#fourth grade marked a lot of changes for me and it also was when I started learning that we might have to sell the building
nope-body · 2 years
#so whenever it’s hard for me to fall asleep it’s always because I’m stressed about something#and last night I didn’t sleep at all#I got maybe three hours before finally getting out of bed around 11? I was up until at least 6#which almost never happens#but it means that I am majorly stressed about something but I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me#until I realized what I spent hours doing last night while I was exhausted and bored-#looking up and collecting photos of my temple’s old building#before it changed#before there was actually a huge major change in my life#that happened around fourth grade (making friends for the first time. therapy. in a year or two middle school.)#fourth grade marked a lot of changes for me and it also was when I started learning that we might have to sell the building#those next three years were filled with change that was out of my control and confusing and isolating and I didn’t have anyone I could go to#so finding pictures from before all that. back when everything was nice and predictable and good.#it was my way of subconsciously coping with the HUGE life change in a few weeks- college#I was taking refuge from the concept of change by going back to a time before there were any significant changes in my life at all#because change is fucking terrifying! I hate it and it’s unpredictable and I never know what to do or expect or anything#and with this change? I will have one friend and be hours away from everyone else I care about in a completely new environment#it’s the same kind of change I went through in 4th through sixth grade but this time it’s going to happen in a day#and on top of it all I’m leaving my synagogue behind for real
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writinganything · 10 months
Theodore Nott Headcanons
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His favorite color is deep blue
He mainly speaks italian and english but he can also speak french because his mother was French
It brings me to an headcanon that I thought about. I headcanon his mother to be French and after her death, he tried his best to not forget her language because it’s the last thing that connect him to her.
He says his favorite class is Transfiguration, but it’s secretly Muggle Studies because he used to buy muggle things with his mom to see what they were for.
When you’re looking for him, most of the time he’s by the lake on a bench or sat by a tree.
He’s a hatstall because the Sorting hat was hesitating between Slytherin and Ravenclaw
He actually tried being in the quidditch team as a chaser or beater in fourth year, but didn’t like being bossed around by the captain so he quitted
His first crush was Hermione Granger during his third year because he admired her knowledge and how she doesn’t let herself be walked on. His favorite memory about her was how she punched Malfoy in the face
Theodore always thought girls never looked at him, but oh boy he was mistaken…it’s like he’s blind and it took him to accidentally hear his 2 of his friends, Daphne Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson, joking about how many girls wanted him and how their “son” is growing up fast. He still lightly chuckle when he think about this memory.
Not a headcanon but he hangouts with Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne, Mattheo and Enzo. But among them, he prefers being with Pansy and Daphne (he will never say it out loud 💀) because he kinda like how they baby him and tell him all about girls thing. Like I can imagine him randomly being invited to their sleepovers and they put makeup on him, skin care, they gossip ect. He mostly like their inside jokes and how everyone around them is confused. He feels good knowing they’re completely comfortable with him to the point where they change in front of each other because it’s not weird and Pansy says “It’s only weird, if you make it weird”. Outside of the girls, he likes being with Blaise
Talking about his favorite girls, him and the other boys made a pact of protecting the 2 at all cost. None of the girls know about the pact, they just think that as male friends, they act like such by scaring away boys that come near them.
Most people call him Theo, but Pansy and Daphne call him Teddy
But anyways
He’ve always hated his father, Faustus Nott, mostly because he was the one who killed his mom, right in front of him with his fists
He cried after getting the dark mark
He wears rings and got an helix piercing before the seventh year after a drunk evening with Draco, Blaise, Mattheo and Enzo
He’s always making fun of Draco because he cannot run fast to save his life 😭
He’s the one of those that don’t study that often but get good grades
His favorite weather is cloudy/rainy because it finds comfort in them. He loves it the most when it’s pouring outside and he’s in the comfort of his dorm/common room reading a book.
He’s a night owl and goes to sleep at like 3am
His friends and himself are just a big happy family
Theodore is so photogenic!! He doesn’t even know it, but Pansy and Daphne always sneak pictures of him without him knowing and he looks majestic in every single one of them
He swears a lot but not too much yk?
He smokes when he’s preoccupied by something and during Voldemort’s return, he would always have a pack of cigarettes with him
Blaise and him speak in sarcasm most of the time and it’s so funny to watch 😭
I like to think he has a lot of moles/beauty marks on him, especially on his chest
He’s an observer, discreet and pay attention to his surroundings
He’s a good 6 foot 2-3 with long legs and Mattheo always fake-jump with a hand on his heart when he sees him. He calls him slender-man
He has the dead eyes with dark circles under them like he hasn’t slept in a decade
During breakfast he only takes 2 French toast with a cup of either coffee or tea, depends on his mood
His type in girls would be the quiet ones, like him. He likes them shy, maybe a bit nerdy who doesn’t talk a lot. Brunettes, maybe blondes, he doesn’t mind which house she’s in but she must get along well with his friends.
He doesn’t spend much time at his manor anymore, because he wants to avoid his father much as possible. So instead, he basically lives at the Zabini’s, his room is right across Blaise’s. Mrs Zabini loves him as if he was her own and treat him as such. What Theo loves doing is helping her around the house just to hear her say “What a wonderful boy you are!…Take him as an example Blaise!” And how his friends rolls his eyes while doing his best middle finger to Theodore. “Blaise, leave him alone!”
He loves reading, his favorite genres are philosophy because it makes him think and say the same smart sentences to his friends afterwards (especially Mattheo and Draco) even tho they don’t understand a thing he’s saying. He likes the classics, horror and romance (yes I see you coming, he reads smut). When he eventually gets a girlfriend, he does to her the romantic things he have read and say loving things the characters said.
His patronus is an eagle/hawk. No I didn’t do any research, I just can picture him with those kind of bird on his arm yk?🧍🏾‍♀️
He genuinely thought he wasn’t gonna survive the war or be put in Azkaban if he even manages to live. During his seventh year, at night, when everyone was asleep in his dorm, he would write letters to his friends and even wrote his will. He gave his clothes and his things to Blaise. 95% of his money was left for Pansy and Daphne while the rest was for charities and do not be fooled by the 5% because the number still have a lot of zeros in it. He wanted Draco to have his wand, he wanted Mattheo to have his rings because he would catch him looking at them in envy and gave Enzo his owl and books. He wanted to have his portrait in each of his friends’ house so he can visit them whenever he wants.
In a modern Hogwarts, he would listen to Chase Atlantic
He plays the piano and a bit the guitar
He loves poems and write some when he has inspiration, Draco have read one of them when he saw Theo had asleep on it and was curious about what he was writing.
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kamiranna77 · 1 year
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~ Part 1. ~
I started almost the third week of studying in the first year of high school. The subject I couldn't handle was... Latin. I had it three times a day - two hours on Monday in the second and third lessons, on Wednesday in the fourth lesson and on Friday in the seventh and eighth lessons.
"By the way, it's not normal to finish lessons at 3:20 pm on Friday, but well... The plan will not change anymore..." I thought.
The subject was terribly difficult for me, because I spent a lot of time learning it, but it was still tragic - out of all 29 people in the class, I was the only one who was the worst at this subject. I managed to get four barely stretched weak D...
Fortunately, at the beginning of October we were supposed to be taught Latin by a new teacher.
The first Monday of the new month has finally arrived. As always, alone in her place - the third bench against the wall.
Besides, I'm allowed to sit alone in other lessons too...
This is because there were an odd number of people in the class, and on top of that I was averagely liked in my class. I tried not to worry about it.
Finally, the classroom door opened and the new Latin teacher walked in. Dressed in black tight pants, shiny black shoes, a white shirt, a neatly knotted black tie, and a black jacket.
He placed a journal, a Latin book, and a thick hardback notebook on his desk. Once he had put his things away, he turned to face the class so I could get a better look at him now - he had shoulder-length raven black hair and piercing green eyes. I felt my heart beating extremely fast... I promised myself that I would handle the item as best I could.
Finally the teacher spoke:
„Good morning, class. My name is Loki Laufeyson and from this month until fourth grade I will teach you Latin. Respectfully, but when you address me, you always say 'Sir' or 'Professor'. I will also prove to you that Latin is not as difficult a language as it seems. First of all, I don't do quizzes, but... I take it for answers. Taking into account I have two types of polling and you get two grades. First, writing at the blackboard and possibly answering orally at my desk. Both at the blackboard and at the table it is one assessment. In both cases, I ask three sentences. As for the second assessment, you take your notebook with your homework to answer and there is also a mark for it. What else can I say?” He thought for a moment and began to stroke his chin with his fingers. „In addition, I can walk around the classroom, say a given sentence, and then point to a person of my choice to finish it. You get two chances, if you don't answer you get an F. I also do not apply the 'lucky number' rule, you have the right to report three unpreparedness during the semester that you report while reading the attendance list by me. Thus, I do not tolerate cell phone use during my lessons, there is also no cheating, no hints when answering, and most importantly, no talking in class... I also extremely do not tolerate any lateness to my lessons, because I can be very vindictive.
After that, the teacher sat down at his desk and finally opened his diary. He looked up at the class for a moment.
„I'm going to check the attendance list now, and when I read the name of any of you, it's a request to stand up and show yourself to me. Believe me, I can immediately remember your faces and also important information - you do not change places under any circumstances.”
Finally, the man started reading the number and the names of my classmates one by one, until I finally heard mine:
„Number 22, Y/N?”
I stood up unsteadily, curtseying slightly. I felt my teacher's gaze on me longer than on the other girls in my class. I thought maybe it was because I was wearing a skirt. Finally, the professor nodded at me, signaling me to sit down.
After two hours of Latin, I could finally breathe... I didn't realize it was going to be hard. On Wednesday and Friday, the stairs started - the new teacher started completely new topics and to be honest...
I was starting to not understand anything, and I was ashamed to raise my hand and report that I had a problem with the topic.
I was afraid to embarrass myself in front of the class and most importantly in front of the new teacher...
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downfallofi · 10 months
Hi!!! Some asks for you, if you’re still up for it<33 Ty!!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
First of all, I AM, thank you for asking 🥹❤️ With the caveat that some of these are going to be long answers, not because I can communicate effectively but because of the over explaining leading to chattiness. Still yes love questions hit me.
Orchid - Excellent god damned question, and my mind immediately goes to "Black" by Pearl Jam because I grew up wearing out borrowed tapes in the grunge era from my brother, and Ten is an absolute masterpiece of an album with "Black" as it's magnum opus, but also maybe because I can sing it fairly well at karaoke; Also, "Can the Circle Be Unbroken" by the Carter Family ranks up there.
Mahonia - I mean I question how inspired I ever am anymore 😅😅 Im kind of a long expired gifted kid burnout. But sunsets always instill emotion in me, the night coming on makes me more in tune with it feeling like "my time" because it gets quieter/less busy. I mostly express it by scribbling in my notebook and venting feelings here.
Daffodil - I have two older brothers, my sister the oldest and a younger stepsister (I was the baby, at one point) I think I'm... similar to them in that we all were raised in the shadow of our father, who is a narcissist and abuser who left his mark on all of us, pushed one to murder, and kind of all of us to coping mechanisms. And I dunno. I worry. I fear that like. Of all of us, Im the most my fathers son because I LOOK the most like him, everyone tells me that. I have his exact same voice. I have his temper. His instincts for parenting occur to me sometimes and it frightens the shit out of me. I relate to my sister that way because she feels that too, and her raising my nieces can be a challenge. I worry about her too in that regard. And sometimes her version of our dad's narcissism, saying the things he would say or treating the kids the way he would kinda pisses me off. But in the end, Im not like most of them because for so long, I was treated like the disappointment, the failure to launch, but at least I didn't end up in prison so. I don't know, you tell me. Maybe we're all kinda screwups in our own way, or trying our best to get from under that. All in how you look at it, I suppose.
Camellia - Oh man, I was a weird little nerd that loved reading, loved comic books, loved energetically talking about dinosaurs and grew up loving Star Wars expanded universe novels so much that I grew my own pretend Skywalkersona, loved Mad magazines, Isaac Asimov novels in the fourth grade, loved writing superhero stories on loose paper written on an old typewriter, loved creating mini comic strips with my own superheroes and had no friends until late middle school in my isolated, ten acre house out in the country. I dunno, a lot of my adult years has been feeling like I've been dead inside because in a lot of ways it feels like I lost the ability to love things as passionately and with as much joy as that little boy; cause I was kicked out of that house when I was seventeen; because every friend I ever made left or was gone; and because my dad and the world all beat into me that those things that gave me joys and passions were stupid and childish. I have been trying to be kinder to myself now, and reconnect with things that make me happy even if it's hard to know how. Sorry, long, complicated answer. Life is hard.
Ivy - I've been told I can be kind of aloof, or awkward, but I don't think that's quite true. I think I have a hard time connecting. But when I can relax, and am able to let someone in, then they can tell easier when Im in a good mood, when Im feeling lower, when I get quiet.
Palm tree - I love all villains, because the villain is usually more interesting and has better motivations than the hero (or at least, more relatable, to me) but the one I shouldnt like, in retrospect, is Randall Flagg from the Dark Tower and the Stand series, not only because ugh, sorry Stephen, but older Stephen King books and especially the Dark Tower cycle contains some utterly cringey racist tropes and bad characterization and I dunno I just think maybe the books didnt age well.
Taro- Man. I was trying to think because in some senses... nothing, I am fucking boring, almost all of my life is just work and taking the bus home from working. But I mean. I've graduated from college and gotten my associates now. I've got a job with an office and my own business cards now. Im saving up to get a car. And even if living with my sister is occasionally a pain because it's triggering, or exhausting, or weird, we do get to go on some neat adventures and it is really amazing to see these three humans get to have cool experiences. So there can be like... a lot to talk about, in that.
Chamomile - Literally always socks, any type of book because I am both a hoarder of books with an unread pile three deep at any given time, and on the other hand a voracious reader and the genre can be literally anything, and. Coffee. Literally, give me so much coffee.
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sys128 · 1 year
The Happy Post
I will warn you: this entire thing is about a half-hour read, which easily some of the longest things I have typed in a while. This was calculated by taking the number of words in the document and dividing by my personal talking speed. This half-hour metric is not going to be very consistent because people do things at their own pace, so sorry to my psychology teacher (Shoutout!), who has to read this whole thing. Good luck grading.
In introduction, one of the most important things in life is to remain positive. This is mainly because of the benefits we can reap from it. The things we do and experience greatly impact on our outlook on life. Here, I have compiled multiple lists on things that are generally positive and my thoughts and experiences that connect with them. This was originally made as a project for my psychology class but I am more than willing to make it a blog post. I guess you could say I thought real positively about my project, huh? Huh? … Sorry...
Five things I am grateful for
Love. Love is a general concept, and multiple ways exist to describe and experience it. The first of which I will mention is family love. Family love is the main sign of a healthy relationship in the household. It has to be genuine love, though, because people in the world take it out of context and then do nasty things with it. That would be the case for any kind of love, actually. That is how we get fake friends. Speaking of friends, that is the second kind of love that I want to mention. Family and friends are perhaps the two most important things someone needs in their lives. It is different with friends, though, because one may need more friends than others. Think about introverts. Even having one single friend will positively affect your life. There was a saying I once heard that having five friends that care a lot about you is more important than having tons and tons of them that don’t care very much about you, even after you pass away. The third and fourth parts of love are the ones I tend to be most curious about, especially in the stage of life I am in right now: romantic and sexual love. I am putting those two together to explain them simultaneously because they often go hand in hand for some people. Around the adolescent years, people begin to truly explore themselves and discover who they truly are and who they want to be with in the future. I am no stranger to this experience. I had to revise my goals often to find the type of people I would rather be with. The biggest thing would have to be the target gender of people. In 2019, I was 14 and started thinking much more about this. At the time, I just went with the flow of what everyone else was doing, which affected my general attitude substantially. I began researching LGBTQ+ issues near the end of the year.
At first, I found it hard to understand why some things were the way they were, especially at 14. I had conformed to what was deemed correct in society for my whole life up to that point. For a while, I was confidently incorrect about the things I was observing, which of course made me look kind of stupid. There are records on the internet of me being quite ignorant about certain things. Of course, as the saying goes, people change. When I was 15, I started to think about my connection to this newfangled "LGBTQ+" thing and started to try out different things. This would also mark a transition point in my life. The first thing I tried was asexuality, the lack of sexual attraction. I quickly found that it didn’t work out for me because I still had some thoughts that clearly stated otherwise, so I retracted that. My first real crush took form in late January of 2021, and to my surprise, it was not a woman like I thought it would be. It was a male-aligned, non-binary person (they would later identify as a demi-boy). When I first noticed this, I thought, "There is no way I am falling for a guy right now," and I tried to obscure these thoughts. But they did not go away, no matter how hard I tried. A relationship would start between them and me the following month. That same day, I started using the "biromantic" label for myself and later "bisexual" to include the sexual side. They helped me on my way to finding the kinds of people I loved. I don’t know what I would do now if it weren't for them. Much more progress was made on the exploration front, and May 31, 2022, would mark the day when I fully came out as gay. Of course, as most first-times go, some instability was involved, and it eventually fell apart. (We eventually made amends and moved on.) A pattern you begin to see as you progress through life is that nothing lasts forever. Everything you know has an end to it at some point. Family members start to die out, friends move away and eventually die or maybe even not enjoy you anymore, and of course, relationships end. The best thing to focus on is not their absence, but the opportunity to spend as much time as you did with those people, making an impact on both sides of life and having more memories of you, good or bad. Love is a strange thing, but I cherish it with every fiber of my being and look forward to what it has in store for me when I become an adult.
Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a bandage for a lot of things. There have been countless times in my life when I have had to forgive somebody for something that they did wrong if it benefited both sides in the future. Why is it so important to me? Mainly, it is just because, well, it works! It sometimes takes me a while, but it works! Usually, forgiveness leads to positive outcomes, depending on what sort of situation I was in at the time the bad thing happened. In recent memory, I can recount two days when I had to use forgiveness. About a week ago, there was a basketball game at my school where my current town had to play against the town I grew up in. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to meet up with some people I used to talk to back in elementary and middle school. Before then, I was kind of in a rough spot with them. In middle school, I was greatly affected by my old classmates, to the point where I had mental troubles going into high school, which lingered on until my sophomore year of high school. There were two prominent people involved with it, but I will not give out either of their names out of respect for privacy. The situation was especially bad in 7th grade, where I used to get bullied by them to oblivion. It also made me do things that I would come to regret later on, like the deletion of old social media accounts and my self-isolation from the crowd. At that game, I recounted all of these factors that affected me and found something good in them. These factors jumpstarted my goal to become a better person. I also took note of the age we were all at when everything happened and decided that I should not worry about them anymore. I forgave them. I later logged on to an old account of mine and contacted one of the people that used to pick on me, and we had a truce. That lifted some pressure that I felt for a while, especially since I used to be opposed to the idea of returning to my old hometown. Now, I don’t mind if I ever come back to that place. There was something else that happened that was related to friends recently. There were two friend groups that existed almost separately from each other. They were in this state because of a big fight that had happened the previous year. It was one that hurt everyone in the group. There was betrayal, deceit, humiliation, and snitching. All of that happened over the course of a couple of hours. It had felt sort of like a battlefield, a war between sides. After that whole fiasco, there was over a year of separation. Both sides sat at a standstill, minding their own business.
That was until one day, a member of the other group decided to form a group with both sides of the party in it. Perhaps there was some back-and-forth behind the scenes that led them to ultimately decide to keep things the way they used to be and perhaps even recount the mistakes they made by splitting up. I was, of course, added to this group as well. I quickly realized there was no longer any pressure on either side. Everything seemed to have simmered down. My friend, who used to be on my side post-split, said that everything that happened was caused by the heat of the moment, and actually, most of that tension simmered out sooner than we all had previously thought. At least, that is how I interpreted it. There was one guy in particular from the other side with whom I used to have a bit of beef that we both apologized to each other for, and with that also came forgiveness. Those weren’t the only people I forgave that night. I also noticed that I started to feel guilt for what I said behind those people’s backs. That gave me another lesson: the art of forgiving yourself. It also ties back to some of the past mistakes I made in middle school with the hometown situation. It was also important to forgive myself for those too, but it was okay to still feel some regret. The most important thing to take away is to learn from your mistakes and use that newly learned information to make yourself a better person in the long run. Funny enough, this also ties in to the next thing I am grateful for.
Self-improvement. Self-improvement and self-awareness and things I cherish more than forgiveness, but not as much as love, but it gets kind of close to that spot. I make important lessons for myself based on what happens during that day. Almost every single one of those days has something for me either to review or something new to take away. These lessons usually relate to either my strengths or weaknesses, which I have found many for in each, especially in the past year. I would say that during that timeframe, I have learned more about myself than at any other time in my life. It has also gotten to the point where I find some lessons more important to me than others. One that I have learned recently comes from when I was having relationship issues with my ex-boyfriend (even though they went by they/them pronouns, they were fine with calling it a fully homoromantic relationship), and I was starting to feel really bad without having someone like them to love. This had affected me for about a couple of months, especially during the summer of 2022. However, this did not last for too much longer after the school year started, because the more I felt this, the more I started to notice how other people got over their own breakups. This led to a lesson I have been learning for the past month. It sounds counterintuitive at first, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense: if you want to look for another relationship, stop actively looking for one. Put simply, the reason it does not work as well otherwise is because of desperation. People hate desperation. If you go with the flow and just talk to people, it will eventually happen. The more people you talk to, the more likely it is that you will meet your future soulmate. But I also recognize that it is hard to start. You essentially have to give up to eventually be successful, which doesn't sound right at first. The first time I dated, it started this way too, because I was not actively looking for someone who was not a woman at the time. Things like that just happen! Having this in mind has greatly helped me overcome my feelings of loneliness. And you know what? Not only is that part of self-improvement, but an important component to using that technique is to use another thing I mentioned on the list: forgiveness! See, it all ties together in some way! Having done that, I was able to properly make amends with my ex and move on, this time with a focus more on what I have now—friends, family, and talent—than on what I don’t have.
Eustress. Eustress is a type of stress that falls under the umbrella term "stress." Eustress refers to positive stress, the type of thing that motivates you and even helps you build skills in the thing that you are doing. Distress, on the other hand, is stress that we all don't want to feel but do. It is that type of stress that demotivates you and causes you all sorts of problems if it happens often enough. Stress is something we all experience in some way, shape, or form, so I am also no stranger to it. Actually, believe it or not, stress is the number one thing I still need to work on at the moment. I tend to turn something that is supposed to emit excitement into distress. But when the good eustress moments happen, that is the type of thing that makes me feel good when I am learning something. I also seem to get a little anxious, and sometimes even angry, when I get stuck on something, such as my homework. This could be for any subject, but it seems to happen the most for my physics and my calculus homework. Some may think that I hate calculus, but in truth, I don’t! I think calculus is fascinating! I just hate when I get stuck on it because I want to understand. However, I am immediately jumping to the conclusion that some things are just too hard for me to do at that moment. I also get worried when I get stuck at every segment of something, because that seems to tell me that a bad grade may pop up once the test comes around because I am not understanding something fundamental over an entire unit. Again, it is not that I hate math — in fact, I love math — I just wish I could understand it. Another example of a common time where I struggle to use stress but think I could benefit from it is when I am playing video games. Like every young boy, I love to play video games. I especially find enjoyment in playing rhythm games, usually 4K, if any of you know what that means in rhythm gaming. There are some days where I just struggle to match the score that I got on a map three weeks ago and decide to call it quits for the session. Rage quitting, if you will. Like what my friend said before in regards to forgiveness, this is usually just in the heat of the moment, and I will always return to it some day, usually the next one. After this happens, I eventually find out what I could have done better in that session. Essentially, the thoughts come in, but they come in too late. It would be best to have them appear during the session. Right, so I have the fundamental goal here and the thoughts that I want to think, but I have to think of a method to actually put those thoughts into practice and use it to have a better time while I am doing my homework or playing games. I have found that eustress is something that takes a little while to implement and has to be done in steps. That way, you can find what works well for you and what does not. Ultimately, it leads to better-developed skills more quickly. Despite having a decidedly underdeveloped idea of how to experience more eustress, I am still grateful for having the ability to experience it at all. Maybe the more I practice using it and find calming techniques, I will be able to overcome the challenge of stress.
