#forgot his surname when i wrote it so
zenitsustherapist · 4 months
boys when they're acting pretty for the camera idk i don't keep up with my oc lore
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greynatomy · 2 years
The Letter
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Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
i cried while writing and every time i reread it to edit. idk if it’s actually sad or i’m just very emotional. happy bday to me, let’s be emotional together.
this is the second part to Dear Scarlett…
hope you enjoy and tell me what you think
“Dear Scarlett,
Hey! It’s been a while. Probably forgot about me, so in case that’s true, it’s Yn.
You probably have so many questions, hopefully this letter answers most of them.
The very last treatment we did worked. It worked and we just tested way too early to find out. I figured out a about a month after you left. I didn’t tell you because we were officially divorced.
About nine months went by, I welcomed Arlo Prince Johansson into the world.
I gave him the last name Johansson because I wanted us all to have the same name. I’m sorry for keeping your surname, I couldn’t bring myself to change it.
This is where it gets crazy.
Two months before Arlo was born, I started getting extreme pains on my side. Thought it was from being pregnant, but it wasn’t. When it didn’t go away, I went to the hospital and they found tumors that were rapidly spreading to my other organs.
It was liver cancer. Advanced-stage. No cure.
I wanted to reach out to you right when I found out, but I see how happy you are now with Colin and I didn’t want to ruin and get in the way of that.
I also knew my time with Arlo was cut short so I became selfish and kept him to myself. It was just us two, and my lawyer.
You’re probably asking why I had a lawyer even after the divorce, well it’s because I had to start planning for his future before I left.
In the bag that he came with, you’ll see a some folders. Inside are all the pictures I took of him, of us. Birth certificate, DNA test, of course, in case you have any doubts. There’s also a couple CDs, SD cards, flash drives in there too.
The SD cards have more photos, the CDs have some videos I took for the major parts of his life like birthdays or his wedding, especially the birth, stuff like that. And the flash drives has some songs.
I know that I was never successful in my music or production, but I recorded some songs that I made for Arlo. Lullabies that I won’t be able to sing to him anymore. There’s also a couple original songs that I wrote through this rollercoaster of a journey.
I think I covered everything. You’re on the birth certificate if you were wondering so when I die, you’ll have full custody.
I know you’ll be an amazing mother to Arlo because of how well you raised Rose.
I love you. I never stopped. All I wanted was for you to be happy and I am glad that you have that with Colin. This is an official goodbye from me. Make sure Arlo doesn’t forget me, please.
With all my love,
Yn Johansson”
“Oh my god.” Scarlett broke down, crying.
@mmmmokdok @ladyqueenxoxo @soulflame29 @natsxwife @sonicqaulan @scarlettsnat @mrsromanoff @nattyswhore @tashakink @aphrcdtes @hottestwhore @vivs46 @wifeofnatasharomanoff
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letshaikyuu · 2 years
Hello! I’m new to your blog and I’m really loving it so far so I was wondering if I could request you do a sunas ideal type like how you did for the Miya twins!
> suna rintarou's ideal type.
a/n: i totally forgot how i wrote his surname before or what's technically correct...? anyway, keeping this as a gn!reader post, so no worries about pronouns
warnings: none
because he's so chill and laid-back, he'd like his partner to be the same. no spontaneous ideas, no early morning wake-up calls and such...he wants your time spent together to be so relaxing, that Suna can fall asleep.
that sounds kind of mean, but there's nothing he'd love more than a partner who's willing to join him in bed as he's watching a movie and then fall asleep with him (his hand always ends up in the popcorn bowl).
he doesn't mind if his partner throws a few fun date ideas at him, he has no problems with going outside and hanging out at an arcade or coffee shop or amusement park. he also wants his partner to be considerate and understand him when he says he's too tired from practice and/or matches to do such fun activities.
definitely makes up for that by going on such a date another time.
i feel like he'd like someone who's cool and talkative around his friends and others, but super cute and sweet with him, and him only. do i reckon him being a jealous type? possibly. that sounds right up my headcanon alley.
oh, he'd love for his partner to pet his hair and give him like a head massage, especially during those cuddle sessions i've mentioned earlier. boy loves that feeling. bonus points if your nails are long.
because he's super close to his volleyball team, he wants his partner to be liked by them too. so, i can see him opting for someone who's talkative, sweet and knows how to be nice with other people.
i don't think cooking is a deal breaker for him. you two can live off sandwiches for all he cares. BUT, if you can make some mean ass cookies, he's your man.
ending note: God knows when this request was made, but i loved it, so thank you for requesting it and if you still use Tumblr, hope your year is off to a good start!
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the-broken-truth · 11 months
I love ❤️ the letter that Bruce sent to Dakota. It makes me think of what kind of letter Damien would write to her? Maybe to reaffirm his belief that Marissa kept Dakota out of spite and that her Uncle Tobias isn’t her father. And maybe a brief mention of the Hunter of Artemis stopping him from eliminating him. As Damian would say, to get rid of a few pests.
Broken Truth (Sitting on a boulder with arms folded): A Letter from Damian Wayne to Dakota Blake? I should have known you would be the one who requested this time - you did make a comment about it. Considering Damian's Relationship with Dakota, more like lack thereof... Very well, I can weave these words. Let's get started.
Annoyed was not fit enough word to describe how Dakota Blake felt as a result of dealing with the Wayne Family for the past few weeks; she was completely exhausted and she just wanted to take one of her arrows and shoot both Bruce and his scion in the knees. Damn, she was starting to sound like a Whiterun Guard when the Dragonborn passes him. For the past few weeks, Dakota has been attempting to go about her life ever since she received that letter from Bruce telling her about all the plans he was putting into place to make her take his name and live under his room - sure, he was rich and she did share DNA with him, however she didn't need him before and she didn't need him now that her life was together; hell, she didn't even want him to interfere with her life - this was getting out of hand and she didn't know what to do.
About one week after receiving the letter from Bruce, Dakota was going to work when an unknown man jogged up to her, pulled out a microphone, and started asking her personal questions: How does it feel to be related to Bruce Wayne? Why won't you accept Bruce as her only father figure? Why was she refusing to take up the Wayne Name as her surname? Dakota was confused as to how this strange man knew so much about her when she got a call from her best friend who informed her that the day Bruce first appeared before Dakota, someone from the Gotham Globe followed him and took a picture of them and someone called Bruce and asked about his relationship to Dakota - instead of refusing to tell them anything, Bruce offered an interview where all questions would be answered. Dakota then opened the link her friend had sent her regarding the interview and her blood boiled once again.
Bruce sat across from the interviewer who repersented the Gotham Globe and introduced Bruce to the audience and listeners before thanking Bruce for doing this interview before asking the first question: Who is the girl in the photo and what connection did she have to Bruce? Bruce inhaled and exhaled before he presented his answer: "That girl is Dakota Blake & she happens to be my daughter, my only biological daughter and she happens to be older than my son, Damian Wayne.". Dakota's blood began boiling over as she continued to watch the interview - Bruce was working everything that made her mother and family look like they were villains; acussing them of keeping Dakota away from him on purpose and telling them that Dakota refused to acknowledge him as her father. Dakota couldn't watch anymore and turned off the interview before going to work. Everything was weird there too because it would have seemed that everyone knew who she really was now and they were trying to kiss up to her in order to get closer to the father she never wanted. She needed a break.
During her break, Dakota went to the break room when she noticed she forgot to charge her phone that night - she was far too tired after dealing with her other job to remember to put it on its charger; good thing she remembered she brought her power bank with it and it was in her satchel which was in her locker. She opened her locker and looked wide eyed at the sight of a letter placed neatly on her satchel - where the hell did that letter come from? Who wrote it and how did they get into her locker in the first place to put it there? Dakota placed her phone in her pocket and picked up the letter and opened it before reading it - the first word gave the identity of the responsible party instantly. She sneered.
You are too stubborn for your own good, but then again, you are the Eldest of the Wayne Heirs and we are indeed a rather stubborn collection, therefore, I suppose it's just how we are made; I cannot blame you for acting upon your genetic code. However, you are beings tubborn for all the wrong reasons and you know this well, Sister. You're defending the family that kept you away from your real father and kept you from experiencing a life of wealth and happiness. The family you dare to defend made you call your Eldest Uncle 'Dada' when that was meant to be Father's Right; they had not right to take that away from him.
Your mother, your aunts, and your uncles are doing nothing to defend you - they are hindering your progress by refusing to hand you over to your father, where you truly belong, and you are making it no better by standing with them. Just as you did in the court case. I don't know what that judge was thinking allowing you to speak when have clearly been indoctrinated to believe your family knows what is best for you - if they truly did, you would have been here already. Not to mention, they deal with criminals.
You thought we wouldn't find out about that? About the Hunters of Artemis - those thugs that are apparently sworn to protect your family for some reason. Gotham belongs to the Bat Family and this is commonly knowledge, just why do those imposters think they are standing against them? I tried to get rid of your Uncle's Influence on you and I was stopped by one of the Hunters - the pest got away from me but that won't stop me, Dakota. You are going to come home to us if it's the last thing I do.
You need to release a few things, Dakota: You are a Wayne Heir - those with that fate usually reside at Wane Manor. Tobias Blake is not your father, he is merely a man who took that mantle for himself after keeping you away from our father. You are not supposed to defend them - come to your sense and awaken from the dream you find yourself in or I shall be the alarm clock to awaken you myself. The next court case is coming up and I am going to be there - you will renouce your ties to the Blake Family and come home with us. Should you continue to be stubborn... well... you shall see the side of my I inherited from my mother.
Make the right choice, Elder Sister. Until next time we meet.
~Signed, Damian Wayne - Your Younger Sibling
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icouldntfindthedoor · 2 years
What it’s like being married to König/Wedding Headcanons
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Takes his SO’s surname without hesitation. Doesn’t want to keep his family name at all. 
Wears his wedding ring proudly, and only takes it off during missions where he’s afraid he’ll lose it. 
Introduces himself as “SO’s husband,” and sounds so proud as he says it, like yes, I’m married to this wonderful person, envy me. 
Lays awake in bed next to his SO the day after the wedding and is like.... holy shit I’m actually married?! When did that happen? How did I get here? How much more paperwork do we need to sort out? 
Wrote his own wedding vows, he spent hours practicing in front of his bathroom mirror. When he started saying them aloud during the ceremony, he stumbled on the first few words from nervousness, then stared into his SO’s eyes and felt so relaxed and joyful that he forgot about the people watching them and finished his vows without another stutter. 
If his SO wears a veil, he takes it at one point to take a picture of himself with it on. It’s not fair his SO gets to have all the fun with the veil. 
He baked the wedding cake, and spent hours and hours figuring out designs and flavours. He and his SO end up deciding on something simple but delicious, and no fondant was used because he fucking hates fondant. 
He would prefer to have a small, simple wedding, since he doesn’t see the point in spending thousands and thousands of euros for one day. He’d rather use that money to go somewhere really nice for the honeymoon, or using it as down payment for their first house. 
With that said, he does splurge a bit and gets himself a custom made suit. One that actually fits his huge frame, but is designed in such a way it can be reused for other events. He’s not going to spend that much money on something he’ll only wear once. 
