#forneus x reader
haterishated · 2 years
Can you do a Forneus x Kitten!Reader oneshot where Forneus finds the reader all alone and Forneus adopts them?
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REQUESTED BY: anonymous
CATEGORY: short oneshot
SUMMARY: You are an abandoned kitten in the middle of Darkwood and Forneus finds you and takes you in with open paws.
PAIRING: platonic forneus/reader
SETTING: Darkwood
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Forneus crept through the forest in search of any new things she could add to her shop, getting tarot cards, coins, and a few blueprints. But just as the feline was about to head home, she encountered a suspicious looking shelter.
The shelter was in horrible shape, the roof caving in and planks ripped from the ceiling. The floor was barely even a floor. She carefully advanced into the ruined den.
The rooms were covered in moss, leaves, and random bundles of camellia, all sprouting from areas in the floor and rooftop. The sunlight casted down onto the center of the room, where a little blanket laid.
Forneus anxiously walked backwards, and eventually scurried over to check out what was bundled in the tattered fabric. She opened it with the tips of her claws. The feline's eyes widened in shock when two little ears popped up from the blanket. A head peered over to look at Forneus with a bright smile and a head tilt.
Forneus almost exploded with happiness as she ran her paws through your fur gently. "Hello, little one!" She spoke in a sweet, soothing, tone. Forneus scratched the place in between your ears and you closed your eyes and let out a happy purr. She wrapped her arms around you and tucked you into the blanket like a burrito and picked you up.
She walked back to her home with you in her arms. Who would leave a kitten all alone to rot?! Forneus thought with a scorn on her face. The feline promised that nothing like that would ever happen to you again and that she'll take care of you for now on.
After what happened to her twin sons, you made her feel complete again, and Forneus vows that you'll be safe and live a happy life from now on.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Well, this was to be expected, hehe! Good morning, Clanmom! ^^
So, remember me and another anon's requests about Forneus with a Kitten!Reader? Well, this time I had an idea... What would happen when Aym and Baal reunite with their mother - and find out they have a younger kit as a sibling now? Would it be a sweet ending for all four of them, as a big family?
If headcannons are easier, then go ahead! I just found this to be a perfect opportunity for a "sort of ending" to the small Kitten!Reader storyline with Forneus! ^^
-👻🐝 admits he cried, fr fr
Aw yeah this was indeed expected!! Imma give them the best ending <333
"Mama! The Sacred Lamb is here again!!"
"'tis alright, dear. Allow them a moment of rest. See if they're interested in any of our wares." You heard Forneus' voice call out from inside the caravan.
While she was busy putting together more trinkets to sell, you sat outside the little shop, having learned the ways of business thanks to her. You ensured the stack of gold nuggets were in a neat pile, and the gift box's red bow was perfectly placed.
Everything had to look perfect for your customers!
Today, you wondered what the Lamb was going to pick, as they were only permitted to choose one item for free.
However, when you saw them emerge from the clearing, your eyes wandered to the two floating brown-furred demons flanking either side of them. They were surrounded in a white glow, their yellow gazes sharp and piercing.
You were a bit familiar with many of the lesser demons they brought on their crusades. They took many forms: bows, hearts, blades, bombs...
But never the heads of felines.
Curious, you stood up and approached them respectfully. "B-Blessed Lamb...what demons are those?" You meekly asked, hands clasped together. "What do they do?"
The bearer of the Red Crown was about to respond to your inquiry, but then they saw Forneus emerge from the caravan and stopped. Instead, they whispered to you that they were "gifts" that your mother so dearly yearned for.
Although a little confused, you stepped aside so she could see them. You noted the demons' harsh stares softened significantly upon locking eyes with her--
And became a bit startled when she suddenly fell to her knees, as though knocked over by a strong gust of wind.
But there was not a breeze to be felt.
"A heart remembers..a mother shan't forget.." She muttered in astonishment, trails of tears already staining her face. Yet her smile was brighter than the sun. "O, generous fortune! Should I be dreaming, never allow me to wake!" She cried, holding her paws out. "Kit, fraction of my beating heart!"
One of the demons floated over to her, and in a puff of smoke it turned into a black cat adorned in white clothing. He wore a camelia flower upon his breast, and the warmest of smiles on his face.
'That...must be Baal..' You realized, watching as he hugged his mom, a single tear sliding down his cheek.
"Ah, Lamb! Praised Lamb! Blessed Lamb! My son returned, soul almost whole!" Forneus beamed in joy, looking to the other demon that remained beside Lamb, beckoning it over to her side.
And it did exactly that, turning into another black cat who wore red and black. He had some nicks in his ear, a scar running across one eye. Yet despite his scary appearance, he completely crumbled in the loving embrace of his mother, crying several tears of joy.
'And that's Aym.' You smiled sweetly, seeing that both of her biological sons have been returned to her.
This was a happy day, indeed. You had hoped to meet them sometime in your life..and here they were now.
After Forneus thanked Lamb by bestowing them with new relics to use on their journeys, they went on their way, wishing all of you the best. Although they never explained how exactly he managed to bring them back, it didn't matter.
She offered Aym a cookie to cheer him up, but just as he was about to take a bite...he noticed you standing there and blinked. "Mother, who is this?"
"Yes, who are they? Are they a kit you've taken in?" Baal questioned.
The air suddenly felt very heavy and tense as you just stared back at them, offering a nervous smile. Yet your heart was beating even faster than before.
Up until this very moment, you didn't even consider the fact that you were a complete stranger to them.
What did they think of you?
Did they see you as some random cat who tried taking their place in their mother's life?
If so, what was going to happen now?
"Fear not, my darling kits." Forneus soothed, hugging her sons close. "This is [y/n], whom I have fostered when I found them all alone in these harsh lands. My heart forever bled for you two when you hadn't returned...but they mended much of those wounds, keeping me company."
"...it's true." You spoke up, relieved that she defended you as you wrung your paws together anxiously. "She told me a lot about you guys. I know it seems strange, but please understand...I-I never tried to replace-"
"We understand." The brothers spoke in unison, smiling as they detached themselves from their mom and approached you.
