#forever a claudia stan
ziggyaarts · 1 year
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 5 months
Claudia being in polin season press with Nic and Luke yet no polin Nic Luke are mad but godforbid charithra was on press interview/stuff with Simone and Johnny 😂 the way they hated her down was crazy OMG the way they jumped on Charithra attacked called her the most vile insane name sh*t while also preaching about racism was strait jacket behavior it was ludicrous and acted like she ki1led their mother was insane should we polin/nic/luke fans act like that have a tantrum like that like we are 5 year kids who didn’t get our toy or a candy thankfully we aren’t insecure miserable CRAZY wackoo weirdo losers like certain stans aka kanthony Simone Kate stans! I’m forever proud of polins for what reason!
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Simone Ashley Kate kanthony stans are the worst most vile toxic obnoxious insufferable evil stans worse then Kpop/boy group stans and that’s saying something 😒
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Me if I was a kanthony Kate Simone stan seeing an actress from a show I like being part of the press and doing interviews playing games for said show with my fav ship and actors on their season 😂 but thankfully I know she’s just doing her job and I’m a sane nic polin so the insanity is only for kanthonies and Kate stan😔!
‪fcvk U CJ why are u an actress of the show Bridgerton in press with the szn leads 😂 it’s as if she’s the sister of the lead and ex bestie of the other lead character😂 way different from edwina being sister of the other lead girl role and the love interest of the other lead male role😂 kidding it’s exact same role/character‬ yet only one fandom had pitch forks for the actress playing the sis role and it wasn’t Polin Nic or Luke fandom just saying!
Why would we or any sane people or person be angry that an actress is doing her job promoting her and the show we all like and watch? it’s as if Corey or India QC fans would get angry if arsema was in press with them, we learned from this whole drama that only 1 fandom is insecure losers and it’s the Kate Kanthony fans sadly
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stpauligirl · 8 months
What do you think happened to Paige and Henry?
I have been waiting 5 years to be asked this question.
<cracks knuckles, begins typing furiously>
When Stan goes to Henry’s boarding school to tell him the truth about his family, it’s an embarrassing thunderbolt moment for him. Henry knew that midnight calls and travel agency emergencies and having no extended family were not exactly normal but he feels incredibly naive and stupid for not suspecting more. “Uncle Stan” becomes Henry’s guardian, bringing a stable and reliable adult presence to his life that he was really missing, making it easier for Henry to come to terms with things.
However, Henry is furious when he finds out that Paige knew and kept the truth from him. All the anger he feels for his parents gets directed at her and he can’t get past it and holds that hurt in his heart for a long, long time. He changes his name to Henry Beeman.
Paige doesn’t reach out to Henry. The confrontation with Stan in the parking garage scared the shit out of her and she knows it was a forever goodbye. She spends some time hiding out at Claudia’s safe house, hoping to be contacted. When that doesn’t happen, she decides to get the hell away from DC. Ultimately she wants to make a difference. She wants to feel like her life has a purpose. And she doesn’t want to be alone. So she leaves the identity Paige Jennings behind and seeks out other communist/anti-US protest groups.
This is her life for several chaotic years. It’s rough going. She thinks she knows what she’s doing because of her “training” with Elizabeth and Claudia, and she ends up doing some things that are quite risky and foolish and poorly-executed. Her activities get the attention of the FBI.
She is photographed.
Stan recognizes her.
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emtmercy · 2 months
to be clear i do not care if someone stans lestat or whatever i like him myself i know he is pretend <3 but the allergy to even acknowledging his behavior as it is presented to us is just strange! im not saying lestat is an abuser therefore the show is eeeevil for making him a complex/sympathetic character. people who commit abuse are complex and sympathetic in certain circumstances in real ass life! “abuser” is not some ontologically evil category of person destined to do harm forever. “victim” does not mean faultless angel incapable of harm. i think it does the show a disservice to gloss over those themes in favor of well theyre just monsters its not the same. which is once again. literally what santiago (bad guy) says at the trial. also episode five had a domestic violence warning. also louis jumped lestat because he laid hands on claudia. imagine me saying all of this in a spirited but friendly tone of voice by the way i have no beef with you personally
Actually the episode very much premiered without a domestic violence warning and they added it after because people were mad. know your history before being obnoxious online
You’re again still missing what I’m saying
I’m not saying it is only not the same because they are vampires you are unwilling to contend with what I’m actually saying
I am saying harm and abuse aren’t one and the same
Lestat and Louis did great harm to each other. Period. You are interpreting my refusal to incorrectly assign real human labels not represented in this show as a refusal to acknowledge wrong doing on Lestats part and those are entirely separate things
Lestat did bad things to Louis. Louis did bad things to Lestat. They both had to make amends. That is not what abuse is.
Abuse is a cycle of violence with very real specific attributes not present in this narrative
You decided Lestat was an Abuser (TM) in season one because of a fundamental misunderstanding of the material
The show is based around the concept that happens between the first two books which involves the reveal that Louis has been running from his own culpability and thus unable to heal
And again, victims do not share responsibility for their abuse in real life!! I refuse to cede to you that victims are equally responsible for their abuse, and this show is presenting them as equally responsible for this shit show relationship
And I don’t need to argue with you about whether abusers are “ontologically evil” in real life. That’s fully irrelevant. I am saying in real life abuse there isn’t mutual responsibility for the abuse. And the show is very clearly presenting us with the idea that they were equally culpable for what happened hence the reveal with Louis beating his ass
Hence the Louis apology. These writers aren’t stupid.
And yes Louis jumps Lestat for laying hands on Claudia and then lays hands on Claudia himself because in reality it’s not about her it’s about him and Lestat
Not all harm has to be about abuse/victim
I agree that the harm between them was real and not excused because of vampirism. Your desire to slot me into the role of Santiago is not representative of what I am saying despite your commitment to imagining what I am saying. I am saying that not all harm, and yes especially magical harm, is not equal to human ABUSE. Harm can matter and not be an abuse cycle: I truly feel you may not understand that abuse is a cycle of behavior and specific dynamic and not just anytime someone does something cruel or bad
I’m not flattening the show by not applying these very specific real human dynamic labels to this relationship. You are flattening the show by being unwilling to engage with where the story is taking us and the way in which the portrayal from season one has been revisited.