He doesn’t invite his family. 
He feels oddly giddy when he has to change some forms around and writes his SO as his next of kin, like that’s what cinches it for him. So much has changed, he has a new family now with his SO, and it honestly makes him tear up a bit because he’s so happy, and he didn’t think he’d ever have this. 
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2346khith · 8 days
AU retcons
So I decided to make a few retcon to my au either because of new ideas or past mistakes.
Sub Zero family name change: So I've been referring to my version of the Sub zero sister as Lisa Liang as I though that was her canonical name and that Liang was the family name. However I was just confused as Conquest Lisa last name was never stated and I just thought it was Liang from an unreliable source on reddit, @Laismoura-art aus and my own imagination because as stated in my bio, I'm a dumbass. So in order to avoid confusion with my version of Lisa I'll be referring to her as Kuai Lisa, using the Chinese tradition of putting the surname first though I may change this later down the line. Also, also, @laismoura-art, if your seeing this I just wanted to say that I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience. While my version of Lisa was inspired by yours it was never my intention to copy her nor is it my plan too. You've work so very hard visualizing Lisa into your own image, making her into such an amazing character and I don't want to ruin that for you. If you have anymore grievances about my version of her please let me know and I'll change them right away.
Sub zero's personality: Okay, this technically not a retcon but more like addon I forgot to mention in a pervious post So I made this long ass post about how my version of sub zero's personality is different from canon.
Check it out for better context. Everything said in there is true though there are some slight changes/add ons I'm here. Sub Zero personality is exactly the way I describe it in that post but basically, when I talk about my version of Sub Zero I want you guys to picture his personality as a combination of Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes(specifically Falcon and the winter soldier era) and Tom Ellis Lucifer Morningstar.
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Basically he would have Bucky's tired of everything mentality, sarcastic wit, headstrong fortitude, loyalty, emptiness, major guilt, distance from others and Lucifers charm, impulsiveness, curiosity, insecurity, brutal honest, aloof of certain social cues, and persuasive nature mixed in with a calm demeanor, diplomatic mentality, calculative mindset and chameleon like acting skills. Again not exactly a retcon but something I wanted to mention.
3. How the reunion went. So originally had it so that Sub Zero reunited with his sister after he ran away from the cyber initiative, fled to America to find the other Earthrealm fighters, got jumped by the black dragon and left for dead in an ally way, until he was found and nurse back to health when Lisa found him. However after I wrote my Bi Han Irony and Pain, I wanted to implement some parts of Iwhat I've wrote there into my au so now in this timeline Bi Han was the only one who remember their childhood in America and told Liang about it and even told him about his plan to run away with him also wanting Liang to run away with him too though he didn't pay much attention to it, since he didn't have any attachment to his mother or sister that Bi Han would gush about. When the cyber initiative happened though, it was the only place he though be safe to go to so he actively search for it. This time he bad hurt from the Lin Kuei Cyborgs but he was saved by a mysterious figure(spoiler it scorpion) and manage to escape though still very injured and made his way to an address that Bi Han kept saying was there childhood home, lying there on the door step bleeding out until the door open and his sister rescues him. I not only wanted to change this because A. it wouldn't have made sense for sub zero to be taken down by a bunch of black dragon goons and B. I saw more story potential in this as unlike the previous concept he has no real connection towards his sister so there could be an ongoing arc from the start to the end of the story with them growing as siblings originally only be family through blood but growing into a true family.
4.What Bi Han gets up too. As stated before I wanted to implement some of my og timeline Bi Han theory into my au so I had to change Bi Han mentality and motives here.
Check the post I linked for more details about what I meant. But the long story short of it is that I thought Bi Han as a mama's boy that hated working for the Lin kuei and was going to use bounty money to run off but got "toasty" by Scorpion and is butt hurt his baby bro decide to stay with the Lin kuei. In this au his origins is the same as the irony and pain theory, being raise in America for most of his childhood until he and his baby brother were kidnapped by the Lin Kuei and forced to be assasins until Bi Han decides to plan that he would use bounty money he collect to save up on necessities and possibly property in America so he could run away and find his mother. Just like in the original timeline however he fails and gets killed by Scorpion. Just as he was previously in my au he was worked on Quan Chi to be revived as the perfect weapon only to get out of hands and escape though this time it wasn't because he remembers Scorpions killing and was pissed but because he the resurrection process alter different aspects of him including his desire for freedom causing him not wanting to be a slaved for Quan Chi. He still has scattered and altered memories but this time his motive is to find out who he is and the most common memories in head just so happen to be from America. So basically he goes off backpacking across the U.S.A hitch hiking through the states which could make for some funny moments. I also wanted to mention a way to explain why the lin kuei wouldn't play a big part in the first act of this au as in this au they do search for Liang in the U.S.A but they don't know where exactly he at and occasionally they end up running into Bi Han who just so happens to remembers hating people who wear the same symbols as these flying machines and so he ends up taking them down over and over again. One day he walking along the street until he walks past a cemetery and spots a name on a tombstone. He walks towards the tombstone to see it has his mother's name on it. All his memories end up rushing back towards him. And then he kneels, lay his head on the tombstone and cries. And cries. And cries. And cries. And Cries. For days on end he just cries at his mother's resting place never moving until one day Lisa is doing her daily visit towards her mother's grave until she sees a man crying there. She assume that it an old friend of her mothers and goes up to ask who is until she actually sees him. His skins gone dark, he thinner than he was and he was way older than the last time she saw him. But she knows what her brother looks like. The two lock eyes with each other. Then the hug and collapse. And they cry. And cry. And cry. And cry.
5. Black Dragon territory expansion. Originally I stated that the Black Dragon was spreading simply because they wanted more territory. However now I made it so The Black Dragon form an alliance with outworld for power and so the territory expansion is actually just a set up for preparing station for outworlds invasion.
So yeah those are all the retcons I wanted to make in my au. Again if you have any concept ideas or constructive criticism, I'm all too happy to take it as stated over again, I'm not a professional writing and I lack writing knowledge.
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enmi-land · 7 months
Hi dia bb how are you doing I hope you're okay after what happened with your blog. I'm glad that you managed to get somethings back but still it's sad🥹💓.Idk if this is the right time but remember when i told you I was thinking of doing a song for Milana and NI-KI well I made the POSTERS not the song because the website for ai covers I was using is not free any more and I'm broke so I'm not able to buy a membership so yeah TT butt I hope this cheers You up a bit hehe😗💓
here it is
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-I tried to go for a cyberpunk y2k theme something(?) and I actually like how they turned out i hope you like them as well
++++Idk if you are able to tell but behind the pictures I wrote their surnames(you can't actually see it 😭😭)and i noticed that the copyright thing is actually 2020 so I'm sorry but i just went to the be:lift official website and i copied this
-but Yeah i decided to do BTBT by B.I feat Devita
love you dia and I hope everything gets sorted out
AHHHHHH THE WAY I SCREECHED WHEN I SAW THIS 🫨🫨🫨🫨 THESE ARE SAURRRR GOOD MINA WTH?? YOU JUST POPPED OFF WITH THESE GRAPHICS AND CALLED IT A DAY HUH??? 🥵🥵🥵🥵 I LUV YOU SAUR MUCH AND THESE EDITS LIKE MY GOSH 🤤🤤🤤 you’re so talented 🥹🤧🩷🩷🩷 i think i can make out the letters in the background so i get what you’re talking about!! but ahhh these designs are so pretty and nice to look at i’m in awe and shock 😭😭😭😭 i was lowkey feeling like discontinuing this fic not too long ago but seeing this just rekindled my love for it in a second and washed away all my doubts, like you have no idea how grateful i am that you sent this in when you did i’m so happy rn 🤧🤧🤧🩷🩷🩷 THANK YOU THANK YOU AND LOVE YOU SM 💖💖💖💖
EDIT: OMG I ALMOST FORGOT!! if you’re looking for somewhere free and quick to make your ai covers I actually have a recommendation!! you can install it for free on your computer and it’s actually so quick and easy to use once you have it!! the link to the tutorial i used to download it is here !! and the tutorial to use it to make ai covers is here !! I use it personally (because I’m also broke) and I haven’t run into any problems with it, so hopefully this helps you out!! 🩷🩷🩷
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achaiapelides · 2 years
The 'I have way to many names' - Shadowhunter Challenge
1. Jonathan
2. Christopher (Is that his official name though? I may have understood that wrong, but didn't he just believe that this was his name because he found some stuff Valentine wrote about Sebastian? And as Valentine pretended that he was Jonathan Wayland, Michael's son whose name was just Jonathan, wouldn't that make Jace "just Jonathan" too?)
3. Wayland
4. Lightwood
5. Morgenstern² (because both he and Clary had that name at some point)
6. Herondale
7. (Celine's maiden name, I forgot what it was...)
8. Fray
9. Fairchild
10. Graymark
11. Garroway
1. Christopher
2. Jonathan
3. Crow
4. Rook
5. Herondale
6. Gray
7. Carstairs
8. Loss (because of the Lost Herondale, who was adopted by Catarina Loss)
9. Blackthorn² (because of Ty when they get married and because Kit also has Blackthorn blood from Eva Blackthorn, who was the mother of the Lost Herondale)
10. (Elanor's maiden name - forgot it too)
11. (if titles also count because that would probably have been Auraline's surname) of the Seelie and Unseelie Court
Kit wins
No, he doesn't unless you count the title. Without that Jace wins 😅 (yes I'm arguing with myself, don't worry, that's normal)... Unless we get to know Rosemary's maiden name (I guess her family used one even though they knew they were Herondales because they hid from the Shadowhunters. Using a Shadowhunter name when you're hiding from them isn't exactly smart...). So basically both win...
Edit 1:
I forgot some names, added them in blue.
And I'm just counting the names of the current generation of them (Jace and Kit) and their partners (Clary and Ty), as well as Jace and Kit's ancestors names but not the ones of Clary and Ty's ancestors because that has nothing to do with them (Jace and Kit) anymore and would get too confusing.
I hope that explanation is not confusing 😅
Someone was so nice to tell me, that I forgot those names, but I can't answer to their comment and thank them (it says I blocked the comments even though I didn't do it... weird), so if you're the one who commented on this and see this, thank you 🤗
Okay that's way too many theories and questions in one post, but if you want to answer them or comment on them, please do - just don't wonder when I don't answer, it still doesn't work 🥲.
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*gets in rp*
I saw controversy around my sacrificial choice,so today is the day. We are gonna find out who will get sacrificed for THE SAKE OF DEMOCRACY RAHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 *eagle noises*
Anyways,how to vote:
Comment "ice ice baby" to choose derek
Reblog to choose bobby [yes I brought him back to life against my will cuz someone payed me 20 dabloons for it but they died before i shipped the order so i just feed it pig meat and tik tok slideshows with the California dreaming sound and sometimes punch it]
Comment another chacters name that you want to sacrifice for another chacter.
And comment "⁉️" to keep the initial choice.
Also,heres a list of revivings planned. Their only three for now so we can still add on:
•Becky Wandel
•Ruth Campbell
Also civilian funds for the reviveings,as last time I had to buy everything myself. Becouse,since the universe is a bastard,it makes you do everything yourself. I had to waste 4 towels by using them to clean uo blood when I revived bobby for that costume r who apparently died before recivieng the order.
