#ford taurus engines
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Ford GN34 Prototype, 1985, by Ghia. A mid-engined sports car that emerged after Italdesign's Maya concepts. Developed by Ford’s Special Vehicles Operations unit the GN34 used the Yamaha-developed 227bhp SHO 24 valve 3.0 V6 that went on to be used in the Taurus SHO. Development of the GN34 was cancelled in August 1986
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would you like to recommend a car to me? I am currently in a standoff with my 2005 ford taurus: i refuse to put any money into major repairs and it refuses to fucking die. it has no heat or AC and if i roll the drivers side window down all the way it won’t go back up. i am ready for a change.
parameters: i would like something with a hatchback because i have to carry stuff around for work sometimes (but never anything big enough to need an actual truck or suv). easier to parallel park than the taurus. can withstand some degree of adhd ‘shit, when did i last change the oil?’ comes in fun colors if at all possible. i have a very short commute and only need to get on the highway a couple times a month. budget is ~15k (trade-in value is, presumably, a pitying look from whoever is taking the taurus off my hands.) any suggestions?
AVERAGE EARLY 2000S FORD BEHAVIOR LMAOOOO you can pour mountain dew into the engine and saw the car in half and bury it 6 feet under and then dig it up six months later and it’ll somehow run better than it did before, just to spite you for thinking you can kill it
i would recommend a toyota matrix, which you can find with low miles for under your budget pretty easily. pretty reliable, cheap to maintain, forgiving on maintenance (within reason), available with all wheel drive, and reasonably spacious without being huge. the fun colors is a bit tough though
another solid choice would be a honda fit. they had a few issues but were generally pretty reliable and fun to drive, and came in some really fun colors, like the first gen’s metallic almost lilac or the later gen’s highlighter green
i would also recommend the mazda3 hatchback. looks like you can find ones around 10 years old for about your budget with decent mileage. they’re also pretty solid and come in some cool colors, especially the earlier ones. my dad had the sedan version but it was this beautiful purple, straight from the factory in 2007 or 2008. he almost got an almost iridescent blue-green hatchback, also a factory color
and just for fun i’ll throw in the scion xB, they’re a little funky looking but definitely meet the criteria for reliable and coming in fun colors (like there was a lavender purple one). you can find them with low mileage for under your budget and they’ll go forever
hope this helps!
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ms-m-astrologer · 8 months
Transiting Mars enters Aquarius
Tuesday, February 13 - Friday, March 22, 2024
If Mars must be in an air sign, this is probably the best one. I have a soft spot for the placement; it makes me think of engineers and rocket scientists - of “shadetree mechanics” in the 1910s, working on a Ford Model T; of early radio afficionados in thr 1920s, clustering around their equipment, trying to pick up a new faraway station.
This is Mars in pursuit of a grand idea. Remember that Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius; when Mars hangs out in Saturn’s signs, he can acquire a sense of guidance and direction for all that energy and drive. Tangible achievements in Capricorn; brilliant ideas in Aquarius.
How this tends to play out in Mars’ different areas:
Physical strength - team sports; but also is quite content working on its own. I’m thinking track and field as the ideal sport. Can be fascinated by all that complicated, exotic exercise equipment.
Energy levels - has to watch out for the toll that “burning the midnight oil” can take on the body. It won’t be good if we burn ourselves out intellectually, either.
Sexuality - friendly, fairly open about it; not extremely romantic, as the reproductive urge is seen as being just another healthy bodily function. Be careful not to get too detached.
How we go after what we want - Saturn’s influence makes us want to have A Plan, but in Aquarius we’re a little more willing to experiment. “My way or the highway” if we feel weak or threatened.
If you want to try doing something in a new way, this is a wonderful time for that. We’re in an experimental frame of mind, wanting to innovate.
Give a few days on either side of these aspects:
Tuesday, February 13 - Mars/Aquarius conjunct Pluto/Aquarius, 0°46’. Starting things off with a bang. Something drastic comes up, and we see an opportunity for changing things up.
Friday, February 16 - Mars/Aquarius trine Pallas Athene/Sagittarius, 2°53’. Brilliant ideas and leadership. We’ll do even better if we collaborate.
Thursday, February 22 - Mars/Aquarius conjunct Venus/Aquarius, 6°57’. Friends to lovers? This is more falling in love with an idea, and is more humanitarian than romantic.
Tuesday, February 27 - Mars/Aquarius square Jupiter/Taurus, 10°52’. Taking on too much; poking the wrong bear. Can be very cruel. It’s okay to take calculated risks, if we make sure our calculations are correct.
Wednesday, March 6:
Mars/Aquarius sextile North Node/Aries, trine South Node/Libra, 17°24’
Mars/Aquarius sextile Chiron/Aries, 17°32’
If the square with Jupiter got us out of proper alignment, these aspects can get us back together and on track. We do have a right to independence and autonomy. But don’t get too cocky or bloodthirsty….
Saturday, March 9 - Mars/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus, 19°51’. …ugh, back to the “cruelty” thing, except way way way more volatile. And cold-blooded. Accidents and contrariness.
Friday, March 15 - Mars/Aquarius sextile Eris/Aries, 24°29’. A healthy outlet for venting all our frustrations. We could find equally pissed-off groups and align with them.
Monday, March 18 - Mars/Aquarius trine Vesta/Gemini, 26°44’. We’re mentally focused, with clear ideas and direction.
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b-afterhours · 5 months
Avenue of Sins: Neon
A Sequel to Avenue of Sins
SUMMARY: ‘90s. It’s the aftermath. Jaded, Bill and Alma navigate their new lives as they try to drag themselves out of the dark debacherous trenches they had once ensnared themselves in. It’s easy to forget their evils when a silver lining introduces itself into their lives but can they create a less hedonistic life that would be just as satisfying?
WARNINGS: adult content, mature readers only.
The completed first series can be read and found here.
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Chapter Nineteen
May 1993
The Seattle Police were outside Sheisty Sound Records, trying to disperse the lingering crowd outside. The band was long gone, but the buzz and excitement persisted among the concertgoers. Flashing red and blue lights from the police cars on the road were yielding traffic to pedestrians. After the Wayward Sons left with a thick envelope of untaxed cash, those who were left were the employees. 
Bill and Alma had been eating cold pepperoni pizza from Vons by the cash wrap. The mozzarella had congealed into a solid piece, and the bread had been steeping in grease, but they were so hungry they didn’t care. 
“Okay, the teens left with their rides,” Darby said, locking the shop door behind himself when he reentered. “The cops got a big chunk of the crowd to leave. Everyone ready to go?” 
“Yeah, I’ll see you guys later,” Alma said as she placed her camera and the camcorder Gregory kindly operated in her backpack before slinging it on. “We have the baby, so you all have a good time.” 
“Where are they going?” Bill asked as he carefully switched his sleeping daughter to his other arm.
“The Rooster,” Ash answered, overhearing him. 
“Oh…” Darby frowned regretfully. He wasn’t thinking when he suggested they all go for a drink after the show. "Uhm, well…” he looked down at his fiancee, who looked surprised at his inconsideration. “Maybe let’s go back to our place.” 
“You’re so much farther away, though,” Matt whined, unable to read the room. 
“It’s okay, guys. We–” 
“Alma, you can–” 
Bill and Alma spoke over top of each other and paused, sharing a look for the other to talk.
“Darby and I have a guest room Echo can sleep in.” Jennifer sweetly offered. 
“Let’s just go for one drink,” Bill said carefully to Alma, knowing she would like one. 
“Out of everyone here, you deserve a drink the most,” Darby chuckled. “Matt said the band left like two cases of beer.” 
“They’re cold too,” Matt added, fixing the short sleeve he had over a long-sleeve shirt.
“Uh alright. Yeah, let’s go.” Alma smiled. 
She was happy to hang out with them after a work event for a change. Darby hadn’t forgotten that she had her daughter in tow, but rather, they all just really stopped asking her to go out in general. They’d always ask, and she’d say no. As her excuse of having to go home to her kid became repetitive and known slowly, their invites became few and far between. She’d sneak a drink after work here or there at the small tavern up the road from work and leave right after, but that was usually no fun for them or her. 
Ulyssa had caught a ride with Alma and Bill and was sitting in the backseat with Echo, listening to their light banter. Echo had woken up a little when she was settled into her car seat but quickly fell back asleep with the rumble of the tires on the road and the engine's hum.
“Are your arms tired?” Alma asked Bill while he drove. She was taking her hair out from her updo. Pulling bobby pins out and placing them into the Jeep’s clean, unused ashtray. 
“Mine? No.” Bill nonchalantly said. 
“You held her for most of the set?” She said, shaking her hair out, and her scalp relaxed in the most pleasant way. 
“I lift weights a lot heavier than E’.” He said turning into a residential neighborhood as he followed Ash’s Ford Taurus to Darby’s home. 
Alma playfully tutted. “Yeah, yeah.” 