"That blasted--erm...sacred Lamb.." Aym corrected himself. "..they brought us back, reminding us of many good virtues in the short time we've been in their cult. Understanding..forgiveness...charity...such foreign ideals I used to scorn. Yet here I feel...I can embrace them wholly again."
"I feel it, too." Baal chimed in, his smile never fading as he offered his paw to you. "How could we resent the one who helped our dear mother in our absence? We'd love to get to know you better....um.."
"[Y/n]." You felt your shoulders relax as you shook hands with him and Aym, grateful at their kindness.
Then, out of nowhere, Forneus swept all three of you into a loving embrace, squishing you against each other and her.
"What a blessed day this is! Such a blessed day! May we never part in this life nor the next!!" She cooed, with Aym groaning in embarrassment, Baal smiling bashfully, and you simply taking in this precious moment with your newfound brothers.
At last, this once severed family was made whole again.
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missing-n-human · 6 months
Hi again! I really enjoyed what you did with the Heket x Male Reader one I asked you and was wondering if you could do the same with Kallamar? I would like for the reader to find pretty gems for Kallamar to make him feel loved or wanted. My silly squid man needs more love!
(I also headcanon Kallamar as transmasc but you don't have to follow that hc in this if you don't want to.)
Kallamar Scenario
𑁍 Featuring 𑁍 ♡ Romantic Relationship w/ Kallamar ✦ Male Follower Reader ✦ Sea Otter Follower Reader ⋆ Takes place post-game ⋆ CONTAINS POST-GAME SPOILERS ✦ I am still forming my own headcanons for characters- but I will use this headcanon for this work :> ✦✦ Warnings: Swears, Impiled self-harming behaviour ✦ Sorry if it's not what you wanted I wrote it in one go after i got motivated
|⌨|Stressful Price for Love|⌨|
Reader was pacing back and forth in his tent, stress and fear gnawing at his chest. Oh, he fucking hated feeling so exposed and nervous. He had asked the leader if he could go on a trip to Anchordeep recently and was waiting for them to return to grant him their blessing. He had been waiting for a week and his nerves had only gotten worse by the second. His fur had patches where he had overgroomed himself to the point there were claw marks on his arms and such. He forgot the last time he actually slept or left his tent without instantly getting aggressive. Kallamar had tried to interact with him a couple of times by now and would end up snapping at the ex-bishop every time. He hated his behavior towards Kallamar... he just hoped the leader got home soon.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When The Lamb returned, Reader instantly left after getting their blessing and a new necklace. He refused to spend another day in his tent, stressed out and panicking. He needed to get this over with before he ended up driving himself mad. He got bruised up a bit while in Anchordeep but he found a couple rocks and gemstones that he felt like Kallmar would like. He went through Anchordeep a couple times, encountering Forneus some time into his third trip for some more gems. The cat had stopped him, helping him patch up and leaving him some parting words before he left for the next room...
"You need listen only to your heart, for there lie your truest desires!"
He just forced a smile and nodded before he kept going farther through the biome. When he returned four days later, he had a large amount of gems and even some seaweed. He got to work on making his gift for Kallamar for his confession... he had spent almost months stressing over the event and now it was time to admit his feelings for the nervous squid. He made the crystals into a small bouquet using the seaweed and had gained permission from the leader to set up a small gem garden a bit off the set bounds of the cult grounds.
He could have planned it out better, Reader would admit later, since he did scare the living daylights out of Kallamar by suddenly dragging him into the forest. But he couldn't wait to get this whole thing over with so if he got rejected he would have a chance to deal with it.
"... Kallamar... I'll be blunt I guess... the reason I've been so odd was because... I've developed a crush on you- um..."
Kallamar had broken after hearing the confession and passed out. Not giving Reader a chance to even show him the gift. When he came through, he had admitted to sharing feelings and awkwardly grabbed Reader's hand. He also loved the gift and ended up hugging Reader tightly.
Headcanons for the relationship: ◊ You & Kallamar spend a lot of time in the garden you made away from everyone else ◊ Kallamar ends up telling you about him being Transmasc and you start to help him when his gender dysphoria gets bad ◊ He helps you fix your grooming habits so you stop overgrooming ◊ You guys cuddle every night to help him with his nightmares ◊ You go on trips to Anchordeep biweekly to fetch more gems for Kallamar which makes him light up every time. ◊ You become his safe person, with him often never leaving your side once you start dating ◊ He does worry a lot about you when you leave and if you come back with injuries he often frets over you while patching you up
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luis-block · 1 year
Could you do a Forneus and Child!Reader where the reader is sick and their adopted mother Forneus cares for them?
This is so cute! Forneus reminds me so much of my own mom lol I also make the reader a kitten reader... I may have come up with an OC from this lol
Warnings: light angst
Forneus with an adoptive kitten reader who is sick
Forneus sits by the fire, almost done making a Healing Cabbage Soup. She sips on the soup, smiling as she added a bit more herbs to the boiling meal. ‘So close to being done! I must check on my little one to see how they are faring.’ She thinks as she gets up to walk over to the cart that her and her adopted child sleep.
Opening the door, Forneus sees that you are still in the same position she laid you in. You where ten winters old and could be stubborn at times. You had insisted this morning that you were fine, and that you wanted to help your mama run the store. But upon feeling your forehead and looking into your eyes she promptly sent you back to bed. And looking at you now confirmed you had the start of a nasty cold. “Mama? Is that you?” You spoke with a scratchy throat, moving the wet washcloth from your eyes as you woke up. “Yes it is, My Sweet Kitten O Light! How are thou feeling?” She says with a purr, coming into the cart and sitting next to you and petting in-between your ears.
 “I still don’t feel well, mama. I guess you were right about me being sick.” You admit, almost bewildered as to how she knew you were sick before you realized it. “Call it a mother’s intuition, My Little Love! One look into your eyes and I knew you had something wrong.” “But how? Did you get blessed by The One that Waits, mama? How did you know?” You ask innocently. She has a somber face for a moment, then smiling softly with her fluffy tail in a playful way to distract you from noting her previous face as she kisses and nuzzles   you on the forehead. “You are my kit, My Kitten O Light. I might not have given birth to you, but I will always be your mama. You are one of my true loves and I will always be devoted to you, my little one.” You look into her eyes and see nothing but love and happiness.
