#forgive me as a try to remember how to rp
ciitedexcerpt · 10 months
『 count: 27 // these are short roleplay starters from various Sodikken songs !! feel free to change them as you need, of course, and enjoy 』
━━━━━━━ ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ ━━━━━━━
✂ — " oh, you're dying? what do you mean? "
✂ — " how dare you deprive me? "
✂ — " don't worry, it's my treat "
✂ — " why do you still believe in me? "
✂ — " you're completely free, yet you refuse to leave "
✂ — " the way things are going, i won't last another day "
✂ — " good thing that i'm forgiving "
✂ — " i'm playing with fire, you'd better come save me "
✂ — " remember yesterday? i bought you flowers, you threw them away "
✂ — " you're gonna think i'm crazy "
✂ — " look, see, isn't it interesting? no, you're not even listening "
✂ — " is that not brave enough for you? "
✂ — " all this could've been avoided, all i wanted was to talk "
✂ — " it's too late to start caring about me "
✂ — " what am I in hell for? "
✂ — " am I really that much of a freak? "
✂ — " and now you're telling me my dream's not one that's worth believing in? "
✂ — " can your conscience handle that? "
✂ — " why would i enjoy this? "
✂ — " happen to want to get hurt badly? "
✂ — " you know that i won't play your game "
✂ — " wouldn't want to cause a scene "
✂ — " take it from me, looks couldn't kill, no, but they can get you disowned "
✂ — " lost it - i've lost it "
✂ — " want me to leave? then come on down and make me "
✂ — " i wanna be everyone's dependable guy but no one ever asks me to be "
✂ — " will this end in tragedy? "
✂ — " you're gonna regret it if you step outside and you get caught "
✂ — " why not for once try taking my side? "
✂ — " let's fall asleep just you and me "
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always-together · 9 months
Just a Little Something Up Ahead
(Aka: A very long overdue apology, where I’ve been, where I’m going, and the future of my blogs (Spoiler alert: I’m not going anywhere, but updates are needed))
Tagging everyone I remember writing with frequently on my blogs in the hopes they see this and read the whole thing: @pcrplevenom , @nxtleftbehxnd , @misfitxofxfriends , @ssatxr , @advnterccs , @opportunistic-chicanery , @trickywanderer , @twistytwine , @automaton-otto , @monmuses , @raktanag , @dragonizens , @alicerozen , @arianatheangel-girl , @saltygempearl , @castleofmxses
Please take the time to read this whole thing if you can. This has been a long time coming and I don’t want anyone to feel as if my absence has been anyone’s fault, because it absolutely has not been, under any circumstance. It’s been entirely me, and my own inability to maintain all of my blogs during college.
Hello everyone. If I’m remembering correctly, this is my first non-reblog post since last October, when I vowed to come back and respond to the Halloween threads I attempted to start and obviously, disappointingly (most especially to myself), never did. I felt very bad then and still do, because it was going to be my first time interacting with several new blogs and I just…ruined my chance to make a good first impression because all will to write Garnet completely vanished. Some of the people that I tried to start interactions with are tagged in this post, and to both you all and those I write with all the time, but especially the first-timers, I apologize deeply and hope you can forgive me for letting you all down like that.
I know there’s a million worse things to be guilty of on the internet than abandoning your rp blogs because you have no muse, but this has all been just as bad as those worse things to me. Although I’ve undoubtedly been having fun on my Spamton blog I’ve also been feeling incredibly guilty, and for leaving you all in the dark as to my thought processes and IRL reasons why I went away I once again deeply apologize. No words can properly express to every single one of you all just how sorry I am for disappearing this past year and a half. It’s been a long time coming, but now that my fall semester at college is over I feel now is a good time to explain everything and talk about where me and my blogs are going from here.
The number one thing is, of course, college. Even in my freshman year, prior to my Spamton blog, I was having trouble maintaining multiple blogs and characters at once due to work sapping all of my writing energy. Coupled with the jobs I ended up getting, especially the one I’ve had since June, trying to run five blogs at the same time proved impossible. So, foolishly, I took the easy way out and stayed put at the one I had, and still continue to have, the most muse for. I don’t regret doing so, as it made balancing everything much easier to handle, but I do regret not telling you guys somehow first and leaving you all behind like I did.
The other main thing is…hard to explain through just text with no tone indicators, so please bear with me and know that, again, me leaving most of my blogs and you guys behind was no one else’s fault but my own. Attempts to properly come back here and apologize have been stymied by me finding my prior writing style and tagging system cringy and disorganized, respectively. Of course, it was only a matter of time before I felt this way: This blog has been around since I was 17 and now I’m 20, with much more writing experience behind me and the ability to refine my tagging process over the course of my different blogs. This blog feels stuck in the past in comparison to my Spamton blog, my newest blog, in a certain way, in regards to that. Especially with the disorganized tagging. What was I thinking 🤦‍♀️
That’s not even getting into the muse pages across all of my blogs, further worsened by the fact that I’m primarily mobile and can’t edit them at a moments notice or create fancy Caards like all of my mutuals. They make me cringe more than my writing in some ways. Please do not look at my About the Mun page on this blog, I will be removing that when I can 😬
Returning here eventually became associated with regressing to how I was back in 2020 in my mind, and soon that began to spread towards how I felt about my other blogs, too. I was rigid in replies and sticking to plots, barely sent partners memes yet inwardly expected to be sent them in return, and never really IMed or communicated except through tags. I am happy to say that over the past year of silence I’ve gotten better at all of that, but you all shouldn’t have had to suffer while I figured my shit out. But nevertheless I still left, and hid away at my Spamton blog until now.
I want that to change, desperately. I miss you all. I miss Garnet. I miss all of my other muses, too. But considering I’m a junior in college now, with my capstone/thesis fast approaching, I don’t know how difficult that’s going to be. And of course, I don’t want to abandon my Spamton blog, either. Whatever I end up deciding, however, I need to update all of my information pages to reflect my current standards and make my tags more easier to navigate, like they (mostly) are at my Spamton blog.
So until I can find the time with my busy holiday work schedule to do this necessary work on all of my blogs, all activity is currently at @thebigshotman . Feel free to send in memes, random asks, and interact/IM me there, if you’d like! I’ve gotten a lot of crossover threads going lately, and much like the Haunted Mansion there is always room for one more 😊 So please, if you’re still interested in interacting with me after all of the shit I’ve done, head there for now.