Bill chuckled to himself. His arms were a bit tired, but he was too proud to say so. 
Ulyssa watched as Bill reached over to lace his fingers into Alma’s hair to massage her scalp gently but before he could she pretended to take a bite out of his bicep. She found it cute but she was feeling a bit of a way because of Gregory. He had been distant and weird towards her, and tonight he had actually upset her a bit. 
Before plans changed, he had invited her to ride with him to The Rooster, which she accepted, but then he had gotten weirdly indecisive about going to Darby’s. He wasn’t the type to go with the flow when plans changed on short notice. It usually threw him off, and in turn, he just preferred to go home. Bill had overheard their little exchange a few cars over after closing Alma’s door. It didn’t sound like an argument to Bill exactly as he rounded the Jeep to get in himself, but he could hear her frustration. When Ulyssa started walking to her car, Bill whistled to get her attention and opened the backseat door inviting her in.
Watching the couples' interactions was making her feel a bit sour only because she had been talking to Gregory. As much as she tried to figure him out, outside of the context of friendship he was doing the same with her, and it felt like it was going nowhere. And now she just felt like she had been kidding herself. 
“What did Lewis say to you?” Alma asked, taking hold of his hand now.
“Uhm, well, not a lot,” Bill lightly shrugged. “But, hmm, I don’t like to say stuff out loud because I don’t want to jinx it.” 
“But it was all good?” 
“Yeah. I’m still in.” He assured.
“He seemed to like you,” Ulyssa spoke up. “He let you into the office and all of that.” 
“That’s true,” Alma nodded. 
“You think?” Bill looked at Ulyssa through the rearview, and she nodded. “Eh, while it’s nice that he may like me, I’d prefer if he’d just finally tell me he’s going to sell to me already.” He said pulling beside a curb in front of Darby’s Tudor-style home. “What the fuck? This is nice. I thought, uh, you know what you told me A’ about his family disowning him.” He said, turning to her. 
“They kinda did, but her family has money too.” 
“I see,” he nodded, impressed by their home.
Walking up the pathway, Bill took notice of Darby’s truck in the driveway. A restored 1960s Chevy painted light blue with white accents. Up ahead, Ash and Darby were carrying boxes of leftover pizza and helped themselves inside; however, Bill still asked if they should knock. Even if they could see inside the house through the glass storm door. Ulyssa walked in anyway, and so the family followed.
Oldies were playing over a stereo, and the scent of sandalwood, leather, and worn paperback books welcomed them in. Bill was looking around their foyer and the grand staircase when he peeked into their living room, which was decorated with mid-century furniture and vintage decor. They continued following Ulyssa toward the back of the house, and she paused for a second. Bill only caught a glimpse of what had made her stop in her tracks. It was only Darby and Jennifer sharing an intimate kiss, thinking they were alone. 
“You guys made it!” Darby said, straightening up. “I know it’s a bit out of the way.” 
“Are the others in the backyard?” Ulyssa quickly asked, wanting to smoke the joint in her tote bag. 
“Yeah,” Darby nodded, gesturing to the sliding back door and letting her go on her way out. “Uh, I can show you the guest room.” 
“Thanks again, Darby,” Alma said to him. “And Jennifer.”
“Oh, any time.” He said waving his hand for them to follow him. 
They followed him down a corridor, and Bill was met with the main entrance into the living room, and now he could see the tall wood-beamed ceiling. In a corner, the home record player was spinning, and the record sleeve for the single Searching for My Love by Bobby Moore and The Rhythm Aces was on display. Near the record player on a Chambord-colored chaise lounge was a white fluffy cat sleeping. 
“This one here,” Darby said, opening the second door on the right. He walked in and opened the curtains to a multi-pane window that faced the backyard. “This way, you’ll be able to look in here if you want to. Um, there's an ensuite bathroom through that door,” he pointed to the opposite wall. “And yeah, help yourselves. Just remember to close the door. I don’t want Garbo, our cat, wandering in and bothering the baby.” And with that, he let them be. 
“Wow,” Bill said, looking out the window after swaddling and laying Echo down in the middle of the queen-sized bed. “There’s like a little courtyard and like a guest house out there.” His gaze then turned to the folks under the large pergola, laughing together. 
“Getting some inspo’?” Alma asked as she lined the edge of the bed with pillows. 
Bill turned to her and smiled. “I think we could find something nicer.” He said which made her lightly laugh. 
“Everything square with them?” Jennifer asked Darby when he joined her again in their kitchen. She was rearranging pieces of random slices of Von's pizza on a sheet pan to reheat them later. 
“Yes my love,” he said, scratching his tattooed arm as he walked towards their liquor cabinet. “I know it was short notice,” he sighed. “My mind was everywhere today.” 
“I bet. You could hardly sleep last night, but I don’t mind. I just hope they’re comfortable.” She turned away from the kitchen island to preheat the oven. 
“Do you know where the old drink glasses are?” He asked her as he tried to search for them himself. 
Bill and Alma appeared at the threshold, hand in hand. “You guys have a really lovely home. Thanks for having us.” Bill said to them, and they both thanked him back. 
“Bill, do you drink scotch? I’m about to have some myself.” He said holding the bottle up. 
“I’ll have some. Thanks,” Bill nodded, recognizing the bottle as being quite expensive. 
“Sweet. You two can go outside. We'll join in a moment after this.” 
When they went outside, Matt was shotgunning a beer while Ash and Ulyssa sat cheering him on while passing a joint back and forth. He let out a loud burp and then laughed, tossing the can into a trash bag. He passed them a beer when they joined, and they all tapped their tin cans before sitting on the nice patio furniture surrounding an unlit propane fire pit. 
“Oh my god, these are so comfy.” Alma sunk into the plush cushion on the wicker couch and took a drink of her beer. Bill was digging into the breast pocket of his shirt jacket next to her and pulling his pack of smokes out. “Can I have one?” 
“Really?” He raised a brow at her as he placed a cigarette between his lips. 
She just held her hand out, waiting for him to oblige. He lit the one he had between his lips and passed it off to her before producing another from his pack for himself. 
She took a deep drag, kicked her feet out, and laid her head back, looking past the checkered trellis above, lined with twinkling lights, and at the clear night sky. Shortly after a window that faced the backyard was opened to let the oldie tunes float out, Darby and Jennifer joined. He was carrying a wooden tray covered with drink glasses, and she was carrying a heavy recycled glass ashtray and the bottle of fancy scotch. 
“Okay, G&T for ‘Lys,” Darby said as he began giving his guests their drinks. “Vodka cran’ for Ash. I forgot to ask, but I found some grenadine and made you a tequila sunrise, Alma.” 
"Perfect, thanks,” she said appreciatively, taking her glass from the tray. 
“Here’s your old fashion, babe,” he said to his fiancee, who had taken a seat after setting the ashtray on the edge of the fire pit. “And our scotch neat.” He said passing Bill his before setting the tray down on a side table. “You sure you didn’t want a glass, Matt?” He asked, sitting down now.
“Oh, I’m sure,” he chortled with raised brows. “I’ll stick to the booze.” Bill was offering a taste of his scotch for Alma to try and put it to her lips, which caught Matt’s attention. “Are we allowed to talk to your boyfriend now?” 
She turned to look at him and lightly laughed. “Yeah, I guess. Do you want to talk to them?” She asked Bill sarcastically.
“What did she tell you guys?” Bill asked, holding his glass on his knee. 
“She told everyone,” Darby began. “My boyfriend’s coming. You can say hi, but don’t talk to him.”
“To be honest, we were too busy to ask questions. It wasn’t hard to do.” Ash lightly laughed. 
“Right, fuck! How about today, guys?” Darby said after taking a sip of his drink. 
“I’ve never seen it so packed like that,” Jennifer said as she sat a bit behind him and held onto his free arm. “Like all the way up to the cash wrap, almost.” 
“Are you sure we were still at capacity?” Ulyssa asked, turning to Alma.
“I let the pizza delivery boy stay for the show,” Ash admitted. “So we were over at least one head.” 
“I saw that,” Bill laughed, leaning to stub his and Alma’s cigarettes out in the ashtray.  
“Well, I think we might have been over by more than one, but eh,” Alma shrugged. 
“Who do you think ratted us out to BUZ’R?” Matt asked, crushing his beer can and digging in the ice chest for another. “Imagine if I hadn’t been listening to my Walkman when I was? We’d have been mega fucked!” 
“The teens?” Ash wondered. 
“Nah, they at most told their friends at school, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t even believe them.” Darby laughed. 
“I think it was Dean,” Alma said, taking a sip of her drink. 
“Oooh, that makes more sense. And what the fuck was his deal? He had like a stick up his ass since we met him in the morning.” Darby said, which made Bill chuckle. 
“I know!” Alma laughed. “He was an asshole. At one point, when I was talking to the press with him. He called me, “the shop girl”. And then he was like, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot your name’. Like, no, you didn’t fucking forget it!” 