Intelligence. Because I strive to know lots of things, you could say I have become a bit of a nerd, especially when it comes to technology. In the past couple of years alone, I have taught myself how to use Linux, the Colemak keyboard layout, some programming (enough to collaborate with someone else to create a game in Python), and some stuff about building computers, the last of which started from my fascination with watching my dad do things with computers. Other than that, I have always had a fascination with technology as a whole, as well as math. Math is probably the reason why I was able to get into programming so easily. I think intelligence can tie into knowing what a good life looks like from one's own perspective. It is personalized for the person who has it. I'm sure my life is good, but since I'm still in my teen years, I believe I still have a long way to go before I can live a great and fulfilling life. That will depend on the choices I make when I become an adult. Another cool thing about intelligence is that it does not necessarily have to equate to someone’s general “smart-ness.” I personally believe that someone can still have some form of “intelligence” if they are just an expert in something, even if it’s the most uninteresting, simplest thing that can just be passed off as nothing by everyone else. Everyone is good at something, even if that something is not so useful.
My rankings out of these five qualities to life.
Acts of Kindness
The second part of this post is to identify two “acts of kindness” that I have done. These were not forced as per project but these just kinda happen naturally. Not to say that they are a bad thing though, assigning someone with the task of doing acts of kindness is a good thing because that gives people a chance to practice things like social skills. Looking back in my week, here are two of the things that fit in the criteria.
Over the past nine months, I have had to help with my mom a whole bunch. This week is no exception. Fun fact, as of submitting this post to Tumblr, my new sister would have been born! Welcome to the world, and Happy 0th Birthday! Anyhow, she has been hitting the age where it hurts more to do some things than before so she has been taking it easy on her bed for a while to make sure both she and the baby were safe. As a result, we had to do a bit more chores around the house. For a while, actually, I barely felt a difference! It felt the same as usual, but my little brother, since he is starting to get a little bit older himself, has definitely seen a bit of an increase in the number of chores he has been asked to do. As you can imagine, he was not very appreciative of that. If it weren’t for the help of the rest of the family, she would have felt a lot more stress too. She has relied a lot of the cooperation of the entire family, and when that happens, it relieves a lot. I can safely assume the effects were positive. She probably couldn’t do much of the chores we had to do with a baby inside of her. And another thing, because of how she is going to the hospital to get the baby out into the world, that also means I get to stay home from school! But that results in a missed holiday party in physics class. Damn it… I guess the more time I have to get other school stuff done, the better, right?
Another family thing that I have been working on this past week, or really these past few months, is improving my relations with my little brother. We have never been the nicest to each other, meaning he talks too much and I get annoyed, and then he gets annoyed. And then I intensely type, and especially play rhythm games, on my uber-cool mechanical keyboard, and then he gets upset and I get upset. I have been doing things that made him laugh a little more often. Like earlier today, I joked that I was going to put a bit of canned macaroni and beef on his head. The goal here was to make him laugh, and it worked well! One thing that strengthens a bond between two people I have found, was laughter, especially if it is with someone much younger than you are. Kids are well known to be super playful and easy to please given the right circumstances. Being playful is a good way to achieve this. As they say, laughter is the best medicine, including for relationships that are not exactly up to par with standards.
Bucket List
Everyone has goals for what they want to achieve in life. For the third part of this post, I list 10 things that I want to achieve before I die.
In my adult life, I want to explore the world more. Ever since the age of about 11, I have always wondered what it would be like to live in a different place. I have especially found lots of interesting differences in cultures and languages of the world and wonder how much difference there really is if I were to have grown up in those places rather than America. The answer depends on the country. Some are similar to the United States whereas others are about as different as fruit is to empty calories. I project that once I become more financially stable, I will save up for various trips to different states and countries. I currently have a few of these places in mind, those of which being Colorado, Canada, Denmark, and Japan.
Another thing I have been wanting to do is document more of my life. I have done so here and there in my tween-age years and some of my teenage life, but I am personally not a fan of the breaks I would take from doing them and stretch them out into oblivion. I think this will be somewhat fixed with my Tumblr blog, which has so far been proven successful because it captures the time spent on my computer and adds a writing element to it. Sure, it is a 2000s-y way to do it, but it gets the job done and I am very appreciative of it.
There has been a goal I have had in my mind in the past five years or so, but have yet to achieve that goal. That is to learn a second language and become fluent in it. During middle school and high school, I immersed myself into a whole ton of different languages, and they were fun to learn for a while, but the problem lies in the fact that I have never been able to make it stick. I get to around the intermediate level at the very best and then forget everything a few months down the line. This has happened before in my attempts of learning Spanish, Danish, and Russian. I was even considering Toki Pona one day, which is a constructed language not evolved via natural means. At the moment, I am studying Japanese, and so far, results are more promising than they are for the time I was learning Danish.
I have learned a lot from my first and currently only romantic relationship. I aim to use the lessons I have learned from those experiences to do a better job for whoever I end up being with in the future. I currently have a couple of guys in mind but I would have to talk to them more before I spill the beans on them. Not really much else to say here because half of this post so far has been about the different kinds of love, and I have wrung that dry.
As for how I want to make a living, there are two options I want to consider when I get the chance to. One of these is to grab a career in computer science, which I would also say is the more “normal” one as far as jobs go. Those types of jobs are in higher demand than ever before and the need for them continues to grow. I have had some self-taught and professionally-taught experience in programming, and have developed some things already, so I am kinda sure that I am off to a good start. The other thing I wanna consider is finding a way to make a semi-passive income. You know, something where the only work you need is to start it off and maintain it by doing a little bit, and then watch as the revenue trickles in. That is what people do with YouTube. They make videos for a living, and they can do it as often as they want, but results may vary.
Be more physically active and healthy. As it stands right now, I am NOT a very active person. I mostly just kinda sit around and do nothing on my PC. I also eat lots of junk… but it all tastes so good!! That is going to change in some way in my adult life but I have not fully developed how I will go about doing that yet. I know the kind of food that I think would be a better choice for me. I have always been kind of scrawny due to the fact that my metabolism is blazingly fast. Because of this, I think it would be a good idea to look more into protein products and eat more eggs and stuff. I could also do some exercising in some way, but I have not decided on if I wanna go to a gym or get myself some equipment at home. I hope this improves me not only physically, but mentally as well. Both areas are equally as important when someone is exercising. There are numerous articles on the positive effects of both.
I eventually want to try to participate in some voluntary community service. That idea was put forth to me when I was selected for possible recruitment of the National Honor Society last year. One of the requirements was to do a bunch of community service, which I personally find to be a strange requirement, so I did not commit to that. But I think I could benefit from doing things like that in other ways.
Mathematics is something that will be trained more after high school, for sure. If I do good enough in my high school calculus class, then some more math afterward in either a college or individual study is likely. I will probably end up using that new knowledge for more programming work. There are certain areas that I wanna study a bit more in my own time, but those are usually more of a fun thing rather than practical. Take googology for example, which plays around with the idea of inconceivably big numbers. It’s like using long words to sound more intelligent but with numbers instead, it’s great!
There are world records I want to set at some point. I also do not know what they will be but having titles like that would be cool. I do technically have one of these records though but it is for something that would only be important to one of the communities I engage with on the internet. For those of you who know, you know!
There is a concept in humanist psychology that I found quite interesting, that of the hierarchy of needs. This relates to each person’s curiosity with themselves and what they need. The more needs they have that are met, the closer to the top of the triangle they are, where they have fulfilled themselves to the fullest. I want to work towards that status. It may be the hardest of them all but I think it can be done.
Making the World a Better Place
And finally, since I am running out of steam, part 4 is going to be a bit shorter, but it is ways I can make the world a better place for people. I did have to think about this one for a while. I don’t think that I will commit to ALL of these in my life, but doing at least one or two should be enough. I don’t wanna do TOO much without focusing on myself. I believe that there should be a balance of care between others and yourself. But I digress…
I will say it again but voluntary community service. I have talked about this already but just in case I need to mention, it is pretty self-explanatory as to why this would be helpful for the world. The more help in these areas, the better off we are, even if one single person is helping out with things like this. It may not be enough sometimes, but it is something.
I think teaching people things has been a thing I have been doing here and there, but I might have already mentioned that a while ago, but that’s okay. The spreading of knowledge is a good way to increase the intelligence of others!
Use the skills I will build up to make a solution to a problem. There are lots of questions that I would like to answer at some point. Good thing that other people are interested in getting these questions answered too. Perhaps I could help out with finding solutions to those problems.
Continue being nice to other people, and improving on that little by little based on the things I learn around me. At this point, I am repeating a lot of things I have said before in this post but if I keep valuing the things I do, I will continue to improve in this area.
Put more work towards achieving the goals of both me and other people that will contribute to the world of those people. This can be with things like projects that require hard work, whether it be for academics, life, or otherwise.
Donate, which can kind of be part of the community service thing. I will have to wait until I am more financially stable to do this though because I am kinda saving money hardcore at the moment.
Express my creativity to inspire other people to make things in the same vein to whatever I have created, which in itself was inspired from people that made similar things before me. I am in the middle of the chain of a bunch of inspiration that took place before me, and will take place after me.
Wow! You have made it to the end of my post! This was kind of a pain in the ass to put on here. Because before this paragraph is a total of 5,428 words, making this the longest post I have ever put on this site. And what, just for a summative project at school that could have just been done with bullet points? Yeah, that was technically all I needed, but I spent all morning and a good chunk of last afternoon writing all of this! Comes to show how much fun I have with these things!
"You love torturing yourself, don't you?" - infinitysnapz, 2022
Until the next time I post, OoooHH!!! Scary RAi!!!!!
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niharikaslernings · 1 year
Today's learning,15/04/23
I am back with another learning of today. Today, I felt something which at the end of the day, I genuinely want to share with you. I am eagerly waiting the day to end. So, let me describe the moment:-
I was just sitting as usual in my free time. I dignosed that In school life, a child take study as burden during 4 times. First, when the child is promoted to 1st grade because on that time Questions/answers came into play. Now, child had to form sentences which is hard for him/her. As In, kg sections we learn to learn words only. Vegetables name, flowers name, fruits name, musical instruments name. We had learnt to learn words only. We don't know how to learn sentences that's we feel study is very complicated on that time. Second we face, when we are promoted to 6th grade. Because on that time(if you are from CBSE board) social science is divided in three equal parts. Divisions and increased number of chapters increases load on the student. That's why they face toughness. Second reason is, subject teacher changes when you are promoted to 6th standard. You had to form a new image in their eyes. You had to make a new reputation in their eyes. So, you feel it hard. Third you face, when you are promoted to 9th standard. First reason is subject teacher changes and their way of teaching is totally different from 8th grade. Your books becomes wider a little bit. And for understanding your books, you had to apply your mind fully especially in maths. You are afraid of failing because you can fail in 9th and it is really not like other's classes. You had tension of board, whatever you are studying in 9th will come in 10th. You newly learn in this grade that how to make notes. In this class you also score less marks in overconfidence. Actually In 9th, exams will be taken on different patterns according to cbse. This class is totally different from 8th that's why you feel pressure. Fourth and the last you feel when you are promoted to 11th grade. You feel it because a lot of new terms came in every subject which was not there in 10th class. So, the Student who are in 11th face 'understanding' issues at the beginning. Because 11th tells you new rules and regulation. It totally neglect almost every formula of 10th. 11th punches 'basics' of 10th and create new basics for 12th.But after sometime,  understanding issues are solved and new problems came into play. Students start understanding the rules but at the same point they cannot able to solve questions based on theory part. In simple words, they understand theory part but face challenges in solving questions based on that theory part, rules, regulation. So, these are the four harsh classes. I am facing one of them right now, that's why I am thinking all this. I realised a very important thing here which is a learning. And you know the place of learning.
Learning:- I learnt that every arduous standard is giving you better shape. It is preparing you for next grades. In this classes, you face changes. And change always helps you in improving yourself. You learn how to work hard in this classes. So, if you are facing any of these. Kindly, don't allow any negativity to come inside your mind. Else, work hard happily. The solution for all your confusions is only one word. Do practice, the much you will, the much you get clarity. And one more thing, Don't try to scoot from hard questions. Because they clear your concepts. When you start anything new, you had to face challenges but after sometimes, that new thing becomes part of your life. Because your mind had found out another hard thing. I wrote this blog for students who are facing same kind of challenges. I just want them to be positive and to know the actual cause of their issues. So, that they can deal with it positively.At last, nothing is hard, nothing is easy. We make this in our mind by comparing from our current situation. Thank you!
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St Louis Cardinals and Kansas City missouri signatures 2022 shirt
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One of the St Louis Cardinals and Kansas City missouri signatures 2022 shirt . and I will buy this Squadrons involved in the mission was 625 Squadron, flying out of Kelstern in Lincolnshire. It was the squadron in which my father served. His Lancaster was shot down not far from Germany’s border with the Netherlands in March 1943.St Louis Cardinals and Kansas City missouri signatures 2022 shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's I was being and screamed at me in the St Louis Cardinals and Kansas City missouri signatures 2022 shirt . and I will buy this middle of the card store), I finally broke down and told my sweet, wonderful boyfriend that this wedding was a huge mistake. He was initially crushed, but when I finally managed to stop crying and speak coherently, I told him that THIS wedding was a mistake, but that us getting married was not, and could we please just chuck everything, runoff, and elope? The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Anyways, I was so pissed. I was a straight-A student. I brought it home and I found a school paper from the beginning of the year. It was something that gave the teacher permission to touch a student if he/she got hurt. I guess I forgot to turn in the form. So I grabbed it cut off the bottom for a parent signature, and taped it to my quiz. I asked my dad to sign it. He didn’t even ask what te paper was. You Can See More Product: https://newshirtonline.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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oblxvion · 3 years
euphoric | eren jaeger (3)
-> pairing: eren jaeger x f!reader
-> wc: 3.3k
-> warnings: swearing, fluff kinda, angst
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it had been a week since you’d last seen eren, and you had just finished your exams. you plopped down onto your bed, exhausted but yet relieved that you had finished the tests. you had spent a large portion of the past couple weeks prepping for this and you really hoped that you had gotten a good grade to bring the ones you currently had to a better mark. 
now that you were finally done, you had time to relax and focus on yourself. you had planned to spend time with friends to make up for some of the time that you had lost while drowning yourself in your studies. you picked up your phone, lazily scrolling through your socials and texts messages.
you and eren had been talking quite a lot since he had been at your house. the flirty texts back and fourth, it almost seemed too good. it felt unreal, the way that you and him seemed to suddenly jump into what was almost a relationship. you didn’t question it though, you were happy. although he had a reputation, it didn’t bother you because you knew how he felt for you and how you felt for him, you weren’t intimidated at all.
“y/n? earth to y/n!” sasha brought you out of your trance while waving her hand in your face. 
“oh, fuck, yeah sash, what’s up?” you smiled sheepishly, you had been spacing out a lot recently and it did not go unnoticed by her.
“you keep spacing out,” she chuckles as she opens the fridge, grabbing herself some strawberries. “something on your mind?” she knew you too well.
“oh, it’s nothing,” you laughed nervously as you scratched the back of your head. you had pretty much given yourself away and she gave you a look. “okay, fine. i was thinking about eren, and my situation with him.”
“what about it?” 
“well, it’s just that it feels too good to be true, you know? i just don’t want something to happen and then i get heartbroken once again.” you told her, placing your phone down and playing with your fingers in the process; it was a habit of yours.
“what are you worrying about? you’re not seeing anyone other than eren and i can assure you that he isn’t seeing anyone else either.” she responds with a mouth full of fruit which earned a laugh out of you. sasha is very protective of you, you knew that. and if eren did anything to mess with you or hurt your feelings, she would ruin him. 
“yeah, but he’s had history with girls and…” you trailed off, not knowing how to go about this. you didn’t know why it was hard to talk about because sasha was the one who had told you about his previous flings with other girls in the past. it shouldn’t bother you, but now talking with sasha about it, it made you feel weird.
“and?” she asks as she placed the food back into the fridge before coming down and sitting across from you at your shared table. sasha could sense that there was uneasiness going on and she didn’t want to push you. “why don’t you talk to him? you could maybe set boundaries or even establish your relationship together so you won’t have anything to worry about.”
“yeah,” sasha’s words were making you feel better, she always knew what to do. “i’ll text him and we can maybe meet somewhere to talk.” you felt a bit better, knowing that you’d soon confirm the relationship between the two of you. she smiled at you, and told you to text him so you could figure out plans. you thanked her and made your way to your room opening eren’s contact number and pressing his number.
it rang a few times before it went to voicemail. voicemail? maybe he’s busy? other thoughts began pouring into your head, but you immediately shut them down. you trusted eren, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. after the voicemail operator stopped talking, you left him a message.
“hey eren, you’re probably busy right now but i just wanted to see if you were available later today so we could talk. it’s nothing bad though, i also just miss you. get back to me when you can.” 
you shut off your phone, placing it beside you as you reached for your computer to watch some anime that you had missed while being so preoccupied with your studying. occasionally you would look over to your phone to see if he got back to you, but he hadn’t. 
you were about halfway done with watching the 3rd episode of your show when you heard your phone buzz. you reached for your phone embarrassingly fast to see the texts.
eren jaeger
hey i’m so sorry i just saw u called
i was napping but yeah we definitely can talk later
what time are u free
you chuckled quietly and felt somewhat relieved that he was at home. you quickly responded to him with ideas.
oh dw about it
i’m free whenever i don’t really have much to do 
eren jaeger
we can go to a cafe if u wanna and chat there
i need food anyways lol
ok lol we can go to the cafe downtown if that works
eren jaeger
ok baby
i’ll see u then :)
even though it was a small text interaction between the two of you, it left your heart fluttering. it was around 12:45 so you had time to change into something more presentable but still comfortable for your liking. you decided that you would go early because you had to go to the store and buy some more shampoo and conditioner because you had just used the last bit of it this morning. 
when you walked out of your room, sasha was watching tv while texting someone who you assumed to be niccolo. she had seen him a few times the past week and you thought what they had was adorable. she would go over those nights and he would have a full course meal already prepared for her. imagine being in a relationship with a chef, that would be amazing.
“hey sash?” you asked as you slipped on your shoes, placing your hand on the door handle while reaching for your car keys.
“hm?” she looked up from her phone, and put two and two together. “you’re gonna talk to him?”
“yeah, i’ll be back later. i need to grab some stuff from the store though, text me if you need anything, ‘kay?” you smiled at her as you walked through the door. you heard her yell okay and that she’d text you if she needed something later. you made your way down to the entrance of your apartment complex and got into your car. you felt a bit tense, but you knew you were overreacting and that everything would be fine. 
you played your playlist while you drove, it calmed you down a bit more and you parked in the parking lot of the supermarket which was a five minute walk away from the cafe that you and eren had agreed to meet at. it was around 1:00 and you wanted to make the trip to the store quickly, double checking your phone to see if there was anything that sasha wanted. she hadn’t texted, so you went inside and went to find your favorite hair products. you grabbed the two that you liked, and made your way towards the front of the store to check out before you bumped into someone.
“y/n?” you looked up and saw jean standing in front of you. 
“oh, hi!” you backed up to meet his eyes, feeling embarrassed that you had not been watching where you were going. “i’m so sorry, i wasn’t paying attention.”
“no worries, what’re you up to?” 
“oh nothing, i was just getting some stuff and i’m supposed to be meeting eren in a few.” you responded, eying the isles to see if there was anything else that you needed. 
“that’s nice,” he said with a smile. “are you guys together yet?” the word yet made you feel jittery, it meant that eren had talked about the possibility of a relationship with jean, someone who he always is butting heads with.
“actually, that’s what i was going to talk to him about…” you laughed sheepishly, trying not to seem to eager about it. “what’re you doing?” 
“i was just getting some shit for connie because he wants something good tonight. i swear, hanging around sasha has made him a food monster like her. it’s crazy.” you couldn’t help but giggle at his remark. connie and sasha’s friendship was truly funny.
“well, have fun with that! i have to go because i don’t want to be late but we should all hangout again! that was fun!” you replied as you looked at your phone to check the time, which you had 15 minutes so it was perfect.
“yeah, if i don’t have to third wheel again.” you felt your face heat up at the comment. “nah, i’m playing. have fun!” he waves goodbye as he makes his way to the food section of the store and you walked towards the register.
after you finished paying, you made your way back to your car and placed your bag in the passenger seat. you had enough time to walk over to the cafe, and plus, you felt like you needed some exercise. 
you had an idea of what you wanted to say to eren. it was just that you wanted to confirm your relationship and make it exclusive, and after hearing the comment jean made, you knew that he felt the same way about it. it wasn’t long before you arrived in front of the cafe and you went into the back to where the seats were. you made a order for your favorite baked treat and sat down at a two seated table while you waited for eren. you checked your phone, scrolling through tik tok and instagram when you felt two hands on your shoulders, causing you to jolt in surprise.
“hi baby,” he whispered into your ear before giving you a quick peck on the cheek.
“hi eren,” you laughed, placing your phone down onto the table.
“what’s up?” he asked as he made his way over to the seat in front of you. he was wearing a black crewneck with gray sweatpants and vans, hair in a messy bun as per usual.
“nothing, i just missed you. are you gonna get something to eat?” you asked, looking over to the register.
“i placed an order and then i came over to you, how’ve you been? i haven’t seen you for a bit.”
“i’ve been good, i’m really glad that my exams are over. i now have time to relax,” you smiled at him as you scooted your chair closer to the table. you had truly been overwhelmed with all the studying and now you felt relieved that you now had free time to do what you wanted. 
“and to spend some time with me, right?” he teased as he gave you a playful smile. the little things that he does pulled on your heartstrings.
“no.” he gasped, placing his hand over his chest. “of course, idiot.”
“good,” he chuckled. “you know you love me.”
“you knew that already!” you whined as you gave him a cheeky smile. you and eren both caught up with each others lives. he told you that armin and annie had gotten together, and how mikasa was starting to see jean but that she also wanted to pursue with school so she didn’t want many distractions. you told him about how sasha and niccolo had been spending a lot of time together and how you thought they were perfect for each other. your food was brought to you by one of the employees and you both thanked them as you began to eat.
“so, what’d you wanna talk about?” he asked as he took a bite into his muffin with his coffee in the other hand.
“i just wanted to know if we were exclusive and stuff…” you couldn’t finish your sentence before eren started to stifle a laugh.
“i thought it was obvious,” he swallowed his food before continuing to talk. “we’re exclusive, i’m not seeing or talking to anyone else besides you. no one else interests me besides you.”
“oh, i guess i’m just blind,” you felt relieved at him saying that, you were worried for no reason. “i was just nervous because sasha told me about historia and i-” 
“historia?” he interrupts you. “what’d she say?”