 “Now, would you like some soup? I made your favorite to get you feeling merry once more!”
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Let me introduce you to another npc in your Cult of the Lamb masterlist. Do you know who Baal is? If that’s the case, Can you make reader x follower Baal, where the reader pets Baal, like the one with Narinder?
Petting Baal headcanons
ooooo didnt think anyone would ask for baal! i think when i add this to the masterlist ill go on and add aym to the list so thats out of the way!! notes: reader is gn and any creature, youre both in the cult, baal (and aym) have yet to return to forneus, something something admin is still trying to figure out how he wants to portray these two so bare with him , short post cws: none
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hes more reserved compared to his brother but that doesnt mean hes not going to purr when you put your hand to his head
hasnt been pet in a long long time, probably hasnt been pet since he was taken from his mother to serve under the one who waits
it feels... foreign to him... but comforting
he doesnt pull you away or shrink back, but hes watching you closely to see what you do next
depending on how tall you are compared to him you may need to get up on your toes in order to reach
he may feel enough pity to lean down for you
his purrs are quiet and you might not even catch them at first
pushes his head into your hand when you lace the tuft of fur between your fingers... its soft, his fur is soft... softer than you anticipated it to be...
not used to physical touch but this is a nice way to ease him into it
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yan-snowcave · 1 year
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Finished my beloved Septet, they are Princes of the demon realm & Remor's Cousines/Self-proclaimed siblings. (Welp, time work on the Nova x Yandere!Reader~)
[The order goes from Oldest -> Youngest]
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🐍 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Forneus Sandira [Prince of Envy]
Skull Mask : Sea Hydra
[Human] Age : 32
Gender : Demiboy
Parents : Vepar Sandira & Rahab Sandira
Domain : Envyous Ocean
Other information :
- While he's the smallest (in height) of the group, he makes up for it with his overall (tail) lenght.
- Rolls his R's and hisses often while speaking.
- While they act sweet and caring around their self-proclaimed siblings, he has a rather sadistic streak when it comes towards his prey & people he dislikes.
- The spikes on their tail are coated in a layer of Neurotoxic Venom (they also can retract their spikes in & out.)
✧Theme song; Cala Maria [Male Cover]✧
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🦅 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Clauneck Kumbhira [Prince of Greed]
Skull Mask : Crow
[Human] Age : 30
Gender : Cis Male
Parents : Barisol Kumbhira & Fafnir Kumbhira
Domain : Berg der Habgier
Other information :
- "Claunt" is his second most hated nickname.
- Can be found in his lab almost 24/7.
- Lost one of his eyes and the majority of his face's right side in an accident.
- Has to use his magic regularly or else his powers will overflow and consume his body in glittering gold specks. Once they appear on his skin it's impossible to remove them.
✧Theme Song; Comfort Zone [Cover by tart]✧
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🐉 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Aesha Mihira [Monarch of Wrath]
Skull Mask : Dragon
[Human] Age : 30
Gender : Agender
Parents : Aim Mihira XXVI & Charun Mihira
Domain : Wrathful Ruins
Other information :
- Their hoard mainly consist out of spears, lances and other angelic weapons.
- Only uses their powers if it's absolutely necessary or they're forced to use them.
- Dyes their hair different shades of blue.
- Adopted one of the Four Horseman as their new Parental figure, much to their Father's annoyance and said Horseman's amusement.
✧Theme Song; Monster [Frozen Musical]✧
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🦄 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Amdusias Indara VIII [Prince of Pride]
Skull Mask : Hell Unicorn (Nightmare)
[Human] Age : 29
Gender : Cis Male
Parents : Eligos Indara & Orobas Indara
Domain : Savanne der Hochmut
Other information :
- Has a Dire Beast as a Pet
- Can play many instruments but prefers to play the trumpet.
- Helps out Clauneck with his experiments every now and then.
- Suffers from anxiety and depression which he tries to hide (and/or bottle up) in fear that his family would see him as a failure to the Indara family.
✧Theme Song; Convergence [SynthV & UTAU Cover]✧
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🐏 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Remor Pajira [Prince of Sloth]
Skull Mask : Ram
[Human] Age : 23
Gender : Transman
Parents : Callisto Pajira & Maneba Pajira
Domain : Slothfull Meadow's
Other information :
- Shares his Birthday with Behemoth and sees them as his sibling instead of a cousine.
- Can communicate with Artiodactyl's
- Has Tomophpbia [Fear of doctors, needles & co.]
- His parents send him to the human realm where he got a heart disease, his family speculates that it's an after-effect of the favor they redeemed.
✧Theme Song; Once Upon a December [Male Cover]✧
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🦝 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Behemoth Makura [Liege of Gluttony]
Skull Mask : Hyena/Racoon hybrid Skull
[Human] Age : 23
Gender : Non-binary [AMAB]
Parents : Nix Makura & Flavros Makura
Domain : Tundra der Unersättlichkeit
Other information :
- The teeth are made out of Titanium instead of the usual material that's used for the skull masks.
- Shares their Birthday with Remor and sees him as their sibling instead of a cousine.
- The purple parts are her exposed skin, only a few spots are covered in green furr/hair.
- Instead of speaking or showing emotions through facial features. It relies more on body language or smaller noises (i.e; growling, laughing, whinning, humming, ect)
✧Theme Song; Sleeping with the Fishes [by Monstrosity]✧
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🐇 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Amaymon Sindura [Royalty of Lust]
Skull Mask : Bunny
[Human] Age : 20
Gender : Genderfluid
Parents : Abalam Sindura & Asmodai Sindura
Domain : Lusting Aether
Other information :
- Has a Secret lover which only his cousines know about.
- Wings can grow & shrink to whatever size they need.