I’ll be reblogging this on all of my other blogs tomorrow so as many people see this as possible, and know I didn’t forget about everyone. Changing everything looks like it’s not going to happen until after New Years, so consider coming back to everything my New Year’s resolution-except unlike many resolutions, this one is actually going to happen.
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, if you indeed still are. Like I said, I’ve missed you all dearly, and I want to come back. But I can’t until I’ve done some very overdue updating and organization. (Everything old will stay tagged as it is, but going forward things will be easier to find.)
I’ll see you all soon. And this time, that’s a promise.
Love, Mun Bri ❤️
Relationships/friendships with Garnet and all of my other muses will remain the same unless you or I message each other agreeing otherwise
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sevarix-blogs · 7 months
I really enjoyed Against the Grain, it was well-written and so fun and I love van Zieks and Kazuma's banter. One time my brother mentioned something related (I think about Kazuma talking to the press?) and I was like HANG ON I HAVE TO SHOW YOU A FIC :D
Your fics have a warmth and you can feel the depth of caring - of the characters for each other, and your care for them as you write it. Also I've always thought your word counts were really impressive! You have good ideas and give them the space to flesh out which is always really nice.
With the stats relative to others you mentioned, I've wondered if some of it depends on if you have a lot of friends in the fandom - like sometimes a new fic may have comments added quickly from people who seemed to have read it before or knew it was going to be posted. The kudos on my first tgaa fics took a looooong time to build, and my first didn't get a comment until a year later. There may be some luck involved too, who happens to see it when it's posted, who has time to read that day, who remembers to check their "read later" etc. That's just a guess/my experience anyway!
Being in that place of "this feels cringe but I don't know how to do anything different" is frustrating and can feel hopeless. I can relate with writing and even moreso with other skills, and I'd guess many go through this in one way or another. Whether it's a sudden realization or a long plodding through that does it, I really think you'll be able to continue moving forward and you won't be stuck here.
(also your worth as a person does not come from what can do. I know this doesn't necessarily help when you really want to do something, but it is always true. Hang in there <3)
(pray forgive the discourtesy of dropping an essay in your inbox)
thank you friend 🥺 i appreciate your kind words and understanding 💜
i think you're right in that sometimes luck is involved... i also wonder if my "style" is just not as liked or something idk. which is not a "skill issue" i suppose but it can still be discouraging.
i appreciate your encouragement! it is reassuring to know that you see the work i put in and the feelings i try to get across. i definitely won't give up, i still have lots of stories in my head that i want to write. maybe I'll work up the courage to even post some... I'm sorry you've had to see me stuck in my self loathing!
btw i always enjoy your works as well! you have inspired me on multiple occasions too 💜 (and your rp blog continues to always amuse me hehe)
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outridera · 1 year
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Positivity you say?
Excuse me while I gush. Though do forgive if some of these are sloppy, I am emotionally drained from yesterday, and some reason, even if I spelt like 12 hours today, my body is sluggish and feeling not up to it haha.
Under read more as It'll be looong.
So I wanted to give this a shout out to people, cause honestly, they not only deserve such, but I wanted to give them love. Do note I'll mention some other names at the end, as I've already spoken about them.
But also that I wanna try to get everyone that I can, so I do apologize that I haven't said much! Just wanted to showcase how many lovely people there are, and that mean a lot to me! Also do note, some names I may have missed, but that's more down to me trying to remember ALL of them gdidgsidsg. So do not worry if you're not there, you are their in spirit! Soon as I remember, I'll throw you there asap!
@risingsol How can you not adore Xue? Like really? They're so lovely, and so lovely to chat too. They're not only talented on the field of RP either, they're really talented in the cooking department as well. One day I'll get to try those lovely birthday Genshin meals they can make really well : D ThoughhopefullynotAmbersdgsidgidgs
@adversaryss @narvvhal I swear every Childe I've met has been so fucking sweet, and just a pleasure to talk to. Where it be IMs, discord, anywhere. But not only that, they all seem like the biggest, and most good hearted people that you can come across. I will always love and adore them.
@erabundus @inavagrant Much like any Scara I've met. They've been super pleasant, and lovely. Easy to approach, and for sure top quality all round.
@snowtombedstar I always adore the love they not only they give for their muse, but the joy, and passion they showcase on the dash each and every day.
@al-hazen Same can be said about this person! I always love seeing them on the dash, and the fun that comes with it, also big ups for them having Kuki, cause Kuki is a treasure, much like they are. Top quality stuff.
@scarletooyoroi YOU. YOU LOVELY FUCKER. Are you actually Thoma in real life? Cause you're a sweetie, and super quality.
@aalberich / @dilucisms How can you not love them? The real care and push they give, to not just their muses, but to others too. It's to be adored!
@maquiscursed SUPER QUALITY. Honestly, they're a big reason my Nahida resurgence happened, cause I fell in love with Nahida all over again. They're really great, not just with Nahida either, they've got plenty of lovely muses to adore, and are top quality.
@sylvctica How much talent do you actually have? From your art, to your wonderful nerd, that is canon in every sense of the word to me. You're a true delight!
@orecrowned And you too! I'm thanking you once again for not only the commission, but being a fun presence on dash. I may not partake in the Sunday thing, but the fun you give off, is truly a wonder.
@electric-ecclectic Another one that honestly I do adore, and see as canon personalty tbh. Amber's lore will forever have your nerd in it in my eyes : D
@riteburdened always deserved to be loved.
@nascentwaves You're here, and you know why. YOU'RE THE REASON. My Amber is here.
Some many more that deserves love down below. Give them love!
@gunnhildred @curiouskinetic @theoneandonii @the-wayward-snowflake @artificeheart @lochjurat @constellaris @dandelicnfang @viigilant @viisiond @grislyintentions @voyage-inferno @cryoexorcist @ayahimes @foliarlight @adelshaus @mercyburned @princepsstellas @starsdescent @starlitwishes @galactia @wise-innocence @supportingfire @khemianprinz @melodicbreeze @reginrokkr @samyavastha @travelerandclover @reallyrandomtj @remunporium
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seefare · 24 days
when ena sings with THEIR creations, will a memetic entity not be part of the choir?