“Yeah! He referred to you that way with me at a point too, and I said, uh Alma, you mean? He just goes, ‘Sure, sure’.” Darby relayed, which made Alma roll her eyes. 
Alma, having worked at Trigger Finger, was familiar with insecure men like Dean, who would come and talk down to the dancers just because they could, especially if they found them particularly pretty. Bill found the friendly manager's back-and-forth interesting to experience. Over the phone, she didn’t really talk about him much–outside of a work context–but they seemed like better friends than he had assumed. However, it made sense they would have a good rapport with each other, managing the shop together.
“He’s bullshitting,” Darby continued. “'Cause the lead singer was like all about your name this morning,” he laughed. 
Bill rolled his eyes. “Yeah,” he said, chewing on his lip. “And then he kisses you right in front of me too.” 
“Mackin’ on your girl in front of everyone, dude.” Matt quipped. 
“On the hand,” Alma quickly added. “You’re making it worse in your head.” 
“Sure,” Bill retorted playfully, but there was still a hint of annoyance.
“Oh my god! I saw those girls swarm you!” Ash exclaimed, jutting her pointed finger at her. “They were about to lick your hand clean off.” 
Everyone began laughing then and continued speaking about the show. Eventually, the conversations became split between the women and men. The ladies had all begun getting up from their seats without a word. All except for Alma, who quietly told Bill she would check the baby inside.
“Where are you all going?” Darby asked with a cigarette between his lips as he heavy-handedly poured himself his third drink. “You want some more?” Darby held the bottle toward Bill. 
“Wedding stuff, honey!” Jennifer said, kissing his cheek.  
“Oh, alright. Wait a second,” he plucked his cig’ from his lips. “What happened to Greg? Ulyssa, you know?” 
“Eh, I don’t know.” She sheepishly shrugged. “He was set on Rooster, and then...”
“What the hell?” Darby sneered disapprovingly as he shook his head. “I hate when he does that shit. Like, if you don’t want to come, just say so. I wouldn’t have cared. It’s more rude to say yes.” 
“Well, he didn’t come,” Alma shrugged before hooking arms with Ulyssa, who seemed uncomfortable. “Let’s not waste time talking about him.” The ladies all continued to walk into the house then.
“Anyway, more?” Darby asked, holding the bottle out again. 
“Sure. Could I look at the bottle?” Bill asked, reaching for it. 
“Go for it. It’s like aged in French oak barrels for… whatever many years it says on that.” He waved his hand. 
Inside the house, Alma asked Ulyssa to follow her to the guest room. She had noticed her friend struggling, and while she did know there was a thing between Gregory and her, she didn’t know much of the details. Alma had been so busy with her stuff that they hadn’t hung out like they used to in a minute. 
“Is everything cool with Gregory ‘Lyssa? I know he’s flakey, but he asked you to ride with him. Like, be a fuckin’ gentleman, you know?” Alma opened the door slowly and peered in. Echo was still mummy-wrapped in the middle of the bed, soundly asleep, even with the stereo on. 
“We just hang out like we do. But yeah, he wants to be more, but I don’t know.” Ulyssa sighed. “I shouldn’t have entertained it because I think he feels like I’ve strung him along.” 
They began their way to meet the other girls on the opposite side of the house. Jennifer needed advice on color-matching tablecloths and wanted to show off some dinner table centerpieces. 
“Well, he can get over that.” Alma knew full well that Gregory was trying to play the long game with her friend. “If you want just to be friend–” 
"Well, I have my boundaries, sure, but I don’t know. Maybe I should try?” 
“Okay… but remember you’re in charge. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, you know.” 
“Yeah,” Ulyssa nodded. 
“We need to have a girl's day. Sometime after my final?” 
Ulyssa smiled. “Mine are coming up too, so I’d like that.” 
“Ulyssa!” Jennifer exclaimed when they walked in. “You’re good at this kind of stuff, right?” She asked, holding shades of pink fabric swatches.
Outside, under the pergola, the men had turned on the propane fire pit and enjoyed watching the flames lick at the pebbled lava rocks. In some way or another, the topic of women’s breasts came up. 
“You two were way in the back, okay?” Matt said, crushing another beer and replenishing himself with another. “I was in the pit! I saw them get flashed. I saw two pairs from where I was.” He said holding two digits up for emphasis. 
“Even if I saw, I’d have to pretend I didn’t anyway. Jenny was next to me the whole gig.” Darby laughed. 
Bill found this conversation rather amusing as he sipped on his drink. “Were they nice?” He asked just to participate. 
“They’re all nice, man!” Matt enthusiastically said, which made Bill laugh. “Hey, when was the first time you two ever saw a pair? Like in the flesh, not like in your dad’s nudie stash.” 
“You go first,” Darby said, running his hand through his slicked hair as he leaned back in his chair. 
“Alright,” Matt said, taking a sip from his beer. “It was the summer before high school at the public pool. I went almost every day, and there was a girl there with some nice ones.” He raised cupped hands toward his chest. “She was like going on to be a senior. Her name was Jenny, actually.” 
“Shut the fuck up!” Darby kicked towards him.
“Hey, I’m not trying to be funny! The name's beside the point.”
“Then why even mention it?” 
Bill smirked at their little tiff, but he liked that Darby took up for his partner in the same fashion he would for his. Maybe not to the extreme end of that but it was admirable. 
“You’re right.” Matt put his hands up in surrender, tilting his head. “I apologize. I apologize. I’m not trying to be a disrespectful fuck.” He digressed. “But yeah, one day she jumped off the high diving board, and she resurfaced bare-chested. Her top was on the other side of the pool, and while I feel sorry about what happened, I’m very grateful I didn’t leave early that day. It changed me.” The men began laughing as he reminisced. “Okay, you, Darby.” 
“Eh… well, the first pair I’ve seen was actually my mother's, unfortunately.” 
“Fuck!” Bill laughed. 
“NO!” Matt cracked up. “Like breastfeeding you, what the hell do you mean?” 
“No, man,” Darby shook his head regretfully as he looked at his glass of scotch, realizing it was why he accidentally revealed that. “She used to sunbathe topless like all the time by our pool growing up.” 
“And what?” Matt said. “They nice?”
“Ugh. They’re,” Darby grimaced with disgust. “Dude. Anyway, after that. It was some girl from my English Lit class. Dawn was her name. I invited her to a frat party, and one thing led to another, and then yeah.” He shrugged. “Those were nice. But I like them bigger, so.” 
“I guess it’s my turn then?” Bill finished his drink and asked Matt for a beer before starting. “Alright,” he said, sitting up a bit. “I was 14, almost 15,” he said with one eye closed as he recalled. “Yeah. My middle brother had this girl, Charlene, in our house for that summer. His girlfriend, I guess, but she was some hippie hitchhiker who he picked up, and then she just stayed a while.” 
“Until the next ride,” Darby said, taking a sip.
“Yeah, exactly,” Bill chuckled. “So one night I had my bedroom door opened, just laying there reading a comic and she was in the shower. Then she just passed by the door with only a towel wrapped in her hair. Just completely naked.” He slid his hand down the length of his torso as he explained. “She did it quite a few times.” 
“So you saw tits and muff all at once?” Matt said. “Hairy?” 
“Well, yeah,” Bill shrugged. “And she didn’t shave anything. She even kind of had a little bit of a happy trail, but you know, I actually didn’t mind that so much?” He playfully raised his brows with a crooked smirk on his face. 
“Hmm,” Matt puffed his lip out as he nodded, thinking about how that could look nice. “It’s different, but good different, I guess.” 
“Sure.” Bill nodded, taking a sip of his beer. 
Inside, the girls were having a conversation of their own about the band now that they could enthusiastically speak and gossip without the men rolling their eyes at them. 
“But didn’t you hear the lyrics he sang at the end of Declared?” Ash said, rifling through a sample stack of differently weighted cardstock. “Something like, ‘Honey, I’d never leave you, but you’re not the girl you said you’d be’?”
“And then he went, ‘But I declared myself to you, but I can’t change to what you want me’,” Ulyssa said, recalling the next part of the added lyrics. 
“Yeah!” Ash said. “You know, I’ve read in the magazines about him and his wife like they’re not doing so good.” 
“Mhmm,” Jennifer said. “He has a dope problem that she doesn’t like. Then he made that whole display, kissing Alma’s hand as if to say–” 
“Okay, wait.” Alma scoffed. The thought of being used as some symbol to make a point was not only anxiety-inducing but also seemed ridiculous. “He’s a rockstar girls,” she nervously laughed. “I’ll admit it with you all but sure he was flirting with me but that’s nothing. He sees all sorts of other girls on the road!” 
“True!” Ash said. “He probably got caught cheating, and he’s just being the asshole by acting like it was his model wife who did something instead!” 
“See,” Alma said because that made a lot more sense. 
“Men can be very over-emotional when in the wrong. And yeah, he is a rockstar,” Jennifer agreed. 
