#26 years fanfic update
addictiedtocrimedrama · 10 months
26 Years - Chapter 2: 2x02, The Devil's Breath
Summary: The team is called in when Colombian authorities discover an American tourist dead in the alley behind a hotel room. Someone is using scopolamine - the "Devil's Breath" - to put tourists into a trance, force them to clean out their bank accounts, and then kill themselves to prevent them from talking to the authorities.
The IRT investigates the apparent suicide of an American in Colombia who emptied his bank account prior to his death. While Jack and Clara are struggling to find a way/the courage to tell the team (minus Emma and Isa) about their relationship.
Author's Notes: Wow, it's been 8 months since I've updated time flies. Okay I have to admit there was a time I forgot this story existed but then again I've had so much happen since posting the last chapter from graduating to starting a new school year, some relatives visiting, getting sick, and exams. Hopefully, the next few chapters won't take as long since while writing the draft for this chapter I also wrote drafts for the other chapters it just needs a bit of editing.
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GIF credit belongs to @butterfly-resources since that's where I saved the GIF.  Also please consider this gif as a spoiler for what’s gonna happen near the end of the chapter.
Poverty does not destroy virtue, nor wealth distill. - Colombian proverb
A few days after the case in Tanzania, everything was more or less the same as before. The only difference was that the team, more specifically Mae, was starting to get hints that there was more to the two most senior agents of the team than meets the eye and had been slyly suggesting it to the rest of the team, much to their slight annoyance. It doesn't help that the ME's also been trying to get insight from Emma and Isa or see if she can get Jack or Clara to tell her the truth, though more slyly with the former than the latter. But to her credit, the others were also attempting to do the same, though they were not as obvious as her.
Mae's latest attempt happened while she and Clara were having a cup of coffee, or in Clara's case, tea, since coffee gives her migraines. While they were enjoying their beverages while catching up on a few things, Mae slyly brought up the events of the previous case by saying, "Sooooo... Will you finally explain to me what happened in Tanzania?" then rested her chin on her hand while her friend was playing with the string of her tea bag while trying to keep a straight face and hide the bit of blush that's creeping up her cheeks, then said after a few beats of silence, "I have no clue what you're talking about." The ME gave the linguist an 'Are you serious' look then clarified "I'm talking about what happened between you and Jack at the train station near the start of the case". At that moment, Clara knew what her friend was trying to do and managed to get an "Oh, that." before looking down at her tea, then back to Mae and adding, "That was nothing." She then took a large sip of her tea, a little too quickly, to try and move this topic along. Though her friend wasn't that convinced, she replied, saying, "Oh, really, since from what I saw it wasn't, nothing. Is there something going on with you two or something?"
Thankfully, before Clara could respond, their phones buzzed, informing them they've got a message from Monty telling them they've got a case, saving Clara from trying to explain to Mae that nothing was going on between her and Jack when there most certainly was; they're freaking married, for crying out loud. As she looked up from her phone, Mae joked, "I guess you're safe for now, Seger. But let me tell you this: We'll get to the bottom of this and when I mean "we" I mean me, Matt, Isa, Monty, and Emma." then gets up to leave, to which Clara chuckles, knowing that Isa and Emma know what's going on with her and Jack and that her real surname is Seger-Garrett, not just Seger, then stands up to leave closely behind her.
While Mae was trying and failing to get Clara to let the cat out of the bag, the two youngest agents were listening to a podcast about events in Philippine history while one was working on a short essay and the other was simply doodling on a notepad. As the last episode of the first season started, Isa groaned and leaned back into her chair, then Emma paused the episodes and gave the Filipina a questioning look, to which the slightly older girl pouted. Just then, Matt walked up to them, unsure what was going on, and spoke up, slightly shocking the two young agents: "Hey guys. Uh, what's going on?" to which the bronde replied "Isa wants to skip an episode of a podcast we're listening to," which made the brunette slightly annoyed, then explained, "I want to save my sanity and blood pressure. Plus, do you want me to go on a rant that could last who knows how long about how the whole Martial Law in the Philippines BS was and still is propaganda made by former President Marcos Sr.'s enemies and people who hate him?" to which Emma simply said, "Heck no."
At this point Matt was still unsure what was going on turned to Emma and asked "What podcasts exactly are you two listening to right now, and what's so bad about one of the episodes that Isa wants you to skip an episode?" to which the younger girl replied "We're listening to "Yugto: Get Mad About Filipino History" and the episode in question is titled "Death of a Politician: Ninoy Aquino" and I have no clue why Isa wants to skip it." at this Isa answered making things sound obvious "It's about Ninoy Aquino's assassination, which sparked the first EDSA Revolution." upon hearing that Matt understood what's happening but confused, so he asked "I don't see what's wrong with that, it sounds interesting. So what's the problem?"
At that young Filipina blew out a sigh, then went into a short rant about Martial Law and something about Marcos Sr., then huffed and quietly exclaimed "Sometimes it drives me insane how tanga  Pinoys can be sometimes". As she finished, Emma decided to change the topic by speaking up and asking, "Okay, so are we gonna listen to the remaining episodes?" to which Isa firmly replied, "Ay, hindi. All the remaining episodes are about presidential elections, since we already listened to the episodes about the athletes, and I don't like political crap." At that, the slightly younger girl nodded, though she doesn't look up from her notepad, which is now covered in doodles, and replied "Sooo what podcast are we gonna listen to now, and please don't say "Sounds and Stories of the Philippines"; we've listened to that a couple of times now, though can we still stick to events in Philippine history". "How about LAGIM or Philippine History Z?" Isa suggests after a few moments of silence, then Matt speaks up after a couple of beats, "What's the first one about since the second one seems self-explanatory?" And for the first time since Matt walks up to them, Emma looks up from her notebook, slightly interested in the first podcast Isa suggested, then says, "Yeah, what's the first one about? It sounds interesting".
"LAGIM is a Filipino true-crime podcast about infamous and not-so-well-known cases in the Philippines."  Isa responded, reading the podcast description, then adding, "It also kinda helps that lagim means dread/terror/fear in Tagalog, and yes, they include gory details, at least some do since some of the cases that are talked about are murders, but some are not, like the episode of the Michael Meiring Mystery, aka the Evergreen Hotel Explosion". Emma nodded in acknowledgment, then said, "I like that one though, can we skip the ones that sound too brutal?" Isa replied with an unsure "okay," which made the bronde giver her an 'are you serious' look, which made the brunette clarify, "I'd rather play it safe, so if I had to pick, I'd go for Philippine History Z. Plus, I'm still kinda shaken from the 2021 Bloody Sunday Calabarzon Killings episode, and I listened to that a few weeks back." At that, Emma gives in and mumbles, "Ugh, fine, you win, Iz. We'll listen to Philippine History Z, but after we finish it, we'll be listening to LAGIM." Isa counters, saying, "Okay, but one of your siblings or parents should also be there." Emma gives a quick nod, then simply says "Deal".  At that moment, their phones buzz, informing them that they've got a case. "Well, it looks like you two will have to check out that podcast another time." Matt said as he read the message on his phone, and then as the two youngest agents gathered their stuff, they said simultaneously, "DANG IT!" Then all of them left and headed to the jet.
While the rest of the team was up to their usual antics when they didn't have any cases, two of their members decided to hit up the shooting range.
As they exited the elevator and compared his and Monty's paper targets, Jack said, "Look at that. Well done, Monty. Tied again," to which the tech analyst replied, "Well, I did have a good teacher." The unit chief chuckles at that and then offers, "So, how about returning the favor and coming out on a case with us?" Monty quickly counters his boss and friend, saying, "You know my weapon of choice is a computer," as they round a corner. At that, Jack asks, "You sure that has nothing to do with the fact that you hate to fly?" The younger man asks, "Emma told you, di..." Knowing the answer, he chose to vow, "That's the last time I’m letting her and Isa play “Never Have I Ever” with me and Mae.” The senior agent replied, "She can put 'em away," with Monty adding as he grabbed his phone, "And hustle you in cards." Jack simply replies, "That's my girl." Then he asks, "What is it?" The tech analyst answers as he reads a message on the phone, "IRT just received a request from the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá." The unit chief simply says, "Let's go," and the two of them leave for two locations: Jack to the team's jet and Monty to his office.
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"One Drew Dafaoe, 28, of NYC, was found dead in the alleyway behind his hotel in Bogotá, Colombia. There was no sign of a struggle, so local police ruled it a suicide." Monty said the team was en route to Bogotá, and they were having a briefing about the case, with the tech analyst communicating with the rest of his team via web video. Clara then said, half-asking, half-suggesting, "But someone doesn't think it is." The tech wiz confirms, replying "Correct-o, Drew's girlfriend is a native of Bogotá and says he has no reason to take his own life, so she filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Embassy, suspecting there was foul play involved".
"There's nothing in his medical record to suggest that Drew was in poor mental or physical health." Mae said as she went through the vic's medical record, then Isa spoke up as she read a file in hand "Drew claimed on his visitor's declaration form that he was in possession of an engagement ring." She then turns to face the others, all of whom are in varying states of shock. Clara, whose shock wasn't evident in her face but was barely evident in her voice, concludes the Filipina's statement by concluding it with the four words, "He was gonna propose."
The youngest agent then asked as she took a seat next to Clara, visibly confused, "That doesn't sound like somebody who's about to take his own life." Matt then added as he looked through some crime scene photos, "Unfortunately, from these photos, I can't really tell what happened. I mean, he could have jumped or been pushed." Monty then informed them, saying, "True, but what is clear is that in the hours leading up to Drew's death, his behavior was very suspect. After exhausting his ATM withdrawal limit, he then went to a local bank and cleared out his account," to which Emma asks, "So where's that money?" The tech analyst simply replied, "Missing, as is the ring."
At that, Isa raised her eyebrows, then took a seat next to Emma and said, "And here I thought Colombia was cleaning up their act." Clara then clarifies, "Well, it is. And because of it, more Americans have visited Colombia in the last two years than they have in the previous 20," to which Jack counters, "Mm, but like anything, it takes time, so crime is still a big problem for them. Tourists are always the easiest targets," the ME adds, "especially when the perception is that all Americans are rich," to which the unit chief further adds, "which explains why 75 Americans have been targeted in Colombia in 2021." Matt then concluded, saying, "And most of those were express kidnappings." Clara then countered, saying, "Yeah, but after the victims are taken at gunpoint, go to the ATM, withdraw the money, they're usually immediately released." Isa agreeing with the linguist, added, "And these types of criminals are highly organized, mobile, and experienced, but not usually violent." At that, Emma concludes, "So, if this is an escalation, there's no telling what dangers more Americans might find themselves in."
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As the team arrived at the hotel, Drew stayed with a bunch of street kids, who flocked around them as they exited the 4x4. Then, out of the blue, a woman wearing a floral blue blouse and baby pink suit came and started yelling at the children, "iFuera de aquí, ratas! iAntes de que llame a la policía! iTodos vamos! iVamos!" She then says some other things at them, as Clara clarifies ""Gamines," or "throwaway children". It's a remnant of Colombia's recent civil wars. The unemployment, poverty, and lack of housing have left their parents struggling and the children abandoned. So they live on the streets and join gangs to survive, to which Isa asks, "What's the Colombian government doing about this?" Then the woman from earlier cuts in, saying, "Not enough. I'm sorry about this vermin. They're a stain on our county."
Then a man in a dark gray suit walks up to them and introduces himself as he offers a handshake, "Agent Garrett. I'm Detective Benavides." Jack accepts as he says, "Detective, thanks for having us." He then introduces the rest of the team, "Agent Seger, Garcia, Jarvis, Rubirosa, and Simmons." The detective then says to the team, apologizing, "I'm sorry that you had to fly all the way down here for this... how do you say... open-and-close case." The unit chief answers, "Oh, it certainly looks that way, but..." to which Detective Benavides cuts in, "It is. This is no longer the land of Pablo Escobar. It hasn't been for a while now. Colombia has taken its place in a new world, and we hope that its neighbors to the north will trust that we can police our own backyard." At that, Emma politely answers back, "Well, no disrespect intended, Detective Benavides, but when a formal complaint is filed with our embassy, we take that very seriously."