“just that you guys were fuck buddies in the past and that you’re over now and all that stuff,” you responded, trying to sound as nonchalant as you could. you didn’t want him to notice that it was a touchy subject. he knew that you had bad experiences with relationships in the past but you were never one to really be insecure of past relationships that your partner had.
“i see, we don’t really talk anymore, so you had nothing to worry about.”
“okay, go- ” before you could finish your sentence, you heard someones voice so you turned your head.
a blonde girl with blue eyes, shorter than you stood between you and eren at the table. you felt your stomach twist as you put the pieces together. you weren’t sure if you had met her before or not, but she looked just like the girl that you were just speaking about.
“historia?” eren choked on his coffee, looking over to meet her eyes. you could tell that he was shocked and slightly uncomfortable. had she heard your conversation?
“oh my god, what a coincidence seeing you here! how have you been?” she smiled, maintaining eye contact with him before he looked back towards you.
“‘m fine, how have you been?” it was obvious that he was only trying to be polite but for some reason, her voice annoyed the shit out of you.
“i’ve been good!” she looks over to you and gives you a look before smiling and bringing her hand out. “we should-”
“okay, you must be y/n? i’ve heard so much about you!” her comment made you feel uncomfortable, where had she heard about you from? 
“uh, hi!” you smiled at her and shook her hand. you had to at least be nice even though you felt like there was something weird going on, it was clear that you and eren were on a date and she had come over to talk. “where’d you hear about me from?”
“eren talks about you all the time!” talks? didn’t he just say-
“we haven’t talked in months.” eren interrupts, annoyance seeping through his voice. 
“that doesn’t matter!” she looked back over to eren with a huge smile on her face, as if she was waiting for him to show her any sort of attention. “he would talk about how much he cared about you when we would hang out and-” 
“enough, historia.” eren said, giving her a stern look before he looked over to you. “we’re kinda busy right now.” you stayed silent, you didn’t know what to feel but you weren’t about to let historia have her way right now. although you didn’t know her too well, you didn’t like the way she was acting.
“but i was just coming over to say hi! i haven’t met her before, i was trying to be nice!” you lost it, she was clearly trying to get at something here. she seemed like a nice person but the impression she was giving you right now was not good.
“listen, historia.” eren looked at you, his face tense. he had no idea what you were about to say but he could tell that you were beginning to get pissed off. “eren and i are on a date right now, and as much as i appreciate meeting you and all, i wanna spend some time with him because i haven’t seen him in a while.” she stood there, dumbfounded as you continued to speak to her. “so maybe if we could talk and get to know each other another time, that’d be great!”
“oh, uh, yeah of course!” she said as she stepped away. “i guess i’ll catch you later then. bye eren, bye y/n!” she smiled as she walked away and every ounce in your body told you that it was the fakest smile you had ever seen. you watched her walk away before letting out a sigh. it definitely did not seem that she was in a relationship with that ymir girl because she was clearly trying to talk to eren more, but who were you to say?
you and eren both sat there in silence before anyone said anything.
“i’m so-” you began before eren interrupted you once again.
“don’t. she’s hella annoying. that’s why i cut her off.” eren said as he looked over at you. he could tell you were uncomfortable and wanted to leave. “hey are you okay?”
“i’m fine, eren.” you snapped, face softening after you realized how mean you sounded. “i’m sorry, she just really annoyed me right there.”
“no, i get it. is there anything i can do?” he asked as you began to stand up from your chair in which he did as well. you picked up your trash and brought it to the trashcan, trying to steady your heartbeat. you were a bit rude to her but she was being rude too, was she? “do you wanna go home?”
“yeah.” he nodded his head in response and reached his hand out for you to hold. you interlocked your fingers with his as you both walked out. you both walked in silence, thinking about the interaction that had just taken place. you felt bad. you were a bitch to her but she was being annoying so what were you supposed to do? “did you drive?”
“hm? oh, no i didn’t. i live pretty close so i can walk home.” 
“i drove, so if you want a ride i can give you one,” you looked up at him with a smile. eren’s presence calmed you down, and he noticed that too. 
“yeah, i’d like that.” eren leaned down and gave you a quick kiss on your head, squeezing your hand in the process. you continued to walk back to the supermarket to where your car was parked  and made your way into the vehicle. he opened the passenger side and saw the bag that you had gotten earlier.
“you can just put that bag in the back, it has my shampoo since you used almost all of it when you were over,” you teased as you started the car. he smirked before sitting down next to you and putting on his seatbelt.
“you know how to get to my apartment right?” you gave him a playful look before backing out of your parking spot. “just messing with you.”
eren’s place wasn’t that far so it took you a few minutes to get there. you pulled into a spot and waiting for him to get out of the car after exchanging a kiss and just as he was about to get out of the car before he stopped and looked over to you. 
“what’s up?” you smiled, he looked like a lost puppy.
“do you wanna stay over for a bit? we can chill and watch something…” he trailed off once he heard your laughter. 
“sure,” you smiled and got out of the car and came over to the side that he was on. you poked your finger into his chest playfully, “you’re so needy!”
“needy, yeah?” he pulled you into a hug with your face buried into his chest, the smell of his cologne fogging your brain. “let’s see who’s gonna be needy later.”
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a/n: im so sorry that this took so long i’ve been super busy but i will def try to upload more consistently these upcoming weeks!! this hasn't been edited cuz im tired rn but i will look over it later tonight if there is anything.
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© all content belongs to oblxvion 2021, do not repost or change.
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h0-e · 4 years
Envy & Desire - Fred Weasley
Part 1/2
Part 2 is here!
Summary: With the Yule Ball coming up you hope that Fred, who you’ve been secretly meeting up with the past few months, would ask you. When he doesn’t it, George, being the only person who knows about your feelings, takes it upon himself to make sure his best friend (you) has the time of your life and his brother realizes his feelings.
(Heyyy guys so 1. I really hope that summary didn’t just give the whole story away:(...like the last imagine I said I suck at summaries and I still stand by that! 2. I’ve had this idea in my head for awhile now so hopefully you guys enjoy the story as much as I do. Buuut lastly, please send in any requests you may have!! Honestly all I need is a person and a plot:) doesn’t even need to be a detailed plot but if I don’t start getting something my whole account is gonna be Fred Weasley content and as much as I’m in love with the boy I would love to write about other characters for you guys!!🥺❤️)
flashbacks are bold
Warnings: None
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As soon as the Yule Ball had been announced it was all that anyone was talking about at Hogwarts. Who was bringing who? What color are you wearing? What was the theme? It was hard to pretend that you were not as equally as excited as the other girls in your grade, especially when the question ‘who are you hoping will ask?’ came up as often as it did.
All you wanted to say was the name of your best friend, Fred. But no one, not even Hermione or George, knew of your crush on the older twin and you planned to keep it that way until he decided to let the world know what was happening between the two of you. You had been friends with the twins since your second year and their fourth, always helping them get out of trouble, sell their products to the first years, and even going as far as letting them convince you to get detention with them. Your crush on Fred had always been there and maybe it wasn’t until your second year knowing them that you had finally acknowledged it, when his hair started to grow out and his voice started getting deeper. It was as if a bell went off in your head letting you actually feel the emotions that had been growing for the boy.
You don’t really remember when things started to change between the two of you but one day they just did.
It was a Sunday night and you were studying in the library, preparing yourself for the test in potions that you had the next day, when suddenly you weren’t alone and you were greeted by Fred.
“Hello, Y/N.” he sat down in the chair next to you, peering over your shoulder and reading out of the book that was opened in front of you.
“Hello, Fred. Where’s your partner in crime?” you closed the book, being sure to mark your page first, knowing that with the boy next to you being here you wouldn’t be getting any studying done. “He’s in detention, didn’t run fast enough from Filch.”
He smiles, obviously amused by the memory and you laughed along with him. “You just left your brother? And you wonder why I won’t help you when it comes to pranking people.”
“Nah, I’d be sure not to leave you.” he nudges your shoulder and you turn your head back to your book and open it again, hoping that the blush that crept to your cheeks weren’t too noticeable. “Well, Mr. Weasley, what can I help you with while your brother is in detention? I have to study.”
“With George in detention and Lee out trying to impress Beauxbatons I have no one to hang out with...” he says this almost shy as if he’s just now registering how it sounded out loud. “Not that you’re my last choice out of people to hang out with.”
I nod my head slowly, followed by a small ‘mhm’. “Come on, you know that’s not how I meant it.”
You smile to yourself, happy with how easy it is to mess with your best friend. “Why aren’t you trying to impress the Beauxbatons with Lee, surely you were happy with their arrival.”
Fred brings his hand up to the table and starts mindlessly playing with the fold on your paper, marking where you stopped reading. “Sure, they’re nice to look at, but to be completely honest they’re kind of intimidating.”
You laugh loudly, earning glares from the few students around you guys and when you look back at Fred you now see a faint blush rise to his cheeks.
“Fred Weasley, intimidated by girls. Never thought I’d see the day. You’re usually all cocky around girls.” As much as it hurt for you to say, reliving the countless times he had come to you about someone he had thought was good looking or was planning on asking out, you had to play it off as if it didn’t matter.
“I’m only cocky around the ones that I fancy, Y/N.” with this statement he holds eye contact with you, your heart starts racing from the intense gaze but you remind yourself that he’s just a friend, a close friend to be exact, so of course he could look at you like that and it not mean anything.
But a little part of you wanted to hold onto that sliver of hope and before you knew it the words were tumbling out of your mouth.
“Then you must fancy me a lot, Weasley.” making sure that you said it in a joking manner, Fred caught on to the slight sound of hope in your voice and smiled softly to himself. “I must then.”
Your eyes snap up to his, trying to see if this was another one of his jokes but when they met with yours you could see that he was serious. You made an ‘O’ shape with your mouth but no words came out. You didn’t know what to do with this information, your best friend, the guy you’ve liked for the last year now, has just confessed and you don’t know whether to just grab him and kiss him how you had imagined all of those times or to run to your room and hide yourself because of your nerves. You don’t do either of those things though and Fred takes this as a sign to continue going on.
“I’ve liked you for awhile now, Y/N. Just didn’t know how to tell you and I get it if you don’t feel the same, and I hope that this doesn’t ruin anything between us as friends. But it also gives me hope when I catch you looking at me from the side or when I see you blush at a comment I make.” he takes a deep breath and looks at you.
“Could you let me know if I’ve made a fool of myself or not?” he lets a nervous smile break onto his face and starts to play with your fingers so effortlessly like he’s done hundreds of times before, but still it makes a swarm of butterflies go off in your stomach. You grin widely at him.
“No, you didn’t make a fool of yourself.” with this statement a wide grin that matches your own makes its way to his face and squeezes your hand. “You have no idea how happy I am right now, love.”
You chuckle at his comment and nod slightly. “I think I have an idea.”
He soon leans in and moves your hair behind your ear. “You know what this means, don’t you?”
Your brows furrow in confusion as you try to think of what he means but it’s hard to concentrate when Fred’s fingers are brushing against your knee as he moves his feet back and forth waiting for you to answer. You shake your head no.
“It means...” he uses his thumb and pointer finger under your chin and directs your face to his. “...I can do this.”
His lips meet your own and you gasp lightly at the soft feeling he leaves behind as he moves his lips against yours slowly. The kiss is sweet and delicate, almost as if you were made of glass and he was scared to break you. His one hand is now fully cupping your face and his other is pressed against the cool desk that you two are sitting at. You don’t know where to place your hands at first but as you get more comfortable with the kiss your arms comfortably rest on his shoulders as you play with the hairs on the back of his head.
That kiss had happened at least two months ago and neither of you dared to speak about it in front of anyone, scared it would make things awkward and the thought of sneaking around made it exciting. Nothing ever went past a makeout session between the two of you and though both of you wanted to go farther, something was stopping you. Even though you guys didn’t have a label, even behind closed doors, you still couldn’t hide the jealousy that consumed your being when a girl flirted with Fred or leaned in a little too close to him during potions class.
“You okay there, Y/N?” the glare you were giving to the back of a blondes head was interrupted when George nudged you with his shoulder. Your head snaps to him while he looks at the sight in front of him.
“Hm?” you put on a confused face, trying to hide any emotion you may be giving away. “Yeah, I’m fine. Some people just have annoying laughs, y’know?”
You smile at him then turn back to your paper, copying whatever it is Snape had on the chalkboard. “Is that all?”
You can feel your heart hammering in your chest, scared that George may already know. Why wouldn’t he know? Him and Fred are twins and share practically everything with each other, what makes this different? “Yeah, what else would there be?”
He squints his eyes at you and is soon leaning closer to your face. Your eyes widen when he gets so close to you that you can feel his breath. “You’re not a slick one, Y/N. I know your secrets.”
“I don’t have any secrets.” you say this trying to keep a straight face.
“Ah, but that’s not true, everyone does.” he smirks to himself and leans his elbow onto the desk, holding up his face with his fist. “I see how you look at my brother.”
You laugh at him, trying to remain in character, but before you can respond your name is being said.
“Miss. Y/L/N and Mr. Weasley, do not use my class as a place to prance around in your lovesick bubble. Ten points from Gryffindor.” you sigh and before you go back to writing you make eye contact with Fred as he furrows his brows at you. You don’t acknowledge his look, still slightly affected by the flirting him and his potions partner were doing and continue doing your work.
The Snape incident happened a week ago and what made it worse was that you and Fred hadn’t had a chance to be alone since. With the Yule Ball being so close you were hoping Fred would ask you and you guys could finally make things official but with the recent events it almost seemed like the boy was avoiding you.
As you were making your way to the Gryffindor common room, you were greeted by George on the moving staircases. “Hello, George.”
“Y/N, how are you?” you looked at him confused. How is it that the twin you didn’t have any feelings for could tell when something was off with you but the other seemed to have no clue? But still you lied.
“I’m fine, why are you asking?” he sighs.
“So I guess you haven’t heard. Fred asked Angelina to the ball.” that statement made you want to crumble to the floor if we’re being honest. You were hurt and confused. How could he ask Angelina when he said those words to you weeks ago? Was he tired of you already? So many thought were rushing through your head but you tried to not let George see how hurt you really were.
“Well good for him.”
“You know you don’t have to put up a front, I know that it sucks—“ you cut him off before the two of you stepped through the portrait and into the busy common room. “I’m fine, George. Really.”
The common room was packed with all your friends, excited chatter about the ball was the topic for everyone, including the boy you’ve grown to care about even more then you thought you possibly could. The sight of him could’ve made you forget about what you had just heard, with his bright smile and booming laugh that seemed to be the only thing you heard over all the talking. But what was next to him was what made your blood boil, Angelina was the one causing the laughter.
“Oi! Y/L/N, finally come to join the party?” Seamus was the one who noticed your arrival first, causing most of the room to look at you, including Fred who made eye contact with you before you looked away. “I’m gonna have to pass on this one, as sweet as that invitation might’ve been.”
The teasing tone you used with him made Fred visibly tense up and it just made the confusion inside of you grow. If he was affected by how you spoke to other guys why would he ask someone else to the dance?
“Y/N, guess what!” this time the voice belonged to Angelina. It was surprising that she was coming up to you considering you guys weren’t more then acquaintances. You shoot your eyebrows up in surprise waiting for her to continue. “Fred asked me to the ball! Can you believe it? I always thought that he fancied you bu—“
“Good for you, Johnson. Should’ve seen it coming, you guys are quite the pair!” you called the last part out, making eye contact with Fred making sure he knew you were speaking to him as well.
You turn away ready to go up to your dorm and go to sleep, possibly cry. Before you can go though your name is being called for the third time, and it’s by Ron this time. “Do you wanna go to the dance with me? I haven’t got anyone else to go with.”
You give him a tight lipped smile even though you see Fred’s attention has fallen on you and can definitely hear due to the fact that most of the room has quieted down, waiting to hear your response.
“Ron, I’m sure you’ll find someone. You won’t have a good time with me if we’re only going together because neither of us have anyone else. Besides...” you’re sure to make eye contact with Fred again. “...I’m not gonna be anyone’s last choice.”
With that you pat Ron’s shoulder and make your way up to your dorm.
A/N: Omygoodness i actually really like how this is turning out and i promise to have part 2 out by saturday!! but please let me know what you guys think and be sure to send in requests!!❤️
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Notice Me
Request: Hey Millie :D As I said before, I am subtly crawling my way into your inbox for the first time. After carefully combing through everyone's masterlist, I realised none of you lot had my baby Oliver Wood. So, here I go. Can I please request an Oliver x Reader fic, a bit maybe angsty, but happy ending where the reader is hot tempered and likes Oliver, but he is too invested in quidditch to realise her feelings? Thank you, hun ^^ - @heloisedaphnebrightmore
A/N: My first Oliver fic and it’s for the Queen of his fics! I’m only a tad nervous!!! Thank you so much for trusting me with this request, I have loved writing it even if I am uncertain about his characterisation. ALSO I have shamelessly stolen a nickname from Outlander as a way to fuel my crush on this particular scot. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Oliver Wood x Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, panic BUT FLUFF AND OLIVER BEING A CUTIE
Word count: 2.3k
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The ticking of the clock insisted on taunting you by getting slower and slower as the lesson progressed. Your knee began to bounce as you counted down the minutes until the bell rang and you could leave the classroom.
You throw your things into your bag as you rush out of the classroom; all the time hoping he would be waiting.
“Sassenach,” A thick Scottish accent calls out, “Where do you think you’re going?”
You grin at the familiar sight of Oliver Wood waiting for you outside the classroom; leaning up against the wall, hands in his pockets with the sleeves of his uniform rolled up. You approach him; his hand outstretched for your bag which he shoulders when you hand it to him.
“You know,” You start, “You’re going to get in trouble for calling me that.”
He smirks at you, “I don’t think I will, I’m too loved for that to happen.”
You nudge his side with your elbow, “I don’t believe that for a minute, Wood.”
Oliver throws an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side, “Hush you, let’s go get some lunch, I’m starving.”
You laugh, “When aren’t you?”
“I’ll have you know; I’ve got to be big and strong as Captain of the Quidditch team.”
You snort, reaching to his other side and squeezing his bicep, “Sure you are, Ol. You’re big and strong.”
“You wound me, woman.”
“Take me to lunch, Wood,” You giggle.
Oliver pulls away from you, bowing down to you, “As you wish, my lady.”
You shove him to the side, but he comes back to you, his arm landing back on your shoulder, “You’re a shit, Oliver.”
“But you love me.”
Falling for Oliver Wood happened fast. It happened fast and it left a mark.
It happened between one blink and the next, you’re sure of it.
Thinking back to it, it had to happened when he smiled at you one morning in the Great Hall through Sixth Year. His smile lit up his entire face; bringing out the innate kindness that radiates from within his very core. His brown eyes sparkled and between one drink of orange juice and the next, you had realised you’d fallen in love with your best friend.
Simultaneously, everything made sense and your heart stuttered with the fact, but your stomach dropped, and your mind went into overdrive.
Did he already know?
Was he just pitying you?
How would he react if he found out?
Does he feel the same?
You worked through each question internally; barely finding enough to answer one of the questions suitably.
So you let yourself sit with your feelings, wondering whether they were just a temporary crush.
A year later, they hadn’t disappeared, and it was no longer a crush.
You loved Oliver Wood for a lot of reasons; he was kind, he was charming, he was attractive, and he was passionate.
Especially about Quidditch.
But it seemed that he only had eyes for Quidditch, and whilst you love his passion for the sport – making sure you attend every match and helping him plan strategies, you just wish he would notice you a bit more.
For the last month, conversation only seemed to revolve around Quidditch and its strategy and its history.
And as much as you love the brunette, there was only so many times you could be brushed over before deciding enough was enough.
It came to ahead on a Saturday evening. For the fourth evening in a row, Oliver was ranting about Quidditch strategy and whilst you appreciated the passion he has for the sport – it being one of the things you love about him – you wish you could have a conversation about something else.
He hums in answer; still extremely focused on the piece of paper in front of him.
“I need to talk to you.”
He hums again, eyes still on the paper.
You clench your hands into fists, willing yourself not to ball up the paper and throw it into his face. You clench your teeth, “Yeah, I was thinking about asking out Marcus Flint from the Slytherin team.”
It was a petty attempt at jealousy. It was a petty attempt at getting a rise out of him.
It was a desperate attempt to get his attention.
“Oh?” is all he replies, crossing something out on the page, writing a name above it.
It’s then that you realise, Oliver probably isn’t going to ever see you as something more. He’d only ever see you as someone to discuss Quidditch strategy with.
The realisation feels like a blow to the face, and you rock back in your chair from the force of it. You look at Oliver, but he hasn’t noticed a thing. Why would he? He’s bent over the strategy for next week’s match; figuring out the team’s weak points and thinking of solutions.
You blink fast; the sadness coursing through your body and bringing tears to your eyes. It felt as if your heart had been ripped out and smashed to pieces on the very floor of the common room for the entire house to lay witness to.
Yet for them, nothing has changed – they continue to talk, to study, to laugh.
For you, everything’s changed.
And the room is becoming too warm and the walls are becoming too close. It’s all too much, and you need to leave.
You need to get out now.
Clearing your throat, you whisper, “I’m going to bed, I’ll see you at some point tomorrow.”
Oliver waves still bent over the plan for next week. He didn’t notice the way your voice breaks, or how vague you were when saying goodnight.
Rising from your seat, you fight back the gathering tears until you’re in your room.
There, you let them fall in heart-wrenching, chest crushing sobs. Mechanically, you take off your robes and replace them with your pyjamas. Your blind to it all; the tears falling too thick and too fast for you to see clearly.
With your wand in your hand, you brokenly whisper a charm to close the curtains surrounding your four-poster bed, desperate for the privacy in which you could let yourself fall into your pit of despair and hopelessness.
You feel ridiculous for having fallen for someone who’s first love would always be a sport. You hide your face in your pillow; letting the cotton of your pillow case muffle the sobs that will not stop falling from your mouth.
The morning brings sore eyes and sad looks from your dorm mates who had heard your muffled sobs and put two and two together pretty quicky. You smile at them, softly apologising, before taking your things to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
There you get a look at the damage. Your eyes already seem duller; the colour dimmed from the agony of your realisation.
Enough, you berate yourself. You have shed your tears, and now it was time to figure out the next move. As you’re brushing your teeth, you think over your options.
You could talk to Oliver but the idea of potentially ruining your friendship has you backtracking.
Running a brush through you hair, you have another idea. You could simply work to get over Oliver whilst maintaining the friendship. You had been friends for over a year before you started having feelings for the Scot; surely you could return to friendship, right?
Breakfast feels stilted and awkward on your end; you pick at your food; your appetite having disappeared overnight.
Oliver watches you with a funny expression on his face. His eyes flicker between your face and the full plate of food in front of you, “Sassenach, are you alright?”
You want to cry at the use of your nickname, “I’m okay, Oliver. Just not feeling very well.”
He reaches across the table and presses the back of his hand to your forehead; feeling for a fever or anything to explain this change, “You feel fine…” he trails off, eyebrows furrowed.
You bat his hand away with a short laugh; your temper attached to a short fuse with how little sleep you got on account of crying late into the night, “Oh hush Oliver, you are a worrywart! I’ll be fine when I get to class.”
Oliver frowns at your outburst and at the way you bat his hand away from your forehead. He doesn’t get to air his concerns though; you grab your bag, taking a sip of the orange juice, “I’ll see you later on.”