“Fuck, can you imagine dating a guy in a band and he writes a love song that is now obvious bullshit but it’s a damn radio hit?” Ash proposed the thought.
“And like a love song that he just shits on, on top of that,” Ulyssa said. 
“I would kick his ass!” Alma said sharply at the hypothetical question. 
“I would drain his bank account and then kick his ass!” Ash said, which made all the ladies laugh. 
Outside, the men were talking about workouts that focused on specific arm muscles before Matt excused himself to use the bathroom inside, leaving Bill and Darby. The topic of his upcoming wedding came up in how he spoke about trying to get a bit more fit for it. Bill could tell it was a daunting subject. He looked visibly nervous. Instead, Bill asked about his bachelor party plans.
“Oh, nothing major,” he said, finishing off his scotch and refilling it. In turn, he offered more to Bill, which he accepted. “Um, I’m having dinner with a few frat buddies and my siblings at a nice steakhouse. They want to golf before that. And eh, I’m not so good at that, but it’s something,” he lightly shrugged. "But, uh, I’m not 100 percent certain, but my fraternity brothers probably have some bullshit under their sleeve.” 
“What do they get into?” He asked to take a sip of his drink. 
“Well,” he hushed, and his eyes darted towards the back door briefly, making sure his fiancee wasn’t near. “I’ve been to their bachelor parties, and the night always ends at the strip club.” 
“Right!” Bill smirked. 
“Yeah, I don’t imagine it would be any different. But Jenny doesn’t know so.” 
“Would she be mad?” 
“You know… not really, I don’t think? But I’ve gone behind her back, and that is the part I think she’d be mad about when I should have just been up front.” 
“Mhmm,” Bill nodded. He’s witnessed displeased wives and girlfriends yanking their significant others out of his club in a furious huff more times than he could count. “Yeah, that’s tricky.” 
Bill then turned the conversation around and brought up Darby’s Chevy truck when suddenly the music changed to hip-hop. Matt and Ash's elation could be heard when the beat started as they were the culprits. Darby didn’t mind. After all, it was his collection. He spoke a bit about his truck and the work that went into it, even admitting he wasn’t very handy in that department, so he had some help. It made him feel better when Bill explained that he just bought his cars restored and lamented at the fact that he didn’t have a garage to work on them even if he wanted to. 
“I used to have an Impala, but I traded that off for a ‘68 Thunderbird,” Bill said.
“That’s sweet!” 
“Yeah, I like it. It’s all black, pretty sick. But I guess if I get another car to drive around here, it’d have to be like an SUV or something.” He scratched his ear and then got up to grab a beer after finishing his drink. He was starting to feel the liquor getting to him, and he needed to slow down. 
“Right, right.” Darby nodded, understanding he would need room like that when having a kid. “Is the Thunderbird your dream car? The Chevy is mine.” 
Bill quickly passed him a beer as well before sitting down and opening his. “No,” he smirked. “I’ve always wanted a Mustang.” 
“What year?” 
“A ‘65 Fastback Coupe,” Alma said, overhearing their conversation as she approached. Bill turned and smiled, scooting a bit so that she could comfortably sit next to him after grabbing a beer. “He’s wanted one forever, and I don’t know why he hasn’t gotten it.” 
“He’s just keepin’ the dream alive!” Darby chuckled. “What, uh, is Jenny talking about in there?” He curiously asked in a hushed tone.
“She just wanted some opinions on things.” She assured holding her beer over to Bill for him to pull the tab open for her. “The wedding is going to look really pretty, I can tell.” 
"Ah, thanks,” he said appreciatively, even if he anxiously scratched the back of his neck. He wasn’t worried about Jennifer but more so her father. Especially, when his younger sister told him a story about a father offering the bride a payout if she pulled out of the marriage. Though Jennifer would never take such an offer he wouldn’t doubt his father-in-law at least trying to attempt it. 
Ulyssa exited the house and joined those under the pergola. When she was informing the parents that she had checked on their child the music tracks were switched around. It was a rather vulgar and explicit rap song, and Darby felt some embarrassment. 
“I should make them change that since your kid is here.” 
“She’s asleep.” Bill dismissively waved his hand as he blew cigarette smoke above his head. “I hear this stuff at the gym I was telling you about. They’re all young guys there.” 
“Do you still see Simi?” Ulyssa asked after lighting up a cigarette. 
“Sometimes, yeah.” He nodded. “He’s been working out at someone's private gym lately, but he still comes by. Um, I was going to say, though, at the gym. My business partner’s son comes with me some days out of the week.” 
“He’s fourteen, by the way,” Alma chuckled. 
“Yeah, so my business partner heard him listening to rap tracks like this at their house, and she took the tapes away from him. Which is funny because be– Well.” He tripped over his words, realizing he couldn’t finish the story like he wanted to. “Uhm…” his brows pulled together and his lips pursed in thought.
“Just tell him,” Alma encouraged as she wrapped her fingers around his hand which had been resting on her thigh. She knew the story and found it funny herself.
“Yeah?” He turned to her to make sure she meant that. She noticed his eyes were heavy from the drinks. It was rather early in the morning, and now she realized why he wasn’t concerned. His excessive chatting was also a tell of his. “Well, the bar I own has dancers. It’s a gentleman's club, really.” 
Darby bit his lip and crossed his arms in thought until an incredulous grin started to spread across his face as it seemed something clicked in his mind. “No shit? You were trying to tell me at The Rooster…” he said, snapping his fingers and recalling their conversation then. “Fuck, it went right over my head!” He laughed. 
“You were throwing him bread crumbs?” Alma leaned forward and turned to look at Bill directly with slight disapproval.
He just shrugged, looking amused, and now she wondered what exactly the men had been talking about when she wasn’t around.
“Yeah, yeah. Well, as I was trying to say, a dancer had played 2 Live Crew, and my business partner got so annoyed after having to confiscate her son's tapes,” he laughed. “But it’s funny because she also used to dance to some, maybe more mildly suggestive shit–Hardly. Anyway, she got over it because she noticed that the old white business fuckers were throwing so much damn money whenever the real dirty rap tracks played.” 
“That’s not the demo’ for that kind of music at all!” Darby laughed. 
Bill laughed. “Exactly! It’s quite funny to see them all up from their seats, throwing cash to the point where I can’t even see the dancer on stage anymore. It’s like they almost forget why they’re even doing it.” They were all laughing at the thought. 
"Ulyssa, you knew this? When you were in New York, did you go?” Darby asked through the last of his laughter. 
“I did,” she giggled, having been in on the secret. “I even threw some dollars.” 
“Really?” He playfully raised a brow. “Oh damn.” He sighed. “Alma would always say you were a businessman, you know? But when we played pool, I noticed your Rolex and your pinky ring, and this is stupid now–I know–but I thought you were like a drug dealer.” 
Alma nearly choked on her beer before she let out a loud guffaw. Maybe too loud, but Bill couldn’t help but laugh as the others joined them, oblivious to how close they were to the truth. 
Darby poured Bill another drink, and they spoke a bit more until Ash, Matt, and his fiancee Jenny came back. Matt was eating a slice of pizza that had been reheated inside. Both he and Ash drove together, and while inside, they both decided to head to The Rooster before it closed. 
“It’s probably time for us too,” Alma said, looking at Bill's nearly empty glass. “I’ll drive.” 
Bill cleared his throat to protest until he tried to get up from his seat, and his balance faltered as he felt the effects of the scotch pulling him back down on the cushion. Instead, he just nodded and blinked, trying to focus his vision.
Ulyssa, Alma, and the baby were waiting in the Jeep with the engine running while Bill and Darby’s conversation extended to the front porch. Alma reached over to the passenger seat and rolled the window down to have a clearer view of the men. They were there, laughing loudly about something. 
“I’ll give you my number,” Bill said, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. Darby watched him open it and not only notice it was full of cash but there was an old photo of Alma also in it. She was younger, early 20s, with teased, box-dye black hair looking over her shoulder and a bright smile on her face. “Uh, do you have a pen?” Bill asked, plucking out a matte black business card from his wallet. 
Quickly, Darby snatched up a stray pen from a tiny side table in the foyer, and Bill took it, flipping his card around as he pressed it flat against the door frame and wrote his home number on the back. The shiny black ink from the pen contrasted against the sheenless paper. He passed it over to Darby along with the pen. When he flipped it over to the other side, in glossy pink print was Trigger Finger XXX in cursive, and then just below in smaller, clean print was his name and business number. 
Finally, Bill got into the Jeep after giving Darby some kind of bro-handshake. Alma bit her lip to keep from laughing at him a bit. He was trying hard to conceal his intoxication as he walked rather cautiously to the car. He slumped in the passenger seat, took a deep breath, and heavily exhaled. 
“I love you,” he said, grabbing her hand to kiss the back of it. Though even as drunk as he was he paused realizing it was the hand and just before his lip pressed the same spot the famous rockstar had down he flipped it over and kissed inside her palm. 