The detective reluctantly gives in to Emma's statement and asks, "Fine. How can I be of assistance?" to which Jack answers, "We'd like to see the deceased's hotel room." The detective then turns to the woman, who turns out to be Rosa Fernandez, the hotel manager, and they have a quick exchange. He then turns back to the team, informing them, "Unfortunately, that's not possible. Because we didn't declare this a crime, we've removed the deceased's belongings and released the room back to the hotel." Fernandez then cuts in, adding, "Which we then rented to a new guest. We're very busy, and the Chicó Reservado district is very popular with tourists, but I can show it to you if you'd like." Matt answers, saying, "If the room's been cleaned and occupied, then all the evidence has been compromised." to which Jack replies, "Agreed, so, Detective, can you instead escort Agents Jarvis, Rubirosa, and Simmons to the alleyway where the body was found, so they can take a look?" the detective simply replies with an "of course," then Jack turns to the rest of the team, "Mae, can you check out the alley while Simmons, you, and Emma take a look at the roof?" to which the former Army vet replies, "You got it, boss." as the three of them leave with Detective Benavides. Jack then turns to Clara and Isa and says, "Let's go have a chat with Drew's girlfriend. Paola," The three of them leave to talk to her, where they learn that she and Drew had a run-in with a halcón with the Los Primos cartel.
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As they walked to the nightclub Paola and Drew went to before he died, Clara noticed that Isa's lost in her thoughts and asked her, "You alright, Isa?" which brought the Filipina back into reality and made her jump slightly, but then she mumbled, "Sorry. Paola just reminded me of the helplessness that my sisters and I felt when we lost mama and papa." to which the linguist replied empathically, "Of course. I've been there too, y'know. When I lost my brother." This made the girl look at her and give a thankful smile, then say with a bit of determination, "If we can find out who did this to Drew, it's gonna give her closure and allow her to move on. I hope we can do that". "We will," Jack said as they entered the nightclub.
Inside, there were only two people: one guy at the bar, and the other was behind the bar. "No, no, no. Cerrado. We're closed until 6," the guy at the bar said. Jack responds by showing his badge and saying, "FBI, I was hoping you might be able to help us out." The guy picks up a glass and says, "I doubt that." Isa gives a small scoff, then replies sarcastically, "Let's give it a try anyway." She then showed a photo of Drew's passport and added, "Either of you saw this man last night?" The man looked at the photo and then simply said, "I don't know. We see a lot of people." The three agents didn't seem convinced by that, and before Isa could make a witty remark, Jack asked, "All those people end up dead?" Instead of replying to the unit chief, the man turned to the guy behind the bar and said, "No dar papaya.”
Confused, Isa turns to Clara and asks, "Don't give the papaya?" The linguist clarifies, "It's a local saying. It means..." The man at the bar cuts in, saying "That it was probably the guy's own damn fault for walking in yesterday, being gringo, and flashing cash". "And maybe you helped him out with that?" Jack asked, to which the men laughed and said, "¿Yo?, You Americans are always putting your noses in Colombian business and just making everything worse." That made the most senior agent slightly agitated and ask, "Why don't you stop deflecting and answer my question?" The man then turned to the guys behind the bar and said, "Ohh... Mira." then turns back to Jack and says, "Tough guy with his gun and his badge." He then stood up, which made him a few inches taller than the unit chief.
Jack responds by first removing his gun and badge and handing them to Clara who along with Isa becomes slightly concerned, then says to the guy "Now I'm just a tough guy. But a little piece of tin doesn't seem like it would be a problem for you." the man responds saying "Hermano... you don't want any of this." Jack replies, saying, "Big guy like you doesn't have many real fights. Your game is intimidation. Most people back down before a punch is ever thrown, but I'm not one of those guys." the unit chief then takes a step forward and adds, "So... you have anything to do with this man's death?" At that, Clara seriously wondered how this was the same guy she married and had kids with, while Isa concluded that her friend and colleague got her attitude of diving head first into most things from her dad.
The man then sits back down and says, "Okay. Yeah, okay? Look... I tried to talk to his lady. That's it... Hmm? I was here all night into the morning, working." this doesn't convince the three agents, so he adds, "You don't believe me? Ask him" gesturing to his friend behind the bar. "Doesn't mean you didn't get on your walkie and call one of your buddies to take care of him." Isa replied wittily, which made the guy respond, "I am just... whoa." Jack instinctively reached for his gun, though it was not even real, which made the guy say, "Suave. It doesn't even work. It's not even loaded. I am just a security guard." He then showed the three agents his fake walkie-talkie, which made Clara conclude, "The walkie and the gun are a ruse." Jack examines the fake walkie then adds, "So... If people think you're part of a drug cartel, they think twice before doing anything stupid." The guy simply laughs and then says, "Welcome to Colombia," which makes Isa think, "Yeah, we feel very welcomed." as the three of them exchange looks.
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After a while, the team hasn't made much progress as they've now got a second victim whose wife is currently missing, and searching their hotel room has raised more questions than answers, one of which is who owns the glittery purple lipstick on a champagne flute and the red hair in the shower. Mae was doing the autopsy with a local coroner on the jet just as Isa headed there, as she might have gotten a lead, while Matt and Emma, along with Detective Benavides, went to a nearby shop.
While all of that was going on, Jack walked up to Clara, who had just called the US embassy, and informed him, "Hey. I just got off the phone with the embassy. They're issuing a travel warning to all Americans in Bogotá and warning other embassies to do the same for their citizens," he replied, "Good. Simmons just called. He found a person of interest using the Hulses' credit card. It turned out to be Mrs. Hulse herself. Seems she had breakfast with her husband this morning before she went on the Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral tour, while he came back to the hotel to rest." Baffled, Clara concludes, "So, whoever it was must have known that she'd be occupied."
Just then, Mae calls, to which Jack answers and says, "What do you two have, Mae?" The ME answers "Well, the original medical reports said that the victims were not drugged, when, in fact, they were". "With what?" Clara asks, "It's called scopolamine, a.k.a. "The Devil's Breath" the ME replies." Still bewildered, the linguist then asks, "So, why didn't the original labs catch it?" At that, Isa cuts in, clarifying "Well, scopolamine metabolizes into the bloodstream so quickly that standard toxic panels don't detect it". "It also grows only here in Colombia, so it's specific to the region," the unit chief adds. "Bingo," the Filipina said in response, then added, "Now, scopolamine is like a Mickey on steroids. It's odorless, it's off-white in color, and it can be blown into someone's face or just passed through touch." as Mae takes over and continues to explain, "And once that happens, the victim is turned into a mental zombie, and while they're under the influence, the victim is easily controlled by suggestions or verbal commands to perform unspeakable acts, which is why all of our victims have been emptying their bank accounts... Because they were told to." At that, Jack comments, saying, "And the person giving the commands is usually very close by." Isa concludes the explanation by saying, "And once the drug has worn off, the victim has no recollection of what happened or what they did under the influence. They can't even identify the people who gave them the drug in the first place."
The last part slightly puzzled Clara, which made her ask, "Well, then why have them kill themselves if they can't remember anything, anyway?" Mae suggests, "Unless these crimes of opportunity are also a way to fulfill a lust to kill." Jack replies, saying, "Sounds like you guys are on to something, Mae. Get back to the hotel as soon as possible, and we'll regroup." then ends the call then turns to Clara, "The last time I heard of scopolamine, a bunch of working girls were using it to roll Johns in Guatemala." the linguist makes a 'that makes sense' gesture then replies, "Well, a lady of the night would explain who was drinking the champagne." the unit chief then adds, "And who took the shower in a country where running water is not always a given."
Clara agrees with this but finds something that doesn't add up, so she says, "Yeah, but neither of these victims look like the kind of men that would pay for sex." Jack nods slightly at her point and then suggests, "Agreed, but maybe they didn't pay for it, and these women followed them and found the right opportunity to dose them." Clara replies, "All right, so where do we find this working girl?" Jack answers, "That's the easy part," as he calls Matt and Emma, then, as they pick up, says, "Simmons, Emma, meet us at the Wall." as the two of them leave to meet them at the Wall.
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The four agents arrive at the Wall with Jack and Clara riding the 4x4 while Emma and Matt road his bike, which, though she won't admit it, moderately scared Emma. As they either hopped off or exited their respective vehicles, Matt said, "The Wall is infamous for prostitution," and as they walked around, Clara spotted a girl that fits the vague description of their working girl and said, "There she is. Redhead, purple lipstick. Check." Emma then commented, "Nice ice on her finger," as she observed the girl show a raven-haired girl a ring, which made her dad reply, "I think we just found Drew's lost engagement ring... and our killer."
All of a sudden, shots were fired and everyone there either ducking for cover or running away. The four agents were able to duck behind a probably abandoned car, while the redheaded girl ducked behind an old, rusty trash can. As a few more shots are fired, Jack tells the others, "I don't have a shot. There are too many innocents downrange." Just then, the redheaded girl runs away, which Matt notices and then says, "There she goes." Jack then says to Clara and Emma, "I'll get his attention. As soon as I draw his fire, you two get the girl," to which the mother-daughter duo replies simultaneously with 'copy' and 'gotcha' then the unit chief addresses the former army vet and says, "Simmons, you get everyone else to safety." Matt simply replies, "Done."
Then Jack gave the go signal, and all four agents did their assigned orders. After a while, the gunman suddenly runs out of ammunition, and Jack says to him, "Jack Garrett, FBI!" Matt then asks, with his gun drawn, "What do we got, Jack?" The more senior agent replies, "He's on a drug called scopolamine. It's like you're under hypnosis, so whoever gives it to you has a lot of sway over your actions," he says as he reaches for the gunman's gun and is handcuffed.
Meanwhile, the mother-daughter duo continues to chase the redheaded girl. At some point during the chase, Clara yells, "FBI! Stop!" But after a bit more running and a few people shoved out of the way by both parties, the mother-daughter agent duo caught up with the redheaded girl, with Emma tackling her down and Clara cuffing her.
Back with Jack, Matt, and the gunman, Matt asks, "How'd he know where to find us?" while holding on to the gunman Jack spots something on the ground and picks it up. "The UnSub is watching," Jack replies as he shows the other agent a Polaroid.
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After Clara and Emma took the redheaded girl into custody, they went in to interview her. There they learned that her name was Canela and that both Drew and Tim hired her, but she wasn't the one to dose either of them with scopolamine. She said that neither of the victims wanted sex or anything, but they instead fed her, told her to take a shower, and then paid her for the whole day, so she didn't have to work anymore. She also said that Drew gave her the ring. When Emma asked what the gunman wanted, Canela replied saying that she had never met him and that when he came to the Wall and started shooting, that was the first time she saw him.
After the interview, the mother-daughter duo met up with Jack near the hotel lobby where he informed the two "Mae, Isa, and Simmons are interviewing the shooter. How'd it go with the working girl?" getting straight to the point, Clara replies, "She says she's innocent." her husband and colleague simply answered, "Of course". Emma replied "We believe her, dad" The last word was said so softly that both her parents barely heard it. Her dad then asked "Why's that?" her mom answered for her saying "Well, because when people lie, they tend to minimize, you know, to conceal their degree of involvement, but Canela has admitted to everything, including things that would cast doubt on her story, like the fact that they paid her extra money or that Drew gave her the ring." the young agent then added "Yeah, her only crime is growing up on these streets and trying to survive." agreeing with his wife and daughter Jack concluded "So if she didn't do it... whoever our UnSub is has a soft spot for her."
Clara then nods at Jack's conclusion and replies, "Agreed. And they want her washed, fed, and off the streets." Emma finds something confusing questions, "But it's a conflicting motivation. Greed versus romance?" the unit chief answers "We could be dealing with a schizophrenic, someone of two minds, on the one hand, driven by logic... on the other, driven by emotion." the youngest agent, starting to get why the motivations were so conflicting, adds "Which could be a blessing. I mean, the emotional side of our UnSub is driving them to take risks that they normally wouldn't take." Jack then replied, "Exactly. Which could be their undoing." Clara then suggests "Or their common thread. Canela asked us, "Who cares for prostitutes in Bogotá?"." to which her husband concluded, "Someone else who's been thrown away."
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While the familial threesome was talking, the remaining three members of the team who were on the team talked to the gunman, whose name they learned was Bob Cosgrove. When Matt asked what was the last thing he remembered before he was drugged he replied that the last he remembered was that he decided to take a walk from his hotel down to the marketplace and while there he heard a song specifically "Redemption Song" and that he placed some money into the musician kid's hat then suddenly everything went dark. At that, a lot of things started to fit into place for the three agents as they shared a glance at each other. Later, the team regroups with Detective Benavides, and they look over the marketplace from a hotel balcony.
