force sensitives, intellectuals, journalists vanished into an imperial abyss, never to be seen again. Cassian Andor hadn’t expected to be one of them; sure, he’d been imprisoned as a boy, forced into their sick system, ground up, and spat out again. But that was different than disappearing. Even when he’d been sent to Narkina 5 he’d been with other men; he wasn’t the sole witness to the facility’s grotesque truth.
The Rebel Alliance had always assumed the Empire had secret prisons, holding cells, cages—places tantamount to dungeons where these vanished beings were tortured, interrogated, or enslaved.
But now Cassian had proof they existed.
He had irrefutable evidence.
Because he was currently being held in one of these arcane locations, tied to a chair in a freezing cold, pitch black cell.
No one knew where he was, not even himself.
And no one was coming to his rescue.
The mission had been a risk right from the beginning. But what else was new? After surviving Scarif, everything seemed easy in comparison. Jyn had been doubly angered by the plan, firstly because they were sending Cassian on another extremely dangerous assignment less than two months after being released from the medical ward—he had broken several ribs and a leg falling from the databank in the citadel spire. But she was even angrier that they weren’t sending her with him.
“This is ridiculous,” she fumed while they briskly walked through the curving corridors in Yavin 4. “Can’t you talk to Draven? Get me put on your crew?”
“There’s a reason you’re not going.”
“And what is that?” she said, her tone acidic, expecting his answer to be personal.
“They don’t want to put multiple Rogue Squad members together on missions for a while.”
“But that’s insane. We all work best together.” She grabbed Cassian by the elbow and abruptly stopped him. “We’re stronger together.”
Looking at her face, he finally understood. She was afraid. “Jyn, I’m better,” he said gently.
Her voice became quiet though her eyes remained hard. “You almost died on the transport back to base.”
“I know,” his tone softened further. They both pretended they weren’t traumatized by Scarif, pretended that seeing a wall of death rushing at them across the ocean hadn’t turned their blood to ice. He reached out and took her arm in his strong hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze.
“I just don’t think you should go if you aren’t one-hundred percent,” she said.
“I’ve been on other missions since Scarif.”
They had moved closer, their foreheads almost touching. “But this is different. This one…” she shook her head, trailing off. “This one spooks me.”
“It’s almost exactly the same plan we had for infiltrating the Citadel.”
“But Tarkin is a madman, Cassian. And since we’ve stolen the Death Star plans, this mission is like poking a wounded beast.”
He couldn’t hold back a crooked smile. “Are you worried about me?” he teased.
“Be serious,” she replied disapprovingly, which made him smile bigger.
“Tarkin’s not even going to be there. We’ll get in and get out. They won’t have a clue.” He turned and kept moving down the hall. “I don’t have a lot of time so if you want to talk, you have to do it while we walk.”
“Why don’t they want us on missions together?” she asked, her anger from earlier coming back as she hurried to keep pace.
“They picked up some chatter on an imperial comms relay. The Empire has put us on a wanted list. Specifically, you, me, Bodhi, Chirrut, and Baze, but any rebel who survived Scarif is in danger. The Alliance doesn’t want to risk putting us all together in case we get captured. They don’t want to give the Empire the satisfaction of grabbing us all at the same time.”
“What?” Jyn couldn’t keep the fear out of her voice, and she cursed herself for it.
“Don’t worry. Apart from Bodhi, they don’t have any of your names.”
“But they have your name?”
“That was unavoidable.”
“Because I was sent to prison when I was thirteen. They have my face and name permanently on file.”
She grabbed him with more force this time and spun him to a stop. “Cassian!”
He recoiled from her, not sure if she was going to hit him. “What?!”
“This is madness!”
“You know as well as I do that this is the life of a soldier, Jyn.” He was trying not to shout back at her. She had an uncanny knack for getting under his skin. “We don’t get to rest and lay in bed and bundle up until we feel better. We get up and we keep going. You would do the exact same thing if you were me.”