For a long time after you leave, Oliver stares at the doors of the Great Hall wondering when exactly he had started to lose you.
The week passes slowly; like trudging through the deepest mud.
Every time your mind slipped into a daydream with him featuring at the main character, you brought your focus back to the lesson and your work. If this carries on, I’ll have the highest grades in the year, you thought to yourself sarcastically.
You pull away gradually; protecting your heart from the inevitable heart break should Oliver ever find out about your feelings.
He makes it hard though; he continues to meet you outside classrooms and will always carry your bag whether the load was light or heavy – he always insisted. He carries on with the little touches and grabbing your hand at random parts of the day to pull your attention to something he’s noticed, and he always, always talks to you about Quidditch.
And all you want to do is scream at the teenager for making it so damn hard to fall out of love with him. For making it so hard to stop the racing of your heart or the daydreams from your mind. For making it so hard to stop the butterflies that erupted with each lopsided smile and his pronunciation of your nickname.
But you don’t; you remain silent, wondering if he’ll ever notice the shattered remains of your heart caged in your chest.
The day felt like it was going to be uneventful; if this what getting over Oliver felt like then you were tempted to ask for a refund.
Your lessons pass slowly; the Professor’s making it their aim to drag out the teaching material until the very last moment before NEWTs.
When the ball finally rings signalling lunch, you place your things in your bag mechanically, swinging it onto your shoulder as you leave the classroom.
You sigh as you notice there’s no sign of Oliver waiting for you. You blink back the sudden onset of tears; this was your call, you berate yourself.
You don’t see who grabs you until your pulled into an empty classroom.
You glare at the familiar brown eyes of Oliver Wood, “Oliver!”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” You state, head held high, eyes never leaving his.
“Bullshit,” He shouts, “You’re pulling away from me and I don’t know why.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious. I miss you. What’s happened for you to pull away like this?” He asks, his voice breaking a little.
Hearing that break in his voice, you want to take him into your arms and apologise for letting him think the worst.
But your head overrules your heart.
“For Merlin’s sake, Oliver! How could you be so blind?” You cry out.
“Blind? To what?”
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for your next few words, “Oliver, I like you. As in more than a friend.”
His eyes widen as he takes you in with entirely new eyes.
The silence is deafening; it’s pressing down on you like a heavy stone. The weight of it making it somewhat hard to breathe. The longer he’s silent; the worse it gets for you.
“If you’re going to reject me, you better get on with it,” You snap; dread settling in your gut like a lead balloon making your short temper, shorter.
Oliver seems to shake himself out of his trance at your words, “Why would I ever do that?”
You throw your arms wide, your bag falling to the floor, “I don’t know… because you don’t feel the same?”
“But I don’t… I feel the same.”
Your arms drop to your sides, “What?”
Oliver nods, “I feel the same.” At your bewildered expression, he continues, “I thought you knew.”
“Oliver, you don’t notice anything unless it starts with the letter Q and ends in H.”
He frowns, “That’s not true!”
“Oh? Prove me wrong then, Wood.”
He grins at the challenge, “I noticed you. I haven’t noticed anything but you since we became friends. Merlin, (Y/N), I’ve been in love with you since Sixth Year when you told me to get myself together after we lost a match against Hufflepuff.”
His accent gets thicker the more he talks; he’s getting worked up and the brogue becomes something else.
“Since Sixth Year?” You interject, a small smile breaking out across your face.
Oliver nods, blush painting his cheeks.
You sigh out a breath of relief, “Thank Merlin, I’ve liked you since then too.”
“Then why were you pulling away?” He asks in a hurt tone.
You drop your eyes, “It was my way of trying to get over you.”
“Get over me?”
“It didn’t work!” You rush out at his hurt look, “I don’t think there’s any getting over you.”
Something resembling relief falls over his face, and your heart flutters at the sight of it.
Oliver takes your hand in his, tangling the fingers together. A simple action but one that held so much promise.
He takes a step closer to you; his other arm circling your waist.
You decide he’s taking too much time.
You drop his hand to wrap both arms around his neck pulling him down for the kiss you’ve both hungered for, for so long. He laughs in surprise, but his arms quickly circle around you, his lips responding to your hungrily.
“So you’ve always noticed me huh?” You ask when you finally pull away, a teasing lilt to your voice.
“Sassenach, how could I not?” is all he replies before kissing you once more.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrypotter289 @dreamer821 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @the-hufflefluffwriter @figlia--della--luna @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn @summer-writes @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions​ @annasofiaearlobe​ @imboredandneedalife​ @levylovegood​ @mytreec​
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sunnypogue · 4 years
hockey rafe gets jealous & fights (blurb)
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alright babes - there were quite a few requests for coho!rafe to get into a fight during a game. 
fyi, it is v not allowed in college hockey, and results in a suspension. obviously rafe has already been in a couple fights this season, so getting in another one would be #bad. 
also, pls disregard the rude things asshole mark says about the south - we do not like him.
(warnings: cursing, fighting, etc.)
 you were the nicest girlfriend in the world. ever. in history.
you were sitting in a booth at your favorite mexican place, head resting in your palm as you sucked down your third margarita, straw never leaving your mouth.
meanwhile, your boyfriend, rafe was chatting away, oblivious to your boredom.
across from y’all were two visiting hockey players from ferris state - one was rafe’s good friend from bantam named wyatt, the other was wyatt’s teammate, mark.
it was a tradition for rafe & wyatt to grab dinner the night before their teams played, the hosting friend taking them to their favorite local hang. typically, this wasn’t a night you’d join in on, but rafe had been excited to introduce you to his childhood friend - you couldn’t say no.
you imagine it would have been fine if mark hadn’t tagged along.
mark was a lot from the jump. he was a transfer from a small minnesota college, and had never been south of the mason-dixon line. he had a loud personality and an even louder mouth, making small digs at anything related to the south - huntsville, the weather, the outfits, the men - you, being from the south, were over it. shockingly, your (normally) combative boyfriend hadn’t said anything about it, apparently too engrossed in his reunion with wyatt.
“hey babe,” you were jolted from your thoughts, as rafe nudged you with his shoulder. “wyatt and I are grabbing another drink - you want one?”
you looked down at your empty margarita glass, before looking back up towards him, nodding. “no salt this time, please.”
he smiled as he leaned down to kiss you, quick and chaste, before turning towards the crowded bar.
“what is that, your fourth one?” you heard mark scoff as soon as rafe was out of earshot.
you turned, crossing your arms as you faced the older boy. “is that a problem?”
he shrugged, sipping his beer. “just an observation.”
you rolled your eyes, leaning back into the booth. “you know, you don’t have to be here. you could go back to the hotel or wherever the hell you’re staying.”
he laughed, short and sharp. “and miss out on all this culture? I would hate to not get the full huntsville experience.”
you turned your head towards the bar, not wanting to engage with him. out of your peripherals, you watched him knock back the remainder of his beer (his fifth one, you bitterly noted) before he spoke,
“you know, I don’t think I’ve actually gotten the full huntsville experience.”
you angled your body towards him slightly, not responding, but intrigued in what he had to say next.
he leaned in, a smirk on his face, “I figure I might as well fuck a southern belle while I’m down here. seems like it’s all you people have to offer.”
you stared at him, mouth agape. “you’re a fucking pig, you know that?”
he laughed, sliding over to sit right across from you. “you’re a fuckin’ pig,” he repeated, mocking your drawl. “shit, honey, maybe you’ll do. you’ve kinda got that sloppy drunk southern thing going on - I can work with that.”
you were on your feet in a second, head reeling. “what the FUCK did you just say?”
he smirked, shrugging his shoulders, before you barreled on, yelling, “I can’t believe you’d fucking say that to a stranger, you little bastard! what the fuck do you think you’re doing, fucking hitting on me with my boyfriend literally 30 feet away,” your face was bright red, part embarrassed, part pissed, hands clutching your purse. “you’re a fucking pervert, fetishizing women like that!”
“what the hell is going on?”
you turned to see rafe and wyatt, both holding drinks, taking in the scene. mark was unfazed in his chair, an amused smile on his face. you were breathless, cheeks red, knuckles white.
“nothin’ man, thanks for the drink.” mark leaned forward to grab his beer from wyatt.
rafe moved towards you. “it doesn’t really look like nothing. my girlfriend usually doesn’t call strangers fucking perverts unless they deserve it.”
mark shrugged, “I don’t know man, she’s a little drunk - just started yelling. can’t understand much though, with that accent.”
you scoffed, anger flaring up again, “yeah right, you fucking insulted me and hit on me all the same breath. don’t turn this shit around on me.”
“whatever bitch, you’re drunk.” mark rolled his eyes, sipping on his beer.
rafe snapped, lunging forward -you and wyatt moved simultaneously, you grabbing at rafe’s arm, wyatt blocking him from getting any closer to mark.
“shut the fuck up, you little bitch.” rafe seethed, pointing his finger down at a smirking mark. “I’ll wipe that fucking smirk off your face - don’t fucking talk to her like that.”
you tugged on his arm, hard - he was trying to pry it free to swing over wyatt at mark. “babe, just forget it. let’s go.”
“no! this little fucking bitch thinks he can say shit like that, and then has the fucking balls to sit there and lie about it to my face? I’ll kill him!” rafe was still pushing against wyatt, who was fruitlessly trying to talk him down, while a small crowd started to form.
“rafe!” you snapped, leaning forward to grab his shoulder. “look at me!”
he glanced back, eyes wild. “let me go.”
“no. you can’t do this, not right now. you won’t be able to play tomorrow night - let’s just go.” you spoke, firm and even, feet planted as you tugged on his arm again.
rafe huffed, stepping back from wyatt with his hands up. “fuck you. I’ll see you on the ice, you fucking pussy.”
mark grinned, all teeth, as he stood up noisily from his chair. “bye y’all!” he hollered in a put-on accent, wiggling his fingers in a taunt.
you practically had to drag rafe out of there, lugging him to car.
“I’ll fucking go in there and kill him. I’ll do it.” rafe was seething, looking back towards the restaurant.
you grabbed his face, palms on both cheeks, forcing him to look you in the eye. “baby, you gotta breathe. he’s not fucking worth shit - not worth fighting, not worth being mad about, and certainly not worth getting scratched.”
rafe took a few ragged breaths, his hand clutching your wrist as he tried to calm down. you murmured words of encouragement, as he slowly started to relax.
when his breathing was even, you handed him his keys from your purse, squeezing his hand twice, before watching him slide into the drivers seat.
he was silent most of the ride home, hand tense on your upper thigh. you moved your hand to rest behind his neck, softly playing with the hair at his nape.
he broke the silence at a stop light, turning to look towards you as he mumbled, “you okay?”
you nodded. “yeah, he’s a grade-a prick, but nothing to write home about. just caught me off guard.”
rafe grunted, looking back at the road as the light turned green. “I could kill him for talking to you like that. who the fuck does that shit?”
you shrugged, fingers interlaced with his hair, grown out for the season. “he’s just trying to get in your head - classic instigator.”
“I’ll fucking kill him tomorrow. I will.” rafe growled under his breath, turning into his driveway.
“rafe,” you started, giving him a look as he parked the car. “you can NOT fight him - you’ll get ejected and be out for the next three games - coach is already mad about the last two fights.”
rafe rolled his eyes, tugging his hat down. “I don’t fucking care.”
you scrambled out of the car, chasing him to the door, grabbing the house key out of his hand before pushing him against the wall, your forearm solid against his chest. “look at me - you are NOT fighting some prick tomorrow because he drunkenly said some stupid shit. you’re not going to ruin your season and your relationship with your coach because of me. you got it?”
rafe’s look of shock quickly morphed into a grin, as he registered the fact that you had pinned him to the wall, growling like a feral kitten. “shit, baby, maybe I should have just let you fight him.”
you leaned off of him, preening a bit at the compliment as you unlocked the door with the key you jacked from him, “damn straight baby, I can handle myself.”
you yelped as he spanked you, hard.
the next day, you were perched in the stands with your friends, entire body tense as you watched the puck drop. rafe had promised he wouldn’t fight, but you had a feeling that promise wouldn’t keep if mark decided to mouth off about last night.
thankfully, they weren’t on the ice together, as rafe’s d-pair was rolled out against the top line (you couldn’t help but giggle at mark grinding it out on the fourth line). after two periods, you allowed yourself to relax a bit, sipping the lukewarm beer you had been clutching since the first intermission.
of course, that’s when rafe got stuck on a long shift, not able to change before his d-partner iced the puck, allowing the other team to change lines.
you audibly groaned as mark’s line hopped onto the ice, putting your beer down so you could cover your face.
through your fingers, you watched as mark barked something in rafe’s direction from outside of the face-off circle.
“oh fuck me.” you whispered, biting your lip.
“what’s up?” your friend asked, leaning down to check on you.
you couldn’t even respond, because as soon as the puck dropped, rafe was skating up the ice as if he was shot out of a cannon, boarding the ever living fuck out of mark.
“oh.” your friend mumbled, leaning back as y’all took in the chaos on the ice, watching as it devolved into an entire line brawl, refs getting knocked around in the action.
you waited for rafe after the game in your normal spot, down the hall from the dressing room, looking unimpressed as he emerged with wet hair and a shiner.
“you promised me you weren’t going to fight.” you pouted, leaning up to wrap your arms around his neck.
he shrugged, pushing his hair back, “I promised you I wasn’t going to ruin my season - and I didn’t. refs called me for 2 minute interference, that’s it.” he grinned.
you frowned, “yeah, well don’t get any ideas. you got lucky - you would have been out for the next month otherwise.”
rafe rolled his eyes, kissing you quick, before wrapping his arm around your shoulder as y’all headed out, “yeah, well, even so, it would have been worth it. little prick deserved it.”
you laughed, bumping your hip into rafe’s as y’all exited the arena, “my hero.”
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yandere-society · 4 years
Sugar Rush
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Synopsis: You thought the breakup had gone well, but your ex-girlfriend Yoonji didn’t seem to get the message. When you go out with friends to party on Halloween night, you encounter Yoonji in an unexpected way – and you discover just how far she’ll go to get you back.  
Pairing: Min Yoonji x Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Yandere themes, blood/mentions of blood, stalking, restraints, safeword violation, torture, suicide mention, gore
Headline: Woman In Sumo Wrestler Suit Assaulted Ex-Girlfriend In Gay Pub After She Waved At Man Dressed As A Snickers Bar
Admin: @psycho-slytherin​
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Ooh – gah!”
“Y/n?” Mia pokes her head into the kitchen. Her pupils are pure black, and she looks to be crying blood. “What happened?”
“Ugh, I think my mom sent me these roses and I pricked myself on a thorn,” you reply, sucking on your bleeding finger irritably. You lay down the card that came with the bouquet, which reads See you soon! “You look great.”
“Thanks! I’m a student.” Mia steps forward to reveal a school uniform shirt, sweatpants, and flip-flops. 
“Cause I’m stu-dying, get it?”
You snort. “Very nice.”
“What are you? You haven’t changed!”
You sigh. “I don’t think I’m going to dress up.” You can’t shake Halloween’s association with her.
“What? But 66 Below has their ‘free drink for a costume’ thing going on. C’mon, why not?”
You shrug, looking at your bleeding finger. Roses always seem to have it out for you. “It was our anniversary.”
“Wait, is this about Yoonji? Y/n, you broke up with her! If you regret it so much, get back together. The girl was head over heels with you, I’m sure she’d be down.”
You shake your head. “I’m not getting back together with her. Definitely not.” You and Yoonji were together for three years, long enough that you had started wondering if it would turn into forever. As time went on, however, you began to notice unnerving little quirks in her behavior. She was scaring you, and you ended things soon after. “Besides, she was always so neurotic that I would cheat on her with a guy.”
Mia rolls her eyes. “Biphobia at its finest. Well, fuck Yoonji. It’s been months – now get dressed. It’s Halloween, and we’re going out! Besides, Aisha is meeting us there.”
You laugh. “I don’t have a costume.”
“I have an extra that I brought with me – it’s an unnecessarily sexy angel, it didn’t fit my sister. Try it!”
Angel. That was Yoonji’s name for you. You sigh, dragging yourself away from the traitorous roses and following Mia down the hall.
Soon enough, Mia is putting the final touches on your makeup. “Ooh, you’re glowing!”
“I don’t know why you sound surprised when it’s your fault,” you retort before catching a look at yourself in the mirror.
You’re wearing a white silky babydoll dress – the kind that you’d only wear in the bedroom. She’d love it. You’re sporting white fishnets and feathered wings, with a golden headband resembling a halo to complete the look. Mia has done your makeup expertly, with lots of rose and gold, so that you look perfectly angelic. You add your favorite rainbow earrings for some added pride. Still, the outfit…
“Isn’t this a little… risque?” Yoonji would never let you wear something like this out.
“I don’t want anyone else laying eyes on my angel,” she would croon in your ear. “You’re all mine. I’ll never let anyone else touch you.”
“It’s Halloween, Y/n, as long as the goods are covered you’re set.”
You peer out of the window. The sun has set, and groups of kids are out in spades for trick-or-treating. You used to love Halloween – it had always been your favorite holiday, long before you and Yoonji made it official four years ago.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
She stared at you for a long time. “Do you promise never to cheat? You’ll be loyal to me alone?”
You laughed. “Of course! I like you, I want to date you!
“In that case…” She leaned forward and kissed you. Her vampire costume meant you got fake blood all over your lips. “Happy Halloween, angel.”
“Okay. Let’s go.”
Mia nods. Her black contact lenses are… well, they’re not unintimidating. You’re glad to be able to spend this Halloween with her, and not worry about your ex-girlfriend.
66 Below has long been your and Mia’s favorite LGBTQ bar. With its live music, pride flags, and vintage decor, you feel as though you’re stepping into an extra-queer period piece.Yoonji never liked it; she thought it was too crowded. Tonight, almost everyone is dressed up in costume, enjoying 66 Below’s 'first drink free’ policy.
“Mia! Y/n! Over here!” Mia’s girlfriend Aisha gets your attention, waving at you from a booth. You’ve never encountered a more loving couple, and you know Mia’s planning on proposing to her soon. Aisha is dressed as… “Wait, what is she wearing?” You ask as you and Mia join her. Aisha looks like she printed a graded school paper onto white clothing, complete with red marks and typos. Over her heart is a big red F. In response to your quizzical glance, Aisha points to the F.
“Geddit? I’m a failing grade! I specifically wanted to be a final exam, but…”
You laugh. Mia and Aisha must have coordinated that. You scan the bar and note you’re not the only angel. There’s also some devils, ghosts, animals, anime characters, Iron Man, a Snickers bar, two Harry Potters, and – of course – inappropriately sexy children’s cartoon characters. You love Halloween.
“Y/n, c’mon, let’s grab drinks,” Mia says, but her eyes seem unwilling to leave Aisha’s. Their love reminds you of yours… or, what you thought was love. Towards the end of your relationship, you began to realize Yoonji’s idea of love was very different from yours.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll get yours. What do you want?”
“You sure?” When you nod, Mia reels off her order. You approach the bar, smiling at your favorite bartender. “Hey, Jaewon!” 
“Do mine eyes deceive me, or is that Y/n beneath the halo?”
Jaewon pretends to be blinded. He’s dressed as what you can only assume is slutty Mario.
“Shush, you. I’ll have an IPA and a margarita, please.”
“Sure thing.”
As you’re waiting for your drinks, the person in the Snickers costume slides into the seat next to you. “Nice costume, angel.”
You stare at him, a brow raised. If you weren’t at a gay bar, you’d think he was flirting. “Thanks, Snickers.”
“Who are you here with?”
You nod at the booth, where Mia and Aisha are now kissing intensely.
“Y’all poly or are you third wheeling?”
You laugh. “The latter. I’m not the relationship type.” Not anymore. Not after you realized how you were so easily manipulated into thinking Yoonji’s behavior was love. But the way she would kiss you, and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, tangling her hand in your hair…
“Yeah, I get you. Couples’ costumes are scary by default to me,” the Snickers jokes. “Perfect for Halloween. I’m Namjoon, by the way.”
“Y/n. Are you here with anyone?”
Namjoon glances around. “I was here with my buddy, but I think he left to fuck one of the Harry Potters. Which is funny, now that I think about it, since he was dressed as Dumbledore.”
You snort. “Oh my god. Well, if you want a group to join, I’ll be third-wheeling over there.” Jaewon reappears with your drinks and a wink.
“I might just take you up on that, angel. Happy Halloween!”
“Hey!” Mia says, finally coming up for air. Miraculously, her bloody tears have stayed put. “Who was that guy you were talking to? He seemed cute!”
“He’s probably gay,” you remind your friend. “He was sweet, though, I invited him to come over if he wanted to – his friend left him. Is that okay?”
Mia and Aisha glance at each other. “Actually, we were wondering…”
You look at the two suspiciously. “Yes?”
“There’s this event happening at 4Sooth,” Aisha says, referencing another bar downtown, “Where the best couples’ costume gets a cash prize. We were thinking… well, zombie student, failing grade…”
Oh. Why did you come here in the first place, then?
“Yeah, you guys totally have a chance!” You offer with as much enthusiasm as you can muster. “Should we go there?”
“The thing is…” Aisha looks at Mia, who shows you the event announcement on her phone.
“Well, the other prize is a night in the ‘Halloween Suite’ at the hotel next door, y’know?” Mia says quickly, a note of pleading in her voice.
Ohhhh. “Right, okay. So… I’ll just stay here, then.”
“Are you sure?” Mia asks anxiously. You can see her on the fence between guilt and excitement.
“Yeah, it’s fine!” You insist. “I’m good at making friends. Have fun!” Just because you have to be alone on Halloween, doesn’t mean Mia and Aisha can’t have a good time.
“You’re the best, Y/n, I owe you!” Mia gives you a quick kiss on each cheek before she and Aisha head out. As soon as they’re out of sight, your smile slips from your face and you sigh, nursing your beer. It’s Halloween, what would have been your and Yoonji’s fourth anniversary, and you’re alone at a bar. Pathetic. You turn to costume-watching, admiring the Big Bird, Dorthy from The Wizard of Oz, a sumo wrestler, and several queer or genderbent characters from all sorts of media.
Namjoon, the Snickers, is looking at you from his seat at the bar. He raises a quizzical brow at the now-empty booth, and you roll your eyes and shake your head in response.
He purses his lips, tipping his glass in acknowledgement.
Wonderful. A bar of candy pities me. You wave, motioning for Namjoon to come join you. You were both alone – why not?
Almost as soon as you lower your hand, several things happen at once: a blur of tan crosses your vision; you hear a loud BANG, and feel a sudden, incomprehensible, searing pain shoot through the back of your head; something warm trickles down your face; there are lips against your ear, whispering words you can’t understand; far-off shouts and screams; and the world goes dark.
“Told you that you’d cheat… you’re just a whore for them… but now you’re all mine again.”
“Mmnn…” you groan, blinking hard. Your head hurts – everything hurts. You feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. You’re lying on something soft. Did you go to bed? You move to rub your temple, but your wrist is tugged back by… rope. Rope? Your eyes widen and you begin to struggle furiously against the restraints, yanking until you feel your hands are going to detach themselves. “What the fuck?” Your wrists are tied to bedposts. Shit. Were you drugged? Was it Jaewon the bartender? “HELP! Somebody! Help me!” Your shoes are gone, and – oh, no – your white dress is stained and splattered with blood. Yours? When you try to pull yourself up, your vision floats before you. You can feel warm blood trickling down your head, tickling your scalp. You fall back onto the pillow, trying to force your vision to focus. “Help me…”
Suddenly, you hear heavy footsteps, and a voice that makes you freeze.