"Music," Isa said simply. "The polaroid of Jack" Simmons continued then Clara added "The marketplace... it's what all the vics had in common." then she continued "The Chicó Reservado district is very popular among tourists. They walk through here every single day." then Jack concludes, "And finally, the kids. They're everywhere. The poor and homeless are often invisible". "Yeah, that's why this crime was so hard to figure out," Matt said as he turned to the others. "We underestimated them," Emma said, finishing the former army vet's statement. "Yeah, because you don't want to believe that kids are capable of such a thing." Clara said agreeing with her teammates, though her statement made the two youngest agents glance at each other as if saying to each other 'if only they knew some things we did' as they're a bit mischievous at times and most times an adult figures out what they did, but there are a few times they don't. Jack then counters the others "Doesn't mean he's our UnSub." Detective Benavides points to the musician kid and says "He looks like the ringleader to me." the unit chief decides to give the detective the benefit of the doubt and replies "He just maybe, but let's kick the tires on this and be sure. Our UnSub is targeting tourists."
Mae then adds, "These are crimes of opportunity, but there's a sadistic element to them. Robbery should have been enough, but these murders are extra." Isa then says slightly, stuttering a bit, "This person wants control and craves power. I-it's not just about money, but also making his victims be punished." Matt then continued "This is someone who's angry at tourists or foreigners." as Clara added to the profile "Yeah, a domineering personality, someone who takes pressure in... in making their victims helpless." Jack then replied, noticing a contradiction between their profile and the musician kid, "This kid doesn't fit the profile." the detective then asked, slightly confused, "So what? He fits the crime." to which Matt pointed out, "See, look at the way he checks around. See? See right there? Before he gives the kid the money". Emma then concluded, "They're afraid of someone". This still confuses the detective, so he asks "So he's got nothing to do with this?" to which Jack replies, "He might not be our UunSub, but he's most definitely our Romeo."
Isa then listed and occluded "Strawberries, champagne, and a shower. Only a kid on the street who lacks these things is gonna know their value." this still confuses the detective as he asks, "How is that possible? Whoever is tied to this girl is most likely the person who did all of this." Jack then gives another option they never thought of until now, "Unless we're looking for two people... one Alpha and one Beta." to which Clara replies, "Which is why our profile was so conflicting." Isa then concluded with a tone of disgust, hurt, and sympathy for the kids "These kids are just puppets." just as Matt added, "Someone else is pulling the strings, giving information from afar." Emma then concludes, "So we're not looking for a Romeo. We're looking for a Cyrano." which makes Detective Benavides ask "So, how do we find this Cyrano?" to which Jack replies "First, let's get these kids off the street and to safety."The team and Detective Benavides go to do just that and the musician kid notices them then yells "¡La policía! ¡Corran! ¡Corran!" and all of them run or at least try to since they're caught by the team and other officers. Jack then said to the musician kid, "Hey. FBI. ¿Hablas Inglés?" to which the kid simply replied "Sí." which made the unit chief ask "Where'd you learn to speak English?" the kid replied as he was being searched "Where else? American music." as he's finished being searched, Detective Benavides informs Jack "He's clean." to which the musician kid says "Which means I'm free to go. Gracias." then tries to leave but is stopped by Detective Benavides saying something to him in Spanish, then turns to the unit chief and says "They're all clean. One of the other kids must have gotten away with the scopolamine." Jack then turns to the musician kid, "I'm not interested in you going to jail, but I am interested in who your boss is." the kid simply replies with an "I'm the boss" to which the agent responds "I think you're just a kid being manipulated." the kid takes a step towards the agent as he says "You don't know anything about me or my friends or my family." Jack then explains to him, "Well, I know whoever you think your friend is, isn't. They're using you and all the others to do bad things so that, if you get caught, you all go to jail, not them." the musician kid then turns to the other kids then simply said "The FBI likes to lie." which the agent quickly dismisses saying "I promise you, we're not lying. Let me help you. I know you're just trying to take care of your friends." the musician kid then replies, "We're okay. We'll take care of ourselves. Gracias. ¡Vámonos!" then he and the other kid leave and as 6 agents and a detective watch them leave, the detective asks "So, what now?" to which the most senior agent replies "We follow them".
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As the team and Detective Benavides follow the kids, they follow them into an alleyway with flashlights in hand. "Well, they can't have escaped that quickly," Isa remarked as they looked around to see how the kids had gotten away so fast. After looking around for a while, Matt finds a vent from which the kids could've used and then says "Got 'em." he then removes some metal bars from the vent looks in, and adds "Yeah, they can fit in here, but we can't." Which made Jack say, "We Need to find another way in. They're probably meeting with their leader now".  "I'm pretty sure this leads under the hotel. Maybe there's a way in from there." Detective Benavides replies as they leave.
As she followed closely behind the rest of the team, Emma suddenly heard someone take a sharp breath behind her and made her turn around to see Isa struggling to breathe. As she walked towards the slightly older girl she asked "You okay Isa?" the other girl grabbed her friend's arm which she had extended then simply said "Asthma." still struggling to get oxygen into her lungs.
Hearing footsteps behind her Emma turns around to see her parents walking up to the two of them who noticed the two younger agents weren't behind them. Her mom then asked with concern on her face "Isa are you alright?" the Filipina nodded and then replied still struggling to breathe "I'll be fine… it's just my Asthma. I'm pretty sure… it's the stuffiness… of the alleyway… or… the dry air… that triggered it." Jack responds, "I think you should head back to the hotel and sit this one out." Emma nodded and then said "I agree with dad." her mom then added "So do I. I'm not so sure if it's the best idea to have you on the field if you’re having an Asthma attack."  to which Isa responds with a nod then says still having a hard time to breath "Okay, I’ll… sit this one… out". Emma then turned to her parents and said "I'll stay with her." this made her parents glance at each other then turn to their daughter and nod, and she then told them "Okay, We’ll see you guys after this is all over I guess" then adds "And please be careful." to which her dad replies "We will." and her mom said at the same time "Always." then the four of them leave the alleyway then part ways with the two young agents head to the hotel while the older two agents join the others.
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While the two youngest agents were back at the hotel, the rest of the team and Detective Benavides went to the basement part of the hotel to see the hotel manager, Rosa Fernandez, pointing a gun at the street kid. Then suddenly Jack and the others enter, then say "FBI! Drop the weapon!" Fernandez clocks the gun and doesn't drop it, so the unit chief says "I said drop the weapon!" to which Fernandez says "Que asi sea." then gets shot by Jack before she pulls the trigger and falls to the ground. Then, as Clara walks over to Fernandez to see if she is dead or not, the others walk over to the kids check on them, and calm them down.
The next day, while the kids were with most of the team and some local officers, Detective Benavides was talking with Jack and Clara and informed them a bit of Fernandez' background "Her real name was Gabriella Muñoz, an ex-street kid and prostitute with a long criminal record and a history of extreme Colombian nationalistic views," which made Clara ask, "So, how did she become the hotel manager?" to which the detective replied, "Rosa Fernandez was an alias that she must have stolen and used to get the job. The kids say she had been planning this scam for a while". "A hotel manager's a perfect cover if you want to rip off some tourists." Jack comments, then Clara replies "Yeah, and being surrounded by them must have triggered her resentment towards all the foreigners," which made the unit chief add "And suddenly, it wasn't enough to just steal from them... she needed to kill them, too".
After a few beats of silence, Detective Benavides quickly says, "I owe you and your team an apology. I thought there was nothing here. You were right. There was," to which Jack replies, "Well, this is one of those times I wish I was wrong." Then the detective responds, "Hopefully, in the future, we can do more?" as he and Garrett shake hands, then adds, "Thank you." Jack then asks, "So what about then?" as he gestures to the kids, then adds, "What happens now?" to which Detective Benavides replies, "Although they were part of a criminal activity, I've spoken to my superior on their behalf, and he's taken into account their circumstances. They've been cleared of any wrongdoing," to which the unit chief responds, "Well, I'm glad to hear that because I found someone who can help us. I have a friend who runs an orphanage." as a bus approaches them.
As the bus stops, a woman with short, kinky hair steps out and walks over to them and says, "Hola, Jack," to which the unit chief replies, "Thank you for coming, Ramona." As he and the woman share an embrace, he adds, "The kids are over there with the rest of my team." Then he gestures to the others, to which Ramona replies, "I'll go introduce myself, and then we can take them to their new home." Then she walks over to the rest of the team and the kids. This makes the two agents and detective glance at each other, and the two agents exchange a smile.
After a while, Detective Benavides asks, "What would you have done if we decided to press charges against them?" to which Jack retorts, "I guess we'll never have to find out," which made the detective and Clara chuckle as the kids got on the bus. Clara then spots Paola, then turns to Jack, and says, "Um, I'm gonna be right back." She then walks over to Paola, and after they exchange greetings, the linguist says, "I, uh... I have something that belongs to you." as she hands the engagement ring to Paola, which made the woman's voice break as she said, "Oh, my God." as Clara tells the other woman, "Drew wanted you to have this." then adds, "It's perfect." Then the two women exchanged hugs. As the two women have their exchange, Jack turns and sees the exchange and a small smile forms as the four other agents rejoin them, and they wave goodbye to the kids on the bus.
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Once the team returned to the US and finished writing their case reports which took almost the whole day, they were all able to get a day off. On the way back home, the two youngest agents were jamming to the Hamilton soundtrack for the hundredth time, much to the two older agents' annoyance. After a while, Clara started to stare off into the road ahead, lost in her thoughts. Jack quickly glanced at her before turning most of his attention back to the road and saying, "I can hear your mind racing, you know," which made his wife chuckle softly. He then replied, "I was just thinking of what Mae told me before the case," to which he silently told her to go on as the woman added, "She told me that after the slip-up at the train station, pun not intended, she and the other are starting to pick up what’s going on between the two of us." As they stopped at a stop light, Jack carefully placed a hand on hers and said, "We’ll figure out a way to tell them. It might take some time for them to get used to the idea or for us to tell them, but we’ll figure out a way," which made Clara give him a tight-lipped smile while Isa and Emma fake gagged from the back seat of the car, which Clara saw from the rearview mirror and gave them a raised eyebrow. Before either girl could respond, Emma's phone buzzed, which made everyone in the car jump slightly and made Clara involuntarily let go of her husband's hand, then give him a small sheepish smile.
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9:30 p.m.
Mae: hey guys
does anyone have any suggestions for a good tv show
Emma: jeeeez Mae a little warning next time will you?!
            But yes I know a few good tv shows
Isa: A lot
Mae: because I just finished catching up on Chicago med
Clara: of course you watch medical dramas
Mae: okay ouch but anyways
now I have no clue what to watch on Peacock
Isa: Pretty sure you can watch the rest of the shows on the One Chicago franchise
Emma: or the L&O franchise
Monty: wow guys one moment I was just peacefully watching Dr. Who the next my phone’s being bombarded with messages from this chat
Mae: hi Monty
Isa: Ay-ayatenmikayo a Monty 💜
Monty: Isa please for the love of languages speak no wait type in English, please
Isa: *sends a gif*
Mae: damn Isa
that’s bold
also Clara calm this kid that’s been stayin with you down
Clara: At this point, I’ve given up
Monty: quick question Clara
Clara: Go for it Monty
Monty: how are you texting while driving?
Mae: Clara you there?
Clara: I’m carpooling with Jack and Emma
            And yes Isa’s also here
Mae: riiiiiiight
Clara: What’s that about?
Mae: nothing
Monty: anyways where’d Emma and Isa go?
Clara: they fell asleep in the back of the car
Mae: With just pure silence
Clara: No they were playing the Hamilton soundtrack
           And speaking of people being inactive, where's Matt?
