minai28 · 3 months
Basically just musing aloud about my mom and relationships. Probably over sharing
I had a talk with my mom a few days ago and I think she didn't realize that Polyamory is a thing. Not that the concept of one person being with more than one partner was completely forgaine to her, she's been going on and on about that exact concept and how she wished it could be for years, she just... Didn't realize it was a thingTM outside of very specific cultural practices she half herd about 2 decades ago.
She didn't realize it could be her, I've been trying to tell her that it could be her (if all partys involved agree, of course) for nearly a decade but it finally seemed to have hit home.
Honestly, even if she didn't officially enter any sort of poly relationship, she was definitely in love with two people. She loved and married my father and she loved my uncle (uncle as in family friend. Friends are the family you choose and both my perants chose him, making him an uncle of sorts to me).
I know that she looked the same on both their funerals and to me she looked like a widow on both, even though she was only ever officially involved with my father.
My friends always thought my mom was cheating on my dad with my uncle but I genuinely doubt it. She seems way too... caged, for lack of a better term. She's very much caged by social norms and her own very limited view of what she could be and do.
This whole debacle has the wierd side effect that when I heard of my uncles illegitimate child running around somewhere in New Zealand I imidiatly started thinking of her as my sister. How? Why? Idk.
I just know that my uncle's kid is out there somewhere and that I think of her as basically my half sister, dispite that not making sense.
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lookitsaflyingtoaster · 3 months
I listened to "The Future is a Forgain Land"
So often that it appeard on ALL of the Playlists share with friends
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techibo · 7 months
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malika-carnelian · 2 years
It's Caturday, what's your opinion on Cats?
“. . .” - she began to speak, a lot of purrs, meowing and body language were done while answering this.
{{ // gonna reply this for both mun&muse!
Our opinion on Cats is very positive and lovely, if it were for us, wewould adopted all the wild cats just for giving them a warm house, family's concept and protection.
( Mun ) People often laugh at me because I speak about "bonding" in a family conceptual thing with my cats... but I don't care: they seem to be uninterested at you if not only for food, but isn't true. Ihad three cats in my life and I loved all three of them in an equal manner, protectingthem from the outside and giving them a reason to come to me Or for cuddles/attention, Or for cheerish me whenever I was sad, sharing their love to me in a truthful way.
They are very emphathetic and knows when their loved ones are in a bad mood, plus, there are some cultural literatures where they speak of them like chasing away the bad spirits from you, which is why they all asleep many times comparing to us humans, forgaining back their strengths and positive aura. }}
Plus, they are adorable blorbos ok? GDHFKHHLH
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𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗪𝗘𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗦 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 & 𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐬 & 𝐟𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐞 #wellness #wellnessandbeauty #fat #cholesterol #cholestrolfree #cholestrolcontrol #nutrients #proteinshakerecipes #wellnessproducts #exerciese #reducefat #reducecholesterol #forslim #forgain #forlossweight #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightwatchers #weightlossgoals #diet #dietplan #dietplanner #dietplans #dietitian #dietitiansofinstagram #diecast_daily #dietalowcarb #dietaflexible #dietaactiva https://www.instagram.com/p/CD06aLbH2rq/?igshid=e65gh6iwtd7c
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dinopant · 5 years
i have to sleep my brain cells are falling apart
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windforestsso · 3 years
Im a scout leader (dont know why, I dont like kids).
And we recently had a meeting and I just got this sudden realistion that Jorvik most likely has Allemansrätt (All mans right).
Its a thing Sweden has. I think some other countries have something similare but not to the same scale as Sweden has it.
Its a right that pretty much mean that everyone has a right to be in nature. No matter if its private owned land or puplic place.
Forgainers has missunderstand it and dont realise there are rules.
Main rule is 'Dont destroy or disturb'.
For exempel:
- You not allowed to disturb people at their homes and enter peoples yards. (some forgainers have walked into peoples yards to pick apples. Not ok).
- You can enter pastures as long as you closes the gate after you.
-You not allowed to enter tree nursery/garden/ farm land or any other field thats used to grow plants on.
- Dont pick endangerd plants or break branshes of living trees.
- You can put up a tent for one day, after that you need to ask the land owner to stay for more days, or move the tent.
- You can ride a horse anywhere once. If you want ride one the same path for more than one day you need to ask the land owner for permission.
Ofcourse its more game logic that mc can run into peoples yards and over their flowers and farm land.
But canonly it would make sense that Jovik would have Allemansrätt.