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aka: reasonings for how misha can be seen by others
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hello! forgive me for starting the blog off with a long ass ooc post but this is something i feel i need to make clear since it concerns majority of the people misha will be interacting with.
as you all know, in canon, not everyone can see misha. only the nameless and those who work closely with memoria (i.e. black swan, gallagher) are able to see and speak with him. however, i'm afraid something like that is just not gonna fly in an rp group. i mean, it would be unfair to limit my interactions to just those people, right?
hence why i've come up with all this to try and explain why it's different this time around.
couldn't you have just suspend the disbelief? assumed that misha can be seen because of some vague yet understood worldbuilding point? i mean... maybe. but i like doing this a lot lot more :3
so! let's start off with the reason why misha cannot be seen by others in canon.
misha is a creation of mikhail char legwork, the watchmaker, who is the founder of penacony and also a nameless. we all know this idk why i had to explain it. but anyways! misha's purpose was to essentially guide the nameless through mikhail's hopes and dreams. he is the watchmaker's legacy. hence why he can only be seen by those on the path of trailblaze—because he is born of a nameless' memory. it also explains why black swan and gallagher know him—they're both individuals who have close ties to memes and memoria.
to summarize: misha can only be seen by the nameless because those are the only people that mikhail left his legacy for. he never intended for anyone else to meet or know misha because, well. they don't really need to.
so what's different this time? why can misha be seen by others now?
here's how i'm choosing to go about it: ena's sweet dream has overridden mikhail's.
in the cutscene for 'then wake to weep,' we hear the trailblazer say this: "the penacony in mikhail's dreams does not belong to order." we can assume from this (and the slew of other dialogue from mikhail) that the watchmaker's aspirations for penacony are directly at odds with the order's. hence why he felt it so important to preserve this hope, that it may let the future nameless free penacony from ena's influence.
but in here... well, let's just say that we aren't entirely free from that influence yet. we are well within penacony's shadow. and what does that mean for us?
the light doesn't shine through. mikhail's dream gets drowned out once more.
this is why i'm opting to wipe misha's memories of everything that's happened. he doesn't remember his identity or his purpose, he thinks mikhail is still his grandfather, and he's still working at the reverie. his quest has been stripped from him—in the sweet dream, he is no longer tasked with passing on mikhail's legacy to the nameless because, well. mikhail's dream for penacony doesn't belong to the order. and what isn't in order will be removed.
and so there's no reason for his existence to be exclusive anymore. when he got brought back, he was no longer the watchmaker's legacy. he's just a memetic entity whose memories got messed with.
does that make sense? god god god
now... is this to say that misha will forever be this weird amnesiac kid, eternally doomed to a life of bellboyery and daydreams? no, i have a feeling mikhail's hopes are not yet fully extinguished. for now though, considering the nature of this group... this is where we're at.
come say hi to the reverie's weird bellboy!
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lilbittymonster · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @crackinglamb, tysm 💜
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
Currently 33
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently writing for Final Fantasy XIV, but I have also written for Borderlands 2, Fallout 4, and Critical Role
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Only A Thought Away - Critical Role, Widomauk, Soulmates AU.
This Is Home - Critical Role, Widomauk/Fjorester/BeauYasha, Domestic slice of life.
I Will Endure - Critical Role, Widomauk, background Yashagard, Canon Divergence.
Forgiveness - Critical Role, Genfic, a bit of catharsis that still ended up happening in game just not the way i first envisioned it.
Boy, Oh Boy - Critical Role, Genfic, modern au.
All of these were done for a discord event several years ago.
5. do you respond to comments?
I do, I make an effort to respond to every one I get. Only exceptions being a couple "moar plz" "when's the next chapter?" type ones that I just deleted.
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Extinguishing the Last Light, my worst end Lightwarden AU where the Scions fail to defeat the final Lightwarden and the First continues to drown in Light.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Walk to the Water, a 10k Borderlands Gaingel MerMay AU
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not yet, but if anyone tries it they've got another thing coming :)
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I've written plenty, I've only posted the one E fic though. Mostly gay elf porn.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, though I'd be fine with it as long as I'm added as a co-author with a link to the original English.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, I was doing a pretty large scale Critical Role rp fic with four other people. It disintegrated from some interpersonal tensions and one person leaving the fandom entirely but I still think very fondly on it. Before that, I was doing a Borderlands OC rp with a friend.
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
You ask me, a bisexual, to make a choice? Lol. Lmao, even. I do not have a One True Pairing, I have learned the mature art of multishipping like a goddamn adult.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
OOF well this is a tie between Sometimes Goodbye and A Thistle's Thorns, both being all but abandoned due to fandom drift and loss of motivation. I found the original outline I had (thankfully) written out for Sometimes Goodbye, and I have started another BL2 playthrough, but FFXIV has eaten my life at this point so idk if I'll ever come back to it properly.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Show don't tell, detail descriptions, I have been told my characterisation through dialogue has been consistently on point (which is a relief), worldbuilding
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Finding a good place to end. if left to my own devices I will Just Keep Rambling. That was actually one of the reasons I kept my FFXIVWrite entries so short. I needed to get over the hump of just letting things end.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I haven't had this particular problem yet, but I will once I start writing stuff for Stormblood, because Kitali is multilingual.
When I'm reading it, though, I prefer to just have a dialogue tag indicating which language is being spoken and then either a bold, italics, or both to show what's being spoken in what language. It saves me the trouble of scrolling back and forth and back and forth from the notes at the end of the chapter or trying to remember what was said where exactly and in what context.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Borderlands 2
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
That would be Dragoon Age: Origins, the telling of Kitali and Estinien's first clash which I definitely did not just spend the last hour or so rereading nope not me
Tagging: @captainsparklefingers @screamingvikings @ir0n-angel and anyone else who wants to take a shot, I have lost track of who writes and who doesn't lol
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nutley-rp · 1 year
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TOWER was momentous, fulfilling, and incredible fun. There are so many moments I’ll carry forward with me, times when the others and I collectively got swept up with insanity, and I’ll miss it! The highs (and almost all of it were highs) were unbelievable, and I think that’s why I’m feeling kind of weird now because I also know it wasn’t sustainable. I have to change things, but what can replace something so incredible?