Mae: Knowing him he’s probably lurking behind his phone reading these
Matt: you’d be right Mae
Mae: OMG
Monty: let her be Matt
Clara: Well I just got home and now I have to figure out how to get a certain sleeping 12-and-a-half-year-old from the back of Jack’s car to her room
            Night guy
Matt: Night
Mae: gn
Monty: g’night
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Okay, a few notes about some stuff mentioned:
 1. bronde refers to the fusion between blonde and brown hair that Emma has (pretty sure Jayden Bartels who played her in the og run of the show is also one)
2. Isa is sometimes referred to as Iz usually by some family members, most friends, and sometimes co-workers. Though her sisters usually call her Izzy or any nickname that comes from the name Isabella that can annoy her
3. In the scene where the team follows the kids into an alleyway there's a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows reference (I'll let you guys guess it)
4. The language Isa typed in when Monty enters the chat is the Ilocano a dialect in the Philippines which is spoken in Northern Luzon, many parts of Central Luzon, and a few parts of the Soccsksargen region in Mindanao;
5. And lastly I described Ramona’s hair as kinky hair since it's also called afro-textured hair you can learn more about this type of hair with these Wikipedia articles
Another thing here is the translations for the chapter:
tanga - stupid
Ay, hindi. - Oh, no.
iFuera de aquí, ratas! iAntes de que llame a la policía! iTodos vamos! iVamos! - Get out of here, rats! Before I call the police! We all go! Come on!
Cerrado - Closed
No dar papaya - don't give the papaya
¿Yo? - I?
Mira - look
¡La policía! ¡Corran! ¡Corran! - Police! Run! Run
¿Hablas Inglés? - Do you speak English
Sí - yes
Gracias - thank you
Gracias. ¡Vámonos! - Thank you. Let’s go!
Que así sea - so be it
Hola - hello
Ay-ayatenmikayo a Monty - We love you, Monty
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this but pls remember I'm still new to fanfiction writing so pls be nice to me.
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wongyuseokie · 10 months
Better Than Me | Lee Seokmin; SMAU
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Summary: You and Seokmin have been dating for a few years, but now you're the star of a new drama with your co-star Rowoon, which makes Seokmin insecure. Seokmin tries his best to be supportive and understanding, but sometimes it's too much, and you're both unsure if your relationship can survive the jealousy and fights.
Pairing: Idol! Lee Seokmin x Actress! Female Reader
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♕ implied smut | ♥ completed works
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Idol AU! and Actress AU! Content Warnings: swearing, angst, jealousy, crying, mentions of a sprained ankle lol. Mentions of sex, food and snacks and Dispatch being public enemy number 1. Featuring the ever so handsome Rowoon. Also unnecessary Rowoon slander from Seokmin.
Smut Warnings: Mentions of multiple rounds and scratching.
Author's Note 1: thank you to the lovely @gyuwoncheol and thank you to my resident Seokmin lover @the-boy-meets-evil and my lovely wifey(s) @bitchlessdino @multi-kpop-fanfics ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you guys for hearing me go on and on about this <3
Author's Note 2: This series will be released in 2024! (and yes i'm reposting this because the tag system was bothering me).
Author's Note 3: This is all fiction. ❤️
Authors Note 4: I know you're too humble, but this story would not exist without @gyuwoncheol I've wanted to make you co-author because you've inspired and helped me SO MUCH. But you won't let me, but I need you to know how much you mean to me. Thank you for being such a safe space for me to outlet and share updates and ideas. But importantly thank you for always making time for me. I adore you, my love. 🩷🩷🩷
Let me know if you wish to be tagged in this, I will only tag those who have their age visible on their profiles and are 18+.
Updates will be made daily.
Part 1: Tall Ass Rowoon ✔️ Part 2: Access Code ✔️ Part 3: Wires ✔️ Part 4: Fuck Dispatch ✔️ Part 5: #concerned ✔️ Part 6: Slutty Eyes ✔️ Part 7: Overworked PR Team ✔️ Part 8: Spiteful ✔️ Part 9: The Brightest Star ✔️ Part 10: Therapist Shua ✔️ Part 11: Emotional Support Teddy Bear ✔️ Part 12: Drunk On You ✔️ Part 13: Twice a Week ✔️ Part 14: Sweet Lies ✔️ Part 15: Hell ✔️ Part 16: Not Okay ✔️ Part 17: Test ✔️ Part 18: Hell 2.0 ✔️ Part 19: Irreparable ✔️ Part 20: Returned ✔️ Part 21: Locked Out ✔️ Part 22: Time Machine ✔️ Part 23: Lukewarm ✔️ Part 24: Fractured ✔️ Part 25: Hell 3.0 ✔️ Part 26: Last Chance ✔️ Part 27: To You (written) ✔️ Part 28: Forever ✔️ Epilogue ✔️
© wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved. Tag List: @dkluvrsclub @wooahaeproductions @seokgyuu @stayinhellevator @aaniag @the-boy-meets-evil @hoeforhao @here4kpopfics @ressonancee @seungkwansphd @tomodachiii @shadowyjellyfishfest @kyeomooniee @allmyl0ve17 @soupbinlily @randomworker @gyuminusone @onlyseokmins @strawberryya @meowmeowminnie @woozixo @jeonghansshitester @multi-kpop-fanfics @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @imprettyweird @shuasunshine @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @gyuhanniescarat @thepoopdokyeomtouched @joonsytip @hrts4hanniehae @highvern @buffhoshi @huening-kawaii @wonwoobestboyy
I'm tagging folks who I think would be interested/ have expressed their interest hehe)
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samsseptember · 2 months
Samtember 2024 Calendar, Rules, and Guidelines!
Hi, Sam Wilson Nation! It’s that time of year again when we all get together to celebrate our beloved Sam Wilson’s birth month. That’s right, it’s ✰Samtember2024✰ !!!
As per usual, the event will be running from Friday, September 1st to Saturday, September 30th and there will be prompts set for each day:
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Week 1:
Day 1 - Free Space
Day 2 - Bird Telepathy
Day 3 - Costume
Day 4 - Crossover/Multiverse
Day 5 - Canon Divergence
Day 6 - Hurt/Comfort
Day 7 - Future Fic
Week 2:
Day 8 - On Your Left
Day 9 - Move Your Seat Up
Day 10 - I Never Said Pilot
Day 11 - The Big Three
Day 12 - When Do We Start?
Day 13 - Man, Shut the Hell Up
Day 14 - Moon Stuff
Week 3:
Day 15 - Cap Quartet
Day 16 - Redwing
Day 17 - Mission Fic
Day 18 - Shield
Day 19 - Wakanda
Day 20 - Undercover
Day 21 - Co-Pilots
Week 4 + 2 Days:
Day 22 - Cookout / Boil
Day 23 - Birthday
Day 24 - Fishing
Day 25 - Louisiana
Day 26 - Lovers
Day 27 - The Paul & Darlene
Day 28 - Slice of Life
Day 29 - Wilson Family
Day 30 - Home
We will open a collection on AO3 soon. We will update this when the collection is ready, but when it is you'll also be able to find it by typing samtember2024 in the add to collections option.
You can also tag any works you post with #samtember2024 or tag this blog @samsseptember. Works will be reblogged every day throughout the month. 
What works count for this fan event?
Any of the following count:
photosets / moodboards / collages
videos / edits
fic rec lists
Whichever way you want to celebrate Sam Wilson, it’s up to you! 
The rest of the FAQ and rules are under the cut.
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What is this?
It’s a Sam Wilson fan event.
Is there any pressure?
No pressure at all. Fill one prompt. Fill all the prompts on for the month. Do however many you please.
Can I fill more than one prompt with one piece of art/one fic?
Yes! You can fill one prompt with one piece of art or fic. You can try to fill all 30 prompts at once with one piece of art or fic. If you can fill every single prompt from every single day in one fill, that’d be wild but it’s okay by the rules. You can do any number in between.
Are there any prizes for making anything for this event?
Just the satisfaction that you made something cool.
Should the work I make be Sam Wilson-centric?
Yes. You can make a gen work or a piece with any ship with Sam Wilson in it, but the main focus should be Sam Wilson.
How long will this event run?
It will run from September 1st to September 30th.
I heard there are badges I can use for each fill?
There will be! They will come out daily.
Do I have to post my fic for the prompt on the day of the prompt?
You can if you’d like, but it’s okay if you post a piece on a day other than the day of the prompt.
What are the guidelines for the event?
For Everyone:
1. Remember to tag @samsseptember in the post as well as #samtember2024.
2. Please also tag the prompt you’re filling (for instance, if the square is “Redwing”, use “#redwing” as one of your tags when posting about it on Tumblr).
3. If you’re uploading to AO3, please:
a ) Say somewhere which prompt you’re filling.
b ) Add it to Samtember 2024 Collection that you can find here.
For Artists:
1. Create at least one piece of new art that can’t have been posted anywhere else before this.
2. All visual art forms are welcome:
a ) Gifsets, at least 3 gifs.
b ) Aesthetic boards or moodboards, at least 4 images each.
c ) Drawing/painting, that is not a sketch.
d) Fan video.
e) Graphics edit.
For Authors:
1. At least 500 words.
2. Posted on Tumblr or AO3.
3. Can be part of a series, but should work as a standalone.
For Podficcers:
1. The podfic should at least be 5 minutes long.
2. It should be posted on either Tumblr or AO3.
3. The podfic can be of a fic made for the event, a fic not made for the event while still adhering to the prompt, or a notfic.
For Fic Rec Lists:
1. You must have at least three fics or podfics on the rec list.
2. Make sure to give brief descriptions of the fics or podfics as well as their rating and wordcount.
For Commenters:
1. Any amount of comment counts, from a heart emoji (“❤️”) to an essay.
2. We would rather this be about what makes you happy and joyful about reading than any scathing critiques.
Things to be mindful of when creating:
For Sam
Avoid framing Sam only as a caretaker or emotional support for Bucky. Be mindful of Sam acting angry or aggressive in an out-of-character way and falling into the angry/sassy Black man trope (check out the MCU source material to help with character traits).
Avoid decentering Sam as a main character and refrain from focusing entirely on Bucky.
In art: avoid whitewashing Sam’s skin and research drawing Black characters.
General disclaimer: Race affects every aspect of his life, including interacting with police/government and the white structures of the world when it comes to performing his duties as Cap and simply being a Black man that lives in the U.S.
For Bucky
Avoid phrasing “flesh/normal/human hand” to refer to the contrast between his prosthetic arm and his right arm. The phrasing is ableist. You can simply refer to his prosthesis when relevant, otherwise use “right/left arm/hand”.
For more information, please check out this document suggested by @ninesdb on how to write Bucky as an amputee. @ninesdb is also open to questions if you have any queries not answered by the google doc.
Specific Tags:
Avoid tags in AO3 like “Sam Wilson is a Gift”, “Sam Wilson is a Saint”, and “Bucky Needs a Hug”.
Have fun and we look forward to all your wonderful works! ✰
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sagemoderocklee · 5 months
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GaaLee Fanfics for Gaza // Fic WiPs for Falastin // Pre-Order for Palestine: Return to Sender Sequel // E-Sims for Extras
This post is up to date as of 7/20/2024.
In an effort to help Palestinian families who are trying to raise funds to evacuate from Gaza due to the occupations continued genocide, I have decided to offer up GaaLee fanfiction for anyone who donates. My goal with this campaign is to focus on a small group of GFMs at a time in order to better focus the financial impact on these families and their campaigns.
There are, at present, four ways to donate:
GaaLee Fics for Gaza
Fic WiPs for Falastin
Pre-Order: Return to Sender Sequel
E-Sims for Extras
The first and second options are part of @ficsforgaza. This is an incredible organized, multifandom effort that updates regularly with various writers offering fics for donations. If you are not interested in donating for a GaaLee fic, please check out the other authors working with @ficsforgaza.
The third and fourth option focus on new content for older and already completed fics. The third option focuses on a single family, who have struggled a great deal in obtaining funds. The fourth and final option focuses on E-sims, which are desperately needed so many months into the genocide in Gaza. The cheapest option for e-sims is $9.
Here is the list of families GaaLee Fics fo Gaza and Fic WiPs for Falastin will be focused on. For the RtS Pre-order, see the next campaign after the list. For e-sims, please check out GazaSims.
Note: While only two of these families on this list have been vetted by someone on tumblr, I have been in contact with each and every one of these families on Instagram for months. I have spoken at length with them on a regular basis, followed them, and witnessed their first hand accounts in their stories and in posts they share. If you wish to speak with me about any family for verification, please DM me. I would rather you contact me and ask than overlook a family because of any doubts you might have.