She didn’t reply. She looked down, her chest heaving as she tried to calm herself. Cassian suspected she had an internal battle raging; half of her wanted to protect him, the other half knew she had no right telling him what to do. She certainly never allowed anyone to control her decisions. Eventually she would concede the point. He knew her well enough to know Jyn Erso was no hypocrite.
She nodded but still wouldn’t make eye contact. Cassian took her by the shoulders and turned her square to him, gently squeezing her until she looked up. “It’ll be OK.”
She smirked, acceptance finally softening her features.
In some ways they were closer than ever, comfortable enough to touch each other, challenge each other, even voice their fears. There was no question they trusted each other implicitly—facing death side by side will do that. But in other ways they were miles apart. Unresolved tension existed that Cassian didn’t fully understand. He had theories, but no data to confirm. They were both wounded animals protecting their survival; a lifetime of loss driving a wedge, not just between the two of them, but between them an anyone who wanted to get close. Their friendship was good, it was solid. And though their gaze would linger or their touch was intimate, they were both unwilling or unable to be fully vulnerable. So, Jyn and Cassian remained as close as two fearful, orbiting objects could be.
“You better not break your leg this time,” she joked. “I won’t be there to drag you out.”
He laughed softly. “Is that an order?”
They both smiled shyly. After another shared, lingering look they carried on walking.
“So, give me the rundown.”
“I’m not supposed to tell you any of this. I shouldn’t even have told you I’m going on this mission.”
“Come on, Cassian, you know I might catch something the rest of you missed.”
They had arrived at a door that he now paused against. “You’re right, your brain is wired for strategy. But you can’t come in here.” He punched the access panel and revealed the men’s locker room.
Unfazed, she followed him in, much to the surprise of two young recruits. “Beat it,” she barked.
Cassian smirked and shook his head, enjoying the way she pulled rank. He didn’t countermand her order and watched, amused as the soldiers grabbed their gear and practically ran for the door.
“What are the mission details?” She didn’t skip a beat.
Andor moved to his locker and opened it while he talked. “We’re taking a confiscated lambda shuttle to rendezvous with Tarkin’s star destroyer Executrix. We’re going to board under the guise that we’ve been sent by Imperial Military Intelligence to upgrade local data vault security. We’ll use Scarif as an excuse, telling them we’re checking for vulnerabilities.” He took a kit from his locker and walked to the sink.
Jyn pulled herself up on the counter next to him and crossed her legs. “What if Tarkin is there?”
“He won’t be. We have confirmation that he’s taken charge of the Death Star and only goes back to his star destroyers occasionally.” He untucked his shirt and pulled it over his head before throwing it at Jyn.
“What are you doing?” she queried, catching the garment. She glanced at his muscles then quickly looked away when her eyes fell upon a massive scar running around his ribcage, stretching from his chest to his back.
He noticed her flinch but didn’t acknowledge it verbally. “I have to shave.”
“Why?” she said, recovering herself.
“Because I need to look like an Imperial Military Intelligence officer.”
The corner of her mouth pulled up in a wry smile. “Can’t look like a scruffy rebel?”
“Not today,” he said, turning on the hot tap and pulling a razor from the kit. They carried on talking while he worked, splashing steaming water on his face before rubbing shaving cream into his beard.
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“What if this is one of those rare occasions when Tarkin is on board?”
“It won’t be, Jyn,” he said firmly, starting to drag the blade expertly over his skin. “A contact confirmed he’s on the Death Star.”
“If he’s on the Executrix, it’s very likely he will recognize you. He’s the sort of man with a mean memory. And there is almost certainly footage of us infiltrating the Citadel on Scarif. Tarkin will recognize you the minute he sees you. You should prepare for that eventuality.”
“And how do you recommend I do that?”
She thought for a moment. “Just pray he isn’t there.”
Cassian snorted. “There’s the brilliant strategy I was waiting for,” he teased, lifting his chin to get at his neck.
“Your best bet is to run. You’ll want to have multiple exit strategies, unexpected ones, to get back to your shuttle. And you might want to consider bringing a droid who can launch a bunch of empty TIE fighters or perform a trash dump while you’re making your escape.”