- Has a complicated relationship with his parents which leads to many fights and/or cold shoulders.
- Hides behind masks they build since they struggle with their own identity. This leads to them trying to fill those holes with diffrent forms of lust in hopes of distracting themself from their problems for a bit longer.
✧Theme Song; Cat rubbing [By MICCHI]✧
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snowpeawritings · 7 years
8. Yukiko's Castle
Philemon seems to enjoy seeing his Wild Cards live on with their lives…
Persona 4 Golden X FeMC!Reader
"What the...? A castle!?" Chie exclaimed. "Y'think this is the place they showed on TV last time?" The castle looked exactly like it was shown from the Midnight Channel, with the line of horses and everything. But somehow seeing them up-close made it look eerie.
"You're positive that no one's behind a camera for that bizarre midnight program?" Yosuke asked Teddie.
"Program...? I don't know. Maybe people on your side can see stuff in this world. It might be that. And I told you before! There's only me and Shadows here! There's no 'camera' stuff going on. This world has been like this from the beginning."
"'From the beginning'...? That's what we don't understand!"
"Izanami." You said to your Persona, straying from the others conversation
"Did you already have a conscious when you still weren't summoned or were you just in, like, a hibernation state?"
Izanami pondered, bringing her clawed hand to her chin. "I don't think... Maybe. But it is rather hard to explain. You could say I was conscious but somehow I can't move at all."
"Like a coma?"
"If that's what you call it, then yes. However my mind is like a newborn child; undeveloped and fragile. If taught well it will blossom into a beautiful, intelligent, being."
"Is that your ego I hear?" You joked.
"No. It was just to describe the human mind. The mind is much more powerful than you think." You felt someone push and saw Chie running inside the castle.
"Chie!" You called out.
"Geez! We better follow her!" Yosuke said. You, him, Teddie, and your Personas ventured inside the castle. That is until Teddie tugged you back.
"Um, Sensei. I want to give this to you. I gathered all of this stuff so I thought I might give them to you." He handed you three colorful beads, five peach seeds, and five vials full of something.
"Thanks Teddie." You stuffed them all inside a bag you brought and caught up with Yosuke. Teddie following behind.
Castle Floor 1
"Garu!" Yosuke smashed his card and Jiraiya created gusts of wind from his palms. The fish-like Shadows had gotten dizzy and wobbled.
"Now's your chance, Sensei!" Teddie called out.
"Cleave!" You crushed your card and Izanami swept them all away with her naginata.
"Bear-rific job, Sensei!" Teddie praised. You three ran inside the castle, attacking any Shadow that gets close.
"Man, it feels great to be back on the job." Jiraiya said.
"I'm pretty sure you didn't have these powers back in the day." Yosuke said.
"Yeah. Well, it sure feels like it."
"Teddie, is she close?" You asked him.
"She went up a few floors but she's close. It's too dangerous to be on her own. She might get seriously hurt!" He whimpered.
"Don't demoralize the mission, Teddie. You said so yourself that the Shadows only attack us, right? So they probably won't even notice Chie."
"But we still have to hurry up! You saw what happened to me. I don't want that to happen to Chie!" Yosuke yelled.
"Shh! Yosuke! I know you're worried but we have to deal with what's in front of us first!" You pointed at a group of Shadows.
He sighed. "Alright. Let's go!"
Castle Floor 3
"Guys! I sense her behind this door!" Teddie pointed to a double door.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Yosuke was about to open the door but you held his arm.
"Yosuke, don't rush into things. We should at least prepare."
He shook off your hold and pointed at the door. "But Chie is just behind that door!"
"Yosuke." You said sternly, making him fall silent. "You used up all your soul to conjure those wind spells. Look at you. You can't even stand straight." It's true that he spammed his wind spells against those monsters. You would've helped, but you don't have a Persona that can use wind spells. His figure shook and took a step forward but he collapsed. Luckily you caught him in time.
"See? You can't even stand. Here..." You took out a Soul Drop and squeezed the bottle, letting the drops fall on Yosuke's head. Jiraiya complained about Yosuke having his head near your chest but Izanami jabbed him on the side. He seemed much more better than before. You helped him up and he stood on his own.
"Thanks. So can we go inside now please?" He pouted when he heard his Persona still complaining about him near your chest. You giggled and nodded. You pushed open the doors and saw Chie...
With another Chie.
"Oh no..." Yosuke muttered.
"Yukiko's so good looking... so fair-skinned... so feminine... She's the one all the guys drool over." Shadow Chie said. "When Yukiko looked at me with such jealousy... Man, did I get a charge out of that. Yukiko knows the score. She can't do anything if I'm not around... I'm better than her... Much, much better!"
Chie shook her head vigorously. "No! I have never thought that!"
"Wh-What should we do!?" Yosuke asked. You gripped your naginata tighter.
"Obviously stop her from saying-"
"Aw, crap balls." 
Shadow Chie started laughing like a maniac. The aura around her grew stronger as it filled her with the suppressed emotions Chie has for Yukiko. The smoke died and a tall, feminine figure sat atop three faceless female students who stood on top of each other. It wore a ridiculous yellow hat and matching yellow bra, panties, and boots. It's long black hair cascaded on the floor with a few strands of it sharpened like a knife. She held a whip in one hand and a rope in the other.
"I am a shadow... The true self... What are you guys think you're doing? Trying to defend the 'real' me? Then you're gonna pay the price!" She used her whip to attack Chie but Jiraiya quickly grabbed it.
"Wh-What the-!?"
"Don't worry, boyish-looking girl. Jiraiya's here to-" He was cut short when Shadow Chie whipped him away. He was sent crashing at the chandelier and just hung there.
"I'm okay." He said with a thumbs up. You groaned in his idiocy and smashed your card.
"Zio!" Izanami thrust her palm as an arc of thunder hit Shadow Chie, making it dizzy.
"It's weak to Electricity. Do it again!" Teddie yelled from afar. You did so and another lightning blast hit it. It managed to regain itself and cackled.