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addictiedtocrimedrama · 10 months
26 Years - Chapter 2: 2x02, The Devil's Breath
Summary: The team is called in when Colombian authorities discover an American tourist dead in the alley behind a hotel room. Someone is using scopolamine - the "Devil's Breath" - to put tourists into a trance, force them to clean out their bank accounts, and then kill themselves to prevent them from talking to the authorities.
The IRT investigates the apparent suicide of an American in Colombia who emptied his bank account prior to his death. While Jack and Clara are struggling to find a way/the courage to tell the team (minus Emma and Isa) about their relationship.
Author's Notes: Wow, it's been 8 months since I've updated time flies. Okay I have to admit there was a time I forgot this story existed but then again I've had so much happen since posting the last chapter from graduating to starting a new school year, some relatives visiting, getting sick, and exams. Hopefully, the next few chapters won't take as long since while writing the draft for this chapter I also wrote drafts for the other chapters it just needs a bit of editing.
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GIF credit belongs to @butterfly-resources since that's where I saved the GIF.  Also please consider this gif as a spoiler for what’s gonna happen near the end of the chapter.
Poverty does not destroy virtue, nor wealth distill. - Colombian proverb
A few days after the case in Tanzania, everything was more or less the same as before. The only difference was that the team, more specifically Mae, was starting to get hints that there was more to the two most senior agents of the team than meets the eye and had been slyly suggesting it to the rest of the team, much to their slight annoyance. It doesn't help that the ME's also been trying to get insight from Emma and Isa or see if she can get Jack or Clara to tell her the truth, though more slyly with the former than the latter. But to her credit, the others were also attempting to do the same, though they were not as obvious as her.
Mae's latest attempt happened while she and Clara were having a cup of coffee, or in Clara's case, tea, since coffee gives her migraines. While they were enjoying their beverages while catching up on a few things, Mae slyly brought up the events of the previous case by saying, "Sooooo... Will you finally explain to me what happened in Tanzania?" then rested her chin on her hand while her friend was playing with the string of her tea bag while trying to keep a straight face and hide the bit of blush that's creeping up her cheeks, then said after a few beats of silence, "I have no clue what you're talking about." The ME gave the linguist an 'Are you serious' look then clarified "I'm talking about what happened between you and Jack at the train station near the start of the case". At that moment, Clara knew what her friend was trying to do and managed to get an "Oh, that." before looking down at her tea, then back to Mae and adding, "That was nothing." She then took a large sip of her tea, a little too quickly, to try and move this topic along. Though her friend wasn't that convinced, she replied, saying, "Oh, really, since from what I saw it wasn't, nothing. Is there something going on with you two or something?"
Thankfully, before Clara could respond, their phones buzzed, informing them they've got a message from Monty telling them they've got a case, saving Clara from trying to explain to Mae that nothing was going on between her and Jack when there most certainly was; they're freaking married, for crying out loud. As she looked up from her phone, Mae joked, "I guess you're safe for now, Seger. But let me tell you this: We'll get to the bottom of this and when I mean "we" I mean me, Matt, Isa, Monty, and Emma." then gets up to leave, to which Clara chuckles, knowing that Isa and Emma know what's going on with her and Jack and that her real surname is Seger-Garrett, not just Seger, then stands up to leave closely behind her.
While Mae was trying and failing to get Clara to let the cat out of the bag, the two youngest agents were listening to a podcast about events in Philippine history while one was working on a short essay and the other was simply doodling on a notepad. As the last episode of the first season started, Isa groaned and leaned back into her chair, then Emma paused the episodes and gave the Filipina a questioning look, to which the slightly older girl pouted. Just then, Matt walked up to them, unsure what was going on, and spoke up, slightly shocking the two young agents: "Hey guys. Uh, what's going on?" to which the bronde replied "Isa wants to skip an episode of a podcast we're listening to," which made the brunette slightly annoyed, then explained, "I want to save my sanity and blood pressure. Plus, do you want me to go on a rant that could last who knows how long about how the whole Martial Law in the Philippines BS was and still is propaganda made by former President Marcos Sr.'s enemies and people who hate him?" to which Emma simply said, "Heck no."
At this point Matt was still unsure what was going on turned to Emma and asked "What podcasts exactly are you two listening to right now, and what's so bad about one of the episodes that Isa wants you to skip an episode?" to which the younger girl replied "We're listening to "Yugto: Get Mad About Filipino History" and the episode in question is titled "Death of a Politician: Ninoy Aquino" and I have no clue why Isa wants to skip it." at this Isa answered making things sound obvious "It's about Ninoy Aquino's assassination, which sparked the first EDSA Revolution." upon hearing that Matt understood what's happening but confused, so he asked "I don't see what's wrong with that, it sounds interesting. So what's the problem?"
At that young Filipina blew out a sigh, then went into a short rant about Martial Law and something about Marcos Sr., then huffed and quietly exclaimed "Sometimes it drives me insane how tanga  Pinoys can be sometimes". As she finished, Emma decided to change the topic by speaking up and asking, "Okay, so are we gonna listen to the remaining episodes?" to which Isa firmly replied, "Ay, hindi. All the remaining episodes are about presidential elections, since we already listened to the episodes about the athletes, and I don't like political crap." At that, the slightly younger girl nodded, though she doesn't look up from her notepad, which is now covered in doodles, and replied "Sooo what podcast are we gonna listen to now, and please don't say "Sounds and Stories of the Philippines"; we've listened to that a couple of times now, though can we still stick to events in Philippine history". "How about LAGIM or Philippine History Z?" Isa suggests after a few moments of silence, then Matt speaks up after a couple of beats, "What's the first one about since the second one seems self-explanatory?" And for the first time since Matt walks up to them, Emma looks up from her notebook, slightly interested in the first podcast Isa suggested, then says, "Yeah, what's the first one about? It sounds interesting".
"LAGIM is a Filipino true-crime podcast about infamous and not-so-well-known cases in the Philippines."  Isa responded, reading the podcast description, then adding, "It also kinda helps that lagim means dread/terror/fear in Tagalog, and yes, they include gory details, at least some do since some of the cases that are talked about are murders, but some are not, like the episode of the Michael Meiring Mystery, aka the Evergreen Hotel Explosion". Emma nodded in acknowledgment, then said, "I like that one though, can we skip the ones that sound too brutal?" Isa replied with an unsure "okay," which made the bronde giver her an 'are you serious' look, which made the brunette clarify, "I'd rather play it safe, so if I had to pick, I'd go for Philippine History Z. Plus, I'm still kinda shaken from the 2021 Bloody Sunday Calabarzon Killings episode, and I listened to that a few weeks back." At that, Emma gives in and mumbles, "Ugh, fine, you win, Iz. We'll listen to Philippine History Z, but after we finish it, we'll be listening to LAGIM." Isa counters, saying, "Okay, but one of your siblings or parents should also be there." Emma gives a quick nod, then simply says "Deal".  At that moment, their phones buzz, informing them that they've got a case. "Well, it looks like you two will have to check out that podcast another time." Matt said as he read the message on his phone, and then as the two youngest agents gathered their stuff, they said simultaneously, "DANG IT!" Then all of them left and headed to the jet.
While the rest of the team was up to their usual antics when they didn't have any cases, two of their members decided to hit up the shooting range.
As they exited the elevator and compared his and Monty's paper targets, Jack said, "Look at that. Well done, Monty. Tied again," to which the tech analyst replied, "Well, I did have a good teacher." The unit chief chuckles at that and then offers, "So, how about returning the favor and coming out on a case with us?" Monty quickly counters his boss and friend, saying, "You know my weapon of choice is a computer," as they round a corner. At that, Jack asks, "You sure that has nothing to do with the fact that you hate to fly?" The younger man asks, "Emma told you, di..." Knowing the answer, he chose to vow, "That's the last time I’m letting her and Isa play “Never Have I Ever” with me and Mae.” The senior agent replied, "She can put 'em away," with Monty adding as he grabbed his phone, "And hustle you in cards." Jack simply replies, "That's my girl." Then he asks, "What is it?" The tech analyst answers as he reads a message on the phone, "IRT just received a request from the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá." The unit chief simply says, "Let's go," and the two of them leave for two locations: Jack to the team's jet and Monty to his office.
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"One Drew Dafaoe, 28, of NYC, was found dead in the alleyway behind his hotel in Bogotá, Colombia. There was no sign of a struggle, so local police ruled it a suicide." Monty said the team was en route to Bogotá, and they were having a briefing about the case, with the tech analyst communicating with the rest of his team via web video. Clara then said, half-asking, half-suggesting, "But someone doesn't think it is." The tech wiz confirms, replying "Correct-o, Drew's girlfriend is a native of Bogotá and says he has no reason to take his own life, so she filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Embassy, suspecting there was foul play involved".
"There's nothing in his medical record to suggest that Drew was in poor mental or physical health." Mae said as she went through the vic's medical record, then Isa spoke up as she read a file in hand "Drew claimed on his visitor's declaration form that he was in possession of an engagement ring." She then turns to face the others, all of whom are in varying states of shock. Clara, whose shock wasn't evident in her face but was barely evident in her voice, concludes the Filipina's statement by concluding it with the four words, "He was gonna propose."
The youngest agent then asked as she took a seat next to Clara, visibly confused, "That doesn't sound like somebody who's about to take his own life." Matt then added as he looked through some crime scene photos, "Unfortunately, from these photos, I can't really tell what happened. I mean, he could have jumped or been pushed." Monty then informed them, saying, "True, but what is clear is that in the hours leading up to Drew's death, his behavior was very suspect. After exhausting his ATM withdrawal limit, he then went to a local bank and cleared out his account," to which Emma asks, "So where's that money?" The tech analyst simply replied, "Missing, as is the ring."
At that, Isa raised her eyebrows, then took a seat next to Emma and said, "And here I thought Colombia was cleaning up their act." Clara then clarifies, "Well, it is. And because of it, more Americans have visited Colombia in the last two years than they have in the previous 20," to which Jack counters, "Mm, but like anything, it takes time, so crime is still a big problem for them. Tourists are always the easiest targets," the ME adds, "especially when the perception is that all Americans are rich," to which the unit chief further adds, "which explains why 75 Americans have been targeted in Colombia in 2021." Matt then concluded, saying, "And most of those were express kidnappings." Clara then countered, saying, "Yeah, but after the victims are taken at gunpoint, go to the ATM, withdraw the money, they're usually immediately released." Isa agreeing with the linguist, added, "And these types of criminals are highly organized, mobile, and experienced, but not usually violent." At that, Emma concludes, "So, if this is an escalation, there's no telling what dangers more Americans might find themselves in."
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As the team arrived at the hotel, Drew stayed with a bunch of street kids, who flocked around them as they exited the 4x4. Then, out of the blue, a woman wearing a floral blue blouse and baby pink suit came and started yelling at the children, "iFuera de aquí, ratas! iAntes de que llame a la policía! iTodos vamos! iVamos!" She then says some other things at them, as Clara clarifies ""Gamines," or "throwaway children". It's a remnant of Colombia's recent civil wars. The unemployment, poverty, and lack of housing have left their parents struggling and the children abandoned. So they live on the streets and join gangs to survive, to which Isa asks, "What's the Colombian government doing about this?" Then the woman from earlier cuts in, saying, "Not enough. I'm sorry about this vermin. They're a stain on our county."