“Really,” Alma giggled. “No, kiss me right,” she whined, flipping her hand over, nudging it towards his lips.
Instead, he jerked her by the hand toward him and and with his other he held the side of her face to kiss her deeply on the lips. Ulyssa just looked out her window while they shared a moment. It was kind of odd to see Bill like this when he had always seemed more reserved. Despite sharing a joint a month ago he was just more laid back and to himself then too. Even if she had heard them having sex, this was different. Alma heard Ulyssa yawn rather loudly and softly pulled away from him especially as he began to drag her hand towards his crotch. 
“I love you too,” she gently pushed him away even if he tried to kiss her again. 
She switched the gear to drive and when she looked over he looked a little pouty and displeased just like a child when tell them no but he left her alone. It had been a long day and long night but she was glad that he and Darby got along, but she also figured they would if they ever got to know each other better. She found Darby to have values similar to those of her boyfriend, and in some ways, he was easy to work with because of it. 
Bill woke up the next morning in bed quite groggy. His daughter woke him up, playing loudly with a ring-stacking toy. Clanking the plastic rings against a hot wheels car he had bought her while she sat in just a diaper and socks between Alma’s legs. Her damp hair was in a clip and was reading a romance novel unbothered by the noise, having learned to tune it out by now. 
He sat up, causing the blanket over him to slip down his bare torso, which he quickly pulled up again so that his child wouldn’t see the ugly yellow and green fading bruise on his side. Alma rested her book on her lap and smiled at him. 
“Did… I embarrass you last night?” His voice was still coarse with sleep.
Alma’s brows furrowed. “You don’t remember anything? You were drunk, but I didn’t think you were that drunk.” 
“Just asking.” He said carefully, sneaking a hand under her oversized band shirt to touch her bare back.
“Well no. Should I be?” She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. “I wasn’t there when you boys were talking.” 
“Ah, just stupid guy talk,” he smirked, rubbing his sleepy eyes. “I gave Darby my business card.” He said it as if he were recalling that he had done that.
“Yeah, I saw.” Alma lightly yawned. 
“What time is it?” he asked as Echo began crawling to him, and he reached an arm for her. She laid her little body on his, hugging him before sitting up on his stomach. 
“Almost eleven.” 
Bill frowned a bit. While it was nice that he felt comfortable in Seattle that he could sleep in without a problem, he didn't like the hours of valuable day he’d miss because of it. Alma assured him that they would have time to execute their Sunday plans during the week, kissing him before he lazily got up for a shower. His stay in Seattle was extended because he had left New York City early.
“Do you remember coming home?” Alma asked him later when they had recharged a bit after lounging around in bed.
“Hm,” Bill scratched his temple while leaning against the headboard. “Sorta? Why?” 
“You took the longest piss I ever heard in my life last night. I was laying here and then it stopped so I was about to turn the lamp off but then you started again.” She laughed. 
“I only pissed once there. By a bush outside with Darby.” 
“With him?” Bill just puffed his lip out and shrugged. “Well…” she looked over at Echo who was too busy eating cheese puffs and playing on the carpeted floor beside the bed now. “Do you remember this?” She said, pulling the neckline of her shirt down to show her chest. 
Bill’s brows raised when he saw a smattering of hickies on her skin. 
“Yeah,” she said, letting go of the collar. 
“Did we?” 
“No. You fell asleep sucking on my tit,” she shook her head amused. 
Bill rubbed his forehead a bit bashfully with a dimpled smirk on his face. “Well… it does relax me.” He said leaning forward nuzzling the side of his face into her bosom making her giggle.
In the middle of the week, they finally bought Echo a toddler bed. The crib sat by the curb for less than an hour before someone scooped it up. Bill built the bed while Alma studied over the pretest she took. That day back in class, she slumped in her seat when she received the test back facing down and was confronted with a C-minus when she flipped it over. It was the worst grade she’d ever gotten in her life. Even Bill asked if she received the right test back when he saw it, despite her name being written at the top. 
She chalked it up to being very busy and anxious while arranging the show because many of the mistakes she noticed during the class review was her rushing through and not bothering to check her work. Luckily, she could study from it for her final next week, and that’s all that mattered to pass now. 
Echo had trouble adjusting to her toddler bed. Even with their adult-sized legs hanging off the edge, her parents tried to show and tell her how comfy it was. They even encouraged her, saying how she was in a big girl's bed now, but still, she looked at them with apprehension. After several nights of them having to put her back in bed when she’d wake up and cry at the side of their bed, Alma bribed her with a visit to the children’s storytime if she slept through the night by herself. They were going anyway, but it worked. However, Echo made sure to wake up really early, and instead of putting her back in bed, they allowed her to sleep in theirs so that they could all go back to sleep to wake up at a more appropriate time. 
They went to the library and dropped off their daughter in the children’s area, where she squirmed out of her father's hold to scurry over to the other similar-aged children who were all playing on a large apple-shaped rug. They walked away when they felt she was in the safety of the librarians there, until Alma was stopped by a young mother. She was pregnant, holding a child less than a year old in her arms. Bill, wearing his sunglasses inside, politely acknowledged her and kept walking towards the technology center, hoping to find an unoccupied computer. 
“Oh, um, I just wanted to give you this.” The lady was named Liz, and her son Austin was similar in age to Echo. She was fairly young at 23 but was one of the mothers at the children’s story time that she bothered to speak to because she wasn’t judgemental like the others. 
Alma offered to hold her daughter, Aubrey, because she was struggling to hold her, and her pregnant belly kept pushing the baby bag on her arm from her grasp while she tried to dig through it. Holding the small baby gave Alma another wave of woe over the fact that Echo wasn’t this little anymore. The whole ordeal with the toddler bed saddened both her and Bill, even though they tried to be positive about it for their child's sake. 
“Thanks,” Liz said, pulling out a honey-colored envelope from the bag. She took the opportunity of having free hands to gather and twist her dishwater blonde hair into a clip before taking her daughter back in her arms. “It’s a birthday party invite for Austin. It’s next month. 
“Oh, thanks for inviting her. I think she’ll enjoy that.” Alma lifted the card from the envelope, saw that it was Winnie the Pooh-themed, and smiled. 
“We’d like to have her. We’re renting a bouncy house, and we’ll have a piñata. You know shit kids like,” Liz lightly laughed. “Um, was that Echo’s dad? He can come too. My husband is inviting his buddies to drink beer in the garage if he likes to do that?” 
Alma looked at the card again to check the date on it. “Well, I think he’s going to be out of town for work that day. So…” 
“No biggie. As long as you and Echo go,” she smiled. 
Alma was sidetracked when she left Liz behind and found herself with two new romance novels to read before she joined Bill in a less populated area of the library. He was at one of the only two computers the library possessed. He looked around them to see if there was a spare chair around for Alma to sit next to him, but there weren’t any, so she just sat in his lap instead. 
“What’s this?” he asked, picking up the envelope that sat on top of the books she laid by the computer in front of them. 
“Echo’s first party,” she lightly laughed. 
“Technically, her first party was Darby’s last weekend. She was even one of the last to leave.” 
“Yeah, 'cause she crashed out first too. And what is this?” she asked, pointing at the screen in front of them.
“My inbox.” 
She looked and noticed he had several correspondences with Lewis, almost a bizarre amount, as if they were pen pals. She reached for the mouse and clicked a random one with the subject line titled An interesting article. Skimming the email, the subject matter revolved around an article he had read about some new technologies in regard to music mastering. 
“What the hell?” 
“He just sends me random emails sometimes. He’s just bored, I guess.” She could feel him shrug behind her. “Anyway, he hasn’t emailed anything about the shop.” Alma looked back at him with concern, but he just puffed his bottom lip out and shrugged again, unbothered. “I’m not worried. Let me log off, so you can make yourself an email too.” 
He reached around her for the mouse and signed out to help her create an email, and before his allotted time with the computer was up, he decided to check his email one more time. Alma leaned to the side so that he could quickly log back in. There in the inbox was indeed a new email from Lewis. He clicked the email with the subject line, Ready for the next step. As the email loaded, they would read each line of text on the email as they appeared. With the context of the emails, contents were leading up to exactly what they thought once it had loaded on the screen, and Alma gasped loudly. 
“Finally,” Bill said behind her. “I was about to throw in some money in cash to sweeten the deal, but now I don’t.” 
“This is crazy,” Alma said, turning to look at him. 
“Yeah,” he smirked, looking satisfied with himself. “You doubted me?” 
Alma bit her lip and turned away for a second. “No… I just didn’t want to–” 
“Get your hopes up.” He finished, to which she just nodded. “Well, it’s happening, so…” 
“You’re so sure?” She said getting off his lap. 
“Not all the time. But money is an easy language. Anyway, could you kiss me now?” 