"You think you can win 'those' puny skills? I'll show you what REAL skills are!" It cracked it's whip and lightning struck across the room. It didn't affect you, since Izanami is resistant to Electricity but you remembered Jiraiya still swinging on the chandelier.
"Izanami! Protect Jiraiya!" She flew in front of Jiraiya in the nick of time. She took the hit.
"You better start doing something, Yosuke! I'm not the one in pants here!" You yelled. Yosuke nodded and smashed his card.
"Garu!" Jiraiya summoned a blast of wind and it made Shadow Chie stumble but regained its composure.
"It's weak to Wind too! Hit it with a combo!" Teddie yelled.
"Don't even try!" Shadow Chie cracked its whip and a green force field protected it.
"It's raised it's defenses against Wind. Try using a different method!"
"Bash!" Yosuke smashed his card as Jiraiya flew towards Shadow Chie. Before he could, Shadow Chie kicked him in the... nads. Jiraiya screamed an octave higher than usual and fluttered down on the ground like paper.
"Get a hold of yourself, Jiraiya!" Yosuke yelled.
"Now I know how you feel when you fall on your bike..." Jiraiya groaned through the pain. Simultaneously, you and Izanami face-palmed. Shadow Chie taking that as an opening, used her sharp hair to stab Yosuke. Quickly, you thrust your palm as Izanami reverted back to her Arcana.
"Valkyrie!" A swordswoman riding a horse appeared behind you. She galloped in front of Yosuke and blocked the attack. Just when you returned Valkyrie, Shadow Chie cracked her whip as the temperature grew colder.
"Forneus!" A manta ray-like creature blocked the ice attack, however it spread across the room. Luckily, you didn't hear Teddie's ridiculous bear pun when the temperature dropped.
"Ugh, seriously? Quit blocking my attacks!" Before you could move, Shadow Chie raised her whip plus her hair with. "Just die!"
"NO!" Yosuke pushed you aside but he got hit by one of the hair knives. Yosuke managed to get under you so he took all the pain. You two skidded across the floor until Yosuke hit the wall. He groaned in pain and clutched his arm. It was bleeding.
"Are you okay?" His voice felt like it was forced.
"Yosuke... your arm!" You sat up and gently held his bad arm. He yelped. The cut wasn't bad. It only cut through the surface.
"It's not that bad! I can still fight!" He stood up but wobbled a bit.
"But Yosuke-"
"(Name), I'm fine. Let's just beat this thing and save Chie." You pursed your lips. But nodded. "Alright. But if it gets too rough, stay back." His lips formed that amusing smile and grabbed his nata.
"Guys! It's defences are low. Now's your chance!" Teddie yelled. You brought back Forneus and Izanami appeared in it's place.
"Alright. You're back. I was beginning to miss you." Jiraiya cooed.
"This isn't the time to be sentimental, Jiraiya." Izanami hissed.
"Guys, let's focus here." You yelled. "Yosuke, use Sukukaja on yourself. I'll use Izanami's attack spell on you. After that, fire a wind spell when I say so." He nodded and smashed his card.
"Sukukaja!" A green light shone as Yosuke became nimbler.
"Tarukaja!" You smashed your card as a yellow light shone. After that, you changed your Persona to a little green demon with a flaming spoon.
"Eh, get behind me." Ukobach said in a nosy voice.
"Are you done yet? I was afraid you'd chicken out!" Shadow Chie laughed as she raised her hair. You two dodged it as her hair strands was stuck on the floor.
"Now Yosuke!" You yelled. He fired a wind spell together with the fire spell you did with Ukobach. The two spells combined to make a fire tornado that struck Shadow Chie. She screamed as the flames consumed her. Making sure Chie wasn't in the fire, you ordered Ukobach to defend her. The girl that held Shadow Chie collapsed along with her as she evaporated into black mass, leaving the limp figure of the original Shadow Chie. Noticing the battle was over, you summoned back Izanami and helped Chie up.
"Are you alright?" You asked. 
She clutched her head and groaned. "Y-Yeah, I am..." She noticed her Shadow who was silent. "What's the matter...? Got nothing to say anymore?"
"Stop it, Chie. It's all right." Yosuke said.
"Everyone has different masks, Chie. It's all right. We understand." You said.
"She's right... I went through the same thing." Yosuke said. "So I can understand... I mean... Everyone has a side like this..." Chie looked down and turned so she was facing her Shadow.
"I kinda get it now. You are me... A side of me that I couldn't forgive... That I tried to ignore...  But you still exist. You are a part of me..." Just like Shadow Yosuke, Shadow Chie nodded and smiled as she glowed from her counterpart's acceptance. She glowed blue and, in a glimpse, you swore you saw a womanized version of Bruce Lee. Her Persona turned into her Arcana as it disappeared. You and Yosuke went to her side and the embarrassment quickly flooded over Chie.
"Um... It's true that a part of me feels that way... But I wasn't lying about being friends with Yukiko!"
"Like we didn't know that already." Yosuke joked. Suddenly Chie dropped on the ground, probably due to fatigue. Luckily you caught her on time.
"You alright?" You asked. She nodded weakly and stood up straight again. "Right... You just got your Persona. We need to take you back home so you can rest."
"But... Yukiko...!"
"-Will be all right as long as the fog doesn't show in our world. You really need to rest." Yosuke said. "Come on. We're going back." You, Yosuke, and Teddie led her back to the studio where Teddie will procure a way home. Again.
"I... I'm feeling even worse than the last time I came in here..." Chie muttered. "My head feels like it's gonna split open... Are you guys okay?"
"Only you?" You questioned.
"That's right, you're not wearing the glasses." Yosuke said. Chie looked at you two closely and finally realized that you two wore glasses.
"Oh yeah... What's with those glasses? Did your eyesight go bad?"
"Man... you didn't notice until now? How panicked were you?" Yosuke winced. Not from his wound, but from her innocent stupidity.
"Come on, she was worried about her friend. Of course she didn't realize them until now." Jiraiya said.
"Please, you didn't realize they had glasses." Izanami said. Soon they went bickering again like a mother scolding her child. You two ignored them as Teddie whipped out a pair of glasses.