Donate to:
Amal is 24 years old with two beautiful daughters. Her goal is $50,000 and (at the time of posting) she has raised $9,195.* (*Link updated)
The Wishah family is a family of 8, which includes their surviving cat. Their goal is €71,500 and (at the time of posting) they have raised €12,253. (vetted by @/el-shab-hussein)
Nourhan is raising funds to help her family of 9 evacuate. Her goal is €70,000, but (at the time of posting) she has only raised €25.
The Rozan family is a beautiful family of six, including children and teens, trying to evacuate. The family's goal is €38,000 and (at the time of posting) they have raised €5,915. (vetted by @/el-shab-hussein)
Rawan is a 15 year old girl doing everything she can to raise the funds for her family of 6, which includes her younger brothers. Rawan's goal is $30,000 CAD, and (at the time of posting) she has raised $6,159 CAD.
Omar just turned 20, as today (4/26) is his birthday. He is a friend of Rawan's and is raising funds to evacuate himself and his family. His goal is €20,000, and (at the time of posting) he has raised €11,022.
Mona is a mother of three trying to evacuate herself, her children, her husband, and her sick mother. Her goal is $50,000, but (at the time of posting) she has only raised $609.
Wafa is a single mother from Gaza trying to raise funds to evacuate herself and her daughter. Her campaign is in Danish krone with an exchange rate of kr6.97 for every US $1. Her goal is kr100,000 (=$14,345.56), and (at the time of posting) she has only raised kr5,562 (=$797.90).
Somaya needs help to evacuate herself and her two children. Her goal is $40,000, and (at the time of posting) she has received $2,085.
Jehad is 20 years old and doing everything he can to try and help his family. They are struggling against the awful conditions, especially his younger sister, Farah, who is disabled. His goal is €40,000 and at the time of posting he has only received €1,093.
Fadi is only 17 and was recently injured in the ongoing assault against Gaza. He broke his leg, which now has pins in it for him to heal. He is raising funds for his family and his goal is €30,000, but he has only received a small €128 in donations.
Seham is a young woman from Gaza doing her best for her family. Her goal is £40,000 yet she has only raised £835 at the time of posting.
Nour is Rawan's (line 5) 12 year-old cousin. She is working so hard on IG to raise funds for her family. She recently became a big sister again, and her younger sister was born in a tent. At the time of posting, her campaign is at $4,610 of its $50,000 goal.
Tala Al-Haj is a friend of Rawan's (line 5). Like Rawan, she is 15 and experiencing unimaginable horrors. On top of that, her previous GFM sponsor was untrustworthy and what little she'd managed to raise previously had to be refunded after this betrayal. Tala has taken it upon herself to help her family, and has decided to trust again and made a new GFM with a new sponsor. Please help her regain both the donations she needs and her faith in people. At the time of posting, her campaign is at $227 of it's $80,000 goal.
Mustafa's wife, Esraa, has worked tirelessly to raise funds for her and her family. Her two children are suffering through this genocide, and she and her husband only wish to see them safe. After much struggle, Esraa has finally started to receive donations and has begun to receive more help, but she is still far from her goal. At the time of posting, this campaign is at €9,184 of it's €25,000 goal.
Pre-Order for Palestine: Return to Sender Sequel Donations to be Made to Dr. Maryam and her family's evacuation fund.
Dr. Maryam is a doctor living in Egypt working tirelessly to evacuate her surviving family from Gaza. Due to the occupations continued genocide, her mother and one of her nephews was martyred, her father needs medical care due to shrapnel in his body and age, and recently, one of her family members gave birth in a tent. Maryam's campaign has struggled to reach its goal of €40,000. Originally, her goal was higher, but due to the slow nature of donations, she lowered it in the hopes she can meet her goal more quickly. Maryam works long hours as a doctor, and has repeatedly told me, heartbroken and exhausted, that she 'saves lives everyday but can't save [her] family'.
For more information on how each of these campaigns will work, please check below the cut. If you are not familiar with my writing, you can check it out here.
If you have any questions after reading below the cut, please feel free to DM me or send an ask.
You can find the donation & fic tracker for this here.
GaaLee Fics for Gaza
This is a fairly straight-forward donation campaign. Donate at least the minimum amount to any of the above families (or multiple of the above families), and I will write you a GaaLee fanfic. Below are more details:
Minimum donation is $5USD. Any donation to a campaign run in a different currency must still meet the minimum in USD. Send proof of donation to me via DMs. The screenshot must clearly show your name and the amount as a finalized payment.
Only GaaLee fics, Gaara-centric fics, or Lee-centric fics. Side pairings are fine, assuming it's a side-pairing I typically write (ShikaTema, NejiTen, KakaGai) and not a NOTP in order to ensure the speed and quality of the fic.
AUs and canon-verse are fine. No Bortuo.
Fics will be 2,000 words minimum, but depending on the prompt may go up to 5,000.
Donating more than $5 will not change the word count, unless it is a generous donation (ie. $50 or more) and/or you donate to all 12 families above. However, bear in mind this will prolong the writing process.
Donations to multiple families counts as separate fics, or you can combine these donations into a longer fic. Again, bear in mind longer fics will take more time.
You may request a fic idea of your own, or if you do not have one you may request a fic from my 'ideas doc' which I will pick at random.
I reserve the right to refuse a prompt for any reason including: not feeling comfortable with writing it; not agreeing with the characterization; finding the prompt offensive, and so on.
You cannot make a $20 donation for a GaaLee Fic for Gaza and use that same donation towards Fic WiPs for Falastin or the RtS sequel. Those must be separate.
DM me proof of donation. No anonymous donations. As this is now in conjunction with @ficsforgaza proof of donation will be shared with them. I also have my own personal tracker, which you can find here.
If you would like to remain anonymous on my personal fic tracker, please let me know right away.
There is currently no cap to how many fics I will write, but that is subject to change in the event this blows up (which I don't expect).
Fic WiPs for Falastin
If you were already following along with this campaign when I was offering a bid for an update, then this is similar in nature. However, instead of an individual bidding on a fic, this is a collective effort wherein every person's donation counts towards a total number of words written leading to a WiP being updated. In other words, multiple people can now work to sponsor an update for any number of my on-going WiPs (listed below, list subject to change).
Minimum donation is $5USD for 250 words towards a fic update. Any donation to a campaign run in a different currency must still meet the minimum in USD. Send proof of donation to me via DMs. The screenshot must clearly show your name and the amount as a finalized payment.
For every $5 dollars added to the minimum donation, I will write another 250 words. This price is based on the nature of my writing and the amount of research involved with the fics listed for updating. If an update is estimated at 20,00 words then a collective donation amount of $80USD must be met.
A single donation towards a sponsored update cannot be combined for a GaaLee Fic for Gaza or for the RtS sequel.
DM me proof of your donation and include which fic you wish to have said donation go towards being updated. Because this is in conjunction with @ficsforgaza I will be sharing any proof of donation with them and no donations can be made anonymously. You can find the donation tracker here.
Despite the plethora of WiPs I have, this campaign will only be focused on a handful of fics, listed below. Please do not request an update for a fic that is not on the list.
Sponsoring an update does not mean you will be given any input on the update. For instance, you cannot make a request for something specific to happen in the fic.
If you would NOT like to be listed as a sponsor on the update or specifically named on the tracker, please let me know ahead of time. This is incredibly important work, and I would like to acknowledge the people who support these families with a shout out, but understand if you would rather not be mentioned.
If at anytime I feel the need to pause accepting donations, I will make an announcement, but at the moment this will be open for any of the below fics.
Fics to Sponsor and donation target:
Absolution ($100USD; ets 25k words) Update: Ch6+Ch7 have been donated towards. Next chapter available for donation is Ch8
The Art of Love ($60USD; est 15k words)
Blood on the Branches ($26USD; est 6,500 words)
It Eats Your Heart ($52USD; est 13k words)
Thirteen Strokes ($100USD; est 25k words)
Pre-Order for Palestine: Return to Sender Sequel
This particular campaign is similar to the sponsored campaign, however, with a targeted goal--sort of like a kick starter.
In an effort to help Dr. Maryam, I am offering a sequel to my most popular fic, Return to Sender. This sequel will be a long shot, or a long one-shot for those not familiar with the term, set after the end of RtS. It will be a light, fluff piece, focusing on their life after the events of the fic. It will not be plot heavy, and is designed to be a feel-good piece.
For this unplanned sequel to be published, a collective amount of donations totaling €200 must be met. This is in order to maximize the impact on Dr. Maryam's campaign, which has consistently struggled to reach higher sums despite the tireless work Dr. Maryam and her brother, Omar, have both put into it. The guidelines for how this campaign works are essentially the same as the Fic WiPs, with the exception to this being a goaled campaign.
At the moment, I do not have an exact idea of how long this fic will be, but likely between 15k-20k words. Again, this is a collective effort, and no one is expected to donate the full €200.
For every additional €100 over the aforementioned goal (ie the campaign reaches €300 with proof of donation), I will write an additional story set within the RtS timeline. For instance, I might write one of the scenes already written from Gaara's PoV, or I might write something that happened off-screen, such as the rescue of Lee that took place between chapter 9 and 10.
As with the above two campaigns, donations to Dr. Maryam cannot be combined with the other two, proof must be sent to me, and requests will not be accepted for what happens in the fic. The minimum donation amount GFM allows is $5/€5, so that is the minimum bid for this campaign. Again, you can find the donation tracker here.
E-Sims for Extras
This particular campaign focuses on connecting Palestinians in Gaza to the world via e-sim donations. As of 7/20/24, the genocide has lasted for nearly 10 months and Gaza's infrastructure has been utterly destroyed. From hospitals and schools to sewage, the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is many fold: if it's not bombs, it's famine; if it's not famine, it's a lack of healthcare.
In order to help Palestinians remain connected to each other and the world, e-sims are vital. However, there is a shortage of e-sims now, almost a year after the start of this genocide.
An e-sim is an easy way to help Palestinians, and the starting price for this campaign is the minimum amount of an e-sim of $9. This campaign follows the same rules as the above campaigns, however, like the campaign for Dr. Maryam, this one is focused not on new fics or updates to WiPs, but on new content for completed projects* (RtS not included, as that's reserved for Dr. Maryam's family's campaign).
So if there's a fic of mine you absolutely loved and just couldn't get enough of, now is your chance to get more! The options for "more" include off-screen scenes, scenes rewritten from another character's PoV, and scenes from before the start of the fic or after.
In order to donate, please check out gazasims website and remember that I also will require proof of donation. When you buy the e-sim, please remember you MUST email the QR code to [email protected] and do NOT activate it. Activation by someone in Gaza is not required for the e-sim donation to count towards fic, as that can take time.
Word count is not based on the amount donated for this particular campaign, due to the nature of it. However, donating an e-sim worth $20 or more will grant you two extras. And as with the above campaigns, any donation amount related to E-Sims for Extras cannot be combined with the above campaigns.
Fics for Extras:
My Home is Your Home* (Note: a sequel is planned, so this will only include scenes from before or during the events of MHiYH, not after)
Plus One (Note: a sequel is planned, so this will only include scenes from before or during the events of Plus One, not after, and will not include NSFW content)
Pearl-Filled Lungs
Gate of Dreaming
Flyweight Love* (Note: a sequel is planned, so this will only include scenes from before or during the events of Flyweight Love, not after)
Alliance* (Note: a sequel is planned, so this will only include scenes from before or during the events of Alliance, not after)
Stolen Glances
if wanting were enough, i'd take you by the hand (TW: suicidal idealization, suicide attempt, past character death)
A large number of my completed fics are just ficclets, which is why they are not included here. However, if you did want to see me extrapolate on something from a ficclet, you can still request that when you DM me proof of e-sim donation. Any 'longer' fics not included in this are not available for extras (longer, in this case, referring to the handful of one-shots I have).
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Fanfiction Bids for Falastin [CLOSED]
Final bid: $50USD to @shukakumoodboard for the next chapter of The Ballad of the Dragon and the Phoenix
As a general note to everyone donating, I will do my best to deliver fics quickly, but I am disabled and recently came down with covid again, so please excuse any delays. However, I will ONLY be writing fics related to this fundraising effort, so no other fics will take priority.
Also thank you in advance to everyone who donates, whether you donate for a fic or not. Truly, you have no idea how important every single donation is to every single family is. The messages I have received filled with gratitude and kindness would break your heart and make you cry. It was so impossible to pick only fourteen families to ask you to help when I have so many more reaching out to me; when there are so many more who I haven't spoken to whose campaigns I've seen on my various social media feeds. No one family is more important than another. Every family is filled with love, with stories, with memories, with hopes and dreams; every family matters so much; every single family deserves to live free, long, happy lives; and every family has experienced so much pain and loss there is no way to do that justice with words, but they deserve the chance to grieve, to breathe, and to heal.