He had frozen in place, the blade against his throat. “Why?”
“Because when the cruiser activates its tractor beam, you’ll stand a better chance if their scopes are full of debris.”
He didn’t move for a long time, his eyes wide as his brain worked through the problem.
“You forgot about the tractor beam, didn’t you?”
He removed the blade from his neck and nodded. “Can we disable it?”
Jyn shrugged. “Maybe. But you’d do better to confuse it. Disabling it might draw too much attention.”
“It would have been the perfect job for K-2.” Regret lingered in Cassian’s tone.
They locked eyes for a moment, each haunted by K’s final ‘goodbye’ and the eerie way his voice warbled before fading out.
Jyn shook off the memory first. “So, what are you really doing on board? You’re obviously not installing a security update.”
He carried on shaving while he spoke. “The Council wants to find out more about Project War-Mantle and Stellar Sphere.”
“War-Mantle? Why do I know that name?”
“It’s one of the files we saw in the data vault on Scarif.”
Jyn’s eyes became wide. “I remember now.”
“They’re all part of Tarkin’s initiative. The Council thinks there might be information on his local archives that isn’t held anywhere else.”
“You’re right, this is essentially the Scarif plan all over again.”
“Yep.” He leaned forward and splashed more water on his face before drying off with a towel. He ran a hand over his chin and jaw, feeling for any missed spots.
Jyn was surprised how sharp his features looked without a beard to soften their edges. His jaw and cheekbones were straight as a knife. She watched as he studied his boyish appearance in the mirror. Cassian rolled back his shoulders while changing the set of his jaw. The boyishness instantly faded, replaced with imperial coldness as his brow became arched above his aquiline nose.
He reached out for his shirt and as she gave it to him Jyn asked, “What makes you think they won’t see you coming?”
It was Andor’s turn to shrug. “Hope, I guess.” He pulled on his shirt and as he tucked it in, Jyn slid off the counter and came toward him, grabbing the towel he had discarded. She reached up and gently took him by the chin, turning his head to the side before using the towel to wipe away some shaving cream he’d missed by his ear.
“You don’t have any room for mistakes on this one, Cassian.”
NEXT CHAPTER IS CALLED “THE SCYTHE” - If Cassian had known what was going to happen next, he would never have agreed to the assignment.
Thank you for reading!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are very welcome!
Much love!
READ IT ON AO3 - Kudos and Comments Welcome :-)
READ CHAPTER 1 “The Razor”
READ CHAPTER 2 “The Scythe”
READ CHAPTER 4 “The Expendable”
READ CHAPTER 5 “The Truth”
READ CHAPTER 6 "The Detritus"
READ CHAPTER 8 "The Power"
READ CHAPTER 9 “The Betrayal”
READ CHAPTER 10 “The Ruse”
READ CHAPTER 11 "The Reprieve"
READ CHAPTER 12 “The Ghosts”
READ CHAPTER 13 "The Redemption"
READ CHAPTER 14 "The Spoils"
READ CHAPTER 15 “The Interrogation”
READ CHAPTER 16 "The Rogues"
READ CHAPTER 17 "The Absolution"
READ CHAPTER 18 "The Reach"
READ CHAPTER 19 "The Hologram"
READ CHAPTER 20 “The Divide”
READ CHAPTER 21 “The Cost”
READ CHAPTER 22 "The Fallout"
READ CHAPTER 23 "The Wounds"
READ CHAPTER 24 "The Hand"
READ CHAPTER 25 "The Heart"
READ CHAPTER 26 "The Beginning"
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r1-jw-lover · 11 months
The thing about Chirrut Imwe that I love but I don't think anyone else noticed much is that Chirrut is very perceptive of the people around him. The most obvious example is Chirrut being the first one to point out the 'prison' inside Cassian Andor, but his perceptiveness had also existed in smaller moments. Because he was there listening in to Jyn, Cassian and K2 talking to the stormtroopers, he not only saved a couple of strangers whom he'd only met for a few brief seconds on the street, he also stopped Baze from shooting down an Imperial droid neither of them had encountered before. If he hadn't asked who was in the neighboring prison cell in Saw's hideout, none of them would have found Bodhi Rook and got him out, they wouldn't know that Galen Erso was on Eadu, there's no Rogue One, and the story would pan out differently. When they escaped from Eadu, even before Jyn told anyone about what happened, he gave her comfort by holding her hand, even if it lasted for only a brief moment. In the novelisation, as he was dying on the beach Chirrut had wanted to tell Baze a joke but he chose not to, because he knew "Baze needed comfort more than humour". You can disagree with me but I don't think you can chalk that up to being Force-sensitive. His perceptiveness is a trait that pertains to Chirrut's character, and I find that very inspiring and makes me love him even more.