I’m trying to explain to you that they’re not in an abuser victim dynamic in the human sense im not trying to tell you that none of it matters and no one possesses culpability
I don’t believe the writers chose to have the season end with Louis apologizing to his Abuser
It ended with Louis apologizing to a man with whom he had a mutually destructive relationship in which they both harmed each other
I’m not saying a vampire character on IWTV can’t be an abuser in the traditional sense, I’m saying they’ve gone out of their way both to have Lestat and Louis own their behaviors and harms and also not assign them that very real and specific role of Abuser and Victim
When I discuss Louis’ behavior I am not implying victims are angels. Im saying a mutual fight started by Louis isn’t an instance of ABUSE of Louis
Lestat acknowledging his harm is not the same as slotting it into this dynamic you clearly need it to be in
I simply don’t believe the writers are trying to write a story about forgiving and marrying your abuser
Its about mutual forgiveness of two flawed people who mutually harmed each other
Which is not what an abuse dynamic is
Like honestly your interpretation is rly sliding into a place that is offensive to victims and survivors
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ca-suffit · 3 months
not sure if you’re blocked and also it’s long but: https://www.tumblr.com/virginiaisforvampires/754230384624107520/hello-you-can-just-delete-this-if-you-think-it any thoughts on this post? i really don’t know where any of this is going…
Virginia is a known racist and Lestat apologist who will dig up any crumb of "evidence" from the show to fit her own version of anything. She's attached to Lestat and the story bcuz of personal trauma and doesn't seem to have any self-awareness about that. She's able to play a professional victim about anything, particularly for the way she always has to throw in this kind of shit into every post:
And that element is where the dissociation between the writers/characters and the fandom begins. The fandom wants to view this through the lens of domestic abuse with one partner being 100% the victim and the other partner being 100% the abuser. If anyone disagrees, it gets into the territory of bullying, name-calling, harassment, labeled an abuse apologist, labeled a racist, constant policing of opinions, and so on and so forth.
A show like this doesn't happen by accident and the stuff we're told at various levels of the show are not the writers themselves. Things are being intentionally put into these stories to be noticed the way they are. A lot of ppl hate this adaptation but pretend they don't bcuz they're waiting for Lestat's season, cuz they think race won't matter anymore and it's time for fun, sexy, sassy bitch shit!! They think none of this will rly matter and it's something to tolerate rn.
None of these ppl has an understanding of Lestat as a character the way that Anne Rice actually wrote him. They'll praise his "honesty" and then ignore the ways he tells u himself how he's killed ppl sometimes bcuz he was just moody, or how he knocks Nicki across a room into a mirror during an argument. Louis and him physically fight all the time. This reliance on "he'd never do this to Louis" is bs bcuz this is a logical escalation of the character from Anne Rice herself.
These ppl don't see Lestat objectively and they don't understand how to navigate the reality of what abuse looks like, they don't know how to navigate interracial abuse, and everything they're looking for is a reason that Lestat is the real victim, which is why nothing makes sense to them.
We didn't revisit murder night at the trial bcuz the trial is fake and that is meant to highlight why it's fake. "Why aren't we focused on the actual crime?" Bcuz the point was to assassinate the characters of everyone through a lot of antiblack tropes, not carry out any "real" justice. As Claudia says, Lestat is clearly still alive. It's meant to feel disorienting and fucked bcuz it is! The revisits to the fight and everything else are to make Lestat look like a bigger victim. The point of the show is never to reveal one "true" version of anything. The truth of any of it lies somewhere in between *all* of it. Ppl waiting for this "perfect" moment of clarity, usually where Lestat can stop being seen as such a bad guy, are going to wait forever.
Anne Rice never rly confronted any topics or had characters grow so her book stans don't know what that looks like and can't see where any of these stories are going. Ppl upset about the drop, saying it ruined a beautiful loustat book moment, can't seem to comprehend that they will prbly fly into the sky again at a later time, when Louis' trust has been restored more. There's no ability to think long term into stories, I've noticed. it's all a rush of soothing panicked feelings at "why does this fandom hate my favorite character." IWTV has *always* made Lestat out to be a piece of shit. The only difference here is that his white privilege is brought to attention more and the characters he's hurting and who hate him are now black and brown. that gives ppl a lot of feelings and so now the point of fandom has been to keep reminding everyone he's actually a great guy and all of this is from trauma and vampire laws, he's innocent under it all!
That is what many people in this fandom seem to be doing. They are viewing this show through their own lens of personal experiences, viewpoints, credos, and humanistic morality standards.
And that will simply not work with this show. From what I’ve seen and heard, I think that is the detached approach the writers are taking. They are creating this gothic love story adapted from books about vampires. They add in meta levels of commentary about racism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc. They just never meant for that to be what the show was truly about.
She can't even describe book scenes accurately or ever talk about race or racism but let's all trust her to tell us what the show is rly trying to say lol. suuuuuuure.
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daenystheedreamer · 3 months
"why do you stan claudia? she tried to kill her dad btw" C'MON! like. what. lestat is not her dad. he is the worst! claudia forever and ever, amen.
i started watching iwtv reaction vids on yt and like most reaction vids theyre pretty bad but one channel i liked but SHE DIDNT LIKE CLAUDIA!!! i was fully devo like ough how could you not love her...
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shummashum · 7 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch8 [11~15]
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why so hurry though
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ehe are you still upset? well it's not that I have no complaints, but let's just move on since he said it was okay you have that level of flexibility right?
Liz asked him if he really thought she should've been punished.
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uh… is there anything that can be called complicated it was just a disgusting stan behavior, nothing more or less I really wish this wasn't glorified as love blabla
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usually I would've questioned whether there was any need to apologize but well alas please stop glamorizing
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well then it's settled let's go to the labyrinth
So they also headed to the labyrinth.