I look back at my routine for the past...8 months of TOWER and I see a paper trail of unbridled creativity, execution, and achievement. I’m happy with my delivery even AS I knowingly burned past my limit and pushed to ensure the finale would live up to the weeks and weeks of build up.
It’s over. I’m proud of it. But now, I’m exhausted and I have to fill all this freed up time with less rp, unless I want to go mad.
From TOWER and from my past endeavors, I see how inspiration has been passed on to others. I try to focus on that and keep myself from getting caught in negative spirals. I think there are multiple factors at play for my funk right now...the end of TOWER obviously, but also the end of my ‘honeymoon’ phase of living alone. Roughly a year has passed since the last major change in my life and everything new has become a routine. I’m someone who can start things but once it becomes a certain way, it can become overgrown...and that’s what I’m sensing. Things in my life are overgrown and I have to prune back, change, live in a more balanced way.
I just want to get this out of my head. If friends are reading this, then know that this isn’t a specific jab at you or whatever, nor is it a call for things to change on your side. If behavior radically changed after posting this, that’s even more gut dropping...the most I want you to take out of this is understanding and potentially forgiveness for my terrible memory. If I’m less intense, if I make a mistake now, then remember that the way I was during TOWER was me at like, 500% focus, which I can’t sustain.
It’s kind of funny that TOWER’s central theme is about flying too close to the sun and living with the consequences, given what’s happening to me now.
I need to take things easy, and it’s not just a “go on vacation and come back refreshed” easy. It may take months and it may never come back. But I want to safeguard the love and passion I have for rp; I don’t want it to turn into resentment. Please be patient and please understand if I need to drop things or even drop off the face of rp communities for a time. If I do go, I really don’t expect space to be left for me forever! If there is when I return, know that I appreciate it, but I really just want you to continue to have fun while I feel things out on my end.
There are a lot of things. I’m nearing 30, I’m feeling like I didn’t do a lot of things soon enough, I’m content but thinking I should strive for more. I’m shy and generally quite isolated, happy with that, but also wondering if that should try to change too. Friends are moving on, moving out and...these are just things in my life. Rp will remain a part of it, but it can’t consume me the way it did during TOWER. I have to figure things out.
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untitledducklett · 1 year
Hello my name is Cael Adair [kale ah-dare], he/they, I'm a bodyguard living in Kalos with my Vanitian Absol Berior [Bear-ee-or]. I am a faller from a version of Tolkien's Legendarium though pokemon don't exist there. I do miss home a lot but I try to remember that I have a life here too.
Edit: my rotom finally deigned to teach me how to post photos here so have best boy doing his most regal pose
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^ this is a picture I took of Berior a couple weeks before all distortion broke out. He is a Vanitian Absol, a critically endangered, variant that I'm working to help preserve. My mother sent me some of Professor Chestnut's notes on two of the more common extant variants (by comparison at least) which can be found here: x x.
Update: I got a bunch of new Pokémon
Momma the Vanitian Ariados: She ended up in my backyard during the Shadow Sky incident having taken it upon herself to rescue as many Pokémon as she could. Unfortunately she irreversibly damaged her exoskeleton so now she wears a prosthetic whenever she's out of the ball.
Lucretia the Vanitian Leavanny: A long time resident of the VPPS sanctuary she was immediately adopted by Momma and the pair became inseparable so I adopted them both.
Étienne the Vanitian Abra (Pronounced Et-tee-un): We were really close when he was alive. I guess now that Yves is dead he decided he wanted to stick around to keep my dumb ass safe. I really missed him.
Galadbain [Gal-ahd-bane] the fucked up Meowth Raikou: He was hatched from an egg that was left on my doorstep by Arc only knows what. He is naught but a stinky babey man who does gay baby crimes.
Bob the UD Absol: Anxiety thy name is Bob. I adopted him during the Kill 'em With Kindness fundraiser. Originally I hadn't planned on taking any of the UD Pokemon in but we all know my weakness for Absols. It'll take time but I know he'll flourish here.
<bzzt: he forgot to add a picture of himself so I decided to go through his portfolio and found this. Hopefully he doesn't notice.>
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OOC things (including art notes for Cael):
New rule: if you reblog an ask game from me please send something in or look through my meme tag and find another meme to send in if the one I reblogged doesn't work.
Hi! You can call me Shopkey, I'm 28, on est, and I've been rping since September 2013. I will follow from @themerrymutants. Most of my experience is with more traditional lit rp so forgive any hiccups or force of habits. I'll try to keep ooc to a minimum but there will be some reblogs of lore from over on my main.
Cael has deer-like ears which are kept hidden underneath beanies whenever he's somewhere with cameras. If there aren't he usually uses illusions to hide them but beanie is his go-to. His sense of style and appearance are based on Magnus Bane from the Shadowhunters TV show. Berior is missing his left front leg and there is a scar there.
Cael (link takes you over to his bio over on themerrymutants) is a muse over on my main themerrymutants and this blog is based on his 'for queen and country' verse in which he was a guard for Queen Pascale of my friend's fan region Vanitas (a kingdom which eventually merged with greater Kalos about 2k years ago)
Cael keeps his backstory as a dimension-hopping elven menace but here he hides it well. Eventually, his lies will catch up to him but, for now, he's trying not to rouse too much suspicion. I haven't decided whether he keeps his wood elf magic or not yet as I've been told that people aren't as keen on interdimensional weirdness as I am.
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straye · 2 years
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𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 : the hella sweet munday meme ( ORIGINAL SOURCE, FORMATTED TO BE A DASH GAME. )
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♻ Any advice on improving Tumblr RP experience?
Block and blacklist, block and blacklist. Out of sight out of mind is a real thing here, and even reading everything on someone's blog to be able to do that efficiently.
⛅ Do you believe aesthetics are another form of expression?
In a way, yeah! I mean, the way I have my blog set up is certainly so.
☮ Are you feeling happy and inspired right now?
Happy, I guess. Inspired, errr. Trying!
☄ Has someone ever admitted to being inspired by you?
Maybe once? I mean Ren once said that the verse they made with Ghostshima was for me and I almost bawled my eyes out because I feel passionately about that evil little tape worm and the effect he has on Kogami past the grave. T_T
⚌ Who inspires you?