"Ta daa! I got a pair ready for Chie-chan, too!" Teddie said happily. "Here you go!" He gave her the glasses. It was rectangular and was colored yellow. She put them on and her eyes widened as she looked around.
"Whoa! What the-!? This is awesome! It's like the fog doesn't exist!"
"Why didn't you whip those out earlier if you had them?" Yosuke asked.
"I made them right now! You didn't tell me she was coming! It was all so sadden! I mean, sudden!" Teddie said.
"Huh... so that's the trick. I was wondering how you guys could see where you were going. Hey, is it alright if I keep these?" Chie asked.
"Fo' sho!" Yosuke winced. Not at Teddie, but at his arm. You gasped and rummaged through your bag to find the first-aid kit you packed before coming in here. You grabbed Yosuke's arm and moved his sleeve up. You opened the kit and grabbed a bottle of alcohol and cotton balls. You dabbed some on the cotton ball and gently dabbed it on his arm. He winced and recoiled his hand back.
"Don't move, Yosuke!" You scolded.
"It hurts!" Yosuke whined.
"Just suck it up!" You continued to dab the cotton ball on his arm as he winced every time. When the blood was cleaned, you grabbed the gauze and wrapped it around the wound. You noticed there was a scrape on his cheek, so you grabbed a bandage. It was a cute little cartoon bandage of the 'Phoenix Ranger Featherman R' series where Feather Owl is shown. You placed it on the scrape.
"Do you feel any better?" You asked. Yosuke touched his arm gently.
"It hurts a little, but I think I'll be all right."
"Aw man, I feel terrible about this. I'm sorry, Yosuke." Chie said.
"Heh. Don't worry about it. But promise us you won't go alone next time, okay?" She nodded. "If we don't work together, we won't be able to solve this case or save Yukiko-san... right?"
"I agree." You smiled.
"Me too. I promise as well." Chie said in determination.
"Let's save Yukiko!" You said as everyone nodded.
"Alright, so from tomorrow on, we'll try and come here as much as we can after school... And that includes days off." Yosuke looked at you. "Hey... Would you mind being our leader?"
"Huh?" You blinked.
"You were the first to get this power, and you're way better in a fight than either of us. I think it's best for all of us if you set the pace of the investigation, and we follow your lead. I'm cool playing second banana."
"I agree with him, (Name). You have a lot of power inside you. I can feel it." Izanami whispered to you.
"Alright. I'll do it."
"I knew you'd say that. I mean, I'm more the adviser type, y'know? An ideas man, not an executive."
"I'm with Yosuke. If you're the one calling the shots, I'd feel a lot more comfortable about this." Chie said.
"I'm with Yosuke. If you're the one calling the shots, my pillow will be a lot more comfortable at night." Teddie chirped in.
"Teddie, would you please stop talking? I'm really on edge right now..." Chie mumbled. Somehow you felt the same sensation when you teamed up with Yosuke. But this time, it felt way more stronger, almost as if you felt the hearts of both Yosuke and Chie.
"Okay. Let's get some rest for today so were ready from tomorrow on." Yosuke said. "And don't forget to check the weather forecast. It gets foggy after a lot of rain, so let's keep an eye out. Also let's make sure we gear up for next time." You three went back to Junes after Teddie conjured the TV stack and went home.
The three of you were eating dinner while watching the news. Izanami sat on the couch, watching you three intently as well as the TV.
"What an amazing object. It shows people talking while showing real-time images." Izanami said, fascinated about the TV.
"Hey. Mind if I ask something?" Dojima suddenly asked you. You blinked but shrugged. "You're not getting involved with any strange businesses, are you...?" You blinked yet again, only a little more surprised. "What happened at the station this afternoon... it's still bothering me. Is there... anything you're not telling me?"
Izanami overheard the conversation and instantly went behind Dojima. She sent signals, despite being invisible to your other relatives, all saying; 'Keep quiet!'
"Of course not." You said simply.
"... Is something bothering you? Believe me, I do feel bad that I've been too caught up with work for us to have time to talk..." Izanami slouched in relief.
"What's wrong? Are you fighting...?" Nanako interjected. You and Dojima nervously shook your heads.
"No... We're not having a fight." Dojima said.
"This isn't the police station..." Nanako said.
Dojima grumbled and then turned to you. "I agreed to look after you. So don't get yourself involved in anything that could get you into trouble." He said then he ate again. You three ate together while the weather forecaster pronounces that the weather on will be sunny.
Persona time
"I bet you're happy, huh?" Jiraiya said as Yosuke changed to his pajamas.
"What are you talking about?" Yosuke asked.
"Well, (Name) was your temporary nurse when we were in the castle. You were near her chest before the battle with that tomboy. And she fixed your arm, in which you were really near each other."
Yosuke scoffed as he went to the bathroom to toothbrush. "You can't get some serious wounds. And if it weren't for (Name), you wouldn't be here."
"My point still stands. You enjoy her being your nurse."
Yosuke spat the toothpaste foam as he wiped his mouth with a towel. He then noticed the yellow bandage you placed on his cheek. His fingers lingered there for a moment as he stared at his reflection.
'Yeah. I guess I kinda do like it.'
a little bit of a note here. For those who are curious about the talking Personas, I got the idea from Kisdota-The Freak Gamer on fanfiction.net. Go check out their fanfiction! It’s such a good read!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
*explodes with excitement* Okay, so I had a platonic Forneus x Kitten!Reader idea cookin' up in my head, and since you write for Forneus - even better!! 😈
I had a silly idea where in one of her trips, Forneus encounters a young kit (reader) lost in the woods, and because the kit reminds her of her own kits she decides to take them under her care!! They prolly warm up and call her "mom", which just warms her heart even further - pls, she needs happiness!! 😭
Could be headcannons, if it's easier to write! 😅
-👻🐝 wants Forneus to be happy!
It’s been a few months since Forneus surrendered her children to TOWW. The heartache forever remained, but lately she’s rediscovered reasons to live and go outside.
The Old Faith was sometimes a hostile place, though if you knew where to look and at what time, it could be beautiful and calm.