She gave him an incredulous smile before leaning down to kiss him. It felt surreal that this new chapter in their lives was beginning to unfold. That when they drove by houses in Seattle talking about what they liked or didn’t like about them as they dreamed up their future home didn’t feel in vain now. A future where they were finally together, away from their sins. 
While they could dream with more certainty now there were still a few more things to attend to. 
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thepartyponies · 9 months
stream of consciousness post
my new car is great in a lot of ways but it’s… slow
It’s the base model 5-series 2.5L i6 189hp 6500rpm in a ~3600lb car
My other car I usually drive is a Taurus SHO 3.2L V6 220hp 7000rpm, which is just enough to have fun with in a ~3400lb car. A great engine in a mediocre car. Now I have a great car with a mediocre engine.
If I wanted to change that, I’m contemplating two different routes.
Swap in the 3L m54b30 version of the engine from the e39 530 sedan or e46 330, maybe get the 330 zhp engine for a bit more power and revs. that would be fairly affordable and probably replicate the performance of the Taurus, while keeping the straightforward parts compatibility and i6 smoothness, and I could possibly manual swap it at the same time relatively easily.
But that would still only get me 235hp/6800rpm, which would be… enough, but it’d still be slower than it looks, with the M5 front bumper and wheels (still need the back bumper).
The s54 engine from the e46 m3 would be really fun, 3.2L 333hp 8000rpm, or the actual M5’s s62 V8, 4.9L 394hp 7000rpm, but those are really expensive and questionably reliable. The 540’s m62 4.4L V8, 290hp 6000rpm, would also be an option with factory compatibility but it’s got timing chain reliability issues, and isn’t very powerful or efficient for a modern V8, and revs even lower than what I’ve already got.
So then there’s the ford coyote v8, 5L 435/460/480/500hp and 7000/7500rpm depending on the version. Pretty fuel efficient for what it is, and while more expensive than the m54b30 I could probably find one for less than an m3 or m5 engine, and it would have better power, efficiency, and reliability/maintenance friendliness than any of the other options, and more revs than anything but the s54, especially if I go for the gen 3 coyote.
I’m definitely not going to LS swap it, yes that’s the cheapest most powerful option, but a low revving pushrod engine just wouldn’t suit the car.
I’d really like to get one of the ones with the tremec tr3160 transmission, not the mt82. The gt350’s 5.2L 526hp 8250rpm V8 also exists and has that trans, and would be amazing, but might be too expensive and vibrate too much. idk I haven’t driven one to know, but I really like the current i6 smoothness and want to stay as close to that as I can.
Another issue is the rear differential. The only direct swap for the current open diff is the M5’s lsd, and those are expensive and only have one ratio option. What I want to do is put the ford 8.8 irs diff in it, either from an older explorer or cobra etc, or from whatever s550/s650 mustang I get as a donor car. Problem is, the mounts don’t fit. You’d need to modify or replace the rear cover, and weld new front mounts onto the car’s subframe. Doable, I’ve seen it done for the guys who have ls swapped these, but it’s work I don’t currently know how to do. I’d probably have to get a lot of outside help for the whole project, especially the electronics programming and wiring. My friend who sold me the car is a fabricator, which could come in handy.
Then there’s the exhaust. One of the most annoying things about the car. Every e39 5-series has the spare tire and battery on the right side of the of the under-trunk area, which only leaves room for a single exhaust on the left side. The M5 ditched the spare tire to run dual exhaust, which is a lot to give up. All the dual exhaust conversions I’ve seen online either replace the whole rear floor with m5 sheet metal, or are ugly hack jobs. All of them lose the spare tire. I think, if you ran small mufflers, or had the muffler further forward, you could shift the spare tire to the center and sneak a second tailpipe between the tire and battery compartments.
Alternatively, just run the stock axle-back section for quiet mode and have two valved dump pipes in front of the diff. But I really like the aesthetics of the m5 bumper and quad tips, so idk
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moshpitpuppyx · 1 year
Ford tauruses are agents of chaos and i will not be convinced otherwise. My first car was a taurus and it was wild bc some things were so good and solid but like. I had to hold the driver door shut when it was cold bc the locks would literally freeze and not latch. We also had to disable the ABS bc it would engage anytime I braked going under 30mph. It was also an old drivers ed car and still had the passenger brake tucked in the corner <3 I simultaneously miss it and want it to burn in hell forever
THATS SO REAL my car is like. old as shit (early 90s) and it’s literally my babygirl i love my car but. holy shit it’s a disaster. the alternator evidently just like basically fried itself from the inside out and i didn’t realize it until i looked tonight and all of the wire connecter spots are FUCKED. also the driver side door lock literally just does not work, like it’ll lock but you can’t unlock it unless you do it from the passenger side. my check engine light is just like permanently on . the stereo just straight up doesn’t work at all and nobody knows why and the ac only works if it’s less than 80 degrees outside. it’s a bit of a shitshow but it’s MY shitshow <3
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aymanfahad · 2 years
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2023 Ford Taurus - Titanium .. Country of origin: China .. 2.0L Ecosboost 4 cylinders turbocharged engine .. 232 hp .. FWD .. 8 Speed automatic transmission .. LED Auto Headlamps .. LED Tail Lamps .. Panoramic Roof .. Electric Adjustable & Folding Outside Mirrors .. ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System).. Electronic Stability Control (ESC) .. Front/Side/Curtain Airbags .. Rear View Camera .. Rear Parking Sensors .. Blind Spot Detection System .. Lane Change Warning & Lane Departure .. Tire Pressure Monitoring System .. 6 Speakers Audio System (SYNC 4) .. 13.2" Touch Screen .. Dual-Zone Full Auto Air Condition .. Leather Steering Wheel .. Fabric Seats with Leather .. Power Driver Seat - 10 Way .. Power Passenger Seat - 6 Way .. Adaptive Cruise Control .. Ambient Lighting .. Wireless Smartphone Charger .. 235/55 R19" Aluminum Wheels .. Price 155,135 SR (with VAT) does NOT include Registration or Insurance .. #car #cars #jeddah #jeddahcity #beautiful #ford #taurus #by_me #كارز #new #black #ecoboost #turbo حاولت أصورها من الداخل لكن كانت مقفله إن شاء الله أصورها مره ثانيه قريب .. الفئة دي التيتانيوم الفل أوبشن (at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8Hah1IJx2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asknarashikari · 4 months
Time for the Saber Cast or more specifically the Saber OT4.
They are assigned Star Saber, one of the highest ranking Autobot commander who came from humble beginnings, who has a smaller robot form known as "Saber", and is considered the greatest swordsman in the universe, the Brainmasters, comprised of Blacker, the experienced commanding racing buggy, Braver, the childlike mad scientist Ferrari F40 sports car, and Laster, the anti-social observant Countach sports car, who can combine to balanced Road Caesar, Victory Leo, the powerful Autobot warrior lion and can combine with Star Saber to become the powerful "Victory Saber", Deathsaurus, the cunning and powerful rival to Star Saber and has a soft side when it comes to children and his two partners, Tigerbreast and Eaglebreast, his Breastforce, comprised of Leozack, the overzealous Grumman F-14 Tomcat jet fighter, and his partner Lionbreast, Drillhorn, the stubborn drill-tank strategist, and his partner Hornbreast, Guyhawk, the cold and somber magenta and white MiG-29 fighter jet, and his partner Hawkbreast, Hellbat, the underhanded and maniacal dark blue and white Dassault Rafale fighter jet, and his partner Kōmoribreast, Jallguar, the serious black and white Baja-style racing buggy with a rear-mounted missile rack, and his partner Jaguarbreast, and Killbison, the violent jock-like gold and white KMW Gepard anti-aircraft tank, and his partner Bisonbreast, who can combine into Liokaiser, and the young, in Cybertronian terms, Rescue Patrol Team, comprised of Holi, the fast-thinking and resourceful but goofball black Ford Taurus police car, Boater, the little brother-like blue hydrofoil, Fire, the brave red fire engine, Pīpō, the cheerful ambulance with a heart of gold, and Clipper, Holi's serious minded and bossy Mitsubishi X2S concept car girlfriend and supporter of the Rescue Patrol Team. Ise is quite excited to get a bunch of more new friends with all of the bigger robots and the Rescue Patrol Team.
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What are the Riders and Saber Cast reaction to the Saber OT4 being assigned all of these robots and all of their reactions to Ise being excited for getting more new friends with the assigned Cybertronians?
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Well, if Ise likes them, that's good enough for them 😂Not to mention be amused at Saber becoming partners with Kamen Rider Saber.
I do wonder how they'll cope with being based with the SoL with the harsh winter weather and all. Ofc Cybertronians probably have some way to combat the cold. Also... would they even fit through the Book Gates?