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what zz is this a sitcom or what
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woah we weren't? it makes me sad to hear that, didn't we have a close friendship of our own
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Anyway, Zeus yelled out to get Luci's attention, by calling him a little guy.
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what the is he a cat or what why did he leap out of the bush,,,
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huh he's a bit uncooperative okay, there is a very useful strategy here we have no choice but to call Minotaur
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So ​​they followed Luci to the painting studio, where a portrait of Claudia decorated the wall.
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oh… so he had that feeling it's kinda unexpected, I thought he wouldn't be interested in this at all buuttt… I smell romance does he have a crush on someone why don't you just tell me a little bit?
A moment later, Luci returned with a teacup.
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I know this it's yippee bug
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hoarding bug,,,
Anyway, the case was closed and other people left the room one by one, leaving only Liz and Luci remaining in the room.
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hmm,,, is he a pure lover who is willing to cherish his love forever, or a wraith who cannot escape memories of the past well it depends on what you think~
Then, Luci called her.
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how did he know but then again, it's very obvious
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is this a hint about how the story will progress? or is it just a vague worry well I don't think anything goes wrong that badly! or not perhaps there'll be something that goes wrong that badly
uh… among the things I've seen so far, the cases where a serious threat was posed to the LI's life during the route were… Az: unicorn horn ―penetrating→ chest Vin: some kind of dark magic ―penetrating→ abdomen Glenn: be choked by tentacles Sig: being a cocoon 4/15… roughly 1/3 it's a level that can't be ignored though but well I don't think anything goes wrong that badly!! or not
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Anyway, she told him she wanted to say it, but couldn't say it yet.
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-Ch8 End-
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okay,,,,,, you're bound to be disappointed if you have expectations
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vchroniclesin2022 · 2 years
in short:
We didn't need Lestat VS Claudia
We didn't need Claudia stanning Louis so much
Like, in the books Claudia hates them both for turning her, and she chooses to focus his hate on Lestat and his love on Louis. But in truth, she probably loved Lestat, too, and hated Louis, too. So complex and tragic and beautiful.
Lestat isn't angry with Claudia for having tried to kill him, she is forever his baby. He loves her still. he and Louis cry and mourn her together. Here all this loathing is stomach turning.
Also, it's like this show want to make us choose between Lestat and Louis, when it was never the case in the books, because there 2 are like a deal package, you can't divide them, please and thank you.
So weird off putting sad.
I hope this series will surprise me, in the meantime I hope for good fics and food.
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emoclownemoji · 1 year
tagged by @milfcoded to post 8 shows to get to know me better (sorry it took forever!)
tagging @mistoffeleesisawitch @juanitasupreme @aemond1eye @theaftermandeluxe2013  @alyswesthill
And anyone else who wants to!
in no particular order:
• Pushing Daisies (2007) - Lee Pace baking pies and solving crimes??? The dialogue is my favorite, it’s so punchy and fun and I never get tired of it. The show is perfect and I hate that it got cancelled so soon. The way everything is getting a reboot/sequel show but not this??? It’s homophobia. One of the only shows I can actually rewatch again and again.
• Elementary (2012)- We were ROBBED of Natalie Dormer’s Moriarty. Lucy Liu as Joan Watson is the loml. I have never cared about Sherlock but I had such a fun time watching this show. The writing is top notch and while it is copaganda, it is fun copaganda.
• Crazy Ex-girlfriend (2015) - Rachel Bloom knows me and my trauma and my mental illness so well she wrote several songs about it. But seriously it’s such a good show and it handles mental illness in such a good way. The series finale actually feels satisfying which is rare for me. I sing most of the songs like every day. Several of them are on my mental breakdown playlist. So good, 10/10.
•The Flash (2014) - You know what I don’t get tired of Iris telling Barry to just run faster. Like I’m sorry Iris West is just that girl, and she needs to get more props for kickstarting the trend of robbing redheads of their representation. Candice Patton is the loml. This show is bad and cringe and gone on for too long but sometimes I just need a show where the hero saves the day because he loves his family and friends.
• Succession (2018) - They’re all horrible horrible people....but I could fix Shiv Roy. Listen I’m part of the succession hive since season two and I love it. Sometimes HBO prestige tv is good.
• Real Housewives of Potomac (2016) - They are the best houswives of the moment. After rhony and rhobh started to flop and rhoslc was filled with trump stans we needed a hero, and rhop came through. I root for these ladies, and I cry for these ladies.
• Dickinson (2019) - ....Alena Smith owes me millions in emotional damages. I cannot believe that Hailee Steinfield isn’t a little gay like she’s too good at playing gay. The writing is flawless, every season makes me bawl, emily and sue are just those girls and no one else comes close.
• Interview with the vampire (2022)- I’ve never been an Anne Rice vampire gay but I’m gonna have to be now. The writing is my favorite. The dialogue is legit poetry. They’re so gay and so dramatic. I never liked Lestat until Sam Reid, he just did what tom cruise could not. Also I will miss Bailey Bass so much as Claudia.
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Idk if you like Lana del Rey but I find so many of her songs fit the UT/Cloudia ship. Like Born to Die or National Anthem.
Do I like Lana Del Rey? If by “like” you mean “adore with absolute devotion and love” then yeah, I ~guess~ you could say I like my queen of Coney Island 💓
Nah but for real I agree with you Anon, so many of Queen Lana’s songs fit UT/Claudia. My personal favorite is Dark Paradise because I feel like that, specifically, encompasses the Undertaker so well it’s almost freaky. If UT was a 21st century lonely hearts producer he’d hire Lana in a heartbeat because hot damn if she isn’t singing the album of his life 😂
I actually did a post on which LDR songs fit our favorite Kuro characters but with the release of Lust for Life and the two new songs from her upcoming Norman Fucking Rockwell album (I fucking love her sense of humor omg) I’d say Mariners Apartment Complex has become Lizzy’s theme song. Like,
“They mistook my kindness for weaknessI fucked up, I know that, but JesusCan’t a girl just do the best she can?”