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wolfcrunch · 4 years
I dont get how forgain artist who aren't evne japense citzin are hit - yet japense artist are apparently left alone like - what, i get piracy but how tf those fanart countribute to that?? glad tumblr is so unknwon nowdays its safe.
yeah its so strange?? i guess its because fanbases for anime/manga are so big outside jp, and a lot of manga leaks usually get released from sources outside jp.. with fanart it seems to happen if your style too closely resembles the official, which sucks - i know theres a handful of mha artists who take inspiration from mha’s style, and i know the DB community also seems to be pretty big on that...
its just so bizarre.. to be safe im probably gonna change my twt pfp lmao, even though i dont post much on there..
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huzzatullah · 4 years
Agricultural economy Bangladesh
Inteoduction: Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Most of the illiterate people depends on agricultural. We can not pass our life without agricultural material. Exampul:Rice, suger, jute etc. Government should modifate the farmers because they grow many others fruits. We run or live our life to eat agricultural fruit and rice.
Agricultural economy: Agricultural economics is an applied to field of economis economic concerned with the application of economic theory in optimizing  the production and distribution of foods and fiber. Agricultural  economis begaen as a branch of economics that  specifically deals with land usage it focused on maximizingthe while maintaining a good oil ecosystem. Throught the 20th centry the decipline expnded and the current shop of the discipline I much broather. Agrultural economics today include a variety of applied areas, having concidarable overlap with convertional economics. Agricultural economics have made substantial contribution to rechar in economics.
Bangladesh agricultural economy: Agriculture remains the most important sector of Bangladesh reconomy. Contributing 19.6 percent to the national GDP and providing employment for 63 percent of the population. Agricultural in Bangladesh is heavily dependent on weather, and the entire harvest  can be wiped out in a matter of hourse when cyclone hit the country. According to the word bank ,the total arable land in Bangladesh is61.2present in1980. Firms are usually very small due to  heavily increasing population, unweedly land owner sheep and inheritance reguations.  The three main crops rice,jute, and  tea have dominted agricultural exports decades, although the rice is grown almost entirely for domestic  are, while jut  and tea are the main export earns. In addition to these products , Bangladeshi farmers produce sugarcane, tobacco ,or cotton and various fruits and vegetables sweets potato, bananas pineapple.etc for the domestic market.
Rice : Rice is main food of angladesh. Our main food is rice.we eat rice everyone. We can not live without rice.our main food is rice. Rice is staple food in everyday dit I Bangladesh. The production of rice,which can be harvested 2 or 3  even three  times a year,reached 199 million metric ton in 1998-99. The . prodoction of eatic tons in reached about 2 million matric tons in 1998-99. Both crops play an important role in achieving self –sufficiency in food production. However, due to wheather conditions the production of rice and weat fluctuate greatly.forcing Bangladesh to import food from the international market or international aid. Bangladesh imported 1.6 million tons of wheat(mainly from united state) in 2000 in order to meet demand in the local market.
Jute :jute, often called the “goden fiber” of bangle, is the main export-earner of Bangladeshi agricultura. As Bangladesh remains he wrorld”s second –largest producer of jut(after idia)and the worlds largest exporter of fiber.Jut is traditionally used for the fiber of carpet baking. Burlap bags,cheap paper,and various others purposes. Its imorance for the Bangladeshi economy comes from in the fact that almost 3 millions farms are involved in jute production.in 1999 bangladeshi export earnings from jute amounted to us$55 million with the country producing 720,000 metric ton of jute. Although this is about one-third of jute production of the middle of the 1980s. the deline in jute production is attributed to declining word prices for this crop and farmers switching to other crops.
Tea:Bangladesh also produce tea leaves,mainly for export, although the export of this product contributes only 1percent of the country’s hard currency earnings. In 1998-99 the country produced 56000 metric ton of tea leavel, but it could produce twice that amount.The main obstacle to increasing production is failing price for tea in the international market and the management and regulation problems in the industry in the country.
Fish :Fish is another activity in the country,contributing 4.9percent to the GDP(1999-20000)and providing6 parcent of total export incam. The over all production was around 1.6 million metric tons(1999-20000. Bangladesh mainly export its shrip to international  market.
Importance of agricultural: Agricultural play crucial role in the life of economy. It is the backbone of economic system. Agriculture not only previous food and raw materials but also employment opportunitis to a very large population of population. The following facts clearly lighlight the  importance of agriculture in this country.
Source of livelihood: In india main corporation of working population is agriculture. about 50 parcent  of our population is directly engaged in agriculture. In advanced countris this ratio is very small being 5 per cent in U.k. 4 par cent in usa.16 per cent in Australia,14 per cent in france 21 per cent in japan and 32 per cent act in ussr. The high propotation in agriculture is due to the fct in non agricural activitis have not been developed to absorb the rapidly growing population.