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
We are getting our share of stuff out of the stashes and caches and he's fighting us on it day and night at location and after and he's losing and he's going to be out and yeah he doesn't have any ships left for the most part it's trying to take them out he'll do what he's saying we have to try and go after him and stop him and he's a putz that's a loser
I have a couple announcements Trump is yelling threats against bja, but the announcements are important
-there are huge things happening here in Florida finally it happened because of the empire we think and what happened on Saturday and the siphon method was not the trigger it was going there and finding out their trapped and not having enough ships to supplement their Force and finding out that the ships are right there and they just have to modify them. A wonderful wonderful experience it shows that these people don't have leadership and they're quite daft and their Intel is very limited and it was led by Tommy f again who is a more competent fighter and my husband and I guess they're in trouble but he always is and the empire says they have a parallel and they have to because they're just getting beat up doing nothing and having people do nothing this is turning into a big battle between them no it's minor but it is one and the pseudo empire has an area too and believe it or not it's like Sarasota and part of Tampa and areas like Jacksonville and parts of the shoreline and they don't have a ton of area but they have some islands and they're going nuts and they have other places they have a headquarters but bja is going nuts on Australia and Trump is going outside Australia has a huge amount and their truck full from our clans and yeah you're an idiots they don't know what you're doing so this is going on now they're going to pull out probably trillions and trillions of these things and hundreds of trillions okay just it's going to be huge numbers they need to retrofit and they have to build Jennings and it's starting to build those engines right now and they're making five vehicles too A lot of them and our idea is respected because it's for low-level guys privates can have them and it would make them more effective so burning Man already has a few up there but they're going to make them up there it's not a bad idea it's going well for me now I hear that this hurdle had to be done first and it is really big it was Saturn and we got there just in time and he's trying to raise Giants and we need to raise them now and it's going to become a possibility phone is going down in warlocks are competing and all over the world at these locations and they're very very big giants several of them are getting to be right and I will know that it is one of Morocco and it is the one in burning Man and that's he and I and those are ours and you think of it like smog cuz that's a waste of time it's doing we are proceeding now and getting ready for all of this to happen and for some reason people think Biden will have him driving around and it is because of him having a vehicle at Castle and Tommy f has motivation and Ken and even Trump and it's all stupid s*** but it might work a little to help pay off a little debt so we're moving out and we're going to get some stuff done
And we hear it on the radio too they're talking about Tom Cruise and he's trying to get a car over there and they've done this really want them to but they can't stop him and he has one it's kind of a s*** box but it's not that bad and it's much better than the van it looks like an old Ford Taurus because it is one it's not the one from South Carolina's got a square window and it says good I think those are newer and they are it's a 2008 or something still fairly old but decent quality and it'll be real surprise if that's what it is cuz sometimes it doesn't work anyway but usually forgets about it. It's kind of exciting for us because so much has been sitting I've been waiting and horrified at the max or just hideous and now they're getting attention and they need it and we're fighting them off the thorium and areas they think they found it in and people are fighting them over it now just in time it's going to take a little bit but now it will be faster and we really need them out but there's a big huge Plus what's been happening in the past few days and we're going to help out our son and Ariana and noada are going to help and proxima midnight and they're very happy to be mentioned and he says anytime and usually pops in a little bit and he's coming up pretty soon and his own planet is coming up. And it's kind of horrified and he's calling for a series of meetings in house and then out of house and we can follow what's happening and suggest changes to the meeting structure if you think we need that and his listening and it's his people too including his family and they're moving on it now and we are going forward the accelerated the schedule and he wants to know how he did that and they're looking at it too and yeah he's kind of pushy but these guys are push you too and he wants me in zigzag of course involved in all the meetings and they're going to do that couple of the key people so their Saturn they had players and Neptune and Uranus and they're moving out too and there's another planet or two in there and they're laughing and they know about it getting ready I'm impressed in satisfied but he says it comes from me and it's true and Freya and we needed to help it we're getting it now. I can't wait for the things to change this is misery
Thor Freya
Yeah you're going to be Giants it's going to be weird how you feel it all the time anyways and it's true but it's not going to suck as bad
There are certain things being said around here and not sure what it is no I know it's going to happen I think and the competing over these ships but kind of in a friendliest way which is weird and they have to start going down where foreigners are and stuff and it's way too small and Europe is small they get excluded a lot and a shark and they are sharp and they need to team up with people know what they're doing
We're still going to have issues but hopefully less this is a nightmare and he says if you're not having a war and you're taking those out but really we're having a war so yeah
We're fighting each other tooth and nail outside of here and it's bizarre
What are you doing differently out there
Zues Hera
Now I see what you're saying not really making any progress in doing something different and here there's a truth so I can get stuff and in several areas that's happening and we'll have to go after the big fellows I do follow what you're saying
I can't believe it it might happen hopefully in the in time
Olympus and we put our name down already but yeah we put it here and he's excited cuz things will change it's really hum right now ho hum
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ahadgreatdubai · 6 months
Rent a Ford Taurus in Dubai Your Ultimate Guide
Brief overview of Dubai’s thriving car rental market.
Introduction to the Ford Taurus and its popularity as a rental option in Dubai.
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Understanding the Ford Taurus
History and evolution of the Ford Taurus.
Key features and specifications of the latest models.
Reasons behind the popularity of the Ford Taurus in Dubai’s rental market.
Benefits of Renting a Ford Taurus in Dubai
Comfort and luxury: Discuss the spacious interiors and luxurious features.
Performance and reliability: Highlight the car’s powerful engine and smooth driving experience.
Safety features: Explore the advanced safety technologies incorporated into the Ford Taurus.
Where to Rent a Ford Taurus in Dubai
Overview of reputable car rental agencies in Dubai.
Specific companies offering Ford Taurus rentals and their services.
Comparison of rental prices and packages.
Booking Process and Requirements
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Step-by-step guide to booking a Ford Taurus rental in Dubai.
Documentation required for renting a car in Dubai.
Tips for securing the best rental deals and discounts.
Exploring Dubai in a Ford Taurus
Ideal destinations and attractions to visit while driving a Ford Taurus.
Tips for navigating Dubai’s roads and traffic regulations.
Recommendations for scenic drives and day trips in and around Dubai.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Real-life experiences of individuals who have rented a Ford Taurus in Dubai.
Feedback on the car’s performance, comfort, and overall rental experience.
Insights into customer satisfaction and recommendations.
Maintenance and Support
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Overview of maintenance services provided by rental agencies.
Procedures for reporting any issues or emergencies during the rental period.
Assistance available for breakdowns or accidents.
Recap of the benefits of Rent a Ford Taurus in Dubai.
Encouragement for readers to consider this option for their next visit to Dubai.
Final thoughts on the convenience and luxury offered by the Ford Taurus rental experience in Dubai.
1. Is renting a Ford Taurus a popular choice among tourists visiting Dubai?
Yes, renting a Ford Taurus is a popular choice among tourists in Dubai due to its combination of comfort, luxury, and performance.
2. What are the typical rental prices for a Ford Taurus in Dubai?
Rental prices for a Ford Taurus in Dubai can vary depending on factors such as the rental duration, time of booking, and the rental agency. On average, expect to pay between AED XXX to AED XXX per day.
3. Are there any age restrictions for renting a Ford Taurus in Dubai?
Yes, most car rental agencies in Dubai require renters to be at least 21 years old. Additionally, some agencies may impose a surcharge for renters under 25 years old.
4. What documents are required to rent a Ford Taurus in Dubai?
Generally, renters need to provide a valid driver’s license, passport or Emirates ID (for UAE residents), and a credit card for the security deposit. International tourists may also need an International Driving Permit (IDP).
5. Can I customize my Ford Taurus rental with additional features or accessories?
Some rental agencies may offer optional features or accessories for an additional fee, such as GPS navigation systems, child seats, or additional insurance coverage. Check with your chosen rental agency for available options.
6. What should I do in case of an emergency or breakdown while driving the rented Ford Taurus?
In case of an emergency or breakdown, contact the rental agency immediately using the provided contact information. Most agencies offer roadside assistance and will guide you through the necessary steps.
7. Are there any mileage restrictions for Ford Taurus rentals in Dubai?
Many rental agreements come with unlimited mileage, allowing renters to drive without worrying about exceeding a certain distance. However, it’s essential to confirm this with the rental agency before booking.
8. Can I extend my Ford Taurus rental period if needed?
Yes, most rental agencies in Dubai offer the option to extend your rental period, subject to availability. It’s advisable to contact the rental agency in advance to discuss extension options and any additional fees.
9. What insurance coverage is included with a Ford Taurus rental in Dubai?
Basic insurance coverage is typically included in the rental package, covering damage to the rental vehicle and third-party liability. However, renters may opt for additional insurance coverage for added peace of mind.
10. Is it possible to return the Ford Taurus rental to a different location within Dubai?
Some rental agencies may offer the option for one-way rentals, allowing you to return the vehicle to a different location within Dubai. However, additional fees may apply, so it’s essential to inquire about this option in advance.