Also think Old Money would fit the UT/Claudia pairing pretty well - it’s got such a melancholy but mysterious edge to it. Cherry and Tomorrow Never Came from LFL are just saturated with possible UT/Claudia themes, particularly since the element of tragedy is pretty damn prevalent in both songs xD
Thanks for the ask Anon! 
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- mod Nina 
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skizmin · 6 years
stop making txt politics and let people stan whoever they want predebut!!!
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strangerquinns · 3 years
For the Nanny Masterlist can we have her go on holiday or maybe a city break to take her mind off Seb but he's there with his date and she find herself getting a little bit too drunk at the bar/club and some guy starts to flirt/dance with her and Seb gets jealous?
The Nanny Masterlist | Part Eighteen
pairing: sebastian stan x f!younger!reader (au)
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"A date?" Claudia spoke, "Are you sure that's what it was?"
"I know what I saw, they came out and were wrapped around each other." You sighed deeply. "I shouldn't be mad, right? He's allowed to move on."
"Pretty quickly moving on if you ask me." Claudia mumbled beneath her breath, but you caught her every word. "Well...now that should just push you forward more to forget him. You're too young and too hot to be pining over some man that isn't thinking about you." She paused for a moment, "We're going out."
You looked towards her confused. "Out where?"
"We're going into the city, we're going to get dressed up, looking hot as hell and going to act like we don't have a care in the world. We can call Jeremy and see if he wants to come, oh! And Hallie and Kennedy. We haven't seen them in forever and they live in the city now."
You sat there for a moment and contemplated "I haven't seen then in a while..."
Claudia smiled widely, "I'm making the calls. Go get your shit ready!"
Hours later you sat in Kennedy's living room with a drink in your hand with a soft buzz already starting. The moment all of you got together it's like didn't pass at all and it was like old times. You knew Kennedy from college and at the time they were dating Jeremy. But now is dating Hallie. Everyone stayed friends despite the past and if anything made you all closer.
You took another drink from your glass before setting it down and walking towards the mirror to finish off your make-up. The skin-tight black mini dress hugged along the curves of your body beautifully, the corset style top accenting your chest the most. You felt hot, you weren't going to fool yourself there. Your platform shoes added a little height and made your legs seem endless.
"Holy fuck," a voice spoke coming into the living room more, when you turned around to see Hallie, with a bright smile on her face. "Ok, you might make me drop Kennedy and switch sides."
You rolled your eyes before turning back to apply your lipstick, "You're too in love with that man to do that sweetie."
"So true," Hallie sighed with an almost dreamy tone to it. You laughed before stepping away from the mirror. "Claudia still getting ready?"
"Yes, and the boys are changing in the bedroom." Hallie walked towards the bar and poured herself a drink. "Claud tells me you're needing to get over some guy?"
You groaned softly, "I guess...damn Claudia and her need to gossip."
"It was coming from a place of love and you know it," She walked towards you more. "Are you ok?"
You shrugged your shoulders, "As 'ok' as I can be. I loved him...stupidly and he obviously was using me as a distraction from his divorce. Should've known nothing would come of it."
Hallie frowned "I'm sorry babes. Well, we are going to make sure you catch someone's eyes tonight. Maybe a little action will push this Sebastian out of your mind."
Once everyone was ready all of you got into a Uber and headed towards the bar. The moment you guys walked into the bar, Jeremy got a round of shots for all of you. The buzz from before moved through your body and grew with intensity.
As the night went on, the drinks flowed and you spent most of the time on the dance floor with Claudia and Kennedy. The night was going exactly as planned till your eyes moved to look around the bar and landed on the one man you'd been trying to get over. Your body froze as you stood at the table the rest of the group was at.
He sat at a table with a few others, but the one other person you recognized was the woman from before. His arm was slung across the back of the booth and her body tucked closer to him. Your heart felt like it moved into your throat and was making it hard to breathe.
"I need another drink," You mumbled before moving towards the bar, pushing through the bodies till you go to it. "Want the strongest thing you have,"
The bartender nodded their head before moving to make your drink, moments later it was placed in front of you. Just as you started to drink it down Jeremy came up beside you.
"You ok? Dipped out of there quickly. Looked a little panicked."
"My ex is here," You spoke quickly, your voice slurred slightly. "Fucking bastard brought a date."
Jeremy's brows pulled together tightly. "Where's he at?"
You looked over your shoulder across the bar once again and spotted Sebastian almost instantly. Your finger pointed towards him and Jeremy followed your finger to find him.
"Wow, he's hot" Jeremy spoke, as you drank the rest of your drink. "He is looking over here,"
Your back froze, and you willed yourself to not look in that direction. "Really?"
"Oh yeah...and he does not look happy." He chuckled, "I have an idea. Let's go dance."
Before you could protest, Jeremy's hand wrapped around your wrist and pulled you towards the dance floor.
"What are you doing?" You whispered towards him.
"We're gonna give that man a little bit of his own medicine."
Jeremy pulled your body close to his and soon the two of you began to dance. You'd danced with Jeremy before so there wasn't anything weird or awkward about it. Your hips swayed against his, and maybe even, exaggerated your movements knowing Sebastian was watching close by. Jeremy's hands moved along your body before holding tightly to your waist. His face was tucked into the corner of your neck as he whispered in your ear.
"If looks could kill, I think that man would've killed me dead in my spot." Jeremy chuckled
You laughed and rested your head against his shoulder, but as the song started to end, you pulled away.
"I need fresh air," You smiled up towards him, "Thank you for that."
Jeremy nodded his head before you slipped away through the crowd and towards the patio. The moment you walked out into the porch the cool air felt good against your heated skin. You leaned against the railing and pushed your hair from your face and tried to calm your breathing.
"Having fun?" a voice spoke and jumped slightly to the sudden noise. Your head turned towards the direction of the voice to see him.
Sebastian leaned against the wall, his gaze glaring towards you with a heat that made your stomach drop slightly. He brought a cigarette to his lips and took a deep pull, before blowing the smoke off to the side.
"Didn't know you smoked," You spoke looking towards him confused.
"I do so when I'm stressed," He answered, "Didn't answer my questions...are you having fun?"