“Looks like I nabbed myself a pretty little angel. Talk about fallen from grace, right?”
Your cries for help freeze in your throat. “Yoonji?”
And in walks your ex-girlfriend, the blow-up sumo wrestling suit deflating around her. That flash of tan… so she was there, at 66 Below. Her pristine black bob hasn’t changed in the last few months, and her makeup is perfectly done. As the suit empties, she steps out of it, wearing her favorite outfit of black tights and skirt with a cream blouse.
“Let me go,” you croak. Your heart feels like it’s being squeezed in her fist. Your fighting spirit seems to have evaporated in the face of the woman you once loved. It doesn’t make sense… or does it make too much sense? You knew she was possessive – it’s why you ended things. But this? “Yoonji… please. Please.”
Yoonji pretends not to hear you, instead walking around the bed to inspect your restraints. Of course, now that you’ve collected yourself, you recognize her bedroom. In fact, it’s not your first time being tied to these same bedposts.
“Red. Yoonji, please, red,” you try desperately, hoping the safeword might make her relent. For a moment, her cool expression falters. It’s quickly replaced with raw fury.
“You want to try calling red?” She snarls, looking right at you. “You cheated on me. You broke up with me!”
“I never cheated!” You cry, kicking out at her in vain. “You always thought I was cheating on you – I didn’t do anything!”
“I saw you,” she replies, raising a hand and bringing it down hard on your cheek. Your head jerks to the side and you can taste blood. Your face is on fire, it must be, how can it hurt so badly? “It’s our anniversary. I saw you wave at that candy bar.” Another slap leaves your jaw aching. “Fucking whore, do you flirt with every man you see? Girls like you can never be faithful.”
“We’re not together anymore!” You yell, pulling hard on the ropes. They’re much stronger and more coarse than any Yoonji has used with you before, and you bite back a yelp of pain at the rope burn. Your head hurts so much, and your chest is heaving with anxiety. Is she going to kill you? “You’re insane. Let me go – they’ll find out I’m gone. They’ll call the police.” After you and Yoonji broke up, you moved in with Mia. Surely she’ll be concerned when you don’t show up.
Yoonji laughs softly. It’s the way she would laugh when she had a secret. “Well… you did text your housemate to tell her you were going home with the Snickers bar. She’s not expecting you – and that contest is going to keep her at the hotel all night anyways.”
Your heart drops into your stomach. How does she know? “What text? Where’s my phone?”
Yoonji lazily fishes your phone from her pocket. “You really haven’t changed your password?”
“Give that back! Let me go!” You twist your hips and kick hard in her direction, scoring a tiny victory when your phone goes flying from Yoonji’s hand. In the split second that she’s leaned over to retrieve it, you try to see if you can feel any slack at all in the ropes binding your wrists. Yes! There’s something. Maybe your situation isn’t hopeless after all.
Your spirits fall by the wayside when you see Yoonji rise with a terrifying smile on her face. “What a frisky angel, you like to kick, don’t you? Maybe I should tie those lovely legs too.”
“No- don’t touch me! Yoonji, c’mon…” your voice breaks when you see her pull a length of rope from her closet. “W-what are you going to do with me?”
“What am I going to do with you? Exactly what I’ve always wanted to. I’m going to make sure no one else will ever touch you again. You’re mine, angel, you always have been.” Yoonji reaches for your legs and you kick wildly, desperate to escape. Your heart feels like a racehorse in your chest, and sheer adrenaline numbs the throbbing pain in your head.
“Stop… struggling!” Yoonji hisses furiously as she makes a grab for your foot. “Ungrateful bitch. Why are you always trying to get away from me? All I did was love you!”
Now. You slam your heel into her chin, and her head snaps upward with the force of your kick.
For a second you feel like she’s about to crumple to the ground, but instead she lowers her gaze to stare into your soul once more.
“That wasn’t very nice.” Yoonji massages her jaw, and when she speaks, blood drips from between her lips. She begins to pace around the bed, avoiding your kicks. “Bad angel… maybe you’re just a devil in disguise, huh? I always knew you were a dirty fucking liar. And you didn’t even say thank you for the roses.”
The roses? Your eyes widen. See you soon. They were from her? “Fuck you,” You say in response, surreptitiously tugging and relaxing the slack on your right hand’s rope. “I never cheated. You were just scared that I could love men and women. Well, guess what? I loved you! For years, until I realized you never loved me back.”
“What?” You see horror cloud Yoonji’s face. “You fucking bitch. ALL I did was love you!”
You shake your head, determined to keep her talking. She’s out of range of your kicks for now. If you could just get your hands free…
You feel suddenly woozy. Are there two… no, three Yoonjis? Shit. Now is not the time for a concussion.
“You never loved me. You were obsessed and insane. Don’t you hear yourself?” You say, your volume increasing. You know the walls are well-insulated, but she’s still in an apartment complex. Maybe the neighbors will hear? Another tug on the rope. You twist your wrist, and for a second you can feel it loosening. “You only wanted me so that no one else could have me!”
“You’re lying.” Maybe it’s a reflection of your bloody dress, or the blood dripping from her mouth, but for a second her eyes seem to shine red.
You shake your head. You’ve almost got a hand free. “You’re the one who’s lying, Yoonji. You’re lying to yourself.” Dizzy again. “You – ngh – you can just let me go. I won’t tell anyone.” Almost got a hand free. How long has it been?
Suddenly Yoonji is looming over you. “Ah, but you forgot.” She spits at you, and a mouthful of scarlet blood hits the white pillowcase. Some of it splatters on your cheek. You keep tugging at the tie around your left hand. It’s much tighter than your right. She’s rummaging in her bedside drawer, and that look in her eyes… you’re scared. “I might’ve let an angel go, but you decided you’re not an angel. You’re a devil. And where do devils belong?”
“That’s right.” Yoonji shows you what she’s retrieved: a lighter. She walks around the bed to the bottom right corner of the duvet. “Devils like you should stay in hell.”
“Yoonji. Yoonji, what are you –” She lowers the lighter to the duvet, and you see the cloth begin to smoke before a small flame forms on the bed, flickering but gaining in strength. “YOONJI!”
“I told you, Y/n.” Her voice is lower than you’ve ever heard it as she wipes more blood from her chin. “I’ll never let anyone touch you again.”
“C’mon, please, this is too much,” you say, your voice bleeding into hysteria as you thrash around, trying to kick the burning blanket away from your body. The fire begins to grow, and in your frenzied movement you accidentally burn your foot. You jerk away, yanking at the ropes on your wrists. You’re wearing fishnet stockings – if those catch fire, it’ll travel all the way up your body in a flash. “Let me go! Let me go, you psycho!”
Yoonji makes a pouty face. “Poor baby. Let you go… or what?”
“Please!” You shriek as the fire grows, the smoke now visibly rising from the bed. “Yoonji, I’m sorry, please, please…”
“I missed hearing you beg, my love. What a delicious Halloween treat. And if you need to blame anyone…” Yoonji pauses and smiles. The blood has gotten between her teeth, giving her a terrifying undead look. “Blame that Snickers bar.”
With that, she leaves the room and closes the door behind her. Fuck. You tug furiously at your right hand, where the rope has significantly loosened. You can feel the heat from the flames, dangerously close to you. “C’mon, c’mon…” You’re not going to die here, what a terrible headline. Who would write your obituary? You fight through another wave of dizziness. “Fucking hell!” With effort that leaves your muscles trembling, you wriggle your right hand out of its ties, and it quickly flies to your other hand. Maybe you’ll survive.
Unless she locked the door. Yoonji is four floors up. From that height…
You quickly work through the knots on your left wrist, which Yoonji tied so tightly you can’t feel several of your fingers anymore. Faster. Your nails are broken from tearing at the rope, and at one point the nail on your middle finger catches and gets stuck fast in the rope. The fire has spread to the carpet, and thick, black smoke is billowing up. You take a deep breath and brace yourself for the pain – it’s nothing compared to burning alive – and yank your hand back.
“Gah!” It’s a furious pain, for so small a point. The fingernail is ripped off your finger and hangs there as your nail bed bleeds freely. You force yourself to keep moving, to undo the knot or rip the rope off completely but the pain makes it hard to breathe…  or is it the smoke quickly filling the air? With movements made jerky by panic, you at last find a loose end and pull it through the knot. The rope around your wrist loosens and you’re able to slip your hand out. You’re not going to think about the fact that you can’t feel three of your fingers or move them properly. You’re free. You look around wildly, rushing for the door. You rattle the handle, but it’s locked. You can try to kick through it? But what if Yoonji is on the other side of the door, and shoves you back into the flames? The window next to the bed is locked too. But… You bend down and, straining, lift her entire bedside nightstand up. As soon as you stand your legs wobble and threaten to collapse, and you feel blood continue to drip down your neck and back. You stumble, almost to the window, but–
“Ugh-” You lose your grip and the nightstand crashes to the floor, almost on your foot. At that moment, you’re tempted to break down completely. What if you just… gave up? If you go through the window, you’ll probably die in the fall. Through the door, if you can even kick it down, and Yoonji will surely be waiting for you. You could just stay here, where at least death is a merciful certainty.
No – what are you thinking? You have to live. If you die, Yoonji will be free, and you won’t be able to tell your story. If you die now… she wins.
You adjust your stance and, arms trembling, lift the nightstand once more. The air is getting harder to breathe, you don’t know how much longer you have. You heave the nightstand at the window and it crashes straight through the glass, smashing down onto the street four stories below. Wait – the street. It must only be a little past midnight, because you can see some teens and adults still walking the street in costume. Passersby!
“HELP!” You shriek, waving your hand. You’re cut and bleeding in several places from flying glass, and you surely look fit for Halloween.
Wait. Hang on. One of the adults laughs and points up at you. “Great costume!” he yells.
“No, no, no…” the smoke is getting thicker, the fire closer. “Please- please help!” What you need to be a strong yell comes out a broken sob. “There’s a fire! Please help me!”
Two groups seem to realize it’s not just a Halloween prank, and you see some people whip out their phones to call the police. Several more rush forward, but clearly have no plan other than to stand beneath the window.
The police will take too long. You blink through the smoke, which is now visible through the window. You will not burn alive. And you won’t let Yoonji walk free, not after this. You brush the broken glass away from the windowsill and carefully step onto the ledge, a bleeding angel in the night. Your wings and white dress glow in such contrast to the walls that it looks like you’re flying.
You hear gasps and screams, and a “Don’t jump!”
Idiot. As though you have a choice. No, you only have one choice left, and you’re making it count. “My name is Y/n L/n,” You yell, forcing down a smoky cough, “And the person who killed me is Min Yoonji!”
No time to think. You step forward off the ledge, closing your eyes. Forty feet isn’t that far to fall, maybe you’ll make it.
Fucking Snickers bar.
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yutahoes · 3 years
(Part Two)
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One - Two
genre : Chaptered, Fluff
pairing : childhood friends: soccer player! Nakamoto Yuta x single mom! Reader (Y/N)
word count : 2.3k words
You’ll always be his Sakura.
taglist :  @ailoveyuta @loona-4-eva @aiforyuu @2-3-t-i @cosmiclatte28 @url-lindo-sexy @nuoyipeach @aaasteroidsky  @readers-posts @delightfultacobread @bby-kji9 @a-bts-world​ @mel-yjh​ @yeolsechanhun​ @yutazen01 ​
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It was the summer before his third grade when his dad announced that they will be moving to Seoul because of a business opportunity. The then eight-year-old Yuta hated that he had to leave his friends just because he can't stay in Japan. He hated that he had to transfer schools and learn a new language. Why do they have to move to another country? Why not move to another city instead? 
When the teacher introduced him to the class of third graders, he just glared at his Korean classmates who were looking at him in wonder. He doesn't want to be friends with them. He doesn't want to talk. He doesn't want to learn a new language. He's Japanese, why would he speak Korean? The teacher told him - or at least that was what he understood - to sit on a vacant chair at the back of the class. His classmates were staring at him. He's the new guy, it's normal. But he hated the attention. 
It was lunch when he decided to eat on the school's rooftop. He wasn't surprised that it was locked but a girl was drawing on the door of the rooftop. Isn't she in his class? The girl seated in front of him? A crayon drawing of stick figures made him curious, what is that? 
A certain symbol caught his attention, a straight line with a beak-like image and wings at the end held by a stickman he believed is a girl because of the triangular picture below her body. "Sakura?" He asked and the girl jolted in surprise, quickly hiding what she was doing. "Cardcaptor Sakura?" 
The girl was wide-eyed, looked at her drawing then at him. He noticed how her eyes twinkle at that even if the area isn't well-lit. Or is it because she just cried? "You're that Japanese guy." She said in Korean and he only caught the words 'Japanese' and 'guy' so she's probably referring to him. "Do you know Cardcaptor Sakura?" He only nodded. It is a hit in Japan, everyone knows Sakura. "I like Cardcaptor Sakura!" She exclaimed with a bright smile. 
That was the first time he saw that girl who loves Sakura. The first classmate who talked to him as if they spoke the same language. He remembered handing her a comic of her favorite cartoons the next day and she introduced herself as Y/N, even asking him along the lines of 'Can you teach me Japanese?' and 'Do you want to be friends with me?' 
His initial plan of not knowing Korean or not talking to people backfired. He wanted to have a real conversation with this Sakura girl. His first Korean friend. 
Yuta would remember teaching her hiragana every lunchtime, on their own place by the door of the rooftop and she would teach him hangul in exchange. Before class, she would tell him stories about what happened to Sakura from the episode yesterday as if he didn't watch the same show. After class, they would spend some time in the playground waiting for her mom to pick her up. 
She was also the person who encouraged him to try out for the soccer team. Unlike in Japan, soccer isn't a required PE in Korea so his classmates were amazed that he knew how to play soccer, even defeating some older kids. "Yuta, sugoi!" She exclaimed that made him smile, a real genuine smile he never showed to everyone. "You're handsome when you smile. You should smile more often." It was her who made him smile more. Just because he wanted her to call him handsome once again. 
In fourth grade, the two were so close that she spent time in their home and him on hers. Sometimes she would even sleep at their place when her mom has to stay all night in the hospital. He found out that she doesn't have a dad, he left them when she's just a baby and that she would always cry in her sleep looking for her dad. Kids weren't very welcoming with the idea of a broken family either and he would often see her crying on the stairs to the rooftop. 
And now, she's the one who has children. A mom. He never imagined that he will see her as a mom in the future. He wondered if she still cries for her dad. He wonders if she still knew how to speak or write Japanese. He wonders if she could call him 'handsome' again. 
Yuta promised that he wouldn't stay that long in Korea, he wanted to leave as soon as the wedding was over and he had every reason why. But Mark Lee, his secretary, thinks that he needs to stay for a couple more days and think of it as a vacation before the big soccer leagues happen. 
"Your alma mater is inviting you to teach the soccer club," Mark noted as he stared at the email by the administration of his former elementary school. The place where he honed his soccer playing skills. 
The place where he met her. 
The younger guy was surprised when the soccer player agreed to the said invitation. Even forcing him to do it today before he changes his mind. Luckily, he doesn't have any schedules that day.
The school changed a lot. Well, it's been years since he last visited the place. A lot of buildings surrounded the soccer field and he watched how elementary kids played. They look so small or is it because he's used to watching the adults play? The principal greeted him and introduced him to the soccer coach who looked so cocky. But instead of heading to the soccer field, he asked the principal if he could look upstairs. 
His feet dragged him to the staircase to the rooftop. Their meeting place. The door changed color, erasing her drawing that they maintained for years. From the stick figures to an actual 2D drawing of Sakura and Syaoran. 
He wished he could just erase his memory of her as well. The same way as the drawings are erased. 
It was free period when he went down to the classrooms and saw little kids in the school's hallway. Are they this small? "It's because you don't have a dad." He heard a child say and saw that it's a huge kid, probably a third-grader, in his jersey. "The soccer team doesn't accept kids who don't have dads." Well, elementary didn't change. 
When his gaze caught the smaller boy he's talking to, a sudden feeling of recognition hit him. Jae. Y/N's son. "My dad lives abroad." He nodded, he's correct about that. 
"Dads should watch your soccer games." The older kid claimed, making Yuta shake his head. Are children’s behavior like this? Well, he really should refrain from making one of his own. "Accept it, Jae. You can never be good for the soccer team." 
"Yah!" Someone shouted from the side. "Stop bullying my brother." Yuta smiled as he watched the mini version of the girl occupying his mind shout at the bigger kids who were hurting her brother. She's totally different from her. "Did your dad teach you that?" 
The bigger kid only glared when the soccer coach called for him, and he quickly called him 'daddy'. So that is where his confidence came from. His gaze returned to the siblings, Jae was holding his sister's arm saying sorry that she had to get angry. Yuta smiled, that's their mom's attitude. Always apologetic. How can these two be a spitting image of her? Truly, they're her children. 
"Yuta Nakamoto," Jae called before he could flee the place. He greeted the young boy then smiled at the girl who was looking at him in curiosity. "I told you he's eomma's friend, noona. He knows my name." Yuta chuckled at that. He just met his youngest fanboy. 
The younger girl pulled her brother behind her that surprised Yuta. "Eomma said not to talk to strangers." The older smirked. She's really different from her mom. 
"Should we call your mom? Can you give me her number?" The girl shook her head and Yuta nodded, already texting Taeyong. He responded with her number and Yuta quickly called the said phone number, "Hi Y/N. It's Yuta." Both kids were staring at him, "I'm here in Jae's school. Can I bring them to the mall?" 
"Ahjusshi, can I see if it's my mom?" The girl asked and Yuta handed his phone to her. "Eomma?" The girl stared at him in wonder as she heard her mom's voice. "Then can we go with this ahjusshi?" She glared at him for a moment then nodded as if she’s talking to her mom. “She wants to talk to you.” 
“Yuta, you don’t have to do this if you’re busy.” But he wanted to. He wanted to spend time with them and learn about her as a mom. “Just message me where you are. I’ll pick them up.” He agreed. If only he could spend time with her as well. 
It was Jae who’s most excited when they reached the mall. The older girl stayed a few feet away from the two of them. Maybe she’s not interested. But really, she’s a tough nut to crack. He discovered that Jae wanted to play soccer but his mom doesn’t want him to, saying that he’s too young to play. So Yuta brought him to a shop where they sell sports shoes. “I’ll go talk to your mom. But for now, wear these soccer shoes,” he claimed while tying the younger boy’s shoelaces that made him beam. Jae hugged Yuta, thanking him for the shoes. “You’re welcome, bud.” 
Yuta realized that he didn’t know the older girl’s name. What was it? Did Y/N mention her name? To be safe, he just asked Jae about it. “Cherry,” he called then walked to where she was, staring at the skating shoes. “Do you want one?” She shook her head mumbling that their mom would get mad. “Besides, it’s not snowing.” He nodded. 
“We can go ice skating...” 
“You’re not my dad.” That made Yuta stop. Of course, he’s not. “Stop acting that you care about me or Jae. You’re just like the other guys.” Other guys? “You’ll leave me and Jae. You’ll leave eomma.” She’s a difficult nut to crack. 
Yet she’s so different when she’s next to her brother. The cold eyes were changed into warmness when her brother asked if they could play in the ball pit. She looked like a child, smiling at the younger as they bounced at the trampoline. She looks exactly like her. How can two children, both from the same parents, have so different personalities? 
He was just watching them, texting Y/N where he is, checking from time to time the two kids playing with the others in the ball pit area. "Hey," Y/N called, sitting beside Yuta on the mall bench. She smiled seeing the two playing. "Did they tire you?" 
Yuta laughed. "It's fine. They're cool." There was silence, a comfortable silence. It's awkward to see her now. A lot of things changed. "Jae has the same personality as you, that's cute." She giggled. "Cherry looks like you." 
Y/N nodded. "I'm glad she talks to you." 
"It was hard, honestly." He confessed and again, she giggled. That sound. He missed her laugh. "I think she wants to go figure skating." That surprised Y/N. "And Jae wants to play soccer."
"He's too young. He'll get hurt with the bigger kids." Yuta was about to revolt at that. "I remembered when you played with the bigger kids back in eighth grade." That was one of his worst plays ever. Until now, he can feel how hurt he is. 
She confessed that she doesn't know anything about sports that's why she's a little worried about sending her kids to the sports clinic that made him smile. She's such a mom. "I'll train Jae," Yuta announced that made her look at him. "I have to stay in Spain for two months for the league then I'll come back and teach Jae soccer." He explained. "I'll help Cherry too." 
"Yuta, you don't have to." 
"I want to." He held her hand. "Please." 
"Why are you holding hands?" Cherry asked that made Yuta let go of his hold on her. 
The older just gave her daughter a glare that made Yuta laugh. They look alike, the resemblance is too uncanny if you see them now yet they’re so different. “Eomma!” Jae called, reaching out to hug his mom. “I had fun today.” And she smiled at him. “Yuta samchon is so cool.” 
“He bought you shoes?” She asked, checking the new kicks on her son’s feet. Jae claimed that he also bought Cherry one that made the older girl glare at Yuta. “Did you say thank you?” Both nodded. 
Yuta smiled at them. They do look like a happy family. “I’ll get going. I’ll see you when I get back from Spain.” Y/N nodded. Yuta asked for a hug and Jae was the only one who’s ecstatic to hug him. Cherry rolled her eyes that made the older guy laugh. As expected. “Come on, Y/N, a hug.” He said, hands extended for the older girl. 
The girl giggled before giving him a tight hug. His hand rested on her back then the other on the back of her head, caressing her hair. “You’re doing a great job being a mom, Sakura.” 
She laughed before muttering the words, “I’m proud of you, Syaoran.” 
Watching the three of them head to a different way opposite him, he wished he would have another chance to bond with them. He would love to be with them. Maybe having children isn’t too bad. 
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otomegema · 3 years
Title: Convergence Theory, ch. 3 summary: Transitional chapter GET. Aka, the one where reader meets Gojo's students a little more and I show off some of her powers and set up some future uh-- issues. That might effect the would-be couple. I'm just rolling with it. pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader rating: mature Ao3 Link (We are uh-- up to ch. 11 on Ao3 just fyi)
Weird did not even begin to describe the feeling that went through your chest and flipped in your stomach as you closed the door on your hotel room, bags in hand, and went downstairs to meet your new roommate in the lobby.
New fiancé.
A fact Gojo was delighting in explaining to the hotel staff, animatedly conjuring from the depths of his mind some new bullshit on how you met. How he proposed. Some of the girls at the station were near puddles of envy. Others, happily told you how “lucky” you were as you handed off your keycard and checked out.
You had managed not to scowl the entire time, but just barely.
“You’re gonna have to send me a spreadsheet of all these lies just so I can keep up.” You muttered, swinging your bag into the open trunk of the car that had arrived to pick you both up. Oddly, the driver was not the same as the one from the other night. The man in question looked nervously in his rear view mirror, but also with an intense amount of curiosity.
“I already forgot um. Besides, not like we need one for the Gojo clan. They already know how we met.”
Gojo didn’t bother to get the door for you this time, sliding into the back seat without waiting for you to finish loading the car. You took your own spot, mirroring him in taking out your phone to check your latest messages. The driver would occasionally exchange looks with you in the mirror. You gave him a polite smile.
“Principal will wanna meet with you,” Gojo said abruptly, “I had my guys put in your rec already. Just let him know you want me as your mentor and when he brings me the request I’ll sign off.” Gojo didn’t even look up from his phone, “Old man will probably faint. I haven’t agreed to babysit anyone in—“
He paused, but only for a second.