Please help these families reach their goals, please share even if you can't donate. Every single thing we do creates a ripple effect. One dollar becomes two, becomes three, becomes four... until one day a family is safe.
So please, regardless of the fic I am offering, do what you can--whether that's sharing GFMs or donating. Every little bit helps.
231 notes · View notes
Fanfic Master Post:
Life, Death, and In Between
DC X DP: Demon Twins AU (Danny Fenton/Damian Wayne Twin AU)
Teen Titans/ Young Justice/ Danny Phantom inspired
Alternating POV
Lots of Angst
Ghost King!Danny
Ghost Biology/ Ghost instincts
Identity shenanigans
Large Overarching mystery plot
Current Word Count: 92,014
Current Chapter Count: 26
Updates Monthly
~2k-5k Word Updates
Last Updated: 08/11/2024
r/AITA for not wanting to clean the BASEMENT?
Inspired by a Tumblr Prompt
Crack treated seriously
Alternating POV
Danny posts on Reddit about being forced to clean the basement.
Superman to the rescue
Hero Shenanigans
Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton
Found Family
Current Word Count: 19,941
Current Chapter Count: 15
Updates Bi-Monthly
~1k-3k Word Updates
Last Updated: 07/28/2024
Ghost Owl
Alternating POV
Danny adopted by Lincoln March AU
Lab accident happens earlier AU
Talon!Lincoln March
Trained as a Talon!Danny
Child Danny Fenton
BatFam Centric
Bruce Wayne and Lincoln March are brothers
Uncle!Bruce Wayne
Found Family
Current Word Count: 7,332
Current Chapter Count: 2
Updates Sporadically
~3k-5k Word Updates
Last Updated: 07/23/2024
Bruce Wayne’s Home for Wayward Clones
DC Batman/BatFam
DC doesn’t treat their child-clones well so they’re MINE NOW.
Crack treated seriously
World’s Okayest Dad Bruce Wayne
Bruce tries to be a good dad, starts with collecting clones.
Different origin story for Heretic
Heretic (Damian’s Clone) lives.
Bruce Wayne’s Clone lives
Current Word Count: 720
Current Chapter Count: 1
Updates Sporadically
Last Updated: 06/28/2024
Upcoming WIPS and Fic Prompts/Ideas:
Of Bats and Brothers: Jason Todd escapes the league with Damian, Mara Al-Ghul, and Respawn. Featuring: Big Brother of the Year/ Parental Jason Todd, Good Mom Talia Al-Ghul, terror twins Mara and Damian
Said Cain to Abel: Damian and Respawn escape the league as young children, slowly make their way to family. Featuring: extreme Sibling Rivalry, hurt/comfort, father figure!Dick Grayson
Harry Potter Time-Travel fic I am contractually obligated to write as an AO3 author.
152 notes · View notes
jpai0508 · 3 months
I posted a tik tok about my organized notes app list of everlark fanfics. This is a vague resemblance of that list. My personal list is more detailed than this and includes a lot of summary (and stupid comments), and I didn’t want to give spoilers. I also have other suggestions for AU fics and more if interested. I find a lot of my fics on @everlarkficquestions so go check them out for sure!
FOLLOW MY TIK TOK @ jpai0508
Also I tried posting this earlier with links but tumblr wouldn’t post it.😩
I might come back and add them later if I can.
**= my favs
1.) **Give You My Wild - AO3 (long)
(everlark pregnancy and parents eventually)
author: melissaeverdeen13 (one of my favorite fics!)
2.) **Gravity - AO3 (Long)
author: vanillacottoncandy
3.) Whispers of Light - AO3 (1-Shot) (Gravity sequel)
4.) Simmers and Sparks - AO3 (1-Shot) (Gravity sequel)
5.) Grow Together - fanfiction.net - (Long)
author: Miss Scarlett
6.) Worse Games to Play - fanfiction.net (Long)
author: belmione
7.) The Road to Recovery - AO3 (Long)
(plot gets a little weird to me… not one of my favs but not terrible)
author: jamiesommers
8.) You believe in my heart - AO3 (long)
(unfinished but still being updated)
author: cafeinama
9.) **Baby Steps - AO3 (Long)
(everlark pregnancy and eventual parents)
author: ronja
10.) **A Painter, a baker, and a boy who never took sugar in his tea - AO3 (long)
(unfinished BUT SO GOOD) PEETA POV!
author: katiac
11.) Back to Twelve - AO3 (long)
author: igsygrace
12.) The Unrecorded Hours - AO3 (one shot)
author: hollycomb
13.) **The Good Wife - AO3 (Long)
author: orphan_account
14.) You’re Gonna Be So Happy - AO3 (Long)
(everlark pregnancy!!) Peeta POV
author: sec982
15.) Golden Spiral - AO3 (Long)
Everlark kids eventually
author: ThePerk42
16.) **Good Again - AO3 (Long)
(explores hijacked Peeta and how his hijacking affects his and katniss’ relationship - really good. Absolutely love Haymitch in this)
author: titania522
17.) Everything Grows - AO3 (long)
Everlark pregnancy
author: ashyblondwaves
18.) The Hunger Inside - AO3 (long) -
author: AutumnWeen
19.) A Little Drop of Hope - fanfiction.net (long)
author: chinchilla17
20.) Before Dawn - fanfiction.net (long) author:
21.) The Luxury and the Necessity - fanfiction.net (long)
author: devanrae
22.) The First Year - AO3 (4 chapters)
author: thinkinthankin
23.) Everything But - AO3 (long) (unfinished)
author: msdisdain
24.) The Luxury of Knowing - fanfiction.net (long)
(everlark teenage kids perspective)
author: Loving.And.Awkward
25.) I Am Strong - fanfiction.net (long)
(Everlark teenage kids learning about the games)
author: mtwordsr
26.) Routines - fanfiction.net (long one shot)
(love this one! Shows katniss healing through routines after the war)
author: cali-chan
79 notes · View notes
maaikeatthefullmoon · 4 months
This week I have mostly been reading...
May 13-19th, 2024
New idea I've had, and hopefully something I'll have time to do once a week on a Sunday. Over the past seven days, I have devoured the following Good Omens fanfics, and I recommend these most heartily to you:
Completed works I've read this week:
Boyfriend Debut by snae_b Rated E - A & C are both porn actors. It sounds seedy. It's not. Holy Hell, it's not. It's one of the hottest things I've ever read, but also so, so sweet and delightful.
They Drink Tea At The End by @knifeforkspooncup Rated T - After a year spent in Heaven, A returns to C in the bookshop completely and utterly overstimulated in every sensory capacity. A wonderful, sweet story of them truly knowing each other and an excellent example of how the fandom relates to GO in so many beautiful ways.
Pay Per View by IneffableToreshi Rated E - A lovely story set in Canada, full of our so frequently seen miscommunication between A & C. And, as the author says: "Also, why the fuck is Aziraphale watching porn in their hotel room?! And taking notes?!"
Cranking Up The Heat by @vavoom-sorted-art Rated E - Well, the title says it all, really. And the fic's description: "The equivalent of that hot wings challenge, but with porn." Don't really want to say much more, as you've gotta see it to enjoy it.
On The Same Page by Chekhov Rated E - A fake marriage fic with Only One Bed. A & C are both authors, but two very different ones. Excellently written with very vividly described mental struggles with internal homophobia & self loathing.
A Model Guardian by Fuuma_san Rated E - As a former model, I found this fic really interesting. I'd genuinely love to know what the author's tie/experience in the industry is. C is a model, A is their bodyguard. An interesting tale which involves some great discussion on gender.
In The Room Where You Sleep by @mrghostrat Rated E - Another banger by ghostrat, posted in its entirety this week. In a reversal to many other fics I've seen, A is a vampire and C is a vampire hunter. *Homer Simpson voice* With sexy results. ;)
WIPs which have updated this week (which I devour as soon as I get the update!)
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out by @phoen1xr0se Rated M - A is a researcher (puffins!), C is a lighthouse keeper on the island where A has run away to to escape his problems and do his research. The author has recently spent a week studying puffins - which is the ultimate dedication, if you ask me. Ch 9/26 posted this week
Find The Light by @klikandtuna Rated E - Headmaster A and Rockstar C. The story teases out a fraught history between them whilst keeping a tension between them in the modern day. Ch 4/? posted this week.
Terminus by @emotional-support-demon-crowley Rated T - Astronaut A is guided back to Earth by controller C after 92 years in space. There are many difficulties both of them have to face and they develop an amazing rapport. Ch 15/17 posted this week.
Oddity by @tsyvia48 Rated E - Actor C is contracted by (useless) Gabriel to guest curate an exhibition at the museum where A works. After getting off on the wrong foot, can they work together to pull off this show? Ch 22/24 posted this week.
Under The Summer Stars by @pannotbread Rated E - This wonderful fic has taught me more about physics than school ever did (mostly because I never did any physics, but...well). A & C have to share their time at an observatory because there is Only One Telescope. Not only will you learn about astrophysics, astrobiology, and astroecology, you'll also read some of the most poetically, beautifully written masturbation scenes I've ever seen. *ahem* Ch 6/13 posted this week.
Free by well, me: imposterssyndrome Rated E - A & C meet (again?) in an acute mental health ward after both having had mental health crises. A runs a bookshop but is very much under his parents' control. C has been homeless since childhood and has struggled his entire life. They do not trust each other when they first meet, but feel strangely drawn to one another all the same. Where will this lead them? This is a passion piece for me. There is a lot of lived experience in it, and extensive research from both professionals and peers. It has been a real journey for me to write it, and as I'm coming closer to the end it's becoming very emotional for me. Ch 43/? posted this week
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vivwritescrappythings · 7 months
updated: 9/26/24
joel miller
yours : you get new neighbors in Jackson, Joel doesn't like how much attention they pay to you so he decides to teach them a lesson. [SMUT]
unfair : an au about Joel attending a wedding simply inspired by Pedro's slutty little fit at the SAG awards. [SMUT]
part 2: good Morning : Mornings with Joel are the best. [SMUT]
saying thanks : Joel is your grumpy patrol partner who doesn’t even talk to you in the streets of Jackson. But one night a man grabs your arm at the Tipsy Bison, and Joel’s decided he doesn’t like it. [SMUT]
set me on fire, i'll keep you warm : you and Joel get stuck in a cabin together during a winter storm [SMUT, a/b/o dynamics]
eddie munson
the boy is mine (viv's version) : a romantic night at the trailer
just love me and eat : you watched Eddie die, so this must be some nightmare in your room
part 2: it’ll heal : Eddie’s perspective on his new life [SMUT]
late night visits : Eddie catches you dropping Max off and invites you over, he teaches you how to smoke weed [SMUT]
velma : You attend a Halloween party with Eddie, things don't go quite as planned when Jason Carver acts like a jerk
twenty-five : You always cry on your birthday, and this is the year Eddie finds out
silence : The five times you asked Eddie to be quiet, and the one time he was [ANGST, NO COMFORT]
squeeze : Eddie is your tattoo artist and long term boyfriend, one night you have an idea of how to spice up your next tattoo session. [SMUT]
simon "ghost" riley
simon riley brainrot : you sit next to him on a plane [drabble]
roadburn : someone hits simon’s motorcycle while you were riding
take it all : you meet simon at a bar and go home with him [SMUT, toxic simon]
small apologies: six months later simon decides he wants to apologize [SMUT]
king of the joust : you attend a tourney with your family, a knight you’ve never seen before wants your favor [plus size reader, drabble]
sworn sword : civil unrest in the kingdom forces your father and the king to assign a knight to you for your protection. thankfully he is someone you have already met before
hobie brown
and they were roommates : you and Hobie always toe the line between friends and something more.
other stuff i will write just no inspiration has hit me (so you can request it): felix catton, nate jacobs (but only in the fucked up way—would write dark!fics), recom miles quaritch, jake sully, miguel o'hara, geralt of rivia, thranduil, most pedro pascal characters (but not pedro pascal because i find writing fanfic about real people to be strange).