"What does it matter to you?" You felt suddenly felt angry as you stood before him. You didn't miss how his eyes scanned down your body slowly.
He scoffed before dropping the cigarette to the floor and smashing it with his boot. Sebastian stood there looking down towards his feet for a moment before his blue eyes looked up towards you.
"It matters a lot to me,"
"Really? Think the date inside would have a different opinion on that,"
Sebastian rolled his eyes and shook his head, a hand reaching up and rubbing along his jaw. "She's just a friend,"
"Right." You rolled your eyes, before moving back towards the door. "Well, I have friends waiting for me."
You had to walk past him to get back through the door. But just as you walked to his side, Sebastian drew his arm out, grabbing around your waist. You gasped lightly at the touch before looking towards him, his eyes were staring down at you.
"Going back to the friend that had his hands all over you?"
"Maybe. Again, what does it matter to you, Sebastian?"
His eyes moved to your lips before going back to your eyes.
"I don't particularly like seeing a man's hands all over something that is mine."
A frown tugged on your lips. "I'm not yours, Sebastian...not anymore."
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Flora Purim - If You Will - new album out today!
One of the all-time greats of Brazilian jazz fusion, Flora Purim, returns with her first studio album in over 15 years, ‘If You Will’. Conceived as a celebration of her music and collaborations, the album explores new compositions alongside fresh versions of Flora’s favourite personal songs and positive lyrics from across her varied career. Title track ‘If You Will’ reprises a song from her inspired collaborations with George Duke: “You will find... good love, real joy, so much peace of mind, if you will…”; the resilient ‘This Is Me’ updates an Airto jam band tune ‘I Don’t Wanna Be Myself Again’; ‘500 Miles High’ marks the heyday of the late Chick Corea’s Return To Forever band and ‘Zahuroo’ interprets a song by Claudia Villela about “a shapeshifting animal creature, a messenger who acts as a bridge between our thoughts and the universe.” A family affair recorded primarily in Curitiba and Sao Paulo, ‘If You Will’ brings together many of Flora’s closest circle of musicians including Airto Moreira, guitarist José Neto, her daughter Diana Purim on vocals and percussionist Celso Alberti. The album is the latest chapter in Flora’s long, illustrious and varied career. As well as her celebrated partnership with Airto and her early days with Quarteto Novo, Flora has worked with Stan Getz, Gil Evans, Miriam Makeba, George Duke, Chick Corea (as an original member of Return To Forever), Dizzy Gillespie’s United Nation Orchestra, Uruguayan band Opa and many more. Her solo albums on Milestone remain true jazz fusion classics.  Produced by Flora Purim Co-Produced by Roberta Cutolo Associate Producer: Filipe Castro
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zeenmrala · 2 years
get to know me tag game  ♡
tagged by: @corona-one / @seriowan - thank u friends, ily  ♡
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don’t reblog!
- favorite color: purple
- currently reading: star wars the high republic: into the dark by claudia gray. I love the high republic books so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
- last song: moonlight by ariana grande (it makes me so soft)
- last movie: annihilation (fucking unreal movie oh my god)
- last series: bridgerton season 2 (i love it so mUCH enemies-to-lovers makes me weak)
- sweet, spicy, savory: spicy
- coffee or tea: tea always and forever
- three ships: anidala, codywan and ventress/quinlan (dark disciple has me in a chokehold)
- first ever ship: honestly monica and chandler from friends lol
- currently working on: by the light of the second moon (next two chapters)
- favorite piece of clothing: my chromatica hoodie (im a lady gaga stan, who knew huh?)
- comfort food: spaghetti and red pesto 
- favorite time of year: autumn
- fav fanfiction: literally too many to count, so many from so many fandoms and years online i could not pick just one jsdfsjdfasjfhafjsafskd 
- tags for people i’d like to get to know better (no pressure!!!):
@elledjarin @lifeless-being @gggoldfinch @kimageddon @gran-maul-seizure @the-good-shittt @downinthewater and anyone who wants to play ♡
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piracytheorist · 3 years
(different anon here that also needs to rant - apologies in advance) would be also real nice if some stans could just use anti tags and also not insult/namecall real people who like a fictional character that they hate? then they tell you to 'go outside and touch some grass lol just a joke why u mad?' (little do they know some of us are bedridden thanks to covid, so nope I can't! at most I can open a window... being able to see grass and people should be enough tho)
-- also, just to add something: Lisa was canonically 14, a child! when Umbrella started experimenting on her and her family (her parents were executed when the scientists didn't like the results of the experiments)! she was chained like an animal! for 30 YEARS! injected with not just viruses but parasites too! you find most of this in the game!
meanwhile the lords were grown adults emotionally manipulated into being implanted w cadou (one could extrapolate Miranda used the whole family spiel for Donna after losing Claudia - and for Moreau too; finding a cure and being pretty forever for Alcina; unknown for Heisenberg - and yet all that is STILL just reaching on my part :/ ), and the moment she saw they were unfit vessels for Eva she dropped them like hot potatoes, she handed jars of cadou to them (you can find them in their houses, and the Duke has one in his wagon) and p much told them to make themselves useful and experiment on villagers too (while Karl uses corpses, one of his notes practically says that he's one failure away from using live villagers) bc further experiments on unfit vessels would be a waste of her precious time looking for the perfect one. why waste her time on failures when she can use them as more figureheads to keep her godlike status and control over the village?
(this comes from me being a giant lords fan, but being unable to find anything about them being taken from their families as children, experimented on and tortured (as fellow fans say) in the game. i've read every note, quote, concept art text! other than the 'humiliation' and 'forced to serve her for decades' 'won't let us leave' Karl mentions, i saw nothing. so where the f are they getting it from? if there was an article from the devs i missed I'd love to read it! all we know is that they are all the last desendants from their respective noble families, the 4 founding houses (does that mean that they're all kinda rich and powerful? just not moreau lol). maybe dlc will have answers. maybe not.
once again I'm sorry for the long rant.