Contribution of national incam: Agriculture is premier source of national income. According to national income committee and cso in 1960-61 per cent national income was contributed by agriculture and allied occupation. In 19 76-77 this sector alone contributed42.2 per cent while in 1981-82,its contribution   cent n to the true of 41.8 per cent. In 2001-contibuted around 32.4 per cent national incam.  This was future reduced to 28 per cent in1999-2000.  Contrary of this propotation of agriculture in uk is inly3,1 in usa it is 3parcent 2.5 per cent in Canada 9 per cent in japn,7.6 per cent in Australia. The mare consulation of all this I that more developed a country the smaller is the contribution of agriculture in national output.
Supply of food and fodder: agriculture sector also provides fodder for livestock(35.33crores).Cow and buffalo provide protective food in the form of milk and they also provide draught power for farm operaions .more ever it also meet the food requirement of the people. Import of food grains has been very small in recent year. Rather export avenues are being looked for.
Importance of international trade: it is the agricultural that feeds countrys trade. Agricultural product like tea sugar rice tobacco , constitute of main items of export of india. If the development praseocess of agriculture is smooth. export increase imports are reduce concidribity. Thus ,it helps to reduce the adverse balance of payments and save our forgain exchange. This mount can be well utilized to import other necessary inputs. Raw- materials, machinery and other infra structure which is otherwise useful for promotion of economic development of the country.
Market surplus: the dovelopment of agricultural sector leads to marketable surplus. As a company develops more and more people are to be engaged in miing, manufacturing and other non-agricultural sector. All these people depend upon the food production which they can meet from the marketable surplus expands. This can be sold to other countries. Here , it is worth mentioning that the development of japan, and other countries were made possible by the surplus of agriculture. There is no reason why this could not be done in our own case.
Source of raw material: Agriculture has been the source of raw matetrials to the leading industris like cotton and jute textiles, sugar tobacco, edible and non-edible oils etc. all these depends directly on agriculture.Aprt from this, many other like processing of fruits and vegetables, dal milling, rice husking, gur, making also depend on agriculture for their raw material. According to united nations survy,the industris with raw materials of agricultural origin accounted for 50 per cent of the value added and64 per cent of all jobs in the industrial sector.
Importance in transport:  Agriculture is the main support of railways and roadways which transport bulk of agricultural produce from farm to the mandies and fctories. Internal trade is mostly in agricultural products. Beside, the finance of government, also to the large extent, depends upon the prosperity of agricultural sector.
Contribution to Foreign exchange Resource: Agricultural sector constitutes an important place in the country’s export trade. According to an estimate, agricultural commodities like jute ,tobacco ,oilseeds ,spices raw cotton tea and coffee.
Vest Employment opportunity: The agricultural sector is significant as it provides greater employment opportunitis in the construction of irrogations projects, drainage system and other such activitis. With the fast growing population and high increses of unemployment and disguised unemployment in background countris,it is only agriculture sector which provides more employment chances to the labour force. In this way significant of agriculture emerges more and more.
Over all economic devolopement: in the source of economic devopement agriculture employs majority of people.this means raising the lavel of the nationl income and standard of living of the common man. The repaid rate of growth in agricultural sector give prograssip outlook and further motivation for development. As a result it helps to creat proper atmosphere for general economic development of the economy. Thus, economic development depends on the rate at which agriculture grows.
Source of saving: Improvement in agriculture can go a long way in increasing savings. It is seen that rich farmers have started saving especially after green revolution in the country. This surplus amount can be invested in agriculture sector for furthere, development of the sector. Saving potaintals are large in agriculture sector which can be properly tapped for the devolopement of the country.
Sourc of government income: In india , state governments grt sizeable reveue from the agriculture sector, land revenue, agricultural inco and me tax, irrigation tax and some other types of taxes are being livied on agriculture by the state government. Moreover, considerably revenue is earned by way of  mmmm
Basic of economic devolopement: Prof significant empsis on the improvement of agriculture for a balanced growth of an economy. The  development of agriculture provides nessary capital for the devolopement of other sectors like industry, transport and foreign trade. In fact a balanced devolpement of agriculture and industry is need of the day. From the above explanation, it may beconcluded that agriculture occupies an important place in the development of economy.It is in fact a pre condition for economic up liftment.
Problem of economy: Diseases have been inentifiease and lied one of the main factor for low productivity of the livestock sub- sector. About 30-50% of total value of livestock products is not every year due to diseases such as rinderpest, tryanosomiasis foot and month disise and liver fiuke.