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muiitoloko · 1 year
• Last update: 21/08/2024
Model: Date / month / year
Follow me on AO3
Tumblr media
1 - Fanfic serie: Jealousy
2 - Wishes
3 - Scar
4 - Girls night
5 - Doctor's Appointments
6 - Relaxation
7 - Duty and Desire
8 - The Boss
9 - Fanfic serie: Honeypot
10 - I Can See You
11 - Helper
12 - Just married
13 - Traditional vs. Unconventional
14 - Secret Messages
15 - Mission: Heatbreak - PART 1 - PART 2
16 - Kingsman Chronicles
17 - Small Steps
18 - Heart to Heart
19 - Fanfic serie: My, yours.
20 - Your Protector
21 - Loyalty
22 - "Fight for me"
23 - Pool table
24 - Gears of Passion
25 - A Voice to Soothe The Night
26 - The Dutiful Father-to-Be
27 - The Price of Pride
Tumblr media
1 - Fantasy Frames - Harry Deane
2 - The World - Harry Deane
3 - Fanfic serie: Money - Lionel Shabandar
4 - Fanfic serie: Trust - Lionel Shabandar
5 - Skype - Lionel Shahbandar
6 - Unique experience - Lionel Shahbandar
7 - The Art of Parenting - Lionel Shahbandar
8 - Who are you? - Lionel Shahbandar
9 - Fanfic Serie: Perfume of Deceit - Lionel Shahbandar
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1 - At Least one Time
2 - Oh shit!
3 - Care
4 - Experiments
5 - Fanfic Serie: Smart girl
6 - (Not) Alone
7 - Punctuality
8 - Fanfic serie: Become a great artist
9 - Fanfic serie: Wrong
10 - Fanfic serie: Like father like son
11 - Fanfic serie: The Villain
12 - Beneath the Surface
13 - Daddy's little girl
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1 - Chess Game
2 - The Witch and the Judge.
3 - Fanfic serie: Love?
4 - Fanfic serie: Husband's duty
5 - Your husband, Your captor
6 - Lessons in Love - Lost scene from "Love?"
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1 - Inappropriate
2 - Fanfic serie: No Reponse
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1 - In the Eyes of the Beholder
2 - Stress Relief
3 - Bedroom Boundaries
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1 - 11 o'clock girl
2 - Beneath the Veil
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1 - Fanfic serie: Difficult woman
2 - Fanfic serie: The Promise of Tomorrow
3 - Needs
4 - The Nanny's Promise.
5 - The Arranged Alliance
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1 - The Grass is Greener
2 - Anniversary Ambush
3 - In control
4 - The Sweetest Mission
5 - Fanfic serie: Beneath the Uniform
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1° Alan Rickman: Not early riser
2°Alan Rickman: My Commoner
3°Alan Rickman: Typecast Hearts
4°Alan Rickman: Sun and Rain
5°Colin Firth-Alan Rickman: Co-stars
6°Blow Dry/PHIL: Styled with Love
7°Before I go to sleep/BEN: Chains of desire
8°Alan Rickman: Between Takes and Waistlines
9°Sense and Sensibility/BRANDON: You are you
10°Galaxy Quest/ALEXANDER: The stall
11°Judas Kiss/DAVID: Birthday Wishes
12°Rasputin(1996)/RASPUTIN: The Princess
13°Blow Dry/PHIL: Dirty little Secret
14°Alan Rickman: Rehearsal
15°The Barchester chronicles/SLOPE: Man of God
16°Quigley down under/ELLIOTT: My control
17° Die Hard/HANS: Diamond Shadows
18°Die Hard/HANS: Bound by Chaos
19°Quigley down under/ELLIOT: Behind the barn.
20°Die Hard/HANS: Dangerous Games
21°Alan Rickman: Unscripted Love
22°Colin Firth: Behind the Veil of Stardom.
23°Harry Potter/SNAPE: Alchemy of the Heart
214 notes · View notes
hamsteriffic · 9 months
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Miraculous Fandom Stats
Ao3 Wrap Up 2023
I don’t know if anyone has done this, I hope I don’t step on anyone’s toes. Here a wrap up for 2023 for Miraculous Ladybug!
This study only assesses the fanfics posted by the last update, so if there was an older fic that was from 2021 that was updated in 2023, this would be captured by this study.
📈 The data presented here is a snapshot of the Fandom on: 05 Jan 2024
🖤 Works posted to Ao3 in 2023
In 2023 there were 10,515 fanfics posted (including crossovers and all languages). The median word count per fanfic was 2,268 words. In general, each fic received 5 comments, 561 hits and 36 kudos (median).
A majority of fanfics were not crossovers (Fig 1). The peak of Ao3 posts for Miraculous Ladybug was in 2021 with a total of 11,350 fanfics. Fanfics with crossovers have had a steady rise in popularity from 2018 with a peak of 2,609 in 2021.
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Fig 1. A total number of fanfics posted to Ao3 in 2023 for the Miraculous Ladybug fandom without crossovers (blue line) and with crossovers (dotted line).
Note that this analysis will excludes crossovers (a separate analysis to come!).
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Fig 2. Total number of completed fanfics (red) and incomplete fanfics (pink) posted to Ao3 in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom for 2023 (excluding crossovers).
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Fig 3. Total number of words per fic published or updated in 2023. The median word count per fanfic in 2023 was 2,268 words.
The most frequently used tags for 2023 were (in descending order):
Fluff (1495)
Angst (1040)
Identity Reveal (982)
Aged-Up Characters (968)
Alternate Universe (732)
Hurt/Comfort (700)
Adrien Needs a Hug (510)
🏆 Highlights in 2023 include
Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 Finale, s05e26, Re-Creation (Part 2) (First Airdate: July 01, 2023) [2]
Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie (Released: July 05, 2023) [3]
Miraculous Paris Special (Preview Screening: October 15, 2023) [4]
🖤 Most Tagged Side of the Lovesquare in 2023
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Fig 4. Percentage of fanfics tagged with different sides of the Lovesquare.
Note that these are only taking into account fics that use this tag. There may be fanfics that have sides of the Lovesquare that are not indicated. This analysis also includes tags for Marichat May, Ladrien July etc.
Adrinette (34.5%; 737 fics)
LadyNoir (32%; 677 fics)
MariChat (23.5%; 501 fics)
Ladrien (10%; 213 fics)
🖤 Top 10 Characters Pairings on Ao3 (excluding Lovesquare)
Alya/Nino (927 fics)
Luka/Marinette (734 fics)
Juleka/Rose (405 fics)
Nathaniel / Marc (337 fics)
Felix / Marinette (317 fics)
Gabriel / Nathalie (286 fics)
Adrien / Luka (269 fics)
Felix / Kagami (183 fics)
Adrien / Kagami (159 fics)
Kagami / Marinette (158 fics)
There was a large shift in a number of pairings, in particular there was a dramatic increase in the number of fics tagged with Felix Fathom / Kagami Tsurugi (see below the cut for Season 5 spoilers). Other notable mentions are also Marinette Dupain-Cheng / Zoe Lee with a 2.5 fold increase in fanfics posted in 2023 (63 in total) compared to 2022 (26 in total).
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🖤 Conclusions
It’s been a big year, and one that is controversial in many ways. I was just curious to see if there’s a decrease in activity since the season 5 finale, but it looks like the fanfiction writing is going strong. But are fans tuning out? Or are we trying to create more fix-it fics? (I will delve into that in a different post, since this was quite labour intensive).
There have been some interesting changes in relationship tags as well as tags for Sentimonsters (below the cut).
Methodology, References and Season 5 Spoilers below the cut:
Warning: Season 5 spoilers below:
🖤 2023 was also the year Feligami became official
This has lead to a dramatic increase in fanfics for the power couple.
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Fig 5. The total number of fanfics posted on Ao3 for Felix / Kagami, represented per month saw a dramatic increase since the release of Season 5 in 2023 (blue). In contrast, I have plotted the total number of fanfics per month 2022 (red).
💔 2023 was also when the sentimonster theory was confirmed
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Fig 6. Fanfiction that have used tags for Sentimonsters since 2018. Note that this is not a cumulative plot and that the numbers are individual works from each year tagged for Sentimonster.
In 2023, there were 192 works that tagged for Sentimonster Adrien, and 95 for Sentimonster Felix and 34 for Sentimonster Kagami. Recent usage for the tag 'Adrien is not a Sentimonster' was also observed (21 cases).
Please don’t be mad at me. I’m just a stats hamster.
The analyses start from Sep 05, 2012 when the first promotional video (PV) for Miraculous Ladybug was publicly leaked [1].
Since the website is very active, the information may change as this data is best considered to be a snapshot of the fanfics posted at this point in time. Also note that the filter is also for last update, and not first posted, so that older fics may be captured in later datasets. But for the purposes of this study, I am assuming that if the author is updating, then they are still active in the fandom.
To get an idea on what was posted to Ao3 this year, I have filtered for last published date 01 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2023. Note that while there was only an option for selecting by Last Post Date, which meant that works originally posted earlier (pre-2023) would still be captured if it was updated within the bounds of these dates.
Furthermore, it is also possible to backdate works on Ao3 which may also give false results. However, it may be likely that if this did happen it would only be a small percentage of fanworks. As such the data is an approximation of fandom activity during 2023.
Relationship Tags
I have followed the Ao3 rules so that / are taken to mean romantic relations and & for platonic relationships. In this analysis, I have combined the numbers for Felix (PV), Felix Graham de Vanily and Felix Fathom.
[1] Miraculous PV (https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/Ladybug_PV)
[2] Miraculous Ladybug Re-Creation (s05e25) World Premiere (Switzerland) (https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/Re-creation_(The_Final_Day_-_Part_2)#google_vignette)
[3] Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie (https://m.imdb.com/title/tt10364034/releaseinfo/)
[4] Miraculous Paris Special (https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/Miraculous_Paris)
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The Destiel Trope Collection is a SELF-REC collection for destiel fanfic full of tropes. Every year the list is voted for by you and the highest voted gets listed for the 31 days of May. If you have any questions, please ask!
Below (the readmore) is a list of the tropes that will be included in this year’s collection (all voted by you peeps!).
Completed fic? YES
Work In Progress? YES (if currently being updated)
Old fics? YES
New fics? YES
Fics written specifically for this collection? YES
Short fics? YES (over 1k words)
Long fics? YES (no max word count)
10 fics? YES
1 fic? YES
A fic that wasn’t written by you - if you co-authored it, then that’s fine as long as you have permission of your co-author to submit it
A fic shorter than 1,000 words. Due to a popular result on the feedback form, the minimum word count is 1k.
The same fic several times in several tropes. A single fic is only allowed in one list, so, if it fits in several, pick the best one, or draw straws (up to you).
See the full rules and submission guidelines here
1st January 2023 - Submissions open
25th April 2023 - Submissions close
1st May 2023 - Day 1 of the Trope Collection Posts
1st June 2023 - Masterpost goes up
Send a message or IM to @destieltropecollection!
Day 1 | Roommates
Day 2 | S15 Fix-It’s
Day 3 | Kid Fics
Day 4 | Mutual Pining
Day 5 | Magical/Fantasy
Day 6 | Hurt/Comfort
Day 7 | Angst With A Happy Ending
Day 8 | Case Fic
Day 9 | Sam Ships It
Day 10 | Canon Divergent
Day 11 | Discovering One’s Sexuality/Coming of age
Day 12 | Love confessions
Day 13 | BDSM
Day 14 | First Responder AU
Day 15 | Everyone Knows But Them
Day 16 | Two Person Love Triangle
Day 17 | Friends to Lovers
Day 18 | Accidental Marriage
Day 19 | Bed Sharing
Day 20 | Soulmate
Day 21 | Drunken Confessions (in vino veritas)
Day 22 | Domestic
Day 23 | Slow Burn
Day 24 | Firsts
Day 25 | Enemies to Lovers
Day 26 | Fluff
Day 27 | Omegaverse
Day 28 | Canon Compliant
Day 29 | Friends With Benefits
Day 30 | Wing Fic
Day 31 | Fake Dating
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addictiedtocrimedrama · 10 months
The 3rd chapter of 26 Years will be posted either by tomorrow morning or tomorrow evening/night and if not then hopefully this Sunday.
0 notes
buckets-and-trees · 1 year
UPDATED 11/26/23
In the summer I created a discord server with a "book club" approach to reading and reblogging fanfic for Bucky Barnes. It was a mix of readers and writers - some I knew a bit before the server, some I was getting to know for the very first time. We had weekly themes, a couple of sleepovers, and lots of connections were made across the group.