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jiad-parts-store · 8 months
Fit for Ford V6 3.5L & 3.7L Cyclone Engines, for Ford Edge, Explorer, F150, Flex, Fusion, Fusion Hybrid, Mustang, Taurus, Police Interceptor; for Lincoln MKS, MKT, MKX, MKZ, Navigator; for Mercury Milan, Sable, Please kindly confirm more compatibility details on the below product descriptions before purchase.
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Effortless Transitions: The 2015 Ford Taurus Transmission Uncovered
The journey of automotive innovation is a story of evolution, where each component plays a vital role in shaping the driving experience. Among these components, the transmission system stands out as a key player in the symphony of power and control. The 2015 Ford Taurus, an epitome of luxury and performance, presents a transmission system that goes beyond mechanics, offering a seamless and refined driving experience. In this article, we uncover the magic behind the 2015 Ford Taurus transmission, exploring how it achieves effortless transitions that elevate the art of driving.
Seamless Harmony of Gears
At the heart of the 2015 Ford Taurus transmission lies a seamless harmony of gears, each orchestrated with precision to create a driving experience that's both smooth and exhilarating. Utilizing advanced automatic transmission technology, the Taurus ensures that gear shifts are executed seamlessly. Whether you're accelerating gently or demanding rapid speed, the transitions between gears are nearly imperceptible, contributing to a ride that's defined by uninterrupted power delivery.
Refined Engineering for a Refined Drive
The 2015 Ford Taurus transmission system is a masterpiece of engineering, designed to provide a refined drive that resonates with luxury and performance. The system's engineering ensures that each gear change is executed with meticulous calibration, optimizing power delivery and enhancing driving dynamics. As you navigate through different driving scenarios, the transmission system adapts effortlessly, translating every input into a symphony of power and control.
Precision Timing for Dynamic Performance
Precision timing is a hallmark of the 2015 Ford Taurus transmission's performance. The gears shift with perfect timing, creating transitions that are both responsive and precise. This precision not only enhances acceleration but also contributes to the vehicle's overall handling and control. Whether you're navigating through tight corners or cruising on open highways, the transmission's precision timing ensures a driving experience that's confident and exhilarating.
Adaptive Intelligence: Enhancing the Experience
The 2015 Ford Taurus transmission system is more than just mechanical components; it's a marvel of adaptive intelligence. Equipped with sophisticated electronic controls, the transmission adapts to varying driving conditions, optimizing shift points for performance and efficiency. The system monitors factors such as speed, throttle input, and road conditions, ensuring that the Taurus is always in the right gear, ready to deliver power with effortless transitions.
Effortless Efficiency
Efficiency and performance converge seamlessly in the 2015 Ford Taurus transmission. The transmission's technology optimizes power delivery while conserving fuel, contributing to an efficient and powerful drive. As you press the accelerator, the transmission responds with precision, delivering power with minimal waste. This efficiency doesn't compromise performance; it enhances it, ensuring that each journey is both exhilarating and responsible.
The 2015 Ford Taurus transmission is a testament to the art of engineering, precision, and innovation. Its ability to create effortless transitions, refine the driving experience, achieve precision timing, showcase adaptive intelligence, and deliver efficiency highlights the harmonious collaboration Driven to Perfection: Navigating the 2015 Ford Taurus Transmission Experience between technology and driving pleasure. As you uncover the magic behind the 2015 Ford Taurus transmission, remember that every gear shift is an invitation to experience driving in its purest form – an artful blend of power, control, and effortless transitions that redefine the joy of the open road.
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I’ve revised the star signs. Thoughts?
Aries - Harry - Main character syndrome
Taurus - Ford Taurus - A 2.0L 4-cylinder engine with 232hp and 390Nm of torque powers the Ford Taurus 2023, and the engine is connected to an 8-speed automatic transmission and a FWD drivetrain. 0 to 100km/h time is 8.1sec and top speed is 218km/h.
Gemini - Gummy Bear - Sweet to a fault, great in small doses, bad in large doses
Cancer - Cancer - Cancer
Leo - Leo DiCaprio - Artistic
Virgo - Virgin - Average Redditor™
Libra - Librel - Woke, cancel culturalist extraordinaire, easily offended, woke
Scorpio - Scoliosis - Flexible, but no backbone
Sagittarius - Sergeant - Uptight and bossy
Capricorn - Capri Sun - Sweet, lots of friends
Aquarius - Asparagus - Good for your soul, bad in high numbers
Pisces - Pickle Rick - Intelligent to the point of nihilism
1 note · View note
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A Ford Taurus received a new water pump this week. 
The car was brought in a few months ago for basic service. When working on it, we saw that the coolant was low. 
Our customer recently brought the Ford back in to have the problem addressed. This low coolant issue was a result of a leaking water pump, which needed to be replaced. 
Water pumps help prevent a vehicle from overheating by making sure that coolant travels through the engine. 
On this vehicle, the water pump sits behind the timing cover and is driven by the timing chain.
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thebobby1432world · 2 years
Will Smith Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Will Smith Wiki: Willard Carroll Smith II is a well-known American actor and rapper who goes by the stage name The Fresh Prince. He is best known for his roles in the 1995 action movie Bad Boys and the 1990–1996 sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. His accomplishments have been recognized with awards like the Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, and four Grammy Awards. Will Smith WikiWill Smith Personal Details Will Smith's Physical Appearance Will Smith Education Will Smith’s Family  Will Smith's Favorite Things Will Smith's Net Worth Smith was born on September 25, 1968, in Philadelphia, to Caroline (née Bright), a school board administrator, and Willard Carroll Smith Sr., a US Air Force veteran, and refrigeration engineer. His mother graduated from Carnegie Mellon University.
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Will Smith Wiki By 2023, Smith's films would have grossed over $9.3 billion globally, making him one of the most successful and bankable stars in Hollywood. His acting career began with the iconic portrayal of a fictionalized version of himself in the NBC sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and then extended to film.
Will Smith Wiki
Full Name Willard Carroll Smith Jr.NicknameFresh Prince, Mr. JulyDate of Birth25 September 1968SchoolCatholic Elementary School in PhiladelphiaProfessionActor,  Producer, and Songwriter (American, English)CategoryActor Will Smith Personal Details Age54 Years OldBirth PlacePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, United StatesAddressCalabasas, Los AngelesProfessionActor, Rapper, and Film ProducerDebutTelevision Series: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990 – 1996) Music Video: Big Willie Style (1997) Movie:  Where the Day Takes You (1992)Years Active1985 – PresentFamous RoleAppearing in the TV Series The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990)NationalityAmericanReligionChristianEthnicityAfrican – American DescentHometownPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaZodiac SignLibraSchool/High SchoolMasterman School in Philadelphia, United States Overbrook High School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Archbishop John Carroll High School in Radnor, PennsylvaniaCollege/UniversityLocal College in the United StatesEducation QualificationGraduate Will Smith's Physical Appearance Height in Centimetres188 cmHeight in Meters1.88 mHeight in Feet Inches6 Feet 2 InchesWeight82kgBody Measurement42-33-16Chest Size42 inchesWaist Size33 inchesBiceps Size16 inchesEye ColourDark BrownHair ColourBlack Will Smith Education Education QualificationPre-Engineering (Drop)SchoolCatholic Elementary School in Philadelphia Overbrook High School. PhiladelphiaCollege / UniversityMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)OthersNot Known Will Smith’s Family  FatherWillard Christopher Smith, Sr.MotherCaroline BrightBrothersHarry SmithSistersEllen Smith, pam SmithMarital StatusMarriedWifeJada Pinkett SmithDaughtersWillow Smith ChristianitySonsJaden Smith Trey SmithGirlfriends/ AffairsJennifer Flavin (m. 1997) Will Smith's Favorite Things Favorite ColourRed, BlackFavorite ActorNot KnownFavorite ActressNot KnownFavorite FoodPhilly Cheese SteakHobbiesListening to Music, Playing Chess, FencingFavorite MusicHip HopFavorite BrandDior HommeFavorite SportChess, Football, GolfFavorite DestinationMalmoFavorite Car CollectionsCadillac Escalade ESV Maybach Exelero Ford Mustang 1965 Ford Taurus Lincoln Navigator Mercedes Benz GL450 Mobile Mansion The HeatSexual OrientationStraight Will Smith's Net Worth NameWill SmithNet Worth (2022)375 Million US DollerProfessionAmerican actor, rapper, and film producerMonthly Income And Salary3 Million US Doller +Yearly Income And Salary29 Million US Doller +Last Updated2022 Read the full article
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rickztalk · 2 years
The 10 Greatest American V6 Engines Ever Made
The 10 Greatest American V6 Engines Ever Made
Ford made radical changes to its lineup in the ’80s, struggling to get past the difficult and turbulent years for automakers of the ’70s. Many of its cars transformed into sleeker models, taking cues from European styling and perhaps the most successful of these was the Taurus mid-size sedan. It replaced boxy and dull cars replete with chrome and fat metal bumpers with a car full of curves and…
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