Yeah, some stans just take it upon themselves to proclaim how "right" they are for liking a specific character, and how everyone who likes other specific characters is stupid and out of touch with reality. Same shit happened in the previous fandom I was in, for the TV show Once Upon a Time. That's the reason why they also refuse to use anti tags. They're so self-absorbed that they think their opinion is the only right one, and that EVERYONE has to hear their negative thoughts about that character because they're RIGHT and EVERONE SHOULD BOW TO THEM HALLELUJAH.
At this point, the moment I see people post negative stuff in main tags without using anti tags, I just block. I used to be against blocking people on tumblr, but at this point it's gotten tiring, and one of the main reasons I visit this hellsite is to peacefully fawn over Mold Dad. I don't have time for people who hate on him (or Mia, for that matter) and think everyone is obligated to listen to them.
I'm not sure how much manipulation there was in Miranda experimenting on the Lords. Heisenberg says, in his diary, "I'll never forgive [Miranda] for what she did to me," referring on her altering his body and taking away his consent and dignity. I thought that she simply kidnapped them and just straight-up experimented on them without any talk about it. Maybe I reached a wrong conclusion, lol. But in any case, they all reach the point where they do the same thing to the rest of the innocent villagers. Heisenberg using dead bodies is still immoral, like, I doubt he had the clear consent of those people, when they were still alive, to use their bodies (concept art shows him overlooking his Soldats or sth gravedigging for new corpses), and using a person's body however you like, without that person having agreed to it during their lifetime, is considered immoral in most cultures. Even if he somehow had the consent of all the people whose bodies hung around his factory, the fact that he even CONSIDERS using live people for his experiments... that's no freedom fighter, darling. That's turning into your abuser. Which is an actual thing that happens sometimes to abuse victims, and a much more interesting dynamic for Heisenberg than woobifying him and only presenting him as an abuse victim. He's not misunderstood. He uses people's corpses to make an army. He's no poor little meow meow. He has a conscience and he woke up and chose violence. And he looked sexy doing it.
Again, I have seen people say "Poor Heisenberg was taken away by Miranda when he was a kid" and I'm like "DUDE WHERE???" If anything all that sounds like further woobification by the stans, like it's okay if you love him and want to give him a super tragic childhood, I'm a whumper myself, I get it, but again it's just a headcanon. Unless I've missed something myself, lol, I'd like to see it if it has.
no worries! you are under no obligation to answer, being acknowledged and letting me rant in your inbox is more than enough <3 was just feeling a bit cranky after my shift yesterday then saw the other anon and brain just went 'I wanna rant about this game too'
Yo, I love this game an irrational amount especially considering its genre, so I love talking about it, and its characters, and everything, and though I try not to dwell on fandom wank, sometimes it feels cathartic to talk about how said fandom wank is just wank XD So rant away about re8 all you want, my inbox is open and waiting! <3
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danger-xylophones · 4 years
Family Reunion Part 7. The Child
Notes: I screwed up the timeline of Star Wars because I didn’t think about it so, sorry. 
Ps. I stan big-brother Therapist Opress
Warnings: Swearing, reader is a panicky mess for a little bit, some suggestive language
Words: 3246
Taglist: @and-claudia // @tararuthven // @ravenclawlegacy // @noiralei // @pinkiemme // @darthsmol
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Forever indeed. It felt like Maul had been gone for forever. You hadn’t seen him in two months and they were some of the most excruciating months you’d ever lived through. What made it worse were the few and far between calls late at night that only made your aching for your unofficial husband grow. You were legitimately becoming concerned for as the time stretched on without contact, you began to feel sicker. Was it possible to get sick from missing someone? Is that what people meant when they described someone as ‘lovesick’? 
“Y/n, are you sure you are alright?” Ki-Adi’s voice shook you to the core as you were forced to refocus on the fact that you were currently in the middle of a duel with him. Your master had lowered his saber, one hand held up to stop you from pressing your advantage while he questioned you. 
“I’m fine, Master.” The reply was immediate and spoken without thought. You knew you were just being dramatic and that your life had to go on when Maul wasn’t around. You were to become a Jedi. He was a Sith Lord. Divergence from each other was what founded your relationship and when that manifested in not seeing each other for months, you had to learn to deal with it. The whole ‘feeling sick because my husband isn’t here to hold me’ thing was getting old fast. 
Your husband....gods, those words didn’t seem real. Legally binding or not, the fact of the matter was that you had married Maul in total secrecy two months ago. You could remember the moment he claimed you as his wife so clearly that on the most lonely nights it seemed to become the only thing that was real and untainted by hypocrisy, hubris, and politics. The knowledge that you were the only one who would ever know the feel of Maul’s hands on your hips, or the gentle nudge of his nose against your own as he pressed his lips to yours, or even how solid he felt when buried in-
You internally shook your head. Yes, the knowledge that you were the only one that would ever know how any of that felt was...intoxicating. And you were selfish. Maul’s love was a drug and you were the only one that had access to it. 
“Are you sure? You seem very distracted.” Ki-Adi continued, blocking the strike you levied at his side. 
“I’m. Fine.” You seethed, frustrated at your mind for wandering and at your body for how poorly you were fighting. 
Ki-Adi sheathed his saber and raised an eyebrow at you, hands finding a place clasped behind his back. He was disappointed. You sighed and sheathed your green saber as well, already preparing for the inevitable lecture. “I do not believe you, Y/n. You haven’t been acting like yourself since we returned from negotiations on Toydaria.” Ki-Adi stepped forward to grasp your shoulder, communicating his concern more clearly than his perpetually calm voice would allow. “Did something happen?” 
You shifted on your feet, knowing you would have to lie. There was no way you could tell him that you were lovesick but you could explain the physical symptoms your predicament had manifested. “No, master, nothing happened. Just...I don’t know how to explain it.” You carded a hand through your hair briefly. “For the past few weeks, I haven’t felt...like myself?” You tried, looking into your master’s calm face. 