We're inviting new members for winter!
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Our purpose is simple: READ Bucky fics (with an emphasis on works that have been published over the last year), REBLOG them with some commentary, and REVEL in doing that with other book club members.
There will be a new theme each week now through the new year, and fic recommendations will come directly from our members. There's not a quota of reblogs to fill every week to be part of the club, but I AM looking for our book club to have members who generally want to participate - no eternal lurkers. We will be encouraging the highlight works of different lengths (flash fiction, short and long one-shots, and multi-part works) so each member can engage as they have time and energy.
While Bucky fic recs and reading is why we came together, it's only part of what we do - there are areas for pets, plants, memes, general chatter, writing and brainstorming, birthday celebrations, sleepover games, thirst channels, and just general fun to be had all around.
The other thing that's vital to me for this book club is the sense of belonging which being part of a group like this can bring, and all of our current members know and understand that and have built a unique culture of genuine connection. Some are active multiple times a day, some we just see a few times a week, but there is commitment to show up and engage to get to know each other. I've been part of two book clubs where I both met strangers that became lifelong friends and got to know people I already knew better by bonding over the reading/discussing/general book club antics/discussions (both ridiculous and heart-to-heart kind). B&N is proving to be a place like that for the membership that have made it what it is now.
So if you read this and you want to join based off what I'm putting down here, please join us.
I feel like this goes without saying, but I'd rather state it outright than have anyone get the wrong idea: this is a Bucky Barnes book club. We will be reading/reccing Bucky Barnes fics only. Additionally, it's gonna be majority x reader. If Bucky x reader is not your jam or on regular rotation, then this will not be the place for you. (And that's okay for us to acknowledge and accept.)
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the-baby-lasagna-blog · 4 months
Baby Lasagna writing masterlist
Here's a masterlist of all the Baby Lasagna fanfics I have written and posted. This list will be updated each time I post a new fanfic. Links to all the fanfics are below the cut.
For more information on my writing and/or how to make a request, please see this post.
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Last updated: 17 June 2024
STAGE FRIGHT Summary: Marko has a panic attack before a performance. Warnings: contains descriptions of panic attack. Word count: 2010 Original post date: 19 May 2024 Link: click here (this was posted on my main blog, from before I created this sideblog 😉)
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IT'S BETTER TOGETHER Summary: You are also a contestant in the ESC 2024. Marko supports you when you have a nasty experience with a journalist from another country. Warnings: some implied rudeness and swearing Word count: 916 Original post date: 26 May 2024 Link: click here (this was posted on my main blog, from before I created this sideblog 😉)
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BLACK OUT Summary: Marko faints after a big performance. Warnings: contains descriptions of fainting / passing out Word count: 1217 Original post date: 3 June 2024 Link: click here
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CONFESSIONS Summary: After being close friends with Marko, a huge falling out leads to your friendship falling apart. Years later, you meet Marko again at the Eurovision Song Contest. Warnings: contains short description of physical attack (trust me, it's not what you might suspect and also nothing too bad or worrisome 😇), furthermore lots of angst. Word count: 2017 Original post date: 8 June 2024 Link: click here
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
~🚧i know this is messy rn pls ignore it is under construction 🚧~
-> Welcome to my Blog Introduction
ao3 - BurninLove
Wattpad - FaultInMyCodes
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-> Worship (Secret Santa)* - Possessive-Obsessive!Austin x Fem!Reader
-> Candy Hearts ♡ (vday)* - Sub!Austin x DomFem!Reader
-> Camp Counselors - Pt. 1 + Pt. 2 - Austin x Fem!reader
-> Talkshow Host!Austin Headcanons
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Bikeriders Asshole!Austin x Makeup Artist!Reader
-> Pt. 1 *
-> Pt. 2*
-> Pt. 3*
-> Pt. 4.1 *
**last updated; 04.30.23**
-> Pt. 4.2 [coming soon]
-> Pt. 5 [coming soon]
Just an Intern Spotify Playlist ⛓️🖤
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𝙸 𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚎'𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚘
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Themes: friends to lovers, SLOW burn, ANGST, eventual smut, Austin x fem!oc, midsize oc, sad boi/addict aus, fluffy, semi-AU (indie actor austin)
Summary/Intro: Best friends since college, Austin and Elsie are each other's safety nets. Austin has secrets only Elsie knows, and Elsie has too many closet skeletons for Austin to count.
Austin battles internal demons since the death of his father, which caused a switch to flip that would change him forever. His father’s death happened 4 years ago but it still haunts him – in his mind and in little pills.
Elsie has a weakness for wicked, vile, abusive men. Her boyfriend, Nox, is the latest culprit. And Austin can’t fucking stand him.  
Between trying to rescue each other and struggling to save themselves, is there something lying underneath?
18+ as this contains both smut & mature sensitive topics. Please check TWs for each chapter. General overarching warnings at the bottom of this post.
Since this is slow burn-ish so some themes/smut do not show up until later
Chapters containing smut that have * by their name
Forever Winter Spotify Playlist ❄️💞
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FW Chapters:
01 - Has He Texted You?
02 - Dependency
03 - The Close Call Clause
04 - Not The First Time
05 - Fix-It Pancakes
06 - Cold Showers
07 - Giving In
08 - Of Course I Do
09 - Thanksgiving Pt. 1
10 - Thanksgiving Pt. 2
11 - Winter Break
12 - Truth or Dare
13 - Dressing Room Games
14 - Hot or Cold? *
15 - No Touching **
16 - When The Night Ends
17 - Do Not Disturb
18 - Nothing There
19 - Not Even For A Second
20 - I Know You’re Lying
21 - Blue M&Ms
22 - Christmas - Pt. 1 - (ft. The Grinch)
23 - Christmas - Pt. 2 - Comeback Special**
24 - Ski Slopes**
25 - New Years Eve (Pt. 1) - Til You Come Back for More*
26 - New Years (Pt. 2) - Say It Again**
27 - The First Close Call
28 - Temporary Fix*
29 - Be My Mistake*
30 - It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)
31 - Mr. Percocet
32 - [TBA - coming soon]
**last updated 05.31.23**
[more chapters to be announced lol]
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Author’s Notes:
Each chapter will contain a related song suggestion and matching lyrics. I highly recommend listening to each song as they beautifully mesh with the themes of each individual chapter.
Austin/Elvis yanked me from fanfic retirement so when I started writing FW, I fell in love with the characters & the storyline. I’m posting here so that maybe others can fall in love with them too.
I haven’t written in a while so sorry if it’s a little rusty, especially in the first couple chapters.
This post ended up being really long so sorry if it was a lot, thank you if you made it this far.
I hope you love it, please let me know if you do.
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cadmusfly · 8 months
Analysing the Quality of Napoleon's Marshals With Silly Data Science
Let's talk numbers and laugh at funny graphs with missing data!
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Other people in this fandom do really lovely detailed information posts, I do weird fanfic, dragon shitposting, body pillow design shitposting and run a stupid Lannes ask rp blog. But! I'm also a programmer with an interest in Numbers, and today we're going to Analyse These Dead Frenchmen with a bunch of screenshots of graphs.
Ethan Arsht published a really interesting article called Napoleon was the Best General Ever, and the Math Proves it., where using data scraped off Wikipedia articles, he creates a statistical model drawing from multiple variables per battle to calculate How Good A General Is At Winning.
Give the article a read, it's great stuff, but if you don't feel like it, he basically applies WAR - "Wins Above Replacement" - which is a value from baseball that measures how many wins a player is worth when compared to a replacement.
So the general's WAR would be how well they compare to a completely average general who replaced them. Yes, as Arsht says, "in other words, I would find the generals’ WAR, in war."
But as he says, this is not a stringent historical analysis and is more of a fun thought experiment. Wikipedia is probably the most comprehensive dataset on this topic that he had access to, but it is Wikipedia the crowdsourced online encyclopedia, so it is going to have holes and inaccuracies. And this was written seven years ago, and the data was collected then, so any updates to these articles since then wouldn't be reflected.
And it's not a perfect model that takes into account everything - it's an approximation, a whole bunch of number crunching. I haven't looked too deeply into how the numbers work exactly, even though I could.
I think that 0 would be "completely and utterly average"? A positive WAR is good, a negative WAR is not. Napoleon is the best general ever at 16.679 WAR, the next highest is Caesar at 7.445 WAR.
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(Link, you can hover over each battle and look at each datapoint!)
But I'm interested in Napoleon's marshals. The 26 men he raised up to military nobility! The dramatic assholes who kept arguing with each other. I'll post links for all of them at the end of this, but I won't be screenshotting each of their WAR graphs, just a few.
I'm not entirely sure how the scraper collected the information about what battles a commander is considered in "charge" of - I tried looking at the provided code repository but I am reminded that data science people bless them are not really good at structuring or publishing code and why are all the html pages just straight up saved in the root folder why are the jupyter notebook outputs just uncleared aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh yeah this was scraped from seven years ago so current wikipedia pages won't be reflective of what's on the graphs - so we can assume that this is just grabbing stuff from the "Commanders and leaders" part from each individual battle page and collating them into numbers
Anyway let's look at the iron man himself, Davout, considered to be the best of Napoleon's marshals.
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Heh, here we see the first hole in the dataset - Jena-Auerstedt is considered to be one battle, and Napoleon would like you to think that's the case.
Anyway, pretty good! Let's look at Jean Lannes, the lively Gascon
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Oooooh, even better than Davout! Helps he didn't go to Russia. Wait, why is Aspern-Essling dated to before Ratisbon, especially when Lannes died in the former?
Let's look at André Masséna, also known as being pretty cool:
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Damn, neat, though I think there's a lot of omissions here.
Here's Murat:
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Lol Tolentino, I do like how Murat Peaked there a little bit
But we're forgetting a certain redhead, aren't we?
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Ouch. But also Waterloo not appearing there, hmmm.
Anyway let's finish off the screenshots with Napoleon's greatest strategist, Jean-de-Dieu Soult, the man that Wellington called a master of the defensive!
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honestly this is the entire reason why i wanted to write this post
in soult's defense - as a soult defender - he had a pretty shitty army full of conscripts, was isolated, was occasionally pretty bad at adapting tactically to new surprises and had to deal with the english being stubborn fuckers, but he was brilliant in setting things up strategically and forcing the english to catch up through a fighting retreat with a demoralised army, stopping them from closing in on france too
but also the way this graph bullies soult so hard makes me laugh a lot
Anyway, yeah, these graphs are definitely inaccurate and I'm also posting these to see the Napoleonic community on tumblr's reaction to them, but they are a fun way to engage with history!
Just don't take them seriously, and feel free to argue in the tags/comments/reblogs
I could theoretically use this guy's code to rerun this just for the Marshals now - I know my way around some data science code - but I do have a lot on my plate, but it would be a fun experiment!
Marshal WAR Graph Links
Note: So these are under the Wikipedia article names at the time that the web scraper was run seven years ago so some of these names turned out to be different from what they are now and I had to do a bit of digging to fix some
you can definitely tell that the information is incomplete on a lot of these, again i repeat the information was scraped off wikipedia seven years ago
Louis-Nicolas Davout
Jean Lannes
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
André Masséna
Jean-de-Dieu Soult
Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey (one battle lol)
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Charles-Pierre Augereau
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte aka Charles XIV John of Sweden (Two battles and only Swedish ones I think)
Guillaume Brune
Édouard Mortier (two battles)
Jean-Baptiste Bessières (two battles)
François Christophe de Kellermann (one battle, Valmy)
François Joseph Lefebvre (two battles)
Charles-Victor Perrin (ouch)
Étienne Macdonald
Nicolas Oudinot (lol)
Auguste de Marmont (loll)
Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr
Józef Poniatowski (three battles but hmm. pretty bad but feel like there's too much missing info here)
Emmanuel de Grouchy (two battles, can't make a Where's Grouchy joke)
Marshals Without Graphs Not because they didn't command anything but I couldn't find their graphs on the website or in the code repo
Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon
Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier
Louis-Gabriel Suchet (wtf? maybe seven years ago the documentation on him was sad)
EDIT: wait i was looking at the notebook (the uh place where the code was being run, to see if i could run the code myself)
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soult is one of the lowest ranked generals overall on this initial list pfftHAHAHhahahahahahahaha
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