Then a man in a dark gray suit walks up to them and introduces himself as he offers a handshake, "Agent Garrett. I'm Detective Benavides." Jack accepts as he says, "Detective, thanks for having us." He then introduces the rest of the team, "Agent Seger, Garcia, Jarvis, Rubirosa, and Simmons." The detective then says to the team, apologizing, "I'm sorry that you had to fly all the way down here for this... how do you say... open-and-close case." The unit chief answers, "Oh, it certainly looks that way, but..." to which Detective Benavides cuts in, "It is. This is no longer the land of Pablo Escobar. It hasn't been for a while now. Colombia has taken its place in a new world, and we hope that its neighbors to the north will trust that we can police our own backyard." At that, Emma politely answers back, "Well, no disrespect intended, Detective Benavides, but when a formal complaint is filed with our embassy, we take that very seriously."
The detective reluctantly gives in to Emma's statement and asks, "Fine. How can I be of assistance?" to which Jack answers, "We'd like to see the deceased's hotel room." The detective then turns to the woman, who turns out to be Rosa Fernandez, the hotel manager, and they have a quick exchange. He then turns back to the team, informing them, "Unfortunately, that's not possible. Because we didn't declare this a crime, we've removed the deceased's belongings and released the room back to the hotel." Fernandez then cuts in, adding, "Which we then rented to a new guest. We're very busy, and the Chicó Reservado district is very popular with tourists, but I can show it to you if you'd like." Matt answers, saying, "If the room's been cleaned and occupied, then all the evidence has been compromised." to which Jack replies, "Agreed, so, Detective, can you instead escort Agents Jarvis, Rubirosa, and Simmons to the alleyway where the body was found, so they can take a look?" the detective simply replies with an "of course," then Jack turns to the rest of the team, "Mae, can you check out the alley while Simmons, you, and Emma take a look at the roof?" to which the former Army vet replies, "You got it, boss." as the three of them leave with Detective Benavides. Jack then turns to Clara and Isa and says, "Let's go have a chat with Drew's girlfriend. Paola," The three of them leave to talk to her, where they learn that she and Drew had a run-in with a halcón with the Los Primos cartel.
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As they walked to the nightclub Paola and Drew went to before he died, Clara noticed that Isa's lost in her thoughts and asked her, "You alright, Isa?" which brought the Filipina back into reality and made her jump slightly, but then she mumbled, "Sorry. Paola just reminded me of the helplessness that my sisters and I felt when we lost mama and papa." to which the linguist replied empathically, "Of course. I've been there too, y'know. When I lost my brother." This made the girl look at her and give a thankful smile, then say with a bit of determination, "If we can find out who did this to Drew, it's gonna give her closure and allow her to move on. I hope we can do that". "We will," Jack said as they entered the nightclub.
Inside, there were only two people: one guy at the bar, and the other was behind the bar. "No, no, no. Cerrado. We're closed until 6," the guy at the bar said. Jack responds by showing his badge and saying, "FBI, I was hoping you might be able to help us out." The guy picks up a glass and says, "I doubt that." Isa gives a small scoff, then replies sarcastically, "Let's give it a try anyway." She then showed a photo of Drew's passport and added, "Either of you saw this man last night?" The man looked at the photo and then simply said, "I don't know. We see a lot of people." The three agents didn't seem convinced by that, and before Isa could make a witty remark, Jack asked, "All those people end up dead?" Instead of replying to the unit chief, the man turned to the guy behind the bar and said, "No dar papaya.”
Confused, Isa turns to Clara and asks, "Don't give the papaya?" The linguist clarifies, "It's a local saying. It means..." The man at the bar cuts in, saying "That it was probably the guy's own damn fault for walking in yesterday, being gringo, and flashing cash". "And maybe you helped him out with that?" Jack asked, to which the men laughed and said, "¿Yo?, You Americans are always putting your noses in Colombian business and just making everything worse." That made the most senior agent slightly agitated and ask, "Why don't you stop deflecting and answer my question?" The man then turned to the guys behind the bar and said, "Ohh... Mira." then turns back to Jack and says, "Tough guy with his gun and his badge." He then stood up, which made him a few inches taller than the unit chief.
Jack responds by first removing his gun and badge and handing them to Clara who along with Isa becomes slightly concerned, then says to the guy "Now I'm just a tough guy. But a little piece of tin doesn't seem like it would be a problem for you." the man responds saying "Hermano... you don't want any of this." Jack replies, saying, "Big guy like you doesn't have many real fights. Your game is intimidation. Most people back down before a punch is ever thrown, but I'm not one of those guys." the unit chief then takes a step forward and adds, "So... you have anything to do with this man's death?" At that, Clara seriously wondered how this was the same guy she married and had kids with, while Isa concluded that her friend and colleague got her attitude of diving head first into most things from her dad.
The man then sits back down and says, "Okay. Yeah, okay? Look... I tried to talk to his lady. That's it... Hmm? I was here all night into the morning, working." this doesn't convince the three agents, so he adds, "You don't believe me? Ask him" gesturing to his friend behind the bar. "Doesn't mean you didn't get on your walkie and call one of your buddies to take care of him." Isa replied wittily, which made the guy respond, "I am just... whoa." Jack instinctively reached for his gun, though it was not even real, which made the guy say, "Suave. It doesn't even work. It's not even loaded. I am just a security guard." He then showed the three agents his fake walkie-talkie, which made Clara conclude, "The walkie and the gun are a ruse." Jack examines the fake walkie then adds, "So... If people think you're part of a drug cartel, they think twice before doing anything stupid." The guy simply laughs and then says, "Welcome to Colombia," which makes Isa think, "Yeah, we feel very welcomed." as the three of them exchange looks.
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After a while, the team hasn't made much progress as they've now got a second victim whose wife is currently missing, and searching their hotel room has raised more questions than answers, one of which is who owns the glittery purple lipstick on a champagne flute and the red hair in the shower. Mae was doing the autopsy with a local coroner on the jet just as Isa headed there, as she might have gotten a lead, while Matt and Emma, along with Detective Benavides, went to a nearby shop.
While all of that was going on, Jack walked up to Clara, who had just called the US embassy, and informed him, "Hey. I just got off the phone with the embassy. They're issuing a travel warning to all Americans in Bogotá and warning other embassies to do the same for their citizens," he replied, "Good. Simmons just called. He found a person of interest using the Hulses' credit card. It turned out to be Mrs. Hulse herself. Seems she had breakfast with her husband this morning before she went on the Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral tour, while he came back to the hotel to rest." Baffled, Clara concludes, "So, whoever it was must have known that she'd be occupied."
Just then, Mae calls, to which Jack answers and says, "What do you two have, Mae?" The ME answers "Well, the original medical reports said that the victims were not drugged, when, in fact, they were". "With what?" Clara asks, "It's called scopolamine, a.k.a. "The Devil's Breath" the ME replies." Still bewildered, the linguist then asks, "So, why didn't the original labs catch it?" At that, Isa cuts in, clarifying "Well, scopolamine metabolizes into the bloodstream so quickly that standard toxic panels don't detect it". "It also grows only here in Colombia, so it's specific to the region," the unit chief adds. "Bingo," the Filipina said in response, then added, "Now, scopolamine is like a Mickey on steroids. It's odorless, it's off-white in color, and it can be blown into someone's face or just passed through touch." as Mae takes over and continues to explain, "And once that happens, the victim is turned into a mental zombie, and while they're under the influence, the victim is easily controlled by suggestions or verbal commands to perform unspeakable acts, which is why all of our victims have been emptying their bank accounts... Because they were told to." At that, Jack comments, saying, "And the person giving the commands is usually very close by." Isa concludes the explanation by saying, "And once the drug has worn off, the victim has no recollection of what happened or what they did under the influence. They can't even identify the people who gave them the drug in the first place."
The last part slightly puzzled Clara, which made her ask, "Well, then why have them kill themselves if they can't remember anything, anyway?" Mae suggests, "Unless these crimes of opportunity are also a way to fulfill a lust to kill." Jack replies, saying, "Sounds like you guys are on to something, Mae. Get back to the hotel as soon as possible, and we'll regroup." then ends the call then turns to Clara, "The last time I heard of scopolamine, a bunch of working girls were using it to roll Johns in Guatemala." the linguist makes a 'that makes sense' gesture then replies, "Well, a lady of the night would explain who was drinking the champagne." the unit chief then adds, "And who took the shower in a country where running water is not always a given."
Clara agrees with this but finds something that doesn't add up, so she says, "Yeah, but neither of these victims look like the kind of men that would pay for sex." Jack nods slightly at her point and then suggests, "Agreed, but maybe they didn't pay for it, and these women followed them and found the right opportunity to dose them." Clara replies, "All right, so where do we find this working girl?" Jack answers, "That's the easy part," as he calls Matt and Emma, then, as they pick up, says, "Simmons, Emma, meet us at the Wall." as the two of them leave to meet them at the Wall.
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The four agents arrive at the Wall with Jack and Clara riding the 4x4 while Emma and Matt road his bike, which, though she won't admit it, moderately scared Emma. As they either hopped off or exited their respective vehicles, Matt said, "The Wall is infamous for prostitution," and as they walked around, Clara spotted a girl that fits the vague description of their working girl and said, "There she is. Redhead, purple lipstick. Check." Emma then commented, "Nice ice on her finger," as she observed the girl show a raven-haired girl a ring, which made her dad reply, "I think we just found Drew's lost engagement ring... and our killer."
All of a sudden, shots were fired and everyone there either ducking for cover or running away. The four agents were able to duck behind a probably abandoned car, while the redheaded girl ducked behind an old, rusty trash can. As a few more shots are fired, Jack tells the others, "I don't have a shot. There are too many innocents downrange." Just then, the redheaded girl runs away, which Matt notices and then says, "There she goes." Jack then says to Clara and Emma, "I'll get his attention. As soon as I draw his fire, you two get the girl," to which the mother-daughter duo replies simultaneously with 'copy' and 'gotcha' then the unit chief addresses the former army vet and says, "Simmons, you get everyone else to safety." Matt simply replies, "Done."
Then Jack gave the go signal, and all four agents did their assigned orders. After a while, the gunman suddenly runs out of ammunition, and Jack says to him, "Jack Garrett, FBI!" Matt then asks, with his gun drawn, "What do we got, Jack?" The more senior agent replies, "He's on a drug called scopolamine. It's like you're under hypnosis, so whoever gives it to you has a lot of sway over your actions," he says as he reaches for the gunman's gun and is handcuffed.
Meanwhile, the mother-daughter duo continues to chase the redheaded girl. At some point during the chase, Clara yells, "FBI! Stop!" But after a bit more running and a few people shoved out of the way by both parties, the mother-daughter agent duo caught up with the redheaded girl, with Emma tackling her down and Clara cuffing her.