Ki-Adi’s brows furrowed. There was no condemnation in his eyes, only curiosity. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean...I can’t remember the last time I got a good night’s worth of rest. For some reason, certain smells have been bothering me lately, I’m so tired all the time-yesterday I passed out in the library and Madame Jocasta had to walk me to my room because I couldn’t walk more than a few steps without feeling nauseous.” You let out an angry huff directed at the strange reactions your body was having to the absence of Maul. “But, every time I’ve considered going to the healers to see what is going on, the symptoms vanish.”
Ki-Adi was quiet for a moment as he digested the revelation. “Do you know what might be causing these reactions?” He eventually asked, taking a seat in the middle of the mat you had been fighting on. You followed his lead, sticking your chin in one hand and propping your elbow on your bended knee while your free hand toyed with a rogue string on your robe. You shook your head, eyes boring into the ground. “Are you, perhaps, nervous for the Trials?” 
You shook your head again, straightening up. “No, I mean...I am just a bit nervous but I know that these reactions aren’t originating from that. I was more nervous about making my second lightsaber and this never happened.” Your stomach gave an almighty lurch all of a sudden which caused you to clasp your hand over your mouth, the other shooting to your stomach. But, just as quickly as it had come upon you, the sensation vanished leaving you and your perplexed master. You groaned in frustration, almost wishing you would just vomit so that whatever was going on would cease. Ki-Adi sent you a sympathetic frown, helping you to your feet. “If I may forgo discretion, master?” He hummed to tell you it was alright. “I spoke with Luminara Unduli and she posited that it could just be an intense bout of pms. Which would make sense…” Because I’m late…Like,...two months late. And with that realization, a whole new plethora of issues became very likely possibilities. No, no...we...Maul and I aren’t even the same species. That can’t happen...or can it? Zabraks are classified as Near-human. In theory, we could...no, no. 
“Hmm, this is troubling. May I suggest that you go to the healers, Padawan? Even if Master Unduli is correct, I think it would be wise to receive confirmation.” Ki-Adi, ever tranquil in his approach, thankfully rescued you from the spiraling panic now coiling in your chest. “Come, I will escort you there.” 
“Y/n?” Savage’s rumbling baritone voice pulled you back to reality and you suddenly realized that you had been zoned out for a very long time. When had you started deep cleaning the ship? Looking away from the floor of the cockpit you had started diligently scrubbing, you met the towering zabrak’s questioning gaze as he leaned against the doorway. “Are you alright? You’ve been cleaning incessantly since you woke up.”  
Briefly letting your eyes flicker over the various cleaning supplies strewn around you, you shrugged, mouth feeling dry. “I...I guess.” With a little more focus, you returned to scrubbing, eager for some distraction. “I’ve just...been lost in thought, I guess.” 
“I noticed.” Savage stated bluntly whilst crossing his arms. “I’m worried about you, sister.” You paused at his words, momentarily closing your eyes as you collected yourself. You could hear him approaching, long strides echoing around the small area as he neared until he crouched next to you and gently worked the rag out of your hands. “You have not been yourself for the past few days.” Your eyes snapped open and slid to the side to meet Savage’s gaze. His brow was worked into a frown and one of his large hands was hesitantly reaching out, as though he was unsure if he was allowed to console through touch. 
Opting to let him in, you reached out and grabbed his hand. “I’m afraid seeing Maul in this state has...drained me. I just needed a reprieve and I guess shutting down was the way I went about achieving that.” As you spoke, you let your thumbs dig into his palm while you used him as an anchor. “And,” glancing around Savage to see into the makeshift sleeping area the three of you had set up, you took note of how Wild was still completely passed out which made it safe to make your confession, “and it isn’t helped by the lying on my end. I want to tell Wild the truth, but I’m terrified of how he’ll react. He’s lived his whole life believing his father to be dead. What will he do when he finds out that he’s not and that he was, in fact, a Sith Lord? I don’t want him to go into shock over it but how the hell am I supposed to adjust him to the idea organically?” You muttered more to yourself than to Savage who was still patiently crouched next to you, happily lending an ear. 
Savage’s breathing was the only thing you could hear, low and steady like the breath of a mythical beast. It was soothing to hear something other than your own panicked thoughts. “I wish I knew how to help you, Y/n. I care for Wild and I care for you too. The three of you are the only kin I have left.” He sighed and finally took a seat beside you, still allowing you to toy with his hand. 
“I hadn’t thought about that...how are you holding up?” You tried carefully, releasing Savage’s hand when he gently tugged it away from you. 
“Not well, if I am to be completely honest. Though-I have the benefit of not remembering what Maul used to be like.” Savage’s voice dropped to barely above a whisper. 
Not entirely sure where to go from here, you opted to voice the most pressing anxiety that plagued you without ceasing. “Do you really think Mother Talzin will be able to help him?” 
“Help him? No. Bring back Darth Maul? Yes.” 
“Padawan L/n, these results are...most concerning.” The words falling from the Mirialan healer are...disconcerting which causes you to sit up, propping yourself on your elbows as you rise from the bed to watch her movements. 
“Why?” You ask, sitting up a little further as your panic makes a resurgence. “What’s wrong? What do they say?” She didn’t reply nor did she turn to look at you as she raised a hand and flicked her fingers in unison to beckon you over. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and walked over to the screen that was displaying the results of the full-body scan she had run to pinpoint the epicenter of your troubles. The particular area of interest was a position that was decidedly not your stomach like you thought it would be. Oh no. “W-...what does that mean?” You asked, trembling. Your throat was swiftly closing up as you continued to stare at the red circle that blinked placidly above your uterus. 
“Y/n, you know what it means. Coupling the scan with your other symptoms, I think the issue is impossible to deny or misinterpret.” The Mirialan was bristling as she spoke, the sympathy draining from her voice with every word till it was sucked dry of any humanity. “I must inform the council immediately.” 
Inform the...shit. Whirling around faster than you thought humanly possible and leaping over the bed, you practically tackled the healer to keep her from leaving the room. “Dariada, listen to me. I don’t know how this happened.” You attempted to explain, hands grasping her left forearm in a vice. 
She made a noise of utter indignation that echoed in your head. “You don’t-how could you not know?! You slept with a man, Padawan L/n, that’s how this happened. You broke the code! They’ll expel you from the order for this!” She was livid. 