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I kinda like the idea that Cassian is force-sensitive, but in a totally opposite way from every other character we know in Star Wars. Like, he finds himself in very unlucky situations, but is lucky within them (e.g. escaping Narkina 5, escaping Ferrix, getting the Death Star plans) but his luck doesn't wear off on other people. Death follows Cassian Andor - everywhere he goes there's a trail of bodies in his wake, whether or not he means to. And yet he still gets out alive (until the last time, at least). This is so different from Rebels, where Kanan and Ezra's presence helps the Ghost crew avoid the worst outcomes when fighting the Empire. Other than the Jedi persecution post Order 66, having someone force-sensitive on your side is usually a benefit. Cassian having a strange, deathly connection to the Force also aligns with some themes from KOTOR, particularly KOTOR II, which the writers are clearly in tune with based on the Ratakan jewelry throwaway. I'd also be happy to have a story without a connection to the Force but something about Cassian's luck? unluck? feels uncanny
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fangeek-girl · 1 year
My very biased review of the Ahsoka finale
This might thread down the unpopular opinions road. It's all right. That's what opinions are for.
Let me start by saying that I didn't like most of the finale. I had a grand total of 2 scenes I enjoyed: Ezra reuniting with Hera, and the very end scene with Hayden (shocker, I know).
I didn't like most of the show in general, mainly because of the whole clusterfuck with Sabine being trained as a Jedi. I hate it deeply because it undermines Sabine's worth. She was already a great character. She didn't need to be made better or more powerful by becoming Ahsoka's apprentice. She didn't need to suddenly develop Force-sensitivity. The cool thing with Sabine was that she was NORMAL. Yes, she was a Mandalorian and skilled with blasters and explosives, but she was a regular person. She was a non-superpowered human in a galaxy where heroes were known as having superpowers. That's what made her so interesting in Rebels. And this whole season she was at her best when she switched back to what she knew: guns and bombs. Her best scene in the finale (imo) was when she crashed the ship and took 2 TIEs with it. That's who Sabine is.
I'm also mad at how little information we had on Baylann and Shin. They were depicted as the main villains in the beginning, but we never got their back story. By the last two episodes they're discarded to make room for Thrawn, which I understand, but we still don't even know who they are. What's their story? Where did Baylann come from? How does he know Anakin? How did Shin come to be his apprentice? And the worst part is we won't ever get clear answers because Baylann as he was in this season cannot be in the next due to what happened to Ray Stevenson. So this is just a loose thread. And the way it ended doesn't give me hope for Shin either.
Midway through the show it feels like Filoni had a shift and stopped caring about this being the Ahsoka show and just making it a setup for his Thrawn movie. And I hate it. I hate when film and showrunners make what should be a stand-alone (in a previously established universe) into a prequel. It's the crap Marvel did and now Star Wars is trying really hard to copy that. (Yeah I know, it's Disney. Pisses me off all the same.) This show was called "Ahsoka" for fuck sake! And by the end, it was the Thrawn show. We had an entire episode (1x06 Far, Far Away) without Ahsoka in it, except for like one scene in the beginning. Can you imagine a Kenobi episode without Obi-Wan? An Andor episode without Cassian? It makes no sense! It's the same kind of bullshit they pulled with BoBF when it became The Mandalorian s2.5 halfway through. Yes, it progresses the overall story, but in a way to set up something else instead of focusing on your main character.