Back with Jack, Matt, and the gunman, Matt asks, "How'd he know where to find us?" while holding on to the gunman Jack spots something on the ground and picks it up. "The UnSub is watching," Jack replies as he shows the other agent a Polaroid.
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After Clara and Emma took the redheaded girl into custody, they went in to interview her. There they learned that her name was Canela and that both Drew and Tim hired her, but she wasn't the one to dose either of them with scopolamine. She said that neither of the victims wanted sex or anything, but they instead fed her, told her to take a shower, and then paid her for the whole day, so she didn't have to work anymore. She also said that Drew gave her the ring. When Emma asked what the gunman wanted, Canela replied saying that she had never met him and that when he came to the Wall and started shooting, that was the first time she saw him.
After the interview, the mother-daughter duo met up with Jack near the hotel lobby where he informed the two "Mae, Isa, and Simmons are interviewing the shooter. How'd it go with the working girl?" getting straight to the point, Clara replies, "She says she's innocent." her husband and colleague simply answered, "Of course". Emma replied "We believe her, dad" The last word was said so softly that both her parents barely heard it. Her dad then asked "Why's that?" her mom answered for her saying "Well, because when people lie, they tend to minimize, you know, to conceal their degree of involvement, but Canela has admitted to everything, including things that would cast doubt on her story, like the fact that they paid her extra money or that Drew gave her the ring." the young agent then added "Yeah, her only crime is growing up on these streets and trying to survive." agreeing with his wife and daughter Jack concluded "So if she didn't do it... whoever our UnSub is has a soft spot for her."
Clara then nods at Jack's conclusion and replies, "Agreed. And they want her washed, fed, and off the streets." Emma finds something confusing questions, "But it's a conflicting motivation. Greed versus romance?" the unit chief answers "We could be dealing with a schizophrenic, someone of two minds, on the one hand, driven by logic... on the other, driven by emotion." the youngest agent, starting to get why the motivations were so conflicting, adds "Which could be a blessing. I mean, the emotional side of our UnSub is driving them to take risks that they normally wouldn't take." Jack then replied, "Exactly. Which could be their undoing." Clara then suggests "Or their common thread. Canela asked us, "Who cares for prostitutes in Bogotá?"." to which her husband concluded, "Someone else who's been thrown away."
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While the familial threesome was talking, the remaining three members of the team who were on the team talked to the gunman, whose name they learned was Bob Cosgrove. When Matt asked what was the last thing he remembered before he was drugged he replied that the last he remembered was that he decided to take a walk from his hotel down to the marketplace and while there he heard a song specifically "Redemption Song" and that he placed some money into the musician kid's hat then suddenly everything went dark. At that, a lot of things started to fit into place for the three agents as they shared a glance at each other. Later, the team regroups with Detective Benavides, and they look over the marketplace from a hotel balcony.
"Music," Isa said simply. "The polaroid of Jack" Simmons continued then Clara added "The marketplace... it's what all the vics had in common." then she continued "The Chicó Reservado district is very popular among tourists. They walk through here every single day." then Jack concludes, "And finally, the kids. They're everywhere. The poor and homeless are often invisible". "Yeah, that's why this crime was so hard to figure out," Matt said as he turned to the others. "We underestimated them," Emma said, finishing the former army vet's statement. "Yeah, because you don't want to believe that kids are capable of such a thing." Clara said agreeing with her teammates, though her statement made the two youngest agents glance at each other as if saying to each other 'if only they knew some things we did' as they're a bit mischievous at times and most times an adult figures out what they did, but there are a few times they don't. Jack then counters the others "Doesn't mean he's our UnSub." Detective Benavides points to the musician kid and says "He looks like the ringleader to me." the unit chief decides to give the detective the benefit of the doubt and replies "He just maybe, but let's kick the tires on this and be sure. Our UnSub is targeting tourists."
Mae then adds, "These are crimes of opportunity, but there's a sadistic element to them. Robbery should have been enough, but these murders are extra." Isa then says slightly, stuttering a bit, "This person wants control and craves power. I-it's not just about money, but also making his victims be punished." Matt then continued "This is someone who's angry at tourists or foreigners." as Clara added to the profile "Yeah, a domineering personality, someone who takes pressure in... in making their victims helpless." Jack then replied, noticing a contradiction between their profile and the musician kid, "This kid doesn't fit the profile." the detective then asked, slightly confused, "So what? He fits the crime." to which Matt pointed out, "See, look at the way he checks around. See? See right there? Before he gives the kid the money". Emma then concluded, "They're afraid of someone". This still confuses the detective, so he asks "So he's got nothing to do with this?" to which Jack replies, "He might not be our UunSub, but he's most definitely our Romeo."
Isa then listed and occluded "Strawberries, champagne, and a shower. Only a kid on the street who lacks these things is gonna know their value." this still confuses the detective as he asks, "How is that possible? Whoever is tied to this girl is most likely the person who did all of this." Jack then gives another option they never thought of until now, "Unless we're looking for two people... one Alpha and one Beta." to which Clara replies, "Which is why our profile was so conflicting." Isa then concluded with a tone of disgust, hurt, and sympathy for the kids "These kids are just puppets." just as Matt added, "Someone else is pulling the strings, giving information from afar." Emma then concludes, "So we're not looking for a Romeo. We're looking for a Cyrano." which makes Detective Benavides ask "So, how do we find this Cyrano?" to which Jack replies "First, let's get these kids off the street and to safety."The team and Detective Benavides go to do just that and the musician kid notices them then yells "¡La policía! ¡Corran! ¡Corran!" and all of them run or at least try to since they're caught by the team and other officers. Jack then said to the musician kid, "Hey. FBI. ¿Hablas Inglés?" to which the kid simply replied "Sí." which made the unit chief ask "Where'd you learn to speak English?" the kid replied as he was being searched "Where else? American music." as he's finished being searched, Detective Benavides informs Jack "He's clean." to which the musician kid says "Which means I'm free to go. Gracias." then tries to leave but is stopped by Detective Benavides saying something to him in Spanish, then turns to the unit chief and says "They're all clean. One of the other kids must have gotten away with the scopolamine." Jack then turns to the musician kid, "I'm not interested in you going to jail, but I am interested in who your boss is." the kid simply replies with an "I'm the boss" to which the agent responds "I think you're just a kid being manipulated." the kid takes a step towards the agent as he says "You don't know anything about me or my friends or my family." Jack then explains to him, "Well, I know whoever you think your friend is, isn't. They're using you and all the others to do bad things so that, if you get caught, you all go to jail, not them." the musician kid then turns to the other kids then simply said "The FBI likes to lie." which the agent quickly dismisses saying "I promise you, we're not lying. Let me help you. I know you're just trying to take care of your friends." the musician kid then replies, "We're okay. We'll take care of ourselves. Gracias. ¡Vámonos!" then he and the other kid leave and as 6 agents and a detective watch them leave, the detective asks "So, what now?" to which the most senior agent replies "We follow them".
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As the team and Detective Benavides follow the kids, they follow them into an alleyway with flashlights in hand. "Well, they can't have escaped that quickly," Isa remarked as they looked around to see how the kids had gotten away so fast. After looking around for a while, Matt finds a vent from which the kids could've used and then says "Got 'em." he then removes some metal bars from the vent looks in, and adds "Yeah, they can fit in here, but we can't." Which made Jack say, "We Need to find another way in. They're probably meeting with their leader now".  "I'm pretty sure this leads under the hotel. Maybe there's a way in from there." Detective Benavides replies as they leave.
As she followed closely behind the rest of the team, Emma suddenly heard someone take a sharp breath behind her and made her turn around to see Isa struggling to breathe. As she walked towards the slightly older girl she asked "You okay Isa?" the other girl grabbed her friend's arm which she had extended then simply said "Asthma." still struggling to get oxygen into her lungs.
Hearing footsteps behind her Emma turns around to see her parents walking up to the two of them who noticed the two younger agents weren't behind them. Her mom then asked with concern on her face "Isa are you alright?" the Filipina nodded and then replied still struggling to breathe "I'll be fine… it's just my Asthma. I'm pretty sure… it's the stuffiness… of the alleyway… or… the dry air… that triggered it." Jack responds, "I think you should head back to the hotel and sit this one out." Emma nodded and then said "I agree with dad." her mom then added "So do I. I'm not so sure if it's the best idea to have you on the field if you’re having an Asthma attack."  to which Isa responds with a nod then says still having a hard time to breath "Okay, I’ll… sit this one… out". Emma then turned to her parents and said "I'll stay with her." this made her parents glance at each other then turn to their daughter and nod, and she then told them "Okay, We’ll see you guys after this is all over I guess" then adds "And please be careful." to which her dad replies "We will." and her mom said at the same time "Always." then the four of them leave the alleyway then part ways with the two young agents head to the hotel while the older two agents join the others.
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While the two youngest agents were back at the hotel, the rest of the team and Detective Benavides went to the basement part of the hotel to see the hotel manager, Rosa Fernandez, pointing a gun at the street kid. Then suddenly Jack and the others enter, then say "FBI! Drop the weapon!" Fernandez clocks the gun and doesn't drop it, so the unit chief says "I said drop the weapon!" to which Fernandez says "Que asi sea." then gets shot by Jack before she pulls the trigger and falls to the ground. Then, as Clara walks over to Fernandez to see if she is dead or not, the others walk over to the kids check on them, and calm them down.
The next day, while the kids were with most of the team and some local officers, Detective Benavides was talking with Jack and Clara and informed them a bit of Fernandez' background "Her real name was Gabriella Muñoz, an ex-street kid and prostitute with a long criminal record and a history of extreme Colombian nationalistic views," which made Clara ask, "So, how did she become the hotel manager?" to which the detective replied, "Rosa Fernandez was an alias that she must have stolen and used to get the job. The kids say she had been planning this scam for a while". "A hotel manager's a perfect cover if you want to rip off some tourists." Jack comments, then Clara replies "Yeah, and being surrounded by them must have triggered her resentment towards all the foreigners," which made the unit chief add "And suddenly, it wasn't enough to just steal from them... she needed to kill them, too".
After a few beats of silence, Detective Benavides quickly says, "I owe you and your team an apology. I thought there was nothing here. You were right. There was," to which Jack replies, "Well, this is one of those times I wish I was wrong." Then the detective responds, "Hopefully, in the future, we can do more?" as he and Garrett shake hands, then adds, "Thank you." Jack then asks, "So what about then?" as he gestures to the kids, then adds, "What happens now?" to which Detective Benavides replies, "Although they were part of a criminal activity, I've spoken to my superior on their behalf, and he's taken into account their circumstances. They've been cleared of any wrongdoing," to which the unit chief responds, "Well, I'm glad to hear that because I found someone who can help us. I have a friend who runs an orphanage." as a bus approaches them.
As the bus stops, a woman with short, kinky hair steps out and walks over to them and says, "Hola, Jack," to which the unit chief replies, "Thank you for coming, Ramona." As he and the woman share an embrace, he adds, "The kids are over there with the rest of my team." Then he gestures to the others, to which Ramona replies, "I'll go introduce myself, and then we can take them to their new home." Then she walks over to the rest of the team and the kids. This makes the two agents and detective glance at each other, and the two agents exchange a smile.