“They could if I had broken the code! But I didn’t! I didn’t sleep with anyone!” Liar. Liar. This baby’s mother is a liar. Maul, fuck, where are you? One hand shot to your front, gently laying over where your womb was. “There was no one. I swear.” 
“That doesn’t happen, Y/n. You had to have slept with someone.” Dariada shot back, hood dangerously close to flying off. Her vibrant green skin was a shade darker from the blood rushing to it in her anger. You had never liked Dariada, she was always far too self-righteous, but you liked her even less now. With what could only be described as a snarl, she wrenched her arm free and grabbed both of your wrists in an iron grip, already marching her way out of the hall and dragging you along with her. She held true to her word and informed the council of the...situation. 
Soon you were standing in the middle of the council members, begging for them to believe you that there had been no one. The lie felt like poison on your tongue, it seeped into your own system just as it flew at the council members. Plo Koon was the first to believe you. “I can sense much fear in you, padawan. Why?” The Kel Dor had asked amidst your muffled sobs. There was no hint of condemnation in his modulated voice, but, instead, compassion and empathy. 
“With all due respect, Master Plo, I just found out that I’m pregnant and I can’t even explain how it happened. I am not ashamed to admit I am terrified of what is to become of my baby.” You turned towards him, hiccuping and blubbering throughout your confession. 
“Only your baby?” Plo Koon asked, raising the ridge where his eyebrow would be. You were painfully aware of the gazes of each individual master on you. Ki-Adi’s was the heaviest of them all. 
With a swallow, you attempted to calm your nerves. Maul could help you. Maul would help you. You just had to get in touch with him. But what would his master do to him, to your baby? The tears began anew. “Only my baby. I can be expelled from the order and find a way to survive but what of them?” No answer was needed for your question. The implications were clear. 
“Padawan, approach.” Master Yoda’s voice called to you as he beckoned you closer with his three-fingered hand. His expression was unreadable. You did as he commanded and the old master closed his eyes and held his hand out in front of him when you were little more than a foot away from him. “A child of the Force, the babe is. Clouded is their future.” The grandmaster sighed heavily, letting his head and hand fall in time. “Expel her, we cannot. Powerful will the child be. We must not let either of them fall to the dark side.” Murmurs fell from the masters, sneaking past you as they slipped from loose lips. 
“But is she telling the truth, Master Yoda?” Master Tinn was the one to voice the question on all of their minds. 
“She has to be, Master Tinn.” It was Ki-Adi who spoke in your defense. “Dariada said that she was approaching nine weeks, in that time, the only instances where Y/n has left my sight was when she was in the temple. Y/n is predisposed to the light side and has never broken the code before, to assume that she would to this extent is unwise and unfair to my padawan.” You sent Ki-Adi a grateful smile as he rose from his chair and approached to stand beside you in front of his fellow masters. 
“What are you suggesting we do then, Master Mundi?” Mace Windu asked from your right. 
“Put Y/n’s training on hold and postpone the trials. We will keep her in the temple to watch over her and when the baby comes, I think it would be wise to look into training them.” Ki-Adi offered swiftly to muttered agreements. 
With a tap of his staff, Yoda called the room to him. “A wise decision that is, Master Mundi. Watch her closely, you must. Now,” He focused on you, eyes penetrating your defenses till his gaze seared into you, “fetch Master Qui-Gon Jinn, young padawan, know something of this occurrence, he might.” You dipped your head to bid the council farewell before skirting away from them. As you fled the meeting area, one thought remained. Where are you, Maul? 
Maul was being a nuisance. You had gone into the cargo hold in search of more ration bars and thought that he had still been asleep. You were correct, he was still in the same place you had left him last night. Or he had been until Savage came stomping in after you and woke him up. Now, he was acting like a feral tooka; hissing and spitting at Savage while you, once again, trapped behind him. Savage had backed off with his hands up to show surrender but Maul hadn’t relented and you were rather fed up with it. “Savage, go get me a damp cloth, I’ll try to calm him down.” You ordered whilst nodding your head to Maul. Savage was eager to help calm his brother and so, swiftly backed out. 
Meanwhile, you worked to soothe Maul once more, delicately coaxing him to lay down with his torso across your lap. Gentle purrs rumbled in his chest while you worked your hand into the perpetually tense muscles in his back. Savage entered once more, quietly this time, and handed the cloth he had gotten to you. You used the rag to dab at the junctures of Maul’s body. You hoped the motion would be soothing. His fever had broken sometime during the night but you were still trying to ensure he was kept comfortable for the remainder of the journey. 
Before the silence could persist for much longer, Savage broke it as he leaned on some stacked crates across from you. “Did Wild mention the tattoos to you?” 
Looking away from Maul and to the door to the hold, you made sure the three of you were alone. “Yes, he told me he had been talking to you about Dathomir and the Nightbrothers.” You brought your gaze back to Savage who seemed a little hesitant to continue talking. 
“Did...did he tell you why?” You shook your head. Savage sighed heavily and slid down to be seated. “I’m afraid Wild suspects we are hiding something from him.” 
“I knew he’d start to.” You muttered under your breath, subconsciously gripping the cloth tighter. “Did he say anything?” 
Savage shook his head, “No, but he was asking a lot of questions regarding Maul. I answered as many as I could.”
“Wild’s always been perceptive, I knew we couldn’t hide this forever. But, did he tell you why he wanted more? He told me you had offered to help him.” 
The yellow zabrak groaned, pulling one knee up to use as an armrest as he averted his gaze to Maul who had taken to playing with your free hand. “All he said was that he could feel something coming, something monumental.” 
Your brows furrowed. That was...news. Why hadn’t he talked to you about this? Probably because you’ve been keeping secrets from him, you lying piece of-
The door suddenly slid open to reveal the boy of the hour. His...cold saffron eyes zeroed in on Maul before flicking away to Savage and then yourself. His face was stiff. “We’re approaching Dathomir, I took the liberty of starting landing procedures.” His voice was clipped and serious, more than it normally was. With one last glare at Maul, he turned and stalked towards the cockpit. 
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