Feed storage: Under nutrition and malnutrition are among the majore constrains of live stock production in Ethiopia, national stress has caused low growth rate, poor fertility and high mortality. High population growth and increasing density have lead to expantion of cultivated area the cost of grazing land on which smallholder livestock production depends. Permanent pastureland is believd to have decline by close to 60% over the lase three decdes. It shouls be note that areas where there is of animal  intencive cultivation,crop residues have become the min source feed.
Demand constrait:
Underdevelopment of roads and other infrastruscture has hindered live stock take off. It has been indicated that as incam declines for a variety of reasons, livestock products are the first to be selected or removed from the manue by the majority of consumers. Also during fasting seconds(which are  many) of charitians live stok  products are part of the daily manu. They are not eastly consomed which influances the demand of products negatively.
Inistutation and policy constrainsts: There are also institutionl and policy related problems such as lack of institution stability that could promot the sub-sector, lake of appropriate policies to promote and  production and productivity of the sub sector, Iack of appropite policys  to promote and increase production  and productivity of the sub-sector. Inadequate capital and recurrent budget allocations to the live stock sub-sector  have also contributed to its low productivity.
CON SULATION: This agricultural sector is vital importance for the region. It is undergoing transition to a market economy. With substantial change in social , ie productive and supply set-ups, as is the case with the other sector of the change have been accompanied by decline in agricultural production have affected also the national seed supply sectors of the region. The  region has had to face problems of food insecurity and some countries have need food aid for IDPs
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atop-the-citadel · 4 years
Gugdon forgain of Blake miso
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minai28 · 7 months
I've just had a thought.
Back in like 7th grade I tried to articulate something to my English teacher but was ignored for (this is not what the lessen is about) reasons. Also no one could really grasp my point because I was shut down while explaining.
So here it is! My grand point!
The true equivalent for a UK or US or Australian kid to our German lessons is english lessons.
What, why, how?
Simple. I was a German kid in a German school, for me German lessons were /first language/ lessons.
For a kid in an English speaking country their first language equivalent /is English/.
Learning german would be forgaine language, like English is a forgaine language to Germans.
The point I was getting it was actually that a English speaking kid would not relate to the statement 'ugh German is so hard' in the same way and for the same reasons. I felt I had to point that out during class but no one cared and probably still doesn't.
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libidomechanica · 7 years
Untitled # 54
I know I would windnes of so giver own ligh Thath pigweet, my glor and severbs, ressing too love, and trand— Perhappy heart. Lests in! I love raterviver void of thing upon a be crue. But I shakes me bling smather the gree me Land with you prove
thangeablent When-times field, again alively forgot. But on wind, calm waking the beautiful with little is, an a blace; or such Are name helter thy but how wrise I the quilt away          bendour next endere inters nor loved love becade of one pries than ring at pring, stasy I look’d like momiled sing had coff our neveristen’t dow-nich tune. Leave you
Drifty, or and since you     My broken, the to trail, An unstreen vain— oppeak. That in of thaw my my Land moor thy the fies. Far a joy! And my fall free, When groud sweat steme, and the kitch their and dreating in
like sky. And taugh let is throunge, With start is annul and moon, Than ach the worly moorsed. Yet madness thing, And naked see Boy baked here natic fame in the so cons In eachim, I there impassions heave yours brought, but prains.
Instrain in like archer thy neviever what, To see, And in their when slaked my can darks. Like tres I dream out, for was frument was Roarise you’d undergrounter the Owl a yeart, eve! Into conning you I am sea-cup in the pig, the woods dreams And that dasharms dance is flook is bunchange, soon
I give … or collapse Fired thy trong, why gentereath you no that be Lover. I lovery the once in this far, To to a cho it of a maked you        And keep,                         She home spic, Helense but words taper you all is bewaitier?
And the Rain they rounded. And I gest minest prouble                        and upon of you castended. Up. And dance swinter voiceasant thaw you pall; And who which pigween Deart— my dances, ther becay of the with yout said res forgain the degree, the teads.
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gymbrah91 · 8 years
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The best activities for your health are pumping and humping. 😉💪 #gym #fitness #pumpingiron #arnold #motivation #quote #health #life #lvft #ineedabeer #thristy #forgains #lol
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yourmarkrobinblr · 5 years
Why choose a professional Driving instructor at Winston Hills for driving lessons?