After a while, Detective Benavides asks, "What would you have done if we decided to press charges against them?" to which Jack retorts, "I guess we'll never have to find out," which made the detective and Clara chuckle as the kids got on the bus. Clara then spots Paola, then turns to Jack, and says, "Um, I'm gonna be right back." She then walks over to Paola, and after they exchange greetings, the linguist says, "I, uh... I have something that belongs to you." as she hands the engagement ring to Paola, which made the woman's voice break as she said, "Oh, my God." as Clara tells the other woman, "Drew wanted you to have this." then adds, "It's perfect." Then the two women exchanged hugs. As the two women have their exchange, Jack turns and sees the exchange and a small smile forms as the four other agents rejoin them, and they wave goodbye to the kids on the bus.
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Once the team returned to the US and finished writing their case reports which took almost the whole day, they were all able to get a day off. On the way back home, the two youngest agents were jamming to the Hamilton soundtrack for the hundredth time, much to the two older agents' annoyance. After a while, Clara started to stare off into the road ahead, lost in her thoughts. Jack quickly glanced at her before turning most of his attention back to the road and saying, "I can hear your mind racing, you know," which made his wife chuckle softly. He then replied, "I was just thinking of what Mae told me before the case," to which he silently told her to go on as the woman added, "She told me that after the slip-up at the train station, pun not intended, she and the other are starting to pick up what’s going on between the two of us." As they stopped at a stop light, Jack carefully placed a hand on hers and said, "We’ll figure out a way to tell them. It might take some time for them to get used to the idea or for us to tell them, but we’ll figure out a way," which made Clara give him a tight-lipped smile while Isa and Emma fake gagged from the back seat of the car, which Clara saw from the rearview mirror and gave them a raised eyebrow. Before either girl could respond, Emma's phone buzzed, which made everyone in the car jump slightly and made Clara involuntarily let go of her husband's hand, then give him a small sheepish smile.
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9:30 p.m.
Mae: hey guys
does anyone have any suggestions for a good tv show
Emma: jeeeez Mae a little warning next time will you?!
            But yes I know a few good tv shows
Isa: A lot
Mae: because I just finished catching up on Chicago med
Clara: of course you watch medical dramas
Mae: okay ouch but anyways
now I have no clue what to watch on Peacock
Isa: Pretty sure you can watch the rest of the shows on the One Chicago franchise
Emma: or the L&O franchise
Monty: wow guys one moment I was just peacefully watching Dr. Who the next my phone’s being bombarded with messages from this chat
Mae: hi Monty
Isa: Ay-ayatenmikayo a Monty 💜
Monty: Isa please for the love of languages speak no wait type in English, please
Isa: *sends a gif*
Mae: damn Isa
that’s bold
also Clara calm this kid that’s been stayin with you down
Clara: At this point, I’ve given up
Monty: quick question Clara
Clara: Go for it Monty
Monty: how are you texting while driving?
Mae: Clara you there?
Clara: I’m carpooling with Jack and Emma
            And yes Isa’s also here
Mae: riiiiiiight
Clara: What’s that about?
Mae: nothing
Monty: anyways where’d Emma and Isa go?
Clara: they fell asleep in the back of the car
Mae: With just pure silence
Clara: No they were playing the Hamilton soundtrack
           And speaking of people being inactive, where's Matt?
Mae: Knowing him he’s probably lurking behind his phone reading these
Matt: you’d be right Mae
Mae: OMG
Monty: let her be Matt
Clara: Well I just got home and now I have to figure out how to get a certain sleeping 12-and-a-half-year-old from the back of Jack’s car to her room
            Night guy
Matt: Night
Mae: gn
Monty: g’night
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Okay, a few notes about some stuff mentioned:
 1. bronde refers to the fusion between blonde and brown hair that Emma has (pretty sure Jayden Bartels who played her in the og run of the show is also one)
2. Isa is sometimes referred to as Iz usually by some family members, most friends, and sometimes co-workers. Though her sisters usually call her Izzy or any nickname that comes from the name Isabella that can annoy her
3. In the scene where the team follows the kids into an alleyway there's a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows reference (I'll let you guys guess it)
4. The language Isa typed in when Monty enters the chat is the Ilocano a dialect in the Philippines which is spoken in Northern Luzon, many parts of Central Luzon, and a few parts of the Soccsksargen region in Mindanao;
5. And lastly I described Ramona’s hair as kinky hair since it's also called afro-textured hair you can learn more about this type of hair with these Wikipedia articles
Another thing here is the translations for the chapter:
tanga - stupid
Ay, hindi. - Oh, no.
iFuera de aquí, ratas! iAntes de que llame a la policía! iTodos vamos! iVamos! - Get out of here, rats! Before I call the police! We all go! Come on!
Cerrado - Closed
No dar papaya - don't give the papaya
¿Yo? - I?
Mira - look
¡La policía! ¡Corran! ¡Corran! - Police! Run! Run
¿Hablas Inglés? - Do you speak English
Sí - yes
Gracias - thank you
Gracias. ¡Vámonos! - Thank you. Let’s go!
Que así sea - so be it
Hola - hello
Ay-ayatenmikayo a Monty - We love you, Monty
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this but pls remember I'm still new to fanfiction writing so pls be nice to me.
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ohagi-eats · 1 year
99: Chapter 3
Chapter 3
The cold air outside chilled my skin. It looked like it was about to rain. I didn’t bring an umbrella, unfortunately. I ran inside the school before it rained and sat down to do my homework in the cafeteria and eat breakfast. Daniel took his seat next to me and I waved hi to him. He ignored me.
I decided to make amends before he ignored me during partner work in class, too. 
I tore a piece of paper from my notebook, wrote an apology note, and handed it to him along with a granola bar.
Sorry about yesterday. Could you forget about it?
He ripped up the note and shrugged, but he took the granola bar. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I left the cafeteria to put my stuff in my locker. 
A hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder and slammed me into the lockers in the hallway. 
Naomi Brown.
A lot of people bullied and taunted me for not speaking.
She just did it the most.
I looked behind her. It was just her today, none of her friends.
“Aw, Akari, are you feeling sick today? Or do you have a sore throat? Is that why you can’t speak like some mute idiot?” she sneered. I expressed the tiniest grit of my teeth in annoyance and pain. I just got a beating yesterday from my dad, I didn’t need another failed attempt from Naomi that would waste my time. “What is it, Akari? Does your poor little back hurt too?” She said as she dug her fingernails into my shoulder and pushed me harder against the locker. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it so she let go, and then pushed her with my shoulder to walk away. I gathered up the courage and whispered, “Leave me the hell alone, Naomi,” without looking her in the eye.
I heard her gasp and I turned around to see Daniel outside of the restroom, blinking repeatedly. “D-Daniel! You scared me. Have you had breakfast yet? Do you-” Naomi sputtered. 
“No.” And he walked ahead of me to go open his locker, and I saw a trace of a smile on his face. 
I sat next to Akari and she nodded her head to acknowledge I was there. She was doodling over her notebook, making random circles and lines. I snatched her pencil from her hand and she immediately lunged for it. She put her hand on my shoulder to steady herself and she ended up grabbing it before I could even blink. 
Quick reflexes. Noted. It was just us in the classroom since there were ten more minutes of breakfast left. 
“Why do you write down answers anyway? That’s so stupid and ridiculous. Do you think you’re special-” I’m cut off when she grabs my hand and writes two words on it with her pen.
I repulse and jerk my hand back, reading what she wrote. 
Selective Mutism. 
I stay silent for another few minutes. I guess Maya was right. I feel a little bad now. 
I decided to talk to her for the remaining few minutes, even though she won’t say anything back. It’s not like she’s gonna tell anyone else what I say, either. 
“I’m not sure if you know, but my dad’s company is suing this other agency for theft or something. I forgot. They want to hire this attorney from Infinity, I think. His name is Aku Sato or whatever. I’ve looked through the records and he’s an awful lawyer, I’m not sure why they’re even-” She laughed a little and I raised my eyebrow. “What?”
She dusted her notebook and started writing. 
Aku Sato is my father.
My eyes widened. “Sh*t– I’m sorry, forget I-”
It’s fine. I know he’s a trash attorney. I’m not sure why Infinity even hired him in the first place. 
“I see. Why is your surname, not Sato then?”
I decide whose surname to use. I’m not sure why that matters to you. I decided to use my mother’s.
I nodded as the rest of the class came flooding in before the bell rang. 
“Today, I’m assigning a presentation project. In this jar, I have put several countries inside. Whichever one you pick, you must research this project and create a presentation on it. You must also introduce yourself in the native language. Naomi, you’re up first. Come here.”
She picked a slip of paper out and read it out loud with a sarcastic voice. I fixed the tie to my uniform. 
“Malaysia. Why can’t Akari just do this one? She looks like she speaks Malaysian.”
“Naomi! Akari is Japanese, not Malaysian, and the language of Malaysia is Malay. Detention. Dmitri, come up here and get your country.” He got Saudi Arabia, and then Egypt, Spain, Ethiopia, and Indonesia went by. Then it was my turn. I picked one out of the bowl and read it aloud.
I walked back to my seat as Akari went to pick up hers.
She unfolded the paper and barely whispered something.
Someone smirked and yelled at her. “Say it louder!” She said it again, but people kept yelling at her to say it louder. I rested my head on my hand in annoyance. Mr. Singh raised his hand. “That’s not very nice of you all to bully your classmate like that. I want everyone to apologize. Akari has the country Taiwan. “
“Isn’t Taiwan the Republic of China?”
“Yes, but I’d like you all to get  to know more about why and the country of Taiwan itself, Kristine.”
After the bell rang, I decided to walk with Akari to our next class, since I’d be seeing her there anyway.
“Can’t we just switch countries? You’re from Japan and I’m from Taiwan. It would be so much more convenient.”
During chemistry, I take her notebook and write something down. 
D: What if I help you do your project and you help me do mine?
A: Why?
D: Because I don’t feel like researching it all when I have an encyclopedia right next to me.
A: What makes you think I know-
D: I saw you reading a history book for fun. I think you very well know everything about the history of your country.
A: Fine.
D: Great. We’ll work at my house on Friday after school. 
I didn’t reallllllyyy know how to write Naomi’s character....:/. This was my first story and I struggled with inflicting emotions and Akari’s conflicts into the plot. I tried 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hope you enjoy!
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
Oh my god I was looking through my draft for the new chapter and there was another time I called someone “Señor Blah-Blah” because I don’t know how to name him properly yet.
It gotta be the running joke for my writing process now.
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A curious relationship
Someone did a request to me and it's my first
Don't panic don't panic don't panic don't panic 😳
Camilo he/they | 15
Reader she/her | 15
Tags: fluff , a Japanese reader with a very open and curious mindset and very magical attitude , 3rd person
« » - Japanese
Y/s - your surname
Note: I am neither Japanese nor Colombian so if i do some kind of mistake feel free to correct me !
Modern au!
(yes i do not know how to write in different aus it's easier for me)
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"« Eek! I'm finally moving out of this place ! I can’t wait to meet tou in real life Mira.»"
a girl was finishing packing her back , hopping back and forth from the bag and the closet . She was trying to ignore the sticker that she still needs to rip out but they were very annoying. She has been friends with a Colombian girl named Mirabel. They only saw eachother by pictures they send eachother and heard eachother ehile talking on small brick phones.