“Too busy?” You asked.
“Too much of a pain in the ass. And after, you can unpack your stuff at my place. I have a room on campus too, probably will spend the majority of my time there when I’m not on mission.”
“When we are not on mission.” You added with a smirk. Gojo sighed.
“Yeah, yeah. You enjoy this while it lasts, I’m already planning our next ‘date’ and you can bet before I’m done with planning the third one the family will demand a visit.” Gojo grinned, “When was the last time you’ve been?”
You groaned, the sound drawing a chuckle from Gojo. He knew damn well when the last time you were invited was.
“Do I get to plan any dates?”
He scoffed, “Why would you wanna?”
It was a fair point. You shrugged and turned to look out the window, admiring the view of trees and the greenery that surrounded Jujutsu Tech. Your days as a student were long over, but there was still so much protocol, so many hoops and tests and missions to jump through. If they had warned you being a sorcerer was like being a forever-student… maybe some of the others had it right. Ditching the school and the rules and wandering as independents. There was an allure to just throwing in the towel— but how would anything ever change if you just left?
You wondered if Gojo felt the same way, his personality not exactly meshing with the idea of a dutiful and obedient Jujutsu sorcerer. He was smiling lazily to himself as he typed on his phone and you found yourself content to just enjoy the silence.
The campus was not foreign to you and so you rebuffed Gojo’s offer to walk you in. Besides, if they came in together it might be too much of a tip off. There was no rule about the relation between a potential first-grade and their mentor, but given his tendency to rub the higher ups the wrong way, you didn’t want to risk any bumps. It was bad enough whoever that driver was had clearly heard you both talking. He seemed to be a staff member.
Passing through the halls though, you had the distinct feeling you were being watched— and definitely not by Gojo. If he was keeping tabs on you, you’d never know.
The cursed energy signatures were familiar, young and new, yet strong. You slid around a corner, barely flexing your Limitless to teleport around behind your spies, hiding out of sight.
“Wha— did we lose her?” The young boy with the pink hair gaped, rushing around the corner and then back, “I don’t see her!”
“Dummy, she probably heard you mouth breathing a mile away.” The girl muttered, slapping her fist into her hand with a disappointed grunt.
The other tall young man said nothing, his eyes drawn down into almost apathetic sleepiness.
“Why were we following her anyway?”
“Didnt you hear, Megumi? She is Gojo-sensei’s wife!”
“Fiancé, Yuji. Not wife.” The girl corrected.
“Fiancé, wife, girlfriend— whatever! Point is, how did we not know about her?! Who marries a guy like that anyway, she has to be crazy strong!!”
“She didn’t do so well on that last mission.” Megumi added, his voice flat. You winced slightly at his assessment. That was your cue. Shifting your energy, you appeared behind Megumi, forcing a tense, but still sufficiently bright smile unto your lips.
“That’s because my rat future-husband was busy showing off for his students!”
Megumi, to his credit, only stiffened. The other two openly shrieked at your arrival, the boy Yuji swiftly switching to an expression of awe.
“She moves like Gojo-sensei! I didn’t know she could do that!”
“Lots of people can do this… can’t believe he gets away with acting all high and mighty…” you grumbled.
You swore you heard a muffled sneeze from somewhere behind you, but your attention was suddenly wholly on Gojo’s two more animated students as they crowded into your space. Nobara Kugisaki— that was the girls name. And Itadori Yuji. The other boy you knew even before the mission was Megumi Fushiguro. Gojo’s longest running student and “ward” of a sort. Plus, he had affiliation with the Zenin. The Gojo clan liked to pretend it was as important, but even with the Six Eyes, there was no contest over which clan held the most power.
“Aren’t you a Gojo too? You have the Limitless right?” Yuji continued, smiling. This was Sukuna’s vessel? He seemed far too simple and far too sweet.
“Distantly. And yes.”
“That is so cool. You must be super strong.”
“I’m— I do okay.” You said, finding the praise a bit hard to accept. Sure in comparison to other third, fourth and even some of your fellow second-grade sorcerers you were notably talented— but how could anyone even judge such a thing when your true comparison was Gojo Satoru?
“When that curse hit ya? I thought— yikes. She is done for. But you barely had a mark on you!”
“Yeah, how did you dodge it? Oh! Can you do the thing?!” Nobara extended her hand, pressing her palm outward in what took you a minute to understand was a mimic of Gojo’s barrier technique.
You smiled faintly and lifted up your own hand. Nobara grinned as she tried to reach out and touch her fingertips to your own and she was stopped just short, hovering and wavering slightly in infinitely slowed movement.
“I wanna try!” Yuji exclaimed and you happily demonstrated for the young man as well. Shockingly, you had to increase your output a little to repel him.
“I can’t have it up all the time, but it does help in a pinch.” You said and were surprised when Megumi finally spoke up.
“You make it sound like that somehow makes it less powerful.”
Had you? Your tone when talking about your abilities was always reserved. Cautious. You had no reason to gloat— no right to it. You masked your inner reflection behind a terse smile and offered your hand to Megumi.
“You wanna turn?”
The boy flushed.
“I’m… I’m good.”
“Are you going to be around campus today? Are you coming to our lesson?” Yuji asked, Nobara perking at the idea too.
“Maybe. I have to meet with the principal, but I’m sure I’ll see you all later.”
Satisfied with that, they wished you luck and departed, Nobara and Yuji falling again into animated conversation as Megumi steadily followed behind. It would be nice maybe to take part in a lesson or two… you hadn’t given the idea of teaching much thought, but just working with Gojo’s students you were starting to think you were getting the appeal of it.
Especially if you were one who loved to be adored, you thought with a scoff, wondering where Gojo had run off to if his students had been following you.
Dealing with principal Masamichi was a short affair. You accepted the recommendation news with humble gratitude and made your intention of being mentored by Gojo known. You were prepared to ignore the tension that seemed to permeate the atmosphere the moment you did so.
Masamichi simply stated he would let Yoshinobu know of the transfer. There would be no objections from Tokyo.
You could only imagine that your former principal would have something to say about all this— but he and the higher ups had done little to assist you in achieving first-grade status. Perhaps now they would realize they did not hold the keys to every door forward in their world.
Feeling strangely smug and self-satisfied, you left the office and set out to find the three students. It wasn’t difficult. Barely expanding your awareness of energy brought the familiar bright ray of Gojo into your mind. He was easy enough for you to find, you’d been doing it unwillingly all your life.
Near the outskirts of the woods that surrounded Jujutsu Tech you found Gojo shockingly studentless, sitting on the ground and playing what you could only imagine was an extremely high level of Candy Crush.
“Aren’t you suppose to be teaching?”
“I am! Kids are chasing a couple of third grade curses around the woods!”
“… and what are they learning?”
“Optimistically? How to dodge. Those things shoot out some kind of energy thing that definitely looks like it would sting.”
Gojo rapidly tapped across the screen, ending the level in record time before stashing his phone and leaning back on his palms. He tilted his head back at you with his usual smirk.
“You get your semi-grade one status?”
You nodded.
“Perfect!” He stood, brushing off his pants, “Now we can start your lesson! But first, I wanna see your baseline.”
He cracked his knuckles and then lazily stuffed his hands into his pockets.
“Hit me with your strongest technique.”
“…what, like right now? Now, now?” You shouldn’t have been surprised honestly, Gojo was a loose cannon in every sense of the word.
“Now, now, babe.”
You scowled, the furrowing of your brow only seeming to make him smile brighter.
“C’mon. You won’t get me and you know it. Just hit me with your best Limitless technique.”
“My best Limitless technique is non-combative.” You said wryly, wishing you had chosen to wear slacks that day instead of a skirt. Your own uniform was a modified version of the Jujutsu Tech one from your time spent as a sort of “adjunct” instructor. This was definitely not your practice outfit.
“Is it?” Gojo asked, humming thoughtfully. Was he being purposefully obtuse? Most likely, yes.
“Show me your best combative technique.”
You knew what he was getting at. Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue. It was, without utilizing reversals, the strongest technique a Limitless user could achieve— or at least Gojo had made it so. You could do it, sure, but you were not sure on how long you’d be standing upright after you did. All your previous attempts to master the technique usually ended in you taking a sudden and unplanned nap. At best, the output was a little weaker, but sometimes you could hold unto consciousness and only be tapped for the rest of the day.
“I’ll faint.” You said quietly and Gojo lifted his hand to cup his ear, grinning.
“What was that?”
You huffed, “I’ll faint.”
“I don’t think you will.”
“I’m sorry, is this your technique or mine?”
Gojo gave a small shrug, “Obviously mine. You're just a knock-off.”
“Ya know, I activated my Limitless abilities before you.”
“I mighta heard something like that once— Now hit me.” Gojo took a few steps back, crooking his finger at you, “Come on, come one. Don’t be so boring. I have to know what your capable of it you are going to come on missions with me.”
“This is a terrible idea.” You grumbled, but swung out your shoulders, breathing out slowly to mentally prepare yourself if anything.
“Maybe! But like I said, I gotta know just how weak you are.” Gojo said, mirth in his voice— and mocking.
“I’m not weak.” You snapped out before you could real in your tongue, feeling your neck flush.
“You just said you can’t even do the base technique of our ability without fainting.” Gojo gestured his hand out as he gave another little shrug, “Kinda seems super weak to me.”
“I’m not you.”
“Not with that attitude you aren’t."
Okay. Fine. He wanted you to hit him? You’d hit him. Your cursed energy had already flared up, irritation giving way to anger as you opened that channel within your memory and your emotions— focusing it until all that bitterness, all that rage was nothing more than a battery for you to use to fuel your own jujutsu.
You knew Gojo would be fine, but for a moment, you nearly faltered. Having someone ask you to basically collapse them apart with the cursed equivalent of a black hole? Not exactly a normal every day occurrence.
“C’mon! Stop thinking about hitting me and hit me! Unless you wanna renegotiate our deal… hell, maybe it would be easier for both of us if I just paid your rent instead. I don’t know how I’m gonna manage to get someone so pathetic to first-grade.”
You were going to kill him.
You were going to rip the eyes from his skull and spit them out at the dinner table of the main family, teeth and gums bloody.
“Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue.”
The cursed energy ripped not out from your body, but in. Focusing around Gojo as it manipulated space, dividing it down to the negative and seeking out to rend him apart. The area of effect was like a circle, but you pinpointed at his eyes regardless. Targeting what excess energy was left to his face.
The blast of blue sent clouds of dirt and grass into the air— or what was once dirt and grass. Having been nearly crushed into nothing, the debris shot around in fine powdered ash. When the air cleared, Gojo was standing where he had been before, entirely untouched.
Except for his blindfold.
One end had twisted, the fabric swirling up so tightly it was risen up against his forehead and revealing one bright, blue eye. It had gotten caught in part in the curling shrinking energy of the technique, but not enough to destroy it.
You let out a breath, stunned to find you were still standing.
“See?” Gojo said cheerfully, “Just a little motivation and you—“
The last thing you saw before everything went black was the ground suddenly rushing up to your face.
The low painful rumble of your stomach woke you, awareness of your body coming back in small waves. There was something soft tucked under your head… and your legs were elevated, knees curled around something.
You opened your eyes to the bright, unforgiving sky above and groaned loudly.
“Rise and shine, honeybun.”
His very voice made you wanna faint again just to get away from him.
“Really. Honey bun. Here, eat.”
A packaged sweet was tossed unto your stomach and you sat up enough to recognize the thing your legs were swung over was Gojo’s own lap. His phone was in one hand, the familiar blips and tones of a game audible. His other was rested on your knee, pressing down to help support your efforts to sit up.
He had taken off his jacket and put it behind your head, the white sleeves of his shirt beneath rolled up around his elbows. Judging by the absence of his blindfold and the return of his sunglasses, he hadn’t been able to save the item from your rending.
You flushed, attempting to pull your legs away and recognizing with a sharp sound that he could easily have seen up your skirt at that angle. Gojo’s hand tightened on your knee, keeping you in place.
“You should let your blood settle back before you try squirmin’ so much.”
If he had looked he did not make mention of it, focus fully on his game. Your stomach grumbled again and you tore open the honey bun packet and into the soft, sweet bread in short time.
“You really did faint.” Gojo said lowly, “Not the greatest. We’ll need to start with getting your cursed energy output higher. You can call on it in a pinch, sure, but it’d be better to have an ongoing source rather than relying on me teasing you into snapping off something halfway decent.”
“Ya know, anyone else and that move would have turned them into soup.” You said, not in the habit of defending yourself, but something about Gojo making the assessment set off your nerves. Why would he compare you to a level only he could achieve? It wasn’t fair.
“I know! I mean— it was good! Don’t get me wrong. Just not good. Blowing shit up is great and all but not if it blows you up with it. Leaves you vulnerable to reprisal if the curse isn’t alone.”
You shrugged, “I guess I just always figure if I take something out with that, if there is anything left the other sorcerers will get it.”
“… so it’s a sacrificial play, for you?”
You nodded. Gojo switched off his phone and shoved your legs off his lap, standing up. He didn’t offer you any help as you wobbled unto your own two feet.
“You got some serious hang ups.” Gojo said and you couldn’t very well argue.
He tugged his blindfold from his pocket, holding up the tattered piece of fabric for your inspection— as evidence. Your eyes widened. You didn’t realize until now the full extent of the damage, the way the cloth was shredded in the center as if a wild animal had tried to claw his eyes out. You had been so focused, so preoccupied… no wonder the damage wasn’t fully resembling of the true Lapse: Blue technique.
“Here. A souvenir.”
“… sorry.” You mumbled, reaching out to take it. Gojo quickly moved, pulling the blindfold from your reach at the last moment with a chuckle. You rolled your eyes and went to take it again only for him to repeat the same trick, earning a wary smile from you as you snatched at his hand and he allowed you to take it the third time.
“I never—“ Gojo began and stopped, humming to himself as he seemed to reconsider his words.
“Well, I was just thinking I picked the best possible choice for this charade!” Gojo began, “It may really take you the whole year to fall for me.”
You smacked him with the torn piece of fabric, earning a startled “ow” from him and the satisfaction you must have caught him off guard to get through his barrier. You seemed to be able to do that a lot. Showed what he knew letting his powers wane around you.
“In the meanwhile, there is no time like the present! Let’s go!” Gojo reached out, grabbing your arm by the elbow before you could recoil away.
The forest disappeared, the world refocusing in the middle of Tokyo. The sounds of birds and wind replaced with the sound of tire treads on wet pavement and the faint, constant roar of the city scape.
Ah— yes.
To an abandoned apartment building.
That radiated cursed energy.
Of course.
17 notes · View notes
Super Shitters shirt
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One of the Super Shitters shirt . and I will buy this Squadrons involved in the mission was 625 Squadron, flying out of Kelstern in Lincolnshire. It was the squadron in which my father served. His Lancaster was shot down not far from Germany’s border with the Netherlands in March 1943.Super Shitters shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's I was being and screamed at me in the Super Shitters shirt . and I will buy this middle of the card store), I finally broke down and told my sweet, wonderful boyfriend that this wedding was a huge mistake. He was initially crushed, but when I finally managed to stop crying and speak coherently, I told him that THIS wedding was a mistake, but that us getting married was not, and could we please just chuck everything, runoff, and elope? The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Anyways, I was so pissed. I was a straight-A student. I brought it home and I found a school paper from the beginning of the year. It was something that gave the teacher permission to touch a student if he/she got hurt. I guess I forgot to turn in the form. So I grabbed it cut off the bottom for a parent signature, and taped it to my quiz. I asked my dad to sign it. He didn’t even ask what te paper was. You Can See More Product: https://newshirtonline.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Chapter 2: Bump in the Road
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(Yo man all these Mark pre debut pics got me feeling some type of way) (Why did nobody at my high school look like that idgi???)
Mark Tuan X Reader
Part of the Crazy Little Thing Called Love Series
Genre: Fluff, angst and awkward, experimental and extremely adorable smut
Word Count: 13.7K (Daaaaamn I really thought it was longer) (Still long as hell though)
Summary: Falling in love with Mark had to be one of the easiest things you have ever done in your entire life. However, the trials that came with loving him were all the more challenging and you didn’t know how much of it you could possibly take.
A/N: Okay so this one is all over the place (I say that about all my imagines recently) but seriously this one is kind of complicated but please bare with me. I also am not particularly a fan of how I ended this chapter but oh well. Happy reading! (The smut scene in here is actually more humorous and meant to be clumsy and inexperienced lol but honestly it sucks hahahahaha)
“Y/n! This is the mile run, not the mile walk! You have exactly twelve minutes to run four laps around the field. This is only your second lap and you’ve wasted seven minutes just dragging your feet through the dirt. Pick up the pace or else I’m failing you for not putting in effort!”
You released a frustrated grunt at your p.e. teacher’s words, but did as you were told. Back in elementary school, p.e. was one of your favorite subjects. You loved taking a break from your studies and getting to play all kinds of different sports; dodgeball, sham battle, volleyball, basketball and even doing all kinds of relay races—but middle school ruined the class for you entirely when you realized that you were no longer allowed to play around and have fun.
No. Middle school was serious business now. You were being graded on whether you changed out in to your uniform, how many jumping jacks you could do in one minute, how many times you could kick a soccer ball in to one of the field goals and today, you had to run one mile which you and the rest of your classmates have been preparing for every single day in the last two weeks. It wasn’t like you weren’t physically active enough to run all four laps; you joined cross country only two months after transferring over to Middle school from Elementary.
Running long distances were something you were used to. What you weren’t used to, was the fact that your boyfriend had p.e. during the same period you did. It’s as if fate wanted you to fail miserably. Over the last two years, Mark only grew more and more attractive and your mind always drifted back to when you first saw him going through physical changes when you were in the fourth grade. What you thought back then to be his beginning stages of puberty or so you’ve been taught in health was nothing compared to the change he was currently going through as of right now.
His features became even more prominent; his jaw was more defined, his eyebrows were sharper, his chubby cheeks were slimming down immensely and his lips have grown fuller. His voice that was once squeaky and high pitch was now deeper and more “manlier” in his words. He was even excited to tell you that he was slowly but surely growing facial hair.
It was hard for you to prevent yourself from laughing when he pulled you to the side one day at recess and showed you the two strands of hair on his chin—but it was also very cute. From the time he entered middle school, Mark would always complain about being scrawny and not masculine enough for someone in middle school. Although you were still too young to really understand what was expected to happen to both girls and boys while puberty transformed their bodies entirely, you had a feeling Mark was taking this whole “growing up” and “maturing” too seriously.
You were only two months away from moving on to the seventh grade which also meant that Mark was going to become a high school freshman. Nothing much has changed since you graduated from Elementary school and settled in to Middle school other than being able to see and spend more time with your boyfriend. From what the older boy would describe over and over to be some of the best years in school he has experienced so far—well, educationally.
All those years in elementary that he spent with you; learning more about you, getting to see that contagious smile of yours and being the main reason behind it, falling in love—or what he claimed his parents called “puppy love” with you, those had to be some of the best years of his life. Unlike you, Mark enjoyed school. He loved learning about all kinds of things. Right now, his favorite subject was social studies specifically because he and the rest of his classmates got to watch all these documentaries about some of the most important events to go down in history.
Since he had every intention on being with you as much as he possibly could, Mark brought up the suggestion that you’d joining an after school activity together. You had yet to tell anybody other than your older sister and a couple of your closest friends about your relationship in fear of your parents finding out and forcing you to break up with him. Your family was well aware of your friendship though and they genuinely really liked Mark.
For someone who was right about to turn fourteen-years-old, it was evident that he had a excellent head on his shoulders. You would always think back to the first time he introduced himself to you and how he told you his mom said he was a good boy in order to get you to trust him. He always had your best interest at heart—he did whatever it was for you in order to help you in any way possible, or just to make you happy.
Your happiness was Mark’s sole priority. Almost every single day, he would walk you back home before walking back to school for practice. On the days he had nothing scheduled for after school, he’d be over at your house playing video games with your older brothers or watching a movie with you out in the living room. It always made you smile seeing how well he got along with your family and although you had yet to really get to know his, Mark told you he was confident that they would love you just as much as he did.
In his three years of middle school, he had built quite the reputation of being the campus’ all around student. Although he could be shy and introverted towards students he wasn’t all too familiar with, he was very kind and thoughtful to anyone who had entered his path. It was also known throughout the school that Mark had one of the highest g.p.a.s in his grade. There were a few occasions that his teachers would have him tutor other students for extra credit and being the polite person his mother made sure she raised him to be, he always said yes—even if he didn’t particularly want to.
He was also very involved in sports and extracurricular activities; soccer, football, baseball, water polo, cross-country, student council—you name it. Mark just really enjoyed making new friends and taking on new challenges. Since you were the only one out of your siblings that would return back home once school was over, your parents recommended that you’d look for some kind of activity that you would find interest in. It was actually your boyfriend’s idea to join cross country with him; it was pretty much the only sport that he knew you wouldn’t get hurt in and that helped keep his mind at ease.
The last thing he wanted was something bad to happen to his favorite girl under his supervision. On the first day of practice, you didn’t think it was all that bad. Your coach had the team run five laps around the tennis court before calling it a day. Unfortunately, you couldn’t say the same thing for the rest of that week when you found yourself running up and down an extremely steep hill ten times. By the end of it, you felt as if you were about to throw up your lungs—it was terrible and what was even worse was the mocking laughter that came from a few of your teammates since you were the last one to finish.
Mark tried to stifle back a laugh, but it wasn’t a laugh to insult you in any way. The word proud didn’t even describe half of what Mark felt watching you put in so much effort to finish your rounds, no matter how visibly exhausted you were. He found himself giggling because he thought you looked so adorable with your flustered, pink cheeks, hair sticking out all over the place and the fact that you flopped on to the grass without even worrying about getting dirty. He waited for your coach to inform you all what he had planned for the rest of the day and allowed you some well deserved rest before pulling you up. As soon as he noticed that everyone was out of sight, he all but gently yanked you against his chest and placed a reassuring kiss on your cheek.
“Hey, ignore them. You’ve tried your best y/n. You’re the only six grader here—everyone else, they’ve been running for years. You only joined a week ago. I’ve seen a lot of them having to stop in the middle of a race because they’d get side pains from eating right before a competition. Hell, some of them even walk when no ones watching. So don’t beat yourself up about it too much okay? You have me. I’m here. I’m always going to be here—nothing to worry about baby. Let’s go. If we have enough time, I’ll buy you some frozen yogurt before I take you home.”
You beamed up at him as your heart fluttered hearing his words. Sure, the idea of him treating you to your favorite dessert excited you—especially after all you had to suffer through, but hearing that you had nothing to worry about because Mark had your back was such an amazing feeling. Even after all these years, not once had he ever shown you otherwise. He was practically glued at your hip and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You placed a small peck on the corner of his mouth before intertwining your hands together and you grinned to yourself when you saw the blush rise upon his cheeks.
“Can I get extra toppings?” He playfully squeezed your hand before bringing it up to his lips and placing a sloppy kiss on the back of it.
“Of course you can babe. God—you’re so cute you know that?”
Although there were some days you felt as if you were still too young to be in love or to know what love actually was, you knew in your gut that what you felt for Mark was extremely intense. Hell, if what was going on between the two of you wasn’t love, you didn’t think you’d actually get to experience it because you had no intention on being with anybody else. You were overjoyed with what you had with Mark.