So she was wandering about, gathering materials to weave gifts for weary travelers. It was a business that she took up some time ago. While not many found her hideout and purchased things, that was fine with her.
‘Someday, the right buyer will come along.’ She promises herself.
She even bought a tarot card from Clauneck and found slabs of commandment stones to make her caravan shop more appealing.
During one of her trips to Darkwood, she stumbled across you--a small kit who looked scared and alone, likely cast out from one of the cults.
In an instant, Forneus’ heart melted.
Your sweet eyes and fluffy ears/tail reminded her of her own beloved kits...
How could she just leave you out here by yourself?
Although you’re wary of strangers, she entices you to come along with a sewn plushie, letting you keep it as she led you by the hand through the forest.
After reaching the safety of her home and getting settled in, you shyly tell her your name.
“Oh, that’s a lovely name..[y/n]..” She smiles warmly, cooking up a bowl of stew for you. “I’m Forneus. You can stay for as long as you want, dearie.”
“...could I stay forever?”
“...a-and call you “mom”?”
For a moment, Forneus freezes mid-stir..and at first you think you said something wrong. Her abrupt silence worried you.
But then she turns to you with the warmest of smiles and scoops you up into her arms.
You’re instantly enveloped in the warmth of her flannel and fur, hugging her back. “S-Sorry. Of course you can.” She chuckles, tears in her voice. It made her so, so happy.
While it’s true that the void Aym and Baal left in her heart could never be filled, you raised her spirits.
And she vowed to raise you well, giving you as much love as she did her kits.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
So I saw this post (thank you to the one Anon, if you see this) and I was wondering if you could a Forneus x Kitten!Reader oneshot where it's the holidays (Thanksgiving or Christmas, your choice) and the tiny kitten (the reader) goes out to get Forneus a gift? They think that it's terrible but Forneus adores it?
IDK if I said this already, but thank you ghost bee anon for requesting the original!
As the winter season swept across the lands of the Old Faith, the Bishops and cultists from all four domains had made their preparations for the annual Yuletide festival. This was one of the few times they all celebrated together as one.
Today marked the start of a huge celebration that comprised of feasts, rituals, and gift exchanges galore. An event that lasted from dawn to dusk, and all through the night.
For many people, it was a joyous time for friends and family to come together, and for others..it’s simply a much needed vacation from backbreaking cult duties.
As for Forneus, well, it used to be a happy time for her and her children--back when the three worshipped Narinder and the Old Faith was relatively balanced. But alas those days were lost to the wind. 
Holidays didn’t feel the same anymore without them..her beloved kits who she gave up to the one they all loved most.
Since their untimely departure from her life, she lost her motivation to enjoy the Yuletide season. Without anyone to celebrate it with, it was hard.
Then...she found you, who put that spark back in her.
Even now she wasn’t sure why exactly you were abandoned in Darkwood, but she knew you couldn’t go back to the cult. There’s no telling what they might do to you. So she basically became your new mother.
This year, she was determined to give you the perfect holiday season that she once gave Aym and Baal. You deserved it.
Thus she searched Darkwood for a suitable tree to put inside her home, before decorating it with handmade ornaments--most being of Narinder’s likeness. She also added garland and ferns all around, using cotton as fake snow so it’d never melt. 
Finally, after you’ve gone to bed for the night, she carefully slipped some presents underneath the tree, hoping you’ll like them. Each one was handcrafted and wrapped by her. Weeks of work well-spent, she believed.
However, all of that hard work made her fairly exhausted, so by the time you were awake and ready to open the gifts, she was still sound asleep in her room. You didn’t wanna make a fuss over her needing sleep, though. Instead you went out to see the tree yourself.
All of the gifts under it were labeled for you, but there were none for her.
And that made you frown slightly.
That didn’t sit quite right with you. She deserved at least something to make her spirits bright, too! And you were going to find one.
So after grabbing your cloak, gloves, boots, and weekly allowance, you quietly snuck out of the house to search for the perfect gift for your mother.
Although it was quite cold, most of Darkwood’s creatures were in hibernation, so they were the least of your worries. All that mattered was completing your mission.
You were, in a way, on a crusade for something important.
Something worthwhile.
Something that Forneus will love.
Eventually you crossed paths with a hiker who sold stuff for a living--namely parts of Darkwood creatures, like a bat’s wings for soup or a burrowing spike worm’s teeth for weaponry. But they had something in their stockpile that caught your eye:
A green wreath woven from a chaser worm’s leaves and wooden horns. It even had a beautiful red bow on it! It was the perfect gift for the holidays!
Because you were only a young kit, the hiker sold it to you at a discounted rate, but you paid a little extra for the wrapping materials they carried, too. And after bidding them safe travels, you quickly returned home before your mother woke up.
Fortunately, she was still sound asleep, so you got right to work wrapping the wreath carefully, labelling it for her. Then you went back to the decorated tree and kneeled down to slide the present underneath it-
“Good morning, [y/n]. Too excited to sleep, I see?”
Your ears perked up at the sound of Forneus’ chuckles, and you turned to see her in a robe, yawning as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. 
Trying to act like you weren’t just in the Darkwood forest, you nodded and faked a small yawn. “Yeah..very. But..before I open my gifts..I-I want you to open yours first.” You smiled bashfully, clutching the present before walking over to hand it to her.
She blinked in surprise, a big smile overtaking her face as she accepted it. Clearly she wasn’t expecting to be the recipient of a gift; she was always the giver. “Awh, [y/n]..that’s very sweet of you. Thank you! I’m eager to find out what this is.”
You nodded and scurried onto the sofa, sitting down as you patiently waited for her to open it. 
Yet...part of you began to worry that she wouldn’t like it for some reason.
You weren’t sure why you had this thought so suddenly, but...maybe it’s because you merely bought her a gift as opposed to making it yourself. You didn’t have the crafting skills she did. It looked difficult, though to her it was just like breathing--easy.
The last time you tried sewing something, the needle slipped and jabbed your paw pad. It hurt for a while, with Forneus having to treat it and gently remind you that you should be supervised next time.