"«Y/s ! The taxi is arriving soon ! Aren't you going ?» "
Y/n's mom was already standing in the door annoyed they her daughter forgot to pack again
"«Here!» "
"«AGH ! Honey i told you not to teleport behind me! You almost gave your mama a heart attack .» "
Y/n had an ability to teleport in a range of 50 meters . Her mother had powers of letting gravity go and dad.. dad was constantly at work so y/n never knew.
When they arrived in Colombia Y/n was fascinated by everyones looks. She never saw someone so tanned(exept mirabel in her photo)! While looking around she spotted a very familiar looking skirt.
Y/n started running at full speed an a girl with a blue skirt with sewed butterflies. She Jumped and teleported mid air. Mirabel looked… terrefied? But she already told her she’ll be arriving . Y/n tackled Mirabel on the ground, breathing heavily from the adrenaline
" Oh Mirabel how I wanted to see you! I can't wait for you to show me all of those amazing things you wrote to me about !"
Y/n said enthusiasticly and hugged Mirabel while still being at the ground. Suddenly something under her felt... Different... She looked at Mirab... Wait a second that wasn't her best friend. She was hugging a dark skinned boy with messy brown hair and deep chocolate eyes with a slightly blushful face from the shock.
"O-Oh! I am so sorry ! I MAY have got a bit too excited there. I thought you were Mirabel. Well I guess your... Madrigal Camilo? Right? "
The boy clicked his tounge and grinned and bowed to the girl .
" Si , in the flesh !"
" Oh! If you don't mind would you like to tell me where Mira is? She told me we would meet up in here"
Camilo looked curiously at you still wondering who are you . They didn't even get to know her name.
" Uh... Why do you need Mirabel now..? And who are you exactly , ya forgot to tell me ."
" A-Ah ! I'm Y/s ! I'm from Japan and I'd really love to know about this culture "
" Then why need Mirabel when you can asked me ..?"
The 2 made eye contact . To Camilos shock Y/n seemed over the sky when given the opportunity to learn.
" Oh my goodness, You would !? That would be so nice of you! "
She said , sparkles appearing in her eyes as she got pretty up close almost making the poor guy trip .
"Uh... Yeaa suure .. but let's maybe not stand in the middle of the street?"
" Oh yeah sure! Buuut where would we go?? I have no idea of this place at all Sherlock "
" Who's Sherlock?"
Y/n looked Camilo dead in the eyes confused as much as he was. This man really didn't know Sherlock or is he lying
" You... NEVER heard of Sherlock??? Wow we really have a lot to talk about don't we..."
The girl followed Camilo into a more secluded area . They both stopped often because something fascinating here , something fascinating there but for some reason Cami didn't seem to mind , in contrast he actually told Y/n about everything she asked for. After what felt like minutes but was an hour the 2 arrived to a little bench area with a nice shade of a nearby tree.
" So uh... Who's Sherlock? "
" Oh He's a Detective from an amazing book series Sherlock Holmes"
" Ooh a book series . Yea i don't fancy reading at all . But hey, if you want to tell me about it ."
Camilo sat near Y/n secretly interested in books . It has been what.. hours ? And these 2 seemed to have a lot more in common than initially thought. Honestly most of the time Camilo just talked about his culture.
" Wait so your mom doesn't cook?"
" How many times do i have to tell you! My Tia cooks magical food so we ain't gotta !"
"wow that boring .."
"Boring?? How is that exactly boring???"
" Well you can't assert a skill for the future that's very useful and besides after a while you'll get bored of eating the same thing over and over"
Y/n and Camilowhere sitting back to back to eachother just noticing the sun already setting down.
A woman's voice yelled .
" Aand here's my call nice talking to you Camileon"
" well.. uhm...let's talk tomorrow maybe , if you don't mind of course El cerebro "
Y/n giggled slightly at that nickname .
" Yea of course would love to meet up again "
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nikatyler · 3 years
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Sim Yearbook Challenge by @bauhauzzz
Just a challenge to brush off the dust of that old yearbook and show the world how your oc or ocs looked when they were teenagers! were they edgy? were they more on the nerdy side? you can share as many pics as you’d like but please if you do join I’d love to see your entries, so tag your posts using the tag #yearbookchallenge and have fun!
Do I know how yearbooks work? No. Was I tagged? Also no. But I wanted to do this so I could have an excuse to take awkward teenage pictures of my main sims. Rambling under the cut.
Okay sooo. I imagine they’re all like 16-17 here, but they’re not actually the same age and they didn’t go to the same schools. When they were 16, Sharon still didn’t attend the same school as the triplets, and well, Rachel was about 10 when the triplets were 16 lol (don’t forget Rachel met Caleb when they were both all grown up already). Ross is canonically a year and a half younger than the triplets. So yeah, these photos weren’t taken in the same school year. I know you don’t care but I had to get it out haha. Moving on.
Caleb my beloved. Nothing to say here. Good unproblematic boy who never participates in any drama...unlike his brother.
“Redheads have souls, you guys are just mean.”
We talked about Tyler’s name enough, but look, he can make fun of it. Wouldn’t be Tyler otherwise. Here you can see him shortly after he made the decision to grow out his hair, but he has yet to grow into the person he’s now. Ohh and he’s lying. He was a Whovian. He watched Doctor Who with his little sister Zoey and secretly enjoyed it.
“Roses are red, violets are blue, I swear I do not watch Doctor Who.”
Bianca still had long hair back then! It’s strange to see but she looks good in anything. She stole that quote from some scientist, I think. Idk, I googled funny science quotes and forgot to write down who said it 😅
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Ross 🤝 tumblr user nikatyler
strong hatred for their surname
(and also the same terrible haircut in freshman year. dark times.)
No seriously, who let me pick Breeze as the legacy surname. Thank god Ross’s father had a normal surname so I can go with that 😂 And look, the yearbook kids granted Ross’s wish...sort of.
I’m still sad I didn’t give Ross an awkward edgy teenager phase for at least a few posts when I played the legacy, but oh well. This picture is enough. He’ll always have an awkward edgy phase around 16 in my heart. Then something happened and he suddenly got handsome and took advantage of it.
“Don’t you dare to call me Ross Breeze in the yearbook or else I’m sending my vampire best friend at you.”
Sharon! In the sims 3 story that I’m writing, she lived in quite a conservative environment for most of her life, not to mention her father is very strict...I think she’d look a lot like a basic white christian girl for a little bit (nothing wrong with that at all, it’s just not her). I wasn’t sure what to do with her quote, so in the end I picked this because she’s an athletic gal who loves running (and even does it professionally later).
“Sorry, gotta run.”
Rachel was a pure innocent bookworm in high school. Well, on the first sight. You best believe she ran a fandom tumblr and wrote terrible smut fanfiction about her favourite characters. I also considered putting “fictional characters made my standards too high” as her quote, but then I thought the one I chose is a bit more in character for her.
“Books before boys!”
I wasn’t tagged so I’m not officially tagging anyone either, but please please please do this too, it’s so fun.
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
Dude, can I request something for Rohan’s innocent, small, kind, little sister dating josuke? Could be Headcanons or an imagine. Be it when he finds out or jusg in general. But it’s totally fine if you don’t want to or can’t do this request too. Thanks
This. This right here. This is what made me love Josuke.
I didn’t know if you meant that Josuke found out who she was, or if Rohan did, so I just wrote it as Josuke finding out. (Also isn’t this gif the cutest? Imagine he’s there with you drinking coffee at the cafe 🥰)
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“Hey Miss! You forgot your Moomin!”
You’d never let him live it down, not even years later down the line when you’d be expecting your firstborn together in college. The image was burned in your mind of your meeting: Josuke in all his Elvis pomp glory, running after you in the train station, holding hands with a fluffy and fat white hippo toy, waving it around like a dork. Little did you know you’d look back on this day as him being your knight in shining armor, or more like knight with fluffy Moomin. Often you would tease him about his childlike exuberance, meanwhile he didn’t let you live down the high pitched noise you made when you saw him holding your plush toy, nor did he let you forget your delightful cry of “Moomee!” when he finally gave it back to you.
“Thank you! Thank you for bringing back my Moomee!” You cried, “I didn’t know I dropped him.”
“Heh, no big deal! I thought he was too cute to be left behind, and it’s easy to see he belonged to you.”
You smiled at the insinuation, noticing that he was also pointing to the charm of a funny little man in green on your backpack. As naturally as love can progress, the next thing you knew was that he was following you to your destination, gushing about the show and the books. Moominland Midwinter, which you later found out was his favorite book, launched the both of you into an hours long discussion of a mutual dream to live in a bath house by the sea. You took your conversation to a local sweet shop. It was nice to chat Moomins over an ice cream sundae. Especially when you’d never actually been asked out on an impromptu date by a cute boy before. Even better was the fact that every time you said something nice, he reached out to pet your hand with a smile.
You found out a lot of things about Josuke that day. It was all things no other girl would ever have the privilege of knowing. His favorite character was Too Ticky, and he confided in you that the character he related to the most was Ninny.
“Sometimes I feel like disappearing.” His voice dropped to a low hum, his nimble fingers rubbing the back of your hand as he walked you home. “So many things happen at once, often the majority of them are bad, and I don’t know how else to stop it. I feel like maybe if I could disappear like she could, it would be easier. I just wouldn’t want anyone to find me, so the bell around the neck is out.”
“But remember... All she needed was a little kindness to help her face the bad times.” You smiled, stopping just a short ways from your street. “And I think that’s what you need too.”
Josuke was just so enamored, his heart beating a mile a minute as you kissed his hand and told him if it ever got depressing that he could call on you. That is if he ever wanted to talk about more than just Moomins and the like. It was like a dream, you slipping your telephone number in his hand, him asking if he could please lean down to hug you goodbye, and especially the quick peck he had to sneak on your cheek before you took off for your house.
The day would have been almost perfect. Almost, he says, and this always makes you upset when he says it was almost perfect, because no sooner did he turn around to ride Cloud Nine all the long way back home, tiny Koichi’s gaping fish face assaulted his line of vision.
Yep. It was an almost perfect day, because that was the day he decided that the surname Kishibe just wouldn’t suit you at all. Higashikata was far better.
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
Their S/O takes them to an Asian House Party
[Midoriya + Todoroki + Bakugou + Kaminari + Kirishima] 
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A/N:  Hey here’s a niche that no one asked for. 
I know that Japanese is a type of Asian but I am a wildly different type of Asian 🤣🤣, so my headcanons are based entirely off of being this other racial group. 
I just want to say that most of the time older Asian relatives really step out of line with their comments and can be really hurtful. I absolutely hate that behavior and their mindset, but for the purposes of this let’s just say that they’re not being harmful at all and it’s mostly light teasing :) If they’re like that in real life :) screw them >:) Also P.S. if these sound familiar it’s because I’ve recycled a lot of ideas from my other blog where I wrote “Asian House Party” headcanons already! 
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, hints at underage drinking  
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Midoriya Izuku: 
For the longest time it has only been him and his mom, so when he enters the house and sees it packed with people his brain just goes blank because this is a family party. 