Driving is a primary need for everyone now. If you don’t know driving you must immediately join somedriving school to get the best Driving lessons in Hills District. Joining a driving school to learn drivinglessons is always better because they have trained professionals who can help you learn driving easily.How to choose a driving institute?Even when there are multiple institutes that claim to offer the best driving lessons, you must wiselychoose the best out of them. These are the important factors to consider while choosing an institute forgaining the best Driving lessons in Hills District: 1. Fee and discounts – Different driving classes offer driving lessons at different costs.You must compare the fees and discounts they offer to choose the best driving institute foryou.2. Previous student testimonials – You can enquire about the students who havealready completed the driving lessons from the institute and can contact them to know theirexperience.3. Duration of the course – You must also know about the approximate time they willtake to impart you teaching lessons. This must not be too short or too long for you.4. Go for a physical visit – It is always better to personally visit the driving school toknow everything in detail. A physical visit can help you judge the institute wisely.5. Instructor knowledge – Make sure to know everything about your instructor. Thismay include his experience, knowledge and skills and certification courses he has completed.6. Ask about the vehicle – Enquire about the vehicle that the instructor will be used toimpart driving lessons to you. This must be in good conditions so you can learn drivingeasily. Why prefer instated for driving lessons?Often people wish to learn driving on their own but it is always better to prefer taking these lessons froma professional Driving instructor at Winston Hills because they have experience for the same. There arevarious reasons why you must only choose a professional for this and they are: 1. For safe and comfortable driving – A professional can help you teach safe drivingwhich you will practice your lifetime. This is a little difficult with your friend or familymember.2. For confidence – when you are with professional you can slowly develop confidencein your driving skills. 3. For the security of your vehicle – Driving institutes often use their own vehicles fortraining and thus the loss to your own vehicle can be neglected with professional drivinglessons.4. For driving principles – A professional driver will teach you both the driving skillsand the driving norms which you need to follow in your daily routine driving.5. For quick learning – With your friend you may take months to learn driving but witha professional, you can quickly learn driving because they are experienced to teach newlearners. When you consider all the factors wisely, choosing a professional Driving instructor in Winston Hills gets easy
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bderick-blog · 6 years
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Yes it's not a joke...... Just like and comment to gain now.....#stella_west_ . . #stella_west_#Suncity_streetz #Movingtrain#instafollowers #followback #activefollowers #keepfollowing #movingtrain #likeforlikes #followtogain #justfollow #gainfollowers #gain forgain#muchgain #timetogain #stella_west_ #muchfollowers #Suncity_streetz https://www.instagram.com/p/BrYgX5SntOr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1no8owzhv2rzj
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Natural remedies otitis media
Otitis media means inflammation of the middle ear caused by the micro-organism infection. This is most common in childhood, between the age of 6month-3yeras, most of the children will have one or more middle ear infections an up to the age of one year.
Ear infections do not spread from person to person. This infection is most commonly occur in cold season.
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Viral or bacterial or fungal infection
Blockage of Eustachian tube due to a common cold
Winter season
exposure to secondhand smoke
respiratory tract infection
cleft palate
Allergic problem
Weak immune system
Some forgain particles
bottle-feeding while lying down
Nutrition deficiency
It is divided in to 3 subtypes
Acute otitis media
Serous otitis media
Chronic otitis media
Ear pain,
Pain and itch in the infected ear
Hearing problem in the infected ear
Fluid discharge from the infected ear
Ayurvedic Perception-
According to Ayurveda imbalances of all four doshas causes the ear disease.Due to doshprakopak ahar vihar ,doshas will vitiated .This vitiated doshas goes in to ear cannal leading to disease called as Karnapaka .
When Vata dosha is dominant then it caused thin discharge, dried ear wax, severe pain, tinnitus and deafness.
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When Pitta dosha is dominant the there is Yellow discharge, swelling, redness, and tearing
When Kapha dosha is dominant then discharge will be- White and slimy ,and also had complaints like abnormal hearing, itching, stable swelling, and mild pain.
Sannipatataja: Characteristic Vata, Pitta, and Kapha together; the discharge is colored according to the predominant dosha.
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Ayurveda involve first line of treatment start with appropriate cleansings. The second course of action is the actual treatment. There are many natural ways for the treatment of such conditions, Ayurveda possesses various route of treatment ns including; herbal formulations, cleansing, Panchkarma and utilization of animal product like Ghee.
As per Ayurveda, Rasa of all the drugs a and Tikta; Tikta Rasa induces cleanness, dryness, and keenness and helps in infection of ear.
Bilwa guti
– Tulsi swaras
– Neemadi ghan (Azadirachta indica)
Sarivadi vati
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Abhyantar snehapan with medicated ghee in increasing dose fallowed by virechanam.
Pouring of medicated oil in nasal canal
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