“It’s the thought that counts”, she reassures you when you showed her the half-finished product. 
But even now, you felt disappointed in yourself.
Why didn’t you at least try to craft something that didn’t involve needles? Buying stuff seemed lazy.
Despite this, you kept a smile on your face as she unwrapped the wreath. For a few moments she gazed at it with wide eyes, before looking at you. “Dear, you..bought this for me with your allowance?”
“..yeah..” Bowing your head, you were ready for her to be disappointed next. Or at least reprimanded for going out without her permission.
But instead, you heard her putting the wreath down before enveloping you in a hug.
“Oh goodness...thank you! You gave me such a wonderful present!” She exclaimed, purring happily. “Yes, we shall hang this on the door..or above the fireplace, if you prefer. It’s beautiful!”
You were surprised she adored the gift. But you were happy that she wasn’t upset, making you grin as you hugged her back. “I’m glad you like it, mama!” A purr rumbled within your own throat. “You’ve given me so many nice things..I thought to return the favor. But needles don’t like me very much...”
“Awh, that’s okay. I appreciate it, my little one.” Forneus’ heart was fuller than ever before. “Thank you so much. You don’t know how happy this makes me feel.”
She used to dread this exact day every year..sitting in her lonely caravan and making small talk with the occasional traveler, her heart aching in secret.
Now? Things were so much better.
She had a reason to enjoy the season again:
And that reason was you.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Since I personally don't see enough Aym/Baal content, how about Aym and Baal x reader (separate)? Where the reader, who is a lamb, gets sacrificed and is basically the lamb in the game. But every time the reader appears in Narinder's realm after perishing, they're constantly flirting with him. They consistently compliment everything about him and are just.. practically obsessed with him (not in a weird way).
Oh yeah! We gotta give them more love tbh (also I'm not 100% sure if you meant flirting with Narinder or the brothers, but I'll assume the brothers)
At first he thinks you're incompetent as a vessel, given the number of times you've perished to something stupid and ended up in Narinder's realm...
And then he realizes you're literally dying to see him (which is no exaggeration), but he's just confused and irritated by your attitude, thinking you're taking full advantage of his master's power.
He doesn't see why you wanna talk to him.
"You know, I love the broody types..not many of us lambs were ever broody-"
"You think serving our master is a joke to you?" He sneers quietly. "The prophecy is to be fulfilled by you. I suggest you act like it. Master, will you send them away-"
"It is not your place to order me around, Aym." Narinder warned. "For I am quite amused by these interactions...I've never seen you become so..flustered." He snickers
At this point, Aym realizes he has no choice but to accept his fate just for his master's amusement-
He is, however, a little flattered when one day you gift him a bracelet made from the bones of your enemies.
It stuns him into silence, only snapping at Baal after you leave and he teases him over it.
Anytime you ask about it thereon, he'll claim that he got rid of it..
But you see it on his wrist, hiding underneath his sleeve.
Even after reuniting him with his mother, she learns of the gift and fawns over how "cute" you two are (with Aym rolling his eyes and trying not to blush).
While Baal showed concern that you weren't the right fit for being the prophesized liberator, he wasn't as condescending as his brother.
Every time you died, he got to see what fresh new injury killed you, and he wondered why you'd put yourself through this suffering.
Then he realizes you're just trying to revisit his master's realm to flirt with him.
He gets tongue-tied, unsure of how to respond to your compliments, trying to hide his blush behind his staff or clench his jaw so he doesn't smile.
But as much as he appreciates your kindness, he worries for your health despite death being of little consequence to you.
"Doesn't it hurt your cult every time you die in a crusade? Doesn't it hurt...you?"
"Baal, the only thing that hurts is that I can't marry you.." You pout, offering him a camelia flower bouquet. "My followers throw their hearts at me every day...but I feel nothing for them. I've rejected dozens of proposals, because one day I want you to be-"
"So this is why my cult's faith is so low...go back and kill Heket. This is no time for marriage vows." Narinder scorns, sending you away immediately.
When you resurrect Baal, however, you married him on the spot (with Forneus' blessing of course).
Ngl, he's happy and always hoped this day would come. He couldn't say anything before but he can now.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Just makin sure, did Tumblr eat my request about a platonic Forneus x Kit!Reader? I had a few of my asks eaten lately NQDNNSJA
By the way, did you see the past few lately Blueycapsules updates about (and after) the Bite? I am still grieving rn /lh /j 😔💔
I got it! And I've been keeping up with the comic,,,it's devastating 😭
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Ok so could you do some headcanons of a female reader who is Forneus Wife and conforted her when Aym and Baal were gone.
A long time ago..you, Forneus, Aym, and Baal were a happy family. You lived in peace and worshipped The One Who Waits, hoping for paradise in the afterlife and not fearing death. You left him tributes to gain his favor and taught the young kits everything they needed to know.
Though when that fateful summer day arrived, where his followers insisted your children needed to be “surrendered” to him..Forneus knew you’d try to resist.
But who could say no to a god?
The guilt she felt as they were swept away from her only got worse when you arrived home, confused about where the pair have gone.
And she could only weep as she explained everything--and you became just as devastated.
Yet you comforted her, though, never blaming her. But you didn't understand.. 
Why did your god suddenly want Aym and Baal? Were your offerings not enough?
Then again, he was elusive in his intentions--and neither of you dared to question his demands. Instead you continued to worship him as the years passed....until he was banished.
The silence was disheartening, but it allowed you and Forneus to reconnect and keep your love for each other alive.
Obviously the grief never went away, though you just hoped your kits were alive and well.
You both crafted gifts, explored the realms, and even met Clauneck for tarot readings when either one of you needed a little bit of guidance.
Some of the gifts you had used to be toys for Aym and Baal, but of course..they won’t do any good collecting dust on the shelves. So you'd leave them out for weary travelers to take for free.
When you two heard about Lamb and their deeds, Forneus got to work sewing plushies of their likeness, hoping to gain their favor. She hopes their cult members adore them as much as her children would've.
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