From what you’ve seen in movies and television shows, what you’d hear your sister go in to detail about over the phone with one of her friends and just witnessing your parents interacting with each other, you had an idea of what being in love was. You saw the way Mark would look at you; as if time stopped whenever the two of you were together and all he wanted to do was look at you in admiration—in awe of your beauty. It was in his actions; he made it a point to continue his overprotective habit he started in Elementary school—walking you home to make sure you got back safe and pushing you on the inside of the sidewalk to keep you away from the road. It was in the way he would leave his friends to go be with you.
Every single time you’d have a rough day, you would find a candy bar or a bag of skittles in your backpack as his attempt to cheer you up. He might have said it repeatedly on a daily basis—even if he didn’t understand just how powerful that four letter word was, but you’ve witnessed the love he harbored for you with his many sacrifices and sweet gestures. Nobody would do even half of what Mark does for you if they didn’t love you and honestly, Mark’s love and just Mark in general was all you could ever need.
Even if he were to be the only friend you’d have in your entire school career, he was the only friend that mattered. If the butterflies that would swarm in your tummy whenever you’d see him were any consolation, that breathtakingly beautiful boy was the rightful owner to your heart. You did whatever you could in order to even pretend that you were going to put more effort in to your movements, but you were too busy watching Mark swing his bat at the baseball.
Out of all the clothes he owned, why did he have to wear a muscle tank? You didn’t think biceps came with puberty but you weren’t complaining. Since all of your focus was on your boyfriend, you failed to notice the rock that was dead center on the track until you face planted right on the dirt. You heard a few people calling out for you; you assumed one of them had to be your teacher while the others were your classmates—but the voice that was quick to grab your attention belonged to none other than the person who was to blame for your accidental fall.
“Shit—y/n are you okay? You ate the ground pretty badly. Are you hurt? Does anything hurt?”
He brought his hand up to your face and squeezed both your cheeks. Immediately, your boyfriend began to scan your face for any cuts or bruises and his brows furrowed once his eyes landed on the huge gash in your arm. You were always so clumsy and sometimes you failed to pay attention to your surroundings—however, this was the first time you ended up practically face planting on to the floor. Before you could say or do anything, he was picking you up from right of the ground and briskly walked over to your teacher.
She was obviously worried for numerous reasons, but you had a feeling she saw that you were distracted. If so, you could only hope she didn’t know exactly why—but it didn’t matter. What now had your full attention was the throbbing pain in your right ankle. You were no doctor, but the pain was excruciating and it didn’t move when you tried to twist it a little bit.
“Would it be okay for me to take y/n to the health room?”
She had no choice but to say yes—not that she planned on saying otherwise. Mark had you pressed tightly against his chest as he carried you bridal style; your teacher wasn’t born yesterday. Anyone could see that Mark wasn’t only volunteering to help you out because he felt bad. Also, the way he was holding you; so tightly and protectively as if he were to lose you if he set you down led everyone to believe that the you both were well acquainted with one another. As the two of you began making your way to the office, Mark pressed a sweet kiss on your nose all the while giving you a concerned look.
“My clumsy girl—how did you even fall? I saw the custodians smoothing out the track yesterday. Were you not paying attention? Did your shoelaces get untied without you noticing—“
“Stupid muscle tank.”
You were currently hiding your face against his chest, so your sentence came out as a mumbled whisper. As much as you hated to admit that your boyfriend was the reason you were probably minutes away from heading to the hospital, it was the truth. You were surprised that only now you made a fool out of yourself and got in to an accident. It was currently three months in to the last semester and you found yourself ogling over Mark with every chance you got during p.e.
There was one time your class and his class had to share the basketball court and instead of teaming up with his classmates and playing games with them, he decided to teach you how to make a jump shot for that entire class period. You secretly thought it was his excuse to have his hands grip your waist, but you never said anything or questioned him about it—and you were quite a fan of his touch, so you weren’t really bothered knowing that he needed to always have his hands on you.
“I didn’t quite hear that, what did you say?”
You shook your head, hoping he would just drop the entire thing. Even if you were to lie and give him another excuse, Mark knew you like the back of his hand. You’d feel pathetic if he knew you lost your balance because your focus was directed on him and his ever-changing body. He could tell right off the bat when you weren’t being completely honest with him.
“I think my ankle is broken.”
He looked down at you and frowned. Mark has been playing sports long enough to know what a sprained ankle looked like. To his dismay, the area was bruised and swollen. Yeah—you definitely twisted your ankle. Good going y/n. You didn’t realize just how popular Mark was throughout the school until you heard almost all the staff currently in the office greet him. You were in a trance; completely mesmerized with how friendly and respectful the older boy was. It was one of the things you admired about him the most.
He had so much confidence in his personality and he had every right to—he was the actual sun in human form, radiating positive energy everywhere he went. The nurse smiled up at the two of you as soon as you both entered the room, but her smile was quickly replaced with a look of worry and concern when she saw the look of discomfort on your face.
“Hello Mark dear, what brings you two here today?” He gently placed you down on one of the beds and grazed your cheek with his thumb before turning back towards the elderly woman.
“Y/n tripped and fell in p.e. and she thinks she might have sprained her ankle. I also noticed a couple of cuts and bruises on her arms and her left knee.”
“Oh no—that’s not good, let me take a look.” She pulled a rolling chair over to where you were lying down and reached for your leg. “Do you mind if I take off your shoe?” You shook your head in disagreement and allowed her to examine your swollen foot. You looked up at Mark and gave him a sad smile when you saw that he was already looking at you.
If this was under different circumstances, your heart would’ve fluttered with the way he was looking at you, but the pain was unbearable. She had you prop your foot on a few pillows while she began inspecting just how much damaged your fall did to your leg. You couldn’t help but hiss at one particular lift of your leg—not once in your life would you have ever thought you’d twist your ankle—it was even harder to believe that your boyfriend was the reason.
Sure, you knew you were at fault; if you just did as you were told and completed your run, then there was a chance you wouldn’t be having to ice your ankle as you watched the nurse call your parents. However, you weren’t really all that upset and it was probably because deep down, you knew you’d do it again and again. All you ever wanted to do was take as much time as you could gazing at your boyfriend in adoration while mentally tracing out his charming features.
Whether or not he was there, you were sure that you’d get distracted by him one way or the other. Your mind would always drift off to him—sometimes even when you weren’t aware of it. Honestly, the hollow and empty feeling you would get when Mark wasn’t around and the indescribably warm and ardent feeling that built up in your chest as he held you in his arms was enough proof that he was your purpose; the reason why you’d wake up excited every single morning knowing that you’d get to see him later on that day.
Your mood for the entire day depended on whether or not you got to see or hear from him. If this was how you felt for the older boy as a pre-teen; still having yet to gain more knowledge about life and it’s many ups and downs, you were excited to see just how much better things would get for you and your boyfriend as the two of you got older. Mark motioned for you to sit up so that he could take his place behind you; he had you lay your head on top of his lap in the hopes of making you feel the least bit at ease. He began running his fingers gently through your hair; twirling some stands in between his fingers and smiled lovingly at you.
“Hey—I’m sure you don’t want to hear this right now, but can I be the first one to sign your cast? Ow—what? I’m being serious babe—with the amount of times you’ve hit me just now I find it hard to believe you’re in any pain at all. Fine, fine, fine. No jokes about your temporary disability. Although, I’m sure hopscotch would be all the more challenging now that you can only use one leg—you know what? I think it’s time for me to head back to class. It’s obvious that someone isn’t all that appreciative for carrying her all the way here—“
To his surprise, you made sure the nurse was still busy on the phone with your mom before you pulled at the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips all but innocently against his. However, right as he was about to deepen the kiss, you pulled your mouth away before things could escalate any further.
“I’m very thankful for all that you’ve done for me and continue to do for me. Not just today—for every day I’ve known you for. Thank you. I’m very grateful for you. You mean so much to me Mark, I don’t think I say it enough.”
You could tell your words visibly moved the older boy by the way he couldn’t stop the huge smile from occupying his entire face. While Mark was a boy of both words and actions, you didn’t think you were all that smart to actually form sentences to describe your feelings for him. Little did you know, on the rare occasions that you did express to Mark how happy you were being able to call him your boyfriend—each and every single word tug on his heartstrings.
God, he was so in love with you.
Just like how it always was when the two of you were together, you and Mark were too caught up in your own little worlds that you failed to hear what was going to happen to you. The nurse walked back over to you and your boyfriend from behind her desk and gave Mark a knowing look. You wouldn’t have been surprised if she caught you and Mark being affectionate—and honestly you were beginning to care less about your teachers and faculty members finding out that you and Mark were in a relationship.
If they weren’t too favorable towards the idea of middle school relationships, it wasn’t like they could really do anything about it anyway. Who were they—or anyone else for that matter able to tell you that your feelings were invalid because you were “still too young”? Love was valid for anyone and everyone of any age.
“Y/n, your mom is on her way to take you to the emergency room. I don’t want to scare you, but I think you might have to get surgery on your ankle or else that part of your foot will be permanently paralyzed. As for you Mr.Loverboy, I think your job here is done. Thank you for helping y/n out, but it’s time to head back to class.”
You quietly sighed to yourself at the thought of not having Mark with you while you went to the hospital. The thought of surgery didn’t worry you as much as it should have; needles, knives, blades and anything sharp never failed to make your skin crawl. However, you were too upset knowing that Mark wasn’t able to be there with you. You knew he’d be able to take away any feelings of anguish and despair just with his presence alone. He was quick to notice your sullen expression and brought his hand up to tenderly cup your cheek.
Other than your older brothers and hanging out with your boyfriend’s friends, Mark was the only boy you really got to learn about. You didn’t think teenage boys were capable of such compassion and tenderness, but Mark wasn’t a normal teenage boy. He put the feelings and well-being of others before himself. Sure, he loved playing video games, reading comic books and going to the park to practice his free throws, but none of that could compare to the sheer happiness you would bring him.
“You’re going to be just fine okay? It’ll be over before you know it. I’ll try my best to make it there to you, but if I can’t—please remind your mom to call me when it’s over? I hate the thought of you suffering. Forget froyo this time baby, I’ll buy you a whole gallon of ice cream. I’ll see you later, I love you.”
He felt extremely shy having to kiss you in front of any adult; even more so now that the nurse was aware of your relationship, but he wasn’t too sure when he was going to be able to see you next. Mark would lose all his sanity when it came to you. You just had that effect on him; but it was something he was very fond over.
He loved being in love with you.
“I—um—I’m sorry Mrs.Kim, do you think you could turn around?” His cheeks were red from having to ask such a question and he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. The older lady giggled softly at his request and nodded in agreement before giving you and Mark your privacy. While grazing his thumb over your forehead, he lowered himself so that his lips were barely touching yours and finally did both of you a favor by connecting your lips together. His lips were soft and his kisses were gentle; he kept his hands to himself because he knew he wouldn’t be able to leave if he were to touch you.
Not wanting to get either of you in any trouble, he stole a few more fleeting kisses from the corner of your mouth before wishing the kind woman a nice day. “That boy must really like you. I’ve never seen someone his age so starry-eyed over a girl before. I must admit, the two of you are very cute together. I’m just assuming by your age that your parents have no idea about your relationship so—I guess it’ll be our little secret.”
You gave her a tired smile before murmuring a quiet “thank you.” As kind as she was, you were grateful when she left the room to talk with one of the other staff members. It was nice having people around, but you do enjoy the moments you had to yourself, by yourself. The only person you didn’t think you could ever get tired of being around was Mark, but that was a given.
Even if on some days he could joke around during the times he was supposed to be serious, no matter how much he could get on your nerves, you could never stay mad at him for too long. Almost fifteen minutes later, your mom was frantically storming through the office asking around for you; but once one of the counselors led her to the health room and she saw that you were taking a nap, she immediately relaxed and the nurse began to inform her of what happened.
Although it was expected, you needed to get surgery to help with the swelling and the tension. This  also meant that you had to stay out of school for the rest of the school year. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy getting to stay home and having your siblings wait on you hand and foot. The only thing that really upset you was not getting to experience all the festivities that came at the end of the year. Mark in more or less words was an absolute angel.
He came to visit you after school was finished almost every single day. There were days that he even asked his mom to call him out sick so that he could tend to you as much as he possibly could. Both the Tuan family and your family were understanding when it came to the older boy going over to your house in order to spend time with you. Your sister let out snarky remarks and a couple of eyebrow raises here and there since she had a feeling what went on between you and Mark behind closed doors, but it was all in good fun.
You weren’t going to lie; it was extremely frustrating not being able to move around as much, Mark did whatever he could to help uplift your spirits and take your mind off of your leg. Once you and your mom arrived home the day after your surgery, your brothers were quick to want to write on your cast as soon as they realized you had one, but you were adamant on having Mark be the first one in doing so—even if you playfully threw punches at him when he brought up the idea.
“I can’t believe you actually let me write on here. I hope you feel better soon princess.-Mark”
He told you he wanted to write something more romantic but he didn’t want your parents getting suspicious as to what your real relationship with Mark was. From what he’s told both your mom and your dad and what they witnessed, he was like an older brother to you—and because he got the chance to watch you grow from this tiny, adorable kindergartener who was a Picasso in the making to the upcoming seventh grader who only grew prettier and sassier as she got older, they understood why he was so protective and so fond over you.
Over the course of a month and a half, you continued to do your school work at home; you kept your leg elevated on a couple of pillows and hardly ever left your bed unless you really had to. You were upset at the idea of not being able to witness Mark’s graduation, but you were even more worried knowing that he was moving on to high school. It didn’t really occur to you that your boyfriend was going to be a high school freshman—nor did you think that things were going to change in your relationship.
Nothing happened when Mark transferred over from Elementary school to Middle school and honestly, the distance helped your relationship thrive. If he was willing to walk twenty minutes in order to visit you two years ago when you were just about to move on to the fifth grade, and how he was eager to ditch both school and practice to give you any assistance you needing during your healing process, then you were sure nothing was going to change—or so you could hope. Your parents surprised you with a pair of crutches and informed you that your doctor said it was okay to get up and start moving around if you were physically and mentally ready to do so.
As much as your family loved helping you out, you understood that they all had their own things to worry about and having to tend to you practically every fifteen minutes was a lot to handle. You decided to keep it a surprise from Mark that you were going to be there for his graduation; your mom already told him that she didn’t feel like it was a good idea seeing as how you weren’t really ready to be mobile and the look of disappointment on his face really made both your stomach and heart ache. You never wanted to see Mark anything but happy. All he ever did was put others before himself; and the happiness of the ones he loved—you especially was his main focus.
You remember hearing a conversation between your sister and her boyfriend and he told her she deserved the entire world. For the entirety of that day, you tried to think about what exactly that meant. Instead of asking your sister in fear of her getting mad at you for eavesdropping, you asked your mom out of curiosity. It means that person really adores you and wants nothing but the best for you. That’s exactly how you felt about your boyfriend. Mark Tuan deserved the entire world on a silver platter and you were going to take the time to learn what you had to do in order to give it to him.
You did particularly enjoy knowing that he wanted you there—you would be upset if your favorite person just so happened to get injured and wasn’t able to see you on one of the most important days in your educational career. But it proved to you how important you were in Mark’s life. It wasn’t like you weren’t aware of how much Mark adored and thought the world of you. The older boy practically had it tattooed on his forehead. You just loved being reminded of the love you had for one another.
On the day of Mark’s graduation, you and your family picked up some gifts for him and planned on sitting a few rows back from the stage so he didn’t see you just yet. Hearing your principal describe Mark as such a hardworking, dedicated student who was so caring and quick to lend a hand to whoever needed it made you feel proud of him. Today was supposed to be a happy day for him, yet his smile didn’t completely reach his eyes and his shoulders were slumped. Your sister playfully nudged you knowing that you were the reason for his sullen demeanor.
Once the graduation ceremony was over, everyone made their way towards the football field in order to congratulate the graduates. It was hard to describe the feeling that built up in your chest when Mark’s eyes landed on you. Although his entire family came out to congratulate him, it was obvious he wasn’t all that happy and honestly, he looked as if he couldn’t wait till the entire thing was over. However, as soon as you came in to view, his jaw dropped and he wasted no time in running toward you and picked you up as if you were as light as a feather.
Neither of you even seemed to care about your crutches falling to the ground; he was just feeling so many different emotions in that moment to even bother about anything or anyone. Mark was extremely grateful that his grandparents flew all the way from Taiwan to come and see their grandson shift over to high school—graduation of any sorts was a huge milestone in their family—but he was most excited for your appearance. He didn’t even give himself time to think before smashing his lips against yours out of pure happiness.
“You came—I can’t believe it, you don’t know how much this means to me—God, you’re so amazing. I love you so much—“ If you didn’t hear the cough that you assumed came from your mom, you would’ve continued to kiss him; but it was in that moment that you realized you and Mark weren’t alone and he just gave away your relationship.
“Oh—I—um—I—I’m in love with your daughter. I hope you’re not mad.”
You didn’t even want to look at either of your parents; you were sure they either had looks of anger or disappointment on their faces and the last thing you ever wanted to do was go against their wishes. However—your relationship with Mark was the only thing you had no problem breaking your parent’s trust for. He whispered a mumbled apology in your ear and was right about to say something else, but your mom was quick to respond to his sudden outburst of love for you and her next few words shocked you.
“I know. I’ve actually known for a while now. You’re not particularly as discreet as the two of you probably think you are. I wanted y/n to be honest with me instead of forcing it out of her. You’re a good kid Mark. Although I still feel as if you both are too young to be dating, I see how much you care for my daughter and as a mother, that’s all I could ever want for her. You make y/n extremely happy. Thank you for taking care of her. With that being said, there will be some ground rules for your relationship—but we’ll talk about it another time. Congratulations again sweetheart.”
Your family stuck around for a couple more minutes—allowing you enough time to celebrate Mark’s big accomplishment. When your parents did decide it was time to go, you said your goodbyes to Mark and his family before leaving a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Congratulations again baby.”
You got an earful in the car while the six of you made your way back home, but you were just so content that you no longer had to hide your relationship with Mark from your parents any longer. It took one more month for your ankle to completely heal and for the rest of that summer, you and Mark found yourselves going anywhere and pretty much everywhere your hearts desired—well, anywhere your parents allowed you to go. One of their rules was that you had to be under adult supervision, but it was expected.
Your sister and oldest brother got a kick out of having to take you to the arcade or to the movies. The love you held for Mark continued to grow the more time you spent together. You learned something new about him every single day. His favorite color was blue—specifically navy. He loves ketchup but hates tomatoes and his favorite tv show was Full House. Sure, any time spent with your boyfriend never failed to send you over the moon, even if the two of you were doing nothing at all.
You’d rather do nothing with him than to do something so exciting with anyone else. But it was in the moments where he’d tell you his dreams and worries for the future that you savored the most. Knowing how introverted Mark could be, it must’ve took him a lot of courage to tell you about his fears and doubts and to trust you with his deepest secrets. Your seventh and eighth grade years went by in the blink of an eye. If you were being honest, you didn’t particularly care of any of it.
There wasn’t much excitement that came with middle school and you couldn’t wait to move on to the next chapter of your education. Mark raved about how exciting high school was. He claimed it was the most fun he’s had in his eleven years of being in school. There was more freedom for High school students; they could eat lunch wherever they wanted, they no longer had to wear uniforms, there were more sports that Mark wanted to get involved in and there were a lot more places on campus that he could study at other than the library.
To your dismay, your fears of growing distant with Mark came true as soon as he started high school. Being the adventurous and athletic guy he has always been, it was only natural for him to join practically ever single sport his school had to offer. High school sports were a lot more different than middle school. The athletes were expected to give all their time and effort in to the sport that they played; this meant more of Mark’s time spent on the field and in the gym and less time with you.
You only really got to see him on the weekends and you tried your best to show that it didn’t bother you—but you did worry that he would one day forget about you completely. There was a point where you wondered if you and Mark should take a break; you were at that age where you understood how to manage someone’s priorities and what needed to come first. It took a while to accept it, but you were no longer Mark’s main priority and it did hurt you—but there was no way you’d allow yourself to interfere with that part of Mark’s life.
What really made you sad was that Mark didn’t think anything was wrong—but why would he? He was too busy experiencing the dream life; he became captain of the baseball team only a month after he joined. He was the first freshman to ever be captain and you were elated that he was having a good experience so far. However, you couldn’t stop the tiny voice in your head telling you that Mark was better off without you. It was something that began to plague you more and more each day.
The last thing you ever wanted to do was be a burden to your boyfriend. On the days you did get to hang out with him, all your worries seemed to disappear. Mark was extremely apologetic with not being able to see you as often and he did remind you that he hated not getting to spend time with you. That’s the reason why you allowed yourself to stay with him. With time, you knew things would get better.
It wasn’t like he was purposely ignoring you—when he did have free time, he always called you and sent you text messages to see how you were doing. The effort he put in, no matter how tired he probably was never failed to tug on your heartstrings. You loved Mark and you knew he loved you. That’s all you really needed. After what felt like forever, you finally completed middle school and made your way in to High school. Mark was more than happy to welcome you with open arms and to show you around the campus.
On your first day of school, he barely even gave you two seconds to take in your surroundings before introducing you to his group of friends. They all seemed to be very friendly and outgoing; they were quick to offer you help if ever you needed it. Your boyfriend was extremely excited now that he was going to see you more; and he began planning out so many things with you. He was quite the gentleman; seeing as how he got his license back in his sophomore year, he would pick you up from school every morning and if he had the time, he would drop you back home.
He would walk you to class and even waited outside so that he could go with you to lunch or to your next class. His friends would tease him about it, but he would even feed you out of habit. You were able to attend some of his practices and even a couple of his games and it didn’t take you long to understand why Mark enjoyed being in High school so much. There was just a lot to get involved in and be excited for. At least once a month, there were pep rallies held and it was always so much fun.
Your High school was also very supportive and involved when it came to sports. The seats would always fill up at a lot of Mark’s tournaments and you knew seeing all those people in the crowd gave him the motivation to do his best. His friend Jackson joked around about you wearing his jersey so that girls would know he was in a relationship and back off. You didn’t know that your boyfriend had girls chasing after him, but you weren’t surprised.
He was a sight to behold; plus, he was so gentle and sweet. He was soft spoken and just so happened to be the MVP for both the basketball and football teams. Every time you attended one of his games, your cheeks would get sore from how many times you would smile hearing all these people cheer him on. He was quite the popular guy, but he always was. Mark stood out from the crowd whereas you believed you blended in, but not in a good way.
It wasn’t until Jackson made that comment did you find yourself observing the way that other girls would look at him or interact with him. A lot of these girls were very pretty—prettier than you thought you were and you soon grew very insecure about being the lucky person who Mark was in love with. You felt as if you needed to change your look to impress him—you didn’t think skinny jeans, band tees and converse shoes were going to cut it anymore.
Most of these girls wore dresses, curled their hair and put on makeup. It was only a matter of time that Mark would come to the realization that he wanted someone more mature who actually took care of themselves. You were too focused on having to worry about other girls that you failed to notice Mark never batted an eye at any girl that would approach him. His heart has been yours since the day he approached you over ten years ago.
You were the most beautiful girl in his eyes and you’ve captivated him in ways that he never thought he was capable of experiencing. Mark believed he was one of the lucky ones. It’s rare to hear about couples who started dating when they were really young that were still together. Mark knew even at seven years old that you were going to be someone very special in his life.