In the same vein, I hate how Jacen was set up in the beginning, then discarded, how we never even saw Zeb and Agent Kallus, how Hera just became the way to tie Ahsoka back to the New Republic, how Senator Xiono could have been a good antagonist but ended up being an asshole without substance... There were too many things set up for a show this short and most of them ended up fizzling into nothing.
Now, I did like the Anakin parts. Yes, that's because I'm a Hayden stan through and through. Put him anywhere in the GFFA and I'm a goner. The World Between Worlds scenes were absolutely phenomenal, and probably why I'll rewatch this show again. Sorely because of Hayden (although Ariana was incredible too in the TCW scene). His Anakin brought this whole show to another level. No shade to Rosario, I love her. But this show didn't do her justice. Especially not next to Hayden when they had them sparring. The rest of the show I was disappointed in all of her fight scenes because how can I believe the girl who trained under Anakin Skywalker is so slow? They, probably without realizing it, built her up to fail. And it bothers me because we know from the animated series that Ahsoka is amazing in a fight.
I also appreciated the zombie troopers. The rest of the Dathomir storyline is a bit muddy and I'm not sure I love it, but I guess I just have to wait to see how they try to make this fit post-Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor.
I don't even know where I'm going with this by now. I just... I wish this show had been different. The ending is kinda making me cautiously excited for Thrawn. (But only if they bring in the Chiss Ascendancy and Eli. I need my Thranto fix in live action, thank you very much.) There's also all the little easter eggs of Mortis that make me wonder if they didn't pull a Lost and they're all just dead (which I would respect a lot more than whatever else they seem to be building on).
In the end, I am deeply disappointed in what the show ended up being. Apart from a few moments, most of it was "meh" at best for me and I mourn what could be if Filoni stopped trying to make all his female OC the biggest badass that ever was and one-up one another.
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swan-orpheus · 2 years
“I’m not slipping. I’ve just been hiding for too long.”
Thinking about Andor far too much as is the case nowadays, and pondering Kleya’s insistence to meet their contact in Luthen’s stead. I’ve considered two things as regards Luthen: what motivates him to do what he does, and what he knows that is so important that his capture is unthinkable for Kleya. She is obviously concerned that he is getting antsy, a little impatient, that he feels guilty about “hiding” and being “a coward” while others risk their lives out in the open to the extent that he might do something reckless. As we all know, you need someone at the center of things to plan and to organize for a movement to succeed. 
Kleya felt very strongly that Luthen should take the Fondor and get to safety and send her down to meet their ISB informant. I wondered why and given the level of mystery surrounding him, I thought that it must be something equally mysterious. 
Surely Kleya knows a lot and if she were to be captured, they’d get most everything-the shop, her rebel connections, the existence of the network, confirmation of Aldhani, Mon Mothma, and who knows how many people she’s recruited over the years. They’d also get Luthen’s identity, but not Luthen himself, which seems to be the key here. I think it’s obvious why Luthen felt he had to go. He had his suspicions and had to be the one to motivate Lonni to stay with them. As we learn at the end of his impressive monologue, Luthen feels personally responsible for him. 
So what is so important about Luthen? This is not related to who or what he is. I maintain that what motivates him to be so extreme, his hatred for the Empire (or more like his love for whoever and whatever he fights for) and his specific importance are not one and the same thing. Sometimes I think that he acts like one who fears persecution, and at other times, I think he is just rather eloquent and dramatic. But even if he were in hiding because he’s force sensitive which I do not necessarily think he is, despite my looong essay on the subject, that in and of itself is not all that important. It must be about what he knows. Something that Kleya does not know or possess. That is what the Empire must not get hold of or be able to torture out of her. 
I’ve gone over it and it is tricky to say the least because if Kleya has a reason for feeling that Luthen is more important than her, than she knows at least part of the secret herself, even if it is merely that there is one. Is it a person, a group of people, a location?? I thought perhaps that Luthen was trying to find a secret headquarters for the future of the Rebellion, a suitable planet that is out of the way. Perhaps he knows the location and Kleya does not. It would be kind of cool if he found Yavin 4 and started to get things ready, but purposely compartmentalized this and other things so that Kleya could not reveal it against her will were she apprehended. 