[dial up sounds]
♋ Are there any FC’s you believe should be used more? Why?
I don't use FCs at all if I can help it, so I think this is geared more towards people who use rl FCs? But if I had to say, as someone who observes secondhand, MORE SOUTHEAST ASIAN / BROWN / BLACK / INDIGENOUS FCS !!!
☸ Do you reblog from the source when someone practices reblog karma or do you follow it?
I reblog from the source for a cleaner activity tab, and I expect the same courtesy. Though, if it's something I can send in, I always try sending in stuff for memes.
☯ Do you believe you’re a forgiving person?
I'll be honest with you, no, and I've had very good reason not to be over the years.
⚑ Have you been forgiven for a mistake you’ve made?
Hard question, because I'd say kinda.
♛ Have you ever seen drama be maturely sorted out?
No lol.
♞ Do you tend to ignore drama?
Generally. It stops being drama if someone is a genuinely bad person or is up to some heinous shit though.
☾ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
One, a very long time ago. Now? Hell no.
☻ Have you ever made someone a promo or a positive shoutout?
Yes! <3 I always try to.
☎ What do you think about bias lists?
I only do these for like. KPop biases lol. Do you guys remember the mess that was follow forevers? I think we've learned from then.
☈ How many people would you say likes you?
I should hope my following, though idc if anyone hate follows.
♡ How many people do you like? Are there any people in particular that pop up?
Most of my following ??? I know me and @sorrowmarked , @withgutsandglory and @ungodli are super cool. I also wuv @kudakenai and @vtriol forever and ever. me and @yeonban have crazy meow meow to meow meow communication. Me and @n0fa0e have been friends for yeeeeears <3. And @naisetsu is pretty neat too. <3 ALSO @achroanimus FOR THEIR AMAZING IDEAS AND DEPICTION OF THE EVIL LITTLE MAN. I also owe so much to @amaeranthos. I also love love love what @vulpesse and @aahri do for a certain fox of whom I am smitten over ..............
☢ What calms you down after negativity?
Vidya games, talking to my best friend. :3
☠ What keeps you happy?
Thinking about Kogami Shinya.
☘ Is there anything that makes you instantly want to follow someone?
If they're funny as hell. Always.
☕ Is it often you hear people complimenting your blog? Characters, writing, theme, icons, etc.
No, not really, though the latest compliment I've gotten was the fact that my Kogami is so baby girl and I needed a moment to cry (positively) about that. <3
☂ What’s your best RP experience?
This was before this blog's time but when me and an ex made an entire multiverse of OCs. :( I miss that, and my OCs are still around, but that was a weirdly formative experience. Also when me and @ungodli had this rhythm for our first thread where our replies kept getting longer and longer and at some point we stopped apologizing for that LMAO AND WHEN ME AND @achroanimus STARTED OUR KOGAMI AND GHOSTSHIMA THREAD THAT I STILL NEED TO REPLY TO AUGH
⚈ What sweet things tend to happen to you from time to time RP wise?
When me and my partners will reply to something and when we see it we immediately alert each other with raw reactions <3
☐ What trends are you currently into?
girl idk.
★ What fandom do you consider welcoming?
I don't really pay attention to this. </3
☆ What are some the perks with the fandom you’re currently in?
It's small and quiet and if you want to be left alone you'll be well left alone.
☉ What fandom do you believe needs improvement? What could you do to do that?
No comment.
♦ How has roleplaying on Tumblr improved since you started out?
Um honestly yes especially when it comes to NSFW content and what kind of shit we'll let fly. It used to be that you'd see obscurely tagged full blown rl porn on your feed but now people have the courtesy to actually try tagging it better as well as people just feeling safe enough to call people out on bigotry and condoning gross shit. I kinda wish this environment is the one little 12-13 year old me started off on lol.
♨ Have you ever roleplayed with someone that has been problematic but offered critique and then watched them improve?
Yes but they did not improve.
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?
Quoting some of my favorite medias / poems / etc. If you squint, you'll see my writing riddled with them. >:)
⚡ What are the good sides with duplicates?
I don't have a lot of experience with saying so but some of the villains I play where I don't mind duplicates : we really do understand these characters more than most of their fans do.
☀ What’s the best thing about roleplaying?
What isn't there to like about putting my character in all sorts of whacky scenarios or whatnot with characters he'll probably not have much interaction with or otherwise? Creating AUs, connecting with people through him, and even getting people into Psycho-Pass mwhahaha.
⛵ What genres do you like writing the most?
Slice of life, hurt-comfort, fluff, comedy, action. I want to try horror one of these days so bad.
☺ What tends to bring out your muse the most? What inspires you?
Little things that remind me of Kogami; then, I'm possessed by his spirit to let the world know that xyz is so him. Then his spirit leaves me. It often tends to be other forms of media, music, poems.
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melodiousramblings · 1 year
Rules: List some (or all) of your WIPs with a short concept summary.
Tagged by @seiya-starsniper, thank you!! Gosh I haven’t written in a really long time. I miss it, but who knows when I can get back to any of these.
N(erd)LOSR - High School AU Zemyx where Zexion is a nerdy transfer student who falls for Demyx, the school’s star tennis jock. Paired up for a school project, the two slowly bond over their odd family lives and their insecurities about senior year and the big changes to come as the future draws near. Also Zexion’s dad Vexen has a huge crush on tennis coach/Demyx’s big brother Marluxia.
Space Pirates - Space AU Zemyx/old RP with an old friend. Zexion is a dragon. Demyx is a human who’s part of Marluxia’s band of space pirates/treasure hunters. Demyx encounters Zexion while hunting for a magic jewel and they hit it off instantly. Little did Demyx know that Zexion was the treasure Captain Marluxia wanted for his crew after all.
Yugi on Ice - YuGiOh Yuri on Ice AU, Puzzleshipping and Violetshipping. Yugi (Yuri), a low-confidence skater, greatly admires the Pharaoh of the Ice. Atem (Victor) is the world’s top skater, but no matter how many medals he wins, he’s not entirely happy. Once Atem takes notice of Yugi and chases that new feeling, they change each other’s lives. Also Seto and Jounouchi are constantly at each other’s throats until Jou saves Seto from wild fangirls and a begrudging friendship(???) begins.