These people are all related to you somehow?? 
He asks you how you guys are all related and you’re genuinely like, “I don’t know???” You just call everyone auntie and uncle and hope for the best.  
If you start taking him to parties before he becomes a Pro, he has enough of a baby face that your older relatives and grandparents give him a red envelope without thinking too hard about it. But he gets so embarrassed and feels so bad that he ends up giving it to your mom. 
At his first party he’s supperrr nervous and wants your family to like him. He’s stuttering nearly every other syllable. 
Never leaves your side. Trails behind you like a puppy the entire time. 
After he’s been to several parties with your family, they recognize his red Nike Air Forces in the pile of shoes outside the house enough to be like, “Hey, [Name]! Your boyfriend’s here!” 
Midoriya is kinda of a pushover during the beginning of the series, and Asian families have the tendency to tease without knowing how it might sound, so he becomes an easy target until you pull him aside and tell him to argue back. 
He’s like noooo I don’t want to be disrespectful :(. He says that he’s used to bullying so this is nothing which makes you kinda sad and angry. You’re like hahahaha no. 
You two eventually get your family to stop and that’s when he’s finally indoctrinated into your fam. 
He’s kind of the quintessential Asian boyfriend? He goes to a good school, is sweet and innocent, polite to elders, etc. When he goes to the party with you your aunties are going to your cousins and say, “Why can’t you get a boyfriend like [Name].” 
Your female relatives kinda baby him because every time they see him he’s always in a new cast with another broken bone, so when there’s no more space left on the couches or the folding stools they kick your cousins off to make room for him. 
When he later becomes Pro-Hero Deku, everyone’s in love with him. He becomes the talk of the party. Everyone brags about him saying that they practically saw him grow up when they only see him once or twice a year. 
He also becomes the “cool uncle” that offers to take your younger relatives out for boba. But you pay. You have to pay or else your mom will yell at you for making the guest spend money. 
Yes, you will polite fight your own boyfriend. 
No, he will not win, but he’s determined to win one time like the shonen protag he is. 
Always leaves the party with the large trays of leftovers for him and his mom. 
Even when he’s like in his late twenties he’s still sitting at the kid’s table. 
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Todoroki Shouto: 
When you first invited him to a party with your family he’s just like, “Oh. Sure.” Most of the parties he’s been to is the rich people parties that his dad took him to for publicity, so he arrives to the house in a whole suit and tie. 
Your cousins and uncles are clowning him while the older women swoon. You’re in the background panicking because everyone else is in sweats or shorts while he looks like he’s going to prom?? 
[Your auntie says, “Oh my god, he’s making such a good first impression!” 
You: Hahahaha! Yea!〔´∇`〕
Inner You: Oh god I forgot he’s clueless ⊙▽⊙] 
Brings an expensive pastry every time because Fuyumi said it was polite. From that everyone’s like, “Oh??? You’re invited to every party from now on!” 
Becomes the source of your mom’s humble brag. “Oh, your son goes to Stanford and is studying medicine? My kid and their boyfriend are both Heroes-in-training and he’s the son of the Number One Hero — “ 
Kinda just does whatever your aunties and mom tells him to do? 
He’ll sit wherever they tell him to sit, even if it’s far away from you and he’ll even take the many family photos for you guys in the end. Even though he’s shit at photography. 
If they’re like, “Oh, you’re so skinny, you should eat some more!” He’ll just shrug and be like okay, and doesn’t stop them when they continue to put food on his plate even though he’s full and gets into a big food coma that knocks him out on the couch right away. 
Every time he appears, your aunties will just stop and say, “Oh, he’s so handsome!” 
He’s getting better at handling kids and it shows by the way he’s more willing to play with them then hang out with your cousins that are around your age. He’s in the room upstairs and is ;; just napping with them.   
The kids in the party call him Zuko.  
Before you brought him your aunts and uncles would be like, “Do you have a boyfriend?? Do you have a girlfriend??” and you would say, “Yeah, Todoroki Shouto.” And they would laugh in your face. 
I feel like he would have the most culture shock? You guys conduct yourself in such a different way than his own family and from everyone in 1-A. You guys go batshit insane. 
When you wake him up and offer to walk him to the train station to take him home, he offers to walk you back to your house as well and you say, “Oh, I’m going back to the party after this.” 
It’s almost midnight?? 
He asks you where are you going to sleep or if you’re going to sleep at all and you don’t know how to explain the concept of how you and all of your cousins and siblings are going to cram into one room upstairs and sleep on every blanket in the house on the floor while only three or four lucky relatives are able to get the bed. 
Older Asians have no filter so they will straight up say to his face that he looks nothing like his dad he’ll just go, “ :’) Thank you, that means a lot to me.” 
Before Endeavor’s redemption arc he’s prone to oversharing and one day he tells your mom that his dad is a piece of shit and his mom is in the hospital. 
Your mom, taking her sandal and holding it like a weapon: Oh? Where’s your father?? I just want to talk. Your mom is welcome to every [Surname] party from now on!! Haha! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
His brain is doing backflips trying to figure out how you’re related to everyone. 
The only guy that neatly puts his shoes off to the side at the front door. 
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
At first you didn’t invite him to the party, he kinda just figures it out from how your relatives are all tagging you on social media and forces you to invite him. 
Not because you’re ashamed of him but because they’re somewhat overbearing ;; and Bakugou has no filter. 
For someone who’s so “badass” he’s super anal about the rules and punctuality. 
You tell him the party is at 18:00 and by 17:45 he goes into your house and finds you still napping with your PJs on. Even though you tell him that the party isn’t really starting at six he doesn’t listen. He forces you to get dressed and takes you to the party and whatdoyouknow no one is there yet. No one is going to be here until at least two hours after the designated time. 
He instead forces you to help the women in the kitchen prepare the food, aka he’s helping while you laze around in the living room. 
All of the women are like, “Wow! You can cook so well! [Name] you should be more like him!!” 
If this is the first time he meets your entire extended family, he’s inwardly hyping himself up to make a good first impression. If you are not Japanese, he manages to memorize several greetings in your language and the proper formalities when greeting an older relative. Then he goes in and everyone’s already drinking and screaming their throats out to karaoke. 
When he walks into the party with his black tank top and saggy pants everyone’s first thought is that he’s an Asian Baby Boy. Like he probably takes social media pictures in front of cars, is going to break your heart, goes to raves, is named Kevin Nguyen. 
Everyone is loud af at this party so they don’t really care that he’s screaming. They love teasing the shit out of him because his reactions are so fucking funny. 
When one of your uncles offers you alcohol he immediately snatches it away from you. No, you guys are underage, have an athletic lifestyle, and he’s so protective of you asdfg 
He’s been so focused on being a Hero that when your cousins play against him in video games or card games he loses horribly. He’ll just keep going, “One more round!” until he finally wins. 
Your mom forces you to do a convenience store run to get something that the party is running out of and when you come back Bakugou managed to find is way into the “women” side of the room where they’re all gossiping with him and playing poker together like they’ve been friends forever. 
Your mom honest-to-god acts like he’s more of her child than you are. 
When you guys finally get your families to meet, his mom and your female relatives are going to be so powerful together. 
Is trying his damned hardest to get through the entire party because it can go all night long and he sleeps at 8:30PM. 
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Kaminari Denki: 
The KING of the Asian House Party.
Absolutely CRUSHES it at karaoke with your family. Even though he might not speak your language, he’s putting so much passion into it that no one cares anyway. 
Sings so loud that the neighbors complain. 
Your family loves him because he’s just so happy-go-lucky. The life of the party. 
He goes around eating all night and continually asks you, “Hey [Name], what’s this? What’s this one?” 
You can drop him off in the designated kids room and not see him for hours on end. He’s too busy playing video games with your cousins and siblings. 
But he’s such a sucker. Your uncles and older cousins pull him into any gambling game and he loses so bad, even if he’s gambling things like candy or food. 
Kinda gullible when your family teases him?? If you’re not Japanese they teach him an insult in your language but tell him it’s a complement or “It’s like saying, I love you more than words,” and they send him off to tell you it. 
And he acts super fucking cocky like the e-boy smirk while he’s rubbing his hands together, and biting his lip and shit. While you’re just sitting on the stool with a drink in your hand like, “Okay....” 
He tells you the insult and butchers the pronunciation already, but acts like you’re about to fall in his arms and you just ;; burst out laughing ;;; until you fall off your chair. 
Has the party time down pat. He won’t arrive until three hours later, and that’s when you tell him an earlier time than everyone else. 
Will drink anything your uncle offers up. He’s a lightweight. You end up half-carrying him half-dragging him back to his house. Nearly trips on the sea of shoes outside the front door and falls on you. 
You’re just lucky that he doesn’t discharge his Quirk randomly when he’s drunk.
Doesn’t get Asian glow.  
When your mom discovers you struggling outside she just tells him to sleep over and if this is his first party with you guys, you’re able to get the bed because he’s the guest 😌😌. If he’s been here several times before, yeah ;; you guys are going back to a pile of blankets on the floor.  
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
The “big brother” figure of the party. 
The kids love him and he’s willingly playing “Heroes and Villains” with them for hours. 
Since he’s so broad they hang off of him like a limpet and he walks around with children draped around him. 
Ngl... He walks into the party dressed like all of your other male cousins. 
Basketball shorts, t-shirt, crew socks. 
He’s able to find his shoes super fast at the end of the party because he’s the only person that’s willing to wear crocs. 
Willing to go outside with your cousins to play basketball with them but he’s so out of practice that he fumbles so bad. 
After several games he gets the hang of it and isn’t deadweight to your team anymore. 
LOVES going to your family’s parties because he gets to eat whatever he wants without holding back. Eats several plates and when someone suggests going to get ice cream he’s like, /gasp/ “Ice cream???” 
They were offering the little kids, but okay, a teenager can come along too. 
You’re never too old for ice cream. 
For some reason he’s able to get along with everyone at the party?? He just has a personality that makes him easy to talk to, and by the end of the night or the next day, he’s saying goodbye to everyone by name. 
[“No, wait, [Name], I haven’t said goodbye to your cousin’s sister-in-law’s daughter yet. 
You do a double-take because even you have no idea who that is.] 
When he gets a little bit older and he’s finally allowed to move out of the kid’s table and eat with the older male relatives he’s so ;;; awkward. 
They’re just all in the garage eating, drinking, and smoking and he’s just sitting there having no idea what to do. 
Eventually he convinces you to join him in the garage because he wants your emotional support and is super shocked when you fit right in. He’ll just ;;; go back to the kid’s table. 
Can’t sing to save his life. 
You guys heard him do karaoke once and you never let him do it again. 
If one of your relatives teases him he’s able to laugh it off and not think too much about it, but if they say something that might be hurtful to you he’s so quick to shut it down. He doesn’t care that they’re blood related to you or not. 
Does not let up until they apologize. 
For some reason all of the ladies are confused af when they find out that he dyed his hair?? They’re like omg is he a secret delinquent. 
LOVES to hear your relatives talk about what you were like when you were a kid. 
It’s embarrassing af but he just laughs it off like, “It’s okay, babe! You sound like you were super cute as a kid!” 
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