Also intrigued by the fact that Saw Gerrera who has been around forever, been fighting since Onderon, seen things rise and fall, lost his sister, lost probably everything over and over does not know who or what Luthen is, cannot suss it out. That’s impressive. Saw may not have his sister’s leadership abilities or sense of direction, but he is sharp. He notices things. He may be a little paranoid, but he is also an astute judge of character. And he is not the same man that we see in Rogue One who trusts next to no one and is suspicious of everything. He parsed out the galaxy and everyone who has any stake in fighting the Empire and categorized them all very colorfully and yet he can’t nail down Luthen’s operating principles? Interesting. 
We’re definitely meant to draw a comparison between Luthen and Saw. And not just because Luthen favors cooperation and Saw thinks that it’s more or less pointless. Saw’s strategy is what Luthen describes to Cassian in Episode 4 in their conversation aboard the Fondor, “carving off useless pieces until there’s nothing left”. I love Saw and I mean no disrespect. But he’s lost too much and seen too much and his rage fuels him to the extent that while he may have “clarity of purpose”, intelligence and charisma, he isn’t as strategic as Luthen. And as we see in Rogue One, by the time he is based on Jedha, there is less of the man that he was, in every sense of the word. 
Kleya gets results. She is practical, direct, unflinching, efficient. She does what is necessary. And she seemed very uneasy about him risking his safety to go in her stead. Is he hiding something vital to the Rebellion? Or are we just too trained to think in those terms? Could it be that what Luthen possesses is neither specific knowledge nor anything tangible? 
Could it be that he’s just eloquent and charismatic to a degree that is rare and without that, it all falls apart? It would further explain his guilt, his reflections on ego, if the idea of one person being more important than so many others is repugnant to him. I also like it because it fits in nicely with the theme of Andor.  
Even Cassian Andor himself, the titular character is shown to be more of a supporting character, a helper, someone who can rally people to fight rather than being overarchingly significant on his own. He’s charming, intelligent and passionate.  He gives Kino Loy the tools to lead everybody out of the prison. He’s special because he cares and he participates not because he’s the the leading voice. 
Perhaps that is all that it is, Kleya knows that as good as she is, Luthen is the persuasive one, the one with the gift to motivate people and to keep everything going. She may be an important piece in this game, but without the King, it’s game over. 
I guess the other motivation for this post is, while I think Luthen having some secret identity would be interesting, it would merely be an added layer that explains part of his drive, not the most significant facet of his character. I hope that going forward we get more deep dives into the motivations and feelings of characters in Star Wars, more slow builds. it’s not that we haven’t before Andor, but not on this scale and with this consistency, the scale that a show of this length and variety allows. It feels like a particularly good expanded universe novel in the way that even minor characters are fleshed out. 
I basically want everything done to the same level of detail and care as Andor. I am greedy like that. I want larger than life ordinary heroes protecting what they love and would-be space wizards who live seemingly mundane lives but whose inner worlds are extraordinary. I want a force sensitive person who works in an office and has to hide the fact that they are a little too good at reading their coworkers or awfully skilled at getting the plants on their desk to grow. 
Andor is so rich and well-thought out. I’m addicted. I want every show to go this hard now. 
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weirdsociology · 2 years
hey uh so is andor setting up bix caleen as force-sensitive?
when cassian turns up to rescue her she says, "i saw you. you climbed over a wall." when he had originally come around looking for her, he had climbed over the wall of her junkyard. she was already in custody, so he talked to pegla instead. unless she could see him do that from her cell window, there's no explanation for this.
she also says "maarva was here," which could be talking about the digital speech maarva just gave thru b2emo. but also maarva just died and force users are known for talking to ghosts.
and when she and brasso and jez are about to leave, she says very confidently, "cassian will find us," which at first i just took as her trusting cassian but if you look at it again, she is pretty firm about it.
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