(Untitled) - Continuation of a previous one-shot, canon-divergent, Zemyx. Demyx, with nowhere to go, and with budding feelings for Ienzo, decides to stay in the castle. Ienzo continues to struggle with self-forgiveness while trying to explore new feelings for Demyx. Even does not approve.
(Untitled) - KHxDevil May Cry AU/old RP with an old friend. SoRiku & Vaniku. Sora and Vanitas are twin brothers. Vanitas, since childhood, has had a hypersensitivity to monsters and demons that no one ever believed him about, so he gets sent to military school for his “attitude problems.” He returns home years later and immediately senses something off about Riku, Sora’s very close friend. When weird things start happening in town, the pair need to work together to solve what’s going on. Riku’s in love with Sora but the more they hang out, the more Riku and Vanitas see the other’s not so bad either…
Hmmm, I’m sure I had something more but I can’t for the life of me remember right now.
Anyways, I’m not sure who to tag other than the usual @sapphira-mydnyte and @head-full-of-things (do you write?), but no pressure!
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theodoradevlin · 1 year
Failing Faster
SUMMARY: [NOT RP - lolol i really do need to make a separate writing tumblr but i'm too lazy.] Continuing this little writing exercise from an old Drabble of my MC flipping the switch to go evil vs. the existing HL Storyline. Future Seb goes good, MC continues with the Dark Arts instead. (Sort of evil Theo?? But more so because Theo is an easy self insert and I just wanted to write cliche drama). Also I needed practice....I haven't written in forever I SUCK
She twirls the wand in her fingers, idly, as if it wasn’t it a thing that had caused so much chaos. 
Not all of it bad.
… And yet not all of it good, to be sure. 
Supple. Dragon Heartstring. A soft spiral making it even easier to curl in her grasp… so easy, in fact, that she hardly had to flick a wrist to cast each unforgivable curse that had made her so damned the last few years. 
Her crouched form perches at the edge of a rooftop paralleling the pub, watching the rain falling in splattered movements against the world.
She watches as the drops hit against the buildings, noting their chaos. Perhaps not everything that comes from the heavens lands safely at first. 
She stands slowly, before catapulting herself to the street below. Landing, she peers from under her hood. As suspected, no one is around to wonder why there is a woman launching herself from the rooftops…but as she peers into the windows of the old pub, she does see the outline of one figure who is here, waiting for her. 
Despite her better judgement, she enters The Three Broomsticks. She wonders what enchantments had to be put forth tonight for the meeting to happen. On both the pub, and the pub’s owner. She knew there was only one person who could convince Sirona of anything.
She peers back at the building as she enters, disregarding that thought for the time being. To any other tonight, the popular haunt would look as if it had been closed for repair…. But, to her….it looks just as it did all those years ago. 
She listens to  the familiar crackle of the fire against the increasing volume of rain pattering against the window outside For a moment that is the only sound that exists until…
It was a sound that still carried the same sense of amused interest that it had the last time she had heard it.
Actually, no.
The last time she had heard it it was less of amused interest and more…begging…instead. Pleading. Desperate shouting. So she draws her wand towards the direction of him.
“Don’t come any closer.” 
Theo circled where Sebastian Sallow sat, his fingers drumming impatiently in one of the booths, his face partially covered by a shadow, and the smile just as crooked as she remembered it. 
She kept an even permiter, moving slowly, as if trying to find the most strategic line to approach an enraged Graphorn. In both situations....there was likely no way graceful way to do it. 
His grin spread as he noticed her hesitancy, and it only seemed to amuse him further. 
“That hurts, Devlin. Last time I saw you, your request of my proximity to you had quite the different tune.” 
Theo scoffed. 
“And I got quite burnt didn’t I? Forgive me for being older, and wiser Sallow.” 
He didn’t respond for the present moment, instead he stood, inching towards her. He took her in as he came into the light. The battered armor, the torn cloak. A scar across her cheek that hadn’t ben there before. She could have almost sworn she saw something in his face soften, but how quickly it flicked back to assessing again. 
But he wasn’t the only one doing so. As he moved, she countered. They rotated around the table in tandem, like two halves of a heavy scale struggling to maintain it’s balance, the pieces of a chess board beginning to move.
“Older. Yes. But from the looks of you….doesn’t seem as though you’ve found any gentler sort of pursuits. I’ve heard you’ve been dabbling in some….Dark Arts, Theo. And here I thought that was supposed to be my specialty.” He tuts and she laughs darkly, shaking her head. 
“The irony isn’t lost on me. What can I say - guess I luckily spent  enough time with you during our school years that it did provide some benefit.” 
Again, she swears there is an emotion that flicks through his eyes, but it’s too quick for her to draw a conclusion. Perhaps her wand would not be necessary for the blows she needed to land tonight. She twirls it in warning anyhow, still drawn as his own wand remains in his holster. Under that badge that she just notices. It has her gritting her teeth. 
“And look at you and that shiny new Auror badge! My, Sebastian. Ominis must be so proud.” 
She says the other name she had dared to not utter all these past years. The name of the one person she had probably hurt the most. It was all she could do in this moment to not remember the look of betrayal in his cloudy eyes when he had found exactly out how many times she had used Imperio on him. 
Sebastian gritted through his own teeth. He had taken up the position as the only path he could see forward for retribution. To use what he had learned about the dark arts to stop any further damage for those out in the world who had been as stupid as he. Especially after Anne had died. He had lost one of the last things that mattered to him..  And when he had needed her most…Theo had left too.
“Yes." He forced out. "Not that you would know much about how Ominis is doing - you don’t tend to write much, do you Theo? Too busy casting unforgivables I suppose.” 
She swallowed around something stuck in her throat. No. There would be no wands necessary to lay wounds tonight. She growled out in frustration, finally lowering her wand.
“Then what the hell did you want from me then, Sebastian? If you and Ominis are so busy being wonderful in your new noble lives then what could you possibly need from me?!” His expression darkened as she shouted at him, but he didn’t respond. She hadn’t realized how shallow her breath had gotten. She inhaled, repeating again slowly through her gritted teeth, “What. Do. You. Want.”