Actually, he was growing irritated every time a girl would come up to him because he made it very clear with how he would always hold your hand or wrap his arm around your shoulder that he was in a relationship. At first, he did like the attention he was receiving for his athletic talents—but when it came to romantic feelings, you were the only person he wanted to receive attention from. He did feel bad letting girls down, but he was more afraid of you growing insecure if you were to see just how many girls had a crush on him.
There was nothing you had to be insecure about—nobody held a candle to you. There’s a saying, “nobody’s perfect”—Mark believed it was complete and utter bullshit. You were nothing less than perfect in his eyes. As soon as he received a team jacket with his last name and number on the back, he gave it to you and asked you to wear it so that everybody in school knew that he was yours and that you were his. You never gave him any reason to be jealous—you only made three friends and even then, they weren’t ones that you’d spend time with other than when you had class with them.
You were always with Mark and his friends and you’ve grown very close to them in a matter of days. Your freshman year was a great start to your high school experience and as excited as you were to become a sophomore, you weren’t excited knowing that this was Mark’s last year in High school. He never told you his exact plans once he were to graduate, but you did hear his mom talking on the phone with his grandmother one day when you were at his house and you heard her mention that he was looking at a University in Massachusetts that specialized in engineering. You asked him about it a few times; out of sheer curiosity but he always seemed to redirect the question as if he didn’t want to answer it.
A part of you felt as if you deserved to know—it was just as much your future as it was his, but you didn’t want him to get annoyed with your continuous pestering. In your first semester, health was your first class and to your delight, BamBam and Yugyeom had it during the same period. It was nice seeing familiar faces and Mark’s friends always make you feel so safe. However, you were soon regretting your excitement when your teacher began covering sex. You and Mark had yet to get intimate and honestly, sex wasn’t something you were all that interested in just yet.
In fact, from what you’ve learned in class so far, you were terrified. BamBam and Yugyeom always made dirty comments about you and Mark—they even had the audacity to ask if you guys did it yet. You ignored them because it wasn’t any of their business, but you couldn’t help to wonder if they asked Mark and what he said about it. Did he want to have sex? He had to at least thought about it once or twice; you learned in health that boys desire sex earlier than girls do.
There were a few instances where your make out sessions would get a little too heated and Mark would excuse himself to go use the bathroom. It didn’t make sense to you why he always seemed to have to pee whenever the two of you would kiss, but after taking health, you realized that he wasn’t in the bathroom for the reason you thought he was. The more you learned about sex, the more curiosity ate at your conscience. Was it as amazing as people claimed it out to be? Did it hurt as much as you felt it would? What happens after the first time a girl has sex? It didn’t take too long for your curiosity to get the best of you and you wanted to know your boyfriend’s outlook on it.
One night, you were sleeping over the Tuan’s residence in order to keep your boyfriend company. His family went to Taiwan for his cousin’s wedding but because he had a tournament, he wasn’t able to go. At first, your parents were hesitant to let you stay over because they didn’t like the thought of you and Mark being alone—but they trusted you and they trusted your boyfriend. Sometimes more than they trusted you.
The two of you were cuddling up on his bed, watching a movie; his thumb was gently grazing your thigh and you didn’t think much of it. Skin ship was something normal in your relationship and this wasn’t the first time he had his hand on your leg. However, there was a feeling in the pit of your stomach that you’ve never experienced before. You felt as though you wanted him to bring his fingers higher up to where there was now a warm and tingling sensation. Neither of you expected it, but a sex scene came on out of no where and it felt awkward watching the two characters naked and pressed up against one another.
You could tell it was also affecting Mark with the way he sat up and pulled his hand away from you. You decided that you would use this time to ask him the question that’s been on your mind the day your class was learning how to put a condom on a wooden penis.
“Hey Mark?”
He paused the movie before turning towards you—giving you his full attention. You quickly picked up on how red his ears were and it was something you’ve discovered would happen when he was either embarrassed or flustered. He hummed in curiosity before bringing his hand up to your cheek.
“Do you—have you ever—do you want to have sex?”
The fit of coughs that fell from his throat made you feel like a child; stupid BamBam and Yugyeom for telling you that sex was a natural way of life and that Mark told them that the two of you already had sex on multiple occasions. You’ve been with Mark long enough to know he wouldn’t do such a thing. Whatever went on with you and Mark stayed between the two of you. He was just as defensive when it came to his privacy. He looked at you in shock before taking his hand off of your cheek and bringing it up in to his hair.
“Wait—what? Sex? Are you asking me—I mean—right now? Wait—sex? You want to have sex—please correct me if I’m wrong babe—are you insinuating that you want to have sex or—where is this coming from—“
It was always a sight to see whenever Mark would get shy or flustered if you were the cause behind it. He was eighteen years old now and it made you laugh that even as an adult, he still had his childlike qualities to him. You could only hope he’d continue to be a child at heart because you’ve grown to learn that sometimes life isn’t all that kind to us and we tend to lose track of ourselves if we become too serious. Mark looked as if he was on the verge of a mental breakdown; so you crawled over to him and did the unthinkable—you sat on his lap and wrapped your legs about his back while you brought your hands around his neck.
You were well aware that you were stepping in to new territory. This was the closest you’ve ever been to your boyfriend and it was a closeness you were quickly growing to enjoy.
“I’m sorry—I didn’t mean for it to sound like I’m asking you straight out to fuck right now—“
“Woah, language missy—“
You playfully rolled your eyes before thumping his forehead for interrupting your confession. “I was just curious if you wanted to have sex—theoretically. We’re learning about sexual intercourse in class right now and I just—I don’t know. I’m sure you have your needs and desires or carnal urges as my teacher refers it to—you’ll be going off to college soon so I was just wondering if it ever crossed your mind that you wanted to have sex—and if you’d want to do it with me.”
Your last words caused him to look at you as if you grew another head. He couldn’t process the idea that you felt he would want to have sex with anyone else other than you. Once he finally decided to take a look at you and saw you biting your lip in anticipation of his response, he all but gently gripped at your chin and pulled you in to a searing kiss. He playfully licked a few stripes against your bottom lip and nibbled on the top teasingly before pulling away.
“Look at me.”
This all felt like deja vu. You were reminded of the day back in elementary when you confessed your feelings for Mark and refused to look up at him. You could feel your heart racing because of the proximity and because you knew he was probably going to be upset with the fact that you were questioning his future plans.
“Babe, you’re crazy to think there’s ever going to be anyone else in my life for me to do anything with other than you. I’ve loved you and I’ve been in love with you for over ten years now. You’re stuck with me y/n. I plan on loving you for the rest of my life. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you. You silly girl—why would you even think I’d want to do something so important with anyone else? You’re my person baby—my soulmate. Yes, I’ve been thinking about sex a lot these days—especially because I can never seem to take my hands or eyes off of you. You only get more and more beautiful as you get older and it’s getting harder for me to resist wanting to finally relish in our love together in that way. I just wanted to wait for when you were ready. I’m sure the idea of losing your virginity is scarier as a girl than it is for a guy—but just know that when that time comes, I’m going to take such good care of you okay? Wait—BamBam and Yugyeom didn’t set you up to this did they?”
It was your turn to look at him in confusion and he giggled softly at your expression. You wouldn’t have been surprised if they did talk to him about what they’ve been bugging you about for the last three weeks. They were all guys; you were sure they were all excited talking about their sexual lives amongst each other. It was something you assumed all guys did.
“Those assholes weren’t bothering you too much about were they? I’ll kick their asses if they ever made you feel uncomfortable. They told me they had class with you and then they began asking me all kinds of questions about our sex life and if we did it yet. I guess for guys, it’s a competition to see who does it the youngest or the most—it’s really stupid if you ask me. Sex is supposed to be romantic—making love to someone is more than just penetration and reaching an orgasm. It’s two people connecting on a spiritual and intimate level. Sex is just a body count to the guys; to me it’s something so special. To be honest with you, it doesn’t matter how old we are when we both agree to have sex—just know that I’ll wait however long you need me to baby.”
With the way he was looking at you so lovingly; holding so much tenderness in his eyes, you were just seconds away from saying fuck it and giving him what he’s been wanting for some time now. Like Mark said—sex was more meaningful than what a lot of people painted it out to be. You didn’t really look at it like that, but hearing him speak so passionately about it sent off a burning sensation in your chest. A part of you was very nervous, but it was expected. You were still learning about your lower region—hell, you were still getting used to menstruating. You didn’t think you were desiring sex as of right now but that was because you didn’t understand it completely. You didn’t know what took over your body in that moment, but you found yourself leaving sloppy kisses along Mark’s jaw while running both your hands through his soft, curly locks. He let out a soft sigh and his hands made their way down to your lower waist.
“Baby, what are you—“
“It’s time we get BamBam and Yugyeom off our backs. Let’s give them something to talk about shall we? I—I want to be one with you Mark. I don’t want you thinking I’m doing this for your sake; I’ve actually have grown curious to see what sex is actually like and I’ve always wanted to take things further in a sense with you. I trust you Mark—with my entire being. I’m safest with you. I’m yours if you’ll have me baby.” The noise that came from the back of his throat wasn’t one you’ve heard before. It was a mixture of a growl and what you assumed was a moan—it was extremely sexy.
“Fuck—I—you’re otherworldly you know that? I love you so much—so so much. I got you y/n. I’m gonna take really good care of you okay? Just tell me if it hurts or if you want to stop okay? I’m so fucking excited.”
The laugh that fell from your lips hearing how eager he was to finally make love to you was natural. He was so adorable—what did you do to deserve him? It was a question you always seemed to ask yourself even after a decade of knowing him for. You didn’t doubt that he was going to be gentle with you during the process of taking away your innocence. It was obvious that he was nervous—he had no idea what to do himself. This was going to be a learning experience for the both of you.
As he reconnected his lips with yours and tightened his grip on your waist, you could feel the adrenaline running through your bones. You were about to give yourself—your body, mind and soul to the breathtakingly beautiful boy in front of you. Your relationship was going to change but you knew it was in a good way. Goosebumps began to rise on your skin with every graze against your arm and every moan he hummed against your lips. There was a fire building up inside of you that you were dying to put out and you had yet to learn what it was exactly. Less than five minutes in to your steamy make out session, you felt something hard press up against your thigh and the feeling made you giggle. “Mmm—Mark—“
He pulled away gently in fear that he was doing something wrong. Your sudden mumbling made him worry; was he taking things too fast? “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just—every single time we’ve made out in the past—you’d leave to use the bathroom. You never actually used the bathroom while you were in there—did you?” He shook his head in disagreement while a cheeky smirk rose on his face.
“I’m gonna tell you this right now; I get hard just by the thought of you alone baby. So anytime you touch me, hug me or kiss me—I get kind of excited, if you know what I mean.” The two of you laughed at how blunt he could be but the playful banter was quick to end as soon as he felt you palming him through his sweats.
“Shit y/n—“
You continued your movements while bringing your face in the crook of his neck. Everything about your boyfriend was so flawless; so pretty. His skin was so soft and milky—his neck was long and you wanted nothing more than to leave love bites along his nape, letting everyone know his bed was spoken for. You grazed your teeth right above his collar bone and absentmindedly began grinding your self against his hardened member. You must’ve been doing something right with how he was helping guide you along his girth and by the way he was growing vocal the longer you continued.
He brought his hands up in to your shirt and you shivered at how cold his fingertips felt against your skin. When he started to play with your bra, you had an idea of what he wanted to do and so you unclasped it in one swift movement—taking it off and flinging it somewhere in the room. You then brought his hands up from your lower back to your breasts and squeezed them all but lightly. It was your turn to let out a moan—the feelings of his hands gripping on your perky mounds only made the coil in your stomach tighten. You never really thought much about your boobs; they were a part of women bodies—you weren’t someone who necessarily obsessed over them.
There were girls in your p.e. class that would compare their bra sizes and some of them would grow excited if they noticed their boobs got bigger. You didn’t think you had the biggest breasts ever, but then again you were still going through puberty. What you had thought may not have been big in your eyes as a completely different story with your boyfriend.
He never had the guts to admit it to you, but there were times where he had to force his stare away from your chest. It was as if your breasts grew overnight and he wasn’t complaining at all. Every time you wore a tight shirt to school, he had to bite back his tongue. He loved every single thing about you; but your breasts were now one of his favorite body parts of yours. He began to show love to your mounds—massaging and kneading them while pinching and twisting your nipples. Right as you were going to make a comment to get him to continue his movements, he playfully jiggled both your breasts and earned himself a punch on the shoulder.
“Ow—what was that for? I’ve been dreaming about the day I got to play with these pretty titties of yours. They’re so big and bouncy—you know, I’ve heard from some of my friends that it’s normal for women to be rough during sex but I don’t think this is what they meant. Having you hit me isn’t the way I’d be getting bruises tonight. Fine, fine—I’ll stop. You’re no fun. I hope you know I plan on fondling and playing with these every time I get the chance so start getting use to it. Would it be okay if—I um—can I take off your shirt now?”
Did he really go from confidently playing with your breasts to shyly asking if he could take your shirt off? He was so whipped for you. As soon as you pulled your shirt off and tossed it to the side, his mouth widened in shock. It was one thing to cup and fondle your sensitive buds, but it was another thing to actually look at them. How were you so perfect? There was absolutely no flaw on you.
“Close your mouth Tuan, you’ll catch flies.” You knew he was about to retaliate so you decided to tug at his shirt with every intention of him discarding it.
“Someone’s eager.” He wiggled his brows contently.
“Shut up.” One by one, every piece of clothing was now scattered throughout his room. What you felt as you gazed at him with nothing but his underwear on was hard to fathom in to words—sure, you’ve seen him shirtless whenever the two of you would go to the pool, the beach or after practice but this was the first actual time you’d be seeing him naked and bare.
“You’re so hot.”
His cheeks grew pink at your compliment—anytime you were to tell him how handsome, intelligent, talented and hardworking he was never failed to fluster the older boy and you would purposely say or do whatever you could to see him so bashful.
“Well—then, that must make you fucking sexy. You’re so breathtakingly beautiful my love. God, your body is a wonderland. I can’t wait to be inside of you—ah, hold on. I’ll be right back.”
A smirk rose on your face watching him practically run out the door as your eyes fell to his cute little butt. It wasn’t really hitting you that you were just moments away from losing your virginity; you were now more excited and ready to give yourself completely to your boyfriend. What should have been some of the most nerve-wracking minutes of your life waiting for him to return and being alone with your thoughts were eerily calm. Less than a minute later, he came in with a tiny piece of foil in his hands and from your lessons in health, you were sure it was a condom. He held it up as if it was a trophy of some sort and the concept caused you to giggle.
“I had to dig in my parent’s drawer for this. It’s fucking gross thinking that they’re still doing it at their age—“
“Only you could ruin a sexual moment with such an unnecessary comment. Just hurry up, put the damn thing on and fuck me already. I’m going insane here.”
“Wow, never in all my years of knowing and loving you would I have ever thought you had such a naughty mouth on you. I love it. Your wish is my command baby.”
He made his way on to the bed, crawling towards where you were waiting for him up against the headboard. You kept your eyes on his—he held so much emotion in them. Lust, excitement, happiness, worry, nervousness—losing your virginity was a huge deal and he wanted to make sure you had an amazing experience. Right as he took his underwear off and you saw his hardened erection, you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh.
It wasn’t because of his size—no, definitely not. You didn’t have anything or anyone to compare him to, but he was extremely big in your opinion. His cock was long and pretty girthy; you didn’t know how it was supposed to fit inside of you but you were so ready to finally find out.
“Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy hearing that contagious laughter of yours—especially when I’m the reason behind it. But I don’t know how I feel hearing you laugh right after I pull out my dick.”
“It’s not—I’m not—it’s just—penises are really ugly.”
“Babe seriously?”
“What? I’m being honest. Yours is an exception though. I guess it’s attractive? M—Mark stop! Please—I’m—sorry—babe!!”
He was quick to pin you to the bed with one hand while tickling your sides with the other. You didn’t think sex—or what you were told was foreplay could be all that humorous, but it was your fault you were so ticklish. Thankfully, Mark seem to have read your mind and placed a sloppy kiss the corner of your mouth. Hearing him rip apart the conform wrapper brought your attention to his pelvis and you could physically feet your throat choke up.
He kept eye contact with you as he rolled the thin rubber on to his cock. You had a feeling he was more nervous than you were; his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down and his movements were shaky. Once it was finally on, he lined himself up against what he believed was your entrance. His lips were rough against yours—his tongue was needy; the need to kiss you with so much passion and fervor was all he could think about.
“Ready baby?” You gave him a gentle smile—hoping you weren’t underestimating him and what he was capable of.
“Remember, if it hurts or if you want to stop, just let me know.” Since you were well aware that he was right about to make his way inside of your soaking walls, you took in a deep breath to calm yourself down. However, the penetration you were expecting never came.
“Wait, what the hell? Where’s the hole?” This earned him a look of confusion and you had to cry out in laughter—honestly you were growing to believe that tonight wasn’t going to end the way you anticipated it would.
“Y/n, I’m gonna need you to help guide me, I have no idea where your vagina is.”
It took your boyfriend almost five minutes to finally line himself at your core—two of those minutes were filled with laughter and snarky comments; more so from you about how unprepared the two of you really were but it made tonight all the more memorable. He kissed you with all the passion and energy he had in his body and it wasn’t until you felt him finally make his way in to your pussy did you understand why he did that.
The stretch was exceedingly uncomfortable; more uncomfortable than it was painful, but still. It felt as though someone was pushing their hand down on your clit with so much pressure and it wasn’t a feeling you particularly cared for. Your boyfriend—just like he always seemed to in every single situation picked up on your uneasiness. He brought one hand up to cup your cheek as the other was placed in to your hair.
“You okay?”
“Mhm, just a little uncomfortable. How are you feeling?”
“Incredible. You’re so fucking tight and you’re practically soaking.”
“Is that a good thing?” He nodded adamantly and smiled at your innocence.
“Well, it feels fucking insane. You feel so amazing. I—uh—please tell me when I can move. You feel so good baby—but like I said, I’m not doing anything until you give me permission. Tonight is all about you.”
After you non-verbally gave him the okay to quicken his movements, he started to pump himself in and out of you. You weren’t going to lie; the first couple of thrusts felt like hell and you were worried that there was a chance he could have been doing something wrong since it was his first time also. But soon, the pain turned to pleasure—sweet, fervent pleasure. You both began to moan together in unison at how wonderful it felt.
There were so many kisses shared between the two of you—some rough and needy while others were sensual and feather-light. His thrusts only fastened and grew harder the longer you continued your love making session. Countless love confessions, sweet nothings and dirty fantasies were thrown back and forth to each other.
All-in-all, it had to be one of the best nights in your entire life. Albeit a little clumsy and hesitant at some points, Mark fulfilled his promise of allowing things to escalate at your pace and ultimately taking good care of you. You could tell he was holding back a lot of the time not wanting to harm you if he acted on his desires. Once you both reached your highs, Mark left you for a little while and came back with a wash cloth and a water bottle. You were too exhausted after spending almost two hours exploring the depths of one another.
Mark loved on your body like a man starved; he left multiple hickeys across of your chest and on your lower stomach. After cleaning you up, putting one of his shirts on you and giving you a pair of his underwear while he also got prepared for bed, he took his place right next to you. His arms were wrapped tightly around your waist while he placed his cheek against yours.
“So, is sex everything you could ever hope it out to be?” He beamed down at you while furiously nodding his head.
“It was so much better than I was already expecting it to be. You were perfect baby. That had to be one of the best experiences I’ve had ever. I’m gonna have to make love to you at least ten times a week from now on. God—I can’t even describe in to words how much I love feeling you wrapped around me and how beautiful you look right as you were about to come. How was it for you though? I didn’t hurt you too much did I?”
You shook your head and left a quick kiss right above his eyebrow. Less than twenty minutes ago, he was pounding his dick inside of you as if he had vengeance against you. Now he was treating you as though you were such a delicate flower. Mark Tuan—always the charmer.
“No, not at all. That was honestly so mind blowing and I know it’s because you were trying your best to make sure I was having a good time. You always put others before yourself and tonight was no exception. I’m also going to second that notion—I love how you stretch me out. It felt so good. I love loving you and being loved by you. Thank you baby.”
From that night on, you and Mark had a sexual awakening. Whenever you had the chance, the two of you would relish in your love no matter where it was. There were countless times where you’d find yourself sucking him off in a janitor’s closet or being pressed up against the lockers in the boys locker room; Mark took advantage as team captain having access to the keys and took you up against every surface the locker room had to offer.
Unfortunately the closer Mark got to graduating, the more time he took signing up for scholarships, applying to many different collages, taking up as much extra credit as he could and completing his senior project. He finally admitted to you that he had no plans on staying in your town for college. The only thing holding him back was the thought of leaving you.
All he really wanted was to stay with you and wait until you finished graduating so you could both attend the same college together, but you refused to let him give up on his dreams and being able to experience better opportunities that your small town didn’t have to offer. You knew there were so many colleges out there with better sports teams and even better choices of majors that he could choose from.
Mark always wanted to be either an architect or an engineer and you were very supportive of each and every one of his endeavors. However, you hated overthinking what would happen to your relationship if he did get accepted to a university in a different state. You knew the love you had for one another was undefeatable; indestructible.
Deep down in your heart you believed your relationship with Mark wouldn’t falter even with 5,000 miles in between the two of you. But the doubt that weighed heavy on your heart taunted you—what if he were to get frustrated with the distance? What if he didn’t want to be alone and found someone new at his university? What if he decided that your love didn’t mean as much to him anymore? You tried your best to stop the negative thoughts from taking over, but he was never around anymore to prove otherwise?
As dramatic as it sounds, if you were to lose Mark, you’d probably die of a broken heart. He loved you more than life itself; there was no doubt about it—but sometimes love just wasn’t enough. It was the last semester and you secretly wanted the days to go by slower to prolong Mark’s stay. You couldn’t help but feel selfish wanting him to change his mind about leaving you—but you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself knowing you were the one to prevent him from having a fun college experience.
You were currently in science class; everything your teacher was explaining about mixing carbon dioxide with hydrogen peroxide went through one ear and out the other. Thankfully, your lab station was in the far back, so she wasn’t able to catch you texting your boyfriend about your plans to hangout after school. You didn’t even realize she stopped speaking until you heard a different voice—one much deeper and obviously belonging to someone younger. This caught your attention; it wasn’t one of your classmates—you’ve been with them for five months now, you would have recognized them immediately.
When you looked up to see who it was, your eyebrows raised for reasons you didn’t quite understand. He had to be a new student; you don’t remember seeing him once on campus and although your school was enormous, he had a distinct look to him that stood out. His face was sharp and so were his eyes. There were two tiny freckles right below his left eyebrow, his hair was dark and just below his ears. His skin was pale and he had extremely broad shoulders.
You had to admit, he was very good-looking—but you’ve become desensitized to anyone other than your boyfriend. Something about Mark—well, many things about Mark drove you to the brink of insanity and you didn’t think there was anyone who could set your bones on fire like he did.
“Everyone, this is Im Jaebeom. He is a foreign exchange student from South Korea. He plans on staying with us for the next two years, so be nice to him, introduce yourselves to him and try to make him feel welcome. Jaebeom dear, you can take a seat at the empty chair next to y/n in the back.”
When his eyes landed on you, he sent a flirty smile your way and gave you a wink. He placed his bag on top of the table and took his seat next to you. Your eyes were quick to land on his hand that was now right in front of your face.
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you y/n. I look forward to having you in class.”
Yeah, you were screwed.
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