His own mind flashed back to their last week’s together. The desperation in her own voice. How Theo had tried desperately to use Isadora’s magic to heal Anne. How it had started becoming less and less effective. How she had given it all, and it wasn’t enough. How she had taken on the blame herself, shutting them all out. Until she had left without another word two nights after Anne had passed. Until they had heard that she had become an agent for hire…using her ancient magic for all types of illicit reasons. He could only party blame himself that she felt that it was the only thing she had to turn to. In some ways, Anne’s death had caused them to all abandon each other. 
Sebastian inhaled this time. “I…I want to..” He cursed. Glaring at her then starting over with a weak smile. 
“Let’s help each other. If you…can lend us some of your ancient magic, I can get you a pardon from the Ministry. You help us, you start over.”
Theo considered his words. Her gaze iced over, and yet she asked, “And if I don’t want to help you again? Last time I agreed to that it didn’t quite work out so well for me.” 
Sebastian’s grin disappeared. “Then…I’ve been given orders by the ministry. They’ll have me arrest you.” 
There wasn’t even time for awkward silence to broach the space between them before Theo’s hurt laugh barked through the air. 
“Arrest me? Is that so?” She moved before he had a chance to draw his wand, her own at his throat. 
“Then do it, Sallow. Arrest me.” She watched his expression change from shock to….approval. He swallowed. He was trying to hide it. But she saw it all the same. And for some reason, the swell of some emotion in her that rose at his approval killed her. She cursed as she tore away from him with a sound of disgust,  “..That’s what I thought.” 
His chuckle froze her in her step, but she didn’t turn around. His words drawled out.
“I guess this time I’ll let you pass. As you did for me all those years ago. Seems only fair, hm?” 
Theo scoffed. 
“Yes. Because we’ve alway let fairness rule our decisions, hm? You know who else does that? Fools.” 
She walked out into the night, and its waiting embrace, and away from the arms that she wish had held her instead. 
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cultbunny · 1 year
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NAME ? mads, or maddie !
PRONOUNS ? she / her .
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION ? tumblr ims or on dis.cord ( which you can always ask me for ! )
MOST ACTIVE MUSE ? i've just got nessa here on this blog, but out of the three muses i write for here on tumblr, i'd actually probably say charlie has the most goin' on .
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS ? i've been writing my entire life, as long as i can remember i wanted to be a writer, i've been roleplaying on tumblr for just about thirteen years, and before that i was writing fiction fantasy about faeries and mermaids on myspace bulletin boards .
BEST EXPERIENCE ? oh god so many honestly ! i've been doing this for so long that i have so many fun and sweet stories from all across the tumblr rpc that still bring a smile to my face. meeting so many new, interesting, dynamic writers and getting to share in this hobby with everyone has honestly just been a real treat !!
RP PET PEEVE ? i honestly want to leave this one blank because i don't really have one ?? lmao ??? i am an extremely understanding and forgiving person when it comes to this Broken Blue Hellsite we call home, so as long as you're nice to me, we're ace
PLOTS OR MEMES ? honestly, memes ! i like working off of chemistry and going with the flow of things and the Vibe of things based on what i send and get sent, but i know that isn't always everyone's preference, so i'm happy to do both
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES ? i really do try to make my replies as long as i can, but after i push publish i will realize that it's an itty bitty reply and i feel a little bad lmao but i prefer longer ones !
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES ? honestly, every one of the characters i write has a little bit of me in them. like vanessa, she's got that part of me that strives to be something bigger than she's ever been, a desire to make the most out of her life, a fear of being average. but she's also been as fun as she's been to write because she makes a lot of mistakes and choices i know i wouldn't, and that's one of the best parts about this whole thing tbh !!
TAGGED BY ? on the low by @trapton TAGGING ? you , reading this , if you haven't already done it !
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cant-blink · 2 years
Rambling about my Kaiju OC
I would like to do more with my centipede kaiju OC, Scoli. But I need more ideas on what to touch on. So now I ask if anybody here would like to ask anything about him! And also, I ramble about the part he’s played in my stories and my RP!
He used to be a villain alongside Gigan, as a space-pirate. Complete by having the same voice as Scroop from Treasure Planet, a huge inspiration for me. But unlike Scroop, Scoli is redeemed from his villainous ways when the cops capture him and put him to work to rehabilitate and build character and all that jazz.
He remained as a bartender in the raspberry space-cloud, where he makes his debut appearance in my story, Half-Life. Where he was present for the unspeakable things Gigan does to Showa Ghidorah.
He does make a return in the RP I do with my friends, as a minor character. Ichi has befriended him and used his position as Space-Emperor to not only pardon Scoli of his crimes and get him out of parole, but also eventually brings Scoli back home to Earth. It is learned that Scoli comes from an AU spin-off of the Half-Life universe I wrote, where the ending is a tad bit different....
... In that, Showa Ghidorah and Gigan cross dimensions into the RP universe thanks to the interventions of Void Ghidorah. So yeah, very different ending!
But while my Gigan dies in events of the RP, Showa Ghidorah is very much alive. That same Showa Ghidorah has an obvious hatred for Scoli, as he remembers the events of Half-Life vividly, including how the centipede did nothing to stop Gigan’s reign of horny terror. He puts part of the blame of what happened to him on Scoli. But Ichi protects the centipede from any retaliation Showa Ghidorah may bestow.
Showa begrudgingly backs off, sparing the centipede’s life and trying to move on with his own.
Should be all good, right? No, actually.
Because Scoli slowly becomes consumed with guilt, spending the following months thinking about what happened the terrible night in that bar, and eventually decides to do the unthinkable:
Apologize, directly to Showa Ghidorah.
Everyone and their mother was terribly worried, as Showa is not a forgiving Ghidorah and they’ve all grown attached to this centipede. But Scoli refuses to back down, accepting that he’s very likely going to die doing this. Nonetheless, he makes Ichi promise that Showa will not receive any punishment for whatever may happen, and requests that Ichi convinces Showa to give him an audience.
Ichi obliges, and informs Showa.
Showa agrees to meet the centipede, seeing this as an opportunity to kill the centipede without interference or punishment. Scoli, as a show of trust and to remove any outside influence, requests that they’re left alone together. Everyone leaves, in tears as they’re convinced this is the last they’ll see their multi-legged friend alive.
Alone with the dragon, Scoli takes all the responsibility for his actions (or rather, his lack of action and his complacency to the terrible things Gigan has done), and apologizes and says that he accepts whatever punishment Showa decides is suitable for him. Including death.
Showa is silent for a long moment. He was not the forgiving type, if only because he’s never been given a genuine apology before. Everyone before this that pleaded for his forgiveness only did so to save their own skin or some other ulterior motive. But here, Scoli was going out of his way to knowingly put himself in danger, just to apologize to him.
As much as Showa will deny it, that meant something to him.
Regardless, Showa is a vengeful dragon and Scoli was not to escape punishment. Showa attacks him viciously and beats him to near death, Scoli doing nothing to defend himself in a further show that he meant what he said. Showa eventually leaves the centipede there in a bloody mess, to let fate decide if the centipede lives or dies. 
Just like in Half-Life, where Gigan has left Showa a bloody mess that night, at the mercy of fate...
What else should I talk about with my centipede OC? Anything you guys curious about? Feel free to ask!
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ncwhereman · 10 months
Yes! It is I! YOUR secret Santa.
I kind of missed a day, but that's okay, you can forgive Santa!
Oh my god, I also love John's solo stuff!! I find his solo music so beautiful and so meaningful. And the fact that he was planning to release more before he died as well... 🤧🤧🤧
My favourite *solo* John song is definitely '#9 Dream' orrr 'Imagine' maybe.
Music from the 50s-70s is definitely most of what I listen to as well - and obsess over, I'm obsessed with the 60s, everything from the 60s. I feel like I should've just been born then, you know?
The non classic rock people you said are literally my favs as well, I love Lana and Mitski!!! <33 And you said Father John Misty?? I FUCKING LOVE LET THE LIGHT IN!!
What's your favourite Lana song?? ☺️☺️
Also my favourite bands, apart from my true loves The Beatles, are: The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Arctic Monkeys, Queen!! The list could go on, but, yeah.
Also, are you American?? You spelt favourite without the 'u' 🤭
hiii santa!!
#9 dream is one of my absolute favs too! as is the whole walls & bridges album, it's an amazing body of work as a whole and i can't express how much i love it. the lost weekend still is my favorite era of his, there are so many outtakes and demos recorded in 74-75 that i wish got a proper release, covers that didn't make it onto rock'n'roll included, but oh well. i also really love plastic ono band, it really grew on me when i got the vinyl, and i love its little sugar-coated sister imagine too of course. and yes, late 70s-80s songs he did are amazing, i'd love to see where he'd take it further.
let the light in is so good! it was the song i was most excited about prior to the release and i still remember how i gasped when i heard the beatles line lmao. as for favorite songs UGH it's so hard to choose, but if we're talking about the most recent ones i'd say fingertips, kintsugi and candy necklace, and also pink champagne the demo, those have been on my mind for so long now. what about your favorite lana songs/albums?
ohh i love these bands too! led zeppelin is the one i'm the least familiar with even though i've been meaning to give them a proper listen since forever, so i'd love some recs!
and no, i'm actually russian 🥲 i'm more used to american spelling since that was my way to rebel against school where they taught classic RP lmao. a lot has changed since then though... i'm actually trying to learn to speak scouse now, i love the way it sounds 😭 maybe i should try the way brian epstein spoke next, not exactly RP but the kind of posh scouse very distinctive to him and his circle
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koriori · 1 year
Don't believe me on this one
I'm finally in the mood to work on this? I know, this is a miracle from God. Don't get too excited either, I know how I will give up in like a week, but at least let me have the illusion. Anyway, there have been a few things that I want to work on, so, first report I guess.
The AU list Well, I still need time to get used to Tumblr, so please forgive me for not knowing how to change the text size.
But yeah, I have been working on the 2023 remaster of the AU list for a while, this includes different sections depending on the nature of the AU, why? Because not everything is canon. For now, I have covered the main AU, the official AUs and most part of the canon one-shots.
I have over 40 AUs, so it's clearly going to take me some time.
YESHACOT structure Basically, my AU can't remain as a concept in my head forever, I have most of it planned. This thing is planned to be a manga, I'm not going with the FNF mod route because my story simply doesn't fit that format. If I wanted to make a video game, I would need to work on a full game, mixing rps elements with a Visual Novel.
So for now, I'm planning on working on the basic script or structure of this, with the arcs, scenes, characters, etc. Not dialogues or mood right now, just simple planning.
My Way continues I have been feeling in the mood of continuing My Way. You see, this is a fanfic I can't write unless I'm not feeling too well, after all, this AU is about loneliness, desperation, fear, and such things. In my opinion, writing when you are having the feeling you have been wanting to represent is much better than trying to remember how it feels like.
I'll start working on this one soon, so a new chapter could be out this week, I hope. That's all I want to report now, I don't want to feel overwhelmed by trying to take care of a lot of things at once.
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mencnfire · 1 year
FUCK ANON, I am here to tell you that I absolutely adore tf out of you, Han. When I say that you're one of my ride-or-die friends - even outside of RP - I mean it. I always love chatting with you, you're such a great human being, and I love it. And you're so creative in so many ways. I love seeing your uni work and I love your art so much! And in RP Land, you have such great takes on the muses you write, and I can always just hear their voices in my head when I read your writing.
I know things are difficult right, so please remember to take care of yourself, and at least try to remember that you're a phenomenal person, and you are valued so much by so many who just think you are the knees of every single bee ever <3 If you ever need me, you know how to get in touch with me. I love you, Han!
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me when i see u on my dash
(( aw light, you're such a sweetheart & forever someone i'll admire & adore. i've been so blegh lately that i think that mood has reflected a lot onto my self worth and all of that begh stuff but this message really cheered me up yesterday / today (and it was a rough night so <3). you know how much i adore all of the characters you pick up and the things that you do with them - hell, i keep going off on you about how you're making me like leon when i was playing the game hating on him ( im sry bby pls forgive me ).
i love everything we've had over the years and i know i'll love everything we create in the future. you're such a sweet person and i am so glad & honoured to be able to call you a friend.
pls accept five thousand virtual hugs and a pap on the bum from krauser to luis many thankees and many spankees ))
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